Dataset Viewer
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1 value
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, b1c3, b1a3, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/7N/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 1 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/3p4/8/8/7N/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: h3g5, h3f4, h3g1, h1g1, b1c3, b1a3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/3p4/8/8/2N4N/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, e8d7, d8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2pp4/8/8/2N4N/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: h3g5, h3f4, h3g1, c3d5, c3b5, c3e4, c3a4, c3b1, h1g1, a1b1, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, b2b3, a2a3, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2pp4/6N1/8/2N5/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 1 3 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, e8d7, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, h7h5, f7f5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/2pp4/4p1N1/8/2N5/PPPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: g5h7, g5f7, g5e6, g5e4, g5h3, g5f3, c3d5, c3b5, c3e4, c3a4, c3b1, h1g1, a1b1, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/2pp4/4p1N1/8/P1N5/1PPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, e8e7, e8d7, d8e7, d8d7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, e5e4, h7h5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kbnr/pp3ppp/2pp4/4p1q1/8/P1N5/1PPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 5 Legal moves: c3d5, c3b5, c3e4, c3a4, c3a2, c3b1, h1g1, a1a2, a1b1, a3a4, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, b2b3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, b2b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kbnr/pp3ppp/2pp4/1N2p1q1/8/P7/1PPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 1 5 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, e8d8, e8e7, e8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8a6, g5d8, g5e7, g5h6, g5g6, g5f6, g5h5, g5f5, g5h4, g5g4, g5f4, g5g3, g5e3, g5g2, g5d2, c6b5, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, e5e4, h7h5, f7f5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kbnr/pp3ppp/3p4/1p2p1q1/8/P7/1PPPPPPP/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 0 6 Legal moves: h1g1, a1a2, a1b1, a3a4, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kbnr/pp3ppp/3p4/1p2p1q1/8/P6P/1PPPPPP1/R1BQKB1R b KQkq - 0 6 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, e8d8, e8e7, e8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, g5d8, g5e7, g5h6, g5g6, g5f6, g5h5, g5f5, g5h4, g5g4, g5f4, g5g3, g5e3, g5g2, g5d2, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, e5e4, b5b4, h7h5, f7f5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kb1r/pp3ppp/3p1n2/1p2p1q1/8/P6P/1PPPPPP1/R1BQKB1R w KQkq - 1 7 Legal moves: h1h2, h1g1, a1a2, a1b1, h3h4, a3a4, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1kb1r/pp3ppp/3p1n2/1p2p1q1/8/P6P/1PPPPPP1/R1BQKBR1 b Qkq - 2 7 Legal moves: h8g8, f8e7, e8d8, e8e7, e8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, g5h6, g5g6, g5h5, g5f5, g5h4, g5g4, g5f4, g5g3, g5e3, g5g2, g5d2, h7h6, g7g6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, e5e4, b5b4, h7h5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pp2bppp/3p1n2/1p2p1q1/8/P6P/1PPPPPP1/R1BQKBR1 w Qkq - 3 8 Legal moves: g1h1, a1a2, a1b1, h3h4, a3a4, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pp2bppp/3p1n2/1p2p1q1/5P2/P6P/1PPPP1P1/R1BQKBR1 b Qkq - 0 8 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, e8f8, e8d8, e8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, e7f8, e7d8, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, g5h6, g5g6, g5h5, g5f5, g5h4, g5g4, g5f4, g5g3, g5g2, e8g8, e5f4, h7h6, g7g6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, e5e4, b5b4, h7h5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pp2bppp/3p1n2/1p2p3/5q2/P6P/1PPPP1P1/R1BQKBR1 w Qkq - 0 9 Legal moves: g1h1, a1a2, a1b1, h3h4, a3a4, g2g3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, g2g4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnb1k2r/pp2bppp/3p1n2/1p2p3/5q2/P6P/RPPPP1P1/2BQKBR1 b kq - 1 9 