1 value
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp1n2/8/3P1B2/2q1PN1P/P3BPP1/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 1 11 Legal moves: f4h6, f4d6, f4g5, f4e5, f4g3, f4h2, f3g5, f3e5, f3h4, f3h2, f3d2, f3e1, e2a6, e2b5, e2c4, e2d3, g1h2, g1h1, f1e1, d1a4, d1d3, d1b3, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, d1c1, d1b1, a1c1, a1b1, d4d5, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, a2a3, g2g4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp1n2/3P4/5B2/2q1PN1P/P3BPP1/R2Q1RK1 b kq - 0 11 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, d7b8, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, f6g8, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, c3e5, c3c5, c3a5, c3d4, c3c4, c3b4, c3e3, c3d3, c3b3, c3a3, c3d2, c3c2, c3b2, c3e1, c3c1, c3a1, e8c8, c6d5, h7h6, g7g6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, c6c5, h7h5, g7g5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp4/3n4/5B2/2q1PN1P/P3BPP1/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 0 12 Legal moves: f4h6, f4d6, f4g5, f4e5, f4g3, f4h2, f3g5, f3e5, f3h4, f3d4, f3h2, f3d2, f3e1, e2a6, e2b5, e2c4, e2d3, g1h2, g1h1, f1e1, d1d5, d1d4, d1a4, d1d3, d1b3, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, d1c1, d1b1, a1c1, a1b1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, a2a3, g2g4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp4/3n4/5B2/2q1PN1P/P3BPP1/2RQ1RK1 b kq - 1 12 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, d5c7, d5f6, d5b6, d5f4, d5b4, d5e3, c3f6, c3e5, c3c5, c3a5, c3d4, c3c4, c3b4, c3e3, c3d3, c3b3, c3a3, c3d2, c3c2, c3b2, c3e1, c3c1, c3a1, e8c8, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, c6c5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp4/q2n4/5B2/4PN1P/P3BPP1/2RQ1RK1 w kq - 2 13 Legal moves: f4h6, f4d6, f4g5, f4e5, f4g3, f4h2, f3g5, f3e5, f3h4, f3d4, f3h2, f3d2, f3e1, e2a6, e2b5, e2c4, e2d3, g1h2, g1h1, f1e1, d1d5, d1d4, d1a4, d1d3, d1b3, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, a2a3, g2g4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp4/q2n4/8/4PN1P/P3BPPB/2RQ1RK1 b kq - 3 13 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, d5c7, d5f6, d5b6, d5f4, d5b4, d5e3, d5c3, a5d8, a5c7, a5b6, a5a6, a5c5, a5b5, a5b4, a5a4, a5c3, a5a3, a5d2, a5a2, a5e1, e8c8, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, c6c5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, b7b5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp4/3n4/8/4PN1P/q3BPPB/2RQ1RK1 w kq - 0 14 Legal moves: f3g5, f3e5, f3h4, f3d4, f3d2, f3e1, h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, e2a6, e2b5, e2c4, e2d3, g1h1, f1e1, d1d5, d1d4, d1a4, d1d3, d1b3, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, g2g4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npppp/2pp4/3n2N1/8/4P2P/q3BPPB/2RQ1RK1 b kq - 1 14 Legal moves: h8g8, e8d8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, d5c7, d5f6, d5b6, d5f4, d5b4, d5e3, d5c3, a2a6, a2a5, a2c4, a2a4, a2b3, a2a3, a2e2, a2d2, a2c2, a2b2, a2b1, a2a1, e8c8, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, c6c5, h7h5, f7f5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1nppp1/2pp3p/3n2N1/8/4P2P/q3BPPB/2RQ1RK1 w kq - 0 15 Legal moves: g5h7, g5f7, g5e6, g5e4, g5f3, h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, e2a6, e2h5, e2b5, e2g4, e2c4, e2f3, e2d3, g1h1, f1e1, d1d5, d1d4, d1a4, d1d3, d1b3, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r3kb1r/pp1npNp1/2pp3p/3n4/8/4P2P/q3BPPB/2RQ1RK1 b kq - 0 15 Legal moves: h8g8, h8h7, e8f7, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, d5c7, d5f6, d5b6, d5f4, d5b4, d5e3, d5c3, a2a6, a2a5, a2c4, a2a4, a2b3, a2a3, a2e2, a2d2, a2c2, a2b2, a2b1, a2a1, g7g6, e7e6, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, c6c5, g7g5, e7e5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1npkp1/2pp3p/3n4/8/4P2P/q3BPPB/2RQ1RK1 w - - 0 16 Legal moves: h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, e2a6, e2h5, e2b5, e2g4, e2c4, e2f3, e2d3, g1h1, f1e1, d1d5, d1d4, d1a4, d1d3, d1b3, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1npkp1/2pp3p/3n3B/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2RQ1RK1 