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jones-t/sent_items/369. | 26614140.1075863225415.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 13 Nov 2001 09:25:44 -0800 (PST) | FW: Transcanada - Mirant assignment Who was this passed on to for handling?
-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson, Diane
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 11:25 AM
To: Jones, Tana
Subject: Transcanada - Mirant assignment
Hi Tana,
A couple of weeks ago I sent up to you (I think it was you) the letter I
received regarding an assignment between Transcanada and Mirant.
Joyce Reed from Mirant is looking for an update on the status. Can you
give her a ring when you have a free second (ha!) - 403 218 1031.
PS - Go Levittown! |
allen-p/sent_items/200. | 20187338.1075858642107.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 8 Aug 2001 12:38:33 -0700 (PDT) | RE: Utility Construction Escrow Agreement (Allen/AMHP) Michelle,
Please send the revised agreements when you get a chance. I spoke to Mike B. this afternoon and agreed to move the deadline to Friday, August 17, 2001.
-----Original Message-----
From: "Simpkins, Michelle" <[email protected]>@ENRON []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 12:10 PM
To: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Cc: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Subject: Utility Construction Escrow Agreement (Allen/AMHP)
<<Utility Construction Escrow AM (AMHPLeander).DOC>>
Enclosed is the Utility Construction Escrow Agreement for your execution in
connection with the closing on the property located in Leander, Texas.
Please review the enclosed document and contact me at (512) 370-2836 or Mike
Bobinchuck with any questions or concerns. Thanks.
Michelle L. Simpkins
Winstead Sechrest & Minick P.C.
100 Congress Avenue, Suite 800
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 370-2836
(512) 370-2850 Fax
[email protected]
- Utility Construction Escrow AM (AMHPLeander).DOC << File: Utility Construction Escrow AM (AMHPLeander).DOC >> |
buy-r/_sent_mail/145. | 30496019.1075858320295.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 22 Dec 2000 00:09:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: RAC Organization Changes?? After rereading 3 times I see your point. Didn't mean it that way. Before I
sent it out I had Ted and Karen review as well as another person in corp.
None had any comments. I asked Dave Gorte if he saw anything negative in it,
he did not. Didn't mean to slight you in any way and I apologize if I did.
Rick |
dasovich-j/sent/2738. | 2102725.1075843836005.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 21 Dec 2000 05:23:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: California PUC Decision Info/Update will do.
Vicki Sharp@EES
12/21/2000 01:01 PM
To: Jeff Dasovich/Na/Enron@ENRON, Mike D Smith/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re: California PUC Decision Info/Update
please change mike smith's email to be mike d smith. Thanks.
From: Jeff Dasovich@ENRON on 12/21/2000 12:58 PM
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich@ENRON
To: Joseph Alamo/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Eric
Letke/DUB/EES@EES, George McClellan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Harry
Kingerski/NA/Enron@ENRON, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jennifer
Rudolph/HOU/EES@EES, Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Kevin
McGowan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Lisa Yoho/NA/Enron@ENRON, Lysa Akin/PDX/ECT@ECT,
Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Michael Smith/ENRON@enronxgate, Mona L
Petrochko/NA/Enron@ENRON, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@ENRON, Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES, Sandra
McCubbin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Scott
Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, [email protected], Stuart Staley/LON/ECT@ECT, Susan J
Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Wanda Curry/HOU/EES@EES
Subject: Re: California PUC Decision Info/Update
From the most recent information we have, the most likely outcome appears to
be the following:
As we've discussed this week, the administration and the utilities continue
to have a very difficult time reaching agreement on 1) how much of the
undercollection the IOUs should absorb and how much consumers should absorb
and 2) how big the rate increase should be to manage the IOUs cash
flow/credit problems (governor wants 10%, IOUs want at least 20%).
It remains likely that the Commission will rule today on relaxing regulations
to make it easier for the IOUs to enter into longer-term contracts w/out
getting 2nd and 3rd guessed by the Commission.
It is likely that the Commission will signal strongly that it will not let
the IOUs go bankrupt but will only go so far as to outline its plan for
considering and implementing a "rate stabilization" plan in Q1 2001.
That said, the stakes are very high and things could change dramatically
between now and 2 PM PST. Just talked to two SVPs with PG&E and Edison and
they said that they don't know what the Commission will do at 2.
Joseph Alamo
12/21/2000 12:30 PM
To: George McClellan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kevin McGowan/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Stuart
Staley/LON/ECT@ECT, Lisa Yoho/NA/Enron@Enron, [email protected], Richard
Shapiro/NA/Enron@Enron, Susan J Mara/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sandra
McCubbin/NA/Enron@Enron, Paul Kaufman/PDX/ECT@ECT, James D
Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Harry Kingerski/NA/Enron@Enron, Wanda
Curry/HOU/EES@EES, Dennis Benevides/HOU/EES@EES, Roger Yang/SFO/EES@EES,
Scott Stoness/HOU/EES@EES, Mary Hain/HOU/ECT@ECT, Alan Comnes/PDX/ECT@ECT,
Joe Hartsoe/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Sarah Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mona L
Petrochko/NA/Enron@Enron, Jennifer Rudolph/HOU/EES@EES, Eric
Letke/DUB/EES@EES, Vicki Sharp/HOU/EES@EES, Michael Smith/ENRON@enronxgate
cc: Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron, Lysa Akin/PDX/ECT@ECT
Subject: California PUC Decision Info/Update
On behalf of Jeff Dasovich, please note:
the California PUC decision will be available on
the PUC website @ 1:00 PM PST.
The Commission will continue the meeting @ 2:00 PM PST
to address the issue.
Joseph Alamo
Sr. Admin. Asst.
Government Affairs - The Americas
San Francisco CA |
beck-s/legal/2. | 12721263.1075855879893.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 27 Sep 2000 10:17:00 -0700 (PDT) | Retention Policy on Trading Tapes Effective October 15, 2000, the retention period on tape recordings of trades
done by telephone will be reduced from four months to one month. The tapes
regarding significant transactions may be retained for such longer period as
approved in writing by both the Head Trader and the General Counsel. Please
propose those significant transactions on which you may wish to retain the
tapes, prior to October 15, 2000, since the tapes on conversations older than
one month (except with respect to litigation matters) will be destroyed on
that date. If you have any questions, please contact Mark Haedicke or
Richard Sanders.
John Lavorato and Mark Haedicke |
germany-c/sent_items/228. | 29652339.1075840513884.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 30 Apr 2002 06:14:47 -0700 (PDT) | RE: City of Tallahassee I don't see you on MSN. My time free's up after 9:00 in the morning. Tallahassee has to call on the swing gas by then.
-----Original Message-----
From: Bridges, Michael
Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 5:28 PM
To: Germany, Chris
Subject: City of Tallahassee
Do you know anything about these contracts? To the extent that you can define roughly the shape of this deal, I would appreciate it.
Let's talk about this Tuesday when you free up.
Mike |
kean-s/press/9. | 22464918.1075846368686.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 19 Apr 2000 07:47:00 -0700 (PDT) | story Here is the link to the story done on EnronOnline.
Meredith |
delainey-d/all_documents/15. | 8707517.1075854428472.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 13 Dec 2000 01:51:00 -0800 (PST) | MPR 12/12/00 Please see attached. |
dasovich-j/sent/612. | 19427823.1075843198460.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:05:00 -0700 (PDT) | ETI's Quarterly Fee Statement in California Due the 15th Just following up to make sure that accounting knows that ETI's quarterly fee
statement needs to be turned in by the 15th.
Jeff |
fossum-d/discussion_threads/729. | 9643798.1075842475256.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 6 Dec 2000 11:02:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: TW Lindy, your example is correct for settling operator imbalances. If we have
a payable operator imbalance
and we settle volumetrically, then we get fuel and transport. But, I thought
the "netting and trading" in Order 637
was on Shipper imbalances only. I am not sure what we mean by "no additional
cost, etc" mentioned below.
I'll call you in the morning (Thursday) to discuss further, since I am not
familiar with the PNM protest. Thanks. Lynn
Lindy Donoho
12/06/2000 11:19 AM
To: Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Maria Pavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay
Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary
Darveaux/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lynn Blair/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: TW
I think the example of when quantities may be subject to transportation and
fuel is when an Operator overpulls at a delivery point and then cashes out
the imbalance, TW could be out the transport and fuel. For example,
DP is SoCal/Needles: scheduled volume is 700,000/d
actual volume delivered is 720,000/d
imbalance is 20,000/d, SoCal owes TW
TW collects transport & fuel on 700,000/d (bill on scheduled volume)
SoCal cuts a check to TW for dollar value of 20,000/d
TW doesn't collect transport & fuel on 20,000/d
Payback in-kind doesn't have this problem:
The 20,000/d transport gets scheduled at Needles, TW collects the
transport & fuel (bill on scheduled volume), but we physically give
SoCal 20,000/d less on that day
Is this the correct example? I'm copying Lynn Blair to verify.
Susan Scott
12/06/2000 09:20 AM
To: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Maria Pavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen
Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Darveaux/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Lindy
Subject: Re: TW
We did not answer protests to our Order 637 filing.
The gist of PNM's protest in RP00-626 is that we shouldn't be able to charge
a transport or fuel fee for our imbalance netting and trading service. I
agree with PNM that our tariff language is vague in this regard. What
exactly do we mean by "no additional cost...unless through the allocation
process, quantities may be subject to transportation and fuel"?? Can
someone help me with this?
Since we really did not want to make this compliance filing anyway, I would
say we probably wouldn't mind if FERC rejected our tariff sheet outright.
However, it's more likely that they will just instruct us to clarify our
language. Or they could tell us to remove the "subject to transportation and
fuel" provision. If we want to preserve our right to charge transport and
fuel, it might be worthwhile filing something in the way of an answer.
However, I am going to need some assistance in understanding what the
language means and why we think we can do it, so I can justify it to FERC.
Any comments you have in this regard would be appreicated.
From: Drew Fossum 12/05/2000 05:18 PM
To: Maria Pavlou/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Glen Hass/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary
Subject: TW
Should we respond to PNM's protest of the dollar valuation of imbalances
prior to netting and trading? Did we already respond to this issue when they
filed their protest of the 637 filing? DF |
kean-s/inbox/enron_mentions/6. | 17290660.1075858891547.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 23 Aug 2001 07:31:29 -0700 (PDT) | FW: Enron Mentions -----Original Message-----
From: Schmidt, Ann M.
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 7:52 AM
Subject: Enron Mentions
Gas Liberalization Turns Volatile For German Utility
The Wall Street Journal Europe, 08/23/01
2 Sides Spend Millions To Generate Support
The Washington Post, 08/23/01
Traders, Old Utilities Tangle Over Wires
The Washington Post, 08/23/01
Relentless Search for Growth Humbles a Mutual Fund Star
The New York Times, 08/23/01
From Maine to N.Y. Way of Atlanta; Trades Light Up States by Long Distance
The Washington Post, 08/23/01
UK: Copper pushes ahead in subdued LME pre-market.
Reuters English News Service, 08/23/01
Papers on Dabhol project not received
The Times of India, 08/23/01
INDIA: ANALYSIS-Poor governance hobbles India's reform drive...
Reuters English News Service, 08/23/01
Politics & Economy
European Notebook
Gas Liberalization Turns Volatile For German Utility
By Philip Shishkin
Staff Reporter
The Wall Street Journal Europe
(Copyright (c) 2001, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
Two years ago, the municipal utility in Heidelberg, Germany decided to do something very unusual for European utilities. It went shopping for natural gas.
For more than 40 years, the utility, Stadtwerke Heidelberg, didn't have a choice in suppliers. As with other large industrial buyers of natural gas in Europe, it was locked into long-term supply contracts; in its case, with Ruhrgas AG and two other regional pipeline operators, which own most of the natural gas pipelines in Germany and are regulated by German authorities.
But in 1998, the European Union moved to deregulate Europe's natural gas market, freeing factories, utilities and other large industrial gas purchasers to forgo their traditional suppliers and look elsewhere. The directive took effect in August 2000.
So when Stadtwerke Heidelberg's latest contract expired, it went shopping for gas, one of the first German utilities to do so.
"We wanted to show that it's possible to get gas from another supplier," said Peter Erb, the utility's manager of energy trading. "All the big players in the German market were saying it's not possible." As for his traditional suppliers, Mr. Erb said, "They were very angry."
In the end, Stadtwerke Heidelberg succeeded in finding an alternative supplier, but the utility's troubles in the open market show just how difficult the process can be.
The utility and its new supplier, Enron Corp. of the U.S., had to negotiate with Ruhrgas and the two other natural gas providers for six months before they could get access to transmission pipelines. They also had to navigate through a confusing thicket of tariffs, rules and technical requirements.
Although the EU's gas directive required pipeline owners to provide non-discriminatory access to their system, it didn't make clear how that would be done. As many would-be gas suppliers quickly learned, negotiating such access can be very tough. The rules differ in different European nations and the pipeline owners can use the confusing regulations to their advantage to frustrate competitors.
So far, there isn't "the degree of competition that the industrial gas users expect from a liberalized market," said Francesco Balocco, energy issues manager at the European operations of Dow Chemical Co.
Energy consulting firm Dri-Wefa recently surveyed 59 large industrial gas buyers, and found that while 40% have sought new gas contracts, only 12% have switched suppliers. The survey identified 13 new entrants into the gas-supply market, including incumbent national players expanding in other EU countries and also large energy-trading firms such as Enron.
Stadtwerke Heidelberg started its effort to diversify its natural-gas purchasing in December 1999, when it had just months remaining on its 20-year contract. Mr. Erb picked up the phone and started calling potential suppliers and found the most interest at Enron's German headquarters. The Houston, Texas-based natural gas giant had grown explosively at home by competing for business against monopoly gas providers, and it was looking to do the same abroad.
It took the two companies six months to secure access to pipelines in Germany. "It's absolutely natural for a network operator that is also competing in the supply market to try to keep us off the network," said Paul Hennemeyer, Enron's director of regulatory affairs. Enron's officials ran into constant delays, were asked to supply more and more information and sometimes even had a hard time reaching the right people at the companies they were negotiating with, Mr. Hennemeyer said.
Ruhrgas says it was trying to be helpful, but argues that lengthy negotiations were inevitable because it was tackling many access issues for the first time. "We made every contribution to provide for fair and easy access network access," said a Ruhrgas spokeswoman. "In the beginning, the system needed some time to develop." Shortly after a deal was reached, the German government spelled out new rules on pipeline access, which will make future negotiations easier.
In Oct. 2000, Enron began to deliver gas to Stadtwerke Heidelberg, and to another German municipal utility, which followed a similar negotiating path. Stadtwerke Heidelberg moved cautiously; it bought 30% of its natural gas from Enron, with the remainder from its traditional suppliers. Enron and Stadtwerke Heidelberg won't discuss the details of their contract, though both say Enron offered a cheaper price than Stadtwerke Heidelberg's other suppliers.
But the German utility quickly absorbed the cost-saving lessons of a deregulated market:
Starting in October, the utility will drop Enron in favor of another company, Wingas, which has built a new pipeline to Heidelberg. The reason: a combination of a better price and the convenience of a new supply route.
"We obviously didn't break out the Champagne," Enron's Mr. Hennemeyer recalls. But he says Enron welcomes such switching of suppliers in general as a sign of the free market.
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A Section
2 Sides Spend Millions To Generate Support
The Washington Post
Copyright 2001, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved
To hear executives at Enron Corp. tell it, their company has been outgunned for years by the giant utilities in the lobbying battles in Washington over electricity policy.
"We're a little guy," said Jeffrey K. Skilling, who served as chief executive of the Houston company until he quit last week. "We've been fighting a battle against some very big hitters."
From 1992 to 1999, utilities spent large sums to keep electricity deregulation at bay, helping to prevent Congress from taking any action to mandate it at the local level and engineering a House restructuring bill generally viewed as favorable to utilities. That bill died in the House Commerce Committee in 1999.
"A ferocious lobbying campaign was waged" on retail deregulation, said a former Republican aide. Southern Co., the big Atlanta-based utility holding company, made its influence felt, he added.
In 1992, Southern hired Mississippian Haley Barbour to work for it in Washington. Barbour left in 1993 to serve as chairman of the Republican National Committee, a post he held until 1997. When he left the RNC, Southern again used his services.
After the GOP took control of Congress in 1995, the company also had direct access to House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), who looked out for the company's utilities in their home states.
Reports filed last year with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission provide other insights into the source of Southern's strength in the South. In 1999, its affiliates in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and Florida reported spending more than $20 million on various civic, political and related activities, including $250,000 for the Birmingham Early Learning Center, $323,717 for the Mississippi Power Foundation, and dozens of other gifts ranging from $5,000 to the Gulf Coast Symphony to $191,398 for community charities in north Florida.
But Enron Chairman Kenneth Lay was cultivating his own GOP connections. A longtime fundraiser and activist for former president George Bush, Lay and Enron officials had contributed more than $550,000 to his son's presidential bid by July 1999, according to the Center for Public Integrity.
Lay, according to a spokesman, has also helped raise money for House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) and for his Republican Majority Issues Committee, which was set up in 1999 to support House GOP members facing close races.
Nonetheless, Southern Co. still outspent Enron on lobbying in 1999 by $4.2 million to $1.9 million, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
"People talk about Enron being big and powerful," Skilling said. "I mean, come on . . . the utilities were powerful adversaries. We're still a little company compared to them."
-- Dan Morgan
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A Section
Traders, Old Utilities Tangle Over Wires
Dan Morgan
Washington Post Staff Writer
The Washington Post
Copyright 2001, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved
ATLANTA -- Last of three articles
Ever since steamboat captain W.P. Lay founded Alabama Power Co. in 1906 to develop electricity along the Coosa River, utility companies have been stringing wires throughout the South for one purpose: so southerners could have power and light.
Now a bunch of outsiders, who buy and sell electricity but don't have a single retail customer below the Mason-Dixon line, have their sights set on those wires, and they are getting a helping hand from some powerful allies in Congress and the Bush administration.
Aided by supercomputers, and operating out of trading rooms as big as hockey rinks, the new breed of traders buy blocks of electricity anywhere along the nation's power grid, then borrow transmission lines to ship it to the highest bidder. But to more effectively move power from where it is cheap to where it is in strong demand, they want to remove what they contend is a "wire curtain" around the South. That means forcing the southeastern utilities to relinquish control of the wires to a new, federally supervised regional authority.
"The monopoly is the wires, and that's where the battles occur," said Jeffrey K. Skilling, who was chief executive of Houston's Enron Corp., the largest of the power merchants, until he resigned last week.
The clash grows out of a huge federal gamble on electricity deregulation.
In 1992, with many utility behemoths staggering under debt from cost overruns on nuclear plants and the rapid spread of computer technology putting new demands on the grid, Congress opted for a competitive market. The plan was to dismantle long-standing utility monopolies and replace them with innovative electricity companies responsive to the laws of supply and demand.
Now these new merchants of power, along with restructured utilities that have shed their old ways and embraced the new competitive world, have become strong advocates for a free-flowing, national electricity market. But in a classic Washington lobbying confrontation, they are running into resistance from traditional utilities, exemplified by Atlanta's Southern Co., now the parent of Alabama Power and other southern utilities.
At issue is how fast the federal government, in the wake of the California electricity crisis, should push for yet more changes.
Last month, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), recently stocked with President Bush's pro-market appointees, ordered most utilities to negotiate with federal mediators on procedures for handing over control of their wires to a few big regional authorities. Those authorities, in turn, will build new transmission lines, do away with bottlenecks, set uniform rates and ensure equal access to all. Next month, the Senate will take up proposals to give FERC even more authority to restructure the electricity industry.
But what is good for Enron may not necessarily be good for utility customers in the South, according to executives at Southern Co., whose affiliates dominate power sales in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and north Florida. Southern Co., Chairman H. Allen Franklin said in a recent interview, "will not go blindly" into the system proposed by FERC.
Although unfettered access to Southern's 26,650 miles of lines might help long-distance sellers of wholesale power such as Enron, company officials say it could mean congestion, power outages and higher prices for their 3.9 million retail customers.
"When California was restructured, it was thought there would be massive savings," Franklin said. "Well, there haven't been."
Building the Power Trade
If the California energy crisis left doubts about the future of a competitive market in electricity, a visit to Houston dispels them.
In the city's energy alley, Enron Corp. -- with annual sales of more than $100 billion last year, double those of Texaco -- is finishing a new 40-floor office building adjacent to its 50-story tower. Enron's competitors, Dynegy Inc., Reliant Energy and El Paso Energy, are a few blocks away. Duke Energy North American, merchant arm of Charlotte-based Duke Power, has settled in as well. And Calpine Corp. plans to take over 12 floors of a new 32-story building near Enron.
These power merchants are at the center of a burgeoning unregulated wholesale market, which now handles about a quarter of U.S. electricity output. But it is still a work in progress, fluid and accommodating in the Northeast and parts of the Midwest but much less open in the South.
In exchange for utilities opening up their transmission lines to the new wholesale market, the 1992 Energy Policy Act law allowed them to buy or build unregulated power plants outside their service areas. Many did. Quickest to embrace competition were California and the Northeast, which had long endured high power costs. To spur competition, California and some northeastern states went further, requiring utilities to sell off their regulated plants and begin buying bulk power from wholesalers.
Many states went further still, ending their utilities' long monopoly over retail sales and allowing customers to pick their own electricity provider.
The Northeast already was something of a mecca for power traders because of its experiments with power pooling, in which groups of utilities merge their separate transmission systems and use a central manager to market and distribute their electricity.
Enron, formed in 1985 by the merger of two big gas-pipeline companies, was quick to seize the opportunities. Its chairman, Kenneth Lay, a former official at the Federal Power Commission, FERC's precursor, during the Nixon administration, had pioneered natural gas trading during the volatile period of pipeline deregulation in the 1980s.
As the electricity market began to develop in the early 1990s, Lay and Skilling, a weekend dirt biker with a degree from Harvard Business School, began applying some of the lessons learned in the natural gas markets.
Enron signed its first long-term power contract in 1989, Skilling recalls. Independent companies that wanted to install gas-fired generators and sell the power on the grid could buy the gas from Enron under long-term contract -- then sell the electricity back to Enron.
"We started creating forward and futures markets" using "a lot more financial engineering" than was required in other commodity businesses, Skilling said. By the late 1990s, Enron was buying the output of generating plants days, weeks, months and even years before it was produced, using sophisticated weather and economic data to predict a price at which it could be profitably sold.
During the past five years, Enron has been one of the nation's fastest-growing companies. Its net income rose 40 percent in the second quarter of this year, although the price of a share has sunk to less than half of its 2000 high of $90, mainly because of setbacks in businesses unrelated to electricity. Investors pushed the price still lower after Skilling's departure last week.
Southern Inhospitality
Like other merchants, Enron plunged into California after the legislature opened up that giant state to electricity competition. But the Southeast remained less-friendly territory.
Texas is the only southern state to adopt retail deregulation. Florida goes so far as to ban out-of-state companies from building almost any plant for the wholesale market.
The region is the domain of huge traditional utilities that control the wires from Louisiana to Florida and up into Appalachia and the Carolinas. The web of power lines, tied to the utilities' coal-, nuclear- and gas-fired generating plants, reaches across states via 500-kilovolt workhorses and down into neighborhoods served via single wires strung on wooden poles.
For Southern Co., its reputation as a traditional utility heavy is a badge of pride. In 1997, it displayed a picture of a gorilla on its annual report.
Clustered around its borders are Entergy, another huge holding company that serves Louisiana, Arkansas, and parts of Mississippi and Texas; Florida Power & Light; Carolina Power & Light; Duke Power; and the federal government's centralized power giant, the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Those utilities have been under little pressure from customers to share the lines with wholesale competitors in the interest of lower prices. Prices run 15 percent or more below the national average, thanks to a rich lode of coal and natural gas and general public acceptance of the high-tension lines that carry the power generated by those fuels.
FERC, in a series of orders from 1996 to 2000, required utilities to open their wires for power shipments by independent merchants and to post how much transmission capacity they have available at any given time. The message, a former official said, was "they couldn't use the wires to preclude others from getting their juice to market."
But merchants say it is difficult to ascertain the accuracy of the postings made by the southeastern utilities because they operate the transmission lines as part of their closed, plant-to-customer systems.
A November 2000 FERC staff investigation of bulk power markets in the Southeast concluded that the transmission monopoly enjoyed by the region's utilities has discouraged independent power producers from siting new plants in the region.
FERC investigators cited Southern Co.'s refusal to let SkyGen Energy Inc. connect to its transmission lines in Alabama. Southern said the added load "would cause an area-wide stability problem for electric supply."
In that case, FERC denied SkyGen's request for relief.
Enron Vice President Kevin Presto said that day-ahead sales to customers such as municipal utilities in Southern's territory have become possible. But he said Enron has trouble getting long-term transmission commitments from Southern that would enable it to sell such power regularly. Also, he said, Enron cannot easily move power long distances through Southern's grid. "If I tried to buy transmission across Southern Co. to Jacksonville Electric, there'd be zero available," Presto said.