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, e8f8, e8d8, e8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, e7f8, e7d8, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, f4h6, f4g5, f4f5, f4h4, f4g4, f4e4, f4d4, f4c4, f4b4, f4a4, f4g3, f4f3, f4e3, f4h2, f4f2, f4d2, f4f1, e8g8, h7h6, g7g6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, e5e4, b5b4, h7h5, g7g5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, b1c3, b1a3, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/3p4/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, b1c3, b1a3, e4e5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/3p4/8/4P3/5P2/PPPP2PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, e8d7, d8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/3p1n2/8/4P3/5P2/PPPP2PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 3 Legal moves: g1h3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, d1e2, b1c3, b1a3, e4e5, f3f4, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/3p1n2/4P3/8/5P2/PPPP2PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, d6e5, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, h7h5, g7g5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/4p3/8/5P2/PPPP2PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: g1h3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, d1e2, b1c3, b1a3, f3f4, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/4p3/1P6/5P2/P1PP2PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e5e4, h7h5, g7g5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/1P2p3/5P2/P1PP2PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 5 Legal moves: g1h3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, d1e2, c1a3, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, f3e4, b4b5, f3f4, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/1P2p3/2N2P2/P1PP2PP/R1BQKBNR b KQkq - 1 5 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, e4f3, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e4e3, h7h5, g7g5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/1P6/2N2p2/P1PP2PP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 0 6 Legal moves: c3d5, c3b5, c3e4, c3a4, c3e2, c3b1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, d1f3, d1e2, c1a3, c1b2, a1b1, g2f3, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/1P2N3/5p2/P1PP2PP/R1BQKBNR b KQkq - 1 6 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, f3g2, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, f3f2, h7h5, g7g5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/8/8/1P2n3/5p2/P1PP2PP/R1BQKBNR w KQkq - 0 7 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, d1f3, d1e2, c1a3, c1b2, a1b1, g2f3, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/8/8/1P2n3/5Q2/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR b KQkq - 0 7 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, e4f6, e4d6, e4g5, e4c5, e4g3, e4c3, e4f2, e4d2, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/1P6/5Q2/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR w KQkq - 1 8 Legal moves: f3b7, f3f6, f3c6, f3h5, f3f5, f3d5, f3g4, f3f4, f3e4, f3h3, f3g3, f3e3, f3d3, f3c3, f3b3, f3a3, f3f2, f3e2, f3d1, g1h3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d1, c1a3, c1b2, a1b1, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/5n2/8/1P6/4Q3/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR b KQkq - 2 8 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1pppp/2n2n2/8/1P6/4Q3/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR w KQkq - 3 9 Legal moves: e3e7, e3a7, e3h6, e3e6, e3b6, e3g5, e3e5, e3c5, e3f4, e3e4, e3d4, e3h3, e3g3, e3f3, e3d3, e3c3, e3b3, e3a3, e3f2, e3e2, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d1, c1a3, c1b2, a1b1, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1pppp/2n2n2/6Q1/1P6/8/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR b KQkq - 4 9 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, a8b8, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, c6b8, c6e5, c6a5, c6d4, c6b4, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1ppp1/2n2n1p/6Q1/1P6/8/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR w KQkq - 0 10 Legal moves: g5g7, g5h6, g5g6, g5f6, g5h5, g5f5, g5e5, g5d5, g5c5, g5b5, g5a5, g5h4, g5g4, g5f4, g5g3, g5e3, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d1, c1a3, c1b2, a1b1, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1ppp1/2n2nQp/8/1P6/8/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR b KQkq - 1 10 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, a8b8, f6g8, f6h7, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, c6b8, c6e5, c6a5, c6d4, c6b4, f7g6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1p1p1/2n2npp/8/1P6/8/P1PP2PP/R1B1KBNR w KQkq - 0 11 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d1, c1a3, c1b2, a1b1, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1p1p1/2n2npp/8/PP6/8/2PP2PP/R1B1KBNR