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Zmarł Paweł Adamowicz | 2,860,143 | [
"Paweł Adamowicz",
"Donald Tusk",
"January 14, 2019",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Andrzej Duda",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Zmar%C5%82_Pawe%C5%82_Adamowicz | [
"14 stycznia 2019 roku, na skutek otrzymanych obrażeń, zmarł prezydent Gdańska Paweł Adamowicz. Dzień wcześniej, na Targu Węglowym w Gdańsku, podczas miejscowego finału 27. edycji WOŚP, Paweł Adamowicz został dźgnięty nożem przez 27-letniego gdańszczanina.",
"W niedzielę, podczas pokazu zimnych ogni, do znajdującego się na scenie prezydenta Adamowicza podbiegł napastnik i ugodził go nożem. Zamachowiec następnie przedstawił się publicznie i przedstawił motywy swej zbrodni, wyznając, że jest ona zemstą na członkach Platformy Obywatelskiej za rzekomo niewinne skazanie i torturowanie. Mężczyzna dobrowolnie się poddał i został przekazany służbom zabezpieczającym imprezę, a następnie funkcjonariuszom policji. Napastnikiem okazał się znany policji Stefan Wilmont, który spędził w więzieniu 5,5 roku za napady na gdańskie banki w 2013 roku.",
"Ranny prezydent Adamowicz, po ponadpółgodzinnej reanimacji, został przetransportowany do Uniwersyteckiego Centrum Klinicznego w bardzo ciężkim stanie. Przeszedł tam pięciogodzinną operację, lecz na skutek otrzymanych obrażeń – ran serca, przepony i narządów wewnętrznych jamy brzusznej – zmarł kolejnego dnia."
] | null | interlang link |
Мэр Гданьска погиб после ножевой атаки на благотворительном концерте | 2,860,143 | [
"Paweł Adamowicz",
"Donald Tusk",
"January 14, 2019",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Andrzej Duda",
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D1%8D%D1%80_%D0%93%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%8C%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B1_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BB%D0%B5_%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D0%B1%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B5 | [
"В понедельник, 14 января 2019 года, мэр Гданьска Павел Адамович скончался в больнице после того, как накануне на него напали с ножом на благотворительном концерте.\nЕму было 53 года.",
"«Большой оркестр праздничной помощи», в ходе которого в Польше ежегодно собирают средства на помощь медицинским учреждениям, проходит во всех городах страны и завершается концертом.\nВ воскресенье, 13 января проводилось очередное мероприятие.",
"Примерно в 20:00 по местному времени (22:00 мск) злоумышленник прорвался на сцену, когда Адамович произносил речь и несколько раз ударил мэра ножом.",
"Нападавшего задержали. Перед тем, как его увели, он успел выкрикнуть в микрофон, что его зовут Стефан. Фамилия прозвучала неразборчиво.\nОн сказал, что, будучи невиновным, отсидел срок в тюрьме по ложному обвинению и его пытала «Гражданская платформа», членом которой являлся погибший мэр.\n«Именно за это умрёт Адамович» — сказал нападавший.\nПо некоторым данным нападавший проник на сцену по удостоверению работника СМИ.",
"Как выяснили журналисты, в 2013 году 27-летний житель Гданьска был приговорён к 5,5 годам заключения за нападения на банки и недавно освободился.",
"Адамовичу оказали первую помощь, после чего в крайне тяжёлом состоянии забрали в больницу.\nТам ему провели операцию.",
"Врачи Университетского клинического центра Гданьска, куда госпитализировали политика, сразу подтвердили, что состояние Адамовича серьёзное: мэр получил ранения сердца, диафрагмы и брюшной полости.",
"Ситуацию взял на личный контроль премьер-министр Польши Матеуш Моравецкий.",
"Павел Адамович являлся мэром Гданьска с 1998 года и до сих пор пользовался широкой поддержкой избирателей.",
"В 2017—2018 годах Адамович вёл блог на русском языке на сайте «Эха Москвы»."
] | 14 января 2019 года | interlang link |
Arrest made in Jennifer Hudson family killings | 117,553 | [
"Culture and entertainment",
"December 2, 2008",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Chicago, Illinois",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Arrest_made_in_Jennifer_Hudson_family_killings | [
"Chicago, Illinois police arrested William Balfour, the estranged brother-in-law of Oscar-winning American actress and singer Jennifer Hudson, on Monday, multiple media outlets reported. Balfour is expected to be charged with three counts of murder for the slayings of three of Hudson's relatives in October.",
"\"We have obtained an arrest warrant for William Balfour. He was released to Chicago detectives,\" Chicago Police Department spokeswoman Monique Bond told Reuters.",
"Hudson's mother, Darnell Donerson, 57, and brother, Jason Hudson, 29 were found dead in Donerson's home on October 24 and the body of Hudson's 7-year-old nephew, Julian King was found four days later in a stolen SUV. A handgun police say is tied to the case was found nearby, but Reuters reports that Bond did not comment on any evidence in the case.",
"The Associated Press reports that police took Balfour into custody on Oct. 24 and held him for 48 before the Illinois Department of Corrections took possession of him on an alleged parole violation. Balfour previously served nearly seven years for a 1999 conviction attempted murder, vehicular hijacking, and possessing a stolen vehicle. CNN reports he was out of jail on parole at the time of the shootings.",
"Balfour's mother, Michelle Davis-Balfour, spoke to the press Monday night, saying she thought that there was no case against her son.",
"\"If they found gun powder on his hands, you got a case; if they found a gun on him, he had a case; if they found a fingerprint on the truck that he did this, you got a case; but they don't have nothing,\" Davis-Balfour said, according to the Associated Press. She also said: \"My son did not do this. I am sick of this. They need to focus on somebody else.\"",
"Davis-Balfour also accused at least one witness of lying while providing an alibi for his son, saying he was with one of three girls friends when the killings happened.",
"\"He was with Diana that night and with Kate in the morning,\" she said, according to CNN.",
"Attorney for Balfour, Josh Kutnick, told CNN that his client is innocent. \"He believes when the evidence comes out, he will be found not guilty,\" Kutnick told CNN.",
"Hudson became famous in 2004 when she was one of the finalists on the third season of the American hit television show American Idol. She later won multiple awards for her role in the 2006 motion picture Dreamgirls."
] | 2008-12-02 | title |
芝加哥警方正式逮捕詹妮弗·哈德森家门血案疑凶 | 117,553 | [
"Culture and entertainment",
"December 2, 2008",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Chicago, Illinois",
"North America"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E8%8A%9D%E5%8A%A0%E5%93%A5%E8%AD%A6%E6%96%B9%E6%AD%A3%E5%BC%8F%E9%80%AE%E6%8D%95%E8%A9%B9%E5%A6%AE%E5%BC%97%C2%B7%E5%93%88%E5%BE%B7%E6%A3%AE%E5%AE%B6%E9%97%A8%E8%A1%80%E6%A1%88%E7%96%91%E5%87%B6 | [
] | 【2008年12月2日讯】 | interlang link |
Arroyo declares state of emergency due to coup attempt in Philippines | 34,234 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"February 24, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Arroyo_declares_state_of_emergency_due_to_coup_attempt_in_Philippines | [
"Filipino president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo declared a state of emergency Friday following reports from security forces on a foiled coup attempt. Arroyo's emergency powers allow arrests without warrants and the extended detention of prisoners without charges.",
"Brigadier General Danilo Lim, the commander of the 1st Scout Ranger Regiment, an elite military unit, is being held following accusations that he intended to join his troops with anti-Arroyo protestors. The troops were reportedly planning to inform protesters that the soldiers were no longer supporting Arroyo hoping that this news would foment an uprising against the president.",
"Arroyo has forbidden protest rallies, but more than a thousand Filipinos attended rallies anyway (Bloomberg.com says \"thousands of Filipinos\"), and police broke up a couple of rallies on Edsa, the main street of Manila, as they were heading downtown (to Makati), with shields and nightsticks. The Filipino peso dropped 1.1% vs. the US dollar, its biggest decline since 2002. [1]",
"The crisis comes during the weekend when the country is recognizing the 20th anniversary of the \"People Power\" revolution that ousted dictator Ferdinand Marcos, who fled and stayed in exile in the United States.",
"This is not the first time Ms. Arroyo's regime has survived attempts at deletion. At the beginning of her presidency, supporters of the ousted President Estrada stormed Malacanang and demanded Arroyo's resignation. Later, in 2003, 300 soldiers took over a hotel in Manila in another bid to topple Arroyo. People have alleged that the Arroyo administration engaged in corruption and failed to keep the economy stable. Arroyo won the 2004 election, but some people accused her of doing so by cheating. Those allegations led to an attempt to impeach Arroyo in September 2005, which failed. [2]"
] | 2006-02-24 | title |
Philippinen: Präsidentin ruft nach angeblichem Putschversuch den Notstand aus | 34,234 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"February 24, 2006",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Philippinen:_Pr%C3%A4sidentin_ruft_nach_angeblichem_Putschversuch_den_Notstand_aus | [
"Manila (Philippinen), 24.02.2006 – Die philippinische Präsidentin Gloria Macapagal Arroyo hat aufgrund eines angeblichen Putschversuches den Notstand ausgerufen.",
"In einer Fernsehansprache vom 24. Februar legte die Präsidentin ihre Gründe für die Ausrufung des Notstandes auf den Philippinen dar. Nach Aussagen von Gloria Arroyo hat eine eindeutige und akute Gefahr für das Land bestanden. Die Gefahr ist laut Gloria Arroyo von Angehörigen des Militärs ausgegangen, die ein Regime außerhalb der Verfassung errichten wollten. Bei den Unterstützern des angeblichen Putschversuches handele es sich um eine „taktische Allianz von Rechts- und Linksextremisten“, sagte die Präsidentin Gloria Arroyo in der Fernsehansprache. Durch die Ausrufung des Notstandes können Menschen ohne Haftbefehl inhaftiert werden und längere Gefängnisaufenthalte ohne Anklage gestattet werden. Nach Angaben von Michael Defensor, dem Leiter des Präsidentenstabes, wird der Notstand solange in Kraft bleiben, wie er vonnöten sei. Der Stabschef erklärte weiter, die Regierung plane die Festnahme von acht bis zehn Personen, darunter Soldaten, Zivilisten und Finanziers, die am Putschversuch beteiligt gewesen sein sollen. Generalleutnant Hermogenes Esperon, Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres, spach davon, dass das Militär bereits seit Mittwoch von dem angeblichen Putschversuch wisse. Die Heeresleitung gab bekannt, dass Brigadegeneral Danilo Lim, Befehlshaber einer Eliteeinheit, festgenommen worden sein soll. Insgesamt sollen laut Militärführung 14 Offiziere hinter dem Putschversuch stehen. Das Militär und Sicherheitskräfte haben Barrieren zum Schutz des Präsidentenpalastes errichtet. Auch wurden Schulen im ganzen Land geschlossen.",
"Nachdem der Notstand verhängt wurde, löste die Polizei in Manila eine Demonstration von Kritikern der Regierung mit Wasserwerfern auf. Laut einem Bericht der BBC soll die Polizei die Demonstranten mit Knüppeln geschlagen haben. Eine Demonstration war von der ehemaligen Präsidentin Corazon Aquino angeführt worden. Insgesamt hatten etwa 9.000 Menschen an zwei Demonstrationen gegen die Präsidentin teilgenommen, der Korruption vorgeworfen wird. Mindestens 17 Demonstranten wurden von der Polizei festgenommen. Die Proteste fanden am gleichen Ort statt, an dem im Jahr 1986 ein Aufstand gegen den damaligen Diktator Ferdinand Marcos begonnen hatte. In der Folge des Aufstandes war Ferdinand Marcos mit seiner Familie nach Hawaii geflohen. In diesem Jahr wurden keine öffentlichen Gedenkveranstaltungen zu diesem Ereignis genehmigt.",
"Die Kongressabgeordnete Rizza Hontiveros-Baraquel kritisiert die Verhängung des Ausnahmezustandes. Die Abgeordnete bezeichnete die Ausrufung des Notstandes als verfassungswidrig und illegal. Die „New York Times“ zitiert aus einem Papier von „Pacific Strategies and Assessments“, einer US-amerikanischen Beraterfirma, die das Verhalten der philippinischen Regierung als Übertreibung bezeichnet. Sarah Toms, Korrespondentin der BBC in Manila, sagte gegenüber der BBC, dass Gerüchte über Putschveruche auf den Philippinen häufig seien. In den 20 Jahren habe es dutzende Versuche gegeben, Regierungen mit einem Putsch zu stürzen.",
"Im Juli 2003 gab es einen Aufstand des Militärs gegen Arroyo, der unterdrückt wurde und mit der Verhaftung einiger Angehöriger der Armee endete. Der nationale Notstand wurde in der jüngsten Vergangenheit nur zweimal ausgerufen: Im Jahr 1989, als es einen Putschversuch gegen Corazon Aquino gab, und 2003 wegen der SARS-Epidemie."
] | null | interlang link |
Proclamation de l'état d'urgence aux Philippines | 34,234 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"February 24, 2006",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Proclamation_de_l%27%C3%A9tat_d%27urgence_aux_Philippines | [
"Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, présidente de la République des Philippines, a instauré l'état d'urgence ce vendredi, après avoir été informée, par des rapports émanant des forces de sécurité, de l'éventualité d'une tentative de coup d'État. Les pouvoirs conférés par Arroyo dans le cas d'un état d'urgence autorisent les arrestations sans motif et l'augmentation de la durée de détention des prisonniers sans charges.",
"Le commandant du régiment des Scouts Rangers, une unité militaire d'élite, est accusé d'avoir planifié le fait que ses troupes rejoignent les manifestants anti-Arroyo. Les troupes avaient prévu d'informer la population que les soldats ne supporteraient plus longtemps la Présidente Arroyo en espérant que la nouvelle entraînerait une révolte et des manifestations anti-Arroyo.",
"La crise devait survenir durant le week-end quand le pays serait en train de fêter le 20e anniversaire de la révolte populaire qui renversa le dictateur Ferdinand Marcos, qui réussit à s'enfuir par avion et à s'exiler aux États-Unis."
] | Publié le 24 février 2006 | interlang link |
Arson suspected in Namdaemun gate fire in Seoul | 99,037 | [
"February 11, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Arson_suspected_in_Namdaemun_gate_fire_in_Seoul | [
"Around 8:50 p.m. Korean Standard Time (11:50 UTC) on Sunday, a fire broke out at Sungnyemun Gate (more commonly referred to as Namdaemun Gate), one of the most iconic South Korean landmarks, located in the center of Seoul.",
"Approximately 30 firetrucks and 90 firefighters were sent to the site and were able to bring the initial blaze under control by around 10:30 p.m.",
"However, around 10:40 p.m., the fire rekindled at the second floor of the gate, as firefighters were in the process of extinguishing embers. By 11:00 p.m. the fire had spread over to the roof of the gate. The Korean Fire Department reports that the second blaze had started as the Department was seeking permission from the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration to dismantle parts of the gate in order to stop any possible further fires from spreading.",
"At about 12:40 a.m. of the 11th, the second floor had collapsed, and the fire was spreading to the first floor; at 1:50 a.m. the first floor collapsed.",
"Officials have yet to reach a conclusion on the origin of fire, and have presented three possibilities; arson, electric faults or accidental origins.",
"As the interior of the second floor of the Gate is off-limits to civilians, the Korean Fire Department initially eliminated the possibility of arson, and stated that an electric short or spark from the electric lighting could have been the cause. This possibility was later discarded as a firefighter reported, after examination, that there was no electric wiring on the second floor, as Korean Cultural Heritage Administration regulations prohibit it.",
"Three eye-witnesses have submitted testimonies. A taxi driver has reported seeing a man in his fifties climb up the staircase carrying a shopping bag, shortly after seeing sparks. Police have stated that the driver's testimony differs in several crucial factors from the other two witnesses.",
"Firefighters have reported finding two cigarette lighters on the second floor, inceasing the possibility of arson as the cause.",
"Police have been unable to obtain evidence from the four closed circuit televisions(CCTVs) installed around the gate.",
"Officials of the Korean Cultural Heritage Administration have stated that restoration will take two to three years and will cost 20 billion won, equivalent of 21 million USD.",
"Officials report that no sprinklers or fire alarms were installed inside the gate, and only eight fire extinguishers were placed on both the first and second floor.",
"Namdaemun, built during the Joseon Dynasty, is the oldest wooden structure in Seoul and was entitled 'National Treasure No. 1' in 1962 after restoration.",
"In recent years, arsons started by evangelical Christians have damaged many Buddhist temples and Korean momuments."
] | 2008-02-11 | title |
崇礼門が火事で崩壊、放火か - 韓国ソウル | 99,037 | [
"February 11, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%B4%87%E7%A4%BC%E9%96%80%E3%81%8C%E7%81%AB%E4%BA%8B%E3%81%A7%E5%B4%A9%E5%A3%8A%E3%80%81%E6%94%BE%E7%81%AB%E3%81%8B_-_%E9%9F%93%E5%9B%BD%E3%82%BD%E3%82%A6%E3%83%AB | [
"朝日新聞・産経新聞などによると、韓国時間2月10日午後9時前 (KST=UTC+9) 、韓国ソウル市中心部に位置する崇礼門(通称:南大門)から不審火があり、火災事故が発生した。消防隊が出動し、いったんは鎮火完了と判断するも、消火しきれなかった火元から再び炎上、翌11日未明、崇礼門の崩壊に至った。なお、怪我人や死傷者は出なかった。",
"消火活動が不徹底になった要因について、産経新聞はYTNテレビを含む韓国メディアの報道として、朝日新聞は韓国の通信社・聯合ニュース (Yonhap News) の報道として、文化財庁からの要請で慎重な消火活動に留めるように消防当局が依頼され、初期段階での消火活動を抑えたため、との見方を伝えている。",
] | 【2008年2月14日】 | interlang link |
Verdachte brand stadspoort Seoel aangehouden | 99,037 | [
"February 11, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Verdachte_brand_stadspoort_Seoel_aangehouden | [
"In Zuid-Korea is een man aangehouden op verdenking van het aansteken van de brand in de 15e-eeuwse Sungnyemun-stadspoort in de hoofdstad Seoel. Zijn motief zou de prijs zijn die was geboden voor zijn grond."
] | 12 februari 2008 | interlang link |
南大門遭火劫 修復需時三年 | 99,037 | [
"February 11, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"South Korea",
"Korean Peninsula"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%8D%97%E5%A4%A7%E9%96%80%E9%81%AD%E7%81%AB%E5%8A%AB_%E4%BF%AE%E5%BE%A9%E9%9C%80%E6%99%82%E4%B8%89%E5%B9%B4 | [
] | 【2008年2月11日讯】 | interlang link |
Artist who changed Hollywood sign to 'Hollyweed' surrenders to authorities | 2,805,159 | [
"January 12, 2017",
"Los Angeles, California",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Translated news",
"Crime and law",
"North America",
"United States",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Artist_who_changed_Hollywood_sign_to_%27Hollyweed%27_surrenders_to_authorities | [
"On Monday, the person responsible for changing the Hollywood sign in California to read \"Hollyweed\" as a new year's prank turned himself in to local authorities. 30-year-old artist Zachary Cole Fernandez surrendered himself, the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) said.",
"According to LAPD, Fernandez went to the police station accompanied by his lawyer, where he confessed to have changed the sign and was bailed out shortly thereafter for US$1000. LAPD charged Fernandez with trespassing; earlier reports indicated vandalism charges were ruled out as he used black and white tarps to alter the letter \"O\" to read lowercase \"e\". The sign was not physically damaged.",
"A court hearing is scheduled for February 15. Fernandez said this act was an art project, and claimed he faces up to six months in prison if convicted. It took Fernandez two hours to alter the sign. Regarding conviction, he said, \"I'm a person of integrity. If I do something wrong, I will own up to it.\"",
"Exactly 41 years ago, on the same date in 1976, then-university student Daniel Finegood modified the sign to read \"Hollyweed\" for an art class assignment. Finegood returned to change the sign again in 1990, spelling out \"Oil War\" to protest against the First Persian Gulf War. Fernandez, on Tuesday, said his act was to \"bring light and positivity and happiness\". He said he was inspired by Finegood's modification to the sign.",
"City Councilman David Ryu said in a statement. \"Pranks of this nature deplete the resources of our valuable public safety personnel\".",
"The term \"weed\" is an English slang term for cannabis, a banned drug in many countries. On November 9, a ballot for legalising recreational use of cannabis in California for the age group of 21 and above was passed. The law legalising recreational cannabis is due to come into effect in 2018."
] | 2017-01-12 | title |
Responsable que cambió letrero de "Hollywood" por "Hollyweed" se entregó a las autoridades de EE.UU. | 2,805,159 | [
"January 12, 2017",
"Los Angeles, California",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Translated news",
"Crime and law",
"North America",
"United States",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Responsable_que_cambi%C3%B3_letrero_de_%22Hollywood%22_por_%22Hollyweed%22_se_entreg%C3%B3_a_las_autoridades_de_EE.UU. | [
"El responsable de modificar el letrero de \"Hollywood\" por \"Hollyweed\" en Año Nuevo se entregó el lunes (9) a las autoridades locales y que actuó solo. La información es de la prensa local, citando al Departamento de Policía de Los Ángeles (LAPD).",
"De acuerdo con información de la policía de Los Ángeles, el responsable del hecho fue Zachary Cole Fernández (también conocido como \"Jesushands\" en las redes sociales), un artista local de 30 años, fue a la comisaría acompañado de su abogado, en la que confesó haber cambiado el letrero y terminó siendo liberado poco después.",
"Según informes de prensa, Zachary Fernández fue acusado por la policía de Los Ángeles por un delito menor, debido a que usó lonas en blanco y negro para cambiar las letras. La audiencia fue programada para el 15 de febrero.",
"No es la primera vez que el letrero \"Hollywood\" es modificado por \"Hollyweed\". Hace exactamente 41 años, en la misma fecha en 1976, el entonces estudiante universitario Daniel Finegood cambió las letras para una tarea en la clase de arte. Finegood había cambiado el letrero de nuevo en 1990 para la OIL WAR (Guerra del Petróleo), en protesta por la Primera Guerra del Golfo Pérsico (1990-91).",
"El mismo día del cambio del letrero, entró en vigor la ley que legaliza el uso y consumo recreativo de la planta, considerada una droga ilícita en casi todos los países del mundo."
] | 11 de enero de 2017 | interlang link |
Responsável que alterou letreiro de 'Hollywood' para 'Hollyweed' se entrega às autoridades nos EUA | 2,805,159 | [
"January 12, 2017",
"Los Angeles, California",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Translated news",
"Crime and law",
"North America",
"United States",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Respons%C3%A1vel_que_alterou_letreiro_de_%27Hollywood%27_para_%27Hollyweed%27_se_entrega_%C3%A0s_autoridades_nos_EUA | [
"O responsável por alterar o letreiro mais famoso do mundo de \"Hollywood\" por \"Hollyweed\" no ano-novo foi identificado e se entregou na última segunda-feira (9/1) às autoridades locais e que agiu sozinho. A informação é da imprensa local, citando o Departamento de Polícia de Los Angeles (LAPD).",
"Segundo informação da LAPD divulgada pela imprensa, o responsável é Zachary Cole Fernandez (também conhecido como \"Jesushands\" nas redes sociais), um artista local de 30 anos, foi à delegacia acompanhado de seu advogado, onde confessou ter alterado o letreiro e acabou sendo liberado pouco depois.",
"Segundo a imprensa, Zachary Fernandez foi indiciado pela LAPD por delito de invasão de propriedade, mas não de vandalismo, pois ele usou lonas pretas e brancas para alterar as letras. A audiência foi marcada para o dia 15 de fevereiro, quando se decidirá se Fernandez será denunciado ou não pelo ato.",
"Não é a primeira vez que o letreiro \"Hollywood\" é modificado por \"Hollyweed\". Há exatos 41 anos atrás, na mesma data em 1976, o então estudante universitário Daniel Finegood modificou os letreiros para uma tarefa na aula de arte. Finegood voltou alterar letreiro novamente em 1990, por OIL WAR (Guerra do Petróleo), para protestar contra a I Guerra do Golfo Pérsico (1990-91).",
"O termo \"weed\" é uma gíria do inglês americano para \"maconha\", que no mesmo dia da alteração do letreiro, entrou em vigor a lei em que legaliza o uso no cutivo e recreativo da folha, considerada uma droga ilícia em quase todos os países do mundo, já que financia atividades criminosas."
] | 11 de janeiro de 2017 | interlang link |
As Italy prepares for new government, shots fired near prime minister's office | 729,837 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2013",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/As_Italy_prepares_for_new_government,_shots_fired_near_prime_minister%27s_office | [
"Earlier today in front of the office of Italy's prime minister in Rome, shots were fired. According to Reuters, a witness reported around eight shots fired. This happened the same day the new Italian government is being sworn in.",
"Reuters is also reporting at least two policemen were shot. Reportedly the gunman has been arrested.",
"The process of selecting a new government took two months, with Democratic Party member Enrico Letta becoming the Prime Minister today. The Democratic Party joined with former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's People of Freedom Party to form a coalition government. Letta was at the Quirinal Palace, less than a kilometer away, at the time of the shooting for his inauguration."
] | 2013-04-28 | title |
Spari vicino a Palazzo Chigi, mentre il governo presta giuramento | 729,837 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2013",
"Crime and law",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Spari_vicino_a_Palazzo_Chigi,_mentre_il_governo_presta_giuramento | [
"Domenica 28 aprile sono stati sparati dei colpi di arma da fuoco di fronte alla sede del governo Italiano. Secondo l'agenzia Reuters, un testimone ha indicato di aver udito circa 8 spari. Questo è successo nello stesso giorno in cui il nuovo governo prestava giuramento.",
"L'agenzia Reuters riporta che almeno due carabinieri sono stati colpiti e l'attentatore è stato arrestato.",
"Il processo di scelta del nuovo governo è durato due mesi, ed è terminato con la nomina di Enrico Letta (PD) come primo ministro avvenuta domenica. Il Partito Democratico ha formato un governo di coalizione con il Popolo della Libertà dell'ex Presidente del Consiglio Silvio Berlusconi. Letta era al palazzo del Quirinale, a meno di un chilometro di distanza quando è avvenuta la sparatoria, per il varo del nuovo governo."
