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アメリカ・コネチカット州の小学校で銃乱射、26人が死亡 | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%A1%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B3%E3%83%8D%E3%83%81%E3%82%AB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E5%B7%9E%E3%81%AE%E5%B0%8F%E5%AD%A6%E6%A0%A1%E3%81%A7%E9%8A%83%E4%B9%B1%E5%B0%84%E3%80%8126%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%8C%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1 | [
] | 【2012年12月16日】 | interlang link |
Atirador mata 27 pessoas em ataque a escola primária nos Estados Unidos | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Atirador_mata_27_pessoas_em_ataque_a_escola_prim%C3%A1ria_nos_Estados_Unidos | [
"Agência Brasil",
"14 de dezembro de 2012",
"Brasília - Ao menos 27 pessoas, incluindo 18 crianças, foram mortas por um atirador que abriu fogo nesta sexta-feira em uma escola primária americana, de acordo com a rede americana CBS, que cita autoridades policiais. O ataque ocorreu na escola primária Sandy Hook School, que tem cerca de 600 alunos entre 5 e 10 anos e fica em Newtown, no estado de Connecticut, no Nordeste dos Estados Unidos.",
"Segundo o tenente Paul Dance, da polícia local, o atirador é um dos mortos e seu corpo ainda está no interior do edifício. Segundo testemunhas, ele entrou na escola vestindo uma farda militar.",
"O hospital local informou que há várias pessoas internadas, muitas em estado grave. A polícia afirmou que há \"muitas vítimas\", entre funcionários e alunos. Dance não confirmou o número total de mortos, alegando que todos os familiares das vítimas devem ser alertados primeiro.",
"A polícia chegou à escola às 9h40 (12h40 no horário de Brasília), pouco depois de ser avisada por telefone do ataque. O local foi imediatamente cercado e bloqueado e todos os sobreviventes foram retirados da escola. Imagens aéreas mostram várias ambulâncias e veículos de resgate ao redor do colégio.",
"O presidente americano Barack Obama acompanha o caso e expressou suas condolências. A investigação do caso está sendo feita com a participação de diversas agências. A Casa Branca afirmou ter disponibilizado todos os recursos necessários para esclarecer o crime."
] | null | interlang link |
20 детей и 6 взрослых были убиты в начальной школе «Сэнди Хук» в США | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/20_%D0%B4%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9_%D0%B8_6_%D0%B2%D0%B7%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0%BB%D1%8B%D1%85_%D0%B1%D1%8B%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8B_%D0%B2_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B5_%C2%AB%D0%A1%D1%8D%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B8_%D0%A5%D1%83%D0%BA%C2%BB_%D0%B2_%D0%A1%D0%A8%D0%90 | [
"26 человек, в том числе 20 детей (18 из них погибли на месте, 2 скончались в больнице) и 6 взрослых были убиты в начальной школе «Сэнди Хук» в маленьком городке Ньютаун, штат Коннектикут (школы в США подразделяются на начальные, средние и школы старших классов).\nОдин человек ранен.",
"В пятницу 14 декабря 20-летний Адам Ланза открыл огонь по ученикам и учителям в школа «Сэнди-Хук», которая, по словам репортеров, считается первоклассной.\nОн был одет в некое подобие военной формы.\nСообщается, что среди жертв преступника его собственная мать Нэнси Ланза, работавшая преподавателем (сейчас говорится о том, что убийца застрелил мать не в школе, а дома).",
"Погибла, по некоторым данным, и директор школы Дон Хохспранг, а также школьный психолог и ещё четверо взрослых.\nУбийца расстреливал детей в упор.\nКак сообщил представитель полиции лейтенант Пол Вэнс, нападавший также мертв (таким образом, общее число погибших в школе составляет 27 человек).",
"На месте найдены три единицы оружия. Это пистолеты Глок и Зауэр (англ. Sauer) и полуавтоматическая винтовка Бушмастер (англ. Bushmaster ACR), зарегистрированные на мать Адама Ланза, которая стала одной из первых его жертв.\nАмериканские СМИ передают, что у преступника мог быть некий сообщник, которого сейчас допрашивают.",
"Телекомпания CNN опровергает появившуюся ранее информацию о том, что в штате Нью-Джерси обнаружен убитым старший брат нападавшего, 24-летний Райан Ланза.\nЖурналисты телеканала сообщают, что старший брат жив и даже был допрошен в рамках расследования, как и отец убийцы. Причем, Райана Ланза увезли из дома в наручниках. Подчеркнем, что в данный момент поступает много противоречивых данных. О мотивах преступника пока ничего не сообщается.",
"Адам Ланца (Ланза) проживал в доме на Йонаганда-стрит.\nИсточники сообщают, что молодой человек страдал от расстройства личности, был психически ненормальным, возможно, аутистом, жил со своей матерью, и устроил стрельбу после ссоры с ней.\nМать Адама, работавшая в школе Sandy Hook, стала его первой жертвой.\nПосле этого Адам с кучей оружия, зарегистрированного на её имя, приехал в школу, в которой работала его мать, где начал молча расстреливать детей и взрослых.\nПо словам свидетелей, нападавший был одет в военную форму и имел при себе по меньшей мере два пистолета.\nСебя Адам убил под конец бойни.",
"Некоторым детям удалось спастись выбежав из класса.\nКроме того, сообщается что 6-летний сын Роберта Ликата смог не только уберечься сам, но и вывести ещё нескольких детей.",
"В связи с трагедией в США объявлен четырёхдневный траур.\nНа всех правительственных зданиях, военных базах и зарубежных представительствах США «до захода солнца 18 декабря» приспущены флаги.\nВ Ньютауне, где проживает около 27 тысяч жителей, прошла поминальная служба.",
"Барак Обама, едва сдерживая слёзы, выступил с обращением к нации:",
"В то же время, к Белому дому прибыли демонстранты, требующие отменить вторую поправку к Конституции США, гарантирующую гражданам право граждан на хранение и ношение оружия.\nОдин из участников акции у Белого Дома в частности сказал: «Оружие создано только для одной цели — чтобы убивать. Штурмовое оружие предназначено, чтобы убивать как можно больше людей за как можно меньшее время. Им нет места в нашем обществе, им нет места в наших городах. И по-моему не может быть никаких гражданских прав и спортивных увлечений, которые могут оправдать такое».",
"Свои соболезнования американскому народу выразили многие мировые лидеры, в том числе генеральный секретарь ООН Пан Ги Мун, глава европейской дипломатии Кэтрин Эштон, председатель Еврокомиссии Жозе Мануэль Баррозу, премьер-министры Канады, Британии, Австралии, президент Франции Франсуа Олланд.",
"Президент России Владимир Путин выразил глубокие соболезнования Президенту США Бараку Обаме в связи с трагедией, произошедшей в пятницу в начальной школе в штате Коннектикут:",
"Владимир Путин, сообщает Kremlin.ru, попросил президента США «передать слова поддержки и сочувствия родным и близким погибших и выразил сопереживание всему американскому народу».",
"Жители Москвы целый день — 15 декабря возлагали цветы у американского посольства.",
"В послании британской королевы Елизаветы II президенту Бараку Обаме говорится:"
] | 15 декабря 2012 года | interlang link |
Dhjetëra të vdekur në një shkollë në SHBA | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | sq | https://sq.wikinews.org/wiki/Dhjet%C3%ABra_t%C3%AB_vdekur_n%C3%AB_nj%C3%AB_shkoll%C3%AB_n%C3%AB_SHBA | [
"Një i ri 20 vjeçar ka qëlluar me armë në një shkollë fillore në SHBA duke lënë të paktën 27 të vdekur, nga të cilët 20 fëmijë nga 5 deri në 10 vjeç. Ngjarja e rëndë ka ndodhur në shkollën \"Sandy Hook Elementary School\" në Njutaun, Konektikat.",
"Fillimisht u dyshua se autori i kësaj masakre ishte 24 vjeçari Ryan Lanza, por më pas doli se autori kishte qenë vëllai i tij Adam Lanza. Ky i fundit vrau nënën e tij në shtëpi dhe më pas u drejtua për te shkolla ku ajo punonte si mësuese duke vrarë fillimisht drejtoreshën dhe psikologen e shkollës dhe më pas hyri nëpër klasa duke qëlluar mbi fëmijët. Mësohet se Adam Lanza, pas kësaj masakre, i ka dhënë fund jetës duke qëlluar nga vetja.",
"I riu mbante një pushkë të kalibrit 223 mm dhe dy pistoleta.",
"Fëmijët e tjerë janë evakuuar plotësisht nga zjarrëfikësit, të cilët i kanë vënë në rresht dhe i kanë urdhëruar për të mbyllur sytë, në mënyrë që të mos shihnin skenën e tmerrshme. Sipas dëshmive të prindërve, mund të kenë qenë më tepër se 100 të shtëna armësh. Përveç të vdekurve ka edhe disa të plagosur, ku tre prej tyre janë dërguar në spital në gjendje të rëndë.",
"Ndërkohë, presidenti amerikan Barak Obama, ka dalë në një konferencë për shyp ku ka folur për ngajrjen e rëndë. \"Nuk besoj te kete ndonje prind amerikan, qe nuk ndien te njejten dhimbje therrese, sic ndjej edhe une\" - u shpreh Obama. Ai urdhëroi uljen e flamujve në gjysmë-shtizë për 4 ditë rresht në nder të viktimave."
] | E premte, 14 dhjetor 2012 | interlang link |
САД: Пуцњава у школи, има жртава | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%90%D0%94:_%D0%9F%D1%83%D1%86%D1%9A%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D1%83_%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8,_%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0_%D0%B6%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%B0 | [
"14. децембар 2012.Њутаун (Конектикат)/ Конектикат (RSE/VOA) - Двадесеторо деце и шесторо одраслих погинуло је у петак у пуцњави у Њутауну, у америчкој савезној држави Конектикат.",
"Медији јављају да је у нападу настрадало најмање 27 људи, од чега 20 деце, као и да је међу жртвама и нападач. Агенције јављају да има и рањених. Уколико се потврди број жртава то ће бити један од највећих напада овог типа у Сједињеним Америчким Државама.",
"Школу Сенди хук (Sandy Hook) у којој се догодио напад похађају деца од пет до 10 година, пренео је Ројтерс. Пол Денс из државне полиције Конектиката рекао је на конференцији за новинаре да је полиција реаговала брзо, да је одмах дошла на место напада и да је цео школски комплекс прегледан и обезбеђен.",
"На телевизијским снимцима видели су се полицајци и амбулантна возила на лицу места, као и родитељи који се окупљају око школе и преплашена деца која беже у пратњи одраслих.",
"Амерички председник Барак Обама рекао је да он и родитељи широм земље осећају дубоку утученост због данашњег масовног убиства деце и особља у једној школи у Конектикету. Видно узнемирен и бришући сузе Обама је говорио у Белој кући, рекавши да су већина жртава деца која су имала читав живот пред собом.",
"Поручник Државне полиције Конектикета, Џеј Пол Венс, рекао је да је двадесеторо деце и шесторо одраслих убијено у основној школи Сенди хук, у Њутауну, у држави Конектикет, додајући да је наоружани нападач такође мртав.",
"Председник је ту пуцњаву назвао „гнусним злочином“. Он је рекао да је земља у протеклих неколико година поднела превише таквих трагедија и да ће морати да се окупи и предузме неку значајну акцију за спречавање сличних инцидената. Обама је наредио да се до уторка заставе на Белој кући и другим државним зградама спусте на пола копља. Гувернер државе Конектикет, Данијел Малој, назвао је ту пуцњаву неизрецивом трагедијом.",
"Новинске агенције извештавају да је за напад осумњичен Рајан Ланза, који је био двадесетих година. У извештајима се такође каже да је његова мајка радила у школи и да је и она убијена у нападу.",
"Обама је рекао да је разговарао са гувернером Малојем да би му изразио своју жалост и обећао помоћ из федералних средстава.",
"На фото и видео снимцима са попришта трагедије виде се како одрасли ужурбано евакуишу децу из школе и родитељи који грле своју децу. Било је потребно неколико сати пре него што је јавност сазнала пун обим ове трагедије."
] | null | interlang link |
Skottdrama i amerikansk lågstadieskola | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Skottdrama_i_amerikansk_l%C3%A5gstadieskola | [
"Publiceringar 14 december • december 2012 • kvartal 4 • vecka 50"
] | null | interlang link |
அமெரிக்க ஆரம்பப் பள்ளியில் துப்பாக்கிச் சூடு, 20 மாணவர்கள் உட்பட 27 பேர் உயிரிழப்பு | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%85%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%86%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95_%E0%AE%86%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%B3%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%B3%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%82%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81,_20_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A3%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%B3%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%89%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%9F_27_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%89%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B4%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81 | [
"அமெரிக்காவின் கனெடிகட் மாநிலத்தில் உள்ள நியூடவுன் ஆரம்பப் பள்ளியில் நேற்றுக் காலை துப்பாக்கி ஏந்திய ஒருவன் சரமாரியாகச் சுட்டதில் 20 சிறுவர்கள் உட்பட 26 பேர் கொல்லப்பட்டனர் எனக் காவல்துறையினர் அறிவித்துள்ளனர்.",
"துப்பாக்கிதாரி தன்னைத் தானே சுட்டுக் கொண்டு இறந்து விட்டதாகவும், சூட்டுச் சம்பவம் முடிவுக்கு வந்துவிட்டதாகவும் அதிகாரிகள் கூறுகிறார்கள். துப்பாக்கிதாரியின் அடையாள இதுவரையில் அதிகாரபூர்வமாக அறிவிக்கப்படவில்லை. ஆனாலும், அப்பாடசாலையில் பணியாற்றும் ஒரு ஆசிரியையின் 20 வயது மகனே துப்பாக்கிச் சூடு நடத்தியதாக ஊடகங்கள் தெரிவிக்கின்றன. அந்த ஆசிரியை துப்பாக்கிதாரியால் அவரது வீட்டில் வைத்துக் கொல்லப்பட்ட பின்பே அவன் பாடசாலைக்குள் நுழைந்து மாணவர்கள் மீது துப்பாக்கிச்சூடு நடத்தியதாகத் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது.",
"2012 ஆம் ஆண்டில் அமெரிக்காவில் நிகழ்ந்த மூன்றாவது சூட்டுச் சம்பவம் இதுவாகும், அத்துடன் அமெரிக்க வரலாற்றிலேயே பள்ளிச் சூட்டு நிகழ்வுகளில் இது இரண்டாவது மிகப் பெரியது எனத் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது. முன்னர் 2007 ஆம் ஆண்டில் வெர்ஜீனியா தொழிநுட்பக் கழகத்தில் இடம்பெற்ற துப்பாக்கிச் சூட்டில் 32 பேர் கொல்லப்பட்டனர்.",
"நெற்றைய நிகவில் 18 மாணவர்கள் உடனடியாகவே இறந்தனர் எனவும், ஏனைய இருவரும் மருத்துவமனைக்கு எடுத்துச் செல்லப்பட்ட பின்னர் உயிரிழந்ததாகவும் காவல்துறையினர் கூறினர். இறந்த சிறுவர்கள் அனைவரும் ஆறு முதல் ஏழு வயதானவர்கள் ஆவர். இறந்த ஆறு வயதானவர்கள் அனைவரும் ஆசிரியர்கள் ஆவர். பள்ளியின் ஒரு பகுதியில் உள்ள இரு அறைகளில் இந்தச் சூட்டுச் சம்பவம் நிகழ்ந்துள்ளது.",
"வெள்ளை மாளிகையில், அமெரிக்க அரசுத்தலைவர் பராக் ஒபாமா இறந்தவர்களின் குடும்பத்தினருக்குத் தனது ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்களைத் தெரிவித்தார். \"இந்தப் பிள்ளைகளின் பெற்றோர், சகோதரிகள், சகோதரர்கள், உறவினர்களுக்காக, மற்றும் இறந்த ஏனையோரின் குடும்பத்தினருக்காக இன்று எமது இதயம் உடைந்துள்ளது,\" எனக் கண்ணீர் மல்க அவர் குறிப்பிட்டார்.",
"\nமாநிலத்தில் மிகத் தரம் வாய்ந்ததாகக் கூறப்படும் சாண்டி ஹுக் பள்ளியில் 5 முதல் 10 வயது வரையான 600 இற்கும் மேற்பட்ட பிள்ளைகள் படிக்கின்றனர்."
] | சனி, திசம்பர் 15, 2012 | interlang link |
У початковій школі США загинуло 27 осіб, у тому числі 20 дітей | 621,202 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Newtown, Connecticut",
"Crime and law",
"Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting",
"United States",
"December 14, 2012",
"North America"
] | uk | https://uk.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A3_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%96%D0%B9_%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%96_%D0%A1%D0%A8%D0%90_%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%BE_27_%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%96%D0%B1,_%D1%83_%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BC%D1%83_%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%BB%D1%96_20_%D0%B4%D1%96%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B9 | [
"У п'ятницю, 14 грудня 20-річний Адам Ланза відкрив вогонь у початковій школі м. Ньютаун, штат Коннектикут у результаті чого загинуло 27 осіб, серед них 20 дітей. Більшість загиблих були у віці від 5 до 10 років. Під час стрілянини близько 600 студентів знаходилися у школі, однак не постраждали.",
"За даними інформаційних агенств, після скоєння злочину вбивця Адам Ланза покінчив життя самогубством, загинули також директор школи, вчителі та шкільний психолог. Під час стрілянини Ланц був одягнений у камуфляжну уніформу і мав при собі рушницю і два пістолети — усі легально зареєстровані на ім'я його матері. Мотиви цього злочину поки що залишаються нез'ясованими, однак у помешканні вбивці було також знайдене тіло матері, Ненсі Ланза яка теж була вбита. Всупереч попереднім даним, матір вбивці не працювала у школі, де сталися вбивства. Брат вбивці Раян Ланза був спочатку названий вбивцею, однак ця новина була пізніше спростована, він був затриманий поліцією для допиту у зв'язку із інцидентом.",
"Поранені жертви стрілянини перебувають у місцевій лікарні. На місці злочину триває слідство. Стрілянина у школі Ньюмаркета стала однією з найгірших в історії США за кількістю вбитих, по всій країні була оголошена триденна жалоба."
] | 14 грудня 2012 | interlang link |
Dozens dead in Mumbai after consuming toxic alcohol | 2,239,285 | [
"Crime and law",
"June 20, 2015",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dozens_dead_in_Mumbai_after_consuming_toxic_alcohol | [
"As of today, as many as 84 people are reported dead since Wednesday after drinking toxic homemade alcohol sold in a slum in Malad in northern Mumbai. More than twenty others are reported admitted to hospital for alcohol poisoning.",
"Police said five people have been arrested for the transport and sale of the alcohol with three men ages 30 to 50 taken into police custody on Thursday night, and eight police suspended for failing to prevent the incident.",
"An investigation has been ordered by Devendra Fadnavis, the present chief minister of Maharashtra state.",
"Illicit alcohol is commonly sold in India usually in the poorer, more rural areas of the country and deaths from alcohol poisoning are not uncommon. However, this is the largest rash of deaths in Mumbai since the Vikhroli hooch tragedy of 2004 where more than 100 people died due to low-cost alcohol."
] | 2015-06-20 | title |
Desenes de morts a Bombai després de consumir alcohol tòxic | 2,239,285 | [
"Crime and law",
"June 20, 2015",
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/Desenes_de_morts_a_Bombai_despr%C3%A9s_de_consumir_alcohol_t%C3%B2xic | [
"En aquest moment, es comptabilitzen 84 persones mortes des de dimecres després de beure alcohol casolà tòxic, que es ven en un barri pobre de Malad al nord de Bombai. Altres més de vint han estat ingressats a l'hospital per la intoxicació per alcohol.",
"La policia ha dit que cinc persones han estat detingudes per el transport i la venda d'alcohol, tres d'elles homes d'entre 30 i 50 anys, que es troben sota custòdia de la policia des de la nit de dijous; mentre que vuit policies han estat suspesos per no haver evitat l'incident.",
"Una investigació ha estat ordenada per Devendra Fadnavis, l'actual cap de govern de l'estat de Maharashtra.",
"Alcohol il·lícit es ven comunament a l'Índia en general en les zones més pobres i rurals del país i les morts per enverinament per alcohol no són infreqüents. No obstant això, aquesta és la major ratxa de morts a Bombai des de la tragèdia de l'aiguardent de Vikhroli del 2004, on més de 100 persones van morir a causa del alcohol de baix cost."
] | 22 de juny del 2015, Bombai | interlang link |
Dozens killed after gunmen storm Turkish wedding reception | 125,929 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"May 5, 2009",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dozens_killed_after_gunmen_storm_Turkish_wedding_reception | [
"As many as 45 people have been killed and six others were injured after at least four gunmen with grenades stormed a wedding reception in the village of Bilge located in Turkey. Many of those killed were women and children. The attack is not believed to be related to terrorism.",
"\"According to our investigations so far nothing indicates that this is a terror attack but a larger investigation is being run by the regional prosecutor,\" said the interior minister of Turkey, Besir Atalay. The attack is believed to be part of an ongoing blood feud between two families. Al Jazeera says the attack may also be related to rival gangs of village guards.",
"According to one unnamed witness as quoted by Reuters, \"a few people\" wearing masks entered the house where the reception was being held, \"spraying the place with bullets\" and began to shoot people, with the attack lasting at nearly 15 minutes. At least 200 people were believed to have been attending the reception."
] | 2009-05-05 | title |
Tiroteo en ceremonia de compromiso kurda deja docenas de muertos | 125,929 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"May 5, 2009",
"Middle East"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Tiroteo_en_ceremonia_de_compromiso_kurda_deja_docenas_de_muertos | [
"Ayer lunes se produjo un tiroteo en Bilge, un pueblo cercano a la ciudad de Mardin y la frontera con Siria cuyos 250 pobladores pertenecen al mismo clan. El ataque fue llevado a cabo por hombres armados que según el Ministro del Interior Besir Atalay, tienen el mismo apellido materno que muchas de las víctimas, que suman 44. Entre estas se encuentran los novios, otras quince mujeres, seis niños y un imán.",
"Al parecer, se trató de una venganza perpretada por miembros de la familia Celebi resentidos porque una de sus parientes fue entregada a otra familia, de Diyarbakır. Según Atalay \"ocho personas fueron capturadas y detenidas, y sus armas fueron confiscadas\", y al tratarse presuntamente de una venganza, se han descartado las connotaciones terroristas dadas a la situación. Sin embargo, los hechos son preocupantes para la seguridad civil al interior de Turquía, pues las tribus aún tienen poder en la zona, desmejorando la estabilidad social.",
"En el sureste del país, es posible que surjan rivalidades entre las familias como resultado de los compromisos matrimoniales ya que la familia del novio debe dar una dote a la familia de la novia, ganando por lo regular el mejor postor. Asimismo, los visitantes de la ceremonia eran leales al gobierno de Ankara y opositores al Partido de los Trabajadores de Kurdistán.",
"Históricamente, la región ha sido generadora de problemas para los turcos, pues es la región habitada por el pueblo kurdo, con rebeldes separatistas que originan violencia y preocupación en el gobierno desde hace 24 años.",
"Las autoridades turcas concedieron derechos a las mujeres, pero, de acuerdo a la Unión Europea, aún hace falta mucho por hacer en Turquía, como es el caso de las muertes por honor."
] | 5 de mayo de 2009Bilge, Turquía — | interlang link |
Dezenas de mortos depois que os atiradores atacaram a tiros e granadas a recepção de casamento na Turquia | 125,929 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"May 5, 2009",
"Middle East"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Dezenas_de_mortos_depois_que_os_atiradores_atacaram_a_tiros_e_granadas_a_recep%C3%A7%C3%A3o_de_casamento_na_Turquia | [
"Pelo menos 45 pessoas foram mortas e seis outras ficaram feridas após quatro atiradores com granadas invadiram a recepção de casamento, na aldeia de Bilge localizado na Turquia, na noite do dia 4 de maio. Muitos dos mortos eram mulheres e crianças. O ataque não estar relacionado com o terrorismo.",
"\"De acordo com nossas investigações até agora nada indica que se trata de um ataque terrorista, mas uma maior investigação está a ser executado pelo procurador regional\", disse o Ministro do Interior da Turquia, Besir Atalay. O ataque é considerado como sendo parte de um curso sangue feudo entre duas famílias. Al Jazeera diz que o ataque também pode estar relacionado a gangues rivais das guardas de aldeia.",
"De acordo com uma testemunha anônima citado por Reuters, \"algumas pessoas\" usaram máscaras entraram na casa onde estava sendo realizada a recepção, \"pulverizaram o local com balas\" e começaram a atirar as pessoas, com o ataque durando quase 15 minutos. At least 200 people were believed to have been attending the reception. Acredita-se que pelo menos 200 pessoas foram comparecer à recepção."
