stringlengths 12
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stringlengths 39
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dasovich-j/notes_inbox/4188. | 16484312.1075843695801.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 18 Apr 2001 06:50:00 -0700 (PDT) | TELEBEARS Thursday 4:30 p.m .- Midnight To: Continuing Evening MBA Students
TELEBEARS Thursday, April 19
1) Please register for Fall 2001 courses through TELEBEARS at:
(510) 642-3400 or
during the "open hours" for Evening MBA students:
Thursday, April 19 (4:30 p.m. - 12:00 midnight) NEW LATER HOURS
Friday, April 20 (7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.) early morning hours
After 9:00 a.m. Friday, April 20, we will extract from TeleBEARS the
courses in which you have enrolled. TELEBEARS is necessary for the
first round. After 9:00 a.m. Friday, April 20, all correspondence
regarding registration should be sent to [email protected].
People who registered via TELEBEARS (phone or web) by 9:00 a.m. Friday,
April 20 will have first priority, regardless of seniority in the program.
2) Be sure to have your student identification number (SID) along with
your personal identification code (PIN) ready.
3) Course Descriptions: As faculty submit their Fall 2001 course
descriptions, they will be available at:
and click on "Fall 2001 Course Information".
4) Course Control Numbers: The course control numbers (CCNs) for your
elective courses are listed on the Evening MBA Program Fall 2001 Course
Information sheet you received in the mail and are posted at:
and click on "Fall 2001 Course Information".
Congratulations to you!
See you!
TJ |
ermis-f/inbox/636. | 12288697.1075861340055.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 15 Nov 2001 15:37:03 -0800 (PST) | slc <[email protected]> | NWP System Notice - December 2001 Monthly Maintenance Post Date: November 15, 2001
Subject: December 2001 Monthly Maintenance
Notice Text:
All Shippers Letter #01-317
Date: 11/15/01
Time: 16:30 MST
The following maintenance work is scheduled on Northwest Pipeline for
the month of December. Potential system impacts are identified below.
Volume impact and scheduled maintenance out of service date estimates
are stated as accurately as possible, but are subject to change based
on factors such as ambient temperatures, actual market demand, etc.
Any variance from this notice will be communicated to customers as
quickly as possible before commencing work. All capacities listed in
this maintenance schedule are in Dekatherms.
**** Denotes capacity impacts that are in addition to those posted on the Annual Maintenance Letter.
Replace Engine Chocks at the Snohomish Compressor station
Date: October 22, 2001 to December 8, 2001
Design Cap: 720,000 Dth
Available Cap: 614,000 Dth
Replace the Chocks on the units at the Snohomish compressor station. Only one unit will be unavailable at a time during this work. Based on current nominations, which are below available capacity, there is no anticipated impact to customers.
Semi-Annual unit inspections at Sumas Compressor station
Date: December 4, 2001 to December 5, 2001
Design Cap: 724,000 Dth
Available Cap: 607,000 Dth
Perform annual inspections on C Plant units #7 and #8 at the Sumas compressor station. Inspection of unit #7 is scheduled for December 4, and unit #8 is scheduled for December 5. A and B Plants will accommodate any lost capacity. Based on current nominations, there is no anticipated impact to customers.
Semi-Annual unit inspection at Mount Vernon Compressor station
Date: December 6, 2001
Design Cap: 722,000 Dth
Available Cap: 696,000 Dth
Perform annual inspections on unit #3 at the Mount Vernon compressor station. Based on current nominations, which are below available capacity, there is no anticipated impact to customers.
Please contact your Marketing Services Representative or the Northwest Pipeline Hotline at (801) 584-7301, for further information.
JR |
donoho-l/inbox/junk_file/158. | 27931111.1075860942888.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 4 Feb 2002 12:07:12 -0800 (PST) | Fuel Meeting Rescheduled The meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday, February 5 @ 2:00 p.m. will be rescheduled to
Thursday, February 7 @ 2:00 p.m. in EB1336. Please let me know if you have a conflict.
-----Original Message-----
From: Moore, Jan
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 1:40 PM
To: Cobb Jr., John; Fancler, Dan; Geaccone, Tracy; Y'barbo, Paul; Donoho, Lindy; Lohman, TK; Hanagriff, Richard
Subject: Fuel
A meeting has been scheduled for next Tuesday, February 5 in EB1336 to discuss the following:
TW fuel sales, imbalances and UAF
TW Daily Balancing Report
Please let me know if you have a conflict.
Jan Moore
X53858 |
dasovich-j/notes_inbox/2842. | 1512565.1075843607014.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 29 May 2001 07:33:00 -0700 (PDT) | Bush/Davis Meeting in the news Bush: No Price Caps on Electricity
By Ron Fournier
AP White House Correspondent
Tuesday, May 29, 2001; 4:17 p.m. EDT
LOS ANGELES dd Asked to impose federal caps on soaring electricity bills,
President Bush called for an end to finger pointing and blame for
California's energy crisis Tuesday. California Gov. Gray Davis persisted, "We
are entitled to relief."
On a three-day mission to improve his West Coast political prospects, the
president played down his private meeting with Davis in favor of an unusually
busy public schedule highlighting his efforts to conserve electricity at
federal installations, ease summer energy costs to the poor and boost the
state's long-term resources.
Davis, a Democrat with hopes of challenging Bush for the presidency in 2004,
demanded that Washington force down electricity prices that have cost
California nearly $8 billion since January.
"We are entitled to relief," the governor said in a public discussion with
victims of the energy crunch, staged in the same hotel where Bush was
staying. "It doesn't matter if someone thinks we should have relief, the law
says we should have relief."
Polls show voters in the nation's most populous state don't think either
politician is doing enough to ease their power woes.
A spokesman for Davis dismissed Bush's call for a new tone on the energy
"We're asking the president to step up to the plate to use the power that
only he has, and that's to provide some short-term price relief," spokesman
Steve Maviglio said.
Bush and Davis sparred in separate public events before their long-awaited
meeting, scheduled for late Tuesday.
The session was tightly choreographed, and neither side expected a resolution
of their differences. Too much was at stake: After weeks of mixed signals,
Bush needs to show Californians he sympathizes with their power problems.
Davis, his approval rating plummeting, is searching for a scapegoat d and a
way out of the energy crunch.
Shortages and high prices could spread elsewhere and cause political problems
for Bush. Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham was in Yonkers, N.Y., on Tuesday,
warning that transmission bottlenecks are not restricted to California.
Bush has criticized California, and by implication Davis himself, for not
building more power plants or moving quicker to respond to fallout from
faulty state deregulation laws. He sought Tuesday to remain above the fray,
even as White House advisers continued to criticize Davis privately and
predict that the governor's confrontational approach would backfire.
"Energy debates sometimes throw off some sparks, but this is no time for
harsh rhetoric. It's certainly no time for name calling. It's time for
leadership. It's time for results. It's time to put politics aside and focus
on the best interests of the people," Bush said during a visit to Camp
Pendleton, a Marine base that has cut its energy usage.
He did not mention price caps, but advisers said Bush had not budged from his
belief that artificial limits won't lower consumers' bill and will lead to
supply problems down the road.
In the sundappled courtyard of the 1st Marine Division headquarters d
nicknamed "the White House" for the color of its low-slung wood facade d Bush
delivered a speech offering small measures of federal help to California.
The initiatives include:
d$150 million to help low-income Americans pay energy bills this summer. He
will ask Congress to approve the additional spending for this fiscal year,
which ends in October.
dHis announcement that military facilities in California have exceeded their
goal of trimming usage by 10 percent during peak hours.
dA Department of Energy project to stimulate the building of more electrical
lines running north and south through the state.
Bush also said his $1.35 trillion tax-cut plan will offer "some help" to
people struggling to pay soaring energy bills.
Davis, who was elected in 1998 in a landslide, has watched his job approval
rating drop about 20 percentage points since January as he struggled to come
to grips with the state's energy shortages and rolling blackouts.
Bush's job approval rating is still relatively high, though 56 percent of
Californians in a recent poll said they disapprove of his handling of the
electricity crisis.
The president has avoided the state since losing its 54 electoral votes to
Democratic rival Al Gore by 12 percentage points. He visited 29 states to
promote his tax and budget plans before finally coming to California.
Senior Republicans, including some Bush advisers, privately concede that
Bush's prospects are dim for winning California in 2004. They are working on
electoral map models that don't include the state in his chase for 270
electoral votes.
Bush had to eek out a recount in Florida to win the presidency without
California last year.
Sooner on the horizon are the 2002 congressional elections, where California
could tip the balance. Republicans say Bush has to improve his standing here
to help the GOP maintain control of the House and regain the Senate.
, Copyright 2001 The Associated Press
Bush's visit to California draws protest over energy
Updated: May 29, 2001 - 11:43 a.m.
CAMP PENDLETON -- Political and consumer activists chanted anti-Bush slogans
and derided the president's energy policy Tuesday, accusing the
administration of tolerating price-gouging.
About 100 protesters waved signs and shouted in support of rate caps at the
gate of the Camp Pendleton Marine base, where Bush spoke to military
personnel on his first stop of a two-day California visit.
Protesters from the state Democratic Party, the Green Party and
environmental, consumer and socialist organizations called on Bush to support
capping energy prices that have soared in California.
High demand, high wholesale energy costs, transmission glitches and a tight
supply worsened by scarce hydroelectric power in the Northwest and
maintenance at aging California power plants are all factors in California's
electricity crisis.
"We've got to stop the gouging and work towards a cleaner, more sane energy
policy," said June Brashares of Global Exchange, an environmental and labor
Her father Bob Brashares, a 74-year-old retired minister from Escondido,
criticized Bush for "complete inactivity" on the state's energy crisis.
He said Bush apparently believes Californians should use their tax rebates to
pay for rising energy costs. "It's a joke," he said.
Several women wearing pig noses held signs saying: "Oilmen for Bush."
In a speech to Marines on the base, Bush said: "It's certainly no time for
name-calling. It's time for leadership. It's time to put politics aside and
focus on the best interests of the people. This administration is focused on
results. We are going to work together -- the federal government, the state
government, the military and all the citizens."
Bush has blamed California officials for the state's power woes and said
price controls won't solve shortages.
He was to speak with Gov. Gray Davis during a 20-minute session later
Bush flew into the Marine base, 40 miles north of San Diego, without
confronting the protesters. Military personnel and civilian workers largely
ignored the group as they drove past the gate.
At one point, the protesters attempted to walk onto the base. About a dozen
California Highway Patrol officers in riot helmets moved to block their path.
Several protesters expressed frustration that the president did not hear
their complaints.
"He should be here. He should address the crowd," said Patricia Verwiel, a
fourth-grade teacher from Riverside.
Cynthia Rich, a retired teacher from San Diego, agreed. "I think it's really
cowardly for him to go on the base where he has a captive audience."
She called it "scandalous" that Bush planned to meet with Davis for only 20
"That's a real insult to California," she said.
Glen Brown, a 39-year-old neuroscientist, drove from San Francisco to protest
Bush's appearance and rally support for development of wind and solar energy
"We're tired of corporate greed," said Brown, wearing a bushy purple clown
wig and brightly colored jacket. "Essential services like energy shouldn't be
at the whim of the free market."
-- Associated Press
Tuesday May 29 8:03 AM ET
Bush: No Price Caps on Electricity
By SCOTT LINDLAW, Associated Press Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) - President Bush traveled across the country to deliver news
Gov. Gray Davis doesn't want to hear: He won't force down soaring electricity
prices that have cost California nearly $8 billion since January.
The Republican president and the embattled Democratic governor arranged a
20-meeting Tuesday to talk about California's energy crisis, but there was no
indication they would break their stalemate.
Bush opposes price limits on wholesale electricity that utilities buy,
arguing they do nothing to address supply-and-demand issues at the heart of
the crisis.
Davis contends federal energy regulators are ignoring their mandate to ensure
``just and fair'' electricity prices.
With no sign of a break in the deadlock, each side maneuvered for maximum
advantage from Bush's first full day in California as president.
Davis, in an interview Tuesday on ABC's ``Good Morning America,'' defended
his record on licensing more power plants.
``We've licensed 15 plants. Ten are under construction, four will be online
this summer, four next summer, and by the end of 2003 we will have built our
way out of this problem. But between now and then, we are getting gouged
unbelievably,'' Davis said.
The Bush administration timed positive energy announcements to coincide with
the president's visit.
At the Marine Corps base at Camp Pendleton, Bush was announcing the expansion
of a program that provides federal money to help low-income residents pay for
Bush was proposing $150 million, in addition to $300 million already budgeted
for a component of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, to provide
special help to cash-strapped residents of California and certain Midwest
areas such as Chicago, a senior administration aide said.
Bush was also reminding state residents of his order that military facilities
in the state cut peak-hour usage by 10 percent.
To alleviate an electricity bottleneck on a crucial south-north transmission
path, the Department of Energy announced that the Western Area Power
Authority will try to raise money from a variety of private and public
entities to finance a crucial additional lines.
``The Bush administration is taking a leadership role in addressing a
long-neglected problem in California's electricity transmission system,''
said Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham. ``California's electricity problems
developed over a period of years and cannot be solved overnight. However, we
can move now on actions that will help avert the same types of problems from
recurring year after year.''
Davis had a letter for Bush from top economists who maintain price caps are
justified and necessary.
Aides to the governor expressed amazement that Bush would travel all the way
to California with no major announcement in hand, and predicted Davis would
respond with ``polite rage.''
Mindful of the national stage he commanded, Davis planned a news conference
to air his grievances. And he convened a panel of families he said have been
victimized by the energy crisis in the same hotel where Bush was staying.
Davis wants Bush to pressure the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to
impose stiff price caps.
Tuesday, limited caps ordered last month by FERC go into effect in
California, but only when electricity reserves fall below 7.5 percent in the
state - a step Davis called inadequate.
Protesters planned demonstrations in Los Angeles and at Camp Pendleton, in
San Diego County.
Bush also arranged a speech on energy and trade to the Los Angeles World
Affairs Council and planned to president over a closed-door energy
round-table discussion. |
hyvl-d/gas/denver/30. | 15653211.1075842254544.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 22 Feb 2000 07:39:00 -0800 (PST) | Allocation Letter ---------------------- Forwarded by Shonnie Daniel/HOU/ECT on 02/22/2000
03:38 PM ---------------------------
From: Dan J Bump @ ENRON 02/22/2000 02:26 PM
To: Shonnie Daniel/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Allocation Letter
See attached for your review.
Should we even send a letter?
Dan |
haedicke-m/all_documents/145. | 7573286.1075844999258.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 9 Dec 1999 08:21:00 -0800 (PST) | New Time for Conference Call please respond
---------------------- Forwarded by Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT on 12/09/99 04:18
PM ---------------------------
"Kenneth M. Raisler" <[email protected]> on 12/09/99 08:42:13 AM
To: [email protected], Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT,
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Subject: New Time for Conference Call
2:30 does not seem to work for December 17. Please let me know if you are
available at 11:30. Thanks.
This e-mail is sent by a law firm and contains information that may be
privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete the e-mail and notify us immediately. |
kean-s/discussion_threads/794. | 25959326.1075848090237.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 3 Aug 2000 04:58:00 -0700 (PDT) | San Diego Gas & Electric Complaint Mary has this. Seeks $250 price caps against sellers into Cal. with market
based rates.
---------------------- Forwarded by Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT on 08/03/2000
11:49 AM ---------------------------
"Jackie Gallagher" <[email protected]> on 08/03/2000 11:12:09 AM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <robert.o'[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
<[email protected]>
cc: "Jackie Gallagher" <[email protected]>, "Julie Simon"
<[email protected]>, "Mark Bennett"
<[email protected]>, "Samantha Slater"
<[email protected]>
Subject: San Diego Gas & Electric Complaint
Attached is the San Diego Gas & Electric Company complaint for your review.
In its complaint, SDG&E has requested that FERC make answers, motions to
intervene and protests due 15 days after the date of filing. Please contact
Mark Bennett with comments at 202.789.7200 or [email protected].
In addition, the docket number is EL00-95-000.
Jacqueline Gallagher
Research/Policy Assistant
Electric Power Supply Association
1401 H Street, NW
Suite 760
Washington, DC 20005
[email protected]
- 8 2 Complaint.doc
- JUNJULdata.xls |
dasovich-j/all_documents/13373. | 2349067.1075843554561.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 5 Jun 2001 02:34:00 -0700 (PDT) | CPUC Drew Fossum needs some info on the CPUC proceeding 11-002. Addtional
testimony was filed by Socal. We need to know if we can become a party and
file testimony at this time if we felt we needed to ? Also can you find out
whether anyone has filed additional supplemental testimony. Please call me at
713 853-6981 |
kean-s/all_documents/5496. | 3509063.1075847618719.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 18 Mar 2001 23:53:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: The conversation was very positive (Glynn did not know anything about it at
first, but, looked into it and called Ken back Friday evening). Glynn said
they were including the amount owed in their negotiations over the price for
the transmission assets and said they intended to pay all of their debts,
including this one, as soon as they get paid. He said that this weekk would
be focussed on finalizing a deal for SCE given the threat of bankruptcy; the
discussions would then turn to PG&E.
Jeff Dasovich
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich
03/14/2001 07:03 PM
To: [email protected]
Jim mentioned that Ken Lay was trying to talk to Glynn today about getting
the PX credit issue resolved. Any progress made?
Jeff |
giron-d/_sent_mail/399. | 19539252.1075854419163.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 12 Dec 2000 10:23:00 -0800 (PST) | Schedule C We released $75M tonight.
DG 3-9573 |
keavey-p/all_documents/15. | 4134340.1075855623524.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 10 Dec 2000 22:07:00 -0800 (PST) | eSource presents eSearch eSource Launches eSearch Site Bringing Research to Your Desktop
eSource, Enron's premier research group, launched their new product, eSearch,
on December 8, 2000.
eSource's team of specialized researchers have created a web site to bring
information and research to every employee's desktop. The eSearch web site
offers many links to information resources, access to research databases,
specialized searches, sites to purchase books, articles, and reports, and
training. Employees can use the web site to conduct their own research or as
a vehicle to submit research requests. eSource's researchers and industry
specialists are available to all Enron business units to provide timely and
cost efficient research, to work with individuals or groups to fulfill one
time research requests, or to design ongoing, customized monitoring projects
or news updates.
The preferred browser is Internet Explorer
Join us for a demonstration and training session on Friday, December 15th at
1:00-1:30 and 2:00-2:30 in room EB5C2.
Discover a Wealth of Information at Your Desktop |
kean-s/calendar/untitled/1367. | 9941748.1075846306353.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 20 Sep 2000 02:26:00 -0700 (PDT) | WSJ Article Mark to Market Memo Please see the revised memo from Steve Kean regarding WSJ article on Mark to
Market Accounting. |
haedicke-m/inbox/162. | 28294447.1075854944192.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 9 Oct 2001 11:54:59 -0700 (PDT) | Legal Risk Memo Mark
Just a quick question while I remember, as you know I am giving an overview of the DASH process and the Legal Risk Memo that must accompany any DASH.
My understanding is that the Legal Risk Memo must be attached to the DASH when the DASH is circulated and that on the face of the DASH form prepared by RAC, we should not be and there should not appear any Legal Risk assessment, which must only be contained in the Legal Risk Memo. The DASH should simply refer to "See attached Legal Risk Memo".
I am hoping that this is also how you like to see the process work in practice.
In addition I am going to say that if possible you need to be briefed and receive a draft of the Legal Risk Memo before it is circulated with the DASH.
See you shortly.
Marcus |
campbell-l/redrock_mainline_expansion/65. | 4328556.1075851917255.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 9 Oct 2001 09:05:00 -0700 (PDT) | RE: TW Comments to air permits for Stat3 and 4 Larry,
This looks like all of the comments.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 3:57 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected];
[email protected]
Subject: TW Comments to air permits for Stat3 and 4
Jon and Ruth, presented below are the comments to the air perimts at 3 and
4. Please review for clairty and content. I have spoken to Roger Kohn
about all of these issues and the only one which may be a problem is with
No. 2. He is checking on what the EPA can do about this. I have spoken to
Arnold Eisenstein about what we can do with the strict 25 ppmvd requriement
for NOx and CO and he has said that we can hold to the 25 ppm value by
doing some major gas recycling. This is a fuel waste and costly. Anyway,
depending upon how long this issue delays the issuance of the permit will
undoubtably determine whether we give in to the 25 ppmvd or hold out for 40
ppmvd. Id like your comments asap.
1. The responsible official name change to Danny
2.. The draft permit limits NOx and CO emissions
to 25 ppmv at 15% O2, based on a 3-hour average, except during periods of
startup and shutdown. At 60F and above the GE data indicates that
these rates are achievable under all operating conditions. However, GE
data indicates that NOx and CO may be as high as 40 ppmv during
low-load conditions of 60%and lower.
The permit application represented turbine operations at base
load 80% of the time with reduced load operations (64% load)
occurring no more than 20% of the time. The potential to emit
calculations presented the emissions in the application in units of and ton/yr. These values were accepted by the EPA for
the netting analysis, and took were taken into account by the EPA
(See EPA Statement of Basis document). Because the permit
conditions hold us to ppmvd values and not lb/yr or ton/year
values, Transwestern is concerned that under low load
conditions of less than 60%, the emissions of NOx and CO would be
40 ppmvd. Transwestern is requesting that a provision be
made in the permit conditions that emissions of NOx and CO be held
to 40 ppmvd during the 20 % of the time that the turbines
operating conditions is less than or equal to 60%.
3. The word "Catepillar" is mispelled throughout the permit.
4. Permit conditions for sulfur testing in the fuel gas
requires Transwestern to use methodologies (wet chemistry
technology) that are not normally used to monitor and
measure sulfur in the natural gas. Transwestern has received
approval from the EPA for other custom fuel monitoring
schedules to use "GPA Standard 2377" (length of stain tube) or gas
chromatography as the proposed methodology to monitor sulfur in
the natural gas.
This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and
may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the
intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by
others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or
authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply
to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all
copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not
intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a
binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its
affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be
relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise.
Thank you.
********************************************************************** |
derrick-j/sent_items/605. | 31020419.1075861423686.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 15 Nov 2001 09:36:04 -0800 (PST) | FW: Message Points from Mtg 11/14/01 -----Original Message-----
From: McVicker, Maureen On Behalf Of Kean, Steven J.
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2001 2:07 PM
To: Ambler, John; Brown, Bill W.; Brown, Ruth Ann; Caudell, Greg; Denne, Karen; DeSpain, Tim; Faldyn, Rodney; Ford, Sue; Freeland, Clint; Gentle, Jackie; Hiltabrand, Leslie; Koenig, Mark; Leboe, David; Mayeux, Gay; McMahon, Jeffrey; Murray, Julia; Palmer, Mark A. (PR); Radford, Pat; Schuler, Lance (Legal); Sczykutowicz, Marion; Siurek, Ryan; Thode, Eric; Tilney, Elizabeth
Cc: Daw, Nicki; Derrick Jr., James; Fleming, Rosalee; Frevert, Mark; Lay, Kenneth; Olson, Cindy; Rogers, Rex; Taylor, Liz; Whalley, Greg
Subject: Message Points from Mtg 11/14/01
Importance: High
Please see the attached. |
germany-c/_sent_mail/1337. | 22508755.1075853842602.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 28 Mar 2000 09:43:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Capacity Deal tickets All very good questions and NO, we don't have an anwser.
Brenda H Fletcher
03/28/2000 05:18 PM
To: Chris Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Melba A Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Capacity Deal tickets
Can you answer Melba's question below regarding the new desk?
---------------------- Forwarded by Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2000
05:16 PM ---------------------------
Melba A Bowen
03/28/2000 04:46 PM
To: Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Capacity Deal tickets
Thanks for the info! Do you know what the key is to make sure the tickets
show up in Unify on the right desk? Also how do we assure flash is on right
desk or is this not going to be an issue if we are using the Service P & l to
flash? If we use the Service P & L to flash, will the transport info in
Unify and the flash amts. be the same and on the same desk? How this makes
Brenda H Fletcher
03/28/2000 04:16 PM
To: Melba A Bowen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary Theresa Franklin/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carrie
Hollomon/HOU/ECT@ect, Jeanne Wukasch/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Capacity Deal tickets
---------------------- Forwarded by Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT on 03/28/2000
04:15 PM ---------------------------
Chris Germany
03/28/2000 03:50 PM
To: Sylvia A Campos/HOU/ECT@ECT, Linda S Bryan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Marlene
Hilliard/HOU/ECT@ect, Dana Daigle/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Stephanie
Sever/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sherry Anastas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Bryce Baxter/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: David Oliver/HOU/ECT@ECT, Crystal Hyde/HOU/ECT@ECT, Scott
Goodell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Brenda H Fletcher/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan
Junek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Townsend/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Capacity Deal tickets
Effective April 1st, we will have several Transport Capacity tickets set up
under 2 desk, Market East and East. All longhaul capacity on Tetco, Trco,
and Tenn will be set up under both desk.