Of the overall situation in the Southeast, he said that the utilities "give you 0 to 5 percent of their transmission capability because they preserve the rest of it for native load [retail customers]. So you have a huge highway that's supposed to promote the free sale of electrons that isn't available to the wholesalers."
Southern Co. Chairman Franklin dismissed as "unfounded" the complaints of the merchants, and officials representing Alabama and Georgia municipal utilities tied to Southern Co.'s lines say they generally have been treated well.
Robert Johnston, president of the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia (MEAG), which supplies power to 48 towns, took issue with the notion of a wire curtain.
"The market is growing in Georgia," he said. MEAG has its own trading room and has done business with a hundred or so traders or independent power producers. It also has its own generators producing power at four sites, though Southern Co. has an interest in all of them.
"There's not a grass-roots interest" driving the reforms, Franklin said. "It's the wholesale players."
While it squares off against the newcomers in the Southeast, though, Southern itself has aggressively exploited the growing wholesale market. Until it was spun off as a separate company earlier this year, Mirant Corp., Southern Co.'s marketing subsidiary, competed in California, the Midwest and the North, supplementing leaner profits from Southern Co.'s regulated units.
"Southern's strategy has been clear: Compete elsewhere and run a monopoly at home," said Allen Mosher, director of policy analysis at the American Public Power Association.
Well Connected for Battle
The next move is up to the federal government.
Next month, Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, plans to propose legislation giving FERC expanded powers over wholesale transactions and transmission, so that "vested interests" will not be able to "manipulate the use of the transmission system" to benefit their own plants, Bingaman's office said.
In the House, key players will be Commerce Committee Chairman W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-La.), whose state is home to Southern Co.'s western neighbor, Entergy, and Rep. Joe Barton (R-Tex.), chairman of the energy and environment subcommittee, who has had close ties to the huge coal-dependent Texas utility TXU.
Last week, Entergy hired former FERC chairman Curt L. Hebert Jr., a Mississippi prote{acute}ge{acute} of Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), to handle regulatory and government affairs.
Enron recently hired a former aide to House Majority Leader Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.), as well as a former senior spokesman in the Bush campaign, Edward Gillespie of Quinn Gillespie & Associates.
Enron officials are counting on support from House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), the hometown Houston congressman, though it is uncertain how much influence DeLay, an enthusiast for electricity deregulation, can bring to bear.
Industry lobbyists who gathered on Capitol Hill in July for closed-door meetings that DeLay sponsored, but did not attend, could not reach consensus on electricity. As a result, the energy bill passed by the House on Aug. 2 skirted key issues involving greater accessibility to the grid and electricity reliability.
Bush's election, and the fact that many utilities have plunged enthusiastically into the competitive market, clearly has created a more favorable political climate for the power merchants. Bush's first two appointees to FERC, Pat Wood III and Nora Mead Brownell, moved quickly to fix what they viewed as the Washington electricity bottleneck.
Wood had worked with Enron during a six-year effort to create a more competitive energy market in Texas, where Wood headed the state's public utility commission. Brownell, a former Pennsylvania utility regulator, won praise from Enron in 1997 when she helped block a restructuring plan that Enron contended would keep it out of the Philadelphia market.
On July 11, with a majority in tow, Wood, Brownell and William L. Massey, a Clinton appointee who is an ardent supporter of competition, tossed out proposals by Southern Co. and other utilities and directed utilities throughout the country to commence negotiations with federal mediators on handing over control of their lines to four independent regional transmission organizations, or RTOs.
"It was about time [a bomb] was dropped," Wood said.
But FERC's action may only have been what power association's Mosher calls the "beginning of a long movie."
Among those opposing expanded FERC authority are environmentalists who are fearful that new federal powers could lead to an expansion of high-voltage power lines; western property-rights advocates; and state utility regulators. Politically well-connected groups not now regulated by FERC -- including the TVA, rural electric co-ops and municipal power systems -- are also wary of new federal powers.
"There are big questions about FERC's role, who will determine transmission-line charges, should there be federal [authority] to site power lines, should there be FERC jurisdiction over power generation and reliability," said Rep. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), vice chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Idaho utility regulator Marsha Smith, who heads the electricity committee for the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, noted that her state's three investor-owned utilities cannot transfer ownership or control of their transmission lines "without our approval."
Such approval does not seem likely anytime soon. Smith noted that 60 percent of the state's power comes from hydroelectric dams. "That's public property," she said.
In Alabama, James Sullivan, a state utility regulator overseeing Southern Co.'s affiliate, said he was not happy about the way FERC was proceeding.
"I'm opposed to any [changes to] our electric system in Alabama until I know it's going to bring rates down and enhance reliability for us," he said.
In the view of Southern Co. Chairman Franklin, it is still an "open question" whether FERC has the legal authority to force utilities to surrender control of all their wires.
Nonetheless, the restructuring of the power markets may already have gone too far to "put the genie back in the bottle," according to a former FERC official.
The power merchants readily concur.
"Everybody's paying too much because you've got this huge conservatism built into this bureaucratic operation of the utilities," Enron's Presto said.
Staff researcher Richard Drezen contributed to this report.
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Business/Financial Desk; Section A
Relentless Search for Growth Humbles a Mutual Fund Star
The New York Times
Page 1, Column 1
c. 2001 New York Times Company
James D. McCall was one of Wall Street's best stock pickers in the late 1990's, his hand so hot that Merrill Lynch, eager to revive sales of its mutual funds, paid a ransom to his previous employer to win his services. Starting early last year, Merrill's brokers collected more than $1.5 billion from their clients for Mr. McCall to invest.
But in a breathtaking reversal of fortune, Mr. McCall has compiled one of the worst investment records of the new century with that money. All but about $650 million has been lost, leaving shares that cost many Merrill customers more than $10 each worth slightly more than $2.
As of Tuesday, Mr. McCall's main fund, Merrill Lynch Focus Twenty, held the rare distinction of ranking in the bottom 1 percent among funds of its kind for the previous day, week, month, quarter and year, according to Morningstar Inc., a company that analyzes mutual funds.
Though Mr. McCall is free to invest anywhere in the stock market, he has stuck to a growth-seeking strategy that kept the fund invested primarily in technology stocks throughout that sector's long, steep decline. Down almost 80 percent in the last year, the fund's performance has been significantly worse than that of the average technology fund, let alone its peer group of more diversified funds. It did, however, register aggressive gains in two market rallies.
Lately, the Focus Twenty fund seemingly went from bad to cursed as some of Mr. McCall's favorite stocks were laid even lower by a series of unfortunate surprises. His bigger holdings include Enron, whose shares fell 8 percent after its chief executive suddenly resigned, and Ciena, which dropped 30 percent in a day on disappointing earnings.
''It has been a miserable week,'' Mr. McCall allowed in an interview on Tuesday. ''It's not easy managing a portfolio like this in this type of an environment.''
Mr. McCall's rapid rise and fall demonstrates how fleeting stock-picking stardom can be, said John C. Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group mutual fund company. Too often, Mr. Bogle said, investors chase after the past returns of the fund manager of the moment, only to find out they were pursuing a ''comet.'' (Investors in Vanguard's own aggressive growth fund, Vanguard Growth Equity, have had their shares drop 53 percent in value from their peak 17 months ago.)
Still, Vanguard is known for its index funds -- the antithesis of Mr. McCall's stock-picking discipline -- and Mr. Bogle is indexing's most outspoken champion. In speeches around the country, he has repeatedly and coyly -- avoiding any mention of Merrill's name -- cited the giant brokerage firm's creation of Focus Twenty and another fund in March 2000 as an example of racing to cash in on the latest market fad.
In roughly five weeks, Merrill's brokers gathered a total of more than $2 billion for Focus Twenty and the Internet Strategies fund. Almost immediately, those funds collapsed along with the Internet and technology stocks they owned. Internet Strategies, which Mr. McCall does not manage, never recovered and has now lost more than 80 percent of its value; Merrill plans to merge it with another of its stock funds.
But Mr. McCall, 47, said his fund did not face a similar fate. Indeed, he said, Robert Doll, the chief investment officer for Merrill's funds, recently told the firm's brokers that Merrill was committed to Focus Twenty and its aggressive, concentrated style.
Mr. Doll was not available for comment, but Merrill confirmed Mr. McCall's account. ''We are committed to having a full range of investment styles, aggressive growth being one of them,'' said a spokesman, Erik Hendrickson.
Funds seeking to rack up market-beating returns by making big bets on as few as 20 stocks proliferated in the late 1990's, in part because of Mr. McCall's success managing the PBHG Large Cap 20 fund for Pilgrim Baxter, a fund company in Wayne, Pa. In the two and a half years Mr. McCall ran it, the PBHG fund ranked first among its peer group -- funds that buy stocks of large companies whose earnings are expected to grow quickly -- with average annual returns of more than 50 percent.
It was those knockout numbers that brought Merrill calling in its search for proven growth-fund managers to broaden the firm's value-oriented lineup of funds. After Mr. McCall accepted Merrill's job offer, Pilgrim Baxter sued to stop him from breaking his employment contract. Mr. McCall countersued, and Merrill later agreed to pay an undisclosed sum to settle the litigation.
In court papers, Pilgrim Baxter disclosed that Mr. McCall had earned as much as $1.5 million annually there. Mr. McCall and Merrill officials have repeatedly declined to reveal how much the firm paid Pilgrim Baxter or any details of Mr. McCall's compensation at Merrill. Often, however, investment returns affect the pay of fund managers.
Like Focus Twenty, most of the concentrated funds sank last year with the collapse of technology stocks. The managers of some of those funds, including Marsico Focus, have shifted money out of volatile technology and telecommunications stocks and into more mature companies, like Citigroup and Omnicom, which owns ad agencies.
Mr. McCall sniffed at some of those choices, saying that the fund managers were not staying true to their mission of aggressive growth investing.
''I'm not going to own an Omnicom,'' he said, ''or a Sony or a Viacom or General Dynamics, because they're growing in the single digits.'' Thomas Marsico, the manager of Marsico Focus and one of the original concentrated-fund managers, did not return a call seeking comment.
Mr. McCall said he would continue to try to identify the companies that have the best chance of increasing their profits at extraordinary rates, regardless of what value other investors are assigning to those prospects at any given time.
''Valuation is not one of the factors that enters into our methodology,'' Mr. McCall said.
About 70 percent of Focus Twenty's assets are in technology stocks, according to Morningstar. But the fund's biggest holding now is Idec Pharmaceuticals, a drug maker.
Kunal Kapoor, a Morningstar analyst who tracks Merrill's funds, calls Mr. McCall a momentum investor who seeks ''growth at any price.'' Mr. McCall may be the best investor of that stripe, Mr. Kapoor said, but the strategy is so risky that he questions whether it was ever appropriate for so many of Merrill customers.
''I was really surprised by the amount of funds they were able to raise for a fund like that in such a short time,'' Mr. Kapoor said. ''The question is: Do you really need a fund like this?''
Reading a prepared statement, Mr. Hendrickson said Merrill Lynch considered concentrated funds to be ''an appropriate option'' for some investors, because they ''maximize the impact of professional stock-picking over the long term and additionally may serve as an alternative to individual stock holdings.''
He pointed out that Merrill managed another concentrated fund, Merrill Lynch Focus Value, that had performed well this year, gaining more than 3 percent.
As for Mr. McCall's returns, Mr. Kapoor said he could not fault Focus Twenty because it had performed as would be expected for a fund of its composition. It rang up some of the biggest gains of any fund in two brief periods when the market picked up -- the third quarter of 2000 and April of this year -- and some of the biggest losses when the market was down.
Rather, he said he was more disappointed with the other fund Mr. McCall manages, the Merrill Lynch Premier Growth fund, which is supposed to be less volatile because it holds about 50 stocks. That fund is down more than 50 percent this year and has shrunk to less than $100 million in assets.
Mr. McCall said that he had warned Merrill's brokers all along just how volatile his returns could be and that Focus Twenty was no place for investors to put money they might need any time soon.
But, he said, he thinks that now, more than ever, is the time to take a chance on the fund, with its shares selling for about $2.20.
''I don't think $2 a share is a lot to risk,'' the indomitable fund manager said. ''We could go down from here certainly, but over the long term, there is more potential on the upside than on the downside.''
Photo: Before James D. McCall came to Merrill Lynch, he was at Pilgrim Baxter, where he successfully managed the PBHG Large Cap 20 fund. (Ethan Hill)(pg. C2) Chart: ''Losing Big'' Since March 2000, clients of Merrill Lynch have poured more than $1 billion into the main fund managed by James D. McCall. As many fund managers pulled their money out of technology stocks, Mr. McCall stayed with the sector and compiled one of the worst investment records among fund managers the last 18 months. Chart shows Merrill Lynch Focus Twenty fund since Mar. 2000 (Source: Bloomberg Financial Markets)(pg. C2)
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
A Section
From Maine to N.Y. Way of Atlanta; Trades Light Up States by Long Distance
The Washington Post
Copyright 2001, The Washington Post Co. All Rights Reserved
If the state of New York avoids brownouts this summer, it will be due in a small way to the efforts of Andrew Gillespie, a young electricity trader who works for Mirant Corp. in an Atlanta suburb.
Mirant grew out of Atlanta-based Southern Co.'s aggressive attempt to enter the unregulated market that was developing outside its home region. Early this year, Southern spun off Mirant as a separate company that Wall Street stock traders value at about $11 billion.
Gillespie spends much of the day staring at a map of New York that glows green on his computer screen. The map displays the prices at which electricity is selling at key points on the state's power grid.
One summer day, Gillespie called a trader who buys electricity from New England's centralized power pool, which manages power sales from regional utilities such as New England Power, Boston Edison and Central Maine Power.
He agreed to buy 14 megawatts over a 16-hour period the next day and pay about $9,000. He used the phone to offer the power to the New York Independent System Operator, a nonprofit organization set up to manage the state's wholesale market and its high-voltage transmission system, for a small markup.
Then he waited to find out whether the offer was accepted. If it was, he would go online to book a transmission route. If not, he would unload the power on another trader in the over-the-counter market, made up of merchant companies such as Enron Corp., Dynegy Inc., Duke Energy North America, Reliant Energy, El Paso Merchant Group, Calpine Corp. and Entergy-Koch Power Marketing.
Traders like the Northeast because it allows one-stop shopping. "If I want to wheel power from Maine through Massachusetts to Connecticut, I pay just one transmission charge rather than having to call each utility and schedule it," said Michael Hobbs, Mirant's marketing director for the northeastern United States.
In the South, traders say, booking transmission can be a lot more complicated -- and sometimes impossible. Utilities operate their own contained systems and advise traders when and if they have "ATC," available transmission capacity.
Electricity trading is a commodity business not unlike selling wheat, platinum or hog bellies, though it is trickier than most, according to Marce Fuller, Mirant's chief executive, because electricity can't be stored.
"Information is paramount," Hobbs said, so Mirant traders keep a constant eye on weather reports and also consult the company's on-site meteorologist. To provide further assistance, a digital board that wraps around the trading room updates information ranging from the temperature and humidity in Brazos County, Tex., to the spot price of electricity at "COB," traders' slang for the California-Oregon border.
The jobs of the traders at Mirant, Enron and the other companies didn't exist a few years ago, and neither did most of the companies. Regulated utilities, co-ops and a few big government power agencies, such as the Tennessee Valley Authority, generated almost all of the power and shipped it to retail customers over their own wires.
Now roughly a quarter of the electricity produced in the United States comes from unregulated companies that sell almost exclusively to the long-distance bulk-power trade -- the wholesale market.
-- Dan Morgan
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
UK: Copper pushes ahead in subdued LME pre-market.
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2001.
LONDON, Aug 23 (Reuters) - Copper prices rebounded in London Metal Exchange (LME) pre-market trade on Thursday, having fallen through the psychological $1,500 a tonne level the previous evening, traders said.
"There was nothing on the close last night to suggest anything happening, and there was no interest overnight, but this morning we've seen a number of the electronic screens - particularly Enron - being marked higher," said one senior trader.
Three months copper was indicated at $1,513/1,515 at 0850 GMT, up $11 from Wednesday's evening kerb close.
"The market hasn't given up the ghost yet. There's still some room to push higher, with minor technical resistance around $1,525," the trader said.
With consumer buying still largely absent, trading conditions remained subdued, however.
"The appeal of the markets is limited at the moment. Too many fingers have been burned - you can still see a lot of the specs sidelining themselves," the trader said.
"We've suffered consumer destocking in the first and second quarters. There's a bit of weakness in the U.S. dollar, which is helpful, but business confidence isn't great."
Despite periodic short-covering rallies, the overall downtrend remains in place pending concrete evidence of an upturn in the economic situation, analysts said.
"The short-term moving averages may be a bit more constructive after last week's rally, but the trend is still down. I remain sceptical for the time being," the trader said.
Aluminium also pushed higher in early trade, indicated up $5 at $1,428/1,430.
Initial resistance is evident at $1,430 with a stiffer upside barrier at $1,440, analysts said.
Nickel edged up $20 to $5,720/5,750, shrugging off news that Russia's Norilsk Nickel had restarted work at its key nickel plant, which was halted after an accident on Sunday.
"The third smelting furnace started working at 0400 local time (2000 GMT) on August 23," spokesman Yevgeny Yerokhin told Reuters. "By this time another two furnaces had already started working."
"The plant will fully restore its production volumes by the end of the day on August 24," he added.
The smelting division of the nickel plant, in the Norilsk region on the northern Siberian Taimyr peninsula, was halted on Sunday after a leak of melted metal damaged water cooling systems and electricity supply lines.
The plant's management has promised to catch up with the output arrears stemming from the accident within a month.
The rest of the complex was little moved in early trade.
Zinc was indicated unchanged at $849/852, showing little response to overnight news thatthe U.S. Defense National Stockpile Center (DNSC) had cancelled its remaining long-term zinc sales in fiscal year 2001 after it failed to make any zinc award in its latest bid invitation.
"DNSC anticipates resuming sales in the first quarter of fiscal year 2002 depending on market conditions," it said in a statement. The DNSC had been offering prime western zinc for sale by sealed bid on a monthly basis.
Lead was also unchanged at $480/483, with tin up $10 at $3,870/3,900 and alloy down $5 at $1,180/1,190 after a hefty 1,580-tonne increase in LME stocks.
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Papers on Dabhol project not received
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2001 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
MUMBAI: The consumers' representative for the Maharashtra Electricity regulatory Commission (MERC), ``Prayas,'' has not yet received the sheaf of documents from the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) concerning the Dabhol power project (DPC) which it had asked for.
The MERC had passed an order on July 31 asking the MSEB to furnish the financial documents relating to some contracts signed by Enron for the project. The MSEB is learnt to be now examining the legality of making these documents public after a stern letter from the Dabhol Power Company, pointing out that the board might be liable for ``damages and legal action'' if the contractors take offence to making the documents public.
Enron wrote to the MSEB a few days after the order, contending that most of these documents had confidentiality clauses which would make it actionable. Asked about this, sources at DPC said that suppliers would be upset if their terms and conditions were made public since Enron's is only one of the plants sourcing business from them. For instance, Enron's LNG fuel supply contract with an Oman company has a confidentiality clause and would fear exposing its contract terms to the public in view of the fact that over 80 per cent of its supply is concentrated in Japan, Taiwan and Korea. ``It would be damaging for its business if our deal, which is less than 18 per cent of its business, ends up influencing its other deals,'' the source said.
Copyright ? 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
INDIA: ANALYSIS-Poor governance hobbles India's reform drive...
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2001.
ANALYSIS-Poor governance hobbles India's reform drive
By Alan Wheatley, Asian Economics Correspondent
NEW DELHI, Aug 22 (Reuters) - After six months of political stalemate, the rave reviews for Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha's reforming budget have given way to the despairing conclusion that perhaps India embraces change only in a crisis.
In which case, a new wave of reforms might not be far away.
For unless growth picks up substantially from last year's 5.2 percent pace, policy experts said India would face a further deterioration in its public finances and rising unemployment that could put the world's largest democracy under serious strain.
"We can't go on without further reforms for very long because we won't be able to grow even by five percent," said Shashanka Bhide, chief economist of the National Council of Applied Economic Research.
"So the crisis is already there. If we're not going to get six percent-plus growth rates, then it's a political problem."
There is a broad consensus - on paper - on the need for a second wave of reforms to build on ground-breaking liberalisation measures rushed in after a balance-of-payments crisis in 1991.
Because its economy is fairly closed, India has weathered the current global downturn much better than most of its Asian neighbours, who would be delighted with five percent growth.
Still, output has slowed for two years in a row as post-reform momentum has petered out. And crucially, five percent growth falls far short of the 8.7 percent average needed over the next decade to achieve Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee's goal of doubling per capita income, currently around $460 a year.
"Eight million people come into the workforce every year and a five percent growth rate would leave large numbers of people unemployed, which means there will be greater social unrest," said P Chidambaram, a former finance minister.
"A five percent growth rate, while statistically acceptable, is simply politically unacceptable and socially unacceptable."
It was to raise the economy's speed limit that Sinha unveiled in his February budget a raft of far-reaching structural reforms making it easier to fire workers and rolling back the policy of reserving certain industries for small and medium-sized firms.
The reforms are high on the list of the many blueprints for change in India but they soon became mired in what the Planning Commission aptly calls the "compulsion of competitive politics".
On a charitable view, the slow progress is a reflection of the wondrous kaleidoscope that is India's multi-party democracy.
"This is not a country, this is a vast continent in search of a synthesis in the political domain, the social domain and the economic domain," said Amit Mitra, secretary general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
Less charitably, the legislative paralysis is due to the failure by an enfeebled Vajpayee to crack heads in his unwieldy 19-party coalition and force ministers to put the national interest before the myriad vested interests opposed to change.
Arjun Sengupta, a professor at the Centre for Policy Research, said the absence of a unified agenda meant each member of the coalition was ploughing its own furrow, resulting in policy inconsistency that was deterring badly needed investment.
"This is the main problem we have today: we do not have a coherent, unified policy framework," Sengupta said.
He said the reform task facing the government was all the more difficult because India's most populous and backward states were falling farther and farther behind the better-off ones.
"If the Centre cannot take care of the problems of disparity between the states, we are facing major problems which can become explosive," Sengupta, a former ambassador and IMF official, said.
Peering through the gloom, optimists point to the precedent of legislation passed without the pressure of a crisis in 1999 to open up India's insurance market to foreign firms.
They hope two equally controversial reform bills, to liberalise the crisis-ridden power sector and to make it easier to wind up bankrupt firms, will also eventually become law after they won cabinet approval last week, ending months of wrangling.
"Anybody who says reforms have been a failure in this country hasn't looked at figures on poverty very closely," said Planning Commission member N.K. Singh. He said the poverty rate had fallen in the past decade to 27 percent from 37 percent.
The list of reforms needed to sustain this improvement is lengthy. Because of its pivotal role in the economy, the power sector is many experts' number one priority. The well-catalogued troubles that foreign firms such as Enron Corp have encountered dealing with India's all-but-bankrupt state power boards have flashed warning signals to potential foreign investors.
Domestic investors have also been deterred because industrial users pay twice as much as they would in China for electricity.
Nevertheless, attempts at serious reform have foundered on twin political rocks: how to end overmanning at the power boards, estimated at 50-70 percent, and how to charge users, mainly farmers, market rates for stolen or heavily subsidised power.
D.K. Srivastava, a professor at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, said politicians might consider tough measures if they could be assured that benefits would be visible before they have to seek re-election two or three years later.
"Any government under any minister will say to you, How can I survive unless I can show my voters jobs?'," Srivastava said. "This is one of the basic constraints on power sector reform."
T.K. Bhaumik, a senior adviser at the Confederation of Indian Industry, agreed and said reformers were partly to blame for having failed to sell the case for change to India's mass poor.
"We did not articulate the economic reform process to the people," Bhaumik said. On privatisation, for instance, policy-makers did not spell out the consequences for jobs.
"I don't think we really understood the issues properly. We simply followed the Washington consensus and that didn't go down well with the people," he said.
As Divestment Minister Arun Shourie knows only too well. The privatisation programme he oversees, a litmus test of India's reform will, is stalled because of what Shourie calls "fractured" politics and "noise" generated by corporate interests.
Shourie said he could only hope that fading growth would jolt India's politicians into putting the country's interests first.
"We're on the cusp at the moment on the question of reforms and I feel the real circumstances in which India is placed will force the political class to do the right thing," he said.
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delainey-d/all_documents/724. | 3370371.1075854495346.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Feb 2001 09:49:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Dave Delainey Bio Peggy Mahoney@EES
02/16/2001 04:59 PM
To: David W Delainey/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Dave Delainey Bio
FYI -after this went out, the reporter responded back that you are in the
---------------------- Forwarded by Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES on 02/16/2001 04:52
PM ---------------------------
Karen Denne@ENRON
02/16/2001 03:46 PM
To: [email protected]
cc: (bcc: Peggy Mahoney/HOU/EES)
Subject: Dave Delainey Bio
Julie -- Here's info on one more "rising star" at Enron. Call me if you need
any additional info.
Thanks! Have a great weekend!
713-853-9757 |
kean-s/archiving/untitled/767. | 22349156.1075846228473.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:42:00 -0700 (PDT) | EnronOnline Executive Summary for October 10, 2000 (REVISED) Following please find the New EnronOnline Executive Summary. This summary
will be sent on a daily basis.