] | mercoledì 1 maggio 2013 | interlang link |
Стрельба в Риме во время присяги правительства | 729,837 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2013",
"Crime and law",
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%B1%D0%B0_%D0%B2_%D0%A0%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B5_%D0%B2%D0%BE_%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8F%D0%B3%D0%B8_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B0 | [
"28 апреля 2013 года неизвестный открыл огонь у резиденции премьер-министра в Риме в момент, когда в километре от этого места — в президентском дворце проходило принятие присяги новым правительством Италии.\nПо данным полиции, два полицейских получили ранения, стрелявший — схвачен.\nНовое правительство Италии приступило к работе.",
"Устроивший стрельбу 46-летний итальянец Луиджи Преити был одет в чёрный костюм и галстук, и не вызвал подозрения.\nПосле того, как он достал оружие и начал стрелять от практически сразу был схвачен карабинерами.\nСтрельба по охранявшим офис премьер-министра карабинерам длилась не дольше минуты, за которые, по словам наблюдателей, было произведено 9-10 выстрелов.",
"Инцидент не помешал церемонии приведения правительства к присяге, которая была доведена до конца.",
"После присяги Энрико Летта отправился в правительственный Дворец Киджи, чтобы принять полномочия у своего предшественника Марио Монти.\nПо традиции экс-премьер передаст своему приемнику колокольчик, при помощи которого глава кабинета открывает и закрывает заседания Совмина.",
"Новое коалиционное итальянское правительство было сформировано вчера — 27 апреля 2013 года.\nВ него вошёл 21 человек, треть его членов — женщины.",
"В частности, вице-премьером и главой МВД страны стал секретарь партии «Народ свободы» Сильвио Берлускони Анджелино Альфано.\nМинистром экономики назначен известный экономист, генеральный директор Центробанка Италии (итал. Banca d'Italia) Фабрицио Саккоманни.\nМинистром обороны стал Марио Мауро, занимавший с 2004 по 2009 годы пост заместителя председателя европейского парламента.",
"Пост главы МИД Италии заняла бывший еврокомиссар Эмма Бонино, занимавшая также пост министра по делам международной торговли и европейской политики в правительстве Романо Проди (2006—2008 год), одна из руководителей Радикальной партии.\nМинистром юстиции стала экс-министр внутренних дел Анна Мария Канчеллиери.\nМинистром равных возможностей, спорта и молодежной политики стала олимпийская чемпионка 2000 года и многократная чемпионка мира в гребле на байдарках Йозефа Идем.",
"Министерство по делам интеграции возглавила первый чернокожий министр в истории Италии — Сесиль Кьенге (итал. Cecile Kyenge), родившаяся в Конго.",
"В Совмин вошли и члены бывшего технического кабинета Марио Монти.\nСреди них, упоминавшаяся выше Анна Мария Канчеллиери, министр по европейской политике Энцо Моаверо Миланези и Филиппо Патрони Гриффи, который назначен статс-секретарем Совмина.",
"Энрико Летта выразил удовлетворение достигнутым результатом:"
] | 28 апреля 2013 года | interlang link |
Напад испред владе изолован случај | 729,837 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"April 28, 2013",
"Crime and law",
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4_%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B4_%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B5_%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D1%81%D0%BB%D1%83%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%98 | [
"28. април 2013.Рим/ Италија (Beta) - Напад на полицајце испред седишта италијанске владе у Риму у недељу „изолован је случај“ и нема никакве опасности по јавни ред, саопштила је италијанска влада.",
"Напад се може сматрати „изолованим случајем“, рекао је новинарима нови италијански министар унутрашњих послова Анђелино Алфано, објашњавајући да се ради о „трагичном чину једног незапосленог човека који је хтео да се убије“.",
"Алфано је казао и да „општа ситуација у јавном реду после тог инцидента не изазива забринутост“, али је додао и да је безбедност угрожених објеката ипак појачана.",
"Нападач који је у недељу пуцао на полицајце испред италијанске владе, ухапшен је, а медији су пренели да се ради о 46-годишњем Луиђију Пријетију из Калабрије, који је намеравао да се после тог напада убије.",
"У нападу су рањена двојица полицајаца и једна трудница. Напад се догодио у тренутку док су чланови нове италијанске владе полагали заклетву, а нови министри обавештени су о инциденту тек после церемоније, пренели су италијански медији."
] | null | interlang link |
As shipping exemption expires, hurricane-torn Puerto Rico may face changes in relief from mainland United States | 2,824,159 | [
"October 12, 2017",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Natural disasters",
"United States",
"Puerto Rico",
"Donald Trump",
"Ricardo Rosselló",
"Marco Rubio",
"John McCain"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/As_shipping_exemption_expires,_hurricane-torn_Puerto_Rico_may_face_changes_in_relief_from_mainland_United_States | [
"According to the United States Department of Homeland Security on Monday, Puerto Rico's exemption from the Jones Act, which temporarily lifted the rule requiring that only U.S.-owned ships might carry goods between U.S. ports, was allowed to expire on Sunday rather than being renewed. The island commonwealth had been given a temporary exemption from this law to allow foreign ships to aid the delivery of relief supplies after Hurricane Maria, which struck Puerto Rico last month. Puerto Ricans and lawmakers had asked for an extension of the waiver in light of the island's current difficulties.",
"\"We believe that extending the waiver is unnecessary to support the humanitarian relief efforts on the island[...] There is an ample supply of Jones Act-qualified vessels to ensure that cargo is able to reach Puerto Rico,\" reads a statement from Homeland Security Press Secretary David Lapan.",
"The Jones Act of 1920 requires that all ships carrying cargo directly from one U.S. port to another must be built, operated and owned by U.S. personnel. Puerto Rico, a U.S. commonwealth, falls under its jurisdiction. President Donald Trump issued a temporary waiver of this requirement for Puerto Rico on September 28 to help the relief effort. However, there were also concerns about supplies sitting idle in ports for lack of organized distribution and truck drivers to take them where they were needed. Some foreign ships may take until October 18 to complete deliveries.",
"Republicans Marco Rubio and John McCain were among those in the U.S. Congress who had urged President Trump to issue the waiver, though McCain supported making the exemption permanent: \"Now that the temporary Jones Act waiver for Puerto Rico has expired, it is more important than ever for Congress to pass my bill to permanently exempt Puerto Rico from this archaic and burdensome law,\" he told the Huffington Post. \"Until we provide Puerto Rico with long-term relief, the Jones Act will continue to hinder much-needed efforts to help the people of Puerto Rico recover and rebuild from Hurricane Maria.\"",
"In September, Puerto Rico was nicked by the same Hurricane Irma that left Florida in disarray but then pummeled head-on by Hurricane Maria. The crisis displaced thousands of people and led to extraordinary rainfall and flash flood scares after a large crack appeared in the Guajataca Dam. According to Governor Ricardo Rosselló, 85% of residents remain without electricity, and many also still lack access to running water.",
"Puerto Rico was colonized by Spain and came under U.S. control in the Spanish-American War in 1898, along with Guam and the Philippines. Every person born in Puerto Rico is a United States citizen by birth. Puerto Rican residents do not participate in national elections, hold no seats in the electoral college, and have a non-voting representative in the U.S. congress. Mostly, they are exempt from federal income tax but not other federal taxes.",
"Every few years, the Puerto Ricans hold a referendum to determine whether they wish to remain a commonwealth, seek U.S. statehood, or seek independence in some form. In June, 97% of voters selected the second option, though turnout was low, and Congress is not legally required to obey their wishes."
] | 2017-10-12 | title |
Trump past scheepvaartwet aan om hulp aan Puerto Rico te vergemakkelijken | 2,824,159 | [
"October 12, 2017",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Natural disasters",
"United States",
"Puerto Rico",
"Donald Trump",
"Ricardo Rosselló",
"Marco Rubio",
"John McCain"
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Trump_past_scheepvaartwet_aan_om_hulp_aan_Puerto_Rico_te_vergemakkelijken | [
"Trump past scheepvaartwet aan om hulp aan Puerto Rico te vergemakkelijken",
"Omwille van de hulpverlening aan het door orkaan Maria getroffen Puerto Rico heeft de Amerikaanse president Trump de beperkingen voor hulpverlening door buitenlandse schepen opgeheven. De Jones Act voor Puerto Rico is per direct aangepast. Volgens deze wet mag transport over water tussen Amerikaanse havens alleen door Amerikaanse schepen worden gedaan. Door de (tijdelijke) wetsaanpassing wordt het nu gemakkelijker om voedsel, kleding en andere hulpgoederen naar Puerto Rico te vervoeren.",
"De wetsaanpassing zou zijn gebeurd op verzoek van de gouverneur van Puerto Rico, Rosselló."
] | 28 september 2017 | interlang link |
At least 24 killed in suicide bombing in Pakistan | 89,340 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Benazir Bhutto",
"January 10, 2008",
"Punjab, Pakistan",
"Pervez Musharraf",
"Suicide attacks"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_24_killed_in_suicide_bombing_in_Pakistan | [
"At least 24 people were killed and more than 60 were injured when a suicide bomber struck outside a courthouse in the Pakistani city Lahore. The bombing took place at approximately 0700 UTC (1200 local time)",
"Lahore Police Chief Malik Iqbal says the bombing was aiming at police deployed outside the Lahore courthouse Thursday preparing for an anti-government protest by lawyers.",
"\"This was a suicide attack and the police on duty were the target,\" he said.",
"Local television footage showed a chaotic scene outside the courthouse, with the road littered with the dead and injured.",
"Pakistan has suffered from a wave of bomb attacks in recent months, mostly against the security forces. Hundreds of people have been killed. The government blames Islamic militants linked to al-Qaeda for the attacks.",
"Two weeks ago opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in a bomb and gunfire attack as she left an election rally in Rawalpindi.",
"Police Chief Iqbal says security has been tightened, throughout Lahore, following the latest attack.",
"\"A large number of police are deployed...and the entire police (are) under high security alert and a large number of policemen are spread out around Lahore…. And, we are enhancing the security of important personalities,\" he said.",
"However, Ayaz Amir, a political analyst, says the continuing violence, coupled with a deepening power crisis, is plunging the nation into chaos.",
"\"It really means a greater slide into chaos. The government is loosing its grip,\" Amir said. \"It doesn't have its grip on anything…They don't have a grip on energy, the power cuts and they don't certainly have a grip on the suicide bombers or whoever is causing mayhem across the country. They don't have a grip on that.\"",
"President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency last November and suspended the constitution. He says the extreme measures were necessary to curb rising violence by Islamic militants.",
"But opponents say his real motive was to dismiss judges who were getting ready to rule that his re-election as president had been illegal. Since then, the nation's lawyers have been among Mr. Musharraf's strongest critics.",
"The emergency was lifted in December and elections were scheduled for this month. But the three days of rioting that followed the Bhutto assassination prompted Mr. Musharraf to postpone the elections to February 18."
] | 2008-01-10 | title |
Lahore, Pakistan: kamikaze uccide 22 persone e causa 60 feriti | 89,340 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Benazir Bhutto",
"January 10, 2008",
"Punjab, Pakistan",
"Pervez Musharraf",
"Suicide attacks"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Lahore,_Pakistan:_kamikaze_uccide_22_persone_e_causa_60_feriti | [
"In mattinata un kamikaze si è fatto esplodere nella città pakistana di Lahore ha causato la morte di 22 persone (20 agenti e 2 civili) e il ferimento di 60. Il bilancio potrebbe salire in quanto che 15 poliziotti sono ricoverati in ospedale.",
"L'attentatore si è fatto saltare in aria prima di una manifestazione di avvocati, davanti all'Alta Corte di Lahore. Egli si muoveva tramite una bicicletta e si fatto esplodere scaraventandosi contro un'autoblindo delle forze dell'ordine.",
"Per i canali televisivi DawnNews TV e AAJ TV il kamikaze è esploso alle 11:40 UTC+4. Malik Iqbal, capo della polizia della città, ha riferito: «Posso confermare che si è trattato di un attentato suicida contro i nostri agenti in servizio».",
"Il 27 dicembre scorso l'ex premier Benazir Bhutto fu uccisa da un attentato."
] | giovedì 10 gennaio 2008 | interlang link |
At least 26 killed in another Brazil prison riot | 2,805,428 | [
"Crime and law",
"January 17, 2017",
"South America",
"Michel Temer"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_26_killed_in_another_Brazil_prison_riot | [
"In the latest of a series of prison riots in prisons across Brazil, dozens of inmates, mostly rival gangs, were reported dead at the State Penitentiary of Alcaçuz, a state prison located in Natal, the capital of the Brazilian state, Rio Grande do Norte. Reports vary but, as of Sunday, the death toll may have reached 26. According to the BBC, this figure is triple the initial reports.",
"Prison authorities said that some victims were decapitated. Prison coordinator Zemilton Silva witnessed this happen to three men, and forensic report that there have been more.",
"The Ministry of Justice and state-run news outlet Agência Brasil said the latest riot started at around 5:00 p.m., local time, on Saturday. It continued until the security forces quelled the riot on Sunday at around 7:15 a.m..",
"Agence France Presse (AFP) and Rio de Janeiro newspaper O Globo report that the gang members of the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) and Comando Vermelho were the latest riot's participants. CNN reports that its participants were PCC and Sindicato do Crime do RN. The gangs had been housed in separate parts of the prison. Six of the ringleaders have been captured and sent to other facilities. Like other riots this year, overcrowding may have contributed to the latest riot. According to Brazil's justice department, the Alcaçuz prison houses more than 1,000 inmates on a capacity of 620.",
"Reports about authorities killed or injured in the riots are not yet confirmed, says the BBC.",
"O Globo also reported that one inmate attempted to escape but was quickly recaptured. No other inmates have been reported missing, but nine injured inmates were sent to hospital.",
"O Globo says the cause of the riot was drug-related. PCC and Comando Vermelho cooperated on drug trade from mid-1990s to reportedly summer 2016. Their split led Comando Vermelho to team up with five other gang organizations \"to counter the PCC's growing might.\"",
"The Alcaçuz prison riot is part of a series of Brazilian prison riots this year. At least 100 inmates died in this month's previous two riots, one in Amazonas and another in Roraima. The Amazonas prison riot on January 1–2 resulted in at least 56 killed inmates, of whom many were beheaded and dismembered. The Roraima riot on January 6 resulted in at least 33 killed, of whom many were disembowelled.",
"In the wake of this year's riots, the Brazilian President Michel Temer announced to Reuters yesterday a plan, under joint cooperation of state and federal governments, to build nearly thirty prisons by 2018, including \"five maximum security prisons to house the most violent convicts,\" and to create intelligence units in effort to counter the influence of powerful inmates. Temer announced more than one billion Brazilian reals (US$309 million) as the budget of the plan.",
"However, human rights activists and experts were skeptical about building more prisons. Camila Nunes, a sociologist of the Federal University of ABC, told the AFP \"medium- and long-term policies to reduce the vulnerability of certain social groups [and] to prioritize prevention rather than repression\" are needed.",
"Reuters reported Alexandre de Moraes, minister of the Justice Department, recently authorized the state of Rio Grande do Norte to spend 13 million Brazilian reals to upgrade and expand prison equipment. De Moraes promised to prevent more prison riots by increasing funds and prison security.",
"Meanwhile, Luiz Alberto Cartaxo, the prison chief for the southern Paraná state, said an explosion on Sunday broke a guarding wall of a Piraquara prison, prompting at least 21 inmates to escape. Cartaxo also reported that two other inmates were killed by police during their escape attempt.",
"A 2014 report by Brazil's justice department analyzes the statistics of the nation's prison population. The country has more than 622,000 inmates, mostly young black men, exceeding the capacity by at least 50 percent. Brazil is placed fourth in the world's largest prison population, surpassed by the respective numbers of those in the United States, in China, and in Russia."
] | 2017-01-17 | title |
Pelo menos 26 presos mortos em outra rebelião em penitenciária no Brasil | 2,805,428 | [
"Crime and law",
"January 17, 2017",
"South America",
"Michel Temer"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Pelo_menos_26_presos_mortos_em_outra_rebeli%C3%A3o_em_penitenci%C3%A1ria_no_Brasil | [
"Pelo menos 26 presos, em sua maioria pertencentes a gangues rivais, foram mortos no domingo em um dos mais recentes distúrbios no Centro Penitenciário de Alcacuz, em Natal, capital do estado do Rio Grande do Norte.",
"A maioria das vítimas foi decapitada.",
"O motim da penitenciária de Alcacuz faz parte da série de motins no Brasil este ano. Pelo menos outros 100 presos morreram nos últimos dois motins deste mês, um no Amazonas e outro em Roraima.",
"De acordo com um relatório de 2014 do Ministério da Justiça, o Brasil tem mais de 622 mil presos, a maioria jovens negros. As prisões do país excedem em pelo menos 50% de sua capacidade."
] | 16 de janeiro de 2017 | interlang link |
At least 45 killed in new wave of violence in Kenya | 97,814 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human Rights Watch",
"Raila Odinga",
"United Nations",
"Crime and law",
"Mwai Kibaki",
"Kofi Annan",
"January 27, 2008"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_45_killed_in_new_wave_of_violence_in_Kenya | [
"At least 45 people have been killed in a new surge of violence that began after Kenya's disputed December 27 presidential election. Some sources have said that there have been over 80 deaths in the last 3 days. The latest deaths come as former U.N. secretary-general Kofi Annan is in Kenya to try to broker a compromise.",
"Police had imposed an overnight curfew in the city of Nakuru, about two hours north of Nairobi, after new violence broke out on Friday. The killings appear to be ethnically motivated, as Kikuyus seek revenge for attacks against their fellow tribesmen in recent weeks.",
"Officials estimate that nearly 800 people have been killed since the vote, which saw President Mwai Kibaki, a Kikuyu, defeat opposition candidate Raila Odinga by just 230,000 votes. Odinga supporters from the Luo, Kalenjin and other smaller ethnic groups claim the election was stolen, and international observers say the vote was flawed.",
"Widespread anger at the election results sparked violence in Nairobi's slums and parts of the west, and tens of thousands of Kikuyus fled their homes. The violence had largely died down in recent days, but has erupted again in Nakuru.",
"Police also said Saturday that at least 15 people have been killed in the town of Molo, west of Nakuru. The two towns are in the Rift Valley, an ethnically mixed area that has seen violence in the past over land and resources.",
"\"The Kalenjins had already pushed and got the Kikuyus earlier so what they are doing is the Kikuyus are trying to revenge and get back their places, get back their houses,\" said Jimmy Mucheru, who is a local safari guide in Nakuru. \"There is not much hope for peace because the two groups are really after each other.\"",
"The new wave of violence came as former U.N. secretary-general Kofi Annan was in Kenya trying to resolve the crisis. In a news conference on Saturday, he urged followers of the two leaders to remain calm. He said he saw several camps for people who have been displaced by the crisis.",
"\"What we saw was rather tragic,\" he noted. \"We visited several IDP camps, we saw people pushed from their homes, from their farms, grandmothers, children, families uprooted. And I think it is important that all Kenyans respond with sympathy and understanding and not try to [seek] revenge.\"",
"On Thursday, Mr. Annan managed to secure the first face-to-face meeting between Mr. Kibaki and Mr. Odinga, a move hailed as a breakthrough. But the two sides have shown no willingness to negotiate issues of substance. Mr. Kibaki insists he is the legitimate president of Kenya, while Mr. Odinga is demanding a new vote.",
"Mr. Annan urged people to give more time to Mr. Kibaki and Mr. Odinga to work out a solution.",
"\"No one should take the law into his or her own hands,\" he added. \"Allow the leaders the opportunity to resolve these issues - and as I said - including the long-term issues. And we are here to help them, that was the purpose and objective of that meeting.\"",
"Mr. Annan told reporters it is unacceptable that no one has been held accountable for the violence, though he did not apportion blame.",
"Earlier this week, the New York-based Human Rights Watch reported what it said was evidence that the opposition had organized some attacks. Mr. Odinga's team has denied those claims."
] | 2008-01-27 | title |
Quaranta cinc morts en una nova onada de violència a Kenya | 97,814 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human Rights Watch",
"Raila Odinga",
"United Nations",
"Crime and law",
"Mwai Kibaki",
"Kofi Annan",
"January 27, 2008"
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/Quaranta_cinc_morts_en_una_nova_onada_de_viol%C3%A8ncia_a_Kenya | [
"27 de gener del 2008, Naivasha i Nakuru, Vall del Rift, Kenya",
"Almenys quaranta cinc morts en una nova onada de violència a Kenya entre els partidaris del govern i els de l'oposició.",
"La violència va començar després de les denúncies de frau contra el president Mwai Kibaki, guanyador de les eleccions del 27 de desembre del 2007 i des de llavors hi ha hagut un miler de morts arran de les topades entre partidaris del president i del dirigent opositor Raila Odinga.",
"A Naivasha catorze persones van ser cremades vives i a Nakuru (a 200 km. de Nairobi) hi va haver vint-i-sis morts després que les negociacions entre els dos dirigents amb Kofi Annan com a mitjancer no fossin fructíferes.",
"Annan assegura que no es compleixen els drets humans i que la violència no és política sinó ètnica. També ha afirmat que per què a les pròximes eleccions no succeeixi quelcom similar s'ha d'acabar d'una vegada amb la pobresa extrema i amb els privilegis històric d'una Kenya sobre l'altre. \"El que hem vist és tràgic\", afirmava."
] | null | interlang link |
45 pessoas morreram na nova onda de violência no Quênia | 97,814 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human Rights Watch",
"Raila Odinga",
"United Nations",
"Crime and law",
"Mwai Kibaki",
"Kofi Annan",
"January 27, 2008"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/45_pessoas_morreram_na_nova_onda_de_viol%C3%AAncia_no_Qu%C3%AAnia | [
"Pelo menos 45 pessoas foram mortas em uma nova onda de violência que começou depois das eleições presidenciais no Quênia no dia 27 de dezembro. Algumas fontes disseram que Já houve mais de 80 mortes nos últimos 3 dias, e o Ex-secretário-geral da ONU, Kofi Annan está no Quênia para tentar mediar a situação.",
"A Polícia tinha imposto um toque de recolher obrigatório nocturno na cidade de Nakuru, acerca Duas horas ao norte de Nairobi, após a nova violência ter exclodido na sexta-feira. Os assassinatos parecem ser etnicamente motivados, como Kikuyus, e buscam vingança para ataques Contra os seus concidadãos tribesmen nas últimas semanas.",
"*Nick Wadhams. New Post-Election Violence in Kenya Kills at Least 45 [inativa] — VOA News, 26 de janeiro de 2008. Página visitada em 27 de janeiro de 2008. Arquivada em 27 de janeiro de 2008"
] | 27 de janeiro de 2008 | interlang link |
At least 50 dead in shooting at Florida nightclub | 2,792,321 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"June 12, 2016",
"United States",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_50_dead_in_shooting_at_Florida_nightclub | [
"In the early morning hours of today, according to police, a man by the name of Omar Mateen entered Pulse Nightclub, a gay club in Orlando, Florida, and opened fire. 50 people were killed and 53 were hospitalized.",
"It is now the largest mass shooting in United States history, with the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting shootings the closest behind. The shooter today used an automatic rifle according to one account; took hostages, and was eventually killed in a gun battle with SWAT units.",
"Mateen's father, Mir Seddique, said in remarks to NBC News the attack was not about religion. The shooter allegedly called 911, the emergency phone number in the United States, and pledged his allegiance to ISIS. ISIS has claimed responsibility, according to a tweet from Reuters India. Reportedly, many have praised the attack on pro-ISIS forums.",
"Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer has declared a state of emergency.",
"According to Orlando Police Chief John Mina, \"It appears [Omar Mateen] was organized and well-prepared\".",
"\"It's just shocking [...] just one after another after another [...] It could have lasted a whole song\", commented Christopher Hansen, who was getting a drink when gunshots rang out."
] | 2016-06-12 | title |
Un home armat provoca una matança en un club nocturn d'Orlando, Estats Units | 2,792,321 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"June 12, 2016",
"United States",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
"North America"
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/Un_home_armat_provoca_una_matan%C3%A7a_en_un_club_nocturn_d%27Orlando,_Estats_Units | [
"13 de juny del 2016, Orlando (Florida)",
"Un home armat va obrir foc en un club nocturn provocant la pitjor matança per trets en la història dels Estats Units, deixant almenys 50 morts i 50 ferits. Va ser a la discoteca gai Pulse a Orlando (Florida). L'agressor segons els informes, s'ha identificat com Omar Saddiqui Mateen, un ciutadà nord-americà d'ascendència afganesa.",
"L'atac de diumenge a la matinada va acabar quan la policia va irrompre al club nocturn Pulse, disparant fatalment sobre el sospitós i rescatant als assistents atrapats a l'interior.",
"Un funcionari de l'FBI va dir que el tiroteig massiu està sent investigat com un \"acte de terrorisme\".",
"El portaveu de l'FBI, Ron Hopper va dir en una conferència de premsa a Orlando que és prematur classificar definitivament els trets com terrorisme o com a crim d'odi; aquesta determinació vindrà “una vegada que [els investigadors] coneguin tots els fets en el seu lloc”.",
"L'alcalde d'Orlando, Buddy Dyer, va dir diumenge que l'estat d'emergència ha estat declarat. El cap de policia John Orlando Mina va dir als periodistes que els trets són “una tragèdia no només per a la ciutat, sinó per a tota la nació”.",
"La Casa Blanca va dir que el president Barack Obama emetria un comunicat pel tiroteig a les 1:30 p.m. hora de Washington. La Casa Blanca va dir prèviament que el president va ordenar al govern federal proporcionar als investigadors “tota l'assistència necessària”. També va afirmar: “Els nostres pensaments i oracions estan amb les famílies i éssers estimats de les víctimes.”",
"A la pàgina del club gai a Facebook, es va donar voltant de les 2 a.m. (hora local) la primera indicació de la tragèdia que s'estava desenvolupant."