b - - 1 16 Legal moves: f7g8, f7f6, f7e6, g7g6 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1npk2/2pp2pp/3n3B/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2RQ1RK1 w - - 0 17 Legal moves: h5g6, h5g4, h5f3, h5e2, h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, g1h1, f1e1, d1d5, d1g4, d1d4, d1a4, d1f3, d1d3, d1b3, d1e2, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1npk2/2pp2Bp/3n4/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2RQ1RK1 b - - 0 17 Legal moves: f7g8, f7g7, f7g6, f7f6, f7e6 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1np3/2pp2kp/3n4/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2RQ1RK1 w - - 0 18 Legal moves: h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, g1h1, f1e1, d1h5, d1d5, d1g4, d1d4, d1a4, d1f3, d1d3, d1b3, d1e2, d1d2, d1c2, d1e1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1np3/2pp2kp/3n4/6Q1/4P2P/q4PPB/2R2RK1 b - - 1 18 Legal moves: g6h7, g6f7, g6f6 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1np2k/2pp3p/3n4/6Q1/4P2P/q4PPB/2R2RK1 w - - 2 19 Legal moves: g4g8, g4g7, g4d7, g4g6, g4e6, g4h5, g4g5, g4f5, g4h4, g4f4, g4e4, g4d4, g4c4, g4b4, g4a4, g4g3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, g1h1, f1e1, f1d1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1e1, c1d1, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1Qp2k/2pp3p/3n4/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2R2RK1 b - - 0 19 Legal moves: h8g8, f8g7, a8e8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, h7g8, h7g7, h7g6, d5c7, d5f6, d5b6, d5f4, d5b4, d5e3, d5c3, a2a6, a2a5, a2c4, a2a4, a2b3, a2a3, a2f2, a2e2, a2d2, a2c2, a2b2, a2b1, a2a1, b7b6, a7a6, h6h5, c6c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pp1Qp2k/2pp1n1p/8/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2R2RK1 w - - 1 20 Legal moves: d7e8, d7d8, d7c8, d7e7, d7c7, d7b7, d7e6, d7d6, d7c6, d7f5, d7g4, h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, g1h1, f1e1, f1d1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1e1, c1d1, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4b1r/pQ2p2k/2pp1n1p/8/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2R2RK1 b - - 0 20 Legal moves: h8g8, f8g7, a8e8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, h7g8, h7g7, h7g6, f6g8, f6e8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, a2g8, a2f7, a2e6, a2a6, a2d5, a2a5, a2c4, a2a4, a2b3, a2a3, a2f2, a2e2, a2d2, a2c2, a2b2, a2b1, a2a1, a7a6, h6h5, d6d5, c6c5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r6r/pQ2p1bk/2pp1n1p/8/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2R2RK1 w - - 1 21 Legal moves: b7c8, b7b8, b7a8, b7e7, b7d7, b7c7, b7a7, b7c6, b7b6, b7a6, b7b5, b7b4, b7b3, b7b2, b7b1, h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, g1h1, f1e1, f1d1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1e1, c1d1, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r6r/p3Q1bk/2pp1n1p/8/8/4P2P/q4PPB/2R2RK1 b - - 0 21 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, h8e8, h8d8, h8c8, h8b8, a8g8, a8f8, a8e8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, h7g8, h7g6, f6g8, f6e8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, a2g8, a2f7, a2e6, a2a6, a2d5, a2a5, a2c4, a2a4, a2b3, a2a3, a2f2, a2e2, a2d2, a2c2, a2b2, a2b1, a2a1, a7a6, h6h5, d6d5, c6c5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r6r/p3Q1bk/2pp1n1p/8/8/4P2P/1q3PPB/2R2RK1 w - - 1 22 Legal moves: e7f8, e7e8, e7d8, e7g7, e7f7, e7d7, e7c7, e7b7, e7a7, e7f6, e7e6, e7d6, e7e5, e7e4, h2d6, h2e5, h2f4, h2g3, g1h1, f1e1, f1d1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1e1, c1d1, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, e3e4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r6r/p3Q1bk/2pB1n1p/8/8/4P2P/1q3PP1/2R2RK1 b - - 0 22 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, h8e8, h8d8, h8c8, h8b8, a8g8, a8f8, a8e8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, h7g8, h7g6, f6g8, f6e8, f6d7, f6h5, f6d5, f6g4, f6e4, b2b8, b2b7, b2b6, b2e5, b2b5, b2d4, b2b4, b2c3, b2b3, b2a3, b2f2, b2e2, b2d2, b2c2, b2a2, b2c1, b2b1, b2a1, a7a6, h6h5, c6c5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r6r/p3Q1bk/2pB3p/8/4n3/4P2P/1q3PP1/2R2RK1 