10 values
and a family of smooth maps φα: (R∗ +)2→R∗ +×Rindexed by α∈ {1,0,−1} defined by φα(a,b) ={ (a,αlogb)ifα̸= 0 (1,logb)ifα= 0 Letǫ(i,j)be the sign of i−jfor(i,j)∈N2 n. Definition 2.15. For any A∈Mn(R+),such that πPC(A) = (ci,j)(i,j)∈N2n andπNR(A) = (di,j)(i,j)∈N2n,we define the matrix Φ(A) = (bi,j)(i,j)∈N2nwith coefficients in Gby ∀(i,j)∈N2 n,bi,j=φǫ(i,j)(ci,j,di,j).
12 JEAN-PIERRE MAGNOT For the sake of the clarity of next theorem, we note by PCn(R∗ +)the group of multiplicative pairwise comparisons matrices wit h coefficients in R∗ +and byPCn(R)the group of additive paiwise comparisons matrices with coefficients in R. Theorem 2.16. Φ(Mn(R+))is identified as a Lie group with PCn(R∗ +)× PCn(R)×Rn.With the notations of the last definition, the identification is given by bi,j↦→(ci,j,ǫ(i,j)di,j)∈PCn(R∗ +)×PCn(R) and A↦→(di,i)i∈Nn∈Rn. The proof is straightforward. Remark 2.17.The proof is straightforward. Remark 2.17. In[29], for any Lie group G,we described pairwise comparisons matrices PCn(G).We have here PCn(R∗ +)×PCn(R) =PCn(G) for the struture group already announced G=TR∗ +=R∗ +×R. As a consequence of this remark, applying one main construct ion of [29], we get: Theorem 2.18. Mn(R∗ +)projects to connections on ∆n×(R∗ +×R)discretized by their holonomies, and the kernel of this projection is the space of pairwise comparisons matrices (ai,j)(i,j)∈N2n∈Mn(R∗ +)such that ∀(i,j)∈N2,i̸=j⇒ai,j= 1. We call pure pairwise comparisons matrix a (maybe non reciprocal) matrix (ai,j)(i,j)∈N2n∈Mn(R∗ +)such that ∀i∈Nn,ai,i= 1.Remark 2.19. We may have made the choice to consider in our study only pure pairwise comparisons matrices. This would have given a more elegant formulation of last theorem, fully identifying discretize d connections with the space of pairwise comparisons that we would have considered . However, for the sake of completeness of the framework that we propose her e in view of modelizations, we feel the need to consider the assumption ai,i̸= 1as non void for applications. An example is briefly developped in th e appendix, before follow-up investigations. 2.6.Inconsistency on Mn(R∗ +).Applying Theorem 2.18, one can define consistent (maybe) non-reciprocal pairwise comparisons m atrices by the discretized flat connections, the following way: Definition 2.20.
LetA∈Mn(R∗ +).Then the (maybe non reciprocal) pairwise comparisons is consistent if it is a pure pairwise compariso ns matrix that projects to a flat discretized connection on ∆n×(R∗ +×R).This space is noted by CMn(R∗ +).
ON RANDOM PAIRWISE COMPARISONS MATRICES AND THEIR GEOMETRY . 13 This definition clearly extends the notion of consistent (an d reciprocal) pairwise comarisons matrix. In the sequel, we shall make no d ifference in the notations between CMn(R∗ +)as a set of pairwise comparions matrices with coefficients in Gand as a set of non-reciprocal pairwise comparisons in Mn(R∗ +)because of the bijection mentioned before between the two su bsets, and we can define Definition 2.21. Ainconsistency index is a map ii:Mn(R∗ +)→R+ such that ii−1(0) =CMn(R∗ +). Ainconsistency indicator is an reciprocity index with values in [0,1]. This definition clearly defines inconsistency indexes (resp . indicators) ii onMn(R∗ +)that restrict to inconsistency indexes (resp.indicators) onPCn along the lines of Definition 2.4. Example 2.22. The discretized Yang-Mills functional along the lines of [28] and forG=TR∗ +determines an inconsistency index that extends the known one inPCn. Example 2.23. Letdbe a distance on Mn(R∗ +).Then, for any γ∈R∗ +,the map A∈Mn(R∗ +)↦→( d(A,CM n(R∗ +)))γ is an inconsistency index. One can define then a total index from an inconsistency index a nd a non reciprocity index.Let us finish by the following (again, dir ect) proposition: Proposition 2.24 (Geometric mean method in non-reciprocal setting) .Let us note by π′:PCn(G)→PCn(G)the map defined by the following formulas: ifA= (ai,j)(i,j)∈N2n∈PCn(G),with ∀(i,j)∈N2n∈PCn(G),with ∀(i,j)∈N2 n,ai,j= (ci,j,di,j)∈R∗ +×R, then the image B= (bi,j)(i,j)∈N2n=π′(A),∀(i,j)∈N2 n,bi,j= (c′ i,j,d′ i,j)∈R∗ +×R is such that: (c′ i,j)(i,j)∈N2n=πCPC( (ci,j)(i,j)∈N2n) and ∀(i,j)∈N2 n, d′ i,j=1 n(n∑ k=1di,k−n∑ l=1dl,j) .
k−n∑ l=1dl,j) . Then •the restriction of π′toPCn(R∗ +)is equal to πCPC, wherePCn(R∗ +) is understood as the set of matrices in PCn(G)which coefficients are such that R−component equal to 0, •and moreover, π′is a smooth projection from PCn(G)toCMn(R∗ +).
14 JEAN-PIERRE MAGNOT Proof. The first point follows from the definition of π′in the coefficients c′ i,j. Analysing now the formula for the coefficient d′ i,j,we recgnize a geometric mean method for an additive pairwise comparisons matrix, se e [43] for a review. Therefore, the obtained matrix Bis a projection to consistent pairwise comparisons matrices with coefficient in G. □ Therefore, we can propose the following projection: Definition 2.25. πMC=π′◦Φ. Theorem 2.26. The following diagram is commutative: Mn(R∗ +) PCn MCn CPCnπPC πCM πCPC πPC Proof. By direct calculations of the coefficients of πCPC◦πPC(A)on one side and ofπPC◦πCM(A)in the other side. □ 3.Random pairwise comparisons 3.1.The settings.□ 3.Random pairwise comparisons 3.1.The settings. Let us now consider coefficients of matrices in Mn(R∗ +) as random variables in a sample probability space Ωwith values in Mn(R∗ +) and we call it random pairwise comparisons matrix. The margi nal laws on each coefficient ai,jof a random pairwise comparisons matrix (ai,j)(i,j)∈N2ndetermine the probability law of each coefficient.
For the sake of motivation and in order to precise accessible situations that are relevant to this picture, before the more developpe d example in the appendix, we precise that typically the coefficients ai,jfollow the following laws: •a Gaussian law on the multiplicative Lie group R∗ +if the evaluations are honnestly made by experts •an uniform law withe respect to an interval on R∗ +, with respect to the additive structure, if the errors are made by human mind corrections or cut-off approximations made with respect to t he limits of the measurement procedures and without real link to the pr oblem. These two extreme cases are simple consequences of the celeb rated Benford’s law [3], but the law of the random pairwise comparisons matri xAcan be anything as well as the laws of the coefficients ai,j. Remark 3.1. We have here to remark that, by randomness, the use of non- reciprocal pairwise comparisons become natural, even in “h onest” evaluations due to the natural approximation of the scores.Let us note by RMn(R∗ +)the space of random matrices and, extending the notations, the first letter Rwill mean “random”. For example, RPCnis the set of random pairwise comparisons matrices with suppor t inPCn.
ON RANDOM PAIRWISE COMPARISONS MATRICES AND THEIR GEOMETRY . 15 Proposition 3.2. There is an inclusion map Mn(R∗ +)→RMn(R∗ +)yay identifies (ai,j)(i,j)∈N2nwith⨂ (i,j)∈N2nδai,j(Dirac measures). 3.2.Stochastic analogs to deterministic constructions. In this section and till the end of the paper, all the (finite dimensional, geo metric) mappings are assumed measurable with respect to the considered measu res or probabilities. This is authomatically fulfilled for continuous (and hence f or smooth) mappings with sourve and target in finite dimensional manifolds. 3.2.1. Stochastic extension of projections. Let us consider the projections already defined: πCPC, πPCandπCMand our remark is the following: since these mappings are measurable, they extend to mapping s between the corresponding probability spaces.That is, we have three pu sh-forward maps (πCPC)∗:RPCn→RCPC n, (πPC)∗:RMn(R∗ +)→RPCn and (πCM)∗:RMn(R∗ +)→RCMn and their right inverse (that is, roughky speaking, π∗◦π∗=Idin the adequate domain) given by the pull-back mappings: (πCPC)∗:RCPC n→RPCn, (πPC)∗:RPCn→RMn(R∗ +) and (πCM)∗:RCMn→RMn(R∗ +) 3.2.2. Stochastic indexes. We can now given the corresponding notions of the the various indexes of indicators in a stochastic contex t. Definition 3.3. Astochastic reciprocity index (orsr-index for short)is a mapsri:RMn(R∗ +)→R+such that sri−1(0) =RPCn.
Astochastic reciprocity indicator is a sr-reciprocity index with values in [0,1]. The same approach by the support of the probability is propos ed for each of the two following notions: Definition 3.4. Astochastic inconsistency index (orsi-index for short) is a map sii:RMn(R∗ +)→R+such that sii−1(0) =CMn(R∗ +). Ainconsistency indicator is an sr-index with values in [0,1].