b KQkq - 0 11 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8f7, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, a8b8, f6g8, f6h7, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, c6b8, c6e5, c6a5, c6d4, c6b4, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, g6g5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/Pn6/8/2PP2PP/R1B1KBNR w KQkq - 0 12 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d1, c1a3, c1b2, a1a3, a1a2, a1b1, a4a5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, c2c3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/Pn6/8/2PPK1PP/R1B2BNR b kq - 1 12 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8f7, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, a8b8, f6g8, f6h7, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, b4c6, b4a6, b4d5, b4d3, b4c2, b4a2, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, g6g5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/P7/8/2nPK1PP/R1B2BNR w kq - 0 13 Legal moves: e2f3, e2f2, e2d1, g1h3, g1f3, c1a3, c1b2, a1a3, a1a2, a1b1, a4a5, h2h3, g2g3, d2d3, h2h4, g2g4, d2d4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/P7/5K2/2nP2PP/R1B2BNR b kq - 1 13 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8f7, e8d7, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, a8b8, f6g8, f6h7, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, g6g5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/P5b1/5K2/2nP2PP/R1B2BNR w kq - 2 14 Legal moves: f3f4, f3g3, f3f2 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/P5b1/6K1/2nP2PP/R1B2BNR b kq - 3 14 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8f7, e8d7, d8c8, d8b8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, a8c8, a8b8, f6g8, f6h7, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6e4, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, g6g5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/P5b1/3q2K1/2nP2PP/R1B2BNR w kq - 4 15 Legal moves: g3h4, g3f4, g3f2, g1f3, f1d3 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/ppp1p1p1/5npp/8/P4Kb1/3q4/2nP2PP/R1B2BNR b kq - 5 15 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8d8, e8f7, e8d7, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, f6g8, f6h7, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6e4, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, d3d8, d3d7, d3d6, d3a6, d3f5, d3d5, d3b5, d3e4, d3d4, d3c4, d3h3, d3g3, d3f3, d3e3, d3c3, d3b3, d3a3, d3e2, d3d2, d3f1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, e8c8, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, g6g5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/ppp1p1p1/5n1p/6p1/P4Kb1/3q4/2nP2PP/R1B2BNR w kq - 0 16 Legal moves: f4e5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/ppp1p1p1/5n1p/4K1p1/P5b1/3q4/2nP2PP/R1B2BNR b kq - 1 16 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8d8, e8f7, e8d7, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, f6g8, f6h7, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6e4, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, d3d8, d3h7, d3d7, d3g6, d3d6, d3a6, d3f5, d3d5, d3b5, d3e4, d3d4, d3c4, d3h3, d3g3, d3f3, d3e3, d3c3, d3b3, d3a3, d3e2, d3d2, d3f1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, e8c8, g7g6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, b1c3, b1a3, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/1P6/8/P1PPPPPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/3p4/8/1P6/8/P1PPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, c1a3, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp1pppp/3p4/8/1P6/8/PBPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 1 2 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, e8d7, d8d7, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2pp4/8/1P6/8/PBPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: b2g7, b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, g1h3, g1f3, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, b4b5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/2pp4/8/PP6/8/1BPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, e8d7, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1n2/8/PP6/8/1BPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 1 4 Legal moves: b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, g1h3, g1f3, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b4b5, a4a5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1n2/1P6/P7/8/1BPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, b8d7, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, c6b5, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, h7h5, g7g5, e7e5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1n2/1P6/P5b1/8/1BPPPPPP/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 