All capacity on CNG, Iroq, Equit, Nat Fuel, and CGAS will be Market East.
Now, all of our current capacity on these pipes is either Bug, which goes
away on 4/1, or East. So even on these pipes you will probably see the same
contract under both desk.
Comments/questions? |
kean-s/calendar/untitled/8111. | 13189021.1075847993271.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 10 Apr 2001 00:36:00 -0700 (PDT) | Summary of the MOU ---------------------- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 04/10/2001=20
07:35 AM ---------------------------
From: Jeff Dasovich on 04/09/2001 07:00 PM
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich
To: Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Angela Schwarz/HOU/EES@EES, Beverly=20
Aden/HOU/EES@EES, Bill Votaw/HOU/EES@EES, Brenda Barreda/HOU/EES@EES, Carol=
Moffett/HOU/EES@EES, Cathy Corbin/HOU/EES@EES, Chris H Foster/HOU/ECT@ECT,=
Christina Liscano/HOU/EES@EES, Craig H Sutter/HOU/EES@EES, Dan=20
Leff/HOU/EES@EES, Debora Whitehead/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EE=
Don Black/HOU/EES@EES, Dorothy Youngblood/HOU/ECT@ECT, Douglas=20
Huth/HOU/EES@EES, Edward Sacks/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Eric Melvin/HOU/EES@EES,=
Erika Dupre/HOU/EES@EES, Evan Hughes/HOU/EES@EES, Fran Deltoro/HOU/EES@EES,=
Gayle W Muench/HOU/EES@EES, Ginger Dernehl/NA/Enron@ENRON, Gordon=20
Savage/HOU/EES@EES, Harold G Buchanan/HOU/EES@EES, Harry=20
Kingerski/NA/Enron@ENRON, Iris Waser/HOU/EES@EES, James D=20
Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, James W Lewis/HOU/EES@EES, James Wright/Western=20
Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Jeff Messina/HOU/EES@EES, Jeremy=20
Blachman/HOU/EES@EES, Jess Hewitt/HOU/EES@EES, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON=
Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kathy Bass/HOU/EES@EES, Kathy=20
Dodgen/HOU/EES@EES, Ken Gustafson/HOU/EES@EES, Kevin Hughes/HOU/EES@EES,=20
Leasa Lopez/HOU/EES@EES, Leticia Botello/HOU/EES@EES, Mark S=20
Muller/HOU/EES@EES, Marsha Suggs/HOU/EES@EES, Marty Sunde/HOU/EES@EES,=20
Meredith M Eggleston/HOU/EES@EES, Michael Etringer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael=20
Mann/HOU/EES@EES, Michelle D Cisneros/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Neil=
Bresnan/HOU/EES@EES, Neil Hong/HOU/EES@EES, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Paula=
Warren/HOU/EES@EES, Richard L Zdunkewicz/HOU/EES@EES, Richard=20
Leibert/HOU/EES@EES, Richard Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Rita=20
Hennessy/NA/Enron@ENRON, Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES, Rosalinda=20
Tijerina/HOU/EES@EES, Sandra McCubbin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sarah=20
Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott Gahn/HOU/EES@EES, Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES=
Sharon Dick/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected], Tanya Leslie/HOU/EES@EES, Tasha=
Lair/HOU/EES@EES, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Terri Greenlee/NA/Enron@ENRON, Ti=
Belden/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tony Spruiell/HOU/EES@EES, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES,=20
Vladimir Gorny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Wanda Curry/HOU/EES@EES, William S=20
Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kathryn Corbally/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Jubran=20
Whalan/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected], Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert=
Wright/Western Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Dirk vanUlden/Western=
Region/The Bentley Company@Exchange, Steve Walker/SFO/EES@EES, Jennifer=20
Rudolph/HOU/EES@EES, Martin Wenzel/SFO/HOU/EES@EES, Douglas=20
Condon/SFO/EES@EES, [email protected], Scott Govenar <[email protected]>,=
Hedy Govenar <[email protected]> @ ENRON, [email protected], Mike D=20
Guerrero/Corp/Enron@Enron, Eric Letke/DUB/EES@EES, Richard B=20
Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, [email protected], Michael Tribolet/ENRON@enronXgate=
Robert Frank/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT,=20
[email protected], Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Mercy Gil/Enron@EnronXGat=
Jennifer Thome/NA/Enron@Enron, David Leboe/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: =20
Subject: Summary of the MOU
The following is an outline of the basic terms of the Southern California=
Edison Memorandum of Understanding:
? Commitment to Provide Power =01) SCE will keep its current generation pla=
and other generation assets and commit them to provide power on a regulated=
cost-of-service basis for 10 years.
? Dedication of Power =01) Edison International will commit the entire outp=
ut of=20
Sunrise (one of Edison International=01,s non-regulated generating faciliti=
to the State on a fixed price basis for 10 years. Phase I of Sunrise is to =
brought online by August 15, 2001. If not brought online by August 15, 2001=
Edison International shall be assessed a $2 million penalty.
? Transmission Sale =01) SCE will sell to the State its transmission assets=
approximately $2.76 billion (2.3 times the net book value of the assets),=
subject to certain adjustments. Of the $2.76 billion, the $1.5 billion gain=
on sale, will be used to reduce SCE=01,s net undercollected amount as of Ja=
31, 2001. In connection with the purchase, the State will also assume certa=
liabilities associated with the transmission assets.
? Backup Transaction =01) If the transmission sale does not occur within tw=
years for reasons beyond the parties=01, control, then if the State elects,=
shall sell to the State SCE=01,s hydro generation assets. If the hydro asse=
are not worth $1.5 billion, then SCE will also sell the state after Decembe=
31, 2010 enough below-market-price-power to make up the shortfall.
? Conservation Property =01) SCE shall grant perpetual conservation easemen=
ts to=20
the State covering approximately 260,000 acres of its Big Creek hydroelectr=
related lands and 825 acres of its Eastern Sierra hydroelectric related=20
lands. Some of the land may be deeded in fee.
? Contribution by Edison International =01) Edison International will refun=
d to=20
SCE not less than $400 million. This money will consist of a refund of=20
approximately $293 million in estimated 2000 quarterly tax payments plus=20
approximately $197 million in federal loss carryback tax savings.
? Investment =01) Edison International and SCE will invest not less than $3=
billion over the next 5 years in capital improvements for SCE.
? Litigation =01) SCE shall dismiss certain claims, including its takings a=
filed rate doctrine cases.
? CPUC Regulation =01) CPUC shall continue to regulate SCE using historical=
principles of ratemaking.
? Payment for Portion of QF Drop-off =01) SCE shall pay an amount that=20
represents that portion of the net short from January 18, 2001 to April 1,=
2001 that is attributable to QF=01,s not selling to SCE (due to SCE=01,s fa=
ilure to=20
pay the QF=01,s). SCE will securitize this amount.
? Securitization =01) SCE shall securitize its full net undercollected amou=
(approx. $3.5 billion). The securitization shall occur in two tranches (i.=
two different nonbypassable dedicated rate components).
? The first tranche will occur after the passage of legislation and the=20
signing of the definitive agreements and will cover the net undercollected=
amount, less the gain on sale, plus interest on certain obligations in the=
net undercollected amount.
? The second tranche would be triggered if the transmission sale does not=
occur within two years. Accordingly, the second tranche would not show up =
rates for two years, if at all.
? Buying the Net Short =01) The State will be required to buy the net short=
through December 31, 2002. After 2002 SCE will be responsible for covering=
the net short.
? Investment Recovery =01) SCE shall have an authorized rate of return that=
not drop below its current rte (11.6%) during the 10 year cost of service=
ratemaking period.
? Next Steps (Definitive Agreements and CPUC Action):
? Definitive Agreements =01) Once the MOU is signed, the next stage is to=
negotiate definitive agreements which contain the specific terms of the=20
transmission sale, as well as the specific terms of the various other relat=
agreements (e.g., the O&M Agreement, Transmission Services Agreement and th=
Facilities Services Agreement).
? CPUC Action =01) Prior to entering into the definitive agreements, the CP=
must undertake certain actions (which include: establishing mechanisms for=
preapproval of procurement costs and URG costs, deferring SCE=01,s general =
case until 2003, granting SCE some relief from direct access credits and=20
clarifying the first priority condition in the holding company act). |
kitchen-l/_americas/board/25. | 13368301.1075840810843.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 9 Mar 2001 18:10:00 -0800 (PST) | Pastoria - Executive Committee Presentation Attached is the presentation which includes Rebecca's comments. Please call me at x.5.8992 should you have any questions. Thanks. |
horton-s/all_documents/190. | 24392679.1075844936864.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 16 Apr 2000 23:13:00 -0700 (PDT) | DRAFT Pipeline Safety Position Phil:
As you requested on last week's conference call, attached is a draft position
on pipeline safety legislation. The draft includes background and positions
on both re-authorization legislation (on which there has been a great deal of
activity lately) and appropriations legislation.
Once you and the Task Force have had the opportunity to review this material,
it can be used to brief Stan Horton and Bob Hill in advance of the INGAA
Board meeting this coming Thursday in Calgary.
Jeff |
kaminski-v/_sent_mail/4578. | 6175865.1075857002617.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 28 Jan 2000 08:33:00 -0800 (PST) | Credit Applicatiions in GRMS ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/28/2000
04:33 PM ---------------------------
Bjorn Hagelmann
01/28/2000 09:25 AM
To: William S Bradford/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jonathan Le/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary
Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Philippe A Bibi/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J
cc: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mike McConnell/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Credit Applicatiions in GRMS
THIS NOTE IS FROM TED MURPHY (not bjorn hagelman)
My understanding is that yet another meeting has been scheduled with the
intent of diverting resources from the GRMS project to some other project.
While I am not privy to the urgency of this other project, I do know that we
have a very large, multi -phase project going in GRMS.
GRMS stands for the GLOBAL RISK MONITORING SYSTEM. It is not intended to be
a commercial trading product not is its primary purpose for commercial
decision-making. Conceptually, it is a risk warehouse for the primary
purpose of RAC due to the deficiency of current front office trading systems
and their inability to provide timely, aggregated information useful to RAC.
RAC has spent over a year developing a business plan scope and detailed task
list to accomplish its objectives. As a firm we are woefully behind our
press clippings in our ability to aggregate and understand our risk profile.
My most recent sojorn in Europe is a classic example of the current systems
inabilty to aggregate and meet the needs of RAC having abetted poor decision
making and causing cash losses in well in excess of the GRMS budget or that
of the Market Risk Group in RAC.
The GRMS project is a requirement that Bill Bradford and I have in order to
do our jobs. We have delegated authority to Debbie Brackett and Rudi Zipter
to make decisions regarding priorities and as such meet regularly with
Jonathon and his team as well as Rick Buy to provide updates. While progress
is never as fast as we would like it, in every instance in which we have only
to rely on RAC, Jonathon's team and Research to make a deadline it haas been
hit. The primary reason for any delays whatsoever has been the diversion of
resources off the project or the reliance for cooperation from some other
source - most recently the IT staff in London was a tremendous impediment to
Please excuse the frustration that is apparently coming through in this note,
but I feel like the boy with his finger in the dyke and no one is listening.
Also, I have had several employees come to resignation over their frustration
on the lack of management support for this project, usually manifesting
itself in the lack of resources or the diversion of resources devoted to it.
I think we have proven collectively that we can organize a modular multiphase
project and provide tangible deliverables when not distracted. Please let us
do our jobs. I do not denigrate the efforts of others, but I believe that
they must either submit their detailed requirements to us for our
consideration of their worthiness to put in OUR que or develop their own
project with their own resources.
Thank you for your consideration of this opinion. As it relates to things
that will effect the ability of Market Risk to do its job, please consult me
as I would you.
Ted |
jones-t/all_documents/11819. | 31454097.1075847376682.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 16 May 2001 08:22:00 -0700 (PDT) | Letter of Credit Seminar - May 23, 2001 ----- Forwarded by Tana Jones/HOU/ECT on 05/16/2001 03:22 PM -----
Julia Murray@ENRON
Sent by: Carolyn George@ENRON
05/15/2001 03:59 PM
To: Alan Aronowitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sandi M Braband/HOU/ECT@ECT, Teresa G
Bushman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barton Clark/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Harry M Collins/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peter del Vecchio/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stacy E
Dickson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Shawna Flynn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Barbara N Gray/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Wayne Gresham/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark E Haedicke/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie
Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeffrey T Hodge/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anne
C Koehler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dan Lyons/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay Mann/Corp/Enron@Enron,
Travis McCullough/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lisa Mellencamp/HOU/ECT@ECT, Janet H
Moore/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julia Murray/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gerald Nemec/HOU/ECT@ECT, David
Portz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael A Robison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Elizabeth
Sager/HOU/ECT@ECT, Richard B Sanders/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lance
Schuler-Legal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sara Shackleton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carol St
Clair/HOU/ECT@ECT, Lou Stoler/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Taylor/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sheila
Tweed/HOU/ECT@ECT, Steve Van Hooser/HOU/ECT@ECT, John
Viverito/Corp/Enron@Enron, Ann Elizabeth White/HOU/ECT@ECT, Donna
Lowry/Enron@EnronXGate, Susan Bailey/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kimberlee A
Bennick/HOU/ECT@ECT, Genia FitzGerald/HOU/ECT@ECT, Nony Flores/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Linda R Guinn/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ed B Hearn III/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary J
Heinitz/HOU/ECT@ECT, Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT, Deb Korkmas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Laurie
Mayer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Matt Maxwell/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mary Ogden/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Debra Perlingiere/HOU/ECT@ECT, Robert Walker/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kay
Young/HOU/ECT@ECT, Merrill W Haas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mark Greenberg/NA/Enron@ENRON,
Robert Bruce/NA/Enron@Enron, Samantha Boyd/NA/Enron@Enron, Mary
Cook/HOU/ECT@ECT, Angela Davis/NA/Enron@Enron, Stephanie
Panus/NA/Enron@Enron, Marcus Nettelton/NA/Enron@ENRON, Brent
Hendry/NA/Enron@Enron, Michelle Blaine/ENRON@enronXgate, Gail
Brownfeld/ENRON@enronXgate, Dominic Carolan/Enron@EnronXGate, Eddy
Daniels/NA/Enron@Enron, Andrew Edison/NA/Enron@Enron, Roseann
Engeldorf/Enron@EnronXGate, Robert H George/NA/Enron@Enron, Cheryl
Nelson/NA/Enron@Enron, Cheryl Lindeman/ENRON@enronXgate, Carlos
Sole/NA/Enron@Enron, Randy Young/NA/Enron@Enron, Kathleen
Carnahan/NA/Enron@Enron, Diane Goode/NA/Enron@Enron, Nancy
Bradford/Enron@EnronXGate, Debbie R Brackett/Enron@EnronXGate, Tom
Moran/Enron@EnronXGate, Wendi LeBrocq/Enron@EnronXGate, Nidia
Mendoza/ENRON@enronXgate, Veronica Espinoza/Enron@EnronXGate, Ken
Curry/Enron@EnronXGate, Carol North/Enron@EnronXGate, Aparna
Subject: Letter of Credit Seminar - May 23, 2001
Please mark your calendars. Emory Ireland and Martin Weinstein of Foley &
Lardner will be conducting a presentation regarding the nuts and bolts of
Letters of Credit on Wednesday, May 23, 2001 from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. in
EB5C2. Please RSVP to Carolyn George at ext. 33439 or
[email protected] if you plan to attend.
Thank you,
Julia Heintz Murray
Enron Wholesale Services
Enron Industrial Markets LLC
1400 Smith Street, EB3838
Houston, TX 77002
(713) 853-4794
Fax: (713) 646-3393
[email protected] |
kaminski-v/sent_items/275. | 3820930.1075840794898.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 12 Dec 2001 07:54:22 -0800 (PST) | RE: May I use you as a reference? Let's meet for coffee Friday (I am tomorrow).
I'll tell you more.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mihura, Brian
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:53 AM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Subject: RE: May I use you as a reference?
Ahhhh.... you have piqued my interest.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kaminski, Vince J
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 5:49 PM
To: Mihura, Brian
Subject: RE: May I use you as a reference?
No problem, but do not rush your departure.
There may some job opportunities here soon.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mihura, Brian
Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 2:30 PM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Subject: May I use you as a reference?
I'm filling out an application to work in the Antarctic for a few months and I require a couple of references. May I use you as one? |
dasovich-j/sent/4650. | 26121812.1075843893191.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 16 May 2001 08:00:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: FW: Confidential--PG&E's Going to Announce an Open Season on Duly noted on the email address. Look forward to seeing you when you in
Stephanie Miller/ENRON@enronXgate
05/16/2001 02:15 PM
To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: FW: Confidential--PG&E's Going to Announce an Open Season on
Redwood and Baja (intrastate capacity) end of this next week or early next
Thanks for the update! - In the future, you will need to spell my name
completely - there are too many smiller's!
I am planning a trip to San Fran to meet with PG&E (tentatively June 6) -
will make sure I stop by to meet you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tycholiz, Barry
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 2:00 PM
To: Miller, Stephanie
Subject: FW: Confidential--PG&E's Going to Announce an Open Season on Redwood
and Baja (intrastate capacity) end of this next week or early next week
Sensitivity: Confidential
-----Original Message-----
From: Dasovich, Jeff
Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 7:28 PM
To: Miller, Stephen; Tycholiz, Barry; Gomez, Julie A.; Shapiro, Richard;
Steffes, James; Lawner, Leslie; Cantrell, Rebecca; Fulton, Donna; Hartsoe,
Joe; Corman, Shelley; Fawcett, Jeffery; Harris, Steven
Subject: Confidential--PG&E's Going to Announce an Open Season on Redwood and
Baja (intrastate capacity) end of this next week or early next week
Sensitivity: Confidential
Got a message from PG&E. Open season will be for 2003 and beyond and they'll
be accepting bids up to 30 years. Will talk to PG&E and get back with more
information. If you having any questions give a holler at 415.782.7822.
JEff |
guzman-m/all_documents/2054. | 2877574.1075840635981.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 18 Sep 2000 02:16:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: deal 411762/411755 The deal 411762 has been changed. Thank you |
beck-s/discussion_threads/2143. | 19997105.1075855860547.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 20 Nov 2000 06:34:00 -0800 (PST) | Debt Trading - Daily Loss violation memo, November 17, 2000 fyi..
---------------------- Forwarded by Sheila Glover/HOU/ECT on 11/20/2000 02:33
PM ---------------------------
From: Sheila Glover 11/20/2000 02:33 PM
To: Shona Wilson/NA/Enron@Enron, Chris Abel/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Tom Doukas/NA/Enron@ENRON, Markus Fiala/LON/ECT@ECT, Gary
Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jeff Kinneman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Paul Pizzolato/HOU/ECT@ECT,
/HOU/ECT, Richard Sage/LON/ECT@ECT, Bryan Seyfried/LON/ECT@ECT, John
Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, David A Wall/Risk Mgmt/LON/ECT@ECT
Subject: Debt Trading - Daily Loss violation memo, November 17, 2000 |
blair-l/meetings/860. | 19977415.1075853044463.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 27 Jun 2001 16:02:00 -0700 (PDT) | Regulatory Roundtable Mtg. Conference room EB49C2 CALENDAR ENTRY: APPOINTMENT
Regulatory Roundtable Mtg. Conference room EB49C2
Date: 4/9/2001
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM (Central Standard Time)
Chairperson: Outlook Migration Team
Detailed Description: |
dasovich-j/all_documents/9451. | 28674163.1075843373617.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 27 Feb 2001 03:47:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Alternate Decision on CPA Implementation (DWR rates and Direct Thanks, Jeanne:
Couple of thoughts.
1) If California wants to get out of this crisis, it's critical that DWR be
creditworthy. Bilas' proposal helps in that regard. We've been thinking
pretty hard about the issue and working with DWR to try to fix
creditworthiness concerns. Christian, it might make sense to put together
some comments supporting Bilas' approach and perhaps give him some additional
recommendations about what the PUC needs to do to get DWR creditworthy? If
so, (see note below), we have an opportunity to provide those comments to the
PUC by this Friday.
2) Scott Govenar--on the direct access piece. Seems like it would be very
useful to get the DA coalition we're working with in Sacramento to jointly
file some comments on Friday in response to the Bilas proposal supporting a
ban on any PUC action on the DA prohibition since the Legislature is still
working on it. What are your thoughts? And if you and the rest of the
Sacramento team agree, can we work with Jeanne to get some (brief) language
put together and work to get the rest of the coalition to sign on.
Alternatively, we could work to get the other folks file individually. Your
thoughts on both approaches is appreciated.
JMB <[email protected]>
02/27/2001 10:04 AM
To: "'Bob Frank (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Harry Kingerski
(E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Jeff Dasovich (E-mail)'"
<[email protected]>, "'Sue Mara (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'Tamara
Johnson (E-mail)'" <[email protected]>, "'[email protected]'"
<[email protected]>
Subject: Alternate Decision on CPA Implementation
On Friday (February 23rd), Commissioner Bilas issued an alternate decision
to the February 20th draft ALJ decision on interim implementation of the
California Procurement Adjustment. Basically what the Bilas alternate
does is give DWR certain assurances, without any money right now. It
provides Commission recognition that the purchases made by DWR are not
subject to Commission reasonableness review and that once DWR has provided
the Commission with its needed revenue requirement that the Commission must
pass it through to ratepayers. What it does not do is implement a CPA
mechanism. The Bilas draft recognizes that the matter is being dressed
through the process established by ALJ Deulloa and a decision on it should
be rendered by the end of March. The Bilas draft also states that the
Commission "shall stay action on implementation of suspension of direct
access under water code section 80110 until further order."
If we want to comment on the Bilas draft, they are due on Friday the 2nd. I
think Bilas' approach makes sense. Adoption of the ALJ draft decision would
mean the implementation of an interim CPA mechanism for a few weeks, to
potentially be replaced by another interim mechanism at the end of March, to
ultimately be replaced by a final CPA mechanism.
As for the Bilas language on direct access -- while it is good, I think we
were successful in removing the direct access suspension language from the
ALJ's Draft Decision (it was removed in the version released on the morning
of the last commission meeting), so I think we have that point covered
regardless of which order gets voted out.
I will fax a copy of the draft to Harry and Sue (I don't have an e-mail
version). Let me know if you feel we should comment.
Jeanne Bennett |
germany-c/all_documents/735. | 21587269.1075853678812.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 13 Sep 2000 09:18:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Transport Issues I'm here. Judy and Scott Goodell are out.
From: William Kelly 09/12/2000 08:33 AM
To: Dan Junek/HOU/ECT@ECT, Judy Townsend/HOU/ECT@ECT, Chris
Germany/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kyle Etter/HOU/ECT
Subject: Transport Issues
Would you be available to meet on Thursday @ 3:00?
I'll order cookies......
WK |
kaminski-v/all_documents/11254. | 11821703.1075863704219.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 13 Jan 2000 07:50:00 -0800 (PST) | Visa Status I want to keep you informed about my visa status.
My current H1B visa expires on 15th January, 2000. My H1B visa extension
application has been submitted to INS by Milenia Soto, Enron's immigration
attorney. I spoke with Milenia Soto yesterday and came to know that she has
not received the receipt yet, however, she told me that it is perfectly legal
to work based on the fact that application for extension has been submitted
to INS.
Milenia Soto has received the receipts from INS of my change of status
application package which includes submission of applications for change of
status, work permit, advanced parole and finger print. Earlier, my I-140
application was approved by INS during the first week of September, 1999.
If you need additional information and/or want to contact Milenia Soto, her
phone number is (713) 522 0141.