] | 6 de maio de 2009 | interlang link |
Mardin'de düğüne silahlı saldırı | 125,929 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"May 5, 2009",
"Middle East"
] | tr | https://tr.wikinews.org/wiki/Mardin%27de_d%C3%BC%C4%9F%C3%BCne_silahl%C4%B1_sald%C4%B1r%C4%B1 | [
"Türkiye'nin illerinden Mardin'in Mazıdağı ilçesine bağlı Bilge Köyü'nde yapılan bir düğün akşam saatlerinde silahlı saldırıya uğradı. İçişleri Bakanı Beşir Atalay'ın açıklamalarına göre 6'sı çocuk, 16'sı kadın 44 kişinin öldüğü, 3 kişinin yaralandığını bildirdi.",
"Saldırı, önceki gün 21.30'da 4 koldan başladı. Saldırganların maskeli olduğu bildirildi. Saldırıyı uluslararası haber ajanslarından AP, Reuters ve AFB flaş haber olarak duyurdu."
] | 5 Mayıs 2009, Salı | interlang link |
Drunk woman hits police car in Sydney | 43,899 | [
"Original reporting",
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Drunk_woman_hits_police_car_in_Sydney | [
"A woman with a blood alcohol reading of 0.14 has been arrested and charged after crashing into a police car in Kings Cross, a suburb of Eastern Sydney early this morning.",
"Police officials claim the 27 year old woman was driving a Volkswagen the wrong way down a one way street when she collided with a police car parked outside Kings Cross Police Station. Following the collision, the woman drove off. Police later found the woman's car in a nearby alleyway where she and a male were standing.",
"Both the woman and her companion were taken to Kings Cross Police Station where they were questioned about the incident. While at the station, police conducted a breath test on the woman, which returned a reading of 0.14 - almost 3 times the blood alcohol limit of 0.05 in New South Wales. Further investigation revealed that the woman did not hold a driver's licence.",
"The woman was charged with mid-range PCA (driving under the influence of alcohol), driving whilst unlicensed and failing to give particulars after an accident.",
"The woman was not injured in the accident and the police car suffered only minor damage."
] | 2006-06-27 | title |
Em Sydney, mulher bate em carro de polícia estacionado em frente à delegacia | 43,899 | [
"Original reporting",
"June 27, 2006",
"Crime and law",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Em_Sydney,_mulher_bate_em_carro_de_pol%C3%ADcia_estacionado_em_frente_%C3%A0_delegacia | [
"Uma mulher de 27 anos, com nível de álcool no sangue em 0,14, foi detida e indiciada porque colidiu seu automóvel contra um carro da polícia em Kings Cross, subúrbio de Sydney, Austrália.",
"Segundo os policiais, na parte da manhã, a mulher vinha com um Volkswagen na contra-mão quando bateu na viatura policial estacionada em frente à delegacia de Kings Cross, e depois fugiu.",
"Mais tarde a polícia encontrou-a com um homem, ambos perto do carro parado numa viela próxima do local do acidente.",
"Tanto a mulher quanto o seu acompanhante foram levados para a delegacia para serem interrogados. Enquanto estava na delegacia, a mulher foi submetida a um teste para que pudesse ser apurado o nível de álcool no sangue e o resultado obtido foi de 0,14 -quase três vezes acima do valor máximo permitido que é de 0,05. Os policiais descobriram que a motorista também não tinha carteira de habilitação.",
"A mulher foi indiciada por dirigir alcoolizada, sem carteira de motorista e por ter fugido do acidente. Ela não sofreu ferimentos no acidente e os danos no automóvel policial foram pequenos."
] | 27 de junho de 2006 | interlang link |
Dutch senate votes in favour of face veil ban | 2,846,580 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"June 29, 2018",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dutch_senate_votes_in_favour_of_face_veil_ban | [
"On Tuesday, the upper house of the Dutch parliament voted in favour of a face-veil ban which is applicable to places including public transport, government buildings, schools, and hospitals.",
"Banning Muslim women's clothings — Burqa and Niqab — has been discussed in the parliament for many years. The face veil ban was passed by the lower house in 2016. In 2015, the advisors of Parliament said wearing a burqa or niqab was guaranteed by the constitutional right to religious freedom.",
"The face veil ban makes it illegal for citizens to cover their face. Wearing helmets inside government buildings is also banned. DutchNews.nl reported the fine of violating the law is €400. The ban does not apply on the streets.",
"Calling the day historic, Senator Marjolein Faber-Van de Klashorst said it was \"the first day to de-Islamise the Netherlands.\" \"This is the first step and the next step is to close the mosques in the Netherlands\", Van de Klashorst said. Senator Ruard Ganzevoort of the Green Party said, \"It is completely disproportionate and the only effect will be that many of these women will stay at home even more [...] They will not have an opportunity to go to school.\"",
"The Christian Democratic Appeal party's minister Piet Hein Donner said, \"Not everything for which you call on religious freedom, you can also do. This freedom must be limited in the public interest.\" ((nl))Dutch language: Niet alles waarvoor je je op godsdienstvrijheid beroept, mag je ook maar doen. Deze vrijheid moet kunnen worden beperkt in het algemeen belang. Independent Senate's senator Henk ten Hoeve said, \"This law will not change very much in practice, but gives a message that this form of Islam in our society actually does not fit, because it disrupts it.\" ((nl))Dutch language: Deze wet zal in de praktijk niet heel veel veranderen, maar geeft toch als boodschap dat deze vorm van de islam in onze maatschappij eigenlijk niet past, omdat hij daar ontregelend werkt.",
"The Netherlands is a secular country, and according to reports, the number of Muslim women wearing a burqa or a niqab is between 200 to 400. Previously, the Danish parliament voted in favour of a similar face veil ban in May; it is scheduled to come under effect on August 1. France and Belgium had also introduced such bans."
] | 2018-06-29 | title |
Eerste Kamer akkoord met 'boerkaverbod' | 2,846,580 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"June 29, 2018",
"Crime and law",
] | nl | https://nl.wikinews.org/wiki/Eerste_Kamer_akkoord_met_%27boerkaverbod%27 | [
"Na de Tweede is nu ook de Eerste Kamer akkoord gegaan met een gedeeltelijk verbod om gezichtsbedekkende kleding te dragen, in het algemeen ook wel 'burkaverbod' genoemd. Het verbod behelst echter niet alleen boerka's, maar ook nikabs, integraalhelmen en bivakmutsen. Het verbod is alleen op bepaalde plaatsen van kracht, zoals in overheidsgebouwen, het openbaar vervoer, ziekenhuizen en het onderwijs.",
"De regeringspartijen waren verdeeld: CDA en VVD stemden voor en D66 en GroenLinks stemden tegen. Ditzelfde beeld was ook te zien bij de oppositie met voorstemmen van de ChristenUnie, SGP, 50Plus, Partij voor de Dieren en de Onafhankelijke Senaatsfractie. Tegenstemmen kwamen daar van de PvdA en de SP.",
"De discussie over het al dan niet toestaan van gezichtsbedekkende kleding loopt al sinds 2005 en de eerste initiatiefwet werd al in 2007 ingediend, toen door de PVV. De Tweede Kamer heeft deze echter nooit behandeld. Daarna kwam Rutte I nog met een voorstel maar trok die later in. Het huidige voorstel is afkomstig van voormalig minister van Binnenlandse Zaken Ronald Plasterk.",
"Inhoudelijk is de wet wel veel minder streng dan eerdere voorstellen. Terwijl bij de tegenstanders vooral de vraag rijst welk praktisch probleem ermee opgelost wordt, noemde voormalig minister van Justitie Hein Donner in 2011 als argument: \"Zo zijn we ook begonnen met een stickie.\" Van Donner is bekend dat hij als minister van Justitie al een verwoed tegenstander was van cannabisgebruik.",
"Andere landen gingen Nederland voor in het verbieden van gezichtsbedekkende kleding. In de landen in Europa waar Nederlands, Duits en Frans wordt gesproken is er al voor een verbod gekozen. In Europa geldt dat verder voor Italië, Spanje, Denemarken en Bulgarije. Maar ook geldt het verbod bijvoorbeeld in een islamitisch land als Marokko. Turkije is onder Edogan juist religieuzer geworden. Daar waren zelfs hoofddoeken jarenlang verboden in politieke functies. Dit verbod werd in 2013 gedeeltelijk teruggedraaid."
] | 26 juni 2018 | interlang link |
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev found guilty in Boston Marathon bombing trial | 2,055,057 | [
"April 9, 2015",
"Boston, Massachusetts",
"Crime and law",
"Boston Marathon",
"United States",
"Death penalty",
"North America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Dzhokhar_Tsarnaev_found_guilty_in_Boston_Marathon_bombing_trial | [
"Jurors in the US federal criminal trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev found him guilty yesterday of all 30 charges for the bombing of the Boston Marathon which occurred on April 15, 2013. The bombings killed three people and injured a further 264 people. Tsarnaev was also found guilty of shooting dead Sean Collier, an MIT police officer. The jury took eleven hours across two days to find Tsarnaev guilty.",
"During the fifteen days of the trial, the prosecutors called 92 witnesses to testify as to the chaotic scenes following the bombing. The father of Martin Richard, an eight-year-old boy killed in the bombing, said he had to make the difficult choice to leave his wounded son to die so he could get help for his six-year-old daughter whose leg had been destroyed in the blast. Footage presented in court showed Tsarnaev placing a backpack containing the bomb close to the location of Martin Richard.",
"Tsarnaev was represented by Judy Clarke, a death penalty specialist who previously represented Ted Kaczynski, the \"Unabomber\". The defence focused on averting the death penalty, and called only four witnesses, seeking to present Tsarnaev's older brother Tamerlan as the guiding force in the attack. They said that Tamerlan searched online for terms like \"detonator\" and that while Tamerlan's fingerprints were found on the bombs, Dzhokhar's were not.",
"Though Massachusetts does not have the death penalty, as the case is being heard in federal court the prosecutors are able to seek the death penalty. The second phase of the trial is to decide whether or not Tsarnaev will be executed or sentenced to life in prison."
] | 2015-04-09 | title |
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev declarat culpable en el judici pels atemptats de la marató de Boston | 2,055,057 | [
"April 9, 2015",
"Boston, Massachusetts",
"Crime and law",
"Boston Marathon",
"United States",
"Death penalty",
"North America",
] | ca | https://ca.wikinews.org/wiki/Dzhokhar_Tsarnaev_declarat_culpable_en_el_judici_pels_atemptats_de_la_marat%C3%B3_de_Boston | [
"Els membres del jurat en el judici penal federal dels Estats Units contra Dzhokhar Tsarnaev el van trobar abans d'ahir culpable dels 30 càrrecs per l'atemptat de la Marató de Boston, que es va produir el 15 d'abril de 2013. Les bombes van matar a tres persones i van ferir a altres 264. Tsarnaev també va ser declarat culpable de matar a trets a Sean Collier, un oficial de policia del MIT. El jurat va trigar onze hores en dos dies per trobar Tsarnaev culpable.",
"Durant els quinze dies del judici, els fiscals van cridar 92 testimonis a declarar sobre les escenes caòtiques següents al atemptat. El pare de Martin Richard, un nen de vuit anys d'edat que va morir en l'atemptat, va dir que havia de prendre la decisió difícil de deixar morir el seu fill ferit perquè pogués obtenir ajuda per a la seva filla de sis anys d'edat, amb la cama destruïda per l'explosió. Un vídeo presentat al tribunal va mostrar Tsarnaev col·locant una motxilla que contenia la bomba a prop de l'ubicació de Martin Richard.",
"Tsarnaev va estar representat per Judy Clarke, especialista en la pena de mort que abans representava Theodore Kaczynski, el \"Unabomber\". La defensa es va centrar en evitar la pena de mort, i va cridar a només quatre testimonis, tractant de presentar el germà gran de Tsarnaev, Tamerlan, com el major responsable i guia en l'atac. Van dir que Tamerlan va cercar en línia termes com \"detonador\" i que, encara que les empremtes digitals de Tamerlan es van trobar a les bombes, de Dzhokhar no.",
"Encara que Massachusetts no té la pena de mort, a mesura que es va coneixent el cas en la cort federal, els fiscals poden demanar la pena de mort. La segona fase del procés és decidir si Tsarnaev serà executat o condemnat a cadena perpètua."
] | 10 d'abril del 2015, Boston | interlang link |
Boston : Dzhokhar Tsarnaev déclaré coupable | 2,055,057 | [
"April 9, 2015",
"Boston, Massachusetts",
"Crime and law",
"Boston Marathon",
"United States",
"Death penalty",
"North America",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Boston_:_Dzhokhar_Tsarnaev_d%C3%A9clar%C3%A9_coupable | [
"Dans le procès fédéral américain de Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, les jurés ont déclaré l'accusé coupable de l'ensemble des 30 chefs d'accusation qui pesaient contre lui. Lors de l'attentat du marathon de Boston du 15 Avril 2013, 3 personnes ont été tuées et 264 ont été blessés. Tsarnaev a également été reconnu coupable d'avoir abattu Sean Collier, un officier de police. Le jury a pris onze heures sur deux jours avant de rendre le verdict.",
"Pendant les quinze jours du procès, les procureurs ont appelé 92 témoins à témoigner. Le père de Martin Richard, un garçon de huit ans qui a été tué dans l'attentat, a dû faire le choix difficile d'abandonner son fils blessé mortellement afin de venir en aide à sa fille dont la jambe avait été arrachée par l'explosion. Une vidéo présentée au tribunal montrait Tsarnaev qui déposait un sac contenant la bombe près de Martin Richard.",
"Tsarnaev était représenté par Judy Clarke, un spécialiste de la peine de mort qui a déjà représenté Ted Kaczynski, surnommé « Unabomber ». La défense, qui visait à éviter la peine de mort, a appelé quatre témoins, en cherchant à présenter le frère aîné Tamerlan Tsarnaev comme la tête dirigeante de l'attaque.",
"Bien que l'état du Massachusetts n'autorise pas la peine de mort, l'affaire est traitée devant un tribunal fédéral et les procureurs sont donc en mesure de demander une telle sentence. La seconde phase du procès, qui débutera le 21 avril, déterminera si Tsarnaev sera exécuté ou condamné à la prison à vie."
] | Publié le 10 avril 2015 | interlang link |
Edvard Munch's The Scream and Madonna found | 48,867 | [
"Visual art",
"Culture and entertainment",
"August 31, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Edvard_Munch%27s_The_Scream_and_Madonna_found | [
"Norwegian Police have said that the stolen Edvard Munch's The Scream and Madonna masterpiece paintings which were stolen by art thieves have been found.",
"According to officers, the two paintings were recovered in \"police action\". \"We are 100% certain they are the originals. The damage was much less than feared,\" police said.",
"In a press conference in Oslo, Norway, police chief Iver Stensrud said: \"For two years and nine days we have been hunting systematically for these pictures and now we've found them.\"",
"He also added that police suspect the paintings had remained in Norway since they were taken. \"We feel we have been hot on the trail of the paintings the whole time, but it has taken time,\" he said.",
"They were stolen by art thieves in August 2004 from the Munch Museum in Oslo. Bjoern Hoen, 37, Petter Tharaldsen, 37, and Petter Rosenvinge, 34, were found guilty of stealing the paintings after a trial this May.",
"The Scream was completed in 1893. It is regarded by many as being one of Munch's most important pieces of work, and is his most recognizable piece amongst the general public.",
"David Toska, the alleged mastermind of the \"NOKAS robbery\" was rumoured to have known the whereabouts of the paintings, and they may now have been recovered as a result of some sort of collaboration between him and Norwegian prosecutors. This might result in an improvement of Toska's public image (he's currently sentenced to 20+ years of prison time, after planning and executing a huge bank heist that led to the unfortunate death of a highly respected police officer.)."
] | 2006-08-31 | title |
2004年に盗難のムンクの「叫び」と「マドンナ」、オスロで発見 | 48,867 | [
"Visual art",
"Culture and entertainment",
"August 31, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/2004%E5%B9%B4%E3%81%AB%E7%9B%97%E9%9B%A3%E3%81%AE%E3%83%A0%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AF%E3%81%AE%E3%80%8C%E5%8F%AB%E3%81%B3%E3%80%8D%E3%81%A8%E3%80%8C%E3%83%9E%E3%83%89%E3%83%B3%E3%83%8A%E3%80%8D%E3%80%81%E3%82%AA%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AD%E3%81%A7%E7%99%BA%E8%A6%8B | [
] | 【2006年9月1日】 | interlang link |
"Krzyk" i "Madonna" Muncha odnalezione | 48,867 | [
"Visual art",
"Culture and entertainment",
"August 31, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Oslo, Norway"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/%22Krzyk%22_i_%22Madonna%22_Muncha_odnalezione | [
"W wyniku akcji norweskiej policji zostały odzyskane skradzione w sierpniu 2004 dwa obrazy Edwarda Muncha: \"Krzyk\" i \"Madonna\". Według policji są one zniszczone w stopniu o wiele mniejszym niż przypuszczano. Policja jest także całkowicie pewna, że odzyskane obrazy są oryginałami.",
"Na konferencji prasowej w Oslo szef norweskiej policji Iver Stensrud powiedział: \"Przez dwa lata i dziewięć dni szukaliśmy tych obrazów i teraz je znaleźliśmy\". Dodał też, że policja podejrzewała, że obrazy od momentu kradzieży nie opuściły Norwegii.",
"Obrazy zostały skradzione w sierpniu 2004 z Muzeum Muncha w Oslo."
] | null | interlang link |
Egypt announces Internet crime initiative | 57,917 | [
"January 5, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Egypt_announces_Internet_crime_initiative | [
"Egypt intends to launch an international initiative to fight misuse of the internet. This statement was made by Egypt's Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal Affairs Abdel Aziz Seif el-Nasr.",
"The idea lies in implementing a long-term international cooperation plan that concerns suppressing the activity of criminals and other groups that use World Wide Web for promoting their interests.",
"Abdel Aziz Seif el-Nasr stated that soon Egypt will take necessary steps to present the idea on the international arena. He also outlined the fact that the plan for fighting cyber-crime stipulates the introduction of new rules for Internet users."
] | 2007-01-05 | title |
מצרים מכריזה על יזמה ללחימה בפשעי אינטרנט | 57,917 | [
"January 5, 2007",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law"
] | he | https://he.wikinews.org/wiki/%D7%9E%D7%A6%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%9D_%D7%9E%D7%9B%D7%A8%D7%99%D7%96%D7%94_%D7%A2%D7%9C_%D7%99%D7%96%D7%9E%D7%94_%D7%9C%D7%9C%D7%97%D7%99%D7%9E%D7%94_%D7%91%D7%A4%D7%A9%D7%A2%D7%99_%D7%90%D7%99%D7%A0%D7%98%D7%A8%D7%A0%D7%98 | [
"מצרים מתכוונת להשיק יזמה בינלאומית ללחימה בשימוש לא ראוי באינטרנט. על היזמה הכריז סגן שר החוץ לנושאי חוק של מצרים, עבדאל עזיז סייף אל-נאסר.",
"הרעיון סומך על יישום תוכנית שיתוף פעולה בינלאומית ארוכת-טווח שתדאג לדכא פעילות של פושעים וקבוצות דומות שמשתמשות ברשת הבינלאומית לקידום העיניינים שלהם.",
"עבדאל עזיז סייף אל-נאסר הצהיר שבקרוב מצרים תנקוט את הצעדים הנחוצים בכדי להציג את הרעיון בזירה הבינלאומית. בנוסף הוא אמר שהתוכנית ללחימה בפשעי-אינטרנט מציינת את ההקדמה לחקיקת חוקים למשתמשי האינטרנט."
] | 6 בינואר 2007 | interlang link |
Egypt opens border crossing with Gaza | 264,430 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Rafah Border Crossing",
"Crime and law",
"Gaza Strip",
"May 30, 2011",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Egypt_opens_border_crossing_with_Gaza | [
"Egyptian authorities reopened the Rafah crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip on Saturday, allowing Palestinians unrestricted access out of the Strip for the first time since June 2007.",
"The opening of the crossing was one of the conditions of a peace agreement that Egypt and Palestinian political groups Hamas and Fatah agreed to last month. Under the new crossing rules, all Palestinian citizens except men between the ages of eighteen and forty will be able to pass through the border unrestricted, while men in that age range will have to possess a visa in order to enter Egypt. All people crossing the border are also required to have a Palestinian ID card. The crossing will be open daily except Fridays and holidays from 0900 to 2100 local time.",
"The last time there was an open crossing between the Gaza Strip and Egypt was prior to June 2007, when Hamas gained control of Gaza, and Egypt and Israel closed their borders in response. Since then, only about 300 people have been allowed through the Egyptian border each day, usually those in need of medical facilities and students.",
"The crossing will allow only people through; no commercial traffic will be permitted and everyone who passes through will be searched.",
"Israel has raised concerns about the opening of the border, claiming that weapons will be smuggled through. The country's vice prime minister, Silvan Shalom said that the opening of the border \"is a dangerous development that could lead to weapons and al-Qaida smuggling in Gaza.\"",
"A spokesperson from Hamas called the opening of the crossing \"a courageous and responsible decision which falls in line with Palestinian and Egyptian public opinion.\" He said that Hamas hopes \"it is a step towards the complete lifting of the siege on Gaza.\"",
"An Egyptian government spokesperson, Menha Bakhoum, said that the decision to open the crossing was made in order to \"ease the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.\""
] | 2011-05-30 | title |
مصر، گذرگاه مرزی رفح را باز کرد | 264,430 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Rafah Border Crossing",
"Crime and law",
"Gaza Strip",
"May 30, 2011",
"Middle East"
] | fa | https://fa.wikinews.org/wiki/%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1%D8%8C_%DA%AF%D8%B0%D8%B1%DA%AF%D8%A7%D9%87_%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%B2%DB%8C_%D8%B1%D9%81%D8%AD_%D8%B1%D8%A7_%D8%A8%D8%A7%D8%B2_%DA%A9%D8%B1%D8%AF | [
"مصر گذرگاه مرزی رفح را بر روی فلسطینیان باز کردهاست. اقدام دولت مصر اجازه خواهد داد تا فلسطینیهای مقیم نوار غزه بتوانند آزادانه با دنیای خارج رفت و آمد کنند. گذرگاه رفح از خاک اسرائیل عبور نمیکند. مقامات مصری اعلام کردهاند که گذرگاه مرزی رفح کماکان برای تجارت مسدود باقی خواهد ماند. اسرائیل از اقدام مصر برای بازگشایی این گذرگاه مرزی انتقاد کردهاست و میگوید بستهبودن آن برای جلوگیری از قاچاق اسلحه به نوار غزه حیاتی است.",
"نظر شما چیست؟ نظر دهید!"
