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Inglaterra: Máscaras serão obrigatórias nos transportes públicos a partir de 15 de junho | 2,897,588 | [
"Northern Ireland",
"Politics and conflicts",
"June 5, 2020",
"Infectious disease",
"Rail transport",
"London Underground",
"Crime and law",
"Nicola Sturgeon",
"United Kingdom",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Inglaterra:_M%C3%A1scaras_ser%C3%A3o_obrigat%C3%B3rias_nos_transportes_p%C3%BAblicos_a_partir_de_15_de_junho | [
"Ontem, o secretário de transportes da Inglaterra, Grant Shapps, anunciou que, a partir de 15 de junho, usar máscara se tornará obrigatório ao andar de transporte público. A medida, que tenta impedir a disseminação da COVID-19, se aplicaria a pessoas que usem trens públicos, ônibus, aeronaves e entre outros.",
"Shapps anunciou a medida no briefing diário de coronavírus do governo do Reino Unido. Ele disse que seria \"uma condição para viajar\" e \"máscaras cirúrgicas [...] devem ser guardadas para ambientes clínicos\", o público em geral deve usar \"máscaras que você pode facilmente fazer em casa\".",
"Aqueles que violarem as diretrizes podem estar sujeitos a uma multa, além de serem impedidos de viajar. A medida vale exceto para crianças muito pequenas, pessoas deficientes ou com dificuldades respiratórias.",
"O secretário geral do sindicato dos condutores de trens, Mick Whelan, comentou: \"Trabalhamos em estreita colaboração com o governo para garantir que as viagens [...] sejam feitas de maneira segura e controlada — mantendo o distanciamento social — para a segurança de passageiros e funcionários. As instruções para uso de máscaras impedem a disseminação do coronavírus e aliviarão as preocupações das pessoas que viajam e trabalham na rede de transporte\".",
"O secretário geral do RMT (Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores Ferroviários, Marítimos e de Transporte), Mick Cash, disse que a medida \"não está nem perto do suficiente\".",
"A data planejada, 15 de junho, para introdução dessas medidas é a mesma para a reabertura de lojas não essenciais.",
"A Inglaterra seria o único país no Reino Unido a implementar essas medidas. O país de Gales não fez nenhuma recomendação sobre máscaras. A Irlanda do Norte sugeriu que as pessoas \"pensem nisso\" em situações que não podem aplicar o distanciamento social.",
"O primeiro-ministro da Escócia, Nicola Sturgeon, disse que uma introdução obrigatória de máscaras pode ser \"inevitável\" e que ela é considerada."
] | 7 de junho de 2020 | interlang link |
Facebook blocked in Bangladesh | 188,015 | [
"Free speech",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"May 30, 2010",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Facebook_blocked_in_Bangladesh | [
"Bangladesh temporarily blocked the social networking site Facebook on Saturday, after a man was arrested for uploading content onto it deemed offensive. Other users had reportedly posted other kinds of potentially offensive content, including anti-religious and pornographic materials.",
"Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) arrested Mahbub Alam Rodin, aged 30, in charges of uploading cartoons of some political leaders on the website. Rodin's activity on Facebook was classified as \"offensive\", said Commander Mohammad Sohail, director of RAB's Legal and Media side, as reported by The Daily Star. RAB asked to block all seven accounts of Rodin in Facebook. Rodin used pseudonyms like \"Brigadier Mahadi\", \"Sepahi Mahadi\", \"Imam Hossain\", \"Rodin Al\", \"Mohammad Al Mahadi\" and \"Junaida Khandaker Zihan\", Sohail said.",
"No official comment has been made, but Bangladesh's Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) blocked it on the government's request. Private news agency bdnews24 reported that the measure was made on a request by the elite anti-crime Rapid Action Battalion. Users couldn't log onto the website since 6:30 pm local time.",
"The website is to be unblocked on Monday."
] | 2010-05-30 | title |
سلطة ضبط الاتصالات في بنغلاديش تحجب موقع فيسبوك | 188,015 | [
"Free speech",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Crime and law",
"May 30, 2010",
] | ar | https://ar.wikinews.org/wiki/%D8%B3%D9%84%D8%B7%D8%A9_%D8%B6%D8%A8%D8%B7_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA%D8%B5%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA_%D9%81%D9%8A_%D8%A8%D9%86%D8%BA%D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AF%D9%8A%D8%B4_%D8%AA%D8%AD%D8%AC%D8%A8_%D9%85%D9%88%D9%82%D8%B9_%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B3%D8%A8%D9%88%D9%83 | [
"حجبت سلطة تنظيم الاتصالات في بنغلاديش موقع الفيسبوك بسبب نشره لرسوم مسيئة للرسول محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، بالإضافة إلى نشره صور مهينة لقادة بنغلاديش، مما تسبب في جرح المشاعر الدينية للأغلبية المسلمة من سكان البلاد.",
"وقال رئيس لجنة تنظيم الاتصالات ضياء أحمد أنه تم حجب الدخول إلى الموقع مؤقتا لنشره صورا مسيئة قد تؤذي المشاعر الدينية للناس في بلد ذي غالبية إسلامية.",
"وأضاف: \"بعض الوصلات في الموقع تحوي صورا مقيتة لقادتنا أبو الأمة الشيخ مجيب الرحمن ورئيسة الوزراء الحالية الشيخة حسينة واجد\". مؤكدا ان السلطات \"لا يمكنها التسامح مع هذه الصور المهينة\".\nوأشار في الوقت نفسه إلى أن هذا الاجراء مؤقت وأن الفيسبوك سيفتح في بنغلاديش مجددا فور إزالة الصفحات التي تحمل هذه الصور."
] | 30 مايو 2010 | interlang link |
Failed bomb aboard Delta flight | 146,483 | [
"Federal Aviation Administration",
"Delta Air Lines",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Associated Press",
"December 26, 2009",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Failed_bomb_aboard_Delta_flight | [
"The Associated Press reports that a 23 year-old Nigerian passenger known as Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab attempted to ignite what seemed to be fireworks, which turned out to be a mixture of liquid and powdered explosives, during descent on Northwest/Delta Flight 253 departing from Amsterdam in the Netherlands to Detroit, Michigan.",
"The device intended to set off the bomb failed; the Airbus A330 plane safely landed around noon yesterday. At least one passenger was taken to the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor. The suspect claimed to investigators that he had connections to Al Qaeda. The Federal Aviation Administration and Transportation Security Administration are investigating how explosives got onto the plane. The man does not appear on a \"no fly\" list, but his name was known to have a significant terrorist connection. Officials are treating the case as a terrorist attack.",
"United States President Barack Obama convened a meeting on being notified of the incident. In a statement, a White House spokesman said \"[President Obama] instructed that all appropriate measures be taken to increase security for air travel.\"",
"\"Passengers may notice additional screening measures put into place to ensure the safety of the traveling public on domestic and international flights,\" Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman Sara Kuban said in a statement. \"As always we encourage the traveling public to be observant and aware of their surroundings and report any suspicious behavior or activity to law enforcement officials.\""
] | 2009-12-26 | title |
Bombenanschlag im Flug nach USA misslungen | 146,483 | [
"Federal Aviation Administration",
"Delta Air Lines",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Associated Press",
"December 26, 2009",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Bombenanschlag_im_Flug_nach_USA_misslungen | [
"Amsterdam (Niederlande), 26.12.2009 – Wie die Nachrichtenagentur Associated Press berichtet, hat der 23-jährige nigerianische Passagier Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab versucht, einen Anschlag auf den Northwest-Airlines-Flug 253 von Amsterdam (Niederlande) nach Detroit (Michigan/USA) zu verüben, was zunächst wie ein Feuerwerk aussah. Sein Vorhaben, einen Brand im Flugzeug oder eine Explosion auszulösen, ist jedoch misslungen.",
"Der Airbus A330 landete gestern um die Mittagszeit sicher in den USA. Der verdächtige Passagier wurde in das Medizin-Zentrum der Universität von Michigan in Ann Arbor gebracht und behauptete, er habe Verbindungen zu Al Qaida.",
"Die US-Luftfahrtbehörde und die für Transport zuständige Sicherheitsbehörde untersuchen, wie der Sprengstoff in das Flugzeug gelangt ist. Der Mann wurde nicht auf einer „no fly“-Liste angezeigt, aber sein Name hat einen signifikanten terroristischen Bezug. Regierungsbeamte behandeln den Fall als Terroranschlag.",
"US-Präsident Barack Obama berief eine Sitzung ein, als er von dem Vorfall unterrichtet wurde. In einer Erklärung sagte ein Sprecher des Weißen Hauses „[Präsident Obama] gab Anweisung, alle geeigneten Maßnahmen zu treffen, um die Sicherheit im Luftverkehr zu erhöhen.“",
"„Die Fahrgäste sollen merken, dass zusätzliche Überwachungsmaßnahmen eingeführt werden, um die Sicherheit der Reisenden auf inländischen und internationalen Flügen zu gewährleisten,“ sagte Sicherheitssprecherin Sara Kuban in einer Erklärung. „Wie immer empfehlen wir der reisenden Öffentlichkeit, aufmerksam zu sein und ihre Umgebung zu beobachten. Melden Sie verdächtiges Verhalten oder Tätigkeiten den Strafverfolgungsbehörden.“"
] | null | interlang link |
Terroristi taltutettiin Detroitiin lentäneessä koneessa | 146,483 | [
"Federal Aviation Administration",
"Delta Air Lines",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Associated Press",
"December 26, 2009",
] | fi | https://fi.wikinews.org/wiki/Terroristi_taltutettiin_Detroitiin_lent%C3%A4neess%C3%A4_koneessa | [
"Nigerialainen mies yritti sytyttää räjähteen Amsterdamista lähteneessä Detroitia lähestymässä olleessa lentokoneessa, joka kuljetti Nigeriasta lähteneitä matkustajia. Tapaus sattui joulupäivän aamupäivällä paikallista aikaa. Yhdysvaltain viranomaisten mukaan terrori-iskun yrittäjä oli 23-vuotias Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab.",
"On epäselvää, minkä terroristijärjestön kanssa Abdulmutallab toimi. Hän itse sanoi olevansa yhteydessä al-Qaidaan, minkä myös kongressiedustaja Peter T. King (rep.) vahvisti, mutta eräs tiedusteluviranomainen kertoi New York Timesille, että Abdulmutallabin väite al-Qaida-yhteyksistä saattoi olla pelkkää kunnianhakuisuutta. Hänen nimensä oli joka tapauksessa ilmeisesti Yhdysvaltain tiedustelutietokannassa. CNN:n mukaan mies sanoi kuulustelussa saaneensa räjähdysaineet ja ohjeet niiden käyttämiseen Jemenistä.",
"Matkustajana lennolla ollut Syed Jafry kertoi New York Timesin mukaan, että räjähdemiehen paikalta kuului poksahdus ja näkyi savua ja hehkua, mikä aiheutti paniikin. Tämän jälkeen lentokoneen matkustajat ja miehistö taltuttivat miehen. Jotkut 278 matkustajasta loukkaantuivat räjähteestä ilmeisesti lievästi. Räjähdemies itse sai kolmannen asteen palovammoja, kertoi kotimaan turvallisuusasioiden komiteaan kuuluva King. Mies vietiin Michiganin yliopiston sairaalaan Ann Arboriin."
] | 26. joulukuuta 2009 | interlang link |
Nieudany zamach bombowy w samolocie | 146,483 | [
"Federal Aviation Administration",
"Delta Air Lines",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Associated Press",
"December 26, 2009",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Nieudany_zamach_bombowy_w_samolocie | [
"Na pokładzie samolotu lecącego z Amsterdamu do Detroit jeden z pasażerów usiłował dokonać zamachu bombowego, jednak zamach nie udał się, bowiem ładunek wybuchowy nie eksplodował z należytą siłą.",
"Do zajścia doszło w piątek (25 XII) w Airbusie A330 ok. godz. 12 czasu lokalnego (18.00 czasu polskiego) obsługiwanym przez Delta Air Lines na około 20 minut przed lądowaniem w Detroit.",
"Zamachowiec, obywatel Nigerii, spowodował niewielką eksplozję, po czym został obezwładniony przez innego pasażera samolotu. Kilku pasażerów odniosło rany, w tym jeden ciężkie. Zamachowiec ma oparzenia trzeciego stopnia.",
"Po incydencie zamachowca przesłuchano. Wg mediów amerykańskich miał zeznać, że działał na zlecenie Al-Kaidy. Ponadto przyznał, iż bombę miał przylepioną taśmą klejącą do nogi. Mężczyzna użył strzykawki wypełnionej chemikaliami, aby zdetonować ładunek.",
"Deputowany do Izby Reprezentantów Kongresu USA Peter King powiedział, że zamachowiec nazywa się Abdul Mudallad i jest Nigeryjczykiem.",
"Prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych Barack Obama, przebywający na Hawajach zwołał specjalne posiedzenie po otrzymaniu informacji o zdarzeniu. Prezydent zarządził wzmocnienie środków bezpieczeństwa w samolotach i na lotniskach.",
"Na pokładzie Airbusa, odbywającego rejs nr 253, znajdowało się 278 pasażerów."
] | null | interlang link |
அமெரிக்க விமானத்தை தகர்க்க முயற்சித்ததாக நைஜீரியப் பயணி கைது | 146,483 | [
"Federal Aviation Administration",
"Delta Air Lines",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Associated Press",
"December 26, 2009",
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%85%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%86%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95_%E0%AE%B5%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AE%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%88_%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95_%E0%AE%A8%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%9C%E0%AF%80%E0%AE%B0%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%A3%E0%AE%BF_%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%A4%E0%AF%81 | [
"நெதர்லாந்தின் ஆம்ஸ்டர்டாமில் இருந்து அமெரிக்கா சென்ற டெல்ட்டா 253 பயணிகள் விமானத்தை வெடிவைத்து தகர்க்க முயற்சி செய்ததாக குற்றம்சாட்டப்படும் நைஜீரிய பயணி ஒருவர் அமெரிக்காவில் விசாரிக்கப்பட்டு வருகிறார்.",
"நோர்த்வெஸ்ட் ஏர்லைன்சைச் சேர்ந்த விமானம் வெள்ளியன்று ஆம்ஸ்டர்டாம் நகரிலிருந்து கிளம்பி டெட்ராய்ட் நகரில் தரையிறங்கும் நேரத்தில் 23-வயது அப்துல்முத்தலாக் என்ற இந்த நபர் ஏதோ ஒன்றை வெடிக்க முயற்சி செய்தார் எனவும், சக பயணிகள் இம்முயற்சியைத் தடுத்துள்ளனர் எனவும் கூறப்படுகிறது.",
"இந்நபர் செய்த முயற்சி முறியடிக்கப்பட்டு அவர் தடுப்புக் காவலில் வைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளார். இந்த நபர் இலண்டனில் தங்கியிருந்தவர் என்று தகவல்கள் வெளியானதை அடுத்து புலன் விசாரணைகளில் பிரித்தானியக் காவல்துறையினர் உதவிவருகின்றனர்.",
"நைஜீரியர் ஒருவர் மீது குற்றம்சாட்டப்படுவது தங்களது அரசாங்கத்தை சங்கடப்படுத்தியுள்ளது என நைஜீரிய தகவல்துறை அமைச்சர் கூறியுள்ளார்."
] | ஞாயிறு, திசம்பர் 27, 2009 | interlang link |
Family blames Scientology for daughter's death | 104,062 | [
"Mental health",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"April 16, 2008"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Family_blames_Scientology_for_daughter%27s_death | [
"The Norwegian press is reporting that Kaja Bordevich Ballo, aged 20, the daughter of Norwegian MP Olav Gunnar Ballo, committed suicide two weeks ago after taking a Scientology personality test. The family blames the Church of Scientology for her death and decided to go public with the story, after the test results and a suicide note were discovered after Ballo's death.",
"On March 28, 2008, Ballo, a student at the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis located in Nice, France, took the Scientology personality test. A few hours later she reportedly killed herself by jumping from the window of her dormitory. Her friends and roommates claim she was in good spirits and showed no signs of a mental break down or depression prior to taking the test. The test was stamped and dated by the Church just hours prior to her suicide.",
"\"I believe Kaja would have been alive today if she had not gone to the Scientologists,\" says friend and fellow student Henrik Møinichen, 19, to Dagbladet.",
"\"The information about the Scientology test has been made public through the priest's speech at the memorial service. I can confirm that. Due to the recency of her death, I don't wish to elaborate on or comment on other matters now,\" said Olav in a statement to the press.",
"The Church, which is located only meters from Ballo's dormitory, states that the results had shown Ballo was \"depressed, irresponsible, hyper-critical and lacking in harmony.\" They also state that it is \"unfair to blame Scientology\" for Ballo's death and that the test had nothing to do with it. Ballo left behind a note telling her family she was sorry for not \"being good for anything.\"",
"The incident has generated criticism against the Church from friends, family members and politicians. Inga Marte Thorkildsen, one of the members of Norway's Parliament, told the Oslo newspaper Dagbladet that \"All indications are that the Scientologist sect has played a direct role in Kaja's choice to take her own life.\"",
"Matthias Fosse, information chief for the Church of Scientology in Norway, rejected any links connection between Scientology and Ballo's suicide, and denied that the personality test was \"dangerous\", saying that millions of people have taken it. The Church of Scientology also pointed out Ballo's history of psychological issues and an eating disorder that she had experienced in her early teenage years.",
"The Church has since removed the test from its Norwegian website."
] | 2008-04-16 | title |
挪威一家庭指山達基導致女兒死亡 | 104,062 | [
"Mental health",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"April 16, 2008"
] | zh | https://zh.wikinews.org/wiki/%E6%8C%AA%E5%A8%81%E4%B8%80%E5%AE%B6%E5%BA%AD%E6%8C%87%E5%B1%B1%E9%81%94%E5%9F%BA%E5%B0%8E%E8%87%B4%E5%A5%B3%E5%85%92%E6%AD%BB%E4%BA%A1 | [
"挪威媒體報導,卡賈 Bordevich Ballo, 20歲, 挪威議員 奧拉夫 Gunnar Ballo 的女兒,接受了山達基教的個性測試後自殺。卡賈死後,測試結果和遺書被發現,家庭歸咎於山達基教會,並決定公開事故。",
"2008年3月28日,卡賈,一名學生, 在法國尼斯的 Sophia Antipolis 大學攻讀,接受了山達基教的個性測試(牛津能力分析)幾個小時後,據報從她的宿舍窗口跳樓自殺。她的朋友和室友聲稱,接受考驗前, 她精神狀態良好,沒有跡象表明,精神崩潰或抑鬱。她自殺之前幾個小時,試驗由教會蓋了章並註明日期時間。",
"朋友及同學亨利克 Møinichen, 19歲, 對奧斯陸報紙 Dagbladet (日報) 說, \"我相信卡賈本來今天還活著,如果她沒有去了山達基教\"。",
"奧拉夫向新聞界發表聲明,“關於山達基教測試的消息,通過牧師追悼會上的講話,已經公開了。我可以肯定地說, 由於她死了不久,現在我不想詳細說明或評論其他事項\"。",
"朋友,家庭成員和政治家,因這一事件批評教會。加馬特索基爾德森,一個挪威議會的成員,告訴 Dagbladet:“所有的跡象都表明,卡賈的選擇自殺,山達基教發揮了直接作用”。",
"馬蒂亞斯福斯,挪威山達基教信息主管,拒絕接受卡賈的自殺和山達基教之間的任何聯繫,並否認了人格測試是“危險的”, 他說,數百萬人已經參加過它。山達基教會也指出,卡賈在十幾歲時候,經歷了心理問題,和飲食失調。",
] | 【2008年11月8日讯】 | interlang link |
Family of Chile's former leader Augusto Pinochet arrested on embezzlement charges | 81,672 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"October 5, 2007"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Family_of_Chile%27s_former_leader_Augusto_Pinochet_arrested_on_embezzlement_charges | [
"The widow and five children of former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet have been arrested in Chile on embezzlement charges. They are accused of illegally transferring USD27 million to foreign bank accounts during Pinochet's rule from 1973 to 1990. Seventeen of Pinochet's former associates, including his former personal secretary and three retired army generals, were also arrested.",
"Pinochet had been charged with tax evasion, fraud, and embezzlement following a 2004 U.S. Senate investigation. In December 2006, he died without having been brought to trial. However, Chilean Judge Carlos Cerda said there were \"solid indications\" that Pinochet's family and associates had also \"participated in the misuse of fiscal funds\".",
"Jose Miguel Vivanco of Human Rights Watch called the decision \"an extremely important development for Chile's democracy and the rule of law. Going after the relatives of the powerful and the fortunes they amassed used to be considered off limits,\" he said.",
"Pinochet family lawyer Pablo Rodriguez said he was \"astonished by this illegal and abusive decision by the judge\", and that he was \"sure that it will be reversed by the Court of Appeals.\""
] | 2007-10-05 | title |
Detienen a la familia y a grupo de ex colaboradores de Pinochet | 81,672 | [
"Human Rights Watch",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"October 5, 2007"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Detienen_a_la_familia_y_a_grupo_de_ex_colaboradores_de_Pinochet | [
"4 de octubre de 2007Santiago, Chile —",
"Bajo la orden detención emitida por el juez Carlos Cerda se ejecutó la detención a la viuda de Augusto Pinochet, Lucía Hiriart, y sus cinco hijos: Augusto, Lucía, Marco Antonio, Jaqueline y Verónica. Asimismo, la detención de un grupo de ex colaboradores de Pinochet, entre los que figuran los generales retirados Guillermo Garín y Jorge Ballerino; Ambrosio Rodríguez, abogado del ex mandatario; su albacea, Oscar Aitken; y su secretaria privada, Mónica Ananías.",
"La orden fue dada basándose en una serie de acusaciones por malversación de fondos destinados a uso personal de recursos fiscales que poseía Pinochet mientras estuvo en el poder entre 1973 y 1990. Los detenidos fueron trasladados a una estación policial.",
"Ante dicha noticia, la presidenta Michelle Bachelet comentó ante unos periodistas que se trata de una resolución judicial y que en Chile nadie está por sobre la ley.",
"\"Nadie en Chile puede creer de que pueda no cumplir con las órdenes de la justicia o estar por sobre la justicia\", dijo la mandataria y agregó que no debiera haber problema porque \"lo válido es que en un país donde hay estado de derecho, la justicia tiene que cumplir su rol\".",
"Augusto Pinochet estuvo encausado por violaciones a los derechos humanos, pero enfrentó más de 200 procesos, aunque en ninguno de ellos alcanzó a ser condenado antes de morir el 10 de diciembre 2006."