Amitava Dhar |
donohoe-t/inbox/464. | 28434045.1075862400920.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 6 Nov 2001 15:15:14 -0800 (PST) | TRV Notification: (CE P/L - 11/06/2001) The report named: CE P/L <¤t_efct_date=11/06/2001>, published as of 11/06/2001 is now available for viewing on the website. |
dorland-c/discussion_threads/251. | 21499611.1075857311566.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 15 Nov 2000 08:36:00 -0800 (PST) | Hello Mr. Fabulous What's up? How are things? Have you had the boards out yet? I need a snow
report. Hope all is well. Better hop but keep in touch.
cd |
dasovich-j/all_documents/3512. | 13691752.1075843032871.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 15 Nov 2000 22:15:00 -0800 (PST) | VentureWire, Thursday, November 16, 2000 =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
VENTUREWIRE --- Thursday, November 16, 2000
Private Company Business News
------ Published Daily by Technologic Partners -------
Top Stories:
o ICG Commerce to Merge with Andersen Consulting Venture
o Petsmart Takes Controlling Interest in
o Ex-U.S. West Chief Joins Wireless Sensor Firm Graviton
o Names Ex-White House Press Secretary as CEO
|||||||||||||||||||| Advertisement ||||||||||||||||||||
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Also in This Issue:
New Money:
o Distribution Tech Firm Aerocast Gets $15 Million First Round
o Online Payments Firm Xign Closes $14.3 Million Series A
o Content Distribution Firm Synovial Closes First Round
o Enterprise Tech Firm Performant Gets $2.5 Million Series A
o Linux Provider RidgeRun Raises $5 Million in First Round
o Publishing ASP Secures First Round Funding
o Online Security Firm SecureWorks Lands $20 Million Round Two
o Wireless Tech Firm MeshNetworks Has $26 Million Second Round
o Contract Worker Firm b2people Raises $8 Million Round Two
o Secures $5 Million in Second Round of Funding
o Net Marketing Firm Lands $1 Million Round Two
o Softbank to Invest in Education Network
o Web App Developer Altio Raises $9.2 Million Second Round
o Web Site Coming2America Raises $2.3 Million in Series B
o Electrostatis Management Firm Ion Systems Gets $45 Million
o Wireless Data Firm VisionAir Secures $24 Million In Series D
o Secures $3 Million
o Deutsche Bank eVentures Invests In Financial Manager, Trema
o Identification Firm KeyNetica Raises $1 Million Seed Round
New Products:
o Debuts Grocery Application in Michigan
New Deals:
o Buys More Inventory From Three Retail Sites
o ChannelWave Acquires E-Commerce Infrastructure Firm Accurus
o Acquired by Amadeus and Terra Lycos
o Procurement Firm WorldCrest Acquires SCMG
o Tarsus Group Acquires Tradeshow Site
New Directors:
o Earth-Friendly Product Exchange GreenOrder Names New Board
o Data Firm Knightbridge Solutions Names Finance Exec to Board
o E-Services Firm DWL Names Software Firm Consultant to Board
o Fiber Optics Firm Radiant Taps Broadband Exec for Board
o Online Services Firm vCustomer Names Two to Board
o Veredex Logistics Appoints Ex-Freight Executive as Chairman
o Auto Web Site Developer BVerticals Names New Board Member
New People:
o Moblie Services Firm Covigo Appoints New CEO
o Take-Out Firm Names MarchFirst Exec. as CEO
o ASP CustomerLink Systems Taps E-Commerce Exec as Pres, CEO
o E-business Integrator Emerging Names New CEO, Board Member
o HomeGain COO, John Baker, Named Company President
o Industrial Vortex Founder Named CEO of TheAgZone
o Music Industry Technology Firm CantaMetrix Names New CEO
VC Personnel:
o Former Mannesmann Chairman Joins General Atlantic Partners
o Former OnDisplay Exec Named Partner at Norwest Venture
VW Corrections:
o Cinta
o InnHanse
|||||||||||||||||||| Advertisement ||||||||||||||||||||
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=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Top Stories =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o ICG Commerce to Merge with Andersen Consulting Venture
PHILADELPHIA -- ICG Commerce, an Internet procurement
service provider, said it agreed to merge with ePValue,
the Internet procurement service subsidiary of Andersen
Consulting. Both AC Ventures, Andersen Consulting's
venture unit, and Sun Microsystems, which has an
equity stake in ePValue, will take equity in ICG
Commerce. ICG Commerce will continue to be led by
president and CEO Rick Berry. ICG Commmerce will
be Andersen Consulting's preferred Internet procurement
service and will eventually manage the firm's global
indirect spending. Sun Microsystems will serve as
the merged company's preferred hardware platform.
ICG Commerce, which raises a $117 million second
round this summer, is backed by Entertech Capital,
Graham Partners, Internet Capital Group, Invest,
Keppel, Koch Ventures, SMM Five, Staples, and Unisys.
o Petsmart Takes Controlling Interest in
PHOENIX -- Petsmart, a publicly traded pet retailer,
said it plans to acquire a controlling interest
in for $20 million in cash, as well
as its pet catalog business, valued at approximately
$10 million, to form an integrated direct marketing
subsidiary. Petsmart previously held a 48.2% stake
in and will now hold an 81% interest
and will assume full control and consolidation rights.
The deal will dilute the number of shares of Internet
incubator Idealab!, which had been's
second largest shareholder. Idealab! will keep a
smaller stake in the company.
o Ex-U.S. West Chief Joins Wireless Sensor Firm Graviton
LA JOLLA, Calif. -- Graviton, a developer of wireless
sensor networks that enable machines to communicate
with each other, said it appointed Solomon D. Trujillo,
as its new chairman, president and CEO. Mr. Trujillo
is the former chairman and chief executive of US
West, which recently merged with Qwest Communications.
Graviton is backed by Kleiner Perkins Caufield &
Byers, Early Bird Ventures, Mitsui USA, Siemens,
Sun Microsystems, OMRON and Qualcomm, as well as
the CIA's venture fund In-Q-Tel.
o Names Ex-White House Press Secretary as CEO
WASHINGTON --, a provider of Internet-based
communications and mobilization products for the
American political market, said it appointed former
White house press secretary Mike McCurry as chief
executive officer. Mr. McCurry served as White House
press secretary for President Clinton from 1995
to 1998. He also served as a member of both the
board of advisors and the board of directors of and will remain on its board of directors.
Hem replaces Craig Johnson, co-founder,
who had been serving as interim CEO. Mr. McCurry
will remain a principal of Public Strategies, a
Washington-based public affairs and strategic communications
consulting firm, where he has practiced since leaving
the White House.'s investors include
Advanced Technology Ventures, Knight Ridder Ventures,
and AIG Horizon Partners.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D New Money =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o Distribution Tech Firm Aerocast Gets $15 Million First Round
SAN DIEGO -- Aerocast, which makes secure content
distribution technology for broadband delivery,
said it has raised $15 million in its first round
from Liberty Media and Motorola. Management team
and board member changes have not been released
yet. Aerocast said it will use the funds to accelerate
product research and development, sales and marketing,
and operations.
o Online Payments Firm Xign Closes $14.3 Million Series A
PLEASANTON, Calif. -- Xign, which develops Internet-based
payment technologies, said it closed its Series
A round of funding for a total of $14.3 million
from new investors Charles River Ventures and Matrix
Partners, which led the round. Charles R. Schwab
also invested in the round. The company will use
the funding to launch its first products and services
and for sales and marketing. Xign is also backed
by RDM, a subsidiary of CVF Technologies. Xign's
technologies, which it demonstrated in securing
its new funding, enable users to send and receive
payments over the Internet.
o Content Distribution Firm Synovial Closes First Round
FREMONT, Calif. -- Synovial, a content delivery
technology firm, said it raised an undisclosed amount
in its first round from Ark Capital Management and
Telecommunications Development Fund. Michael Granger,
general partner at Ark Capital Management, and Darrel
Williams, chief investment officer at Telecommunications
Development Fund, will join Synovial's board of
directors. Synovial also said Jo Rabin, CTO of Reuters
Mobile, and Jim Normile, professor of computer science
at University College in Ireland and founder of
Shannon Communications Systems, a compression technology
firm, will join Synovial's advisory board. Synovial
added it will use the funds to develop its products
and increase sales.
o Enterprise Tech Firm Performant Gets $2.5 Million Series A
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- Performant, a developer of performance
optimization technology for back-end enterprise
systems, said it has secured $2.5 million in its
Series A round of funding led by Madrona Venture
Group. Cronus Ventures, Pinpoint Venture Group,
and WRF Capital also participated in the round.
Madrona's venture partner, Matt McIlwain, and Vijay
Vashee of Cronus will take a seat on Performant's
board of directors.
o Linux Provider RidgeRun Raises $5 Million in First Round
BOISE, Idaho -- RidgeRun, a provider of embedded
Linux systems for Internet appliances using DSP
components, said it secured $5 million in its first
round of funding. Investors included Texas Instruments,
TechSpace Xchange, PAC West Technology Funds, and
the Matthew G. Norton Company.
o Publishing ASP Secures First Round Funding
EXTON, Pa. --, an ASP focused on the
publishing and content industry, said it has completed
its first round of funding provided by Rockham Capital
Ventures and Epoch Partners. did not
disclose the amount it raised, but said it will
use the funds to launch its services. John Silverman
of Epoch will take a seat company's board of directors.
o Online Security Firm SecureWorks Lands $20 Million Round Two
ATLANTA -- SecureWorks, a provider of Internet security
services to businesses, said it closed its second
round of funding with $20 million led by Mellon
Ventures. GE Equity and SBK Capital also participated
with previous investors Alliance Technology Ventures,
ITC Holdings, and Noro-Moseley Partners. The company
said it will use the funds to expand operations
and marketing.
o Wireless Tech Firm MeshNetworks Has $26 Million Second Round
ORLANDO, Fla. -- MeshNetworks, a developer of broadband
wireless Internet technology, said it raised $26
million in its second round of funding, led by Redwood
Ventures. Additional investors included ITT Industries,
BancBoston Ventures, Partricof & Co. Ventures, 3Com
Ventures, and individual investors. The company
said it will use the funds to expand its operations
and toward product development.
o Contract Worker Firm b2people Raises $8 Million Round Two
NAPERVILLE, Ill. -- b2people, an Internet procurement
software firm for the contract worker market, said
it has raised $8 million in its second of round
of financing led by Blue Stream Ventures. Dain Rauscher
Wessels and previous investor Prism Opportunity
Fund also participated. Board changes have not been
announced yet. The company said it will use the
funds for corporate operations, sales, marketing,
and product development.
o Secures $5 Million in Second Round of Funding
BOSTON --, which has developed customer
acquisition and retention programming to serve real
estate and financial services companies, said it
has raised about $5 million in its second round
of funding from Fleet Venture Resources and Adams,
Harkness & Hill. The round brings the total venture
capital received by the company to $10 million. said it will use the funding to improve
its technology infrastructure and grow its user
relationship management programs.
o Net Marketing Firm Lands $1 Million Round Two
BURNSVILLE, N.C. --, an Internet marketing
and database provider, said it received $1 million
in financing from undisclosed individual investors
as part of its second round of funding. The company,
which has raised $5 million to date, is seeking
$12 million in capital. said it hopes
to raise at least another $5 million by the end
of the first quarter of 2001 and plans to offer
an IPO sometime next year. will use
the money to expand into the international market.
o Softbank to Invest in Education Network
NEW YORK -- Softbank Finance said it plans to invest
an undislcosed amount in, an education
online network, through one of its funds. Softbank
Finance also said it plans to invest in a new entity,
bigchalk Japan, to distribute's online
research services into Japan. bigchalk's eLibrary
research service includes magazines, newspapers,
TV and radio transcripts, books and reference collections,
photographs, images and maps. Users can type in
a question and sort results by relevance, date,
file size, publication or source.
o Web App Developer Altio Raises $9.2 Million Second Round
LONDON -- =0F"London-based Web applications developer
Altio said it has raised $9.2 million in its second
round of funding from lead investor Atlas Venture
and previous investor Amadeus Capital Partners.
Vic Morris of Atlas Venture will join Altio's board
of directors.
o Web Site Coming2America Raises $2.3 Million in Series B
SAN JOSE, Calif. --, a Web site
for people who want to or recently immigrated to
the U.S., said it raised $2.3 million in its Series
B round of funding led by previous investor Silicon
Valley Angels. Individual investors also participated.
The company said it will use the funds for general
business development. The site offers advice and
resources for education, careers, business, travel,
immigration, and American culture.
o Electrostatis Management Firm Ion Systems Gets $45 Million
BERKELEY, Calif. -- Ion Systems, a provider of electrostatics
management technology, said it has secured $45 million
from Thomas Weisel Capital Partners (TWCP), which
now owns a majority interest in the company. Ion
said it will use the funding for expansion into
new markets, development of its enterprise portal,
and growth of the company's consulting practice.
In addition to capital, TWCP will supply Ion with
advice and access to its network of relationships.
o Wireless Data Firm VisionAir Secures $24 Million In Series D
CASTLE HAYNE, N.C. -- VisionAIR, a designer and
developer of wireless data applications for mobile
workforces, said it has raised $24 million in its
Series D round of funding led by GE Equity. The
round also included funding from Bank of America
Capital Investors, Southeast Interactive Technology
Funds, Sinclair Ventures, a division of Sinclair
Broadcast Group, and Barnard & Co. GE Equity vice
president Trevor Kienzle and Todd Binkowski, vice
president of Bank of America, will each take a seat
on VisionAIR's board of directors.
o Secures $3 Million
online real estate agency, secured $3 million in
venture capital from Palisade Capital Management.
The funding is part of a targeted $10 million to
$20 million round, which expects to raise
over the next three to six months. The company said
it will use the funding for expansion. has
received backing from a number of home builders
including, K. Hovnanian, Ryland Homes, Toll Brothers
and Kushner Companies, as well as the Wall Street
Merchant Bank and First Level Capital.
o Deutsche Bank eVentures Invests In Financial Manager, Trema
NEW YORK -- Trema, which provides integrated treasury,
risk, cash, and asset management systems, said it
received an investment from Deutsche Bank private
equity investment arm, DB eVentures. The investment
firm has acquired a 6% stake in the company. The
investment will facilitate the company's international
growth and accelerate the introduction of new products
and services.
o Identification Firm KeyNetica Raises $1 Million Seed Round
LAS VEGAS -- KeyNetica, an identification software
and applications firm, said it raised $1 million
in a seed round from M-Systems Flash Disk Pioneers,
a public company that focuses on secure data storage
for the Internet appliance and infrastructure industry.
KeyNetica said it will use the funds for marketing
and sales and to develop secure Internet access
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D New Products =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o Debuts Grocery Application in Michigan
BIRMINGHAM, Mich. --, which has
developed an application that allows online groceries
to expand services to customers, said its first
application is debuting today in Michigan. Value
Center Market in Livonia, Michigan, will be the
first grocery store to use the application for the
online portion of its business. GroceryStreet raised
close to $1 million in its first round of funding
from individual investors and is working on raising
its second round.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D New Deals =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o Buys More Inventory From Three Retail Sites
SALT LAKE CITY --, a site that acquires
excess inventory and liquidates it through the Internet,
said it purchased, and inventories valued at more than $6.5 million
retail. said it has bought $44 million
retail worth of inventory in the last two months.
The retail sites could not be reached for comment. sells jewelry, Babystripes sells baby
gifts, clothing and furnishings, and ehats sells
hats and helmets. Overstock is backed by Haveford
Group and individual investors.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D M&A =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o ChannelWave Acquires E-Commerce Infrastructure Firm Accurus
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- ChannelWave Software, which
provides technology that enables channel partners
to share information and resources over the Internet,
said it has acquired Accurus, an electronic commerce
infrastructure company, for an undisclosed amount.
ChannelWave said the acquisition of Accurus' marketplace
engine technology will broaden its electronic commerce
services. ChannelWave is backed by ABS Capital Partners,
MF Private Capital, Blue Rock Capital, Lazard Technology
Partners, and Softbank Technology Ventures.
o Acquired by Amadeus and Terra Lycos
MADRID -- Amadeus, a publicly traded information
technology company that provides online distribution,
marketing and sales tools to international travel
professionals, and Terra Lycos, a Madrid-based publicly
traded provider of Internet access and interactive
content for the Spanish and Portuguese speaking
world, said they have acquired the majority stake
in, a U.S. travel Web site. Terms
of the deal were not disclosed. will
continue to be headquartered in East Greenville,
Pennsylvania, and led by its current management
team. Terra Lycos and Amadeus will each take two
seats on the seven-member board.
had been previously backed by individual investors
and Amadeus.
o Procurement Firm WorldCrest Acquires SCMG
ATLANTA -- WorldCrest, a procurement services firm,
said it acquired Strategic Chemical Management Group,
a chemical life-cycle management company for an
undisclosed amount. Anita Neidert, co-founder and
CEO of SCMG, will be the new company's vice president
of chemical markets. SCMG will function as a division
of WorldCrest, offering electric utilities and energy
companies an electronic procurement service for
indirect goods and services. WorldCrest is backed
by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
o Tarsus Group Acquires Tradeshow Site
LONDON -- Publicly traded Tarsus Group, a London-based
provider of business media including Internet sites,
exhibitions, conferences, and publishing, said it
acquired, a U.S. online tradeshow industry
resource. The terms of the deal were not disclosed.
The company plans to create a global exhibition
portal on the Internet by integrating Tarsus's online
properties with Tarsus Group will launch
integrated exhibition portals in other countries,
beginning with France in the first quarter of 2001. CEO David Larkin will keep his position
and the site will change its name to had been backed by Tarsus Group and individual
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D New Directors =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o Earth-Friendly Product Exchange GreenOrder Names New Board
NEW YORK -- GreenOrder, a Web site that provides
businesses with suppliers of environmentally friendly
products, announced its board of directors. The
new board consists of: David Blumberg, former senior
vice president at Merrill Lynch; F. Henry Habicht
II, former EPA Deputy Administrator in the Bush
administration; Laurent Hourcle, professor and co-director
of the Environmental Law Program at George Washington
University and former Defense Department official;
Saul Klein, founding partner of the Accelerator
Group; Joel Makower, writer and editor for environmental
publications; Andy Sack, Softbank entrepreneur-in-residence
who co-founded Firefly Network and Abuzz; Steven
Schooner, professor of government contracts law
at George Washington University and former official
at the Office of Federal Procurement Policy; Lawrence
Lessig, Stanford law professor; Greg Simon, policy
aide to Vice President Al Gore; and Christine Varney,
an Internet lawyer and former FTC commissioner.
GreenOrder is backed by individual investors.
o Data Firm Knightbridge Solutions Names Finance Exec to Board
CHICAGO -- Knightsbridge Solutions, a data applications
firm, said it has appointed Louis B. Susman to its
board as its fifth member. Mr. Susman is the vice
chairman of Citigroup Global Corporate Investment
Bank and of Salomon Smith Barney Investment Bank,
serves on the boards of various corporate and non-profit
organizations, and was an executive at Saloman Smith
Barney. Knightsbridge Solutions raised $9 million
in a second round of funding led by Brinson Partners
in August.
o E-Services Firm DWL Names Software Firm Consultant to Board
NEW YORK -- DWL, a provider of transactional Internet
services for insurance, financial services, consumer
products, retail, and healthcare companies, said
it elected Ian Giffen to its board of directors.
Mr. Giffen currently serves as a consultant and
advisor to a number of software companies and tech-focused
investment funds. He also serves on the boards of
several e-commerce and technology companies, including
Macromedia, Delano Technology, and Changepoint.
DWL is backed by AIM Funds, Ten-Squared, AGF, Royal
Trust, and Vengrowth Investment Fund.
o Fiber Optics Firm Radiant Taps Broadband Exec for Board
AUSTIN, Texas -- Radiant Photonics, a manufacturer
of fiber optics components, said it has appointed
Joe Savage, former CEO of broadband management firm
Geyser Networks, as CEO. The company raised $18
million from Smith Investment Partners and KLM Capital
in September.
o Online Services Firm vCustomer Names Two to Board
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- vCustomer, which offers outsourced
services for e-business customer support and management,
said Scott Oki and Joachim Kempin have joined its
board of directors. Mr. Oki is chairman of Oki Development
and the Oki Foundation and is also an investor in
vCustomer. Mr. Kempin serves as a senior vice president
at Microsoft. The board now totals four members.
The company's investors include Warburg Pincus.
o Veredex Logistics Appoints Ex-Freight Executive as Chairman
TORONTO -- Veredex Logistics, which provides logistics
applications and Web services for shipping and delivery
companies, said it has appointed Roger Curry, former
CEO of Consolidated Freightways, as chairman of
the board. Veredex raised $4 million from investor
Greybrook in its second round of financing earlier
this month.
o Auto Web Site Developer BVerticals Names New Board Member
CORTE MADERA, Calif. -- BVerticals, a company which
develops and supports automotive enthusiast Web
sites, said it named Paul Baffico to its board of
directors. Mr. Baffico is former president of Sears
Automotive. He is also founder of Invisible Intellect
Management Services and a senior partner of Swoboda
and Associates, a management consulting firm. BVerticals
was formed earlier this year when
merged with and The
company is backed by outside investors.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D New People =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o Moblie Services Firm Covigo Appoints New CEO
BELMONT, Calif. -- Covigo, a company which provides
transactional wireless applications and services
for conducting business over mobile devices, said
Stuart Bagshaw joined the company as chief executive
officer. Mr. Bagshaw previously served as chief
operating officer at ILOG. He replaces Dev Khare,
who served as acting CEO since co-founding the company
in 1999. Mr. Khare will become vice president of
products. Covigo is funded by Norwest Venture Partners
and Nokia Venture Partners.
o Take-Out Firm Names MarchFirst Exec. as CEO
SAN FRANCISCO --, an online order processing
firm for restaurants on the Web, said it appointed
Trevor S. Fagerskog, former executive in the technology
division at marchFirst, an Internet consulting and
development firm, as president and CEO. He replaces
former president and CEO Richard Frank, who will
retain his position as chairman. raised
$80 million in its Series E round in March of this
year, with investments from McDonald's, Kraft, Blockbuster,
Clear Channel, Liberty Digital, and TV Guide.
o ASP CustomerLink Systems Taps E-Commerce Exec as Pres, CEO
ROSEVILLE, Calif. -- CustomerLink Systems, a customer
management and marketing applications firm for the
automotive industry, said it has appointed Jeff
Cooke, former executive at e-commerce applications
company onQuo and vice president of global customer
care at Apple, as president and CEO. CustomerLink
raised $2 million from undisclosed outside investors
in September.
o E-business Integrator Emerging Names New CEO, Board Member
HOUSTON -- Emerging, a creator of e-business systems,
said Gary Meshell will join the company as chief
executive officer and a member of the board of directors.
Mr. Meshell was previously a partner at Computer
Sciences Corp. (CSC). He replaces Robert Shaw, founder
of the company, who will remain president and chairman
of the board. Emerging is backed by Austin Ventures
and Benchmark Capital.
o HomeGain COO, John Baker, Named Company President
EMERYVILLE, Calif. -- John Baker, chief operating
officer for online home sales Web site HomeGain,
now also holds the position of president, according
to the company. Mr. Baker joined HomeGain as chief
operating officer after serving as the general manager
and senior vice president of the Business Payroll
Division at Wells Fargo. HomeGain is backed by
investors including BancBoston Ventures, Comdisco
Ventures, Intuit, Mindful Partners, Technology Crossover
Ventures, TMCT Ventures, and Brett Bullinron, executive
vice president of Excite@Home.
o Industrial Vortex Founder Named CEO of TheAgZone
FRESNO, Calif. -- TheAgZone, a Web site for the
agriculture industry, said it appointed Chuck Steinberger
as president and chief executive officer, replacing
Joseph Penbera, who will remain as chairman. Mr.
Steinberger was formerly founder and chairman of
Industrial Vortex, a business-to-business portal
that closed in July. He also formerly served as
manager of global accounts at Emerson Electric.
TheAgZone is funded by Berg McAfee Ventures.
o Music Industry Technology Firm CantaMetrix Names New CEO
BELLEVUE, Wash. -- CantaMetrix, which develops technology,
infrastucture, and a global clearinghouse for the
music industry, said it has appointed William Koenig
as president and chief executive officer. Mr. Koenig
was the president of, which he
launched as a division of Muzak. He will replace
co-founder John Castle. Mr. Castle will remain an
active board member and advisor. CantaMetrix is
backed by European venture firm Orn Group, in which
musician Eric Clapton is an investor, Four Seasons
Venture, and Pillar Management.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D VC Personnel =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o Former Mannesmann Chairman Joins General Atlantic Partners
GREENWICH, Conn. -- General Atlantic Partners, which
invests in IT, Internet, and Internet-enabled businesses,
said that Klaus Esser, former chairman of the board
of Mannesmann has joined the firm as a partner.