] | null | interlang link |
Egypt protests: Army say they will not use force on demonstrators as Mubarak announces cabinet | 241,376 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Hosni Mubarak",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Middle East",
"2011 Egypt anti-government protests",
"Tahrir Square, Cairo",
"February 1, 2011",
"Crime and law",
"Alexandria, Egypt",
"Free speech"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Egypt_protests:_Army_say_they_will_not_use_force_on_demonstrators_as_Mubarak_announces_cabinet | [
"The president of Egypt has suffered a \"devastating blow\" after the country's army announced they would not use force against their own people, who continue to protest against the government tonight. The news came hours after six journalists who reported on the protests were released from custody.",
"Hosni Mubarak yesterday announced a new cabinet, which does not include several figures who protesters largely do not approve of. Analysts have, however, suggested little had changed within the government; many positions, they say, are filled with military figures.",
"In a statement broadcast on state media in Egypt, the army said: \"To the great people of Egypt, your armed forces, acknowledging the legitimate rights of the people ... have not and will not use force against the Egyptian people.\" A BBC correspondent in Cairo said the announcement meant it \"now seems increasingly likely that the 30-year rule of Mr Mubarak is drawing to a close.\"",
"\"The presence of the army in the streets is for your sake and to ensure your safety and wellbeing. The armed forces will not resort to use of force against our great people,\" the statement added. \"Your armed forces, who are aware of the legitimacy of your demands and are keen to assume their responsibility in protecting the nation and the citizens, affirms that freedom of expression through peaceful means is guaranteed to everybody.\"",
"Earlier today, six journalists from the independent news network Al-Jazeera were released from custody after being detained by police. The U.S. State Department criticized the arrests; equipment was reportedly confiscated from the journalists.",
"Egyptian officials yesterday ordered the satellite channel to stop broadcasting in the country. Al-Jazeera said they were \"appalled\" by the government's decision to close its Egyptian offices, which they described as the \"latest attack by the Egyptian regime to strike at its freedom to report independently on the unprecedented events in Egypt.\"",
"In a statement, the news agency added: \"Al-Jazeera sees this as an act designed to stifle and repress the freedom of reporting by the network and its journalists. In this time of deep turmoil and unrest in Egyptian society it is imperative that voices from all sides be heard; the closing of our bureau by the Egyptian government is aimed at censoring and silencing the voices of the Egyptian people.\"",
"On Friday, Wikinews reported the government had shut off practically all Internet traffic both out of and into the nation, as well as disrupting cellphone usage. A spokesperson for the social networking website Facebook said \"limiting Internet access for millions of people is a matter of concern for the global community.\"",
"A reported 50,000 campaigners, who are demanding the long-time leader step down and complaining of poverty, corruption, and oppression, filled Tahrir Square in Cairo today, chanting \"We will stay until the coward leaves.\" It is thought 100 people have so far died in the demonstrations. Today there have been protests in Suez, Mansoura, Damanhour, and Alexandria.",
"Speaking to news media in the area, many protesters said the new cabinet did little to quell their anger. \"We want a complete change of government, with a civilian authority,\" one said. Another added: \"This is not a new government. This is the same regime—this is the same bluff. [Mubarak] has been bluffing us for 30 years.\"",
"In Tahrir Square today, protesters played music as strings of barbed wire and army tanks stood nearby. Demonstrators scaled light poles, hanging Egyptian flags and calling for an end to Mubarak's rule. \"One poster featured Mubarak's face plastered with a Hitler mustache, a sign of the deep resentment toward the 82-year-old leader they blame for widespread poverty, inflation and official indifference and brutality during his 30 years in power,\" one journalist in the square reported this evening."
] | 2011-02-01 | title |
Egyptská armáda nepoužije proti demonstrantům sílu | 241,376 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Hosni Mubarak",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Middle East",
"2011 Egypt anti-government protests",
"Tahrir Square, Cairo",
"February 1, 2011",
"Crime and law",
"Alexandria, Egypt",
"Free speech"
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Egyptsk%C3%A1_arm%C3%A1da_nepou%C5%BEije_proti_demonstrant%C5%AFm_s%C3%ADlu | [
"Zástupci armády v pondělí v prohlášení oznámili, že uznávají „legitimní požadavky“ egyptského lidu a slíbili, že nepoužijí proti veřejnosti sílu. Vyjádření navazuje na pokračující protesty desetitisíců Egypťanů, kteří nadále ignorují zákaz vycházení vyhlášený vládou a shromážděními v káhirských ulicích už čtvrtou noc usilují o ukončení 30letého panování prezidenta Husního Mubaraka.",
"Z prohlášení armády není jasné, zda za legitimní považuje jen výzvy k reformám, nebo i požadavky na Mubarakův odchod.",
"Mubarak vyměnil ministry vnitra a financí a do nové funkce viceprezidenta uvedl Omara Sulejmána. Ten ve státní televizi řekl, že ho Mubarak požádal, aby zahájil okamžité dialogy se „všemi politickými silami“ o ústavních a legislativních reformách. O jaké skupiny jde, Sulejmán nicméně neupřesnil.",
"Do čela protimubarakovské opozice se postavil bývalý šéf Mezinárodní agentury pro atomovou energii Mohamed El Baradei, který poprvé vystoupil i před káhirským shromážděním, kde volal po vzniku „nového Egypta“. Pořadatelé protestů mezitím vyzývají k ještě mohutnějším akcím, chystají pochod v Káhiře, kterého by se měl zúčastnit až milion lidí.",
"V násilných střetech, které protesty provázejí, zahynulo už na 125 lidí. Bezpečnostní situaci komplikují i stále častější případy rabování a osvobození až tisíců vězňů z věznic po celé zemi.",
"Egypt se pokoušejí opustit tisíce cizinců, jejich odlet ale blokuje chaotická situace na káhirském letišti."
] | Úterý 1. února 2011 | interlang link |
„Marsch der Millionen“ – Ägypten demonstriert gegen Husni Mubarak | 241,376 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Hosni Mubarak",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Middle East",
"2011 Egypt anti-government protests",
"Tahrir Square, Cairo",
"February 1, 2011",
"Crime and law",
"Alexandria, Egypt",
"Free speech"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/%E2%80%9EMarsch_der_Millionen%E2%80%9C_%E2%80%93_%C3%84gypten_demonstriert_gegen_Husni_Mubarak | [
"Kairo (Ägypten), 02.02.2011 – Bei den größten Massendemonstrationen in der Geschichte Ägyptens gingen gestern nach Angaben des Fernsehsenders al-Dschasira in der Hauptstadt Kairo mindestens eine Million Menschen auf die Straße. Die Demonstranten skandierten Slogans und hielten Transparente und Plakate hoch, auf denen sie den Rücktritt des ägyptischen Staatspräsidenten Husni Mubarak forderten. Die oppositionellen Kräfte in Ägypten hatten sich gestern zu einem Demonstrationsaufruf unter dem Motto „Marsch der Millionen“ entschlossen. Außerdem wurde zum Generalstreik aufgerufen. Das staatliche Fernsehprogramm meldete am Nachmittag, es seien 5.000 Menschen zu einer Demonstration in der Hauptstadt gekommen. Bilder der Demonstration auf dem At-Tahrir-Platz wurden nicht gesendet.",
"Mubarak hielt am Abend im staatlichen Fernsehen eine Ansprache. In ihr kündigte er an, bei der nächsten Präsidentschaftswahl auf eine weitere Amtszeit verzichten zu wollen, er wolle jedoch sein Mandat bis zur Wahl erfüllen. „Meine oberste Priorität ist es, Frieden und Stabilität in unserem Lande wiederherzustellen“, sagte Mubarak. Der Präsident schlug eine Änderung der Verfassung vor, um die Amtszeit des Präsidenten zu begrenzen.\n„Die Ereignisse der letzten Tage verlangen von uns allen – dem Volk und seinen Führern –, eine Entscheidung zwischen Chaos und Stabilität zu treffen“, erklärte Mubarak. Zuvor war Mubarak von dem US-Sondergesandten Frank Wisner aufgesucht worden. Nach einem Bericht der „New York Times“ hatte Wisner den Auftrag, Mubarak zum Rückzug zu bewegen. Offenbar hat die US-Regierung ihre Haltung gegenüber dem ägyptischen Präsidenten geändert. Zuvor war eine konkrete Rücktrittsforderung an die Adresse Mubaraks von US-Seite nicht zu vernehmen gewesen. Der Präsident galt als wichtiger Verbündeter der USA im Nahen Osten.",
"Kundgebungen gab es auch in anderen großen Städten des Landes, darunter im Sinai, wo sich 250.000 Menschen an Demonstrationen beteiligten, sowie in Sues, Mansura, Damanhur, al-Arisch, Tanta, el-Mahalla und Alexandria. Alleine in Alexandria, der zweitgrößten Stadt des Landes, beteiligten sich mehrere hunderttausend Menschen an den Demonstrationen. Die Demonstranten rekrutierten sich laut Beobachtern aus allen Schichten der Bevölkerung: alte und junge Menschen, Frauen und Männer, streng religiöse Menschen.",
"Ziel der Demonstranten in Kairo war der zentrale Platz At-Tahrir in der Stadtmitte. Soldaten hatten sich hier postiert; sie unternahmen aber nichts, um die Menschen daran zu hindern, den Platz zu betreten, wo sich eine große Zahl von Menschen sammelte. Sie kontrollierten die Menschen auf Waffen. Panzer waren rund um den Platz herum aufgefahren. Das Militär veröffentlichte eine Stellungnahme, wonach die Proteste der Bevölkerung legitim seien. Die Armee werde nichts tun, um diesen legitimen Protest mit Gewalt zu unterbinden. Plünderungen und Vandalismus an öffentlichem und privatem Eigentum sowie Angriffe gegen Personen hingegen werde man nicht dulden. An mehreren Orten der Stadt fanden sich auch Regierungsunterstützer zu Demonstrationen zusammen.",
"Die Residenz Mubaraks in einer östlichen Vorstadt Kairos wurde durch Stacheldraht gesichert. Die Regierung hatte den Eisenbahnverkehr unterbrochen, um zu verhindern, dass noch mehr Menschen in die 18-Millionen-Einwohner-Metropole gelangen. Dieser Versuch war indes erfolglos. \nAuf dem Kairoer Flughafen ist die Situation weiterhin chaotisch; tausende von Ausländern bemühen sich um die Abreise. Inzwischen wurde vor dem Abfertigungsgebäude ein Zelt für die Wartenden aufgeschlagen. Mehrere Staaten, darunter die Vereinigten Staaten, sowie die Vereinten Nationen entschieden sich, ihr Botschaftspersonal auf eine Notbesetzung zu verringern; alle nicht unbedingt notwendige Botschaftsangehörige und deren Familien sollen das Land verlassen.",
"Die Proteste in Ägypten dauern inzwischen seit acht Tagen an. Nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur al-Dschasira wurden bei Auseinandersetzungen mit den Sicherheitskräften mindestens 150 Menschen getötet. Doch wie die UN-Hochkommissarin für Menschenrechte, Navi Pillay, in Genf der Presse mitteilte, ist die Zahl der Opfer möglicherweise viel höher als bisher angenommen, denn „unbestätigte Berichte sprechen von bisher 300 Toten und mehr als 3000 Verletzten“, so Pillay.",
"Zwar hat sich die Opposition gegen Mubarak inzwischen auf ein gemeinsames Konzept geeignet, doch wer das Land aus der Krise führen soll, ist immer noch unklar. Die oppositionellen Kräfte haben sich darauf verständigt, Gespräche mit der Regierung erst zu führen, wenn ihre Forderung nach dem Rücktritt des amtierenden Präsidenten Mubarak erfüllt ist. Die oppositionelle Koalition unter dem Namen „National Committee for Following up the People's Demands“ (übersetzt etwa: „Nationales Komitee zur Erfüllung des Volkswillens“) umfasst nach Angaben von Al-Dschasira zurzeit die Muslimbruderschaft, die „Nationale Vereinigung für Veränderung“, die von Mohammed el-Baradei geführt wird, sowie politische Parteien und prominente Persönlichkeiten unter Einschluss der koptischen Christen.",
"Nach Ansicht el-Baradeis hat Mubarak die Signale nicht verstanden, die durch die Armee gesendet wurden, als sie erklärte, nicht gegen das demonstrierende Volk vorzugehen. El-Baradei stellte Präsident Mubarak ein Ultimatum. Dieser solle, unter Zusicherung des Verzichtes auf eine Strafverfolgung, bis spätestens Freitag das Land verlassen und von seinem Amt zurücktreten. Anschließend könne der Dialog beginnen, erklärte el-Baradei gegenüber Al-Arabija. Außerdem müsse eine Vereinbarung zur Auflösung des Parlaments und zur Abgabe der Macht durch die derzeitige Regierung Gegenstand der Gespräche zwischen Opposition und Regierung sein.",
"In die Debatte um eine eventuelle Nachfolge für Mubarak griff der derzeitige Vorsitzende der Arabischen Union ein. Amr Musa erklärte, er sei bereit, das Land aus der Krise zu führen, falls man ihn fragen würde. Musa genießt hohes Ansehen in der arabischen Welt.",
"Für die deutsche Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel war es „ein wichtiges Signal, dass die Armee gesagt hat, es ist ein Recht der Menschen zu demonstrieren“. Die Kanzlerin wies in Tel Aviv jedoch auf die Unbestimmtheit hinsichtlich des Fortgangs der politischen Entwicklungen in Ägypten hin. „Wir können nur hoffen, dass all das wirklich friedlich verlaufen wird.“",
"Der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan äußerte sich gestern erstmals zu der Protestbewegung in Ägypten. In einer Ansprache vor AKP-Mitgliedern im türkischen Parlament stellte sich Erdoğan klar hinter die Volksbewegung in Ägypten. Er appellierte an den ägyptischen Präsidenten Mubarak zurückzutreten, um Sicherheit und Stabilität im Land wiederherzustellen. Die Demonstranten in Ägypten rief er dazu auf, sich jeglicher Gewaltanwendung zu enthalten. Erdoğan, der seinen für den 8. und 9. Februar geplanten Staatsbesuch in Ägypten bis auf weiteres verschoben hat, rief Mubarak auf, die „Schreie der Menschen und ihre extrem menschlichen Forderungen“ zu hören und Forderungen nach einem demokratischen Wandel zu erfüllen.",
"Auch die iranische Regierung reagierte auf die Massendemonstration. Der neue iranische Außenminister Ali Akbar Salehi sagte, Iran sei solidarisch mit der nach Freiheit strebenden Demonstrationsbewegung. Es sei klar, dass es im Nahen Osten den Wunsch nach Veränderung gebe und die Menschen ein Ende von unpopulären Regimen wollten. Iran unterstütze daher die ägyptische Protestbewegung. Sie zeige, dass es in der Region ein Bedürfnis nach einem Wandel und der Beendigung unpopulärer Regime gebe. Die Menschen in der Region würden sich nicht länger von den „Mächten der Weltarroganz“ kontrollieren lassen, sondern nähmen sich ihr Selbstbestimmungsecht, sagte Salehi. Ramin Mehmanparast, der Sprecher des Außenministeriums, äußerte die Hoffnung Teherans auf einen „islamischeren Nahen Osten“ als Unterstützung gegen die „Feinde Israel und Amerika“. Mehmanparast stellte die Behauptung auf, dass die Aufstände gegen die pro-westlichen Regierungen in Ägypten und Tunesien die westliche Welt verwirrten. Doch ganz so selbstsicher ist die iranische Staatsführung wohl nicht – auch im Iran wurde der Zugang zum Internet eingeschränkt. Nach Berichten der in London erscheinenden arabischen Zeitung Asharq al-Awsat fürchtet die Regierung in Teheran ein Überschwappen der Proteste von Ägypten in den Iran."
] | null | interlang link |
Hosni Mubarak afirma que no será candidato para las elecciones de septiembre en Egipto | 241,376 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Hosni Mubarak",
"Arab Spring",
"Al Jazeera",
"Middle East",
"2011 Egypt anti-government protests",
"Tahrir Square, Cairo",
"February 1, 2011",
"Crime and law",
"Alexandria, Egypt",
"Free speech"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Hosni_Mubarak_afirma_que_no_ser%C3%A1_candidato_para_las_elecciones_de_septiembre_en_Egipto | [
"1 de febrero de 2011El Cairo, Egipto —",
"Hosni Mubarak, Presidente de Egipto, declaró a la prensa el día de hoy que ante la evidente falta de apoyo hacia su gobierno, no será candidato a las elecciones convocadas para septiembre de este año, Mubarak afirma que no renunciará y se irá del cargo hasta que su periodo como Presidente finalice.",
"El comunicado se da a conocer en medio de una marcha en la que se calculan hay más de 2 millones de personas exigiendo la salida del Presidente Mubarak que lleva más de 30 años en el puesto. También dijo que este tipo de protestas son solo una forma \"barata\" de intentar tener el control político de Egipto.",
"La decisión alegró a más de uno de los manifestantes, sin embargo estos continúan firmes en su intención de que Hosni Mubarak deje el puesto como Presidente hoy mismo.",
"Mubarak declaró que hoy más que nunca está dispuesto a finalizar sus más de 30 años de gobierno para asegurar la paz de la nación así como criticó a diversos grupos políticos que según él, no quisieron establecer un dialogo para no llegar a la crisis en la que se encuentra Egipto en este momento.",
"Wikinoticias contiene más información sobre la crisis política en Egipto"
] | null | interlang link |
Egyptian court sends three Al-Jazeera journalists to jail | 1,439,611 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Al Jazeera",
"Middle East",
"Freedom of the press",
"June 23, 2014",
"Crime and law",
"Trial in absentia",
"Muslim Brotherhood",
"North America",
"Julie Bishop",
"Free speech"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Egyptian_court_sends_three_Al-Jazeera_journalists_to_jail | [
"Three journalists from the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera television news network have been sentenced to seven years in jail by a court in Cairo today for spreading false news and helping the Muslim Brotherhood group which are now banned as terrorists. The three journalists — the Australian correspondent Peter Greste, Canadian-Egyptian journalist and Cairo bureau chief for Al-Jazeera Mohamed Fahmy, and Baher Mohamed, an Egyptian producer— were convicted alongside others tried in absentia.",
"Baher Mohamed was sentenced to three years on a second charge for possessing weapons.",
"Al Antsey, the managing director for Al Jazeera English said of the judgment: \"Today three colleagues and friends were sentenced, and will continue behind bars for doing a brilliant job of being great journalists. 'Guilty' of covering stories with great skill and integrity. 'Guilty' of defending people’s right to know what is going on in their world.\"",
"\"Peter, Mohamed, and Baher and six of our other colleagues were sentenced despite the fact that not a shred of evidence was found to support the extraordinary and false charges against them. At no point during the long drawn out 'trial' did the absurd allegations stand up to scrutiny. There were many moments during the hearings where in any other court of law, the trial would be thrown out. There were numerous irregularities in addition to the lack of evidence to stand up the ill-conceived allegations.\"",
"Julie Bishop, the Australian Foreign Minister, said she was \"bitterly disappointed\" by the decision."
] | 2014-06-23 | title |
Égypte : trois journalistes d'Al Jazeera condamnés à sept ans de prison | 1,439,611 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Al Jazeera",
"Middle East",
"Freedom of the press",
"June 23, 2014",
"Crime and law",
"Trial in absentia",
"Muslim Brotherhood",
"North America",
"Julie Bishop",
"Free speech"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/%C3%89gypte_:_trois_journalistes_d%27Al_Jazeera_condamn%C3%A9s_%C3%A0_sept_ans_de_prison | [
"Cet article est archivé et il ne doit être modifié que pour de la maintenance (interwiki, orthographe, grammaire etc.). Toutes autres modifications seront annulées.",
"Publié le 23 juin 2014 \nTrois journalistes de la chaîne Qatari Al Jazeera ont été condamné à sept ans de prison par une cour au Caire, aujourd'hui, pour complicité avec les Frères musulmans, qui sont désormais considérés comme une organisation terroriste. Les trois journalistes (le correspondant australien Peter Greste, l'egypto-canadien Mohamed Fahmy, chef du bureau d'Al Jazeera au Caire, et le producteur égyptien Baher Mohamed) ont été condamné en même temps que plusieurs de leurs confrères jugés par contumace.",
"De plus, Baher Mohamed a été condamné à trois années de prison supplémentaires pour possession d'armes, en fait des douilles de balles vides.",
"Al Anstey, le directeur exécutif de la chaîne anglophone d'Al Jazeera, a déclaré à propos du jugement : « Aujourd'hui, trois de nos collègues et amis ont été condamnés, et vont resté derrière les barreaux pour avoir été de bons journalistes. \"Coupables\" de couvrir des sujets avec habileté et intégrité. \"Coupables\" de défendre le droit du peuple de savoir ce qu'il se passe dans leur monde. »",
"« Pete, Mohamed et Baher ainsi que six de nos confréres ont été condamné en dépit du fait qu'aucune preuve n'a été trouvée pour appuyer les charges exceptionnelles et fausses qui pèsent sur eux. A aucun moment dans ce procès de longue haleine, ces allégations n'ont pas résisté à l'examen de la Défense. Il y a eu des moments pendants les audiences qui, devant n'importe qu'elle autre court de justice, aurait rejeté le procès. Il y eu de nombreuses irrégularités en plus de l'absence de preuves pour soutenir ces allégations mal conçues. »",
"Julie Bishop, la ministre australienne des Affaires étrangères, s'est dit « amèrement déçu » par ce jugement."
] | null | interlang link |
Egyptian voters approve constitutional changes | 251,583 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Arab Spring",
"Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria",
"Middle East",
"Mohamed ElBaradei",
"2011 Egypt anti-government protests",
"Constitution of Egypt",
"Crime and law",
"Muslim Brotherhood",
"March 22, 2011"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Egyptian_voters_approve_constitutional_changes | [
"In a referendum held Saturday, Egyptians voted overwhelmingly to amend the nation's constitution immediately, moving Egypt closer to a democracy, according to results announced today.",
"Electoral officials said 77% of voters endorsed a set of constitutional amendments that included limiting presidential terms, removing limitations on forming political parties, and holding a general election within six months.",
"Many of the mostly secular protest leaders who headed the revolution leading to President Hosni Mubarak's resignation were opposed to the amendments, not wanting to hold elections so quickly. Mohamed ElBaradei, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, said the nation needed more political maturity before holding elections so soon. Leaders of Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church also were against the amendments.",
"The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group previously banned under Mubarak's rule, and the National Democratic Party, Mubarak's ruling party, were almost alone in supporting the amendments. Each hoped that its strong organization would give it an advantage in electing the parliament members who will write the new constitution.",
"Approximately 18 million people, 41% of those eligible, voted, according to electoral officials. This is in contrast to parliamentary elections held four months ago, when the turnout was only six million.",
"Although there were some problems at the voting places, observers said these were mostly due to the military's hasty preparations, not wrongdoing by officials. Opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei was prevented from voting by men throwing stones in the worst incidence of sporadic violence.",
"The results were met with jubilation by Egyptians; in Cairo, horns were honked and fireworks set off. The elections are considered the first in decades not rigged in favor of one party.",
"\"It's not important what the result is, it's important that it was fair,\" said a revolutionary leader, Abdul Rahman Yusuf."
] | 2011-03-22 | title |
مصریها به تغییرات بله گفتند | 251,583 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Arab Spring",
"Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria",
"Middle East",
"Mohamed ElBaradei",
"2011 Egypt anti-government protests",
"Constitution of Egypt",
"Crime and law",
"Muslim Brotherhood",
"March 22, 2011"
] | fa | https://fa.wikinews.org/wiki/%D9%85%D8%B5%D8%B1%DB%8C%E2%80%8C%D9%87%D8%A7_%D8%A8%D9%87_%D8%AA%D8%BA%DB%8C%DB%8C%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA_%D8%A8%D9%84%D9%87_%DA%AF%D9%81%D8%AA%D9%86%D8%AF | [
"نتایج همه پرسی در مصر برای اصلاح قانون اساسی اعلام شد و بر این اساس ۷۷ درصد از رای دهندگان به تغییرات بله گفتند. محمدالبرادعی برنده جایزه صلح نوبل گفت:",
"اخوان المسلمین مهم ترین حزب مخالف دولت حسنی مبارک نیز ابراز امیدواری کرده که قانون اساسی جدید به خوبی نوشته شود.",
"در این همه پرسی ۱۸ میلیون مصری یعنی ۴۱ درصد از واجدین شرایط شرکت کردند.",
"پس از اعلام نتایج همه پرسی مردم به جشن و آتش بازی پرداختند. یکی از آنان گفت:"
] | null | interlang link |
Eight people dead after shooting in North Carolina nursing home | 123,704 | [
"Mental health",
"North Carolina",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"March 30, 2009"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Eight_people_dead_after_shooting_in_North_Carolina_nursing_home | [
"At least eight people have been killed on Monday after a gunman entered a Carthage, North Carolina nursing home and opened fire on its residents.",
"Local police reported that Robert Stewart, a 45-year-old man, entered the Pinelake health and rehabilitation centre, which gives care to Alzheimer's disease patients, and shot a nurse and seven patients to death. Six of the victims were killed at the scene. The others died later at a local hospital. The ages of the patients were between 78 and 98.",
"The alleged gunman also wounded two other people, among them a visitor and a policeman, who confronted the gunman in a hallway and stopped the rampage. The suspect himself was injured before being arrested by police. His condition is currently not known.",
"\"He [the policeman] acted in nothing short of a heroic way today, and but for his actions, we certainly could have had a worse tragedy. We had an officer, a well-trained officer, who performed his job the way he was supposed to and prevented this from getting even worse than it is now,\" said Maureen Krueger, the Moore County District Attorney.",
"\"This is a small community built on faith, and faith will get us through,\" said Chris McKenzie, the Carthage police chief. \"It's a horrible event in any size town, particularly, though, when you deal with a small town such as Carthage. It's hard. This is my home, my small town. I was born and raised here so I take it to heart a little bit. All you can do is move forward.\"",
"The victims of the shooting have been identified. They are: Bessie Hendrick, 78; John Goldston, 78; Jessie Musser, 88; Tessie Gardner, 88; Lillian Dunn, 89; Margaret Johnston, 89; Louise Decker, 98; and Jerry Avent, the nurse.",
"Carthage is located approximately sixty miles southwest of North Carolina's capital of Raleigh. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 1,871. The Pinelake nursing home, where the attack occurred, contains 110 beds and has both short and long term patients."
