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{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Michael Sparks 4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US Tel:+(311)738-8211 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '03-Jan-1994', 'DISCOUNT': '9.39', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Feb-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/30-14/832', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '441.14 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Shelley Silva 4586 Yolanda Pass Suite 397 New Timothybury, DE 14657 US Tel:+(192)059-8647 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '16-Jan-2014', 'DISCOUNT': '9.93', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Aug-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y2M7d-647', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '796.34 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Lindsey Saunders 738 Miller Ways Suite 092 New Jenniferborough, MD 42519 US Tel:+(650)135-5877 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '16-May-2000', 'DISCOUNT': '5.3', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Nov-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 7Y9M3d-088', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '123.68 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Melissa Cervantes 13661 Anderson Point Nelsonfort, NY 20984 US Tel:+(087)770-8471 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '06-Feb-2015', 'DISCOUNT': '0.62', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Nov-2014', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 5027-789', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '29.89 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Michael Villanueva 1064 Dawn Bridge Suite 429 South Kristin, TN 20019 US Tel:+(029)789-0079 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '28-Oct-2015', 'DISCOUNT': '35.73', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Oct-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV24665625', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '788.46 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Marcus Moreno MD 8917 Anthony Summit West Isaacville, NY 73150 US Tel:+(227)907-8016 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '10-Jun-2001', 'DISCOUNT': '37.96', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Jul-1994', 'NUMBER': '6Y4M4d-023', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '933.99 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jennifer Weaver 7707 Hughes Cape Christopherfort, MN 11108 US Tel:+(792)083-0850 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '25-Jun-2004', 'DISCOUNT': '35.98', 'DUE_DATE': '10-Jan-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/55-24/340', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '826.68 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Vincent Miller 59128 Thornton Knoll Apt. 405 Port Meredithburgh, HI 95647 US Tel:+(973)314-4764 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '14-Apr-2021', 'DISCOUNT': '27.87', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Feb-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9Y6M4d-165', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '1155.71 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Isabella Hunt PhD 043 Amanda Manors Suite 320 Josephstad, CA 45216 US Tel:+(082)726-5617 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '04-Jan-2012', 'DISCOUNT': '24.43', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Jul-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INV51988270', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '553.86 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Erica Stewart 23381 Nichole Route New Brian, OH 90634 US Tel:+(533)633-2623 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '08-Dec-2006', 'DISCOUNT': '37.11', 'DUE_DATE': '01-Nov-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV00960140', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '4894 Melanie Pass Apt. 742 Tammyland, SD 42587 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Mclean-Cochran', 'TOTAL': '958.13 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '20-Apr-2010', 'DISCOUNT': '12.33', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Jul-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INV/72-06/714', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '266.80 $', 'TAX': '10.26 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '264.25 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '30-Nov-2021', 'DISCOUNT': '7.99', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Feb-2008', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 0875-302', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '502.83 $', 'TAX': '23.40 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '505.92 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '14-Feb-2021', 'DISCOUNT': '5.21', 'DUE_DATE': '12-Oct-2021', 'NUMBER': '8492-284', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '104.90 $', 'TAX': '7.23 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '107.54 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '27-Dec-2019', 'DISCOUNT': '14.13', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Mar-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2731-034', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '591.34 $', 'TAX': '19.48 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '587.05 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '19-Apr-2000', 'DISCOUNT': '7.23', 'DUE_DATE': '11-Feb-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1Y5M8d-766', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '457.78 EUR', 'TAX': '23.44 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '459.11 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '08-Jul-1996', 'DISCOUNT': '27.3', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Mar-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2058-085', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '730.00 $', 'TAX': '46.44 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '748.33 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '24-Jan-2018', 'DISCOUNT': '9.17', 'DUE_DATE': '12-Aug-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 3Y7M8d-566', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '797.38 EUR', 'TAX': '52.73 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '818.21 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '21-Jan-2003', 'DISCOUNT': '7.9', 'DUE_DATE': '03-Sep-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/88-81/868', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '186.36 USD', 'TAX': '8.09 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '186.87 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '06-Nov-2014', 'DISCOUNT': '19.77', 'DUE_DATE': '24-Oct-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/09-86/215', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1013.67 EUR', 'TAX': '63.64 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1027.34 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '04-Aug-2018', 