] | null | interlang link |
Orlando: Gewaltakt gegen Homosexuelle | 2,792,321 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"June 12, 2016",
"United States",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
"North America"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Orlando:_Gewaltakt_gegen_Homosexuelle | [
"Florida (USA), 20.06.2016 – In der Nacht zum 12. Juni hat ein 29jähriger Mann gegen 2 Uhr morgens 49 Gäste während einer Tanzveranstaltung in Orlandos Club „Pulse“ erschossen. Der Täter stammt von afghanischen Eltern ab und arbeitete für einen privaten Wachdienst. Er war dem FBI als Unterstützer der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) bekannt.",
"Der Nachtclub ist in der Stadt als Treffpunkt für Lesben, Schwule, Bisexuelle und Transgender bekannt. Zum Zeitpunkt der Tat befanden sich dort über 300 Menschen. Nach der Schießerei nahm der Täter einige Geiseln. Er wurde einige Stunden später bei einem Schusswechsel mit der Polizei getötet. Außerdem gab es 53 Verletzte, die zum Teil noch ins Lebensgefahr schweben. Rund 100 Polizisten waren am Einsatz beteiligt.",
] | null | interlang link |
Un hombre armado provoca una masacre en un club nocturno de Orlando, Estados Unidos | 2,792,321 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"June 12, 2016",
"United States",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
"North America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Un_hombre_armado_provoca_una_masacre_en_un_club_nocturno_de_Orlando,_Estados_Unidos | [
"Un hombre armado abrió fuego en un club nocturno provocando la peor masacre por disparos a mansalva en la historia de Estados Unidos, dejó al menos 50 muertos y 50 heridos. Fue en la discoteca gay Pulse en Orlando, Florida. El agresor según los informes, se ha identificado como Omar Saddiqui Mateen, un ciudadano norteamericano de ascendencia afgana.",
"El ataque del domingo por la madrugada terminó cuando la policía irrumpió en el club nocturno Pulse, disparando fatalmente el sospechoso y el rescate de los asistentes al club atrapados en el interior. Otras 53 personas resultaron heridas.",
"Un funcionario del FBI dijo que el tiroteo masivo está siendo investigado como un \"acto de terrorismo\".",
"El portavoz del FBI, Ron Hopper dijo en una conferencia de prensa en Orlando que es prematuro para clasificar definitivamente los disparos como terrorismo o un crimen de odio. Esa determinación vendrá \"una vez que [los investigadores] tengan todos los hechos en su lugar\".",
"El alcalde de Orlando, Buddy Dyer dijo el domingo que el estado de emergencia ha sido declarado. El jefe de policía John Orlando Mina dijo a periodistas que los disparos son \"una tragedia no sólo para la ciudad, sino para toda la nación\".",
"La Casa Blanca dijo que el presidente Barack Obama va a emitir un comunicado por el tiroteo a las 1:30 p.m. hora de Washington. La Casa Blanca dijo previamente que el presidente ordenó al gobierno federal proporcionar a los investigadores \"toda la asistencia necesaria.\" También dijo: \"Nuestros pensamientos y oraciones están con las familias y seres queridos de las víctimas.\"",
"En la página del club gay en Facebook, se dio alrededor de 2 a.m. (hora local) la primera indicación de la tragedia que se estaba desarrollando."
] | 12 de junio de 2016 | interlang link |
États-Unis : 50 morts et 53 blessés dans une fusillade à Orlando | 2,792,321 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"June 12, 2016",
"United States",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
"North America"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/%C3%89tats-Unis_:_50_morts_et_53_bless%C3%A9s_dans_une_fusillade_%C3%A0_Orlando | [
"Dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, une fusillade a éclaté dans une boîte de nuit gay à Orlando en Floride.",
"Le premier bilan faisait état de 20 morts et 42 blessés, mais le maire de la ville a ensuite donné un nouveau bilan provisoire de 50 morts et 53 blessés.",
"On ignorait au départ les raisons de cet acte, mais le FBI pensait que le suspect aurait peut-être « des sympathies » pour le terrorisme islamiste. \nLes autorités ont par la suite confirmé qu'il s'agissait d'un « acte de terrorisme intérieur ».",
"Le tireur était en possession d'un fusil d'assaut, d'une arme de poing et de ce qui est décrit comme un « engin » par le chef de la police qui n'a pas encore déterminé la nature de l'objet.",
"D'après les informations des médias américains, le suspect se dénommerait Omar Mateen, un Américain d'origine afghane, vivant à Port Sainte Lucie, en Floride et né en 1986.",
"Selon le directeur de la discothèque, interrogé par Sky News, les tirs ont débuté vers 2 heures du matin. S'en suit une prise d'otage jusqu'à 5 heures et l'intervention des équipes du SWAT. Durant leur intervention, les forces de l'ordre américaines ont abattu l'auteur de la tuerie.",
"La police d'Orlando évoquait, sur Twitter, de « très nombreuses victimes » et recommandait de rester loin de la zone, avant, d'annoncer, au fur et à mesure, qu'il y avait « de nombreux morts » et blessés qui étaient acheminés vers les hôpitaux.",
"La chaîne américaine NBC annonce que le tueur aurait appelé le numéro d'urgence 911 quelques minutes avant son action afin de prêter allégeance à l'organisation État islamique. Cette information est confirmée par la suite par les autorités. Cependant, dans son bulletin d'information quotidien daté du 12 juin, l'organisation terroriste ne fait pas mention de cette attaque. Par la suite, l'agence de presse de l'État islamique, Amaq, annonce que, selon ses sources, la tuerie a été perpétré par un « combattant de l'État islamique ». Plusieurs médias notent que cette annonce de l'agence de presse intervient après la confirmation officielle de l'appel au 911 réalisé par le tireur.",
"Le gouverneur de Floride a déclaré l'état d'urgence dans le comté d'Orange. Les autorités locales appellent les habitants à faire don de leur sang afin d'aider les secours.",
"Cette fusillade est la plus importante de l'histoire des États-Unis en termes de morts et intervient le lendemain d'une fusillade ayant entraîné la mort de la chanteuse de 22 ans Christina Grimmie au Plaza Live à moins de cinq kilomètres de la fusillade de cette nuit. Il n'y aurait aucun lien entre les deux événements.",
"Cette fusillade est la 173e depuis le début de l'année 2016 (163 jours)."
] | Publié le 12 juin 2016 | interlang link |
50 הרוגים בפיגוע ירי במועדון pulse בארצות הברית | 2,792,321 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"June 12, 2016",
"United States",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
"North America"
] | he | https://he.wikinews.org/wiki/50_%D7%94%D7%A8%D7%95%D7%92%D7%99%D7%9D_%D7%91%D7%A4%D7%99%D7%92%D7%95%D7%A2_%D7%99%D7%A8%D7%99_%D7%91%D7%9E%D7%95%D7%A2%D7%93%D7%95%D7%9F_pulse_%D7%91%D7%90%D7%A8%D7%A6%D7%95%D7%AA_%D7%94%D7%91%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%AA | [
"יריות נשמעו במועדון \"Pulse\", מועדון לילה ומקום מפגש פופולרי של הקהילה הגאה בעיר אורלנדו, פלורידה שבארצות הברית.",
"בפיגוע נרצחו 50 בני אדם ונפצעו לפחות 53. המחבל אזרח אמריקאי ממוצא אפגני בשם עומר מאטין, שנהרג במהלך פעולת ההשתלטות של המשטרה.",
"האירוע החל בסביבות השעה 02:00 (שעון מקומי), כשהמפגע הגיע למועדון חמוש ברובה סער, אקדח ומתקן לא מזוהה. המחבל נכנס כשהוא יורה לכל עבר ולוקח עשרות בני ערובה. בסביבות השעה 05:00 גרמה המשטרה לפיצוץ מבוקר שנועד להסיח את דעת המפגע ולוחמי SWAT נכנסו למועדון עם רכב משוריין. במהלך חילופי האש נהרג המפגע ולפחות שוטר אחד נפצע."
] | 12 ביוני 2016 | interlang link |
奧蘭多夜店爆恐襲,49人死於槍擊 | 2,792,321 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"June 12, 2016",
"United States",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
"North America"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E5%A5%A7%E8%98%AD%E5%A4%9A%E5%A4%9C%E5%BA%97%E7%88%86%E6%81%90%E8%A5%B2%EF%BC%8C49%E4%BA%BA%E6%AD%BB%E6%96%BC%E6%A7%8D%E6%93%8A | [
"美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多市的脈衝夜店(Pulse)發生恐怖襲擊事件,槍手馬丁(Omar Mateen)到夜店亂槍掃射,49人在槍擊中被殺,大量民眾受傷,馬丁本人亦被警方擊斃而死。馬丁生長於反同性戀的阿富汗移民家庭,曾效忠恐怖組織伊斯蘭國,未知與襲擊這所較多同性戀者光顧的夜總會有否關連,但亦有指他本身是同性戀者。世界多國民眾悼念是次襲擊事件,並批評恐襲者行徑。襲擊亦被牽涉到政治層面,共和、民主兩黨的人士均以此事件作話柄,可能會影響美國總統選舉和英國脫歐公投。"
] | 【2016年6月12日讯】 | interlang link |
At least 56 killed in Brazil prison riot | 2,804,689 | [
"South America",
"January 5, 2017",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_56_killed_in_Brazil_prison_riot | [
"At least 56 inmates, mostly of rival drug gangs, were killed during a Sunday riot in Anisio Jobim Penitentiary Centre, a state prison located in Manaus, Brazil, according to official report. Some of those killed were decapitated.",
"According to Amazonas state Public Security Secretary Sergio Fontes, members of two criminal organisations, the Família do Norte (FDN) and the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), were involved.",
"The conflict started on Sunday. It lasted at least seventeen hours until the authorities quelled the riot on Monday at 7 a.m. local time, according to Fontes.",
"According to Fontes, 74 inmates and twelve officers were held hostage, of whom some were released and others killed. Six decapitated bodies were thrown over the walls.",
"The Anisio Jobim Penitentiary Centre houses, by reports, several times its supposed capacity of inmates; 2230 on a capacity of 590 according to Reuters, 1224 on 454 according to BBC.",
"According to officials, during the riot 112 inmates escaped.",
"Fontes said competition for drug trade was the main reason for the riot. Former National Public Security Force secretary Jose Vicente da Silva said Brazil's prison system mismanagement and economic recession contributed to the riot.",
"This latest riot is considered the deadliest since the 1992 prison massacre in Carandiru Penitentiary, São Paulo, where 111 inmates were killed, most by the police who stormed the penitentiary.",
"Within a day of the latest riot at the Anisio Jobim Penitentiary Centre, individual riots at two other Manaus prisons reportedly occurred. At least 72 inmates escaped from one of these prisons.",
"Brazil has more than 600,000 inmates nationwide."
] | 2017-01-05 | title |
பிரேசில் சிறைக் கலவரத்தில் 50க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் பலி | 2,804,689 | [
"South America",
"January 5, 2017",
"Crime and law"
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_50%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8B%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF | [
"பிரேசில்நாட்டின் அமேசானா மாநிலத்தின் சிறைக் கலவரத்தில் 50க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் பலியாயினர். ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை ஆரம்பித்த இக்கலவரம் திங்கட்கிழமை ஆயுதமற்ற 12 சிறைக் காவலர்களை கைதிகள் ஒப்படைத்ததும் முடிவுக்கு வந்தது.",
"இரு போதை கடத்தல் குழுக்கள் சிறையில் மோதிக்கொண்டதால் இக்கலவரம் மூண்டதாக சிறை அதிகாரி கூறினார். பல கைதிகள் தப்பிச்சென்றுவிட்டதாக குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.",
"கலவரம் தொடங்கிய உடன் தலைகளற்ற ஆறு உடல்கள் சிறைக்கு வெளியில் தூக்கி விசப்பட்டது.",
"இச்சிறை 454 கைதிகளை அடைக்கும் அளவுக்கு கட்டப்பட்டது, அக்டோபர் மாதம் கிடைத்த தகவலின் படி 585 கைதிகள் இதிலிருந்தனர். அமேசேனா மாநிலத்தில் நடந்த மிகப்பெரிய சிறைக்கலவரம் இது என அதிகாரிகள் தெரிவித்தனர்."
] | திங்கள், சனவரி 2, 2017 | interlang link |
At least 7 killed in Wisconsin shooting rampage | 81,955 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 7, 2007"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_7_killed_in_Wisconsin_shooting_rampage | [
"The Crandon, Wisconsin shooting occurred earlier today inside a home in northeastern Wisconsin and has left at least seven dead, including the gunman. Forest County Supervisor Tom Vollmar said, \"It's a pretty tragic situation here... There are five or six people dead.\" WTMJ Newsradio told CNN that at least two of the dead are high school students.",
"Ten youths were reportedly inside the house when the gunfire began.",
"The shooter, Tyler Peterson, was killed by a police sniper after a manhunt.",
"WITI-TV reports that one of the victims was a student at the Milwaukee Area Technical College.",
"Crandon, Wisconsin, where the shooting occurred, has a population of nearly 2,000.",
"The entire area was locked down, until recently, when police said they are no longer searching for any suspects. Crandon Police Chief John Dennee said, \"We're not looking for anybody anymore.\" Crandon' Mayor, Gary Bradley, did not want to comment on the investigation, only saying, \"We are going to get together and be strong...We are a strong community. We always have been. This is agonizing, but we will prevail.\"",
"A mother of one of those fatally shot said, \"I'm waiting for somebody to wake me up right now. This is a bad, bad dream...All I heard it was a jealous boyfriend and he went berserk. He took them all out.\" A neighbor who lives by the crime scene said, \"I heard probably five or six shots, a short pause and then five or six more...I wasn't sure if it was gunfire initially. I thought some kids were messing around and hitting a nearby metal building.\""
] | 2007-10-07 | title |
Al menos 7 muertos tras una masacre en una fiesta adolescente en Wisconsin, EEUU | 81,955 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 7, 2007"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Al_menos_7_muertos_tras_una_masacre_en_una_fiesta_adolescente_en_Wisconsin,_EEUU | [
"8 de octubre de 2007Crandon, Wisconsin —",
"Un tirador irrumpió en un hogar en el noreste de Wisconsin, Estados Unidos, dejando al menos siete muertos, incluyendo el tirador. \"Es una situación bastante trágico... Hay al menos cinco o seis personas muertas\", dijo el Supervisor Tom Vollmar. WTMJ Newsradio dijo a la CNN que al menos dos de los muertos eran estudiantes de preparatoria.",
"Al menos diez jóvenes se encontraban en la casa cuando comenzó el tiroteo. El tirador, Tyler Peterson, fue matado por un francotirador luego de una persecución.",
"WITI-TV reporta que una de las víctimas era un estudiante de Milwaukee Area Technical College.",
"El área fue cerrada hasta hace poco, cuando la policía dijo que ya no buscaba sospechosos. \"No buscamos a nadie más\", dijo el Jefe de Policía de Crandon, donde ocurrió el incidente. El alcalde de Crandon, Gary Bradley, no quiso hablar de la investigación; sólo dijo: \"Nos vamos a unir y ser fuertes [...] Somos una comunidad fuerte. Siempre lo hemos sido. Esto es agonizante, pero prevaleceremos\".",
"Una madre de uno de los fallecidos dijo: \"Estoy esperando para que alguien me despierte ahora mismo. Esto es una mala, mala pesadilla [...] Todo lo que escuche era un novio celoso que se volvió loco...\".",
"\"Escuché probablemente cinco o seis tiros, con pausas cortas, y luego cinco o seis más [...] No estaba seguro si era un arma inicialmente. Pensé que algunos chicos estaban pasando el rato y pegando a algún edificio de metal\", dijo un vecino que vive cerca de la escena del crimen."
] | null | interlang link |
Wisconsin: vice sceriffo uccide sei giovani durante una festa | 81,955 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"October 7, 2007"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Wisconsin:_vice_sceriffo_uccide_sei_giovani_durante_una_festa | [
"Sei ragazzi sono stati uccisi durante una festa a Crandon, piccola cittadina di duemila abitanti nel Wisconsin, per mano del vice sceriffo, un giovane di appena 20 anni di nome Tyler Peterson, ucciso a sua volta durante un conflitto a fuoco con le forze di sicurezza, che si erano messe sulle sue tracce. L'età dei ragazzi uccisi era compresa tra i 16 e i 21 anni.",
"Il supervisore della contea, Tom Vollmar, ha ricordato come una tragedia simile non fosse mai accaduta nella zona, per poi aggiungere che il numero di feriti è ancora sconosciuto.",
"La tragedia si è consumata molte ore fa, alle 3 del mattino di domenica (le 9 in Italia), quando Peterson, bussando nell'abitazione dove i giovani si erano riuniti per mangiare una pizza e vedere un film, venendo poi sorpresi dai numerosi colpi sparati dal vice sceriffo, forse ubriaco, che poi si è allontanato a piedi. Tra le vittime, la giovanissima ex-ragazza di questo, una 14enne per la quale l'uomo avrebbe avuto una gelosia, che probabilmente si è rivelata la scintilla della strage."
] | lunedì 8 ottobre 2007 | interlang link |
At least 85 dead in shooting at Norwegian youth camp | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_85_dead_in_shooting_at_Norwegian_youth_camp | [
"A gunman, identified by Norwegian media as Anders Behring Breivik, has shot and killed at least 85 people at a youth camp on the island of Utøya in Norway. The 32-year-old man has been charged with both this attack and an explosion in the capital city of Oslo, which killed at least seven people. Police searched Breivik's apartment in Oslo overnight and have been interrogating him.",
"Breivik is reported to have arrived at the camp dressed as a police officer, telling children to gather around him for protection before systematically shooting them. It is not yet known whether he acted alone; police say there are no concrete reports of a second gunman, but this cannot be ruled out.",
"The camp was organised by the Workers' Youth League (AUF), which is affiliated with the Norwegian Labour Party. A number of sources, both inside and outside of Norway, are speculating that an opposition to the Labour Party's immigration policies, especially regarding Muslims, was Breivik's motivation for the attacks.",
"Islam is the second largest religion in Norway, after Christianity, and Breivik's comments on the political website Document.no, where he posted using his real name between September 2009 and October 2010, expressed anti-Islamic sentiments. He described the religion as a \"hate ideology\" ((no))Norwegian language: hat-ideologier and compared it to Nazism. His Twitter account was used to post only a single comment, quoting social liberal philosopher John Stuart Mill: \"One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100 000 who have only interests\".",
"Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who described the island as \"a youth paradise turned into a hell\", reports that a number of children have not yet been located. He, and the families of some of the children killed, met with King Harald V of Norway, his wife Queen Sonja, and their son Crown Prince Haakon, and was said to have been \"deeply touched\" by the meetings.",
"He also said that it is \"too early to speculate\" about the shootings, and that the police should be allowed to continue with their investigations before people \"jump to any conclusions\".",
"Breivik, who ran a farm, reportedly recently purchased six tonnes of fertiliser, which is speculated to have been involved in the making of the Oslo bomb.",
"The island of Utøya is closed to the public, and an official at the British embassy in Oslo does not recommend travel to the immediate area of central Oslo where the bomb was detonated. However, she is not discouraging travel to Norway, nor to Oslo."
] | 2011-07-23 | title |
Terroranschläge in Norwegen: Mindestens 90 Tote und zahlreiche Verletzte | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Terroranschl%C3%A4ge_in_Norwegen:_Mindestens_90_Tote_und_zahlreiche_Verletzte | [
"Oslo (Norwegen), 23.07.2011 – Mindestens 84 Jugendliche wurden am Freitag (22.Juli) in einem Sommercamp auf der etwa 40 Kilometer nordwestlich des Zentrums von Oslo gelegenen Insel Utøya erschossen. Ein Mann in Polizeiuniform und schusssicherer Weste hatte unter dem Vorwand, sich wegen des vorherigen Bombenattentats im Regierungsviertel von Oslo über die Sicherheit der Teilnehmer in einem Jugendcamp auf der etwa 40 Kilometer nordwestlich des Zentrums von Oslo gelegenen Insel Utøya vergewissern zu wollen, das Gelände betreten und das Feuer eröffnet. In dem Sommerlager der Arbeiterpartei, der auch Ministerpräsident Jens Stoltenberg angehört, hielten sich etwa 600–700 Jugendliche auf.",
"Zuvor war, kurz vor 15.30 Uhr, in der norwegischen Hauptstadt Oslo eine Autobombe detoniert. Durch die Explosion wurden sieben Personen getötet und mindestens weitere 15 Personen verletzt. Bei der Explosion der selbsthergestellten Bombe wurde sowohl das Regierungsgebäude, in dem das Büro von Ministerpräsident Stoltenberg liegt, als auch das Ölministerium beschädigt. In dem Ministerium brach ein Brand aus, auch das Finanzministerium liegt in der Nähe. Glassplitter von zerborstenen Fenstern waren im Umkreis von einem Kilometer verteilt. Verletzte wurden in Zelten versorgt und abtransportiert, dabei verzögerten sich die Rettungsmaßnahmen, da weitere Bomben in den Gebäuden vermutet wurden. Die unmittelbar nach den Anschlägen erfolgte Sperrung der Innenstadt ist zwischenzeitlich aufgehoben, lediglich das Regierungsviertel bleibt weiterhin hermetisch abgeriegelt. Der Hauptbahnhof war sicherheitshalber evakuiert, am Flughafen durchsuchten Sicherheitskräfte Fahrzeuge und Gepäck.",
"Politiker aus dem In- und Ausland reagierten entsetzt. Norwegens Ministerpräsident nannte die Ereignisse eine „nationale Tragödie“ und die Tat „unbegreiflich“. Stoltenberg sagte, die Insel sei das Paradies seiner Jugend gewesen, das nunmehr zur Hölle wurde. „Seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg haben wir in unserem Land keine schlimmere Katastrophe erlebt“, sagte der Ministerpräsident. Die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) bezeichnete die Anschläge als „menschenverachtende Tat“, der SPD-Vorsitzender Sigmar Gabriel und Berlins Regierender Bürgermeister Klaus Wowereit, ebenfalls SPD, verurteilten die Tat mit deutlichen Worten und drückten dem norwegischen Volk ihr Mitgefühl aus. Bundespräsident Christian Wulff übermittelte dem norwegischen König Harald V. sein Beileid. „Deutschland und die Deutschen stehen in dieser schweren Stunde fest an Ihrer Seite“, so Wulff. Der norwegische König sprach von einer „unfassbaren Tragödie“. Er forderte seine Landsleute auf, in dieser Situation zusammen zu stehen und einander zu stützen. Als „feige“ und „abscheulich“ wurden die Anschläge auch von EU-Ratspräsident Herman Van Rompuy, NATO-Generalsekretär Anders Fogh Rasmussen und Frankreichs Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy bezeichnet. Für die internationale Staatengemeinschaft sprach UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon dem norwegischen Volk das Mitgefühl aus. US-Präsident Barack Obama verurteilte die Attentate und sagte sie seien „eine Mahnung, dass die gesamte internationale Gemeinschaft dazu beitragen muss, dass solch ein Terrorakt nicht passiert“. Er sicherte Norwegen jede erdenkliche Hilfe bei den Ermittlungen zu.",
"Unterdessen werden immer mehr Berichte vom Hergang des Massakers auf der Insel bekannt. Augenzeugen berichteten, dass der Attentäter mit einer Maschinenpistole geschossen und Verletzten dann mit einer Schrotflinte in den Kopf geschossen haben soll. Eine Fünfzehnjährige, deren Namen von der Nachrichtenagentur NTB mit Elise angegeben wurde, sagte, der als Polizist verkleidete Schütze habe zunächst die Jugendlichen zusammengerufen, um ihnen „wichtige Informationen“ zu geben, bevor er das Feuer eröffnete.",
"Ein Mädchen berichtete, dass sie von der Insel weggeschwommen sei. „Ich habe überlebt, weil Menschen kamen und mich in ihr Boot gezogen haben“, sagte Lisa Irene Johansen Aasbø. Ein junger Mann erzählte dem Nachrichtensender CNN, wie er glaubt, nur deswegen überlebt zu haben, weil er sich totstellte. Offenbar sind sich in der Gegend befindliche Leute den Jugendlichen zu Hilfe geeilt, noch bevor ein Sondereinsatzkommando eintraf. „Als ich zehn aufgenommen hatte, war das Boot voll. Es war so schrecklich, als ich die elften und zwölften abweisen musste“, schilderte Torill Hansen ihre Empfindungen, die mit ihrem Motorboot Leute aus dem auch im Sommer kalten Wasser des Sees holte, als ihr Boot voll war und sie keine weiteren Hilfesuchende mehr aufnehmen konnte.",
"Der norwegischen Polizei gelang die Festnahme des mutmaßlichen Täters, dessen Name mit Anders Behring Breivik angegeben wird. Der Mann soll erst die Bombe im Regierungsviertel platziert haben und sich anschließend ins Jugendlager auf der Insel Utøya begeben haben, wo er wahllos auf Menschen schoss. Die Polizei geht nach derzeitigem Ermittlungsstand davon aus, dass es sich um einen Einzeltäter handelt. Es handelt sich um einen 32-jährigen Norweger, der aus der rechten Szene kommen soll. Der Polizei war jedoch keine Zugehörigkeit zu einer der von ihr überwachten Neonazigruppen bekannt. Die Zeitung „VG“ berichtete in der Nacht auf ihrer Website, der mutmaßliche Täter habe jedoch früher im Internet rechtsextremistische Ansichten veröffentlicht und dass sein früheres Facebook-Profil deswegen gelöscht wurde. Laut Polizei ist der Festgenommene aussagebereit. Die Kriminalpolizei sucht indessen nach einem zweiten Täter, da mehrere Augenzeugen berichteten, dass eine weitere Person in Zivilkleidung an der Schießerei beteiligt gewesen sein soll.",
"Breivik habe nach Angaben der norwegischen Zeitung Aftenposten rund 75 Beiträge auf der Website Document.no geschrieben. Darin richtete er sich gegen Personen aus der norwegischen Öffentlichkeit und Politik, unter anderem gegen Linke und Islamisten. Er hatte in einem Beitrag geschrieben, mit der rechtspopulistischen Fremskrittspartiet verbunden zu sein. Die Partei wollte nach Angaben ihres Pressesprechers Mazyar Leshvari diese Behauptung am Samstag gegenüber Aftenposten nicht kommentieren.",
"Die Meldungen über das Attentat wurden in islamistischen Internetforen als „frohe Nachricht“ gefeiert. Eine islamistische Organisation mit dem Namen Ansar al-Dschihad al-Alami (deutsch in etwa: „Helfer des globalen Dschihad“) hatte zunächst in einem islamistischen Forum die Verantwortung für die Anschläge übernommen, diese jedoch später zurückgezogen. Norwegen steht durch seine Beteiligung am NATO-Einsatz in Afghanistan und der internationalen Intervention in Libyen in der Kritik von Dschihadisten, sodass zunächst ein islamistischer Hintergrund des Bombenanschlages vermutet wurde."