w - - 1 23 Legal moves: e7f8, e7e8, e7d8, e7g7, e7f7, e7d7, e7c7, e7b7, e7a7, e7f6, e7e6, e7g5, e7e5, e7h4, e7e4, d6b8, d6c7, d6e5, d6c5, d6f4, d6b4, d6g3, d6a3, d6h2, g1h2, g1h1, f1e1, f1d1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1e1, c1d1, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r6r/p3Q1bk/2p4p/4B3/4n3/4P2P/1q3PP1/2R2RK1 b - - 2 23 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, h8e8, h8d8, h8c8, h8b8, a8g8, a8f8, a8e8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, h7g8, h7g6, e4f6, e4d6, e4g5, e4c5, e4g3, e4c3, e4f2, e4d2, b2b8, b2b7, b2b6, b2e5, b2b5, b2d4, b2b4, b2c3, b2b3, b2a3, b2f2, b2e2, b2d2, b2c2, b2a2, b2c1, b2b1, b2a1, a7a6, h6h5, c6c5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 4r2r/p3Q1bk/2p4p/4B3/4n3/4P2P/1q3PP1/2R2RK1 w - - 3 24 Legal moves: e7f8, e7e8, e7d8, e7g7, e7f7, e7d7, e7c7, e7b7, e7a7, e7f6, e7e6, e7d6, e7g5, e7c5, e7h4, e7b4, e7a3, e5b8, e5g7, e5c7, e5f6, e5d6, e5f4, e5d4, e5g3, e5c3, e5h2, e5b2, g1h2, g1h1, f1e1, f1d1, c1c6, c1c5, c1c4, c1c3, c1c2, c1e1, c1d1, c1b1, c1a1, h3h4, g2g3, f2f3, g2g4, f2f4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, b1c3, b1a3, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, e2e3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, e2e4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1 Legal moves: g8h6, g8f6, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, e7e6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, e7e5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, b1c3, b1a3, e4e5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, d2d3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, d2d4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/4p3/8/3PP3/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 2 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8e7, d8f6, d8g5, d8h4, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, d7d6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, e6e5, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, d7d5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/4p3/3p4/3PP3/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1d2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, e4d5, e4e5, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: rnbqkbnr/ppp2ppp/4p3/3pP3/3P4/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 3 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, e8d7, d8e7, d8d7, d8f6, d8d6, d8g5, d8h4, c8d7, b8d7, b8c6, b8a6, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pppn1ppp/4p3/3pP3/3P4/8/PPP2PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 1 4 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, c1h6, c1g5, c1f4, c1e3, c1d2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, h2h3, g2g3, f2f3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, f2f4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pppn1ppp/4p3/3pP3/3P1P2/8/PPP3PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 4 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8e7, d8f6, d8g5, d8h4, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, c7c6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, c7c5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2ppP3/3P1P2/8/PPP3PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 5 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, c1e3, c1d2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, d4c5, f4f5, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, b2b3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4, b2b4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2ppP3/3P1P2/1P6/P1P3PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 5 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, e8e7, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, c5d4, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, c5c4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp1n1ppp/4p3/3pP3/3p1P2/1P6/P1P3PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 