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{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Denise Perez 16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US Tel:+(352)259-8443 [email protected]', 'DATE': '20-Mar-2008', 'DISCOUNT': '13.42', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Oct-2016', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP11695435SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '35', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '725.30 EUR', 'TAX': '28.18 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '734.33 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and thirt- y-four point three three', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Timothy Clark 62035 Daniel Cove Suite 917 Griffinport, ND 45912 US Tel:+(038)419-8330 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Apr-1994', 'DISCOUNT': '27.35', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Nov-1999', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP15150488SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '76', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1302.22 EUR', 'TAX': '83.40 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1357.49 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, three hundred a- nd fifty-seven point four nine', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Kenneth Phillips 4817 Williams Tunnel Apt. 179 West Stanley, AR 96105 US Tel:+(081)577-2718 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Dec-2016', 'DISCOUNT': '3.4', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Jul-2001', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP12308351SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '46', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '106.84 EUR', 'TAX': '3.47 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '107.48 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and sev- en point four eight', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Clifford Hubbard 816 Tran Plaza Apt. 249 Rebeccabury, KS 60646 US Tel:+(871)109-5778 [email protected]', 'DATE': '21-Jan-2018', 'DISCOUNT': '17.66', 'DUE_DATE': '30-Sep-2004', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP11158150SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '91', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '516.46 USD', 'TAX': '34.66 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '529.33 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and twenty- -nine point three three', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Wanda Ramos 9867 Juarez Brooks North Codyland, AZ 03724 US Tel:+(590)113-5475 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Oct-2017', 'DISCOUNT': '13.18', 'DUE_DATE': '01-Feb-2016', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP14010805SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '10', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '384.37 $', 'TAX': '18.63 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '384.59 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and eigh- ty-four point five nine', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Christopher Marshall 68630 Brian Lights Lake Danaview, TN 69169 US Tel:+(762)992-7237 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Oct-2012', 'DISCOUNT': '20.61', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Sep-2000', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP17881536SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '26', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '599.15 $', 'TAX': '29.85 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '608.33 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and eig- ht point three three', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jason Williams 96555 Andrew Prairie Apt. 533 South Jeffreymouth, NJ 42421 US Tel:+(124)182-1796 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Jun-2014', 'DISCOUNT': '29.3', 'DUE_DATE': '29-Nov-2007', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP10790583SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '27', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '612.99 EUR', 'TAX': '22.93 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '610.54 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and t- en point five four', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Christine Wilcox 25064 Luna Street Apt. 712 Howardmouth, PR 81788 US Tel:+(561)861-5340 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Nov-2018', 'DISCOUNT': '11.28', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Jan-1995', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP19760786SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '13', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1074.24 $', 'TAX': '48.40 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1077.74 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand and sevent- y-seven point seven four', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Felicia Maldonado 7517 Joshua Courts North Thomas, PA 12435 US Tel:+(769)860-2976 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-Dec-1998', 'DISCOUNT': '22.91', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Apr-2007', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP15256903SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '40', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '575.66 EUR', 'TAX': '17.44 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '581.47 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'five hundred and eight- y-one point four seven', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Monica Fuller 866 Thomas Ways Suite 282 New Tonya, KS 08465 US Tel:+(783)572-8210 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Apr-2009', 'DISCOUNT': '12.78', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Oct-2005', 'GSTIN_BUYER': 'OG@AAMFCO376K124', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP13043063SBININBB250', 'PO_NUMBER': '75', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '16424 Timothy Mission Markville, AK 58294 