] | null | interlang link |
FARC and Brazilian Workers' Party:the general didn't tell the truth, says former Abin superior to Veja | 6,104 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"March 25, 2005",
"South America",
"Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/FARC_and_Brazilian_Workers%27_Party:the_general_didn%27t_tell_the_truth,_says_former_Abin_superior_to_Veja | [
"Brazil —\nThe Head Minister of the Institutional Security Cabinet of Brazil, General Jorge Felix, and the director-general of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), Mauro Marcelo de Lima e Silva, testifying before a commission of deputies and senators, said documents may be incorrect. They maintain the Brazilian magazine Veja, in its article \"FARC's tentacles in Brazil\", should not be used.",
"This weekend, Veja presented testimonies by people who allegedly worked on Abin's FARC-PT investigation. These contradict the explanations that General Felix gave to the commission.",
"Last week, the magazine Veja reported that the Workers' Party (PT) received 5 million dollars to be used for the political campaign of candidates in 2002 from the Colombian Communist armed group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP). The news appeared on by Brazilian television chanells Globo and Record.",
"Veja said that it used as its sources the documents from Abin and the allegations of Abin's employees. The Head Minister of the Institutional Security Cabinet of Brazil's General Jorge Felix, and the director-general of the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin), Mauro Marcelo de Lima e Silva, said that the documents were not reliable.",
"The official Abin version can be seen on its website. The agency stores and archives all data collected by the intelligence service, including data that do not fulfill all Abin's criteria for consistency and accuracy. Every kind of document remains in Abin archive so it can be re-evaluated in the future. According to General Felix, Abin archives may contain data that are not relevant, tendentious or completely untrue. The documents mentioned by Veja are this sort of data.",
"According to Brazilian Federal Senate's website, General Félix told \"the documents were archived because they don't deserve credit, and they don't present any proof related to the allegations contained therein\".",
"The general said: \"Of course Abin monitores all FARC activities, it is part of its job; however, in this specific case, there is no sustainable argument, and there is any credibility. Therefore, the papers are archived.\"",
"On 21 March Veja published another article named: \"They know everything about it\", contradicting Abin. The article stated that two people -- a alleged spy who was in a meeting where a supposed donation by the FARC member father Medina took place, and his former Abin superior, Colonel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira -- had said that the documents were not merely information ignored by the agency, due to a lack of evidence, as the General Félix argued.",
"Veja's wrote that the documents that mentioned the alleged FARC-PT relationship were considered very important by Abin. Veja's story told the documents were archived and the investigations into their contents ceased after the victory of the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT).",
"Veja has since claimed to have interviewed the Albin spy again, whose identity the magazine chooses not to reveal, since he is allegedly still active.",
"According to the spy, he infiltrated the labour union movement twenty years ago. His colleagues were PT members and Communists and his task was informing the intelligence agency about the Brazilian labor movement.",
"According to Veja, the spy says that he came upon the FARC case accidentally. It happened when leftists invited him to be part of a pro-FARC committee, in defense of the Colombian guerrillas. The spy claims to have agreed and he began to frequent the meetings, which were almost always secret.",
"Veja says that, on April 13, 2002, the spy took part of a meeting together with other leftists, in Coração Vermelho (Red Heart) hacienda, near Brasilia. Veja reports that the spy heard father Olivério Medina, representative of the FARC, announcing that he would donate 5 million dollars for the campaign of the Brazilian president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva in 2002.",
"Furthermore, according to Veja, the Abin's spy said: \" Immediately I left the meeting, on April 13 and met my Abin contact, near a highway close to the Coração Vermelho hacienda. There, inside the car, I wrote the my dispatches about FARC money going to the PT. I had listened the story for the first time. Father Olivério Medina was quite happy.\"",
"The Brazilian magazine continues reporting the alleged spy story:",
"On April 22, I listened again to this story. It was during a meeting in a labour union. One of the friends of the FARC, a Chilean militant, said that they were 5 million dollars and that the money had been already distributed for the PT.",
"The Abin found the history so important that my contact, colonel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, invited me to dinner (...)",
"My stories are based on the facts that I see and hear. I do not know if the money was delivered. I know that, among FARC's friends, this matter was treated responsibly and secretly. The money would come from Trinidad and Tobago to 300 PT businessmen, who would distribute it for the party's committees. Moreover, I wrote this in the reports that I delivered to the colonel.",
"Veja claims to have interviewed Colonel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira who was Abin's employee for seven years and who allegedly coordinated the investigation on the relations between the FARC and the Workers' Party (PT).",
"Colonel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, aged 49, worked for Abin during seven years. He left his job in 2003 because of alleged differences related to the way the investigations were being carried out after the victory of Workers' Party (PT) in 2002 campaign. The colonel works for the Military Police in the Federal District at present time.",
"Veja said that the colonel told there are at least two dozen reports describing the PT-FARC relationships in Abin. Colonel Ferreira says that the document 0095/3100 mentioned by Veja last week is not even the most important one.",
"Veja said that Colonel Ferreira told the documents were not archived by Abin because they were dubious. The colonel said that the documents that describe the relations between PT and FARC were taken very seriously by Abin.",
"According to Veja, Colonel Ferreira said that in order to avoid the unathourized release of information, the reports were written inside the intelligence director José Milton Campana's office at that time . Campana got a promotion to Abin assistant-director by the current PT government.",
"Inside Campana's office, other people were in direct contact with the papers: an analyst and an adviser.",
"According to Veja, the colonel said: \"We finished three reports on the case\". The colonel said that Abin, with the help of the Federal Police, had traced part of the money that might have come from FARC to PT. There were three payment authorisations, for 1 million dollars each, with indications that they were part of the FARC's money. The colonel said: \"we cannot affirm that it was the guerrillas' money for sure. There were indications. Strong indications, but the investigation stopped after the PT won the elections and I left Abin.\"",
"The magazine Veja emphasized that it is not deliberately accusing the Workers' Party (PT). The magazine warns that some politicians can try to obtain political advantages with the news.",
"Brazilian Senator Demóstenes Torres (PFL) said: \" If both declarations are true, they reveal that Abin appeared to the Congress commission and it concealed the truth of the parliament's members. It is serious.\" The senator told he will ask an secret audience to hear the Abin's spy and the Colonel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira.",
"General Jorge Felix refused to comment the case explaining that everything were already had been told to the deputies and senators commission.",
"Veja's last article:\"They know everything about it\" was not covered by most part of Brazilian newspapers. However it appeared on television and on some journalist's blogs.",
"It is known that the FARC and PT politics have met since 1990. Many of these meetings occurred during the enconteurs of the Foro de São Paulo.",
"The peace talks between Colombia and the FARC guerrilla started in 1998, during government of the Colombian President Andres Pastrana Arango.",
"The FARC had sent a letter to the XI Foro de São Paulo meeting congratulating Lula Da Silva for his victory in 2002 elections (Farc felicitam Brasil pela vitória de Lula - O Estado de São Paulo).",
"In a interview to Valquíria Rey, from BBC, in March 6, 2003 FARC commander Pastor Alape praised the independent stance of the Brazil. He told he didn't think that Brazilian government would sign any statement including FARC on the list of international terrorist organizations.",
"If the Brazilian government considered the FARC as a terrorist group, all FARC members could be arrested inside Brazilian territory.",
"Some analysts say that the Communist Colombian guerrilla aims to extend its influence throughout other countries in Latin America.[1], [2]",
"After the PT candidate Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva assumed the government the most visible change was the association of Abin with the Cuban service of intelligence.",
"Abin signed at least an agreement of cooperation with the Cuban service of intelligence. The Abin general-director Mauro Marcelo de Lima e Silva was in Havana, in February, this year, discussing an agreement between Abin and the Cuban service of intelligence, the Dirección General de Inteligência (DGI). [3], [4],\n[5]",
"The Brazilian government denied his agents would be trained in Cuba. The government affirmed that it was only an mere bilateral cooperation agreement to resolve problems related to the terrorism and the traffic of weapons. [6]",
"The Workers' Party (PT) released an official statement signed by the National President José Genoino repudiating the magazine's article and denying all presented facts. Part of the note tells:",
"The note says that the article is irresponsible, that it comments on facts without any sustentable evidence . It still says that the magazine denies itself when later in the text it affirms that it did not find any solid indication to proof that 5 million dollars were really sent to PT by the FARC .",
"Another note from the Workers' Party (PT), of February 16, 2002 called \n\"The truth about Colombia and the FARC - and PT\" tries to clarify the relationship between the party and the FARC. A portion of this note says that:",
"The leader of the government Deputy Aloizio Mercadante (PT) said: \"If this donation existed, which I do not believe, it was not done to PT, but to individuals who are alleged connected to the party. Case they were identified and they were part of the party, they would be forced to leave.\"",
"The deputy Paulo Rocha (PT) said that the magazine does not have any proof that the money transference from FARC for PT occurred. \"The magazine admits by itself that that there are no documents verifying any insinuation of this nature\", he adds.",
"Deputy Paulo Rocha also says that the meetings between FARC delegates with Brazilian politicians were part of a FARC attempt of establishing a diplomatic representation in Brazil, which did not happened. So, according to the deputy, there were meetings between the father Olivério Medina, who worked as FARC ambassador, with parliamentarians of diverse parties. The deputy said: \"Meetings can have happened, but there is no political and financial relation with the PT.\" For the deputy there are no reasons to create a congress investigation commission, as suggested by oppostion parties. [7]",
"The Senator Cristovam Buarque(PT) said that the case was a \"sad episode, because it affected a party's credibility without anybody seeing any proof.\" In his opinion the case repercussion was positive \"because it demonstrated that Brazil is a country capable of placing the head of its intelligence agency before the entire press and all the members of Congress and exit calmly, without a dent to its credibility.\"[8]",
"According to the Abin directors General Jorge Armando Félix and Mauro Marcelo de Lima e Silva there is no solid evidences relating finantial help from FARC to PT. Because of that, there is no reason to start a new investigation and the case must remain archived.",
"The Veja admitted in its article that it is possible that the FARC delegate father Medina did not said the true when he told the FARC would donate 5 million dollars to PT campaign in Coração Vermelho hacienda. Also the magazine admitted that it cannot proof the donation occurred and it says that it is possible that the Abin documents are untrue. The magazine Veja said it didn't involve the Workers' Party, as an organization, in the case.",
"The National Secretary of International Relations for Workers'Party (PT), Paulo Ferreira, says that the Central Bank records show that no money entered in Brazil from Trynidad and Tobago during 2002 and 2003. [9]",
"The leftist Antônio Carlos Viana told to the Brazilian newspaper Correio Braziliense that during the encounter between FARC and PT members in Coração Vermelho hacienda there weren't any discussion about money. He said:\"We believe that the path to peace in Colombia is people and Brazilian government recognizing the FARC. However we can't take any responsibility by the FARC's actions and we deny categorically any discussion about money to electoral purposes in Brazil.\"",
"According to an article in PCdoB website: \"none of the participants of the enconteur in Coração Vermelho hacienda says that father Olivério Medina offered money to PT\".",
"The President of PT in Santa Catarina Milton Mendes says:\"(...)I am perplex and honestly convinced that the article is shameful, irresponsible and a pamphlet.\"[10]. He criticizes Veja because the magazine said no proofs were found related to the money donation.",
"Accusations against PT can be used by the political opposition in negative propaganda.",
"The Congress Commission which heard the Abin's directors considered the case closed on alleged FARC donation to PT.",
"Some opinion excerpts from the \nO Estado de São Paulo Forum:",
"Magazines and newspapers must be careful with explosive news \nI am not PT sympathizant and I have already criticized some points about the party and the government(...) There is no saint in any political party, neither in the several religions, neither in the Church. However, I can't believe that someone inside PT, after I have some knowledge about its leaders, might have received any contribution from the FARC (...) Fake dossiers have already been created relating the PSDB with foreign bank accounts and these news were denied later. The FARC donation is a campaign gossip which is already began by PT unfortunately. — Antonio Carlos Rocha da Silva / São Paulo",
"Possibilities \nThe news published in Veja magazine, March 13, this year, is really daring. Saying that the PT received money from the FARC is serious and grave. If the magazine published the story, there must be, at least, some kind of information.(...)The Workers'Party members deny the fact, with no exception. But you must remember that most of them have belonged to armed groups during the militar regime.(..)If the PT did not prosecute the magazine, the doubt can cause some harm.(...) — Jorge Cortás Sader Filho / Niterói",
"New story, old subject \nThe FARC/PT connection is older thant the Bible draft. In 2002 a deputy tryed to create a CPI [Congress Commission of Investigation] to investigate the donation, however he didn't get enough signatures. (...)If the article is lying, the PT have to proof and expose the magazine, then prosecute it.(...) The worst blind person is who doesn't want to see. This kind of person, the fanatic voter, is not helping in nothing Brazil. — Sonia / Rio de Janeiro"
] | 2005-03-25 | title |
General no dijo verdad sobre caso FARC-PT, dicen personas que trabajaron en la investigación | 6,104 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"March 25, 2005",
"South America",
"Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/General_no_dijo_verdad_sobre_caso_FARC-PT,_dicen_personas_que_trabajaron_en_la_investigaci%C3%B3n | [
"Los principales jefes de la Abin dijeron para una comisión de diputados y senadores que las informaciones reportadas por la revista brasileña Veja sobre la donación de 5 millones de dólares del grupo armado comunista de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) al Partido de los Trabajadores (PT) no deberían ser consideradas como verdaderas. La revista Veja de esta semana, presenta el relato de otras personas de la Abin que contradicen la versión oficial de los principales jefes de la agencia de inteligencia brasileña.",
"La semana pasada, la revista brasileña Veja reportó que el Partido de los Trabajadores (PT), el partido del gobierno y del presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, recibió 5 millones de dólares de las FARC para la campaña de 2002.",
"La noticia fue transmitida también en los informativos de las emisoras de televisión brasileña de la Red Globo y Red Record.",
"La revista dijo que usó documentos provenientes de la propia Abin como fuente del reportaje, además del relato de las personas que estuvieron en contacto con esos documentos. El ministro jefe del gabinete de seguridad, el general Jorge Félix, y el director del servicio brasileño de inteligencia (Abin) Mauro Marcelo de Lima y Silva, dijeron que los documentos mencionados por la revista brasileña Veja podrían estar incorrectos.",
"Los responsables por la Abin dijeron que datos que forman parte de los archivos de la Abin pueden ser no relevantes, tendenciosos o incluso completamente falsos. Los documentos citados por la revista Veja formarían parte de ese conjunto de documentos. A causa de eso, ellos no deberían ser publicados.",
"Según información publicada en el página del Senado Federal, el General Félix dijo que \"el documento fue archivado por no merecer crédito, debido a no presentar cualquier prueba de las afirmaciones en él contenidas\".",
"El general dijo:\"Claro que la Abin sigue todas las actividades de las Farc, es de su naturaleza, pero en este caso específico, no hay idoneidad, no hay confirmación, y por lo tanto la documentación fue archivada.\"",
"Pero, en reportaje de 4 páginas, esta semana, llamado: \"Ellos saben de todo\", la revista Veja afirma que el general Félix por lo menos no contó toda la verdad para la comisión de diputados y senadores.",
"El reportaje de esta semana de la revista Veja dice que por lo menos dos operarios de la Abin, el espía que estuvo en la reunión donde hubo el supuesto anuncio de la donación de dinero por el padre Medina de las FARC, y su superior de la Abin, el Coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, dicen que los documentos no eran simplemente datos abandonados por la agencia, por falta de pruebas o consistencia, como quiso hacer suponer el General Félix.",
"Los documentos que tratan de la relación de las FARC con El PT eran considerados documentos importantes y secretos por la agencia. El archivado y el fin de las investigaciones habrían ocurrido después que el gobierno del PT ganó las elecciones y asumió el gobierno.",
"La revista Veja volvió a entrevistar el espía de la Abin. La revista no revela su identidad, bajo el argumento de que él es un espía que aún está en la vida activa, debe permanecer con la identidad protegida.",
"Según el espía, él se infiltró en el movimiento sindical hace veinte años atrás y entre sus compañeros de militancia hay miembros del PT y comunistas. Su tarea fue siempre informar a la agencia de inteligencia sobre lo que acontece en los movimientos sindicales. Varios sindicatos brasileños están bajo el control de grupos de izquierda. Un de los más expresivos movimientos sindicales brasileños, la CUT, tiene fuertes vínculos con El PT, por ejemplo.",
"El espía dice que se relacionó con el caso de las FARC por casualidad. Ocurrió cuando izquierdistas lo invitaron a participar de un comité de apoyo a las FARC, en defensa de la guerrilla colombiana. El espía aceptó participar del comité y comenzó a frecuentar las reuniones del grupo, generalmente secretas.",
"El día 13 de abril de 2002, él participó, con los otros izquierdistas, de una reunión en la chacra Corazón Rojo, en las proximidades de Brasilia, y fue en esa reunión que él escuchó al padre Olivério Medina, representante de las FARC, anunciar que donaría 5 millones de dólares para la campaña del presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva en 2002.",
"Según la revista Veja, el espía de la Abin dijo:\"Inmediatamente que salí de la reunión, el día 13 de abril, me encontré con mi contacto en la Abin, a los márgenes de una carretera próxima a la chacra Corazón Rojo. Allí, dentro del coche, escribí uno informe y hablé del dinero de las FARC para el PT. Yo había escuchado allí esa historia por primera vez. El padre Olivério Medina [de las FARC] estaba bastante feliz.\"",
"\"El día 22 de abril, yo escuché nuevamente esta historia. Fue en una reunión en un sindicato. Uno de los amigos de las FARC, un militante chileno, dijo que eran 5 millones de dólares y que el dinero ya había sido repartido para el PT.\"",
"\"La Abin halló la historia tan importante que mi contacto, el coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, me invitó para cena(...)\"",
"\"Mis relatos se basan en el que veo y oigo. No sé si el dinero fue pagado. Sé que, entre los amigos de las FARC, ese asunto era tratado con seriedad y secreto. El dinero saldría de Trinidad y Tobago para 300 empresarios del PT, que lo distribuirían para los comités del partido. Eso yo también escribí en los informes que entregué al coronel.\"",
"La revista entrevistó también al Coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira que trabajó durante siete años en la Abin y coordinó la investigación sobre las relaciones entre las FARC y el PT.",
"Coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, 49 años, trabajó durante siete años en la Abin. Él dejó su puesto en 2003 a causa de divergencias en relación a la forma como venían siendo llevadas las investigaciones sobre las FARC, después que el PT asumió el gobierno. Veja entrevistó el coronel Ferreira en cinco ocasiones diferentes. El coronel hoy trabaja en la policía militar de Distrito Federal.",
"El coronel dice que existen en la Abin por lo menos dos decenas de informes que describen la relación entre el PT y las FARC. El Coronel Ferreira, aún dice que el documento 0095/3100 citado por la revista Veja semana pasada no es ni siquiera el documento más importante",
"El Coronel Ferreira dice, que al contrario del que afirma el general Jorge Félix, los documentos no fueron simplemente archivados por la agencia, porque no había pruebas suficientes para sostener las acusaciones. El coronel dice que ocurrió justo lo contrario, que los documentos que describen las relaciones entre el PT y las FARC fueron llevados muy en serio por la agencia de inteligencia.",
"Él dijo que, a fin de evitar fugas, los informes eran escritos dentro del gabinete del director de Inteligencia, José Milton Campana. Campana fue promovido a director adjunto de la Abin por el actual gobierno del PT.",
"En el gabinete de Campana, además de las personas envueltas directamente en la investigación, las otras personas que tenían acceso al material eran un analista de informaciones y un asesor.",
"El coronel dijo: \"Hicimos tres informes completos sobre el caso\". Según el coronel, la Abin, con la ayuda de la Policía Federal, llegó a rastrear parte del dinero que podría haber venido de las FARC para el PT. Fueron tres órdenes de pago, sumando 1 millón de dólares aproximadamente, con indicios de que se trataba de dinero de las FARC. El coronel dijo: \"No podemos afirmar que era el dinero de la guerrilla mismo. Eran indicios. Indicios fuertes, pero la investigación paró cuando el PT ganó las elecciones y yo salí de la Abin.\"",
"La revista Veja dejó bien claro que no está deliberadamente acusando el Partido de los Trabajadores. Ella dijo que está tomando todo el cuidado para no relacionar el partido, como institución, en las acusaciones referentes a la donación de dinero de las FARC. La revista también alerta que algunos políticos pueden intentar obtener ventaja política a través de la noticia.",
"El Senador Demóstenes Torres (PFL) dijo que así que fuera publicada el reportaje de la revista, haría un pedido para oír el espía de la Abin y el coronel Ferreira. El senador Torres dijo:\"Las declaraciones de los dos, si confirmadas, revelan que la Abin compareció a la comisión del Congreso y ocultó la verdad de los parlamentarios. Es grave.\"",
"El líder del gobierno Aloizio Mercadante (PT) dijo: \"Si esa donación existió, lo que no creo, ella no fue hecha al PT, sino a individuos que se dicen conectados al partido. Si ellos fueran identificados y fueran del partido, serán obligados a salir.\"",
"El diputado del PT Paulo Rocha dijo que la revista no tiene ninguna prueba que hubo la transferencia de dinero de las FARC para el PT. \"La propia revista admite que que no hay documentos que comprueben cualquier insinuación de esa naturaleza\", dice el diputado.",
"El diputado Paulo Rocha también dice que las reuniones entre representantes de las FARC con políticos brasileños formaron parte de una tentativa por parte de las FARC de establecer una representación diplomática en Brasil, lo que acabó no ocurriendo. Luego, según el diputado, hubo reuniones entre el padre Olivério Medina, que actuó como embajador de las FARC, con parlamentarias de diversos partidos. El diputado dijo:\"Encuentros pueden haber ocurrido, pero no hay ninguna relación política y financiera con El PT.\" Para el diputado no hay motivos para que sea creada una comisión parlamentaria de interrogatorio, como es sugerido por partidos de oposición. [1]",
"La relación de las FARC con El PT es antigua, y data por lo menos desde 1990, época en que ocurrieron las primeras reuniones del Foro de São Paulo.",
"Después de la posesión del Presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva asumió, algunas modificaciones importantes y visibles ocurrieron en la Abin . Una de ellas fue la asociación del servicio de inteligencia brasileño con el servicio de inteligencia cubano.",
"La Abin suscribió por lo menos un acuerdo de cooperación con el servicio de inteligencia cubano.\nEl director-general de la Abin, el delegado Mauro Marcelo de Lima e Silva, estuvo en La Habana, durante el mes de febrero, de este año para discutir un acuerdo de intercambio entre la Abin y el servicio de inteligencia cubano, la Dirección General de Inteligencia (DGI).\n[2], [3]",
"El gobierno brasileño negó el hecho de que sus agentes estén pasando por entrenamiento en Cuba, El gobierno afirmó que hubo sólo un acuerdo de cooperación bilateral para combatir problemas como el terrorismo y el tráfico de armas.[4] [5]"
] | 21 de marzo de 2005Brasil — | interlang link |
FARC-PT:Abin não disse a verdade, dizem pessoas que trabalharam na investigação da Abin | 6,104 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"March 25, 2005",
"South America",
"Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/FARC-PT:Abin_n%C3%A3o_disse_a_verdade,_dizem_pessoas_que_trabalharam_na_investiga%C3%A7%C3%A3o_da_Abin | [
"Os principais chefes da Abin disseram para uma comissão de deputados e senadores que as informações reportadas pela revista brasileira Veja sobre a doação de 5 milhões de dólares das FARC ao Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) não deveriam ser consideradas como verdadeiras. A revista Veja desta semana, apresenta o relato de outras testemunhas da Abin que contradizem a versão oficial dos principais chefes da agência de inteligência brasileira.",
"Semana passada, Veja reportou que o Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), o partido do governo e do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, recebeu 5 milhões de dólares das FARC para a campanha de 2002. A notícia foi transmitida também nos noticiários das emissoras de televisão brasileira da Rede Globo e Record.",
"A revista disse que usou documentos retirados da própria Abin como fonte da reportagem, além do relato das pessoas que estiveram em contato com esses documentos. O ministro chefe do gabinete de segurança, o general Jorge Félix, e o diretor do serviço brasileiro de inteligência (Abin) Mauro Marcelo de Lima e Silva, disseram que os documentos mencionados pela revista brasileira Veja poderiam estar incorretos.",
"Os responsáveis pela Abin disseram que dados que fazem parte dos arquivos da Abin podem ser não relevantes, tendenciosos ou até mesmo completamente falsos. Os documentos citados pela revista Veja fariam parte desse conjunto de documentos. Por causa disso, eles não deveriam ser publicados.",
"Segundo informação publicada no website do Senado Federal, o General Félix disse que \"o documento foi arquivado por não merecer crédito, devido a não apresentar qualquer prova das afirmações nele contidas\".",
"O general disse:\"Claro que a Abin acompanha todas as atividades das Farc, é de sua natureza, mas neste caso específico, não há idoneidade, não há confirmação, e portanto a documentação foi arquivada.\"",
"Contudo, em reportagem de 4 páginas, esta semana, entitulada: \"Eles sabem de tudo\", a revista Veja afirma que o general Félix pelo menos não contou toda a verdade para a comissão de deputados e senadores.",
"A reportagem desta semana da revista Veja diz que pelo menos dois funcionários da Abin, o espião que esteve na reunião onde houve o suposto anúncio da doação de dinheiro pelo padre Medina das FARC, e o seu superior da Abin, o Coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, dizem que os documentos não eram simplesmente dados abandonados pela agência, por falta de provas ou consistência, como quiz fazer supor o General Félix.",
"Os documentos que tratam do relacionamento das FARC com o PT eram considerados documentos importantes e secretos pela agência. O arquivamento e o fim das investigações teriam ocorrido depois que o governo do PT venceu as eleições e assumiu o governo.",
"A revista Veja voltou a entrevistar o espião da Abin. A revista não revela sua identidade, sob o argumento de que ele é um espião que ainda está na ativa, deve permanecer com a identidade protegida.",
"Segundo o espião, ele infiltrou-se no movimento sindical há vinte anos atrás e entre seus colegas de militância há membros do PT e comunistas. Sua tarefa foi sempre informar a agência de inteligência sobre o que acontece nos movimentos sindicais. Vários sindicatos brasileiros estão sob o controle de grupos de esquerda. Um dos mais expressivos movimentos sindicatos brasileiros, a CUT, tem fortes vínculos com o PT, por exemplo.",
"O espião diz que deparou-se com o caso das FARC por acaso. Aconteceu quando esquerdistas convidaram-no a participar de um comitê de apoio às FARC, em defesa da guerrilha colombiana. O espião aceitou participar do comitê e começou a freqüentar as reuniões do grupo, geralmente secretas.",
"No dia 13 de abril de 2002, ele participou, com os outros esquerdistas, de uma reunião na chácara Coração Vermelho, nas redondezas de Brasília, e foi nessa reunião que ele ouviu o padre Olivério Medina, representante das FARC, anunciar que doaria 5 milhões de dólares para a campanha do presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva em 2002.",
"Segundo a revista Veja, o espião da Abin disse:\"Logo que saí da reunião, no dia 13 de abril, me encontrei com meu contato na Abin, às margens de uma rodovia próxima à chácara Coração Vermelho. Ali, dentro do carro, escrevi um informe e falei do dinheiro das FARC para o PT. Eu tinha ouvido a história pela primeira vez. O padre Olivério Medina [das FARC] estava bastante feliz.\"",
"\"No dia 22 de abril, eu ouvi a história de novo. Foi numa reunião num sindicato. Um dos amigos das FARC, um militante chileno, disse que eram 5 milhões de dólares e que o dinheiro já tinha sido repassado para o PT.\"",
"\"A Abin achou a história tão importante que meu contato, o coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, me convidou para jantar(...)\"",
"\"Meus relatos se baseiam no que vejo e ouço. Não sei se o dinheiro foi pago. Sei que, entre os amigos das FARC, esse assunto era tratado com seriedade e segredo. O dinheiro sairia de Trinidade e Tobago para 300 empresários do PT, que o distribuiriam para os comitês do partido. Isso eu também escrevi nos informes que entreguei ao coronel.\"",
"A revista entrevistou também o Coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira que trabalhou durante sete anos na Abin e coordenou a investigação sobre as relações entre as FARC e o PT.",
"Coronel Eduardo Adolfo Ferreira, 49 anos, trabalhou durante sete anos na Abin. Ele deixou o seu posto em 2003 por causa de divergências em relação à conduta de como vinham sendo levadas as investigações sobre as FARC, depois que o PT assumiu o governo. Veja entrevistou o coronel Ferreira em cinco ocasiões diferentes. O coronel hoje trabalha na polícia militar do Distrito Federal.",
"O coronel diz que existem na Abin pelo menos duas dezenas de relatórios que descrevem o relacionamento entre o PT e as FARC. O Coronel Ferreira, ainda diz que o documento 0095/3100 citado pela revista Veja semana passada não é nem o documento mais importante",
"O Coronel Ferreira diz, que ao contrário do que afirma o general Jorge Félix, os documentos não foram simplesmente arquivados pela agência, porque não havia provas suficientes para sustentar as acusações. O coronel diz que ocorreu o contrário, que os documentos que descrevem as relações entre o PT e as FARC foram levados muito a sério pela agência de inteligência.",
"Ele disse que, a fim de evitar vazamentos, os relatórios eram escritos dentro do gabinete do diretor de Inteligência, José Milton Campana. Campana foi promovido a diretor adjunto da Abin pelo atual governo do PT.",
"No gabinete de Campana, além das pessoas envolvidas diretamente na investigação, as outras pessoas que tinham acesso ao material eram um analista de informações e um assessor.",
"O coronel disse: \"Fizemos três memoriais completos sobre o caso\". Segundo o coronel, a Abin, com a ajuda da Polícia Federal, chegou a rastrear parte do dinheiro que poderia ter vindo das FARC para o PT. Foram três ordens de pagamento, somando 1 milhão de dólares aproximadamente, com indícios de que se tratava de dinheiro das FARC. O coronel disse: \"Não podemos afirmar que era o dinheiro da guerrilha mesmo. Eram indícios. Indícios fortes, mas a investigação parou quando o PT ganhou as eleições e eu saí da Abin.\"",
"A revista Veja deixou bem claro que não está deliberadamente acusando o Partido dos Trabalhadores. Ela disse que está tomando todo o cuidado para não relacionar o partido, como instituição, nas acusações referentes à doação de dinheiro das FARC. A revista também alerta que alguns políticos podem tentar obter vantagem política através da notícia.",
"O Senador Demóstenes Torres (PFL) disse que assim que fosse publicada a reportagem da revista, faria um pedido para ouvir o espião da Abin e o coronel Ferreira. O senador Torres disse:\"As declarações dos dois, se confirmadas, revelam que a Abin compareceu à comissão do Congresso e ocultou a verdade dos parlamentares. É grave.\"",
"O general Félix preferiu não comentar sobre o assunto.",
"O líder do governo Aloizio Mercadante (PT) disse: \"Se essa doação existiu, o que não acredito, ela não foi feita ao PT, mas a indivíduos que se dizem ligados ao partido. Se eles forem identificados e forem do partido, serão expulsos.\"",
"O deputado do PT Paulo Rocha disse que a revista não tem nenhuma prova que houve a transferência de dinheiro das FARC para o PT. \"A própria revista admite que que não há documentos que comprovem qualquer insinuação dessa natureza\", diz o deputado.",
"O deputado Paulo Rocha também diz que as reuniões entre representantes das FARC com políticos brasileiros foi parte de uma tentativa por parte das FARC de estabelecer uma representação diplomática no Brasil, o que acabou não ocorrendo. Logo, segundo o deputado, houve reuniões entre o padre Olivério Medina, que atuou como embaixador das FARC, com parlamentares de diversos partidos. O deputado disse:\"Encontros podem ter exisitido, mas não há nenhuma relação política e financeira com o PT.\" Para o deputado não há motivos para que seja criada uma comissão parlamentar de inquérito, como é sugerido por partidos de oposição. [1]",
"A relação das FARC com o PT é antiga, e data pelo menos desde 1990, época em que ocorreram as primeiras reuniões do Foro de São Paulo.",
"Depois da posse do Presidente Luis Inácio Lula da Silva do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), algumas modificações importantes e visíveis ocorreram na Abin. Uma delas foi a associação do serviço de inteligência brasileiro com o serviço de inteligência cubano.",
"A Abin assinou acordo de cooperação com o serviço de inteligência cubano este ano.\nO diretor-geral da Abin, o delegado Mauro Marcelo, esteve em Havana, durante o mês de fevereiro, para discutir um acordo de intercâmbio entre a Abin e o serviço de inteligência cubano, a Dirección General de Inteligência (DGI). [2], [3]",
"O governo brasileiro negou o fato de agentes estarem passando por treinamento em Cuba. O governo afirmou que houve apenas um acordo de cooperação bilateral para combater problemas como o terrorismo e o tráfico de armas. [4] [5]"
] | Brasil • 21 de março de 2005 | interlang link |
Fatal shooting at Salt Lake City mall | 60,542 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"February 13, 2007",
"United States",
"North America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Fatal_shooting_at_Salt_Lake_City_mall | [
"Five people were killed by an 18 year-old man who opened fire inside the Trolley Square Mall on Monday evening, according to preliminary reports.",
"Police say they have shot dead one suspect.",
"The shootings started at 6:45 in The Old Spaghetti Factory on the second floor of the Trolley Square Mall.",
"Two employees of the Williams-Sonoma store, near the southwest corner of Trolley Square, told KSL that they heard shots and breaking glass from the area of the west parking garage. They say they saw a gunman about 6'3”, wearing a dark trench coat, carrying a shotgun, probably in his 20's. He came into the mall from the parking garage.",
"A witness at Trolley Square has said that there may have been a second shooter, a man dressed in normal clothing and carrying a young child. Multiple news outlets have reported an off-duty police officer from the nearby city of Ogden confronted and shot the suspect. This officer is likely the \"second shooter\" reported earlier.",
"KTVX had reported that there may have been another shooter inside the facility, however this was later found to not be the case.",
"The mall evacuation began at 7:00 and is progressing slowly.",
"The shooter has been identified as Solejman Talovic, an eighteen year-old Bosnian refugee living in Salt Lake City."