6 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1g4, d1d4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, f4f5, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqkbnr/pp1n1ppp/4p3/3pP3/3Q1P2/1P6/P1P3PP/RNB1KBNR b KQkq - 0 6 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, f8e7, f8d6, f8c5, f8b4, f8a3, e8e7, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqk1nr/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpP3/3Q1P2/1P6/P1P3PP/RNB1KBNR w KQkq - 1 7 Legal moves: d4d5, d4c5, d4e4, d4c4, d4b4, d4a4, d4e3, d4d3, d4c3, d4f2, d4d2, d4b2, d4d1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1f2, e1e2, e1d2, e1d1, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, f4f5, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqk1nr/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpP3/5P2/1P6/P1P3PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 2 7 Legal moves: g8e7, g8h6, g8f6, e8f8, e8e7, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8b8, d7f8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, c5f8, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, c5g1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqk2r/pp1nnppp/4p3/2bpP3/5P2/1P6/P1P3PP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 3 8 Legal moves: g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, f1a6, f1b5, f1c4, f1d3, f1e2, e1e2, e1d2, d1h5, d1d5, d1g4, d1d4, d1f3, d1d3, d1e2, d1d2, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, f4f5, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqk2r/pp1nnppp/4p3/2bpP3/5P2/1P1B4/P1P3PP/RNBQK1NR b KQkq - 4 8 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, e8f8, d8c7, d8b6, d8a5, a8b8, e7g8, e7g6, e7c6, e7f5, d7f8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, c5g1, e8g8, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqk2r/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpPn2/5P2/1P1B4/P1P3PP/RNBQK1NR w KQkq - 5 9 Legal moves: d3a6, d3f5, d3b5, d3e4, d3c4, d3e2, d3f1, g1h3, g1f3, g1e2, e1e2, e1d2, e1f1, d1h5, d1g4, d1f3, d1e2, d1d2, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bqk2r/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpPn2/5P2/1P1B1N2/P1P3PP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 6 9 Legal moves: h8g8, h8f8, e8f8, e8e7, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8b8, d7f8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, f5e7, f5h6, f5d6, f5h4, f5d4, f5g3, f5e3, c5f8, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, c5g1, e8g8, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bq1rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpPn2/5P2/1P1B1N2/P1P3PP/RNBQK2R w KQ - 7 10 Legal moves: f3g5, f3h4, f3d4, f3d2, f3g1, d3a6, d3f5, d3b5, d3e4, d3c4, d3e2, d3f1, h1g1, h1f1, e1e2, e1d2, e1f1, d1e2, d1d2, c1e3, c1a3, c1d2, c1b2, b1c3, b1a3, b1d2, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1bq1rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpPn2/5P2/BP1B1N2/P1P3PP/RN1QK2R b KQ - 8 10 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, d8e8, d8e7, d8c7, d8f6, d8b6, d8g5, d8a5, d8h4, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, f5e7, f5h6, f5d6, f5h4, f5d4, f5g3, f5e3, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, c5g1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/q1bpPn2/5P2/BP1B1N2/P1P3PP/RN1QK2R w KQ - 9 11 Legal moves: e1e2, e1f1, f3d2, a3b4, d1d2, b1c3, b1d2, b3b4, c2c3 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/q1bpPn2/5P2/BP1B1N2/P1PQ2PP/RN2K2R b KQ - 10 11 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, f5e7, f5h6, f5d6, f5h4, f5d4, f5g3, f5e3, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, c5g1, a5d8, a5c7, a5b6, a5a6, a5b5, a5b4, a5a4, a5c3, a5a3, a5d2, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, b7b5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpPn2/5P2/BP1B1N2/P1Pq2PP/RN2K2R w KQ - 0 12 Legal moves: e1d2, e1f1, f3d2, b1d2 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpPn2/5P2/BP1B4/P1PN2PP/RN2K2R b KQ - 0 12 