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_SITE': '', 'SUB_TOTAL': '445.25 $', 'TAX': '16.61 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '441.11 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and for- ty-one point one one', 'GSTIN_SELLER': '12345670 00070007'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/24-52/636', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '287.81 $', 'TOTAL': '299.40 $', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 299.40 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/11-05/138', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1082.94 EUR', 'TOTAL': '1113.61 EUR', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 1113.61 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3435-337', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '274.77 EUR', 'TOTAL': '280.62 EUR', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 280.62 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': '2Y9M3d-614', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '745.96 $', 'TOTAL': '764.17 $', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 764.17 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': '5Y7M4d-969', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '622.57 USD', 'TOTAL': '631.37 USD', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 631.37 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/76-21/011', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '766.33 USD', 'TOTAL': '776.84 USD', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 776.84 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8Y8M8d-408', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '693.99 $', 'TOTAL': '717.51 $', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'BALANCE_DUE : 717.51 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': 'INV82171728', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '939.25 $', 'TOTAL': '961.46 $', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 961.46 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': '6499-036', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '813.10 USD', 'TOTAL': '857.34 USD', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'DUE_AMOUNT : 857.34 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'NUMBER': 'INV/53-25/332', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '80626 Gates Plains Suite 320 Nancymouth, LA 58369 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Foster, Wells and Martin', 'SUB_TOTAL': '463.24 USD', 'TOTAL': '471.26 USD', 'AMOUNT_DUE': 'AMOUNT_DUE : 471.26 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '31-May-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '03-Mar-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 1Y5M9d-616', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '7.69 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '176.26 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and seve- nty-six point two six', 'SEND_TO': 'Ashley Moody 958 Amy Inlet Suite 079 New Monicastad, OK 52428 US Tel:+(665)812-6159 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '12-Mar-2011', 'DUE_DATE': '17-Dec-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/71-42/692', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '28.97 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '742.98 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and fort- y-two point nine eight', 'SEND_TO': 'Andrea Acevedo 948 Jennings Union Suite 532 Port Edgarmouth, VT 01697 US Tel:+(530)372-0853 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '08-Jun-2002', 'DUE_DATE': '05-Feb-2009', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/37-20/115', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '37.26 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1100.20 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one- hundred point two', 'SEND_TO': 'Erica Smith 18084 Timothy Lodge Herrerahaven, NM 36482 US Tel:+(598)792-1765 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '13-Jun-2007', 'DUE_DATE': '15-Oct-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 6Y4M9d-497', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '9.06 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '142.79 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and forty- -two point seven nine', 'SEND_TO': 'Gilbert Sanchez 62014 Sullivan Drives Millerville, WY 09007 US Tel:+(346)113-0362 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '30-Aug-2004', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Nov-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INV33313481', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '40.80 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '664.18 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and sixty- -four point one eight', 'SEND_TO': 'Frank Garcia 193 Nathaniel Crescent Apt. 189 North Christyport, MA 82472 US Tel:+(988)313-4406 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '18-Dec-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '12-Dec-2017', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/82-43/636', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '66.47 USD', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1553.53 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, five hundred an- d fifty-three point five three', 'SEND_TO': 'Nathan Gonzalez 45197 Mccormick Tunnel Lake Meghanhaven, KY 64153 US Tel:+(162)560-3960 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '18-Jan-2018', 'DUE_DATE': '05-Jan-2009', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/29-22/305', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '31.67 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '937.64 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'nine hundred and thirt- y-seven point six four', 'SEND_TO': 'Gregory Brown 061 Vincent Curve Heatherport, AL 99067 US Tel:+(587)245-1993 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '09-Dec-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '31-Mar-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4Y5M2d-195', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '32.35 