Please disregard the previous email because the MTD number was incorrect.
EnronOnline Executive Summary for 10/10/00
Transaction Summary
External Transactions Today 2,653
Average Daily External Transactions (30 day Trailing Avg) 2,430
Total Life to Date Transactions* 348,719
EnronOnline Percentage of Entity's Total Transactions for 10/10/00
Enron North America 74%
Enron Europe Limited 45%
Enron Metals 5%
Gross Notional Value of EnronOnline Transactions Total
Today 1,522,925,449
MTD 12,728,321,670
LTD 181,421,382,127
Average Daily Notional Value (30 Day Trailing Avg) 1,587,091,791
Notional Revenue from Physical Flows to Date 12,866,453,407
Counterparties, Users, and Products Offered
Counterparties having transacted to date 506
New Counterparties transacting for the first time today 2
Number of Products Offered Today 1,235
Total Number of External Users Logged on Today 2,881
Average # of External Users logged on (30 day Trailing Avg) 2,458 |
dasovich-j/all_documents/10326. | 8502380.1075843402524.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 22 Mar 2001 06:31:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Dial-In Info for Call w/Mary Nichol's representatives Will do. Do you know yet who will be on the call from your end? Thanks.
<[email protected]>
03/22/2001 02:05 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Dial-In Info for Call w/Mary Nichol's representatives
Hello Jeff -
Due to logistical complications, I've had to go to a Dial-In number for our
call with you tomorrow. So, if you could, at 1:30pm PST on Fri, Mar 23,
dial: 877-322-9648, Partic. Code: 329 193
Thanks for your cooperation. Let me know that you got this information.
Thanks again,
Michele Yoskovich
McKinsey & Company
555 California Street, Suite 4700
San Francisco, California 94104
Telephone: 415-318-5093
Fax: 415-318-4627
| This message may contain confidential and/or privileged |
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+-------------------------------------------------------------+ |
arnold-j/all_documents/583. | 30574890.1075857603112.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 15 May 2001 08:53:00 -0700 (PDT) | RE: Meeting - UPDATE Tomorrow's meeting will be held in EB2711 (Andy's office).
Lydia Cannon
Assistant to Andy Zipper
713-408-6267 cell
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Cannon, Lydia
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 1:20 PM
To: Arnold, John; Webb, Jay; Puthigai, Savita
Cc: Zipper, Andy; Weatherstone, Mary; Rangel, Ina
Subject: Meeting
Andy Zipper would like for you to attend a meeting regarding: " Linking
Auto-Hedge" on Wednesday, May 16, 2001 at 4:00 pm., location to be
determine. Contact me if you are unable to attend or have any questions.
Lydia Cannon
Assistant to Andy Zipper
713-408-6267 cell
[email protected] |
haedicke-m/notes_inbox/1224. | 11186164.1075859840964.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 17 Apr 2001 08:56:00 -0700 (PDT) | Monthly Litigation Reports Attached are the updated monthly litigation reports for Enron Global Assets,
Enron Engineering and Operational Services, Enron Americas and Enron Global
Markets. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. |
kean-s/all_documents/8868. | 17676143.1075849870695.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 5 Jul 2001 03:00:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Southern RTO From Christi Nicolay
---------------------- Forwarded by Linda J Noske/HOU/ECT on 07/05/2001 09:59
AM ---------------------------
From: Joe Connor@ENRON on 07/03/2001 10:29 PM
To: Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON
cc: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sarah
Subject: Re: Southern RTO
I would guess that AEC has had a change of heart - since they signed the MOU
with Southern. I would expect them to withdraw their comments. I will talk
to Jeff Parrish at AEC and find out what's going on.
I talked to Bob Reilley about the EPSA filing. He made it sound like it had
just been forgotten in the rush and he didn't seem to have a clear idea about
what EPSA should say in a filing. That's funny since he drafted the original
document we started talking from. Anyway, we discussed it again and he
agreed to get back to EPSA and discuss a filing. The topics would be:
(1) MOUs don't mean much
(2) No real progress has been shown
(3) FERC need to oversee the process
(4) FERC needs to ensure a collaborative process is implemented
I didn't tell Bob that Enron wants to stay out of it, but we talked about it
being better to have EPSA carry the ball when we first started looking at
this. I think your bringing it up in the EPSA phone call will help. Let me
know if it looks like Bob is not following up with EPSA.
Donna Fulton
07/03/2001 01:18 PM
To: Joe Connor/NA/Enron@Enron
cc: Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, James D Steffes/NA/Enron@ENRON, Sarah
Subject: Re: Southern RTO
Joe, I agree with the approach that we should try to get EPSA to file. I
have spoken with Mark Bennett over at EPSA and he indicated that he hadn't
gotten to it. Perhaps I should bring it up on the EPSA call this Thursday,
just a gentle reminder.
AEC was the culprit who commented on June 22. They were extremely negative
about Southern's lack of results in their "attempt" to increase participation
in the RTO. They said, "Southern suggests no more than the possibility of
another paper 'RTO proposal' by December 15, 2001." They do ask for a
technical conference by FERC staff and then a settlement judge proceeding
Joe Connor
07/02/2001 11:43 AM
To: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sarah
Novosel/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Donna Fulton/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Southern RTO
I met with Andy Dearman and Bill Newman of Southern on Friday. They talked
about what is going on with the non-jurisdictional utilities that have signed
a MOU to develop a RTO. The group has met a couple of times to discuss the
process they will use. Confidentiality agreements have been signed, so no
details are available, but they have agreed to a voting structure for the
development. Southern has about one third of the votes (and 65%of the
assets) and it takes at least two other parties agreeing with Southern to
carry a vote. Southern says they spent a lot of time convincing the other
parties that Southern was not going to run, or dominate, the process. After
that, Southern said the group started to pull together and get organized for
the development.
They said everyone in the group appeared to be ready to find ways to make the
RTO work and resolve the hurdles the non-jurisdictional utilities have been
expressing with the development of other RTOs. They said there were some
rough spots that had to be resolved and they couldn't be sure agreement would
be reached, but at this point there was a lot of cooperation.
Andy and Bill wanted to convince me that this was not a delaying tactic by
Southern and they were doing everything possible to ensure that a complete
RTO filing could be ready by 12/15/01. They also said they thought this is
what Ed Holland wanted to discuss with Steve Kean.
We talked about how other stakeholders could have input to the development.
They said that it was too early to make any commitment, but the group had
started thinking about it and they expected an input process to be available
by late summer.
They said Southern was in favor of some process that would provide
stakeholders the opportunity to look at what was being considered and advise
the development group as early as possible. They said they understood the
difficulty stakeholders had with the approach Southern used in its initial
filing and wanted to do it different, but they pointed out again that
Southern could not dictate the process that would be allowed by the group.
In the meantime, they said if we wanted to provide position papers on any
part of the RTO development they would make sure the papers were circulated
in the group or we could continue to hold bilateral discussions with them or
other members of the development group.
Jim, I still think it would be worthwhile to have a meeting between Ed and
Steve Kean, and I would include you and invite Andy and Bill to come. I
don't think they want to discuss anything technical at this point; they just
want to convince Enron that the approach Southern is taking provides the
quickest development of a RTO for the Southern area, and they want any help
we can give in convincing FERC to let this process run.
I also think we need to pass on filing a response to Southern's May 15th
status report, either alone or with Alabama Municipal Electric Authority (
Donna, I guess that's who you meant in the memo below, since AEC has signed a
MOU with Southern?). I will get in touch with Bob Reilley to find out why we
haven't heard from EPSA on its filing. I still think that's the best
Donna Fulton
06/28/2001 12:02 PM
To: Joe Connor/NA/Enron@Enron, Tom Chapman/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: James D Steffes/NA/Enron@Enron, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT, Sarah
Subject: Southern supplemental status report
I am attaching the supplemental status report that Southern filed in its
RT01-77 on June 20. They have included MOUs with Georgia Transmission Corp,
Santee Cooper and Alabama Electric Coop to work on development of an RTO.
These are really general, more of the same of what we've seen from Southern.
Also we had talked about possible comments on the May 15 Southern filing;
Coral was working on comments through EPSA. Nothing has been filed by EPSA
Alabama did file comments on the May 15 status report and they have asked
that the FERC establish a technical conference to "publicly air and evaluate
the alleged governance concerns and the concerns regarding significant
delay..." Following a technical conference, they ask for a judge to convene
a settlement conference at FERC to "undertake a properly supervised and
serious development of an RTO for the SE without further wasted time."
At this point we could consider filing comments in support of the Coop
comments. |
arnold-j/sent_items/709. | 26147511.1075861672908.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 30 Oct 2001 04:50:35 -0800 (PST) | RE: NG deal in California not much from customers lately. Customers waiting for market to stabilize before doing any hedging
-----Original Message-----
From: Abramo, Caroline
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 6:43 AM
To: Arnold, John
Subject: RE: NG deal in California
morning.. i wrote the top and robyn bottom.. we sent the bottom part to the customer who brought the article to our attention.. I'd like to say i read the gas daily everyday but i miss it a lot..
there are a few things going on.. the client is long cy02/short cy03 socal.. and the deal last week impacts that position.. thats their interest.
our interest is whether or not there are more of these deals coming.. which i was trying to figure out.
what have you been seeing flow-wise lately?
-----Original Message-----
From: Arnold, John
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 7:34 AM
To: Abramo, Caroline
Subject: RE: NG deal in California
who wrote the market commentary are at the bottom of this and who wrote the rest?
-----Original Message-----
From: Abramo, Caroline
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 4:44 PM
To: Arnold, John; Maggi, Mike
Cc: Quigley, Dutch; Griffith, John; Zivic, Robyn
Subject: FW: NG deal in California
sorry not to send this earlier..
i checked out the dept water resources site.. ( nothing too illuminating except that their power costs have come down from over $300 in march to$45 this month but due to the nature the borrowing costs associated with the LT contracts, they will not be able to pass on much savings to consumers (gotta love that).
we were supposed to have received a copy of all their LT purchases in July. checking what happened there. we know that there were 54 contracts signed .. half linked to gas which covered 1/3 of cali's total needs (looks like for 10 years). some left open the possibility of the state procuring gas supplies for the plants.. dwr has signed 6 agreements w/ gas suppliers..pretty sure cali uses 25,000-45,000 MW per year which is about 70 contracts a day in gas terms. If they locked in 1/3.. it would be about 25/day.. the deal they just did was about 16/day for just cal02..probably waiting for curve to flatten further to do more..
they purchased another 500 MW in Aug - the 17th (all 10-12 years)..and to date it looks like they have not purchased anything (have been selling into the grid daily) but not liquidating any previously negotiated LT deals (LT is anything beyond 3 months).
it sounds like they are planning on buying more of their gas requirements.. Sempra (who has LT power contracts with DWR and gives them the ability to buy 80% of their gas) said DWR had not purchased any gas yet.
Pls note story on page 5 & 6 of todays gas daily...
mentions California Dept of Water looking to hedge gas purchases for long-term contracts.
over the past few days we have seen Major Inv. Bk Buying Cal 02 Nymex Calls and the same bank buying Cal 02 Socal basis calls - very good size
This, we believe, is a hedge for this DWR story. The article mentions that they were "looking at ways to expand its gas purchases".
The article does not mention, nor do we know, how far out they are looking to purchase.
Socal basis has moved on the back of this deal....
Last week:
Cal 02 = 9 cents Cal 03 = 20 cents
Cal 02 = 18.5 cents Cal 03 = 22 the spread has moved from 11 cent contango to 3.5 cents.
Other than the call buying we saw related to this deal, the rest of the flow we are seeing is : sellers of vol.
Last night settles:
Cal 02 vol 51.5% and Cal 03 vol 37.25% - and we are 1 % lower in Cal 02 since the open , and 0.5 % lower Cal 03. |
kean-s/archiving/untitled/1813. | 27508433.1075846256872.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 19 Apr 2000 17:53:00 -0700 (PDT) | Steven J Kean@EES | MERC:Merit Order Dispatch Successes are good to share.
---------------------- Forwarded by Jane Wilson/ENRON_DEVELOPMENT on
04/20/2000 12:53 AM ---------------------------
Jane Wilson
04/20/2000 12:46 AM
Subject: MERC:Merit Order Dispatch
This memorandum is marked confidential because Mr. Subramanyam requested that
this information be kept confidential.
In a meeting today after discussing an internal memorandum that was delivered
to Mr. S. for his information, I was told that MERC does not plan to
interfere in any way with the operation of merit order dispatch. It will
merely espouse economic dispatch in theory but defer to the operational
expertise of MSEB. Since MSEB avers in an Affidavit that it is already
dispatching based on economic order, nothing will change due to interference
by the regulator. This ruling will obviously be in Dabhol's best interest.
The recommendation has been dictated by MERC and, as he says, "We will not
interfere with Dabhol." |
blair-l/inbox/246. | 572716.1075861907991.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 7 Nov 2001 13:53:16 -0800 (PST) | Capacity Posting Procedures Effective November 1, 2001, Northern implemented new posting procedures regarding capacity availability. These procedures are attached. Several changes have been implemented. In summary, the following changes have been incorporated:
The Unsubscribed Capacity Report has been updated to reflect the gas day two (2) days in the future vs fourteen (14) days.
a "new" Short Term Sustainable Capacity (STSC) Report has been posted beginning on the November 1st gas day. This report is displayed on Northern's website under the Informational Posting; Capacity; Unsubscribed Capacity
a "new" rolling 30 day Unsubscribed Daily Capacity Report is posted each morning for day-to-day transactions. Daily capacity can be posted by point or group but must be identified with an asterisk (*) on the STSC Report at least one business day before being posted on the Unsubscribed Daily Capacity Report.
Please take a moment to review these report on the website. If I have left anyone off this distribution that may be affected or interested in the procedures, please forward on. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these procedures please let me know. Thanks MW |
kaminski-v/discussion_threads/2296. | 1792491.1075856381813.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 19 Dec 2000 09:12:00 -0800 (PST) | RE: Cusip Vince, I am waiting to hear back from our compliance department on this. I
will get you the info as soon as I rec. it. I mailed the receipt for the
deposit today.
David C. Walkup
Sr. Financial Consultant
> ----------
> From: [email protected][SMTP:[email protected]]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 11:09 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Cc: [email protected]
> Subject: Cusip
> David,
> The CUSIP of the bond I have is 694308EF0
> PGC 8.375% 5/1/25 1st & Ref Mortgage bond, ser 92B.
> Vince
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griffith-j/continental/16. | 26270863.1075849650750.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:04:00 -0700 (PDT) | OnePass Offers - Earn Bonus Miles Earn Up To 4,000 Bonus Miles On Our New Nonstop Service From
New York To London/Stansted
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To modify your OnePass e-mail preferences, please login to Your Account at
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corman-s/sent_items/413. | 18371103.1075861078459.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:10:36 -0800 (PST) | FW: RIGZONE Special Offer - The Rigzone Career Center -----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 10:54 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: RIGZONE Special Offer - The Rigzone Career Center
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kean-s/ferc/593. | 29413296.1075858904821.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 5 Oct 2001 09:25:18 -0700 (PDT) | Summary of Sup. Ct. Argument Attached is a brief recap of the Supreme Court case through oral argument. I don't think it provides any confidential information, so we may want to share Lou's analysis with the entire Government Affairs group, the commercial group, and our PR people.
-----Original Message-----
From: Cohen, Louis [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 10:50 AM
To: Novosel, Sarah
Cc: Hartsoe, Joe; Jeffrey D. (Dan) Watkiss (E-mail); Killory, Ted; Frankel, Jonathan; Palansky, IJay; Cohen, Louis
Subject: Document attached: 0096 Summary of Sup. Ct. Argument-10-3-01.doc
Sarah, here is the summary of the Supreme Court argument that I promised Wednesday. |
dasovich-j/commercial_opportunities_task_force/1. | 10555834.1075843078178.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 1 May 2000 04:17:00 -0700 (PDT) | E-mail from Daniel Allegretti Hey Gang,
It looks like we finally have a date to talk with some folks at EBS about
commercial opportunities. Since scheduling a meeting has been exceedingly
I've decided to settle for a conference call. I hope you are available this
Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 3pm Houston time to speak with Matt Harris and some
broadband folks. If you can't make it don't sweat it but if you can that
would be great! The call should take no more than 1 1/2hrs. Dial in
instructions are as follows:
1-800-998-2462 PIN Code 4139211 |
jones-t/sent/635. | 7695001.1075847166689.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 17 Jan 2000 02:40:00 -0800 (PST) | NYMEX ACCESS Training How goes you choosing a date for NYMEX ACCESS training? I faxed you the
schedule. The Houston guys are going February 4, from 10:00 - 2:00. The
earlier you reserve, the better chance you have of getting the date you
want... |
gay-r/sent/310. | 9460947.1075855744655.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:22:00 -0700 (PDT) | Unify outage Bob: here is our status from this mornings outage event.
NWPL: we were able to manually input 80% of next days nominations. Since we
were not able to EDI, we will have to manually input all successive
nominations for the day, as well as all actual scheduled volumes in Unify.
We were also only able to get in our 80% of nominations with NWPL's help, as
they extended the nomination deadline for us. The other 20% of next day
business will be nominated as an intra-day.
El Paso: basically the same as NWPL.. We were able to manually get in 100%
of nominations, but only because El Paso kept their system open an extra hour
for us.
Let me know if you need aything else. Thanks. |
geaccone-t/inbox/246. | 3721061.1075859046736.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 5 Oct 2001 13:12:05 -0700 (PDT) | FW: Enron Net Works 2002 Budget Process FYI
-----Original Message-----
From: Beck, Sally
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 3:03 PM
To: Bowen Jr., Raymond; Brown, Michael - COO London; Buy, Rick; Causey, Richard; Delainey, David; Derrick Jr., James; Dietrich, Janet; Fallon, Jim; Fastow, Andrew; Frevert, Mark; Glisan, Ben; Haedicke, Mark E.; Horton, Stanley; Hughes, James A.; Kean, Steven J.; Kitchen, Louise; Koenig, Mark; Lavorato, John; Lay, Kenneth; Mcconnell, Mike; McMahon, Jeffrey; Shankman, Jeffrey A.; Sherriff, John; Whalley, Greg
Cc: Colwell, Wes; Roper, Kerry; Price, Brent A.; Castleman, Kent; Dyson, Fernley; Hayslett, Rod; Piper, Greg; Pickering, Mark
Subject: Enron Net Works 2002 Budget Process
The 2002 Enron Net Works budget will for the first time combine allocations to business units for four key services: Enron Online, IT Infrastructure, Risk Management Operations and IT Maintenance and Development. We are providing a level of detail for expense and capital spend that is greater than that provided in past years, and that will allow business units to make informed choices regarding the services that they receive.
We are meeting with individual business unit Offices of the Chair to review in detail the four service areas delivered through Enron Net Works. Some of these meetings have been completed and more will occur between now and October 12. Please keep the following points in mind as we work with you to finalize budget:
Enron Networks today is very different from this time last year. Additions to the 2002 ENW budget are Operations for EA, EIM and EGM. Operations, IT Maintenance and Development, and IT Infrastructure for EES and EBS have been included under the ENW umbrella for the first time in the 2002 budget as well. The 2001 budgets for these functions were approved and included in individual business units last year. Any comparison of ENW's 2002 versus 2001 budget must be appropriately adjusted for these organizational changes to be relevant.
For further detail for each business unit, ENW's 2002 expense and capital dollars are organized to mirror each business unit's lines of business (products or commodities) in order to create a transparent view at a more granular level of the costs involved in supporting each of the lines of business.
The detail that is being provided to business units for IT costs delineates licensing fees, system maintenance costs and new development costs. Detail on each IT development project identifies the purpose, business sponsor, line of business, "in progress" or "planned" designation, expense and capital spend, system impacted, and estimated completion date. In order to finalize IT project budgets, decisions will be required from the business units on which projects to undertake in 2002.
If you have questions about the ENW budgets as we are working with you to finalize them, please call one of us.
Greg Piper
Sally Beck
Mark Pickering |
giron-d/all_documents/79. | 32264544.1075854359363.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 27 Apr 2001 12:10:00 -0700 (PDT) | DC Trip Just a reminder to you that I will be in DC from Sunday, April 29 -Friday
nite, May4. ?I have been issued a laptop that has a NYLF network system and
can be contacted at [email protected]./ ?I am taking the laptop with you. ?My
new job is going well......55 applicants for 18 positions. ?I start
interviewing when I get back from DC. ?MOM |
kean-s/archiving/untitled/114. | 11781209.1075846208697.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 12 Dec 2000 00:22:00 -0800 (PST) | Enron Mentions Markets Utility Stocks May Stall Amid Tech Rebound
Los Angeles Times, 12/12/00
INDIA: Enron India unit local lenders to cut rates.
Reuters English News Service, 12/12/00
Three Firms to Sell Natural Gas Instead of Selling Products That Use It
KRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News: The Dallas Morning News - Texas,
Activate ''Year-In-Review'' Factsheet
Business Wire, 12/12/00
Enron Sheds No Light on Consumer
The Times of India, 12/12/00
Enron deal can be nullified: Retd SC judge
The Times of India, 12/12/00
Green Mountain Applies To Be 10th Texas Elec Supplier
Dow Jones Energy Service, 12/11/00
The New Power Company Certified As A Retail Natural Gas Marketer In Georgia
PR Newswire, 12/11/00
USA: Big names dominate in Internet energy trading race.
Reuters English News Service, 12/11/00
Dynegy's New E-Commerce Site Had $1.5 Bln in November Trading
Bloomberg, 12/11/00
Business; Financial Desk
Markets Utility Stocks May Stall Amid Tech Rebound
Los Angeles Times
Home Edition
Page C-4
Copyright 2000 / The Times Mirror Company
NEW YORK -- Electric utility stocks, driven by strong power demand, falling
bond yields and defensive-minded investors, have had a remarkable year so
The Dow Jones utility stock index is up 36% year to date, while most U.S.
blue-chip indexes are in the red.
But in recent weeks many utility stocks have flattened. California's current
power crisis notwithstanding, analysts note that we are headed into the part
of the year when electricity demand slackens.
Is the utility sector played out for now? Is it time to take profits and move
Experts who follow electric utilities say much depends on the rest of the
stock market. It's no accident that major utility indexes hit bottom in the
second week of March, just as the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite index was
soaring to its all-time high.
Now, if tech stocks continue to recover from their spring and summer
collapse, that could divert money from utility shares, analysts say. When a
traditionally exciting sector like tech is red-hot, nobody wants to hear
about utility stocks, said Doris Kelley-Watkins, portfolio manager of the
Evergreen Utility Fund.
Many investors who initially piled into utility issues in winter and spring
were seeking a safe haven as Nasdaq plunged: With their high-dividend yields,
big utility companies have long been favorite defensive plays.
But then came the summer peak power-use season, and the country woke up to
the reality of an electricity shortage. Utility stocks zoomed. The terrific
gains "were a real boon to investors who came here thinking they were going
to be bored," Kelley-Watkins said.
Indeed, stocks of firms such as Dynegy (ticker symbol: DYN), Calpine (CPN),
Reliant Energy (REI) and Duke Energy (DUK) are up more than 70% so far this
Kelley-Watkins, like a number of Wall Street analysts, believes that the
"easy money" in utility stocks already has been made. Nevertheless, there
will still be opportunities in the sector as long as generating capacity
stays tight--which it is sure to do for at least two or three more years, she
Some new power plants will be coming online toward the end of 2002,
Kelley-Watkins added, but the current supply squeeze has been more than a
decade in the making and will not be quickly solved.
Hence, some of the biggest gainers this year are utilities that have
extensive energy-trading operations--Duke and Reliant, for example. They
could continue to take advantage of soaring demand and unusual volatility,
Kelley-Watkins said.
Dynegy and Houston-based Enron (ENE), the nation's biggest wholesale power
marketer as well as a major trader of natural gas and other commodities, are
among the Evergreen fund's biggest holdings.
Kelley-Watkins also thinks that Sempra Energy (SRE), parent of San Diego Gas
& Electric, has made a good transition from a heavily regulated owner of
power plants to an energy distributor and transmitter. But she shies away
from Sempra's giant California cousins, PG&E (PCG) and Edison International
(EIX, parent of Southern California Edison), which she considers too
Nobody welcomes a recession, but Timothy M. Winter, analyst at A.G. Edwards
in St. Louis, said an economic downturn probably would help utility stocks,
as many remain relatively cheap in terms of price-to-earnings ratios, and
would continue to be viewed as a defensive haven.
The presidential election outcome also matters, Winter said. Most Wall
Streeters think a George W. Bush victory would be a plus for the sector
because he probably would be more open than Al Gore to new power plant
Winter likes Progress Energy (PGN), formerly Carolina Power & Light, because
of its dominance in the fast-growing Southeast. His firm also recommends
American Electric Power (AEP) and Xcel Energy (XEL).
Michael S. Worms, analyst at Gerard Klauer Mattison in New York, said
although electric-utility earnings should continue strong into next year, it
will be hard to duplicate this year's 20% average profit gains. "We had a
phenomenal year because of tight capacity and high prices," Worms said.