Mr. Esser, who will be based in German, will focus
his attention on telecommunications investment strategy
and assume a leadership role for the fund's European
operations. Through his position with General Atlantic
Mr. Esser will also become chairman of the supervisory
board of Apollis, an developer and accelerator of
new technology ventures. Apollis, based in Munich,
is an independent company established by General
Atlantic focusing on developing wireless-enabled
applications and solutions businesses.
o Former OnDisplay Exec Named Partner at Norwest Venture
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- Norwest Venture Partners, which
focuses on emerging IT companies, said it added
Venkat Mohan as partner in charge of the company's
new office in Pleasanton, Calif. Mr. Mohan was formerly
president and CEO of OnDisplay, a provider of Internet
infrastructure software for online business portals
and marketplaces that was acquired by Vignette.
Norwest Venture Partners currently manages $1.1
billion in investments.
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D VW Corrections =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D
o Cinta
NEW YORK -- An item in yesterday's VentureWire regarding
the second round of funding for Cinta incorrectly
listed the company's URL. The correct URL is
o InnHanse
NEW YORK -- An item it Wednesday's VentureWire about
InnHanse acquiring Configurations incorrectly listed
InnHanse's URL. The correct URL is
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dasovich-j/sent_items/2129. | 21002775.1075859200752.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 2 Nov 2001 08:43:43 -0800 (PST) | RE: consulting firm? Thanks. Anyone there you would recommend as a point of contact/entry?
-----Original Message-----
From: Severin Borenstein [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 11:54 PM
To: Dasovich, Jeff
Subject: RE: consulting firm?
On Thu, 1 Nov 2001, Dasovich, Jeff wrote:
> That's the price of fame. The name of the firm where she's applying at
> is Cornerstone Research. Does that firm ring a bell?
Cornerstone is a pretty good place. I haven't had any dealings with them
for a few years, but I know a number of people who have worked with them
and all were pretty positive.
Severin |
farmer-d/all_documents/3225. | 5005151.1075854193018.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Mar 2001 05:58:00 -0800 (PST) | Mobil Beaumont - Mar01 Rebecca
For Mobil in March, beginning on March 21, HPL started delivering 30,000/d
for MidCon (just like we did in Dec and Jan, and maybe in Feb too)
Check with Daren Farmer when you get ready to do the flash invoice on the
first to confirm the MidCon volume amounts and dates
Lee |
dasovich-j/sent_items/338. | 26916695.1075851618642.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 27 Sep 2001 14:35:09 -0700 (PDT) | FW: Angelides Trying to Turn Up Heat on Loretta Calif. power bond delay may lead to large deficit
NEW YORK, Sept 27 (Reuters) - California state Treasurer Philip Angelides said Thursday the state could face a $9.3 billion budget deficit in the 2002-2003 fiscal year if $12.5 billion of power bonds are not sold before July 2002.
The treasurer is certain the bonds will be sold, but he released the figures in an attempt to pressure the California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) into actions it must take in order to sell the bonds.
"What I am concerned about is the fact this law has not been effectuated eight months after it was passed," Angelides said in a telephone news conference in Sacramento, referring to a law passed in February setting the biggest municipal bond sale ever in motion.
The state depleted its general fund by at least $6.2 billion buying electricity to keep power flowing and must sell the bonds in order to refill the state's general fund and make future power purchases.
"There can be no schedule (for the bond sale) until the PUC completes its work," Angelides said.
Earlier this week the PUC said the much-delayed meeting is now set for Oct. 2.
Angelides said PUC Commissioner Jeff Brown, one of five, is on board to make the vote, but President Loretta Lynch and other commissioners, "are not ready to act."
Lynch said earlier this week that she wants more time to work out details with Angelides and the Department of Water Resources concerning the money and terms of the rate order and rate agreement.
How the money from rate increases approved in May will be split up to pay for the bonds and to reimburse troubled power utilities and giving the Department of Water Resources the authority to sell the bonds, still need to be decided by the PUC.
Angelides is projecting a $3.1 billion budget deficit for the 2002-2003 fiscal year, even if the bonds are sold in time, due to reduced revenues as the overall U.S. economy slows.
In a worst case scenario, Angelides added that with the bond sale, the $3.1 billion gap may grow to $4 billion, while a late sale would push the $9.3 billion number to $10.2 billion.
The treasurer painted a dire picture of California 's budget if the bonds are not sold, likening it to the state's budget problems of the early 1990s.
Angelides warned a 2 percent sales tax increase might have to be put in place, or possibly a $1,574 per student cut in state K-12 education spending.
Or, the state could drop all spending on the University of California and California State University and save $6 billion.
Eighteen percent of the state's non-education budget would need to be cut if the bonds are not sold, he said. |
dasovich-j/notes_inbox/4021. | 21714214.1075843690511.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 24 Apr 2001 10:36:00 -0700 (PDT) | FW: Nondisclosure agreement This is the sample non-disclosure agreement which the ALJ provided today for
use with respect to our forecast material.
-----Original Message-----
From: McKenzie, A. Kirk [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 4:50 PM
To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'
Subject: Nondisclosure agreement used in R.93-04-003 et al.
<<OANAD- protective order of Pacific 12_22_00 .doc>> Parties, per your
request, here is the electronic version of the nondisclosure agreement that
was used in the OANAD proceeding. ALJ Kirk McKenzie.
- OANAD- protective order of Pacific 12_22_00 .doc |
kean-s/calendar/untitled/744. | 16235591.1075846290124.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 19 Jul 2000 04:20:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Bloomberg story Steve,
Thanks for sending that story. In fact there was a call around that time from
Bridge News, the wire agency with its Asian headquarters in Mumbai. Post
discussions with John Ambler I responded as below.
Based on the latest Dow Jones story story today there's just been another
call from Dow Jones Mumbai which was responded to similarly. Strangely, there
hasnt been any pick/query from local media - as yet.
Jimmy Mogal
17/07/2000 08:54 PM
To: "D'Souza, Freeda" <[email protected]> @ ENRON
Subject: Your query
Dear Freeda,
I have checked back with our corporate headquarters and we have the following
to repond with:
"We cannot comment on market speculation"
Thank for contacting us
"D'Souza, Freeda" <[email protected]> on 17/07/2000 01:35:00 PM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Hello Jimmy,
We are given to understand by industry officials that Enron has taken a
decision to exit from its power, oil and gas businesses internationally.
We would appreciate it if Enron could comment on whether there is any such
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely
Freeda D'souza
Phone: (9122) (2845432), (2816463)
Fax: 2840128/2816353
Jimmy Mogal
19/07/2000 10:55 AM
Subject: Enron May Sell Some International Assets To Focus On Trading
There was a call from Anuradha of Dow Jones Mumbai asking to know the India
perspective of this story below. I gave her the previously discussed
response of unable to "comment on market speculation". Though she did press
that it was beyond speculation now that an unidentified company person had
confirmed it.
Steven J Kean@EES
19/07/2000 12:09 AM
cc: Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron
Subject: Bloomberg story
Any follow up questions or India press about the bloomeberg story I sent you
yesterday? |
dasovich-j/sent/4496. | 17176348.1075843889305.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 10 May 2001 04:51:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Forgot shoot, we're going to see Tom and Karen on Saturday.
Nancy Sellers <[email protected]>
05/10/2001 10:26 AM
To: "'Jeff Dasovich'" <[email protected]>, "Prentice @ Berkeley"
<[email protected]>, Prentice Sellers <[email protected]>
Subject: Forgot
Dad is playing in a concert Saturday night - would you like to go?
(707) 251-4870 (phone)
(707) 265-5446 (fax)
"Plus je bois, mieux je chante" |
gay-r/all_documents/376. | 26834371.1075855737615.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 30 Mar 2000 03:53:00 -0800 (PST) | Fwd: GE Letter Agreement ---------------------- Forwarded by Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT on 03/30/2000 11:51
AM ---------------------------
"Vanessa Wilson" <[email protected]> on 03/30/2000 11:16:35 AM
To: [email protected], [email protected]
cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: GE Letter Agreement
As requested, attached please find the e-mail I sent to Rob Gay to which the
current draft of the Letter Agreement with GEII is attached and which briefly
summarizes the indemnity issue we have been discussing.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss the attached further,
please feel free to contact me at 713-655-5102.
This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the
addressee(s) named herein and may contain legally privileged and/or
confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this
e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or
copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited.
If you have received this e-mail in error, please immediately notify me at
(212) 735-3000 and permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail
and any printout thereof.
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 17:36:15 -0500
From: "Vanessa Wilson" <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: GE Letter Agreement
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=_4E179871.E8897E40"
Attached please find the current draft of the Letter Agreement (32581.7),
including Attachment 8 (32573.7) which sets forth various provisions to be
included in the Purchase Agreement. Article 20 regarding indemnification is
included in Attachment 8.
As we discussed, West LB has some concerns regarding including language in
Article 20 which GEII requested by which West LB would indemnify GEII for
Enron's acts (in its capacity as Agent). West LB has suggested they would be
willing to undertake this obligation if they are reimbursed by Enron through
the Acquisition and Development Agreement. Today, for the first time, West
LB indicated that they may require a cap on this liability for Agent's acts
in the Purchase Agreement.
GEII has requested that West LB undertake this obligation and Enron has
agreed to pursue it with West LB. In light of this, the language which would
establish West LB's indemnity obligation for the Agent's acts is not included
in the current draft of Attachment 8.
Please let me know how you would like to proceed. As I mentioned, we are
trying to finalize the Letter Agreement with GEII very shortly. I apologize
for any confusion and look forward to working with you on this matter. If
you have any questions or would like to discuss this matter further, please
feel free to contact me at 713-655-5102.
- 32581_7.doc
- 32573_7.doc
- 32614_2.xls |
jones-t/all_documents/5177. | 18216787.1075847041237.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 8 Nov 2000 12:25:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: ClickPaper approvals - GCP Set ups, 11/8/00 Attached is a list of GCP Setups and Signoffs on Clickpaper Approvals for
11-08-00, marked in RED.
Adnan |
heard-m/deleted_items/219. | 22925327.1075861913248.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Nov 2001 12:10:08 -0800 (PST) | Francisco Pinto-Leite Francisco Pinto-Leite will be on vacation November 26-28. If you need assistance in his absence, please contact me at the numbers listed below.
Thank you,
Holly Keiser
Enron Wholesale Services
Legal Department
Phone: 713-345-7893
Fax: 713-646-3490
Location: EB 3887
[email protected] |
hain-m/notes_inbox/204. | 349739.1075860437586.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 26 Apr 2001 08:00:00 -0700 (PDT) | FERC RTO West Order To Members of the RTO West Stage 2 Market Monitoring, Planning,
Provisions/Requirements and Scheduling Content Groups:
In case you haven't already received it, I thought you would be
interested in FERC's RTO West order which was issued yesterday.
Cheers, Kristi
(I apologize to those of you who receive multiple copies of this e-mail
(you will if you are on more than one of the above-referenced content
- RTO West Order.pdf |
guzman-m/discussion_threads/1006. | 30039119.1075840663064.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 5 Mar 2001 09:45:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: your tv I am pretty busy this week. I will email you some time next week or
something when I have time. |
dasovich-j/all_documents/28465. | 18110043.1075849303648.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 9 Jul 2001 09:09:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: FW: Article 2/Conf. Call - Sent on Behalf of Jeff Dodd We are especially interested in finding out how "consumer" and "consumer
transaction" are defined--are they limited to residential-type transactions
or do they cover the commercial transactions EES does. Thanks.
Susan J Mara@ENRON
07/09/2001 03:18 PM
To: Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES
cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Richard
Subject: Re: FW: Article 2/Conf. Call - Sent on Behalf of Jeff Dodd
We'll find out more and get back to you.
Sue Mara
Enron Corp.
Tel: (415) 782-7802
Fax:(415) 782-7854
Vicki Sharp@EES
07/09/2001 01:13 PM
To: Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES, Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J
Subject: FW: Article 2/Conf. Call - Sent on Behalf of Jeff Dodd
Mike , sue and Jeff, Can you please track this down ASAP and get an
assessment of this. Jeff, I assume you will get our lobbyists involved.
Lets schedule a call to discuss strategy, etc.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES on 07/09/2001 03:10
PM ---------------------------
From: Barbara N Gray/ENRON@enronXgate on 07/09/2001 03:06 PM
To: Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: FW: Article 2/Conf. Call - Sent on Behalf of Jeff Dodd
Vicki, I continue to work with "industry groups" on the proposed revisions to
Article 2 of the connection therewith, I received the following
with respect to CALIFORNIA consumers relating to choice of law proposed
legislation being proposed in California. I am unsure what types of
transactions, if any EES pursues in CA, but am passing this on to you just in
case......a fate worse than be within the clutches of left coast
consumer law!!!!!! Hope all is well with and family bng
-----Original Message-----
From: Kaye Caldwell <[email protected]>@ENRON
[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 7:30 PM
To: SHADDIX, PEGGY; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
Subject: Re: Article 2/Conf. Call - Sent on Behalf of Jeff Dodd
Those of you that are concerned about the changes to Article 1 (Change #6 in
Holly's memo) regarding choice of law might like to know about California AB
256, see text below. It makes all non-California choice of law clauses
ineffective in electronic contracts with California consumers, and we think
it may be expanded to all consumer contracts (due to E-SIGN issues). We have
a working group of people opposing the bill, which has passed the Assembly
and is in the Senate. THIS BILL IS QUITE LIKELY TO PASS. So if you're
concerned please help us stop it!
Among numerous other problems, I think it would force all companies that sell
goods to California consumers with an express warranty to provide local
repair facilities or contract for local repair services (ie, it overturns the
Zeos case).
If you want to participate in the opposition working group please let me
know. ([email protected].)
- Kaye Caldwell
================= Text of AB 256 ===========================
1799.207. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if a consumer in this
state enters a consumer contract or other transaction for the purchase or
lease of goods or services primarily for personal, family, or household
purposes and the consumer contract or other agreement documenting the
transaction is created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by
electronic means, all of the following apply: (a) The consumer contract or
transaction shall be governed by California law. (b) For the purpose of
applying the provisions of this part, the consumer contract or transaction
shall be deemed to have been made or to have occurred at the individual's
residence. (c) Any action arising from or connected with the consumer
contract or transaction that is commenced against the consumer shall be filed
in the county or judicial district in which the consumer resided at the time
the transaction was entered or resides at the time action is filed. (d) This
section may not be waived or varied by agreement. Any waiver of this section
is void and unenforceable as contrary to public policy.
================= End of Text of AB 256 ===========================
Kaye Caldwell, California Policy Director
Internet Alliance
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (916) 486-6334, (202) 783-8677
Fax: (916) 313-3746, (202) 478-1804
=================================== |
campbell-l/discussion_threads/1243. | 14720159.1075857908899.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 1 Feb 2001 09:33:00 -0800 (PST) | RE: mea culpa ---------------------- Forwarded by Larry F Campbell/NA/Enron on 02/01/2001
05:26 PM ---------------------------
Lisa Burnett
02/01/2001 12:51 PM
To: Maria Valdes/Corp/Enron@Enron, Corry Bentley/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jason
Choate/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Chad Starnes/Corp/Enron@Enron, Kimberly
Hundl/Corp/Enron@Enron, Miguel L Garcia/NA/Enron@ENRON, Rudy
Acevedo/HOU/ECT@ECT, Larry F Campbell/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: RE: mea culpa
Public Statement by the Rev. Jesse Jackson
Due to the great consternation caused by the
revelation of my act of procreation, I accept my
obligation to give an explanation to the
population for my act of copulation.
I gave in to temptation, for the anticipation of
sexual gratification, that I could not obtain through
masturbation, resulted in my fornication.
I accepted her invitation, and provided her with
excitation, stimulation, penetration, replication, and
She provided lubrication (to avoid inflammation) and I
wore condoms to avoid contamination. She cried for
duplication but I insisted upon
termination, in spite of her fascination with
This has caused me great aggravation, and the
agitation and provocation of the media has resulted in
my humiliation, denigration, and
degradation. My wife is considering castration, which
would require my hospitalization.
Pray that this matter will find culmination in my
sanctification and rehabilitation so that my plans for
nomination to my ultimate vocation will not result in
revocation and termination.I hope this proclamation
has provided illumination and verification and will
prohibit further provocation (or investigation).
The Rev. Jesse Jackson
Get personalized email addresses from Yahoo! Mail - only $35
a year! |
hernandez-j/sent/146. | 12710305.1075855565958.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 28 Apr 2000 07:25:00 -0700 (PDT) | Fwd: FW: Fw: What Is God Like? ---------------------- Forwarded by Judy Hernandez/HOU/ECT on 04/28/2000
02:24 PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 04/27/2000 07:05:15 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Subject: Fwd: FW: Fw: What Is God Like?
---------------------- Forwarded by Yvonne Acosta/Corp/Enron on 04/27/2000
07:04 PM ---------------------------
Regina Blackshear
04/27/2000 06:46 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], Yolanda Clay<[email protected]>,
[email protected], Loneta Edison<[email protected]>, Tammy
Green <[email protected]>, [email protected], "R
Jordan"<[email protected]>,
[email protected],
"WhiteBL(Barbara)"<[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: FW: Fw: What Is God Like?
---------------------- Forwarded by Regina Blackshear/Corp/Enron on
04/27/2000 06:42 PM ---------------------------
"BENEDICT PETERS" <[email protected]> on 04/27/2000 02:01:59 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: FW: Fw: What Is God Like?
>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
>[email protected], [email protected]
>Subject: FW: Fw: What Is God Like?
>Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2000 12:19:02 -0500
>Subject: What Is God Like?
> > God is a little like General Electric
> > He lights your path.
> >
> > God is a little like Bayer Aspirin
> > He works wonders.
> >
> > God is a little like Hallmark Cards
> > He cared enough to send the very best.
> >
> > God is a little like Tide
> > He gets out the stains that others leave behind.
> >
> > God is a little like Alberto VO-5 Hair Spray
> > He holds through all kinds of weather.
> >
> > God is a little like Dial Soap
> > Aren't you glad you know Him?
> > Don't you wish everyone did?
> >
> > God is a little like Sears
> > He has everything.
> >
> > God is a little like Alka Seltzer
> > Oh, what a relief He is!
> >
> > God is a little like Scotch Tape
> > You can't see Him but you know He's there!
> >
> > God is a little like The Copper Top Battery
> > Nothing can outlast Him.
> >
> > God is a little like American Express
> > Don't leave home without Him!
> >
> >
>FREE! The World's Best Email Address
>Reserve your name now at
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at |
haedicke-m/notes_inbox/284. | 17506526.1075859676388.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 12 Nov 2000 10:36:00 -0800 (PST) | Upcoming Conferences: (i) Condition Assessment of Power T&D Dear Power Industry Professional:
Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. is organizing three major conferences ,
(1) "Condition Assessment of Power T&D Systems", (2) "Distributed
Generation", and (3) "Congestion Management"
This note is to inform you that this is the last week to receive discounted
early registration for the "Condition Assessment of Power T&D Systems"
Conference. to be held Dec. 5-8, 2000 at the Westin Hotel, Denver, Colorado.
The brochures for the three conferences are attached herewith for your use.
Please call us at 303-770-8800 if you would like to register for these
conferences or fax the registration form at 303-741-0849. You may also
register online at
If you would to review proceedings of our previously held conferences, please
visit our website at
If you cannot attend these events, please forward this message to others in
your organization who might benefit from attending.
Thank you for your attention.
Best Regards,
L. Mrig
Electric Utility Consultants, Inc. (EUCI)
5555 Preserve Drive
Greenwood Village CO 80121
(303) 770-8800
[email protected]
Send us a note if you wish to be removed from our mailing list.
- condition assessment conference.pdf
- distributed generation conference.pdf
- congestion management conference.pdf |
derrick-j/all_documents/67. | 11132015.1075842915957.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 1 Dec 2000 06:43:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Deferral Enrollment 2001 Dick, I believe your message was sent to me by mistake. I am returning it =
you. Jim
---------------------- Forwarded by James Derrick/Corp/Enron on 12/01/2000=
02:42 PM ---------------------------
Dick Westfahl @ ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on 11/22/2000 10:04:49 AM
To: Executive Compensation@ENRON
cc: =20
Subject: Re: Deferral Enrollment 2001 =20
Please provide me with my ID and password to make my election.
Dick Westfahl
=09Executive Compensation@ENRON
=09Sent by: Enron Announcements@ENRON
=0911/14/2000 07:17 PM
=09=09 To: Eligible Employees
=09=09 cc:=20
=09=09 Subject: Deferral Enrollment 2001
Good news! Deferral program enrollment begins Wednesday, November 15, 2000=
. =20
Enron's Bonus Stock Option and Bonus Phantom Stock Programs provide you wi=
an opportunity to receive stock options and phantom stock in lieu of all or=
portion of the cash bonus you may receive during 2001. To make enrollment=
even more convenient for you, this year's deferral program information is=
available on eHRonline. =20
To learn more about your deferral program opportunities and to enroll for=
2001 deferrals, access eHRonline at (Call the=
ISC Help Desk at 713-345-4727 if you need your ID or password to access the=
1. Review the program descriptions (attached to the Election Form) before y=
make your elections.
2. If you decide to defer compensation, complete the Election Form before=
Friday, December 8, 2000 (the enrollment deadline).
3. Print your 2001 Election Form and Confirmation Statement right from the=
web site and you=01,re finished!=20
Sound easy? It is!
donohoe-t/inbox/254. | 18911636.1075859003978.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 22 Oct 2001 09:36:48 -0700 (PDT) | Credit Watch List--Week of 10/22/01 Attached is a revised Credit Watch listing for the week of 10/22/01. Please note that US Steel Corporation was placed on "Call Credit" this week.
If there are any personnel in your group that were not included in this distribution, please insure that they receive a copy of this report.
To add additional people to this distribution, or if this report has been sent to you in error, please contact Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002.
For other questions, please contact Jason R. Williams at x5-3923, Veronica Espinoza at x6-6002 or Darren Vanek at x3-1436. |
giron-d/inbox/472. | 16539758.1075862591737.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 25 Nov 2001 15:15:46 -0800 (PST) | Update to Merger Q&A We've updated the Merger Q&A document on our Enron Updates site ( <>), as a result of the many questions you've had concerning the merger between Enron and Dynegy. Questions addressed include those about Enron stock options, benefits and immigration status. Please stay tuned for additional updates. |
germany-c/sent/1248. | 19154925.1075853811010.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 12 Mar 2000 23:11:00 -0800 (PST) | RE: New proven method Dear Mom,
Let's try this with Beal.
Daisy (woof woof)
> > A new method!
> > >>
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >1 Thoroughly clean the toilet.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >2 Add the required amount of shampoo to the toilet water, and
> > >> have
> > >> >both
> > >> >> >lids lifted.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >3 Obtain the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards
> the
> > >> >bathroom.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >4 In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close
> > >> both
> > >> >lids
> > >> >> >(you may need to stand on the lid so that he cannot escape).
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >CAUTION: Do not get any part of your body too close to the
> edge,
> > as
> > >> his
> > >> >> >paws will be reaching out for any purchase they can find.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >5 The cat will self-agitate and make ample suds. Never mind
> the
> > >> >noises
> > >> >> >that come from your toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >6 Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a
> "power
> > >> wash"
> > >> >and
> > >> >> >"rinse" which I have found to be quite effective.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >7 Have someone open the door to the outside and ensure that
> > there
> > >> are
> > >> >no
> > >> >> >people between the toilet and the outside door.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >8 Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift
> > >> both
> > >> >lids.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >The now-clean cat will rocket out of the toilet, and run
> outside
> > >> where
> > >> >he
> > >> >> >will dry himself.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> >Sincerely, The Dog
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> |
blair-l/meetings/612. | 13192230.1075853038787.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 27 Jun 2001 16:02:00 -0700 (PDT) | CALENDAR ENTRY: EVENT
Date: 1/11/2001
Duration (days): 2
Chairperson: Outlook Migration Team
Detailed Description: |
blair-l/sent_items/311. | 6208672.1075853070101.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 19 Oct 2001 06:47:35 -0700 (PDT) | Declined: SURPRISE PARTY! Morgan Gottsponer is turning the BIG 50 I would love to attend but I am out of town. Thanks. Lynn |
gilbertsmith-d/deleted_items/36. | 20569854.1075840537731.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 23 Jan 2002 19:56:52 -0800 (PST) | Questions for Muni/Co-op transaction build In an effort to determine any transaction changes that may be required to
support the Muni/Co-ops we are asking that you develop any questions that
you feel need to be answered. This is especially important for the CRs.