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '760.26 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and - sixty point two six', 'SEND_TO': 'Alan Chen 2967 Hernandez Place Suite 920 New Sandraport, IA 19014 US Tel:+(257)535-3960 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '23-Feb-2004', 'DUE_DATE': '18-Sep-2006', 'NUMBER': '7Y1M7d-254', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '24.49 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '633.70 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'six hundred and thir- ty-three point seven', 'SEND_TO': 'Michael Mcdonald 1478 Stephen Station Apt. 211 Hughesburgh, OH 61757 US Tel:+(190)836-1552 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '16-Aug-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '13-Nov-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 7Y9M8d-418', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '045 David Walk Suite 362 East Robert, NV 70596 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Murphy-Gallegos', 'TAX': '10.64 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '174.33 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one hundred and seventy- -four point three three', 'SEND_TO': 'Alexander Padilla 51780 Smith Unions Port Colleenside, WV 75968 US Tel:+(836)243-6399 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '12-Mar-2017', 'DISCOUNT': '14.8', 'DUE_DATE': '25-Jun-2016', 'NUMBER': 'INV92471762', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '21.38 EUR', 'TOTAL': '571.99 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'Krystal Bowman 8170 Frederick Manors Suite 247 West Daniel, NJ 39295 US Tel:+(942)077-9303 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '25-Apr-1998', 'DISCOUNT': '13.15', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Dec-1999', 'NUMBER': '5999-429', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '28.39 $', 'TOTAL': '504.25 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Andrew Lynch 8613 Joseph Burg South Leslie, DE 41119 US Tel:+(981)110-4032 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '03-Aug-2011', 'DISCOUNT': '25.55', 'DUE_DATE': '30-Oct-2005', 'NUMBER': '2Y8M2d-232', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '32.60 EUR', 'TOTAL': '995.83 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'Cindy Clements 616 Zhang Inlet Apt. 943 Blackland, CT 87032 US Tel:+(515)907-8123 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '14-Dec-2020', 'DISCOUNT': '12.75', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Apr-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9727-792', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '14.92 EUR', 'TOTAL': '306.70 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'William Kennedy 1130 Williams Drive Apt. 620 Wattston, VA 66972 US Tel:+(309)733-2104 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '23-Jul-1993', 'DISCOUNT': '13.72', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Oct-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y5M6d-137', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '26.96 EUR', 'TOTAL': '608.92 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'Jessica Simon 221 Nicole Union Apt. 957 East Derek, SD 87699 US Tel:+(812)917-8832 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '24-Mar-2021', 'DISCOUNT': '11.51', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Apr-1993', 'NUMBER': '5Y9M1d-349', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '15.63 EUR', 'TOTAL': '418.00 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'Steven Gonzales 415 Cox Bypass Apt. 852 Jessicaville, NH 31262 US Tel:+(956)875-2816 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '23-Oct-1997', 'DISCOUNT': '9.18', 'DUE_DATE': '14-Dec-2005', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y6M3d-466', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '27.82 USD', 'TOTAL': '525.67 USD', 'SEND_TO': 'Samuel Berry 156 Christy Loaf Suite 932 West Marcia, UT 80797 US Tel:+(223)428-0543 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '31-Jan-2018', 'DISCOUNT': '13.43', 'DUE_DATE': '15-Apr-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 7011-270', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '13.50 $', 'TOTAL': '421.53 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Christopher Hopkins 7785 Lewis Park Apt. 962 Port Tiffanyhaven, GU 14849 US Tel:+(565)016-6214 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '09-Oct-2016', 'DISCOUNT': '8.31', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Nov-2019', 'NUMBER': '2041-855', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '15.93 EUR', 'TOTAL': '271.43 EUR', 'SEND_TO': 'David Russell 7062 Alexander Stream Apt. 126 Kathrynmouth, DC 72355 US Tel:+(497)396-6387 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'DATE': '01-Apr-2012', 'DISCOUNT': '12.47', 'DUE_DATE': '20-Jul-1993', 'NUMBER': '4Y8M6d-234', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'TAX': '18.98 $', 'TOTAL': '498.31 $', 'SEND_TO': 'Daniel Brooks 532 Wong Rue Suite 957 North Elizabeth, ME 97420 US Tel:+(469)802-9777 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Christopher Calhoun 0600 Cook Corner Apt. 345 Hawkinsberg, NE 79542 US Tel:+(717)532-7768 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Oct-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 2601-460', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '759.65 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and fif- ty-nine point six five'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Michael Benson 45063 Jacqueline Dam Apt. 741 South Robert, CA 95464 US Tel:+(728)750-2597 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Jul-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 1Y4M4d-915', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '734.01 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and thir- ty-four point zero one'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':William Brown 2867 Kevin Tunnel Andreaton, MO 98296 US Tel:+(506)880-6465 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Sep-2009', 