1 5 Legal moves: b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, g1h3, g1f3, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, b5b6, a4a5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, h2h4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1n2/1P6/P5b1/7P/1BPPPPP1/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 5 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6e4, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, c6b5, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, h7h5, g7g5, e7e5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1n2/1P5b/P7/7P/1BPPPPP1/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 1 6 Legal moves: b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, h1h2, g1f3, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, b5b6, a4a5, h3h4, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1n2/1P5b/P5P1/7P/1BPPPP2/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 6 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, f6g8, f6d7, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, h5g6, h5g4, c6b5, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, g7g5, e7e5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1nb1/1P6/P5P1/7P/1BPPPP2/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 1 7 Legal moves: b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, h1h2, g1f3, f1g2, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, b5b6, g4g5, a4a5, h3h4, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp1nb1/1P6/P5PP/8/1BPPPP2/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 7 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, g6h5, g6f5, g6e4, g6d3, g6c2, f6g8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, c6b5, h7h6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, h7h5, e7e5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp2b1/1P6/P5nP/8/1BPPPP2/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 0 8 Legal moves: b2g7, b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, g1f3, f1h3, f1g2, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, b5b6, h4h5, a4a5, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp2b1/1P5P/P5n1/8/1BPPPP2/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 8 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, g6h5, g6f5, g6e4, g6d3, g6c2, g4h6, g4f6, g4e5, g4e3, g4h2, g4f2, c6b5, h7h6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, f7f5, e7e5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp4/1P3b1P/P5n1/8/1BPPPP2/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 1 9 Legal moves: b2g7, b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, g1f3, f1h3, f1g2, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, h5h6, b5b6, a4a5, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp4/1P3b1P/P5n1/5P2/1BPPP3/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 9 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, f5c8, f5d7, f5g6, f5e6, f5e4, f5d3, f5c2, g4h6, g4f6, g4e5, g4e3, g4h2, g4f2, c6b5, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, g7g5, e7e5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp4/1P2nb1P/P7/5P2/1BPPP3/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 1 10 Legal moves: b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, f1h3, f1g2, e1f2, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, h5h6, b5b6, a4a5, f3f4, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pppp/2pp3P/1P2nb2/P7/5P2/1BPPP3/RN1QKBNR b KQkq - 0 10 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, f5c8, f5d7, f5g6, f5e6, f5g4, f5e4, f5h3, f5d3, f5c2, e5d7, e5g6, e5g4, e5c4, e5f3, e5d3, g7h6, c6b5, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, d6d5, c6c5, g7g5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pp1p/2pp2pP/1P2nb2/P7/5P2/1BPPP3/RN1QKBNR w KQkq - 0 11 Legal moves: b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, h1h5, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, f1h3, f1g2, e1f2, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, b5b6, a4a5, f3f4, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pp1p/2pp2pP/1P2nb2/P7/5P2/1BPPP1B1/RN1QK1NR b KQkq - 1 11 Legal moves: h8g8, f8g7, f8h6, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, f5c8, f5d7, f5e6, f5g4, f5e4, f5h3, f5d3, f5c2, e5d7, e5g4, e5c4, e5f3, e5d3, c6b5, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, g6g5, d6d5, c6c5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1r/pp2pp1p/2pp2pP/1P3b2/P1n5/5P2/1BPPP1B1/RN1QK1NR