16 JEAN-PIERRE MAGNOT Definition 3.5. Anstochastic total index (orst-index for short) is a mapsti:Mn(R∗ +)→R+such that sti−1(0) =CPCn. Astochastic total indicator is a st-index index with values in [0,1]. Theorem 3.6. Letibe a reciprocity index (resp. inconsistency indicator, resp. total indicator). Then it defines sia sr-index (resp. si-index, resp. st-index) by the formula: si:X∈RMn(R∗ +)↦→∫ i(A)dX(A). Moreover, sirestricts to ion Dirac random pairwise comparisons matrices. The proof is obvious while considering the support of the map si. Remark 3.7.The proof is obvious while considering the support of the map si. Remark 3.7. We need an inconsistency indicator in this formula because the map ineeds to be, in fact, in the class L1(dX)for anyX.This theorem extends to any bounded inconsistency index, but we prefer here to use the “normalized” approach proposed in [18]even if the resulting stochastic index siwill be very exceptionaly a stochastic indicator. Since siis bounded, it will be possible to normalize it by scaling in applications if nec essary. 3.3.Minimizing inconsitency: a sketch of two methods. We choose here to expose the main steps of methods that one cn use for find ing a consistent, maybe non reciprocal, or a reciprocal, or a cons istent and reciprocal PC matrix. For the reasons explained in the presentation of t he organisation of this work, the aspectts related to problems of convergenc e, uniqueness, regularity are postponed to future works. 3.3.1. Minimization of a stochastic index.3.3.1. Minimization of a stochastic index. The main idea consists in reducing the random matrix Xto a random matrix with support in CMn, PCnor CPCndepending on the nature of the bounded index ichosen, by minimizing the associated stochastic index si:X∈P(Mn(R∗ +))↦→∫ RMn(R∗ +)i(A)dX(A). This minimization problem is posed on the convex set P(Mn(R∗ +))where the extremels are Dirac type measures, that is, elements of Mn(R∗ +).Beside the necessary developments of adequate analysis on the space Mn(R∗ +), let us point out some issues that cannot be treated in a “black box” t hat technicaly solves the problem, but that envolves conceptual constrain ts for decision makers: •This method can be adapted to the constraints imposed by the decision problem.
Indeed, not only the choice of the indicat ori, but also a restricted space of random PC matrices, can be left to the choice of the decision maker which makes this method quite fle xible.
ON RANDOM PAIRWISE COMPARISONS MATRICES AND THEIR GEOMETRY . 17 •Besides this flexibility, the regularity of the functional is itself a technical issue and we hope that we will be able to succeeed in our future works that will precise the necessary regularity of the stochastic index in order to have a numericaly robust method . •The matrix Yobtained as a minimizer of siis still random, unless a way to impose to find it on the border “∂RMn(R∗ +) =Mn(R∗ +)′′is imposed. 3.3.2. Shortest distance and optimal transport. Therefore, one has to address the problem of finding a (non random) pairwise comparisons ma trix from a random one.A direct approach, will be discussed next in a geo metric way, may consist in taking the expectation value of the matrix A.But it seems to us a bit drastic, because the first goal of a consistencizat ion remains in changing as few as possible (in a way that has to be controled numericaly) the coefficients of the PC matrix. If this condition of minimal change is not guaranteed, an (extreme) dictatorial behaviour would cons ist in imposing a pre-determined consistent and reciprocal PC matrix to any problem. We leave to the reader the production of a concrete example that can be modelled with such approach. Anyway, we have to propose an approach that controls the “de- randomization” of the random PC matrix. Let us recall that any space of probab ilities is a compact metric space, and for probabilities on a Riemannia n manifold, the Wasserstein distance W2related to optimal transport problems is an improved metric for which one has already a panel of properti es at hand, see e.g. [44].[44]. Therefore, we can propose the following procedur e given random pairwise comparisons matrix A: (1) choose a compact subsetBinMn(R∗ +)such that∫ 1BdA >1−ǫ and normalize 1BdAas well as the Riemannian metric to make the volume of Bwith respect to the new Riemannian metric equal to 1. The values that are outside the set Bare typicaly non-representative, or meaningless, values for the modelized problem. (2) Consider the target space Tof Dirac measures in the desired space (CM, PC orCPC) inB. (3) Find C∈Tsuch that W2(A,C) =minA′∈TW2(A,A′) Let us now analyze, again from the viewpoint of the decision m aker, the proposed method: •This method furnishes a way to define a deterministic matrix w ith respect to the minimization of a distance. This approach is t hen conceptualy affordable.
This approach is t hen conceptualy affordable. •Moreover, the decision process can be acheived by the produc tion of weights(wi)i∈Nnwhich explicitely proceed to a ranking,
18 JEAN-PIERRE MAGNOT •but this method does not depend on any index. This means that t he minimization of the stochastic index si:X∈P(Mn(R∗ +))↦→∫ RMn(R∗ +)i(A)dX(A) has to be anyway performed before this second method (on the s pace RMn) or after this methode (under the constrat of a minimization on the space of Dirac-type measures) if the decision maker wa nts to get a ranking really appropriate for the problem under consi deration. 4.A formal geometric picture for random pairwise comparisons and geometric concerns Let us start with a simplified picture.This is a bundle-like e xtension construction, but due to tthe fact that we did not precise whi ch topology we prefer to define on the space of random PC matrices, and also because the probability space in general is not a manifold, in the bes t cases a metric space [33] or a diffeological space [30, 11], the full geometr ic or topological structures will remain non precised in this communication. We shall only mention the following diagram: RMn(R∗ +)Mn(R∗ +) Mn(R∗ +) CPCnπCPC,∗ E E πCPCwhereEis the (multiplicative) expectation value. Proposition 4.1. Last diagram is well defined and it commutes. Proof. The proof is standard for additive pairwise comparisons, wh ere the expectation value is taken in a standard way, and where the pr ojection πCPCreads as a mean of the reciprocal coefficients followed by an ar ithmetic mean on off-diagonal coefficients.
the multiplicative expect ation value of the multiplicative PC matrix is the exponential of the expectat ion value of this additive PC matrix, while the geometric mean projection fol lows the same rules. □ Therefore, we have exhibited a split of the space of random pa irwise comparisons matrix into a fiber bundle where (1) The projection associates at each random matrix Athe matrix E(A) of the (multiplicative) expectation values of its coefficite nt, and the geometric mean method is, in the sense that we have explained , compatible with this fibration (2) Therefore the fibers can be identified with multiplicativ e random pairwise comparisons matrices with expectation values equ al to1 where1is the neutral element of Mn(R∗ +).It has a “global section” defined through Dirac measures. Each fiber can be heuristical y
ON RANDOM PAIRWISE COMPARISONS MATRICES AND THEIR GEOMETRY . 19 identified as the stochastic variations with trivial expect ation values of the given deterministic PC matrix on the base. (3) Even if the base is a finite dimensioanal Lie group, the fibe rs are truely infinite dimensional and do not carry a structure of e. g. Banach manifold as in many known cases. 5.Outlook The aim of this paper was to describe safely the basic necessa ry setting for random pairwise comparisons, in order to adapt it and int erpret it in view of applications. After this description, we see four di rections for future investigations. (1) The case when the non reciprocal pairwise comparisons ma trix is not pure, that is, when the diagonal coefficients are not neutral, needs a more deep treatise, maybe inspired by concepts in physics. (2) The two procedures for reduction of a stochastic index th at we proposed have to be implemented, both in terms of optimal control theo ry.This requires to gather the known results that are related, a nd produce a proper algorithm which convergence is fully studied. (3) For this, the geometric structures (metric geometry, di ffeology... ) of the ambient space of random matrices as well as the useful geo metric objects for the implimentation of the algorithms already me ntioned have to be precised. Moreover, we get another motivation fro m the fact that the two proposed types of structures, metric space s and diffeologies, have not been deeply compared yet and such a stu dy in a given example would be of theoretical interest. (4) Finally, we did not address in this paper the question of m aximal inconsistency of a submatrix of a random PC matrix. Appendix: One motivating example on exchange rates Let us consider three currencies A, B and C and let us explain w hat happens in the corresponding exchange rates.
A B CeA,CeA,B eB,C For almost any existing currency, one can see that •The exchange rates eK,L,for(K,L)∈ {A,B,C}2,truely gives a reciprocal ratio between the currencies, i.e. ∀(K,L)∈ {A,B,C}2,eL,K= e−1 K,L. •a loop that changes AtoB, B toCandCtoAmay give an inconsistency eA,BeB,CeC,A̸=eAA= 1.