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, f5e7, f5h6, f5d6, f5h4, f5d4, f5g3, f5e3, c5e7, c5d6, c5b6, c5d4, c5b4, c5e3, c5a3, c5f2, c5g1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2bpP3/5P2/BP1Bn3/P1PN2PP/RN2K2R w KQ - 1 13 Legal moves: d3h7, d3g6, d3a6, d3f5, d3b5, d3e4, d3c4, d3e2, d3f1, a3c5, a3b4, a3b2, a3c1, d2e4, d2c4, d2f3, d2f1, h1g1, h1f1, e1f2, e1e2, b1c3, f4f5, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp1n1ppp/4p3/2BpP3/5P2/1P1Bn3/P1PN2PP/RN2K2R b KQ - 0 13 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, a8b8, d7b8, d7f6, d7b6, d7e5, d7c5, e3f5, e3g4, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/2npP3/5P2/1P1Bn3/P1PN2PP/RN2K2R w KQ - 0 14 Legal moves: d3h7, d3g6, d3a6, d3f5, d3b5, d3e4, d3c4, d3e2, d3f1, d2e4, d2c4, d2f3, d2f1, h1g1, h1f1, e1f2, e1e2, b1c3, b1a3, f4f5, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, c2c3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, c2c4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/2npP3/5P2/1PNBn3/P1PN2PP/R3K2R b KQ - 1 14 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, a8b8, c5d7, c5a6, c5e4, c5a4, c5d3, c5b3, e3f5, e3g4, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3pP3/5P2/1PNnn3/P1PN2PP/R3K2R w KQ - 0 15 Legal moves: e1e2, c2d3 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3pP3/5P2/1PNPn3/P2N2PP/R3K2R b KQ - 0 15 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, a8b8, e3f5, e3g4, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3pP3/5P2/1PNP4/P1nN2PP/R3K2R w KQ - 1 16 Legal moves: e1f2, e1e2, e1f1, e1d1 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3pP3/5P2/1PNP4/P1nN1KPP/R6R b - - 2 16 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, a8b8, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3pP3/5P2/1PNP4/P2N1KPP/n6R w - - 0 17 Legal moves: c3d5, c3b5, c3e4, c3a4, c3e2, c3d1, c3b1, f2g3, f2f3, f2e3, f2e2, f2g1, f2f1, f2e1, d2e4, d2c4, d2f3, d2f1, d2b1, h1g1, h1f1, h1e1, h1d1, h1c1, h1b1, h1a1, f4f5, d3d4, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3pP3/5P2/1PNP4/P2N1KPP/n4R2 b - - 1 17 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, a8b8, a1b3, a1c2, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3pP3/5P2/1PNP4/P1nN1KPP/5R2 w - - 2 18 Legal moves: c3d5, c3b5, c3e4, c3a4, c3e2, c3d1, c3b1, f2g3, f2f3, f2e2, f2g1, d2e4, d2c4, d2f3, d2b1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, f1c1, f1b1, f1a1, f4f5, d3d4, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/4p3/3NP3/5P2/1P1P4/P1nN1KPP/5R2 b - - 0 18 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, a8b8, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, e6d5, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/8/3pP3/5P2/1P1P4/P1nN1KPP/5R2 w - - 0 19 Legal moves: f2g3, f2f3, f2e2, f2g1, d2e4, d2c4, d2f3, d2b1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, f1c1, f1b1, f1a1, e5e6, f4f5, d3d4, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/8/3pP3/4NP2/1P1P4/P1n2KPP/5R2 b - - 1 19 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, a8b8, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, d5e4, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d5d4, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P3/4pP2/1P1P4/P1n2KPP/5R2 w - - 0 20 Legal moves: f2g3, f2e2, f2g1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, f1c1, f1b1, f1a1, d3e4, e5e6, f4f5, d3d4, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, a2a3, h2h4, g2g4, a2a4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P3/P3pP2/1P1P4/2n2KPP/5R2 b - - 0 20 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, c8h3, a8b8, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, e4d3, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, e4e3, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P3/P4P2/1P1p4/2n2KPP/5R2 w - - 0 21 Legal moves: f2g3, f2f3, f2g1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, f1c1, f1b1, f1a1, e5e6, f4f5, a4a5, b3b4, h2h3, g2g3, h2h4, g2g4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P3/P4PP1/1P1p4/2n2K1P/5R2 b - - 0 21 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, c8d7, c8e6, c8f5, c8g4, a8b8, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d3d2, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P3/P4Pb1/1P1p4/2n2K1P/5R2 