'DISCOUNT': '9.34', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Mar-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INV83586011', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '318.82 $', 'TAX': '14.57 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '325.67 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Alexander Williams 6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US Tel:+(330)644-2313 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '23-Jan-2002', 'DISCOUNT': '31.83', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Dec-2018', 'NUMBER': '2970-559', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP18376213SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '826.86 EUR', 'TAX': '26.72 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '828.69 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred and twen- ty-eight point six nine'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Angelica Griffin 36782 Samantha Corner Gomezland, NM 69673 US Tel:+(763)074-4715 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '24-Oct-2008', 'DISCOUNT': '27.12', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Apr-2006', 'NUMBER': '6Y1M8d-204', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP15296478SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '564.92 USD', 'TAX': '25.93 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '578.82 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and sevent- y-eight point eight two'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Alexander Santiago 76685 Henson Plaza Apt. 356 Lake Isaacbury, VT 90374 US Tel:+(506)901-6393 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '05-May-2022', 'DISCOUNT': '3.37', 'DUE_DATE': '15-Apr-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/17-98/587', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP13380629SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '220.24 EUR', 'TAX': '8.12 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '222.99 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and twent- y-two point nine nine'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Gwendolyn Young 662 Karen Hill Apt. 886 Stacyfort, NM 13901 US Tel:+(294)435-8288 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '31-Mar-2017', 'DISCOUNT': '21.43', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Dec-2022', 'NUMBER': '6Y1M5d-008', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP18213633SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '438.27 $', 'TAX': '16.75 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '442.88 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and forty- -two point eight eight'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Natalie Paul 4945 Jessica Fords Glennport, CO 96145 US Tel:+(349)858-8161 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '02-Nov-2013', 'DISCOUNT': '26.59', 'DUE_DATE': '11-Aug-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV36321762', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP12485507SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '868.98 EUR', 'TAX': '32.85 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '859.77 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred and fifty- -nine point seven seven'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Kimberly Greene 4897 Bates Lane Apt. 065 East Mary, VT 79313 US Tel:+(748)112-2387 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '16-Oct-2003', 'DISCOUNT': '10.02', 'DUE_DATE': '03-May-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV41043936', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP16375013SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '770.88 EUR', 'TAX': '27.85 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '763.89 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and sixty- -three point eight nine'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Wesley Ortiz 47965 Bentley Circles Debbiechester, AZ 19835 US Tel:+(604)785-6454 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '17-Aug-2001', 'DISCOUNT': '6.84', 'DUE_DATE': '01-Sep-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2479-185', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP17052904SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '230.36 USD', 'TAX': '10.88 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '235.64 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and thirt- y-five point six four'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Teresa Wilson MD 88095 Danielle Shoal Autumnshire, MN 42705 US Tel:+(720)093-2578 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '29-Mar-2001', 'DISCOUNT': '50.16', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Nov-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 0886-636', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of TexasRaf CAMP15718578SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1666.58 $', 'TAX': '72.84 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1697.59 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, six hundred and- ninety-seven point five nine'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Travis Brown 8379 Evans Knolls North Philip, MI 23378 US Tel:+(278)181-0262 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '12-May-1999', 'DISCOUNT': '9.42', 'DUE_DATE': '24-Jun-2010', 'NUMBER': '5963-607', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP19043583SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '509.45 USD', 'TAX': '29.11 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '531.22 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and thi- rty-one point two two'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Heather Delgado 126 Johnson Plains Suite 586 Davistown, IA 25136 US Tel:+(092)122-8560 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '24-Feb-2005', 'DISCOUNT': '14.79', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Feb-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y6M7d-998', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP14401889SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6479 Smith Causeway East Camerontown, AS 38212 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Richardson-Davis', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1202.33 $', 'TAX': '67.08 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1231.78 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, two hundred and- thirty-one point seven eight'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '26-Jan-2000', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Nov-1993', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP14276312SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1060.47 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand and si- xty point four seven'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '17-Jul-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '27-Nov-2004', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP15017888SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1149.57 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one