Unnamed: 0
9 values
Dirk Hueber
D. H\"uber, H. Kamada, H. Wita{\l}a, W. Gl\"ockle
How to include a three-nucleon force into Faddeev equations for the 3N continuum: a new form
12 pages in REVTeX, 2 figures in PiCTeX
Acta Phys.Polon. B28 (1997) 1677-1686
A new, more efficient approach to include a three nucleon force into three-nucleon continuum calculations is presented. Results obtained in the new and our old approach are compared both for elastic nucleon-deuteron scattering as well as for the breakup process. The advantages of the new scheme are discussed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 4 Nov 1996 19:05:57 GMT'}]
[array(['Hüber', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kamada', 'H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Witała', 'H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Glöckle', 'W.', ''], dtype=object)]
Zhiyuan Li
Zhiyuan Li and Xun Zhang
Deligne-Beilinson cohomology of the universal K3 surface
26 pages, any comments are welcome!
O'Grady's generalized Franchetta conjecture (GFC) is concerned with codimension 2 algebraic cycles on universal polarized K3 surfaces. In \cite{BL17}, this conjecture has been studied in the Betti cohomology groups. Following a suggestion of Voisin, we investigate this problem in the Deligne-Beilinson (DB) cohomology groups. In this paper, we develop the theory of Deligne-Beilinson cohomology groups on separated (smooth) Deligne-Mumford stacks. Using the automorphic cohomology group and Noether-Lefschetz theory, we compute the 4-th DB-cohomology group of universal oriented polarized K3 surfaces with at worst an $A_1$-singularity and show that GFC for such family holds in DB-cohomology. In particular, this confirms O'Grady's original conjecture in DB cohomology.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 7 Jan 2022 08:32:00 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Zhiyuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Xun', ''], dtype=object)]
Olena Romanets
O. Romanets, L. Tolos, C. Garcia-Recio, J. Nieves, L. L. Salcedo and R. G. E. Timmermans
Charmed and strange baryon resonances with heavy-quark spin symmetry
31 pages, 17 figures, 25 tables
Phys.Rev.D85: 114032, 2012
hep-ph nucl-ex nucl-th
We study charmed and strange baryon resonances that are generated dynamically by a unitary baryon-meson coupled-channel model which incorporates heavy-quark spin symmetry. This is accomplished by extending the SU(3) Weinberg-Tomozawa chiral Lagrangian to SU(8) spin-flavor symmetry plus a suitable symmetry breaking. The model produces resonances with negative parity from s-wave interaction of pseudoscalar and vector mesons with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons. Resonances in all the isospin, spin, and strange sectors with one, two, and three charm units are studied. Our results are compared with experimental data from several facilities, such as the CLEO, Belle or BaBar Collaborations, as well as with other theoretical models. Some of our dynamically generated states can be readily assigned to resonances found experimentally, while others do not have a straightforward identification and require the compilation of more data and also a refinement of the model. In particular, we identify the $\Xi_c(2790)$ and $\Xi_c(2815)$ resonances as possible candidates for a heavy-quark spin symmetry doublet.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 10 Feb 2012 11:52:27 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Jul 2012 12:05:13 GMT'}]
[array(['Romanets', 'O.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tolos', 'L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Garcia-Recio', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nieves', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Salcedo', 'L. L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Timmermans', 'R. G. E.', ''], dtype=object)]
Mohsen Khodadi
Mohsen Khodadi, Marco Schreck
Hubble tension as a guide for refining the early Universe: Cosmologies with explicit local Lorentz and diffeomorphism violation
14 pages (two columns)
Phys.Dark Univ. 39 (2023) 101170
gr-qc astro-ph.CO hep-th
This paper is dedicated to assessing modified cosmological settings based on the gravitational Standard-Model Extension (SME). Our analysis rests upon the Hubble tension (HT), which is a discrepancy between the observational determination of the Hubble parameter via data from the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and Type Ia supernovae, respectively. While the latter approach is model-independent, the former highly depends on the model used to describe the physics of the early Universe. Motivated by the HT, we take into account two recently introduced cosmological models as test frameworks of the pre-CMB era. These settings involve local Lorentz and diffeomorphism violation parameterized by nondynamical SME background fields $s_{00}$ and $s^{ij}$, respectively. We aim at explaining the tension in the measured results of the cosmic expansion rate