] | null | interlang link |
Atentado en Oslo deja al menos dos fallecidos y varios heridos | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Atentado_en_Oslo_deja_al_menos_dos_fallecidos_y_varios_heridos | [
"A las 15:20 hora local (13:20 UTC) se produjo una explosión en Oslo, dañando edificios gubernamentales según las primeras informaciones de los medios locales. Dentro de las posibles víctimas podría encontrarse el primer ministro del país, pero fue descartado por agencias locales, ya que el mandatario estaba fuera de su despacho en el momento de la explosión.",
"Según medios locales, el edificio de gobierno afectado quedó prácticamente destruido y se \"asemeja a una zona de guerra\", por el daño causado. Las mismas fuentes corroboran que hay al menos 7 heridos en hospitales cercanos al punto de explosión y se presume que hay al menos dos muertos debido al atentado.",
"De acuerdo a las declaraciones de la policía, el atentado fue perpetrado por un coche bomba, y podría tratarse de una o varias explosiones que afectó al edificio, dejándolo en llamas y con sus 17 pisos con severos daños. Para el mejor accionar de los equipos de emergencia, la policía acordonó el área hasta cinco manzanas en torno del edificio y se evacuó la totalidad del resto de los edificios gubernamentales por miedo a más atentados.",
"Este es el primer atentado terrorista que sufre el país, ya que desconoce la violencia política, y sus experiencias recientes con redes terroristas se remontan hasta la detención de algunos miembros de Al Qaeda.",
"Hasta el momento ningún grupo se ha atribuido el atentado, pero se presume que podría deberse por la inclusión del país en la intervención de la OTAN en Libia."
] | 22 de julio de 2011Oslo, Noruega — | interlang link |
Ainakin 93 kuollut Norjan tragediassa | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | fi | https://fi.wikinews.org/wiki/Ainakin_93_kuollut_Norjan_tragediassa | [
"Norjassa perjantaina tehdyn pommi-iskun ja ampumisten kuolonuhreja on vahvistettu olevan 93. Lisäksi tiettävästi viisi henkeä on kadoksissa, eikä poliisi usko heidän löytyvän enää elossa. Kuolonuhreista seitsemän kuoli räjähdyksissä Oslossa Norjan hallituksen rakennusten luona ja 85 ammuttiin kuoliaaksi työväenpuolueen nuorisojärjestön leirillä Utøyan saarella. Yksi uhreista haavoittui Utøyalla ja kuoli tänään Oslon keskussairaalassa.",
"67 ihmistä haavoittui Utøyan ammuskelun yhteydessä ja 30 pommi-iskussa. 31 iskuissa vakavasti loukkaantunutta on sairaalahoidossa.",
"Poliisin pidättämä norjalainen mies Anders Behring Breivik on tunnustanut sekä pommi-iskun että ammuskelun, mutta kiistää olevansa syyllinen mihinkään rikokseen. Breivikin asianajaja sanoi tämän motiiviksi halun synnyttää vallankumous norjalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. Internet-kirjoitustensa perusteella Breivik piti muslimien muuttoa Euroopan maihin suurena yhteiskunnallisena uhkana.",
"Breivik on poliisin mukaan kertonut toimineensa yksin, vaikka jotkut Utøyan saarella olleet ovat kertoneet että asemiehiä olisi ollut kaksi. Poliisi pidätti ja kuulusteli tänään useita ihmisiä, mutta heidät päästettiin vapaaksi, koska heillä ei ollut mitään yhteyttä iskuihin.",
"Pääministeri Jens Stoltenberg puhui tänään kuolonuhrien muistolle järjestetyssä jumalanpalveluksessa, johon osallistuivat myös kuningas Harald ja kuningatar Sonja. Stoltenberg sanoi, että Norjaa on kohdannut kansallinen tragedia.",
"25. heinäkuuta 2011",
"Viranomaiset ovat oikaisseet tiedon kuolonuhrien määrästä, katso uutinen Viranomaiset tiedottivat väärin Norjan iskujen uhriluvun."
] | 24. heinäkuuta 2011 | interlang link |
Norvège : plus de dix morts et des dizaines de blessés dans deux attentats | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Norv%C3%A8ge_:_plus_de_dix_morts_et_des_dizaines_de_bless%C3%A9s_dans_deux_attentats | [
"Publié le 22 juillet 2011 à mis à jour le 24 juillet",
"Aux alentours de 15 h 30 (heure locale, 14 h 30 UTC), une bombe a explosé dans la capitale norvégienne, Oslo, à proximité des bureaux du quotidien national Verdens Gang et du siège du gouvernement. L'explosion aurait été ressentie dans un périmètre de 25 km. Les dernières estimations de la police indiquent sept morts et plusieurs dizaines de blessés, principalement à cause des projections de verre dues à la déflagration.",
"L'attentat n'ayant pas été revendiqué, l'hypothèse d'une attaque islamiste a quelques temps été envisagée par les autorités locales, dans la mesure où la Norvège aurait par le passé déjà été menacée par Al-Qaida, qui lui reprochait son rôle dans la guerre en Afghanistan.",
"Peu de temps après l’événement, les autorités norvégiennes ont rapporté une fusillade lors d'un meeting du Parti travailliste à Utoeya, une île proche de la capitale. Anders Behring Breivik, un citoyen norvégien déguisé en policier, a ouvert le feu sur la foule, provoquant la mort de 85 personnes. Deux heures après le début de la fusillade, l'homme est maîtrisé par les autorités.",
"Selon l'enquête des équipes norvégiennes, Anders Behring Breivik aurait déposé une bombe artisanale (il aurait acheté 6 kg d'engrais peu de temps auparavant) dans sa voiture au centre d'Oslo. Après l'explosion, l'homme se serait immédiatement rendu sur l'île d'Utoeya où il se serait servi de son déguisement pour rassembler des personnes présentes au meeting. La fusillade a provoqué la mort directe de plusieurs dizaines de personnes, tandis que d'autres auraient péri par noyade en tentant de s'échapper de l'île. Le nombre de disparus est encore inconnu.",
"Après son arrestation, Anders Behring Breivik aurait tout de suite reconnu les faits qui lui étaient reprochés. L'enquête ouverte sur le citoyen norvégien a révélé que l'homme est un sympathisant d'extrême-droite. Les raisons exactes de son geste sont encore incertaines, mais les autorités soupçonnent un acte xénophobe."
] | null | interlang link |
92 morti nel doppio attentato in Norvegia | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/92_morti_nel_doppio_attentato_in_Norvegia | [
"2083 Dichiarazione d'indipendenza europea. Questo è il titolo del memoriale di 1500 pagine scritto da Anders Behring Breivik, il biondo attentatore che tra Oslo e Utøya, in Norvegia, ha ucciso oltre 90 persone [vedi nota correttiva[1]]. In questo testo, che l'autore ha cominciato a scrivere dall'autunno del 2009, viene affermato che l'uso del terrorismo doveva servire come \"mezzo per risvegliare le masse\". Innumerevoli i richiami ai Templari e i simboli celtici: infatti, Anders Behring Breivik era legato agli ambienti di estrema destra. Non solo. Il 32enne su Facebook si definisce \"single, cristiano, conservatore e anti-islamico\". Secondo la polizia, Breivik è stato definito come un fondamentalista cristiano. «Una persona con un credo ha altrettanta forza di 100 000 persone che hanno solo interessi» è stato l'ultimo tweet fatto da Breivik, citando il filosofo positivista John Stuart Mill.",
"«È stato un atto atroce ma necessario» avrebbe dichiarato Breivik; l'affermazione, riferita dal suo legale, conferma che l'attentato è stato accuratamente pianificato da tempo. In più, la polizia fa trapelare alcune informazioni sulla preparazione degli attacchi: l'attentatore, che possiede una fattoria, ordinò sei tonnellate di un fertilizzante a base di nitrato di ammonio, sostanza che può essere usata per fabbricare esplosivi.",
"Sembra quindi svanire la pista del terrorismo islamico. Infatti, secondo le prime indiscrezioni, sembrava che gli attentati fossero stati causati da una cellula terroristica jihadista a causa della partecipazione della Norvegia alla guerra in Libia e alla missione in Afghanistan e a causa della pubblicazione delle vignette satiriche su Maometto su alcuni giornali, anche se c'è stata una rivendicazione a cui gli investigatori non danno peso.",
"Il primo attentato iniziò alle 15:26 con una forte esplosione in una zona dove sono presenti raggruppamenti di edifici governativi e di testate giornalistiche. Dai due morti iniziali il bilancio sale fino a sette con diversi feriti, alcuni in gravi condizioni. Nel frattempo la prima rivendicazione in un forum jihadista da parte di Ansar al-Jihad al-Alami. Il secondo attentato, invece, dopo un paio d'ore: un uomo vestito da poliziotto, che si rivela poi essere Breivik, irruppe nel campo dove si stava svolgendo l'incontro annuale dei giovani laburisti e aprì il fuoco. Anche in questo caso le prime stime parlano di quattro o cinque tra morti e feriti. In più gli artificieri hanno fatto sapere di aver ritrovato diversi ordigni inesplosi in vari punti di Utøya.",
"«Non ci faremo zittire, in onore di chi ha perso la vita», «continueremo a tenere alti i nostri ideali di tolleranza e antirazzismo». Queste sono le frasi di Ekil Pederson, leader della sezione giovanile del partito laburista, dopo l'attacco al campo."
] | domenica 24 luglio 2011 | interlang link |
Wybuch w centrum Oslo, uszkodzony budynek rządowy | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Wybuch_w_centrum_Oslo,_uszkodzony_budynek_rz%C4%85dowy | [
"Jak podaje agencja Reuters do wybuchu doszło o 15.20 w budynku rządowym w centrum Oslo.",
"Wybuch wybił większość okien w 17-piętrowym budynku biurowym, w dzielnicy rządowej. W budynku tym swoją siedzibę ma także premier Norwegii Jens Stoltenberg. Norweska agencja prasowa NTB podaje, że premier jest bezpieczny, ale ze względów bezpieczeństwa nie jest podawane miejsce jego obecnego pobytu.",
"Funkcjonariusze policji potwierdzają 8 osób zabitych oraz 15 rannych. Szef policji powiedział dziennikarzom, że wybuch został spowodowany przez \"jedną lub więcej\" bomb. Zapytany, czy wybuch był spowodowany przez bombę samochodową, szef policji Anstein Gjengdal powiedział: \"Jest możliwe, że pojazd został użyty w tym wypadku, ale nie mogę tego potwierdzić.\"",
"W poniedziałek 25 lipca 2011 roku 32-letni Norweg Anders Behring Breivik przyznał się do przeprowadzenia podwójnego zamachu przed sądem.",
"Wg Euronews wszystkie drogi prowadzące do centrum Oslo zostały zamknięte. Świadkowie twierdzą, że widzieli duży samochód tuż przed wybuchem. W promieniu 1 km od centrum eksplozji widoczne są zniszczenia.",
"Zamknięta została główna stacja kolejowa w Oslo.",
"Norweska policja nie podejrzewa, aby w mieście zostało podłożonych więcej bomb, ale wystosowała apel do mieszkańców, aby opuścili centrum i udali się do domów. Wszystko po to, aby uniknąć zbiegowisk.",
"Po wybuchu w stolicy na norweskiej wyspie Utøya doszło do strzelaniny. Mężczyzna ubrany w policyjny mundur strzelał przez 1,5 godziny do ludzi zgromadzonych na zjeździe młodzieżówki Norweskiej Partii Pracy. Sprawcę ataku zatrzymano. W czasie ataku zabił on 68 osób na wyspie."
] | null | interlang link |
Atentado a bomba atinge prédios do governo na capital da Noruega | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Atentado_a_bomba_atinge_pr%C3%A9dios_do_governo_na_capital_da_Noruega | [
"Agência Brasil",
"22 de julho de 2011",
"Um atentado a bomba atingiu hoje (22) vários prédios do quartel-general do governo da Noruega, em Oslo, matando ao ao menos duas pessoas e ferindo oito. A polícia afirmou, em comunicado, que a explosão foi causada por pelo menos uma bomba, mas não havia ainda suspeita sobre os autores do ataque.",
"O escritório do primeiro-ministro, Jens Stoltenberg, foi atingido com violência e, segundo testemunhas, várias pessoas ficaram feridas. De acordo com a imprensa local, o premiê não estava no prédio no momento da explosão. Várias janelas do prédio de 17 andares onde estão instalações do governo foram destruídas, lançando destroços a uma distância de 400 metros.",
"Imagens de TV mostravam vidros e escombros nas ruas e fumaça saindo de alguns prédios. A carcaça de ao menos um carro estava na rua, e testemunhas disseram \"sentir cheiro de enxofre\". Todas as ruas de acesso ao centro da cidade foram fechadas, segundo a rádio norueguesa NRK. Forças de segurança retiraram as pessoas da área, temendo outra explosão.",
"O porta-voz da Cruz Vermelha, Oistein Mjarum, cujo escritório fica perto do local do ataque, disse que houve uma enorme explosão, que pôde ser ouvida em toda a capital.",
"O jornalista da NRK Ingunn Andersen disse que as instalações do maior tabloide norueguês, o VG, também foram atingidas. \"Vi que vidraças dos prédios do VG e do governo foram quebradas. Algumas pessoas ensanguentadas estão nas ruas. Está um caos completo por aqui\", disse ele à agência de notícias Associated Press."
] | null | interlang link |
Категория:Теракты в Норвегии (2011) | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F:%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8B_%D0%B2_%D0%9D%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%B8_(2011) | [
"Террористические акты в Норвегии 22 июля 2011 года — два теракта, произошедших в один день в Осло и на острове Утёйа. По оценке полиции, теракты связаны между собой.",
"Гражданин Норвегии 32-летний Андерс Беринг Брейвик был арестован за стрельбу на Утёйе. \nПо сообщению адвоката подозреваемого Гейра Липпестада, тот сознался в совершении обоих терактов."
] | null | interlang link |
Ukupno 93 mrtvih posle smrti jednog ranjenog | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/Ukupno_93_mrtvih_posle_smrti_jednog_ranjenog | [
"24. јул 2011.Осло/ Норвешка (Beta-AFP) - Norveška policija saopštila je u nedelju da je novi bilans napada u petak u Oslu 93 poginulih, pošto je jedna ranjena osoba podlegla povredama.",
"„Ukupno su poginule 93 osobe“, izjavio je portparol policije u Oslu Anders Fridenberg.",
"Internet sajtovi bliski islamističkim grupama preporučili su pristalicama džihada da ne preuzimaju odogovornost za napade u Oslu, strahujući od napada na muslimane u Norveškoj.",
"„Pozivamo sve pristalice džihada da ne preuzimaju odgovornost za napade u Norveškoj kako se ne bi stezao obruč na drugove koji se nalaze u toj i drugim zemaljama“, navodi se na sajtu Šumuk al-islam.",
"Taj sajt redovno prenosi saopštenja Al Kaide i drugih islamističkih grupa, koje preuzimaju odgovornost za napade na zapadu, kao i u Avganistanu i Somaliji.",
"Nakratko se pominjalo da je moguće da iza napada stoji neka islamistička grupacija, dok nije uhapšen Norvežanin, Anders Bering Brejvik, koji je priznao da je izvršio napad."
] | null | interlang link |
Norveç'te iki saldırıda 92 kişi öldü | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | tr | https://tr.wikinews.org/wiki/Norve%C3%A7%27te_iki_sald%C4%B1r%C4%B1da_92_ki%C5%9Fi_%C3%B6ld%C3%BC | [
"22 Temmuz 2011, Cuma Güncelleme 23 Temmuz 2011",
"Norveç'in başkenti Oslo'da öğleden sonra meydana gelen bir bombalı saldırıda yedi kişi hayatını kaybetti, 11'i ağır 15 kişi yaralandı. Bundan iki saat sonra Utøya adasında meydana gelen bir silahlı saldırıda ise 85 kişi öldü. Hükümet olayların birbiriyle bağlantılı olduğunu ve bunların terörist bir eylem olduğunu açıkladı.",
"Oslo'da yerel saatle 15:26'da meydana gelen bombalı saldırıda başbakanlık binası da büyük hasar gördü. Yedi kişinin öldüğü, 11'i ağır en az 15 kişinin yaralandığı saldırı sonrası görgü tanıkları caddede kanlarla kaplı insanların yattığını, bölgedeki camların kırıldığı bildirdi. Patlamanın ardından şehir merkezi boşaltıldı ve şüpheli bir paketin bulunmasının ardından tren seferleri durduruldu. Polisin Oslo Havalimanı'na giden yollarda kontrol yaptığı da bildirildi. Halkın sokağa çıkmaması istendi. Bir bakan, cuma günü öğleden sonra olması nedeniyle bölgedeki binalarda daha az kişinin bulunduğunu ve bunun ölü sayısını azalttığını söyledi.",
"Bundan yaklaşık iki saat sonra, Oslo'nun 40 km kuzeybatısındaki Utøya adasında meydana gelen bir silahlı saldırıda bir saldırganın gençlerin üzerine ateş açtı. Saldırıda çoğu 15-16 yaşlarındaki gençler olmak üzere 84 kişinin öldüğü bildiriliyor. Anders Behring Breivik adlı aşırı sağcı Hıristiyan bir kişinin gözaltına alındığı, bu kişinin Oslo'daki patlamayla da ilgisi olduğu bildirildi. Patlamanın ardından bazı gençlerin adadan kıyıya yüzerek kaçmaya çalıştığı belirtiliyor. Başbakan Jens Stoltenberg'in de 23 Temmuz günü kampı ziyaret edeceği biliniyordu.",
"Saldırılardan sonra Norveç kronunda da düşme kaydedildi. Norveç'taki altın fiyatları ise büyük bir oranda arttı."
] | null | interlang link |
У Норвегії скоєно напад на урядові приміщення | 273,454 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Original reporting",
"Anders Behring Breivik",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway",
"July 23, 2011",
"Jens Stoltenberg",
"Broadcast reporting",
] | uk | https://uk.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A3_%D0%9D%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%B3%D1%96%D1%97_%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%94%D0%BD%D0%BE_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%83%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%96_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BC%D1%96%D1%89%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F | [
"У п’ятницю, 22 липня після обіду сильний вибух у центрі Осло пошкодив 17-поверховий урядовий будинок. У приміщенні Міністерства нафти спалахнула пожежа. Очевидці події зазначають, що принаймні семеро людей загинуло і ще 15 зазнали поранень.",
"Державний секретар Норвегії зазначив, що у пошкодженому урядовому будинку все ще перебувають люди.",
"Внаслідок вибуху вилетіли вікна у навколишніх офісних спорудах, житлових будинках та приміщенні найбільшого таблоїда країни «VG».",
"Поліцейські з’ясовують причини вибуху і припускають, що вибухів було принаймні два — один з них начинений вибухівкою автомобіль біля урядової споруди.",
"Другий інцедент трапився на острові Атоя на південь від Осло. Правоохоронці повідомляють, що одягнений у поліцейську форму озброєний чоловік розпочав стрілянину у молодіжному таборі. За даними правоохоронців кількість загиблих може сягнути більш ніж 90 осіб. На місці золочину був затриманий підозрюваний: 32-річний Андерс Берінг, котрий пізніше на зізнався у скоєнні нападу."
] | 22 липня 2011 | interlang link |
At least 9 protesters killed, 11 wounded in Myanmar | 80,991 | [
"September 28, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_9_protesters_killed,_11_wounded_in_Myanmar | [
"According to Burma's government, the military has killed at least nine protesters and wounded 42 others in their second day crackdown on peaceful demonstrations that have been taking place for nearly almost a month. At least one monk is rumored to have been killed and a 50-year-old Japanese journalist was also killed.",
"Witnesses on scene claim that troops fired into the crowd of 10,000 \"pro-democracy\" protesters with automatic weapons in an attempt to break up the crowds. The military sent troops through the city street warning protesters that they would use deadly force if they did not stop their demonstrations.",
"Some media agencies in the area claim that the protesters are to blame for the violence, accusing them of \"intimidating\" the military, and injuring at least 31 troops.",
"On September 27, at least 200 monks were arrested in Myanmar during night-time raids on monasteries not long before sunrise. 100 of those monks were taken by security forces when they raided a monastery at Ngwe Kyaryan.",
"The protests in Burma began last month after the military abruptly raised fuel prices by 100 percent. They have since expanded into countrywide demonstrations against 45 uninterrupted years of military rule."
] | 2007-09-28 | title |
Tercer día de represión en Birmania; cortan internet y comunicaciones al exterior | 80,991 | [
"September 28, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Tercer_d%C3%ADa_de_represi%C3%B3n_en_Birmania;_cortan_internet_y_comunicaciones_al_exterior | [
"28 de septiembre de 2007Rangún, Birmania —",
"La Junta Militar que gobierna Myanmar (Birmania) volvió a cargar contra los manifestantes. Al menos nueve personas, entre ellas un fotógrafo originario de Japón, murieron tras la represión. El gobierno cortó el acceso a Internet y dispuso nuevos operativos en monasterios.",
"Los soldados del ejército volvieron a utilizar sus armas de fuego para dispersar a los manifestantes, creando pánico en una nueva jornada de protestas. Además aseguran que en otros sectores del país también se efectuaron algunos disparos como advertencia.",
"El embajador australiano en Myanmar afirmó que el número de muertos causados por la represión militar de las protestas en ese país es muy superior al balance oficial dado por la Junta Militar.",
"El gobierno destruyó toda cámara y teléfono celular que encontró, golpeó a quienes los poseían y advirtió a la prensa sobre la cobertura de las mayores protestas en dos décadas. La Internet, a través de la cual el mundo se enteraba de los sucesos en Myanmar, apareció caída en Birmania por completo.",
"Según un periódico de Birmania, la Junta Militar mandó en la mañana de hoy a cortar todas las comunicaciones de Internet con el exterior. Oficialmente, la empresa estatal de telecomunicaciones de Myanmar explicó que esto se debió a una rotura de un cable submarino.",
"Hoy frente a la embajada de Myanmar en Kuala Lumpur, Malasia, unos tres mil refugiados, inmigrantes y activistas, todos vestidos de rojo, se manifestaron para pedir que la Junta Militar en Birmania dejara de utilizar la violencia para reprimir las manifestaciones pacíficas en su país."
] | null | interlang link |
At least six injured after stabbing in New Zealand supermarket | 2,930,641 | [
"September 5, 2021",
"New Zealand",
"Crime and law",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_six_injured_after_stabbing_in_New_Zealand_supermarket | [
"At least six people have been injured, including three now in a critical condition, after a stabbing occurred on Friday in Auckland, New Zealand, which Jacinda Ardern, the nation's Prime Minister, deemed a \"terrorist attack on innocent New Zealanders\" committed by \"a violent extremist\".",
"The stabbing occurred in the Auckland suburb of New Lynn, at the Countdown supermarket located in the LynnMall shopping centre. Police shot and killed the man who committed the stabbing within 60 seconds of the attack's commencement. Out of the six that have been reported as injured, three are in a critical condition, one is in a serious condition, and two are in a moderate condition.",
"The assailant, a Sri Lankan national, has resided in New Zealand since October 2011, and had been a person of interest to national security agencies since 2016. Prime Minister Ardern claimed the man was inspired by Islamic State, but added \"it would be wrong to direct any frustration to anyone beyond this individual. That is who is culpable, that is who is responsible - no one else\".",
"Ardern also stated she had been informed about the man before the events of Friday, though the reason he is known to authorities is confidential and covered by court orders. She confirmed the individual was subject to permanent police observation, saying \"we have utilized every legal and surveillance power available to us to try and keep people safe from this individual.\"",
"As a result of the events, Countdown stores in New Zealand opened from 10AM yesterday, a later time than usual, with the company's general manager of safety writing \"we are devastated by this violent attack in our Lynnmall store [on Friday]. Our hearts are heavy knowing what our team and customers have witnessed and been through. Our thoughts are with those who were injured and their families, and we will be supporting all of our Lynnmall team in particular\"."
] | 2021-09-05 | title |
Pelo menos seis feridos após esfaqueamento em supermercado da Nova Zelândia | 2,930,641 | [
"September 5, 2021",
"New Zealand",
"Crime and law",
"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Pelo_menos_seis_feridos_ap%C3%B3s_esfaqueamento_em_supermercado_da_Nova_Zel%C3%A2ndia | [
"Pelo menos seis pessoas ficaram feridas, incluindo três agora em estado crítico, depois que um esfaqueamento ocorreu na sexta-feira em Auckland, Nova Zelândia, que Jacinda Ardern, primeira-ministra do país, considerou um \"ataque terrorista contra inocentes neozelandeses\" cometido por \"um extremista violento\".",
"O esfaqueamento ocorreu no subúrbio de Auckland, em New Lynn, no supermercado Countdown localizado no centro comercial LynnMall. A polícia atirou e matou o homem que cometeu o esfaqueamento 60 segundos após o início do ataque.",
"O agressor, um cidadão do Sri Lanka, reside na Nova Zelândia desde outubro de 2011, e era uma pessoa de interesse das agências de segurança nacional desde 2016. A primeira-ministra Ardern afirmou que o homem foi inspirado pelo Estado Islâmico, mas acrescentou que \"seria errado direcionar qualquer frustração a qualquer pessoa além desse indivíduo.",
"Ardern também afirmou ter sido informada sobre o homem antes dos eventos de sexta-feira, embora a razão pela qual ele é conhecido pelas autoridades é confidencial e coberto por ordens judiciais. Ela confirmou que o indivíduo estava sujeito a observação policial permanente, dizendo que \"utilizamos todos os poderes legais e de vigilância disponíveis para tentar manter as pessoas a salvo desse indivíduo\"."