'NUMBER': '1463-378', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '269.36 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and sixty- -nine point three six'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jay Nelson 56456 Jordan Pine Apt. 604 Tatehaven, KY 20802 US Tel:+(894)520-9967 [email protected]', 'DATE': '21-Oct-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9Y9M1d-333', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1347.17 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, three hundred a- nd forty-seven point one seven'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Brian Boyle 2070 Patty Ridges New Melindaland, FL 19096 US Tel:+(584)114-3193 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-Mar-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9Y9M6d-111', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '396.02 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'three hundred and nin- ety-six point zero two'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Amy Burgess 6844 Briana Rapid East Josephhaven, OH 96857 US Tel:+(700)257-1534 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Dec-1995', 'NUMBER': 'INV26005607', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '253.99 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'two hundred and fifty- -three point nine nine'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Elizabeth Nguyen 18955 Rodriguez Loop Lake Elizabeth, CA 52432 US Tel:+(689)716-7809 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Aug-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/11-21/797', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1135.66 EUR', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, one hundred a- nd thirty-five point six six'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Chelsea Mcgrath 0533 Terry Mission South Kimberlychester, UT 22616 US Tel:+(551)966-2985 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Mar-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/14-96/996', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1288.21 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'one thousand, two hundred an- d eighty-eight point two one'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Mrs. Christine Mosley 275 Nancy Springs Lake Wanda, NV 39868 US Tel:+(321)839-2704 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Dec-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4596-176', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '419.72 USD', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'four hundred and nin- eteen point seven two'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jessica Mckinney 667 Grant Drive Apt. 778 Martinezside, IA 04125 US Tel:+(015)807-4692 [email protected]', 'DATE': '27-Sep-2016', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 4Y9M3d-828', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'King, Richards and Roy', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '760.12 $', 'TOTAL_WORDS': 'seven hundred and - sixty point one two'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Megan Phillips 223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US Tel:+(902)801-4955 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Sep-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/79-73/541', 'NOTE': 'Total payment due in 14 days.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '655.98 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Frederick Reynolds 59147 David Fields Alanview, NV 28791 US Tel:+(523)353-8006 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Mar-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV69712944', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '676.93 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Mary Nelson 2171 Parker Station Apt. 041 Murphybury, ME 98329 US Tel:+(433)037-7638 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Nov-2008', 'NUMBER': '6652-514', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '416.60 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Jennifer Gomez 08706 Ashley Streets East Moniquetown, SC 45607 US Tel:+(216)716-7864 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Aug-2019', 'NUMBER': '6Y5M3d-728', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for choosing us!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '511.52 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Terri Hart MD 455 Heather Stravenue Apt. 960 Port Andrewberg, GU 72774 US Tel:+(949)761-8648 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-Feb-1995', 'NUMBER': '9Y3M8d-832', 'NOTE': 'All payments to be made in cash. Contact us for queries on these quotations.', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '150.88 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Rebecca Stephenson 259 Gibson Mews Suite 940 Lopezview, GU 95582 US Tel:+(548)811-2436 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Oct-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV33067653', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '241.81 EUR', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Kristin Moss 149 Drew Dale Suite 057 East Debbie, IL 22765 US Tel:+(852)740-0845 [email protected]', 'DATE': '05-Mar-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/01-79/453', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '773.19 EUR', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Cynthia Mathews 7558 Scott Vista Suite 618 Campbellfurt, ND 10642 US Tel:+(301)317-8127 [email protected]', 'DATE': '11-Dec-2011', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 4Y3M7d-108', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '569.05 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Edward Anderson 855 Logan Divide Apt. 798 Maryland, OH 95101 US Tel:+(700)253-7875 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Apr-2001', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/17-33/461', 'NOTE': 'Thank you for your business!', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '491.56 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Brad Frazier 2737 Harper Hill