in early and late epochs by resorting to these two modified cosmologies as potential descriptions of the pre-CMB era. As long as the HT does not turn out to be a merely systematic effect, it can serve as a criterion for exploring regions of the parameter space in certain pre-CMB new-physics candidates such as SME cosmologies. By setting extracted limits on SME coefficients into perspective with already existing bounds in the literature, we infer that none of the aforementioned models are suitable pre-CMB candidates for fixing the HT. In this way, new physics arising from the particular realizations of Lorentz and diffeomorphism violation studied in this paper does not explain the HT. Our paper exemplifies how to exploit this discrepancy as a novel possibility of refining our description of the early Universe.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 10 Jan 2023 10:10:56 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 17 Jan 2023 18:47:16 GMT'}]
[array(['Khodadi', 'Mohsen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schreck', 'Marco', ''], dtype=object)]
Nami Li
Nami Li, X.Q. Xu, Y.F. Wang, X. Lin, N. Yan and G.S. Xu
Impact of pedestal density gradient and collisionality on ELM dynamics
BOUT++ turbulence simulations are conducted to capture the underlying physics of the small ELM characteristics achieved by increasing separatrix density via controlling strike points from vertical to horizontal divertor plates for three EAST discharges. BOUT ++ linear simulations show that the most unstable modes change from high-n ideal ballooning modes to the intermediate-n peeling-ballooning modes and eventually to peeling-ballooning stable plasmas in the pedestal. Nonlinear simulations show that the fluctuation is saturated at a high level for the lowest separatrix density. The elm size decreases with increasing the separatrix density, until the fraction of this energy lost during the ELM crash becomes less than 1% of the pedestal stored energy, leading to small ELMs. Simulations indicate that small ELMs can be triggered either by the marginally peeling-ballooning instability near the peak pressure gradient position inside pedestal or by a local instability in the pedestal foot with a larger separatrix density gradient. The pedestal collisionality scan for type-I ELMs with steep pedestal density gradient shows that both linear growth rate and elm size decrease with collisionality increasing. While the pedestal collisionality and pedestal density width scan with a weak pedestal density gradient indicate small ELMs can either be triggered by high-n ballooning mode or by low-n peeling mode in low collisionality region 0.04~0.1. The simulations indicate the weaker the linear unstable modes near marginal stability with small linear growth rate, the lower nonlinearly saturated fluctuation intensity and the smaller turbulence spreading from the linear unstable zone to stable zone in the nonlinear saturation phase, leading to small ELMs.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 21 Jul 2022 16:37:48 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 10 Oct 2022 18:56:02 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Nami', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xu', 'X. Q.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Y. F.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lin', 'X.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yan', 'N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xu', 'G. S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Juan Manuel Lopez Martin
J.M. Lopez, M.A. Rodriguez and L. Pesquera
Analysis of self--averaging properties in the transport of particles through random media
4 pages, RevTeX , No figures, submitted to Physical Review E (Rapid Communication)
We investigate self-averaging properties in the transport of particles through random media. We show rigorously that in the subdiffusive anomalous regime transport coefficients are not self--averaging quantities. These quantities are exactly calculated in the case of directed random walks. In the case of general symmetric random walks a perturbative analysis around the Effective Medium Approximation (EMA) is performed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 25 Nov 1994 17:30:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Lopez', 'J. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rodriguez', 'M. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pesquera', 'L.', ''], dtype=object)]
Levan Chotorlishvili L
Z. Toklikishvili, L. Chotorlishvili, S. K. Mishra, S. Stagraczynski, M. Sch\"uler, A. R. P. Rau, and J. Berakdar
Entanglement dynamics of two nitrogen vacancy centers coupled by a nanomechanical resonator
to appear in J.Phys. B