] | 2007-02-13 | title |
Un tiroteo en un centro comercial de Utah deja como saldo cinco muertos | 60,542 | [
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"February 13, 2007",
"United States",
"North America",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Un_tiroteo_en_un_centro_comercial_de_Utah_deja_como_saldo_cinco_muertos | [
"13 de febrero de 2007Utah, Estados Unidos — Un centro comercial en Salt Lake City, Utah, se convirtió en una galería de disparos cuando un adolescente de 18 años armado disparó con una escopeta al azar a los clientes, resultando en la muerte de 5 personas, el tirador incluido.",
"El tirador, cuyo nombre no fue dado a conocimiento público, también estaba armado con un revólver y varias municiones.",
"Marie Smith, una trabajadora del centro, presenció el suceso, que ocurrió el martes (12) en la noche. \"Su expresión era totalmente calma. No parecía enojado, o como si estuviera en una masacre\", dijo Smith, quien se había refugiado en los baños junto con otros empleados.",
"Entre los muertos había dos mujeres de 28 años, un hombre de 52 años, otro de 24 y una niña de 15 años, además del tirador. Cuatro personas fueron hospitalizadas; entre ellos había una mujer y un hombre en condición crítica y dos hombres más en condición seria.",
"Afuera, las calles estaban bloqueadas mientras la policía asistía al lugar. Las autoridades solamente informaron que cuatro policías se habían envuelto en un tiroteo con el tirador.",
"Barb McKeown, de 60 años, estaba en una tienda de antigüedades cuando dos mujeres frenéticas entraron. \"Luego de eso, escuchamos tiro tras tiro - cada vez más ruido\", dijo McKeown, que dijo que oyó alrededor de 20. Ella y las mujeres se escondieron bajo las escaleras hasta que todo terminó."
] | null | interlang link |
Fatal shooting at school in Pennsylvania, USA | 51,561 | [
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Pennsylvania State Police",
"October 2, 2006"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Fatal_shooting_at_school_in_Pennsylvania,_USA | [
"Charles Carl Roberts IV, a 32-year-old delivery man for a local milk company, shot and killed three girls and injured seven others before killing himself during an attack on a one-room Amish school in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, United States. Of the wounded, two girls have died in the hospital.",
"The gunman entered the school located in the village of Nickel Mines (near the town of Paradise) and proceeded to tell all boys and some adults to exit the school, including a pregnant woman and some women with infants. He was believed to be armed with an automatic handgun and a shotgun. He then restrained the remaining girls with ties and plastic cuffs, blocked the doors with desks and wood that he brought in, and shot the girls in the head.",
"According to the BBC, the classroom contained 15 male pupils, 10–12 female pupils, one teacher and a number of assistants.",
"Police were called shortly after shots were fired at 10:36 a.m. local time (14:36 GMT).",
"Police arrived at the scene at 10:45 a.m. and surrounded the building. Police tried to make contact with the gunman, but were unsuccessful.",
"During this time, an emergency operator located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania received a call from someone claiming to have been called by the gunmen. In this phone call the gunman warned that if the police did not pull back from the area he would open fire. This message was then sent to the officers on scene but during the sending of the message, shots were fired in quick succession inside the school. Police then stormed the school to find the three girls dead, all shot in the head.",
"According to his wife, the gunman had seemed perfectly normal in the morning. However, when she returned to the family home around midday, she discovered suicide notes addressed to each of his three children.",
"At 11:00 a.m. she received a call from Roberts saying he was attacking the school and taking hostages to get \"revenge for something that happened 20 years ago,\" said Jeffrey Miller, the Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner."
] | 2006-10-02 | title |
Massaker an einer Schule in Pennsylvania | 51,561 | [
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Pennsylvania State Police",
"October 2, 2006"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Massaker_an_einer_Schule_in_Pennsylvania | [
"Nickel Mines (Vereinigte Staaten), 03.10.2006 – Bei einem Massaker in einer Schule in Pennsylvania hat es gestern mindestens vier Tote und sechs Schwerverletzte gegeben. Unter den Toten ist auch der Angreifer selbst. Meldungen zufolge hat ein bewaffneter Angreifer am gestrigen Vormittag während des Unterrichts das Schulgebäude gestürmt und sich darin verbarrikadiert. Dann habe er mehrere Schülerinnen an den Füßen gefesselt, sie an der Tafel aufgereiht und durch Kopfschüsse im Exekutionsstil getötet. Alle Jungen habe er freigelassen.",
"Drei Mädchen starben sofort durch die Schüsse, ein weiteres Kind erlag seinen Verletzungen im Krankenhaus. Sechs weitere Kinder befinden sich noch im Klinikum, zwei davon sind in einem kritischen Zustand.",
"Nach Polizeiangaben soll der Täter zunächst versucht haben, in der Schule Geiseln zu nehmen. Anderen Berichten zufolge soll der Mann mit gezogener Waffe in den einzigen Unterrichtsraum der Schule eingedrungen sein und alle Jungen aufgefordert haben, den Raum zu verlassen. Die Schule von Nickel Mines ist klein. In ihr werden nur zwischen 20 und 30 Kinder im Alter bis 14 Jahren unterrichtet.",
"In Nickel Mines, einer 30.000 Mitglieder umfassenden Amishgemeinde, gibt es keine Polizisten, da diese Gemeinde als kriminalitätsfrei galt. Die Amish sind Nachfahren deutsch-schweizerischer Einwanderer, die moderne Technik strikt ablehnen und sehr zurückgezogen leben. Sie sind nicht einmal an das örtliche Abwassersystem angeschlossen."
] | null | interlang link |
Tiroteio em escola da Pensilvânia deixa vários mortos, diz polícia | 51,561 | [
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Pennsylvania State Police",
"October 2, 2006"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Tiroteio_em_escola_da_Pensilv%C3%A2nia_deixa_v%C3%A1rios_mortos,_diz_pol%C3%ADcia | [
"Pelo menos uma pessoa foi ferida e levada ao hospital após um tiroteio na escola Wolf Rock, onde estudam apenas 27 alunos de diferentes idades em uma única sala na cidade de Paradise, no condado de Lancaster, na Pensilvânia. Segundo informações da rede de TV Fox News, o número de feridos pode ser bem maior. Mais de 12 ambulâncias e helicópteros foram deslocados para a cena.",
"\"Várias pessoas foram mortas, incluindo o atirador, mas ainda não sabemos o número exato\", disse o policial Ralph Striebig à rádio local KYW News. A reportagem do G1 está acompanhando o caso pela rádio e trará novas informações nos próximos minutos.",
"Ainda segundo a Fox, duas escolas da região de Las Vegas, nos Estados Unidos, foram fechadas no início desta segunda-feira (02), enquanto a polícia procura um jovem armado, no que pode ser o terceiro incidente envolvendo violência nas escolas do país em uma semana.",
"Segundo a Fox News, uma pistola foi encontrada numa igreja da região, e a polícia está fazendo buscas com equipes especiais e cães treinados. O jovem é um ex-aluno da escola Mohave High, ele teria tentado entrar armado numa das escolas e fugiu ao ser descoberto, passando a ser perseguido e procurado pela polícia."
] | 2 de outubro de 2006 | interlang link |
Fatal stabbings kill three at Belgian day care center | 119,754 | [
"Ghent, Belgium",
"Crime and law",
"Associated Press",
"January 23, 2009"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Fatal_stabbings_kill_three_at_Belgian_day_care_center | [
"Two children and a woman have been stabbed to death by a knife-wielding man at a crèche (day care center) in Dendermonde, Belgium. Officials have confirmed that the deaths occurred due to knife wounds inflicted by an unidentified man wearing white face paint with blackened eyes, who arrived by bicycle at the crèche in East Flanders.",
"The Associated Press reports local prosecutor Christian Du Four telling a news conference, \"We have three people dead and 10 in various hospitals.\" The injured have been taken to the University Hospital in Ghent and other neighbouring hospitals.",
"The alleged attacker, said to be a 20-year-old, rang the doorbell of the crèche at 09:00 UTC (10:00 local), then ran upstairs when the door was opened. He fled the scene by bicycle and was arrested at 10:30 UTC. He was reported as being injured as he was detained. State broadcaster VRT described the man as being local, whilst AP reports Leene Du Bois, a Flemish government official, as saying that he had no connection with the crèche.",
"The crèche had 18 children in its care, with six adults in attendance.",
"Police arrested the suspect at a nearby shop. Reuters reports that Belgian media believe the suspect to be a psychiatric patient."
] | 2009-01-23 | title |
Mann dreper tre i belgisk barnehage, skader tolv | 119,754 | [
"Ghent, Belgium",
"Crime and law",
"Associated Press",
"January 23, 2009"
] | no | https://no.wikinews.org/wiki/Mann_dreper_tre_i_belgisk_barnehage,_skader_tolv | [
"Målform: Bokmål - Dato: 23. januar 2009 - Oppdater siden - Rediger artikkelen - Flere nyheter",
"Belgia: To barn under tre år og ei kvinne ble drept og ytterligere ti barn og to kvinner ble såra da en 20-årig gjerningsmann tok seg inn i en barnehage i Dendermonde og stakk vilt rundt seg med kniv.",
"Angriperen, som hadde malt ansiktet hvitt med svart rundt øynene, ringte på døra ca klokka 10.00 (lokal tid), og unnskyldte seg med at han skulle spørre om noe. Da døra ble åpna gikk han rett til babyavdelinga og stakk vilt rundt seg. Kvinnen og ett av barna døde på stedet, mens et annet døde på sykehuset. En av de to skadde kvinnene forsøkte å stoppe mannen, men ble selv skadd under angrepet. Det var atten barn under tre år og seks voksne til stede under angrepet, av disse ble altså to barn drept og ti skadd, samt én drept kvinne og to såra.",
"Etter angrepet flykta mannen av gårde på sykkel. Etter nasjonal alarm ble mannen pågrepet i nabokommunen Lebbeke, muligens på vei mot andre barnehager. Han ble skada under pågripelsen, og nekter å samarbeide med politiet. Han har blant annet oppgitt flere forskjellige navn underveis, og skal ha vært latterfull under avhør. Han var ikke påvirka av alkohol eller narkotika. Det er ikke noe kjent motiv for drapene.",
"Det gikk først rykter om at han hadde rømt fra en psykiatrisk institusjon, men dette stemmer ikke, i følge politiet. Gazet van Antwerpen melder at mannen hadde skuddsikker vest og en sekk full av kniver.",
"Det vil bli holdt minnestund for de drepte ved barnehagen mandag 26. januar kl. 18.00."
] | null | interlang link |
FBI arrests four in alleged plot to bomb Bronx synagogues, shoot down plane | 126,597 | [
"Michael Bloomberg",
"Mental health",
"Brooklyn, New York",
"New York, New York",
"May 22, 2009",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"New York",
"Raymond Kelly"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/FBI_arrests_four_in_alleged_plot_to_bomb_Bronx_synagogues,_shoot_down_plane | [
"United States law enforcement officials announced the arrest Thursday of four men in connection with a plot to blow up two synagogues in The Bronx, a borough of New York City, and shoot down military airplanes flying out of the Stewart Air National Guard Base.",
"The men allegedly placed car bombs wired to cell phones outside the Riverdale Temple and nearby Riverdale Jewish Center in the Bronx area of the city. New York City Police Department commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said one of the suspects placed what he believed were homemade bombs, or improvised explosive devices, in separate vehicles parked outside the synagogues. The other three suspects served as lookouts.",
"According to a joint statement released by the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, the FBI and the New York City Police Department, the men were returning to the vehicle and were planning to attack aircraft at the Air National Guard base at Stewart airport in Newburgh, with Stinger surface-to-air guided missiles when law enforcement stopped them.",
"As the men were returning to the vehicle, the signal was given for the arrest. An 18-wheel New York City Police Department vehicle blocked the end of the street. The FBI informer also served as the driver of the suspects’ vehicle. Another armored vehicle arrived, and officers from the department’s Emergency Service Unit, according to witnesses, smashed the blackened windows of the SUV, removed the men from the vehicle, and handcuffed them on the ground. None offered resistance.",
"The men had previously conducted surveillance of military planes at the Air National Guard base including taking photographs.",
"Both the car bombs and the missiles were actually fakes given to the plotters with the help of an informant for the FBI, who posed as a Pakistani militant affiliated with Al-Qaeda. Each of the two homemade bombs was equipped with about 37 pounds of inert material labeled as C-4 plastic explosives, but the devices had been 'totally disabled by the FBI,\" and \"there was no danger to anyone,\" Commissioner Kelly said.",
"\"While the bombs these terrorists attempted to plant tonight were – unbeknownst to them – fake, this latest attempt to attack our freedoms shows that the homeland security threats against New York City are sadly all too real,\" said Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City.",
"The suspects are reported to be four Muslim men; three U.S. citizens, one Haitian. The Daily News reports that three of the men are jail-house converts to Islam.",
"James Cromitie, 53, the reported leader, claims that his parents live in Afghanistan and told the FBI informant that he was angry about the U.S. military killing Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He had lived in Brooklyn and had a record of \"as many as 27 arrests\" for minor crimes \"both upstate and in New York City.\"",
"The other suspects are David Williams, Onta Williams, and Laguerre Payen a native of Haiti.",
"At the arraignment held Thursday, attorney for Laguerre Payen, Marilyn Reader, told the court that Payen has \"a very low borderline\" intelligence quotient and receives medication for schizophrenia."
] | 2009-05-22 | title |
توقيف أربعة أشخاص حاولوا تنفيذ هجمات في نيويورك | 126,597 | [
"Michael Bloomberg",
"Mental health",
"Brooklyn, New York",
"New York, New York",
"May 22, 2009",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"New York",
"Raymond Kelly"
] | ar | https://ar.wikinews.org/wiki/%D8%AA%D9%88%D9%82%D9%8A%D9%81_%D8%A3%D8%B1%D8%A8%D8%B9%D8%A9_%D8%A3%D8%B4%D8%AE%D8%A7%D8%B5_%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%88%D9%84%D9%88%D8%A7_%D8%AA%D9%86%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%B0_%D9%87%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%AA_%D9%81%D9%8A_%D9%86%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%8A%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%83 | [
"اعتقلت السلطات الأمريكية أربعة أشخاص بتهمة التخطيط لتفجير كنيس يهودي ومركز اجتماعي ملحق به في نيويورك وإسقاط طائرات عسكرية بصواريخ.",
"وقال بيان مشترك أصدره مكتب المدعي العام للمنطقة الجنوبية في نيويورك ومكتب التحقيقات الاتحادي (إف.بي.آي) وشرطة نيويورك إن: \"المشتبه بهم وجهت إليهم اتهامات بالتخطيط لنسف متفجرات قرب كنيس يهودي في ريفرديل بضاحية برونكس في نيويورك\".",
"وأضاف البيان أن: \"الرجال الأربعة وجهت إليهم أيضا تهمة التخطيط لإسقاط طائرات عسكرية تعود لقاعدة للحرس الوطني الجوي لنيويورك في مطار ستيوارت في نيوبرج في ولاية نيويورك باستخدام صواريخ موجهة أرض-جو من نوع ستينجر\".",
"وكان جيمس كروميتي المعروف بعبد الرحمن (أحد المتهمين) قد قال لعميل فيدرالي يعمل لصالح مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالي في يونيو الماضي إن والديه كانا يعيشان في أفغانستان، وإنه مستاء جدا لقيام القوات الأمريكية بقتل المسلمين في تلك البلاد وفي باكستان، حسبما جاء في بيان الادعاء، وأضاف كروميتي للمخبر أنه لو مات شهيدا فسيذهب إلى الجنة، وأنه مستعد \"لإيذاء أمريكا\".",
"وجاء في بيان الادعاء أيضا أن كروميتي قال للمخبر في يوليو الماضي إنه يريد الانضمام إلى \"جيش محمد\"، وهو تنظيم باكستاني مسلح تصنفه واشنطن إرهابيا، لأجل \"القيام بالجهاد\"، مضيفا أنه: \"ورفاقه بدءوا في شهر أكتوبر الماضي سلسلة من الاجتماعات في دار في ضاحية نيوبرج للتخطيط للهجمات التي كانوا ينوون القيام بها، وقد اختاروا في أبريل الماضي الكنيس، وبدءوا فعلا بمراقبته\"، بحسب بيان الادعاء."
] | 21 مايو 2009 | interlang link |
FBI asks Wikimedia Foundation to remove seal from websites, Wikimedia declines | 198,724 | [
"Mike Godwin",
"Wikimedia Foundation",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 3, 2010",
"Electronic Frontier Foundation",
"Free speech",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/FBI_asks_Wikimedia_Foundation_to_remove_seal_from_websites,_Wikimedia_declines | [
"The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has asked the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF), host of Wikinews and its sister projects, to take down its image of the FBI seal from its websites. However, the WMF declined, saying that FBI lawyers had misinterpreted the relevant federal law.",
"In a letter dated July 22, David C. Larson, Deputy General Counsel of the FBI demanded that the WMF remove the seal from its websites within fourteen days, claiming that \"it facilitates both deliberate and unwitting violations of these restrictions by Wikipedia users.\"",
"Larson cited 18 U.S.C. 701, which states: \"Whoever manufactures, sells, or possesses any badge, identification card, or other insignia, of the design prescribed by the head of any department or agency of the United States for use by any officer or employee thereof, or any colorable imitation thereof, or photographs, prints, or in any other manner makes or executes any engraving, photograph, print, or impression in the likeness of any such badge, identification card, or other insignia, or any colorable imitation thereof, except as authorized under regulations made pursuant to law, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.\"",
"Larson went on to say that use of the FBI seal may be authorized only by the director of the FBI; the FBI director has not given such permission to WMF.",
"The WMF, represented by General Counsel Mike Godwin, responded, saying in a letter dated July 30, that Larson's interpretation \"is both idiosyncratic (made especially so by your strategic redaction of important language) and, more importantly, incorrect.\"",
"Godwin said that \"while we appreciate your desire to revise the statute to reflect your expansive vision of it, the fact is that we must work with the actual language of the statute, not the aspirational version\" Larson provided. According to the relevant case law, it \"was intended to protect the public against the use of a recognizable assertion of authority with intent to deceive.\"",
"Godwin asserted that the use of the FBI seal by the WMF and its projects do not fall under the purview of that law.",
"The websites of the Wikimedia Foundation are filled with user-generated text, pictures, and other materials, uploaded and curated by independent, often anonymous, volunteers, who change the websites minute by minute. The most well-known sites are the Wikipedias, encyclopedias with over 13 million articles in hundreds of languages. However, the foundation also hosts an image and media library, dictionaries, the Wikinews news websites, book websites and many other educational collaborations.",
"Cindy Cohn, legal director for the Electronic Frontier Foundation (where Godwin was once staff counsel), said that the WMF's constitutional right to free expression allows it to use the FBI seal. \"I have to believe the FBI has better things to do than this,\" she said. The reason for the FBI's request is unknown, as the FBI seal is published on many other websites, including Encyclopedia Britannica."
] | 2010-08-03 | title |
Fundación Wikimedia y FBI en polémica por logotipo de la agencia | 198,724 | [
"Mike Godwin",
"Wikimedia Foundation",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"August 3, 2010",
"Electronic Frontier Foundation",
"Free speech",
"North America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Fundaci%C3%B3n_Wikimedia_y_FBI_en_pol%C3%A9mica_por_logotipo_de_la_agencia | [
"El diario estadounidense The New York Times hizo pública una polémica entre el Buró Federal de Investigaciones (FBI) de Estados Unidos y la Fundación Wikimedia, debido a que el primero reclamó sobre el uso del logotipo de la agencia en el artículo dedicado a ella en Wikipedia, dado que la ley estadounidense lo prohíbe. La fundación respondió al FBI está haciendo una interpretación incorrecta de la ley, y dijo que no retirará de sus servidores la insignia, medida que toman otros sitios que la muestran ante una medida similar.",
"El FBI dirigió una carta a la fundación para retirar su insignia del artículo de Wikipedia y del repositorio de los proyectos Wikimedia Commons, debido a que en su interpretación se violaría lo dispuesto en el título 18, apartado 701 del Código de Estados Unidos, que prohíbe reproducirlo con fines de lucro, y de no hacerlo, tomaría medidas legales en contra de la fundación, que sostiene a Wikipedia, entre otros proyectos.",
"Michael Godwin, director jurídico de la Fundación Wikimedia, respondió en una carta al FBI reproducida por The New York Times, que ese organismo está haciendo una interpretación incorrecta de la ley, y que defenderá su uso sin fines de lucro en Wikipedia, ya que bajo el principio legal de ejusdem generis \"y el sentido común, nosotros podemos ver que (el inciso de la ley de la FBI) 701 no aplica en el uso de la imagen en una enciclopedia en línea\".",
"Godwin apeló en la misma comunicación a que no retirará el archivo, y que espera solucionar fuera de los tribunales el problema, pero que de no ser así, la fundación está preparada para argumentar su punto de vista ante la justicia."
] | 3 de agosto de 2010 | interlang link |
FBI document reviews symbols used by pedophiles | 85,251 | [
"Original reporting",
"November 14, 2007",
"Child pornography",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/FBI_document_reviews_symbols_used_by_pedophiles | [
"In an exclusive report, Wikinews has obtained an internal FBI document from Wikileaks detailing symbols used by organized pedophiles to identify one another.",
"Wikileaks obtained the document via Spanish \"childhood erotica\" networks. According to Wikileaks, the unclassified parts of the document were only briefly published by the Ann Arbor, Michigan police department in a newsletter, which was later removed from the internet.",
"The document, which is titled Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences states that \"pedophiles, to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences.\"",
"According to the FBI, there are at least three groups that pedophiles can use to identify what age and or gender they prefer such as \"boylove, girllove and childlove.\" Most of the logos have been found to be printed on coins, necklace charms and rings.",
"The first logo, 'The BoyLover logo' (BLogo) \"is a small blue spiral-shaped triangle surrounded by a larger triangle, whereby the small triangle represents a small boy and the larger triangle represents an adult man. A variation of the BLogo is the Little Boy Lover logo (LBLogo), which also embodies a small spiral-shaped triangle within a larger triangle; however, the corners of the LBLogo are rounded to resemble a scribbling by a young child,\" said the document.",
"The second logo, 'The GirlLover logo' (GLogo) is \"a small heart surrounded by a larger heart, which symbolizes a relationship between an adult male or female and minor girl,\" the document stated.",
"The last logo, 'The ChildLover logo' (CLogo), \"resembles a butterfly and represents non-preferential gender child abusers,\" added the document.",
"It is not known how the document came to be in the hands of Spanish childhood erotica enthusiasts. The logos were found during raids on computers and other items related to pedophile investigations."
] | 2007-11-14 | title |
Un document du FBI dévoile les symboles utilisés par les pédophiles | 85,251 | [
"Original reporting",
"November 14, 2007",
"Child pornography",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Un_document_du_FBI_d%C3%A9voile_les_symboles_utilis%C3%A9s_par_les_p%C3%A9dophiles | [
"Dans un reportage exclusif, Wikinews a obtenu un document interne du FBI provenant du site « Wikileaks » détaillant les symboles utilisés par les pédophiles organisés pour s'identifier entre eux.",
"Wikileaks a obtenu le document via les réseaux « childhood erotica » Espagnols. D'après Wikileaks, les parties non classées du document ont seulement été publiées brièvement par le département de police d'Ann Arbor dans le Michigan dans une dépêche, qui a ensuite été enlevée d'Internet.\nLe document, intitulé Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences[1] déclare que : « les pédophiles, incluant ceux qui abusent sexuellement d'enfants, autant que ceux qui produisent, distribuent, et échangent de la pornographie pédophile, utilisent différents type de logos ou symboles d'identification pour se reconnaitre et distinguer leur préférences sexuelles ».",
"D'après le FBI, il y a au moins, trois groupes que les pédophiles peuvent utiliser pour identifier quel âge ou quel sexe, ils préfèrent tel que boylove', girllove and childlove. La plupart des logos ont été trouvés imprimés sur des pièces, des pendentifs ou des bagues.\nLe document dit que le premier logo, le « BoyLover logo » (Blogo) « est un triangle en forme de spirale entouré par un triangle plus grand, où le petit triangle représente un petit garçon et le triangle plus large un homme adulte ». Le Little BoyLover logo (LBLogo) est une variation du BLogo, « prenant aussi la forme d'un triangle en spirale à l'intérieur d'un plus grand triangle, cependant, les angles du LBLogo sont arrondis pour ressembler à un gribouillis de jeune enfant ».\nLe deuxième logo, le « GirlLover logo » (Glogo) est « un petit cœur entouré par un cœur plus gros, qui symbolise la relation entre un adulte homme ou femme, et une fille mineure » indique le document produit par le FBI.\nLe document ajoute que le dernier logo, le « ChildLover logo » (Clogo) : « ressemble à un papillon et représente des exploiteurs d'enfants sans préférence de sexe ».",
"On ignore comment le document est arrivé entre les mains des pédophiles espagnols. Les logos ont été trouvés au cours de saisies sur des ordinateurs et d'autres objets liés à des enquêtes sur les milieux pédophiles."
] | Publié le 15 novembre 2007 | interlang link |
FBI suspect Jesse James captured in Rio after five years on the run | 5,688 | [
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"March 12, 2005",
"Rio de Janeiro"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/FBI_suspect_Jesse_James_captured_in_Rio_after_five_years_on_the_run | [
"Brazilian federal police arrested Jesse James Hollywood, aged 25, in Saquarema city, Rio de Janeiro, on March 8.",
"James had been sought by the FBI for more than four years.",
"According to the police, he was living in Saquarema with a woman who is pregnant. His arrest occurred while they were in a mall.",
"James was deported to the United States for trial. The two countries do not have a formal extradition treaty.",
"On Friday, James appeared in a Santa Barbara, California court for arraignment on charges of kidnapping and murdering a 15-year-old boy.",
"James will plead not guilty, according to his attorney, James E. Blatt.",
"Blatt also criticized the portrait prosecutors had painted of his client.",
"\"Have you ever seen a 20 year-old mastermind? He was not the shooter. He was not at the scene,\" said Blatt.",
"Blatt requested that the trial be continued on April 4."
] | 2005-03-12 | title |
Jesse James złapany przez FBI po 5 latach poszukiwań | 5,688 | [
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"March 12, 2005",
"Rio de Janeiro"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Jesse_James_z%C5%82apany_przez_FBI_po_5_latach_poszukiwa%C5%84 | [
"Brazylia – Brazylijska Policja Federalna aresztowała w czwartek, 8 marca, Jesse Jamesa Hollywooda w mieście Saquarema (Rio de Janeiro).",
"Dwudziestopięcioletni James był ścigany przez FBI przez 5 lat. FBI poszukiwało go za porwania, morderstwa i handel narkotykami.",
"Jak donosi policja, mieszkał w Saquaremie z kobietą będącą w ciąży. Został złapany, gdy był na poczcie.",
"James został deportowany do Stanów Zjednoczonych, więc może być przesłuchany przez tamtejsze władze."