20 JEAN-PIERRE MAGNOT Moreover, any individual who wants to exchange e.g. AforBneeds to contact a currency exchange agency which applies charges an d taxes to exchanges, which implies ∀(K,L)∈ {A,B,C}2,eL,K̸=e−1 K,L, and storing currencies on a bank account generates costs, wh ich reads as ∀L∈ {A,B,C},eL,L̸= 1. These two items are non reciprocal pairwise comparisons. References [1] Albeverio, S.; Zegarlinski, B.; Construction of conver gent simplicial approximations of quantum fields on Riemannian manifolds Comm. Mat. Phys. 13239-71 (1990) [2] Bartl, D.; Ramík, J.; A new algorithm for computing prior ity vector of pairwise comparisons matrix with fuzzy elements. Information Sciences ,615103?117 (2022). [3] Benford, F.; The law of anomalous numbers. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc.Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 78no 4, 551?572 (1938) [4] Bozóki, S.; Rapcsák, T.; On Saaty’s and Koczkodaj’s inco nsistencies of pairwise comparison matrices; J. Glob. Optim. 42no.2 (2008) 157-175 [5] Colomer, J-M.; Ramon Llull: from ?Ars electionis? to soc ial choice theory. Social Choice and Welfare 40no2), 317?328 (2011). [6] Crawford, R.; Williams, C.; A note on the analysis of subj ective judgement matrices. Journal of Mathematical Psychology ,29387–405 (1985) [7] A. Darko, A.; Chan, A. P. C.; Ameyaw, E. E.; Owusu, E. K.; Pä rn, E.; D. J. Edwards, D. J.; Review of application of analytic hierarc hy process (AHP) in construction. International Journal of Construction Management 19no5, 436?
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arXiv:2312.00002v1 [math.RT] 22 Jul 2023The Discontinuity Group of a Locally Bounded Homomorphism of a Lie Group into a Lie Group Is Commutative A. I. Shtern∗,∗∗,∗∗∗,1 ∗Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Mos cow, 119991 Russia ∗∗Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State Univ ersity, Moscow, 119991 Russia ∗∗∗Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Rus sian Academy of Sciences (FGU FNTs NIISI RAN), Moscow, 117312 Russia E-mail:[email protected] July 20, 2023 Abstract We prove that the discontinuity group of every locally bound ed ho- momorphism of a Lie group into a Lie group is not only compact a nd connected, which is known, but is also commutative.1 Introduction Recall that a (not necessarily continuous) homomorphism πof a topological groupGinto a topological group His said to be relatively compact if there is a neighborhood U=UeGof the identity element eGinGwhose image π(U)has compact closure in H. Obviously, a homomorphism into a locally compact group is re latively com- pact if and only if it is locally bounded , i.e., there is a neighborhood UeGwhose image is contained in some element of the filter Hof neighborhoods of eHinH having compact closure. Let us also recall the notion of discontinuity group of a homo morphismπof a topological group Ginto a topological group H, which was introduced in [1] and used in [2, 3]. Definition 1 LetGandHbe topological groups, and let U=UGbe the filter of neighborhoods of eGinG.
For every (not necessarily continuous) locally relatively compact homomorphism πofGintoH, the set DG(π) =⋂ U∈Uπ(U) is called the discontinuity group of π. 1
Here and below, the bar stands for the closure in the correspo nding topology (therefore, here the closure is taken with respect to the top ology ofH). (See [2, Definition 1.1.1].) The discontinuity group of a homomorphism has some importan t properties. Let us list some of them. Letπbe a (not necessarily continuous) locally relatively compa ct homomor- phism of a connected Lie group Ginto a topological group H. Then the set DG(π)is a compact subgroup of the topological group Hand a compact normal subgroup of the closed subgroup π(G)ofH. Moreover, the filter basis {π(U)|U∈U}converges to DG(π), and the homomorphism πis continuous if and only if DG(π) ={eH}. (See [2, Theo- rem 1.1.2].) Under the same conditions, DG(π)is a compact connected subgroup of H. (See [2, Lemma 1.1.6].)(See [2, Lemma 1.1.6].) LetGbe a connected locally compact group, let Nbe a closed normal subgroup of G, and letπbe a locally relatively compact homomorphism of G into a topological group H(for instance, a locally bounded homomorphism into a locally compact group). Let Mbe the discontinuity group of the re- striction DG(π|N). ThenMis a closed normal subgroup of the compact dis- continuity group DG(π), and the corresponding quotient group DG(π)/Mis isomorphic to the discontinuity group DG(ψ)of the homomorphism ψofG obtained as the composition of the homomorphism πand the canonical homo- morphismπ(G)→π(G)/M. (See [2, Lemma 1.1.7].) In this note we prove that the discontinuity group of every lo cally bounded homomorphism of a Lie group into a Lie group is not only compac t and con- nected but also commutative.
2 Preliminaries The following refinement of Lemma 1.1.9 of [2] obviously hold s. Theorem 1 LetGbe a topological group, let G′be the commutator subgroup ofG(in the algebraic sense and in the topology induced by that of G), and letπbe a locally relatively compact homomorphism of Ginto some topological groupH. Then the commutator subgroup of the discontinuity group of the ho- momorphism πis a subgroup of the discontinuity group of the restriction π|G′ ofπto the commutator subgroup G′ofG: DG(π)′⊂DG(π|G′); moreover, DG(π)′is a normal subgroup of DG(π|G′). Proof. The group DG(π)′is a normal subgroup of DG(π|G′)indeed since, by the invariance of G′inG,DG(π)′is obviously invariant with respect to inner automorphisms of G, and hence normal in DG(π|G′).The proof of Lemma 1.1.9 in [2] is a model for the proof of the fo llowing main theorem. 2
3 Main result Theorem 2 The discontinuity group of every locally bounded homomorphis m of a Lie group into a Lie group is commutative. Proof. LetGandHbe Lie groups, and let πbe a locally bounded ho- momorphism of GintoH. LetG9be the connected component of G. The discontinuity group of πcoincides obviously with the discontinuity group of the restrictionπ|G0. Thus, we may assume that Gis connected. Let DG(π)⊂H be the discontinuity group of π. Consider the adjoint representation AdHofH.The composition AdH◦ πis a locally bounded linear representation of G. By Corollary 1.3.3 of [2], the discontinuity group DG(AdH◦π)is a commutative compact connected subgroup of H. By the very definition DG(π) =⋂ U∈Uπ(U)of the discontinuity group of a homomorphism and by the continuity of AdH, we see that, since the kernel of AdHcoincides with the center ZHof the group H, it follows that DG(AdH◦ π) =⋂ U∈U(AdH◦π)(U)coincides with AdH(DG(π)). Therefore, DG(AdH◦ π)is the image of DG(π)under the factorization of Hby the center ZH. However, both ZHandDG(AdH◦π)are commutative groups. There- fore,DG(π)is solvable.There- fore,DG(π)is solvable. Let Z0 Hbe the connected component of the identity elementeofZHand letDbe the complementary discrete subgroup of ZH toZ0 Hsuch thatD∩Z0 H={e}. Then the connected component of DG(π)is a connected solvable Lie subgroup of the compact Lie group DG(π). Hence, this component is commutative. The whole group DG(π)is generated by this commutative connected component of the identity element an d the central sub- groupD. Therefore, DG(π)is commutative, as was to be proved. 4 Discussion As is known, Theorem 2 cannot be extended even to connected co mpact groups, since they can have discontinuous non-one-dimensional fini te-dimensional rep- resentations [1]–[3]. Funding The research was supported by SRISA RAS according to the proj ect FNEF- 2022-0007 (Reg. no. 1021060909180-7-1.2.1).
no. 1021060909180-7-1.2.1). References [1] A. I. Shtern, A version of van der Waerden’s theorem and a p roof of Mishchenko’s conjecture on homomorphisms of locally compa ct groups, Izv. Math., 2008, 72 (1), 169–205. 3
[2] A. I. Shtern, Finite-Dimensional Quasirepresentation s of Connected Lie Groups and Mishchenko’s Conjecture, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 2 009, 159 (5), 653–751. [3] A. I. Shtern, Locally Bounded Finally Precontinuous Fin ite-Dimensional Quasirepresentations of Locally Compact Groups, Sb. Math. , 2017, 208 (10), 1557–1576. 4
arXiv:2311.00001v1 [quant-ph] 1 Aug 2023A Fisher Information Perspective of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Asher Yahalom Ariel University, Ariel 40700, Israel (E-mail: [email protected] ) Abstract. In previous papers we have shown how Schr¨ odinger’s equatio n which in- cludes an electromagnetic field interaction can be deduced f rom a fluid dynamical Lagrangian of a charged potential flow that interacts with an electromagnetic field. The quantum behaviour was derived from Fisher information t erms which were added to the classical Lagrangian. It was thus shown that a quantum mechanical system is drived by information and not only electromagnetic fields. This program was applied also to Pauli’s equations by removi ng the restriction of potential flow and using the Clebsch formalism. Although t he analysis was quite successful there were still terms that did not admit interpr etation, some of them can be easily traced to the relativistic Dirac theory.Here w e repeat the analysis for a relativistic flow, pointing to a new approach for derivi ng relativistic quantum mechanics. Keywords: Spin, Fluid dynamics, Electromagnetic interaction. 1 Introduction Quantum mechanics, is usually interpreted by the Copenhagen scho ol ap- proach. The Copenhagen approach defies the ontology of the qua ntum wave function and declares it to be completely epistemological (a tool for estimat- ing probability of certain measurements) in accordance with the Kan tian [1] conception of reality, and its denial of the human ability to grasp any thing ”as it is” (ontology). However, historically we also see the developme nt of another school of prominent scholars that interpret quantum me chanics quite differently. This school believed in the reality of the wave function. I n their view the wave function is part of reality much like an electromagnetic fi eld is.