Apt. 569 West Mariaville, HI 93933 US Tel:+(127)683-1642 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Nov-2019', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 8Y4M4d-983', 'NOTE': 'This order is shipped through blue dart courier', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '223 Kristen Mission Suite 986 Hernandezport, DE 40016 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Patel-Reid', 'SUB_TOTAL': '542.68 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Ian Elliott 6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US Tel:+(740)159-5191 [email protected]', 'DATE': '10-Jan-2003', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Oct-2022', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 0160-748', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '463.19 EUR', 'TOTAL': '476.38 EUR', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 4.63', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 92.64', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 83.37', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 55.58', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 23.16'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Lisa Webster 0777 Justin Forge Apt. 514 Cunninghamland, GA 25124 US Tel:+(863)040-8713 [email protected]', 'DATE': '23-Oct-1998', 'DUE_DATE': '21-Oct-2021', 'NUMBER': 'INV/40-85/952', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1281.76 USD', 'TOTAL': '1355.57 USD', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 12.82', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 256.35', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 230.72', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 153.81', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 64.09'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'William Hardy 51974 Harris Plaza Apt. 149 South Jamesmouth, MO 15686 US Tel:+(228)944-5412 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Oct-1998', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Jun-2020', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 8Y2M9d-590', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1421.90 EUR', 'TOTAL': '1426.74 EUR', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 14.22', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 284.38', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 255.94', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 170.63', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 71.09'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Melissa Erickson 62494 Hartman Cliff North Michaelton, PW 55549 US Tel:+(415)837-2887 [email protected]', 'DATE': '05-Mar-2002', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Nov-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV/94-35/839', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '822.90 EUR', 'TOTAL': '841.84 EUR', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 8.23', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 164.58', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 148.12', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 98.75', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 41.15'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Perry Ross 872 Ashley Ways Apt. 929 New Nicoleview, DE 02405 US Tel:+(143)513-2198 [email protected]', 'DATE': '01-Dec-2001', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Jan-2008', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 2887-951', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '230.99 USD', 'TOTAL': '237.40 USD', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 2.31', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 46.20', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 41.58', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 27.72', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 11.55'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jorge Powell 2768 Nicole Throughway Suite 088 Castrofurt, CT 93016 US Tel:+(562)214-5820 [email protected]', 'DATE': '28-Mar-2010', 'DUE_DATE': '04-Sep-1996', 'NUMBER': 'INV35061065', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '315.28 EUR', 'TOTAL': '310.11 EUR', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 3.15', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 63.06', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 56.75', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 37.83', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 15.76'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Amanda Pope 5108 Roy Cape Davisborough, LA 38133 US Tel:+(560)838-6873 [email protected]', 'DATE': '17-Apr-2014', 'DUE_DATE': '23-Sep-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9Y8M8d-213', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '245.05 EUR', 'TOTAL': '255.56 EUR', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 2.45', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 49.01', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 44.11', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 29.41', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 12.25'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Randall Johnson 7968 Palmer Walk Suite 997 Pottschester, RI 92475 US Tel:+(963)762-7780 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Dec-1994', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Jun-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INV46763459', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '934.27 $', 'TOTAL': '957.11 $', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 9.34', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 186.85', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 168.17', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 112.11', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 46.71'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Paul Woods 45216 Bishop Junction Suite 210 Jasonfurt, DC 61115 US Tel:+(552)187-3006 [email protected]', 'DATE': '08-Jul-1997', 'DUE_DATE': '04-Jun-2004', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 