In this paper we study the time evolution of the entanglement between two remote NV Centers (nitrogen vacancy in diamond) connected by a dual-mode nanomechanical resonator with magnetic tips on both sides. Calculating the negativity as a measure for the entanglement, we find that the entanglement between two spins oscillates with time and can be manipulated by varying the parameters of the system. We observed the phe- nomenon of a sudden death and the periodic revivals of entanglement in time. For the study of quantum deco- herence, we implement a Lindblad master equation. In spite of its complexity, the model is analytically solvable under fairly reasonable assumptions, and shows that the decoherence influences the entanglement, the sudden death, and the revivals in time.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 18 Jan 2017 14:19:57 GMT'}]
[array(['Toklikishvili', 'Z.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chotorlishvili', 'L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mishra', 'S. K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Stagraczynski', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schüler', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rau', 'A. R. P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Berakdar', 'J.', ''], dtype=object)]
Simeon Mistakidis
S.I. Mistakidis, G.C. Katsimiga, G.M. Koutentakis, Th. Busch and P. Schmelcher
Quench Dynamics and Orthogonality Catastrophe of Bose Polarons
14 pages, 7 figures
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 183001 (2019)
quant-ph cond-mat.quant-gas physics.atom-ph
We monitor the correlated quench induced dynamical dressing of a spinor impurity repulsively interacting with a Bose-Einstein condensate. Inspecting the temporal evolution of the structure factor three distinct dynamical regions arise upon increasing the interspecies interaction. These regions are found to be related to the segregated nature of the impurity and to the ohmic character of the bath. It is shown that the impurity dynamics can be described by an effective potential that deforms from a harmonic to a double-well one when crossing the miscibility-immiscibility threshold. In particular, for miscible components the polaron formation is imprinted on the spectral response of the system. We further illustrate that for increasing interaction an orthogonality catastrophe occurs and the polaron picture breaks down. Then a dissipative motion of the impurity takes place leading to a transfer of energy to its environment. This process signals the presence of entanglement in the many-body system.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 26 Nov 2018 21:56:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 12 May 2019 11:49:25 GMT'}]
[array(['Mistakidis', 'S. I.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Katsimiga', 'G. C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Koutentakis', 'G. M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Busch', 'Th.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schmelcher', 'P.', ''], dtype=object)]
Hrayr Matevosyan
Hrayr H. Matevosyan, Wolfgang Bentz, Ian C. Clo\"et and Anthony W. Thomas
Transverse Momentum Dependent Fragmentation and Quark Distribution Functions from the NJL-jet Model
13 pages, 17 figures, v2: minor revisions to conform with the published version in Phys.Rev.D
hep-ph nucl-th
Using the model of Nambu and Jona-Lasinio to provide a microscopic description of both the structure of the nucleon and of the quark to hadron elementary fragmentation functions, we investigate the transverse momentum dependence of the unpolarized quark distributions in the nucleon and of the quark to pion and kaon fragmentation functions. The transverse momentum dependence of the fragmentation functions is determined within a Monte Carlo framework, with the notable result that the average $P_\perp^2$ of the produced kaons is significantly larger than that of the pions. We also find that $<P_\perp^2>$ has a sizable $z$ dependence, in contrast with the naive Gaussian ansatz for the fragmentation functions. Diquark correlations in the nucleon give rise to a non-trivial flavor dependence in the unpolarized transverse momentum dependent quark distribution functions. The $<k_T^2>$ of the quarks in the nucleon are also found to have a sizable $x$ dependence. Finally, these results are used as input to a Monte Carlo event generator for semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS), which is used to determine the average transverse momentum squared of the produced hadrons measured in SIDIS, namely $<P_T^2>$. Again we find that the average $P_T^2$ of the produced kaons in SIDIS is significantly larger than that of the pions and in each case $\la P_T^2 \ra$ has a sizable $z$ dependence.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 7 Nov 2011 21:04:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 19 Jan 2012 00:52:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Matevosyan', 'Hrayr H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bentz', 'Wolfgang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cloët', 'Ian C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Thomas', 'Anthony W.', ''], dtype=object)]
Pablo A. Ferrari
Pablo A. Ferrari and Leonardo T. Rolla
