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a moment ... '
a moment ... '
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the forest indians are said to be mortally
the forest indians are said to be mortaly
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through fear . ' a character mr gilberto mentioned
throgh fear . ' a carakter mr gilberto mentioned
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afraid , with a hoof shaped like the heel
afraid , with a hof xaped like the hel
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appearance of the progressive party from
apearanse of the progresive party from
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general election showed nationalists being
general elektion xowed nationalists beng
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the prime minister . this implies the dis-
the prime minister . this implis the dis-
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increased majorities . in the cape , the
inkreased majoritis . in the kape , the
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towards the nationalist party of dr. verwoerd ,
towards the nationalist party of dr. verwoerd ,
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returned in their strongholds , like bloem-
returned in ther strongholds , like bloem-
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lawrence , standing as a progressive , was
lawrense , standing as a progresive , was
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fontein and the transvaal , with slightly
fonten and the transval , with slightly
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afterwards by the united party candidate ,
afterwards by the united party kandidate ,
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mr. plewman , left the progressives deprived
mr. plewman , left the progresives deprived
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elizabeth south , announced immediately
elizabeth d , anonsed imediately
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the contests were for 86 seats as 70
the kontests were for 86 seats as 70
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progressive party , dr. steytler , in port
progresive party , dr. steytler , in port
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the leader of the opposition , sir de
the leader of the oposition , sir de
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dates are unopposed .
dates are unoposed .
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villiers graaff , have been returned unopposed .
vilirs graf , have ben returned unoposed .
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the defeat of the leader of the
the defeat of the leader of the
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nationalists and 20 united party candi-
nationalists and 20 united party kandi-
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that # appeasement over berlin could
that # apeasement over berlin kold
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the earl of avon , the former sir anthony
the earl of avon , the former sir anthony
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with a vigour and authority which delighted
with a vigor and authority whic delighted
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only lead to war . to stand firm , he
only lead to war . to stand firm , he
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the surest way to avert it .
the surest way to avert it .
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series of heavy sighs . sir lynn ungoed-
seris of heavy sighs . sir lyn ungoed-
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this was too reminiscent of the nursemaid
this was to reminisent of the nursemaid
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and her illegitimate baby . for the most
and her ilegitimate baby . for the most
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articulation is limited , we are told , to a
artikulation is limited , we are told , to a
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# otherwise endearing creature whose
# otherwise endearing kreature whose
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part , mr. godber muttered his way
part , mr. godber mutered his way
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through a cliche-ridden foreign office
throgh a klice-riden foregn ofise
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brief . he resembles the elephant seal , an
brif . he resembles the elefant seal , an
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september , was delayed because of the
september , was delayed bekause of the
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moment # when attention had to be
moment # when atention had to be
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felt the change would be unwise at a
felt the cange wold be unwise at a
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berlin crisis . mr. watkinson and his advisers
berlin krisis . mr. watkinson and his advisers
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his leave .
his leave .
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sir francis is to hand over to sir richard
sir fransis is to hand over to sir ricard
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military operations . for this reason sir
military operations . for this reason sir
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concentrated on possible need for important
konsentrated on posible ned for important
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as from nov. 1 . the hand-over , due in
as from nov. 1 . the hand-over , due in
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francis stayed on , and # sacrificed
fransis stayed on , and # sakrifised
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limited success . he rallied behind him
limited sukses . he ralid behind him
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night by his leader , mr. gaitskell . mr.
night by his leader , mr. gaitskel . mr.
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but mr. healey had a partial and
but mr. healey had a partial and
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religion as had failed to detect this cult .
religion as had failed to detekt this kult .
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godber's performance merited all the mild
godber's performanse merited al the mild
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scorn heaped on it by mr. shinwell .
skorn heaped on it by mr. xinwel .
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this puzzled such students of comparative
this puzled suc students of komparative
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there would be no hesitation in mobilising
there wold be no hesitation in mobilising
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accompanied by other measures of a military ,
akompanid by other measures of a military ,
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warranted such a step . it would have to be
waranted suc a step . it wold have to be
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if a further deterioration in the situation
if a further deterioration in the situation
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be party to accepting as a matter of
be party to aksepting as a mater of
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he decided that it would be a great error
he desided that it wold be a great eror
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who was winding up the foreign affairs
who was winding up the foregn afairs
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principle the imposed division of germany .
prinsiple the imposed division of germany .
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economic and political kind . mr. macmillan ,
ekonomik and politikal kind . mr. makmilan ,
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debate , said the government could not
debate , said the government kold not
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russian embassy .
rusian embasy .
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disarmament , addressed to mr.
disarmament , adresed to mr.
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of the campaign for nuclear
of the kampaign for nuklear
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of them left-wing # sympathisers .
of them left-wing # sympathisers .
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# khruschev , was also taken to the
# khruscev , was also taken to the
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it condemned " the pollution of the world's
it kondemned " the polution of the world's
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tests from canon collins , chairman
tests from kanon kolins , cairman
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a personal letter of protest against the
a personal leter of protest against the
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atmosphere as a crime against humanity . "
atmosfere as a krime against humanity . "
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asia .
asia .
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speech in which mr. macmillan wound up
spec in whic mr. makmilan wond up
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interference with the united nations
interferense with the united nations
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in the congo ; kuwait ; and south-east
in the kongo ; kuwait ; and d-l
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it was the end of a rather curious
it was the end of a rather kurios
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nuclear tests ; the canard about british
nuklear tests ; the kanard abot britix
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tone , and his voice never rose to any
tone , and his voise never rose to any
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he began in a low , almost chatty mono-
he began in a low , almost caty mono-
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the two-day debate on foreign affairs .
the two-day debate on foregn afairs .
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accent of urgency . he passed in rapid
aksent of urgensy . he pased in rapid
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council to reassess the fall-out position in
konsil to reases the fal-ot position in
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he was not so happy in his defence of
he was not so hapy in his defense of
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the council's findings would be published .
the konsil's findings wold be publixed .
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only little ones .
only litle ones .
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true , he did tell the house that the
true , he did tel the hose that the
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france for her nuclear tests in the
franse for her nuklear tests in the
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the government's failure to condemn
the government's failure to kondemn
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government had asked the medical research
government had asked the medikal researc
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sahara on the grounds that they were
sahara on the gronds that they were
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long before polling closed at 8 p.m. it was
long before poling klosed at 8 p.m. it was
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last night that he had considered early
last night that he had konsidered early
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mobilise reserves necessary to bring the
mobilise reserves nesesary to bring the
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british army of the rhine on to a war footing .
britix army of the rhine on to a war foting .
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in the parliamentary recess whether to
in the parliamentary reses whether to
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the prime minister disclosed in the commons
the prime minister disklosed in the komons
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evident that voters were bored by the
evident that voters were bored by the
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government's frequent appeals to the electorate .
government's frequent apeals to the elektorate .
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the most apathetic in the country's history .
the most apathetik in the kontry's history .
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in most constituencies it may go down as
in most konstituensis it may go down as