] | null | interlang link |
Fugitivo do FBI Jesses James capturado no Rio | 5,688 | [
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"March 12, 2005",
"Rio de Janeiro"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Fugitivo_do_FBI_Jesses_James_capturado_no_Rio | [
"A Polícia Federal prendeu Jesse James Hollywood, 25 anos, na cidade de Saquarema, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, no dia 8 de março, terça-feira.",
"James estava sendo procurado pelo FBI há mais de quatro anos.",
"Segundo a polícia brasileira, ele vivia na cidade de Saquarema com a mulher, que está grávida. Sua prisão ocorreu quando ele estava num shopping center.",
"James foi deportado para os Estados Unidos para que possa ser julgado. Brasil e Estados Unidos não têm ainda um tratado formal de extradição.",
"Na sexta-feira, James apareceu no tribunal de Santa Barbara, Califórnia, para ser julgado pelas acusações de seqüestro e assassinato de um garoto de 15 anos.",
"De acordo com o seu advogado James E. Blatt, James irá declarar-se não culpado. Blatt também criticou o retrato de seu cliente que é pintado pelos promotores. \"Você já viu inteligência em algum com 20 anos de idade? Não foi ele quem atirou. Ele não estava na cena\", disse Blat.",
"Blatt solicitou para que o julgamento continue no dia 4 de abril."
] | Brasil • 13 de março de 2005 | interlang link |
Federal judge rules warrantless wiretaps illegal | 47,606 | [
"August 17, 2006",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"National Security Agency",
"United States",
"North America",
"Constitution of the United States",
"George W. Bush",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Federal_judge_rules_warrantless_wiretaps_illegal | [
"A United States District federal judge ruled Thursday that the Bush administration's wiretapping program is \"unconstitutional\" and that it \"must be halted immediately.\" The ruling came in a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU) challenging federal intelligence agencies' eavesdropping of international phone calls without obtaining court warrants.",
"The defendants, the National Security Agency (NSA), the Central Security Service and NSA Director and Chief of the Central Security Service, Lieutenant General Keith B. Alexander asserted that they cannot defend their case without exposing state secrets.",
"Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, US District Judge for the Eastern District of Michigan, wrote in an opinion that the defense argument was \"without merit\".",
"\"Defendants have supported these arguments without revealing or relying on any classified information,\" Taylor wrote in an opinion accompanying the ruling.",
"Judge Taylor also ruled that the tapping violates \"the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution, privacy and free speech.\"",
"The Bush Administration has been firmly committed to the wiretapping, known as the Terrorist Surveillance Program (TSP), and said the practice has a valid basis in law, despite public criticism. Defenders of the program contended that the President has the authority under the AUMF and the Constitution to authorize the continued use of the TSP.",
"Judge Taylor wrote in her 43-page opinion that, \"We must first note that the Office of the Chief Executive has itself been created, with its powers, by the Constitution. There are no hereditary Kings in America and no powers not created by the Constitution. So all 'inherent powers' must derive from that Constitution.\"",
"The ACLU filed the lawsuit to protect the privacy and unreasonable search of lawful verbal exchanges by journalists, lawyers and scholars among others. The court order ruled that powers granted by TSP violated the U.S. Separation of Powers doctrine, the Administrative Procedure Act, and the First and Fourth Amendments.",
"An appeal over the court decision is expected.",
"In 2001, President George W. Bush approved a program that allowed the NSA to monitor international calls for possible terrorist activity when one party to the call was outside U.S. territory. The government argued that the program is well within the president's authority. The Justice Department wrote, \"In the ongoing conflict with al Qaeda and its allies, the president has the primary duty under the Constitution to protect the American people\"."
] | 2006-08-17 | title |
US-Bundesbezirksgericht erklärt Lauschprogamm der Regierung für verfassungswidrig | 47,606 | [
"August 17, 2006",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"National Security Agency",
"United States",
"North America",
"Constitution of the United States",
"George W. Bush",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/US-Bundesbezirksgericht_erkl%C3%A4rt_Lauschprogamm_der_Regierung_f%C3%BCr_verfassungswidrig | [
"Detroit (Vereinigte Staaten), 18.08.2006 – Gestern wurde am Bundesbezirksgericht für den östlichen Bezirk von Michigan in Detroit durch die zuständige Richterin Anna Diggs Taylor im Prozess der American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) gegen die National Security Agency (NSA) entschieden, dass der US-Präsident mit der Anordnung zur Überwachung von Telefongesprächen durch den Geheimdienst NSA gegen die US-Verfassung verstoße.",
"In ihrem 44-seitigen Urteil erklärte sie, dass die ohne richterliche Anordnung durchgeführten Überwachungen von Telefongesprächen von US-Bürgern ein unzulässiger Eingriff in die durch den 4. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten festgeschriebenen Grundrechte auf Meinungsfreiheit seien und den Schutz vor unangemessenen Durchsuchungen verletzten. Zudem verstoße die Überwachungsanordnung gegen das in der Verfassung verankerte Gebot der Kontrolle der Machtbefugnisse des Präsidenten.",
"Datenschutzbelange wurden nicht nur durch das Abhören von Telefonaten und das Sichten von E-Mails berührt, sondern auch durch die Anlage eines umfangreichen Archivs abgehörter privater Telefonanrufe. Die Datenbestände des Nachrichtendienstes NSA sollen Millionen von Datensätzen enthalten. Gegen die an den Abhöraktionen beteiligten Telefongesellschaften wurde ebenfalls Klage eingereicht.",
"Für die US-Regierung stellt das Urteil einen Rückschlag im Kampf gegen den Terror dar. Im Vorfeld der Verhandlung hatte die Regierung das Gericht aufgefordet, den Fall gar nicht erst zu verhandeln, damit keine geheimen Informationen über die Überwachung an die Öffentlichkeit gelangen können.",
"Die Regierung gab keine Stellungnahme zu dem Urteil ab, lediglich das Justizministerium erklärte, es anfechten zu wollen.",
"Der Direktor Anthony D. Romero der Bürgerrechtsorganisation ACLU, die gegen die Überwachung geklagt hatte, bezeichnete das Urteil als „Grundsatzentscheidung gegen den Missbrauch von Macht, die zum Markenzeichen der Bush-Regierung geworden“ sei."
] | null | interlang link |
Fifth-graders have sex in class, charged with obscenity | 64,465 | [
"April 4, 2007",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Fifth-graders_have_sex_in_class,_charged_with_obscenity | [
"Five fifth grade students were charged with obscenity after allegedly having sex in an unattended classroom. Two 11-year-old girls, a 12-year-old boy, and a 13-year-old boy were charged with obscenity, a felony. An 11-year-old boy was posted as a lookout at the door to watch for teachers. The lookout has been charged as an accessory.",
"Local authorities said the incident occurred on March 27th, with 10 other students in the classroom at the time the incident took place. Local sherriff Bob Buckley told the Associated Press that \"...after 44 years of work, nothing shocks me. But this comes pretty close.\"",
"The students were alone for about 15 minutes. Authorities did not learn of the incident until a day later, on March 28th. A student, who asked to remain anonymous, told a high school student, who reported it to a teacher, who subsequently told the local officials."
] | 2007-04-04 | title |
Louisiana: Fünftklässler sollen wegen Sex im Klassenraum angeklagt werden | 64,465 | [
"April 4, 2007",
"Crime and law"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Louisiana:_F%C3%BCnftkl%C3%A4ssler_sollen_wegen_Sex_im_Klassenraum_angeklagt_werden | [
"Spearsville (Vereinigte Staaten), 08.04.2007 – Im US-amerikanischen Bundesstaat Louisiana wurden fünf Schüler der fünften Klasse kurzzeitig verhaftet, nachdem sie angeblich Sex in einem unbeaufsichtigten Klassenraum hatten. Zwei elfjährige Mädchen, ein zwölf- sowie ein dreizehnjähriger Junge wurden wegen „Obszönität“ angeklagt, was in den USA als Kapitalverbrechen gilt. Ein elfjähriger Junge soll an der Tür Schmiere gestanden und Ausschau nach Lehrern gehalten haben. Hierfür wurde er als Helfer angeklagt.",
"Nach Aussage der örtlichen Behörden ereignete sich der Vorfall am 27. März mit zehn weiteren Schülern im Klassenraum. Der örtliche Sheriff Bob Buckley äußerte sich dazu gegenüber Associated Press mit den Worten: „Nach 44 Jahren im Dienst schockiert mich fast nichts mehr, aber dies hier ist nahe dran.“",
"Die Schüler waren etwa 15 Minuten lang allein. Die Behörden erfuhren erst einen Tag später von dem Vorfall, am 28. März. Ein Schüler, der ungenannt bleiben möchte, erzählte davon einem Oberstufenschüler, der den Vorfall einem Lehrer meldete, der ihn wiederum an die örtlichen Amtspersonen weiterleitete.",
"Jetzt muss durch eine Gerichtsverhandlung geklärt werden, welche Strafen die Jugendlichen zu erwarten haben."
] | null | interlang link |
Fiji Military Coup possibly underway | 55,746 | [
"Constitution of Fiji",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 4, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Fiji_Military_Coup_possibly_underway | [
"Fiji’s fourth coup in 20 years rose today as troops disarmed Fiji's only armed police unit. This is the first step in the long expected military coup.",
"Fiji's president dissolved parliament on Tuesday and sanctioned the military to remove embattled Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, said New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark",
"Qarase, who is in his residence in Suva, said the military was staging a coup and he would not resign but would have to be forcibly removed from office.",
"\"I am not going anywhere,\" Qarase told Reuters.",
"\"I am the democratically elected prime minister of the people of Fiji. They will have to move me by force.\"",
"\"I have been advised this morning that the president of Fiji has acted outside his constitutional powers and supported the removal of the democratic prime minister by the military,\" Clark said in a statement to the New Zealand parliament.",
"Acting Police Commissioner Moses Driver denied that any take over had occurred. He said soldiers arrived to inspect police weapons, and were waiting for approval for that inspection. Troops later surrounding the Nasova Police Academy in Suva demanding the handover of weapons, and occupied the main police station in Suva. No shots were fired when the police were locked out.",
"At a news conference inside the main Suva barracks, Commander Frank Bainimarama said that police weapons were confiscated so that \"dissidents\" did not use them against the military.",
"There are also reports that military checkpoints are been set up around the capital. There are approximately four roadblocks with 20 soliders at each.",
"Troops tried to arrest the Prime Minister of Fiji, Laisenia Qarase, in the afternoon by setting up a roadblock between Suva and the province where Mr Qarase was attending a meeting, but he escaped in a helicopter, and has since been in hiding. The Prime Minister and his cabinet are understood to be in safe, secure places, and some of them separated for extra security.",
"The army kept up the pressure on Mr Qarase when he was later summoned to President Ratu Josefa Iloilo's residence.",
"Mr Qarase drove to the estate, but was told by soldiers at a roadblock outside that he would have to walk the rest of the way. A witness inside the grounds said the prime minister, whose bodyguards were also disarmed by the military, refused and returned to his office.",
"Mr Qarase will make another attempt to meet President Iloilo on Tuesday morning.",
"Military chief Commander Frank Bainimarama had repeatedly threatened to remove Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase's government unless it drops several pieces of legislation, including a bill that would grant amnesty to those involved in a coup in 2000. Commander Bainimarama has laid allegations on PM Qarase of stalling his pledge of ditching of the controversial legislation.",
"However Bainimarama is denying a coup is under way. \"This is not a coup,\" Bainimarama said today. \"Everything is normal. Nothing is going on.\"",
"He had earlier imposed a deadline of noon (0000GMT) on Friday, December 1 but that deadline was extended to today as there was the annual rugby game between the police and the military. Commander Bainimarama is both an avid rugby fan and active church goer. The police won the rugby game. \"I maintain my demands and the deadline still stands and I will make a commitment to my stand after the rugby match,\" he said.",
"Mr Qarase told Fiji radio on Monday morning that he remained in control and has called an emergency cabinet meeting for Tuesday.",
"Fiji's Great Council of Chiefs called for calm on Monday and for the military to return to negotiations with the government.",
"Local radio reported seven government vehicles used by ministers and parliament's Speaker had been confiscated by the military since Monday night.",
"World leaders have commended Commander Bainimarama actions. Including New Zealand which has banned Commander Bainimarama from entering New Zealand except if he is attending political crises talks. Helen Clark described the situation as \"...it's a very disturbing situation.\" Some of Commander Bainimarama's close family live in New Zealand.",
"Conditions on the street of Fiji are said to be mixed, with some apprehension.",
"The United Nations might discontinue use of Fijian soldiers in peacekeeping operations of which is a large source of Fiji's income. Also the British army might not use Fijian soldiers. The International Community have said they will discontinue aid to Fiji which is worth millions annually.",
"Fiji has suffered three coups since 1987.",
"On the morning of May 14, 1987, 10 masked, armed soldiers entered the House of Representatives.",
"Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka, dressed in civilian clothes and motivated by claims of racial discrimination against ethnic Fijians, approached Prime Minister Timoci Bavadra from the public gallery and ordered MPs to leave.",
"The bloodless coup was a success but subsequent talks proposed a government of national unity under the leadership of the governor-general, involving both the deposed government and the indigenous-supported Alliance Party.",
"Fearing the gains of the first coup would be lost, Mr Rabuka staged a second coup on September 25 that year.",
"This time he severed ties with the British monarchy, who held the title Queen of Fiji (Ilisapeci-Na Radi ni Viti kei Peritania, or interpreted Elizabeth- Queen of Fiji and Great Britain) and proclaimed a republic.",
"A new constitution ratified in 1990 guaranteed indigenous Fijians the offices of President and Prime Minister, along with two-thirds of the Senate and a substantial majority of the House of Representatives.",
"But these provisions were overturned by a constitutional review in 1997.",
"Hardline Fijian nationalists led by bankrupt businessman George Speight led a further coup in May, 2000, when they overthrew the nation's first Indo-Fijian prime minister Mahendra Chaudry, holding him hostage inside parliament for eight weeks along with most of his cabinet and many MPs and their staff.",
"Mr Speight declared himself Prime Minister, and ordered the President, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara to step aside as president. Mr Mara refused to negotiate with the plotters, and decided instead to dismiss the kidnapped government and assume emergency powers himself. His move backfired, however. In what politicians called \"a coup within a coup,\" Ratu Mara was whisked away on the naval ship Kiro on 28 May, where he was allegedly approached by a group of present and former military and police officers and ordered to suspend the Constitution. When he refused, (\"If the Constitution goes, I go,\" he defiantly declared) the group, are alleged to have asked for, and possibly forced, Mara's resignation.",
"Frank Bainimarama then declared martial law, abrogated the constitution and set up an interim government.",
"Commander Bainimarama was almost killed in a failed, bloody mutiny linked to the 2000 coup on the 2 November that year, when rebel soldiers mutinied at Suva's Queen Elizabeth Barracks. The mutiny resulted in the death of four loyal soldiers, and blames Mr Qarase for being soft on those behind it.",
"He appointed Laisenia Qarase as prime minister before handing power to an interim administration headed by Ratu Josefa Iloilo as President.",
"Mr Speight was arrested on July 27 along with 369 supporters.",
"The government reneged on an agreement granting Speight immunity from prosecution, Commander Bainimarama saying the military had signed it \"under duress\".",
"Mr Speight remains in prison on an island off Suva."
] | 2006-12-04 | title |
Anzeichen für einen bevorstehenden Militärputsch in Fidschi | 55,746 | [
"Constitution of Fiji",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 4, 2006",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Anzeichen_f%C3%BCr_einen_bevorstehenden_Milit%C3%A4rputsch_in_Fidschi | [
"Suva (Fidschi), 04.12.2006 – Heute haben Soldaten in Suva, der Hauptstadt Fidschis, Polizisten und die Leibgarde des Premierministers und seiner Minister entwaffnet. Bei den betroffenen Polizisten handelt es sich um Beamte einer Spezialeinheit, die als einzige ihres Berufsstands auf den Inseln Waffen tragen. Nach Angaben der Zeitung „Fiji Times“ sind bewaffnete Soldaten in eine Polizeikaserne am Rande Suvas eingedrungen. Polizeichef Moses Driver sagte auf einer Pressekonferenz, dass es zu keiner gewaltsamen Konfrontation zwischen Polizei und Armee kommen werde. Soldaten errichteten des Weiteren einen Ring von Kontrollpunkten um Suva. Das Vorgehen der Armee wird in Artikeln verschiedener Medien als Anzeichen für einen bevorstehenden Militärputsch gedeutet.",
"Laut „news.bbc.co.uk“ will Commander Frank Bainimarama, der Chef der Fidschi-Armee, keine Angaben darüber machen, ob ein Putsch unmittelbar bevorstehe. Die jüngste Aktion der Armee solle einem möglichen Gewaltausbruch vorbeugen, so der Armeechef. In einer Stellungnahme vor Journalisten äußerte sich Frank Bainimarama nicht zu Berichten lokaler Medien, wonach der Armeechef bereits ein 13-köpfiges Übergangskabinett ernannt hat. Diese Information war zuvor von der Zeitung „Fiji Daily Post“ verbreitet worden. Zuletzt hatte der Armeechef der Regierung ein Ultimatum gestellt, das am Freitag abgelaufen war. Die Armeeführung hatte die Regierung von Premierminister Laisenia Qarase mit ihrem Ultimatum zum Rücktritt bewegen wollen. Der Premierminister befindet sich in seiner zweiten Amtszeit, nachdem er im Mai dieses Jahres wiedergewählt worden war. Noch am Wochenende hatte sich der Armeechef in einem Fernsehinterview zuversichtlich gezeigt, dass Laisenia Qaras seine Forderung spätestens bis zum heutigen Montag erfüllen werde. Premierminister Laisenia Qaras ließ heute verlauten, dass er noch im Amt sei, und gab die Einberufung einer außerordentlichen Kabinettssitzung bekannt, die morgen stattfinden soll. Auf der Sitzung soll über die Forderungen der Armeeführung beraten werden. Unterdessen kündigte die Armee laut „Netzeitung“ „Säuberungsaktionen“ an – für den Fall, dass die Regierung ihre Forderungen nicht erfülle. Die „Netzeitung“ berichtet, dass die Armee 1.000 Reservisten einberufen habe, womit sich die Zahl der Soldaten in Fidschi auf insgesamt 4.000 Personen erhöhe.",
"In Fidschi gibt es bereits seit einigen Monaten einen Konflikt zwischen der Regierung und der Armee. Der Konflikt geht auf einen ethnisch motivierten Putsch im Jahr 2000 gegen den ersten indischstämmigen Premierminister zurück, an dessen Niederschlagung Frank Bainimarama beteiligt war. Der aktuelle Streit entzündete sich an einer Gesetzesvorlage der Regierung, mit der die Putschisten aus dem Jahr 2000 begnadigt werden sollen. Frank Bainimarama ist dagegen der Meinung, dass die Regierung noch nicht genug getan habe, um die Anführer des Putsches zur Verantwortung zu ziehen. Daneben wirft der Armeechef dem Premierminister Korruption vor. Die Arbeit an einem Amnestiegesetz hat die Regierung Medienberichten zufolge bereits ausgesetzt. Das Gesetz hätte auch vorgesehen, Land an ethnische Fidschianer zu verteilen. In Fidschi leben 51 Prozent Fidschianer, die ursprünglich melanesischer beziehungsweise polynesischer Abstammung sind, 44 Prozent der Bevölkerung des Südseestaates sind indischer Abstammung.",
"Australische und neuseeländische Regierungsvertreter äußerten sich besorgt über die Situation in Fidschi. Der australische Außenminister Alexander Downer sagte vor dem Parlament, es sei eindeutig, dass sich Fidschi am Rande eines Putsches befinde. In einem australischen Radiosender spekulierte Alexander Downer über eine mögliche Uneinigkeit innerhalb der Armeeführung hinsichtlich der Taktik gegen die Regierung. Demnach gäbe es in der Armee einige Widerstände gegen einen Putsch – es wäre der vierte Militärputsch seit 1987. Die neuseeländische Ministerpräsidentin Helen Clark richtete mahnende Worte an den Armeechef. Laut Helen Clark könnte Neuseeland als Reaktion auf einen Militärputsch Sanktionen gegen Fidschi verhängen, zum Beispiel ein Einreiseverbot für Frank Bainimarama, der Familienangehörige in Neuseeland hat. Die Nachbarstaaten fürchten negative Auswirkungen für die Wirtschaft, sollte es zu einem Militärputsch in Fidschi kommen. Australien hat aufgrund der politischen Krise in Fidschi Schiffe der Marine in die Region entsandt, um im Notfall australische Urlauber in Sicherheit bringen zu können."
] | null | interlang link |
File sharing site The Pirate Bay sold | 128,767 | [
"July 1, 2009",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"The Pirate Bay"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/File_sharing_site_The_Pirate_Bay_sold | [
"Popular file-sharing site The Pirate Bay was sold yesterday for 60 million Swedish krona (£4.7 million). Swedish gaming company Global Gaming Factory (GGF) was the purchaser, paying half the price in cash and the rest in shares of the company.",
"In April 2009, the owners of The Pirate Bay, Frederik Neij, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Carl Lundstrom and Peter Sunde, were found guilty of copyright infringement, fined SEK30 million and sentenced to a year in jail. They are currently appealing the sentence, with allegations the judge, being a member of various copyright protection lobbies, was not impartial.",
"GGF has plans to start paying for copyright content linked from the site, although it is unclear exactly how this will work at the moment.",
"Peter Sunde was quoted as saying, \"We feel that we can't take The Pirate Bay any further. We're in a bit of a frozen situation where there's not much happening and there are neither people nor money to develop things.\"",
"Hans Pandeya, the head of GGF, said in a statement, \"We would like to introduce models which entail that content providers and copyright owners get paid for content that is downloaded via the site. Content creators and providers need to control their content and get paid for it.\"",
"It is also unclear what will happen to the newly launched site, The Video Bay. Launched by The Pirate Bay founders, it will offer streaming of copyrighted content."
] | 2009-07-01 | title |
Site de downloads Pirate Bay é vendido | 128,767 | [
"July 1, 2009",
"Crime and law",
"Economy and business",
"The Pirate Bay"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Site_de_downloads_Pirate_Bay_%C3%A9_vendido | [
"O popular site downloads da internet The Pirate Bay foi vendido ontem por US$ 7,8 milhões. A companhia de jogos Global Gaming Factory (GGF) foi a compradora, pagando metade do valor em dinheiro e o resto em arquivos da companhia.",
"A GGF tem planos de começar a pagar aos seus usuários pelos arquivos e copyright a serem colocados no site; e também tem planos de colocar o Pirate Bay na legalidade."
] | 1 de julho de 2009 | interlang link |
Filesharing software distributor LimeWire ordered to close by court | 216,129 | [
"October 27, 2010",
"Original reporting",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Filesharing_software_distributor_LimeWire_ordered_to_close_by_court | [
"One of the world's largest distributors of Filesharing software, LimeWire, has been placed under permanent injunction by the US District Court in the Southern District of New York, to cease distributing and supporting its software. The injunction, requested by multiple parties including Bertelsmann Music Group, Motown, Capitol Records, and Sony Entertainment, was filed and approved 26th October and was issued under Title 17 U.S.C §502, covering infringement of copyright.",
"The injunction states that LimeWire \"intentionally encouraged direct infringement\" and \"...failed to implement any meaningful technological barriers or design choices aimed at diminishing infringement.\" Since the order was approved, LimeWire has closed its website, posting a notice on the front page explaining the situation, with a link to a copy of the injunction.",
"As ordered, the software is no longer downloadable from its website. LimeWire is now only responding to inquiries from the press and paid customers of LimeWire Pro. LimeWire could not be reached for comment."
] | 2010-10-27 | title |
LimeWire es obligado a cerrar por corte de Nueva York | 216,129 | [
"October 27, 2010",
"Original reporting",
"Culture and entertainment",
"Science and technology",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/LimeWire_es_obligado_a_cerrar_por_corte_de_Nueva_York | [
"28 de octubre de 2010Nueva York, Estados Unidos —",
"En una decisión de la Corte Federal de Nueva York, se dictaminó el cierre del sitio y cliente LimeWire, junto con imposibilitar el intercambio y búsqueda de archivos, y terminar las descargas de su cliente. Este cierre se produce tras la presentación de antecedentes por parte de la Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), argumentando que el software es usado para llevar constantes violaciones de derechos de autor por las descargas ilegales.",
"En el día de ayer se informó la sentencia por parte del juzgado y en el sitio web quedó plasmado el cierre definitivo del sitio, lamentando la pérdida de este espacio para compartir archivos. Este juicio se suma a la victoria obtenida por la industria discográfica contra The Pirate Bay, el cual se ha visto cada día más arrinconado en sus operaciones debido a las múltiples demandas de infracción de los derechos de autor que se ha acusado.",
"Los próximos objetivos de la RIAA sería demandar a los clientes que son usados para descargar información desde redes P2P como eMule y uTorrent."
] | null | interlang link |
Finland considers tougher gun laws | 84,928 | [
"Gun politics",
"Politics and conflicts",
"November 9, 2007",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Finland_considers_tougher_gun_laws | [
"Finland is considering toughening gun legislation in light of this week's Jokela school shooting. Nine people, including the gunman, were killed when Pekka-Eric Auvinen, 18, went on a shooting spree at his local school.",
"Until now, Finland has actively resisted plans for all European Union member states to limit gun ownership to persons aged 18 and over. Currently, the law stipulates that Finns may apply for a gun permit at age 15.",
"However, Anne Holmlund, Finnish interior minister, told reporters today that \"Finland has changed its position to the EU firearms directive.\" Holmlund told the press that the intention is now to raise the age for ownership to 18, and require those aged 15-18 to be under parental supervision when carrying or using a firearm.",
"Prime minister of Finland Matti Vanhanen had earlier commented that the shooting would likely cause a change in Finnish gun control policy, but Holmlund denied a direct connection. \"There is no direct link (to the school shooting). ... It is important that our new position is clear,\" Holmlund said.",
"\"We were the only EU member country that was willing to keep its regulations untouched and it was obvious we would be left alone.\" She added.",
"\"As all other EU countries are ready to accept the age limit of 18 years for the acquisition of firearms ... Finland does not want to oppose the said amendment to the directive under the circumstances.\"",
"\"The cabinet is ready to agree on a proposal which says that those under 18 years old can use a gun only under parental or adult guidance,\" commented cabinet spokeswoman Sanna Kangasharju.",
"Ministry spokesman Ilkka Salmi agreed that a potential change in legislation was being considered months beforehand, but added that, \"It's obvious that this kind of tragic incident has probably sped up the decision.\"",
"Auvinen had obtained a license for his .22 caliber handgun via a local shooting club just weeks prior to the attack, on October 19. He opened fire on students and staff shortly before lunch break was due to start, killing five students and two staff members with the gun, which he called 'Catherine' in internet discussions, before turning it on himself. He later died in hospital. There is also evidence he attempted to set the building on fire.",
"Police have commented that he had apparently acted with intent to kill as many as possible, but selected his victims at random. The day prior to the incident, he posted a video on YouTube announcing his intentions. Police have also recovered a suicide note that said that he hated society.",
"In related news, police are investigating after an internet posting claimed Kirkkoharju middle school in Kirkkonummi was going to be the subject of another attack. Police say they are treating the incident as a \"bad joke\".",
"Finnish gun ownership per capita is the third highest in the world, due largely to a long tradition of hunting sports in the country, but fatal attacks are exceedingly rare. Around 13% of the 5.2 million inhabitants own a gun, with only the United States and Yemen having higher levels of gun ownership."
] | 2007-11-09 | title |
Suomi taipuu EU:n asedirektiiviin | 84,928 | [
"Gun politics",
"Politics and conflicts",
"November 9, 2007",
"Disasters and accidents",
"Crime and law",
"Jokela school shooting"
] | fi | https://fi.wikinews.org/wiki/Suomi_taipuu_EU:n_asedirektiiviin | [
"9. marraskuuta",
"Suomi ei enää vastusta EU:n kaavailemaa asedirektiiviä, joka kieltää aseen hallussapidon alle 18-vuotiailta.",
"Suomi on ottanut uuden kannan Euroopan unionin ampuma-asedirektiivin muutokseen, jonka yhtenä osana on jatkossa tuliaseiden hallussapitoon oikeuttavan luvan epääminen alle 18-vuotiailta. Aiemmin Suomen kanta muutokseen oli kielteinen, sillä perinteisesti metsästysharrastus ja sen taidon kehittäminen on nähty tärkeänä. Valtiosihteeri Jari Luodon mukaan asia tulee nähdä nyt uudessa valossa. Tällä valtiosihteeri viittasi toissapäivän traagiseen tapaukseen, jossa 18-vuotias koululainen ammuskeli Jokelan koulukeskuksessa.",
"EU:n direktiivimuutokseen tähtäävää esitystä perustellaan mm. sillä, että väkivalta ja itsemurhat, joihin usein liittyvät aseet, ovat 15–44-vuotiaiden kuolinsyiden kärkipäässä.",
"Direktiivin muutos ei lopeta nuorten metsästysharrastusta, sillä he saavat ampua jatkossakin huoltajan läsnäollessa. Tällöin huoltajalla tulee olla aseeseen hallussapitolupa."