Slow-to-Start Traffic Model: Condensation, Saturation and Scaling Limits
24 pages, 12 figures
We consider a one-dimensional traffic model with a slow-to-start rule. The initial position of the cars in $\mathbb R$ is a Poisson process of parameter $\lambda$. Cars have speed 0 or 1 and travel in the same direction. At time zero the speed of all cars is 0; each car waits an exponential time to switch speed from $0$ to $1$ and stops when it collides with a stopped car. When the car is no longer blocked, it waits a new exponential time to assume speed one, and so on. We study the emergence of condensation for the saturated regime $\lambda>1$ and the critical regime $\lambda=1$, showing that in both regimes all cars collide infinitely often and each car has asymptotic mean velocity $1/\lambda$. In the saturated regime the moving cars form a point process whose intensity tends to 1. The remaining cars condensate in a set of points whose intensity tends to zero as $1/\sqrt t$. We study the scaling limit of the traffic jam evolution in terms of a collection of coalescing Brownian motions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Jan 2020 13:43:19 GMT'}]
[array(['Ferrari', 'Pablo A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rolla', 'Leonardo T.', ''], dtype=object)]
Pietro Baldi
Pietro Baldi
Quasi-periodic solutions of the equation v_{tt}-v_{xx}+v^3=f(v)
20 pages. Corrected some misprints, added a reference, moved Proposition and Lemma 1 from Section 2 to the Appendix
SISSA 41/2005/M
We consider 1D completely resonant nonlinear wave equations of the type v_{tt}-v_{xx}=-v^3+O(v^4) with spatial periodic boundary conditions. We prove the existence of a new type of quasi-periodic small amplitude solutions with two frequencies, for more general nonlinearities. These solutions turn out to be, at the first order, the superposition of a traveling wave and a modulation of long period, depending only on time.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 5 Jun 2005 21:37:33 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Jul 2005 15:11:08 GMT'}]
[array(['Baldi', 'Pietro', ''], dtype=object)]
Mohsen Nejad-Asghar
M. Nejad-Asghar
Modified Bonnor-Ebert spheres with ambipolar diffusion heating
10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap&SS
Magnetic fluctuations through the molecular cloud cores can produce ambipolar diffusion (AD) heating, which consequently can produce temperature gradients through the core. The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of these produced temperature gradients on the radius and mass of the non-isothermal modified Bonnor-Ebert spheres (MBES). Here, we use the parameter $\kappa$ to represent the magnetic fluctuations through the molecular cloud cores. This parameter introduces the change of magnetic filed strength in the length-scale. The results show that increasing of $\kappa$ leads to an increase of the radius and mass of MBES. The most important result is existence of the gravitationally stable high-mass prestellar cores at the low-density molecular medium with great magnetic fluctuations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 8 Nov 2016 06:40:39 GMT'}]
[array(['Nejad-Asghar', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Kimio Kuramitsu
Shun Honda, Kimio Kuramitsu
Implementing a Small Parsing Virtual Machine on Embedded Systems
An earlier draft for future submission
PEGs are a formal grammar foundation for describing syntax, and are not hard to generate parsers with a plain recursive decent parsing. However, the large amount of C-stack consumption in the recursive parsing is not acceptable especially in resource-restricted embedded systems. Alternatively, we have attempted the machine virtualization approach to PEG-based parsing. MiniNez, our implemented virtual machine, is presented in this paper with several downsizing techniques, including instruction specialization, inline expansion and static flow analysis. As a result, the MiniNez machine achieves both a very small footprint and competitive performance to generated C parsers. We have demonstrated the experimental results by comparing on two major embedded platforms: Cortex-A7 and Intel Atom processor.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 11 Nov 2015 07:44:04 GMT'}]
[array(['Honda', 'Shun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kuramitsu', 'Kimio', ''], dtype=object)]
Gang Chen Professor
Xiao-Tian Zhang, Yong Hao Gao, Gang Chen
Thermal Hall effects in quantum magnets
55 pages, 26 figures. A focused review
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci
In the recent years, the thermal Hall transport has risen as an important diagnosis of the physical properties of the elementary excitations in various quantum materials, especially among the Mott insulating systems where the electronic transports are often featureless. Here we review the recent development of thermal Hall effects in quantum magnets where all the relevant excitations are charge-neutral. In addition to summarizing the existing experiments, we pay a special attention to the underlying mechanisms of the thermal Hall effects in various magnetic systems, and clarify the connection between the microscopic physical variables and the emergent degrees of freedom in different quantum phases. The external magnetic field is shown to modify the intrinsic Berry curvature properties of various emergent and/or exotic quasiparticle excitations in distinct fashions for different quantum systems and quantum phases, contributing to the thermal Hall transports. These include, for example, the conventional ones like the magnons in ordered magnets, the triplons in dimerized magnets, the exotic and fractionalized quasparticles such as the spinons and the magnetic monopoles in quantum spin liquids. We review their contribution and discuss their presence in the thermal Hall conductivity in different physical contexts. We expect this review to provide a useful guidance for the physical mechanism of the thermal Hall transports in quantum magnets.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 8 May 2023 16:26:57 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Xiao-Tian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gao', 'Yong Hao', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Gang', ''], dtype=object)]
Johan Anderson
Johan Anderson and Eun-jin Kim
The momentum flux probability distribution function for ion-temperature-gradient turbulence
23 pages, 2 figures
Physics of Plasmas 15, 052306 (2008)
physics.plasm-ph physics.flu-dyn
There has been overwhelming evidence that coherent structures play a critical role in determining the overall transport in a variety of systems. We compute the probability distribution function (PDF) tails of momentum flux and heat flux in ion-temperature-gradient turbulence, by taking into account the interaction among modons, which are assumed to be coherent structures responsible for bursty and intermittent events, contributing to the PDF tails. The tail of PDF of momentum flux $R = < v_x v_y>$ is shown to be exponential with the form $\exp{\{-\xi R^{3/2}\}}$, which is broader than a Gaussian, similarly to what was found in the previous local studies. An analogous expression with the same functional dependence is found for the PDF tails of heat flux. Furthermore, we present a detailed numerical study of the dependence of the PDF tail on the temperature and density scale lengths and other physical parameters through the coefficient $\xi$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 15 Jan 2009 11:31:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Anderson', 'Johan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kim', 'Eun-jin', ''], dtype=object)]
Nicholas Scott
Nicholas Scott, L. M. R. Fogarty, Matt S. Owers, Scott M. Croom, Matthew Colless, Roger L. Davies, S. Brough, Michael B. Pracy, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, D. Heath Jones, J. T. Allen, Julia J. Bryant, Luca Cortese, Michael Goodwin, Andrew W. Green, Iraklis S. Konstantopoulos, J.S. Lawrence, Samuel Richards and Rob Sharp
The SAMI Pilot Survey: The Fundamental and Mass Planes in Three Low-Redshift Clusters
15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS
Using new integral field observations of 106 galaxies in three nearby clusters we investigate how the intrinsic scatter of the Fundamental Plane depends on the way in which the velocity dispersion and effective radius are measured. Our spatially resolved spectroscopy, combined with a cluster sample with negligible relative distance errors allows us to derive a Fundamental Plane with minimal systematic uncertainties. From the apertures we tested, we find that velocity dispersions measured within a circular aperture with radius equal to one effective radius minimises the intrinsic scatter of the Fundamental Plane. Using simple yet powerful Jeans dynamical models we determine dynamical masses for our galaxies. Replacing luminosity in the Fundamental Plane with dynamical mass, we demonstrate that the resulting Mass Plane has further reduced scatter, consistent with zero intrinsic scatter. Using these dynamical models we also find evidence for a possibly non-linear relationship between dynamical mass-to-light ratio and velocity dispersion.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 17 May 2015 05:12:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Scott', 'Nicholas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fogarty', 'L. M. R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Owers', 'Matt S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Croom', 'Scott M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Colless', 'Matthew', ''], dtype=object) array(['Davies', 'Roger L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Brough', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pracy', 'Michael B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bland-Hawthorn', 'Joss', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jones', 'D. Heath', ''], dtype=object) array(['Allen', 'J. T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bryant', 'Julia J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cortese', 'Luca', ''], dtype=object) array(['Goodwin', 'Michael', ''], dtype=object) array(['Green', 'Andrew W.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Konstantopoulos', 'Iraklis S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lawrence', 'J. S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Richards', 'Samuel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sharp', 'Rob', ''], dtype=object)]