] | 6 de setembro de 2021 | interlang link |
At least twelve die in Mogadishu attacks | 150,789 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"January 30, 2010",
"African Union Mission to Somalia",
"African Union"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/At_least_twelve_die_in_Mogadishu_attacks | [
"Early on Friday, Islamic insurgents fought with African peace-keepers and the Somali army in Mogadishu, capital of Somalia, killing twelve people. The battle raged on for hours, according to sources. The al-Shabaab group claimed responsibility for the attack.",
"Twelve civilians were killed in the incident, while 25 were injured. The Hodan Wardhigley and Howl Wadag districts were the worst hit. Medical authorities claimed that the deaths had occurred when mortar fire had burnt their houses. The fire came from both the insurgents and the peace-keepers, according to the officials. Ali Musa, one of the officials of a volunteer ambulance service in Mogadishu, said that a mother and her two children had died during the firing.",
"The attack commenced on 2 AM, Friday. Awakened by mortar explosions, residents hid inside their houses, while others left for safer places. The battle went on for hours and the sound of the firing emanated to all parts of the Somali capital.",
"This was the most intense fighting in months, claim residents. \"I thought I was dreaming when I heard the sound of the artillery,\" said Asha Abdulle, Mogadishu resident, while Ahmed Hashi said that the fighting was the \"worst in months.\" Nurta Hussein, another resident said: \"We were woken up by the explosions at 2 a.m. and haven't slept since because of the non-stop shelling. Two mortar bombs landed in this neighborhood, killing four civilians and wounding six.\"",
"Almost 20,000 Somali civilians have died since 2007, as a result of multiple insurgent attacks. Almost 1.5 million have been forced to leave the country since that time.",
"The al-Shabab as well as another group, called Hizbul Islam, claimed responsibility in a statement they released. They successfully attacked \"the strongholds of the enemies of Allah,\" claimed the statement. \"The mujahideen attacked AMISOM and government bases last night and we killed some of their troops. When we pulled back, AMISOM began intentionally shelling residential areas. We shall keep on targeting them,\" said the attackers. However Somali officials called the attack \"small and careless.\"",
"Mogadishu's \"Kilometer Four\" area was one of those affected. It includes a square that connects the airport to the port. While the area has been attacked several times previously, this attack is said to be the worst. African Union peace-keepers from Uganda are posted there.",
"The fighting comes almost a year since Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was sworn in as the nation's new president.",
"Al-Shabaab is considered a terrorist body by the United States; the latter blames it for multiple attacks, shootings and bombings inside Somalia.",
"Al-Shabaab has also threatened other African countries, including Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya, Eritrea, Ghana, Sudan and Uganda.",
"An African Union soldier, on a condition of anonymity, said that one Ugandan soldier was killed in the clash. He added that another soldier was wounded. A Somali government official backed this claim. Earlier, on Monday, two AU soldiers had died in another mortar attack in an AU clinic.",
"When contacted through telephone, Somalia's Defence Minister, Sheikh Yusuf Mohammad Siad, who is a former warlord (also known as \"Inda'ade\" or \"white eyed\") said more than ten insurgents had died in the clash.",
"Parts of the Shabaab group have connections with al-Qaeda. The former has regularly attacked different parts of Somalia, with suicide bombers and several insurgents, taking advantage of the weak political and military infrastructure of the country.",
"The incident occurred exactly an year following President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed election to the parliament. The government was set to celebrate its first anniversary with a parade and poetry recitations at the presidential palace, named Villa Somalia. It was not known whether the attack intentionally collided with this event. However, it was a reminder of Somalia's weak military power; the army was heavily dependent on the African troops in this attack as well.",
"For over two decades, the country has had no central government. This has led to warlords ruling the nation, which often suffers from attacks by militant groups and pirate ships.",
"During an African Union (AU) summit Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, Ali Jama' Jangeli, Somali Foreign Minister, requested more African Union troops to assist other soldiers in the capital. Both Kenya and Sudan backed Jangeli; Djibouti answered the call and promised to send 450 soldiers soon.",
"\"The situation in Somalia is very grim, it is very precarious. It is threatening stability in the whole of the east Africa region and the Horn of Africa. It is in our interest as a region ... also in the interest of Africa to contribute more troops to Somalia so that there is law and order in Somalia,\" claimed Jangeli's Sudanese counterpart, Deng Alor.",
"The United States and Western nations are supportive of Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed's government, amidst fears that Somalia would become a base for al-Qaeda and other such organizations. However, the Somali government controls only few city blocks in the country.",
"Apart from attacks on government forces, the militants have also bombed the country's principal airport. There also has been an explosion during a college graduation ceremony, claim civilians.",
"Western nations have spent millions of dollars to buy weapons and ammunition for the Somali army. However, since the Shabab group controls a significant part of the country, the Somali government has had limited success. The group has won several battles and displaced millions of Somali people."
] | 2010-01-30 | title |
சோமாலியா தாக்குதலில் 12 பேர் உயிரிழப்பு | 150,789 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"January 30, 2010",
"African Union Mission to Somalia",
"African Union"
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%8B%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BE_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_12_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%89%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B4%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81 | [
"சோமாலியாவின் தலைநகர் மொகதிசுவில் இசுலாமியப் போராளிகள் ஆப்பிரிக்க அமைதிப் படைகளுடனும், சோமாலிய இராணுவத்துடமும் மோதலி ஈடுபட்டதில் குறைந்தது 12 பேர் கொல்லப்பட்டனர். பல மணி நேரம் இத்தாக்குதல் இடம்பெற்றதாக அங்க்கிருந்து வரும் செய்திகள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன. அல்-சபாப் என்ற போராளிக் குழு இத்தாக்குதலுக்கு உரிமை கோரியுள்ளது.",
"இத்தாக்குதலில் இறந்தவர்கள் அனைவரும் பொது மக்கள் எனவும், மேலும் 25 பேர் வரையில் காயமடைந்ததாகவும் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறட்து. மோட்டார் குண்டுகள் வீடுகளின் மீது வீழ்ந்ததாலேயே பொதுமக்கள் உயிரிழந்ததாக மருத்துவமனை வட்டாரங்கள் தெரிவித்தன. இரு தரப்பிடம் இருந்தும் தாக்குதல்கள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டுள்ளதாக அதிகாரிகள் தெரிவித்தனர். ஒரே குடும்பத்தில் தாயும் இரு பிள்ளைகளும் இறந்தவர்களில் அடங்குவர்.",
"வெள்ளிக்கிழமை அதிகாலை 2 மணிக்கு தாக்குதல் ஆரம்பமானது. பலர் வீடுகளை விட்டு வெளியேறி பாதுகாப்பான இடங்களில் தஞ்சம் புகுந்தனர்.",
"2007 ஆம் ஆண்டில் இருந்து பல்வேறு தாக்குதல்களில் 20,000 சோமாலியர்கள் வரையில் கொல்லப்பட்டுள்ளனர். 1,5 மில்லியம் மக்கள் வரை நாட்டை விட்டு வெளியேறியுள்ளனர்.",
"அல்-சபாப் போராளிக் குழு ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்காவில் பயங்கரவாதப் பட்டியலில் இடப்பட்டு தடை செய்யப்பட்டுள்ளது. மேலும் எத்தியோப்பியா, ஜிபூட்டி, கென்யா, எரித்திரியா, கானா, சூடான், உகாண்டா உட்படப் பல ஆப்பிரிக்க நாடுகளில் இவ்வமைப்பு தாக்குதல்களை நடத்தி வருகிறது."
] | ஞாயிறு, சனவரி 31, 2010 | interlang link |
AT&T sued over NSA eavesdropping | 32,410 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"February 1, 2006",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Electronic Frontier Foundation",
"San Francisco, California",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/AT%26T_sued_over_NSA_eavesdropping | [
"A class action suit has been filed on Tuesday by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) against the telecom giant AT&T. The suit, filed in San Francisco, alleges that AT&T violated federal laws by collaborating with government to eavesdrop on U.S. citizens.",
"The Bush Administration and NSA have come under fire over the issue. They defend the program by saying they are only listening in on suspected terrorists.",
"The EFF claims that AT&T turned over 2 databases consisting of their subscribers' communication and internet usage records.",
"Attorney Kevin Bankston representing the EFF said the government could not conduct their surveillance without the help of companies like AT&T. He also said their goal is to tell AT&T that it is not in their fiscal best interests, along with not being legal, to cooperate with the President's wiretap program.",
"According to the class action suit, AT&T granted \"access to all or a substantial number of the communications transmitted through its key domestic telecommunications facilities, including direct access to streams of domestic, international and foreign telephone and Internet communications.\" The lawsuit is seeking damages of $22,000 for each AT&T customer in addition to punitive fines.",
"AT&T is also facing scrutiny from the Federal Communications Commission and possibly fines for failing to properly certify that customer records were safeguarded."
] | 2006-02-01 | title |
USA: l'AT&T denunciata per le intercettazioni della NSA | 32,410 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"February 1, 2006",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Electronic Frontier Foundation",
"San Francisco, California",
"North America"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/USA:_l%27AT%26T_denunciata_per_le_intercettazioni_della_NSA | [
"L'Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), fondazione che si batte per i diritti individuali, ha avviato una causa legale contro il colosso telefonico statunitense AT&T, istituendo una class action. La denuncia riguarda la violazione delle leggi federali in collaborazione con il Governo per effettuare intercettazioni telefoniche su cittadini americani ed è stata archiviata martedì alla corte di San Francisco. La class action è la procedura prevista dalla giurisprudenza anglosassone che permette alle singole parti civili di unirsi nella cause legali attraverso un'unica figura.",
"L'amministrazione Bush e la NSA, il servizio segreto per la sicurezza nazionale, sono direttamente investiti dall'azione legale e difendono il loro operato affermando che le intercettazioni sono effettuate solo su sospetti terroristi.",
"La EFF accusa l'AT&T di aver registrato in 2 database le comunicazioni telefoniche e le connessioni Internet dei propri abbonati.",
"L'avvocato Kevin Bankston, che rappresenta la EFF, afferma che il Governo non potrebbe sorvegliare il paese senza l'aiuto di compagnie come l'AT&T e che il loro intento è di far capire alla AT&T che, collaborare col programma di intercettazioni del Presidente, non è conveniente dal punto di vista finanziario oltre ad essere illegale.",
"Secondo l'accusa, l'AT&T ha offerto l'«accesso a un numero sostanziale di comunicazioni trasmesse attraverso la loro infrastruttura telefonica, se non addirittura a tutte, incluso l'accesso diretto alle telefonate, locali e internazionali, e alle comunicazioni su Internet.» La richiesta di risarcimento danni ammonta a 22 000 dollari, poco più di 18 000 euro, per ogni singolo abbonato oltre a delle misure restrittive.",
"Inoltre l'AT&T è sotto l'esame della Commissione federale delle comunicazioni (FCC) che potrebbe accusarla di non aver salvaguardato in modo appropriato le informazioni sui propri clienti."
] | 1 febbraio 2006 | interlang link |
Attack at Texas elementary school kills at least 19, including 18 children | 2,948,578 | [
"Crime and law",
"May 25, 2022",
"United States",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"North America",
"Greg Abbott",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Attack_at_Texas_elementary_school_kills_at_least_19,_including_18_children | [
"At least eighteen young children, as well as a staff member, were killed in an attack on Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, United States on Tuesday. There are conflicting reports on the exact number of staff killed, although figures on Tuesday night ranged from one to three individuals.",
"An 18-year-old gunman is suspected to be the lone perpetrator of the intrusion and subsequent attack. Texas Governor Greg Abbott identified the suspected attacker as Salvador Ramos, adding that Ramos had shot his grandmother before embarking to commit the attack. Abbott stated that Ramos drove and then abandoned his vehicle nearby the school, then entered the building armed with a handgun and possibly a rifle. WOAI-TV and NPR both reported that Ramos was killed by police officers.",
"According to U.S. Census data, the population of Uvalde is approximately 70% Hispanic or Latin American in origin. It lies around 80 miles west of San Antonio, near the Mexican border. The community is small, having only about 16,000 residents.",
"The attack is the deadliest school shooting in Texas history. It follows the recent racially-motivated mass shooting at a Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York on Saturday, May 14, where ten were killed. It is also the deadliest attack on an elementary school in the United States since the Sandy Hook shooting in Newtown, Connecticut in 2012, where 20 children and six faculty were killed. At the time, the Sandy Hook shooting sparked national debate on gun rights and gun control."
] | 2022-05-25 | title |
21 muertos en un tiroteo escolar en Texas | 2,948,578 | [
"Crime and law",
"May 25, 2022",
"United States",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"North America",
"Greg Abbott",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/21_muertos_en_un_tiroteo_escolar_en_Texas | [
"Un tiroteo en la Escuela Primaria Robb, ubicada en la ciudad de Uvalde, en el estado estadounidense de Texas, dejó como saldo 21 muertos (19 estudiantes y 2 profesoras) y más de una decena de heridos este martes. El tiroteo ha sido descrito como uno de los peores en la historia de los Estados Unidos.",
"El autor de la masacre, identificado como Salvador Ramos, de 18 años, fue abatido por un agente de la Patrulla Fronteriza que trabajaba cerca del lugar cuando se inició el tiroteo. Antes de irrumpir en el colegio, Ramos chocó su vehículo afuera de la escuela. Se sospecha de que habría disparado contra su abuela antes de dirigirse a la escuela. El motivo del ataque está en investigación, pero se afirma que actuó solo. De acuerdo a fuentes oficiales del estado, había comprado dos rifles de asalto el día de su cumpleaños.",
"El presidente Joe Biden ordenó que las banderas ondearan a media asta en la Casa Blanca, así como en todos los edificios públicos del país y en todas las embajadas estadounidenses del mundo. Biden se dirigió a la nación el martes por la noche, expresó sus condolencias a las familias de las víctimas, cuestionó por qué los tiroteos masivos son tan comunes en el país e instó a los legisladores a apoyar lo que llamó \"leyes de armas de sentido común\": «Por el amor de Dios, ¿cuándo vamos a enfrentarnos al lobby de las armas?», dijo.",
"El ataque es el tiroteo escolar más mortífero en una escuela de Texas y el tiroteo más mortífero en una escuela primaria de EE. UU. desde el tiroteo de la Escuela Primaria de Sandy Hook en 2012, donde murieron veinte niños y seis profesores."
] | 25 de mayo de 2022 | interlang link |
Ennesima strage in una scuola statunitense | 2,948,578 | [
"Crime and law",
"May 25, 2022",
"United States",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"North America",
"Greg Abbott",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Ennesima_strage_in_una_scuola_statunitense | [
"Alle 11.30 locali (18.30 italiane) il Texas è stato scosso da una nuova strage, anche a causa di una legislazione permissiva, che consente il facile ottenimento di armi da fuoco. Nella mattinata infatti, un giovane, armato con una pistola e un fucile semiautomatico, inizia la propria opera folle sparando per prima alla nonna (ricoverata in gravi condizioni), per poi dirigersi verso la Robb Elementary School, scuola elementare di Uvalde, cittadina tra San Antonio ed il confine messicano, colpendo chiunque avesse sotto tiro; il giovane uccide 19 bambini e due adulti. Questo atroce avvenimento è il secondo peggiore avvenuto dal 2012, quando a Sandy Hook il giovane Adam Lanza uccise 27 persone tra cui 20 bambini. Subito sono arrivate le parole del Presidente Joe Biden, il quale ha detto che \"l’idea che un 18enne possa entrare in un negozio e acquistare un fucile è sbagliata\" e che si è giunti al momento di \"trasformare il dolore in azione\"."
] | mercoledì 25 maggio 2022 | interlang link |
Texas: 21 doden bij schietpartij op basisschool | 2,948,578 | [
"Crime and law",
"May 25, 2022",
"United States",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"North America",
"Greg Abbott",
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Texas:_21_doden_bij_schietpartij_op_basisschool | [
"Bij de schietpartij die op dinsdagochtend 24 mei plaatsvond op Robb Elementary School, een basisschool in Uvalde (Texas), zijn volgens de laatste berichten 21 doden gevallen. Het gaat om 19 leerlingen en twee leerkrachten. Het is daarmee de dodelijkste schietpartij die ooit heeft plaatsgevonden op een school in Texas, en de op twee na dodelijkste ooit op een school in de hele VS.",
"De dader is de 18-jarige Salvador Ramos. Hij drong volgens ooggetuigen iets na 11:30 plaatselijke tijd de westkant van het schoolgebouw binnen, waarna hij een klaslokaal betrad en begon met schieten. Ongeveer een halfuur later arriveerde de politie. Uiteindelijk werd Ramos zelf doodgeschoten door de Amerikaanse Border Patrol.",
"Over Ramos is inmiddels meer bekend. Zo had hij weinig vrienden en bracht hij veel tijd door op onder meer het online sociale netwerk Yubo, waar hij kort voordat hij overging tot zijn daad contact had met een 15-jarig meisje in Duitsland. In de week voorafgaand aan zijn daad beging hij twee geweren, waarvan hij er één (een AR-15) gebruikte om de aanslag mee te plegen. Hij kwam met een auto naar de school en reed kort voordat hij de school binnendrong in een gracht. Kort daarvoor had hij zijn 66-jarige grootmoeder neergeschoten."
] | 1 juni 2022 | interlang link |
Estados Unidos: sobe para 21 o número de mortes após tiroteio em escola do Texas | 2,948,578 | [
"Crime and law",
"May 25, 2022",
"United States",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"North America",
"Greg Abbott",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Estados_Unidos:_sobe_para_21_o_n%C3%BAmero_de_mortes_ap%C3%B3s_tiroteio_em_escola_do_Texas | [
"Vinte e uma (21) pessoas — 19 crianças e dois professores — morreram até ontem após um atirador abrir fogo na Escola Primária Robb, em Uvalde, Texas, na terça-feira passada. A confirmação foi feita ontem à noite pelo Kinney County Sheriff's Office (Escritório do Xerife do Condado Kinney) numa postagem com fotos das vítimas no Facebook. No entanto, cinco vítimas, das quais 4 são crianças, ainda estão internadas, algumas em estado grave, informou o Uvalde Memorial Hospital num comunicado ontem.",
"O atirador tinha 18 anos e foi identificado como Salvador Ramos. Ele era morador da pequena cidade rural e havia estudado na mesma escola, onde havia sofrido bullying devido a um problema na fala. Ele teria emboscado uma turma de alunos numa sala de aula, disseram autoridades, e acabou morto no confronto com os policiais.",
"As investigações continuam e ontem a polícia (Uvalde Police Department) emitiu um comunicado em suas redes sociais pedindo que as pessoas colaborassem com qualquer informação, mesmo qualquer “pequeno detalhe”, que pudesse ajudar a elucidar o caso."
] | 26 de maio de 2022 | interlang link |
Attack occurs in Stavropol, Russia; at least six dead | 187,183 | [
"North Caucasian Federal District",
"Crime and law",
"May 26, 2010"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Attack_occurs_in_Stavropol,_Russia;_at_least_six_dead | [
"A radio-controlled bomb exploded in the city center in the southern Russian city of Stavropol earlier today, killing at least six and injuring more than 40, according to initial reports.",
"The explosion occurred at 18.45 Moscow time (UTC 14.45) in front of the Stavropol Trade-Union Sport and Culture Palace, where many people gathered, the Stavropolye State TV Company reports. A performance by Chechen dance ensemble \"Vainakh\" was about to begin in the Palace. Security officials haven't dismissed a possible connection between the concert and the attack.",
"\"According to preliminary reports, several of those that were hospitalised are now in intensive care. The wounded have shrapnel wounds. Their conditions are considered critical or medium-critical,\" said Boris Skripka, the head of the civilian defense and emergency situation administration.",
"The country has seen some violence from rebel groups recently: on March 29, suicide bombings at the Moscow Metro killed at least 40 people and wounded over 100. Stavropol is included in the newly-created North Caucasian Federal District of Russia."
] | 2010-05-26 | title |
Атентат на терористи в Ставропол | 187,183 | [
"North Caucasian Federal District",
"Crime and law",
"May 26, 2010"
] | bg | https://bg.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%90%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82_%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8_%D0%B2_%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB | [
"В центъра на Ставропол пред Двореца на Културата и на Спортните Профсъюзи - сряда 26 май, около 18 ч. и 45 м. московско време (УВ 14.45) е извършен терористичен атентат. Мощно взривно устройство закрепено на козирката на Кафене \"Аквариум\" е задействано дистанционно.",
"Първоначалните доклади, сочат, че са загинали най-малко 6 души, а броят на жертвите надхвърля 40.",
"В същия ден в Двореца на Еултурата се е състоял концерт на известния танцов ансамбъл \"Vainakh\", високо ценен от президента.",
"Извършителите за сега са неизвестни. Съществуват две версии извършителите са или руски националисти или ислямски групировки."
] | 26-ти май 2010 г. | interlang link |
В Ставрополе совершён теракт | 187,183 | [
"North Caucasian Federal District",
"Crime and law",
"May 26, 2010"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%92_%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5_%D1%81%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%88%D1%91%D0%BD_%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82 | [
"В Ставрополе (СКФО) в среду 26 мая был совершён теракт: около 18 часов 45 минут по московскому времени в центре города перед Дворцом культуры и спорта профсоюзов сработало мощное взрывное устройство, сообщает «Ставропольский городской сайт».[1]",
"По первоначальным сведениям, погибли как минимум 6 человек, число пострадавших превышает 40. Утром 27 мая СМИ сообщили о гибели 7-го пострадавшего.",
"Бомба была закреплена на козырьке кафе «Аквариум» и была радиоуправляемой. На месте взрыва было многолюдно, во Дворце культуры в этот день давал концерт чеченский народный государственный ансамбль танца «Вайнах», сообщает ГТРК «Ставрополье».[2]"
] | 26 мая 2010 года | interlang link |
இரசியாவில் இடம்பெற்ற குண்டுத் தாக்குதலில் 6 பேர் உயிரிழப்பு | 187,183 | [
"North Caucasian Federal District",
"Crime and law",
"May 26, 2010"
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%86%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%B1_%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A3%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_6_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%89%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B4%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81 | [
"இரசியாவின் தெற்குப் பகுதியில் ஸ்தாவ்ரப்போல் நகரில் கலையரங்கு ஒன்றில் தொலைவில் இருந்து இயக்கப்பட்ட குண்டு ஒன்று வெடித்ததில் 6 பேர் கொல்லப்பட்டனர். மேலும் 40 பேர் காயமடைந்ததாக ஆரம்பத் தகவல்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன.",
"இக்குண்டுவெடிப்பு நேற்றுக் காலை மாஸ்கோ நேரம் 18.45 (UTC 14.45) மணிக்கு நகரில் உள்ள தொழிற்சங்க விளையாட்டு மற்றும் பண்பாட்டுக் கலையரங்கம் ஒன்றின் முன்னால் இடம்பெற்றுள்ளது. குண்டுவெடிப்பு நிகழ்ந்த நேரம் அங்கு பெருமளவில் பொதுமக்கள் கூடியிருந்ததாகத் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது.",
"செச்சினிய நிகழ்ச்சி ஒன்று ஆரம்பமாகவிருந்த வேளையிலேயே குண்டு வெடித்துள்ளது. இறந்தவர்கள் அனைவரும் பெண்கள் என்றும் அதில் ஒருவர் 12 வயதுச் சிறுமி என்றும் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. இவர்கள் அனைவரும் இரசிய, ஆர்மீனிய மற்றும் செச்சினியர்கள் ஆவர்.",
"இரசியாவில் அண்மைக்காலத்தில் செச்சினியப் பேராளிகளின் தாக்குதல்கள் அதிகரித்துக் காணப்படுகின்றன. சென்ற மார்ச் 29 இல் மாஸ்கோவில் இடம்பெற்ற தாக்குதல் ஒன்றில் 40 பேர் வரையில் கொல்லப்பட்டனர்."
] | வியாழன், மே 27, 2010 | interlang link |
Attack on mosque kills 30 in Rawalpindi, Pakistan | 145,316 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Disasters and accidents",
"December 4, 2009",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"Punjab, Pakistan",
"Suicide attacks",
"Pakistani Taliban"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Attack_on_mosque_kills_30_in_Rawalpindi,_Pakistan | [
"An attack on a mosque has killed at least 32 people, near Pakistan's military headquarters in the city of Rawalpindi. There have been conflicting accounts of the attack, but police reported gunfire and at least one explosion at the mosque soon after prayers on Friday morning. It is thought that one or more suicide bombers may have been involved.",
"The attack took place at the Parade Lane mosque, in a part of the city containing several defence department buildings. Security workers cordoned off the scene while ambulances rushed to take victims to the hospital.",
"\"There was certainly more than one attacker, so there is a possibility that some of them may still be hiding in the vicinity,\" said Athar Abbas, a spokesman for the military.",
"It is the latest in a series of attacks that have rocked Pakistan since the government launched an offensive against al-Qaeda and the Taliban in the northwest region bordering Afghanistan. On Thursday, a bomb blast at a police checkpoint wounded at least two policemen in the northwestern city of Peshawar.",
"On Wednesday, a suicide bomber killed two guards and wounded eleven other people at naval headquarters in Pakistan's capital Islamabad. The same day, the military said troops killed fifteen suspected miltants, including a top militant commander, in the Swat Valley, the site of a major offensive earlier this year."