This approach that was supported by Einstein and Bohm [2,3,4] has re sulted in other interpretations of quantum mechanics among them the fluid r ealization championed by Madelung [5,6] which stated that the modulus square o f the wave function is a fluid density and the phase is a potential of the velo city field of the fluid. However, this approach was constrained to wave func tions of spin less electrons and could not take into account a complete set of att ributes even for slow moving (with respect to the speed of light) electrons. 16thCHAOS Conference Proceedings, 13 - 16 June 2023, Heraklion, Crete, Greece C. H. Skiadas (Ed) ©2023 ISAST
A non relativistic quantum equation for a spinor was first introduced by Wolfgang Pauli in 1927 [7]. This equation is based on a two dimensional op - erator matrix Hamiltonian. Two dimensional operator matrix Hamilton ians are currently abundant in the literature ([8] - [21]) and describe man y types of quantum systems. It is natural to inquire wether such a theory ca n be given a fluid dynamical interpretation. This question is of great importanc e as sup- porters of the non-realistic Copenhagen school of quantum mech anics usually use the spin concept as a proof that nature is inherently quantum a nd thus have elements without classical analogue or interpretation. A Bohm ian anal- ysis of the Pauli equation was given by Holland and others [3], however , the analogy of the Pauli theory to fluid dynamics and the notion of spin vo rticity were not considered. This state of affairs was corrected in [22] int roducing spin fluid dynamics.The interpretation of Pauli’s spinor in terms of fluid density and velocit y variables leads us directly to the nineteenth century seminal work o f Clebsch [23,24] which is stronglyrelated tothe variationalanalysisoffluids. V ariational principles for barotropic fluid dynamics are described in the literatur e. A four function variational principle for an Eulerian barotropic fluid was dep icted by Clebsch [23,24] and much later by Davidov [25] who’s main purpose was t o quantize fluid dynamics. The work was written in Russian, and was larg ely unknown in the west. Lagrangian fluid dynamics (which takes a differe nt ap- proach than Eulerian fluid dynamics) was given a variational descript ion by Eckart [26].
Ignoring both the work of Clebsch (written in German) a nd the work of Davidov (written in Russian) initial attempts in the English writ ten literature to formulate Eulerian fluid dynamics using a variational prin ciple, were given by Herivel [28], Serrin [29] and Lin [30]. However, the variat ional principles developed by the above authors were cumbersome relying on quite a few ”Lagrange multipliers” and auxiliary ”potentials”. The total num ber of in- dependent functions in the above formulations are from eleven to s even, which are much more than the four functions required for the Eulerian an d continuity equations of a barotropic flow. Thus those methods did not have pr actical use. Seliger & Whitham [31] have reintroduced the variational formalism of Cleb- sch depending on only four variables for barotropic flow.Lynden-B ell & Katz [32] have described a variational principle in terms of two functions t he load λand density ρ. However, their formalism contains an implicit definition for the velocity ⃗ vsuch that one is required to solve a partial differential equation in order to obtain both ⃗ vin terms of ρandλas well as its variations. Much the same criticism holds for their general variational for non-baro tropic flows [33]. Yahalom & Lynden-Bell [34] overcame the implicity definition limitatio n by paying the price of adding an additional single variational variable. This formalism allows arbitrary variations (not constrained) and the defi nition of ⃗ vis explicit.The original work of Clebsch and all the following publications assume a non-relativistic fluids in which the velocity of the flow is much s lower than the speed of light in vacuum c. This is of course to be expected as the work of Clebsch preceded Einstein’s work on special relativity by for ty eight years. This can also be based on practical basis as relativistic flows a re hardly encountered on earth.
The standard approach to relativistic flows is based on the energy- moment- um tensor [37,35,36], however, this approach is not rigorous becaus e the defini- tion of an energy-momentum tensor can only be done if a Lagrangian density is provided [38]. However, no Lagrangiandensity was known for relativ istic flows. In this work we intend to expand Clebsch work to relativistic flow and t hus amend this lacuna with aderived Lagrangiandensity for a relativisticfl ow from which one can obtain rigorously the energy-momentum tensor of hig h velocity flows. A fundamental issue in the fluid interpretation of quantum mechanic s still remains. This refers to the meaning of thermodynamic quantities. T hermody- namics concepts like specific enthalpy, pressure and temperature are related to the specific internal energy defined by the equation of state as a u nique func- tion of entropy and density.The internal energy is a part of any La grangian density related to fluid dynamics. The internal energy functional c an in prin- ciple be explained on the basis of the microscopic composition of the flu id using statistical physics. That is the atoms and molecules from which the fluid is composed and their interactions impose an equation of state. How ever, a quantum fluid has no structure and yet the equations of both the s pin less [5,6] and spin [22] quantum fluid dynamics shows that terms analogue to int ernal energies appear. One thus is forces to inquire where do those inter nal energies originate? Of course one cannot suggest that the quantum fluid ha s a mi- croscopic sub structure as this will defy current empirical evidenc e suggesting that the electron is a point particle. The answerto this question com es from an entirely different scientific discipline known as measurement theory [4 3,44,46].
Fisher information is a basic notion of measurement theory, and is a m easure of measurement quality of any quantity. It was demonstrated [46 ] that this notion is the internal energy of a spin less electron (up to a proport ionality constant) and can interpret sum terms of the internal energy of an electron with spin. Here we should mention an attempt to derive most physical theories from Fisher information as described by Frieden [47]. It was suggest ed [48] that there exist a velocity field such that the Fisher information will g iven a complete explanation for the spin fluid internal energy. It was also s uggested that one may define comoving scalar fields as in ideal fluid mechanics, h owever, this was only demonstrated implicitly but not explicitly. A common featu re of previous work on the fluid & Fisher information interpretation of qua ntum me- chanics, is the negligence of electromagnetic interaction thus sett ing the vector potential to zero. This makes sense as the classical ideal fluids disc ussed in the literature are not charged.Hence, in order to make the compa rison easier to comprehend the vector potential should be neglected. Howeve r, one cannot claim a complete description of quantum mechanics lacking a vector po tential thus ignoring important quantum phenomena such as the Zeeman eff ect which depends on a vector potential through the magnetic field, this was taken care of in [49,50]. However, this previous work assumed a non-relativistic fl ow. In the current paper we study a relativistic flow and thus suggest a ne w route leading to relativistic quantum mechanics which is based on a relativistic fluid dynamics with a Lorentz invariant Fisher information term.
Wewillbeginthispaperbyintroducingavariationalprincipleforarelat ivis- tic charged classical particle with a vector potential interaction an d a system of the same. This will be followed by the Eckart [26] Lagrangian variat ional principles generalized for a relativistic charged fluid. We then introdu ce an Eulerian-Clebsch variational principle for a relativistic charged fluid. Finally the concept of Fisher information will allow us to suggest a new appro ach to relativistic quantum fluids. 2 Trajectories Through Variational Analysis We consider a particle travelling in spacetime of a constant metric.Th e action Aof such a particle is: A=−mc∫ dτ−e∫ Aαdxα (1) In the above τis the trajectory interval: dτ2=⏐⏐ηαβdxαdxβ⏐⏐=|dxαdxα| (2) xαaretheparticlecoordinates(themetricraisesandlowersindicesac cordingto the prevailingcustom), misthe particlemass, eisthe chargeand Aαisthe four vector potential which depend on the particle coordinates. Aαtransforms as a four dimensional vector. Variational analysis results in the following equations of motion: mduα dτ=−e cuβ(∂βAα−∂αAβ), uα≡dxα dτ, ∂α≡∂ ∂xα, ∂β≡ηβα∂α (3) in which the metric ηαβis the Lorentz metric: ηαβ= diag (1 ,−1,−1,−1).
(4) 2.1 Partition to Space & Time Given a space-time with a Lorentz metric the partition into spatial an d tempo- ral coordinates is trivial. The spatial coordinates are ⃗ x= (x1,x2,x3) and the temporal coordinate is x0. As we measure time in the units of seconds which differ from the space units of meters, we introduce x0=ct, in which cconnects the different units. The velocity is defined as: ⃗ v≡d⃗ x dt, v=|⃗ v|, v α≡dxα dt= (⃗ v,c). (5) In a similar way we dissect Aαinto temporal and spatial pieces: Aα= (A0,A1,A2,A3)≡(A0,⃗A)≡(φ c,⃗A) (6)
the factor1 cin the last term allows us to obtain the equations in MKS units, it is not needed in other types of unit systems. Through equation (6 ), we can define a magnetic field: ⃗B=⃗∇×⃗A (7) (⃗∇has the standard meaning) and the electric field: ⃗E=−∂⃗A ∂t−⃗∇φ (8) For the subluminal case v < cwe may write dτ2as: dτ2=c2dt2(1−v2 c2), dτ =cdt√ 1−v2 c2=cdt γ,γ≡1√ 1−v2 c2(9) And using the above equations the spatial piece of equation (3) is de duced: d dt(mγ⃗ v) =d dt m⃗ v√ 1−v2 c2 =e( ⃗E+⃗ v×⃗B) (10) 2.2 The Lagrangian We may write the action (1) as a temporal integral and thus define a La- grangian: A=∫t2 t1Ldt, L =L0+Li L0≡ −mcdτ dt=−mc2 γ=−mc2√ 1−v2 c2≃1 2mv2−mc2, Li≡ −eAαdxα dt=e(⃗A·⃗ v−φ). (11) in the above the ≃symbol signifies a classical (low speed) approximation.