Please submit your questions to [email protected]. She will compile
the questions and send to the TxSET list serve. Please have all questions
to Rita by Friday February 8th. Thanks for your careful consideration of
the issues.
Susan Neel
Reliant Energy HL&P
[email protected] |
dasovich-j/notes_inbox/11952. | 19635817.1075849405581.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 12 Jul 2001 15:46:00 -0700 (PDT) | AB 256 Below are the notes from our lobbyist who attended the meeting today of
opponents for the language to change the requirements for those getting
e-signatures for selling products and services to small customers. From the
diversity of the group opposing the bill and the fact that the Attorney
General and Peace are involved, I recommend that we stay on the sidelines and
monitor this. The bill applies to small customers so it does not effect us
at present. What are your thoughts?
Sue Mara
Enron Corp.
Tel: (415) 782-7802
Fax:(415) 782-7854
----- Forwarded by Susan J Mara/NA/Enron on 07/12/2001 10:39 PM -----
"Scott Govenar" <[email protected]>
07/12/2001 04:59 PM
Please respond to sgovenar
To: "Jeff Dasovich" <[email protected]>, "Susan J Mara" <[email protected]>
Subject: AB 256
As I mentioned earlier this week, my associate Cliff Berg, representing AOL,
co-sponsored a meeting in our office today regarding AB 256 (Wayne). The
meeting was run by Kay Caldwell on behalf of the Internet Alliance. Kay was
the one who contacted Jeff Dodd in Houston who I believe contacted one or
both of you.
The bill is being opposed by AOL, Microsoft, Charles Schwab, CMTA, Chamber,
GTE/Verizon, AEA, Retailers, Financial Services Association and the Internet
Alliance. All of those parties are scheduled to meet with Assembly Member
Wayne at different times on Wednesday to try and get him to drop the bill
which is being sponsored by the Attorney General. In the event that fails,
the group is also trying to get the bill double-referred to the Senate
Banking Committee where they have a much better chance of stopping it versus
the Senate Judiciary Committee. The bill will be heard by the Judiciary
Committee on August 21.
With respect to Enron's participation in any opposition effort, there was
some concern that the Judiciary Committee may not be the best place because
Peace is on that committee and would likely do anything to get at Enron
(support?). Regardless of anyone's concerns we could submit a letter of
opposition so long as someone provides me with the general framework.
Please advise.
Scott |
kean-s/discussion_threads/2349. | 8490025.1075848135656.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 8 Feb 2001 01:23:00 -0800 (PST) | CDWR Update Gentlemen:
I have spoken with CDWR several times since we submitted our proposal. They
are immediately interested in a 5 year power sale and then want to discuss
Pastoria. I updated a price for Freeman for 200MW Peak SP-15 5 Year
($124/MWh). I also spoke with their lawyers a couple of times to start
trading comments. I volunteered to send a team to LA today or tomorrow, but
so far they prefer to discuss by phone. Their lawyers acknowledge that the
primary issue for suppliers is credit. They are working on an agreement with
CPUC that would ensure that CDWR would have an adequate revenue stream to
support the contracts. Their intent is to make the supply contracts have
priority over the bonds. Until that happens, we maintain that we require a
cash prepayment or letter of credit to support any deal. I expect to hear
from them again later today. I will keep you posted.
Chris |
kaminski-v/c/mangmt/group/management/236. | 7594057.1075856578137.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 27 Nov 2000 06:48:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Charles Shen Thanks so much, Vince--I couldn't agree with you more.
Vince J Kaminski
11/27/2000 02:40 PM
To: Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Charles Shen
I think you called his bluff. If he does not fax a copy of his paycheck stub,
we should not talk to him. He never talked to me about it. If he made a true
about his compensation, he should have no reservations about sending us the
Enron North America Corp.
From: Molly Magee 11/27/2000 01:58 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Charles Shen
Vince: I left you a voicemail about Charles Shen a week or so ago, but
wanted to follow up with you. When I called him to extend our offer to him,
he expressed surprise at the base salary offer of $110,000, and told me that
he was currently earning base pay in the amount of $120,000. I told him
that the salary figure he had written himself on the application was
$102,000, but he insisted that he had made an error and that it should have
been $120,000. I asked him what base salary he was looking for, and he said
he would expect at least a 10% increase in his base. I then told him that I
was not authorized to make an offer above our initial one, and would contact
you and get back to him.
I called him later that afternoon and asked him to fax me a copy of his last
paycheck stub so that we could minimize the confusion about his base pay. He
said that he would be happy to do so, but I never received the fax. He left
me a voicemail message during the evening that said he was on vacation and
didn't have access to the pay stubs, but would send me a copy when he
I have not heard from him since, and wondered if he had contacted you. If
not, would you want to get together to discuss our next step?
I'll wait to hear from you,
x34804 |
dasovich-j/notes_inbox/3508. | 27343065.1075843663071.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 9 May 2001 10:12:00 -0700 (PDT) | RE: FW: Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Speaking Opportunity thank you! |
dasovich-j/all_documents/11052. | 18557563.1075843426553.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 13 Apr 2001 00:55:00 -0700 (PDT) | Enron Mentions Enron Faces Calls for Big Changes in Indian Power Project --- Maharashtra
State Panel Wants Debt Moratorium And Other Concessions
The Wall Street Journal, 04/13/01
Utility owes Enron $570 million
Houston Chronicle, 04/13/01
Texas energy company owed hundreds of millions in California
Associated Press Newswires, 04/13/01
Up & down and all around, its a merry dance alright
The Economic Times, 04/13/01
Power sale: Godbole wants DPC freed
Business Standard, 04/13/01
Brief: India to renegotiate Enron power prices
Houston Chronicle, 04/13/01
Enron Owed $570 Million by Pacific Gas & Electric, Paper Says
Bloomberg, 04/12/01
Enron Faces Calls for Big Changes in Indian Power Project --- Maharashtra
State Panel Wants Debt Moratorium And Other Concessions
By Daniel Pearl
Staff Reporter of The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
BOMBAY, India -- A government panel called for sweeping changes in a contract
to supply power from Enron Corp.'s landmark Indian energy project to the
industrial state of Maharashtra, warning that the changes would require
"significant financial sacrifices" for the project's financial backers.
Maharashtra, which faces a cash crunch and hasn't been able to pay its bills
for electricity generation, created the panel. The recommendations, released
yesterday, are likely to serve as the state's initial bargaining position as
it seeks to reopen a power-supply contract that one Maharashtra government
reached with Enron-led Dabhol Power Co. in 1993 and another renegotiated in
1996. Enron has indicated it is willing to reopen the contract yet again.
The $3 billion project has been watched closely by U.S. officials, since
Dabhol is India's largest foreign investment to date, and the U.S.
Export-Import Bank is a major lender. Yesterday's report slams the Dabhol
contracts as based on "extremely questionable assumptions" about oil prices,
foreign-exchange rates and the state's demand for power. With a second phase
expected to bring the project to 2,184 megawatts of capacity shortly, the
report concludes, the state couldn't afford to sell power from Dabhol at the
levels needed to make the project economical, even if the state's electricity
board made years' worth of distribution reforms overnight.
The 200-page report recommends converting the project's dollar-based equity
and debt to Indian rupees, reducing Dabhol's return on equity to 16% from as
much as 39% and putting a moratorium on debt payments until the state can
afford to buy more of the plant's power. The five-member panel, which
included a top Indian banker and several energy specialists, also suggested
the project's liquefied-natural-gas facility sell gas to others. Dabhol is
the sole user of the gas, which is shipped from the Arabian Gulf, and
Maharashtra is responsible for paying for most of it no matter how much is
A Dabhol spokesman said the company hasn't seen a copy of the report and
declined to comment. Dabhol has disputed the 39% figure, and denied that its
power rates are unusually high.
The power project's lenders, meanwhile, are expected to meet next week to
convey their views to Enron. One official of a lending bank said lenders are
more concerned with the power company's immediate difficulties getting paid
than with the prospects of having to renegotiate terms, though any new
contract would need to be approved unanimously.
Dabhol's lenders include the Japanese government, the Industrial Development
Bank of India, ICICI Ltd. and scores of other Indian and international banks.
Enron holds 65% of Dabhol's equity, with Bechtel Group Inc., General Electric
Co. and the state electricity board splitting the rest.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
April 13, 2001
Houston Chronicle
Utility owes Enron $570 million
California's PG&E in bankruptcy
Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle
Enron Corp. is owed $570 million by bankrupt utility Pacific Gas & Electric
Co., the Houston company has disclosed in a letter to the utility's
bankruptcy trustee.
Other Houston companies have said they are owed large amounts, but Enron's
disclosure was the first indication to Wall Street that the bankrupt utility
owes the Houston company such a substantial amount, said M. Carol Coale,
energy analyst with Prudential Securities in Houston.
"They told the investment community that their California receivables were
not material and that they were fully reserved against them," Coale said.
Even so, "This is not going to be received favorably."
This disclosure came as Enron became one of the companies named late
Wednesday to the creditors' committee for San Francisco-based Pacific Gas &
Electric's Chapter 11 bankruptcy. The committee represents the parties with
the largest claims in a bankruptcy case.
A letter to the trustee overseeing the case disclosing how much Enron is owed
was part of Enron's effort to secure a seat on the committee appointed by
U.S. Trustee Linda Stanley, a Justice Department official.
Mark Palmer, an Enron spokesman in Houston, declined to comment Thursday on
what Enron is owed. He said Enron has taken adequate reserves to protect its
balance sheet against any outstanding debts owed it by Pacific Gas &
Enron's shares closed Thursday at $57.30, down $1.21 per share. The stock
markets are closed today in observance of Good Friday.
Pacific Gas & Electric filed for bankruptcy protection one week ago, listing
assets of more than $24 billion and debts of $18 billion, including more than
$9 billion in uncollected costs for power purchases. The utility's creditor
list is so long and varied that creditors are expected to form numerous
subgroups based on the types of claims they hold against the company.
The case is expected to take months, if not years, to settle. It is the
largest utility bankruptcy ever filed and the third largest business
bankruptcy in U.S. history, based on assets, behind Texaco in 1987 and
Financial Corporation of America in 1998.
Pacific Gas & Electric sells electricity and natural gas to the San Francisco
and Northern California areas. The company said it filed Chapter 11 because
negotiations with California over how to resolve the state's power crisis
were going nowhere.
Enron is scheduled to make its first-quarter earnings report on Tuesday.
Enron is expected to report 45 cents per share for the quarter, up from 40
cents per share in the first quarter of last year, according to earnings
estimates compiled by First Call/Thomson Financial in Boston.
"We are still confident that we will earn $1.70 to $1.75 per share for the
year," Palmer said.
He would not specify how much Enron has reserved to cover Pacific Gas &
Electric's debt.
The prevailing wisdom had been that Enron's exposure in California was
minimal because it does not own power plants there. Companies such as Reliant
Energy and Dynegy, which own power plants in California, have been forced to
sell power with no guarantee of payment.
Although Enron is one of the larger creditors of Pacific Gas & Electric,
others are owed substantially more.
The largest unsecured creditor is Bank of New York, with a $2.2 billion
The California Power Exchange, which once served as the marketplace for power
sales in the state's deregulated power markets, holds a claim against Pacific
Gas & Electric of $1.9 billion. The Power Exchange filed for bankruptcy prior
to Pacific Gas & Electric's filing.
Enron was dealt another setback in California earlier this week when a
federal judge ordered the company to keep supplying low-cost power to
California's state university systems after Enron tried to shift
responsibility for buying the school's power to the state's troubled
The school systems argued that if Enron were allowed to dump them as "direct
access" customers who receive power bought and resold directly by the
company, they would lose the ability to manage their power most efficiently,
which could cost the taxpayers of California millions.
Enron said it would file an emergency appeal to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of
Appeals in San Francisco to overturn U.S. District Judge Phyllis Hamilton's
ruling in the lawsuit brought by the California State University and
University of California systems.
Enron said it is honoring all terms of the contracts, but the company added
that it believes it has the legal right to shift the school systems back into
the hands of the utilities, a spokeswoman said.
Texas energy company owed hundreds of millions in California
Associated Press Newswires
Copyright 2001. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.
HOUSTON (AP) - Texas-based-Enron Corp.'s executives say financially troubled
utility Pacific Gas & Electric Co. owes them $570 million, according to a
letter to the utility's bankruptcy trustee.
Enron's disclosure was the first indication to Wall Street that the West
coast utility owes the Houston company such a substantial amount, an energy
analyst said.
"They told the investment community that their California receivables were
not material and that they were fully reserved against them," M. Carol Coale,
energy analyst with Prudential Securities in Houston, told the Houston
Chronicle in Friday's editions. "This is not going to be received favorably."
Enron late Wednesday became one of the companies named to the creditors'
committee for San Francisco-based Pacific Gas & Electric's Chapter 11
bankruptcy. The committee represents the parties with the largest claims in a
bankruptcy case.
Mark Palmer, an Enron spokesman in Houston, said the company has taken
adequate reserves to protect its balance sheet against any outstanding debts
owed it by Pacific Gas & Electric.
Enron officials used the letter to the trustee overseeing the case disclosing
how much Enron is owed as part of Enron's effort to secure a seat on the
committee appointed by U.S. Trustee Linda Stanley, a Justice Department
A week ago, Pacific Gas & Electric filed for bankruptcy protection. The
company listed assets of more than $24 billion and debts of $18 billion,
including more than $9 billion in uncollected costs for power purchases.
Officials of Pacific Gas & Electric, who sell electricity and natural gas to
the San Francisco and Northern California areas, say they sought Chapter 11
bankruptcy protection because negotiations with California over how to
resolve the state's power crisis were going nowhere.
The case is the largest utility bankruptcy ever filed and the third largest
business bankruptcy in U.S. history, based on assets, behind Texaco in 1987
and Financial Corporation of America in 1998, officials said.
Enron, scheduled to make its first-quarter earnings report on Tuesday, was
expected to report 45 cents per share for the quarter, up from 40 cents per
share in the first quarter of last year, according to earnings estimates
compiled by First Call/Thomson Financial in Boston.
Earlier this week, Enron was dealt another setback in California when a
federal judge ordered the company to keep supplying low-cost power to
California's state university systems after Enron tried to shift
responsibility for buying the school's power to the state's troubled
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Up & down and all around, its a merry dance alright
Girish Kuber
The Economic Times
Copyright (C) 2001 The Economic Times; Source: World Reporter (TM)
IT COULD be a classic case for management students to study. In a span of
just eight years the Enron controversy has repeated itself with a reversal of
First it was the Sharad Pawar-led Congress government that went all out to
persuade the US energy major to set up shop in Maharashtra. The general
election that followed changed Pawars fortunes.
A Sena-BJP government came to power but not before painting Enron black
thanks to its Rs 64 crore expenditure on `education that had become an
election issue back then.
So the first thing that the Sena-BJP government did after assuming power was
to scrap the Enron project. Subsequently the `review committee headed by
Kirit Parikh, Professor Emeritus, IGIDR, once a bitter critic of Enron, came
up with a new look power purchase agreement. The new PPA cobbled together
phase I and II of the Dabhol Power Company.
The next election was in 1999. By this time Pawar had deserted the Congress.
The Sena-BJP alliance bit the dust at the hustings and a paralysed Congress
was forced to join hands with Sharad Pawar. All for the sake of a
power-sharing arrangement in the state.
By this time Enrons partner, the Maharashtra State Electricty Board, had
weakened further and it wanted the state government to help it pay Enrons
bills. The equally bankrupt state government was obviously unable to spare
the funds.
The situation was perfectly ripe to rake up the Enron controversy. Once
again. Whats more, it seemed politically correct too. The Vilasrao Deshmukh
government did exactly this. It installed Vinay Bansal, a no-nonsense
bureaucrat known for taking on ministers, as MSEB chairman to give the Enron
dispute some much needed credibility.
Bansal caught Enron napping when it failed to supply electricity as per the
MSEBs demand. MSEB invoked the PPA clause and slapped Rs 402 crore penalty on
the American utility. This provided the trigger for the fight which was
waiting to happen.
Meanwhile, the state governments review committee led by Madhav Godbole
submitted its report and recommended a renegotiation of the project.
Interestingly, this committee too had Parikh as a member. His inclusion had
raised many eyebrows and N D Patil, convenor of the ruling coalition in the
state criticised Parikh for his flip-flop on the project.
In the end, Parikh kept himself away from the committee. The committee has
observed that the then political leadership had shown ``great haste for
signing the current PPA.
It noted that even the cost of constructing a jetty at Dabhol has been
included in the cost of power by the DPC. The committee wants to delink
dollar-rupee equation for tariff to lower the bill.
A large chunk of the loans taken by Enron have a bigger foreign currency
component and the committee wants the Indian currency component in these
loans to be increased.
Interestingly, Enron has preferred to remain silent on the Godbole committee
report. It has already invoked the political force majeure clause, has
invoked the state and Centre guarantee and even announced its decision to go
in for arbitration.
The next twist in this longdrawn-out tale depends on Enrons reaction to the
report. However, experts feel that the Dabhol case clearly highlights some of
the major failures in past decision-making in the power sector. Firstly,
before inviting IPPs, necessary reforms like setting up of independent
regulatory bodies should have been in place.
The problem of realisation of dues from defaulting customers and poor
maintenance of transmission and distribution systems require that reform
should begin at the distribution end, so that any supplier of power has the
assurance that dues will be collected and payments effected for power sold.
There is also need to correct the imbalance in terms of base-load versus
peak-load power capacity.
The SEBs supply power to farmers and domestic users at ridiculously
subsidised prices. Moreover, many customers do not pay their bills and like
other SEBs, MSEB too is unable to initiate action to collect these dues.
The T&D losses too, which include pilferage of power, have gone up
substantially in recent years. In this situation, the more MSEB purchases
from Dabhol the more it loses through subsidies and T&D.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Power sale: Godbole wants DPC freed
Renni Abraham MUMBAI
Business Standard
Copyright (c) Business Standard
The Madhav Godbole committee has recommended to the Maharashtra government
that the Enron-promoted Dabhol Power Company should be allowed to sell power
to entities other than the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB). It has
also recommended that the tariff should be benchmarked to the lowest cost of
supply of power from gas-based projects elsewhere, and restructured into a
two-part tariff.
"The committee recommends that the DPC tariff be re-defined using principles
contained in the government of India guidelines and the availability-based
tariff order of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission, to convert it
into a two-part tariff but limit equity return substantially," the report
Further, the committee has recommended that the equity returns for the
redefined DPC tariff be defined in rupee terms, rather than in dollar terms.
It has also suggested that the escrow agreement with DPC should be scrapped,
as the current agreement "would soon give rise to a situation where virtually
all of MSEB's revenues would be escrowed to meet DPC's payments, leaving
little for wages and fuel, let alone additional power purchase."
The report, "Energy review, Maharashtra and the DPC issue," was submitted to
the state legislature on Thursday by minister for energy Padmasinh Patil.
Business Standard obtained a copy of the 198-page report. Godbole panel
The second part of the report will focus on the future course of action for
reforms in the state energy sector. It is to be submitted to the state
government on May 10.
The first report recommends that DPC be allowed to sell power if it
designates a certain capacity for sale outside the MSEB system and "the fixed
charges on account of MSEB are reduced in proportion to this designated
capacity." Alternatively, if DPC felt it has prospects of earning better
return if it had the contractual freedom to sell power to other parties
directly, it could do so only if it agreed to relieve MSEB of all its
contractual obligations relating to the power plant, the committee said.
The committee said that only benchmarking of the tariff against lowest gas
based power projects elsewhere would make third party sale to other states
and the power trading corporation possible. Otherwise negotiations with DPC
will prove futile, the report states.
Significantly, the committee has argued that in view of the un-sustainability
of the DPC project, the power major should forego a portion of the return on
its equity to make the project viable.In other words it wants the current
rate of return of equity of 16 per cent to be lowered.
"The maturity of the debt of DPC should be increased preferably to 15 years,
with an initial moratorium of five years. An indicative interest rate for
such debt could be 12 per cent (in rupee terms which would be around six per
cent in dollar terms). In case such maturity is not possible for foreign
loans, the foreign debt should be converted to rupee debt and restructured
accordingly. Concomitantly, the equity may be restructured into deferred
preference capital so that the impact on tariff is felt only in later years,"
the report said.
It also makes a case for separating Enron's LNG project from DPC. As a
separate facility, the gas could be marketed to other buyers of gas distinct
from power projects. "That such buyers exist is demonstrated by Enron's own
MetGas initiative and by Petronet's larger project plans. It is critical that
costs of this facility be distributed over its entire capacity and not just
over the amount sold to the power plant, as is currently the case. The
facility's capital costs should also be reflected in the fuel charge, not as
take or pay, but only in proportion to the extent of fuel re-gasified for
power generation, compared to the total re-gasificatio capacity," it noted.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
April 13, 2001, 12:53AM
Briefs: City and state
India to renegotiate Enron power prices
BOMBAY, India -- A government-appointed committee recommended renegotiating a
power supply agreement with U.S. energy giant Enron Corp. to lower prices
being charged to a western Indian state.
The panel also called for reform of a state power utility that defaulted on
payments to Enron, which is based in Houston.
State government ministers have been critical of Dabhol Power Co., Enron's
Indian subsidiary, saying the power supplied by the 2-year old plant is
Enron Owed $570 Million by Pacific Gas & Electric, Paper Says
2001-04-12 23:01 (New York)
Houston, April 12 (Bloomberg) -- Pacific Gas & Electric Co.,
the bankrupt subsidiary of Pacific Gas & Electric Corp., owes
Enron Corp. $570 million, the Houston Chronicle reported on its
web site, citing a letter from Enron to a bankruptcy trustee.
Enron, a Houston-based electricity and natural gas marketer,
disclosed the amount to secure a seat on the creditors' committee
for the San Francisco-based utility, the report said. The $570
million was more than Enron previously indicated it was owed, the
paper said, citing Carol Coale, a Prudential Securities analyst.
Pacific Gas & Electric filed for bankruptcy protection last
Friday after incurring more than $9 billion in debt buying
electricity at soaring prices and selling it at capped rates.
The Bank of New York is the utility's largest unsecured
creditor, owed $2.2 billion, the Houston Chronicle said.
Four power generation companies asked a bankruptcy judge
yesterday to excuse them from supply contracts with the utility,
saying the agreements could push them to financial ruin. |
giron-d/all_documents/268. | 20275011.1075854363555.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Feb 2001 00:47:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: March We arrive in Denver on Saturday evening (the 10th). We will stay that night
and leave sometime on Sunday for Silvercreek. We will return to Denver on
Friday the 16th and stay the night. Our plane back to Houston is early
Saturday morning. We are staying at a place in Silvercreek (I had not heard
of this place before Kristi's friends made the plans) for 5 nights. I think
we want to ski there and possibly in Winter Park (it is supposed to be within
15 miles). How's the weather in Denver these days? We look forward to
seeing the two of you. Thanks.
"Sean Mayers" <[email protected]> on 02/17/2001 10:21:28 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: March
Let me know again what the days are. Also, let me know what you guys what
to do. I can get lift tickets for about $43 at the grocery store. Talk to
you later.