] | 2009-12-04 | title |
Zamach w meczecie w pakistańskim Rawalpindi | 145,316 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Disasters and accidents",
"December 4, 2009",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"Punjab, Pakistan",
"Suicide attacks",
"Pakistani Taliban"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Zamach_w_meczecie_w_pakista%C5%84skim_Rawalpindi | [
"Co najmniej 39 osób zginęło w eksplozjach w meczecie w pakistańskim garnizonowym mieście Rawalpindi.",
"W meczecie doszło do dwóch eksplozji, po których nastąpiły strzały z broni ciężkiej. Meczet znajduje się w sąsiedztwie siedziby naczelnego dowództwa pakistańskich sił zbrojnych.",
"W ostatnich miesiącach talibowie nasilili terrorystyczną działalność na terytorium Pakistanu ze względu na prowadzona przez siły bezpieczeństwa ofensywę w Południowym Waziristanie. Głównej kwatera armii pakistańskiej w Rawalpindi, była szturmowana przez rebeliantów 10 - 11 października. Wtedy zginęło 19 osób.",
"22 listopada siły bezpieczeństwa zastrzeliły 5 talibów. Wojsko na froncie Jandola-Sararogha przeszukiwały wioski Pash Ziarat, Khandai Sar Tabai Sar leżące na górskich szlakach na których rozbrojono 10 min. Tam doszło do potyczki z rebeliantami, w wyniku której zginęło 5 rebeliantów, a rany odniósł jeden żołnierz. Na linii Razmak-Makin w wiosce Sarwek rozbrojono 5 ładunków IED. Armia przeszukała kilka wiosek w akcji poszukiwania talibów. W pobliżu miasta Koktai zniszczono 20 talibskich obozów i 14 jaskiń.",
"23 listopada zginęło 9 rebeliantów, a 3 pakistańskich żołnierzy zostało rannych. Armia zabezpieczyła wioski Zinda Narai i Borora Narai, lezące 1 km na zachód od Janta. Na froncie Shakai-Kaniguram rebelianci ostrzelali trzema rakietami wioskę Asman Manza, co nie przyniosło ofiar. Podczas starcia pod Karam, zginął jeden talibski bojownik, a dwóch żołnierzy odniosło rany. Na froncie Razmak-Makin wojsko objęło kontrolę nad wioskami Golden Top, Pash Ziarat i Tabai Sar, a walki kosztowały życie 8 talibów.",
"24 listopada aresztowano 2 talibów w pobliżu wioski Janta. Stamtąd przejęto także spore ilości amunicji talibów. Na froncie Razmak-Makin armia rozbroiła 8 ładunków wybuchowych IED w wioskach Pash Ziarat i Kam Narakai. Talibowie wystrzelili także 6 rakiet z wioski Pash Ziarat. W okolicy Marobi Raghazi rozbrojono 10 min IED.",
"25 listopada zginęło 4 ekstremistów, a 9 zostało rannych. Talibowie zostali zabici w walkach pod Asman Manza i Majdan. Wojsko rozpoczęło kolejne akcje poszukiwania rebeliantów w miastach Shakai, Kaniguram i Spinkot.",
"26 listopada W Południowym Wazristanie aresztowano terrorystę Abdullaha Shah Mehsuda. W sektorze Jandola zniszczono 25 ładunków wybuchowych IED. Na froncie Razmak-Makin zniszczono 25 baz talibów i 10 ładunków IED.",
"27 listopada zginęło 15 talibów, a 2 żołnierzy odniosło rany. Na froncie Jandola-Sararogha zniszczono 30 domów w wiosce Raghazai, natomiast w Kot Raghazai 50 budynków. Domostwa służyła jako schronienie talibom. W wiosce Zhawar Killi zabezpieczono duże ilości broni. Na linii Shakai-Kaniguram armia spotkała opór w wiosce Narakai. W wyniku wymiany ognia zginęło 15 talibów, a jeden z żołnierzy odniósł rany. na drodze łączącej wioski Sarwek i Siplatoi zabezpieczono 10 min. Na froncie Razmak-Maikn zniszczono 9 ładunków IED w wioskach Pash Ziarat, Wachuba i Kot Band Khel. Armia zniszczyła 30 baz talibów w wiosce Mad Amir Killi. Podczas akcji ucierpiał żołnierz pakistański.",
"W ostatnich dniach listopada nie dochodziło do istotnych walk z talibami.",
"1 grudnia armia zabezpieczyła lezącą w sektorze Jandola wioskę Dunai Killi. Oddział wojsk, który wszedł do wioski wcześniej walczył o Jantę. Na froncie Shakai-Kaniguram siły bezpieczeństwa prowadziły operację w kontrolowanych wioskach Asman Manza, Mola Khan Saraj i Kundi Ghar Sar. Na ostatniej linii Razmak-Makin rebelianci wystrzelili 7 rakiet na wioskę Lakki Ghund, 5 rakiet Mana Camp oraz 4 rakiety na Ladha Bridge, leżącą pod miastem Makin. Ataki nie przyniosły ofiar.",
"2 grudnia rebelianci wystrzelili 8 rakiet na Spin Jammat i Ladha. Agresja talibów spotkała się z odpowiedzią sił bezpieczeństwa, jednak w walkach w sektorze Shakai nikt nie zginął. Na froncie Razmak-Makin, talibowie ostrzelali pozycje żołnierzy z rakiet w wiosce Lakki Ghund. W wyniku odpowiedzi ranny został jeden żołnierzy, podczas wymiany ognia w Qalandar. W trakcie akcji poszukiwania rebeliantów, aresztowano w Pirpatai i Qambar 6 talibów. Tymczasem w wioskach Barshaur, Charbagh i Gagra, 8 bojowników oddało się w ręce pakistańskiego wojska. Tego dnia w Islamabadzie cztery osoby zostały ranne, kiedy zamachowiec-samobójca wysadził się nieopodal siedziby marynarki wojennej Pakistanu.",
"Obecnie walki są ograniczone do minimum, a armia skupia się na poszukiwaniu talibów na kontrolowanych terenach.",
"Dotychczas w walkach zginęło 76 żołnierzy oraz ponad 600 talibów."
] | null | interlang link |
பாக்கிசுத்தானில் இராவல்பிண்டியில் ஏற்பட்ட குண்டு வெடிப்பில் 35 பேர் பலி | 145,316 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Disasters and accidents",
"December 4, 2009",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"Punjab, Pakistan",
"Suicide attacks",
"Pakistani Taliban"
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%A3%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%8F%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F_%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A3%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81_%E0%AE%B5%E0%AF%86%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_35_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF | [
"பாக்கிசுத்தானில் இராணுவ நகரான இராவல்பிண்டியில் ஏற்பட்ட குண்டு வெடிப்பில் 35க்கு மேற்பட்டோர் பலியானார்கள். இதில் 17க்கும் மேற்பட்ட குழந்தைகளும் பலியானார்கள். வெள்ளிக்கிழமை தொழுகையை முடித்து விட்டு வந்தவர்களை நோக்கி 4 பேர் சுட்டதாக தெரிகிறது. அவர்களுக்கும் பாதுகாப்பு படையினருக்கும் 1 மணி நேரத்திற்கும் மேல் சண்டை நடந்துள்ளது. பின் 3 பேர் தங்கள் உடலில் கட்டப்பட்ட குண்டுகளை இயக்கி இறந்துள்ளார்கள்.",
"தாலிபான்கள் இத்தாக்குதலை நடத்தியதாக கூறியுள்ளார்கள். வர்கிஸ்த்தான், சுவாட் ஆகிய இடங்களில்\nபாக்கிசுத்தான் இராணுவம் அடைந்த வெற்றிகளை தொடர்ந்து தாலிபான்கள் இத்தாக்குதலை நடத்தியிருக்கலாம் என\nபாக்கிசுத்தான் உள்துறை அமைச்சர் ரகுமான் மாலிக் கூறியுள்ளார்."
] | வெள்ளி, திசம்பர் 4, 2009 | interlang link |
Australia appeals for no execution in Indonesian drug case | 7,569 | [
"April 7, 2005",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australia_appeals_for_no_execution_in_Indonesian_drug_case | [
"A 27-year-old former beauty student from the Gold Coast of Australia faces the death penalty. She was allegedly caught at Bali airport importing marijuana from Australia in October. Appearing before an Indonesian judge after authorities found 4.1kg of high-grade cannabis in her unlocked boarding bag, she could be sentenced to death by firing squad, the maximum penalty for the crime.",
"With that possibility looming for Ms. Corby, her father journeyed to her side, and an anonymous email petition was distributed around Australia and overseas, calling on the Australian government to ensure that, innocent or guilty, Ms. Corby is returned to Australia to escape execution.",
"An Australian witness who volunteered information which he says will endanger his own life, has testified that Schapelle Corby was unwittingly caught up in a domestic Australian drug-running operation gone wrong. The man alleged that Australian airport workers had placed the contraband in her luggage after it had been checked-in, with the drugs to have been removed before the luggage left Australia. [1]",
"Ms. Corby, who says she is innocent of the charges, staggered and paused to vomit while being led through a throng of journalists watching her trial in Jakarta, Indonesia, earlier today.",
"\"I'm really sick,\" Ms. Corby told Densbar's head judge Linton Sirait, who told her to take better care of herself in jail so she would not get diarrhea. \"Don't be stressed,\" Judge Sirait added as he adjourned the trial until April 14.",
"Her sister said a doctor would visit her in prison to assess her condition. Her father, suffering with prostate cancer, said it was difficult to watch his daughter struggling so hard when things were nearing the \"nitty-gritty now.\"",
"He added: \"The stress and the whole thing and the stomach cramps and the nerves. It's getting on top of her.\"",
"Australian politicians, noting the public support thrown behind the Gold Coast citizen, are promising to take her case up on several issues with the Indonesian Attorney-General later today. However, Mr. Corby expressed doubts that politicians could work things out: \"It depends on what they call justice here [in Indonesia]. It looks a bit fairyland to me.\"",
"\"Everything's reversed here. You're guilty until you're proven innocent,\" commented Mr. Corby in Indonesia. Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is said to be monitoring the case to ensure the court hands down a just and fair verdict."
] | 2005-04-07 | title |
Australiana pode ser condenada à morte por tráfico de drogas | 7,569 | [
"April 7, 2005",
"Crime and law",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Australiana_pode_ser_condenada_%C3%A0_morte_por_tr%C3%A1fico_de_drogas | [
"Schapelle Corby, uma australiana de 27 anos pode ser condenada à morte. Ela foi presa alegadamente por posse de drogas ilegais em um aeroporto de Bali, na Indonésia, em outubro de 2004. Policiais teriam encontrado 4,1kg de maconha de primeira qualidade em sua bagagem.",
"Uma testemunha que não quiz se identificar disse que a australiana foi vítima inconscientemente de uma operação de transporte de drogas que não deu certo. A droga teria sido colocada na bagagem dela por pessoas que trabalham no aeroporto da Austrália.",
"Os familiares da moça na Austrália iniciaram uma campanha pela sua libertação. Alguns políticos australianos demonstraram interesse em ajudar."
] | 14 de abril de 2005 | interlang link |
Australia: Victoria lockdown extended by a week with 85 active cases recorded | 2,926,922 | [
"Victoria, Australia",
"SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Daniel Andrews",
"July 21, 2021",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australia:_Victoria_lockdown_extended_by_a_week_with_85_active_cases_recorded | [
"Yesterday, with 85 active cases of COVID-19 in the Australian state of Victoria, Premier Daniel Andrews has extended the state's current lockdown by a week until July 27 at 11:59 p.m. (0159 UTC).",
"Since a five-day lockdown was first announced last Thursday, cases have been recorded in areas across Victoria, including Phillip Island, Mildura and Barwon Heads. Notably, Mildura's COVID-19 case, which was recorded on Sunday, is their first in 15 months. Thirteen new cases of coronavirus were recorded in Victoria yesterday.",
"Red zone travel permits, required for residents of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory for entry into Victoria, are temporarily paused. Andrews said that while this decision would \"cause a real challenge for many people\", he justified this decision by saying that \"things are too unstable—too uncertain and frankly out of control from a virus point of view in Sydney\".",
"State health minister Martin Foley stated, \"We've had thousands of Victorians return from New South Wales in recent weeks, but with the situation escalating, the recent incursions and the increased infectiousness of the Delta variant, we must act to protect Victoria and temporarily pause Red Zone Permits.\"",
"Restrictions remain the same from the initial Thursday announcement. Under the regulations, there are only five reasons to leave home: for food and supplies; exercise; care or caregiving; work or education, if not possible from home; and to be vaccinated against COVID-19. In exercising, people cannot go more than 5 kilometers (3 mi) away from their home, and for no more than two hours. The vaccination should be administered at the nearest possible location. Face masks remain mandatory both outdoors and indoors, except at home.",
"A press release from the premier's office said the COVID-19 Delta variant is moving \"faster than anything Victoria's public health experts have seen before\", adding as a result \"we need to limit movement for a longer period of time\". The press release also noted over 15 thousand close contacts of cases in quarantine, over 250 exposure sites across the state, and the COVID-19 daily case numbers remaining in double digits."
] | 2021-07-21 | title |
Austrália: lockdown de Vitória prorrogado por uma semana | 2,926,922 | [
"Victoria, Australia",
"SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Daniel Andrews",
"July 21, 2021",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Austr%C3%A1lia:_lockdown_de_Vit%C3%B3ria_prorrogado_por_uma_semana | [
"Ontem, com 85 casos ativos de COVID-19 no estado de Vitória na Austrália, Daniel Andrews estendeu o atual lockdown por uma semana, até 27 de julho às 11h59 (01h59 UTC).",
"Desde que um flexibilização de cinco dias foi anunciado pela primeira vez na última quinta-feira, casos foram registrados em áreas de Vitória. Notavelmente, o caso de COVID-19 de Mildura, que foi registrado no domingo, é o primeiro em 15 meses. Treze novos casos de coronavírus foram registrados em Vitória no fim-de-semana.",
"As autorizações de viagem para entrada em Vitória estão temporariamente pausadas. Andrews disse que embora essa decisão \"causasse um verdadeiro desafio para muitas pessoas\", ele justificou essa decisão dizendo que \"as coisas são muito instáveis — muito incertas e francamente fora de controle do ponto de vista do vírus em Sydney\".",
"O ministro da saúde do estado, Martin Foley, afirmou: \"Milhares de vitorianos voltaram de New South Wales nas últimas semanas, mas com a escalada da situação, as recentes incursões e o aumento da infecciosidade da variante Delta, devemos agir para proteger Vitória e pausar temporariamente as licenças\".",
"As restrições permanecem as mesmas desde o anúncio inicial de quinta-feira. De acordo com os regulamentos, existem apenas cinco motivos para sair de casa: comprar comida; exercício; cuidado de saúde; trabalho ou educação, se não for possível de casa; e ser vacinado contra COVID-19. No exercício, as pessoas não podem se distanciar mais do que 5 km de casa e no máximo duas horas. A vacinação deve ser administrada no local mais próximo possível. As máscaras faciais permanecem obrigatórias em ambientes externos e internos, exceto em casa.",
"Um comunicado de imprensa diz que a variante Delta está se movendo \"mais rápido do que qualquer coisa que os especialistas em saúde pública de Vitória já viram antes. Precisamos limitar o movimento por um longo período de tempo\". O comunicado também registrou mais de 15 mil contatos com infectados, mais de 250 locais de exposição em todo o estado e os números de casos diários estão em dois dígitos."
] | 21 de julho de 2021 | interlang link |
Australian activists break into Pine Gap spy facility | 27,627 | [
"Victoria, Australia",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Northern Territory, Australia",
"New South Wales",
"Middle East",
"Iraq War",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"December 10, 2005"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_activists_break_into_Pine_Gap_spy_facility | [
"Australian Federal Police (AFP) have arrested six people following a breach of security at the secretive Pine Gap Joint Defence Facility in central Australia on Friday.",
"The members of the group Christians Against All Terrorism (CAAT) breached base security at dawn and two of them infiltrated two perimeter fences and scaled a building, before being arrested. Two of the protesters photographed themselves atop a building inside the spy base.",
"A Northern Territory police spokeswoman said three men and two women had been charged over the incident while another woman would be summoned to appear in Alice Springs court next week over obstructing police. The spokeswoman said the activists had allegedly cut holes in the external and internal fences at the defence facility. She said the combined charges carried a maximum penalty of seven years jail.",
"The group claims it was the first break-in of its kind at Pine Gap. The group spoke yesterday of their efforts to conceal a digital camera memory stick in the clothing of key members to avoid the images being confiscated by police.",
"Four of the protesters are from Queensland, one is from New South Wales, and the other is from Victoria. They say they wanted to conduct a citizens inspection of the controversial Pine Gap facility. \"We could not allow the US and Australian governments to continue to conceal the role of Pine Gap in the ongoing war in Iraq,\" said Sean O'Reilly of the group. \"It's time the Australian public knew the reality of what is happening on our land.\"",
"Group member Jessica Morrison claims there is a lot of secrecy surrounding the facility. \"So for me it was an attempt to come to a place that I think propagates death and start to proclaim truth,\" she said.",
"Two of the group were released on bail facing charges, including: unlawfully entering a prohibited area destroying or damaging Commonwealth property; trespassing on Commonwealth land; damaging property under the NT law. A sixth member was arrested for aiding and abetting but was released without charge.",
"Up to 30 police officers were stationed at a roadblock at the turn-off to Pine Gap at 6:00 a.m. local time and Gap staff were ordered to remain in their cars at the roadblock.",
"CAAT member Brian Law, said four of the group split into two groups and entered the base in a co-ordinated movement. He said four members walked 10km through thick scrub and entered the base at 4:00 a.m. local time. Mr Law and the fourth member arrested, former human shield Donna Mulhearn, 37, (taken hostage by militants in Fallujah in Iraq last year) were released.",
"Mr O'Reilly said the group conducted a citizens' inspection in protest at Pine Gap's involvement in the ongoing war in Iraq after the group had been refused official entry by Defence Minister Robert Hill. \"We could not allow the US and Australian governments to continue to conceal the role of Pine Gap in the ongoing war in Iraq,\" Mr O'Reilly said.",
"It was unclear last night whether the group would be charged under the Federal Government's tough new anti-terror laws. They were bailed to face the Alice Springs Magistrates Court next Wednesday."
] | 2005-12-10 | title |
Aktivister gjorde intrång på australiensisk spionbas | 27,627 | [
"Victoria, Australia",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Northern Territory, Australia",
"New South Wales",
"Middle East",
"Iraq War",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"December 10, 2005"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Aktivister_gjorde_intr%C3%A5ng_p%C3%A5_australiensisk_spionbas | [
"Australien – Australiens federala polis (AFP) har gripit sex personer som lyckats ta sig förbi säkerhetssystemet vid den hemliga anläggningen Pine Gap i centrala Australien tidigt på fredagen.",
"Medlemmar av den kristna organisationen Christians Against All Terrorism (CAAT) lyckades ta sig förbi säkerhetsanordningarna på morgonen och två av lyckades ta sig genom två stängsel och inta en byggnad innan de kunde gripas. Två av demonstranterna tog bilder av sig själva stående på en av byggnaderna i anläggningen.",
"En taleskvinna för polisen i Northern Territory sa att tre män och två kvinnor åtalats till följd av händelsen. Ytterligare en kvinna har kallats till domstol i Alice Springs nästa vecka. Enligt taleskvinnan har aktivisterna gjort hål i de yttre och inre stängslen på försvarsanläggningen och riskerar upp till sju års fängelse.",
"Den kristna gruppen uppger att det är det första intrånget av sitt slag vid Pine Cap. Igår berättade gruppen om sina ansträngningar att gömma ett minneskort från sin digitalkamera för att förhindra att bilderna beslagtogs av polisen. Gruppens medlemmar kommer från olika delar av Australien: Fyra kommer från Queensland, två från New South Wales och en från Victoria.",
"De säger att aktionen syftade till att göra en \"medborgarinspektion\" vid den kontroversiella anläggningen. \"Vi kan inte acceptera att USA:s och Australiens regeringar fortsätter dölja vilken roll Pine Gap har i det pågående kriget i Irak\", sa Sean O'Reilly, en av gruppens medlemmar. \"Det är dags att den australiensiska allmänheten får reda på sanningen om vad som händer i vårt land\".",
"Enligt Jessica Morrison, en av gruppens medlemmar omges anläggningen av mycket hemlighetsmakeri. \"För mig har det varit ett försök att ta mig till en plats som jag anser sprider död och börja manifestera sanningen\", sa hon.",
"Två av gruppens medlemmar har släppts mot borgen och står nu åtalade för ett flertal brott: för att olagligen ha gjort intrång på förbjudet område och förstört eller skadat det brittiska Samväldets egendom, intrång på Samväldets mark samt skadegörelse enligt lagen i Nothern Territory.",
"Vid vägspärren vid avtagsvägen som leder till Pine Gap hade bortåt 30 poliser stationerats klockan sex på morgonen. Personal vid anläggningen hade beordrats stanna i sina bilar vid vägspärren.",
"Enligt CAAT-medlemmen Bran Law delade gruppens fyra medlemmar upp sig i två grupper som tog sig in i basen. Han berättade att de fyra som deltog i aktionen tagit sig omkring 10 kilometer genom tätt buskage innan de kunde ta sig in i anläggningen vid fyratiden på morgonen lokal tid. Bran Law själv och gruppens fjärde medlem, 37-åriga Donna Mulhearn som förra året verkade i Irak som så kallad mänsklig sköld och kidnappades i Fallujah, har släppts.",
"O'Reilly sa att de genomfört vad han kallade en \"medborgarinspektion\" vid Pine Gap i protest mot anläggningens roll i kriget i Irak sean försvarsminister Robert Hill vägrat låta dem göra ett officiellt besök vid anläggningen.",
"Det är fortfarande oklart om gruppens medlemmar kommer att omfattas av de nya stänga australiensiska anti-terroristlagarna som den federala regeringen antogs nyligen. Deras fall kommer att tas i upp vid en skiljedomstol i Alice Springs nu på onsdag."