hundred an- d forty-nine point five seven'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '02-Nov-2019', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Nov-2013', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP17882997SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '667.23 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and sixty- -seven point two three'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '19-Jul-2009', 'DUE_DATE': '03-May-2014', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP19100382SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '262.33 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and sixty- -two point three three'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '28-Jul-2001', 'DUE_DATE': '30-Mar-2011', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP14298024SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1412.70 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, four hundr- ed and twelve point seven'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '21-Jan-2019', 'DUE_DATE': '26-Jul-2010', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP14852235SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '456.94 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and fift- y-six point nine four'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '04-May-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Apr-1997', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP11398801SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '800.44 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred - point four four'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '22-Nov-2006', 'DUE_DATE': '05-Aug-2003', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP19417986SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '278.20 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and sev- enty-eight point two'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '10-Feb-1998', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Dec-2008', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP13468230SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1295.31 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, two hundred an- d ninety-five point three one'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '26-Jul-2004', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Aug-1994', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP15277127SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '2942 Gary Village Suite 237 New Yolandaland, IL 18166 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Fernandez PLC', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '750.17 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and f- ifty point one seven'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Michael Greene 841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US Tel:+(755)659-2112 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '17-Jan-2010', 'DISCOUNT': '25.71', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Jun-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/57-22/068', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '998.28 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Kimberly Haney 52110 Gibson Forks Apt. 087 Brittanyland, MP 89286 US Tel:+(905)662-5236 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '16-Jul-2010', 'DISCOUNT': '0.51', 'DUE_DATE': '10-Oct-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/91-15/248', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '28.39 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Craig Harris 343 Deanna Oval Apt. 716 Duncanburgh, MP 05195 US Tel:+(979)901-3742 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '31-Jul-2010', 'DISCOUNT': '8.95', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Sep-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 6Y6M7d-178', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '267.09 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Crystal Decker 58966 Taylor Land Donaldmouth, AZ 63560 US Tel:+(985)272-9790 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '05-Apr-2015', 'DISCOUNT': '23.37', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Jun-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1Y5M6d-413', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '679.59 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':John Mcclure 2840 Stewart Mews Apt. 347 South Brittanyberg, HI 09582 US Tel:+(663)965-1603 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '04-Jun-2010', 'DISCOUNT': '13.54', 'DUE_DATE': '29-Jul-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/28-61/964', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '360.55 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jennifer Williams 416 Jessica Mill South Tiffany, MN 11614 US Tel:+(183)129-1836 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '13-Apr-2007', 'DISCOUNT': '4.33', 'DUE_DATE': '08-Dec-2018', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9681-703', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '262.45 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Alexis Joseph 8866 Scott Key Jimmyside, VA 66980 US Tel:+(373)427-8563 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '06-Aug-2018', 'DISCOUNT': '10.92', 'DUE_DATE': '18-Feb-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/35-10/345', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '267.66 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Nathan Bates 97835 Jacqueline Prairie Port Anthonyburgh, MO 62984 US Tel:+(870)465-7956 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '04-Feb-1995', 'DISCOUNT': '0.46', 'DUE_DATE': '24-Jan-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 6Y7M6d-762', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '33.93 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Joseph Cuevas 7067 Smith Falls Suite 627 Bradleyfurt, VA 43608 US Tel:+(625)868-7242 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '16-Nov-2021', 'DISCOUNT': '16.92', 'DUE_DATE': '29-Sep-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/18-67/921', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '887.99 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Tim Key 10343 Rodriguez Meadows Apt. 353 North Deborah, ND 28918 US Tel:+(240)647-8690 [email protected]', 'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '03-Mar-1994', 'DISCOUNT': '15.48', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Mar-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INV02857807', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '841 Marshall Knolls Timothystad, SC 63653 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Faulkner LLC', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '318.79 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Megan Smith 744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US Tel:+(980)960-3031 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Aug-1993', 'DISCOUNT': '47.89', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Nov-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV38499489', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1057.19 