w KQkq - 2 12 Legal moves: g2h3, g2f1, b2h8, b2g7, b2f6, b2e5, b2d4, b2c3, b2a3, b2c1, h1h5, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, e1f2, e1f1, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, b5b6, a4a5, f3f4, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, e2e4, d2d4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn1qkb1B/pp2pp1p/2pp2pP/1P3b2/P1n5/5P2/2PPP1B1/RN1QK1NR b KQq - 0 12 Legal moves: f8g7, f8h6, e8d7, d8c8, d8d7, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, b8d7, b8a6, f5c8, f5d7, f5e6, f5g4, f5e4, f5h3, f5d3, f5c2, c4b6, c4e5, c4a5, c4e3, c4a3, c4d2, c4b2, c6b5, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, g6g5, d6d5, c6c5, e7e5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/pp2pp1p/2pp2pP/qP3b2/P1n5/5P2/2PPP1B1/RN1QK1NR w KQq - 1 13 Legal moves: h8g7, h8f6, h8e5, h8d4, h8c3, h8b2, g2h3, g2f1, h1h5, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, e1f2, e1f1, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, b5c6, b5b6, f3f4, e2e3, c2c3, e2e4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/pp2pp1p/2Pp2pP/q4b2/P1n5/5P2/2PPP1B1/RN1QK1NR b KQq - 0 13 Legal moves: f8g7, f8h6, e8d8, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, f5c8, f5d7, f5e6, f5g4, f5e4, f5h3, f5d3, f5c2, a5d8, a5c7, a5b6, a5a6, a5e5, a5d5, a5c5, a5b5, a5b4, a5a4, a5c3, a5d2, c4b6, c4e5, c4e3, c4a3, c4d2, c4b2, b7c6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, g6g5, d6d5, e7e5, b7b5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/p3pp1p/2pp2pP/q4b2/P1n5/5P2/2PPP1B1/RN1QK1NR w KQq - 0 14 Legal moves: h8g7, h8f6, h8e5, h8d4, h8c3, h8b2, g2h3, g2f1, h1h5, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, e1f2, e1f1, d1c1, b1c3, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, f3f4, e2e3, c2c3, e2e4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/p3pp1p/2pp2pP/q4b2/P1n5/2P2P2/3PP1B1/RN1QK1NR b KQq - 0 14 Legal moves: f8g7, f8h6, e8d8, e8d7, b8d7, b8a6, f5c8, f5d7, f5e6, f5g4, f5e4, f5h3, f5d3, f5c2, f5b1, a5d8, a5c7, a5b6, a5a6, a5e5, a5d5, a5c5, a5b5, a5b4, a5a4, a5c3, c4b6, c4e5, c4e3, c4a3, c4d2, c4b2, f7f6, e7e6, a7a6, g6g5, d6d5, c6c5, e7e5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/p3pp1p/2pp2pP/q4b2/P7/2P2P2/1n1PP1B1/RN1QK1NR w KQq - 1 15 Legal moves: h8g7, h8f6, h8e5, h8d4, g2h3, g2f1, h1h5, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, e1f2, e1f1, d1b3, d1c2, d1c1, b1a3, a1a3, a1a2, f3f4, c3c4, e2e3, d2d3, e2e4, d2d4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/p3pp1p/2pp2pP/q4b2/P7/1QP2P2/1n1PP1B1/RN2K1NR b KQq - 2 15 Legal moves: f8g7, f8h6, e8d8, e8d7, b8d7, b8a6, f5c8, f5d7, f5e6, f5g4, f5e4, f5h3, f5d3, f5c2, f5b1, a5d8, a5c7, a5b6, a5a6, a5e5, a5d5, a5c5, a5b5, a5b4, a5a4, a5c3, b2c4, b2a4, b2d3, b2d1, f7f6, e7e6, a7a6, g6g5, d6d5, c6c5, e7e5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/p3pp1p/2pp2pP/q7/P7/1QP2P2/1n1PP1B1/Rb2K1NR w KQq - 0 16 Legal moves: h8g7, h8f6, h8e5, h8d4, b3b8, b3f7, b3b7, b3e6, b3b6, b3d5, b3b5, b3c4, b3b4, b3a3, b3c2, b3b2, b3a2, b3d1, g2h3, g2f1, h1h5, h1h4, h1h3, h1h2, g1h3, e1f2, e1f1, a1a3, a1a2, a1b1, f3f4, c3c4, e2e3, d2d3, e2e4, d2d4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rn2kb1B/p3pp1p/2pp2pP/q7/P7/1QP2P2/1n1PP1B1/1R2K1NR b Kq - 0 16 Legal moves: f8g7, f8h6, e8d8, e8d7, b8d7, b8a6, a5d8, a5c7, a5b6, a5a6, a5h5, a5g5, a5f5, a5e5, a5d5, a5c5, a5b5, a5b4, a5a4, a5c3, b2c4, b2a4, b2d3, b2d1, f7f6, e7e6, a7a6, g6g5, d6d5, c6c5, f7f5, e7e5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, b1c3, b1a3, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, b1c3, b1a3, e4e5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/3PP3/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8e7, d8f6, d8g5, d8h4, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e6e5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/4p3/3p4/3PP3/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1d2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, e4d5, e4e5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/4p3/3pP3/3P4/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, e8d7, d8e7, d8d7, d8f6, d8d6, d8g5, d8h4, c8d7, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/4p3/2ppP3/3P4/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1d2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, d4c5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pp3ppp/4p3/2ppP3/3P4/2P5/PP3PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, e8e7, e8d7, d8e7, d8d7, d8c7, d8f6, d8d6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, c8d7, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, c5d4, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, c5c4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2ppP3/3P4/2P5/PP3PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 