We notice that the interaction part of the Lagrangian is the same for h igh and low speeds while the kinetic part takes a different and simpler form for th e low speed cases. 2.3 The Action & Lagrangian for a System of Particles Considerasystemof Nparticleseachwithanindex n∈[1−N],acorresponding massmn, charge en. Each particle will have a trajectory xα n(τn) in which τn measures the interval already propagated along the trajectory . Thus: uα n≡dxα n dτn. (12) We will assume as usual that the particle trajectories pierce throu gh time ”planes”, and the ”plane” tis pierced at position vector ⃗ xn(t), see figure 1
Fig.1.Schematic drawing of two trajectories piercing a time ”plan e” which is illus- trated as a straight line. (actually each ”plane” is three dimensional). Thus one can define a ve locity ⃗ vn≡d⃗ xn dt. The action and Lagrangian for each point particle are as before: An=−mnc∫ dτn−en∫ Aα(xν n)dxαn=∫t2 t1Lndt, L n≡L0n+Lin L0n≡ −mnc2 γn≃1 2mnv2 n−mnc2, Lin≡en( ⃗A(⃗ xn,t)·⃗ vn−φ(⃗ xn,t)) .(13) The action and Lagrangian of the system of particles is: As=∫t2 t1Lsdt, L s=N∑ n=1Ln.(14) The variational analysis follows the same lines as for a single particle an d we obtain a set of equations of the four dimensional form: mnduα n dτn=−en cuβ n(∂βAα n−∂αAβn), n∈[1−N]. (15) Or the three dimensional form: d dt(γn⃗ vn) =en mn[ ⃗ vn×⃗B(⃗ xn,t)+⃗E(⃗ xn,t)] , n∈[1−N].(16) in which we do not sum over repeated Latin indices 3 A Relativistic Charged Fluid - the Lagrangian Approach 3.1 The Action and Lagrangian The dynamics of the fluid is determined by its composition and the forc es acting on it.
The fluid is made of ”fluid elements” [26,27], practically a ”flu id element” is a point particle which has an infinitesimal mass dM⃗ α, infinitesimal chargedQ⃗ α, position four vector x⃗ αν(τ⃗ α) andu⃗ αν(τ⃗ α)≡dx⃗ αν(τ⃗ α) dτ⃗ α. Here the continuous vector label ⃗ αreplaces the discrete index nof the previous section.
As the ”fluid element” is not truly a point particle it has also an infinitesim al volumedV⃗ α, infinitesimal entropy dS⃗ α, and an infinitesimal internal energy dEin ⃗ α. The action for each ”fluid element” are according to equation (11) as follows: dA⃗ α=−dM⃗ αc∫ dτ⃗ α−dQ⃗ α∫ Aµ(xν ⃗ α)dxµ⃗ α+dAin ⃗ α, dAin ⃗ α≡ −∫ dEin ⃗ αdt.(17) The Lagrangian for each ”fluid element” can be derived from the abo ve expres- sion as follows: dA⃗ α=∫t2 t1dL⃗ αdt, dL ⃗ α≡dLk⃗ α+dLi⃗ α−dEin ⃗ α dLk⃗ α≡ −dM⃗ αc2 γ⃗ α≃1 2dM⃗ αv⃗ α(t)2−dM⃗ αc2 dLi⃗ α≡dQ⃗ α( ⃗A(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)·⃗ v⃗ α(t)−φ(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)) .(18) all the above quantities are calculated for a specific value of the labe l⃗ α, while the action and Lagrangianof the entire fluid, should be summed (orin tegrated) over all possible ⃗ α’s. That is: L=∫ ⃗ αdL⃗ α A=∫ ⃗ αdA⃗ α=∫ ⃗ α∫t2 t1dL⃗ αdt=∫t2 t1∫ ⃗ αdL⃗ αdt=∫t2 t1Ldt. (19) It is customary to define densities for the Lagrangian, mass and ch arge of every fluid element as follows: L⃗ α≡dL⃗ α dV⃗ α, ρ⃗ α≡dM⃗ α dV⃗ α, ρc⃗ α≡dQ⃗ α dV⃗ α,ein ⃗ α≡dEin ⃗ α dV⃗ α(20) Each of the above quantities may be thought of as a function of the location ⃗ x, where the ”fluid element” labelled ⃗ αhappens to be in time t, for example: ρ(⃗ x,t)≡ρ(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)≡ρ⃗ α(t) (21) It is also customary to define the specific internal energy ε⃗ αas follows: ε⃗ α≡dEin ⃗ α dM⃗ α⇒ρ⃗ αε⃗ α=dM⃗ α dV⃗ αdEin ⃗ α dM⃗ α=dEin ⃗ α dV⃗ α=ein ⃗ α (22) Thus we can write the following equations for the Lagrangian density : L⃗ α=dL⃗ α dV⃗ α=dLk⃗
α=dL⃗ α dV⃗ α=dLk⃗ α dV⃗ α+dLi⃗ α dV⃗ α−dEin ⃗ α dV⃗ α=Lk⃗ α+Li⃗ α−ein ⃗ α Lk⃗ α≡ −ρ⃗ αc2 γ⃗ α≃1 2ρ⃗ αv⃗ α(t)2−ρ⃗ αc2, Li⃗ α≡ρc⃗ α( ⃗A(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)·⃗ v⃗ α(t)−ϕ(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)) . (23)
The above expression allows us to write the Lagrangian as a spatial in tegral: L=∫ ⃗ αdL⃗ α=∫ ⃗ αL⃗ αdV⃗ α=∫ L(⃗ x,t)d3x (24) which will be important for later sections of the current paper. 3.2 Variational Analysis Returning now to the variational analysis we introduce the symbols ∆⃗ x⃗ α≡⃗ξ⃗ α to indicate a variation of the trajectory ⃗ x⃗ α(t) (we reserve the symbol δin the fluid context, to a different kind of variation, the Eulerian variat ion to be described in the next section). Notice that: ∆⃗ v⃗ α(t) =∆d⃗ x⃗ α(t) dt=d∆⃗ x⃗ α(t) dt=d⃗ξ⃗ α(t) dt.(25) And thus according to equation (9): ∆(1 γ⃗ α) =−γ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t) c2d⃗ξ⃗ α(t) dt, ∆γ ⃗ α=γ3 ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t) c2d⃗ξ⃗ α(t) dt.(26) In an ideal fluid the ”fluid element” does exchange mass, nor electric charge, nor heat with other fluid elements, so it follows that: ∆dM⃗ α=∆dQ⃗ α=∆dS⃗ α= 0.
(27) Moreover, according to thermodynamics a change in the internal e nergy of a ”fluid element” satisfies the equation in the particle’s rest frame: ∆dEin ⃗ α0=T⃗ α0∆dS⃗ α0−P⃗ α0∆dV⃗ α0, (28) the first term describes the heating energy gained by the ”fluid elem ent” while the second terms describes the work done by the ”fluid element” on neighbour- ing elements. T⃗ α0is the temperature of the ”fluid element” and P⃗ α0is the pressure of the same.As the rest mass of the fluid element does no t change and does not depend on any specific frame we may divide the above ex pression bydM⃗ αto obtain the variation of the specific energy as follows: ∆ε⃗ α0=∆dEin ⃗ α0 dM⃗ α=T⃗ α0∆dS⃗ α0 dM⃗ α−P⃗ α0∆dV⃗ α0 dM⃗ α =T⃗ α0∆s⃗ α0−P⃗ α0∆1 ρ⃗ α0=T⃗ α0∆s⃗ α0+P⃗ α0 ρ2 ⃗ α0∆ρ⃗ α0. s⃗ α0≡dS⃗ α0 dM⃗ α(29) in which s⃗ α0is the specific entropy of the fluid element in its rest frame.It follows that:∂ε0 ∂s0=T0,∂ε0 ∂ρ0=P0 ρ2 0. (30) Another important thermodynamic quantity that we will use later is t he En- thalpy defined for a fluid element in its rest frame as: dW⃗ α0=dEin ⃗ α0+P⃗ α0dV⃗ α0. (31)
and the specific enthalpy: w⃗ α0=dW⃗ α0 dM⃗ α=dEin ⃗ α0 dM⃗ α+P⃗ α0dV⃗ α0 dM⃗ α=ε⃗ α0+P⃗ α0 ρ⃗ α0. (32) Combining the above result with equation (30) it follows that: w0=ε0+P0 ρ0=ε0+ρ0∂ε0 ∂ρ0=∂(ρ0ε0) ∂ρ0.