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Eric Vasquez 95433 Michael Springs Medinaburgh, FL 27793 US Tel:+(807)565-1269 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-Jan-2003', 'DISCOUNT': '5.95', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Aug-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1Y1M3d-267', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '545.52 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Rachel Brandt 57355 Haynes Islands Lambview, NV 62648 US Tel:+(428)346-7729 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Dec-2003', 'DISCOUNT': '24.9', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Feb-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/95-26/957', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '730.06 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Peggy Proctor 9540 Elizabeth Brook Apt. 094 Harringtontown, AR 44699 US Tel:+(435)798-4143 [email protected]', 'DATE': '03-May-2015', 'DISCOUNT': '18.21', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Jul-2003', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/15-49/458', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '548.50 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jessica Copeland 57808 Giles Cape Lake Nicholasview, MN 39200 US Tel:+(876)601-8649 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Jan-2002', 'DISCOUNT': '9.63', 'DUE_DATE': '02-Aug-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV46899207', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '605.58 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Abigail Cruz 123 Mary Groves Juarezland, MN 10969 US Tel:+(077)989-9775 [email protected]', 'DATE': '19-Aug-2015', 'DISCOUNT': '18.42', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Jul-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/88-04/354', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '439.59 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Anita Hughes 8104 Henderson Light Apt. 151 South Eileenville, GA 99469 US Tel:+(640)265-5004 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Aug-2007', 'DISCOUNT': '13.45', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Mar-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INV41848471', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '558.07 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jacqueline Rodgers 4157 Wilson Wells Christopherfurt, MH 38854 US Tel:+(671)456-3029 [email protected]', 'DATE': '05-Sep-2008', 'DISCOUNT': '27.44', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Jun-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/77-81/899', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1102.11 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Greg Norris 5132 Banks Trafficway Suite 787 Lake Matthewhaven, LA 47850 US Tel:+(547)355-8035 [email protected]', 'DATE': '30-Jun-2002', 'DISCOUNT': '42.3', 'DUE_DATE': '30-Apr-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV66987979', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '888.65 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Vincent Nelson 417 Ferrell Corners Apt. 086 North Danielburgh, NC 14510 US Tel:+(645)883-6272 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Dec-2016', 'DISCOUNT': '42.48', 'DUE_DATE': '11-Feb-2000', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV16410396', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '744 Hernandez Hollow Apt. 459 Rossville, UT 53295 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SUB_TOTAL': '885.00 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Susan Carpenter 696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US Tel:+(093)087-7025 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Mar-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/27-92/824', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '921.57 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '937.51 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Christine Burton 01080 Martinez Rest South Timothyborough, GU 28648 US Tel:+(179)344-7973 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Jul-2002', 'NUMBER': '2Y9M6d-093', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '332.53 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '348.21 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jake Thompson 0729 Schmidt Plains Kevinville, NJ 97558 US Tel:+(692)381-0516 [email protected]', 'DATE': '15-Aug-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 7Y5M9d-269', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '317.72 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '320.08 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Danielle Stewart 91156 Spencer Trail Apt. 507 Robertburgh, ME 30323 US Tel:+(773)554-9107 [email protected]', 'DATE': '05-May-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/76-42/676', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '783.94 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '782.20 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Robert Shannon 041 Victor Trail Suite 803 New Shannonmouth, WV 92456 US Tel:+(188)954-0634 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Oct-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 3Y7M4d-235', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1229.62 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1259.92 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Kenneth Hale 2994 Samuel Mill Websterhaven, LA 14527 US Tel:+(263)537-3850 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-Apr-2008', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2883-361', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '509.29 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '524.30 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Terri Turner 05918 Jermaine Flat Martinezview, ND 09679 US Tel:+(422)338-0315 [email protected]', 'DATE': '20-Oct-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/45-67/398', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '416.72 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '417.67 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Christopher Reeves 575 Brandy Islands West Matthewside, CA 23649 US Tel:+(549)000-5241 [email protected]', 'DATE': '14-Dec-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y5M4d-930', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '491.04 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '503.16 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Rebecca Miller 364 Jacobson Orchard Port Ashley, PW 52523 US Tel:+(232)286-3402 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Jun-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8447-395', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '540.04 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '549.94 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Gilbert Rice 149 Wood Radial Port Jeffrey, DC 32413 US Tel:+(691)338-7279 [email protected]', 'DATE': '04-Jun-2016', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 