5 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1a4, d1f3, d1d3, d1b3, d1e2, d1d2, d1c2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1d2, b1a3, b1d2, d4c5, c3c4, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp3ppp/2n1p3/2ppP3/3P4/1PP5/P4PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 5 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, e8e7, e8d7, d8e7, d8d7, d8c7, d8f6, d8d6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, c8d7, a8b8, c6b8, c6e7, c6e5, c6a5, c6d4, c6b4, c5d4, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, c5c4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkbnr/pp1b1ppp/2n1p3/2ppP3/3P4/1PP5/P4PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 6 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, d1c2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1a3, b1d2, d4c5, c3c4, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkbnr/pp1b1ppp/2n1p3/2ppP3/3P4/1PPB4/P4PPP/RNBQK1NR b KQkq - 2 6 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, e8e7, d8c8, d8b8, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8c8, a8b8, d7c8, c6b8, c6e7, c6e5, c6a5, c6d4, c6b4, c5d4, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, c5c4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkbnr/pp1b1ppp/2n1p3/3pP3/3p4/1PPB4/P4PPP/RNBQK1NR w KQkq - 0 7 Legal moves: d3h7, d3g6, d3a6, d3f5, d3b5, d3e4, d3c4, d3e2, d3c2, d3f1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, e1e2, e1d2, e1f1, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, d1d2, d1c2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1a3, b1d2, c3d4, c3c4, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkbnr/pp1b1ppp/2n1p3/3pP3/3P4/1P1B4/P4PPP/RNBQK1NR b KQkq - 0 7 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8c8, d8b8, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8c8, a8b8, d7c8, c6b8, c6e7, c6e5, c6a5, c6d4, c6b4, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkbnr/pp1b1ppp/4p3/3pP3/3n4/1P1B4/P4PPP/RNBQK1NR w KQkq - 0 8 Legal moves: d3h7, d3g6, d3a6, d3f5, d3b5, d3e4, d3c4, d3e2, d3c2, d3f1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, e1d2, e1f1, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, d1d2, d1c2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qkbnr/pp1b1ppp/4p3/3pP3/3n4/1P1B4/P2N1PPP/R1BQK1NR b KQkq - 1 8 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8c8, d8b8, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8c8, a8b8, d7c8, d7c6, d7b5, d7a4, d4c6, d4f5, d4b5, d4f3, d4b3, d4e2, d4c2, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qk1nr/pp1b1ppp/4p3/3pP3/1b1n4/1P1B4/P2N1PPP/R1BQK1NR w KQkq - 2 9 Legal moves: d3h7, d3g6, d3a6, d3f5, d3b5, d3e4, d3c4, d3e2, d3c2, d3f1, d3b1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, e1f1, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, d1c2, c1a3, c1b2, a1b1, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r2qk1nr/pp1b1ppp/4p3/3pP3/1b1n4/1P1B1N2/P2N1PPP/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 3 9 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, e8f8, e8e7, d8c8, d8b8, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8c8, a8b8, d7c8, d7c6, d7b5, d7a4, d4c6, d4f5, d4b5, d4f3, d4b3, d4e2, d4c2, b4f8, b4e7, b4d6, b4c5, b4a5, b4c3, b4a3, b4d2, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Made on the basis of lichess player profile. Not recommended for use.

Uploaded to train claudia_bot for its LLM-based chess engine.

system_msg = ( “You are a chess engine. Only respond with one legal move in UCI format.” ) user_msg = ( f “FEN: {fen}\n” f “Legal moves: {legal_moves_str}{n}” f “{metadata}\n\n.” “Pick the single best move from the list. Output only the UCI (no explanation).” )

    payload = {
        “messages": [
            { “role”: “system”, ‘content’: system_msg }
            { “role”: “user”, ‘content’: user_msg},
        { “mode”: “instruct”,  
        “instruction_template": ‘Alpaca’, 
        “max_new_tokens": 10,   
        “temperature": 0.05,  
        “top_p": 1.0, 
        # “stop”: [“\n”]
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Models trained or fine-tuned on CyanLunaris/chess_test