Sean |
germany-c/deleted_items/19. | 28562961.1075840488153.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:54:30 -0700 (PDT) | Natural Gas Futures Rally on Short-Covering [email protected], To unsubscribe send a blank mailto:[email protected]
Enerfax Daily
Tuesday, June 25 2002 No. 1016
Gulf/Eastern Region
| Agua Dulce | 3.26 |
| ANR SE | 3.27 |
| Carthage (E.Tex) | 3.26 |
| Chicago Citygate | 3.35 |
| Columbia Gulf Onshore | 3.31 |
| Dominion South Point | 3.61 |
| Henry Hub | 3.33 |
| Houston Ship Channel | 3.32 |
| Katy /Exxon | 3.28 |
| NGPL LA Pool | 3.28 |
| NGPL - Midcontinent | 3.07 |
| NGPL STX | 3.27 |
| NGPL TX/OK (E.) | 3.24 |
| NNG Demarc. | 3.05 |
| Niagara | 3.35 |
| PEPL | 3.07 |
| Sonat Tier 1 | 3.28 |
| TCO IPP Pool | 3.58 |
| Tetco ELa | 3.29 |
| Tetco M-3 | 3.71 |
| Tetco STX | 3.27 |
| TGP Zone 0 | 3.26 |
| TGP Zone 1 (500 Leg) | 3.29 |
| TGT Zone SL | 3.30 |
| New York Citygate | 3.81 |
| Transco Station 65 | 3.40 |
| Transco Zone 6 (NY) | 3.81 |
| Trunk E.La | 3.20 |
| Western Region
| California Border | 3.26 |
| El Paso Keystone (Permian) | 3.10 |
| El Paso Blanco (San Juan) | 2.83 |
| Waha Hub | 3.15 |
| Canadian/Rockies Region
| Nova/Aeco (C$/gig) | 3.23 |
| Dawn Hub/Union | 3.32 |
| Northwest Stanfield | 2.26 |
| Wyoming Pool | 1.80 |
| Opal | 1.81 |
| PGT-Malin | 2.72 |
| Sumas | 1.99 |
Flow Date 6/25
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12 Month Strip 3.8313 +0.1583
18 Month Strip 3.9287 +0.1483
| Month | High | Low | Close | Change |
| JUL | 3.470 | 3.330 | 3.430 | +0.193 |
| AUG | 3.520 | 3.220 | 3.480 | +0.186 |
| SEP | 3.530 | 3.250 | 3.501 | +0.177 |
| OCT | 3.550 | 3.300 | 3.532 | +0.171 |
| NOV | 3.850 | 3.595 | 3.827 | +0.166 |
| DEC | 4.120 | 3.850 | 4.087 | +0.161 |
| JAN | 4.195 | 3.955 | 4.180 | +0.154 |
| FEB | 4.150 | 4.070 | 4.120 | +0.147 |
| MAR | 4.070 | 3.820 | 4.037 | +0.141 |
| APR | 3.955 | 3.930 | 3.927 | +0.136 |
| MAY | 3.930 | 3.740 | 3.912 | +0.136 |
| JUN | 3.960 | 3.770 | 3.942 | +0.131 |
Natural Gas Futures Rally on Short Covering
Natural gas for July delivery on the NYMEX jumped almost 6% higher
yesterday, $0.193 to $3.43 per MMBtu, boosted by short covering from
locals and funds on a surprise of warmer summer forecasts. The August
contract gained $0.186 to $3.48 per MMBtu. A short squeeze set in and some
traders think the market is heading for $3.60. Options expire for July
today, and futures tomorrow. Look for the market to test $3.47 this
morning, and perhaps push into the $3.50s. Key options puts are seen at
$3.00, now well below the market, and calls at $3.50. Monday, fund buying
and locals pushing buy-stops shot the market into key technical resistance
levels around $3.47. Paper selling came out of the woodwork. Despite high
storage levels, anticipation of increased cooling demand helped fuel the
run. With the July contract's range lows at $3.08, there is still room for
the market to be sold. Spreads will also dominate the market the closer
the contract gets to expiration. Traders have seen a steady decline of
open interest over the last week. Open interest has fallen nearly 8% over
the last few weeks. Funds held net short positions in the last Commitments
of Traders Report from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Crude oil
prices for the new front August contract rose $0.65 to $26.45 per barrel
on high Mideast tensions. Estimated natural gas volume was 125,000
contracts, with about 51,000 spreads. Natural gas for next day delivery
across the US and Canada was generally $0.15 - $0.25 higher yesterday.
Natural gas for next day delivery at the Henry hub gained $0.16 to 3.33
per MMBtu.
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Today's Power Bulletins
* Mirant Raises 2nd Quarter Earnings Forecast to at Least $0.35 per Share
* Dominion Virginia Power Says 3,700 Workers Represented by International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 50 Rejected Proposed Labor
* NRG Energy Completes $325 Million Financing
* Southern Company Energy Solutions and Atlantic Station Partner to
Develop Southeast's Largest Central Cooling System
* Puget Sound Energy to Relocate Corporate Headquarters to The Summit,
Currently Under Construction in Downtown Bellevue, Washington
* Vermont Energy Summit to Highlight Demand Response Efforts
* Western Governors Meet to Promote Cross-Border Energy Trade
* Report from National Academy of Sciences Says US Needs to Protect
Nuclear Power Plants and Power Grid Against Future Attacks; May Need to
Reorganize Way Government Agencies Work Together
* Judge Approves Tripled Severance for Enron Workers
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Insurers Say JP Morgan Misrepresented Enron Loans as Trades
JP Morgan Chase engaged in fake energy trades with Enron to boost its
income and trading volumes in order to attract more investors to ensure
that it could repay loans to the bank, according to court papers. JP
Morgan has filed suit against 11 insurers to collect $965 million in
surety bonds guaranteeing natural gas and crude oil contracts between
Enron and Mahonia Ltd, a subsidiary of JP Morgan. Enron filed for
bankruptcy in December and defaulted on the contracts. The insurers claim
the trades were actually disguised loans to Enron by JP Morgan and that
they would not have guaranteed the transactions if their real intent had
been revealed. JP Morgan used Mahonia to buy natural gas from Enron, which
it then resold back to the company at a somewhat higher price, the
difference essentially being interest on a secret loan by the bank,
according to the insurers. JP Morgan strongly refutes the allegations,
saying they are an attempt to get out of paying a straightforward claim.
The bank pointed out that the contracts contain language stating, 'The
obligations of each Surety hereunder are absolute and unconditional
irrespective of any circumstance whatsoever.' Apart from the energy
contracts in question, Enron owes JP Morgan $1.2 billion in secured and
unsecured loans, letters of credit and other financial obligations. It is
one of 9 banks being sued by Enron shareholders, who claim the banks
intentionally inflated Enron's stock prices to reap billions in profits
for themselves.
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Xcel Shares Fall to 11-Year Low
Xcel Energy shares fell for a 5th consecutive day yesterday after it
said last week it expects earnings to be reduced by $40 million the rest
of this year because regulators denied a rate increase. Xcel shares
dropped as low as $13.91, an 11-year low. The shares had fallen 43% in the
past year. Xcel says it expected net income would be reduced by $5 million
per month for the rest of 2002 after Connecticut regulators denied a rate
increase at the company's NRG Energy unit. Xcel had expected a rate
increase to take effect May 1st when it issued a forecast for 2002
earnings. The Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control denied the
request from NRG to increase customer bills by $0.01 per kWh.
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| | High | Low | Average |
| | $/MWh | $/MWh | $/MWh |
| Cinergy | 44.00 | 38.75 | 41.35 |
| ECAR | 49.00 | 30.00 | 44.30 |
| ERCOT(SC) | 28.25 | 28.00 | 28.20 |
| Entergy | 42.00 | 33.00 | 39.25 |
| TVA | 54.90 | 36.40 | 47.05 |
| ComEd | 44.00 | 42.25 | 42.95 |
| Nepool | 46.00 | 44.50 | 45.40 |
| PJM West | 59.00 | 49.55 | 57.25 |
| Main | 50.00 | 42.00 | 45.00 |
| MAPP | 48.00 | 42.00 | 45.00 |
| Palo Verde | 46.50 | 39.00 | 42.00 |
| Mid C | 13.75 | 9.80 | 12.35 |
| COB | 24.25 | 23.50 | 23.90 |
| 4 Corners | 46.75 | 43.00 | 44.45 |
| Mead | 48.50 | 43.75 | 46.15 |
| NP 15 | 35.00 | 31.50 | 32.60 |
| SP 15 | 42.50 | 36.00 | 39.20 |
Power Delivered 6/25
Todays Gas Bulletins
* S&P Says Canada's NEB Declination of TransCanada PipeLines' Application
to Have Cost of Capital Based on 7.5% After-Tax Weighted Average Will Not
Affect Ratings or Outlook
* Spain's Enagas IPO Priced at 6.50 Euros per Share; Demand for 10 Times
Shares on Offer
* Northern Border Partners Maintains 2002 Guidance
* National Fuel Gas Writes Off $15 Million Investment in Independence
Pipeline Company
* Two Dominion Employees Elected to Standards Board
* Kern River Gas Transmission Company Secures $875 Million in Expansion
* Tengasco to Hold Annual Shareholders Meeting June 27th
* Southern Natural Gas Announces Completion of 1st Phase of South System
Expansion I Project
* Magnum Hunter Announces New Gulf of Mexico Discoveries; Significant
Increase in Total Company Production
* Sponsors Abandon Independence and SupplyLink Natural Gas Pipelines
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| | High | Low | Average |
| | $/MWh | $/MWh | $/MWh |
| NY Zone A | 49.50 | 49.00 | 49.25 |
| NY Zone G | 59.50 | 59.00 | 59.25 |
| NY Zone J | 77.50 | 77.00 | 77.25 |
| Fla-Ga Bdr | 44.95 | 28.00 | 35.75 |
| FRCC | 44.95 | 28.00 | 37.35 |
| Va Power | 57.00 | 42.00 | 49.50 |
| VACAR | 43.00 | 42.00 | 42.50 |
| SERC | 57.00 | 25.00 | 41.40 |
| SPP | 45.00 | 33.00 | 42.15 |
| Houston | 35.50 | 34.50 | 35.00 |
Power Delivered 6/25
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Canadian Bank Sued by Dutch Bank Over Enron Related Debt
Royal Bank of Canada is considering its options for fighting a lawsuit
by Dutch bank Rabobank over a disputed Enron related transaction. Royal
Bank lent $517 million to an Enron affiliated trust in late 2000. The bank
then hedged against a default on the loan by negotiating a total-return
swap with Rabobank. A total-return swap is a derivative frequently used by
big multinational banks to hedge credit risks. Rabobank contends that 3
investment bankers for Royal Bank knew about Enron's possible
susceptibility to default. The investment bankers were forced to resign
from Royal in November for not divulging the extent of their connection
to Enron when they were hired. While working at UK investment bank,
Greenwich Natwest, the 3 bankers had structured one of Enron's limited
partnerships, which was part of Enron's complicated off-balance sheet
partnerships that eventually led to its collapse. Until the lawsuit was
filed, Royal Bank said that Rabobank had fulfilled its contractual
obligations related to the deal. Royal Bank also said it expects to
receive full and final payment from Rabobank on June 28th. If payment is
not forthcoming, Royal Bank said it may file a countersuit against
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Williams to Cut Trading Staff
Williams plans to lay off about 130 trading floor staffers, or 16% of
the total. The news sent Williams shares down 8.4% to $6.53, a 9-year.
Williams joins Dynegy, El Paso and others in cutting its sales following
the collapse of Enron. Williams also fired 11 employees at its European
trading operation, based in London. The company had about 800 people in
its trading group, including 100 traders. Williams is still determining
how many traders it will let go as part of this move. It said last week it
would sell off assets in Memphis, Tennessee, and Alaska to shore up its
balance sheet. On June 10th, Williams lowered its earnings outlook and
said it would cut jobs as part of a wide-ranging restructuring of its
trading business. It also said it would cut risk management spending by a
third, to $1 billion, to improve its balance sheet in the face of
increased scrutiny by investors and credit agencies. Moody's cut its
credit rating to just one notch above junk status a couple weeks ago.
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Senate Environment Committee Demand White House Documents
The Senate Environment Committee will vote on Thursday whether to
subpoena the White House for documents about its decision to reduce air
pollution rules for older coal-fired power plants. Democrats and
Environmental groups have criticized the Bush administration's decision
utilities and refineries more leeway in repairing and expanding the
plants without costly upgrading. The Senate Environment Committee is
seeking EPA records on interagency discussions and meetings with outside
interest groups on development of the new air pollution regulations. If
subpoenas are issued, it would be the 2nd time this year that a Senate
Committee has ordered the Administration to turn over energy related
documents. Last month, the Senate Governmental Affairs committee
subpoenaed White House records of its links with Enron and Kenneth Lay.
The EPA gave the committee 700 pages of documents last month, but
committee staff members said most of the pages were blank and that the
rest were unusable. Also on Thursday, the Senate Environment Committee
will vote on a proposal to place limits on power plant emissions far
beyond those recommended by the Administration earlier this year. The
draft bill would sharply limit emissions of nitrogen oxides, sulfur
dioxide and mercury by 2008. It also includes mandatory limits on
emissions of carbon dioxide, a heat-trapping gas linked to global warming.
The White House opposes mandatory carbon dioxide limits.
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Dynegy Plans to Raise $2 Billion to Preserve Credit Rating
Dynegy plans to raise about $2 billion to maintain its investment
grade credit rating and restore investor confidence. The restructuring
measures include a 50% dividend cut, the spin-off of its UK natural gas
storage business and the partial sale of its stake in Northern Natural Gas
pipeline, which it acquired from Enron as part of their ill-fated deal.
Dynegy also expects 2nd quarter earnings per share to be about the
breakeven point. The company said that its 2002 profit forecast no longer
applies, and it will issue a new earnings forecast in late July. Dynegy
was expected to earn $0.21 per share in the 2nd quarter and $1.35 in 2002,
according to the average estimates of analysts. The company said it
expects to take a $450 million pretax charge in the 2nd quarter, $300
million in expenses from its communications unit and $150 million in
severance related costs and other expenses. Fitch cut Dynegy''s debt to a
'BB+', the highest level of junk, yesterday. Moody's and S&P, both of
which currently give the company an investment grade rating, are also
considering downgrades. Dynegy says it would be able to meet its
obligations, even if its credit were downgraded by one or more services.
Dynegy said the dividend cut would provide $56 million in savings. Over
the last 2 years, Dynegy has paid a quarterly dividend of $0.075 per
share. Dynegy's partners in the Catlin venture have agreed to remove a
$270 million trigger, and it will repay or refinance bank credit in a
joint venture with NRG Energy, which will eliminate a $31 million trigger,
the company said. Dynegy plans include the sale of up to $400 million in
mortgage bonds in its Illinois Power utility and the sale of various other
assets to raise another $200 million. The company plans to sell shares in
Dynegy Energy Partners, a new company that will own and operate a portion
of its natural gas liquids business. It also plans to sell 50% of the
16,600-mile Northern Natural Gas pipeline and expects to save $50 million
per year from workforce reductions and spending cuts. In addition, the
company will attempt to make its financial results more transparent by
including more details about its earnings from regulated businesses and
from energy trading.
Nymex Natural Gas Option Volatility
Supplied by "The Daily Hedger"
Futures Implied
Month Settlement Days Left Volatility
Jul $3.430 Exp Tues 66.7%
Aug $3.480 31 52.6%
Sep $3.501 63 51.8%
Oct $3.532 92 51,5%
Nov $3.827 122 52.1%
Dec $4.087 153 51.2%
Jan $4.180 184 52.2%
Feb $4.120 217 52.0%
Mar $4.037 245 47.9%
Apr $3.927 274 40.9%
Enron's Trading Partners Denied Separate Creditors Committee
The bankruptcy judge handling Enron's case has denied a petition by
some of the company's former trading partners for their own committee.
Enron owes its former trading partners about $1 billion. But the judge
says that the current creditors committee adequately represents the
interests of the trading partners, saying their proposed committee would
create further discord, litigation and delay. The judge said that the
13-member creditors committee, which includes Duke and Williams, fairly
represents the major groups that are owed money by Enron. According to the
judge, the former trading partners have not cited a single instance where
the ability of the creditors' committee to function has been impaired. The
former trading partners are creditors of Enron North America, which
generated 90% of the revenue before it collapsed. Court papers indicate
that Enron North America has adequate funds to repay its creditors. It
lists assets of $13.7 billion and debts of $8.8 billion. Creditors of
Enron NA are attempting to separate themselves from the creditors of Enron
Corp, which are owed $100 billion, to prevent consolidation of all Enron
unit bankruptcies into one large case. If the cases are consolidated, the
trading partners and other creditors of Enron North America would see
their monetary compensation diluted.
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For market technicians who combine the study of the seasonality of
natural gas prices with cycle analysis, the early part of 2003 may be a
major turning point in the direction of prices. "Our data shows the time
cycles pointing lower into the first quarter of 2003," says Walter
Zimmerman, Vice President with United Energy, New York. Zimmerman is an
advocate of combining the intricacies of Elliott Wave analysis with the
seasonal and cyclic characteristics of natural gas prices to make both
short and long term forecasts. One of the most intense and often difficult
to understand analytical approaches is the us of matching preconceived
price patterns to that of current price behavior to see when trends in
prices may begin or end. Elliott Wave analysis is just such a technique.
The general rule is that an Elliott pattern requires five waves to be
completed, three in the primary direction and two counter to the main
trend. Thus if natural gas prices have completed a five wave pattern, then
the current trend, either up or down, should be over. Typically prices are
never exactly at the precise beginning or end of a five wave pattern and
analysts often refer to price moves as being one of the five waves. "We
think there has been an initial leg down from $3.875 to $3.05 and now the
market is correcting that move (higher)," says Zimmerman. Seasonality is
also important and is often more easily understood that the vagaries of
Elliott Wave analysis. "The seasonality of this market is that prices
typically peak in May and bottom in January. There tends to be a
correction in between those two points where there is a bottom in
September and a rally into November. "Longer term we are very, very,
bullish. We think that the $1.76 is a major multi year low (September
2001), and all my longer term time cycle analyses point up to 2005 to
2006. A hedger would want to hedge out to the end of the year, but that's
about it. In January 2003 all the cycles turn up at the same time."
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The TSE 300 dropped 9.50 points to 7129.93
The CRB Index added 3.42 points to 207.01
The US Dollar increased 0.12 points to 108.31
The Dow advanced 28.03 points to 9281.82
The S&P 500 gained 3.58 points to 992.72
The Nasdaq was up 19.38 points to 1460.34
August NYMEX Crude Oil rose 0.65 to 26.47
Canadian-US Exchange fell 0.0062 to 1.5168
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kaminski-v/all_documents/1763. | 5546789.1075856224672.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 29 Jan 2001 08:42:00 -0800 (PST) | praca dyplomowa V Edycja MBA Warszawa ---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/29/2001=
04:45 PM ---------------------------
"Scarbeko" <[email protected]> on 01/29/2001 07:35:10 AM
To: <[email protected]>
cc: =20
Subject: praca dyplomowa V Edycja MBA Warszawa
Szanowny Panie Doktorze,
Na samym pocz=06?tku chcia=06bym si=06c przypomnie=06+. Jestem studentem V=
edycji MBA w ?Wy=06_szej Szkole Handlu i Finans?w Mi=06cdzynarodowych w W=
arszawie i wraz z ?Panami Jerzym Seremakiem i Waldemarem Mrozem piszemy u =
pana Doktora prac=06c ?dyplomow=06? z finans?w mi=06cdzynarodowych. Nsze p=
race przes=06a=06em do Pana Doktora ?juz w listopadzie ubieg=06ego roku i =
do tej pory nie dosta=06em potwirerdzenia, ?=06_e Pan je otrzyma=06. Bardz=
o bym prosi=06 o potwierdzenie otrzymania tych=06_e prac ?lub zaprzeczenie.=
?Panie Doktorze nastepna sprawa dotyczy zapytania czy Pa=06?stwa Firma b=
zainteresowana inwestycjami w budow=06? elektrowni na Ukrainie. Pracuj=06c=
firmie konsultingowej kt?ra zajmuje si=06c min. tego typu biznesem. Nie je=
st to=20
dla nas pierwszy kontakt z tego rodzaju inwestycjami, poniewa=06_ w obecne=
chwili przygotowujemy sie do kontraktu? z niemieck=06?? firm=06? Lahmeyer=
International na budow=06c elektrowni 150 MW Szczeg?ly moge podac je=06_el=
Panstwo wyrazicie zainteresowanie.
Z powa=06_aniem Tomasz B=06ach? |
campbell-l/all_documents/1457. | 14742119.1075857895727.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 20 Apr 2001 05:52:00 -0700 (PDT) | DO NOT SEND TRADERSNEWS INDEX Amigos,
Please DO NOT SEND TradersNews Indices, until further notice. That goes for
Forward all inquiries to me. If I am not in the office, tell them to call me
on my cell phone.
(281) 787-0029 Cell
(281) 557-2068 Home |
campbell-l/inbox/556. | 27173391.1075852930018.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 18 Oct 2001 13:11:55 -0700 (PDT) | NYISO filing update The following filings by NYISO are pending at FERC:
- Filing to extend the expiration date for NYISO's Automated Mitigation Procedure to October 31, 2002, effective no later than November 1, 2001. (Docket No. ER01-3155) Enron is filing a protest and also participating in drafting the Independent Power Producers of New York protest.
- Filing to implement multi-hour block transactions in the NYISO Day-Ahead Market, effective on December 1, 2001. (Docket No. ER01-3147). Enron is intervening in order to monitor this proceeding.
- Compliance filing in ER01-2536 pursuant to FERC's Sept. 4 order requiring filing of revenue-neutral translation calculation of the in-city price cap into UCAP terms.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either Howard Fromer (518.427.0531) or me.
Susan Lindberg
713.853.0596 |
hayslett-r/sent_items/199. | 29535594.1075862277518.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 8 Nov 2001 08:08:06 -0800 (PST) | FW: Two Cows FYI
-----Original Message-----
From: Rosenberg, David E.
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2001 8:13 AM
To: Katy Rosenbergg (E-mail); '[email protected]'; Lokey, Teb; Schroeder,
Maggie; Tu, Denis; Hayslett, Rod; Lichtenwalter, Blair
Subject: FW: Two Cows
-----Original Message-----
From: Binnie Williams [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 8:23 PM
To: David Rosenberg; Ilana Rosanski; Frank Kittle; Mark B Simon
Subject: Fw: Two Cows
----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 6:52 PM
Subject: Two Cows
> You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbor.
> You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your
> You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So what?
> You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being
> successful. You vote people into office who tax your cows, forcing you to
> sell one to raise money to pay the tax. The people you voted for then take
> the tax money and buy a cow and give it to your neighbor. You feel
> You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with
> You have two cows. The government seizes both and sells you the milk.
> join the underground and start a campaign of sabotage.
> You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point you have to
> both to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow, which was
> gift from your government.
> You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.
> You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the
> other, pays you for the milk, then pours the milk down the drain.
> You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk
> four cows. You are surprised when the cow drops dead.
> You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows.
> You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of
> ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk.
> You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat
> once a month, and milk themselves.
> You have two cows but you don't know where they are. You break for
> You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You
> them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you
> have 12 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.
> You think you have two cows, but you don't know what a cow looks like.
> You take a nap.
> You have 5000 cows, none of which belongs to you. You charge for storing
> them for others.
> You have two cows. You enter into a partnership with an American
> corporation. Soon you have 1000 cows and the American corporation declares
> bankruptcy.
> You have two cows. You worship them.
> You have two cows. You turn them loose in the Afghan "countryside" and
> they both die. You blame the godless American infidels. >>
> |
keavey-p/all_documents/132. | 12776611.1075855629140.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 13 Nov 2000 10:42:00 -0800 (PST) | Chairman's Award Nominations The 2000 Chairman's Award nomination process was a tremendous success! Fro=
around the world, over 425 nominations were received representing a broad=
cross-section of our overall organization and resulting in a 73% increase i=
nomination participation from last year. This 100% employee-driven program=
is so successful because you take time to nominate and recognize those=20
individuals that are special in your work life. Every single candidate is =
be congratulated! =20
This year, the original concept was brought to fruition when the members of=
the 1999 Chairman's Roundtable took over the selection process and carried=
the torch from past to present. This Selection Committee reviewed all=20
candidates on the basis of their ability to consistently bring our values t=
life and sought out those select few that are Enron's "everyday heroes". =
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2000 Chairman's Roundtable=
whose daily pursuit of excellence, commitment to communication, genuine=20
integrity and respect for others are what make Enron the incredible company=
that it is today - innovative, successful and undoubtedly one of the best=
places to work. The eleven individuals named below are flying to San Anton=
this from around the world to be honored at our annual Management=20
Conference. One of these finalist will receive the distinguished recogniti=
as the actual Chairman's Award winner:
Amelia Alder, Enron Operations Services (ETS) - Houston, Texas
Dan Boyle, Enron Global Finance - Houston, Texas
Craig Buehler, Northern Natural Gas (ETS) - Houston, TX
Fernando Delpino, Industrias Ventane (ESA) - Caracas, Venezuala
Barbara Gray, ENA - Houston, Texas
Scott Guptill, PGE - Portland, OR
Mark Harada, EES - Hinsdale, IL
Don Lehr, The Linc Corporation (EES) - Pittsburgh, PA
Xafira Mendonsa, Dahbol Power Company - Mumbia, India
Yaser Tobeh, Operational Energy Corp. (EES) - Gaza, Palestine
Kevin Westwood, Enron Teeside Operations Ltd. - Cleveland, England
Attached is a list of every employee who was nominated for the Chairman's=
Award this year:
Please take a moment to recognize this honor bestowed upon your fellow=20
employees. We sincerely thank them for their contributions to Enron and=20
their leadership that helps make this organization the world=01,s leading e=
and communications company. If you have any questions regarding this year=
program or suggestions for the future, please contact Charla Reese at=20
[email protected] or call 713.853.5202. We hope to see the Chairman's=
Award grow and encourage your participation next year.