] | null | interlang link |
Finnish internet censorship critic blacklisted | 99,303 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Child pornography",
"Crime and law",
"February 12, 2008",
"The Pirate Bay",
"Free speech"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Finnish_internet_censorship_critic_blacklisted | [
"The Finnish police have added Finnish hacker Matti Nikki's website lapsiporno.info criticizing Internet censorship to Finland’s new national child porn filter. The blacklisting was noticed when Finland's second largest Internet service provider Elisa started blocking the page today. More of the ISP's are expected to join the filtering when their blacklists are updated from the police's master list.",
"The banned site has been a harsh critic of Internet censorship over the last three years. It contains information and news about how censorship has been discussed and developing in Finland. Although the site's provocative name is lapsiporno.info (\"childporn.info\") there is no child porn on the site - the content is mainly text.",
"Tekniikka & Talous magazine asked Commissioner Lars Henriksson of Finland's National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) why the page was censored. His answer was that he cannot discuss individual sites, but said that sites which are linking to child porn pages are also within the scope of the law. This interpretation, however, seems to conflict with the actual laws, the scope of which was supposed to be only sites with illegal pictures in foreign countries.",
"On Wednesday, NBI confirmed that site was censored because it published and maintained an incomplete version of the Finnish child porn blacklist. Nikki's list contained roughly two-thirds of the 1500 blacklist entries, and it was created by scanning a large amount of sites and logging the censored pages.",
"The scan also found that the top three results of a Google search for \"gay porn\" are blacklisted, and that most of the blocked sites are actually physically located in the United States or the European Union.",
"Leena Romppainen of Electronic Frontier Finland commented that \"The local authorities have taken no action on these sites. Therefore, either the sites do not contain child pornography or the NBI has not informed the local authorities. Both of the alternatives are equally scary.\"",
"Matti Nikki's opinion is that the majority of the censored sites are legal adult sites and that the police are not doing that much research when they are deciding which sites to block.",
"Internet censorship has been a hot topic in Finland as of late. There have been proposals of extending Internet filtering to Internet gambling sites, sites related to terrorism and violence, and torrent-tracker The Pirate Bay."
] | 2008-02-12 | title |
Suomalainen internetsivusto sensuroitiin lapsipornona | 99,303 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Child pornography",
"Crime and law",
"February 12, 2008",
"The Pirate Bay",
"Free speech"
] | fi | https://fi.wikinews.org/wiki/Suomalainen_internetsivusto_sensuroitiin_lapsipornona | [
"Matti Nikin internetsensuuria voimakkaasti vastustava lapsiporno.info-sivusto on lisätty \"lapsipornosuodatuslistalle\". Tällä hetkellä sitä sensuroivat suomalaisista operaattoreista ainakin Elisa, Saunalahti ja Kymp. Sivusto on pääosin tekstimuotoinen eikä siellä ole lapsipornoa. Sivustolla on kuitenkin lapsiporno- ja internetsensuurin vastaista kritiikkiä, tietoa Suomessa käytetystä suodatuksesta sekä ohjeita sen kiertämiseen. Lisäksi siellä on julkaistu joitain suodatuksen kannalta kiusallisia väitteitä.",
"Väitteisiin kuuluu se, että suurin osa suodatetuista sivustoista sisältäisi laillista pornografiaa tai, että poliisin lapsipornosuodatuksen yhteydessä tulevan lakisääteisen ilmoituksen yhteystiedoissa ollut sähköpostiosoite olisi ollut väärin eikä siihen lähetettyä postia olisi lukenut kukaan. Jälkimmäistä väitettä tukee se, että osoite vaihdettiin pian ilmoituksen jälkeen.",
"Matti Nikin mukaan poliisi ei ole ollut häneen yhteydessä tai ennalta varoittanut suodatuslistalle joutumisesta. Sensuuri-blogin mukaan KRP:n Rikostietopalvelu on antanut sille 13.2. seuraavan vastauksen sensuurin syystä:",
"Tämäkin syy on ongelmallinen, koska laki lapsipornografian levittämisen estotoimista lähtee perusteluissaan selkeästi siitä, että sillä on tarkoitus sensuroida ulkomaalaisia lapsipornoa sisältäviä sivustoja. Tässä tapauksessa kumpikaan noista ei toteudu, kun sivuilla ei ole lapsipornoa ja palvelinkin sijaitsee Espoossa. Suodattamisen puolesta puhuu se, että lain lähtökohtana selkeästi on listan pysyminen salaisena. Laissa ei kuitenkaan ole huomioitu listan sisällön helppoa selvitettävyyttä.",
"Esimerkiksi Nikin lista suodatetuista osoitteista on luotu menemällä automatisoidusti läpi kaikki tiedetyt pornosivustot ja poimimalla tuloksista suodatetut. Lisäksi listaa on täydennetty testaamalla myös tunnetusti muualla sensuroituja sivustoja ja katsomalla mitkä niistä jäävät suodatukseen. Tällä hetkellä suodatuslistalla on poliisin mukaan noin 1 500 osoitetta joista 1 048 löytyy Matti Nikin listalta. Nikin mukaan suurta määrää selittää se, että Ilmeisesti suodatuslistalle pääsee pornografinen materiaali hyvinkin kevyin perustein, eikä tarkoituksena taida edes olla millään tapaa varmistaa että suodatus kohdistuisi pääasiassa laittomaan sisältöön.",
"Wikiuutiset vahvistaa esimerkiksi Nikin väitteen siitä, että suodatuksessa on esimerkiksi Googlen \"Gay porn\" -haun kolme ensimmäistä tulosta. Nämä 3 ovat muihin sivuihin linkittäviä etusivugallerioita, joista kaksi näyttäisi olevan selkeästi aikuispornoon suuntautuvia ja yksi (oletettavasti lailliseen) teinipornoon suuntautunut. Muutenkin silmämääräisesti listalta tyyli näyttäisi olevan \"en tiedä onko tämä laitonta, mutta ainakin sen pitäisi olla\", eikä se ole mitenkään rajoittunut puhtaaseen lapsipornoon. Listalta löytyy väkivaltapornoa, lapsimallisivustoja ja ns. turvallisissa maissa olevia sivustoja. Viidennes suodatetuista osoitteista osoittaa palvelimiin, jotka fyysisesti sijaitsevat EU-maissa (pääosin Hollannissa, Britanniassa ja Saksassa), joissa viranomaiset ainakin toivottavasti sulkevat todellista lapsipornoa sisältävät sivut nopeammin kuin mikä Suomen suodatuslistan ilmoitettu viikon parin päivitysviive on."
] | 12. helmikuuta 2008 | interlang link |
Un site critiquant la censure finlandaise sur Internet a été fermé | 99,303 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Child pornography",
"Crime and law",
"February 12, 2008",
"The Pirate Bay",
"Free speech"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Un_site_critiquant_la_censure_finlandaise_sur_Internet_a_%C3%A9t%C3%A9_ferm%C3%A9 | [
"Publié le 29 février 2008 La police finlandaise a ajouté le site internet de Matti Nikki, opposant à la censure de l'internet en Finlande, à leur nouveau filtre de sites pédophiles. En effet, depuis le début 2008 les fournisseurs d'accès finlandais bloquent certains sites d'après une liste noire fournie par la police. Il a été remarqué que le site de Matti Nikki (lapsiporno.info) a été censuré lorsque l'un des plus grands fournisseurs d'accès du pays a commencé à bloquer son site. Il est attendu que les autres fournisseurs suivent sous peu, lorsqu'ils mettront à jour leur liste noire, coupant l'accès au site de Nikki pour tous les finlandais.",
"Le site de Nikki critiquait vivement, depuis trois ans, la censure de l'internet. Il contenait de l'information et des brèves à propos de la façon dont la censure a été débattue et sa mise en place en Finlande, ainsi qu'une liste des sites actuellement censurés.",
"Le magazine finlandais Tekniikka & Talous a demandé au commissaire Lars Henriksson du bureau national d'investigation pourquoi le site de Nikki avait été bloqué. Sa réponse fût qu'il ne pouvait parler de cas particuliers, mais que les sites qui comportent des liens vers des sites pédophiles entraient dans le cadre de la loi. Cette interprétation semble pourtant en contradiction avec la législation finlandaise, qui est supposée s'appliquer uniquement à des sites comportant des images illicites, situés hors du pays. Lapsiporno.info ne pouvait en rien permettre l'accès à un contenu pédophile.",
"Mercredi, le NBI a confirmé que le site de Matti Nikki avait été bloqué car il énumérait les sites filtrés. La liste de Matti Nikki comportait les noms d'environ trois-quarts des sites censurés en Finlande, et démontrait que la liste noire de la police ne contenait pas uniquement des sites pédophiles. Nikki avait identifié les sites censurés en scannant un grand nombre d'adresses pour déterminer si l'accès y avait été interdit.",
"Le site de Matti Nikki montrait que les trois premiers résultats d'une recherche Google pour « pornographie gay » étaient censurés par la police, et que la plupart des sites bloqués est hébergée dans l'Union européenne ou aux États-Unis.",
"Leena Romppainen de l'Electronic Frontier Finland, organisation de défense des libertés individuelles, a précisé que les sites hébergés dans l'Union européenne auraient dû faire l'objet d'une action directe par les autorités locales s'ils contenaient véritablement un contenu illicite, au lieu de faire l'objet d'une censure. Elle a admis être déconcertée par le fait que soit son gouvernement censure illégalement des sites Internet, soit que certains pays de l'Union européenne restent dans l'inaction devant des sites pédophiles.",
"Matti Nikki pense que la majorité des sites bloqués sont surement des sites adultes légaux, et la police ne doit pas faire pas assez de recherche quand ils décident de les bloquer.",
"Le débat sur la censure sur l'internet fait rage dernièrement en Finlande. Des propositions sont sur la table pour étendre le filtrage des sites aux sites de paris en ligne, « sites liés au terrorisme », à la violence et aux sites qui ne respectent pas les lois sur le droit d'auteur.",
"Sur son site, Matti Nikki parle longuement, en finlandais et en anglais, des dangers posés par la censure à une époque où toute information aura comme support le réseau informatique, et peut être supprimée de façon immédiate et sans trace."
] | null | interlang link |
First Guantánamo Bay prisoner sentenced | 64,075 | [
"Bob Brown",
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"David Hicks",
"North America",
"April 1, 2007"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/First_Guant%C3%A1namo_Bay_prisoner_sentenced | [
"Australia Guantánamo Bay prisoner David Hicks was sentenced Friday by a special military court after pleading guilty to providing material support to the Taliban. He was sentenced to seven years in prison, but will only need to complete nine months of his penalty, most of it back in Australia, under the terms of his plea agreement.",
"Hicks, who has been detained for more than 5 years, is to be transferred to Australia within 60 days. The plea bargain also forbids Hicks from speaking to the media for one year after his sentence, suing the U.S. government for alleged abuse during his imprisonment, or appealing his sentence. The deal also mentions that he should not profit from selling his story. These terms were criticised by Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, as a \"modern cutting out of his tongue\", with prosecutors using the leverage of a plea deal to stifle information and public debate about the controversial detention process.",
"David's father, Terry Hicks, responded that he was glad that his son was returning home, but also told Australian Broadcasting Corp.:",
"Prosecutor Marine Lt. Col. Kevin Chenail asked for the maximum sentence, referring to Hicks by his pseudonym 'Muhammad Dawood'. He told the panel of military officers that, \"Today in this courtroom, we are on the front lines of the global war on terror... The enemy is sitting at the defense table. We are face to face with the enemy... [who was] trying to kill Americans.\"",
"Australian Prime Minister John Howard told reporters in Sydney that:",
"Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown suggested yesterday that the speech restrictions in the plea deal were put in place as a deliberate attempt to meddle in upcoming elections. \"Of course it's a fix,\" said Brown. \"The message has gone very clearly from Canberra to Washington to Guantanamo Bay: don't allow Hicks to be released until after the elections and certainly don't allow him to speak.\"",
"Howard disputed that interpretation of events. \"We didn't impose the sentence, the sentence was imposed by the military commission and the plea bargain was worked out between the military prosecution and Mr Hicks's lawyers, and the suggestion...that it's got something to do with the Australian election is absurd.\""
] | 2007-04-01 | title |
El “talibán” australiano es el primer condenado por tribunal de Guantánamo | 64,075 | [
"Bob Brown",
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"David Hicks",
"North America",
"April 1, 2007"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/El_%E2%80%9Ctalib%C3%A1n%E2%80%9D_australiano_es_el_primer_condenado_por_tribunal_de_Guant%C3%A1namo | [
"El talibán australiano, David Hicks, es el primero de los detenidos de Guantánamo en recibir un juicio en el tribunal militar especialmente creado para juzgar a los llamados \"combatientes ilegales\" de la guerra contra el terror.",
"David Hicks permaneció más de cinco años detenido en la prisión de Guantánamo en condiciones de confinamiento solitario. Hicks fue detenido en Pakistán en 2001 por las autoridades de ese país cuando huía de Afganistán y entregado a las tropas estadounidenses quienes lo trasladaron a la prisión de la base militar estadounidense en territorio cubano.",
"La forma en que se llevó a cabo el juicio ha causado controversias en Australia donde el primer ministro John Howard, amigo personal de George W. Bush, había defendido la posición asumida por la administración estadounidense de detener a los prisioneros indefinidamente y sin cargos diciendo que eran “lo peor de lo peor” entre todos los terroristas.",
"Para no prolongar su juicio y ante la amenaza de que una declaración de inocencia extendería el juicio por dos años, Hicks decidió declararse culpable de apoyo material al terrorismo y además firmar un documento en el que se comprometía a no entablar demanda alguna contra el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, a no mencionar la tortura a la que fue sometido, a no hablar con la prensa por un año y a no decir que se declaró culpable para salir de Guantánamo.",
"Según testigos, la confesión de Hicks consistió en admitir que el había cargado un arma por 2 horas, la cual nunca disparó, durante las cuales trató de venderla para conseguir dinero para irse lo más lejos posible de Afganistán.",
"El padre de David, Terry Hicks, afirma que la declaración de culpa de su hijo demuestra la corrupción del sistema. Terry Hicks se manifestó extremadamente contento de ver que su hijo, quien pagará la sentencia de 9 meses de cárcel (de un total de 7 años) en Australia, finalmente hubiera logrado salir de ese \"infierno\" llamado Guantánamo.",
"El debate sobre este juicio apenas está comenzando, pues Hicks no ha cometido ningún delito ante la ley internacional o la ley australiana, y la ley mediante la cual se le condenó fue creada por la administración Bush hace apenas 6 meses."
] | 1 de abril de 2007 | interlang link |
La commission militaire de Guantanamo condamne l'Australien David Hicks à neuf mois de prison | 64,075 | [
"Bob Brown",
"Guantanamo Bay",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"David Hicks",
"North America",
"April 1, 2007"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/La_commission_militaire_de_Guantanamo_condamne_l%27Australien_David_Hicks_%C3%A0_neuf_mois_de_prison | [
"David Hicks, ressortissant australien converti à l'islam, qui avait été capturé en Afghanistan en décembre 2001 et était détenu depuis plusieurs années à la prison de Guantánamo, sur la base navale militaire américaine de Guantanamo Bay [1], sur l'île de Cuba, a été condamné par la Commission militaire de Guantanamo [2], vendredi 30 mars 2007, à une peine de neuf mois de prison, qu'il devrait purger dans le quartier de haute sécurité de la prison Yatala, dans sa ville natale d'Adélaide, en Australie méridionale.",
"David Hicks, parfois surnommé le « Taliban australien » par certains médias occidentaux, avait plaidé coupable, mardi 27 mars, de « soutien matériel au terrorisme », alors que les réquisitions initiales, lors de cette première audience, pouvaient lui laisser craindre une peine maximale de vingt ans de prison.",
"David Hicks, aujourd'hui âgé de 31 ans, passe toute sa jeunesse en Australie méridionale, y exerçant divers métiers et fondant une famille, avant d'émigrer seul au Japon en 1996, exerçant un temps les fonctions d'entraîneur de chevaux.",
"En 1999, il se rend en Europe et intègre pendant deux mois les rangs de l'Armée de libération du Kosovo puis, après la fin de la guerre du Kosovo, au mois de juin, tente en vain de s'enrôler dans l'armée australienne, avant de se convertir à l'islam et de commencer l'apprentissage de l'arabe.",
"En novembre de la même année, il passe en Afghanistan, officiellement pour étudier l'islam, mais ne tarde pas à suivre les enseignements du mouvement radical islamiste Lashkar-e-Toiba, qu'il accompagne notamment dans diverses opérations armées au Cachemire, État disputé entre le Pakistan et l'Inde.",
"Il retourne en Afghanistan et séjourne un temps, près de Kandahar, dans le camp d'entraînement Al Farouq, dépendant de la nébuleuse Al-Qaida. Il a à cette époque l'occasion de rencontrer Oussama Ben Laden.",
"Le 9 décembre 2001, David Hicks est capturé dans la province de Kondôz [3], en Afghanistan, par des miliciens de l'Alliance du Nord, et est livré huit jours plus tard, contre le versement d'une somme de 1 000 dollars américains, aux Special Forces américaines. Il est transféré, durant quelques semaines, à bord du bâtiment de débarquement USS Peleliu (LHA-5), croisant dans le golfe d'Oman, où il est interrogé conjointement par des enquêteurs américains et australiens. Il est ensuite transféré, le 11 janvier 2002 [4], à la prison de Guantanamo.",
"David Hicks fait état, pendant un temps, de mauvais traitements qu'il aurait subi durant son internement à Guantanamao, mais s'était récemment rétracté et, mardi 27 mars, avait décidé de plaider coupable des faits de « soutien matériel au terrorisme ».",
"Il encourait, en plus des cinq années d'internement déjà subies, une peine de sept années d'emprisonnement, mais un accord de plaider coupable intervient in extremis, qui conduit l'accusation à prôner une réduction de la peine à neuf mois de prison dans son pays natal, avec renoncement définitif à tout appel contre le jugement, interdiction de parler avec les médias durant un an après sa libération et renonciation à toute velléité de poursuite contre le gouvernement américain au sujet de supposés abus commis par ses geôliers durant sa captivité. Son transfert en Australie devrait intervenir dans un délai de 60 jours. Sa libération, à l'issue des neuf mois qu'il devra purger à Adélaïde, est toutefois susceptible d'être retardée, si le détenu ne collabore pas avec les enquêteurs australiens et américains, et s'abstient de révéler à ses interlocuteurs toutes informations utiles qu'il pourrait détenir au sujet d'Al-Qaïda et du mouvement Lashkar-e-Toiba.",
"Une frange non négligeable de l'opinion publique australienne, et notamment des juristes et défenseurs des droits de l'homme, commente sévèrement les conditions de déroulement du procès de David Hicks, et s'étonnent de l'interdiction faite au condamné de s'exprimer publiquement avant un délai de douze mois après sa libération, faisant un rapprochement, pertinent ou pas, avec les échéances électorales australiennes (les prochaines élections générales sont censées intervenir au plus tard le 19 janvier 2008). John Howard a tenu à préciser qu'il n'est pas intervenu auprès des autorités américaines pour négocier sur la peine sanctionannt David Hicks ou simplement tenter d'influencer la commission militaire de Guantanamo, et que l'obligation de silence imposé au condamné est sans rapport avec la vie politique australienne.",
"Le père de David Hicks, s'il se réjouit du retour de son fils sur le sol australien, entend pour sa part continuer à agir, avec le soutien de diverses organisations de défense des droits de l'homme, pour faire la lumière sur les accusations de mauvais traitements que son fils serait susceptible d'avoir subi durant son incarcération, notamment des abus sexuels et tortures. Ces accusations avaient été mises en lumière en 2006, à l'occasion d'une procédure riche en rebondissements, devant la justice britannique [5].",
"Par ailleurs, on ne peut écarter la possibilité de quelques rebondissements sur le sujet plus général de la loi américaine sur les commissions militaires, alors que les autorités de Washington envisageraient, selon un décompte récent, de faire passer en jugement selon ce système 80 des 385 personnes détenues à la prison de Guantánamo. La Cour suprême des États-Unis était intervenue, dans le courant de l'année 2006, pour dénoncer l'inconstitutionnalité des dispositions qui existaient alors, ce qui avait conduit le Congrès des États-Unis à adopter à l'automne la Loi sur les commissions militaires, dont la constitutionnalité serait elle-même, selon certains analystes, sujette à caution."
] | Publié le 1er avril 2007 | interlang link |
Five beheaded during violent prison riot in Brazil | 12,009 | [
"June 17, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Five_beheaded_during_violent_prison_riot_in_Brazil | [
"Five prisoners were beheaded and got their heads exhibited by the rioters during a violent riot in the \"Zwinglio Ferreira\" Prison, located in Presidente Venceslau, São Paulo State, Brazil.",
"This is the most serious riot of prisoners in the 19 year existence of the penitentiary. The rebellion began Tuesday, at 8:30 a.m. and it finished Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. Some heads belonging to the murdered prisoners were put on iron spears so they could be shown from the roof of the prison. Some prisoners played football with one of the heads.",
"According to Nagashi Furukawa, the secretary of the administration of the prison, the rebellion originated because of prisoners who were contrary to the criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC). The supporters of PCC killed their opponents."
] | 2005-06-17 | title |
Cinco presos degollados en motín carcelario en Brasil | 12,009 | [
"June 17, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Cinco_presos_degollados_en_mot%C3%ADn_carcelario_en_Brasil | [
"18 de junio de 2005Brasil — Una violenta rebelión de presos se registró en el presidio Presidente Venceslau, localizado en el estado de São Paulo. Cinco presos fueron degollados y sus cabezas fueron expuestas por los amotinados.",
"La rebelión, la más grave en 19 años de existencia del presidio, ocurrió a las 08:30 hora local (11:30 UTC) de este último martes y terminó a las 14:30 (17:30 UTC) del miércoles.",
"Después de degollar a otros condenados, los presos colocaron algunas de las cabezas en varas de hierro para las exhibrlas encima del tejado de la prisión.",
"Algunos presos jugaron fútbol con una de las cabezas."
] | null | interlang link |
Cinco presos degolados em rebelião no interior de São Paulo | 12,009 | [
"June 17, 2005",
"Public domain articles",
"Crime and law",
"South America"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Cinco_presos_degolados_em_rebeli%C3%A3o_no_interior_de_S%C3%A3o_Paulo | [
"Houve uma violenta rebelião de presos no presídio “Zwinglio Ferreira”, de Presidente Venceslau, localizado no estado de São Paulo. Cinco presos foram degolados e tiveram suas cabeças expostas pelos amotinados.",
"A rebelião, a mais grave em 19 anos de existência do presídio, ocorreu às 8:30 de terça-feira e terminou às 14:30 de quarta.",
"Após degolarem seus companheiros de pena, os presos colocaram algumas das cabeças em varas de ferro para exibi-las de cima do telhado da penitenciária. Alguns presos jogaram futebol com uma das cabeças.",
"Segundo o Secretário de Administração de Penitenciárias, Nagashi Furukawa, a rebelião foi uma disputa entre organizações criminosas, onde presos contrários à facção criminosa Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) foram executados."
] | Brasil • 17 de junho de 2005 | interlang link |
Five convicted in abortion case in Portugal | 44,491 | [
"Crime and law",
"July 5, 2006",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Five_convicted_in_abortion_case_in_Portugal | [
"A doctor, his assistant and three women who were found to have undergone abortion were convicted of violating abortion laws in Portugal.",
"The three women were found to have undergone abortion in violation of Portuguese law. Abortion is illegal in Portugal except where a pregnancy is caused by rape or when the health of the mother is in danger due to the pregnancy. Further, abortion cannot be performed after the first trimester (the end of 12th week).",
"Twelve other defendants, mostly women and their partners, were found not guilty. The doctor was sentenced to 3 years and 8 months in prison. His assistant was deemed an accomplice and sentenced to 1 year and 4 months in prison. The three women were given 6 month suspended sentences.",
"All the defendants had earlier been acquitted of the charges in 2004 for lack of evidences. That decision was declared void by a superior court on appeal. The court decided that the medical examinations conducted on the women, which were performed without a court order or the presence of a state witness, were legal."
] | 2006-07-05 | title |
Portugal : Plusieurs femmes condamnées pour un cas d'avortement | 44,491 | [
"Crime and law",
"July 5, 2006",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Portugal_:_Plusieurs_femmes_condamn%C3%A9es_pour_un_cas_d%27avortement | [
"Un médecin, son aide soignante et 3 femmes ont été condamnés pour crime d'avortement.",
"Toutes les personnes mises en examen - 17 au total - avait été libérées pour manque de preuves en 2004. Mais cette décision a été annulée par une cour d'appel, déclarant valides les examens médicaux pratiqués. La sentence est tombée aujourd'hui.",
"Les examens médicaux en question avaient été fait immédiatement après l'arrestation des femmes qui sortaient de la clinique sans décision de justice préalable et sans la présence d'un témoin officiel. La police avait simplement mené les femmes à l'hôpital et fait faire les examens.",
"De son côté, le Cameroun s'interroge sur la légalisation de l'avortement, et aux États-Unis, le gouverneur démocrate de Louisiane Kathleen Blanco déclare l'avortement illégal dans son état comme l'avait fait le Dakota en mars 2006."
] | Publié le 4 juillet 2006 | interlang link |
Five dead in attack in Pakistan | 34,730 | [
"Crime and law",
"March 2, 2006",
"United States",
"Suicide attacks"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Five_dead_in_attack_in_Pakistan | [
"Two explosions near a US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan killed five and wounded more than fifty early Thursday morning. The explosions come just prior to United States President George W. Bush's scheduled visit to the country. According to Forbes report on the incident, Pakistani officials speculated that the attack was timed to coincide with Bush's visit.",
"According to police, a suicide bomber apparently hit the vehicle of a United States diplomat, detonating one of the explosions. It is not clear whether a subsequent explosion was another bomb or a vehicle explosion triggered by the initial blast.",
"The Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reports that a hospital in the region has confirmed at least five persons were killed in the attacks, and over fifty more were injured, including a young Moroccan girl. According to the Associated Press, among the dead was a United States diplomat, a Pakistani official who worked at the consulate, a security guard for the consulate, and an unidentified woman. The driver of the car bomb is also presumed dead.",
"During a press conference in New Delhi, India, President Bush stated he would still travel to Pakistan despite the explosions, saying that: \"Terrorists and killers are not going to prevent me from going to Pakistan. My trip to Pakistan is an important trip. It's important to talk with President Musharraf about continuing our fight against terrorists.\" Bush also expressed his condolences to the individuals lost in the attack during the conference.",
"The Pakistani news source GEO states that the first explosion occurred at 9:05 local time (0505 UTC), with the second explosion occurring minutes afterwards. The explosions occurred at the parking lot of the Marriott Hotel in Karachi, about 60 feet (18 meters) from the consulate gate. Damage to the building as well as over ten nearby vehicles was also reported.",
"The Associated Press reports that the same consulate has been targeted twice in the recent past: an attack in 2002 left 14 Pakistanis dead, and in 2004 police defused a time bomb before it was set to detonate."