] | 10 december 2005 | interlang link |
Australian authorities probe rapid antigen test price gouging | 2,938,926 | [
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"January 21, 2022",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_authorities_probe_rapid_antigen_test_price_gouging | [
"The Australian Federal Police (AFP) launched an investigation into allegations of price gouging for COVID-19 rapid antigen tests (RATs) today following referrals from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC). The AFP warned that price gouging could attract a five year term of imprisonment and a AUD66,000 fine.",
"Under Australian law, price gouging occurs where an individual or business purchases a rapid antigen test kit from a retailer and then sells it for more than 20% of the purchase price. It does not apply to businesses who purchase kits from wholesalers. The AFP has power where it suspects price gouging is occurring to seize test kits and send them to the national medical stockpile.",
"The AFP said in a statement that it has commenced two investigations in New South Wales and Queensland, and expects more to follow. Investigations will be coordinated by Taskforce LOTUS, which was formed by the AFP in 2021 in response to threats surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. The taskforce will refer allegations of price gouging to strike teams which are deployed Australia-wide.",
"AFP Assistant Commissioner Crime Command Nigel Ryan warned that the AFP would have zero tolerance for profiteering from rapid antigen tests.",
"\"The AFP will use its full powers to crack down on RAT price gouging. Not only is price gouging of RATs unethical but it is illegal, and the AFP will use its significant resources to ensure it protects the public from the unlawful greed of others,\" Assistant Commissioner Ryan said.",
"\"Commonwealth and state agencies are working together on this issue, and under Taskforce LOTUS, the AFP makes no apologies for upholding the law to help keep Australians safe.\"",
"\"Those who breach the law face penalties of up to 5 years’ jail or a AUD66,000 fine. My message is clear. Do not risk jail time or a significant fine for a few extra dollars.\"",
"On Monday, the ACCC said it had received 1800 reports from consumers since 25 December, with claims tests were sold as high as AUD500 for two on online marketplaces and AUD70 per test at convenience stores. \"At the extreme end, we have received reports or seen media coverage of tests costing up to $500 for two tests through online marketplaces, and over $70 per test through convenience stores, service stations and independent supermarkets, which is clearly outrageous,\" ACCC Chair Rod Sims said.",
"\"There are several businesses that have repeatedly come to our notice thanks to the information provided by the public. We are asking those businesses to urgently explain the prices they are charging.\""
] | 2022-01-21 | title |
incubator:Wn/hu/Az ausztrál szövetségi rendőrség nyomozást indított a COVID-gyorsteszteken való nyerészkedés miatt | 2,938,926 | [
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"January 21, 2022",
] | hu | https://hu.wikinews.org/wiki/incubator:Wn/hu/Az_ausztr%C3%A1l_sz%C3%B6vets%C3%A9gi_rend%C5%91rs%C3%A9g_nyomoz%C3%A1st_ind%C3%ADtott_a_COVID-gyorsteszteken_val%C3%B3_nyer%C3%A9szked%C3%A9s_miatt | [
"Az Ausztrál Szövetségi Rendőrség[1] (AFP) a versenyhatóság[2] (ACCC) jelzései alapján nyomozást indított a COVID-19 gyorstesztek árának felhajtása miatt. Az AFP figyelmeztetett, hogy ezt öt évig terjedő börtönnel és 66 ezer ausztrál dolláros bírsággal is büntethetik.",
"Az ausztrál törvények értelmében nyerészkedésről van szó, ha a magán- vagy jogi személy a kiskereskedőktől megvásárolt gyorsteszteket több mint 20%-kal drágábban kínálja újra eladásra. A korlátozás cégek nagykereskedőktől beszerzett készleteire nem vonatkozik. Az AFP árfelhajtás gyanúja esetén jogosult a teszteket kisajátítani és bevételeztetni az állami készletbe.",
"Az AFP egy új-dél-walesi és egy queenslandi nyomozásról számolt be, de továbbiak megindítására is számítanak. Ezeket a LOTUS akciócsoport[3] fogja koordinálni, amit a rendőrség eredetileg a COVID-oltásokhoz köthető fenyegetésekre válaszul 2021-ben hozott létre. A csoport, amelynek egységei az egész országot lefedik, a bejelentések nyomán tervez rajtaütéseket végrehajtani.",
"Nigel Ryan, az AFP bűnüldözési részlegének helyettes vezetője[4] zéró toleranciát hirdetett a gyorsteszteken nyerészkedéssel szemben:",
"– A szövetségi rendőrség minden erejét latba fogja vetni, hogy a gyorsteszteken nyerészkedést letörjük. Az ilyen árfelhajtás nemcsakhogy etikátlan, de illegális is. Az AFP fel fogja használni nem csekély erejét, hogy a közt megvédje egyesek törvénybe ütköző kapzsiságától... A szövetségi és [tag]állami szervek közösen dolgoznak majd az ügyön a LOTUS akciócsoport irányítása alatt. Nem lesz álmatlan éjszakánk amiatt, hogy a törvényeket a polgárok védelme érdekében betartatjuk... [ezért] a törvénysértők akár 5 év börtönnel vagy 66 000 dolláros büntetéssel szembesülhetnek. Az üzenet világos: ne kockáztasson senki se börtönt vagy egy nagyobb büntetést egy kis extra bevételért.[5]",
"A versenyhatósághoz karácsony első napjától most hétfőig 1800 bejelentés érkezett, köztük két tesztért elkért 500 dolláros online árról, és 70 dolláros bolti árcéduláról.",
"– A skála tetején olyan bejelentések vagy médiariportok vannak, amelyek 500 dollárt elérő online árakról szólnak két tesztre, illetve 70 dollár feletti árakról egyes boltokban, benzinkutakon és láncon kívüli szupermarketekben, ami egyszerűen felháborító.[6] – mondta a hatóságot vezető Rod Sims.",
"– Az állampolgári bejelentések néhány eladóra több esetben is felhívták a figyelmünket. Ezeket a helyeket arra kérjük, hogy sürgősen tisztázzák, mi indokolja náluk ezeket az árakat.[7]"
] | 2022. január 23., vasárnap | interlang link |
Australian columnist 'offended, insulted, humiliated' fair-skinned Aborigines | 285,650 | [
"Freedom of the press",
"Human rights",
"Racial Discrimination Act 1975",
"Crime and law",
"September 30, 2011",
"Free speech"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_columnist_%27offended,_insulted,_humiliated%27_fair-skinned_Aborigines | [
"Conservative commentator Andrew Bolt has been found in breach of the Racial Discrimination Act, following a pair of newspaper articles in 2009 where Bolt criticised fair-skinned people identifying as Aborigines.",
"Australia's Federal Court Justice Mordecai Bromberg said \"I am satisfied that fair-skinned Aboriginal people (or some of them) were reasonably likely ... to have been offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated by the imputations conveyed by the newspaper articles,\" Justice Bromberg said. \"People should be free to fully identify with their race without fear of public disdain or loss of esteem for so identifying.\"",
"The articles, titled \"It's so hip to be black\" and \"White fellas in the black\", were published by the Herald Sun and Weekly Times in 2009, in addition to two blog posts published on the Herald Sun's website.",
"The nine plaintiffs were jubilant following delivery of the verdict. Taking legal action against Mr Bolt were former ATSIC member Geoff Clark, academic Larissa Behrendt, native title expert Graham Atkinson, academic Wayne Atkinson, lawyer Mark McMillan, activist Pat Eatock and artist Bindi Cole. They argued Bolt's articles offended, upset and demeaned them while implying they identified as Aboriginal Australians for personal gain.",
"Bolt's lawyer, Neil Young, argued in court that the articles were a genuine reflection of his client's beliefs and were published in the public interest. \"Everything that's said, even if it's expressed colourfully, is rationally related to a thesis that's a matter of public interest,\" Mr Young had said.",
"Bolt said his writings were fair and within the provisions of free speech laws. Ron Merkel, QC, for the complainants, said his clients did not target free speech, stating that while Bolt is free to express his views, he should not have attacked the nine individuals named in the articles.",
"Justice Bromberg told the court Bolt's articles would have offended a reasonable member of the Aboriginal community, adding that the articles were factually incorrect and not written with good faith. \"I am satisfied that each of Mr Bolt and the Herald & Weekly Times engaged in conduct which contravened section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act.\"",
"Bolt described the verdict as \"a terrible day for free speech in this country,\" adding \"It is particularly a restriction on the freedom of all Australians to discuss multiculturalism and how people identify themselves,\"",
"Ms Eatock, a prominent activist and the chief plaintiff, said she was not confident of receiving an apology from Mr Bolt. \"I will never get an apology from Mr Bolt. He made that clear giving his evidence earlier in the year,\" she said. \"But we will, I hope, get some sort of acknowledgment through the press that what he wrote was just unacceptable, totally unacceptable. He set out to offend from the word go and in fact he acknowledged that in his evidence.\""
] | 2011-09-30 | title |
ستوننویس استرالیایی موجب رنجش، تحقیر و توهین به بومیان سفید پوست این کشور شد | 285,650 | [
"Freedom of the press",
"Human rights",
"Racial Discrimination Act 1975",
"Crime and law",
"September 30, 2011",
"Free speech"
] | fa | https://fa.wikinews.org/wiki/%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%86%E2%80%8C%D9%86%D9%88%DB%8C%D8%B3_%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%84%DB%8C%D8%A7%DB%8C%DB%8C_%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AC%D8%A8_%D8%B1%D9%86%D8%AC%D8%B4%D8%8C_%D8%AA%D8%AD%D9%82%DB%8C%D8%B1_%D9%88_%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%87%DB%8C%D9%86_%D8%A8%D9%87_%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%85%DB%8C%D8%A7%D9%86_%D8%B3%D9%81%DB%8C%D8%AF_%D9%BE%D9%88%D8%B3%D8%AA_%D8%A7%DB%8C%D9%86_%DA%A9%D8%B4%D9%88%D8%B1_%D8%B4%D8%AF | [
"اندرو بولت، مفسر محافظهکار، متهم شدهاست که قانون تبعیض نژادی استرالیا را طی مقالاتی که در سال ۲۰۰۹ در دو روزنامه چاپ کرده بود نقض نمودهاست. بولت در این دو مقاله از بومیان سفید پوست استرالیایی انتقاد کرده بود.",
"مردکای برومبرگ، قاضی دادگاه فدرال استرالیا گفت: «من متقاعد شدهام که بومیان سفید پوست (یا برخی از آنان) به احتمال فراوان... به دلیل مواردی که روزنامهها به آنها نسبت دادهاند مورد رنجش، توهین، تحقیر یا ارعاب قرار گرفتهاند.» قاضی برومبرگ ادامه داد: «مردم را باید آزاد گذاشت تا نژادشان را بدون ترس از تحقیر شدن توسط عموم یا از دست رفتن عزتشان بر ملا کنند.»",
"مقالات بولت تحت عناوین «بسیار خوب است که سیاه شویم» و «سفیدهایی که سیاه شدند» در سال ۲۰۰۹ در هرالد سان و هفتهنامه تایمز چاپ شدند. همچنین در وبگاه هرالد سان نیز دو مقاله منتشر شدند.",
"نه شاکی پرونده پس از اعلام حکم، بسیار شادمان به نظر میرسیدند. جئوف کلارک، لاریسا بهرندت، گراهام آتکینسون، وین آتکینسون، مارک مکمیلان، پت ایتاک، و بیندی کول از شاکیان پرونده بودند که اعتقاد داشتند مقالات بولت با بیان ضمنی این مطلب که آنها سفیدپوستانی هستند که برای کسب منفعت شخصی، خودشان را به بومیان استرالیا نسبت دادهاند، باعث رنجش خاطرشان شده و موقعیت اجتماعیشان را تنزل بخشیدهاست.",
"وکیل بولت، نیل یانگ در دادگاه اینچنین استدلال کرد که مقالات بازتاب خالصی از عقاید موکلش بودهاند و چاپ آنها به صلاح کل مردم کشور بودهاست. آقای یانگ اظهار کرد: «هر آنچه گفته شده، حتی اگر سرتاسر فحاشی باشد، منطقا به موضوعی مربوط است که به صلاح کل مردم میباشد.»",
"بولت بر این باور است که نوشتههایش عادلانه و طبق قانون آزادی بیان بودهاند. ران مرکل، وکیل شکات، اظهار کرد که منظور موکلانش هدف قرار دادن آزادی بیان نیست بلکه آن است که بولت ضمن آنکه حق دارد آزادانه نظراتش را بیان کند، حق ندارد به نه شخصی که در مقالههایش نامشان را بردهاست حمله کند.",
"قاضی برومبرگ بر این عقیدهاست که مقالات بولت اسباب رنجش اعضایی از جامعه بومیان را فراهم آوردهاست و افزون بر آن، مقالات اساسا اشتباه و بدون حسن نیت نوشته شدهاند. او ادامه داد: «من متقاعد شدهام که که بولت و هرالد سان و هفتهنامه تایمز از بخش ۱۸سی قانون تبعیض نژادی تخطی کزدهاند.»",
"بولت حکم دادگاه را «روزی وحشتناک برای آزادی بیان در این کشور» توصیف کرد و افزود: «این مشخصا محدودیتی برای همه استرالیاییهاست تا آزادانه بتوانند در رابطه با چندفرهنگی و نحوه تشخیص هویت یکدیگر مباحثه کنند.»"
] | null | interlang link |
Australian David Hicks is released from Yatala Labour Prison | 88,347 | [
"December 29, 2007",
"South Australia",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"David Hicks",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_David_Hicks_is_released_from_Yatala_Labour_Prison | [
"Australian David Hicks was released Saturday from Yatala Labour Prison in Adelaide, South Australia.",
"Hicks, who until May 2007 had been held for five years at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba, was serving out his remaining sentence in an Australian jail. At a U.S. war crimes tribunal, Hicks pleaded guilty to providing material support to a listed terrorist organisation and was sentenced to seven years in prison. As part of the plea agreement, all but nine months of the sentence was suspended and in May of 2007, Hicks was transferred to Yatala.",
"A contentious part of his sentence was a ban placed on Hicks to prevent him from speaking with the media for a period of one year from the time he pleaded guilty, which was in March, 2007. On his release Saturday, Hicks indicated that he intended to comply with the suppression order.",
"\"It's my intention to honour this agreement as I don't want to do anything that might result in my return there,\" said Hicks in a written statement read by his lawyer, David McLeod. \"So for now, I will limit what I have to say - I will say more at a later time.\"",
"A small group of supporters waited outside of Yatala and cheered as his car drove away. In his statement, Hicks had thanked his supporters for \"the huge debt of gratitude that I owe the Australian public for getting me home.\" He added, \"I will not forget or let you down.\"",
"At his trial, Hicks admitted he attended training camps in Afghanistan, conducted surveillance of the U.S. Embassy in Kabul and revealed that he had met Osama bin Laden, leader of Al-Qaeda. He had participated in fighting against the U.S. and its allies in Afghanistan in late 2001, and was caught while trying to flee the area.",
"On his release from prison Saturday, Hicks was driven to an undisclosed location in Adelaide. His lawyer said that Hicks fears for the safety of himself and his family. \"David is concerned about the safety of his family from people who hold views he was purported to share,\" said David McLeod. \"There are also a number of far-right nationalist groups in Australia who have spoken out about David.\"",
"Terry Hicks, David's father, said his son was pleased to be free. \"He's on a high, he seems alright but I suppose in the quiet times everything will come back.\"",
"\"It's now up to him,\" said Terry Hicks. \"He now has got to get on with his life.\""
] | 2007-12-29 | title |
Australiano é solto da Yatala Labour Prison | 88,347 | [
"December 29, 2007",
"South Australia",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"David Hicks",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Australiano_%C3%A9_solto_da_Yatala_Labour_Prison | [
"O australiano David Hicks foi libertado no sábado da Yatala Labour Prison em Adelaide, no sul da Austrália.",
"Hicks, que até meados de maio de 2007 havia estado em Guantanamo em Cuba,Havia sido tranferido para uma prisão australiana. Ele foi julgado por um tribunal americano, Acusado de sustentar organizações terroristas, e recebeu a sentença de sete anos. Como parte do acordo, tudo, e mais nove meses de sentença foram suspensos nos Estados Unidos, e Hicks foi transferido para Yatala.",
"A controversa parte de sua sentença foi colocado sobre uma proibição Hicks para o impediu de falar com a mídia, por um período de um ano a partir do momento que ele defendeu culpado, que foi em março de 2007. Em sua libertação sábado, Hicks indicaram a sua intenção de se conformar com o fim da repressão.",
"\"É minha intenção de honrar este acordo como não quero fazer nada que possa resultar em meu retorno lá\", disse Hicks, em uma declaração escrita lido pelo seu advogado, David McLeod. \"Portanto, para já, vou limitar aquilo que tenho a dizer - vou dizer mais de uma hora mais tarde.\"",
"Um pequeno grupo de adeptos esperaram fora da Yatala e ficaram animados em como conduziu o seu carro de distância. Em sua declaração, Hicks tinha agradeceu seus apoiantes para \"a enorme dívida de gratidão que devo a opinião pública australiana para obter a licensa para o retorno para casa\". Ele acrescentou: \"Não vou esquecer ou deixá-lo para baixo.\"",
"No seu julgamento, ele admitiu Hicks assistiram formação acampamentos no Afeganistão, realizado de vigilância, na embaixada americana em Cabul, e revelou que ele teve um encontro com Osama bin Laden, líder da Al-Qaeda. Ele tinha participado em combates contra os E.U. e seus aliados no Afeganistão, em finais de 2001, e foi capturado quando tentava fugir da zona.",
"Em sua libertação da prisão sábado, Hicks foi conduzido para um local não divulgado, em Adelaide. Seu advogado disse que Hicks têm temores pela segurança de si próprio e à sua família. \"David está preocupado com a segurança de sua família a partir de pessoas que ocupam posições ele foi suposta para compartilhar\", disse David McLeod. \"Há também uma série de extrema-direita nacionalista grupos na Austrália que falaram-se sobre David.\"",
"Terry Hicks, o pai de David, disse que seu filho estava contente por estar livre. \"Ele está em um nível elevado, ele parece bem, mas suponho que na calma vezes tudo vai voltar.\"",
"\"Cabe agora a ele\", disse Terry Hicks. \"Ele agora tem de passar à sua vida.\"",
"*Heath Gilmore. Hicks tastes freedom but fears for his life — The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 de dezembro de 2007 local time",
"*Penelope Debelle. David Hicks: smile of freedom — The Age, 30 de dezembro de 2007 local time",
"*Jane Holroyd. David Hicks freed from jail — The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 de dezembro de 2007"
] | Brasil • 30 de dezembro de 2007 | interlang link |
Australian Defence Force faces a mass of sexual abuse lawsuits | 256,536 | [
"Nick Xenophon",
"Crime and law",
"April 17, 2011",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_Defence_Force_faces_a_mass_of_sexual_abuse_lawsuits | [
"The Australian Defence Force could face a class-action lawsuit in light of recent allegations of a male cadet broadcasting himself having sex with a female cadet to six other cadets at the Australian Defence Force Academy.",
"This move is in light of similar investigations taking place in other branches of the defence force including the navy where a man told the Vietnam Veterans Association he was beaten repeatedly on the HMAS Leeuwin during the 1970's. The beatings included being sexually abused with a mop handle according to the man. Advocates believe that the recent sex scandal could result in 'hundreds' of other victims coming forward.",
"Senator Nick Xenophon has called on Foreign Minister Stephen Smith to make inquires into the sexual nature of the ADFA a priority of the government. Mr. Xenophon is also considering a class action on behalf of all victims.",
"Both the VVA and Mr. Xenophon have called on other victims to come forward."
] | 2011-04-17 | title |
Силы обороны Австралии рискуют столкнуться с волной судебных дел по статьям о сексуальном насилии | 256,536 | [
"Nick Xenophon",
"Crime and law",
"April 17, 2011",
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8B_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%8B_%D0%90%D0%B2%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B8_%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%8E%D1%82_%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BA%D0%BD%D1%83%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%81%D1%8F_%D1%81_%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85_%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB_%D0%BF%D0%BE_%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D1%8F%D0%BC_%D0%BE_%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D1%83%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BC_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B8 | [
"Против Сил обороны Австралии может быть выдвинут групповой иск. Причина иска — интернет-трансляция, произведённая одним из курсантов Академии Австралийских Вооружённых Сил для 6 его одногруппников и показывавшая, как этот курсант мужского пола и занимался сексом с 18-летним курсантом женского пола.",
"Расследования подобных же злоупотреблений уже проводятся и в других подразделениях Сил обороны Австралии, в том числе на флоте. Именно на флоте уже поднималось дело по заявлению одного из ветеранов Вьетнамской войны о том, что в течение 1970-х его многократно избивали на корабле «HMAS Leeuwin» (А 245), гидрографическом судне Королевского австралийского военно-морского флота. По заявлению пострадавшего, побои сопровождались также сексуальным насилием при помощи ручки от швабры. В настоящее время адвокаты Сил обороны Австралии уверены, что последний эпизод может привести к появлению множества аналогичных исков против армии.",
"Ник Ксенофон, сенатор, призвал министра иностранных дел Австралии, Стивена Смита, и правительство в целом как можно быстрее выяснить, не было ли в Академии Австралийских Вооружённых Сил иных случаев сексуального насилия. Господин Ксенофон также допускает возможность группового иска против армии от имени всех жертв подобного насилия.",
"И Ник Ксенофон, и Организация Ветеранов Вьетнама призвали всех, кто во время службы в Силах обороны Австралии сталкивался с сексуальным насилием, заявить о своих правах."
] | 18 апреля 2011 года | interlang link |
Australian drug trafficker to be executed in Singapore tomorrow | 27,038 | [
"Lee Hsien Loong",
"December 1, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_drug_trafficker_to_be_executed_in_Singapore_tomorrow | [
"Convicted Australian drug trafficker Van Nguyen will be executed at Singapore's Changi prison tomorrow at 6:00am SGT (8:00pm tonight UTC, 9:00am AEST). Nguyen was caught with 396.2 grams of heroin, more than 25 times the amount that mandates a death sentence.",
"Following an appeal to the Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Hsien Loong by Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Nguyen was able to hold hands with his mother and brother as he said goodbye for the last time.",
"Supporters will hold a vigil outside the prison before his death.",
"On December 2, Nguyen will be handcuffed and taken to the gallows in Singapore's Changi Prison to be hanged for drug trafficking."
] | 2005-12-01 | title |
Singapur: 25-jähriger Australier soll wegen Drogenschmuggel hingerichtet werden | 27,038 | [
"Lee Hsien Loong",
"December 1, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Singapur:_25-j%C3%A4hriger_Australier_soll_wegen_Drogenschmuggel_hingerichtet_werden | [] | interlang link |
Van Tuong Nguyen avrättas imorgon | 27,038 | [
"Lee Hsien Loong",
"December 1, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"Death penalty",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Van_Tuong_Nguyen_avr%C3%A4ttas_imorgon | [
"Singapore – Den australiensiske man som greps i Singapore för innehav av 396,2 gram heroin, mer än 25 gånger den mängd som behövs för att dömas till döden, kommer att avrättas i morgon 19.00 svensk tid (06.00 lokal tid) på Changifängelset.",
"Efter en vädjan från Australiens premiärminister John Howard till hans kollega i Singapore Lee Hsien Loong, har Nguyen fått tillstånd att hålla sin mors hand innan han avrättas.",
"En grupp kommer att hålla vaka utanför fängelset."
] | 1 december 2005 | interlang link |
Australian Federal Police say Wikileaks committed no crime | 229,628 | [
"Free speech",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Australian Communications and Media Authority",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"Julie Bishop",
"December 17, 2010"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_Federal_Police_say_Wikileaks_committed_no_crime | [
"The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has stated that the whistle-blowing website known as WikiLeaks has committed no crimes in Australia by publishing over 250,000 United States diplomatic cables. An investigation by the AFP into the release of the cables revealed that Wikileaks had not broken any laws under Australian jurisdiction.",
"\"[The AFP has] not identified any criminal offences where Australia has jurisdiction and as a result have not commenced an investigation,\" said Robert McClelland, attorney-general of Australia in a statement to the press. \"As has previously been stated, given the documents published to date are classified by the United States, the primary jurisdiction for any investigation into the matter remains the United States.\"",
"The investigation into Wikileaks actions came after the Australian Government referred the release of U.S. diplomatic cables to the AFP. McClelland stated that the Government's reaction to the WikiLeaks issue was \"prudent.\" Further cables that the Government queries the legality of would also be forwarded to the AFP as well. He also added that the government remains \"concerned\" about the situation and \"unauthorised and irresponsible distribution of classified material.\"",
"Controversy had also been raised today after Julia Gillard changed her stance on the release of the cables from calling the action \"illegal,\" to calling it \"grossly irresponsible,\" after the AFP had released their findings. Ms Gillard said at a press-conference in Sydney today that she did not intend to say that the release of the cables was illegal, but that their theft was. Deputy leader of the opposition (Liberal Party) Julie Bishop said there was no room for Ms Gillard to \"weasel out of it.\"",
"\"She is a lawyer. She well knows about the presumption of innocence,\" said Bishop. She added that the prime minister's legal background did not warrant her comments. Calls have also been voiced by the Green's Senator, Scott Ludlam, for Ms Gillard to retract her comments.",
"Wikileaks has been the subject of past investigations in Australia. In March of 2009, the proposed Australian Communications and Media Authority internet blacklist was leaked to the website. That matter was also referred to the AFP, who later abandoned pursuing criminal charges.",
"\"It's my understanding from the AFP that they considered the prospects of success under their guidelines, but it wasn't sufficient to get a prosecution,\" said Chairman Chris Chapman during a Senate Estimates Committee meeting in February."
] | 2010-12-17 | title |
Η Αυστραλιανή Ομοσπονδιακή Αστυνομία δήλωσε ότι το WikiLeaks δεν διέπραξε κανένα έγκλημα | 229,628 | [
"Free speech",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Australian Communications and Media Authority",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"Julie Bishop",
"December 17, 2010"
] | el | https://el.wikinews.org/wiki/%CE%97_%CE%91%CF%85%CF%83%CF%84%CF%81%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%B9%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%AE_%CE%9F%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%83%CF%80%CE%BF%CE%BD%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%B1%CE%BA%CE%AE_%CE%91%CF%83%CF%84%CF%85%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%BC%CE%AF%CE%B1_%CE%B4%CE%AE%CE%BB%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B5_%CF%8C%CF%84%CE%B9_%CF%84%CE%BF_WikiLeaks_%CE%B4%CE%B5%CE%BD_%CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%AD%CF%80%CF%81%CE%B1%CE%BE%CE%B5_%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B1_%CE%AD%CE%B3%CE%BA%CE%BB%CE%B7%CE%BC%CE%B1 | [
"Η Αυστραλιανή Ομοσπονδιακή Αστυνομία (ΑΟΑ) δήλωσε ότι η ιστοσελίδα WikiLeaks δεν διέπραξε έγκλημα στην Αυστραλία με τη δημοσίευση περισσότερων από 250.000 διπλωματικών εγγράφων των ΗΠΑ. Αυτό δηλώθηκε μετά το τέλος της έρευνας από την ΑΟΑ, η οποία συμπέρανε ότι οι πράξεις της ιστοσελίδας δεν αποτελούν ποινικό αδίκημα σύμφωνα με τον αυστραλιανό κανονισμό.",
"\"[Η ΑΟΑ] δεν εντόπισε οποιαδήποτε ποινικά αδικήματα στην αυστραλιανή δικαιοδοσία όπως έδειξαν και οι έρευνες της\", δήλωσε ο Ρόμπερτ ΜακΚλέλλαντ, Γενικός Εισαγγελέας της Αυστραλίας, σε δελτίο τύπου. \"Όπως είχα προαναφέρει, τα έγγραφα και η δημοσίευση τους αφορούν τις ΗΠΑ, και οι έρευνες πρέπει να γίνοντε μόνο από τη πλευρά των ΗΠΑ.\"",
"Η έρευνα για τις πράξεις του WikiLeaks άρχισαν μετά την ενημέρωση της ΑΟΑ από την Αυστραλιανή Κυβέρνηση για τη διαρροή διπλωματικών εγγράφων των ΗΠΑ. Ο ΜακΚλέλλαντ δήλωσε ότι η αντίδραση της Κυβέρνησης ήταν \"συνετή\". Πρόσθεσε επίσης ότι την Κυβέρνηση εξακολουθεί \"να προβληματίζει\" η κατάσταση σχετικά με την \"παράνομη και ανεύθυνη διανομή διαβαθμισμένου υλικού.\"\nΟι διαμάχες αυξήθηκαν μετά τη δήλωση της Τζούλια Γκίλαρντ, στις 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2010, όταν η τελευταία άλλαξε τη στάση της και δήλωσε πως η πράξη αυτή δεν είναι \"παράνομη\", αλλά \"ανεύθυνη\", μετά τη δημοσίευση των συμπερασμάτων της ΑΟΑ. Η κυρία Γκίλαρντ, σε συνέντευξη της στο Σίδνεϊ την ίδια μέρα, δήλωσε ότι \"δεν έχει τη πρόθεση να πεί ότι η δημοσίευση των εγγράφων ήταν παράνομη, αλλά είναι γεγονός ότι κλάπηκαν\". Η Αναπληρωτής Αρχηγός της αντιπολίτευσης (Ελεύθερο Κόμμα), Τζούλι Μπίσοπ, είπε δεν υπάρχει περιθώριο για τη κυρία Γκίλαρντ να \"βγεί νυφίτσα μετά από αυτό.\"",
"\"Είναι μια δικηγόρος. Ξέρει καλά σχετικά με το τεκμήριο της αθωότητας,\" δήλωσε ο Μπίσοπ. Δήλωσε ότι το νομικό υπόβαθρο της Πρωθυπουργού δεν δικαιολογούσε τις δηλώσεις της. Ζητήθηκε επίσης από τον Σκόττ Λούντλαμ, Γερουσιαστής των Πρασίνων, να ανακαλέσει η κυρία Γκίλαρντ τις δηλώσεις της.",
"Η ιστοσελίδα WikiLeaks ήταν το θέμα προηγούμενων ερευνών στην Αυστραλία. Τον Μάρτιο του 2009, η προτεινόμενη μαύρη λίστα (για το διαδίκτυο) της Αυστραλιανής Αρχής Επικοινωνιών και Μέσων δημοσιεύτηκε στο διαδίκτυο. Αυτό το θέμα αναφέρθηκε από την ΑΟΑ, η οποία αργότερα σταμάτησε τις έρευνες για ποινικές διώξεις.",
"\"Μου είναι κατανοητή η θέση της ΑΟΑ όσο αφορά τις προοπτικές επιτυχίας σύμφωνα με τις οδηγίες της, αλλά δεν είναι αρκετό για να ασκήσετε μια διώξη,\" δήλωσε ο Πρόεδρος Κρις Χάμπαν κατά τη διάρκεια της Συνεδρίασης Εκτιμήσεων της Γερουσίας, η οποία διεξήχθη τον Φεβρουάριο."