] | 2009-03-30 | title |
Mehrere Tote bei Amoklauf im Pinelake-Altersheim in Carthage | 123,704 | [
"Mental health",
"North Carolina",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"March 30, 2009"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Mehrere_Tote_bei_Amoklauf_im_Pinelake-Altersheim_in_Carthage | [
"Raleigh (Vereinigte Staaten), 30.03.2009 – Die Serie der Amokläufe reißt nicht ab. Jetzt hat sich erstmals ein Amoklauf in einer Seniorenwohnanlage in den Vereinigten Staaten ereignet. Dabei sollen mindestens acht Menschen (sieben Patienten zwischen 78 und 98 Jahren und eine Pflegekraft) ums Leben gekommen sein, vier Menschen wurden verletzt, darunter in einem Schusswechsel ein Polizist am Bein und der Täter selbst. Zu den Verletzungen des Täters liegen noch keine Angaben vor.",
"Der Täter soll das Gebäude gestürmt und sofort wild um sich gefeuert haben. Auf ihn kommt eine Anklage wegen achtfachen Mordes zu. Die örtlichen Behörden haben demnach ein Ermittlungsverfahren eingeleitet. Die Gründe für die Tat sind unklar."
] | null | interlang link |
Eighteen found dead in a bus in Iraq | 35,194 | [
"Sunni Islam",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"March 8, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Shia Islam"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Eighteen_found_dead_in_a_bus_in_Iraq | [
"Eighteen men, ranging in ages from young to elderly, whose bodies were found bound and blindfolded in a minibus in Baghdad, were hanged. \"The medical report shows that all of them were hanged,\" a source at Baghdad's Yarmuk hospital said. \"We found a rope round the neck of one of the victims.\"",
"A security patrol discovered the minibus just before midnight on the road between the Amiriyah and Khadra districts. The victims, all men, had been handcuffed, blindfolded and either hanged or shot to death, police Lt. Maitham Abdul-Razzaq said.",
"Police say they have no clues to the victims' identities. The bodies were found near the Amriya district of western Baghdad — one of the city's most dangerous sections, Abdul-Razzaq said.",
"Official figures suggest an increase in such killings since the destruction of a major Shiite shrine in Samarra two weeks ago sparked reprisal attacks. Local people have accused the Shiite-led, US-backed government's police and other security forces of abducting and killing Sunni civilians.",
"The dumping of bodies bearing signs of torture and killed execution-style has become a feature of Iraq's violence between armed factions.",
"Meanwhile, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad warned that the country is vulnerable to rebels’ attempts to exploit the political situation caused by the shrine attack. \"There is a concerted effort to provoke civil war,\" he said.",
"Iraq's parliament is expected to sit on Sunday for the first time since the December elections."
] | 2006-03-08 | title |
Bagdad: 18 avrättade påträffade, flera nya bomber | 35,194 | [
"Sunni Islam",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Middle East",
"March 8, 2006",
"Crime and law",
"Shia Islam"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Bagdad:_18_avr%C3%A4ttade_p%C3%A5tr%C3%A4ffade,_flera_nya_bomber | [
"Säkerhetsstyrkor hittade det övergivna fordonet med kropparna i en orolig sunnidominerad förort i västra Bagdad. De 18 männen var bakbundna och har nyligen skjutits eller stypts i vad som uppfattas som avrättningar.",
"Inga identifikationshandlingar har hittats på männen som alla bar civila kläder. Det är fortfarande okänt om de senaste veckornas våld har ett samband med avrättningarna, något som många ändå antar.",
"Männan beskrivs som mellan unga och medelålders och enligt somliga uppgifter såg en av männen ut som en utländsk arab.",
"En vägbomb i centrala Bagdad dödade två poliser och skadade ytterligare fem människor. Enligt Reuters dödades en person av en vägbomb riktad mot en bilkonvoj som hörde till inrikesministern som själv inte var närvarande.",
"Det fortsatta våldet fortsätter att väcka farhågor om ett inbördeskrig i Irak och enligt USA:s ambassadör är bombdåden uppenbarligen ett organiserat försök att provocera fram detta inbördeskrig.",
"USA:s försvarminister Donald Rumsfeld uppgav dock att han inte ansåg att ett inbördeskrig brutit ut i Irak men att risken för ett sådant fortfarande fanns kvar.",
"Iraks parlament ska sammanträda för första gången nu på söndag och det kan bli svårt för de kurdiska, shia- och sunnimuslimska grupperna att enas kring den samlingsregering som ska ta Irak ur den nuvarande situationen.",
"Denna artikel är en kort telegramartikel. Vet du mer om ämnet den beskriver kan du hjälpa till med att utvidga den.",
"21 juli 2010: Nyheter kort: 29 januari 2005 \n24 mars 2008: 4000 amerikanska soldater döda i Irak \n3 mars 2008: Bilbomber dödar 19 i Bagdad \n1 februari 2008: Bombdåd i Bagdad bröt nedåtgående våldstrend \n24 januari 2008: Ny irakisk flagga utan Saddam Hussein \n21 januari 2008: Självmordsbombare dödade 14 begravningsgäster",
"21 oktober 2011: Tunisien till val \n20 oktober 2011: Gaddafi är död \n4 augusti 2011: Försvaret: Vår insats har räddat liv \n1 maj 2011: En av Khaddafis söner död efter Natoattack \n30 mars 2011: Gripen till Libyen \n19 mars 2011: Franska flygvapnet angriper Gaddafi",
"• Irak\n • Konflikter\n • Terrorism\n • Saddam Hussein\n • Mellanöstern\n • Politik",
"• Irak\n• Bagdad",
"Händelser 7 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 10",
"Publiceringar 8 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 10"
] | null | interlang link |
Eighth suspect connected to failed UK bombings arrested | 73,370 | [
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"July 3, 2007"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Eighth_suspect_connected_to_failed_UK_bombings_arrested | [
"Reports say that authorities in Brisbane, Australia have arrested an individual connected with the failed Glasgow and London bombings in the United Kingdom on June 29 and June 30. Australian media reports that the man was arrested at Brisbane International Airport yesterday at 11:00 p.m. AEST (UTC+10).",
"The man has since be named as Mohammed Haneef and Australian Attorney-General Philip Ruddock says that Haneef is cooperating with authorities and has not been charged with any crime as of yet.",
"Police in the U.K. confirm that the arrest has been made saying, \"he remains in custody.\"",
"\"Yes there was an arrest last night but I will stress at no stage was there any threat to the Brisbane Airport,\" said Jim Carden, a spokesman for the airport.",
"Mohammed Haneef is being described as a 27 year-old male who is a qualified medical doctor and reports say that he was leaving the airport and had a one-way ticket to Pakistan.",
"Haneef is employed at the Gold Coast Hospital in Queensland. Haneef is not an Australian citizen. It is reported that Haneef is from India.",
"A total of eight suspects have been arrested, six of which are doctors or studying to be doctors.",
"The terror threat level in the UK remains critical, indicating that an attack could be expected imminently and high security is in evidence on mass transport routes, while the police continue their investigations.",
"Earlier this morning, a controlled explosion took place on a suspicious package discovered outside Hammersmith Station on the London Underground system. The scare led to the closure of Hammersmith and Barons Court stations for one hour.",
"Two other stations, Tower Hill and East Ham, were closed in similar circumstances. All four stations have now been reopened."
] | 2007-07-03 | title |
Capturan al octavo sospechoso por los atentados fallidos en el Reino Unido | 73,370 | [
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"July 3, 2007"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Capturan_al_octavo_sospechoso_por_los_atentados_fallidos_en_el_Reino_Unido | [
"3 de julio de 2007Brisbane, Australia —",
"Las autoridadas en Brisbane, Australia han arrestado a un individuo conectado con los incidentes en Glasgow y Londres en el Reino Unido el 29 de y 30 de junio. La prensa de Australia reportó que un hombre fue arrestado en Aeropuerto Internacional de Brisbane ayer a la 11:00 p.m. AEST (UTC+10)",
"El hombre se llama Mohammed Haneef y el Abogado-General australiano Philip Ruddock dijo que Haneef estaba cooperando con las autoridades y que no fue acusado de ningún crimen aún.",
"La policía en el Reino Unido confirmó que el arresto de hecho se llevó a cabo diciendo que \"se lo mantiene en custodia\".",
"\"Sí, hubo un arresto ayer por la noche pero voy a hacer hincapié que en ningún momento hubo una amenaza al Aeropuerto de Brisbane\", dijo Jim Carden, un portavoz del aeropuerto.",
"Mohammed Haneef fue describido como un hombre de 27 años que se encuentra cualificado médicamente; los reportes dicen que se estaba yendo del aeropuerto y tenía un boleto de ida a Pakistán.",
"Haneef se encuentra empleado en el Gold Coast Hospital en Queensland. Haneef no es un ciudadano australiano y se reportó que era de India.",
"Se han arrestado un total de ocho sospechosos con respecto a los incidentes del Reino Unido, seis de los cuales son doctores o estaban estudiando para serlo.",
"El nivel de amenaza en el Reino Unido se mantiene crítico, lo que indica que un ataque es inminente y se evidencia mucha seguridad en los medios de transporte mientras que la policía continúa sus investigaciones.",
"Más temprano a la mañana se llevó a cabo una explosión controlada sobre un dispositivo sospechoso fuera de la estación Hammersmith en el metro de Londres. El temor hizo que se cerraran las estaciones Hammersmith y Barons Court por una hora.",
"Dos otras estaciones, Tower Hill e East Ham también fueron cerradas en circunstancias similares. Las cuatro estaciones han sido reabiertas."
] | null | interlang link |
Huit suspects liés aux attentats ratés du Royaume-Uni ont été arrêtés | 73,370 | [
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"July 3, 2007"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Huit_suspects_li%C3%A9s_aux_attentats_rat%C3%A9s_du_Royaume-Uni_ont_%C3%A9t%C3%A9_arr%C3%AAt%C3%A9s | [
"Des sources indiquent que les autorités de Brisbane (Australie) ont arrêté un individu lié aux attentats à la bombe ratés de Glasgow et de Londres au Royaume-Uni du 29 et du 30 juin dernier. Les média australiens indiquent que l'homme a été arrêté à l'aéroport de Brisbane hier à 23h00 heure locale.\nL'homme a été identifié depuis sous le nom de Mohammed Haneef, et l'Avocat Général australien Philip Ruddock a indiqué qu'il coopérait avec les autorités et qu'il n'avait jusqu'à présent été mis en cause pour aucun crime.\nLa police du Royaume-Uni a confirmé que l'arrestation avait été effectuée en restant prudent.\n« Oui, il y a eu une arrestation hier soir, mais je voudrais souligner qu'à aucun moment, il n'y a eu de menace sur l'aéroport de Brisbane », a indiqué Jim Carden, un porte-parole de l'aéroport.\nMohammed Haneef a été décrit comme un homme de 27 ans, docteur en médecine, et des comptes-rendus indiquent qu'il quittait l'aéroport avec un aller simple pour le Pakistan.\nHaneef est un employé du Gold Coast Hospital dans le Queensland. Haneef n'est pas citoyen australien, mais originaire d'Inde.\nUn total de huit suspects a été arrêté, dont six sont médecins ou étudiants en médecine.\nLe niveau d'alerte terroriste au Royaume-Uni reste critique, indiquant qu'une attaque peut se produire de façon imminente, et un haut niveau de sécurité est perceptible sur les routes, alors que la police continue son enquête.\nPlus tôt dans la matinée, une explosion provoquée par les démineurs a eu lieu sur un colis suspect découvert à proximité de la station de métro d'Hammersmith de Londres. La peur a conduit à la fermeture des stations d'Hammersmith et de Barons Court pendant une heure.\nDeux autres stations, Tower Hill et East Ham, ont été fermées pour des causes similaires. Toutes quatre ont été réouvertes."
] | Publié le 3 juillet 2007 | interlang link |
Eric Rudolph pleads guilty to avoid death sentence | 7,655 | [
"Georgia (U.S. state)",
"April 8, 2005",
"Atlanta, Georgia",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Eric_Rudolph_pleads_guilty_to_avoid_death_sentence | [
"Eric Rudolph, who was on the FBI's most wanted list and a fugitive bomber for more than five years, has reached a deal with prosecutors that gives him life in prison instead of a possible death sentence.",
"Rudolph will plead guilty to a string of bombings — an attack during the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia; a Birmingham, Alabama women's clinic in 1998. He was facing trial on other bombing charges including a lesbian night club and another women's clinic, both in the Atlanta area.",
"Although one of the victims said she thought the plea bargain put too little penalty on Rudolf for his crimes, prosecutors said it was better to make a deal to put Rudolf in prison for life and protect others from future attack."
] | 2005-04-08 | title |
Zamachowiec z Atlanty przyznał się do winy | 7,655 | [
"Georgia (U.S. state)",
"April 8, 2005",
"Atlanta, Georgia",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Zamachowiec_z_Atlanty_przyzna%C5%82_si%C4%99_do_winy | [
"Poszukiwany przez FBI Eric Robert Rudolph przyznał się do podłożenia bomby w Parku Olimpijskim podczas Letnich Igrzysk Olimpijskich w Atlancie w 1996 roku. W wyniku eksplozji ładunku umieszczonego w neseserze zginęły dwie osoby, a 110 zostało rannych.",
"Eric ponadto był sprawcą zamachu na klinikę w Birmingham (Alabama), w którym również zginęły 2 osoby, zaś 150 było rannych.",
"Zmachowieca, dzięki przyznaniu się do winy, może czekać dożywocie. Sąd amerykański, który 6 kwietnia 2005 roku rozpoczął proces przeciw niemu, rozpatrywał nawet karę śmierci.",
"Zatrzymany przez blisko 5 lat ukrywał się przed FBI. Postanowił jednak przyznać się do winy."
] | null | interlang link |
Eritrea accuses four Britons of espionage and terrorism | 266,711 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"June 11, 2011",
"United Kingdom",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Eritrea_accuses_four_Britons_of_espionage_and_terrorism | [
"The government of Eritrea has accused four British men who were detained last December of espionage and terrorism. The men were working for Protection Vessels International (PVI), a maritime security company, when they disappeared on December 24, 2010. According to the company, the group was forced to make an unscheduled stop at the port of Massawa due to rough weather, refuelling and equipment repairs.",
"A statement made on television by the Eritrean authorities said that the men had a variety of weapons, including 18 sniper rifles and \"1,700 bullets.\" The statement also claimed that \"there is high possibility that such military hardware is intended for perpetrating acts of terrorism and sabotage.\" PVI hit back at the claims, saying that the weapons were \"standard issue for antipiracy operations.\"",
"Paul Gibbins, a spokesman for PVI, spoke to the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph, saying \"[t]his is a gross misunderstanding and we regret the situation that we find ourselves in. We will continue to work very hard for the men’s release and we welcome any dialogue with the Eritrean authorities.\"",
"Two of the four men being held are former Royal Marines. Three of the men have been named as Adrian Troy, Christopher Collison, and Alun Sims."
] | 2011-06-11 | title |
L'Érythrée accuse quatre Britanniques d'espionnage et de terrorisme | 266,711 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"June 11, 2011",
"United Kingdom",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/L%27%C3%89rythr%C3%A9e_accuse_quatre_Britanniques_d%27espionnage_et_de_terrorisme | [
"L'Érythrée accuse quatre hommes britanniques détenus depuis décembre dernier d'espionnage et de terrorisme. Les suspects travaillaient pour la Protection Vessels International (PVI), une entreprise de sécurité maritime, quand ils ont disparu le 24 décembre 2010. Selon la compagnie, le groupe a été contraint de faire une escale non prévue dans le port de Massawa à cause du mauvais temps pour effectuer des réparations et se ravitailler.",
"Dans une déclaration à la télévision, les autorités érythréennes ont expliqué que les hommes détenaient plusieurs types d'armes, y compris 18 fusils de précision et « 1 700 munitions ». Et d'ajouter qu'« il est fort possible que le matériel militaire saisi soit destiné à perpétrer des actes de terrorisme et de sabotage ». L'entreprise a répondu en assurant que le fait de posséder d'armes était « normal pour des opérations anti-piratage ».",
"Un porte-parole de l'entreprise, Paul Gibbins, interviewé par le quotidien britannique The Daily Telegraph, explique : « [c]'est un grand malentendu et nous regrettons la situation dans laquelle nous nous trouvons ; nous continuerons à travailler très dur pour la libération des hommes et nous sommes ouverts à tout dialogue avec les autorités érythréennes ».",
"Deux des quatre hommes détenus sont d'anciens Royal Marines[1]. Trois ont été désignés comme étant Adrian Troy, Christopher Collison et Alun Sims."
] | Publié le 11 juin 2011 | interlang link |
ETA bomb kills soldier in northern Spain | 113,504 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"September 22, 2008",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/ETA_bomb_kills_soldier_in_northern_Spain | [
"A car bomb exploded early Monday near a military academy in the coastal town of Santona, in northern Spain, killing a soldier and wounding several others. The authorities blame the Basque separatist group ETA for the attack. It was the third car bombing in 24 hours believed to have been caused by ETA.",
"The first bomb exploded early Sunday near the headquarters of the Caja Vital Kutxa bank in the Basque political capital, Vitoria-Gasteiz. No one was injured, but the building suffered heavy damage.",
"A few hours later a second bomb exploded near an Ertzaintza (Basque police) station in the coastal town of Ondarroa. Three police officers and seven civilians were injured. Officials said two suspected bombers parked a car close to the outside wall of the station, threw a Molotov cocktail to attract attention, and then detonated about 100kg of explosives.",
"The latest blast happened at about 01:00 (2300 UTC Sunday) and was preceded by a warning call in the name of ETA. The army officer Brigadier Luis Conde de la Cruz was killed and another soldier severely injured while the police were securing the area.",
"The attacks come at a time of increased turbulence in Basque politics. This week Spanish courts outlawed two Basque nationalist political parties (which have hundreds of elected town councillors and regional parliament deputies) charged of being directly linked to ETA and jailed 21 people who work on behalf of ETA prisoners and their relatives."
] | 2008-09-22 | title |
Nuevo coche bomba de ETA mata un militar | 113,504 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"September 22, 2008",
"Crime and law",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Nuevo_coche_bomba_de_ETA_mata_un_militar | [
"22 de septiembre de 2008Santoña, España —",
"La organización separatista ETA ha colocado un coche bomba en Santoña, Cantabria, causando un muerto y seis heridos, uno de ellos grave. Es el tercer atentado de ETA en 24 horas, después de los de Vitoria y Ondarroa.",
"El vehículo fue colocado frente al Patronato Militar Virgen del Puerto (academia militar) donde explotó hacia la 01:00 (hora local) del 22 de septiembre. A las 00:30 horas, una llamada que dijo hablar en nombre de ETA, advirtió de la colocación del vehículo a la Asociación de Ayuda en Carretera en San Sebastián. Luis Conde de la Cruz, brigada del Ejército de 46 años destinado en Segovia, se encontraba viviendo en el Patronato y se disponía a desalojar el edificio cuando falleció por la explosión. Es la segunda vez que Santoña es objetivo de ETA. El atentado ha causado también importantes daños materiales al edificio del patronato y en los alrededores",
"ETA atentó por última vez en Cantabria en julio de 2008, con cuatro bombas en Laredo y Noja. El último asesinado por ETA fue un agente de la Guardia Civil en Legutiano (Álava).",
"Los atentados de ETA coinciden en el tiempo con la semana en que han sido ilegalizadas por el Tribunal Supremo las organizaciones Partido Comunista de las Tierras Vascas, Acción Nacionalista Vasca y Gestoras Pro Amnistía, por su vinculación directa con ETA y su entorno."
] | null | interlang link |
ETA chief arrested in southern France | 116,780 | [
"November 18, 2008",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/ETA_chief_arrested_in_southern_France | [
"The suspected military chief of the Basque nationalist group ETA was arrested in a pre-dawn raid on Monday in the town of Cauterets in Southern France. Mikel Garikoitz Aspiazu Rubina, alias Txeroki (English: Cherokee), was arrested along with a woman who has not been named.",
"He was arrested in a joint operation by Spanish and French police. He is being held in France in connection with the killing of two Spanish Civil Guards in Capbreton, France, December 1, 2007.",
"Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero said, \"Today Eta is weaker and Spanish democracy is stronger.\"",
"\"The arrest shows the unfailing determination of the police forces in the battle against any form of terrorism. It also illustrates once again the admirable collaboration between France and Spain in the fight against Basque terrorism,\" read a statement from French Interior Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie's office.",
"The ETA organization is blamed by authorities for the deaths of 820 people since it began campaigning for a separate Basque state in the 1960s.",
"According to CNN, Txeroki is thought to have joined the ETA in 2000, rising to become the military chief in 2004."
] | 2008-11-18 | title |
Detenido Txeroki, jefe militar de ETA | 116,780 | [
"November 18, 2008",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Detenido_Txeroki,_jefe_militar_de_ETA | [
"17 de noviembre de 2008Madrid, España —",
"Mikel Garikoitz Aspiazu Rubina, alias \"Txeroki\", considerado el jefe militar de ETA, ha sido detenido en Francia, en una operación conjunta entre la policía francesa y la Guardia Civil española.",
"La operación se desarrolló en torno a la 4:30 horas, UTC, en el Parque Nacional de los Pririneos Franceses, en una zona residencial cerca de la estación de esquí de Cauterets. Fue detenido junto a una mujer que podría tratarse de Leire López Zurutuza, una de las miembros de ETA más buscadas. La operación seguía abierta a las 9:00 horas.",
"La policía le considera el máximo responsable de ETA desde 2004, cuando fueron detenidos Mikel Antxa y Soledad Iparaguirre.",
"Agentes de la policía francesa y la Guardia Civil irrumpieron en un inmueble de la zona residencial, mientras Txeroki y la otra detenida dormían. De forma inmediata, con la presencia de los detenidos, ha comenzado el resgistro de la vivienda. La juez gala responsable de la operación contra 'Txeroki' dijo hoy que la captura del líder de ETA se decidió anoche tras varios días de vigilancia.",
"Txeroki (Bilbao, 6 de julio de 1973) estaba huido desde mayo de 2002. Se le atribuye el atentado en Capbreton, contra dos guardias civiles españoles, que supuso la ruptura por parte de ETA de la consigna de no cometer atentados en suelo francés. Hace un mes, el ministro español de Interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, reveló que dos etarras detenidos del comando Nafarroa habían declarado que fue Txeroki quien asesino a los guardias Fernando Trapero y Raúl Centeno.",
"Txeroki encarna al sector más duro de ETA, opuesto a la tregua durante el primer gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y responsable de la decisión de acabar con la misma ordenando el atentado de la T-4 de Barajas.",
"Además, se le imputa el asesinato del magistrado de la Audiencia de Vizcaya, José María Lidón Corbi, el 7 de noviembre de 2001, y la colocación de una bomba lapa en el vehículo del dirigente de las Juventudes Socialistas, Eduardo Madina, quien perdió una pierna en el atentado en 2002.",
"El presidente español, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, cree que con la detención de Mikel Garikoitz, alias 'Txeroki', cae \"el máximo dirigente operativo de ETA\" y \"el responsable directo de algunos últimos asesinatos de la banda\".",
"\"Hoy ETA es más débil y la democracia española, más fuerte\", ha dicho el presidente. Estas declaraciones las ha efecturado en rueda de prensa tras mantener una reunión con el ministro del Interior, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, para tratar en profundidad la detención del jefe de los comandos de ETA.",
"Sin embargo, el presidente del Gobierno aseguró que, pese a que con esta detención la banda ha sufrido un duro golpe, \"ETA no ha perdido su capacidad de atentar, su capacidad de causar dolor\".",
"El presidente se felicitó porque \"hoy se ha cumplido nuestro compromiso de detener a todos los implicados en el asesinato de los dos guardias civiles de Cap Breton\".",
"\"Esta detención\", dijo, \"es fruto del trabajo ejemplar y permanente de los aparatos de seguridad del Estado\". Por ello, felicitó a la Guardia Civil, por desarrollar \"una tarea decisiva para dar este golpe a la banda terrorista ETA\".",
"Zapatero también agradeció al presidente de Francia, Nicolas Sarkozy, \"la cooperación en esta lucha incansable e implacable contra los terroristas\".",
"El presidente anunció que se dará más información sobre esta operación de la Guardia Civil a las 17:30, hora local. También dijo que él mismo había llamado al líder de la oposición, Mariano Rajoy, para informarle de esta importante operación contra ETA.",
"En un comunicado, el presidente francés Nicolás Sarkozy también se felicitaba de la buena cooperación entre la Guardia Civil y la gendarmería francesa."