(33) Moreover: ∂w0 ∂ρ0=∂(ε0+P0 ρ0) ∂ρ0=−P0 ρ2 0+1 ρ0∂P0 ∂ρ0+∂ε0 ∂ρ0=−P0 ρ2 0+1 ρ0∂P0 ∂ρ0+P0 ρ2 0=1 ρ0∂P0 ∂ρ0. (34) As we assume an ideal fluid, there is no heat conduction or heat radia tion, and thus heat can only be moved around along the trajectory of th e ”fluid elements”, that is only convection is taken into account. Thus ∆dS⃗ α0= 0 and we have: ∆dEin ⃗ α0=−P0∆dV⃗ α0. (35) Our next step would to be to evaluate the variation of the volume elem ent.(35) Our next step would to be to evaluate the variation of the volume elem ent. However, before we do this we establish some relations between the rest frame and any other frame in which the fluid element is in motion (this frame is sometimes denoted the ”laboratory” frame). First we notice that at the rest frame there is no velocity (by definition), hence according to equat ion (9): dτ=cdt0=cdt√ 1−v2 c2=cdt γ⇒dt0=dt γ. (36) It is well known that the four volume is Lorentz invariant, hence: dV0dt0=dVdt=dVdt0γ,⇒dV0=γdV. (37) Thus: ρ0=dM dV0=1 γdM dV=ρ γ,⇒ρ=γρ0.(38) Moreover, the action given in equation (17) is Lorentz invariant, th us: dEin ⃗ α0dt0=dEin ⃗ αdt=dEin ⃗ αdt0γ⇒dEin ⃗ α0=γdEin ⃗ α,dEin ⃗ α=dEin ⃗ α0 γ (39) We are now at a position to calculate the variation of the internal ene rgy of a fluid element: ∆dEin ⃗ α=∆(1 γ) dEin ⃗ α0+1 γ∆dEin ⃗ α0. (40) Taking into account equation (35) and equation (37) we obtain: ∆dEin ⃗ α=∆(1 γ) dEin ⃗ α0−1 γP0∆dV⃗ α0=∆(1 γ) dEin ⃗ α0−1 γP0∆(γdV⃗ α). (41)
Thus using the definition of enthalpy given in equation (31) we may writ e: ∆dEin ⃗ α=∆(1 γ) (dEin ⃗ α0+P0dV⃗ α0)−P0∆dV⃗ α=∆(1 γ) dW⃗ α0−P0∆dV⃗ α. (42) We shall now calculate the variation of the volume element.(42) We shall now calculate the variation of the volume element. Suppose a t a time tthe volume of the fluid element labelled by ⃗ αis described as: dV⃗ α,t=d3x(⃗ α,t) (43) Using the Jacobian determinant we may relate this to the same elemen t at t= 0: d3x(⃗ α,t) =Jd3x(⃗ α,0), J≡⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3) (44) In which ⃗∇0is taken with respect to the coordinates of the fluid elements at t= 0:⃗∇0≡(∂ ∂x(⃗ α,0)1,∂ ∂x(⃗ α,0)2,∂ ∂x(⃗ α,0)3).As both the actual and varied ”fluid element” trajectories start at the same point it follows that: ∆dV⃗ α,t=∆d3x(⃗ α,t) =∆J d3x(⃗ α,0) =∆J Jd3x(⃗ α,t) =∆J JdV⃗ α,t, (∆d3x(⃗ α,0) = 0).(45) The variation of Jcan be easily calculated as: ∆J=⃗∇0∆x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3)+⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0∆x2×⃗∇0x3)+⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0∆x3), (46) Now: ⃗∇0∆x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3) =⃗∇0ξ1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3) =∂kξ1⃗∇0xk·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3) =∂1ξ1⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3) =∂1ξ1J.⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0∆x2×⃗∇0x3) =⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0ξ2×⃗∇0x3) =∂kξ2⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0xk×⃗∇0x3) =∂2ξ2⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3) =∂2ξ2J.
⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0∆x3) =⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0ξ3) =∂kξ3⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0xk) =∂3ξ3⃗∇0x1·(⃗∇0x2×⃗∇0x3) =∂3ξ3J.(47) Combining the above results, it follows that: ∆J=∂1ξ1J+∂2ξ2J+∂3ξ3J=⃗∇·⃗ξ J. (48) Which allows us to calculate the variation of the volume of the ”fluid elem ent”: ∆dV⃗ α,t=⃗∇·⃗ξ dV⃗ α,t.(49) And thus the variation of the internal energy given in equation (42) is: ∆dEin ⃗ α=∆(1 γ) dW⃗ α0−P0⃗∇·⃗ξ dV⃗ α,t. (50)
Taking into account equation (26) this takes the form: ∆dEin ⃗ α=−P⃗ α0⃗∇·⃗ξ⃗ αdV⃗ α,t−γ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t) c2dW⃗ α0·d⃗ξ⃗ α(t) dt.(51) The variation of internal energy is the only novel element with respe ct to the system of particles scenario described in the previous section, thus the rest of the variation analysis is straight forward.Varying equation (17) we obtain: ∆dA⃗ α=∫t2 t1∆dL⃗ αdt, ∆dL ⃗ α=∆dLk⃗ α+∆dLi⃗ α−∆dEin ⃗ α ∆dLk⃗ α=−dM⃗ αc2∆(1 γ⃗ α) =dM⃗ αγ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t)·d⃗ξ⃗ α(t) dt, ∆dLi⃗ α=dQ⃗ α( ∆⃗A(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)·⃗ v⃗ α(t)+⃗A(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)·∆⃗ v⃗ α(t) −∆φ(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)).
(52) We can now combine the internal and kinetic parts of the varied Lagr angian taking into account the specific enthalpy definition given in equation ( 32): ∆dLk⃗ α−∆dEin ⃗ α=dM⃗ αγ⃗ α(( 1+w0 c2) ⃗ v⃗ α(t)·d⃗ξ⃗ α(t) dt+P⃗ α0⃗∇·⃗ξ⃗ αdV⃗ α,t.(53) The electromagnetic interaction variation terms are not different t han in the low speed (non-relativistic) case, see for example equations A47 an d A48 of [49], and their derivation will not be repeated here: d⃗FL⃗ α≡dQ⃗ α[ ⃗ v⃗ α×⃗B(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)+⃗E(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)] (54) and: ∆dLi⃗ α=d(dQ⃗ α⃗A(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)·⃗ξ⃗ α) dt+d⃗FL⃗ α·⃗ξ⃗ α. (55) Introducing the shorthand notation: ¯λ≡1+w0 c2, λ≡γ¯λ=γ( 1+w0 c2) .(56) The variation of the action of a relativistic single fluid element is thus: ∆dA⃗ α=∫t2 t1∆dL⃗ αdt= (dM⃗ αλ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t)+dQ⃗ α⃗A(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t))·⃗ξ⃗ α⏐⏐⏐t2 t1 −∫t2 t1(dM⃗ αd(λ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t)) dt·⃗ξ⃗ α−d⃗FL⃗ α·⃗ξ⃗ α−P⃗ α0⃗∇·⃗ξ⃗ αdV⃗ α,t)dt.(57) The variation of the total action of the fluid is thus: ∆A=∫ ⃗ αdA⃗ α=∫ ⃗ α(dM⃗ αλ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t)+dQ⃗ α⃗A(⃗ x(⃗ α,t),t))·⃗ξ⃗ α⏐⏐⏐⏐t2 t1 −∫t2 t1∫ ⃗ α(dM⃗ αd(λ⃗ α⃗ v⃗ α(t)) dt·⃗ξ⃗ α−d⃗FL⃗ α·⃗ξ⃗ α−P⃗ α0⃗∇·⃗ξ⃗ αdV⃗ α)dt.(58)
Now according to equation (20) we may write: dM⃗ α=ρ⃗ αdV⃗ α, dQ ⃗ α=ρc⃗ αdV⃗ α (59) using the above relations we may turn the ⃗ αintegral into a volume integral and thus write the variation of the fluid action in which we suppress the ⃗ αlabels: ∆A=∫ (ρλ⃗ v+ρc⃗A)·⃗ξdV⏐⏐⏐⏐t2 t1−∫t2 t1∫ (ρd(λ⃗ v) dt·⃗ξ−⃗fL·⃗ξ−P0⃗∇·⃗ξ)dVdt.(60) in the above we introduced the Lorentz force density: ⃗fL⃗ α≡d⃗FL⃗ α dV⃗ α=ρc⃗ α[ ⃗ v⃗ α×⃗B(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)+⃗E(⃗ x⃗ α(t),t)] .
(61) Now, since: P0⃗∇·⃗ξ=⃗∇·(P0⃗ξ)−⃗ξ·⃗∇P0, (62) and using Gauss theorem the variation of the action can be written a s: ∆A=∫ (ρλ⃗ v+ρc⃗A)·⃗ξdV⏐⏐⏐⏐t2 t1 −∫t2 t1[∫ (ρd(λ⃗ v) dt−⃗fL+⃗∇P0)·⃗ξdV−∮ P0⃗ξ·d⃗Σ] dt.(63) It follows that the variation of the action will vanish for a ⃗ξsuch that ⃗ξ(t1) = ⃗ξ(t2) = 0andvanishingonasurfaceencapsulatingthefluid, butothert hanthat arbitrary only if the Euler equation for a relativistic charged fluid is sa tisfied, that is: d(λ⃗ v) dt=−⃗∇P0 ρ+⃗fL ρ(64) for the particular case that the fluid element is made of identical micr oscopic particleseachwith amass mand a charge e, it followsthat the massand charge densities are proportional to the number density n: ρ=m n, ρ c=e n⇒⃗fL ρ=k[ ⃗ v×⃗B+⃗E] ,k≡e m(65) thus except from the terms relatedto the internalenergythe eq uationis similar to that of a point particle.For a neutral fluid one obtains the form: d(λ⃗ v) dt=−⃗∇P0 ρ. (66) Some authors prefer to write the above equation in terms of the en ergy per element of the fluid per unit volume in the rest frame which is the sum of the internal energy contribution and the rest mass contribution: e0≡ρ0c2+ρ0ε0. (67)
It is easy to show that: ¯λ= 1+w0 c2=e0+P0 ρ0c2. (68) And using the above equality and some manipulations we may write equa tion (66) in a form which is preferable by some authors: (e0+P0)γ c2d(γ⃗ v) dt=−⃗∇P0−γ2 c2dP0 dt⃗ v. (69) In experimentalfluid dynamicsit is moreconvenientto describea fluid in terms ofquantitiesataspecificlocation,ratherthanquantitiesassociat edwithunseen infinitesimal ”fluid elements”. This road leads to the Eulerian descript ion of fluid dynamics and thinking in terms of flow fields rather than in terms o f a velocity of ”fluid elements” as will be discussed in the next section.4 An Eulerian Charged Fluid - the Clebsch Approach In this section we follows closely the analysis of [22,49,50] with the mod ifica- tion of taking into account the relativistic corrections, this implies ta king into account an action which is invariant under Lorentz transformation s. Let us consider the action: A ≡∫ Ld3xdt, L ≡ L 0+L2+Li L0≡ −ρ(c2 γ+ε) =−ρ0(c2+ε0) =−e0,L2≡ν∂ν(ρ0uν)−ρ0αuν∂νβ, Li≡ −ρcAνvν, v ν≡dxν dt.