] | 2006-03-02 | title |
Fem döda i attack mot USA-konsulat i Pakistan | 34,730 | [
"Crime and law",
"March 2, 2006",
"United States",
"Suicide attacks"
] | sv | https://sv.wikinews.org/wiki/Fem_d%C3%B6da_i_attack_mot_USA-konsulat_i_Pakistan | [
"Enligt polisen körde en självmordsbombare in i en bil som ägdes av en amerikansk diplomat och detonerade den första bomben. Några minuter senare sprängdes ytterligare en bomb.",
"Nyhetsbyrån Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) rapporterar att ett sjukhus i regionen har bekräftat minst fem döda och över femtio skadade, däribland en marockansk flicka. Enligt Associated Press (AP) fanns en amerikansk diplomat bland de döda, en pakistansk tjänsteman som arbetade på konsulatet, en säkerhetsvakt och en oidentifierad kvinna. Föraren av bilen förmodas också ha omkommit.",
"Den pakistanska nyhetsbyrån GEO säger att den första explosionen inträffade klockan 9:05 lokal tid och den andra explosionen följde några minuter efter. Explosionerna inträffade på en parkering vid Marriott Hotel i Karachi, ungefär 18 meter från entrén till konsulatet. GEO rapportera även skador på byggnaden och ett tiotal bilar.",
"Under en presskonferens i New Dehli i Indien förklarade George Bush att han kommer att åka till Pakistan trots explosionerna. \"Terrorister och mördare kommer inte att hindra mig från att åka till Pakistan. Min resa till Pakistan är viktig. Det är viktigt att få tala med president Musharraf om att fortsätta vår kamp mot terrorister\". Bush uttryckte uttryckte under konferensen sina kondoleanser för de omkomna i attackerna.",
"AP rapporterar att samma konsulat två gånger tidigare har varit mål för attacker. En attack 2002 dödade 14 pakistanier och 2004 desarmerade polisen en tidsinställd bomb innan den hann explodera.",
"10 mars 2013: Prinsessan Lilian har avlidit \n28 januari 2013: Beatrix av Nederländerna abdikerar \n15 januari 2013: Seriekrock nordost om Helsingborg \n14 december 2012: Skottdrama i amerikansk lågstadieskola \n4 augusti 2012: Serena Williams till final i olympiska spelen 2012 \n6 maj 2012: Carl Johan Bernadotte är död \n29 mars 2012: Tolgfors avgår \n15 mars 2012: Norskt herkulesplan försvunnet: Befaras ha störtat \n24 februari 2012: Namn och titel fastställd - Det blev en Estelle \n23 februari 2012: En tronföljare är född",
"3 november 2011: Pilotfel orsakade flygolyckan \n1 november 2011: Japan sätter in soldater i Sydsudan \n2 maj 2011: Usama bin Ladin dödad \n9 april 2011: Japan efter tsunamin \n11 mars 2011: Stor tsunami i Stilla havet \n14 december 2010: Moskva skakas av rasistvåld \n6 augusti 2010: Intercoop bekräftar barnarbete etc. hos inköpsbolag. \n22 oktober 2008: Indien sänder rymdfarkost till månen \n2 juni 2008: Svenska truppen till Paralympics i Peking uttagen \n2 juni 2008: Bombattentat mot dansk ambassad",
"• Pakistan • George W Bush",
"Händelser 2 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 9\nPubliceringar 2 mars • mars • 2006 • kvartal 1 • vecka 9"
] | null | interlang link |
Five Europeans are released in Ethiopia | 62,401 | [
"Crime and law",
"Missing persons",
"March 13, 2007",
"Margaret Beckett",
"United Kingdom",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Five_Europeans_are_released_in_Ethiopia | [
"A group of British embassy workers kidnapped in northern Ethiopia 12 days ago have been released, Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett has said. The workers - four British citizens and one French citizen and Ethiopian staff working with them, had been held in Eritrea, she announced on Tuesday.",
"The party were apparently on a sightseeing tour when they were abducted on 1 March. Beckett also said that all kidnapped were safe and well and were:",
"The group went missing on March 1 on a tourist trip to visit geological sites in the remote Afar region, in the country's north. Two vehicles belonging to the group were later found in a north-eastern village called Hamedali. The vehicles were found were riddled with bullets, but still contained luggage and mobile telephones.",
"The region in which the Hamedali is, Afar, straddles the border of Ethiopia and Eritrea. Ethiopia's Prime Minister Meles Zenawi had said on Monday that Ethiopian officials had a \"good idea\" of where the hostages were being held.",
"Zenawi announced that embassy staff had not been specifically targeted and suggested that the kidnapping might have been a \"mistake\". Hamedali is a staging post for tourists venturing into the unique geological formations of the Danakil Depression, including the area's famous salt lakes. The area is one of the hottest and inhospitable lands on Earth. Visitors are warned by the government to travel in a convoy with armed guards because of rebels and bandits. Witnesses stated that around 50 men burst Hamedali and marched the foreigners towards the Eritrean border."
] | 2007-03-13 | title |
Éthiopie : cinq otages européens relâchés | 62,401 | [
"Crime and law",
"Missing persons",
"March 13, 2007",
"Margaret Beckett",
"United Kingdom",
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/%C3%89thiopie_:_cinq_otages_europ%C3%A9ens_rel%C3%A2ch%C3%A9s | [
"Un groupe d'employés de l'ambassade britannique enlevés dans le nord de l'Éthiopie il y a douze jours ont été relâchés selon Margaret Beckett, secrétaire au Foreign Office (minstre des Affaires étrangères). Les employés - quatre sujets britanniques et un citoyen français, ainsi que l'équipe éthiopienne travaillant avec eux, avaient été enlevés en Érythrée a-t-elle annoncé.",
"Le groupe était apparement en excursion lorsqu'il fut enlevé le 1er mars dernier. Mme Beckett a aussi indiqué que tous les enlevés étaient sains et saufs et : « largement en bonne santé ».",
"Le groupe fut porté disparu le 1er mars lors d'un voyage touristique pour visiter les sites géologiques de la région Afar, dans le nord du pays. Deux véhicules appartenant au groupe furent trouvés plus tard dans un village du nord-est appelé Hamedali. Ils étaient criblés de balles, mais contenaient toujours bagages et téléphones mobiles.",
"La région Afar chevauche la froniètère entre l'Éthiopie et l'Érythrée. Le Premier ministre éthiopien, Meles Zenawi, avait annoncé lundi que les autorités éthiopiennes avaient « une bonne idée » de l'endroit où les otages étaient détenus.",
"M. Zenawi avait déclaré que le personnel de l'ambassade n'avait pas été visé en particulier et avait suggéré que cet enlèvement était peut-être une erreur. Hamedali est un point de départ pour les touristes visitant les formations géologiques uniques de la Dancalie, comprenant la fameuse région des lacs salés. La région constitue l'une des plus chaudes et inhospitalières terres de la planète. Les visiteurs sont encouragés par le gouvernement à se déplacer en convois avec une escorte armée en raison de la présence de rebelles et de bandits. Des témoins ont indiqués qu'environ 50 hommes sont tombés sur le village et ont forcé les étrangers à traverser la frontière érythréenne à pied."
] | Publié le 14 mars 2007 | interlang link |
Five police officers injured in Naples protest over new garbage tip | 215,305 | [
"October 25, 2010",
"Crime and law"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Five_police_officers_injured_in_Naples_protest_over_new_garbage_tip | [
"Five police officers were injured as they attempted to quell a demonstration over plans to build a large garbage tip on the edge of an Italian town, officials confirmed on Saturday. Two police officers and three carabinieri suffered minor injures during the protest, which lasted several hours. Residents of Terzigno, a municipality in the Province of Naples, hurled stones and fireworks at the police, who responded by attempting to disperse the demonstrators using teargas and baton charges. Protesters are campaigning against the opening of a new waste dump near the town, and the incident on Saturday is the latest in a series of demonstrations in which campaigners are preventing access to the existing garbage tip.",
"The blockade means waste disposal workers are unable to collect refuse, and it has been reported that 2,000 tones of rubbish has already piled up on the streets of Naples. Protesters set the garbage alight on Friday evening, Rosa Russo Iervolino, the mayor of Naples confirmed. Some protesters burned Italian flags and set cars on fire. \"The bad smell bothers us, but it is the lesser evil,\" one protester, a grammar school teacher, said. \"The most important thing is that we are dying here, there is leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma, there are the most terrible diseases around.\" Two parents added that their children were suffering from respiratory problems and paediatricians had advised them to move away from the area. \"They have ruined our lives, the lives of our children who are growing up in a world of rubbish, they are destroying our lives day by day,\" said one.",
"In 2007, Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi pledged to create a solution to Italy's ever-growing problem with litter. However, a European commisioner has warned the Italian government that they may face legal action from the European Union (EU), who may be able to fine them for failing to improve waste management in Naples. \"I am worried by what has been happening in Campania in recent days,\" said Janez Potočnik, the European Commissioner for the Environment. He added that the EU were considering sending a team to the area to assess whether laws protecting human health and the enviroment were being breached. \"Today's situation leads us to believe that measures taken by Italian authorities since 2007 are insufficient,\" he said. \"What has been happening in the last days shows that the Italian authorities have not yet done what is needed.\" Mr. Potočnik added that he felt that the region still had no waste management and that the only incinerator \"is not functioning properly and at full capacity.\""
] | 2010-10-25 | title |
Italian jätekriisi 2010 | 215,305 | [
"October 25, 2010",
"Crime and law"
] | fi | https://fi.wikinews.org/wiki/Italian_j%C3%A4tekriisi_2010 | [] | interlang link |
Five police officers killed in Dallas, Texas during sniper attack | 2,794,049 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Dallas, Texas",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"July 10, 2016",
"North America",
"Hillary Clinton"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Five_police_officers_killed_in_Dallas,_Texas_during_sniper_attack | [
"On Thursday, five police officers were killed and seven were injured after a sniper attacked a public protest march in downtown Dallas, Texas. Sources indicate at least three other people were taken into custody for questioning relating to the attack. The march was held to protest the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota during engagements with police officers.",
"Police identified 25-year-old Micah Johnson as the suspect. Johnson had previously served in the US army, and police reported he said he wanted to exact revenge upon police officers after news of Sterling and Castile's deaths. Ammunition and weapons were found inside Johnson's home. Dallas Police reported the policemen were shot at from a height. Officials said two civilians were also injured in the attack.",
"Micah Johnson served for the United States Army Reserve from 2009 until early 2015, including a tour of Afghanistan. Johnson had no criminal record. His attack was reported to be a lone mission.",
"After the attack earlier on Thursday, police killed Micah Johnson in El Centro College's parking lot by a bomb explosion.",
"Hillary Clinton, 2016 United States presidential election candidate and favorite for the Democratic nomination this July, said, \"There is too much violence, too much hate, too much senseless killing, too many people dead who shouldn't be. No-one has all the answers. We have to find them together.\"",
"After Johnson was killed, Mike Rawlings, Dallas' mayor, said \"We believe now the city is safe\"."
] | 2016-07-10 | title |
Dallas: cinque agenti uccisi in una sparatoria | 2,794,049 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Dallas, Texas",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"July 10, 2016",
"North America",
"Hillary Clinton"
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Dallas:_cinque_agenti_uccisi_in_una_sparatoria | [
"La notte scorsa alle 20:45 circa ora locale (le 3:45 della mattina in Italia), a Dallas una violenta sparatoria ha causato la morte di cinque agenti di polizia e il ferimento di altri sei durante una protesta contro le uccisioni di afroamericani da parte delle forze dell'ordine. La protesta era in atto dopo che nei giorni scorsi due uomini afroamericani sono morti in altrettanti incidenti, Philando Castile in Minnesota e Alton Sterling in Louisiana.",
"Secondo le prima dichiarazioni del corpo di polizia del Texas, la sparatoria sarebbe nata dopo che quattro uomini hanno aperto il fuoco sugli agenti. Dopo lo scontro a fuoco, uno degli assalitori si sarebbe tolto la vita e altri due uomini sono stati arrestati.",
"La sparatoria di stanotte segna il giorno con più vittime nel corpo di polizia dopo l'attentato dell'11 settembre 2001.",
"Il presidente Obama, in visita istituzionale in Polonia, ha definito la sparatoria come un «feroce, calcolato e terribile attacco alle forze dell'ordine».",
"Il capo della polizia di Dallas, David Brown, ha affermato che gli uomini del commando avrebbero agito assieme: due erano appostati sui tetti dei palazzi con fucili da cecchino e hanno sparato agli agenti alla schiena da una posizione elevata, mentre altri, armati con fucili d'assalto, avrebbero sparato da dietro le colonne di alcuni edifici. Brown ha definito l'attacco come una perfetta imboscata, cominciata quando la protesta volgeva al termine."
] | venerdì 8 luglio 2016 | interlang link |
Five prostitutes found dead in U.K. brings fears of "Ipswich Ripper" | 56,537 | [
"Serial killers",
"December 15, 2006",
"Steve Wright (serial killer)",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Five_prostitutes_found_dead_in_U.K._brings_fears_of_%22Ipswich_Ripper%22 | [
"The bodies of five women within the United Kingdom have been found in or around the county of Suffolk in the east of England. The latest victims were found on 12 December 2006 in a rural area a few hundred meters apart, and one body discovered within 40 minutes of the other.\nDetectives investigating the murders have confirmed that the last body discovered was that of 29 year old Annette Nicholls. Five women have been found dead within 10 days and authorities face an \"unprecedented\" murder investigation.",
"Britain's infamous historical serial killers are the 19th century murderer known as \"Jack the Ripper\", who was responsible for the deaths of five prostitutes in east London in 1888 but was never found and Peter Sutcliffe the \"Yorkshire Ripper\" who murdered 13 women, mainly those who worked in prostitution, over a period of five years in northern England.",
"Suffolk Police have cited prostitutes to stay off the streets and women have been advised not to go out unaccompanied."
] | 2006-12-15 | title |
Unbekannter tötete fünf Frauen bei Ipswich | 56,537 | [
"Serial killers",
"December 15, 2006",
"Steve Wright (serial killer)",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom"
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/Unbekannter_t%C3%B6tete_f%C3%BCnf_Frauen_bei_Ipswich | [
"Ipswich / London (England), 13.12.2006 – Die Polizei in Großbritannien ermittelt wegen fünf Morden, die nahe der Stadt Ipswich in der Grafschaft Suffolk begangen wurden. Einer oder mehrere Täter haben dort innerhalb von sechs Wochen fünf Frauen im Alter von 19 bis 29 Jahren getötet. Obwohl die Leichen nackt aufgefunden wurden, fanden sich keine Anzeichen einer Vergewaltigung. Alle fünf Opfer arbeiteten als Prostituierte.",
"Die Polizei überprüft, ob eine Verbindung zu fünf anderen Morden an Prostituierten besteht, die vor fünf Jahren ebenfalls in der Grafschaft Suffolk und Norfolk, einer angrenzenden Grafschaft, begangen wurden. Weiterhin werden die Alibis von mehr als 400 vorbestraften Sexualstraftätern überprüft. Chefermittler Stewart Gull forderte den oder die Täter unterdessen auf, sich zu stellen. Die polizeilichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen nahe Ipswich wurden erhöht.",
"Experten begannen mit der Erstellung eines Täterprofiles. Demnach sei der Täter vermutlich zwischen 25 und 50 Jahre alt, habe weiße Hautfarbe und kenne sich in der Region gut aus. Obwohl nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann, dass es sich um mehrere Täter handelt, ist ein Einzeltäter wahrscheinlich.",
"Seit dem Bekanntwerden der Morde beklagen sich nun Sprecherinnen des Rotlicht-Gewerbes über scharfe Maßnahmen der Polizei gegenüber die Prostitutionsausübung in Großbritannien. Weiterhin wurde der Polizei vorgeworfen, Desinteresse bei gewalttätigen Übergriffen aufgewiesen zu haben. Prostituierte wenden sich nicht gerne mit Informationen an die Polizei.",
"Britische Zeitungen verglichen den Täter mit „Jack the Ripper“ und dem dreizehnfachen Mörder Peter Sutcliffe, der in den 1970ern als „Yorkshire Ripper“ bekannt wurde und noch inhaftiert ist."
] | null | interlang link |
Ipswich : un meurtrier en série sévit-il ? | 56,537 | [
"Serial killers",
"December 15, 2006",
"Steve Wright (serial killer)",
"Crime and law",
"United Kingdom"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/Ipswich_:_un_meurtrier_en_s%C3%A9rie_s%C3%A9vit-il_%3F | [
"Une série de meurtres sur des prostituées est, depuis le 2 septembre, actuellement en cours dans la ville d'Ipswich (140 000 habitants) dans l'Est de l'Angleterre : c'est ce qu'a confirmé la police britannique en liant 5 homicides sur des femmes agées de 19 à 29 ans se connaissant, la dernière victime étant une prostituée de 29 ans, Annette Nicholls. Si, comme l'affirme le commissaire chargé de l'enquête, Stewart Gull, l'autopsie du dernier corps n'a pas permis de connaître les circonstances exactes de la mort, il s'agit tout de même d'un meurtre avéré."
] | Publié le 15 décembre 2006 | interlang link |
Florida schools begin to enforce new statewide ban on saggy pants and other revealing attire | 280,876 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"September 1, 2011"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Florida_schools_begin_to_enforce_new_statewide_ban_on_saggy_pants_and_other_revealing_attire | [
"With the start of a new academic year, schools throughout the US state of Florida are beginning to enforce a new law that bans students from wearing revealing attire.",
"The state legislature overwhelmingly voted earlier this year to prohibit male students from wearing their pants so low such that their underwear is exposed. Girls are also not allowed to wear low-cut and midriff-exposing shirts. Signed by Governor Rick Scott in June, the law comes into effect during the 2011-2012 school year. Florida joined Arkansas as the only states with such widespread bans against saggy pants.",
"The law only applies on school campuses. Principals are required to issue a verbal warning to first-time offenders and call their parents. Students who repeatedly violate the law may be punished with up to three days of in-school suspension and up to one month of suspension from extracurricular activities.",
"Gary Siplin, a Democratic State Senator from Orlando, had pushed for the ban for six years. An African American, he disagreed with accusations by the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People that the law infringes upon individual freedom and targets minority students. Citing a need to encourage professionalism and preparedness for college, he said \"I'm not going to hire anyone, white or black, with saggy pants. I want to make sure our kids qualify.\"",
"On Monday Siplin handed out a dozen belts donated by a local church to students wearing saggy pants at Oak Ridge High School in Orlando. Another 100 were donated to two other predominantly minority schools as students began their first week of classes last week."
] | 2011-09-01 | title |
Floridské školy začaly vynucovat zákaz pokleslých kalhot | 280,876 | [
"Orlando, Florida",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"September 1, 2011"
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Floridsk%C3%A9_%C5%A1koly_za%C4%8Daly_vynucovat_z%C3%A1kaz_poklesl%C3%BDch_kalhot | [
"Se začátkem nového školního roku začaly školy amerického státu Florida vyžadovat od svých žáků, aby dodržovali nový zákon zakazující jim nosit odhalující oblečení.",
"Zákon, který byl nedávno schválen velkou většinou hlasů, zakazuje chlapcům nosit kalhoty tak nízko, aby byly vidět spodky. Dívkám je zase zapovězeno chodit s hlubokým výstřihem nebo zkráceným tričkem odhalujícím břicho.",
"Guvernér Rick Scott podepsal zákon už v červnu, ovšem ve školách se zákon projevuje až teď, od školního roku 2011–2012. Už dříve podobný zákon schválil Arkansas.",
"Zákon reguluje oblečení pouze na pozemcích škol. Při prvním porušení má ředitel za úkol ústně porušitele varovat a také upozornit jeho rodiče. Pokud někdo porušuje zákon opakovaně, může být na tři dny vyloučen ze třídy (tj. být ve škole a plnit úkoly, ale stranou ostatních), případně být až na měsíc vyloučen z mimoškolních aktivit.",
"Senátor Gary Siplin za Demokratickou stranu se snažil zákon prosadit šest let, než se mu to povedlo. Proti zákonu se postavila mimo jiné Národní asociace pro podporu barevných lidí (NAACP) a Americká unie pro občanské svobody (ACLU), které se domnívají, že zákon zasahuje do osobních svobod a hůře zasáhne menšiny. Gary Siplin, který je sám afrického původu, s tím ovšem nesouhlasí a sám svůj zákon zkusil podpořit tím, že v pondělí rozdával v místní střední škole žákům s padajícími kalhotami kožené pásky věnované místním církevním sborem."
] | Pátek 2. září 2011 | interlang link |
Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić boycotts genocide trial | 142,368 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"October 26, 2009",
"Bosnian War",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Bosnian_Serb_leader_Radovan_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87_boycotts_genocide_trial | [
"The genocide trial of former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić began today at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague.",
"Karadžić faces 11 charges, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, which relate to the Bosnian War of the 1990s. He denies all of the charges.",
"Now 64, Karadžić had been in hiding for 13 years before being taken to The Hague for trial, which opened 14 years after the events to which it refers, and is expected to last until 2012. Karadžić announced on Thursday that he did not intend to attend the opening day, and it began without his presence. As he plans to defend himself, the trial could not continue.",
"Karadžić says he needs more time to prepare, and the trial has been adjourned until tomorrow to allow the judges to consider their options. If Karadžić fails to attend repeatedly, a defence lawyer may be assigned to him in order to allow the trial to continue in his absence.",
"The start date has been delayed twice, and a request by Karadžić for a further 10-month delay was rejected. He has also attempted to request that the charges be dropped on the grounds that former US mediator Richard Holbrooke offered him immunity in 1996 if he retired from public life. The court rejected this appeal."
] | 2009-10-26 | title |
Proces s Radovanem Karadžićem začíná. On ovšem nepřišel | 142,368 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"October 26, 2009",
"Bosnian War",
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/Proces_s_Radovanem_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87em_za%C4%8D%C3%ADn%C3%A1._On_ov%C5%A1em_nep%C5%99i%C5%A1el | [
"Bývalý předák bosenských Srbů Radovan Karadžić měl dnes stanout před trestním tribunálem pro bývalou Jugoslávii, kde se měl zodpovídat z 11 bodů obžaloby. Ty zahrnují genocidu, válečné zločiny a zločiny proti lidskosti. Proces v těchto dnech právě začíná. Karadžić se však k soudu nedostavil, bojkotuje jej. Obvinění, která proti němu byla vznesena, popírá.",
"Soudce proto případ pro den přerušil a vyzval Karadžiće, aby se k procesu dostavil.",
"Právní zástupce Radovana Karadžiće pro BBC uvedl, že jeho klient potřebuje pro přípravu obhajoby minimálně 9 měsíců.",
"Radovan Karadžić, který patřil k významným osobnostem války v Jugoslávii, byl dopaden loňský rok poté, co se 13 let skrýval v Bělehradě. Byl převezen do Haagu, aby byl souzen za zločiny, kterých se měl dopustit během bosenského konfliktu v 90. letech."
] | Pondělí 26. října 2009 | interlang link |
Radovan Karadžić zbojkotował swój własny proces | 142,368 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"October 26, 2009",
"Bosnian War",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Radovan_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87_zbojkotowa%C5%82_sw%C3%B3j_w%C5%82asny_proces | [
"W poniedziałek w Hadze rozpoczął się proces oskarżonego o ludobójstwo byłego przywódcy bośniackich Serbów Radovana Karadžića przed Międzynarodowym Trybunałem ds. Zbrodni Wojennych w byłej Jugosławii.",
"Karadžićowi postawiono 11 zarzutów. Oskarżono go o ludobójstwo, zbrodnie wojenne i zbrodnie przeciwko ludzkości, których miał dopuścić się podczas wojny w Bośni i Hercegowinie w latach 90-tych. Oskarżony zaprzecza wszelkim zarzutom.",
"64-letni Karadžić zanim stanął przed Trybunałem w Hadze pozostawał w ukryciu przez 13 lat. Proces rozpoczął się 14 lat po zakończeniu wojny w Bośni i Hercegowinie i oczekuje się, że potrwa do roku 2012. W czwartek Karadžić ogłosił, że nie zamierza stawić się w pierwszym dniu procesu i tak też zrobił. Jednakże proces nie może odbywać się bez jego obecności, gdyż oskarżony zamierza sam się bronić."
] | null | interlang link |
Radovan Karadžić bojkotuje suđenje | 142,368 | [
"Radovan Karadžić",
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"War crimes",
"Crime and law",
"October 26, 2009",
"Bosnian War",
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/Radovan_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87_bojkotuje_su%C4%91enje | [
"26. октобар 2009.Hag- (Beta) Bivši predsednik Republike Srpske Radovan Karadžić, optužen za genocid nad nesrbima u BiH, nije se u ponedeljak ujutru pojavio na početku suđenja pred Haškim tribunalom, iz protesta što mu, kako tvrdi, sud nije dao dovoljno vremena za pripremu.",
"Odluku o daljem toku postupka, posle konsultacije sa tužiocima, doneće sudsko veće predsedavajućeg O Gon Kvona iz Južne Koreje u kojem su još Hauard Morison iz Velike Britanije i Melvil Berd iz Trinidada i Tobaga. Rezervni sudija je Flavija Latanci iz Italije.",
"Ispred zgrade Haškog tribunala okupilo se više desetina predstavnika, većinom žena, udruženja žrtava iz Srebrenice i drugih predstavnika bošnjačkih žrtava.",
"Oni su nosili ogroman natpis: \"Sramota Evrope! Genocid: 8106 ubijenih u Srebrenici 1995\". Na drugom transparentu pisalo je: \"Masovni ubica Karadžić - uhvatite Mladića\"."
] | null | interlang link |
Former Chadian leader receives death sentence | 111,518 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"August 15, 2008",
"Trial in absentia",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Chadian_leader_receives_death_sentence | [
"Hissen Habre, the former President of Chad, has received a death sentence for plotting to overthrow the Chadian government. He is currently in exile and is living in Senegal.",
"In addition, the head of Rally of Forces for Change, Timane Erdimi, was sentenced to death in absentia as well as 10 other individuals. Erdimi is related to the current President of Chad, Idriss Déby. 32 other people were penalized with hard labor.",
"The inquiry said that Habre's government was responsible for 40,000 politically motivated murders and 200,000 torture cases.",
"The trial, which began on Tuesday, lasted for three days. The individuals tried in the hearing, received no legal defence throughout the period. El Hadj Diouf, Habre's lawyer in Senegal, stated that \"this is a manipulation ... I'm not taking this seriously.\" Habre is expected to be tried in Senegal per the request of the African Union. The trial could potentially be years away, as no official date has been set.",
"Since being forced out of power in 1990, Habre has fought in a rebellion against the Chadian government along the eastern border of the country."
] | 2008-08-15 | title |
Ex-líder chadiano recebe condenação à morte | 111,518 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Human rights",
"Crime and law",
"August 15, 2008",
"Trial in absentia",
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Ex-l%C3%ADder_chadiano_recebe_condena%C3%A7%C3%A3o_%C3%A0_morte | [
"Ndjamena, Chade • 19 de agosto de 2008",
"O ex-presidente do Chade, Hissene Habrê, que governou o país entre 1982 a 1990, recebeu uma sentença de morte na última sexta-feira (15) por planejar derrubar o governo Chade. Ele está atualmente no exílio e está vivendo no Senegal.",
"Além disso, o líder da Reunião das Forças Democráticas, Timane Erdimi, foi condenado à morte in absentia (a revelia), incluindo 10 outras pessoas. Erdimi está relacionado com o atual Presidente do Chade, Idriss Déby. As outras 32 pessoas foram duramente penalizados com trabalhabos forçados.",
"O inquérito disse que o Governo Habre foi responsável por 40.000 politicamente motivadas 200.000 de casos das torturas e assassinatos.",
"O julgamento, que começou na terça-feira (12), durou três dias. Os indivíduos julgados no decurso da audiência, não recebeu qualquer contestação jurídica ao longo de todo o período. El Hadj Diouf, o advogado da Habre no Senegal, afirmou que \"esta é uma manipulação... eu não estou tendo presente a sério.\" Habre está previsto para ser julgado no Senegal por solicitação da União Africana. O julgamento pode ser potencialmente anos de distância, como data oficial não foi definida.",
"Desde que foi derrubado do poder em 1990, Habre lutou em uma rebelião contra o atual governo do Chade que o derrubou, ao longo da fronteira oriental do país."