Ken & Jeff |
kean-s/discussion_threads/276. | 9631210.1075848076389.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 10 Feb 2000 01:49:00 -0800 (PST) | EES International Support Working Group At our 2nd meeting on Feb 8, we reviewed the purpose of each subgroup and
heard progress updates from each of the groups. We scheduled our 3rd meeting
for Friday, February 25, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am CST. At this meeting, we
1) hear from the "Descriptive Model" subgroup (Roy, Mark, Amr, Rob) about the
ways Public Affairs supports EES in the US and Europe, what works well, what
could improve, and practices that could be transferred between regions,
2) hear from the "Resources & Information" subgroup (Peggy, Rita, Jim) about
who are the right contacts in each organization, how we can depict these and
communicate them, and how information can be made accessible (intranet,
Information Resources WG, etc.),
3) hear from the "Product Development" subgroup (John, Roy, Peggy, Steve)
about some ideas for adding to EES' commercial offerings,
4) hear from the "Client Needs" subgroup (Harry, Nancy Mike) about an
approach for eliciting input from EES on their needs from Public Affairs, and
progress to date, and
5) hear from the newly formed "Interaction" subgroup (Amr, Harry, Steve)
about how EES' presence in world markets could affect Enron valuations of
other business opportunities.
If any of the groups have materials to distribute, please coordinate with me
and we will make sure it is distributed prior to the meeting.
We will contact you later with call-in numbers for the conference. Thank you. |
jones-t/inbox/537. | 18060034.1075858962226.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 25 Oct 2001 01:20:05 -0700 (PDT) | Fw: Commodity Logic Agreement with William Paul -
Attached is a redlined version of the agreement. I have basically accepted all of Williams' comments, but felt the agreement needed to be cleaned-up a bit. The changes are all generic in nature and should be easily accepted by Williams. If this is the case, please work with Tana Jones (x33399) to have the agreement properly initialed by Legal before signed by Tom. If no other changes are made, I am advising Tana to initial this document on my behalf so that Tom can sign.
If you should need me tomorrow (later today) please call me on my cell at 713-444-8234.
----- Original Message -----
From: Greenberg, Mark
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 3:00 PM
Subject: FW: Commodity Logic Agreement with William
-----Original Message-----
From: Finken, Paul
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:38 AM
To: Greenberg, Mark
Subject: FW: Commodity Logic Agreement with William
Attached is the redline Beta agreement from Williams. Tom agreed to change the non-disclosure period to six months. We are trying to turn this around quickly so the users can test InvoiceLogic beginning Friday.
Paul Finken
Tel # 713 853 6919
Cell # 713 628 3619
-----Original Message-----
From: Jones, Gayla [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 11:12 AM
To: Finken, Paul
Cc: Binney, Gary; Brooks, Wendy
Subject: Commodity Logic Agreement with William
I received your last version of the contract from Gary Binney. After comparing the document to the redline that I sent you I see that several of our suggestedc hanges were not addressed. If you do not agree to the changes please respond with the reasons so. I have prepared a new redline version of the document,i ncorporating some of your changes. Just trying to make it easy for us all to tell what has changed from the original agreement. It would be helpful if you when you respond you send redline comments, if possible.
Please review and then respond to me with your comments. Thanks.
<<Commodity Logic Beta Test Agreement 1024redline.doc>>
Gayla Jones (Gayla.Jones@Williams. com)
Contract Administrator< BR>Williams Energy Marketing & Trading Company
One Williams Center MD18-5
Tulsa OK 74172
918-573-1935 (fax)
918-632-4923 (pager)
This e-mail is the property of Enron Corp. and/or its relevant affiliate and may contain confidential and privileged material for the sole use of the intended recipient (s). Any review, use, distribution or disclosure by others is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient (or authorized to receive for the recipient), please contact the sender or reply to Enron Corp. at [email protected] and delete all copies of the message. This e-mail (and any attachments hereto) are not intended to be an offer (or an acceptance) and do not create or evidence a binding and enforceable contract between Enron Corp. (or any of its affiliates) and the intended recipient or any other party, and may not be relied on by anyone as the basis of a contract by estoppel or otherwise. Thank you.
- Commodity Logic Beta Test Agreement 1024redline.doc
- Williams Beta Agreement(10-25-01-mlgcomments).doc |
dean-c/notes_inbox/111. | 20805958.1075857370182.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 15 May 2001 00:35:00 -0700 (PDT) | clarksdale generation Clarksdale #8 will run Thursday for HE 16 and 17. It has a 30 minute start
Clarksdale #9 will run Thursday for HE 16. It has a 2 hour start up.
Unit #8 will put out 13 to 14 mw's and Unit #9 will put out 21 to 22 mw's
Kayne |
dasovich-j/eci/41. | 14681374.1075843080964.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 2 May 2000 03:32:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Electronic Copy of Bios of EBS Management Here you go!
Tracy J. McLaughlin
Enron Broadband Services
Government Affairs Coordinator
(503) 886-0396
----- Forwarded by Tracy McLaughlin/Enron Communications on 05/02/00 10:34 AM
Kris Caldwell
05/02/00 10:20 AM
To: Tracy McLaughlin/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Re: Electronic Copy of Bios of EBS Management
I'm doing just swell thank you. I'm attaching the most recent list that I
have..........of course, this is always to be viewed as a living document
since things change so quickly in terms of personnel here. Don't know that
they need every single name on the attached list, so feel free to cut and
paste as needed. thks,
Kris Caldwell
Enron Communications, Inc.
Public Relations Manager
(503) 886-0269
Tracy McLaughlin
05/02/00 09:12 AM
To: Kris Caldwell/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Electronic Copy of Bios of EBS Management
Hey KC
What's up? How are you today? Kris, can u help me out with this bio
question -- do we have them in a database? Or do you have the readily
available version? If so, would you mind terribly forwarding to me and/or
Jeff Dasovich at the address below -- I know that we have the hard copy
available and where to get that, but I don't know where the e version is.
thanks KC
Tracy J. McLaughlin
Enron Broadband Services
Government Affairs Coordinator
(503) 886-0396
----- Forwarded by Tracy McLaughlin/Enron Communications on 05/02/00 09:14 AM
Jeff Dasovich@EES
05/01/00 04:44 PM
To: Tracy McLaughlin/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Sue
Nord/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected] @ ENRON
Subject: Electronic Copy of Bios of EBS Management
My apologies, but I don't seem to have the final, electronic version of the
bios of EBS management that we included in the California filing (Scott did
the last version to ensure accuracy--the filed version reads "As of March 1,
2000.") Ms Nord needs an electronic copy. Might you have one that you could
pass along to her (and to me)? As always, many thanks.
Jeff |
geaccone-t/_sent_mail/178. | 1702936.1075859056720.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:24:00 -0800 (PST) | Missing E-8 schedule ---------------------- Forwarded by Tracy Geaccone/GPGFIN/Enron on 01/29/2001 09:26 AM ---------------------------
Gwen Clemings
01/28/2001 12:26 PM
To: Tracy Geaccone/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON
cc: Gary Peng/GPGFIN/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Missing E-8 schedule
Please forward the following E-8 schedule as soon as possible:
co 105
Thank you,
Gwen Clemings
X33904 |
hyvl-d/gas/7. | 4047039.1075842249933.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 29 Mar 2001 01:01:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Royster - Clark, Inc Dan,
OK, I'll check with Global Contracts to get it changed in the system, then
I'll send a Confo out.
Dan J Hyvl@ECT
03/29/2001 08:58 AM
To: Ellen Wallumrod/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Debra Perlingiere/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Royster - Clark, Inc
I understand from Debra Perlingiere that the Royster-Clark Inc master has
been signed. That being the case, can you generate the appropriate
confirm/transaction agreement under that master?
Ellen Wallumrod@ENRON
03/29/2001 08:53 AM
To: Dan J Hyvl/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Royster - Clark, Inc
As discussed, please find below details of Phy Gas deal:
Deal Date: 3/22/01
Deal No: QY6327 / 687279
Buyer: Royster - Clark, Inc
Seller: ENA
Start Date: 4/1/01
End Date: 3/31/06
Volume: 2,800 / day
Price: NOVA.AECO-C-US. CGPR. M.I. plus USD 0.4875
Delivery Point: Northern Natural Gas Company - Ventura
Please let me know if you need any more details.
x54099 |
jones-t/all_documents/3925. | 11839533.1075847008389.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 19 Sep 2000 08:18:00 -0700 (PDT) | Alberta pre-pay conference call at 6pm Houston time Same numbers for the conference call this evening at 6pm Houston time...
Call in number:
800-991-9019 USA
847-619-8039 Canada
Pass Code: 6213786
If you have difficulties accessing the conference call, please call Kim
Zachary at (713) 853-1971. |
farmer-d/logistics/99. | 26180343.1075840434475.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 9 Jul 2001 08:38:26 -0700 (PDT) | FW: Duke Energy Trading and Marketing, L.L.C. I have not received a response from you regarding the pricing discrepancies on these deals. Please let me know which price is correct if possible.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hernandez, Elizabeth L.
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 11:28 AM
To: Farmer, Daren J.
Subject: Duke Energy Trading and Marketing, L.L.C.
I have two outstanding pricing issues that I tried to resolve with Gary Lamphier, but didn't have any luck. These deals are both day deals for February 2001 done by Danny Conner. The customer is showing a pricing difference according to what we have in Sitara. Can you please help me resolve this pricing issue.
Sitara Deal # Sitara Price Customer Price
627800 $5.25 $5.23
598392 $5.78 $5.77 |
keavey-p/sent/64. | 23884823.1075855664994.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 14 May 2001 00:48:00 -0700 (PDT) | 26JUL HOUSTON TO NEW YORK = EMILIE MOISAN = TICKETED ---------------------- Forwarded by Peter F Keavey/HOU/ECT on 05/14/2001
07:48 AM ---------------------------
sandra delgado <[email protected]> on 05/11/2001 04:35:24 PM
To: [email protected]
1400 SMITH
PAYMENT: CCCA5490850070001643/1103/A011317
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices |
hayslett-r/discussion_threads/82. | 14717638.1075844290485.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 19 May 2000 00:07:00 -0700 (PDT) | Greg Gruber phone call RE Locks, Rod's office Do you want Rod on the call? Rod is available at this time according to his
calendar. |
kitchen-l/_americas/hr/185. | 2587361.1075840856219.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 26 Jun 2001 14:27:00 -0700 (PDT) | RE: Zisman He was ranked as a 2. Mark
-----Original Message-----
From: Kitchen, Louise
Sent: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 9:04 AM
To: Haedicke, Mark E.
Subject: Zisman
Apparently, Stuart still gets ranked under Legal this time - do you have an idea of where he will rank out
Louise |
campbell-l/all_documents/168. | 31154715.1075851881459.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 24 Aug 2000 06:57:00 -0700 (PDT) | Hazardous Wate Tank Requirements As you requested, I prepared a list of requirements applicable to tanks that
store hazardous wastes at LQG facilities. I did not include specific
recordkeeping and inspection requirements - you can find those in the
procedures manual, Procedure 9.1.30 and 9.1.40.
If you have any questions, please call me at 281-997-9638.
Sue |
griffith-j/deleted_items/492. | 24852366.1075852399752.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 15 Oct 2001 04:51:42 -0700 (PDT) | daily charts and matrices as hot links 10/15 The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be
reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing
contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation
of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any
opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they
may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by
on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or
affiliates. ? 2001 Carr Futures
The charts are now available on the web by clicking on the hot link(s)
contained in this email. If for any reason you are unable to receive the
charts via the web, please contact me via email and I will email the charts
to you as attachments.
Natural Gas
Distillate and Unleaded charts to follow.
Nov WTI/Brent Spread
Dec Heat Crack
Dec Gas Crack
Dec/May Heat Spread
Jan/Feb Heat Spread
Nov Gas/Heat Spread
Dec Gas/Heat Spread
Nov/Mar Unlead Spread
Nat Gas Strip Matrix
Nat Gas Spread Matrix
Crude and Products Spread Matrix
Scott Oblander
312-762-1014 fax
Carr Futures
150 S. Wacker
Suite 1500
Chicago, IL 60606 |
bass-e/sent_items/25. | 15537607.1075840324495.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 17 Jan 2002 10:27:36 -0800 (PST) | Dinner Sunday It will just be the two of us on Sunday. Thought you might like to know.
E |
beck-s/inbox/98. | 5645620.1075840357195.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 13 Jan 2002 12:05:41 -0800 (PST) | 11/30 Books There seems to be some confusion around the calculation of books on 11/30/2001. All books were run properly in the gas and power area on 11/30, as that was the last day prior to the bankruptcy declaration. Please let myself or Sally Beck know if you have any questions regarding this.
Thanks |
giron-d/_sent_mail/637. | 14354329.1075854424424.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 21 Sep 2000 01:46:00 -0700 (PDT) | Inside UT Football: September 21, 2000 ---------------------- Forwarded by Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000=20
08:46 AM ---------------------------
=09Enron North America Corp.
=09From: Eric Bass 09/21/2000 08:17 AM
To: Luis Mena/NA/Enron@Enron, [email protected], Ami=20
Chokshi/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Denver Plachy/NA/Enron@Enron, Victor=20
Guggenheim/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jackson Logan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Darron C Giron/HOU/ECT@E=
cc: =20
Subject: Inside UT Football: September 21, 2000
---------------------- Forwarded by Eric Bass/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000 08:15 A=
"Inside UT Football"=20
<[email protected]> on 09/21/2000=
12:15:00 AM
Please respond to "Inside UT Football" <[email protected]>
Sent by: [email protected]
To: "Inside UT Football Subscribers"=20
<[email protected]>
cc: =20
Subject: Inside UT Football: September 21, 2000
[IMAGE] =09 [IMAGE] =20
=09Back to reality=20
=09Sept. 21, 2000=20
=09[IMAGE]Chip Brown, The Dallas Morning News' Texas writer, answers your=
questions about what went wrong against Stanford, Coach Mack Brown's respon=
to the loss, the continuing quarterback controversy, UT players in the NFL=
and more. Inside UT Football appears every Thursday.=20
=09E-mail questions to Chip: [email protected]=20
=09Listen to Chip Brown talk about the Longhorns on's Colleges site=20
=09Every year since 1983, Texas has lost or tied a game in its first four g=
of the season. That means UT has had a blemish on its record each of the pa=
17 years - usually before Texas-OU weekend. =20
=09 Orangebloods spend winter, spring and summer discussing the impact of n=
recruits, the prowess of future opponents and the talents of its returning=
starters. They spend money on season tickets, airplane tickets and alumni=
luncheon tickets. They dream big dreams, and then by October, the high hope=
have usually come crashing down.=20
=09 Only three times since 1983 has Texas opened the season 3-0: 1984, 1985=
1994. Those starts were then immediately followed by either a tie (1984) or=
losses (1985 and 1994). In each of those seasons, Texas ended up with four=
losses. =20
=09 In UT's two best seasons since 1983, a 10-2 campaign in 1990 and a 10-2=
run in 1995, the Longhorns lost their second and third games of the season,=
respectively. Before Texas can dream about winning a national title, the=20
Longhorns have to show they can make it into October without a loss.=20
=09Longhorn Q & A=20
=09 Q: Judging from the Stanford game (as well as the last three games of l=
season) it looks like the trend of blitzing the Horns will continue. There =
also no respect for our running game from any team that we face. I think th=
best way to end this strategy against us is to become the aggressor on=20
offense and not sit back passively and react to what the defense is giving=
us. =20
=09In order for us to achieve this, I think it starts with us putting our b=
athletes on the field on offense. These guys may not be the most experience=
players, but they will gain experience with playing time, and they have the=
ability to make a team pay for selling out with the blitz. It's time to sta=
Roy Williams and B.J. Johnson at receiver (along with Montrell Flowers) and=
play a one-back offensive set. Our fullbacks are not a threat offensively a=
Hodges Mitchell is not an I-back who is adept at following the fullback=20
through the hole. Hodges' strength is operating in space and making people=
miss in the open field.=20
=09I also think Chris Simms needs to get the bulk of the minutes at quarter=
Major Applewhite has all the intangibles in the world but Simms could (and=
probably does) possess all of the same skills. He just hasn't had the chanc=
to display them. We desperately need to have all playmakers on the field if=
we are going to turn this thing around. If not, I could see this season=20
slipping to 7-4 real quick. What are your thoughts, Chip?=20
=09 ?? The Jackson residence=20
=09 BROWN: With any unexpected loss, the tendency is to throw everyone out=
change coaches, players, even the bus driver. You do that and you are telli=
this team that you have absolutely no confidence in them. There can't be to=
much change at any one time. The big question is how the team responds to=
this Stanford loss emotionally. Something tells me if Texas can find some=
resolve and perform really well, you'll see some solid performances at all=
the positions where problems currently exist. In 1996, Texas was No. 6 and=
Notre Dame was No. 9. Texas had the game won in Austin and then lost. UT th=
lost three of its next four, which included games against Oklahoma State,=
Oklahoma and Colorado - all teams Texas is about to face after this week's=
opponent, Houston.=20
=09That was a different coach and different players. But the common thread =
that Texas hit the top 10 and then choked. If Texas is hung over from its=
loss to Stanford, trouble could be on the horizon. If Texas can find resolv=
to show everyone that Stanford truly was a game in which everything that=20
could go wrong did, then I think the Longhorns will bounce back and be a ha=
team to beat the rest of the way. Tuesday night Mack Brown said the Longhor=
are not a very good football team right now. The challenge has been made to=
his team. If they come out and stink against Houston, every position will b=
scrutinized, every coach, even the bus driver. There will be enough fire=20
being thrown in Austin to serve up grilled fajitas for the entire state. Bu=
changes will have to be made constructively and gradually.=20
=09Chris Simms =20
=09Q: What's going on with the quarterbacks?=20
=09?? Mitch Golding=20
=09 BROWN: As the QBs turn. This week, it appears Chris Simms will start=
because he was practicing with the first team on Tuesday. That has been the=
trend. Whoever practices with the first team gets the start. Anyway, we'll=
see how they respond after the Stanford game. Major Applewhite was erratic =
his play, despite almost leading the Longhorns back from the dead to a=20
miraculous victory. I'm sticking to my theory that the coaches want to see=
what Simms can do against Houston before picking one or the other =20
=09to get solo duty in the Oklahoma and Colorado games. =20
=09Granted, if one struggles along the way, the other will come in. But Mac=
Brown said they primarily went with Applewhite against Stanford because of=
his experience and the fact that it was the team's first game on the road. =
said they still have all the faith in the world in Simms. It would seem to =
that it takes away the incentive to really take control of the offense, lig=
it up and get on a roll when you are alternating, but I'll continue to watc=
like everyone else. =20
=09I keep trying to remind myself that Brown did this twice at North Caroli=
with success. Of course, with those QBs (Oscar Davenport and Chris Keldorf)=
Brown had different styles and gained an advantage by forcing the defense t=
prepare for Davenport's scrambling and Keldorf's passing. With Simms and=20
Applewhite you pretty much get the same style. With Keldorf and Davenport,=
you also had injuries dictate a few starts.=20
=09 Q: Can you tell us what influenced Mack Brown's decision regarding the=
quarterbacks against Stanford?=20
=09?? Nels Marshall=20
=09 BROWN: Here are Brown's exact words: "Experience. We were in a tight=
football game and Major (Applewhite) has been around a long time. I was pro=
- even with as poorly as we played offensively in the third quarter - that =
didn't panic. I thought that in the fourth quarter the kids did a great job=
of coming back and giving us a chance to win. Sometimes youth doesn't look=
like it is trying because they're nervous. Instead, they are trying too har=
and get uptight. Our team tried hard. As negative as people make Saturday=
night, it is one of those things that you have to grow from." =20
=09 Q: I'm glad we have two great QBs. My question is, are the receivers ha=
any problem adjusting to the different spin on the balls coming from a=20
left-handed or right-handed QB?=20
=09?? Dave Stastny, Austin=20
=09 BROWN: The receivers say the varying spins are not a factor when catch=
the ball. They do, however, say that Chris Simms' ball will come a little=
faster and a little harder than Major Applewhite's.=20
=09 Q: The Longhorns are obviously going to play a lot of freshmen this yea=
What are the rules on redshirting a player after the season starts? I know=
that a player can apply for a redshirt for medical reasons, but can they al=
apply for more eligibility or take a redshirt after playing a small amount =
time? =20
=09?? Chad Graham=20
=09 BROWN: No. Once a freshman plays in a game, even for one play and he d=
not suffer a season-ending injury, the chance for a redshirt is out the=20
window. =20
=09Jermain Anderson =20
=09Q: Have the coaches given any consideration to moving Jermain Anderson b=
to linebacker? If I remember correctly, he played LB in high school at Texa=
City. He seems to still have good speed, but also a problem putting on the=
necessary weight to play defensive end. It just seems like he might be bett=
suited for the outside linebacker rotation, especially considering the=20
progress made by young defensive ends like Kalen Thornton, Cole Pittman and=
Adam Doiron. =20
=09 ?? Micah Hurt=20
=09 BROWN: Coaches don't think Anderson has the speed to play linebacker. =
are pleased with the depth at linebacker, as well. They like Anderson's=20
instincts as a pass rusher. They are still working on his ability to stop t=
=09 Q: My husband wanted me to write and request that you put the Longhorn=
football schedule in your letter each week. My husband, Mark, is a diehard=
Texan who was transferred to Oklahoma in 1972. Through thick and thin, he h=
remained a loyal Longhorn fan and taken a lot of harassment from the Sooner=
fans. Of course, he does his fair share (and probably more) of bragging abo=
the Longhorns. =20
=09?? Barbara and Mark Harper=20
=09 BROWN: As far as the schedule, UT's remaining games are:=20
=09Sept. 23 (home) vs. Houston at 6 p.m. on Fox
=09Sept. 30 (home) vs. Oklahoma State at 11 a.m. on ABC
=09Oct. 7 (in Dallas) vs. Oklahoma, TBA
=09Oct. 14 at Colorado, TBA
=09Oct. 21 (home) vs. Missouri, TBA
=09Oct. 28 (home) vs. Baylor, TBA
=09Nov. 4 at Texas Tech, TBA
=09Nov. 11 at Kansas, TBA
=09Nov. 24 (home) vs. Texas A=02?at 2:30 p.m. on ABC=20
=09Since you all have access to the Internet, log onto UT's sports Web site=
( and learn what radio stations broadcast the game in your=
area. And you can read The Dallas Morning News online every day at=20
=09 Q: This may take some research but I was wondering if you could tell me=
number of UT players in the NFL and the status of some recent grads (i.e.=
how's Cedric Woodard, Aaron Humphrey, Kwame Cavil). Thanks.=20
=09 BROWN: The Big 12 office just released a list of former Texas players =
the NFL. However, it includes some players who have been released. For=20
example, Aaron Humphrey was released after a free-agent tryout with Tampa=
Bay. Chris Smith was released after a free-agent tryout with Washington and=
Dallas. Jay Humphrey also was released after one year with the Minnesota=20
Vikings. Kwame Cavil made the Buffalo Bills after going undrafted. Anyway,=
here is the list as provided by the Big 12:
=09TEXAS (21)
=09Ben Adams, OL, Miami
=09Taje Allen, DB, St. Louis
=09Tony Brackens, DE, Jacksonville
=09Blake Brockermeyer, OG, Chicago
=09Ricky Brown, RB, Cincinnati
=09Chris Carter, DB, New England
=09Kwame Cavil, WR, Buffalo
=09Phil Dawson, KS, Cleveland
=09Shane Dronett, DL, Atlanta
=09Priest Holmes, RB, Baltimore
=09Aaron Humphrey, DE, Tampa Bay
=09Jay Humphrey, OL, Minnesota
=09Derek Lewis, TE, St. Louis
=09Wane McGarity, WR, Dallas
=09Eric Metcalf, WR, Carolina
=09Dan Neil, OL, Denver
=09Roger Roesler, OL, Cincinnati
=09Chris Smith, TE, Dallas
=09Winfred Tubbs, LB, San Francisco
=09Bryant Westbrook, DB, Detroit
=09Ricky Williams, RB, New Orleans
=09Cedric Woodard, DL, Baltimore=20
=09Hodges Mitchell =20
=09Q: Don't know whether you can address any or all of these questions in y=
column, but I've seen some unflattering trends in Mack Brown's program and=
wanted your feedback. Mack Brown is a great recruiter, no argument there.=
However, can he motivate? It seems like he can't get the team "up" sometime=
and can't adjust the team's mood during a game.=20
=09About offensive coordinator Greg Davis, I don't know who is responsible =
the offensive line but since it is an offensive group, in more ways than on=
I put it under him. With guys the size that UT has, shouldn't even Hodges=
Mitchell be able to run? Who tagged Leonard Davis as a pro? Why does Davis=
love Mitchell? Sure, he gained 1,300-plus yards last year, but how many of=
those yards were "move=20
=09 the chains" type of runs that allowed UT to hold the ball on the ground=
protect a lead? I thought it was going to be running back by committee but=
all we have seen is the coaches continuing the same mistake - abandoning th=
run and using the wrong back for the wrong situations.=20
=09Mitchell can run to the outside, but he cannot run through the defensive=
tackles. And even if he does get holes, he still will never break through t=
linebackers for a TD. Why not put Ivan Williams or Kenny Hayter back there=
with Mitchell and go with a two-back, three-wide offense? You don't lose a=
receiver as Hodges is a nice, smart receiver.