(70) In the non relativistic limit we may write: L0≃ρ(1 2v2−ε−c2) (71) Taking into account that: uµ=γ(c,⃗ v) (72) and also that ρ=γρ0according to equation (38), it is easy to write the above Lagrangian densities in a space-time formalism: L2=ν[∂ρ ∂t+⃗∇·(ρ⃗ v)]−ραdβ dtLi=ρc( ⃗A·⃗ v−φ) (73) In the Eulerian approach we consider the variational variables to be fields, that functions of space and time. We have two such variational var iables the vector velocity field ⃗ v(⃗ x,t) and density scalar field ρ(⃗ x,t). The conservation of quantities such as the label of the fluid element, mass, charge and e ntropy are
dealtbyintroducingLagrangemultipliers ν,αinsuchawaythatthevariational principle will yield the following equations: ∂ρ ∂t+⃗∇·(ρ⃗ v) = 0 dβ dt= 0 (74) Provided ρis not null those arejust the continuity equation which ensuresmas s conservation and the conditions that βis comoving and is thus a label.
Let us now calculate the variation with respect to β, this will lead us to the following results: δβA=∫ d3xdtδβ[∂(ρα) ∂t+⃗∇·(ρα⃗ v)] −∮ d⃗S·⃗ vραδβ−∫ d⃗Σ·⃗ vρα[δβ]−∫ d3xραδβ|t1 t0(75) Hence choosing δβin such a waythat the temporal and spatial boundary terms vanish (this includes choosing δβto be continuous on the cut if one needs to introduce such a cut) in the above integral will lead to the equation: ∂(ρα) ∂t+⃗∇·(ρα⃗ v) = 0 (76) Using the continuity equation (74) this will lead to the equation: dα dt= 0 (77) Hence for ρ̸= 0 both αandβare comovingcoordinates.This is why in the Eu- lerian approach we are obliged to add the Lagrangian density L2. The specific internal energy ε0defined in equation (22) is dependent on the thermodynamic properties of the specific fluid. That is it generally depends through a given ”equation of state” on the density and specific entropy. In our ca se we shall assume a barotropic fluid, that is a fluid in which ε0(ρ0) is a function of the densityρ0only. Other functions connected to the electromagnetic interact ion such as the potentials ⃗A,φare assumed given function of coordinates and are not varied. Another simplification which we introduce is the assumptio n the fluid element is made of microscopic particles having a given mass mand a chargee, in this case it follows from equation (65) that: ρc=kρ.(78) Let us now take the variational derivative with respect to the dens ityρ, we obtain: δρA=∫ d3xdtδρ[−c2 γ−w0δρ0 δρ−∂ν ∂t−⃗ v·⃗∇ν+k(⃗A·⃗ v−φ)] +∮ d⃗S·⃗ vδρν+∫ d⃗Σ·⃗ vδρ[ν]+∫ d3xνδρ|t1 t0(79)
Or as: δρA=∫ d3xdtδρ[−c2+w0 γ−∂ν ∂t−⃗ v·⃗∇ν+k(⃗A·⃗ v−φ)] +∮ d⃗S·⃗ vδρν+∫ d⃗Σ·⃗ vδρ[ν]+∫ d3xνδρ|t1 t0(80) in which w0=∂(ρ0ε0) ∂ρ0is the specific enthalpy in the rest frame of the fluid element (see equation (33)).Hence provided that δρvanishes on the boundary of the domain, on the cut and in initial and final times the following equa tion must be satisfied: dν dt=∂ν ∂t+⃗ v·⃗∇ν=−c2+w0 γ+k(⃗A·⃗ v−φ) (81) In the above we notice that taking a time derivative for a fixed label ⃗ α(also known as a material derivative) of any quantity gtakes the form: dg(⃗ α,t) dt=dg(⃗ x(⃗ α,t),t) dt=∂g ∂t+d⃗ x dt·⃗∇g=∂g ∂t+⃗ v·⃗∇g(82) oncegis considered to be a field dependent on ⃗ x,t.Finally Let us take an arbitrary variational derivative of the above a ction with respect to ⃗ v, taking into account that: δ⃗ v1 γ=−γ⃗ v·δ⃗ v c2(83) This will result in: δ⃗ vA=∫ d3xdtρδ⃗ v·[γ⃗ v−w0 ρδρ0 δ⃗ v−⃗∇ν−α⃗∇β+k⃗A] +∮ d⃗S·δ⃗ vρν+∫ d⃗Σ·δ⃗ vρ[ν].
(84) However: δρ0 δ⃗ v=ρδ1 γ δ⃗ v=−ργ⃗ v c2(85) Taking in account the definition of λ(see equation (56)), we thus have: δ⃗ vA=∫ d3xdtρδ⃗ v·[λ⃗ v−⃗∇ν−α⃗∇β+k⃗A] +∮ d⃗S·δ⃗ vρν+∫ d⃗Σ·δ⃗ vρ[ν]. (86) the above boundary terms contain integration over the external boundary∮ d⃗S and an integral over the cut∫ d⃗Σthat must be introduced in case that νis not single valued, more on this case in later sections.The external b oundary term vanishes; in the case of astrophysical flows for which ρ= 0 on the free flow boundary, or the case in which the fluid is contained in a vessel wh ich
induces a no flux boundary condition δ⃗ v·ˆn= 0 (ˆnis a unit vector normal to the boundary). The cut ”boundary” term vanish when the veloc ity field varies only parallel to the cut that is it satisfies a Kutta type conditio n. If the boundary terms vanish ⃗ vmust have the following form: λ⃗ v=α⃗∇β+⃗∇ν−k⃗A (87) this is a generalization of Clebsch representation of the flow field (se e for ex- ample [26], [40, page 248]) for a relativistic charged flow. 4.1 Euler’s equations We shall now show that a velocity field given by equation (87), such th at the functions α,β,νsatisfy the corresponding equations (74,81,77) must satisfy Euler’s equations.Let us calculate the material derivative of λ⃗ v: d(λ⃗ v) dt=d⃗∇ν dt+dα dt⃗∇β+αd⃗∇β dt−kd⃗A dt(88) It can be easily shown that: d⃗∇ν dt=⃗∇dν dt−⃗∇vn∂ν ∂xn=⃗∇( −c2+w0 γ+k⃗A·⃗ v−kφ) −⃗∇vn∂ν ∂xn d⃗∇β dt=⃗∇dβ dt−⃗∇vn∂β ∂xn=−⃗∇vn∂β ∂xn(89) In which xnis a Cartesian coordinate and a summation convention is assumed.
Inserting the result from equations (89) into equation (88) yields: d(λ⃗ v) dt=−⃗∇vn(∂ν ∂xn+α∂β ∂xn)+⃗∇( −c2+w0 γ+k⃗A·⃗ v−kφ) −kd⃗A dt =−⃗∇vn(λvn+kAn)+⃗∇(−c2+w0 γ+k⃗A·⃗ v−kφ)−k∂t⃗A−k(⃗ v·⃗∇)⃗A =−1 γ⃗∇w0+k⃗E+k(vn⃗∇An−vn∂n⃗A), (90) in the above we have used the electric field defined in equation (8).We notice that according to equation (7): (vn⃗∇An−vn∂n⃗A)l=vn(∂lAn−∂nAl) =ǫlnjvnBj= (⃗ v×⃗B)l,(91) Hence we obtain the Euler equation of a charged relativistic fluid in the form: d(λ⃗ v) dt=−1 γ⃗∇w0+k[ ⃗ v×⃗B+⃗E] =−1 ρ⃗∇P0+k[ ⃗ v×⃗B+⃗E] ,(92) since (see equation (34)): ⃗∇w0=∂w0 ∂ρ0⃗∇ρ0=1 ρ0∂P0 ∂ρ0⃗∇ρ0=1 ρ0⃗∇P0.(93) The above equation is identical to equation (64) and thus proves th at the Euler equations can be derived from the action given in equation (73) and h ence all the equations of charged fluid dynamics can be derived from the abo ve action without restricting the variations in any way.