] | null | interlang link |
Former chief of Czechoslovak constitutional court murdered | 219,277 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"November 9, 2010"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_chief_of_Czechoslovak_constitutional_court_murdered | [
"Slovak attorney Ernest Valko, 57, was killed yesterday in his house in Limbach near Bratislava.",
"An unknown man shot Valko once in the heart from several meters away.",
"The police department dealing with organized crime started investigating the murder. It refused to speculate about any motive. According to today's statements, neither Valko, nor his colleagues had alerts about any possible attack.",
"Valko was a member of the Czechoslovakia parliament after the Velvet Revolution, serving as a deputy speaker of the lower house between 1990 and 1991. He made important contributions to key laws including the preamble of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms.",
"In 1992, Valko led the Czechoslovak constitutional court since its establishment in April till the dissolution of Czechoslovakia at the end of the year. Since 1993, Valko has worked as an attorney representing prominent figures as well as several state institutions.",
"Slovak politicians and attorneys spoke about shock from the news and offered their condolences to the Valko's family."
] | 2010-11-09 | title |
Bývalý předseda československého ústavního soudu byl zastřelen | 219,277 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"November 9, 2010"
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/B%C3%BDval%C3%BD_p%C5%99edseda_%C4%8Deskoslovensk%C3%A9ho_%C3%BAstavn%C3%ADho_soudu_byl_zast%C5%99elen | [
"Večer byl ve svém domě v obci Limbach nedaleko Bratislavy zastřelen slovenský právník Ernest Valko. Byl významným advokátem a v roce 1992 jediným předsedou Ústavního soudu Československa od jeho založení do rozpadu federace.",
"Sedmapadesátiletého Valka zabil neznámý pachatel jedinou střelou z několika metrů, která advokáta zasáhla přímo do srdce. Oběť nalezla v domě jeho manželka, která jela do jeho domu, když jí neodpovídal na telefon. Vyšetřování vraždy převzal útvar zabývající se organizovaným zločinem. Dohled nad vyšetřováním bude provádět generální prokuratura.",
"Ministr vnitra Daniel Lipšic, který byl v minulosti zaměstnán ve Valkově advokátní kanceláři, slíbil vyšetření případu. Vyšetřovatelé zároveň oznámili, že budou zveřejňovat pouze zcela prověřené informace.",
"Valko byl od roku 1990 do roku 1991 poslancem Sněmovny lidu Federálního shromáždění, kde vykonával i funkci místopředsedy a zapojil se aktivně do vytváření novel řady důležitých právních norem. V roce 1992 se stal předsedou Ústavního soudu, který vznikl v dubnu, ale byl rozpuštěn na konci roku kvůli rozpadu federace. Poté se věnoval advokátské profesi a zastupoval mimo jiné mnohé politiky i státní úřady. V roce 2006 byl krátce zadržen, když ho policie podezřívala z vydírání, ale soud nepřijal návrh na vzetí do vazby a prokuratura zanedlouho vyšetřování kauzy zastavila. Pouze před týdnem se stal členem dozorčí rady holdingu Slovenský plynárenský priemysel.",
"Podle svých přátel a lidí z okolí se Valko nikdy nesvěřil z obavy, že mu hrozí nebezpečí. Bezpečnostní analytik Milan Žitný ale připustil, že s ním mluvil o obavách kvůli zastupování jedné ze stran v případu státní loterie Tipos. Tu žaluje kyperská společnost Lemikon, která převzala od společnosti Športka směnku na 60 miliard eur za zneužité know-how na hru Sportka. Valko byl ve sporu zástupcem Tiposu.",
"V komentářích deníku Sme se objevují často názory, že Valkova vražda může mít výrazný vliv na celou slovenskou společnost. Předseda Slovenské advokátní komory Tomáš Borec například pohrozil, že „útok na jakoukoli část justičního systému může způsobit jeho rozvrat“. Borcův předchůdce Ondrej Mularčík konstatoval: „Pokud se tato událost stala v souvislosti s jeho povoláním, tak je to úplná katastrofa.“"
] | Pondělí 8. listopadu 2010 | interlang link |
Former Chief Operating Officer of Wikimedia Foundation is convicted felon | 87,383 | [
"Mike Godwin",
"December 14, 2007",
"Original reporting",
"Wikimedia Foundation",
"Crime and law",
"Cayman Islands",
"United States"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Chief_Operating_Officer_of_Wikimedia_Foundation_is_convicted_felon | [
"The Register, a British technology news and opinion website, reports that a former Wikimedia Foundation Chief Operating Officer (COO) has a criminal record in at least four U.S. states: Texas, Maryland, Virginia and Florida.",
"Carolyn Doran, born Carolyn Sue Bothwell, was the WMF COO for six months from January to July 2007. The Register reported Doran's criminal record includes four convictions for driving under the influence, two of check fraud and petty larceny, one hit and run with fatality, and one charge of unlawful wounding for shooting former boyfriend Philip L. Brown in the chest in 1990. He later asked that no charges be made against her and they resumed dating each other. Two of the arrests for driving under the influence occurred this year, once in May while she was working for the Foundation and once a month after she resigned.",
"\"He asked me to marry him after I shot him,\" Doran told The Washington Post on February 22, 1990.",
"Wikinews has confirmed, through Pinellas County police reports, that she was convicted in four DUI's and also the hit and run. It is also confirmed, she faced an additional charge of driving while a license is suspended or revoked (DWLSR).",
"In 1994, Doran was implicated in the murder of a man who was the lover of her friend, Cassondra Sue Betancourt. Betancourt was later convicted of the man's first degree murder in 1995 after a jury trial. According to court documents, Betancourt, \"brought some cocaine to a hotel room that had been rented by the victim, her lover. The next morning, after defendant left the room, the victim was discovered dead.\"",
"Doran, who had prior knowledge that Betancourt would deliver the drugs, made a plea deal with prosecutors that if she testified against Betancourt, she would get a lesser sentence for her previous charges of credit card fraud and petty larceny. Although Doran assisted the prosecution in attempting to gain incriminating evidence by wearing a wire while with Betancourt, Doran never received her lesser sentence.",
"Despite the attempt, Betancourt's conviction was later overturned in 1998 because \"there was insufficient evidence to support the conviction. The court held that there had only been circumstantial evidence linking defendant to the crime, and that proof by circumstantial evidence was not sufficient to prove first degree murder,\" added the court papers.",
"Wikinews can also confirm that Doran's husband, Sean H. Doran, a former intelligence officer and major for the U.S. Air Force, to whom she was married for only five days, drowned on their honeymoon on Grand Cayman in the Cayman Islands in 1999. According to The Washington Post, the cause of the drowning which led to his death was not known. It was later acknowledged in private records given to the Library of Virginia that his death was deemed accidental.",
"Six months later she remarried after meeting a man named Christopher Dale Confer in Arapahoe County, Colorado. It was earlier thought she used Confer as an alias, because according to PACER, she filed for bankruptcy in 2001 where she is listed as having \"aliases,\" one being Carolyn S. King and the other as Carolyn Confer.",
"The Register quotes Mike Godwin, the Wikimedia Foundation's general counsel, as saying that the Foundation had no knowledge of Doran's prior or current criminal record. \"We've never had any documentation of any criminal record on Carolyn Doran's part at all. As far as I'm concerned, I have no direct knowledge of [her criminal record] yet...We have, in our records, no evidence of any such thing.\"",
"Wikinews attempted to contact Mr. Godwin via e-mail but no response has yet been received.",
"Doran was voted into her COO position by the Wikimedia Board of Trustees at the time. Of the seven board members, six supported her position and one did not. The vote was made and agreed upon on January 22, 2007. She was in charge of \"all office/administrative issues\" and \"overall administration and business operations. Areas of responsibility included administration, personnel and fiscal management. In the future, [she will be in charge of] any new employee working in the administrative area,\" according to public e-mails on Wikimedia's main mailing list foundation-l.",
"According to Florence Devouard, the Chair of the WMF Board of Trustees, background checks were not performed on anyone until at least 2007, but that recently, the Foundation began to perform them. During that time, Brad Patrick was acting Executive Director and he did all the hiring.",
"\"In fall 2006, we did not perform criminal background checks. From what I understood, Mike took care of this and this is now being done. It is fairly recent, the board did not get any report on this,\" said Devouard on foundation-l.",
"Doran was searched and questioned by U.S. Customs agents in Florida after returning from a Foundation board meeting in the Netherlands around June. According to The Register, it was because she violated the terms of her parole by attending the meeting. She was not arrested, but according to police reports, on October 31, 2007, Doran was arrested under a warrant valid for a \"nationwide extradition\". Doran was then extradited back to Virginia, where she is currently being held in a prison in Staunton.",
"Doran resigned from her position in July 2007, and the Foundation is currently without a Chief Operating Officer."
] | 2007-12-14 | title |
La justice américaine s'intéresse à une ancienne employée de la Wikimedia Fondation | 87,383 | [
"Mike Godwin",
"December 14, 2007",
"Original reporting",
"Wikimedia Foundation",
"Crime and law",
"Cayman Islands",
"United States"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/La_justice_am%C3%A9ricaine_s%27int%C3%A9resse_%C3%A0_une_ancienne_employ%C3%A9e_de_la_Wikimedia_Fondation | [
"Cet article mentionne la Wikimedia Foundation ou un de ses projets. Notez que Wikinews est un projet de la Wikimedia Foundation.",
"Publié le 20 décembre 2007 \nThe Register, un site de news et d'opinions, révèle qu'une ancienne responsable des opérations de la Fondation Wikimedia, Carolyn Bothwell Doran, possédait un casier judiciaire dans 4 états des États-Unis (Texas, Maryland, Virginie et Floride).",
"Elle se serait rendue coupable d'un délit de fuite dans un accident de voiture ayant conduit à un décès, sous l'influence de l'alcool, et de plusieurs autres cas de conduites en état d'ébriété.",
"Contactée, la Fondation a apporté quelques correctifs face à plusieurs informations inexactes rapportées sur certains sites internet. L'intéressée avait cessé de travailler pour la fondation dès le mois de juin, soit un mois avant son arrestation."
] | null | interlang link |
Była dyrektor ds. operacyjnych Fundacji Wikimedia jest skazanym przestępcą | 87,383 | [
"Mike Godwin",
"December 14, 2007",
"Original reporting",
"Wikimedia Foundation",
"Crime and law",
"Cayman Islands",
"United States"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/By%C5%82a_dyrektor_ds._operacyjnych_Fundacji_Wikimedia_jest_skazanym_przest%C4%99pc%C4%85 | [
"The Register, brytyjski magazyn internetowy poświęcony branży IT, doniósł w grudniu, że była dyrektor ds. operacyjnych Fundacji Wikimedia (której projektami są m.in. Wikinews oraz Wikipedia) była karana w co najmniej czterech stanach USA.",
"Carolyn Doran (panieńskie nazwisko: Carolyn Sue Bothwell) piastowała stanowisko dyrektora ds. operacyjnych przez pół roku, od stycznia do lipca 2007. Według The Register kartoteka policyjna Doran zawiera: prowadzenie pod wpływem alkoholu (cztery wyroki), dwa wyroki za fałszowanie czeków i drobną kradzież, jeden za wypadek samochodowy ze skutkiem śmiertelnym i ucieczkę z miejsca wypadku oraz oskarżenie o zranienie postrzałem w klatkę piersiową byłego chłopaka Philipa L. Browna w 1990 roku. Brown wycofał oskarżenie przeciwko Doran po tym, jak zaczęli się ponownie ze sobą umawiać.",
"Dwa z aresztowań za prowadzenie pod wpływem alkoholu miały miejsce w roku 2007 – jedno w maju, podczas gdy Doran pracowała dla Fundacji, jedno w miesiąc po jej rezygnacji.\nWikinews (wersja anglojęzyczna) potwierdziło, że Doran była skazana za cztery przypadki prowadzenia pod wpływem alkoholu, a także za spowodowanie wypadku i ucieczkę z miejsca zdarzenia. Zostało także potwierdzone, że postawiono jej dodatkowy zarzut prowadzenia pojazdu w czasie, gdy prawo jazdy jest zawieszone lub odebrane.",
"The Register cytuje Mike'a Godwina, prawnika Fundacji Wikimedia, który stwierdza, że Fundacja nie wiedziała o aktualnych i wcześniejszych przestępstwach Doran. Carolyn Doran została najpierw zatrudniona (za pośrednictwem agencji pracy tymczasowej) na stanowisku księgowej (w niepełnym wymiarze godzin), a następnie została wybrana na stanowisko dyrektora ds. operacyjnych przez Radę Powierniczą Fundacji Wikimedia. Z siedmiu członków Rady sześciu głosowało za jej przyjęciem, a jeden członek zgłosił stanowisko odrębne. Głosowanie odbyło się 22 stycznia 2007 roku.",
"Według publicznie dostępnych e-maili z listy mailingowej Fundacji foundation-l dyrektor ds. operacyjnych był odpowiedzialny za wszystkie kwestie biurowe i administracyjne. Do obowiązków dyrektora ds. operacyjnych należało zarządzanie finansami, personelem oraz administracją.",
"Doran była przeszukiwana i przesłuchiwana przez pracowników służby celnej na Florydzie po powrocie ze spotkania członków zarządu Fundacji w Holandii w okolicach czerwca 2007. Według The Register stało się tak, gdyż biorąc udział w spotkaniu naruszyła ona warunki zwolnienia warunkowego. Nie została wtedy aresztowana, ale (wg raportów policyjnych) została aresztowana 31 października 2007 roku na podstawie \"ogólnokrajowego nakazu ekstradycji\". Została następnie ekstradowana z powrotem do Wirginii, gdzie aktualnie odbywa karę pozbawienia wolności w więzieniu w Staunton.",
"Doran zrezygnowała ze stanowiska w lipcu 2007; aktualnie Fundacja nie posiada nikogo na stanowisku dyrektora ds. operacyjnych."
] | null | interlang link |
Former Chilean president Augusto Pinochet fingerprinted | 29,214 | [
"Augusto Pinochet",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"December 29, 2005"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Chilean_president_Augusto_Pinochet_fingerprinted | [
"Police arrived at Augusto Pinochet's home this morning in the Chilean capital of Santiago to fingerprint the 90 year old man and take a mugshot, in an incident his lawyer called an insult. His lawyer, Pablo Rodriguez, said, \"This is insulting but what pains us the most is not that a police record has been made for a former president but that there are no legal grounds to do so,\" and \"this is an arbitrary procedure by the judge.\"",
"Judge Victor Montiglio ordered the mugshots and fingerprints to create a file on Pinochet. He has been under house arrest since November 2005.",
"Pinochet is being charged in relation to Operation Colombo, where 119 political dissidents disappeared during his reign in the mid-1970s. Pinochet's regime claims that they all died in clashes with various opposition groups. A government spokesperson said, \"Once more in Chile we can happily affirm that there is equality before the law and that the courts of justice are functioning impeccably.\"",
"Pinochet is also in other legal trouble. In November he was indicted for tax fraud and other crimes related to some $27 million in foreign bank accounts, according to Reuters. And also on Monday he was ruled fit to stand trial for the disappearances in Operation Colombo. This comes as a change of court rulings, previously cases have been dismissed because of medical reasons."
] | 2005-12-29 | title |
La justicia chilena toma huellas y fotografías de Pinochet | 29,214 | [
"Augusto Pinochet",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"December 29, 2005"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/La_justicia_chilena_toma_huellas_y_fotograf%C3%ADas_de_Pinochet | [
"Funcionarios judiciales fueron enviados este miércoles (28) a casa del ex dictador chileno Augusto Pinochet, quien cumple arresto domiciliario desde finales de noviembre pasado, con el fin de tomarle las huellas dactilares y fotografías de frente y de perfil para el prontuario, como cualquier procesado.",
"El juez Víctor Montiglio, quien ordenó el fichaje de Pinochet, le concedió libertad provisional por seis de las nueve muertes relacionadas con la llamada Operación Colombo, en la que 119 opositores políticos desaparecieron. No obstante, debe pagar una fianza de US$47.000 y esperar la confirmación de la Corte de Apelaciones de Santiago. El proceso había sido resuelto el 24 de noviembre pasado. Sin embargo, el 5 de diciembre la Corte Suprema de Justicia añadió tres nombres más a la lista de desaparecidos. El alto tribunal no ha enviado de vuelta el expediente del proceso a Montiglio.",
"Osvaldo Puccio, vocero gubernamental, dijo: \"una vez más, se confirma la igualdad ante la ley\". Otra cosa piensa Pablo Rodríguez, abogado de Pinochet: \"No hay duda que esto es un insulto\", dijo el abogado de Pinochet, Pablo Rodríguez, luego del procedimiento.",
"Hernán Quezada, el abogado querellante que solicitó la apertura de la ficha, declaró: \"En Chile todo presunto delincuente, una vez que es sometido a proceso, debe ser 'prontuariado' (fichado). Augusto Pinochet interpuso recursos de amparo que fueron rechazado por la Corte de Apelaciones y por la Corte Suprema y por lo tanto corresponde que se realice esta diligencia. Es un trámite normal dentro del procedimiento penal chileno\".",
"El 23 de noviembre pasado, Pinochet había sido puesto en arresto domiciliario por cargos de corrupción. Aunque pagó una fianza, al día siguiente debió permanecer en su casa de Santiago, pues ese día se abrió el proceso por los seis desaparecidos de la Operación Colombo. El lunes pasado (26), la Corte Suprema rechazó una última apelación de la defensa del ex dictador, que afirmaba que Pinochet no podía ir a juicio por problemas de salud."
] | 29 de diciembre de 2005 | interlang link |
L'ancien président chilien Augusto Pinochet a désormais un casier judiciaire | 29,214 | [
"Augusto Pinochet",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"December 29, 2005"
] | fr | https://fr.wikinews.org/wiki/L%27ancien_pr%C3%A9sident_chilien_Augusto_Pinochet_a_d%C3%A9sormais_un_casier_judiciaire | [
"La police chilienne est arrivée au domicile d'Augusto Pinochet ce matin à Santiago, afin de relever ses empreintes, ainsi que pour prendre une photo. Son avocat, Pablo Rodriguez, trouve que cette procédure ressemble à une insulte. Il a en effet déclaré : « Ceci est insultant mais ce qui nous fait souffrir le plus est que l'enregistrement de la police a été fait pour un ancien président cependant, il n'y a aucun réglement légal pour ça » et « il s'agit d'une procédure arbitraire venant d'un juge ».",
"Le juge Victor Montiglio a ordonné de prendre des photographies et les empreintes afin de créer un fichier sur le général Pinochet, assigné à résidence depuis novembre 2005.",
"L'ancien dictateur est accusé d'être directement mêlé à l'opération Columbo, durant laquelle 119 dissidents politiques avaient disparu, dans les années 70, pendant la dictature. Le régime affirmait alors que les opposants étaient morts à la suite d'embuscades entre groupes d'opposition. Un porte-parole de l'actuel gouvernement de coalition a déclaré : « Une fois encore au Chili, nous pouvons affirmer avec joie qu'il y a égalité devant la loi et que la cour de justice fonctionne impeccablement »."
] | Publié le 29 décembre 2005 | interlang link |
Chile: Policja w domu Augusto Pinocheta | 29,214 | [
"Augusto Pinochet",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"December 29, 2005"
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/Chile:_Policja_w_domu_Augusto_Pinocheta | [
"Policja wkroczyła wczoraj do mieszkania Augusto Pinocheta w Santiago de Chile, by pobrać odciski palców 90-letniego byłego prezydenta Chile. Funkcjonariusze zrobili mu także zdjęcie do kartoteki policyjnej. Prawnik Pinocheta, Pablo Rodriguez, określił ten incydent jako uwłaczający. To zdarzenia to obraza, ale tym, co przyniosło największą przykrość nie były działania policji, lecz brak ich prawnych podstaw – powiedział Rodriguez.",
"Działania policji to skutek nakazu sędziego Victora Montiglio. To właśnie on zlecił funkcjonariuszom wykonanie zdjęcia i odcisków palców w celu założenia kartoteki policyjnej Pinocheta. Były prezydent Chile od października ma zasądzony areszt domowy.",
"Prokuratura stawia Pinochetowi zarzut udziału w Operacji Colombo, podczas której w 1975 roku znikło bez śladu 119 przeciwników politycznych przywódcy wojskowej junty. W okresie reżimu Pinocheta, władze Chile twierdziły, że politycy zginęli w wyniku walk wewnątrz opozycji.",
"Rzecznik chilijskiego rządu w reakcji na działania policji powiedział, że po raz kolejny w Chile można mówić o równości wszystkich przed prawem. Jego zdaniem sąd i wymiar sprawiedliwości działa w tym kraju bez zarzutu.",
"Pinochet ma też inne problemy prawne. Jak podaje Agencja Reutera w październiku były chilijski prezydent został oskarżony o defraudację i przestępstwa podatkowe. Ma to m.in. związek z 27 milionami dolarów, które Pinochet ma na swoich zagranicznych kontach bankowych.",
"Komentatorzy podkreślają, że zmienia się podejście chilijskich sądów do Pinocheta. Wcześniej byłemu przywódcy wojskowej junty udawało się unikać procesów ze względu na jego zły stan zdrowia."
] | null | interlang link |
Polícia tira impressões digitais de Pinochet | 29,214 | [
"Augusto Pinochet",
"Crime and law",
"South America",
"December 29, 2005"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Pol%C3%ADcia_tira_impress%C3%B5es_digitais_de_Pinochet | [
"Na manhã de ontem (28), a polícia chilena foi à casa de Augusto Pinochet, na capital Santiago, para tomar as impressões digitais e tirar a foto do homem de 90 anos. O advogado de Pinochet, Pablo Rodriguez, considerou o acontecimento um insulto: \"Isto é insultante, mas o que nos dói mais não é um registro policial estar sendo sido feito com um ex-Presidente, mas o facto de não haver nenhuma base legal para isso.\". Ele acrescentou ainda que o procedimento foi uma decisão arbitrária do juiz.",
"O juiz Vitor Montiglio ordenou que fossem tiradas as fotos e impressões digitais para criar um arquivo de Pinochet. O ex-Presidente está sob prisão domiciliar desde novembro passado.",
"Pinochet é acusado de participar da suposta Operação Colombo, onde 119 dissidentes políticos desapareceram durante o seu Governo, em meados da década de 70. O regime de Pinochet alega que todos eles morreram em confrontos com vários grupos de oposição.",
"Um porta-voz do actual Governo disse: \"mais uma vez no Chile podemos afirmar felizmente que há igualdade perante a Lei e que os Tribunais de Justiça estão funcionando impecavelmente.\"",
"Pinochet tem ainda uma preocupações legais. Em novembro ele foi acusado de fraude fiscal e outros crimes que envolvem aproximadamente 27 milhões de dólares supostamente depositados em contas bancárias no exterior, segundo informou a agência Reuters.",
"Segunda-feira ele foi considerado apto a comparecer no julgamento dos desaparecidos durante a Operação Colombo. Anteriormente Pinochet tinha sido dispensado sob a alegação de problemas de saúde."
] | 29 de dezembro de 2005 | interlang link |
Former CIA agent indicted after leaking classified information | 234,970 | [
"New York Times",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Nuclear proliferation",
"January 8, 2011",
"Alexandria, Virginia",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_CIA_agent_indicted_after_leaking_classified_information | [
"Jeffrey Alexander Sterling, an ex-officer of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was taken into custody Thursday by federal agents in St. Louis, Missouri. He was indicted on six separate counts of unauthorized disclosure of national defense information, as well as four additional charges: mail fraud, unlawfully keeping national defense information, obstruction of justice, and unauthorized conveyance of government property. Sterling, aged 43, had been employed by the CIA from May 1993 until he was fired in January 2002. During his arraignment, a judge declared that he would be held until a Monday hearing because the government called him a danger to the community.",
"Sterling, an African American lawyer who lives in O'Fallon, allegedly provided classified information to New York Times reporter James Risen, some of which was incorporated into Risen's 2006 State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration. Risen, who wrote about the CIA's involvement in Iran's nuclear program, has not named any of his sources even after being subpeonaed twice; Risen was not explicitly named in Sterling's indictment, but his involvement in the alleged leak is strongly supported by its contents, and a US government official confirmed the connection to NBC News.",
"The indictment stated that, for two years during his career with the CIA, Sterling had been involved in \"a classified clandestine operational program designed to conduct intelligence activities related to the weapons capabilities of certain countries.\" An anonymous source close to the investigation said one of those countries was Iran. While managing CIA operations, Sterling also handled a \"human asset,\" whose name he is also accused of releasing.",
"From 2000, Sterling had been engaged in various disputes with the agency. According to a story authored by Risen for The New York Times in March 2002, Sterling's supervisor during the Iran program said, \"You kind of stick out as a big black guy.\" The comment was made after Sterling made requests for new assignments concerning Iran, requests declined because his appearance could interfere with the cases. Sterling, sued the CIA for racial discrimination shortly after being fired, but was unable to come to a settlement in February 2003, and allegedly began leaking the classified information soon after that. The indictment claimed the motive behind the leak was retaliation for the unsuccessful lawsuit.",
"Edward B. MacMahon Jr., a Virginia attorney for Sterling, said, \"He has always maintained his innocence throughout the course of this entire investigation. We'll seek to prove that in court.\" MacMahon also said trial will be held at a U.S. District Court in Alexandria, as the case began in that state. Every charge against Sterling comes with the possibility of 10–20 years of jail time.",
"US Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer made a statement, saying that \"Sterling placed at risk our national security and the life of an individual working on a classified mission.\" A spokesperson for the CIA said, \"Separate and apart from any specific instance, including this matter involving a former agency officer who left the CIA years ago, we take very seriously the unauthorized disclosure of classified information.\" The New York Times did not comment on the matter.",
"The Obama administration has already taken action in several similar leaks involving government officers. The administration has also initiated an investigation into Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, after the site's release of thousands of classified documents."
] | 2011-01-08 | title |
Kiszivárogtatással gyanúsítanak egy volt CIA ügynököt | 234,970 | [
"New York Times",
"Politics and conflicts",
"Nuclear proliferation",
"January 8, 2011",
"Alexandria, Virginia",
"Crime and law",
"United States",
"North America",
"Middle East"
] | hu | https://hu.wikinews.org/wiki/Kisziv%C3%A1rogtat%C3%A1ssal_gyan%C3%BAs%C3%ADtanak_egy_volt_CIA_%C3%BCgyn%C3%B6k%C3%B6t | [
"Ma hallgatják ki Jeffrey Alexander Sterling volt CIA alkalmazottat, akit szövetségi ügynökök még csütörtökön vettek őrizetbe. Sterlinget levéltitok megsértésével, az igazságszolgáltatás akadályoztatásával, kormányzati tulajdon ellopásával, védelmi információk jogosulatlan tárolásával és hatrendbeli nyilvánosságra hozásával gyanúsítják. A vádlott 1993 májusa és 2002 januárja között dolgozott a hivatalnak. A bíróság engedett a kormányzat kérésének, és a mai meghallgatásáig elrendelte az előzetes letartóztatást.",
"Sterling a gyanú szerint James Risen[1] egyik informátora lehetett, aki a neki átadott információkat felhasználta State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration[2] című könyvének megírásakor. A kötet az iráni atomprogrammal, illetve az amerikai titkosszolgálatok által ahhoz nyújtott támogatással foglalkozik. (A kötet szerzője nem nevezte meg forrásait annak ellenére sem, hogy kétszer is beidézték.) A vádirat ugyan nem nevezte meg Risent, de annak tartalma alapján valószínűsítik érintettségét. (A kapcsolatot az MSNBC hírcsatornának egy meg nem nevezett kormányzati forrás meg is erősítette.)",
"Sterling két évig dolgozott egy titkos felmérésen, amely bizonyos országok hadipotenciálját volt hivatott felderíteni. Egy másik névtelen forrás szerint ezen országok egyike Irán volt, s a gyanú szerint a vádlott még az ő alá rendelt besúgó nevét is kiadta.",
"– Sterling veszélybe sodorta a nemzet biztonságát, és titkos feladatot teljesítő munkatársa életét.[3] – mondta Lanny A. Breuer helyettes államügyész.",
"A gyanúsítottnak 2000-től voltak problémái a munkahelyén: afroamerikai lévén például elutasították azon kérvényét, hogy továbbra is az iráni ügyekkel foglalkozhasson arra hivatkozva, hogy kinézete veszélyeztethette volna az ügymenetet.[4] Miután felmondtak neki, diszkrimináció vádjával beperelte volt munkaadóját. Az eljárás 2003 februárjáig sem záródott le, s a vádirat szerint Sterling ekkor kezdhetett titkos adatokat kiszivárogtatni, bosszúból.",
"Védője, Edward B. MacMahon Jr. a sajtónak elmondta, hogy védence a nyomozás alatt végig tagadta bűnösségét, és hogy kitartanak emellett a bíróságon is. Az ügyet a Virginia állambeli Alexandriában tárgyalják majd: a tét nagy, hiszen a Sterling ellen felhozott vádpontok büntetése egyenként is elérheti a 10-20 évet.",
"– A titkosított információk kiszivárogtatását minden esetben nagyon komolyan vesszük. Így van ez most is, habár ez egy olyan ügynököt érint, aki évekkel ezelőtt dolgozott az ügynökségnek.[5] – nyilatkozta a CIA szóvivője.",
"Az Obama vezette kormányzat már eddig is több esetben is fellépett a kiszivárogtatókkal szemben: így rendelték el például a Julian Assange elleni nyomozást is, akinek a WikiLeaks nevű weboldala többezernyi titkosított dokumentumot hozott nyilvánosságra."