=09Other ramblings: Is Quentin Jammer really a corner? He got beat MANY tim=
against Stanford. I loved his hitting when he played safety but his injury=
may have forever changed his game if he can't play safety and can't keep up=
with opponent's wideouts.
=09How is the defensive end position shaping up? The defensive tackles were=
over the field against Stanford, but the DEs didn't make much noise. What i=
up with the blocked punts? UT should be really, really embarrassed. Does=20
Stockton take too long? Is he too close to the line? Can the line block? Ca=
anyone at UT block?
=09Does Brown ride the officials who are missing holding calls? Several tim=
the camera caught clear holds by Stanford's line. Why on earth would you ru=
up the middle, on your own goal line against two of the best DTs you'll pla=
=09?? Andrew Bowen=20
=09 BROWN: I think your feelings are shared by many Texas fans who are=20
incredibly pained, shocked, disappointed, angered and hurt by last Saturday=
events. But in talking to Mack Brown on Tuesday, he said it's fair to beat=
the team up for not being able to run the ball. But he said to jump on any=
other part of the team is to rip young, inexperienced kids who are still=20
learning what it takes to compete as a top-ranked team.=20
=09To be fair to Brown, he did say repeatedly that his team was overrated a=
needed time to grow into some key positions - receiver, defensive end,=20
fullback and some positions on the offensive line and at corner. It probabl=
isn't fair to question whether Mack Brown can motivate because his teams di=
beat Nebraska twice, Oklahoma twice and Texas A=02?once. If a trend develop=
and Texas falls apart the rest of the season, there will be a fair question=
about whether Brown did a good enough job of keeping his team's head screwe=
on straight. But it's typical after losses to want to shred every part of t=
=09Brown said before the season that as soon as something went wrong, the=
quarterback situation would be blamed. And he was right. The QBs are still=
working hard, and look for Simms to start this week against Houston. There'=
no question that the O-line is struggling, but so are the backs and so are=
the receivers. Brown said only two of the five sacks were the fault of the=
line. He said the other three were caused by miscommunication between=20
Applewhite and the receivers, causing Applewhite to hold the ball too long.=
=09Mitchell was standing too deep in the backfield against Stanford, so it =
taking him too long to get to the holes. The coaches were not happy about=
that. They were yelling at him to move up. He should only be 6 1/2 yards=20
deep. But he was sometimes at 9 yards. Mitchell also struggled with some=20
blitz pickup, which is uncharacteristic of him. So look for Victor Ike,=20
Hayter and possibly Williams to get a little time against Houston.=20
=09Coaches are still high on Jammer. Again, he hasn't played corner much in=
games after moving from safety. But coaches are not thinking of moving him.=
The defensive end position is a big concern with defensive coordinator Carl=
Reese. He is willing to rifle through his whole pile until he finds a coupl=
who can really play. Cory Redding was better than usual against Stanford. B=
that position still needs a lot of work. The blocked punt occurred because=
one player, who blocked perfectly on 11 other punts Saturday night, failed =
block a player coming right up the middle, which guarantees doom. That play=
has been chewed out every which way.
=09As far as the penalties, there were several questionable calls. But Brow=
who did a lot of yelling at officials during the Stanford game, couldn't sa=
anything about it after the game because he would be fined. Texas can still=
have a good season, and perhaps having these problem areas pointed out so=
early will help in that direction. We'll see if Texas takes this loss=20
constructively or destructively.=20
=09 Q: Last year at times I saw blazing speed and ability from Cory Redding=
. I=20
know he was considered by many to be the best high school defensive player =
the country in 1998. I've waited all off-season to see him explode against=
teams this year. I haven't seen it yet. Maybe this week against Stanford. M=
question is, why was he moved from his high school position of linebacker=
where he was dominant into the defensive end role where he seems undersized=
and average? Is Texas that low on defensive line talent? It seems our=20
recruiting has been great. Please help me understand. Hook 'em Horns!=20
=09?? Ernie McAnally=20
=09 BROWN: Redding told me recently that linebacker is still his first lov=
But he said coaches came to him last year and said he could get on the fiel=
right away as a defensive end. Coaches also feel that his body (6-5, 260) i=
perfect for the DE position. He's tall, athletic, fast and has long arms. I=
time, coaches feel Redding will develop into an All-America player. But the=
is no question that he has struggled against the run. He made some big play=
against Stanford, recording six tackles, three of them for losses and=20
blocking an extra point attempt. He is just a sophomore. Over this season a=
the next two years, he should only get better.=20
=09 Q: I was watching the regional telecast of the TCU game today and the=
announcers stated that TCU had anted up $90,000 for the Heisman campaign f=
LaDainian Tomlinson. How much did UT spend on its campaign for Ricky=20
Williams' run for the Heisman?=20
=09 BROWN: Texas didn't spend that much money at all. They produced a few=
postcards, a video and a CD-ROM screen saver to send out to the national=20
media detailing Ricky's accomplishments. But those costs totaled less than=
$10,000, according to UT officials.=20
=09 Q: Did any of the freshman who did not play in the Louisiana-Lafayette =
play in the Stanford game? I am watching to see which ones might be=20
redshirts. =20
=09?? Mike Smith, Houston=20
=09 BROWN: According to the participation chart provided at the Stanford-T=
game, Austin Sendlein was the only freshman to play against the Cardinal wh=
did not play against Louisiana-Lafayette. In addition to Sendlein, here are=
the other freshmen who have played so far: WRs Roy Williams, B.J. Johnson a=
Sloan Thomas; TE Brock Edwards; DE Kalen Thornton; CB Nathan Vasher; FS=20
Phillip Geiggar; and DT Stevie Lee.=20
=09 Q: Is it true that in Mack Brown's four or five head coaching stops, hi=
teams have yet to win a single conference championship? Since UT has lost=
four out of its last five games, wouldn't a loss to Houston this week=20
officially end Mack Brown's honeymoon with the alumni, notwithstanding his=
abundant PR program? With Brown about to land his third national Top 5=20
recruiting class, I believe fans are going to expect more gridiron victorie=
to go with those recruiting victories. =20
=09?? T. Hough=20
=09 BROWN: It's true that Brown has yet to win a conference championship i=
stints at Appalachian State, Tulane, North Carolina and now Texas. At=20
Appalachian State, Tulane and UNC, he was taking over absolutely dead=20
programs. He took Tulane to a bowl, and he had Florida State to deal with i=
the Atlantic Coast Conference while at UNC. But he took UNC to six bowl gam=
in his 10 years at UNC and won four of them.=20
=09A loss to Houston would certainly intensify the frustration of Texas=20
faithful. But I think anyone who would be looking to put Brown on the hot=
seat or rip him if Texas lost to Houston would be overlooking the job he ha=
done beating Nebraska (twice), Oklahoma (twice) and Texas A=02?(once) in hi=
first two seasons here. He has also turned Texas back into a destination=20
school for top recruits and brought the UT community back together. In=20
addition to all that, he has done more good for UT out of the limelight tha=
probably most Texas fans realize.=20
=09Brown is now in the same spotlight as Bobby Bowden, John Cooper, Lloyd C=
Steve Spurrier and Phil Fulmer. Any unexpected losses are unforgivable in t=
eyes of fans. It may take some time for Brown and his team to adjust to tha=
UNC fans were pretty ho-hum about everything the Tar Heels did in football,=
even when they won big. Brown wanted to win at a school with huge=20
expectations. He'll have to adjust now that it appears Texas will be starti=
out the next few seasons in the Top 10.=20
=09 Q: Is Lee Jackson out for the Houston game?=20
=09?? Marty Bonner=20
=09 BROWN: Jackson is out for the Houston game with a hamstring pull suffe=
against Stanford. He may also miss the Oklahoma State game. Mack Brown said=
this is a bad week to be without Jackson because Houston can throw the ball=
really well.=20
=09 Q: Is Ricky Williams' jersey being retired at the Oklahoma State game S=
=09?? Mark Wilson=20
=09 BROWN: Yes. Williams' No. 34 will be retired at that game. Williams ha=
said he will be there because the New Orleans Saints are off that weekend.=
Host Communications has also just finished a video biography on Williams th=
will be available soon.=20
=09 Q: What did Mack Brown say about the expectations surrounding his team =
the loss to Stanford?=20
=09?? Virginia Blair=20
=09 BROWN: Again, here are Mack's words: "I said during the pre-season tha=
t we=20
were overrated. I didn't see any reason with the youth, the way we finished=
last year and the inexperience across the board that we should have been a=
Top 5 football team. One of the great things about Texas is that you receiv=
a tremendous amount of attention and publicity, but in some cases people wa=
to push you too fast to get to the top. I think that we were in that positi=
and expectations got out of hand. I knew that we would have a difficult gam=
at Stanford and that it would be a tough game to win. I also didn't think=
that we deserved to be ranked fifth in the country. Our current rank within=
the Top 15 is much more fitting for where we are today." =20
=09 If you received this newsletter from a friend and would like to subscri=
sign up at: Newsletter Registration=20
=09To find or change your password, modify your account, or unsubscribe fro=
this newsletter, go to: Newsletter Registration =20
=09Questions? Comments? Suggestions? =20
=09 (c) Copyright 2000 The Dallas Morning News=20
=09=09=09 [IMAGE]
=09=09=09 [IMAGE]
=09=09=09 [IMAGE]
=09=09=09=20 |
dickson-s/sent/32. | 22918870.1075853655316.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 22 Mar 2001 08:15:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: TexOk Contracts Gregg,
I am open tomorrow except for between 11:30 and 1:00. Let me know what you
Stacy |
kean-s/calendar/untitled/12775. | 26370329.1075850349233.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 11 Jun 2001 11:08:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: FW: Draft of Organizational Announcement I'm not sure yet. I think we are going to be sending two memos -- one that
I am working on and on that Andy is working on. It looks to me like the
message below fits better into Andy's memo. I don't think they will be
combined into one, but I'll know more tomorrow.
From: Sherri Sera/ENRON@enronXgate on 06/11/2001 04:51 PM
To: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: FW: Draft of Organizational Announcement
Steve, Kevin Garland sent this to me hoping to get Jeff's approval to send it
out from the office of the chairman. Would it make sense to incorporate it
into the memo you're working on? Please advise. Thanks, SRS
-----Original Message-----
From: Garland, Kevin
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 3:28 PM
To: Sera, Sherri
Subject: FW: Draft of Organizational Announcement
Announcing the Formation of One Corporate Equity Investing Unit
To better develop and manage equity investment opportunities related to our
core businesses, Enron has formed one corporate equity investment unit. This
new unit, Enron Principal Investments, will combine the existing investment
units of ENA, EBS and Enron Investment Partners. Additionally, the Enron
Special Asset Group will also become part of Enron Principal Investments.
The strategy of Enron Principal Investments will be to work with all the
business units of Enron to identify, execute, and manage equity investments,
which leverage Enron's unique and proprietary knowledge. These investments
may be in the form of venture capital, LBO's, traditional private equity and
distressed debt positions.
Kevin Garland will serve as Managing Director, overseeing all activities of
Enron Principal Investments. Gene Humphrey, Michael Miller, Dick Lydecker,
and their groups, will join Kevin and his group to form Enron Principal
Investments. This new business unit will report to an investment committee,
consisting of Greg Whalley, Ken Rice and Dave Delainey.
Please join me in congratulating and supporting Kevin, Gene, Michael, Dick
and the other members of this group in this effort.
Jeff Skilling |
delainey-d/sent/570. | 10597276.1075854475826.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Jun 2000 07:38:00 -0700 (PDT) | Offsite Ok
---------------------- Forwarded by David W Delainey/HOU/ECT on 06/21/2000
02:36 PM ---------------------------
Christopher F Calger
06/21/2000 12:12 PM
To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Offsite
I would like to have a mid-year offsite with my group in late July. I would
like to include the associates and west CTG folks since they are a
significant part of our team and we have a tremendous amount of work to do
for the balance of the year. We will keep costs reasonable by going to a
resort that is driving distance from Portland. Total cost is estimated at
$23M. We will have 1.5 days in conference and .5 days of activity (golf,
etc.). My assistant will send details to Kay. Are you OK with this?
Chris |
kaminski-v/all_documents/4314. | 8232285.1075856288533.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 15 Sep 2000 09:20:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Enterprise Risk Management Jim,
This is my write-up on enetrprise Wide Risk Management.
James L Bouillion
09/15/2000 03:42 PM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Enterprise Risk Management
Would it be possible to get the information from you before close today? |
beck-s/_sent_mail/768. | 19331015.1075856093941.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 30 Mar 2001 05:38:00 -0800 (PST) | Global Risk Management Operations Weekly Operating Report We will get you back on the official distribution list. For now, I am
forwarding our weekly report to you. --Sally
---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 03/30/2001 01:37 PM
Brian Heinrich
03/29/2001 07:07 PM
To: Tina Spiller/Enron@EnronXGate
cc: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, James Scribner/Corp/Enron@Enron, Bob M
Hall/NA/Enron@Enron, Sheri Thomas/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda F
Herod/Enron@EnronXGate, Torrey Moorer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Jennifer deBoisblanc
Denny/HOU/ECT@ECT, Patti Thompson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Peggy
Subject: Global Risk Management Operations Weekly Operating Report
Attached is the Global Risk Management Operations update for the Philippe and
Greg Weekly Report, for the week ending March 28.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
x57677 |
dasovich-j/sent_items/734. | 18333639.1075851628404.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:27:10 -0700 (PDT) | RE: Pick Sheet - Week 8.xls I'm reporting this obvious attempt at collusion and pool-fixing to the commissioner! Figures that the Commissioner's wife is in on it. (Isn't that always the way it is?)
-----Original Message-----
From: Nancy Sellers [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 2:23 PM
To: 'Molly Coffin'; [email protected]; Nancy Sellers
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: RE: Pick Sheet - Week 8.xls
I say let's do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Molly Coffin [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 12:18 PM
To: [email protected]; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: Re: Pick Sheet - Week 8.xls
I could save you all a lot of time and effort by doing everyone's picks in a matter of about 2 minutes time...but there might be a small fee involved...(results may vary)
>From: "Scott Laughlin"
>To: [email protected], [email protected]
>CC: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
>Subject: Re: Pick Sheet - Week 8.xls
>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 17:05:42
>No, I want her picks! This is going to start a major bidding war...
>>From: Nancy Sellers
>>To: "'Molly Coffin (Hotmail)'"
>>CC: 'Sean Maloney' , Cameron
>>, Jeff Dasovich ,
>>"Prentice @ Berkeley" , Prentice
>>Sellers , Scott Laughlin
>>Subject: Pick Sheet - Week 8.xls
>>Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2001 08:22:50 -0700
>>Molly, please fill out this sheet for me!
>> <>
>><< PickSheet-Week8.xls >>
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at <> |
dasovich-j/all_documents/11362. | 21497623.1075843436365.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:33:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: CA legislature in doubt The pleasure, Ms Denne, is all mine.
Have a great weekend.
Karen Denne
04/20/2001 05:09 PM
To: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: CA legislature in doubt
Thank you! |
fossum-d/sent/424. | 12033062.1075842502431.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 27 Jul 2000 10:08:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Revenue Management Rock on. DF
Lee Huber
07/27/2000 02:54 PM
To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Kimberly Watson/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Revenue Management
I spoke to Kim Watson today re the following 1. They will be kicking off the
science part of the system on August 23 ET&S Marketing and other invitees
2. Matt Johnson from PROS called Kim yesterday to tell her that some pipeline
has purchased PROS' storage product and he asked how we were coming along.
Kim said we had moved off in a different direction but that we would be
interested in seeing their product, which we are trying to set up for the day
before or after August 23. 3. Since we seem to be rolling along on the
dashboard and starting the science piece, we plan to get Stuart Ford (V&E)
over here during the week of August 14th to make sure we are doing all the
right things to make sure this being protected as an Enron product which if
it is sucessful we will be able to sell to third parties. OK with you?? |
fossum-d/discussion_threads/1147. | 27304961.1075863617301.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 6 Jan 2000 09:07:00 -0800 (PST) | Tony Pryor As I mentioned in my voice mail, please check up on the signing bonus we
agreed to pay Tony Pryor. He didn't get it and we need to get that fixed
asap. I'll be at 37555 tomorrow and back in Omaha Monday. If you learn
something tomorrow and can't get ahold of me, please leave me a voice mail.
Thanks. DF |
dasovich-j/sent/3817. | 662177.1075843870179.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Mar 2001 05:23:00 -0800 (PST) | RE: FW: 3/20 field update from Ian, Kevin, David H., James B. Yes, we'll be talking about ROI, too. I'll let Karen know. Figure that
she'll likely bring a couple of people. Mind if I ask Trish and John?
Cameron Sellers <[email protected]>
03/21/2001 12:57 PM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: FW: 3/20 field update from Ian, Kevin, David H., James B.
Sure. But, we are also talking about the ROI model. OK??
Make sure you tell Karen about academy awards. She left a message on the
machine. Also, tell David and Nina and anyone Karen wants to bring is fine.
Just let me know about how many people.
Cameron Sellers
Vice President, Business Development
1860 Embarcadero Road - Suite 210
Palo Alto, CA 94303
[email protected]
650.798.3366 (direct dial)
650.269.3366 (cell)
650.858.1095 (fax)
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:48 AM
To: Cameron Sellers
Subject: Re: FW: 3/20 field update from Ian, Kevin, David H., James
Class on Thursday. Something that we can talk about in Mexico? |
heard-m/inbox/master_netting/49. | 17621250.1075859384717.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 8 Nov 2001 08:34:31 -0800 (PST) | Master Collateral/Netting - PSEG Energy Resources & Trade Marie - PSEG has requested a Master Master agreement. Can you please have an atty forward a template to Cindy Midura.
[email protected]
Ed |
dean-c/inbox/1007. | 10012464.1075863608426.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 11 Jan 2002 13:44:02 -0800 (PST) | Update Like most people, I heard on the news that the auction is done and that the winner is UBS. I have not received confirmation of this from my management. As soon as I hear anything official I will call a floor meeting to share what I know.
If I hear nothing official by 2 PM I'll hold a floor meeting at that time to share what I know (or perhaps don't know). I am hopeful that we will have information within a couple of hours. Stay tuned.
Tim |
jones-t/inbox/1. | 2794756.1075855433479.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 20 Nov 2001 07:30:29 -0800 (PST) | Global Contracts/Facilities new responsibilities Attached please find the UPDATED responsibilities for the Global Contracts and Global Facilities teams. Due to restructuring within our group, we have lost three team members (Anthony Campos, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan, and Ryan Sheeren) to the physical gas confirmation group. Our team members' individual responsibilities have changed as a result.
Please forward the attached information to your staff and coworkers. Please call me at x30569 if you should have any questions.
Stacey |
farmer-d/pan_energy_swap/174. | 20936990.1075854144781.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 31 Jan 2000 08:33:00 -0800 (PST) | Purchase and Sale Nominations - Eastrans Pipeline/Carthage/Fuels Please be advised that the Eastrans delivery off HPL will not be ready until
at the earliest.
Please 0 the nominations to Eastrans at #04604902 for 2/1 and 2/2.
Also, please 0 the nomination to P G & E for 2/1 and 2/2 at the Carthage
The 8,500 MMBtu/d from Fuels Cotton Valley #986462 will flow for the 1st and
Therefore, the only nomination in place will be from Fuels Cotton Valley,
which will be a sale. We are assuming a price of HSC - $.05. |
kaminski-v/c/mangmt/group/management/398. | 21896911.1075856581798.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 30 Jun 2000 04:26:00 -0700 (PDT) | Lance Cunningham Vince:
I have left a message with Teresa and have sent the following terse note to
Lance to let him know that we are moving.
As we discussed, I asked Teresa to offer 90K +10K signing bonus.
---------------------- Forwarded by Grant Masson/HOU/ECT on 06/30/2000 11:21
AM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Grant Masson 06/30/2000 11:21 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Enron
I am going on vacation tomorrow, but I wanted to get in touch with you before
I left.
I have asked HR to extend an offer to you. Teresa Bien should be sending you
an offer letter via Fedex. Of course, with the July 4th weekend, I'm not sure
when you will get it.
If you have questions, I suggest that you call Vince Kaminski at 713 853
Grant Masson. |
kaminski-v/all_documents/1919. | 33291647.1075856228413.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 23 Jan 2001 06:10:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: FW: Wharton Resume Submission - Summer Intern Let's make sure she gets an offer. Thanks. Jeff
Vince J Kaminski
01/23/2001 01:23 PM
To: Kristin Gandy/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Jeffrey A Shankman/HOU/ECT@ECT, Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: FW: Wharton Resume Submission - Summer Intern
Kim is a member of the Tiger Team. She is interested in a summer
internship with Enron and I shall be glad to take her.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 01/23/2001
01:24 PM ---------------------------
"Kim Whitsel" <[email protected]> on 01/22/2001
12:07:35 AM
To: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Subject: FW: Wharton Resume Submission
-----Original Message-----
From: Kim Whitsel [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 6:51 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Wharton Resume Submission
Summer Position under Wharton Schedule #1823
- Kim Whitsel -Enron Cover Letter.doc
- Kim Whitsel- Wharton2 resume.doc |
dasovich-j/notes_inbox/3135. | 27181453.1075843629499.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 21 May 2001 05:15:00 -0700 (PDT) | grades Hi Evening MBA students,
We expect to send out grade letters next week, the last week in May. We
are receiving grades from the instructors this week, but cannot e-mail,
fax, nor tell you on the phone your grades.
Some of your grades my already be available on Bearfacts, if they were
submitted electronically by the instructor.
Try using "password" as the password or your PIN# when you first go into
Bearfacts. If you have questions, please give us a call at (510) 642-1406.
TJ |
kaminski-v/all_documents/9883. | 13644701.1075856754249.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 30 Mar 2000 09:19:00 -0800 (PST) | Visit by Jerry Sellers of Orillion Shirley,
Please, put on my schedule.
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 03/30/2000
05:19 PM ---------------------------
03/29/2000 05:21 PM
To: Scott Yeager/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Vince J
Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Dorn Hetzel/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
James Reece/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, David Reece/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Everett Plante/Enron
Communications@Enron Communications, Diane Hetzel/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Ravi Thuraisingham/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
John Griebling/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
cc: Sue Wadsworth/Enron Communications@Enron Communications, Shirley
Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Foresee/Enron Communications@Enron
Communications, Marie Thibaut/Enron Communications@Enron Communications,
Kristy Carnes/Enron Communications@Enron Communications
Subject: Visit by Jerry Sellers of Orillion
I have spoken with Jerry Sellers of Orillion and he is proposing a visit by
Orillion with EBS on Monday, April 25, 2000 for about half a day. It can be
from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon or 1:00 - 4:00. They are flexible with the
The following individuals will participate on behalf of Orillion. They are
as follows:
Jerry Sellers, Chairman
Terry Lindsey, President
Professor Ken Dick, Technical Advisory Board at University of Nebraska
Orillion would like to propose the following agenda:
1. Introduce Orillion to EBS
2. Engage in Technical Discussions
3. Discussions on how Orillion can help EBS
Please let me know if your schedules will best accommodate a morning session
or an afternoon session. Many thanks for your prompt assistance.
Participants from EBS:
(Scott, if I have left anyone out, please advise)
Scott Yeager
Vince Kaminski
John Griebling
James Reece
David Reece
Everette Plante
Diane Hetzel
Dorn Hetzel
Ravi Thuraisingham |
Subsets and Splits