4.2 Simplified action The reader of this paper might argue that the authors have introd uced un- necessary complications to the theory of relativistic fluid dynamics b y adding three more functions α,β,νto the standard set ⃗ v,ρ. In the following we will show that this is not so and the action given in equation (70) in a form s uitable for a pedagogic presentation can indeed be simplified.It is easy to sh ow that defining a four dimensional Clebsch four vector: vµ C≡α∂µβ+∂µν= (1 c(α∂tβ+∂tν),α⃗∇β+⃗∇ν) = (1 c(α∂tβ+∂tν),⃗ vC) (94) and a four dimensional electromagnetic Clebsch four vector: vµ E≡vµ C+kAµ= (1 c(α∂tβ+∂tν+kφ),⃗ vC−k⃗A). (95) It follows from equation (81) and equation (87) that: vµ=−vEµ λ⇒⃗ v=⃗ vE λ.
(96) Eliminating ⃗ vthe Lagrangiandensity appearingin equation(73) canbe written (up to surface terms) in the compact form: L[ρ0,α,β,ν] =ρ0[ c√ vEµvµ E−ε0−c2] (97) This Lagrangian density will yield the four equations (74,77,81), afte r those equations are solved we can insert the potentials α,β,νinto equation (87) to obtainthephysicalvelocity ⃗ v. Hence,thegeneralchargedrelativisticbarotropic fluid dynamics problem is changed such that instead of solving the Eule r and continuity equations we need to solve an alternative set which can be derived from the Lagrangian density ˆL.5 Conclusion The current workwhich is a continuationofpreviousstudies [22,46,4 8] in which we demonstrate how Pauli’s spinor can be interpreted in terms of spin fluid using a generalized Clebsch form which is modified to include the electro mag- netic vector potential affecting a charged fluid. The theory is desc ribed by an action and a variational principle and the fluid equations are derived a s the extrema of the action. The similarities as well as the pronounced diffe rences with barotropic fluid dynamics were discussed. A fundamental obstacle to the fluid interpretation of quantum mec hanics still exist. This is related to the origin of thermodynamic quantities wh ich are part of fluid mechanics in the quantum context. For classical fluid th e ther- modynamic internal energy implies that a fluid element is not a point par ticle but has internal structure. In standard thermodynamics notion s as specific
enthalpy, pressure and temperature are derived from the specifi c internal en- ergy equation of state. The internal energy is a required compone nt of any Lagrangian density attempting to depict a fluid. The unique form of t he in- ternal energy can be derived in principle relying on the basis of the at oms and moleculesfrom whichthe fluid is composedandtheir interactionsusing statisti- cal physics. However, the quantum fluid has no such microscopic st ructure and yet analysis of both the spin less [5,6] and spin [22] quantum fluid shows that terms analogue to internal energies appear. Thus one is forced to ask where do those internal energies originate, surely the quantum fluid is dev oid of a mi- croscopic sub structure as this will defy the empirically supported c onception of the electron as a point particle. The answer to this inquiry originat ed from measurement theory [43]. Fisher information a basic concept of mea surement theory is a measure of the quality of the measurement.It was show n that this concept is proportional to the internal energy of Schr¨ odinger’s spin-less elec- tron which is essentially a theory of a potential flow which moves unde r the influence of electromagnetic fields and fisher information forces. F isher infor- mation can also explain most parts of the internal energy of an elect ron with spin. This puts (Fisher) information as a fundamental force of nat ure, which has the same status as electromagnetic forces in the quantum mec hanical level of reality. Indeed, according to Anton Zeilinger’s recent remark to the press, it is quantum mechanicsthat demonstratesthat information is more f undamental than space-time. We have highlighted the similarities between the variational principles o f Eulerian fluid mechanics and both Schr¨ odinger’s and Pauli’s quantum m echan- ics as opposed to classical mechanics. The former have only linear tim e deriva- tives of degrees of freedom while that later have quadratic time der ivatives.The former contain terms quadratic in the vector potential ⃗Awhile the later contain only linear terms. While the analogies between spin fluid dynamics classic Clebsch fluid dy- namics are quite convincing still there are terms in spin fluid dynamics t hat lack classical interpretation. It was thus suggested that those t erm originate from arelativistic Clebschtheory which wasthe main motivation to the current paper. Indeed following the footsteps of the pervious papers [46 ,48] we may replace the internal energy in equation (97) with a Lorentz invarian t Fisher information term to obtain a new Lagrangian density of relativistic qu antum mechanics of a particle with spin: L[ρ0,α,β,ν] =ρ0[ c√ vEµvµ E−c2] −ℏ2 2m∂µa0∂µa0, a 0≡√ρ0 m.
(98) in the above mis the particle’s mass and ℏis Planck’s constant divided by 2 π. A side benefit of the above work is the ability to canonically derive the stress energy tensor of a relativistic fluid. As the current paper is of limited scope, we were not able to compare the above lagrangian with its low speed limit and derive the relevant quantu m equation, hopefully this will be done in a following more expanded paper . Not less important is the comparison between the fluid route to relat ivistic quantum mechanics and the more established route of the Dirac equ ation, this
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arXiv:2311.00002v1 [math.NT] 27 Oct 2023THE TRIANGULAR NUMBERS ARE FINITELY STABLE Luan Alberto Ferreira Abstract. This small note proves that the set of triangular numbers is a finitely stable additive basis. This, together with a previous result by the author, shows that triangular numbers and squares are, among all polygonal numbers, the on ly ones that are finitely stable additive bases. 1.Introduction IfA,B⊆N={0,1,2,3,4,5,...}, we define A+B={a+b;a∈A, b∈B}. Also, ifh∈N,h̸= 0, then we write hA=A+···+A htimes={a1+···+ah;a1,...,a h∈A}. If there is h∈N,h̸= 0, such that hA=N, thenAis said to be an additive basis.The smallest h∈Nsatisfying this equality is called the order of A, and is denoted by h=o(A). For example, Lagrange’s four-square theorem says that the set of the squares N2={0,1,4,9,16,25,...}is an additive basis whose order is four, i.e., o(N2) = 4. Finally, ifA⊆Nandn∈N, then we write A(n) = #{a∈A; 1≤a≤n}. In [1], it was defined that an additive basis Aisfinitely stable if the order of Ais equal the order of A∪F, for all finite subset F⊆N, and it was proved the following theorem: Theorem 1.1. LetAbe an additive basis such that o(A) =h≥3. If lim n→∞((h−2)A)(n) n= 0 and limsup n→∞((h−1)A)(n) n<1, thenAis finitely stable.
Using this result, it was shown that the set of the squares N2is a finitely stable additive basis. But theorem 1.1also implies that the set of triangular numbers T={0,1,3,6,10,...} is finitely stable. The purpose of this humble note is to prove this and to show that among all polygonal numbers, the triangular numbers and the squar es are the only ones that are finitely stable additive bases. 1
2 THE TRIANGULAR NUMBERS ARE FINITELY STABLE 2.The result For the main result we will need the following facts. For comp leteness, a proof of the second will be given. Theorem 2.1 (Gauss’ num = ∆+∆+∆ theorem) .The set of the triangular numbers Tis an additive basis of order 3. Proof. See [3], chapter 1, section 1.7. □ Proposition 2.2. Ifn≡5or8 (mod 9) , thennis not the sum of two triangular numbers. Proof. Suppose by absurd that n≡5 (mod 9) is the sum of two triangular numbers. Then there exists m,x,y∈Nsuch that 9m+5 =x(x+1) 2+y(y+1) 2. This implies 18m+10 =x(x+1)+y(y+1). Taking this equation mod 9, 1≡x(x+1)+y(y+1) (mod 9) . But this equation does not have a solution mod 9, contradiction.But this equation does not have a solution mod 9, contradiction. Analogously for the case n≡8 (mod 9) . □ Corollary 2.3. The triangular numbers Tis a finitely stable additive basis. Proof. Sinceo(T) = 3, the previous proposition shows that the hypotheses of theo rem1.1 are fulfilled for T. ThenTis a finitely stable additive basis. □ This corollary, together with the next two results, show tha t the only polygonal numbers that are finitely stable additive bases are the squares N2and triangular numbers T. Theorem 2.4 (Fermat-Cauchy polygonal number theorem) .Letk∈N,k≥3. IfNk denotes the set of the k-gonal numbers, then o(Nk) =k. Proof. See [2]. □ Theorem 2.5 (Legendre polygonal number theorem) .Letm≥3andN≥28m3.
Ifmis odd, then Nis the sum of four polygonal numbers of order m+2. Ifmis even, then Nis the sum of five polygonal numbers of order m+2, at least one of which is 0or1. Proof. See [3], chapter 1, section 1.7. □ Corollary 2.6. The only polygonal numbers that are finitely stable additive bases are the squaresN2and triangular numbers T.
THE TRIANGULAR NUMBERS ARE FINITELY STABLE 3 Proof. Fixm∈N,m≥3. Now consider the set Nm+2∪{j∈N;j <28m3} and compare the order of this set with the order of Nm+2. □ References [1] Ferreira, L. A.: Finitely stable additive bases. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society (3)97 (2018), 360–362. [2] Nathanson, M. B.: A short proof of Cauchy’s polygonal num ber theorem. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (1)99(1987), 22–24. [3] Nathanson, M. B.: Additive Number Theory: The Classical Bases . Grad. Texts in Math. 164, Springer, New York, 1996. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Pa ulo, campus Itaquaquece- tuba. IFSP - ITQ: Rua Primeiro de Maio, 500, Itaquaquecetuba - SP, Brazil.CEP: 08571-050 Email address :[email protected]