] | 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2010 | interlang link |
Australian Government passes new terror laws | 27,371 | [
"December 6, 2005",
"Terrorism laws",
"John Howard",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech",
"Bob Brown"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_Government_passes_new_terror_laws | [
"The Australia Federal Government has passed wide-ranging new counter-terrorism laws that civil opponents warned will disintegrate civil liberties. The federal parliament has agreed to laws aimed at stifling home-grown terrorists. The terrorism legislation was rushed through the Senate yesterday evening after the Government gagged debate on the bill.",
"The new laws enable police and intelligence agencies to detain suspects without charge for up to 14 days in solitary confinement. Authorities can also restrict and control movements of suspects, including fitting them with electronic tags for up to 12 months.",
"Prime Minister John Howard introduced the package after the July 2005 bombings in London. Federal Justice Minister Chris Ellison told the Senate the laws would give authorities the necessary tools to tackle terrorism, while being consistent with international human rights obligations.",
"John North, president of the Law Council of Australia, an outspoken critic of the package, said lawyers would monitor the government's use of its new powers. \"We want governments to know that almost 50,000 lawyers will be watching closely to make sure the new laws are not implemented at the expense of our civil liberties,\" Mr North said. He also said in a letter addressed to Prime Minister John Howard that \"The legal profession believes that the ramifications of these laws have the potential to be as terrifying as terrorism itself.\" This following a media campaign launched by the Law Council in newspapers vilifying the new legislation as \"draconian\".",
"The package, broadly supported by the opposition Labor Party, gives police tougher powers to stop, search and seize evidence from suspects and enables more close circuit television cameras to be used to monitor public places. The new legislation also updates sedition laws and allow greater use of security cameras.",
"The Australian Greens, the Democrats and the Law Council accuse the Labor Party of selling out civil rights by supporting the bill, which will give unprecedented powers to police and spy agencies. Australian Greens leader Bob Brown condemned the laws. \"We are in a new period of McCarthyism and we need to know that, and understand it, and worry that this time it won't be turned around, that citizens, using a law like this, will be brought before courts for political reasons, not security reasons,\" he told parliament.",
"Following some amendments, the Commonwealth Ombudsman will be given more power to oversee detention, detainees will have greater access to relatives and police will need to satisfy a greater number of grounds to impose limits on who a suspect can contact. The Australian Law Reform Commission will review the sedition provisions next year.",
"Civil libertarians and people who oppose Australia's involvement in Iraq also have protested. The proposed laws are \"horrific for journalists,\" senior Fairfax journalist David Marr said. \"Firstly, there's a completely secret new regime of putting people in preventive detention — that's entirely secret,\" he said. \"If we report it, if we report that people have gone into preventive detention, we're going to go individually to jail for five to seven years, something like that. Even if we report what happened to people in detention, we go to jail. \"",
"Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission president John Von Doussa says the proposed counter-terrorism laws are the first step towards a police state. The legislation gives police extraordinary powers to detain people without charge, but does not set out means by which the application of those powers can be checked or appealed, he said.",
"Prime Minister John Howard rejects suggestions the Government acted in undue haste by pushing a range of striking new laws through parliament before Christmas, despite public outcry over inadequate scrutiny and the gagging of parliamentary debate on many of the bills.",
"Defence Minister, Senator Robert Hill says the government has a responsibility to protect Australians. \"Out of the British bombing, we went back and looked at our laws. We believed that we needed further powers to protect Australians, said Mr Hill. \"Obviously, we want to put them through as quickly as possible because we are addressing a terrorist threat.\""
] | 2005-12-06 | title |
Nya omfattande terroristlagar i Australien | 27,371 | [
"December 6, 2005",
"Terrorism laws",
"John Howard",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech",
"Bob Brown"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Nya_omfattande_terroristlagar_i_Australien | [
"7 december 2005 Australiens federala regering har godkänt nya anti-terroristlagar som är avsedda att motarbeta terrorister som verkar i lander, men som kritiker menar innebär ett allvarligt hot mot medborgarnas frihet. Lagarna skyndades genom senaten i förrgår. ",
"De nya lagarna ger polisen och säkerhetspolisen rätt att hålla misstänkta i isolation under fjorton dagar utan att någon anklagelse riktas mot de misstänkta. Myndigheterna får också rätt att begränsa och kontrollera misstänktas rörelsefrihet, bland annat genom att förse dem med elektroniska fotbojor i upp till tolv månader.",
"Landets premiärminister John Howard presenterade lagförslaget i samband med bomberna i London i juli 2005. Justitieminister Chris Ellison sa inför senaten att de nya lagarna gav myndigheterna de verktyg de behövde för att bekämpa terrorismen och menade att de inte innebar någon konflikt med internationellt erkända mänskliga rättigheter.",
"John North vid det australiensiska lagrådet, en av förslaget fränaste kritiker, sa att jurister noga kommer övervaka hur regeringen använder sina nya maktbefogenheter: \"Vi vill att regeringen ska vara medveten om att nästan 50 000 jurister följa utveckling i detalj för att försäkra sig om att lagarna inte används på bekostnad av våra medborgerliga rättigheter\".",
"Lagarna innebär också att polisen får mycket större möjlighet att stoppa, visitera och beslagta bevis hos misstänkta. Dessutom medger de fler övervakningskameror på offentliga platser, en revidering av lagar om uppvigling.",
"Lagarna har starkt stöd från arbetarpartiet som de gröna och det liberala partiet anklagar för att ha sålt ut medborgarnas civilrättsliga skydd. De grönas partiledare Bob Grown dömde ut lagarna. Kritiska röster har även hörts bland många av de som varit motståndare till Australiens engagemang i Irak. Exempelvis journalister som David Marr menar att de nya lagarna är en katastrof för journalistiken eftersom all rapportering om fångar som hålls kan innebära kanske fem till sju års fängelse. Andra betraktar de nya lagarna som ett första steg mot en polisstat eftersom de ger polisen rätt att hålla människor utan att anklaga dem för något.",
"Kritiska röster har också pekat på att regeringen haft för bråttom när de pressat fram lagarna före jul trots omfattande protester och krav på mer debatter i parlamentet. Både premiärministern och landets försvarsminister Robert Hill tillbakavisar kritiken och menar att de har ett ansvar att skydda medborgarna och att landet faktiskt står inför ett terroristhot."
] | null | interlang link |
Australian town to change name to promote road safety | 245,819 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"February 18, 2011",
"Science and technology",
"Local only",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_town_to_change_name_to_promote_road_safety | [
"The residents of Speed, a small town in the south-east of Australia, have made the decision to modify the name of the town for one month in an attempt to improve road safety in the country. The name of the town will be adjusted to SpeedKills across next month.",
"The idea was created by the Transport Accident Commission (TAC). A campaign was launched on the social networking website Facebook, saying that if 10,000 'liked' the campaign page, the name of the town — which has a population of 45 — would be changed. 'Rename Speed' has now gone on to achieve over 33,000 likes.",
"Previously, the government had used various advertising campaigns in an attempt to get motorists to reduce speed. However, these campaigns were in large part unsuccessful. In 2010, Australia experienced a 25% increase in deaths on rural roads . TAC spokesperson Phil Reed has stated that, with this new name change campaign, \"[w]e're trying to get people to stay within the speed limits, obey road safety rules\" and cause motorists to \"realise that when they don't, people die\".",
"One inhabitant of Speed has also made the decision to change his name during March. Phil Down, who grows wheat and raises sheep, has decided to change his name to Phil Slow Down. Speaking to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Down explained: \"It's virtually on the road to somewhere else, so we've taken our quirky name and run with it to bring the attention to the campaign of trying to get people to slow down on country roads and especially through small towns\"."
] | 2011-02-18 | title |
Australské město se na měsíc přejmenuje, aby propagovalo silniční bezpečnost | 245,819 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"February 18, 2011",
"Science and technology",
"Local only",
"Crime and law",
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Australsk%C3%A9_m%C4%9Bsto_se_na_m%C4%9Bs%C3%ADc_p%C5%99ejmenuje,_aby_propagovalo_silni%C4%8Dn%C3%AD_bezpe%C4%8Dnost | [
"Obyvatelé městečka Speed (tedy „Rychlost“) na jihovýchodě Austrálie se rozhodli pokusit se zvýšit bezpečnost na silnicích tím, že na jeden měsíc své město přejmenují. Dočasným jménem bude SpeedKills, tedy Rychlost zabíjí.",
"Nápad vzešel od Komise dopravních nehod státu Viktoria a má zároveň udělat malému městu s pětačtyřiceti obyvateli reklamu. Součástí příprav totiž byla kampaň na sociální síti Facebook, která uváděla, že k přejmenování dojde, pokud alespoň deset tisíc lidí návrh podpoří kliknutím. To se už podařilo, neboť že se jim návrh „líbí“ oznámilo v této sociální síti svým přátelům už více než třiatřicet tisíc lidí.",
"Ze strany vládních úřadů byly v minulosti podniknuty již mnohé osvětové kampaně, jejichž cílem bylo přimět automobilisty snížit rychlost, nebyly ovšem příliš úspěšné. V roce 2010 se v Austrálii zvýšil počet úmrtí na venkovských silnicích o čtvrtinu a mluvčí Komise dopravních nehod Phil Reed nyní uvedl, že novou kampaní založenou na přejmenování města „se [komise] snaží obyvatele přesvědčit, aby nepřekračovali rychlostní omezení a dodržovali pravidla bezpečnosti silničního provozu“ a a přimět motoristy, aby „si uvědomili, že pokud to nedělají, umírají lidé“.",
"Jeden z obyvatelů města se navíc rozhodl, že se na měsíc přejmenuje. Phil Down (možno přeložit „Filip Sniž“), povoláním pěstitel pšenice a chovatel ovcí, se bude měsíc jmenovat Phil Slow Down, tedy „Filip Sniž Rychlost“.",
"Tato zpráva byla založena zčásti nebo zcela překladem zprávy Australian town to change name to promote road safety na anglických Wikizprávách."
] | Pátek 18. února 2011 | interlang link |
Australian Van Nguyen executed in Singapore | 27,123 | [
"Changi International Airport",
"December 2, 2005",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_Van_Nguyen_executed_in_Singapore | [
"Convicted Australian drug trafficker Van Tuong Nguyen was executed at Changi Prison in Singapore today. Prison officials have confirmed the execution took place at 0900 AEDT (2200 UTC Thursday).",
"The 25-year-old Nguyen was arrested at Changi Airport in December, 2002, while in transit from Cambodia to Australia. He was found to be in possession of 396.2 grams of heroin. He was convicted in the Singapore High Court and sentenced to death under the Misuse of Drugs Act which mandates a death sentence for trafficking more than 15 grams of heroin.",
"All appeals for clemency were rejected. Singapore's High Commissioner in Australia, Joseph Koh, said Singapore carefully considered appeals from Australia but decided the law must be applied consistently. \"It had to treat Nguyen consistently with similar past cases, and apply the law equally to Singaporeans and foreigners,\" Mr Koh said.",
"After saying goodbye to his client, Nguyen's Australian lawyer, Julian McMahon, said Nguyen's execution was a waste. \"He is completely rehabilitated, completely reformed, completely focused on doing what is good and now they're going to kill him,\" he said.",
"It was previously reported that Nguyen's mother would not be permitted to embrace her son before the execution, however, Mr McMahon has confirmed that they were allowed some physical contact. \"Well I actually wasn't in the room when that happened but there was a grill and they were able to hold each other's hands and Kim was able to, at least for some time, I'm not sure how long, was able to touch Van on the face,\" he said. \"She told me she was able to talk to him and touch his hair. That was a great comfort to her.\"",
"Prayer vigils were held outside Changi Prison and around Australia to mark the first execution of an Australian since Michael McAuliffe in Malaysia in 1993. Nguyen's body is expected to be returned to Australia on Saturday for a funeral next week."
] | 2005-12-02 | title |
L'Australien Van Tuong Nguyen a été exécuté à Singapour | 27,123 | [
"Changi International Airport",
"December 2, 2005",
"Crime and law",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/L%27Australien_Van_Tuong_Nguyen_a_%C3%A9t%C3%A9_ex%C3%A9cut%C3%A9_%C3%A0_Singapour | [
"Le trafiquant de drogue australien Van Tuong Nguyen a été exécuté aujourd'hui à la prison de Changi (Singapour). Les autorités carcérales ont confirmé que l'exécution a eu lieu à 22h00 UTC (09h00 AEDT).",
"Nguyen, qui avait 25 ans, avait été arrété à l'aéroport de Changi en décembre 2002, lors de l'escale d'un vol le menant du Cambodge vers l'Australie. Il a été trouvé en possession de 396,2 grammes d'héroïne. Il avait comparu devant la Haute cour de justice de Singapour et comdamné à mort pour le crime de trafic de drogue (peine encourue dès que l'on est trouvé porteur de plus de 15 grammes d'héroïne).",
"Tous les appels pour l'acquittement ont été rejetés. Le haut commissaire de Singapour en Australie, Joseph Koh, a déclaré que Singapour avait considéré consciencieusement les appels de l'Australie mais avait décidé que la loi devait être appliquée avant tout."
] | Publié le 2 décembre 2005 | interlang link |
Van Tuong Nguyen avrättades i Singapore | 27,123 | [
"Changi International Airport",
"December 2, 2005",
"Crime and law",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Van_Tuong_Nguyen_avr%C3%A4ttades_i_Singapore | [
"2 december 2005 Den australiensiske medborgare som dömts till döden i Singapore avrättades klockan nio på morgonen lokal tid (21.00 svensk tid). Van Tuong Nguyen blev 25 år.",
"Nguyen greps på Singapors flygplats 2002 där han mellanlandat på en resa från Kombodja till Australien. han hade 396,2 gram heroin på sig. I Singapore ger innehav av mer än 15 gram dödsstraff och i Singapores högsta domstol dömdes han därför till döden. Alla nådeansökningar har avslagits.",
"Singapores överkommissarie i Australien1 Jospeh Koh sa i en kommentar att man noga övervägt Australiens vädjanden, men kommit fram till att lagen måste tillämpas konsekvent: \"Den måste behandla Nguyen i överensstämmelse med liknande tidigare fall och lagen måste tillämpas på samma sätt på singaporeser och utlänningar\".",
"Nguyens australiensiske advokat Julian McMahon, sa när han tagit farväl av sin klient: \"Han är fullständigt rehabiliterad, fullständigt förändrad, fullständigt inställd på att göra gott och nu ska de döda hnom\".",
"Tidigare har uppgifter förekommit att Nguyens mor inte tillåtits krama sin son innan avrättningen. McMahon sa emellertid att de medgivits fysisk kontakt. \"Jag var ju inte närvarande i rummet när det hände men det fanns ett galler och de hade möjlighet att hålla varandras händer och Kim kunde, åtminstone under en viss tid, jag vet inte hur länge, röra Vans ansikte. Hon berättade att hon kunde tala med honom och röra hans hår. Det var en stor tröst för henne.\"",
"Utanför Changifängelset och runtom i Australien hölls vakor och böner. Nguyens kropp kommer att återföras till Australien och begravas på lördag i nästa vecka."
] | null | interlang link |
Australian writer Harry Nicolaides jailed for three years for insulting Thai Royal Family | 119,535 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Thaksin Shinawatra",
"Reporters Without Borders",
"Abhisit Vejjajiva",
"January 21, 2009",
"Nick Xenophon",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Australian_writer_Harry_Nicolaides_jailed_for_three_years_for_insulting_Thai_Royal_Family | [
"Melbourne writer Harry Nicolaides, 41, was sentenced on Monday to three years imprisonment for defaming the Royal Family of Thailand. He had pled guilty to the lèse majesté indictment that arose from a self-published 2005 novel, Verisimilitude, of which only 50 copies were printed, and just seven sold.\nMeanwhile, yesterday, the Thai police charged a leading leftist political science professor, Dr. Giles Ji Ungpakorn, with lèse majesté.",
"The passage of concern, which comprised only 103 words or 12 lines, referred to a crown prince's love life. This allegedly insulted the lifestyle of H.R.H. Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, the only son of Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit.",
"The Royal Family of Thailand is the current ruling house of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Head of the House of the King of Thailand. It is protected by law (Lèse majesté) from insult, with the charge carrying a maximum 15-year sentence.",
"\"He has written a book that slandered the king, the crown prince of Thailand and the monarchy,\" the judge ruled. \"He was found guilty under criminal law article 112 and the court has sentenced him to six years, but due to his confession, which is beneficial to the case, the sentence is reduced to three years,\" the judge explained.",
"Nicolaides earlier confessed to having slandered 81-year-old King Bhumibol and his son Vajiralongkorn. \"I respect the King of Thailand. I was aware there were obscure laws (about the monarchy) but I didn't think they would apply to me,\" he tearfully said. He was arrested and detained at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport on August 31 as he tried to leave the country on a routine trip. Nicolaides was unaware of an arrest warrant issued on March 17, since he was not officially notified of the preliminary investigation.",
"Nicolaides had even sent copies of the published book to the Thai Ministry of Culture and Foreign Affairs, the national library and the Bureau of the Royal Household, for approval. In the decision, the Thai judge clarified that Nicolaides had placed the monarchy into disrepute, even obliquely, by his \"reckless choice of words\". The judgment cited a passage about the novel's fictional prince which caused \"dishonour\" to the royals and suggested an \"abuse of royal power.\"",
"The fictional passage in question goes as follows:",
"Nicolaides, who had worked in Thailand from 2003 to 2005 as a Chiang Rai university lecturer in hospitality and tourism, left the Bangkok court wearing a dark orange prison jumpsuit with his feet shackled. \"This is an Alice-in-Wonderland experience. I really believe that I am going to wake up and all of you will be gone. I would like to apologise. This can't be real. It feels like a bad dream,\" said Nicolaides. He felt \"dreadful,\" adding, \"I wish my family the best.\"",
"His brother Forde Nicolaides said Harry is not appealing but will request a Thai royal pardon. \"We're devastated. You might be able to hear my mother crying in the background. It's quite devastating for us. The whole case has been a massive emotional ordeal that has consumed our entire family. It's beyond belief,\" Forde was reported as saying.",
"Nicolaides' family has attributed some blame to the Rudd government for its failure to intervene in the case. Forde criticized Foreign Minister Stephen Smith: \"There is a huge expectation gap between what Australian citizens think the Australian government will do when they are in trouble overseas versus what they will do.\"",
"Harry's father Socrates Nicolaides, 83, delivered an appeal letter to Mr. Rudd last week. \"I said to him, as one father to another father, please Mr. Prime Minister, I plead with you to do your utmost to do everything in your power to get Harry released,\" Mr. Nicolaides said. His wife Despina Nicolaides, 75, collapsed when she saw the video footage of her son. \"He has just written a book,\" she said amid tears.",
"Despina Nicolaides said on Wednesday she appealed to King Bhumibol for a royal pardon, but her family has not received any reply from the Thai government. \"We don't know when really it will be okay for Harry to be released - they don't say anything,\" she said. \"I'm worrying sick. I hope that they will help us too like they did the Swiss people,\" she added.",
"According to Foreign Minister Smith, an Australian consular staff in Bangkok visited Nicolaides 25 times in prison. \"We understand the anxiety that is being felt by Mr. Nicolaides and his family, however, he is subject to the legal and judicial processes of Thailand,\" the Smith's spokesman said. Moreover, Thai laws require a waiting period of 30 days from promulgation of the sentence before Nicolaides becomes eligible to apply for a Thai King's pardon.",
"Smith mentioned that he had forwarded the Federal Government's letter to Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya Monday for the Australian writer's pardon. \"I raised Mr. Nicolaides' case with then Thai Foreign Minister Sompong when we met at APEC in November last year,\" Mr. Smith added.",
"Independent Senator Nicholas (Nick) Xenophon has called on the Australian Federal Government to exert pressure on Thailand for the early repatriation of Nicolaides who has already served five months in jail. He has been refused bail four times. Xenophon is a South Australian barrister, anti-gambling campaigner and No Pokies, independent in the South Australian Legislative Council.",
"\"The imprisonment has taken a heavy toll on his physical and mental health. He has lost weight, he has been continually unwell for extended periods of time and obviously psychologically he has found the experience of being in prison in Thailand very challenging,\" his Australian lawyer, Mark Dean SC said. \"Once that sentence is passed, if it's not a suspended sentence, then an application will be made for a royal pardon and we're hoping that that will be processed as quickly as possible,\" he added.",
"Acting Premier of Victoria, Justin Hulls said he has enquired about whether Victorian Government can provide assistance to Nicolaides. Hulls' legal team applied for a Thai royal pardon. His office has also communicated with lawyers of the case and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.",
"According to Reporters Without Borders (RWB, or Reporters Sans Frontières), a Paris-based international non-governmental organization that advocates freedom of the press, the sentence imposed was \"a serious violation of free expression.\" The group has expressed concern at the use of the Lèse majesté laws to suppress political discussion and dissenting voices.",
"Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the Thai police filed a lèse majesté case against Dr. Giles Ji Ungpakorn, 55, a political science professor at Chulalongkorn University and Thailand's leading leftist political analyst. \"The government, the prime minister, should order that they (the lese majeste laws) cease being used against people and that a whole review of the law should take place,\" Giles said.",
"The accusations against Giles stem from the publishing a 2007 anti-military coup book, 'A Coup for the Rich,' which can be downloaded free on his blog http://www.wdpress.blog.co.uk. The 144-page critique is an academic textbook dealing with the Thailand political crisis 2005-2006, the bloodless coup of September 19, 2006 which overthrew former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Professor Ungpakorn's father Puey Ungpakorn was the Bank of Thailand's governor for 12 years and also a Thammasat University dean, and whose brother Jon Ungpakorn is a former senator.",
"Giles was duly informed of the charges at the central Pathum Wan Police Station. He was granted 20 days to file a sworn counter-statement to the police, who will then rule on whether to file formal charges in the courts for trial. \"Lèse majesté is being used to destroy free speech,\" said Giles who denied the charges. \"The lès majesté laws are there to protect the military and to protect governments that come to power through military action. They're not really about protecting the monarchy,\" he added.",
"The Thai people believe that King Bhumibol and the Thai Royal Family are semi-divine. Accordingly, insulting the monarchy is taken extremely seriously in Thailand. Justice Minister Pirapan Salirathavibhaga earlier vowed to impose tougher regulations to implement the laws. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, however, announced last week that he was trying to \"strike the balance between upholding the law and allowing freedom of expression.\" Pirapan has reported that more than 10,000 websites have similar criminal contents.",
"The Thai government had already blocked about 4,000 websites, including 2,300 websites recently, for alleged violations of lèse majesté law. As of last week, more than 17 criminal cases of insulting the royal family were still pending. About 400 more websites await a court restraining order, according to Information and Communication (ICT) Minister Ranongruk Suwanchawee.",
"Lèse majesté cases have been filed against several people, including Chotisak On-soong, Jitra Kotchadej, Darunee Charnchoengsilpakul, Suwicha Thakhor, Sondhi Limthongkul, and social activists like Sulak Sivaraksa who were charged in the 1980s and 1990s. The King, however, has routinely granted pardons to most people jailed for lèse majesté. In March 2007, Swiss national Oliver Jufer was convicted of lèse majesté and sentenced to 10 years for spray-painting on several portraits of the king while drunk in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Jufer was pardoned by the king on April 12, 2007.",
"In March 2008, Police Colonel Watanasak Mungkijakarndee filed a similar case against Jakrapob Penkhair for comments made in a Foreign Correspondents' Club (FCCT) event in August 2007. In 2008 BBC south-east Asia correspondent Jonathan Head was accused of lèse majesté three times by Colonel Watanasak Mungkijakarndee. In the most recent case Watanasak filed new charges highlighting a conspiracy connecting Jonathan Head to Veera Musikapong at the FCCT.",
"Canberra Thai Embassy Minister counselor, Saksee Phromyothi, on Wednesday defended the country's harsh lèse majesté, saying that, \"under Thailand's constitution, the king was above politics and was prevented from publicly defending himself from personal attacks.\" Mr. Saksee explained that \"99 per cent of foreigners convicted under this law get pardoned and then we deport them.\""
] | 2009-01-21 | title |
Por “insulto real” escritor australiano es sentenciado a 3 años de cárcel en Tailandia | 119,535 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Thaksin Shinawatra",
"Reporters Without Borders",
"Abhisit Vejjajiva",
"January 21, 2009",
"Nick Xenophon",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Por_%E2%80%9Cinsulto_real%E2%80%9D_escritor_australiano_es_sentenciado_a_3_a%C3%B1os_de_c%C3%A1rcel_en_Tailandia | [
"20 de enero de 2009Bangkok, Tailandia — El escritor australiano, Harry Nicolaides, quien fuera arrestado en el aeropuerto de Bangkok y mantenido en prisión desde entonces, ha sido condenado a 3 años de prisión por el crimen de “lesa majestad”, el cual es castigado por el código penal tailandés.",
"El escritor fue acusado de ofender al príncipe de la corona en una novela publicada en el 2005 con el título de “Verosimilitud”.",
"La siguiente es una traducción del parágrafo que llevó a Nicolaides a la cárcel:",
"El delito de Nicolaides fue denunciado anónimamente, y su libro Verosimilitud, del que solo se alcanzaron a vender 7 copias, fue retirado del mercado. Fue emitida, en marzo de 2008, una orden de arresto contra el australiano, de la que éste no tenía conocimiento cuando ingresó al país y fue arrestado el 31 de agosto de 2008.",
"La monarquía tailandesa es una institución antigua, cuyo monarca Bhumibol Adulyadej es considerado un semidiós por los súbditos. Paradójicamente, el silencio del rey ante los eventos políticos que llevaron al golpe de estado contra Thaksin Shinawatra en 2006, y la consecuente inestabilidad política generada han lesionado la imagen de la familia real.",
"La reacción oficial ha sido, desde entonces, suprimir toda crítica a la monarquía. En este ambiente han tenido lugar la inesperada detención y la sentencia contra Harry Nicolaides."
] | null | interlang link |
Por “insulto real” escritor australiano é sentenciado a 3 anos de cárcere na Tailândia | 119,535 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Thaksin Shinawatra",
"Reporters Without Borders",
"Abhisit Vejjajiva",
"January 21, 2009",
"Nick Xenophon",
"Crime and law",
"Free speech"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Por_%E2%80%9Cinsulto_real%E2%80%9D_escritor_australiano_%C3%A9_sentenciado_a_3_anos_de_c%C3%A1rcere_na_Tail%C3%A2ndia | [
"Bangkok, Tailândia • 23 de janeiro de 2009",
"O escritor australiano Harry Nicolaides, que foi preso no aeroporto de Bangkok e desde então, detido na prisão, foi condenado a 3 anos de prisão pelo crime de \"lesa-majestade\", que é punível pelo Código Penal tailandês.",
"O escritor foi acusado de insultar o Príncipe Herdeiro de um romance publicado em 2005 sob o título “Verosimilitude”.",
"A seguinte é uma tradução do ponto que levou à prisão Nicolaides:",
"O crime de Nicolaides foi denunciado anonimamente e seu livro Vesosimitude foi retirado do mercado e só vendeu apenas 7 cópias. Em março de 2008 foi emitido um mandado de captura contra Nicolaides, de que ele não sabia quando ele entrou no país e foi preso em 31 de agosto de 2008.",
"A monarquia tailandesa é uma instituição antiga e o monarca Bhumibol Adulyadej e é considerado um semideus por seus súditos. No entanto, o silêncio do rei ante dos eventos políticos que levaram ao golpe contra Thaksin Shinawatra em 2006 e a consequente instabilidade política gerada havia danificada a imagem gerada da família real.",
"A reação oficial havia sido desde então a de suprimir toda crítica contra a monarquia e neste ambiente, bem como a detenção e sentencia caso de um escritor australiano."
] | null | interlang link |
Subsets and Splits