] | null | interlang link |
ETA places explosives on Tour de France route in Spain | 75,160 | [
"Crime and law",
"2007 Tour de France",
"July 25, 2007",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/ETA_places_explosives_on_Tour_de_France_route_in_Spain | [
"Authorities in Spain say that at least two explosive devices were found on a section of the Tour de France bicycle race just outside the Spanish town of Belagua. Authorities say that \"a small amount of explosives\", were placed inside plastic food containers then placed on both sides of the road.",
"There are no reports of injuries but conflicting reports say that the cyclists passed the area before the devices went off, while others report that the devices were detonated before the cyclists passed.",
"The Basque separatist group known as the ETA have claimed responsibility for placing the devices on the route. A telephone call was placed to authorities by someone claiming to be from the ETA who threatened to use the devices."
] | 2007-07-25 | title |
ETA pone explosivos en el Tour de France | 75,160 | [
"Crime and law",
"2007 Tour de France",
"July 25, 2007",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/ETA_pone_explosivos_en_el_Tour_de_France | [
"Las autoridades de España dicen que al menos dos dispositivos explosivos fueron hallados en un tramo del Tour de France en las afueras de Belagua. Las autoridades reportaron que \"una pequeña cantidad de explosivos\" fueron situados en una bolsa de comida plástica y puestos en ambos lados del tramo.",
"No se reportaron heridos pero varios reportes dicen que los ciclistas pasaron el tramo antes de que el dispositivo explotara, mientras que otros dicen que explotó antes de que llegaran los ciclistas.",
"El grupo terrorista vasco ETA se atribuyó la responsabilidad de las explosiones. Las autoridades recibieron un llamado de teléfono de ETA que amenazaba con detonar el dispositivo."
] | 25 de julio de 2007 | interlang link |
Ethics chief: UK PM's reforms after Partygate "highly unsatisfactory", won't "restore public trust" | 2,949,143 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Conservative Party (UK)",
"Downing Street",
"Crime and law",
"Boris Johnson",
"Rishi Sunak",
"United Kingdom",
"June 3, 2022",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Ethics_chief:_UK_PM%27s_reforms_after_Partygate_%22highly_unsatisfactory%22,_won%27t_%22restore_public_trust%22 | [
"Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life Jonathan Evans criticised United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson's proposed changes to the ministerial code after the Partygate revelations on Wednesday as \"highly unsatisfactory\".",
"The watchdog slammed revisions presented last week, which allow ministers to remain serving after breaching the code and continues to restrict the ethics adviser from launching investigations without the Prime Minister's consent. Evans said that unless the adviser, currently Lord Geidt, is allowed to scrutinise ministerial conduct independently, \"suspicion about the way in which the ministerial code is administered will linger.\"",
"Evans wrote in a blog article published on gov.uk that the Committee proposed code infractions be tied to a series of graduated sanctions, rather than the \"all-or-nothing approach\" that gave past prime ministers unease.",
"However, he continued, the government's reforms include the variable penalties whilst retaining the requirement investigations into the code are contingent on the Prime Minister's approval. Evans wrote the graduated sanctions, specified to be either a public apology, fine or request for resignation, was \"part of a mutually dependent package of reforms, designed to be taken\" alongside greater autonomy for the ethics adviser.",
"Johnson dismissed Geidt's remarks there was a \"legitimate question\" over whether Johnson's receiving a fixed penalty notice for breaching Covid-19 restrictions in June 2020 constituted an infraction. In a letter Tuesday, the Prime Minister wrote: \"taking account of all the circumstances, I did not breach the code\", and in clearing the parliamentary record \"followed the principles of leadership and accountability\".",
"Geidt criticised the \"circular process\" that \"could only risk placing the ministerial code in a place of ridicule\", and reportedly considered resigning Tuesday. He said he told Johnson's advisers the PM \"should be ready to offer public comment on his obligations under the ministerial code\" to no avail.",
"Evans agreed, elaborating \"an adviser who believes their advice will be rejected will simply not put forward advice at all, with the precedent already established that this will lead to the adviser’s resignation.\"",
"Conservative Party MPs have continued to submit letters of no-confidence to the 1922 Committee headed by Sir Graham Brady. A compilation by the BBC on Wednesday counted 28 MPs of the 54 MP threshold who have publicly urged Johnson to resign, though some may not have submitted letters. Those listed are diverse: they include past ministers, committee chairs and backbenchers on either side of the Brexit debate. The Independent said at least thirty wanted the PM out.",
"One of the most recent rebel MPs, Simon Fell for Barrow and Furness, Scotland wrote to constituents: \"It beggars belief that when the government was doing so much to help people during the pandemic, a rotten core with an unacceptable culture carried on regardless of the restrictions placed on the rest of us\".",
"Another, Caroline Dinenage for Gosport expressed no-confidence with the remark that Johnson \"has stated that measures have been put in place to achieve [systemic change], but until I see real evidence of leadership that is listening and changing, I’m afraid I am not prepared to defend it\".",
"Frontbench ministers accused breakaway Tories of doing \"the opposition's work\", according to culture minister Nadine Dorries. Home Secretary Priti Patel said focussing on dissenters is \"a sideshow, quite frankly, rather than focusing on the real challenges\", telling fellow MPs to \"forget it\".",
"Johnson overruled the judgment of Geidt's predecessor Sir Alex Allan when he concluded Patel had \"not consistently met the high standards expected of her\" in 2020. In response, Sir Alex stepped down, acknowledging \"it is for the Prime Minister to make a judgment on whether actions by a minister amount to a breach of the ministerial code\" but adding \"I feel that it is right that I should now resign\".",
"Associate director for the Institute for Government Tim Durrant told The Guardian: \"The fact that behaviour and propriety have been such an issue for this government has really exposed the limits of the code, and of Lord Geidt’s role.\""
] | 2022-06-03 | title |
Jonathan Evans critica mudanças propostas por Johnson ao código ministerial | 2,949,143 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Conservative Party (UK)",
"Downing Street",
"Crime and law",
"Boris Johnson",
"Rishi Sunak",
"United Kingdom",
"June 3, 2022",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Jonathan_Evans_critica_mudan%C3%A7as_propostas_por_Johnson_ao_c%C3%B3digo_ministerial | [
"O presidente do Comitê de Padrões na Vida Pública, Jonathan Evans, criticou as mudanças propostas pelo primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido, Boris Johnson, ao código ministerial após as revelações do Partygate na quarta-feira.",
"O órgão de vigilância criticou as revisões apresentadas na semana passada, que permitem que os ministros continuem servindo após violarem o código e continuam a restringir o conselheiro de ética de iniciar investigações sem o consentimento do primeiro-ministro. Evans disse que, a menos que o conselheiro, atualmente Lord Geidt, tenha permissão para examinar a conduta ministerial de forma independente, “as suspeitas sobre a maneira como o código ministerial é administrado permanecerão.”",
"Evans escreveu em um artigo publicado no gov.uk que a reforma do governo exige que as investigações dependam da aprovação do primeiro-ministro. Ele afirma que as sanções graduais, como um pedido de desculpas público, multa ou pedido de demissão, eram “parte de um pacote de reformas”, juntamente com maior autonomia para o conselheiro de ética.",
"Johnson rejeitou as observações de Geidt de que ele deveria receber uma multa por violar as restrições da pandemia de COVID-19 em junho de 2020. Numa carta terça-feira, o primeiro-ministro escreveu: “tendo em conta todas as circunstâncias, não violei o código.”",
"Geidt criticou o processo e supostamente considerou renunciar na terça-feira. Ele disse que relatou aos assessores de Johnson que o primeiro-ministro “deveria estar pronto para oferecer comentários públicos sobre suas obrigações com o código ministerial”.",
"Evans concordou, afirmando que “um conselheiro que acredita que seu conselho será rejeitado, simplesmente não apresentará nenhum conselho […] isso levará à renúncia do conselheiro.”",
"Os parlamentares do Partido Conservador continuaram a enviar cartas de desconfiança ao Comitê. Uma compilação da BBC na quarta-feira contou 28 parlamentares (do limite de 54) que pediram publicamente para Johnson renunciar, embora alguns possam não ter enviado cartas. Os listados são diversos: incluem ex-ministros, presidentes de comitês e conselheiros de ambos os lados do debate sobre o Brexit. The Independent disse que pelo menos trinta queriam a saída do primeiro-ministro.",
"Uma das mais recentes críticas, Caroline Dinenage, expressou desconfiança com a observação de que Johnson “afirmou que medidas foram postas em prática para alcançar [mudança sistêmica], mas até que eu veja evidências reais… não estou preparada para defendê-lo.”",
"Ministros acusaram os conservadores dissidentes de fazerem “trabalho da oposição”, segundo a ministra da Cultura Nadine Dorries. A secretária do Interior, Priti Patel, disse que focar nos dissidentes é \"um espetáculo à parte, francamente, em vez de se concentrar nos desafios reais\" “dizendo aos colegas parlamentares para \"esquecer.”",
"Johnson rejeitou o julgamento do antecessor de Geidt, Alex Allan. Em resposta, Alex renunciou, reconhecendo que “é para o primeiro-ministro fazer um julgamento se [suas ações] equivalem a uma violação do código ministerial”, mas acrescentando “sinto que é certo que eu deva agora renunciar.”"
] | 5 de junho de 2022 | interlang link |
EU deems UK privacy laws inadequate, takes legal action | 143,048 | [
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"November 1, 2009",
"European Union",
"European Commission",
"United Kingdom"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/EU_deems_UK_privacy_laws_inadequate,_takes_legal_action | [
"The European Union has warned the UK government that it does not do enough to protect its citizens' online privacy and personal data. Now the EU has moved to the next stage of legal action, which could see Britain taken to court.",
"The warning follows complaints over the Phorm company's targeted advertising system. The controversial technology is designed to track the activities of internet users, and was tested on some BT customers without their consent. Campaigners complained to various bodies including the UK's data protection agency, and the communications regulator Ofcom. No action was taken. The City of London police began an investigation, but this was soon dropped.",
"The EU Commission formally warned Britain that it was not meeting EU rules in April. Other countries that have been warned include Germany, Poland and Romania. However, last week the Commission moved onto the second stage of the infringement procedure against the UK, with a letter to the government.",
"The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) has been particularly criticised by the Commission for its weak definition of \"consent\" and its limited sanctions. The Commission also found that there was no independent body to oversee and hear complaints about communications interception. Overall, the letter says that the UK fails to comply with the EU's Data Protection Directive and e-Privacy Directive.",
"\"People's privacy and the integrity of their personal data in the digital world is not only an important matter: it is a fundamental right, protected by European law,\" the EU's Information Commissioner Viviane Reding said in a statement on Thursday. \"I therefore call on the UK authorities to change their national laws to ensure that British citizens fully benefit from the safeguards set out in EU law concerning confidentiality of electronic communications.\"",
"The Home Office confirmed that it had received the letter, but has so far not responded. Ministers said that they would reply to the letter after they have taken some time to consider it. The Home Office has two months to reply, and if the Commission is not satisfied with the response, then Britain could face charges in the European Court of Justice."
] | 2009-11-01 | title |
UE advierte al Reino Unido que no garantiza protección de datos | 143,048 | [
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"November 1, 2009",
"European Union",
"European Commission",
"United Kingdom"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/UE_advierte_al_Reino_Unido_que_no_garantiza_protecci%C3%B3n_de_datos | [
"1 de noviembre de 2009Bruselas, Bélgica —",
"La Unión Europea (UE) ha advertido al Reino Unido que no hace lo suficiente para garantizar la protección de la privacidad en línea y datos personales de sus ciudadanos. La UE amenazó con tomar acción legal y llevar el caso ante el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea.",
"La advertencia surge a partir de quejas al sistema publicitario de la compañía Phorm. La tecnología suscitó controversia ya que rastrea las actividades de los usuarios de Internet, y fue probado en usuarios de BT Group sin su consentimiento. Los opositores manifestaron ante varios entes británicos, entre ellos la agencia de protección de datos del Reino Unido.",
"Ninguna acción fue tomada.",
"La Comisión Europea advirtió formalmente al Reino Unido que no estaba cumpliendo las regulaciones predispuestas por la misma UE en abril. Otros países también fueron advertidos, entre ellos Alemania, Polonia y Rumania. No obstante, la semana pasada la Comisión pasó a la segunda etapa en el proceso con respecto al Reino Unido, y envió una carta al gobierno británico.",
"El Acta de Regulación de Poderes Investigatorios (RIPA) ha sido particularmente criticada por la Comisión, ya que define muy débilmente el \"consentimiento\" y propone sanciones limitadas. La Comisión también halló que no existe un ente independiente que regule y escuche las quejas sobre intercepción en la comunicación. En resumen, la carta enviada acusa al Reino Unido de fallar en cumplir con la Directiva de Protección de Datos y la Directiva de e-Privacidad de la Unión Europea.",
"\"La privacidad de las personas y la integridad de sus datos personales en el mundo digital no es sólo un respecto importante: es un derecho fundamental, protegido por la ley europea\", declaró el jueves la Comisionada de Información de la UE, Viviane Reding. \"Por ende llamo a las autoridades del Reino Unido a que cambien sus leyes nacionales para asegurar que los ciudadanos británicos se beneficien plenamente de las garantías dispuestas en la ley de la Unión Europea concerniente a la confidencialidad de las comunicaciones electrónicas\".",
"El Departamento del Interior británico confirmó la recepción de la carta, pero aún no ha dado una respuesta. Ministros han declarado que responderían a la carta tras tomar un tiempo para considerar el asunto.",
"El Departamento tendrá dos meses para responder a la carta, y si la Comisión Europea no se encuentra satisfecha con la respuesta, el Reino Unido podría enfrentar cargos ante el Tribunal Europeo."
] | null | interlang link |
EU threatens to fine Microsoft for failing to open Windows Server | 28,779 | [
"December 23, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"European Commission",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/EU_threatens_to_fine_Microsoft_for_failing_to_open_Windows_Server | [
"On Thursday the European Commission threatened to fine Microsoft €2 Million per day if the corporation does not comply with a ruling made in March 2004, stating that Microsoft must provide interoperability with its protocols and other competing services. Microsoft has until January 25, 2006 to respond to the charges, and may also be fined for days after December 15, 2005 as well.",
"The European Commission says Microsoft has failed to comply with an order to supply competitors with \"interoperability information\" for the protocols implemented in Windows Server operating systems. These include those used to \"deliver file\nand print services and group and user administration services, including the Windows\nDomain Controller services, Active Directory services and Group Policy services\" according to page 299 of the European Commission's decision.",
"Microsoft argues that to do this breaches its intellectual property rights as it would be opening Windows Server up for cloning. It has previously appealed to the European Court of First Instance, a bid which failed and where Microsoft was given until December 15, 2005 to comply with the original decision. Microsoft has launched a second appeal attempt.",
"The decision in March 2004 also forced Microsoft to provide a version of Windows XP without the eponymous Windows Media Player and to pay fines of €497 million (US$586 million)."
] | 2005-12-23 | title |
Im Kartellstreit mit Microsoft lässt die EU die Muskeln spielen | 28,779 | [
"December 23, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"European Commission",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Im_Kartellstreit_mit_Microsoft_l%C3%A4sst_die_EU_die_Muskeln_spielen | [
"Brüssel (Belgien), 24.12.2005 – Nicht weniger als zwei Millionen US-Dollar pro Tag drohte die EU-Kommission noch vorgestern dem US-Softwarekonzern Microsoft an. Heute hieß es, dass die angedrohte Strafe bei fünf Millionen US-Dollar liegen könnte, sollte der Konzern nicht einlenken. Im Falle fehlender Bereitschaft auf Seiten des Konzerns sollen die angedrohten Strafen sogar rückwirkend ab dem 15. Dezember gelten.",
"Es geht in diesem kartellrechtlichen Streit um die Offenlegung von Schnittstellen zum „Windows“-Betriebssystem für Softwareprogrammierer. Damit soll den Konkurrenten von Microsoft die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, ihre Produkte auf dem Markt zu platzieren, ohne vom marktbeherrschenden Betriebssystemhersteller Microsoft rein technisch aus dem Betriebssystem ausgeschlossen zu werden, weil bestimmte technische Parameter und Softwarespezifikationen des Betriebssystems „Windows“ als Betriebsgeheimnis behandelt werden. Die EU-Kommission bemängelte, dass die bislang zur Verfügung gestellten Daten der Schnittstellen „unvollständig und ungenau“ seien. EU-Wettbewerbskommissarin Neelie Kroes beklagte die „erkennbar fehlende[r] Bereitschaft“ des Konzerns, die geforderten Auflagen zu erfüllen.",
"Im Mai 2004 war Microsoft bereits gerichtlich zu einer Geldstrafe von 497 Millionen Euro verurteilt worden. Der Vorwurf: Microsoft habe sich grob wettbewerbswidrig verhalten. Die Europäische Kommission setzte dem Softwarekonzern eine Frist bis zum 25. Januar 2006. Bis dahin müssten die geforderten Informationen bereitgestellt werden, ansonsten werde man die Strafen rückwirkend erheben. Sollte es dazu kommen, würden bereits 70 Millionen Euro fällig."
] | null | interlang link |
Европейский союз угрожает штрафами концерну Microsoft | 28,779 | [
"December 23, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"European Commission",
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%95%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%8E%D0%B7_%D1%83%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B6%D0%B0%D0%B5%D1%82_%D1%88%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BD%D1%86%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%83_Microsoft | [
"Ещё двое суток назад комиссия Европейского союза угрожала концерну Microsoft штрафом, не менее чем 2 млн. долларов США за сутки. Сегодня называется сумма в 5 млн. долларов в сутки, если концерн не пойдёт на уступки. Если Microsoft не согласится с условиями ЕС, то, возможно, штраф будет взыскан задним числом, начиная с 15 декабря 2005 года.",
"Речь идёт об антимонопольном законодательстве. ЕС обязывает Microsoft сделать интерфейс к операционной системе Windows открытым для других разработчиков программного обеспечения, для того чтобы конкуренты Microsoft имели возможность создавать и продавать соё программное обеспечение, а Microsoft не имел чисто технической возможности исключить эти программы из применения под операционной системой Windows. В настоящее время Microsoft держит в секрете некоторые технические параметры Windows.",
"Комиссия Европейского союза установила, что представленные концерном Microsoft данные интерфейса, неполные и недостаточные. Комиссар Европейского союза по конкуренции Нили Крёс (Neelie Kroes) обвиняет Microsoft в отсутствии готовности к сотрудничеству и выполнения установленных требований.",
"В мае 2004 года Microsoft был оштрафован судом на 497 млн. евро за грубое нарушение правил конкуренции. Комиссия Европейского союза установила срок до 25 января 2006 года. К этой дате, затребованные данные, должны быть предоставлены, в противном случае на Microsoft будет наложен штраф. К 25 января 2006 года сумма штрафа составит 70 млн. евро.",
"Статья в немецких Викиновостях"
] | 24 декабря 2005 года | interlang link |
Microsoft fick böter på 2 miljoner euro om dagen | 28,779 | [
"December 23, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"European Commission",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Microsoft_fick_b%C3%B6ter_p%C3%A5_2_miljoner_euro_om_dagen | [
"Bryssel – Europakommissionen hotar att bötfälla Microsoft med upp till 2 miljoner euro om dagen om inte företaget gör mer dokumentation av sina serversystem tillgängliga, uppger BBC.",
"Komissionen ger mjukvarujätten fem veckor att presentera de efterfrågade dokumenten. Beslutet kommer sedan man i mars förra året fällt Microsoft för att utnyttja sin marknadsdominerande position. Den information som företaget har presenterat sedan dess dömmer kommissionen ut som otillräckliga.",
"I september i år försökte Microsoft överklaga domen för att slippa ge mer information om sina gränssnitt och undkomma en bot på omkring 500 miljoner euro. Företaget hävdar att kommissionens beslut strider mot intellektuell upphovsrätt."
] | 22 december 2005 | interlang link |
EU's human rights court endorses Turkish headscarf ban | 25,814 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"European Union",
"European Court of Human Rights",
"November 10, 2005",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/EU%27s_human_rights_court_endorses_Turkish_headscarf_ban | [
"The European Court of Human Rights has ruled on a case brought by a Muslim student of Istanbul university. The ruling upholds the law in Turkey that bans the wearing of headscarves in universities and public offices.",
"Leyla Sahin brought her case to the court in 1998 after being excluded from classes for wearing an Islamic headscarf. She contended that the ban discriminated against her and denied her right to an education.",
"The court ruled that Turkish law was consistent with the European Convention on Human Rights and with the protection of women's rights in general.",
"The ban was reasonable as a measure to help maintain Turkey as secular society, the court ruled. It argued: \"When examining the question of the Islamic headscarf in the Turkish context, there had to be borne in mind the impact which wearing such a symbol, which was presented or perceived as a compulsory religious duty, may have on those who chose not to wear it.\"",
"The ruling will impact over 1,000 other similar cases brought by Muslim women in the country."
] | 2005-11-10 | title |
Corte Europea Diritti Umani legittima divieto velo in Turchia 2005 | 25,814 | [
"Corrected articles",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"European Union",
"European Court of Human Rights",
"November 10, 2005",
"Crime and law"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Corte_Europea_Diritti_Umani_legittima_divieto_velo_in_Turchia_2005 | [
"La Corte Europea per i Diritti Umani ha emesso un verdetto sul caso di una studentessa musulmana dell'università di Istanbul, confermando che la legge turca che impone il divieto di indossare il velo in università ed edifici pubblici «non viola i diritti umani».",
"Dopo esser stata sospesa dalla frequentazione dei corsi universitari per l'uso del velo islamico, nel 1998 Leyla Sahin ha portato il suo caso in tribunale, affermando che il divieto ha discriminato il suo diritto ad una corretta formazione scolastica.",
"Nel suo verdetto la corte afferma che la legge turca è conforme sia alla Convenzione Europea sui Diritti umani che alla protezione dei diritti delle donne in generale. È una misura ragionevole che contribuisce a mantenere il carattere secolare della Turchia ricordando che, «esaminando la questione del velo islamico nel cotesto turco, bisogna tenere a mente l'impatto che può avere indossare questo simbolo, presentato o percepito come un dovere religioso, su coloro che hanno invece scelto di non portarlo».",
"Il verdetto condizionerà oltre 1 000 cause simili intentate da altre donne musulmane del paese."