4201-850', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '696 Thompson Forest Ashleybury, AR 73994 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Woods-Gibbs', 'SUB_TOTAL': '368.47 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '368.78 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Joshua Jimenez 5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US Tel:+(621)125-7877 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Apr-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '27-Jul-1994', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV18097255', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '383.26 $', 'TAX': '23.95 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '392.61 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and nin- ety-two point six one', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Karen Santiago 6202 Smith Mission Smithberg, TX 92667 US Tel:+(234)659-3448 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Oct-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Dec-1994', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 2Y8M9d-151', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '565.50 EUR', 'TAX': '36.44 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '583.67 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and eight- y-three point six seven', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Miss Christy Zamora 6006 Catherine Mountains Lake Ashlee, NY 57037 US Tel:+(068)621-4260 [email protected]', 'DATE': '29-Jan-1995', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Dec-1999', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/65-74/333', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '445.55 $', 'TAX': '13.54 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '454.14 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and fift- y-four point one four', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Matthew Peterson 9111 Stevenson Key East Chelsea, AL 46284 US Tel:+(201)599-9634 [email protected]', 'DATE': '10-Jul-1994', 'DUE_DATE': '30-Dec-2018', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV28783420', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '856.82 EUR', 'TAX': '50.95 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '879.92 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'eight hundred and seve- nty-nine point nine two', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Charles Brown 8872 Sweeney Village Apt. 760 South Christine, MD 78458 US Tel:+(475)733-5773 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-May-2005', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Aug-2018', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 2Y7M1d-544', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '651.20 USD', 'TAX': '22.96 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '661.98 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and sixty- -one point nine eight', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jesus Hanson 0676 Mary Plain Lake Kevinborough, NV 30927 US Tel:+(235)895-5820 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Dec-2015', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Sep-2001', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 1059-860', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '604.98 USD', 'TAX': '38.69 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '633.69 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and thirt- y-three point six nine', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Ronnie Gomez 73350 Johnson Tunnel Suite 714 Acostaside, PW 23892 US Tel:+(211)835-0167 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Apr-2007', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Jul-1997', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2Y4M9d-264', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '913.31 $', 'TAX': '40.58 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '942.84 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'nine hundred and fort- y-two point eight four', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Brian Carney 339 David Station Suite 689 Robinfort, PW 10052 US Tel:+(766)605-9530 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Dec-1995', 'DUE_DATE': '10-Jun-2010', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV53324564', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '451.17 USD', 'TAX': '24.60 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '468.73 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and sixty-- eight point seven three', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Michael Buchanan 0907 Bartlett Hills Lake Katherine, VI 70243 US Tel:+(514)447-1760 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Jul-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '03-May-2011', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9574-723', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '740.88 $', 'TAX': '24.40 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '737.57 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and thirt- y-seven point five seven', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Joseph Anderson 63279 Lozano View Suite 042 Buchananport, ID 44606 US Tel:+(209)297-5622 [email protected]', 'DATE': '15-Dec-1996', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Oct-2020', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'GSTINO4ARCPD98743125', 'NUMBER': 'INV/36-33/155', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '5776 Whitney Meadow West Adriennebury, ID 40049 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Berg, Ward and Wright', 'SUB_TOTAL': '363.45 $', 'TAX': '19.77 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '367.01 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and sixt- y-seven point zero one', 'GSTIN_SELLER': 'GSTIN O4AROPO98743125,'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '12-Oct-1995', 'DISCOUNT': '11.95', 'DUE_DATE': '28-Apr-1997', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9203-553', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '483.62 $', 'TAX': '14.52 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '481.84 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Brandi Sosa 1426 Jennifer Freeway Davenportfurt, NH 21762 US Tel:+(510)904-4602 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 481.84 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '15-Jan-1997', 'DISCOUNT': '8.37', 'DUE_DATE': '27-Apr-2005', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3Y4M5d-468', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '280.77 USD', 'TAX': '16.32 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '285.52 USD', 'SEND_TO': 'Paul Mathis 468 Santos Radial Apt. 708 West Timothy, AR 87574 US Tel:+(083)986-8063 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 285.52 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '17-Oct-2022', 'DISCOUNT': '9.37', 'DUE_DATE': '13-Sep-2018', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2Y4M3d-617', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '234.27 $', 'TAX': '13.87 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '237.29 