Utility stocks probably would have done well on such business fundamentals,
but they also received a strong tail wind from the stumbling tech sector,
said Worms.
If tech shares have bottomed, and if the Federal Reserve speeds the market's
recovery with interest-rate cuts, that will hurt the performance of utility
stocks, Worms said.
His top pick is Calpine, even though shares of the San Jose-based energy
generator and marketer already have had an amazing two-year run, up 200% so
far this year, on top of a 400% surge in 1999.
Running Low on Power?
Utility stocks surged in spring and summer, but the group has stalled
in recent weeks.
Dow Jones index of 15 major utility stocks, weekly closes and latest
Monday: 386.41
Source: Bloomberg News
GRAPHIC-CHART: Running Low on Power?, Los Angeles Times;
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
INDIA: Enron India unit local lenders to cut rates.
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2000.
BOMBAY, Dec 12 (Reuters) - The Indian unit of U.S. energy giant Enron said on
Tuesday that four local lenders have agreed to cut their rates on loans to
its project which is under fire from critics for producing costly power.
ICICI , Canara Bank, State Bank of India and Industrial Finance Corporation
of India have all agreed to cut rates by 450 basis points to 16.5 percent, a
spokesman of Dabhol Power Company told Reuters.
Dabhol Power Company is 65 percent owned by Enron and is implementing a
two-phase 2,184 MW power project in Maharashtra. Phase one of the project is
already in operation.
The cuts will help in lowering the tariff at which Enron sells power to the
Maharashtra government, he said.
The spokesman said the firm is considering a reduction in tariff but did not
reveal details.
Last week, Industrial Development Bank of India agreed to drop rates by a
similar margin.
The spokesman did not specify when the cuts by the financial institutions
would come into effect.
The state government wants the project to be reviewed but is yet to take a
final view.
Enron says the high tariff would come down next year when it switches over to
the cheaper fuel of natural gas from naphtha.
The project cost of $1.9 billion is financed 70 percent through debt.
Enron's project is among the few foreign power projects to have begun
operations since India opened up its power sector in 1992.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Three Firms to Sell Natural Gas Instead of Selling Products That Use It
Terry Maxon
KRTBN Knight-Ridder Tribune Business News: The Dallas Morning News - Texas
Copyright (C) 2000 KRTBN Knight Ridder Tribune Business News; Source: World
Reporter (TM)
Here's how expensive natural gas has become: Three companies decided Monday
they could make more money from selling their natural gas than from selling
products using natural gas.
Natural gas prices hit yet another all-time high Monday, closing at $9.413
per million British thermal units on the New York Mercantile Exchange. That
represented an 83-cent increase from Friday's close, up 9.6 percent.
Two fertilizer manufacturers, Terra Industries Inc. and Mississippi Chemical
Corp., said they were selling natural gas that normally would go to make
nitrogen, ammonia or other products.
And oil company Seneca Resources Corp. said gas normally used to boost heavy
oil production in a California field would be sold instead.
Jeff Shorter, vice president of TXU Energy Trading in Dallas, said he's not
surprised to hear companies are selling their natural gas rather than using
the gas to make their products.
"I don't think that's the last of them either," Mr. Shorter said.
He said he expects other companies to come to the same decision as Terra.
There are a number of companies that have fully hedged their natural gas
purchases at lower prices, and can make a profit that "far exceeds" what they
can earn from selling their core business products, he said.
He noted that the prices in spot markets Monday were even higher than in
NYMEX trading. Gas for Midwest delivery ranged from $11 to $13 and $14, and
New York gas was at $12 and higher.
"Typically, in the winter time we have a great deal of volatility which you
don't see in the futures market," Mr. Shorter said.
Spot prices have been much higher in the West, where restricted natural gas
supplies, shut-down generators and low levels of water for hydroelectric
plants have contributed to skyrocketing electricity prices.
Terra, based in Sioux City, Iowa, said it closed one of two ammonia plants in
Verdigris, Okla., and its Blytheville, Ark., plant this month, so it could
sell the natural gas used by those plants. It is profiting about $2 to $3 per
MBtu on the gas it is reselling.
"The natural gas price increase since our December requirements were
purchased for Verdigris permitted us to sell a portion of those purchases and
generate higher gross profits than could be realized from selling the
products manufactured with the natural gas," said Michael L. Bennett, Terra
executive vice president and chief operating officer.
On Nov. 30, Terra said it was closing its Beaumont plant because it couldn't
make a profit at current gas prices.
Terra said then that its production costs would exceed selling prices when
natural gas prices climbed above $6. When the decision was announced Nov. 30,
NYMEX gas prices closed at $6.673 an MBtu. Since then, the prices have risen
nearly $3.
Terra said it would re-evaluate the situation toward the end of December.
Mississippi Chemical said it was selling all of its futures contracts for
natural gas to lock in the current prices. It said it would post a $16
million pre-tax gain by selling the gas contracts.
The company's president and chief executive officer, Charles O. Dunn, said
selling the natural gas was in Mississippi Chemical's "best interests."
"We remain committed to the nitrogen business and our customers, but we also
have to take advantage of opportunities to optimize cash flow during these
challenging times," Mr. Dunn said. "It is our belief that the current
unprecedented natural gas prices are unlikely to be sustained during the
intermediate term."
Seneca Resources, based in Buffalo, N.Y., said Monday it would sell the
natural gas it had been using for its steam injection project at a California
oil field. It expects to post a pre-tax profit of about $31,000 a month, it
"In light of the current natural gas shortage in California, we felt it was
important to curtail our steaming operations and allow that gas to be used to
heat homes and generate electricity," Seneca president James Beck said.
In at least one case, high electricity prices have induced a company to sell
off the electricity for which it has contracted rather than continue
On Sunday, Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corp. said it would close its Pacific
Northwest smelters until at least Oct. 1, 2001, and was selling the
electricity those plants would have used.
Although it must pay laid-off employees a portion of their salaries, the
power sales from December alone will bring Kaiser $52 million.
Mr. Shorter of TXU and Mark Palmer, spokesman for Houston energy company
Enron Corp., said the arrival of cold weather and the sharply higher natural
gas prices have brought more companies to their doors asking for help in
managing their energy costs.
"Volatility is good for us," Mr. Palmer said.
Mr. Shorter said the price of natural gas has justified a switch from natural
gas to fuel oil for a number of their customers.
Supplies of natural gas have remained adequate, but companies that didn't
prepare for winter energy costs will feel a financial hit, Mr. Shorter said.
"You're going to see a real economic strain in a lot of geographic regions --
if not nationally -- on the economic viability of a lot of these companies"
that had no program to manage energy risks or had plans that were
"ill-advised or improperly timed," he said.
Terra senior vice president Mark Rosenbury said Monday the company will look
at gas prices between Christmas and New Year's to see if it can profitably
buy natural gas and reopen the shuttered plants.
Mr. Rosenbury said he sees the current spike in natural gas prices as "an
aberration" and expects prices to fall to historical norms of $2 to $3 fairly
"Maybe it's longer than I think. But the cost of finding, producing and
selling natural gas doesn't command the price it's at today," he said.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Activate ''Year-In-Review'' Factsheet
Business Wire
(Copyright (c) 2000, Business Wire)
SEATTLE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 12, 2000--Activate emerged as a leading
digital media services company, Webcasting a record number of live events and
winning two industry awards to cap a year of dramatic growth.
A majority-owned operating company of CMGI, Activate's business has grown
15-30X across all key metrics, both in volume and scope of work. Over 8,000
businesses employed Activate's broad range of digital media services,
including production and distribution of online live and on-demand events for
both business communications and consumer events. In addition, Activate
experienced over 100 million streams in 2000.
"This has been quite a year for Activate," said Jeff Schrock, CEO and founder
of Activate. "We've been fortunate to be involved in this industry from the
very beginning and it has been exciting to see the digital media explosion
over the last year. Activate's goal continues to be providing our customers
with high-quality, cost-effective digital media solutions and we were
fortunate to end the year on a high note, receiving two industry awards from
Computerworld and Network World for our network performance and service
Notable Activate milestones for 2000 include...
-- Recognizing the broadband evolution, Activate focused on key
network innovations, including cell-based server architecture.
Activate's advanced network boosts bandwidth efficiency,
increasing the company's peak capacity and refining Activate's
load balancing and caching techniques. These enhancements
contributed to Activate's Blue Ribbon win in Network World's
Streaming Media Review, beating Akamai, iBeam and Digital
-- Coordination and cross-connection with other content
distribution networks (CDNs), including Mirror Image, Enron,
Digital Island, and AT&T. These skills led to a significant
role in MSN's multi-network Webcast of Madonna's London
concert, which was produced by sister company Navisite.
-- With over 40,000 Webcasts in 2000, Activate streamed more live
events than any other service provider, including Akamai,
iBeam and Digital Island. Live events ranged from concerts for
the Backstreet Boys and corporate announcements for Compaq,
Amway and Microsoft to Seattle Seahawks game Webcasts and a
political rally for Ralph Nader.
-- Activate experienced new peaks in bits-per-second simultaneous
transmission, total simultaneous viewers and total bytes
transferred. These peaks resulted from combined audiences of
hundreds of simultaneous events during Activate's highest
traffic periods, averaging over 25 million streams per
-- Acknowledging the impact of the World Wide Web, Activate
partnered with European streaming media provider to
ensure global reach.
-- Activate expanded into a 60,000 square foot production and
operations center in Seattle, and additional operational and
sales locations in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Boston and Chicago. This growth complements the continued
growth of Toronto-based Activate Canada, the leading streaming
media provider in the Canadian market.
-- Financial: Since Regulation FD went into effect, Activate
established a 75 percent market share in the financial space,
broadcasting nearly 4,000 earnings calls in the third quarter.
-- Entertainment: Activate's digital media solutions were a
breakthrough hit with the entertainment industry, including
partnerships with BMG, MTVi and Miramax. From pop and rock to
jazz and hip-hop, Activate provided digital media services for
today's hottest artists including Jay-Z, P!NK and Christina
-- Advertising: Activate partnered with AdForce and Engage to
expand streaming advertising, developing live and on-demand ad
insertion solutions.
About Activate
Activate is a leading digital media infrastructure services company.
Activate's services include: event Webcasting for business communications and
consumer live events, live 24x7 Webcasting for radio, TV and Internet-only
programming, and on-demand Webcasting of audio and video content to enhance
any Web site. Major clients include Microsoft, Dell, Unocal, AIMR,, National Public Radio, and CTV Activate received
the Blue Ribbon award from Network World's Streaming Media Review and has
been named by Computerworld as one of the top 100 emerging companies to watch
in 2001. A majority owned operating company of CMGI, Inc., Activate is based
in Seattle with offices in New York, San Francisco and Toronto. For more
information about the company or its services, please visit
or call 206/830-5300.
CONTACT: Activate Brooke Davis, 206/830-5716 [email protected] or The
Weber Group Rachel Dressler, 503/552-3742 [email protected]
07:01 EST DECEMBER 12, 2000
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Enron Sheds No Light on Consumer
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2000 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
BY any reckoning, the ongoing controversy over the price of electricity
produced by the US multinational, Enron, in Maharashtra, demonstrates how the
power elite in this country has been guilty of waiving all normal checks and
balances in its haste to favour this single producer. Indeed, as Abhay Mehta,
the author of the incisive expose of the project titled Power Play says,
there is little point berating the American company for taking us for a ride
when politicians from parties across the spectrum and a galaxy of bureaucrats
and public agencies vied with each other in rolling out the red carpet.
Maharashtra energy minister Padamsinh Patil has now contradicted his
coalition chief minister's assurance that the second phase of the project
would be reviewed. This is not the customary double-talk of politicians but
the tacit acknowledgement that Mr Patil's National Congress Party mentor
Sharad Pawar was responsible as chief minister for pushing through Enron's
first phase despite countless objections to what is simply the biggest
purchase contract in India's history and one of the largest in the world. In
1993, Mr Pawar went on record that issues such as the import of fuel, total
foreign exchange outgo and presumably the power tariff were minor issues to
be clarified and that the Foreign Investment Promotion Board would take a
decision on them at the time of final review.
These are precisely the issues that are coming home to roost. With the
built-in escalation clauses in the infamous power purchase agreement, which
permits increases in tariffs with a hike in the dollar exchange rate among
other factors, the price of power is now over Rs 7 per unit and it is certain
to rise further. This will impose a crippling burden on consumers not only
householders but, ironically enough, industries, negating the very economic
growth that private producers like Enron were supposed to foster. When Mr
Pawar capitulated to virtually every demand of the US company, the capital
cost was already over twice that of comparable projects elsewhere in the
Although Enron is often described as one of the world's leading power
companies, it is mainly engaged in distributing gas. In 1993, only one per
cent of its revenue was earned on producing power. Its use of imported
liquefied natural gas as fuel for the Dabhol plant was some four times more
expensive than coal, of which India has an abundance. The World Bank, itself
an ardent votary of privatisation, criticised the project on several grounds.
Since it would amount to one-fifth of the Maharashtra State Electricity
Board's capacity, it was likely to have an adverse financial impact, the Bank
stated. Consumers would not be willing to pay such a high price and it
concluded, on economic grounds, that the project was not viable. The Central
Electricity Authority (CEA) also pointed out that the project departed from
the norm, especially in denominating prices in US dollars. However, Mr Pawar
decided to bypass the CEA and overcome the objections of the World Bank and
At the time, the opposition parties in Maharashtra, the BJP and Shiv Sena,
accused Mr Pawar of corruption in shepherding the project through. Mr
Gopinath Munde of the BJP made his famous boast that they would throw the
project in the Arabian sea. When they came to power in 1995, they appointed a
committee to examine whether the project served the state's interests. The
committee accused the previous government of committing a grave impropriety
under circumstances which made the Enron/MSEB arrangement on Dabhol lack
transparency. It came to the irresistible conclusion that several unseen
factors and forces seem to have worked to get Enron what it wanted. On this
basis, the state government cancelled the first and second phases.
The cancellation raised several protests. Manmohan Singh claimed that it
could not be done. Then US ambassador Frank Wisner warned of the consequences
(he joined Enron as a director the very day after he finished his stint in
India). However, the redoubtable Rebecca Mark of Enron flew down to meet Bal
Thackeray, the self-proclaimed remote control of the BJP-SS coalition, for a
second time. On this occasion, she must have used her considerable persuasive
powers to convince the Sena leader to backtrack on the cancellation and the
government announced renegotiations.
The total payments to Enron under the new agreement was a staggering $35
billion over the project's lifetime and in a blatant misrepresentation, the
government claimed it had lowered the tariff. The final straw was in May 1996
when Mr Vajpayee's 13-day minority government ratified the Centre's
counter-guarantee to Enron on its very last day in office. When the CITU and
Abhay Mehta filed a public interest petition in the Mumbai high court against
the project, the arguments given by Enron's lawyers and those representing
the government were tendentious to the point of being farcical. Chief
minister Manohar Joshi filed an affidavit to make out that his government's
earlier allegations of fraud were made on the basis of newspaper reports.
Enron got its way and the project went on stream.
Even granting that several states were bending over backwards to attract
foreign investment in the early nineties, the concessions which were extended
to Enron were not merely extravagant but unconstitutional. The financial and
legal guarantees committed the Indian state in a manner which no
self-respecting country would endure. Much of the political-bureaucratic
class connived at this subversion of the rule of law. The power purchase
agreement in particular violated the Electricity Supply Act. The Maharashtra
government's finance department had admitted in 1994 that if the central
government paid the company any sums by way of its guarantee, these would be
deducted from the state's RBI account.
It is this unconstitutional agreement which ought to serve as the basis for
questioning the entire Enron agreement in court. It is obvious that it is
against the public interest and it could conceivably be demonstrated that the
power elite has acted in its own interest and against that of the Indian
people. There is already a precedent in Pakistan where a power purchase
agreement with Enron which had a substantially lower cost per MW than
Dabhol's was cancelled. Two MoUs which the Karnataka government signed with
another US power company, Cogentrix, were also terminated.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Enron deal can be nullified: Retd SC judge
The Times of India
Copyright (C) 2000 The Times of India; Source: World Reporter (TM)
MUMBAI: Retired high court judge Hosbet Suresh has stated that the agreement
signed between the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) and the Dabhol
Power Company (DPC), a subsidiary of US-based Enron, can be nullified. The
DPC spokesperson was not available for comment.
The state government would be within its rights to cancel the 1993 Power
Purchase Agreement on grounds of protection of public interest, he said.
``The power that the Enron plant produces is twice as expensive as its
nearest competitor and seven times as expensive as the cheapest electricity
available in Maharashtra. The fixed charges, whether MSEB buys electricity or
not, alone works out to Rs 1,000 crore a year for Phase I and nearly twice
the amount for Phase II and the amount is to be paid for the next 40 years !
What public interest does it serve ?'' Mr Suresh asked in his opinion given
to the Enron Virodhi Andolan.
The implications of this agreement is to ``exploit'' the people, he said in
his five-page statement, adding that ``the government has an obligation to
end such exploitation''.
Questioning the erstwhile Shiv Sena-BJP government's decision to withdraw the
court case against the DPC, Mr Suresh sought to bring forth the
inconsistencies during the alliance rule. The Sena-BJP had challenged the PPA
declaring it as a ``fraud'' as it was not in keeping with public policy,
consumer interest and interest of the state. ``This suit was withdrawn
without any of the contentious issues on law and on facts being decided. The
government renegotiated without complying any of the requirements under the
law,'' Mr Suresh observed.
``The concealment of relevant facts from the public, the unsatisfactory
explanation for withdrawing the suit .... all lead to one thing namely that
the government at no time had any regard for public welfare...,'' he said.
Mr Suresh also pointed out to the earlier petition filed by BJP leader Ramdas
Nayak who had challenged the contract to Enron as it was awarded without the
process of competitive bidding. Mr Nayak's petition, however, was dismissed
on August 19, 1994 and all subsequent petitions which sought to challenge the
PPA were also given similar treatment, he said, adding ``without the courts
going into he validity of the agreement''.
``Electricity is not a matter of commerce. It is a necessity like light,
water and air. There can be no monopoly in this. If someone wants to trade on
these elements, he may do so provided he does not exploit the people,'' Mr
Suresh said.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Green Mountain Applies To Be 10th Texas Elec Supplier
Dow Jones Energy Service
(Copyright (c) 2000, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)
HOUSTON -(Dow Jones)- Green Mountain Energy Co. said Monday it has filed an
application with the Texas Public Utility Commission to become a retail
electric provider when Texas launches retail electric competition Jan. 1,
At least nine other companies also have filed applications, but Green
Mountain said it is the first energy company to apply for a Texas license to
sell renewable power, such as wind, sun or hydropower.
"We are looking forward to the prospects of doing business in Texas, and we
are excited to see regulatory rules being put in place to promote
competition, creativity and innovation in the marketplace," said Gillan
Taddune, Green Mountain's Texas regional manager.
The PUC has approved one REP application from a large industrial company, but
the Dallas-based firm, TXI Power Co., only wants to buy electricity to supply
its own plants.
Other non-utility companies that have filed applications to be certified as
Texas retail electric providers, or REPs, include: Sempra Energy Solutions, a
unit of Sempra Energy (SRE); Enron Energy Services and Enron Power Marketing,
both units of Enron Corp., (ENE); New Power Co., formed this year by Enron,
International Business Machines (IBM) and America Online Inc. (AOL); and
Shell Energy Services Co., a unit of Royal Dutch/Shell Group (RD).
Affiliates of existing Texas utilities have also filed to become REPs.
First Choice Power, a subsidiary of TNP Enterprises Inc. has filed. TXU Corp.
(TXU), the state's largest investor-owned utility and Reliant Energy (REI),
the second largest, also recently filed two applications to create two REPs,
one to sell power to large commercial and industrial customers and one to
sell power to smaller customers.
More companies are expected to begin the certification process in Texas
before the end of the year as market rules are finalized. Independent
suppliers watching the Texas market include: AES NewEnergy Inc., a unit of
AES Corp. (AES); and Exelon Energy (EXC).
To be certified, an entity must hold an investment grade credit rating, have
$50 million of net worth or have cash resources of $100,000.
REPs will be subject to PUC enforcement actions, including penalties,
suspension and revocation for violations.
A pilot program involving 5% of the state's power customers will begin in
June. -By Eileen O'Grady, Dow Jones Newswires; 713-547-9213;
[email protected]
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
The New Power Company Certified As A Retail Natural Gas Marketer In Georgia
PR Newswire
(Copyright (c) 2000, PR Newswire)
PURCHASE, N.Y., Dec. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- TNPC, Inc. (NYSE: NPW), parent of The
New Power Company, the first national residential and small business energy
provider, today announced it had received its certificate as a retail Natural
Gas Marketer from the Georgia Public Service Commission. The New Power
Company will begin to serve natural gas consumers in Georgia in 2001.
The New Power Company was formed by Enron, the largest trader and marketer of
electricity and natural gas in North America. In June, the Company acquired
approximately 300,000 natural gas and electricity accounts in eight states
from the Columbia Energy Group, which includes approximately 83,000 natural
gas customers in Georgia - roughly 6 percent of the market.
The New Power Company began acquiring electricity customers in select utility
markets in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in October 2000. In addition, the
Company has been awarded 299,000 electricity customers by PECO Energy Company
under its "Competitive Default Service" program.
About TNPC, Inc.
TNPC, Inc. (NYSE: NPW), through its subsidiary, The New Power Company, is the
first national provider of electricity and natural gas to residential and
small commercial customers in the United States. The Company offers consumers
in restructured retail energy markets competitive energy prices, flexible
payment and pricing choices, improved customer service, and other innovative
products, services and incentives.
/CONTACT: Investors - June Filingeri, Vice President, Investor Relations,
[email protected], 914-697-2431, or Media - Gael Doar, Director of
Communications, [email protected], 914-697-2451, both of TNPC, Inc./ 17:29
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
USA: Big names dominate in Internet energy trading race.
By Gelu Sulugiuc
Reuters English News Service
(C) Reuters Limited 2000.
NEW YORK, Dec 11 (Reuters) - All bar the biggest of the much-heralded online
energy exchanges are struggling to generate liquidity as the oil community
sticks with tried and trusted trading habits, analysts and traders said.
While most of the 30 online energy exchanges that have sprung up over the
last year keep liquidity figures close to their chest, analysts say that the
big names - IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) and EnronOnline - are pulling
"You can juice up numbers any way you want, but the one that's succeeding
today is ICE," said Peter Fusaro, president of energy e-commerce consultants
firm Global Change Associates. "The others are floundering because they have
no liquidity."
ICE which enjoys the backing of such industry heavyweights as BP, Royal
Dutch/Shell and TotalFinaElf, traded a total of 200 million barrels of crude
and products in the month after it began operating in October.
Like all the new energy platforms - which mainly host "over-the-counter"
contracts traded outside regulated exchanges, - this is dwarfed by volumes
posted on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX).
Volumes on Friday alone on NYMEX crude for January delivery reached almost 40
million barrels of crude oil and almost 25 million barrels of heating oil.
Smaller online exchanges such as and HoustonStreet Exchange
hosted online trades of just 3.5 million barrels and 2.5 million barrels
respectively of heating oil in the entire month of October, industry sources
Oil volumes have taken time to pick up because many traders are reluctant to
give up brokers and switch to the internet, afraid of making costly mistakes
trading online.
"There are brokers that have been around for a long time and have established
personal and business relationships with traders," said Tom Knight, an
independent online trading consultant.
Oil's recent dizzying price volatility has also deterred traders from using
online exchanges, fearing that a swift market move could turn a profitable
Web trade into a ruinous one in a matter of minutes.
"You can't take your trade off (the online exchange) fast enough," a trader
who uses EnronOnline and Altra said.
Old habits dying hard in the oil community means the younger markets of
natural gas and power hold the key to the new platforms' liquidity growth.
Leading the way is EnronOnline, which boasts an average daily volume of $10.5
billion and 35,000 transactions in more than 30 commodities, smashing initial
targets of a $30-$40 billion yearly trading volume.
Main competitor Dynegydirect has posted a total transaction volume of only
$1.5 billion since it began trading Nov. 1.
Traders and analysts said that EnronOnline is already becoming so big that it
can set the tone for the natural gas cash market by itself.
"On the ICE, players don't want to make a better offer than Enron," a trader
said. "The only thing that's still not swayed by Enron numbers is NYMEX."
Among three competing business models, Dynegydirect and EnronOnline provide a
market where players can only trade with the company that operates the site.
Other platforms, like ICE, act like an intermediary, but provide only
financial products such as swaps and options.
A third group that includes, Altra and HoustonStreet focuses on
physical markets and acts as a clearinghouse for oil, natural gas and
electricity trading.
Despite the slow start for some sites, analysts agree that more energy
trading will migrate online as commission costs go down.
Knight predicted that within five years more than 50 percent of crude and
refined products trading will be done online, with gas and power shifting to
the Web even faster.
Yet only a few Web exchanges will enjoy the windfall. Analysts forecast that
a wave of mergers and consolidations will leave only a small number of
profitable online exchanges.
NYMEX hopes its own online exchange, enymex, will be part of that group, but
it will face stiff competition when it finally launches in the second quarter
of 2001.