] | 10 novembre 2005 | interlang link |
European Commission to investigate anti-competitive allegations against Google | 224,916 | [
"November 30, 2010",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"European Union",
"European Commission"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/European_Commission_to_investigate_anti-competitive_allegations_against_Google | [
"The European Union's executive body, the European Commission, has started investigating web search giant Google over anti-trust allegations by price comparison service Foundem and French legal services website ejustice.fr. At stake are allegations that Google's AdWords results are manipulated to prioritise certain advertisers.",
"The complainants allege price comparison sites receive a lower 'quality score', thus being knocked out of fully automated, unpaid-for results; or, being required to pay more for advertising through the search giant's AdWords program. Google rejects Foundem's allegations, arguing the majority of content on price comparison sites is duplicated from other sites, asserting Foundem \"duplicates 79% of its website content from other sites, thus adding no value.\" The company line is, \"[w]e have consistently informed webmasters that our algorithms disadvantage duplicate sites\".",
"The European Commission has a history of carrying out anti-trust investigations involving technology companies. Microsoft was ordered to pay substantial penalties for 'bundling' Windows with their Media Player; and, within the EU, must distribute a version of Windows that does not have said bundled software. A similar battle was fought over the automatic inclusion of Internet Explorer with their operating systems.",
"Google has previously been the subject of anti-trust allegations and investigations. United States authorities blocked Google from buying Yahoo!, citing concerns over a near-monopoly in search; Google's purchase of mobile advertising company AdMob was also subject to anti-trust scrutiny by the US prior to being allowed to go ahead."
] | 2010-11-30 | title |
EU-Kommission leitet Kartellverfahren gegen Google ein | 224,916 | [
"November 30, 2010",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"European Union",
"European Commission"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/EU-Kommission_leitet_Kartellverfahren_gegen_Google_ein | [
"Brüssel (Belgien), 30.11.2010 – Die Europäische Kommission wirft dem Suchmaschinenbetreiber Google Inc. den Missbrauch seiner Marktmacht gegenüber seinen Konkurrenten vor. Suchergebnisse zu Konkurrenz-Angeboten auf den Ausgabeseiten der Suchmaschine sollen so manipuliert worden sein, dass sie erst weiter unten gelistet würden. So sollen insbesondere die Webseiten anderer spezialisierter Suchdienste auf diese Weise benachteiligt worden sein, um die Google-eigenen Dienste an bevorzugter Stelle, also weiter oben, aufzuführen. Wegen des möglichen Missbrauchs seiner Marktmacht leitete die EU-Kommission ein Kartellverfahren gegen den Suchmaschinenbetreiber ein. Im Falle einer Verurteilung droht Google einen Strafe in Millionenhöhe."
] | null | interlang link |
European Court of Justice says Facebook must remove 'illegal' posts globally | 2,880,216 | [
"European Court of Justice",
"Crime and law",
"European Union",
"Free speech",
"October 6, 2019"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/European_Court_of_Justice_says_Facebook_must_remove_%27illegal%27_posts_globally | [
"On Thursday, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) — the supreme court on matters of European Union (EU) law — ruled in regard to the case \"Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek vs. Facebook Ireland Limited\". The Luxembourg-based court issued a judgement favorable to the plaintiff, Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek, a politician in Austria, allowing an Austrian court to require social media site Facebook to remove a post from its site made by a user in Ireland. The ruling made proclamations which analysts say could have far-reaching implications for regulation of content on the Internet beyond the borders of the EU. The court's decision cannot be appealed.",
"In 2016, a Facebook user registered from Ireland shared publicly a news article from the Austrian news site oe24.at along with some comments of their own. The post, which was about Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek, the then chair and spokesperson for The Greens, could potentially be seen by anyone with access to Facebook. The comments called her political party facsist and termed her a \"corrupt oaf\" and a \"lousy traitor\".",
"Glawischnig-Piesczek sued in Austria for defamation and won. Facebook was ordered to remove the post which it did by making it unavailable to view in Austria only. This apparently did not appease Glawischnig-Piesczek. As a result, the Supreme Court of Justice (Oberster Gerichtshof ) of Austria brought the case before the ECJ, asking for clarifications of EU law.",
"The EU law Electronic Commerce Directive 2000 provides liability protections for hosting sites. In its finding, the ECJ set rules for compliance with rulings from a court from any EU member nation for any website which hosts user content:",
"According to the ruling, a host, such as Facebook, must remove the original post as well as re-posts and posts which state essentially the same thing if it is deemed against the law. Steve Peers of the University of Essex, speaking to BBC, said, \"If there's a court order to say that someone's been defamed, then Facebook has to also search for different variations of it\", also observing, \"[t]here's no harmonised defamation law internationally\".",
"Jennifer Daskal of American University and contributor to Slate wrote, \"a single EU country (in this case Austria) could demand an online provider (in this case Facebook) to take down an objectionable post, monitor its site for equivalent content, and take down those postings as well. And it says a country could do so on a global scale, regardless of where the poster or the viewer is located. In so ruling, the court demonstrated a shocking ignorance of the technology involved and set the stage for the most censor-prone country to set global speech rules.\"",
"Facebook released a statement which read, in part, \"This judgment raises critical questions around freedom of expression and the role that internet companies should play in monitoring, interpreting and removing speech that might be illegal in any particular country\". Facebook further claimed, \"It undermines the long-standing principle that one country does not have the right to impose its laws on speech on another country\"."
] | 2019-10-06 | title |
La Justica Kortumo de la Eŭropa Unio diras ke Fejsbuko devas tutmonde forigi "kontraŭleĝajn" mesaĝojn | 2,880,216 | [
"European Court of Justice",
"Crime and law",
"European Union",
"Free speech",
"October 6, 2019"
] | eo | https://eo.wikinews.org/wiki/La_Justica_Kortumo_de_la_E%C5%ADropa_Unio_diras_ke_Fejsbuko_devas_tutmonde_forigi_%22kontra%C5%ADle%C4%9Dajn%22_mesa%C4%9Dojn | [
"Ĵaŭdon, la 3-an de oktobro 2019, la Justica Kortumo de la Eŭropa Unio — la supera kortumo pri aferoj de eŭropunia juro — verdiktis pri la afero «Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek kontraŭ Facebook Ireland Limited». La luksemburga kortumo eldonis verdikton favore al la demandantino Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek, aŭstria politikistino, permesante al aŭstria kortumo postuli ke la sociamaskomunikilo Fejsbuko forigu el sia retejo mesaĝon publikigitan de irlanda uzanto. La verdikto enhavas asertojn kiuj povus aparte tuŝi la reguligadon de la reta enhavo ekster la eŭropaj landlimoj. Oni ne povas apelacii la juĝon.",
"En 2016, uzanto de Fejsbuko registrita en Irlando publike konigis novaĵartikolon el la aŭstria retejo oe24.at akompane de siaj komentoj. La mesaĝo, kiu temis pri Eva Glawischnig-Piesczek, tiama prezidantino kaj proparolantino de la Verduloj, estis videbla al ĉiu ajn uzanto ĉe Fejsbuko. La komentoj traktis ŝian politikan partion kiel faŝista kaj nomis ŝin «korupta stultulino» kaj «abomeninda perfidulino».",
"Glawischnig-Piesczek procesis en Aŭstrio pri misfamigado kaj gajnis. Oni ordonis al Fejsbuko forigi la mesaĝon, kaj ĝi malvidebligis la mesaĝon nur en Aŭstrio. Tio ŝajne ne pacigis Glawischnig-Piesczek. Rezulte, la supera kortumo de Aŭstrio (Oberster Gerichtshof) transdonis la aferon al la eŭropa kortumo, petante klarigojn pri la eŭropunia juro.",
"La eŭropa direktivo pri elektronika komerco provizas al gastigantaj retejoj protekton kontraŭ jura respondeco. En sia verdikto, la eŭropa kortumo starigis regulojn rilate la alkonformiĝon al juĝoj de eŭropuniaj membroŝtataj kortumoj, pri iu ajn retejo kiu gastigas enhavon produktitan de uzantoj:",
"Laŭ la verdikto, gastiga retejo kiel Fejsbuko devas forigi la originan mesaĝon samkiel la republikigaĵojn, kaj la mesaĝojn kiuj diras esence la samon, se ĝi estas taksita kontraŭleĝa. Steven Peers, ĉe la universitato de Essex, parolante al BBC, diris: «Se fariĝas kortumordono laŭ kiu iu homo estis misfamigita, Fejsbuko devas ankaŭ serĉi la malsamajn variojn de la mesaĝo». Li ankaŭ aldonis: «Ne ekzistas kunordigita internacia juro pri misfamigado».",
"Jennifer Daska, ĉe la universitato American University, kontribuantino al revuo Slate, skribis: «Unu sola lando de la Eŭropa Unio (ĉi-kaze Aŭstrio) povus postuli al retprovizanto (ĉi-kaze Fejsbuko) ke ĝi forigu diskutindan mesaĝon, gvatu sian retejon por egalvalora enhavo, kaj forigu ankaŭ tiujn mesaĝojn. La verdikto ankaŭ diras ke lando povas tion fari tutmonde, senkonsidere de kie la skribinto kaj la leganto loĝas. Tial, la kortumo sin montris terure senscia pri la rilata teknologio, kaj ĝi ebligis ke la plej cenzurema lando starigu la tutmondajn regulojn pri la esprimado».",
"Fejsbuko eldonis komunikon kiu interalie diris: «Tiu ĉi verdikto estigas gravajn demandojn pri la parollibereco kaj la rolo kiun la interretaj firmaoj devus ludi en la gvatado, la interpretado kaj la forigo de esprimoj kiuj povus esti kontraŭleĝaj en iu lando.» Fejsbuko ankaŭ deklaris ke: «Tio subfosas la delonge akceptitan principon laŭ kiu unu lando ne rajtas trudi al alia lando siajn leĝojn pri la esprimado»."
] | Lundo, la 7-a de oktobro 2019 | interlang link |
European leaders sign Lisbon Treaty | 87,336 | [
"David Miliband",
"Politics and conflicts",
"European Union",
"European Commission",
"Treaty of Lisbon",
"Nicolas Sarkozy",
"Crime and law",
"Gordon Brown",
"United Kingdom",
"December 13, 2007"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/European_leaders_sign_Lisbon_Treaty | [
"Today, leaders from the nations of the European Union signed the landmark Treaty of Lisbon which is to redefine foreign policy for the EU and creates an EU president. The treaty is a replacement for the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe which was abandoned after suffering defeats in referendums in France and the Netherlands.",
"\"From this old continent, a new Europe is born,\" said European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. \"For the first time, the countries that were once divided by a totalitarian curtain, are now united in support of a common treaty that they had themselves negotiated.\"",
"The President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy said to reporters: \"Europe was blocked, without knowing how to move forward and we found the solution with this treaty.\"",
"United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown did not attend, and David Miliband signed the treaty in his stead. \"This is a day for Europe to look to the future.,\" Miliband said.",
"Citing prior obligations for his failure to be in Lisbon, Brown added his signature later after appearing before the House of Commons Liaison Committee in the morning. Critics have claimed he does \"not have the guts\" to sign and is trying to avoid the political liability of having his name on the document.",
"Speaking at the ceremony, Portuguese Prime Minister José Sócrates said, \"This was the European project that many generations dreamt of and others before us championed, with a vision of the future.\"",
"From here, each country will have to ratify the treaty. Most countries will probably not hold referendums on the treaty as voters would be likely to reject the treaty; some leaders have committed to hold referendums, but are attempting to avoid doing so for similar reasons."
] | 2007-12-13 | title |
Líderes europeos firman el Tratado de Lisboa | 87,336 | [
"David Miliband",
"Politics and conflicts",
"European Union",
"European Commission",
"Treaty of Lisbon",
"Nicolas Sarkozy",
"Crime and law",
"Gordon Brown",
"United Kingdom",
"December 13, 2007"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/L%C3%ADderes_europeos_firman_el_Tratado_de_Lisboa | [
"Hoy, en una cumbre en Lisboa, los líderes de las naciones de la Unión Europea firmaron el Tratado de reforma institucional de la Unión Europea, también conocido como el Tratado de Lisboa, el cual reemplaza la Constitución europea.",
"\"De este continente viejo, nace una nueva Europa\", dijo el presidente de la Comisión Europea, José Manuel Durão Barroso. \"Por primera vez, los países que una vez eran divididos por una cortina totalitaria ahora están unidos a favor de un tratado común que ellos mismos negociaron\", continuó.",
"Nicolas Sarkozy, el presidente de Francia, le dijo a los reporteros: \"Europa estaba bloqueada, sin saber cómo seguir hacia adelante y encontramos la solución en este tratado\".",
"David Miliband, el Secretario de Estado de Asuntos Exteriores del Reino Unido, firmó el tratado en representación del primer ministro británico Gordon Brown, quien no pudo atender a la cumbre, citando \"previas obligaciones\". Dijo: \"Este es un día para que Europa mire hacia el futuro\".",
"Brown firmó el documento luego de presentarse a la Cámara de los Comunes en la mañana. Sus críticos dicen que él \"no tiene la babilla\" para firmarlo y está tratando de escapar de la responsabilidad política que conlleva tener su nombre en el documento.",
"En la ceremonia, el primer ministro portugués José Sócrates dijo: \"Este fue el proyecto europeo en el que muchas generaciones soñaron y que otros lograron hacer antes que nosotros con una visión del futuro\".",
"Ahora, cada país tendrá que retificar el tratado. La mayoría de los países no sostendrán un plebiscito, pero otros están comprometidos a hacerlo, mientras que algunos todavía no han decidido que hacer."
] | 13 de diciembre de 2007 | interlang link |
Ceremonia podpisania Traktatu Reformującego UE | 87,336 | [
"David Miliband",
"Politics and conflicts",
"European Union",
"European Commission",
"Treaty of Lisbon",
"Nicolas Sarkozy",
"Crime and law",
"Gordon Brown",
"United Kingdom",
"December 13, 2007"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Ceremonia_podpisania_Traktatu_Reformuj%C4%85cego_UE | [
"\"Ambitna Europa jest najważniejszym wkładem, jaki możemy dziś wnieść na rzecz polepszenia świata. Świat potrzebuje silniejszej Europy. Historia zapamięta ten dzień jako dzień, który otwiera nowe nadzieje\" - tymi słowami premier Portugalii José Sócrates otworzył ceremonię.",
"Socrates powiedział, że podpisanie Traktatu Reformującego zostało zainspirowane przez bardzo prostą ideę, a mianowicie \"chodzi o to, aby pójść naprzód z projektem europejskim\" a \"projekt ten dowiódł swojej wartości w służbie pokoju, rozwoju i utwierdzania wspólnych nam wartości\".",
"\"Aby osiągnąć taki rezultat, wszystkie rządy wykazały się odwagą polityczną. Zachęcam was teraz do wykazania takiej samej determinacji w okresie ratyfikacji\" - mówił do zgromadzonych José Manuel Durão Barroso. \"Europa będzie w lepszej sytuacji niż jakakolwiek grupa krajów czy kraj, aby nie narzucać, ale proponować rozwiązania globalne, które są światu potrzebne\" - dodał.",
"Natomiast szef Parlamentu Europejskiego Hans-Gert Pöttering powiedział, że jest to dla Europy \"piękny prezent urodzinowy. Wreszcie udało nam się spełnić marzenie ojców założycieli - stworzyć zjednoczoną Europę o dobrych fundamentach wspólnej, bezpiecznej przyszłości\"."
] | null | interlang link |
Assinado o Tratado de Reforma institucional da União Européia | 87,336 | [
"David Miliband",
"Politics and conflicts",
"European Union",
"European Commission",
"Treaty of Lisbon",
"Nicolas Sarkozy",
"Crime and law",
"Gordon Brown",
"United Kingdom",
"December 13, 2007"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Assinado_o_Tratado_de_Reforma_institucional_da_Uni%C3%A3o_Europ%C3%A9ia | [
"Foi assinado hoje, em Lisboa, o Tratado de reforma ou Tratado de Lisboa, segundo o acordo alcançado pelo Conselho da União Europeia em Lisboa em 19 de outubro de 2007, é o que substitui a Constituição europeia estipulada no abandonado Tratado pelo qual se estabelece uma Constituição para a Europa, de 2004.",
"Por este novo tratado, a União Europeia tem personalidade jurídica própria para assinar acordos internacionais a nível comunitário.",
"\"Agora é o momento de avançar. A Europa deve enfrentar numerosos desafios, tanto internos como externos, e os nossos cidadãos querem resultados. A globalização é o denominador comum a todos esses desafios\", disse Durão Barroso, presidente da Comissão Européia.",
"A emenda proposta pela Presidência alemã do Conselho da União Européia em 19 de maio de 2007 incluiu a \"essência da Constituição\". A proposta foi apresentada após as reuniões de trabalho entre a presidência e os delegados dos 27 estados membros durante o primeiro semestre de 2007.",
"Decidiu-se abandonar o formato do 'Tratado constitucional' e, em alternativa, dar impulso a um tratado clássico que introduza emendas nos dois tratados atualmente em vigor, o Tratado da União Europeia e o Tratado da Comunidade Europeia, que passaria a chamar-se Tratado sobre o funcionamento da União.",
"Portugal, que assumiu a presidência da UE durante o segundo semestre de 2007, lançou uma conferência intergovernamental (CIG), para acabar a redação do texto, coincidindo com a reunião de ministros dos Negócios Estrangeiros. O novo Tratado foi apresentado na cúpula de 18 de outubro, em Lisboa, e foi assinado pelos representantes dos vários governos hoje, 13 de dezembro de 2007, no Mosteiro dos Jerónimos. Depois iniciar-se-á o processo de ratificação com o objetivo de que o texto entre em vigor em 2009.",
"O tratado contém duas cláusulas essenciais:",
"O tratado da UE conservará o seu nome, e o tratado da CE tornar-se-á em Tratado sobre o funcionamento da União Europeia, União que passa a ter personalidade jurídica própria.",
"O termo «Comunidade» será substituído por «União» e será explícito que os dois tratados constituem a base sobre a qual a União é fundada.",
"O conceito constitucional que consiste em abranger todos os actuais tratados para os substituir um único texto (Tratado de Roma de 2004 ou Tratado que estabelece uma constituição para a União Europeia) é abandonado. O tratado de reforma institucional introduzirá nos tratados actualmente em vigor as inovações decorrentes dos trabalhos da Conferência Intergovernamental de 2004.",
"O Conselho alcançou um acordo no que diz respeito ao posto, papel e poderes do futuro representante de política externa da UE.",
"Estabeleceu-se que o chefe da Política Externa irá se chamar Alto Representante para a Política Exterior e de Segurança Comum da União Europeia e será também vice-presidente da Comissão Europeia. Combinará os postos ocupados até então pelo Alto Representante de Política Exterior e o Comissário de Relações Externas, que controla o acordado pela Comissão em matéria de cooperação e política externa e o pessoal desta área do executivo comunitário. Além disso presidirá ao Conselho de Ministros dos Negócios Estrangeiros da UE."
] | 13 de dezembro de 2007 | interlang link |
Execution of two gay teens in Iran spurs controversy | 16,340 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Human rights",
"July 23, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Execution_of_two_gay_teens_in_Iran_spurs_controversy | [
"International controversy erupted after Iranian officials executed two gay teenagers who were originally reported to be convicted of homosexuality, however later reports released by the Iranian government after international furor claimed the conviction was for the rape of a 13-year-old boy. The two were hanged July 19.",
"Only the age of one of the two executed teens was officially released to the public. He was 18 year old Ayaz Marhoni. The other, Mahmoud Asgari, according to the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA) was aged 17, but other news agencies have reported the teenager's age as 16. In the original report by the ISNA it was said that the two were found having sex together when they were both 16. It also reported that they were held and beaten for fourteen months before the execution.",
"The UK-based gay rights group, OutRage! claims the report issued later by the government of Iran is a \"smokescreen\" to justify killing homosexuals. And one media outlet, Direland, has blasted the media holdings of Rupert Murdoch that includes Fox News Channel and The Times newspaper for publishing the subsequent Iranian government issued allegation of rape as matter of fact without mention of the previous stories before international condemnation bearing no such accusations.",
"According to Iranian newspapers, the two boys were given 228 lashes for their other convictions of theft, disrupting public order and public drinking before they were hanged in Edalat (\"Justice\" in English) Square in the Iranian city of Mashhad. The executioners, fearing reprisals, wore masks and anti-riot forces were mobilized to prevent outbreaks of public protests.",
"Photos of the execution released by Iranian Students News Agency showed the two teens crying in the truck driving them to the gallows in Justice Square, located in the northeastern region of the country.",
"Iran has been under fire by international human rights groups for executing teenagers in the past, including the 2004 execution of Atefeh Rajabi, a 16-year-old girl convicted of having sex before marriage. Medical reports, not allowed in the court, had stated that she was mentally ill.",
"Like many other Islamic countries, Iran enforces the religious sharia law, which allows for the execution of children, including girls aged nine or older and boys 15 and older.",
"Iranian officials have complained that the media has emphasized the teens' ages. Deputy Ali Asgari said, \"Whatever sentence is decreed by an Islamic penal system must be approved, unless proven otherwise... Instead of paying tribute to the action of the judiciary, the media are mentioning the age of the hanged criminals and creating a commotion that harms the interests of the state... Even if certain websites made a reference to their age, journalists should not pursue this. These individuals were corrupt. Their sentence was carried out with the approval of the judiciary and it served them right.\"",
"Both teens were convicted by Court No. 19 under sharia law. The teens are identified only as \"M.A.\" and \"A.M.\" Those found having homosexual sex in Iran may face death by either hanging, stoning, cutting in half by a sword, or dropping from a tall building or cliff.",
"An ISNA report said the couple acknowledged having sexual relations with each other but said they were unaware of laws against homosexuality.",
"Another report, by Iran In Focus, claimed that the two were hanged not for gay sex, but rather for sexually assaulting a thirteen year old boy at knife point. Neither the original Iranian Student's News Agency nor an additional report from the National Council of Resistance of Iran had this allegation, said the United Kingdom based OutRage!. Direland Press has noted that the accusation of rape in reports came days after international outrage and detailed reports by other Iranian news agencies. They suggest the recent report is a ploy of the Iranian government to justify its actions.",
"\"The allegation of sexual assault may either be a trumped-up charge to undermine public sympathy for the youths -- a frequent tactic by the Islamist regime in Iran -- or it may be that the 13-year-old was a willing participant but that Iranian law ... deems that no person of that age is capable of sexual consent and that therefore any sexual contact is automatically deemed in law to be a sex assault,\" said OutRage!'s Peter Tatchell.",
"\"This is just the latest barbarity by the Islamo-fascists in Iran,\" Tatchell remarked. \"The entire country is a gigantic prison, with Islamic rule sustained by detention without trial, torture and state-sanctioned murder.\"",
"Tatchell told reporters that according to Iranian human rights activists, more than 4,000 lesbians and gay men have been executed in Iran since the ayatollahs seized power in 1979. He said an estimated 100,000 Iranians have been executed in Iran since that time.",
"Reports also indicated that three other gay Iranian teenagers are reportedly being hunted by police, but they are said to have gone into hiding.",
"OutRage! requested the international community see Iran \"as a pariah state\" and to \"break off diplomatic relations, impose trade sanctions, and give practical support to the democratic and left opposition inside Iran.\"",
"The United Kingdom has a policy of constructive engagement with Iran, as does France and Germany, primarily directed at the resolution of the Iranian nuclear crisis.",
"European Union officials have been holding a human rights dialogue with Tehran, but last year the report by Human Rights Watch said that violations had increased since 2000.",
"In the Unites States, the Human Rights Campaign has called for U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to condemn the executions."