w - - 0 22 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, f2g1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, f1c1, f1b1, f1a1, e5e6, f4f5, a4a5, b3b4, h2h3, h2h4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: r4rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P3/P4PbP/1P1p4/2n2K2/5R2 b - - 0 22 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, f8c8, f8b8, a8e8, a8d8, a8c8, a8b8, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d3d2, h7h5, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r1rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P3/P4PbP/1P1p4/2n2K2/5R2 w - - 1 23 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, f2g1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, f1c1, f1b1, f1a1, e5e6, h4h5, f4f5, a4a5, b3b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r1rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P2P/P4Pb1/1P1p4/2n2K2/5R2 b - - 0 23 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d3d2, g7g5, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r1rk1/pp3ppp/8/4P2P/P4Pb1/1P6/2np1K2/5R2 w - - 0 24 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, f2g1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, f1c1, f1b1, f1a1, h5h6, e5e6, f4f5, a4a5, b3b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r1rk1/pp3ppp/8/4PP1P/P5b1/1P6/2np1K2/5R2 b - - 0 24 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, d2d1q, d2d1r, d2d1b, d2d1n, g7g5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r1rk1/pp3ppp/8/4PP1P/P5b1/1P6/2n2K2/3q1R2 w - - 0 25 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, f2g1, f1h1, f1g1, f1e1, f1d1, h5h6, f5f6, e5e6, a4a5, b3b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r1rk1/pp3ppp/8/4PP1P/P5b1/1P6/2n2K2/3R4 b - - 0 25 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, d8d1, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, h7h6, g7g6, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, g7g5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 5rk1/pp3ppp/8/4PP1P/P5b1/1P6/2n2K2/3r4 w - - 0 26 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, h5h6, f5f6, e5e6, a4a5, b3b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 5rk1/pp3ppp/5P2/4P2P/P5b1/1P6/2n2K2/3r4 b - - 0 26 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, f8c8, f8b8, f8a8, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, d1d8, d1d7, d1d6, d1d5, d1d4, d1d3, d1d2, d1h1, d1g1, d1f1, d1e1, d1c1, d1b1, d1a1, g7f6, h7h6, g7g6, b7b6, a7a6, g7g5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 5rk1/pp3p1p/5p2/4P2P/P5b1/1P6/2n2K2/3r4 w - - 0 27 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, e5f6, h5h6, e5e6, a4a5, b3b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 5rk1/pp3p1p/5p1P/4P3/P5b1/1P6/2n2K2/3r4 b - - 0 27 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, f8c8, f8b8, f8a8, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, d1d8, d1d7, d1d6, d1d5, d1d4, d1d3, d1d2, d1h1, d1g1, d1f1, d1e1, d1c1, d1b1, d1a1, f6e5, b7b6, a7a6, f6f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 5rk1/pp3p1p/7P/4p3/P5b1/1P6/2n2K2/3r4 w - - 0 28 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, a4a5, b3b4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 5rk1/pp3p1p/7P/4p3/PP4b1/8/2n2K2/3r4 b - - 0 28 Legal moves: g8h8, f8e8, f8d8, f8c8, f8b8, f8a8, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, d1d8, d1d7, d1d6, d1d5, d1d4, d1d3, d1d2, d1h1, d1g1, d1f1, d1e1, d1c1, d1b1, d1a1, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, e5e4, f7f5, b7b5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/7P/4p3/PP4b1/8/2n2K2/3r4 w - - 1 29 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g2, b4b5, a4a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/7P/1P2p3/P5b1/8/2n2K2/3r4 b - - 0 29 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, d8f8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, d8d2, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, d1d7, d1d6, d1d5, d1d4, d1d3, d1d2, d1h1, d1g1, d1f1, d1e1, d1c1, d1b1, d1a1, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, e5e4, f7f5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/7P/1P2p3/P5b1/8/2nr1K2/8 