"It will be difficult for enymex to compete six months for now with ICE and
EnronOnline," Fusaro said.
Copyright , 2000 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Dynegy's New E-Commerce Site Had $1.5 Bln in November Trading
12/11/0 17:37 (New York)
Dynegy's New E-Commerce Site Had $1.5 Bln in November Trading
Houston, Dec. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Dynegy Inc., a U.S.
electricity and natural-gas trader, said its Internet trading
site, Dynegydirect, had more than $1.5 billion in transactions in
in November, its first month of business.
More than $1 billion of the business came from new customers,
Dynegy spokesman Steve Stengel said. Dynegydirect's customers
trade exclusively with Dynegy, not with each other. The Web site
has more than 400 companies buying and selling North American
power, natural gas and natural gas liquids.
Dynegydirect plans to start trading coal, emission allowances
and weather derivatives in the first quarter. International energy
products and bandwidth are scheduled to be added in the second
Shares of Houston-based Dynegy rose $4.19 to $53.75.
EnronOnline, the 1-year-old on-line market owned by Enron
Corp., the world's biggest energy trader, trades about $2.4
billion a day, or about $12 billion a week.
IntercontinentalExchange, an Internet market for energy and
precious metals backed by 85 energy and financial companies,
traded about $6 billion in oil, natural-gas and electricity in its
first week in mid October.
ICE brings buyers and sellers together to negotiate trades.
On EnronOnline, only Enron trades with other companies.
Bloomberg LP, the parent of Bloomberg News, competes with ICE
and others with its PowerMatch trading system.
--Margot Habiby in Dallas, (214) 740-0873 or
mhabiby@bloomberg |
benson-r/deleted_items/30. | 6021288.1075840370957.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 25 Jan 2002 14:18:55 -0800 (PST) | Houston Outage Report@ENRON | Weekend Outage Report for 1/25/02-1/27/02 _________________________________________________________________
1/25/2002 5:00:00 PM through 1/28/2002 12:00:00 AM
Impact: San Palo
Time: Thur 1/24/2002 12:00:00 PM CT thru Sun 1/27/2002 12:00:00 PM CT
Thur 1/24/2002 10:00:00 AM PT thru Sun 1/27/2002 10:00:00 AM PT
Thur 1/24/2002 6:00:00 PM London thru Sun 1/27/2002 6:00:00 PM London
Outage: New server room
Environments Impacted: File Server, Notes servers, Print Server, Internet access.
Purpose: Put 02 servers room in just 01 room. Rebuild all cabling (data and voice). This is set on CST.
Backout: Back to original room.
Contact(s): Nilson Busto 55-11-5503-1347
Impact: Corp
Time: Fri 1/25/2002 1:45:00 PM CT thru Fri 1/25/2002 2:45:00 PM CT
Fri 1/25/2002 11:45:00 AM PT thru Fri 1/25/2002 12:45:00 PM PT
Fri 1/25/2002 7:45:00 PM London thru Fri 1/25/2002 8:45:00 PM London
Outage: Change Management Emergency Outage
Environments Impacted: Change Management System Outage.
Purpose: Change Management Application needs emergency maintenance.
Backout: NA
Contact(s): Brennan, Ryan 713-853-4545
Ray, Edward 7138536744
Brooks, Sean L 713-345-8077 |
gay-r/all_documents/319. | 11885296.1075855736358.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 19 Jul 2000 03:38:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: migration of Unify to Sybase 12.0 on weekend of Aug 12 We have the same concerns. |
kaminski-v/all_documents/9232. | 19862713.1075856735912.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 19 May 2000 04:14:00 -0700 (PDT) | RE: CPLEX floating license Chonawee and I just had a phone conversation with Cplex. There are other
alternatives (products) that may help in saving time and cost. Chonawee and I
feel that one floating develoment license, and one or two OPL (a package on
sale that provides modeling and optimization features) licenses will do. In
addition, we need floating deployment licenses. For the development licenses,
the charges should be split "equally" between the different groups that may
ask for optimization help (although it is hard to predict who may ask for
future help). We are suggesting equally since these licenses are used to
develop the needed solution but are not (in general) used to run the
software. The deployment licenses can be charged on per-use basis for
different groups.
Cplex is going to send us a new quote. We'll make the decision soon after
-Samer |
baughman-d/deleted_items/337. | 4270160.1075855131856.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 14 Dec 2001 03:48:03 -0800 (PST) | OpinionJournal - On the Editorial Page - December 14, 2001 From (
On the Editorial Page
Is Europe with us or against us in this war?
12:01 a.m. EST
What we did for Normandy, we should do for New York.
12:01 a.m. EST
Even the elite now admit Arafat's a fraud.
12:01 a.m. EST
Peggy Noonan
The el, the book party and the site of the Virgin.
12:01 a.m. EST
On the Taste Page
The day the truth was shot: Oliver Stone tries history again.
12:01 a.m. EDT
Review & Outlook
Welcome to Europe, Mr. Ashcroft
Why don't the French trust American justice?
Dec 14 2001
Out With a Whimper
The anti-ballistic missile treaty dies.
Dec 14 2001
Hate-Me Crimes
A self-loathing multiculturalist gets what's coming to him.
By Mark Steyn
Dec 14 2001
Dems Let Enron Off the Hook
One party got the campaign contributions and the other party plays nice.
By James Freeman
Dec 14 2001
Wonder Land
What We Did For Normandy Do for New York
The military knows how to memorialize the dead.
By Daniel Henninger
Dec 14 2001
The Americas
Kuczynski's Ideas Could Revive Peru, but Where's Toledo?
The finance minister has all the right ideas. Now he needs support.
By Mary Anastasia O'Grady
Dec 14 2001
Review & Outlook Taste
Our Man From Havana
Review & Outlook: The U.S.S. Bulkeley and its skipper symbolize everything that is great about America.
Dec 14 2001
Taste Feature
The Day the Truth Was Shot
Oliver Stone tries history again. An eyewitness sets the record straight.
By Richard V. Allen
Dec 14 2001
See It All Again, This Time Between Covers
De Gustibus: Sept. 11 books are topping the charts. What does that say about us?
By Elizabeth Bukowski
Dec 14 2001
Houses of Worship
Love Bombs at Home
Houses of Worship: A new holy-trinity tradition: Judeo-Christian-Islamic.
By Stephen Prothero
Dec 14 2001
'Making Competition Work'
The Commission has an opportunity to make itself work better.
Review & Outlook
From The Wall Street Journal Europe
Dec 14 2001
The Belligerent Neutral
Sweden expresses fury at ABM scrapping, but Russia only shrugs.
Review & Outlook
From The Wall Street Journal Europe
Dec 14 2001
Arafat's Irrelevance
Since when are terrorists indispensable?
Review & Outlook
From The Wall Street Journal Europe
Dec 14 2001
Anchoring Ankara
Careful EU diplomacy can transform Turkey into a regional force for Western values.
By Dana H. Allin and Jonathan Stevenson
From The Wall Street Journal Europe
Dec 14 2001
No Contest in Hong Kong
The city could be stuck with Tung Chee Hwa for another five years.
Review & Outlook
From The Asian Wall Street Journal
Dec 14 2001
Deal With the Junta
Engagement with Burma may be necessary, but the ultimate responsibility for change lies with the military government.
By Mike Jendrzejczyk
From The Asian Wall Street Journal
Dec 14 2001
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kaminski-v/discussion_threads/5417. | 8767232.1075856820959.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 20 Apr 2000 09:17:00 -0700 (PDT) | Cambridge Steve,
Vince |
kean-s/archiving/untitled/6296. | 27120355.1075847795810.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 12 Jan 2001 11:41:00 -0800 (PST) | Governor Davis Press Release ----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 01/12/2001 07:41 PM -----
Scott Govenar <[email protected]>
01/12/2001 02:58 PM
To: Hedy Govenar <[email protected]>, Mike Day <[email protected]>, Bev
Hansen <[email protected]>, Jeff Dasovich <[email protected]>, Susan J Mara
<[email protected]>, Joseph Alamo <[email protected]>, Paul Kaufman
<[email protected]>, David Parquet <[email protected]>, Marcie
Milner <[email protected]>, Tim Belden <[email protected]>, Rick Shapiro
<[email protected]>, Jim Steffes <[email protected]>, Alan Comnes
<[email protected]>, Chris Calger <[email protected]>, Mary Hain
<[email protected]>
Subject: Governor Davis Press Release
Attached, please find a press release from Governor Davis regarding a
new state plan to reduce energy consumption.
s+Release&iOID=12884 |
kean-s/inbox/13. | 15537624.1075855418366.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 28 Dec 2001 11:55:33 -0800 (PST) | NOTIFICATION: Outlook Outage - Friday, December 28, 2001 This is a notice to inform you that the server where your Outlook mailbox resides is scheduled for an outage tonight. Your mailbox will be temporarily unavailable starting anytime after 8pm and may continue to be unavailable until 12 a.m., when all server maintenance work have been completed. Outlook Web Access (OWA) will also be unavailable during this time.
Blackberry users: Message delivery may be delayed for a few minutes.
If you have any questions, please call the Resolution Center at x31411. |
jones-t/all_documents/885. | 27814355.1075846931157.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 23 Feb 2000 05:36:00 -0800 (PST) | Enron Employee Referrals@ENRON | Re: Employee Referral Program-Patty Young I don't understand what it is I haven't completed. Can you let me know so I
can complete the form. Thanks! |
delainey-d/all_documents/465. | 11521362.1075854439508.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 26 Jul 2000 03:17:00 -0700 (PDT) | ENA Analysts and Associates I have just received word from Ted Bland that no one has responded to this
memo. Please re-read the following memo and respond to Ted by July 31, 2000.
Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.
As you know the ENA OTC is actively working with the Analyst and Associate
Program to develop greater talent flow into ENA. We are presently working on
a number of initiatives to improve how this is working and significantly
improve communication flow and responsiveness. However in this regard we also
need you to help make sure we have clear lines of communication within ENA
regarding A&A resource levels, performance, rotations and retention efforts.
In this regard we would like for each of you to take the lead for your
groups needs and ensure that any requests, questions or concerns about A&A's
in your area are passed through you to either Ted Bland (ENA Recuitment Team
Lead - x35275) or Jana Giovannani (ENA liaison from the AA Program - x39233)
or myself. It is important that we are discerning about what we do with our
A&A resources and plan carefully and accurately for our future needs, in this
regard we need for you personally (or a senior member of your team who you
may optionally delegate this task to) will take the time to review any A&A
resource requests from your team before passing them onto us.
In addition, given the importance of these resources, we will be inviting you
to a regular bi-monthly meeting to discuss ENA A&A matters. We will confirm
the first date in due course. In the meantime if you would like to volunteer
another senior member of your team to assume this reponsibility please supply
their name as soon as possible.
Please call with any questions. |
grigsby-m/deleted_items/26. | 11469591.1075853104648.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 26 Oct 2001 11:20:25 -0700 (PDT) | Reminder:Interivews Thursday Trading Track All
A reminder that you are scheduled to interview for the Trading Track Thursday, November 1st, from 2.00 pm onwards. Resumes and schedules will be forwarded to you shortly.
Karen Buckley |
kaminski-v/sent_items/344. | 29699237.1075855464076.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 26 Nov 2001 11:26:49 -0800 (PST) | RE: Agenda for Advisory Committee Meeting on Dec 7 Vasant,
Makes sense to cancel.
-----Original Message-----
From: Shanbhogue, Vasant
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 11:12 AM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Subject: FW: Agenda for Advisory Committee Meeting on Dec 7
Hi Vince,
I would like to reply to this and cancel my planned attendance at the Wharton meeting. Please let me know if you would like me to do otherwise.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fang, Fang [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:58 AM
To: Herring, Dick; Kleindorfer, Paul; Kunreuther, Howard; Lee, Kiwan;
Leisenring, Carol; McNulty, Patrick; Oberholzer-Gee, Felix;
'[email protected]'; Orts, Eric; '[email protected]'; Richard, Amy;
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Kang,
Yong; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]';
'[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Wachter,
Susan M; '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'
Cc: Fang, Fang; Newman, Tara; Levy, Stephen
Subject: Agenda for Advisory Committee Meeting on Dec 7
To: All attending the Wharton Risk Center Advisory Committee Meeting on December 7th
You will find attached the agenda for the Advisory Committee Meeting on December 6-7 at Wharton, together with a map for the location of our optional dinner at La Terrasse Restaurant on December 6 (cocktails beginning at 6:30) and our Meeting at the Terrace Room of Logan Hall on December 7 (beginning at 9 a.m.). You will also note in the Agenda a set of questions that we will be using to stimulate discussion in our Small Group discussions. We would appreciate your having a look at these in preparation for the Meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at the Meeting. If you have any questions in the interim, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kate Fang
for Paul Kleindorfer and Howard Kunreuther
Map for La Terrasse
<<La Terrasse Restaurant.ppt>>
Map for Terrace Room
<<Terrace Room-Logan Hall.ppt>> |
fossum-d/discussion_threads/199. | 31172305.1075842458483.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 5 Jun 2000 07:38:00 -0700 (PDT) | NM ROW Do you know anyone in ROW who could give me a sense of what ROW currently is
going for in $/ mile, in New Mexico? Please forward this to anyone you think
might be able to give me some insight on recent right of way procurement by
enron or others. Thanks. DF |
bass-e/discussion_threads/1022. | 6039134.1075854651299.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 30 Nov 2000 10:30:00 -0800 (PST) | [cheatsheets] #147 Players in the News Quarterbacks in the News:
QB Jake Plummer (Ari) should get the start although he is still
hurting a tad with thumb and rib injuries. He is listed as probable
on the injury report. His backup Dave Brown is questionable with a
shoulder injury.
QB Doug Johnson (Atl) has been named the starter for the rest of the
QB Trent Dilfer (Bal) is on a bye this week.
QB Rob Johnson (Buf) is expected to start with sore ribs.
QB Cade McNown (Chi) is making excellent progress, but he will likely
miss again this week. Shane Matthews is expected to get the start
this week. Cade is listed as questionable with a sore shoulder. He
would probably play if Matthews were to get hurt.
QB Scott Mitchell (Cin) is expected to return as the starter despite
a sore knee. He practiced on Wednesday.
QB Doug Pederson (Cle) did not throw on Wednesday as he nurses his
ribs. The team has not yet named a starter and if he can not go will
look to Spergon Wynn to lead there team into the slaughter. Either
way, look for Jacksonville's defense to look good in this contest.
QB Clint Stoerner was signed by Dallas this week.
QB Brian Griese (Den) is slated to return the last week of the NFL
season at the earliest. Gus Frerotte will start in his absence.
QB Charlie Batch (Det) was able to practice Tuesday and is expected
to take the field with his sore ribs.
QB Elvis Grbac (KC) practiced on Wednesday, but is still questionable
whether he will start. The coaching staff has yet to name a
starter. I rate his chances at 85% to start.
QB Jay Fiedler (Mia) was able to practice Wednesday and now looks
like he will start this Sunday. He is listed as questionable on the
injury report with a sore shoulder and neck.
QB Drew Bledsoe (NE) continues to take a pounding. He appears as
questionable on the injury report again with a sore thumb and a
bruised ego. He missed practice on Tuesday, but typically plays
hurt. If he can not go, look for John Friesz (and his less than 100%
knee) to take the field.
QB Aaron Brooks (NO) is turning quite a few heads with his stellar
play. He starts again this week.
QB Kordell Stewart (Pit) is probable with a sore calf, but expects to
QB Jerome Bettis (Pit) has a sore leg, but it will take a lot more
than that to keep him off the field.
QB Moses Moreno (SD) needs to trade away a commandment or two for a
more durable body. He appears on the injured list again as
questionable with a sore knee. Ryan Leaf, who has a sore groin,
will start again in his place.
QB Jon Kitna (Sea) gets the start this week for the injured Brock
Huard. Brock is out indefinitely with a bruised kidney and was just
released from the hospital earlier this week.
QB Kurt Warner (StL) took snaps and has looked great throwing in
practice. He will start this week. Trent Green will back him up.
QB Shaun King (TB) practiced on Wednesday and looks to start against
the Cowboys. Eric Zeier would play if Shaun king suffered a set-back.
QB Steve McNair (Ten) practiced on Wednesday and looks to start this
week. He is listed as questionable on the injury report with a hurt
QB Brad Johnson (Was) is back behind center while Jeff George
watches. I doubt we have seen the last of this controversy.
Running backs in the News:
RB Obafemi Ayanbadejo (Bal) is gone for the season.
RB Jamal Lewis (Bal) is on a bye this week.
RB Sammy Morris (Buf) was able to practice briefly on Wednesday and
is questionable for this week's game. He is having trouble
making the hard cuts so will likely be ineffective even if he plays.
RB William Floyd (Car) will miss this game.
RB Tim Biakabutuka (Car) likely returns to the lineup this week. He
is listed as probable with a sore toe.
RB Jamel White (Cle) is banged up with a sore shoulder. Look for
Travis Prentice to "shoulder" more of the load this week.
RB Emmitt Smith (Dal) has shaken off the concussion and will start
this week.
RB Terrell Davis (Den) is out this week with calf problems. Mike
Anderson gets the start again this week.
RB Detron Smith (Den) can play if needed with his sore thumb.
RB Dorsey Levens (GB) misses yet another game. Ahman Green will get
the start.
RB Lamar Smith (Mia) practiced on Wednesday and is expected to be the
starter despite being listed as questionable on the injury report
with a tender hamstring.
RB Jimmy Kleinsasser (Min) is probable with a sore hamstring.
RB JR Redmond (NE) appears as questionable on the injury report with
bruised ribs, but he expects to play.
RB Ricky Williams (NO) is healing way ahead of schedule. He may now
be ready for the last game of the regular season. His cast is
expected to come off later this week.
RB Jerald Moore (NO) is listed as questionable on the injury report
with a sore neck. He is still expected to start though, but Chad
Morton may see a few more reps than usual.
RB Curtis Martin (NYJ) plans on playing through the pain. He is
listed as probable with a sore gluteous. I am guessing he is the
butt of many New York jokes.
RB Leon Johnson has been re-signed by the Jets and will return punts.
RB Tyrone Wheatley (Oak) is banged up with a sore knee and finger,
but his ankles are better. He will play this week.
RB Chris Fuamatu-Ma'afala (Pit) is out this week and he is using
the time to look for personalized items with his last name. We will
keep you posted.
RB Kenny Bynum (SD) is listed as questionable with a sore hamstring.
On a team that already has a crowded backfield with Jermaine Fazande
and Terrell Fletcher, Kenny looks like he could be placed on the
inactive list this week.
RB Terrell Fletcher (SD) has a broken rib, but is expected to play
with the pain.
RB Garrison Hearst (SF) is listed as questionable on the injury
report, but is doubtful he would have played anyway. The team
remains cautious in his comeback.
RB Mike Alstott (TB) will not play this week. Look for Warrick Dunn
to get plenty of opportunities against a soft Dallas defense.
RB Eddie George (Ten) skipped Wednesday's practice, but expects
to practice today and play this weekend.
RB Larry Centers (Was) is listed as questionable with a sore knee.
RB Stephen Davis (Was) will play with his sore forearm. Look for the
Giants to attempt to arm-tackle him all day.
Wide Receivers in the News:
WR Frank Sanders (Ari) is expected to play with a sore leg.
WR Brian Finneran (Atl) practiced on Wednesday and is expected to
play with a sore back.
WR Qadry Ismail (Bal) is on a bye this week.
WR Jermaine Lewis (Bal) will use this week to heal his shoulder he
injured in last week's game.
WR Peerless Price (Buf) is expected to play with a sore ankle.
WR Donald Hayes (Car) is expected to start with a sore groin.
WR Darrin Chiaverini (Cle) is listed as questionable with a sore
knee. He did not practice on Wednesday.
WR Germane Crowell (Det) is out again this week. Johnnie Morton and
Herman Moore will start in his absence.
WR Corey Bradford (GB) has spent more time on the injury report than
Yancey Thigpen=01(=01(=01(well maybe not, but he can't stay healthy
Corey misses another game this week as he is officially listed as out.
WR EG Green (Ind) still has a sprained knee and is listed as
questionable on the injury report. He says he will be ready to play
WR OJ McDuffie (Mia) is questionable with a sore toe. With Tony
Martin now healthy, the team will likely rest OJ so that he can heal
for the playoffs.
WR Troy Brown (NE) is listed as questionable on the injury report
with a sore leg, but he expects to play.
WR Jake Reed (NO) is out in likely more ways than his listing on the
injury report. Joe Horn and Willie Jackson are playing good enough
to hold onto the starting jobs even if Jake were to get healthy.
WR Ike Hilliard (NYG) is out with a bruised sternum. Joe Jurevicius
will start in his place.
WR Dedric Ward (NYJ) gets the start over Laveranues Coles who is out
with a twisted knee.
WR Courtney Hawkins (Pit) is questionable this week with a sore knee,
but even if he played he would likely be ineffective. Hines Ward has
been the only Pittsburgh receiver to do anything consistently all
WR Terrell Owens (SF) is not a lock to play, but he keeps talking
like he will be on the field though. He was quoted in the Sacramento
Bee as saying he is 85% right now. I am guessing he is closer to
70%, but he probably will play if he can handle the pain from his
turf toe.
WR Tony Horne (Stl) is out this week with a toe injury.
WR Az-Zahir Hakim (Stl) is expected to play with his sore knee this
WR Carl Pickens (Ten) continues to miss time with a sore hamstring.
Even if he plays, he does not look like he will be a big factor.
WR Albert Connell (Was) got a break when the doctors upgraded his
condition. He remains sore though and may be a game-time decision to
whether he plays. The team is starting James Thrash and Irving Fryar
so he may have limited value even if he suits up this week.
WR James Thrash (Was) has a bruised thigh, but is expected to play
this week.
Tight Ends in the News:
TE Reggie Kelly (Atl) practiced on Wednesday and is expected to play
with a sore knee.
TE Shannon Sharpe (Bal) is on a bye this week.
TE OJ Santiago (Cle) is bothered by a sore knee. Fantasy players are
bothered that he is still mentioned as a player in the NFL.
TE Aaron Shea (Cle) is listed as questionable with sore quadriceps.
He was limited in practice, but expects to play in the game.
TE Jackie Harris (Dal) was quoted as saying he will play this
weekend. He is expected to practice on Thursday and is listed as
questionable on the injury report with a sore knee.
TE Tony Gonzalez (KC) is perfectly fine and just did not catch a pass
last week from 6 attempts from Warren Moon. If Grbac plays, expect
him to get the ball to Tony again.
TE Hunter Goodwin (Mia) has a tight hamstring, but is expected to
TE Johnny McWilliams (Min) is now the starter. John Davis still gets
a lot of looks though.
TE Chad Lewis (Phi) is expected to play with a sore elbow.
Kickers in the News:
PK David Akers (Phi) is expected to play with a pulled quad.
PK Jeff Wilkins (Stl) looks like he will kick this week. But he has
looked like he was ready before and then gave way to Jeff Hall
minutes before game-time. Now that the Rams are tied for first
though, expect the players to start working through the pain. I rate
Wilkins chance to start at close to 90% this week.
To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
[email protected] |
horton-s/discussion_threads/417. | 3979907.1075844966292.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 11 Apr 2001 07:36:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Broadband FYI> Responce requested. Thanks
---------------------- Forwarded by Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron on 04/11/2001
02:25 PM ---------------------------
From: PEGGY FOWLER/ENRON@enronxgate on 04/11/2001 11:54 AM
To: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron
Subject: Re: Broadband
Sounds good - thanks. Peggy
>>> Horton, Stanley 04/11/01 07:13AM >>>
I checked with Rick Buy's group on where they were on The RAROC analysis of
your proposed broadband project. They aren't doing anything according to Rod
who checked for me. It seems to me that we need to do several things to either
kick this into gear or to put it on hold pending completion of a sale.
1. We need to find out from Mark Metts if this deal adds any value to the
transactions being proposed. I will talk with Mitch and Mark about this issue.
2. We need to determine EBS interest in this are they a buyer or
seller of Portland metro dark fiber. If they want to be in this business
wouldn't it make to develop this project as EBS and not to include it in a
3. A project of this size will take Jeff's approval. The projected Phase I
capital is above my threshold.
I will talk with Kevin Hannon and Mitch and then get back with you. Sound like
a plan? |
crandell-s/inbox/87. | 17796836.1075840054859.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 29 Nov 2001 19:35:20 -0800 (PST) | Article: Foundation Gives Way on Chief's Big Dream This article from
has been sent to you by [email protected].
[email protected]
/-------------------- advertisement -----------------------\
Special Offer to NY Times customers:
Spend $100 & ship free at
Foundation Gives Way on Chief's Big Dream
November 29, 2001
Well before anyone could imagine that Enron might collapse,
Kenneth L. Lay was stumped. In an interview in August, he
dismissed questions about a vague clause in the energy
company's annual report that hinted at bigger problems if
its stock price or credit rating fell below certain levels.
"I just can't help you on that," he said. Pressed further
on questions about a bewildering constellation of business
partnerships that involved Enron's former chief financial
officer, he said, "You're getting way over my head."