] | 2005-07-23 | title |
Iran: Zwei Jugendliche hingerichtet | 16,340 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Human rights",
"July 23, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Middle East"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Iran:_Zwei_Jugendliche_hingerichtet | [
"Mashhad (Iran), 23.07.2005 – Zwei männliche Jugendliche wurden am 19. Juli 2005 in Mashhad im Iran hingerichtet. Die Hinrichtung durch Erhängen fand öffentlich statt. Vor der Hinrichtung waren die beiden 14 Monate im Gefängnis, weiterhin wurden sie mit jeweils 228 Peitschenhieben öffentlich gefoltert.",
"Von offizieller iranischer Seite wurden folgende Begründungen für die Hinrichtung angegeben:",
"Ayaz Marhoni, 18, und Mahmoud Asgari, 16, gaben in ihrer Verteidigung an, dass zwischen den meisten männlichen Jugendlichen sexuelle Handlungen stattfinden würden und dass sie nicht gewusst hätten, dass homosexuelle Handlungen mit dem Tod bestraft werden. Drei weitere Jugendliche werden derzeit von der iranischen Polizei gesucht. Sollten sie gefasst werden, droht ihnen ebenfalls die Hinrichtung. Im Iran stehen einvernehmliche homosexuelle Handlungen unter Todesstrafe.",
"Nach dem iranischen Strafrecht können Mädchen ab neun Jahren und Jungen ab 15 Jahren durch Erhängen hingerichtet werden. Nach Angaben von amnesty international wurden im vergangenen Jahr 159 Menschen im Iran hingerichtet. Nach den Schätzungen iranischer Menschenrechtsaktivisten hat das klerikale Regime in Teheran seit 1979 ca. 4000 homosexuelle Frauen und Männer hinrichten lassen, insgesamt dürften ca. 100.000 Menschen im Iran ermordet worden sein.",
"Ein Mitarbeiter der iranischen Nachrichtenagentur ISNA (Iranian Students News Agency) sprach kurz vor der Hinrichtung mit den Angeklagten.",
"An der Richtigkeit der Angabe, dass die beiden Hingerichteten einen sexuellen Übergriff auf einen 13-Jährigen begangen hätten, bestehen aus folgenden Gründen Zweifel:"
] | null | interlang link |
Explosion in central Bangkok: Thailand to hunt those responsible | 2,377,081 | [
"August 19, 2015",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosion_in_central_Bangkok:_Thailand_to_hunt_those_responsible | [
"Thai authorities are searching for a man wearing a yellow T-shirt, recorded on video leaving a backpack shortly before a pipe-bomb exploded two days ago near Erawan Hindu Shrine, Bangkok.",
"The shrine is a popular attraction in Thailand's capital, where at least 20 people, including at least eight foreigners, are reported dead with upwards of 100 injured.",
"The blast occurred at approximately 7pm on Monday local time (1200 UTC), when central Bangkok was flooded with pedestrian activity. Authorities say the suspect may have already left Thailand and was assisted by others.",
"Following months of political unrest, since the explosion the Thai baht hit a six year low.",
"According to Defence Minister Prawit Wonguwan speaking to Reuters, the bombing was a deliberate attack on the country's economy and tourism industry.",
"Military authorities said Muslim insurgents from the country's southern provinces are unlikely to be behind the attack."
] | 2015-08-19 | title |
2015-08-18: Zamach terrorystyczny w centrum Bangkoku | 2,377,081 | [
"August 19, 2015",
"Crime and law",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/2015-08-18:_Zamach_terrorystyczny_w_centrum_Bangkoku | [
"Co najmniej 22 osóby nie żyją, a 123 zostały ranne po poniedziałkowym ataku bombowym na hinduistyczną kaplicę Erawan (San Phra Phrom) w turystycznej części Bangkoku.",
"Do zdarzenia doszło 17 sierpnia o 18:56 czasu lokalnego, czyli w godzinach wieczornego szczytu. Jako miejsce zamachu sprawcy wybrali handlowo-hotelową dzielnicę Ratchaprasong. Świątynia była poświęcona bóstwie Brahmie i była atrakcją turystyczną. Prawdopodobnie terroryści użyli tzw. rurobomby wypełnionej trotylem o promieniu rażenia co najmniej 100m. Powstał krater o średnicy 2 metrów. Przybyli na miejsce ratownicy odnaleźli wiele zmasakrowanych ciał, a ranne zostały osoby nawet kilkaset metrów od wybuchu. Znaczna część poszkodowanych zmarła w szpitalu. Przeszukawszy teren, policja znalazła i rozbroiła kolejne materiały wybuchowe. Ofiary śmiertelne pochodzą głównie z Tajlandii (10) i Chin (4), a także Hongkongu (2), Malezji (2), Filipin (1) i Singapuru (1)[1][2][3][4]. Początkowo sądzono, że bomba umieszczona była na motocyklu. Aktualnie policja i lokalne media uznają, że znajdowała się ona na ławce przy ogrodzeniu kaplicy.",
"Incydent może mieć związek z niestabilną sytuacją w kraju. Od czasu zamachu stanu rządzi nim junta wojskowa, na południu działa muzułmańska partyzantka, jak również dochodziło do antyrządowych wystąpień. Jednak szef wojska i wiceminister obrony Udomdej Sitabutr stwierdził, że \"Nie pasuje to do incydentów na południu Tajlandii. Tego rodzaju bomby nie są używane do południu\". Zdaniem szefa miejscowej policji Somyota Poompanmuanga atak ten był bezprecedensowy. Nie przyznaje się do niego żadna organizacja. Tajski minister obrony Prawit Wongsuwan stwierdził, że \"Sprawcy chcieli zniszczyć gospodarkę i turystykę, do incydentu doszło w środku dzielnicy turystycznej\".",
"Polskie Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych apeluje do turystów w Tajlandii o zachowanie ostrożności[5]."
] | null | interlang link |
Bomba explode no ponto turístico do templo hinduísta na capital de Tailândia | 2,377,081 | [
"August 19, 2015",
"Crime and law",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Bomba_explode_no_ponto_tur%C3%ADstico_do_templo_hindu%C3%ADsta_na_capital_de_Tail%C3%A2ndia | [
"Uma forte explosão ocorreu ontem a noite (dia 17, hora local) no centro comercial, perto do santuário Erawan (San Phra Phrom) dedicado à divindade Brahma (deus hindu), considerado como atração turística, no centro de Bangkok,[1] capital da Tailândia. O templo é um local de zona turística e perto do hotel, no cruzamento da Ratchaprasong e o distrito comercial, onde estão a maioria dos principais centros comerciais e hoteis 5 estrelas na capital. O santuário hindu atrai muitos turistas estrangeiros e se aglomeram no centro da cidade.[2][3][4][5][6]",
"O incidente ocorreu pouco antes das 19hs (hora local), exatamente às 18hs56min (de acordo o circuito interno televisivo divulgado).[2][4][5][6] Grande quantidade de bomba foi preenchida com TNT e o raio de destruição de pelo menos 100m. A explosão criou cratera com diâmetro de 2 metros.[2][4][5] As equipas de resgate chegaram ao local encontraram muitos corpos mutilados e feridos eram pessoas ainda algumas centenas de metros da explosão.[2][4][5]",
"Inicialmente, o ataque deixou 12 vítimas e mais de 100 feridos, mas no decorrer da noite (18) e da madrugada (19), passou para 22 pessoas morreram e 123 ficaram feridas, grande parte dos feridos morreu em único hospital.[2][4][5][6] As fatalidades vêm principalmente da Tailândia (10), China (4), Hong Kong (2), Malásia (2), Filipinas (1) e Cingapura (1).[2][4][5][6] Com essa quantidade de mortes e feridos, este ataque já é considerado o pior ataque abater no país.[2][4][5][6] Nenhum cidadão de origem lusófona não está entre estrangeiros mortos ou feridos.",
"Segundo primeiras informações das autoridades, a explosão foi causada por ato terrorista, causada por único explosivo.[2][4][5] Inicialmente, pensava-se que a bomba fora colocada em uma motocicleta, mas agora, a polícia e os meios de comunicação locais reconhecem que ela estava no banco, perto da capela hindu.[2][4][5]",
"As autoridades locais afirmaram que a polícia chamou esquadrão antibombas para vasculhar a área e encontrou mais explosivos, mas conseguiu desarmar-os. Segundo as informações da polícia, a bomba caseira estava entre três a cinco quilos de TNT.[2][4][5]",
"De acordo com o chefe da polícia, Somyota Poompanmuanga, o ataque no local era sem precedentes e não admite que não há nenhuma organização envolvida.[2][4][5]",
"O chefe do exército e Adjunto ministro da Defesa, Udomdej Sitabutr, afirmou que \"O ataque não se encaixa em incidentes no sul da Tailândia. Essas bombas não são utilizados para o sul\", em referência aos grupos de minoria mulçumana que ataca militares tailandeses desde 2004.[2][4][5]",
"Autoridades militares afirmam que muçulmanos insurgentes das províncias do sul do país não são susceptíveis por estarem atrás do ataque.[2][4][5]",
"Segundo o ministro da Defesa tailandês, Prawit Wongsuwan, falando para Reuters, a explosão foi um ataque deliberado contra economia e a indústria do turismo no país. \"Os autores do ataque, [tinham a] intenção de [querer a] destruir nossa economia e o turismo. O ataque ocorreu no coração da zona turística de Bangkok\".[2][4][5][6]",
"Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Polónia, que não teve nenhum cidadão atingido, pediu seus turistas na Tailândia com cautela.[6]",
"O incidente pode estar relacionada com a situação instável no país desde 2004, quando os muçulmanos iniciaram insurgência armada no sul contra autoridades tailandesas. Essa rebelião armada foi responsável pela instabilidade política e que levou dois golpes de Estado e governado por juntas militares (em 2006 e 2014), que quando os militares deixaram o poder aos civis, ocorreram diversas manifestações antigovernamentais."
] | 18 de agosto de 2015 | interlang link |
泰国曼谷发生两起爆炸 | 2,377,081 | [
"August 19, 2015",
"Crime and law",
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E6%B3%B0%E5%9B%BD%E6%9B%BC%E8%B0%B7%E5%8F%91%E7%94%9F%E4%B8%A4%E8%B5%B7%E7%88%86%E7%82%B8 | [
] | 【2015年8月19日讯】 | interlang link |
Explosion injures 11 in Beirut | 5,991 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"March 20, 2005",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosion_injures_11_in_Beirut | [
"Eleven residents of an apartment building in the Christian neighborhood of New Jdeideh, located in northern Beirut, Lebanon, were injured by an explosion just after midnight local time.",
"The explosion was caused by a bomb placed underneath a car that was parked near the eight-story building inhabited by the injured, and left a seven-foot-deep hole in the ground. The building was ruined by the blast.",
"The Lebanese army responded with a tighter security policy.",
"\"The army will not allow that freedom of expression be abused in order to harm security and stability,\" declared the military statement.",
"Lebanese President Émile Lahoud decided not to attend the upcoming Arab summit, and appealed for talks to avoid religious violence.",
"\"Car bomb messages do not threaten our national unity,\" said opposition leader Walid Jumblatt, speaking from his mountain palace in Mukhtara."
] | 2005-03-20 | title |
2005/03/20: Explosion skadade 11 i Beirut | 5,991 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"March 20, 2005",
"Crime and law",
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/2005/03/20:_Explosion_skadade_11_i_Beirut | [
"Elva människor skadades i en explosion i ett bostadshus i den kristna förorten New Jdeideh i norra Beirut strax efter midnatt lokal tid.",
"Explosionen orsakades av en bomb som palcerats under en parkerad bil intill 8-våningshuset. Bomben totalförstörde byggnaden och lämnade ett 2 meter djup hål i marken.",
"Den libanesiska armén har förstärkt sina säkerhetsrutiner. \"Armén kommer inte att tillåta att åsiktsfriheten missbrukas för att skada säkerheten och stabiliteten\", skriver militären i ett uttalande.",
"Libanons president Émile Lahoud beslutade till följd av attentatet att ställa in sitt besök vid det arabiska toppmötet för att istället inleda samtal som ska förebygga religiöst våld i landet.",
"\"Bilbomsbudskap hotar inte våra nationella enighet\", sa oppositioneledaren Walid Jumblatt från sitt residens i Mukhtara."
] | 20 mars 2005 | interlang link |
Explosion outside Trinidad nightclub wounds more than 10 | 24,071 | [
"Port of Spain",
"Trinidad and Tobago",
"October 15, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosion_outside_Trinidad_nightclub_wounds_more_than_10 | [
"\"This is the worst type of attack on our city and against our citizens,\" said Minister of National Security Martin Joseph during a press conference. Joseph also announced that five suspects were detained and being questioned by police. \"What is different on this occasion is that there have been arrests.\"",
"The United States Department of State and the Canadian government have issued travel warnings in response to the recent violence in the area."
] | 2005-10-15 | title |
トリニダードの繁華街で爆発、少なくとも10人が負傷 | 24,071 | [
"Port of Spain",
"Trinidad and Tobago",
"October 15, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | ja | https://ja.wikinews.org/wiki/%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%83%8B%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%83%89%E3%81%AE%E7%B9%81%E8%8F%AF%E8%A1%97%E3%81%A7%E7%88%86%E7%99%BA%E3%80%81%E5%B0%91%E3%81%AA%E3%81%8F%E3%81%A8%E3%82%8210%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%8C%E8%B2%A0%E5%82%B7 | [
] | 【2005年10月15日】 | interlang link |
10 osób rannych w eksplozji w stolicy Trynidadu | 24,071 | [
"Port of Spain",
"Trinidad and Tobago",
"October 15, 2005",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/10_os%C3%B3b_rannych_w_eksplozji_w_stolicy_Trynidadu | [
"10 osób zostało rannych w wyniku eksplozji przed klubem nocnym w stolicy Trynidadu, Port-of-Spain. Władze nie wiedzą jeszcze, co było przyczyną wybuchu. Żadna grupa nie przyznała się też do zamachu terrorystycznego. To już czwarta eksplozja w tej okolicy. Wszystkie poprzednie miały miejsce mniej więcej w tym samym czasie co miesiąc. Tym razem wybuch nastąpił pod popularnym klubem „Smoky and Bounty”.",
"Policja aresztowała pięć osób, które mogą mieć związek z eksplozją. Wśród nich jest lider lokalnej organizacji islamskiej, Jamaat al-Muslimeen.",
"To najgorszy atak na nasze miasto i przeciwko naszym mieszkańcom – podkreślił Minister Obrony Narodowej Trynidadu, Martin Joseph.",
"Amerykański Departament Stanu i rząd Kanady wydały ostrzeżenia dla turystów przestrzegające przed wyjazdami w ten rejon."
] | null | interlang link |
Explosions at Brussels airport and subway systems | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosions_at_Brussels_airport_and_subway_systems | [
"At least 26 people, according to Belgian officials, have been killed and many more have been injured today following attacks on transport infrastructure in Brussels, the capital of Belgium. Authorities have stated one of the explosions, at approximately 08:00 (Central European Time, UTC+1) in the check-in area at Brussels Airport, was likely conducted by a suicide bomber. There was a subsequent attack at the Maelbeek/Maalbeek metro station, very close to the offices of the European Commission and the Council of the European Union.",
"Passengers at the metro station were forced to walk along tracks to escape the blast. The Brussels metro system has been shut down.",
"Jef Versele, a business traveller intending to fly to Rome, witnessed the events at the airport. In remarks to NBC News, he said, \"There was dust everywhere, glass everywhere there was chaos. There were people on the floor everywhere. The roofing came down. It was quite a mess. [...] A lot of people were in panic. I saw a lot of blood, a lot of people were injured. People were crying, on the floor, covered by parts of the roofing. I saw a lot of leg injuries, a lot of people couldn't move anymore. There were quite a lot of people injured. In the departure hall — you saw people storming out, it was like run for your life.\"",
"All flights to Brussels Airport have been diverted and the airport has been shut down. Eurostar has stopped the international train service from London and the train company Thalys have shut down their entire network.",
"Jan Jambon, the Belgian interior minister, said the country's alert level had been at maximum following the capture in Brussels of Salah Abdeslam, who is alleged to have been involved in the attacks in Paris on November 13, 2015.",
"Charles Michel, Belgium's Prime Minister, described the attacks as \"blind, violent and cowardly\" and a \"dark moment for our country\".",
"Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, said: \"These attacks mark another low by the terrorists in the service of hatred and violence\"",
"The French President, François Hollande, has held a cabinet meeting to discuss security. After the meeting, Hollande said \"terrorists struck Brussels but it was Europe that was targeted\". The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said: \"we are at war. We have been subjected for the last few months in Europe to acts of war.\"",
"British Prime Minister David Cameron has convened a COBRA meeting to discuss Britain's response. He said he was \"shocked and concerned by the events in Brussels\" and pledged Britain would do \"everything we can to help\". U.S. President Barack Obama has been briefed on the attack during his trip in Cuba. The U.S. Embassy in Brussels has advised U.S. citizens in Belgium to not use public transport and to stay where they are."
] | 2016-03-22 | title |
Islamistischer Terroranschlag in Belgien | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Islamistischer_Terroranschlag_in_Belgien | [
"Brüssel (Belgien), 28.03.2016 – Bei zwei Terroranschlägen in den frühen Morgenstunden des 22. März sind in der belgischen Hauptstadt Brüssel rund 300 Menschen verletzt worden. Nach bisherigen Informationen kamen mehr als 30 Personen ums Leben. Am Flughafen Brüssel-Zaventem explodierten gegen acht Uhr morgens zwei Sprengsätze in der Abflughalle. Daraufhin brach eine Panik aus. Nach Augenzeugenberichten verließen die Menschen fluchtartig das Gelände.",
"Eine weitere Explosion ereignete sich in der U-Bahn-Station Maelbeek/Maalbeek in der Brüsseler Innenstadt, in unmittelbarer Nähe zur Europäischen Kommission und zum Europäischen Rat; dabei wurde ein Waggon völlig zerstört. Der Betrieb der U-Bahn und des Flughafens wurden eingestellt. Eurostar und Thalys stellten ebenfalls den Verkehr ein.",
"Am 18. März war in Brüssel Salah Abdeslam als einer der mutmaßlichen Drahtzieher der Anschläge von Paris festgenommen worden, Peter R. Neumann, Terrorexperte am Londoner King's College, hatte nach der Festnahme erklärt: „Es gibt keinen Grund zur Entwarnung. Uns stehen wahrscheinlich ähnliche Anschläge noch bevor.“",
"Wie erste Ermittlungen nach den Tätern ergaben, hatte es außer dem Flughafen und der U-Bahn-Station noch weitere Ziele gegeben. So wurde ein Video gefunden, auf dem heimlich der Tagesablauf eines Direktors für Nuklearenergie im belgischen Mol dokumentiert wordem war. Dieses Video sollen die Brüder Ibrahim und Khalid El Bakraoui nach den Pariser Anschlägen im September 2015 aufgenommen haben. Die beiden Brüder selbst sind bei den Bombenattentaten in Brüssel gestorben.",
"Paris-Attentäter Salah Abdeslam festgenommen (24.03.2016)"
] | null | interlang link |
Atencoj en flughaveno kaj metro-stacio de Bruselo | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | eo | https://eo.wikinews.org/wiki/Atencoj_en_flughaveno_kaj_metro-stacio_de_Bruselo | [
"En Bruselo, ĉefurbo de Belgio, okazis eksplodoj en la Flughaveno de Zaventem kaj la metro-stacio Maelbeek lasante 34 mortintojn, laŭ informo de la fajro-brigadistoj al la agentejo AFP. La pleja stato de alarmo estis proklamita.",
"Krome, aliaj tri landoj ankaŭ proklamis la plejan staton de alarmo: Francio, Germanio kaj Britio. La aŭtoritatoj konsilas ne elhejmiĝi, kaj ne iri labori dum la mateno.",
"En la nacia flughaveno, okazis du eksplodoj en la elireja terminalo kie mortis 13 personoj kaj aliaj 35 estis vunditaj. Poste okazis eksplodo en la metroo de Maelbeek, situanta en la strato Le Lol de la belga ĉefurbo. La transportreto de Bruselo nune ne funkcias.",
"La terorisma grupo Daiŝo atribuis al si la respondecon de la atako."
] | Mardo, la 22-a de marto 2016 | interlang link |
Explosiones se registran en Bruselas, Bélgica | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosiones_se_registran_en_Bruselas,_B%C3%A9lgica | [
"Durante esta jornada en Bruselas en Bélgica se han registrado diversas explosiones en el aeropuerto y en el metro de la capital belga\ndejando hasta el momento un saldo de 34 fallecidos, según la información que entregó bomberos a la agencia AFP. Se eleva al máximo el nivel de alerta antiterrorista.",
"Además de Bélgica, otras tres naciones también decretaron alerta de seguridad máxima: Francia, Reino Unido y Alemania. Las autoridades recomiendan a las personas no salir de sus casas, además recomiendan que los trabajadores no concurran a sus lugares de trabaja durante la mañana.",
"En el aeropuerto Zaventem, en el terminal de salidas se registraron dos explosiones en ese punto del aeropuerto donde resultaron fallecidas 13 personas y 35 resultaron heridas, luego mas tarde se registró la tercera detonación en el metro de Maelbeek ubicado en la calle Le Lol de la capital belga. Se informa que la red de transporte de Bruselas (buses, trenes y metro) no se encuentran funcionando.",
"El grupo Estado Islámico se atribuyó la responsabilidad del ataque."
] | 22 de marzo de 2016 | interlang link |
Belgique : des attentats-suicides frappent Bruxelles | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Belgique_:_des_attentats-suicides_frappent_Bruxelles | [
"Page actualisée : 23 mars 2016 — « Attentats de Bruxelles : le second kamikaze a été identifié »",
"Au moins 34 personnes ont été tuées et 187 ont été blessées aujourd'hui à la suite des attaques sur des infrastructures de transport à Bruxelles, capitale de la Belgique.",
"Publié le 22 mars 2016 Les premières explosions se sont produites à l'aéroport de Bruxelles juste avant 8 h et une troisième au niveau de la station de métro de Maelbeek, rue de la Loi, à 9 h 11 (heure locale, 8 h 11 GMT). Le parquet fédéral confirme que les explosions sont des attentats-suicides, et précise qu'elles ont fait au moins 34 morts et 187 blessés. Des coups de feu auraient également été entendus selon l'agence de presse Belga, en plus de cris prononcés en arabe, mais cette information n'a pas été confirmée par les autorités. Les attaques ont toutefois été revendiquées par l'organisation État islamique (Daech).",
"Les passagers de la station de métro ont été contraints de marcher le long des rails pour échapper à l'explosion, le système de métro de Bruxelles étant hors service.",
"Zach Manoun, arrivé d'un vol en provenance de Genève, a été témoin des événements survenus à l'aéroport. En entrevue avec BFM TV, il a déclaré : « Il y avait du sang partout, des gens blessés, des sacs partout. Nous marchions dans les débris. C'était une scène de guerre. » Tous les vols à destination de l'aéroport de Bruxelles ont été détournés et l'aéroport a été évacué. Euro-star a interrompu le service de train international de Londres et la compagnie de train Thalys a fermé son réseau en entier. Le niveau d'alerte maximal a été décrété et 225 militaires ont été déployés en appui aux gendarmes et à la police alors que les transports sont paralysées et les rues désertes."
] | null | interlang link |
Explosões são registradas em Bruxelas, Bélgica | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Explos%C3%B5es_s%C3%A3o_registradas_em_Bruxelas,_B%C3%A9lgica | [
"Durante esta manhã, foram registrados três ataques terroristas suicidas no aeroporto e no metropolitano de Bruxelas, Bélgica. Segundo dados oficiais, 31 pessoas morreram e outras 271 ficaram feridas. A organização terrorista Estado Islâmico (EIIL) assumiu a responsabilidade pelos ataques.",
"A primeira explosão aconteceu por volta das 8hs (hora da Europa Central, UTC +1) na área de check-in do Aeroporto de Bruxelas. Houve um ataque posterior na estação de metrô Maelbeek/Maalbeek, muito perto dos escritórios da Comissão Europeia e do Conselho da União Europeia. Uma terceira bomba foi encontrada durante uma vasculha no aeroporto.",
"Passageiros do metrô foram forçados a caminhar pelos trilhos para escapar da explosão. O sistema de metrô de Bruxelas também foi fechado. Todos os voos para o aeroporto de Bruxelas foram desviados e o aeroporto encerrou suas operações. A Eurostar parou o serviço de trem internacional de Londres e a empresa ferroviária Thalys fechou toda sua rede.",
"Em além da Bélgica, outras três nações também decretaram alerta máximo de segurança: França, Reino Unido e Alemanha. As autoridades recomendam que as pessoas não a deixem suas casas e que os trabalhadores não frequentem seus locais de trabalho durante a manhã. Os atentados foram o pior ato de terrorismo da história da Bélgica. O governo do país declarou três dias de luto nacional."