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Nicholas Garcia 552 Kathryn Turnpike Suite 389 Port Derekfurt, MH 52105 US Tel:+(532)108-7649 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 237.29 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '18-Nov-2011', 'DISCOUNT': '30.82', 'DUE_DATE': '20-Feb-2000', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV06902656', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '622.54 USD', 'TAX': '19.71 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '634.97 USD', 'SEND_TO': 'Melinda Lopez 95651 Boyer Fall Leslieshire, AK 68165 US Tel:+(285)482-5355 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 634.97 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '02-Jan-1997', 'DISCOUNT': '11.35', 'DUE_DATE': '08-Jun-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/62-47/484', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '233.03 $', 'TAX': '10.85 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 240.38 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Donna Le 30142 David Mountains East Stephanie, NY 05523 US Tel:+(087)397-4724 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '14-Jul-2017', 'DISCOUNT': '9.47', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Jan-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INV/49-92/951', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '361.42 USD', 'TAX': '21.61 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '370.85 USD', 'SEND_TO': 'Jeremy Gonzalez 808 Barnes Loop New David, FL 98665 US Tel:+(458)313-6890 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 370.85 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '29-May-2010', 'DISCOUNT': '17.6', 'DUE_DATE': '22-May-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 6Y3M8d-763', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '541.67 EUR', 'TAX': '24.68 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '546.90 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'Karen Fleming 7780 Harry Circles Apt. 207 Valdezfort, IA 56761 US Tel:+(019)938-0066 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 546.90 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '11-Jan-2003', 'DISCOUNT': '7.95', 'DUE_DATE': '28-May-2012', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV71845878', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '279.98 $', 'TAX': '13.36 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '284.27 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Kristy Johnston 3752 Bruce Glen Suite 231 East Michaeltown, VI 28667 US Tel:+(790)420-4279 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 284.27 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '23-Jul-2014', 'DISCOUNT': '16.48', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Jul-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8Y3M4d-466', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '735.80 EUR', 'TAX': '22.21 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '725.49 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'Cheryl Thornton 43266 Olson Route South Stacy, WA 78522 US Tel:+(258)745-5382 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 725.49 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '13-Jun-2009', 'DISCOUNT': '25.99', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Nov-2005', 'NUMBER': 'INV57894836', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '840 Anderson Locks Mariatown, AL 01838 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Montgomery, Harrison and Vaughan', 'SUB_TOTAL': '771.10 $', 'TAX': '35.34 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '789.17 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Emily Zimmerman 92954 Meyer Estate Jordanmouth, HI 75638 US Tel:+(231)111-0086 [email protected]', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 789.17 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Joseph Grant 010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US Tel:+(119)984-2991 [email protected]', 'DATE': '07-Feb-2021', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Jul-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV91603984', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Faith Dixon 298 Long Corner Apt. 269 Fowlerstad, ME 30508 US Tel:+(532)806-8584 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Mar-1994', 'DUE_DATE': '15-Sep-2018', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2Y7M5d-694', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Colton Long 21627 Kristina Coves Suite 225 Port Jennifer, DE 61115 US Tel:+(313)162-8851 [email protected]', 'DATE': '05-Nov-2007', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Oct-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 6Y5M9d-513', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Whitney White 917 Lewis Keys Apt. 874 Sullivanborough, KY 46214 US Tel:+(065)614-2303 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Dec-1995', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Jun-2009', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/71-96/093', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Michelle Wolfe 5683 West Junctions Port Stephanieville, MN 98940 US Tel:+(838)031-7619 [email protected]', 'DATE': '25-Nov-2001', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Jan-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 2835-645', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Christina Riley 832 Wells Springs Apt. 786 South Mario, KS 04909 US Tel:+(959)350-5754 [email protected]', 'DATE': '21-Sep-2006', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Mar-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INV65625242', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Donald Ryan 5357 Perkins Villages Alexisfurt, DC 28272 US Tel:+(556)451-9832 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Jul-1996', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Jan-2000', 'NUMBER': '9Y9M9d-499', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Matthew Crawford 019 Hansen Mountains North Richardside, TX 84765 US Tel:+(398)328-4108 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Oct-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '21-Jul-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4Y1M3d-504', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Diane Anderson 12390 Daniel Street South Anthony, GA 90889 US Tel:+(154)809-3541 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Sep-2000', 'DUE_DATE': '01-May-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INV77093032', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Joshua Ward 9472 Carter Springs Apt. 269 Graceberg, CA 77345 US Tel:+(033)007-0933 [email protected]', 'DATE': '18-Sep-2017', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Feb-2005', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV43889910', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '010 Jeffrey Glens Port Toddport, DC 16594 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Yoder LLC', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN4321AAD22'}} |
Subsets and Splits