w - - 1 30 Legal moves: f2g3, f2g1, f2f1 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/7P/1P2p3/P5b1/6K1/2nr4/8 b - - 2 30 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, d8f8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, d2d7, d2d6, d2d5, d2d4, d2d3, d2h2, d2g2, d2f2, d2e2, d2d1, c2d4, c2b4, c2e3, c2a3, c2e1, c2a1, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, e5e4, f7f5, a7a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/7P/1P2p3/P5b1/4n1K1/3r4/8 w - - 3 31 Legal moves: g3h4, b5b6, a4a5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/7P/PP2p3/6b1/4n1K1/3r4/8 b - - 0 31 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, d8f8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, g4c8, g4d7, g4e6, g4h5, g4f5, g4h3, g4f3, g4e2, g4d1, e3f5, e3d5, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, d2d7, d2d6, d2d5, d2d4, d2d3, d2h2, d2g2, d2f2, d2e2, d2c2, d2b2, d2a2, d2d1, f7f6, b7b6, a7a6, e5e4, f7f5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/4b2P/PP2p3/8/4n1K1/3r4/8 w - - 1 32 Legal moves: g3h4, g3f3, b5b6, a5a6 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/pp3p1p/1P2b2P/P3p3/8/4n1K1/3r4/8 b - - 0 32 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, d8f8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, e6c8, e6d7, e6f5, e6d5, e6g4, e6c4, e6h3, e6b3, e6a2, e3f5, e3d5, e3g4, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, d2d7, d2d6, d2d5, d2d4, d2d3, d2h2, d2g2, d2f2, d2e2, d2c2, d2b2, d2a2, d2d1, a7b6, f7f6, a7a6, e5e4, f7f5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/1p3p1p/1p2b2P/P3p3/8/4n1K1/3r4/8 w - - 0 33 Legal moves: g3h4, g3f3, a5b6, a5a6 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/1p3p1p/Pp2b2P/4p3/8/4n1K1/3r4/8 b - - 0 33 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, d8f8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, e6c8, e6d7, e6f5, e6d5, e6g4, e6c4, e6h3, e6b3, e6a2, e3f5, e3d5, e3g4, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, d2d7, d2d6, d2d5, d2d4, d2d3, d2h2, d2g2, d2f2, d2e2, d2c2, d2b2, d2a2, d2d1, b7a6, f7f6, b6b5, e5e4, f7f5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/5p1p/pp2b2P/4p3/8/4n1K1/3r4/8 w - - 0 34 Legal moves: g3h4, g3f3 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 3r2k1/5p1p/pp2b2P/4p3/7K/4n3/3r4/8 b - - 1 34 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, d8f8, d8e8, d8c8, d8b8, d8a8, d8d7, d8d6, d8d5, d8d4, d8d3, e6c8, e6d7, e6f5, e6d5, e6g4, e6c4, e6h3, e6b3, e6a2, e3f5, e3d5, e3g4, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, d2d7, d2d6, d2d5, d2d4, d2d3, d2h2, d2g2, d2f2, d2e2, d2c2, d2b2, d2a2, d2d1, f7f6, b6b5, a6a5, e5e4, f7f5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 6k1/5p1p/pp2b2P/4p3/3r3K/4n3/3r4/8 w - - 2 35 Legal moves: h4h5, h4g5, h4g3 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 6k1/5p1p/pp2b2P/4p1K1/3r4/4n3/3r4/8 b - - 3 35 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, e6c8, e6d7, e6f5, e6d5, e6g4, e6c4, e6h3, e6b3, e6a2, d4d8, d4d7, d4d6, d4d5, d4h4, d4g4, d4f4, d4e4, d4c4, d4b4, d4a4, d4d3, e3f5, e3d5, e3g4, e3c4, e3g2, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, d2d3, d2h2, d2g2, d2f2, d2e2, d2c2, d2b2, d2a2, d2d1, f7f6, b6b5, a6a5, e5e4, f7f5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 6k1/5p1p/pp2b2P/4p1K1/3r4/4n3/6r1/8 w - - 4 36 Legal moves: g5f6, g5h5 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 6k1/5p1p/pp2bK1P/4p3/3r4/4n3/6r1/8 b - - 5 36 Legal moves: g8h8, g8f8, e6c8, e6d7, e6f5, e6d5, e6g4, e6c4, e6h3, e6b3, e6a2, d4d8, d4d7, d4d6, d4d5, d4h4, d4g4, d4f4, d4e4, d4c4, d4b4, d4a4, d4d3, d4d2, d4d1, e3f5, e3d5, e3g4, e3c4, e3c2, e3f1, e3d1, g2g7, g2g6, g2g5, g2g4, g2g3, g2h2, g2f2, g2e2, g2d2, g2c2, g2b2, g2a2, g2g1, b6b5, a6a5, e5e4 Return the single best move from the list above.
You are a chess engine. FEN: 6k1/5p1p/pp2bKrP/4p3/3r4/4n3/8/8 w - - 6 37 Legal moves: f6e7, f6e5 Return the single best move from the list above.