] | 22 de março de 2016 | interlang link |
Теракты в Брюсселе | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | ru | https://ru.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%8B_%D0%B2_%D0%91%D1%80%D1%8E%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5 | [
"22 марта 2016 года в брюссельском аэропорту и метрополитене произошла серия взрывов, ответственность за которые взяла на себя организация «Исламское государство», объясняя местью за арест виновных в терактах во Франции.\nЖертвами терактов стало около 34 человек, ещё около 300 ранены.",
"Во вторник, около 8:00 по местному времени (CET, UTC+1) в зале вылета Брюссельского аэропорта произошли 2 взрыва, совершённых террористами-смертниками — один между стойками American Airlines и Brussels Airlines, другой — возле кафе Starbucks.\nВ результате атаки, по предварительным сведениям, погибли 14 и были ранены 96 человек.\nПосадка всех рейсов в аэропорту была запрещена, самолёты уходили на запасные аэродромы.\nВ аэропорту нашли три неразорвавшихся пояса смертника.\nЗдание аэропорта частично пострадало, обрушена часть потолка, выбиты стёкла.\nЖелезнодорожное сообщение с аэропортом было также прервано.",
"Третий взрыв произошёл в поезде метрополитена Брюсселя, находившемся между станциями Малбек и Шуман около 9:30 (CET, UTC+1).\nВ результате атаки погибло, по предварительным сведениям, 20 человек, не менее 106 ранены, из которых 17 — тяжело.\nМетрополитен был полностью закрыт.",
"Правительство Брюсселя ввело наивысший уровень террористической угрозы.\nВ столице Бельгии был полностью остановлен общественный транспорт.\nВласти обратились к жителям с призывом не выходить из дома или офиса и постараться избегать нахождения на улице.\nБельгия закрыла границу с Францией — перекрыты автомобильные дороги и остановлено железнодорожное сообщение — уже вышедшие скоростные поезда Thalys возвращались задним ходом в пункты отправления.",
"Бельгия закрыла свои диппредставительства в Турции.",
"Во всём Королевстве объявлен национальный трехдневный траур.",
"Еврокомиссия отменила все запланированные встречи.",
"Бельгийская прокуратура обратилась ко всем СМИ с просьбой временно приостановить публикацию любых данных об идущем следствии."
] | 22 марта 2016 года | interlang link |
У нападима у Бриселу погинуло 34, повређено 190 људи | 2,786,751 | [
"Donald Tusk",
"March 22, 2016",
"Crime and law",
"Suicide attacks",
"Manuel Valls",
"Terrorism alerts"
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%A3_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BC%D0%B0_%D1%83_%D0%91%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%83_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%BE_34,_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%92%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BE_190_%D1%99%D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B8 | [
"22. март 2016.Брисел/ Европска унија (Beta) - У терористичким нападима у Бриселу, који су се догодили данас, према последњим подацима, погинуло је 34 људи а више од 190 је повређено, преносе белгијски медији.",
"У две експлозије на аеродрому погинуло је 14 људи, а још 20 у експлозији у станици метроа надомак институција ЕУ.",
"Телевизије извештавају да су бриселске болнице под опсадним стањем, јер непрестано довозе повређене. Међу повређенима је много оних који су остали без руку или ногу, или са тешким опекотинама.",
"Према информацијама којима располаже амбасада Србије међу жртвама нема српских држављана.",
"Експлозија на аеродрому Завентем се догодила у делу где путници предају пртљаг и добијају карте за укрцавање.",
"„Савезно тужилаштво је потврдило да је реч о самоубилачким атентатима“, јавио је белгијски дневник Дернијер ер и навео и сведочења више путника да су се на аеродрому пре експлозије најпре чули пуцњи и повици на арапском језику, а да су онда одјекнуле две жестоке експлозије.",
"Репортер ТВ станице РТБФ је јавио да су на месту експлозије пронађене чауре од метака, што би требало да потврди извештаје да је пре експлозија дошло до пуцњаве.",
"Очевици су медијима рекли да је најпре дошло до једне експлозије, после чега је настала паника, људи су почели да беже у свим правцима и онда је одјекнула и друга експлозија у близини прве.",
"Ватрогасци и особље за прву помоћ на аеродрому одмах су прискочили у помоћ да се људи извуку са аеродрома, који је блокиран јаким полицијским снагама.",
"Авионски саобраћај је у потпуности прекинут, а авиони који су се спремали да слете на бриселски аеродром упућени су углавном на аеродрому у граду Лијежу.",
"Белгијске власти су саопштиле да је заведено ванредно стање у Бриселу и да су сви прилази аеродрому аутопутем и железницом блокирани, а једино кола хитне помоћи, полиције и војске имају приступ.",
"У нападу извршеном данас у метроу у центру Брисела „вероватно има двадесетак мртвих“ и 106 повређених, рекао је данас градоначелник Брисела Иван Мајер (Yvan Mayeur) на конференцији штампу, али је додао да то није коначан биланс.",
"Претходно је компанија која управља јавним саобраћајем Стибо саопштила да је у експлозији у метро станици Малбек, која се налази на 300 метара од европских институција, погинуло 15 људи а 55 је повређено.",
"„Ситуација у метроу је изузетно хаотична“, рекао је градоначелник и додао да сада предстоји велики посао на идентификацији жртава.",
"Белгијска влада прогласила је највиши степен приправности у земљи.",
"Све линије метроа и железнички саобраћај на главним станицама у Бриселу су обустављени.",
"Европска комисија позвала је запослене да остану код својих кућа или у канцеларијама."
] | null | interlang link |
Explosions kill eight in Jakarta | 129,369 | [
"July 17, 2009",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Suicide attacks",
"North America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosions_kill_eight_in_Jakarta | [
"Eight people have been killed, including the two suicide bombers, and many more injured in two explosions at around 7.50 am local time in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. Reports from local news cite a Canadian, an American, and a Swedish citizen as being among the dead. Most of the wounded have been taken to local hospitals for treatment.",
"The explosions were at two luxury hotels, the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton, popular with foreign businessmen in the business district and are reported to have occurred in the hotel restaurants during breakfast. The two hotels are connected by an underground tunnel.",
"Indonesian security were at first unwilling to confirm that this was a terrorist attack, however later reports revealed the attack to be the work of two suicide bombers.",
"A bomber and five victims died at the Marriott. At the Ritz-Carlton one person was killed in addition to the bomber.",
"According to police, the dozens of wounded included citizens of Indonesia, Australia, South Korea, the Netherlands, Italy, the United Kingdom, Canada, Norway, Japan, India, and the United States.",
"Several amateur videos of the site after the bombing, taken by local residents, show large amounts of smoke; the two explosions took place only two minutes apart. The near simultaneous detonation of devices at multiple targets frequented by foreigners is a hallmark of the Indonesian terrorist group Jemaah Islamiyah.",
"An additional unexploded bomb was later found and defused at the Marriott.",
"This has been the first successful bombing in some years. The same Marriott was previously the target of a terrorist car bomb in 2003.",
"A third explosion took place some hours later, in Muara Angke, North Jakarta. The police have declared this event to be unrelated to the other explosions, stating it was simply a car accident that lead to a tire burst and engine short circuit."
] | 2009-07-17 | title |
تفجيرات تستهدف فندقين في جاكرتا وتخلف أكثر من 10 قتلى و50 جريحا | 129,369 | [
"July 17, 2009",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Suicide attacks",
"North America",
] | ar | https://ar.wikinews.org/wiki/%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%AC%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A7%D8%AA_%D8%AA%D8%B3%D8%AA%D9%87%D8%AF%D9%81_%D9%81%D9%86%D8%AF%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%86_%D9%81%D9%8A_%D8%AC%D8%A7%D9%83%D8%B1%D8%AA%D8%A7_%D9%88%D8%AA%D8%AE%D9%84%D9%81_%D8%A3%D9%83%D8%AB%D8%B1_%D9%85%D9%86_10_%D9%82%D8%AA%D9%84%D9%89_%D9%8850_%D8%AC%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%AD%D8%A7 | [
"لقي 12 شخصا مصرعهم، وأُصيب 50 آخرون معظمهم من الأجانب بجروج في هجومين إنتحاريين إثستهدفا فندقين من أفخم الفنادق في العاصمة الإندونيسية جاكرتا، في وقت أفادت التقارير أيضا بوقوع انفجار ثالث شمالي المدينة لم تتضح بعد النتائج التي أسفر عنها.\nوبحسب الشرطة، فان الإرهابي تجاوز الحراس الأمنيين في فندق ماريوت كزبون قبل أن يفجر العبوة في مقهى في الطابق الارضي، وعثر على جثة منفصلة عن الرأس في مكان الانفجار الذي ادى إلى مقتل سبعة اشخاص بحسب الشرطة.",
"اكد رئيس امن فنادق ماريوت ان الشروط الأمنية في الفندقين اللذين تعرضا لاعتداءين الجمعة كانت \"صارمة\"، وتتضمن تدابير شبيهة بتلك المطبقة في المطارات.",
"وكان آلان اورلوب المسؤول عن امن شبكة فنادق ماريوت، في ريتز كارلتون بجاكرتا الذي تملكه ماريوت، عندما تعرض الفندق لهجوم صباح الجمعة في وقت واحد تقريبا مع فندق ماريوت في العاصمة الاندونيسية.",
"وقال في تصريح لشبكة سي.ان.ان، ان هذه الاعتداءات قد وقعت على رغم الاجراءات الأمنية \"الصارمة جدا\" المطبقة في هذه المؤسسات.",
"وكان اورلوب في الطبقة الثالثة والعشرين في ريتز كارلتون عندما انفجرت اولى القنبلتين على الجانب الآخر من الشارع في ماريوت.",
"وقال \"نظرت من النافذة ... ورأيت اشخاصا بدأوا بالفرار\". واضاف \"بعد دقيقتين كما اعتقد حصل انفجار ثان ورأيت سحابة دخان كبيرة. نزلت إلى بهو ريتز كارلتون والى المطعم وعاينت المكان الذي فجرت فيه احدى القنابل\".",
"سارعت شرطة نيويورك إلى تشديد الأمن على الفنادق في الولاية الجمعة عقب التفجيرات التي وقعت بالعاصمة الإندونيسية جاكرتا وأودت بحياة 11 وأصيب فيها العشرات بجروح بينهم ثمانية أميركيين. كما سارع الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما بعرض المساعدة على إندونيسيا بشأن التفجيرات التي أدانها العالم.",
"وقالت السلطات الأميركية إن الشرطة شددت إجراءاتها الأمنية على الفنادق الكبرى في نيويورك بعدما انفجرت قنبلتان في فندقين فاخرين بالعاصمة الإندونيسية. وقال مفوض الشرطة ريموند كيلي إنه لا توجد معلومات عن تهديد مشابه في نيويورك، \"لكن القاعدة عندنا الآن أن نتخذ هذه الاحتياطات\". وقال المتحدث باسم الشرطة بول براون إن سيارات دورية إضافية وضباطا أحاطوا بالفنادق الكبرى في واشنطن بعد نصف ساعة من تفجيرات جاكرتا."
] | 18 يوليو 2009 | interlang link |
Tres atentados en Indonesia dejan al menos 9 muertos y 50 heridos | 129,369 | [
"July 17, 2009",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Suicide attacks",
"North America",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Tres_atentados_en_Indonesia_dejan_al_menos_9_muertos_y_50_heridos | [
"Al menos nueve personas murieron y otras 50 resultaron heridas en tres atentados con mochilas bomba en el centro financiero de Yakarta, más precisamente en hoteles de lujo de las cadenas Marriott y Ritz.",
"A las 07:45 a.m (GTM +7), la población indonesia fue sorprendida y aterrorizada luego de que dos mochilas bomba fueran detonadas en el lapso de unos pocos minutos. Cerca de las 07:55 a.m fue detonada una tercera bomba.",
"Luego de las explosiones, se expandió una ola de confusión y miedo entre los habitantes frente a los hoteles.",
"Los hechos se produjeron durante la mañana del viernes, cuando muchos huéspedes aún estaban dentro de los hoteles. La explosión en el Ritz-Carlton se registró en uno de los sótanos, mientras que en el Marriot ocurrió en un comedor, donde había numerosas personas compartiendo desayunos de trabajo.",
"Otra bomba sin detonar fue encontrada en el Marriot y ha sido desactivada, informó la policía.",
"La zona es una de las más exclusivas de la capital indonesia, donde se encuentran las más prestigiosas cadenas hoteleras internacionales y varias embajadas.",
"El presidente Susilo Bambang Yudjoyono recorrió los sitios de los hechos y los calificó de \"crueles e inhumanos\".",
"Según BBC Mundo, el mandatario estadounidense, Barack Obama, emitió un comunicado donde condena los ataques en Yakarta aclamado que \"Estos ataques dejan claro que extremistas continúan comprometidos con el asesinato de hombres, mujeres y niños inocentes pertenecientes a cualquier religión de cualquier país\".",
"\"Continuaremos trabajando con Indonesia para eliminar la amenaza de estos extremistas violentos y seremos inquebrantables en apoyar un futuro de seguridad y oportunidad para el pueblo indonesio\", añadió."
] | 17 de julio de 2009 | interlang link |
Explosões em hotéis de luxo na Indonésia matam nove pessoas | 129,369 | [
"July 17, 2009",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Suicide attacks",
"North America",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Explos%C3%B5es_em_hot%C3%A9is_de_luxo_na_Indon%C3%A9sia_matam_nove_pessoas | [
"Um atentado praticado próximo a dois hotéis de luxo na capital da Indonésia, Jacarta, deixou nove pessoas mortas, sendo quatro estrangeiras, e pelo menos 50 feridas. A polícia já começou a investigar o caso e, até o momento, nenhum grupo extremistas assumiu a autoria das explosões.",
"Os ataques se iniciaram a partir das 7h50 (horário local; 21h50 em Brasília, 00h50 em Lisboa) e atingiram os hotéis lotados de turistas, especialmente estrangeiros. Um dos hotéis, O Marriott Hotel, já havia sido seriamente danificado num atentado realizado em 2003, que deixou doze mortos."
] | 17 de julho de 2009 | interlang link |
ஜகார்த்தாவில் குண்டுத் தாக்குதல்: 9 பேர் இறப்பு | 129,369 | [
"July 17, 2009",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"Suicide attacks",
"North America",
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%9C%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A3%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D:_9_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%B1%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%81 | [
"வெள்ளி, சூலை 17, 2009 ஜகார்த்தா, இந்தோனீசியா",
"இந்தோனேசியத் தலைநகர் ஜகார்த்தாவில் இரு நட்சத்திர ஹோட்டல்களில் அடுத்தடுத்து குண்டுகள் வெடித்ததில் வெளிநாட்டுப் பயணிகள் உட்பட 9 பேர் கொல்லப்பட்டனர். மேலும் 13 வெளிநாட்டவர் உட்பட 50க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் படுகாயமடைந்துள்ளனர். கொல்லப்பட்டவர்களில் 3 ஆஸ்திரேலியர்களும் அடங்குவர்.",
"ஜகார்த்தாவின் மிகப் பிரபலமான ரிட்ஸ்-கார்ல்டன், மேரியட் ஆகிய ஹோட்டல்களிலேயே இன்று இந்தக் குண்டுகள் வெடித்தன. இரண்டுமே அருகருகே அமைந்துள்ள ஹோட்டல்களாகும். முதலில் மேரியட் ஹோட்டலிலும் அடுத்த 5 நிமிடத்தில் ரிட்ஸ் ஹோட்டலிலும் இந்த குண்டுகள் வெடித்தன. மேரியட் ஹோட்டல் மீது 2003ஆம் ஆண்டிலும் குண்டுத் தாக்குதல் நடந்தது. அதில் 12 பேர் பலியானது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.",
"இந்த இரு ஹோட்டல்களிலும் பெரும்பாலும் வெளிநாட்டினரே தங்குவது வழக்கம். எனவே அவர்களைக் குறி வைத்தே இத்தாக்குதல் நடத்தப்பட்டுள்ளதாகக் கூறப்படுகின்றது.",
"ஜெமா இஸ்லாமியா என்ற தீவிரவாத அமைப்பே இத்தாக்குதலை நடத்தியிருக்க வேண்டும் என்று கருதப்படுகிறது. 2002இல் இந்தேனேஷியாவின் பாலி தீவில் இந்த அமைப்பு நடத்திய பயங்கர மனித வெடிகுண்டுத் தாக்குதலில் 88 ஆஸ்திரேலியர்கள் உட்பட 200க்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் பலியானது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.",
"ஜகார்த்தாவில் ஹோட்டல்கள் மீது நடத்தப்பட்ட தாக்குதலை விசாரித்து வரும் இந்தோனேசிய பொலிஸார் தாக்குதல்களுக்கு ஜெமா இஸ்லாமையா என்ற இஸ்லாமிய தீவிரவாத குழுவுக்கு தொடர்பிருப்பதாக கூறியுள்ளனர்.",
"மலேசிய தீவிரவாதி நூர்தின் டாப்பிற்கு இதில் தொடர்பிருப்பதற்கான வலுவான காரணங்கள் இருப்பதாக மூத்த தீவிரவாத எதிர்ப்பு அதிகாரி ஒருவர் பிபிசியிடம் தெரிவித்தார். இந்த தீவிரவாதி ஜெமா இஸ்லாமையாவில் பிரிந்து சென்ற குழு ஒன்றை நடத்தி வருகின்றார்."
] | null | interlang link |
Explosions kill four in Laurel, Nebraska | 2,952,994 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"August 11, 2022"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosions_kill_four_in_Laurel,_Nebraska | [
"Four were killed before dawn last Thursday in two separate residential fires and explosions in the small town of Laurel, Nebraska, United States, in what SWAT are calling \"multiple crime scenes\".",
"Authorities responding to the first explosion at 209 Elm Street around 3 AM found a body, identified Friday as Michele Ebeling, 53, dead on the scene with gunshot wounds. Concurrently, emergency services received a call about another house fire some three blocks away at 503 Elm Street, where residents Gene, Janet and Dana Twiford (aged 86, 85 and 55, respectively), had also died.",
"Police suspected foul play when the investigation began Friday, concluding the suspect, Jason Jones, 42, lived across the street from one of the houses. A police team infiltrated the suspect's residence at approximately 2:30 AM, capturing Jones \"on probable cause for homicide\". Jones was airlifted to a hospital to treat \"serious burns\" on his body, and is understood to be severely affected.",
"Speaking to reporters Thursday afternoon, State Patrol Superintendent Colonel John Bolduc said that there is no longer any threat to the community, and acknowledged citizens of the Cedar County town of under 1,000 residents may feel a \"betrayal of trust\" as \"a community member here is alleged to have committed these crimes.\" He praised \"heroic\" efforts by fire responders and indicated further suspects include two men in a silver sedan videoed to have left Laurel westbound early Thursday."
] | 2022-08-11 | title |
Cztery osoby zginęły w eksplozjach w Laurel | 2,952,994 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"August 11, 2022"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Cztery_osoby_zgin%C4%99%C5%82y_w_eksplozjach_w_Laurel | [
"4 sierpnia 2022 roku w Laurel w Nebrasce w Stanach Zjednoczonych 4 osoby zginęły w dwóch eksplozjach.",
"Pierwszy wybuch miał miejsce na 209 Elm Street około 3 rano, gdzie znaleziono ciało z ranami postrzałowymi, zidentyfikowane w piątek, jako Michele Ebeling. Równocześnie służby ratunkowe otrzymały zgłoszenie o innym pożarze domu około trzech przecznic dalej, przy 503 Elm Street, gdzie zginęli Gene, Janet i Dana Twiford.",
"Policja rozpoczęła śledztwo w piątek, stwierdzając, że podejrzany mieszkał naprzeciwko jednego z domów. Zespół policyjny dostał się do domu podejrzanego około 2:30 nad ranem. Podejrzany został przetransportowany drogą powietrzną do szpitala w celu leczenia \"poważnych oparzeń\" na jego ciele.",
"Przemawiając do reporterów w czwartek po południu, State Patrol Superintendent pułkownik John Bolduc powiedział, że nie ma już żadnego zagrożenia dla społeczności, i przyznał, że obywatele \"zdradę zaufania\", ponieważ \"członek społeczności rzekomo popełnił te przestępstwa\". Pochwalił \"heroiczne\" wysiłki strażaków i wskazał, że kolejni podejrzani to dwaj mężczyźni w srebrnym sedanie nagranym na wideo, który opuścił Laurel nad ranem w czwartek."
] | null | interlang link |
Explosions target ethnic Albanians in Croatia | 100,092 | [
"Original reporting",
"February 21, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Explosions_target_ethnic_Albanians_in_Croatia | [
"Pula, Croatia - Blasts destroyed two vans owned by ethnic Albanian shop owners at two different locations in Pula, a city in the Croatian region of Istria. There were no injuries in the explosions and there was no responsibility attributed.",
"Relatives of the shop owners attributed the explosions to the present situation regarding the declaration of independence of Kosovo. There are some 2,000 ethnic Albanians in Istria."
] | 2008-02-21 | title |
V chorvatské Pule došlo k několika výbuchům, cílem místní albánská komunita | 100,092 | [
"Original reporting",
"February 21, 2008",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/V_chorvatsk%C3%A9_Pule_do%C5%A1lo_k_n%C4%9Bkolika_v%C3%BDbuch%C5%AFm,_c%C3%ADlem_m%C3%ADstn%C3%AD_alb%C3%A1nsk%C3%A1_komunita | [
"V chorvatské Pule došlo v 2:18 místního času k několika výbuchům. Jejich cílem byly automobily patřící zdejším Albáncům, jedná se tedy nejspíše o národnostně motivovaný útok.",
"Škody byly pouze na majetku; nikdo nebyl zraněn či zabit. Vlastníci automobilů jsou sice Chorvaté a Makedonci, avšak albánského původu. Jejich rodinní příslušníci se vyjádřili, že se jedná o útoky spojené s nedávným vyhlášením nezávislosti Kosova. Některým jejich příbuzným už navíc došly výhružné dopisy, zmiňující právě toto téma."
] | Čtvrtek 21. února 2008 | interlang link |
Face coverings to be mandatory on public transport in England from June 15, transport secretary declares | 2,897,588 | [
"Northern Ireland",
"Politics and conflicts",
"June 5, 2020",
"Infectious disease",
"Rail transport",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"Nicola Sturgeon",
"United Kingdom",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Face_coverings_to_be_mandatory_on_public_transport_in_England_from_June_15,_transport_secretary_declares | [
"Yesterday, England's transport secretary, Grant Shapps, announced that from June 15, wearing a face covering would become compulsory while riding public transport in England. The measure, addressing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, would apply to people using public trains, buses, aircraft, and other modes.",
"Shapps announced the measure at the UK Government's daily coronavirus briefing. He said it would be \"a condition of travel\" and \"surgical masks[...] we must keep for clinical settings\" so the general public should use \"the kind of face covering you can easily make at home.\"",
"Those who violate the guidelines could be subject to a fine under National Rail Conditions of Travel and the Public Service Vehicle Regulations for Buses, as well as being denied from traveling.",
"The measure would except very young children, disabled people, and those with breathing difficulties.",
"Train drivers' trade union Aslef general secretary Mick Whelan commented, “We have been working closely with the government to ensure that agreed increases in services on Britain's train, and Tube, network is done in a safe and controlled manner – to help spread [the travellers], and maintain social distancing – for the safety of passengers and staff[...] The instruction to wear face coverings to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus will ease the concerns of people travelling, and working, on the transport network.”",
"The general secretary of the RMT union (National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers), Mick Cash, said the measure was \"nowhere near enough.\"",
"The June 15 planned date of the introduction of the measures is the current expected date for the reopening of non-essential retail stores.",
"England would be the only country in the United Kingdom to have these measures put in place. Wales have made no recommendation regarding face covering. Northern Ireland has suggested people \"think about\" it in situations where they cannot apply social-distancing.",
"Scotland First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a compulsory introduction of face coverings could be \"inevitable\" and that she was considering it."
] | 2020-06-05 | title |