9280-395', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '865.45 USD', 'TOTAL': '867.88 USD', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 8.65', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 173.09', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 155.78', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 103.85', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 43.27'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Vanessa Rogers 48537 Norman Route Grahambury, FL 12640 US Tel:+(925)017-5483 [email protected]', 'DATE': '03-Apr-2020', 'DUE_DATE': '05-Sep-2018', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # INV17026879', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '6030 Willie Shores Suite 354 Guerraton, TX 60058 US', 'SELLER_EMAIL': '[email protected]', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Kelly-Moss', 'SUB_TOTAL': '848.50 USD', 'TOTAL': '854.45 USD', 'GST(1%)': 'GST(1%) : 8.48', 'GST(20%)': 'GST(20%) : 169.70', 'GST(18%)': 'GST(18%) : 152.73', 'GST(12%)': 'GST(12%) : 101.82', 'GST(5%)': 'GST(5%) : 42.42'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '28-Jun-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Jun-2003', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 3216-553', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Roy Pineda 10370 Henry Green Brownstad, AR 30970 US Tel:+(431)963-1921 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '03-Mar-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '07-Mar-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 4306-298', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Kendra Macdonald 38202 Kerry Union Suite 704 East Deborah, ID 49136 US Tel:+(563)138-7083 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '03-Aug-2018', 'DUE_DATE': '03-Oct-2009', 'NUMBER': 'INV/71-72/240', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Daniel Sanchez 2305 Robert Land Whitakerside, SD 51752 US Tel:+(062)577-9098 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '09-Sep-2021', 'DUE_DATE': '19-Jan-2006', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID 6Y3M2d-861', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Lonnie Rice 4559 Brian Park Apt. 245 Kellyland, WY 54096 US Tel:+(988)665-2964 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '21-Nov-2008', 'DUE_DATE': '06-Oct-2013', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 9368-901', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Crystal Bray 5516 Cook Via South Amanda, FL 94844 US Tel:+(076)825-2242 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '04-Jul-1999', 'DUE_DATE': '18-Feb-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE # 8455-842', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Laura Lopez 098 Amanda Extensions New Yvonne, MD 05392 US Tel:+(335)803-1735 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '05-Jun-2017', 'DUE_DATE': '09-Jan-2001', 'NUMBER': '8210-918', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'John Walker 2912 Jennifer Courts East Briannaland, VT 14730 US Tel:+(291)454-7791 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '25-Jan-2015', 'DUE_DATE': '22-Feb-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INV/85-92/441', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Michael Robertson 3310 Vaughn Trace Apt. 803 Padillaport, IL 11412 US Tel:+(123)144-6264 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms & Conditions 1. Please send payment within 8 days of receiving this invoice. There will be a 2.5% interest charge per month on late invoices. 2. Please include thein your payment notes.', 'DATE': '08-Feb-2016', 'DUE_DATE': '16-Sep-1999', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/47-11/421', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Ian Mejia 7560 Moreno Wall Suite 808 East Emilyville, AK 99671 US Tel:+(945)870-1358 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'CONDITIONS': 'Terms and Conditions will be charged if payment is not made within the due date.', 'DATE': '30-Apr-2001', 'DUE_DATE': '28-Feb-2022', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/71-51/256', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '496 Buck Rest Suite 598 Jenningsburgh, UT 95460 US', 'SELLER_NAME': 'Jensen Group', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'SEND_TO': 'Jason Moran 97905 Williams View Apt. 831 East Frank, UT 92776 US Tel:+(303)489-4964 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jason Roberts 645 Claudia Expressway Suite 600 South Anthonyland, OH 99813 US Tel:+(414)326-1227 [email protected]', 'DATE': '15-Oct-2015', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/55-97/351', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Paul Moore 63493 Howell Track East Keithport, TX 25755 US Tel:+(699)626-1040 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Eric Campbell 4437 Cynthia Cove West Bradley, VA 14131 US Tel:+(961)573-0623 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Jan-1994', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/47-24/571', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'James Clark 32820 Tammy Gateway Suite 856 New Nicoleshire, MT 84928 US Tel:+(548)548-6095 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Angela Walter 4435 Jessica Hollow Davidland, TX 66309 US Tel:+(762)304-0445 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Sep-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV38550496', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Brandon Reed 16577 Dawn Corner Apt. 106 Lyonsstad, OK 44505 US Tel:+(783)705-4730 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Scott Smith 8937 Brandon Unions Edwardston, IL 36905 US Tel:+(824)535-8544 [email protected]', 'DATE': '21-Jan-1998', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/17-60/131', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Sarah Galloway 1624 Alyssa Terrace Walkerfort, AZ 55234 US Tel:+(791)144-1323 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Shelley Peterson 2307 Richards Mill Robinsonfurt, DC 27469 US Tel:+(794)421-5928 [email protected]', 