] | 2011. január 10., hétfő | interlang link |
Former Colombian intelligence official claims Colombia had a plan to kill Chavez | 38,252 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"April 9, 2006",
"South America",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Colombian_intelligence_official_claims_Colombia_had_a_plan_to_kill_Chavez | [
"Rafael Garcia, the former director of the Information and Technology Department of Security Administrative Department (Spanish acronym DAS) , the Colombian intelligence agency, from prison stated that there was a plan to assassinate Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.",
"The information was revealed by Garcia in an interview with Semana magazine in which he accused former DAS Director, Jorge Noguera, of providing the paramilitary death squads with information and lists about union leaders, professors, and left-wing leaders who then after were found dead. He accused Noguera of working with paramilitary chief Jorge 40 in a conspiracy to kill Chavez and other Venezuelan officials.",
"He denounces also that a system installed on a border post between the Colombian department of Guajira, and the Venezuelan State of Zulia for migration control was in reality an espionage system aimed at Venezuela.",
"Garcia said that Noguera had plotted a fraud to obtain 300,000 votes for the 2002 election campaign in favor of Alvaro Uribe.",
"According to Cambio and Semana magazines, Noguera was appointed consul in Milan after an scandal broke in which he was organizing a coup d’etat against Chavez in 2005."
] | 2006-04-09 | title |
Acusan a ex jefe de inteligencia colombiana de fraude electoral, nexos con las AUC y complot contra Chávez | 38,252 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"April 9, 2006",
"South America",
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/Acusan_a_ex_jefe_de_inteligencia_colombiana_de_fraude_electoral,_nexos_con_las_AUC_y_complot_contra_Ch%C3%A1vez | [
"10 de abril de 2006Bogotá, Colombia — Dos importantes revistas (Cambio y Semana) revelan las declaraciones de Rafael García, ex jefe de informática del Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS), el organismo de inteligencia colombiano, quien acusó a su ex director, Jorge Noguera, de participar en un fraude electoral en las elecciones parlamentarias de 2002, de un complot para asesinar al presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez y de poner al DAS al servicio de los paramilitares de las Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia.",
"Semana afirma que García, quien fue capturado a comienzos de 2005 por alterar las bases de datos del organismo de inteligencia para favorecer a narcotraficantes, \"diseñó el software que permitió llevar la contabilidad para las elecciones de 2002. Confesó que también elaboró un programa de computador para facilitar el fraude electoral que, según él, fue clave para la victoria en primera vuelta de Uribe\".",
"Además, García dice que conoce los aportes realizados por algunos grupos paramilitares a la campaña de Uribe en 2002 y que Noguera estrechó su relación con alias Jorge 40, líder del bloque norte de las AUC y hoy desmovilizado. Finalmente, el ex jefe de informática del DAS dijo que se conformaron escuadrones de la muerte para asesinar a estudiantes y líderes sindicales. Lo anterior fue revelado por la revista en su número del pasado 3 de abril (que sale a la venta 2 días antes).",
"La semana siguiente, García, además de ampliar los detalles de lo revelado a comienzos del mes, señala que el DAS estuvo implicado en el asesinato del fiscal venezolano Danilo Anderson. El testigo por ese crimen es Geovanny José Vásquez de Armas, un presunto reinsertado de las AUC de 36 años, que les dijo a las autoridades venezolanas que, por órdenes del DAS, realizaba actividades de inteligencia en Venezuela. Fuera de ello, señaló que Diego Montoya, alias Don Diego, jefe del Cartel del Norte del Valle (del Cauca, al occidente del país), también tenía infiltrada la institución.",
"Por su parte, Cambio publica en su edición de esta semana una conversación entre el entonces subdirector del DAS, José Miguel Narváez, y Carlos Andrés Moreno, un agente de dicha institución, quien al saber que iba a ser despedido, le hizo \"importantes revelaciones\" al entonces subdirector del DAS. Narváez y Noguera fueron separados de sus cargos en octubre de 2005 por un escándalo similar. Noguera fue nombrado cónsul en Milán, desde donde negó las acusaciones de García. El ahora diplomático llegó el domingo a Bogotá para presentarse ante la Fiscalía de su país.",
"Por su parte, el ministro del Interior, Sabas Pretelt de la Vega, calificó las acusaciones de \"una infamia, una canallada, que tiene un sentido político y electoral\", mientras que el presidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez, después de una semana de silencio, le declaró a La W Radio: \"Van a empañar a mes y medio de la elección presidencial una acción del gobierno en defensa de los sindicalistas, una acción del gobierno en defensa de la transparencia, van a crear ahora la duda de que yo me robe las elecciones del 2002. Hablemos clarito. No he ejercido influencias en la Registraduría como presidente, ¿cómo la iba a ejercer como candidato? (...) No ha habido una sola duda sobre mi transparencia, ni en financiación, ni en mi relación con los electores\"."
] | null | interlang link |
Former Ecuadorian football referee Byron Moreno arrested for drug smuggling | 207,739 | [
"Brooklyn, New York",
"Crime and law",
"September 22, 2010",
"South America",
"John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"United States",
"New York, New York",
"North America",
"New York",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Ecuadorian_football_referee_Byron_Moreno_arrested_for_drug_smuggling | [
"Byron Moreno, a former Ecuadorian football referee who officiated at the 2002 FIFA World Cup, has been arrested for suspected drug smuggling. Moreno was arrested at John F. Kennedy International airport after he arrived on a flight from Ecuador.",
"During a routine check, security found 10 clear bags containing nearly 10 pounds of heroin. The drugs had been strapped to his body and concealed in his underwear. In a complaint filed in a Brooklyn federal court it said that during the inspection Moreno \"became visibly nervous.\" It also said \"A customs agent felt hard objects on the defendant's stomach, back and both of his legs. A strip search revealed that the lumps were 10 clear plastic bags containing more than 10 pounds of heroin\".",
"A judge jailed Moreno without bail on charges of drug smuggling.",
"Moreno is most well remembered after he refereed the World Cup second round match between Italy and host's South Korea. Moreno had disallowed a valid Italian goal and sent off Italian striker Francesco Totti for apparent diving. He also failed to call any attention to any of the South Korean's foul play. Moreno resigned from refereeing in 2003."
] | 2010-09-22 | title |
Arrestato l'ex arbitro Moreno per droga | 207,739 | [
"Brooklyn, New York",
"Crime and law",
"September 22, 2010",
"South America",
"John F. Kennedy International Airport",
"United States",
"New York, New York",
"North America",
"New York",
] | it | https://it.wikinews.org/wiki/Arrestato_l%27ex_arbitro_Moreno_per_droga | [
"L'arresto per l'ex arbitro ecuadoriano di calcio Byron Moreno è avvenuto all'aeroporto JFK di New York, mentre cercava di entrare negli Stati Uniti con 6 kg di eroina. Lo ha reso noto l'agenzia antidroga statunitense DEA: i doganieri americani hanno scoperto che Moreno, aveva nascosto la droga nei suoi indumenti intimi.",
"Moreno divenne famoso nel Campionato mondiale di calcio 2002 per l'arbitraggio della partita degli ottavi di finale tra Corea del Sud e Italia, partita in cui gli azzurri vennero eliminati dopo il golden goal. In Italia si fece subito ricadere la colpa della sconfitta sull'arbitro, poiché nei tempi supplementari espulse Francesco Totti ed annullò un gol a Damiano Tommasi, sempre nei tempi supplementari. Attualmente era commentatore sportivo in una radio e in un canale tv del suo paese."
] | mercoledì 22 settembre 2010 | interlang link |
Former French president Jacques Chirac found guilty of corruption | 319,963 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 17, 2011",
"Jacques Chirac"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_French_president_Jacques_Chirac_found_guilty_of_corruption | [
"The former French president Jacques Chirac has been found guilty of corruption and sentenced to a two year suspended prison sentence after a long-running criminal trial concluded this week.",
"The events which led to the trial predate Chirac's time as president but center around Chirac's prior role as mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995. The court agreed with prosecutors who alleged that Chirac created fake government jobs in order to funnel an estimated €1 million of public money to his political allies in the Rally for the Republic organization.",
"Benoît Hamon from the Socialist Party said he was glad that \"justice has been done\" and said it was \"a good sign for French democracy that an independent judiciary could pronounce such a verdict on a former president of the republic\"."
] | 2011-12-17 | title |
Ex-presidente da França, Jacques Chirac, é condenado por uso indevido de verba pública | 319,963 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 17, 2011",
"Jacques Chirac"
] | pt | https://pt.wikinews.org/wiki/Ex-presidente_da_Fran%C3%A7a,_Jacques_Chirac,_%C3%A9_condenado_por_uso_indevido_de_verba_p%C3%BAblica | [
"Agência Brasil",
"França • 15 de dezembro de 2011",
"O ex-presidente da França, Jacques Chirac, de 78 anos, foi considerado culpado de apropriação indébita e quebra de confiança. Ele foi sentenciado a dois anos de prisão, a serem cumpridos em regime de liberdade condicional.",
"Chirac foi réu em um processo que investigou desvio de fundos, abuso de confiança e conflito de interesses, facilitação na criação de empregos-fantasmas na prefeitura de Paris nos anos 90 e pagamento ilegal de salários para integrantes de seu partido. O ex-presidente sempre negou a existência de um sistema organizado de empregos fictícios na prefeitura.",
"Ele foi presidente da França durante 12 anos, de 1995 a 2007, é o primeiro ex-presidente do país a ser condenado desde a 2ª Guerra Mundial.",
"A pedido da defesa, Chirac foi poupado de estar presente no próprio julgamento. Nos últimos meses surgiram informações de que ele sofre do mal de Alzheimer (doença degenerativa que causa a perda de várias habilidades).",
"Os advogados de Chirac informaram que o ex-presidente estava vulnerável e sem condições de comparecer ao julgamento por causa de problemas neurológicos. A mulher do ex-presidente, Bernardette, negou que ele sofra da doença."
] | null | interlang link |
Жак Ширак проглашен кривим за корупцију | 319,963 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Crime and law",
"December 17, 2011",
"Jacques Chirac"
] | sr | https://sr.wikinews.org/wiki/%D0%96%D0%B0%D0%BA_%D0%A8%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA_%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BD_%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BC_%D0%B7%D0%B0_%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BF%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%98%D1%83 | [
"15. децембар 2011.Париз- (Beta) - Бивши француски председник Жак Ширак проглашен је у четвртак кривим за проневеру јавног новца и условно је осуђен на две године затвора.",
"Пресудом париског суда, Ширак је постао први осуђени француски председник, након нацистичког сарадника, маршала Филипа Петена 1945, јављају светске агенције.",
"Судија је 79-годишњег Ширака, који је на функцији председника био од 1995. до 2007, прогласио кривим за проневеру јавног новца и злоупотребу поверења.",
"Ширак је осуђен за трошење новца пореских обвезника на фиктивно запошљавање 21 припадника своје странке у време док је био градоначелник Париза од 1977. до 1995. У то време, Ширак је радио на стварању нове странке десног центра са којом је победио на изборима.",
"Ширак није присуствовао суђењу од 5. до 23. септембра, као ни изрицању пресуде, због „озбиљних“ и „неизлечивих“ неуролошких сметњи."
] | null | interlang link |
Former German deputy foreign minister and family abducted in Yemen | 29,169 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Foreign Office (Germany)",
"Missing persons",
"Crime and law",
"December 28, 2005",
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_German_deputy_foreign_minister_and_family_abducted_in_Yemen | [
"Jürgen Chrobog, former Secretary of State in the German Foreign Office, was abducted today in eastern Yemen, along with his wife, their three children, and three locals.",
"The family was travelling as part of a large group in the country when their vehicle went missing around 460 km east of the capital Sanaá. According the Yemeni interior ministry they were abducted by a tribal group.",
"Reuters named the captors as members of the Al-Abdullah tribe who told the news agency by phone that the life of the family is not in danger and that they are their \"guests\". They are reportedly demanding that the Yemeni government release member of their tribe from prison.",
"A spokesperson for the German Foreign Office said it is unknown whether Chrobog was singled out or if it was just a coincidence that he and his family were taken.",
"Chrobog had been the German ambassador to the United States from 1994 till 2001 when he transferred to the Foreign Office, where he himself negotiated the release of Germans held abroad.",
"This incident is the fourth time this year that foreigners were abducted in the country to blackmail the Yemeni government."
] | 2005-12-28 | title |
Fünfköpfige deutsche Familie im Jemen entführt | 29,169 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Foreign Office (Germany)",
"Missing persons",
"Crime and law",
"December 28, 2005",
] | de | https://de.wikinews.org/wiki/F%C3%BCnfk%C3%B6pfige_deutsche_Familie_im_Jemen_entf%C3%BChrt | [
"Sanaa (Jemen), 28.12.2005 – Im Jemen wurde eine fünfköpfige Familie aus Deutschland entführt. Dabei handelt es sich um die Familie des ehemaligen Staatssekretärs im Auswärtigen Amt, Jürgen Chrobog.",
"Die fünf Personen, die sich seit dem 24. Dezember in dem Land aufhalten, waren Teil einer größeren Gruppe, die mit einem Konvoi unterwegs waren. Die Familie war mit einem eigenen Fahrzeug unterwegs und blieb aus bisher unbekannten Gründen hinter der Gruppe zurück. Der Reiseveranstalter informierte am Mittwoch die deutsche Botschaft in Sanaa, die wiederum das Auswärtige Amt informierte, welches daraufhin einen Krisenstab einrichtete. Eine Entführung wurde zu dem Zeitpunkt schon nicht ausgeschlossen, was sich kurze Zeit später bestätigte.",
"Ein Sprecher der jemenitischen Regierung sagte danach, die fünf Deutschen seien auf der Fahrt von der Hafenstadt Aden in die östliche Provinzhauptstadt Schabwa, rund 460 Kilometer östlich von Sanaa, entführt worden. Nach Angaben jemenitischer Behörden wurde Jürgen Chrobog, zusammen mit seiner Frau und seinen drei Söhnen, am Mittwochmittag (Ortszeit) zusammen mit ihrem jemenitischen Fahrer und dem Reiseleiter aus einem Restaurant verschleppt. Die genauen Umstände der Entführung sind noch unklar. Verschiedene Medien berichten davon, dass die beiden Geländewagen der Familie Chrobog von Soldaten begleitet wurden. Die Soldaten hätten sich im Ort El Aram zum Mittagessen zurückgezogen, wodurch die Entführung möglich wurde.",
"Die Entführer, vermutlich bewaffnete Stammensangehörige, haben nach Angaben des jemenitischen Regierungssprechers noch keine Forderungen gestellt. Die fünfköpfige Familie hat nach Angaben des Reiseveranstalters „Studiosus“ den Jemen auf Einladung des ersten stellvertretenden jemenitischen Außenministers, der früher Botschafter seines Landes in Deutschland war, bereist.",
"Einer der Entführer sagte in einem Telefonat mit der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters, dass das Leben der Geiseln nicht gefährdet sei. Der Entführer bezeichnete die Geiseln als „Gäste unseres Stammes“. Offenbar fordern die Entführer die Freilassung von fünf Stammesangehörigen, die wegen verschiedener Verbrechen, darunter auch Mord, eine Haftstrafe verbüßen.",
"Der letzte Entführungsfall geschah genau heute vor einer Woche: Am 21. Dezember wurden zwei Österreicher in der Provinz Marib verschleppt und kamen am Heiligabend wieder frei. Bereits 1997 und 1999 waren Bundesbürger von Entführungen in Jemen betroffen. Vier Touristen waren 1997 bei einem Abenteuerurlaub östlich der Stadt Maarib verschleppt worden, zehn Tage später wurden sie befreit. 1999 wurden ebenfalls vier Deutsche vier Wochen lang im Jemen festgehalten. Seit 1990 wurden zirka 200 Touristen gekidnappt. In den meisten Fällen hatten die Entführer von der jemenitischen Regierung Gegenleistungen für die Freilassung der Geiseln gefordert.",
"Das Auswärtige Amt rät in einem Sicherheitshinweis vom 27.12.2005, Reisen im Jemen immer durch eine Reiseagentur organisieren zu lassen und von Einzelreisen durch das Land dringend abzusehen.",
"Jürgen Chrobog war im Jahr 2003 als Leiter des Krisenstabes an den Verhandlungen über die Freilassung deutscher Touristen beteiligt, die in der Sahara im Süden Algeriens verschleppt worden waren."
] | null | interlang link |
Były urzędnik niemieckiego MSZ porwany z rodziną w Jemenie | 29,169 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"Foreign Office (Germany)",
"Missing persons",
"Crime and law",
"December 28, 2005",
] | pl | https://pl.wikinews.org/wiki/By%C5%82y_urz%C4%99dnik_niemieckiego_MSZ_porwany_z_rodzin%C4%85_w_Jemenie | [
"Były sekretarz stanu niemieckiego ministerstwa spraw zagranicznych, Jürgen Chrobog, został dziś porwany razem ze swoją żoną i trójką dzieci we wschodnim Jemenie.",
"Pięcioosobowa rodzina została porwana podczas podróży. Ich samochód zaginął 460 kilometrów na wschód od stolicy Jemenu, Sany. Według ministra spraw wewnętrznych Jemenu twierdzi, że za porwanie stoi grupa z jednego z plemion zamieszkujących te okolice.",
"Agencja Reutera podała, że porywacze to członkowie plemienia Al-Abdullah. Jeden z ich członków w telefonicznej rozmowie z pracownikiem agencji prasowej poinformował, że niemieckiej rodzinie nic nie jest. Jednocześnie za jej uwolnienie domagał się wypuszczenia z jemeńskiego więzienia jednego z członków szczepu.",
"Rzecznik niemieckiego ministerstwa spraw zagranicznych powiedział, że nie można jasno stwierdzić, czy sprawcy specjalnie porwali Chroborga z rodziną, czy też był to tylko zbieg okoliczności.",
"W latach 1994-2001 Chroborg był ambasadorem Niemiec w USA. Potem został przeniesiony do ministerstwa spraw zagranicznych, gdzie zajmował się m.in. negocjowaniem uwolnienia porwanych niemieckich obywateli.",
"W tym roku to już czwarty przypadek porwania obcokrajowców w Jemenie. Turyści z zagranicy są często porywani w tym kraju dla okupu. Na ogół jednak udaje się ich uwolnić."
] | null | interlang link |
Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav goes to prison for rape | 315,754 | [
"New York Times",
"Politics and conflicts",
"December 7, 2011",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Moshe Katsav",
"Middle East"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Israeli_president_Moshe_Katsav_goes_to_prison_for_rape | [
"Moshe Katsav, President of Israel from 2000 to 2007, is to start a seven-year prison sentence for rape today at Maasiyahu Prison in Ramla. Katsav was convicted of raping an employee twice in 1998, while he was tourism minister, and then later sexually abusing two other women as president.",
"Katsav claims he is innocent, telling the New York Times: “I’m about to pay the price for something I haven’t done”.",
"Katsav is expected to arrive at the prison at 10am Israeli local time (UTC+3) and will be placed in a wing for religiously observant prisoners. The prison have stated they do not believe him to be a suicide risk, and have also stated that they have no concerns with Katsav either potentially leaking state secrets or meeting prisoners he did not pardon while president."
] | 2011-12-07 | title |
Bývalý izraelský prezident Moše Kacav je ode dneška za mřížemi | 315,754 | [
"New York Times",
"Politics and conflicts",
"December 7, 2011",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Moshe Katsav",
"Middle East"
] | cs | https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/B%C3%BDval%C3%BD_izraelsk%C3%BD_prezident_Mo%C5%A1e_Kacav_je_ode_dne%C5%A1ka_za_m%C5%99%C3%AD%C5%BEemi | [
"Bývalý izraelský prezident Moše Kacav dnes nastoupil do výkonu trestu odnětí svobody na sedm let. Kacav, který byl prezidentem v letech 2000–2007, si svůj sedmiletý trest za znásilnění začal odpykávat ve věznici Masijahu nedaleko Tel Avivu, kam nastoupil po desáté hodině.",
"Kacav byl odsouzen za dvojnásobné znásilnění podřízené, kterého se měl dopustit v roli izraelského ministra turismu v devadesátých letech, a dále za sexuální obtěžování, kterého se měl dopustit už jako prezident. On sám trvá na své nevinně.",
"Věznice Masijahu, kde Kacav bude pobývat, je věznicí s mírnou ostrahou, a Kacav bude v oddělení pro praktikující věřící.",
"Tato zpráva byla založena zčásti nebo zcela překladem zprávy Former Israeli president Moshe Katsav goes to prison for rape na anglických Wikizprávách."
] | Středa 7. prosince 2011 | interlang link |
இசுரேலின் முன்னாள் அதிபர் பாலியல் குற்றச்சாட்டுகளுக்காக சிறையில் அடைக்கப்பட்டார் | 315,754 | [
"New York Times",
"Politics and conflicts",
"December 7, 2011",
"Crime and law",
"Sex crimes",
"Moshe Katsav",
"Middle East"
] | ta | https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/%E0%AE%87%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%87%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%A9%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AE%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%A9%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%A9%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B3%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%85%E0%AE%A4%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B2%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%B1%E0%AE%9A%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%B3%E0%AF%81%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%95_%E0%AE%9A%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B1%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%AF%E0%AE%BF%E0%AE%B2%E0%AF%8D_%E0%AE%85%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%88%E0%AE%95%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%95%E0%AE%AA%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%AA%E0%AE%9F%E0%AF%8D%E0%AE%9F%E0%AE%BE%E0%AE%B0%E0%AF%8D | [
"பெண் ஒருவரைப் பாலியல் வன்முறைக்கு உட்படுத்தியதாகக் குற்றஞ்சாட்டப்பட்டு ஏழாண்டுகள் சிறைத் தண்டனை பெற்ற இசுரேலின் முன்னாள் அதிபர் மோசே கத்சவ் இன்று டெல் அவிவிலுள்ள மாசியாகு சிறைச்சாலைக்குச் சென்றார். சிறைக்குச் செல்லும் முன்னர் அவர் செய்தியாளர்களுக்குக் கருத்துத் தெரிவிக்கையில், தாம் குற்றமற்றவர் என்றும், \"உயிருடன் ஒரு மனிதரை\" அரசு புதைக்க எத்தனிப்பதாகவும் தெரிவித்தார்.",
"ஓராண்டுக்கு முன்னர் இவரது குற்றம் நிரூபிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தாலும், அவர் மேன்முறையீடு செய்திருந்தமையினால், தனது இல்லத்திலேயே இருக்க அவர் அனுமதிக்கப்பட்டிருந்தார்.",
"66 வயதான கத்சவ் 2007 ஆம் ஆண்டில் தனது அதிபர் பதவியில் இருந்து விலகினார். 1990களில் அவர் அமைச்சராக இருந்த போது அவரது முன்னாள் பெண் ஊழியர் ஒருவரை பாலியல் வன்முறைக்கு உட்படுத்தியதாகவும், அதிபராக இருந்த காலத்தில் இரு பெண் ஊழியர்கள் மீது பாலியல் குற்றங்கள் இழைத்ததாகவும் குற்றம் சாட்டப்பட்டு கடந்த ஆண்டு நவம்பரில் உச்சநீதிமன்றம் அவரைக் குற்றவாளியாகக் கண்டது.",
"தனது குற்றச்சாட்டுகள் தொடர்பில் அவர் குழப்ப நிலையில் இருப்பதாக அவரது வழக்கறிஞர்கள் தெரிவித்ததை அடுத்து அவர் தற்கொலை முயற்சிகளில் ஈடுபடாதிருக்கும் பொருட்டு அவரைக் கண்காணிக்க சிறப்பு பாதுகாப்பு ஊழியர் ஒருவர் சிறைச்சாலையில் பணியில் ஈடுபடுத்தப்படுவார் என சிறைச்சாலைகள் சேவை ஆணையாளர் ஆரன் பிரான்கோ தெரிவித்தார்."
] | புதன், திசம்பர் 7, 2011 | interlang link |
Former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi found guilty of fraud | 570,280 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"October 27, 2012",
"Crime and law",
"Silvio Berlusconi"
] | en | https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/Former_Italian_Prime_Minister_Berlusconi_found_guilty_of_fraud | [
"Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was yesterday found guilty of tax fraud and sentenced to four years in prison, which was reduced to one year because of a law passed by Mr Berlusconi which aimed to reduce overcrowding of prisons.",
"The fraud relates to the purchase of television film rights by a company owned by Mr Berlusconi, Mediaset, which the company then re-sold at exaggerated prices. Although sentenced to one year in prison, Mr Berlusconi, 76, might not serve the one-year sentence because there will be two opportunities to appeal the verdict, which may take many years and no prison time is served until after the verdict is confirmed. Mr Berlusconi is also banned for three years from any political office.",
"The Secretary of Mr Berlusconi's centre-right People of Freedom party, Angelino Alfano, said the ruling confirmed there was \"judicial persecution\" against the former prime minister; while according to Antonio Di Pietro, one of Berlusconi's political rivals, \"the truth has been exposed\".",
"Mr Berlusconi resigned in November from his position as Prime Minister. He has in the past faced several allegations against him, including embezzlement, fraud, and bribery. A separate trial is currently underway in Milan over allegations he paid for sex with an under-age prostitute, Karima el Mahroug."
] | 2012-10-27 | title |
El ex primer ministro italiano Berlusconi es hallado culpable de fraude | 570,280 | [
"Politics and conflicts",
"October 27, 2012",
"Crime and law",
"Silvio Berlusconi"
] | es | https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/El_ex_primer_ministro_italiano_Berlusconi_es_hallado_culpable_de_fraude | [
"Este viernes, el ex primer ministro italiano Silvio Berlusconi fue hallado culpable del cargo de fraude de impuestos y fue sentenciado a cuatro años de prisión, sentencia que luego fue reducida a un año gracias a una ley aprobada por Berlusconi que pretendía reducir la sobrepoblación de las prisiones.",
"El fraude se relaciona con la compra de derechos de películas para televisión por medio de Mediaset, una compañía de Berlusconi, los cuales luego fueron revendidos a precios exagerados. Aunque fue sentenciado a un año de prisión, Berlusconi podría no penar toda la sentencia debido a que habrán dos oportunidades para apelar el veredicto, lo cual podría tomar muchos años y el condenado no debe penar en prisión hasta que el veredicto haya sido confirmado. A Berlusconi también se le suspendió durante tres años el acceso a cualquier oficina política.",
"Angelino Alfano, el secretario del partido de centroderecha de Berlusconi El Pueblo de la Libertad, dijo que el fallo confirmó que hubo una “persecución judicial” contra el ex primer ministro; sin embargo, según Antonio Di Pietro, uno de los rivales políticos de Berlusconi, “la verdad ha sido expuesta”.",
"En noviembre, Berlusconi renunció a su posición como Primer Ministro. En el pasado enfrentó varias acusaciones en su contra, incluyendo malversación, fraude y soborno. Actualmente se lleva a cabo un juicio separado en Milán por una acusaciones de que pagó por tener relaciones sexuales con Karima el Mahroug, una prostituta menor de edad."
] | 29 de octubre de 2012Italia — | interlang link |