At the least, Mr. Lay - a man of big ideas, a crusader for
free markets, a risk taker in the Texas wildcatter
tradition - had taken his eye off the ball. While he was
busy befriending the nation's most powerful politicians,
erecting one of the tallest buildings in Houston and
pasting Enron's logo on the city's new ballpark, the little
things were turning out to be Mr. Lay's big problems.
One after another, disclosures spilled out of his company
over the last month: the partnerships had hidden billions
in debt; years of Enron's reported profits had been
exaggerated; the government was investigating. Rivals were
shunning Enron's energy trading desks, which Mr. Lay had
built into the world's leaders. And sure enough, the stock
price tumbled day after day, and credit agencies lowered
Enron's ratings once and then yesterday again, turning the
company's debt to junk and its shares into a penny stock.
Three weeks ago, Mr. Lay tried to salvage his creation by
selling it to Dynegy, his Houston rival. Yesterday, Dynegy
pulled out of the deal. Deprived of enough information, and
then repelled by what they learned, the free markets in
which Mr. Lay had put so much faith all but destroyed, in a
matter of weeks, everything he had built.
"If they had been going a slower speed, the results would
not have been disastrous," said Bob McNair, a Houston
energy entrepreneur who sold the bulk of his own company to
Enron three years ago. But Enron, he said in an interview
this month, was like a race car, and the markets like an
unforgiving track. "It's a lot harder to keep it on the
track at 200 miles per hour," he said. "You hit a bump and
you're off the track."
From his youth, Mr. Lay, 59, had nurtured an abiding faith
in the markets' wisdom. He studied economics at the
University of Missouri, living at home to save on room and
board, and eventually earned a Ph.D. in the subject. As a
naval officer serving in the Pentagon, he worked to develop
more efficient accounting systems. Later, he served as an
aide to a federal government regulator for the natural gas
industry - a market that Enron would come to dominate.
Moving into the private sector, he worked his way up the
ranks of the natural gas industry, becoming chief executive
in 1984 of the Houston Natural Gas Corporation, a big
regional pipeline operator. He engineered its merger with
Internorth, an Omaha pipeline company, and then became
chief executive of the combined company and changed its
name to Enron.
Mr. Lay saw Enron's mission as far more than being a
conduit for fuel. At the time, gas prices were regulated
and pipelines played a relatively passive role; buyers and
sellers could not cut deals on the fly. But as oil prices
plunged in the mid-80's and gas users began switching to
cheaper fuel oil, Mr. Lay returned to Washington to argue,
successfully, for rules changes that he said would save the
pipeline business by allowing operators to shop for the
best deals from both gas producers and utilities.
The new flexibility brought the threat of chaos, however,
as natural gas prices began fluctuating wildly. That is
when the new Enron was truly born. To help customers shield
themselves from risk, Mr. Lay's Enron developed hedging
contracts for gas like those traded in the markets for corn
and copper and winter wheat. Its innovative "gas bank" let
utilities lock up the long-term prices that they craved;
Enron lined up the gas supplies from producers, arranged
for delivery - and took a cut of every deal.
That business became the forerunner of Enron's entry into
hundreds of other markets, helping customers obtain
supplies and manage risks in products ranging from electric
power to pulp and paper and, most recently, fast broadband
access to the Internet. Trading soon provided more of the
company's profits than the traditional natural gas
While other companies, including Dynegy, focused on
accumulating hard assets like pipelines, turbines and gas
fields, Enron increasingly saw itself as a pure trading
company with an almost limitless future.
"There is a very reasonable chance that we will become the
biggest corporation in the world," Mr. Lay's handpicked
successor as Enron's chief executive, Jeffrey K. Skilling,
told the authors of a book, just published, about business
on the Internet. Even the book's title, "Radical E: From GE
to Enron - Lessons on How to Rule the Web"
(PricewaterhouseCoopers), showed the cachet the company had
attained. Enron, the authors wrote, was "creating a culture
in which radical and creative thinking is encouraged and
Mr. Skilling abruptly resigned in August, after just six
months on the job, propelling Mr. Lay back into the gritty
details of Enron's businesses that he had sought to leave
to others.
As the company grew, he had become increasingly involved in
public affairs, serving as host when a global economic
conference was held in Houston in 1990 and when the
Republican National Convention came to the city in 1992.
Like the leaders of many big Texas businesses - the
construction colossus Brown & Root after World War II or
Ross Perot's Electronic Data Systems in the 1960's - Mr.
Lay knew the value of courting politicians and policy
He played golf with President Bill Clinton; became good
friends with the Texas governor, Ann Richards; and
supported Senator Phil Gramm of Texas, whose wife, Wendy, a
former chairwoman of the Commodities Futures Trading
Commission, joined Enron's board.
"He's a stand-up guy," said Ms. Richards, now a business
consultant in New York. Asked to be more specific, she
said, "He's at the meeting" - meaning she could count on
Mr. Lay to become directly involved with whatever she asked
him to do, and not just sign onto a project for show.
Mr. Lay's deepest political ties were with the Bush family.
In the 1980's, he became a major fund-raiser for George H.
W. Bush. When Mr. Bush lost his 1992 campaign for re-
election as president, Mr. Lay brought a number of senior
Bush aides to Enron as directors or consultants, including
James A. Baker III, the former secretary of state, and
Robert A. Mosbacher, the former secretary of commerce.
Mr. Lay also cultivated Mr. Bush's son George W. long
before he was considered a serious national candidate.
After the younger Mr. Bush's election as Texas governor in
1994, Mr. Lay became head of the Governor's Business
Council, an important advisory post.
The bond with President Bush is personal. As governor, Mr.
Bush sent Mr. Lay a kidding note in 1997. "One of the sad
things about old friends is that they seem to be getting
older - just like you!" he wrote. "55 years old. Wow! That
is really old. Thank goodness you have such a young,
beautiful wife," he added, a reference to Mr. Lay's wife,
In 1999, Mr. Lay sent a handwritten Christmas note to Mr.
Bush and his wife, Laura. "Linda and I are so proud of both
of you and look forward to seeing both of you in the White
House," he wrote.
Yesterday, the White House press secretary, Ari Fleischer,
said the Treasury Department was monitoring Enron's
downfall for its effect on the market. Asked if the
president himself had any reaction, Mr. Fleisher said, "The
president's reaction is that it should be monitored."
In some ways, Enron's collapse was one more example of the
bursting of the Internet bubble. But Mr. Lay was not some
stylish dot-com brat; by all accounts, he is an immensely
likable product of Middle America. Growing up in tiny Rush
Hill, Mo., he was driving a tractor by age 12 and salting
away savings. By 16, his sister Sharon recalled this week,
"he was bucking bales" - that is, loading hay - "and had
two jobs in the summer, painting houses."
"I don't think you could ever say that he did something the
easy way," she said.
That work ethic ran in the family. Mr. Lay's father was a
minister who also sold farm equipment. The family's
finances were spotty, "at times no money, at times some
money," Ms. Lay recalled. Still, the Lays took in people
from their church who were in need.
Over the last decade or so, Mr. Lay earned some $300
million from Enron, mostly by exercising stock options.
Earlier this month, when employees grew incensed at the
prospect of his collecting a big severance package with the
company's sale to Dynegy, he volunteered to walk away from
$60 million in payments.
Mr. McNair, the Houston entrepreneur, who has known Mr. Lay
for years, suggested that perhaps everything had not been
disclosed to him. "Maybe the people who reported to him
told him what they wanted him to hear, but they weren't
telling him everything," he said.
Mr. McNair said he spoke to Mr. Lay recently and found him
"somewhat in a state of shock." Mr. McNair added, "He's
In the end, it seems, the man whose company did so much to
help others manage their risk could not manage his own.
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Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company |
arnold-j/deleted_items/728. | 30133529.1075861669129.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Nov 2001 13:42:24 -0800 (PST) | FW: got this from late friday. have you ever heard of him ?
-----Original Message-----
From: jeff lawson [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 2:13 PM
To: Zipper, Andy
Fuck you, you piece of shit. I can't wait to see you
go down with the ship like all the other vermin.
Smug, paranoid, unhappy mother fucker.
Eat shit.
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month. |
jones-t/all_documents/5735. | 17213329.1075847056961.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 5 Dec 2000 05:42:00 -0800 (PST) | McClaren Energy A woman named Janette Bertel at McLaren Energy just left a message for Genia
who had just sent them a power master, that they also want to get an ISDA
Master in place with us. The woman's phone no is 819/986-4616. If you could
send up some credit for this, we'd appreciate it! |
dasovich-j/all_documents/3289. | 23251803.1075843025763.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 9 Nov 2000 06:30:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: New OII Thanks!
Is there a way to get electronic versions of the documents online?
I found the CPUC website....
From: Jeff Dasovich on 11/09/2000 12:05 PM
Sent by: Jeff Dasovich
To: Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: New OII
Hi. Sorry for the delay. Today's big FERC hearing has had me wrapped up.
Please read the following and keep VERY confidential---it's an internal PG&E
summary. Electronic version of OII to follow.
Yesterday, the Commission issued an OII to determine the
> adequacy of Sempra Energy's, SoCalGas' and SDG&E's gas transmission
> practices and to determine what measures need to be taken to correct any
> deficiencies. The OII orders the Sempra affiliates and parent to
> demonstrate that SDG&E's gas supply and transmission system are adequate
> to provide service to present and future core and noncore customers.
> As you may recall, the OII sprang from an AL that SDG&E
> filed in August requesting emergency review and approval of its proposals
> to temporarily revise gas transportation service elections to its noncore
> customers. SDG&E subsequently pulled the advice letter after the
> Commission issued a resolution rejecting it and outlined an OII it was
> going to issue on this matter. The language in the OII that was issued
> yesterday is substantially similar to that which was in the Commission's
> original draft resolution.
> The Sempra companies have been ordered to appear at a soon
> to be determined PHC to show cause and demonstrate that:
> 1. SDG&E has adequate gas transmission supply for the
> 2000/2001 winter heating season, as well as the longer term supply
> throughout the year. If supply is inadequate, SDG&E shall submit plans
> for obtaining adequate supply.
> 2. SDG&E gas and transmission supply is adequate to meet
> anticipated need for gas fired generation. If not, SDG&E shall submit
> plans for obtaining adequate supply.
> 3. SDG&E's gas transmission service is not being adversely
> affected by interests of its corporate affiliate.
> 4. Recently added demands on SDG&E's capacity are not
> negatively impacting supply for SDG&E's customers. and otherwise
> consistent with representations made to the Commission.
> 5. SDG&E's current gas curtailment rules are just and
> reasonable; if not, SDG&E shall propose changes.
> We are going to need to keep a careful eye on this
> proceeding as it develops to make sure it stays focused on events in
> southern California. Commission Bilas gave me assurances last week before
> the OII was issued that it was a Sempra problem, not a statewide problem.
> However, given everyone's sensitivities to EG concerns, its a proceeding
> that could easily be expanded beyond its current narrow focus. I'll
> forward you all a copy of the order later today.
----- Forwarded by Jeff Dasovich/NA/Enron on 11/09/2000 12:02 PM -----
Susan Scott
11/09/2000 09:41 AM
To: Jeff Dasovich
Subject: New OII
The proceeding is I0011002; I think the order was issued Nov. 2.
---------------------- Forwarded by Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron on 11/09/2000
09:40 AM ---------------------------
Susan Scott
11/06/2000 02:28 PM
To: Jeff Dasovich
Subject: New OII
Jeff, I read in Gas Daily that the Cal PUC has issued an OII on the adequacy
of supply and pipeline infrastructure in southern California. Could you have
someone send me a copy of the order whenever it is issued? Steve thinks it's
something we might want to get involved in, but I need to know more.
Great to see you last week.
Susan |
bass-e/sent/222. | 23750433.1075854690350.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 4 Oct 2000 07:02:00 -0700 (PDT) | solid blue is the outermost track - dashe blue is the internal projection for
its path
so, i have nothing to worry about, woman |
arnold-j/all_documents/387. | 10326126.1075857575819.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 14 Sep 2000 09:24:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: .exe file - infomercial Who's the target audience and how is it being distributed?
Louise Kitchen
09/14/2000 11:50 AM
To: Hunter S Shively/HOU/ECT@ECT, John J Lavorato/Corp/Enron@Enron, John
cc: Andy Zipper/Corp/Enron@Enron, [email protected]
Subject: .exe file - infomercial
Just wondering what you think of this? |
hayslett-r/deleted_items/120. | 9482444.1075862269572.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 21 Nov 2001 11:08:41 -0800 (PST) | RE: TW info I have it - I will get it to her.
-----Original Message-----
From: Hayslett, Rod
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 1:08 PM
To: Howard, Kevin A.
Subject: FW: TW info
Do you have this data?
-----Original Message-----
From: Taylor, Sarah
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 8:55 AM
To: Hayslett, Rod
Cc: Desai, Jayshree
Subject: TW info
Per our conversations yesterday there is one other item that we would like to obtain: the current percentage ROE and return on rate base allowed by FERC. If there is someone in your organization that I can contact please let me know.
Thank you for all of your help! I hope that you get to relax and enjoy at least some of your holiday.
Sarah |
beck-s/sent/591. | 6343232.1075855910442.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 11 Feb 2000 00:17:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Thank you I think that this was great, too. I look forward to the next one. Would you
like to coordinate dinner plans for the next lecture?
From: Sheila Glover 02/11/2000 07:32 AM
To: Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Thank you
Many thanks.. I thoroughly enjoyed last night. Sarah Weddington was a
delight and dinner was fun.. Kristin told safari stories..
Sheila |
arora-h/inbox/59. | 20351265.1075862673825.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 8 Nov 2001 13:04:08 -0800 (PST) | fyi. This is a high-quality quantiative finance site... |
beck-s/all_documents/57. | 31562246.1075849812106.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 6 Dec 2000 23:33:00 -0800 (PST) | Demo w/ Louise Hey Tom and Sally,
I just wanted to give a status report of my meeting with Louise Kitchen
yesterday. Four main issues were of Confirm Central were discussed: legal
loose ends and ramifications, user interface, functionality, and future
Starting with the legal aspect Louise wanted Mark Taylor brought into the
process. She felt his experience from EOL would be useful, and would help
make any seams between EOL and CL disappear. I am setting up ameeting for
early next week between Mark T., Mark G., and Alan to get this process
The user interface Louise thought needed some work she definitely did not
like the colors of the website. She had good comments on how to improve the
look and feel. We will try to incorporate Louise's suggestions as quickly as
possible. I am not to concerned about these comments since we have spent the
last 4 weeks developing functionality and have not yet focused on this issue.
Louise was happy with the actual functionality of the site. She actually
said we did an excellent job.
Finally, on future relases she wanted us to focus on Financial & Physical
Power, Financial & Physiacl Gas in the U.S. She felt that this is a market
where we could make money, where Enron has enough volume that we could really
relieve some pain on our counterparties. Other commodities such as Liquids,
Global Products, Metals, she felt either did not have enough voume to justify
the business model or would take to long to integrate into CL. As far as
additional features to the site incorpoating an importing function for CP
data was high on the list, next was reporting confirmation statistics,
exporting data, and finally automatching.
Take away message from the meeting was that Louise was extremely happy with
the site and our progress to date.
Brad |
kean-s/all_documents/847. | 13592905.1075846161546.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sat, 29 Jul 2000 17:03:00 -0700 (PDT) | Follow-up on Larcamp Visit: Comparing Gas /Electric Positions FYI. I'll keep all of you posted as we complete our analysis and respond to
Larcamp's thoughts.
---------------------- Forwarded by James D Steffes/HOU/EES on 07/30/2000
12:02 AM ---------------------------
Shelley Corman@ENRON
07/27/2000 03:01 PM
To: Stanley Horton/Corp/Enron@Enron, Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Rockford
Meyer/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, [email protected],
Ray Neppl/NPNG/Enron@ENRON, Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Teb
Lokey/FGT/Enron@ENRON, Julia White/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steven
Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Susan Scott/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
cc: James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Christi L Nicolay/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Follow-up on Larcamp Visit: Comparing Gas /Electric Positions
When Dan Larcamp recently visited he commented that pipelines need to take a
look at differences between gas and electric positions and practices. In
fact, his main concern about pipeline marketing affiliate practices relate to
the fact that they differ from practices on the electric side.
I am working with Jim Steffes and Christi Nicolay on a comparison of gas and
electric practices in the following areas mentioned by Dan Larcamp. Here is
a quick look at the areas that we are comparing:
Contracting for transportation/transmission capacity. Pipelines currently
have a form of service agreement in their tariffs, but they also enter into
non-conforming agreements and discount agreements with shippers. In
contrast, transmission customers enter a two-page standardized blanket
transmission agreement. Then they reserve specific quantities and points
on-line via OASIS. This is probably the area that we'll have the most
difficult time arguing why we are different than the electric side.
Negotiating discounts. Customers may call or fax pipeline staff to negotiate
discounts, although sometimes a pipeline may post a generally available
discount on the website. On the electric side, discounts are rarely granted,
but if discounts are granted it is handled through OASIS.
Functionality of OASIS vs. pipeline websites. Its true that the OASIS system
facilitates the reservation of transmission space (i.e. contracting) and
discounts, but it doesn't accommodate nominations, invoices, and index of
customers or many of the other features available on pipeline web sites.
Marketing affiliate rules. I plan to lay out a side by side comparison of
Sec. 37 (electric rules) and 161 (gas marketing affiliate rules). One
difference, the posting of organization charts, will be gone after September,
as pipelines will add this information to the web site.
Content of Form 1 vs. Form 2. Dan Larcamp mentioned that he feels like
electric form 1s have more useful market data. I'm not sure we're comparing
apples and apples, as the electrics are still integrated utilities and thus
the form 1 includes sales data. But, we'll put together a comparison
Hopefully, the detailed comparison can be completed in the next month. Also,
FYI Enron Government Affairs is currently working on their comments to the
latest OASIS rulemaking and plan to use the comparison work to suggest best
pipeline website practices that could be a model for OASIS. I'll keep you
posted. |
dean-c/inbox/451. | 18131921.1075852148028.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 24 Oct 2001 19:22:28 -0700 (PDT) | All Enron Employees North America@ENRON <??SAll Enron Employees North America@ENRON> | Natural Gas Origination Our natural gas business continues to benefit from effective account management and resource allocation focused on identifying and responding to the needs of our varied customers. In order to keep our organization optimally structured and to facilitate additional growth, we are making the following changes:
Producer/Wellhead Group
The current mid-market, origination and wellhead pricing activity currently within the Central and Eastern Gas Regions will be consolidated with the Derivatives group under Fred Lagrasta. This will create a single business unit focused upon the needs of the producing industry within the Eastern U.S. The producer focus in the Western U.S. and Texas will remain unchanged reporting to Mark Whitt and Brian Redmond respectively.
Strategic Asset Development
Laura Luce will move from her role in the Central Region to lead an effort focused strictly on identifying and entering into long-term strategic arrangements within the Central and Eastern Regions. This initiative will focus on a limited number of selected markets that provide strategic opportunities for partnering in asset development, asset management and optimization. This effort will continue to work very closely with the regional leads.
Central Origination and Mid-Market
Frank Vickers will continue his current role in the Eastern Region and will assume the leadership role for Mid-Market and Origination activity in the Central Region.
There will be no changes to the West and Texas Origination groups headed respectively by Barry Tycholiz and Brian Redmond.
Please join us in congratulating Fred, Laura and Frank in their new roles.
Louise & John |
kaminski-v/inbox/420. | 8223115.1075862459621.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 26 Oct 2001 07:53:59 -0700 (PDT) | e-mail <[email protected]>, e-mail <[email protected]>, | Birthday Party We are planning a party!
It has been a while since the group has had a party,
and my daughter is going to be a year old. So we are
planning a party for November 11th, and Vandhana
and I would like to invite everyone in Research and
their family.
As yet we do not have the venue fixed, but please
keep November 11 (Sunday) free.
Please RSVP so that we can plan on the numbers.
****************************************************************************** |
beck-s/all_documents/887. | 33485039.1075855765385.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 20 Nov 2000 10:01:00 -0800 (PST) | RE: Wednesday I am out of the office all day on Wednesday. --Sally
11/20/2000 01:43 PM
Brenda Flores-Cuellar@ENRON
Brenda Flores-Cuellar@ENRON
Brenda Flores-Cuellar@ENRON
11/20/2000 01:43 PM
11/20/2000 01:43 PM
To: Thomas D Gros/NA/Enron@Enron, Sally Beck/HOU/ECT@ECT, Susan
Harrison/HOU/ECT@ECT, Carrie Slagle/HOU/ECT@ect, Molly Sumrow/HOU/ECT@ECT,
Brad Romine/NA/Enron@Enron, James Whitehead/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Patrick
Scales/NA/Enron@Enron, Tommy J Yanowski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Mary
Solmonson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Douglas Fuehne/NA/Enron@ENRON, Kristin
Cantu/Corp/Enron@Enron, Todd Ballengee/NA/Enron@ENRON, Andrew
Cole/NA/Enron@ENRON, Andrew Matthews/NA/Enron@Enron, Michael
Lee/NA/Enron@Enron, Jeff Huff/NA/Enron@ENRON, John Coyle/NA/Enron@ENRON,
Snooky Tiedje/NA/Enron@ENRON, Amy Schneider/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jenny
Lim/NA/Enron@ENRON, Nicolas Lam/NA/Enron@ENRON, Christopher
Cocks/NA/Enron@ENRON, Steve Rubin/NA/Enron@ENRON, Erik Treese/NA/Enron@ENRON,
Jeff Catalina/NA/Enron@ENRON, Mohan Pattabiraman/NA/Enron@ENRON, Murali
Perumbedu/NA/Enron@ENRON, Thede Loder/NA/Enron@ENRON, Jeff
Ledgerwood/NA/Enron@ENRON, Tad Lynch/NA/Enron@ENRON, Maria
Sandoval/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brenda Flores-Cuellar/NA/Enron@Enron, Mckenzie
Subject: RE: Wednesday
Maria and I are trying to get an idea of how many of you guys and gals will
actually be here on Wednesday and for how long. Please let us know as soon
as possible.
Brenda |
farmer-d/logistics/619. | 2391860.1075854120067.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 28 Dec 1999 07:18:00 -0800 (PST) | Calpine January 2000 Nomination - CALPINE MONTHLY GAS NOMINATION___.doc |
kaminski-v/sent/2126. | 26714956.1075856486969.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 23 Aug 2000 02:29:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Request for Leave Stinson,
No problem. I shall forward the letter to HR
to enter this information into the company's records.
I hope you will have good time and come back with fresh dose
of energy.
Stinson Gibner
08/23/2000 09:08 AM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Request for Leave
After eight years of working for Enron, I would like to take some additional
time off. If possible, I would like to take three weeks of leave without
pay, beginning September 25 and continuing through October 13th, 2000.
Thank you,
Stinson Gibner |
germany-c/discussion_threads/615. | 29383206.1075853745332.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 25 Feb 2000 11:12:00 -0800 (PST) | March requirements update Chris--Attached is an updated version of our March Needs estimates. I know
that changes have been made to Nipsco Choice and to CGV requirements. There
may be some other changes as well.
please call if you have quesitons.
Doug Kinney
Ph: 703-561-6339
Fax: 703-561-7317
kaminski-v/all_documents/9326. | 27855167.1075856738342.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 11 May 2000 01:29:00 -0700 (PDT) | Yvan's Application Molly,
I am enclosing my recommendation letter for Yvan Chaxel.
Vince |
kean-s/all_documents/6082. | 28557959.1075847640595.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 1 Feb 2001 04:15:00 -0800 (PST) | California Here are the documents.
----- Forwarded by Steven J Kean/NA/Enron on 02/01/2001 12:13 PM -----
Peggy Mahoney@EES
02/01/2001 04:58 AM
To: Paula Rieker/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Mark Koenig/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Elizabeth
Ivers/NA/Enron@Enron, Mark Palmer/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Steven J
Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Karen Denne/Corp/Enron@ENRON
Subject: California
Attached is the "pitch" our sales representatives are presenting to customers
in California, a list of customers and a Q&A.
Karen - I am also faxing to your house in case these files are too large for
to download at home before you leave for California.
Please call me with any questions.
Peggy |
hain-m/notes_inbox/584. | 19669130.1075860459976.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 20 Mar 2001 11:59:00 -0800 (PST) | Conference Call/PX Response Attached you will find the draft of the Response of the Group to the Motion
for Relief from Stay filed by the Debtor. As an initial caveat, we have
prepared this as the scrivener for the Group. Like the rest of the Group, we
have not specifically reviewed the substance of this with our client and we
reserve the right to suggest changes based on our client's comments, as we
expect the rest of the Group will. In addition, we have the following
1. In carefully analyzing the Motion for Relief from Stay as part of
preparing this Response, we became convinced that the Debtor meant that the
preliminary injunction was to remain effective and does not intend to grant
general relief from stay as to the Federal District Court action. It seems
to us that the Debtor is basically saying by this motion that we should
proceed in front of FERC, but nobody has the prerogative, without seeking
further relief of stay from the court, to proceed outside of FERC to resolve
the charge-back issues. Accordingly, we did not feel it was appropriate to
address this issue in the response. The Group may want to consider
approaching Debtor's counsel on this issue.