'DATE': '12-Aug-1993', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV05959394', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Tracy Simpson 024 Brandon Plains Washingtonfurt, VA 70985 US Tel:+(171)237-3675 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Nancy Bautista 1319 Michael Station Suite 533 East Jon, NM 62647 US Tel:+(450)926-2454 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Jan-2007', 'NUMBER': 'INV/97-24/563', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Catherine Marshall 67849 Eric Throughway Suite 228 Darinview, WA 83716 US Tel:+(322)289-6384 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Jose Romero 4095 David Corner Suite 114 Terriborough, TX 12526 US Tel:+(694)818-6992 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Nov-2010', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV44329525', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Jacob Hansen 5294 Joy Brooks Port Rebeccaport, AK 77944 US Tel:+(667)701-4688 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Brian Miller 230 Christopher Parkway Apt. 320 East Suzanne, WV 13980 US Tel:+(976)178-2236 [email protected]', 'DATE': '29-Aug-2002', 'NUMBER': 'INV/72-97/395', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Tina Lewis 09161 Scott Spur Suite 337 Fitzgeraldmouth, OR 12008 US Tel:+(674)649-9500 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Chad Barton 7054 Hubbard Station Suite 811 Dorothyport, UT 89375 US Tel:+(707)607-4987 [email protected]', 'DATE': '20-Nov-2008', 'NUMBER': 'INVOICE ID INV/37-50/541', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Charles Swanson 076 Harris Plains Suite 102 Kochmouth, MT 65046 US Tel:+(805)356-1294 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BILL_TO': 'BILL_TO: Michelle Hamilton 8756 Kimberly Village Apt. 386 North David, NV 81923 US Tel:+(992)053-9159 [email protected]', 'DATE': '04-Jul-2004', 'NUMBER': '1Y5M1d-512', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'GSTIN': 'GSTIN Code T2ABCDEI24322E4', 'SEND_TO': 'Christopher Bowman 692 Murphy Lake Youngchester, AK 91581 US Tel:+(387)188-2987 [email protected]'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':James Thompson 86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US Tel:+(781)584-1464 [email protected]', 'DATE': '31-Jul-2004', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of USARaf CAMP10760118SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '940.30 EUR', 'TAX': '48.24 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '959.48 EUR'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Zachary Harris 7128 Martin Stravenue Apt. 729 Port Hunter, OK 21029 US Tel:+(212)254-2324 [email protected]', 'DATE': '13-Jun-2012', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of EuropeRaf CAMP10953940SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '750.14 $', 'TAX': '26.87 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '743.40 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jason Jones 111 Wright Throughway Johnsonberg, NV 72919 US Tel:+(722)119-2553 [email protected]', 'DATE': '03-Jan-2022', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP19152537SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '236.64 $', 'TAX': '14.33 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '239.66 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Johnathan Hardy 25868 Juan Unions Apt. 877 Fernandezmouth, WA 10728 US Tel:+(134)874-4463 [email protected]', 'DATE': '30-Mar-1995', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP10218300SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1274.81 $', 'TAX': '71.80 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1293.71 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Kathleen Collins 51396 Smith Rue Suite 848 East Jody, IL 96712 US Tel:+(741)118-1447 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Dec-2012', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of TexasRaf CAMP13283657SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '876.50 USD', 'TAX': '55.57 USD', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '916.47 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Jimmy Steele 9786 Leslie Lakes Philliphaven, AK 41838 US Tel:+(761)044-9521 [email protected]', 'DATE': '02-Jul-2005', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'State Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP11684922SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '453.67 $', 'TAX': '30.02 $', 'TITLE': 'TAX INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '473.66 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Karen Allison 355 Brian Island Apt. 376 Lake Jamesmouth, PR 31451 US Tel:+(032)275-9521 [email protected]', 'DATE': '04-Sep-2016', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of TexasRaf CAMP14408574SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '147.43 USD', 'TAX': '5.60 USD', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '151.02 USD'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Julia Snyder 66330 Craig Plains Suite 108 Sampsonbury, IN 79259 US Tel:+(484)232-0759 [email protected]', 'DATE': '16-Sep-1999', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of CaliforniaRaf CAMP13598022SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '592.61 $', 'TAX': '30.19 $', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '603.42 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': ':Rebecca Johnson 87766 James Island Johnnymouth, AZ 77063 US Tel:+(973)586-9932 [email protected]', 'DATE': '22-Apr-2000', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of EnglandRaf CAMP14859684SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '662.37 $', 'TAX': '24.59 $', 'TITLE': 'INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '677.29 $'}} |
{'gt_parse': {'BUYER': 'Beverly Wilson 064 Mary Plains Apt. 896 Davisport, CO 09709 US Tel:+(673)516-9600 [email protected]', 'DATE': '09-Aug-2005', 'PAYMENT_DETAILS': 'Central Bank of USARaf CAMP19016620SBININBB250', 'SELLER_ADDRESS': '86143 Ruth Isle Apt. 608 Ashleyshire, TN 12593 US', 'SUB_TOTAL': '1335.11 EUR', 'TAX': '53.51 EUR', 'TITLE': 'COMMERCIAL INVOICE', 'TOTAL': '1361.25 EUR'}} |
Subsets and Splits