2. Technically, by asking the Court to include the Amendment 22 proceeding
as part of the Relief from Stay, we are expanding the relief. We have tried
to soft sell this issue as was suggested by the Group to suggest that this is
simply a related proceeding that is required to go forward to grant complete
relief as part of the Debtor's motion. If the Debtor objects to the expanded
relief, the court will likely not grant it because it was not specifically
the subject of the motion. We probably need to lobby Debtor's counsel to
help get this accomplished without the requirement of filing an additional
motion for relief.
3. Check Exhibit A to make sure that all parties are listed and the
appropriate counsel is listed. I am trying to simply list the "bankruptcy"
counsel so that Debtor's counsel knows initially who to contact if there is
any question relative to a party. We have not intentionally left anybody
off. If someone is missing, it is inadvertent and we will certainly add them
to the list.
If there are others of your Group who should receive this, please forward it
to the other members of group.
We have set up a conference call at 12:15 E.T. to discuss this matter. The
dial-in number is 1-800-569-0883. The confirmation number is 5096040. If
you have any questions prior to that time you may contact Carl Eklund in New
York at 212/424-8482 or Jim Huemoeller at 303/291-2632.
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or
entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received
this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any
- PXResponse2.doc |
dasovich-j/sent/2743. | 12748493.1075843836125.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 21 Dec 2000 11:14:00 -0800 (PST) | Meeting to Discuss Legal Issues Mike (Smith):
Since things will move pretty quickly from this point forward, we want to
have a quick meeting to explore our legal options and how best to preserve
them. We'd like to have a kickoff call after the daily 10 AM (CST ) call
that Wanda Curry handles. Are you available after Wanda's call? Say 11 AM
CST? Thanks.
Jeff |
kaminski-v/discussion_threads/8194. | 25966476.1075863704798.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 28 Mar 2000 06:46:00 -0800 (PST) | Update Hello all,
The program for the 2000 Texas Finance Festival has been formalized and can
be found on our web site at
I do need to remind you of a few things before we converge on San Antonio.
First, be sure to contact the convention hotel and make your reservations.
At last count there were only 6 rooms left. Second, I need a completed
application form from everyone so that we can get an accurate meal count.
I am attaching the program announcement so you can fill out the appropriate
boxes for meals and numbers of guests in the event you have not sent in a
Remember that we are starting the conference off with a luncheon on Friday
so plan on arriving early Friday or coming in on Thursday evening if you
can. Our hotel is right on the river and there are lots of restaurants and
interesting things to visit in the immediate area (the Alamo is across the
plaza from the hotel).
We are making plans for spouses and children to attend both the dinner on
Friday and Saturday evenings. The Friday evening dinner begins at 6 p.m.
so that we can be done in plenty of time for our private guided tour of the
Alamo at 8:00 p.m. For Saturday we are still working out plans for the
evening so stay tuned.
There will be more information later as the conference nears. Looking
forward to seeing you all and in beautiful, sunny San Antonio.
John - announcerev.doc
John D. Martin
Carr P. Collins Chair in Finance
Finance Department
Baylor University
PO Box 98004
Waco, TX 76798
254-710-4473 (Office)
254-710-1092 (Fax)
[email protected]
web: |
heard-m/brokerage_agreements/18. | 246682.1075854930078.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 1 Oct 2001 11:07:37 -0700 (PDT) | FW: SEC 13F Reporting for ENA Sara and Donna,
Gary has agreed that the Convertible Arbitrage Book should be transferred back to ECT Investments Inc. The Convertible Arbitrage Book was moved from ECT Investments, Inc. to Enron North America Corp., effective 1QTR2001.
We will need to get this done before year-end. The Convertible Book will need to be reported at year-end for SEC 13F reporting. We want it included in ECT Investments' 13f rather than do a ENA filing.
Theresa is calling GS and MSDW to see what they will require.
-----Original Message-----
From: Glover, Sheila
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 9:12 AM
To: Hickerson, Gary
Subject: FW: SEC 13F Reporting for ENA
Have you had a chance to think about this?
Farzad says it does not matter to him whether he trades as ENA, ECT Investments or XXX.
One important thing I just thought about is that I do not think we would want the Convertible Arbitrage Book Trading in London as Enron North America Corp. Whether we are trading from London or Houston, our counterparties will be the same on Convertible Arbitrage Trading though the %s may change. We use the Agent, Enron Investment Services Limited in London, to trade on behalf of ECT Investments, Inc.
-----Original Message-----
From: Glover, Sheila
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2001 3:00 PM
To: Hickerson, Gary
Subject: SEC 13F Reporting for ENA
How strongly do you feel about not having the Convertible Arbitrage Book in ECT Investments?
We could move the Convertible Arbitrage Book back into ECT Investments before year-end. Otherwise, we will need to do SEC 13f reporting for ENA.
My concern would be:
Enron may not want to disclose certain positions in the Merchant Portfolio which are in the name of ENA. We would need to include in the reporting all ENA Longs, long puts and long calls >$200,000. I am not sure how much we actually have in the name of Enron North America.
Does Enron want to do a SEC 13F with the Enron North America name and address?
If we move to a totally separate entity, we will need to set up new Prime Broker (2) and Executing Broker Agreements (27) for the new entity.
The return on capital can continue to be calculated based upon selected books.
Thanks. Sheila |
germany-c/sent_items/850. | 26834915.1075840528709.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 30 Jan 2002 06:42:09 -0800 (PST) | RE: Transportation notes for Feb Oh girl I know I do. I'm very modest too.
-----Original Message-----
From: Olinger, Kimberly S.
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 8:35 AM
To: Germany, Chris
Subject: RE: Transportation notes for Feb
let me tell you that you ROCK
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 8:28 AM
To: Olinger, Kimberly S.
Subject: RE: Transportation notes for Feb
Guess what. I have the deal numbers in my notebook packed in a box - but Ed McMichael said we are not going to flow this gas until March. I think he also said he is trying to resurrect the Con Ed deal - which is probably similar to the Lilco deal with respect to the pipelines it flows on.
Transco does not have a pooling contract like many of the other pipelines on the East. They assign the shipper a specific meter for that pool and you use your IT contract to nominate pool to pool stuff.
-----Original Message-----
From: Olinger, Kimberly S.
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 4:01 PM
To: Germany, Chris
Subject: RE: Transportation notes for Feb
what is the lilco deal you are referring to? are we currently noming this? can't find anything in unify that shows that we are.
what deal on transco would you need an it contract for?
also, did you go and change the capacty ticket to reflect the release of capacty? I'm not sure how to reflect it, but the ticket numbers
are 1190900, and 1190720. I can do this for you if you tell me how it should be reflected.
later gator
-----Original Message-----
From: Germany, Chris
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 3:30 PM
To: McMichael Jr., Ed; Greif, Donna; Lamadrid, Victor; Barbe, Robin
Cc: Garza, Maria; Kelly, Katherine L.; Germany, Chris; Concannon, Ruth; Olinger, Kimberly S.
Subject: Transportation notes for Feb
I have released the Boston Gas capacity on Tennessee, contract 29667, and Iroquois, contract 1250-08, to Boston Gas, non-recallable, subject to bid (per Boston Gas's request), for Feb 1st for one month only.
Other transport notes;
To serve the Lilco deal, we need supply on Texas Eastern, Tennessee, and Transco.
Texas Eastern is trying to decide how to handle the cash out exposure. There is no commodity expense on the type of agreement I am requesting but there is the possibility of cash out. I think the exposure to Texas Eastern is minimal and it could be that Texas Eastern just wants to be difficult to work with.
We can still flow gas on our Tennessee pooling contract.
We need an IT contract on Transco. Transco requires a prepayment or a letter of credit using the following formula, MDQ x 90 days x max it rate from Zone 1 to Zone 6 ($.5169). I believe the Lilco volume on Transco is about 21,000 dth/day. Therefore, we would need to give Transco a letter of credit for about $977,000.00.
I also believe that we could do a buy/sale on Transco and Texas Eastern and bypass the pooling process.
Donna, Victor,
I like to keep scheduling informed of all activity on my pipes. I plan on copying Ruth, Kathy, Maria, and Kim on my emails. Who should I include from scheduling?
Thanks |
baughman-d/all_documents/382. | 15356044.1075848320554.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 10 May 2001 09:39:00 -0700 (PDT) | ---------------------- Forwarded by Larry F Campbell/NA/Enron on 05/10/2001
04:39 PM ---------------------------
Zarin Imam@EES
05/10/2001 01:26 PM
To: Larry F Campbell/NA/Enron@Enron
YOU ARE THE BEST! Thank you ! Look at it before you give it out!
Z |
gay-r/_sent_mail/44. | 20007247.1075855747511.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 21 Sep 2000 03:34:00 -0700 (PDT) | Etiquette - rerun ---------------------- Forwarded by Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000 10:26
AM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Kenneth Shulklapper 09/21/2000 10:20 AM
To: Randall L Gay/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Etiquette - rerun
---------------------- Forwarded by Kenneth Shulklapper/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000
09:46 AM ---------------------------
To: Jay Reitmeyer/HOU/ECT@ECT, Kenneth Shulklapper/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Etiquette - rerun
---------------------- Forwarded by Matthew Lenhart/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000
10:16 AM ---------------------------
"Marcantel MM (Mitch)" <[email protected]> on 09/21/2000 06:47:47 AM
To: "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>,
"'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject: Etiquette - rerun
NIce Man! Especially #10
Blowjob Etiquette For Men, From Women:
> > 1. First and foremost, we are not obligated to do it.
> >
> > 2. Extension to rule #1 - So if you get one, be grateful.
> >
> > 3. I don't care WHAT they did in the porn video you
> > saw, it is not standard practice to cum on someone's
> > face.
> >
> > 4. Extension to rule #3 - No, I DON'T have to swallow.
> >
> > 5. My ears are NOT handles.
> >
> > 6. Extension to rule #5 - do not push on the top of
> > my head. Last I heard, deep throat had been done. And
> > additionally, do you really WANT puke on your dick?
> >
> > 7. I don't care HOW relaxed you get, it is NEVER OK
> > to fart.
> >
> > 8. Having my period does not mean that it's "hummer
> > week" - get it through your head - I'm bloated and I
> > feel like shit so no, I don't feel particularly obligated
> > to blow you just because YOU can't have sex right now.
> >
> > 9. Extension to #8 - "Blue Balls" might have worked
> > on high school girls - if you're that desperate, go
> > jerk off and leave me alone with my Midol.
> >
> > 10. If I have to pause to remove a pubic hair from my
> > teeth, don't tell me I've just "wrecked it" for you.
> >
> > 11. Leaving me in bed while you go play video games
> > immediately afterwards is highly inadvisable if you
> > would like my behavior to be repeated in the future.
> >
> > 12. If you like how we do it, it's probably best not
> > to speculate about the origins of our talent. Just enjoy
> > the moment and be happy that we're good at it. See also
> > rule #2 about gratitude.
> >
> > 13. No, it doesn't particularly taste good. And I don't
> > care about the protein content.
> >
> > 14. No, I will NOT do it while you watch TV.
> >
> > 15. When you hear your friends complain about how they
> > don't get blowjobs often enough, keep your mouth shut.
> > It is inappropriate to either sympathize or brag. |
dasovich-j/notes_inbox/12121. | 28440252.1075849414894.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 8 Jul 2001 05:24:00 -0700 (PDT) | large customer service options Gang,
Here 'tis,
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
- largecustomerserviceoptions.doc |
germany-c/transport/42. | 26849695.1075853855210.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 21 Sep 2000 02:36:00 -0700 (PDT) | Memo from Shelley Corman: FERC Staff Conference Today I thought you all may be interested in a summary of the FERC Conference I
attended on Tuesday. The comments below are from Becky Cantrell and Shelley
Corman. I will also forward the comments from our Washington attorney, who
also attended the conference. We have 30 days to file comments on the
meeting. There are a couple of issues I want to discuss with you that will
help us decide whether we should file certain comments. I will arrange a
meeting soon.
---------------------- Forwarded by Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT on 09/21/2000
09:29 AM ---------------------------
Enron North America Corp.
From: Rebecca W Cantrell 09/20/2000 03:21 PM
To: Stephanie Miller/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Julie A
cc: Gary L Payne/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Memo from Shelley Corman: FERC Staff Conference Today
I generally concur with Shelley's summary. On the fourth bullet in the
first section (tighter tolerances), a lot of parties (more than I expected)
kvetched about the fact that pipelines seemed to be using the Order 637
filings to make their penalty provisions even worse -- higher fees, tighter
tolerances -- and then proposing new default or mandatory services that
looked a lot like penalties.
There was the usual affiliate bashing, particularly on the
shipper-must-have-title rule discussions. Southern Company also brought it
up in connection with LNG import facilities, e.g., Cove Point and Elba
Island. It seems pretty clear that the January conference, which is to
address marketing affiliates, will be pretty heated. Based on their comments
in this conference, I expect BP/Amoco is going to be particularly aggressive
(rabid, even), and Dynegy will almost certainly be chiming in. We need to
start developing a strategy to counter some of their most virulent arguments.
---------------------- Forwarded by Rebecca W Cantrell/HOU/ECT on 09/20/2000
02:30 PM ---------------------------
Michael Van Norden@ENRON
09/19/2000 06:12 PM
To: Stan Horton/Houston/Eott@Eott, Bill Cordes/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Mary Kay
Miller/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Robert Kilmer@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Ray
Fossum@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Julia White/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Steve
Hotte/Corp/Enron@ENRON, Danny McCarty/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Janet
Place@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Maria Pavlou/ET&S/Enron@Enron, Teb
Lokey/FGT/Enron@Enron, Glen Hass@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, Steven
Harris/ET&S/Enron@ENRON, Nancy Bagot/OTS/Enron@ENRON, Janet
cc: Steven J Kean/NA/Enron@Enron, Richard Shapiro/HOU/EES@EES, Rebecca W
Cantrell@ENRON_DEVELOPMENT, James D Steffes/HOU/EES@EES, Joe
Subject: Memo from Shelley Corman: FERC Staff Conference Today
Today, FERC Staff held its conference to discuss what regulatory changes are
necessary to promote further market liquidity. The conference was fairly
well attended by FERC staff, including Dan Larcamp and Shelton Cannon.
Some common themes:
Gas markets are generally well functioning and major changes are not
Commodity markets are very liquid.
FERC policies, GISB and Order 637 have helped to make capacity markets more
Shippers are unhappy with tighter tolerances and new balancing services in
Order No. 637 compliance filings.
Standardization is necessary to promote liquidity (with pipelines making the
distinction that standardization of transactional protocols is a good idea,
standardization of product offerings is not).
There is very little consensus on further areas for change. In nearly every
case, a change advocated by one shipper group is opposed by another.
In any event, most said that now is not the time for sweeping changes.
Areas without consensus:
Shipper-must-have-title rule. LDCs argue it should be removed; while Process
Gas and producers think that removal will undermine the capacity release
Production area rate design. LDCs argued that they need the ability to buy
service downstrream of a market pool. Reliant and Koch also argued that
pipelines should have to have separately stated production and market rates.
The producers opposed any attempt to shift costs to the production area.
SFV. East Coast LDCs, Michcon, and APGA argued for moving off of SFV. The
producers and industrials oppose. Illinois Power/Dynegy also argued for
moving off SFV.
LDC Positions
The LDCs main themes were removing the shipper-must-have-title and enabling
LDCs to hold space downstream of market centers. However, they also argued
that pipelines should not be permitted to offer new services to the electric
generation market that reduce the flexibilities LDCs have historically
enjoyed since the system was built for LDCs . This is the point that AGA
raised in the blanket intervention to all Order 637 compliance filings.
Carl Levander of Columbia did a nice job of refuting the notion that LDCs are
entitled to unwritten flexibility that they have enjoyed in the past on a
best efforts basis, perhaps in part due to the fact that the pipeline may not
have been fully subscribed. LDCs, generally stating that 637 compliance
filings did a poor job of allowing capacity segmentation, continued to stress
the need for segmentation, including "geographical segmentation of ROFR
Some Specific Proposals
NGSA called for more targeted information to be included in Form 2 filings.
A number of customer groups noted the need for more and better information,
though specific needs were not well defined.
Several parties ask FERC to reconsider national standardized penalties
(especially given expected high prices this winter and the possibility for
Alliance of Energy Suppliers (marketing arm of EEI) called for a dialogue
between power generators and INGAA to develop a new firm tariff with hourly
variability. They also called for a change in GISB nomination deadlines to
match the power grid (Dan Larcamp asked whether EEI is open to efforts to
standardize scheduling times across the power grid as well).
The GISB End-User group (represented by Salt River Project) complained about
the need to standardize the confirmation process and called for gas
transactions to be "tagged" like electric transactions.
E-Commerce and Capacity Trading
Dave Neubaurer did a great job of driving home the themes that capacity
trading can occur if FERC and industry are willing to allow more speedy
transactions, remove posting periods and long contract execution periods. He
made an effective case that no major regulatory changes are necessary.
Robert Levin of the NY Mercantile Exchange echoed this theme, admonishing the
FERC not to micro-manage the types of trading platforms or to try to insist
on a single platform. He said that liquidity cannot be legislated. From his
perspective, natural gas markets are the best functioning commodity markets
in the world. FERC should worry about transferring the "good stuff" from
natural gas to electric markets, not the reverse. |
guzman-m/notes_inbox/1654. | 11045938.1075840735567.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 27 Oct 2000 07:04:00 -0700 (PDT) | Fwd: Duck/Beaver Joke...ha ha ha! Enjoy...pass it on to your friends (and to Rob)!!! Go DUCKS!
Haaaaaaaappy Friiiidaaaaaaaaay!!!
---------------------- Forwarded by Grace Rodriguez/PDX/ECT on 10/27/2000
02:04 PM ---------------------------
Subject: Fwd: Duck/Beaver Joke...ha ha ha!
>A first grade teacher in?Corvallis explains to her class that she is
>a?Beavers fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they too
>are?Beaver fans. Everyone in the class raises their hand except one
>little girl. The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says,
>"Janie, why didn't you raise your hand?"
>"Because I'm not a?Beaver's fan," she replied.
>The teacher, still shocked, asked, "Well, if you are not a?Beaver's
>fan, then who are you a fan of?"
>"I am a?Duck'sfan, and proud of it," Janie replied.
>The teacher could not believe her ears. "Janie, why are you a?Duck's
>"Because my mom is a?Duck's fan, and my dad is?Duck's fan, so I'm a
>Duck's fan too!"
>"Well," said the teacher in a obviously annoyed tone, "That is no
>reason for you to be a?Duck's fan. You don't have to be just like your
>parents all of
>the time. What if your mom were a moron and your dad were a moron, what
>would you be then?"
>"Then ," Janie smiled, "We'd be?Beaver fans." |
fossum-d/_sent_mail/1274. | 4745654.1075863328014.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 4 Apr 2001 20:12:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: AGC Job Posting Thanks Brian. I'd delete ", oil and gas pipeline" and replace it with "utility" at the end of line 3 to make it a bit broader. Also, I've run this by Lou and Dot for their input. If they are OK, pls post it and email the final back to me. Thanks. df
Brian Schaffer
04/04/2001 04:19 PM
To: Laura Kinningham/OTS/Enron@Enron
cc: Drew Fossum/ET&S/Enron@ENRON
Subject: AGC Job Posting
Here's an updated version of the posting based upon Drew's comments.
Feel free to take one more crack at it if necessary. Otherwise, we'll have it up on various sites. Laura and I will scan resumes received and bring to your attention any viable candidates.
Assistant General Counsel
Enron Transportation Services is seeking a Commercial/Transactional Attorney with a minimum of 7-10 years of transaction-based and regulatory experience at a major law firm or corporation. Candidate must have significant experience in drafting, negotiating, and closing complex commercial agreements in a regulated, oil and gas pipeline environment. This position requires close interaction with clients and external counsel, strategic business development skills, solid knowledge of federal regulatory requirements, risk management and assessment experience, and strong project finance exposure. Strong academic credentials, excellent analytical, organizational and written skills required. |
jones-t/all_documents/3514. | 489384.1075846997894.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 30 Aug 2000 02:14:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/29/00 I don't understand. We were dealing with Ameren Services Company, who had
been approved to trade online and they are the agent for Union Electric
Company and Central Illinois Public Service. Now they want to trade as
another agent, for Union Electric and other affiliates. Why are we not going
to allow them to trade online?. Leslie has approved them to trade over the
counter under this name.
08/29/2000 05:28 PM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT, Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/29/00
Thanks for this. Please consider "Ameren Energy, Inc. as agent" declined by
----- Forwarded by Shari Stack/HOU/ECT on 08/29/2000 05:27 PM -----
Tana Jones
08/29/2000 05:26 PM
To: Shari Stack/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/29/00
I just had this conv. w/Mark and Marcus Nettleton today about parties acting
as agent, or in some fiduciary capacity online. What I am being told is that
the system is set up for parties to only act as principals for online
trading. It does not deal with agent, fiduciary or similar relationships.
The only exception to this rule so far has been GPU where they had an agency
relationship with 3 utilities, on the power side, where Leslie had some
specific documentation that she got signed. But I am told should not be
entering into transactions with counterparties as anything other than
principals, except under extraordinary circumstances.
Shari Stack
08/29/2000 05:04 PM
To: Tana Jones/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Rhonda L Denton/HOU/ECT@ECT, Leslie Hansen/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: EOL Credit Responses 08/29/00
"Ameren Energy, Inc. as agent": On hold til I speak with Leslie. I imagine
they will need to sign our std. Consent & Acknowledgement form which allows
them act as agent. It would be helpful to know for whom they are acting as
agent. Do you know this?
The following CPs are not authorized to trade US power products:
Ameren Service Company - Restricted by Credit
Oglethorpe Power Corporation.- Not a current CP/Not FERC approved
Curbell, Inc. - Restricted by Credit
Shari |
beck-s/all_documents/284. | 447937.1075849818396.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 26 Jan 2001 08:50:00 -0800 (PST) | Commercial Services Presentation - Analyst Orientation Last Friday (1/19/01), I had the privilege to present the Commercial Services
presentation at the Analyst Orientation. I thought I would share some
observations that might be helpful for the next Orientation session.
Andy Fastow preceeded me and Beth Perlman succeeded me. Although Andy had a
slide presentation, he chose not to use it. Rather he directed his comments
to Enron's pending earnings release, the growth and his perspective of the
opportunities for Analysts within Enron. It was very casual, and very
informative and effective. Beth Perlman noted that her presentation was much
more casual and that the Commercial Services presentation really upstaged
her. She spoke from notes.
My original presentation plan was to cover each area with 2 or 3 speaking
points, relying on the fact that hand-outs were provided to the Analysts.
However, the Orientation Program decided not to provide copies of the
presentation, unless requested. Consequently, pieces of the presentation was
really not covered as I didn't want to just read to them!
I recommend a review of the presentation to reduce the number of slides.
Since animation is used, there are can be several key strokes to display the
complete slide. This seemed to break up the presentation also.
Bottom-line: The presentation fills the 15 minute allotment of time, and if
presented in full, limits talking points that help keep the audience
I hope this is helpful for the next presentation. If I can help in any way,
please don't hesitate to ask. I always enjoy my involvement with the Analyst
Have a nice week-end.
x35778 |
kaminski-v/all_documents/6113. | 17046433.1075856654006.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 28 Nov 2000 10:16:00 -0800 (PST) | Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling - Stanford University > Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Executive Program on Credit Risk Modeling
> Credit Risk Modeling for Financial Institutions
March 4-9, 2001
at Stanford University Graduate School of Business
> Risk management specialists, Stanford Graduate School of Business
> professors of finance Darrell Duffie and Kenneth Singleton will be
> repeating their successful executive program on Credit Risk Pricing and
> Risk Management for Financial Institutions. The course is created for
> risk managers, research staff, and traders with responsibility for credit
> risk or credit-related products, including bond and loan portfolios, OTC
> derivative portfolios, and credit derivatives.
> This program includes:
> * valuation models for defaultable bonds, OTC derivatives, and credit
> derivatives, with empirical applications to corporate and sovereign
> markets
> * empirical and theoretical assessments of models for measuring credit
> risk, with correlation, for portfolios
> * the strengths and limitations of current practice in credit risk
> measurement
> * practical issues in implementing credit modeling and risk systems
> * estimation of default and transition probabilities, and the
> correlations among the default risks of publicly traded companies, from
> historical data
> ___________________________________________________________
> If you would like a hard copy brochure and application form, please
> contact:
> (make sure to include your MAILING ADDRESS)
> Shelby M. Kashiwamura
> Program Manager
> Executive Education
> Stanford Graduate School of Business
> (650) 723-9356 Phone
> (650) 723-3950 Fax
> [email protected]
- CRMMarch2001.doc |
fossum-d/discussion_threads/58. | 21868504.1075842455070.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 2 Feb 2000 07:17:00 -0800 (PST) | We would like to discuss the proposal for electric service and our Once everyone (you or an approved designate) is ok with the date and time, I
will communicate a conference call number to be used. We are prepared to move
forwarded and bring this issue to closure and wanted to make sure you were in
the loop. |
dasovich-j/all_documents/9420. | 35609.1075843372687.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 26 Feb 2001 04:25:00 -0800 (PST) | Enron's Initial Comments Re: Secondary Market for Spectrum Attached please find our initial comments that were filed on February 9th.
Lara |
kaminski-v/sent_items/266. | 9302128.1075840794640.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 14 Dec 2001 15:39:51 -0800 (PST) | FW: Btu Weekly -----Original Message-----
From: "Btu" <[email protected]>@ENRON
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 5:28 PM
To: "Btu Weekly" <>@ENRON
Subject: Btu Weekly
Attached is the latest issue of Btu Weekly
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 732-758-8222
fax: 732-758-8286
- wg121701.pdf |
carson-m/discussion_threads/99. | 13072224.1075858194015.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 11 Dec 2000 10:50:00 -0800 (PST) | FWD: [No Subject] ------Original Message------
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Sent: December 11, 2000 8:09:41 PM GMT
Subject: [No Subject]
Wuz de nite befo Crimmus;
> And all ower da hood;
> ereybody wuz' sleepin';
> Dey wuz sleepin' good.
> We hunged up our stockings;
> An hoped like de' heck;
> That old Santa Clause;
> Be bringin' our check.
> All o'de fambily;
> Wuz layin in de beds;
> While Ripple and Thunderbird;
> Danced through dey heads.
> I passed out inna' flo;
> Right nex to my Maw;
> When I heard sech a fuss;
> I thunk: "It mus be de law!!!"
> I looked out thru de bars;
> What covered my doe;
> 'spectin' de sheriff;
> Wif a warrent fo sho.
> And what did I see;
> said, "Lawd look at dat!!"
> Ther' wuz a huge watermellon;
> Pulled by giant warf rats!!
> Now ober all de years;
> Santa Clause, he be white;
> But looks liken us bros;
> Gets a black Sanna dis nite.
> Faster dan a Po'lees car;
> My home boy he came;
> He whupped on dem warf rats;> > An' called dem by name!
> On Leroy, on 'Lonzo ;
> And on Willie Lee;
> On Saphire, on Chenequa;
> Dey wuz a site to see!!
> As he landed dat watta' mellon;
> Out der in da skreet;
> I knowed it was fo' sho';
> Da damndest site I ebber did see.
> He didn't go down no chimbley;
> He picked da' lock on my doe;
> An' I sez to myself;
> "Shit!! He done dis befoe!!!"
> He had dis big bag;
> Full of prezents I 'xpect;
> Wid Air Jordans and fake gold;
> To wear roun' my neck.
> But he left no good prezents;
> Jus started stealing my shit;
> Got my drugs, got my guns,
> Even got my burglar's kit!!
> Wit my stuff in de bag;
> Out da window he flewed;
> I woudda' tried to catched him;
> But he stoled my 'nife too!!
> He jumped on dat wadda' mellon;
> An' whipped out a switch;
> He wuz gone in a seccon';
> Dat son of a bitch!!
> Next year I be hopin':
> Anutha Sanna we git;
> Cuz' diz here Sanna Clause;
> Jus' ain't werf a shit!!! |
dasovich-j/sent/3881. | 14641718.1075843872110.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sat, 24 Mar 2001 08:30:00 -0800 (PST) | RE: Skilling interview -- Sue's answers good answers. |
farmer-d/pipelines/10. | 12552501.1075840437977.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 3 Aug 2001 10:35:16 -0700 (PDT) | United Salt Quote Daren/Dave-
Sorry I didn't get this out yesterday. Give me a call if you have any
- UnitedSalt8022.xls |
hernandez-j/discussion_threads/474. | 21634208.1075855535085.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 21 Nov 2000 11:25:00 -0800 (PST) | Re: Good News! I just received this message from Kat!!!
---------------------- Forwarded by Darlene C Forsyth/HOU/ECT on 11/21/2000
07:06 PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 11/21/2000 06:57:45 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Good News!
Hello sunshine. How are things ? I must say the Lord has really been
blessing me and my family. Tell all the prayer warriors I said Thank you.
There's no way Thank you is enough. I cannot believe the out pour of help
that came my way. My load has been lifted considerably, I have a smile on my
face. Our God is an awesome God. He reign's from Heaven about with power
and love, our God is an awesome God. I have gotten so many card and letters
it is unbelievable. I am so overwhelmed by all of this I can't help but to
cry. When people don't even know you they come to your rescue. The Lord is
going to Bless each and every one of them richly. Tell all of them I said I
love them with love of the Lord. If there is anything I can ever do please,
please call on me. The Lord is going to Bless me to be in a position one
day, I can help someone it is just a matter of time. And for you Darlene - I
Love You. You have always showed concern for me and my family, even when you
were having problems yourself. I just Love You!!! May the Lord continue to
Bless you and your family abundantly. Can I send an e-mail to the saints, the
one I have their name? Let me know. Keep me on your prayer list I will be
going to the doctor, that always makes me a wreck. Also, have you heard
anything about lil Michael? I want to know how he is doing, I am so sure the
Lord pulled him though. Please let me know. I will write again tomorrow, my
son just walked in I do not want my kids to know my situation, they do not
need stress, especially him. I Love you all.
Be Blessed in Jesus Name.
Kat |
hendrickson-s/discussion_threads/74. | 28129955.1075856138919.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 1 Jun 2001 08:37:00 -0700 (PDT) | SUPPLEMENTAL Weekend Outage Report for 6-1-01 through 6-4-01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
June 1, 2001 5:00pm through June 4, 2001 12:00am
ECS to ECN Network Interconnection, June 9th 2001
This is a notification that the Enron Corp. I/T Networks team will be
connecting the new building network infrastructure located in Enron Center
South (ECS) to the existing Enron Center North (ECN) backbone network. While
this activity is not expected to produce a disruption to network services,
this notice is designed to alert the organization to our activities. No
network hardware or systems are anticipated to be shutdown. The actual
physical interconnection of the networks will be performed in the EB 34th
floor Data Center.
Interconnection activities are scheduled to occur the evening of June 9th
2001 starting from 7:00 p.m.(CT) and completing around 11:00 p.m. (CT).
Application testing activities will begin at 11:00 p.m. (CT) once all network
testing has completed.
If you have any further questions, please contact Pete Castrejana at
713-410-0642 for more information.
AZURIX: No Scheduled Outages.
EDI SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
FIELD SERVICES: No Scheduled Outages.
Impact: Exchange
Time: Fri 6/1/2001 at 7:00:00 PM thru Fri 6/1/2001 at 7:30:00 PM
Outage: Initiate Failover of Nahou-msmbx01v to unlock backup api
Environments Impacted: Users on with mailboxes on nahou-msmx01v
Purpose: Ensure backups run successfully
Backout: N/A
Contact(s): Scott Albright 713-345-9381
Impact: CORP
Time: Sat 6/2/2001 at 10:00:00 PM thru Sat 6/2/2001 at 10:15:00 PM
Outage: Exchange server message change
Disruption: Intermittent Disruption of Service
Environments Impacted: Corp Exchange users on nahou-msmbx05v
Purpose: To enable the new mailbox over the limit message
Contact(s): Tim Hudson 713-853-9289
MARKET DATA: No Scheduled Outages.
NT: No Scheduled Outages.
OS/2: No Scheduled Outages.
OTHER SYSTEMS: No Scheduled Outages.
SITARA: No Scheduled Outages.
SUN/OSS SYSTEM: No Scheduled Outages.
TELEPHONY: No Scheduled Outages
TERMINAL SERVER: No Scheduled Outages.
UNIFY: No Scheduled Outages.
(713) 853-1411 Enron Resolution Center
Specific Help:
Information Risk Management (713) 853-5536
(713) 345-4727
Unify On-Call (713) 284-3757 [Pager]
Sitara On-Call (713) 288-0101 [Pager]
RUS/GOPS/GeoTools/APRS (713) 639-9726 [Pager]
OSS/UA4/TARP (713) 285-3165 [Pager]
CPR (713) 284-4175 [Pager]
EDI Support (713) 327-3893 [Pager]
EES Help Desk (713)853-9797 OR (888)853-9797
TDS -Trader Decision Support On-Call (713) 327-6032 [Pager] |
beck-s/europe/34. | 17353762.1075849853207.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 19 Dec 2000 08:02:00 -0800 (PST) | UK Submission of Positions Just to follow up on James's note of yesterday - my apologies for being out
The elimination of the requirement to 'grab' the FX and IR market environment
from Houston ( and consequently use European data ) can improve our ability
to kick the overnight batch processing off earlier in the evening. James and
I will be working with Brian Hudson to determine the timetable for effecting
this change
The revised batch start time would improve the opportunity to detect any
system failure and complete a rerun of the valuation process so as to deliver
completed results by the time the Risk Management team arrive at their desks
in the morning. System failures are the most significant problem we face in
delivering timely information to Houston. Consequently the probability of
meeting current reporting deadlines would be greatly improved given that we
will have full IT overnight support covering for any IT failure and curve
input validation processes on trade date.
Indeed given the successful completion of all overnight runs we are able to
Officialisation of all valuation systems and most spreadsheets ( David Hardy
is in final testing of the Eastern spreadsheet feed ) by the 10 AM deadline (
Houston 4 AM )
Flash p&l by the 1PM deadline ( Houston 7AM )
Completion of the final DPR to be submitted to Houston by the 5 PM deadline (
Houston 11AM )
James and I are currently finalising a document reviewing all possible
changes to business processes that could improve these times. This is in
addition to working with Commercial and IT to assess the possibility of
delivering significantly faster revaluation systems that could assist in
delivering a trade date control process.
I can confirm that there is significant work to do in this area, however, we
are dedicated to meeting the objectives of improved/more real time control.
Please feel free to call if the above requires any additional commentary.
---------------------- Forwarded by Mike Jordan/LON/ECT on 19/12/2000 15:06
James New
18/12/2000 09:10
To: Rick Buy/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Fernley
Dyson/LON/ECT@ECT, Mike Jordan/LON/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT, Gary
Subject: UK Submission of Positions
Thanks you for your note below. We are today implementing a flash P&L
process. We aim to report daily numbers at 7am Houston time and will start
today with the P&L. We will build on this and hope to have draft positions
and VAR for most books within a week or so. There will be a reconciliation of
flash to final numbers which will be included in our return to Houston.
I will put together a note on the London DPR production process which goes
into the process we currently have, the process we actually need to have, and
the obstacles that are in the way. I would expect this to be finalised
tomorrow. Obtaining the USD interest rate curve on a more timely basis is
just one of our problems but it is unfortunately by no means our only or most
serious problem.
From: Rick Buy
15/12/2000 21:59
To: John Sherriff/LON/ECT@ECT, Michael R Brown/LON/ECT@ECT, Mike
cc: Gary Hickerson/HOU/ECT@ECT, Ted Murphy/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: UK Submission of Positions
Need your help on the following: Each day we are delayed in finalising var,
p&L and positions because the UK must wait for a USD interest rate curves
before submitting their data to Houston. I am also told that it is really not
necessary to wait for this curve and the data could be submitted close of
business London. Even if there was some minor inaccuracy from this method it
would be better than what we have now. This would greatly improve the
efficiency (by 4 to 6 hours) in reporting to senior management. Can you guys
initiate this change or get me to the right person there. Thanks, Rick |
kean-s/cftc/12. | 14370678.1075846337837.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Fri, 22 Sep 2000 09:49:00 -0700 (PDT) | Update on CEA Modernization Steve - here is a brief update. The answer to the question on why exchanges
should remain regulated, while we stay unregulated. The answer is: "Enron
provides a variety of risk manangement services to our customers, but these
are not futures contracts which the CFTC has primary jurisdiction to
regulate. We offer swaps, hubrids, etc., but no futures". The CFTC does
maintain anitfraud and manipulation authority if market abuses are discovered.
Let me know when you have time to make the call to Chairman Combest sometime
on Monday AM.
Thanks- Chris
---------------------- Forwarded by Chris Long/Corp/Enron on 09/22/2000 05:47
PM ---------------------------
[email protected] on 09/22/2000 04:59:21 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Subject: Update on CEA Modernization
Chris Long (Enron) and I spent yesterday on Capitol Hill. We met with House
Agriculture Committee Minority and Majority Staff, Senate Banking Committee
Staff and Senate Agriculture Committee Staff. The bill clearly is moving and
there is a good chance it will go to the Floor of the House next week. The
bilateral exemption for physical commodities (non-agricultural commodities)
is accepted and should be secure. We have problems with the electronic
trading facility exemption for physical commodities.
The House Agriculture Committee remains inclined to exclude metals from the
exemption. We are working with the Commerce Committee (which has not
excluded metals) to change that result.
We have a much more severe problem in the Senate. Senate democrats led by
Senator Harkin are very concerned to go against the CFTC in favor of big
energy companies. They want the CFTC to endorse the exemption.
Unfortunately, as you are aware, the CFTC (recently the Chairman himself)
have been heavily lobbying against the exemption. We are working with staff
and will keep you posted.
We have prepared talking points and bullets which are still in draft to
distribute to the Hill. I would appreciate your comments on them and your
This e-mail is sent by a law firm and contains information
that may be privileged and confidential. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete the e-mail and notify us
- Bullets.doc
- H.R. 4541 Energy Group Talking Points.doc |
beck-s/all_documents/992. | 30277601.1075855767987.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 13 Nov 2000 05:41:00 -0800 (PST) | E-Business Conference Please print for me. Thanks.
---------------------- Forwarded by Sally Beck/HOU/ECT on 11/13/2000 01:38 PM
"Wendy Roy" <[email protected]> on 11/13/2000 11:34:06 AM
Please respond to <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: E-Business Conference
Dear Sally,
Please find attached a copy of the brochure for our E-Business conference in
New York. Do let me know what you would like me to make you aware of and I
will gladly keep track of our conferencing schedules and let you know about
the appropriate ones.
- E-busine.pdf |
fischer-m/all_documents/243. | 11035209.1075840446856.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 28 May 2002 03:48:00 -0700 (PDT) | Curtailment software document-FYI I am not sure if there are new releases to this document. The next email
gives an example of the data stored on the plant pc. I'm not sure what will
be stored on the park pc and pushed into the SQL server.
---------------------- Forwarded by Jeff Duff/EWC/Enron on 05/28/2002 10:59
AM ---------------------------
Joe Chapman
05/06/2002 11:02 AM
To: Jeff Duff/EWC/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Curtailment software document
1. Curtailment program document
2. Example database files
Joe |
jones-t/notes_inbox/771. | 30082736.1075847084865.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Wed, 28 Jun 2000 02:57:00 -0700 (PDT) | RE: MAC Amendment I don't have a problem, but would like to know why the change for Goldman
Group. That is a defined term -- see Part 3.
Luanne Giessen
Telephone: (212) 902-0580
Facsimile: (212) 428-1582
e-mail address: [email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Carol St Clair [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 5:35 PM
To: Giessen, Luanne
Cc: Tana Jones
Subject: MAC Amendment
Our credit person is fine with revising the MAC language to say taht a MAC
be triggered if either (1) an entity's Credit Support Provider's rating from
is below BBB- by S&P or Baa3 by Moody's or (2) if such Credit Support
fails to be rated by both S&P and Moody's. Also, in Sections 4.5 and 4.6 of
ISDA Schedule we would like to change the reference to "Goldman Group" to
Goldman Sachs Group, Inc."
I will have Tana Jones draft an amendment and send it to you. Call me if
are any problems with the above.
Please draft an amendment for my review.
Carol St. Clair
EB 3892
713-853-3989 (Phone)
713-646-3393 (Fax)
[email protected] |
jones-t/all_documents/10681. | 30833337.1075847340824.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Sun, 1 Apr 2001 18:55:00 -0700 (PDT) | Contingent Staffing Solutions Do you use temporary help in the administrative or clerical area?=20
Getting good people just got easier!
Introducing Contingent Staffing Solutions, an Enron innovation brought to y=
by Global Strategic Sourcing and Human Resources. =20
Contingent Staffing Solutions is your one-stop source for temporary=20
administrative and clerical workers. =20
The program is designed to provide you with:
? Better quality workers
? Faster, more cost efficient service
? Expanded reporting=20
Plus, the program will soon enable you to access ordering and reporting=20
online, through the Enron intranet.
The program currently encompasses only administrative and clerical temporar=
employees. It will be expanded to other temporary and contract areas in th=
Would you like to know more about Contingent Staffing Solutions? =20
Join us Friday, April 6, at 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 noon, in EB5C2, for a=20
45-minute presentation on the new program. =20
Bring your lunch and we=01,ll provide cookies and drinks. Plus, register to=
two tickets to an upcoming Astros game.
For more information, please call Contingent Staffing Solutions at=20
713.345.6899 or George Weber from Global Strategic Sourcing at X5.6198. |
badeer-r/discussion_threads/209. | 20866277.1075863601421.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 24 Aug 2000 11:42:00 -0700 (PDT) | EnronOnline Phase 2 The new version of the EnronOnline website is almost ready for launch. This
new version includes a new look and feel and new functionality designed to
bring more information to our customers and to provide new ways to transact
with Enron.
We will soon be sending you an email announcing the specific launch date for
Phase 2 of EnronOnline. In the meantime, we have prepared a series of
presentations and training sessions designed to help you become familiar with
the new site. Please try to attend one of the following, as these will be the
only opportunity for you to see the new functionality first hand before the
site is launched.
Presentation Dates
Monday, August 28
Houston: 4:30 EB30C1
Calgary: 4:00 Boardroom
Tuesday, August 29
Houston: 5:00 EB30C1
London: 6:00 5th floor training room
Portland Time and locations to be determined
Singapore: Time and location to be determined
Australia: Time and location to be determined
Oslo 2:00 Training room
Wednesday, August 30
London 6:00 5th floor training room
Training Session Dates
Training room sessions will provide the opportunity to obtain some hands-on
experience with Phase 2 of EnronOnline before we go live. It is recommended
that you attend one of the above presentations prior to attending a training
Training sessions will be available in the London office immediately
following the presentations. If you are located in an office other than
Houston or London and wish to participate in a training session, please
contact Tammie Schoppe at 713 853 4220.
Wednesday August 30
Houston: 4:00 EB568
Offices other than Houston or London: contact Tammie Schoppe at 713 853 4220.
Thursday August 31
Houston: 4:00 EB568
Offices other than Houston or London: Contact Tammie Schoppe at 713 853 4220.
Thursday, Sept. 7
Houston: 4:00 EB568
Offices other than Houston or London: Contact Tammie Schoppe at 713 853 4220.
There will be a further email soon which will identify the specific date of
launch of Phase 2 of EnronOnline.
If you have any questions about the above, please contact me at 713 853 1861
or Dave Samuels at 713 853 6931.
Thank you,
Dave Forster |
campbell-l/inbox/991. | 25189424.1075855280868.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 13 Nov 2001 22:36:53 -0800 (PST) | Garth Brooks video + win tix & trip to spectacular show! [IMAGE]
This week country's king Garth Brooks is releasing his first album in four=
years, Scarecrow --and he's planning not just one, but three spectacula=
r shows, to celebrate this great event! Titled Garth Brooks Coast To Coast,=
the triad of shows will be aired live for CBS-TV. And one lucky LAUNCHer,=
plus guest, will get to attend! Just enter here for your chance to win=
two tickets to Garth's final Coast show, which will be held in a secret =
location on November 28th. Travel and accommodations will be all taken ca=
re of for you, so all you have to do is enter and cross your fingers! =
[IMAGE] Don't miss the stream and video of his hit single, "Wrapped Up I=
n You." Then order a copy of Scarecrow, today on Yahoo! Shopping . =
Stay tuned, LAUNCH This newsletter was sent to you from LAUNCH Media,=
Inc. Unsubscribe if you prefer not to receive future e-mail from LAUNC=
H Media. [IMAGE][IMAGE][IMAGE] =09 |
kaminski-v/discussion_threads/511. | 4716224.1075856337386.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 31 Jul 2000 07:50:00 -0700 (PDT) | Re: Interview with Rabi S. De on Friday, August 11, 2000 Anita,
---------------------- Forwarded by Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT on 07/31/2000
02:55 PM ---------------------------
Zimin Lu
07/31/2000 02:41 PM
To: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Anita DuPont/NA/Enron@ENRON
Subject: Re: Interview with Rabi S. De on Friday, August 11, 2000
Please also include Tanya, since she may be interested to have him.
Shirley Crenshaw
07/31/2000 11:16 AM
To: Anita DuPont/NA/Enron@ENRON
cc: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Zimin Lu/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Re: Interview with Rabi S. De on Friday, August 11, 2000
I believe that Zimin was the one that asked me to bring him in. Maybe you
can check with him as to whether there is anyone else he wants you to
Anita DuPont@ENRON
07/31/2000 10:26 AM
To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT
cc: Shirley Crenshaw/HOU/ECT@ECT
Subject: Interview with Rabi S. De on Friday, August 11, 2000
Shawn Grady from HR Staffing called me and asked me to schedule interviews
with the people in Research. He also mentioned that I should email you to
find out if you want anyone from any other department to interview Rabi. I
am currently scheduling interviews with you, Krishna, Grant, Stinson, Zimin
and Vasant. Is their anyone else in Research that you want to interview
him? Please get back to me and I will set up the appts. Thanks. Anita |
hyvl-d/all_documents/1136. | 11190278.1075842238584.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 29 Mar 2001 00:53:00 -0800 (PST) | Royster - Clark, Inc Dan,
As discussed, please find below details of Phy Gas deal:
Deal Date: 3/22/01
Deal No: QY6327 / 687279
Buyer: Royster - Clark, Inc
Seller: ENA
Start Date: 4/1/01
End Date: 3/31/06
Volume: 2,800 / day
Price: NOVA.AECO-C-US. CGPR. M.I. plus USD 0.4875
Delivery Point: Northern Natural Gas Company - Ventura
Please let me know if you need any more details.
x54099 |
kaminski-v/personal/252. | 15711592.1075857058150.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Mon, 22 May 2000 05:41:00 -0700 (PDT) | Dear Mr. Kaminski,
it was really a pleasure to meet you during
the Risk event. I hope we'll have more chances to
talk in the future.
I will be glad to invite you when you will visit
California. My home number is (408)-996-2631.
Alex Ulitsky.
Alex Ulitsky, Ph.D.
[email protected]
============================== |
arnold-j/sent_items/758. | 22758721.1075861674530.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Thu, 8 Nov 2001 05:51:54 -0800 (PST) | cancel tonight's festivities |
kaminski-v/sent_items/2328. | 11574415.1075863432364.JavaMail.evans@thyme | Tue, 24 Jul 2001 08:22:07 -0700 (PDT) | FW: An interesting story Abt. Stanford University ... -----Original Message-----
From: Krishnarao, Pinnamaneni
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 10:20 AM
To: Kaminski, Vince J
Subject: FW: An interesting story Abt. Stanford University ...
>>A lady in a faded gingham dress and her husband, dressed in a
>>threadbare suit, stepped off the train in Boston. They walked
>>without an appointment, into the Harvard University President's
>>office. The secretary could tell in a moment that such backwoods,
>>hicks had no business at Harvard and probably didn't even deserve
>>to be in
>>Cambridge. She frowned. "We want to see the President," the man
>>softly. "He'll be busy all day," the secretary snapped. "We'll
>>wait," the
>>lady replied. For hours, the secretary ignored them, hoping that
>>couple would finally become discouraged and go away. They didn't,
>>and the
>>secretary grew frustrated and finally decided to disturb the
>>President, even
>>though it was a chore she always regretted. "Maybe if
>>they just see you for a few minutes, they'll leave," she told him.
>>sighed in exasperation and nodded. Someone of his importance
>>obviously didn't have
>>the time to spend with them, but he detested gingham dresses &
>>homespun suits
>>cluttering up his outer office.
>>The President, stern-faced with dignity, strutted toward the
>>couple. The
>>lady told him, "We had a son who attended Harvard for one year. He
>>Harvard. He was happy here.But about a year ago, he was
>>accidentally killed.
>>And my husband and I would like to erect a memorial to him
>>somewhere on
>>campus."The President wasn't touched, he was shocked. "Madam," he
>>gruffly. "We can't put up a statue for every person who attended
>>and died. If we did, this place would look like a cemetery."
>>"Oh, no,"
>>the lady explained quickly. "We don't want to erect a statue. We
>>thought we
>>would like to give a building to Harvard." The president rolled
>>his eyes.
>>He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then
>>exclaimed, "A
>>building! Do you have any earthly idea how much a building costs?
>>We have
>>over seven & a half million dollars in the physical plant at
>>Harvard." For
>>a moment, the lady was silent. The president was pleased. He could
>>get rid
>>of them now. And the lady turned to her husband and said quietly,
>>"Is that
>>all it costs to start a University? Why don't we just start our
>>own?" Her
>>husband nodded. The President's face wilted in confusion and
>>bewilderment. And Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stanford walked away,
>>traveling to
>>Palo Alto, California where they established the university
>>that bears
>>their name, a memorial to a son that Harvard no longer cared
>>about. And
>>that was the story about Stanford University.
>>MORALE: Don't judge anyone by their looks or for how they
>>everyone and you will never regret!
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