Pengwei Zhan
Pengwei Zhan, Liming Wang, Yi Tang
Website fingerprinting on early QUIC traffic
This work has been accepted by Elsevier Computer Networks for publication
Computer Networks 200 (2021) 108538
cs.CR cs.LG cs.NI
Cryptographic protocols have been widely used to protect the user's privacy and avoid exposing private information. QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections), including the version originally designed by Google (GQUIC) and the version standardized by IETF (IQUIC), as alternatives to the traditional HTTP, demonstrate their unique transmission characteristics: based on UDP for encrypted resource transmitting, accelerating web page rendering. However, existing encrypted transmission schemes based on TCP are vulnerable to website fingerprinting (WFP) attacks, allowing adversaries to infer the users' visited websites by eavesdropping on the transmission channel. Whether GQUIC and IQUIC can effectively resist such attacks is worth investigating. In this paper, we study the vulnerabilities of GQUIC, IQUIC, and HTTPS to WFP attacks from the perspective of traffic analysis. Extensive experiments show that, in the early traffic scenario, GQUIC is the most vulnerable to WFP attacks among GQUIC, IQUIC, and HTTPS, while IQUIC is more vulnerable than HTTPS, but the vulnerability of the three protocols is similar in the normal full traffic scenario. Features transferring analysis shows that most features are transferable between protocols when on normal full traffic scenario. However, combining with the qualitative analysis of latent feature representation, we find that the transferring is inefficient when on early traffic, as GQUIC, IQUIC, and HTTPS show the significantly different magnitude of variation in the traffic distribution on early traffic. By upgrading the one-time WFP attacks to multiple WFP Top-a attacks, we find that the attack accuracy on GQUIC and IQUIC reach 95.4% and 95.5%, respectively, with only 40 packets and just using simple features, whereas reach only 60.7% when on HTTPS. We also demonstrate that the vulnerability of IQUIC is only slightly dependent on the network environment.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 28 Jan 2021 08:53:51 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 15 Nov 2021 14:27:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhan', 'Pengwei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Liming', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tang', 'Yi', ''], dtype=object)]
Zaqueu Alves Ramos
Barbara Costa, Zaqueu Ramos, Aron Simis
A theorem about Cremona maps and symbolic Rees algebras
17 pages
This work is about the structure of the symbolic Rees algebra of the base ideal of a Cremona map. We give sufficient conditions under which this algebra has the "expected form" in some sense. The main theorem in this regard seemingly covers all previous results on the subject so far. The proof relies heavily on a criterion of birationality and the use of the so-called inversion factor of a Cremona map. One adds a pretty long selection of examples of plane and space Cremona maps tested against the conditions of the theorem, with special emphasis on Cohen--Macaulay base ideals.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 24 Jul 2014 04:02:07 GMT'}]
[array(['Costa', 'Barbara', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ramos', 'Zaqueu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Simis', 'Aron', ''], dtype=object)]
Mojtaba Raouf Hajar Zarrin
Mojtaba Raouf and Habib G. Khosroshahi and Trevor J. Ponman and Ali A. Dariush and Alireza Molaeinezhad and Saeed Tavasoli
Ultimate age-dating method for galaxy groups; clues from the Millennium Simulations
10 page, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS
astro-ph.CO astro-ph.GA
There have been a number of studies dedicated to identification of fossil galaxy groups, arguably groups with a relatively old formation epoch. Most of such studies identify fossil groups, primarily based on a large luminosity gap, which is the magnitude gap between the two most luminous galaxies in the group. Studies of these types of groups in the millennium cosmological simulations show that, although they have accumulated a significant fraction of their mass, relatively earlier than groups with a small luminosity gap, this parameter alone is not highly efficient in fully discriminating between the "old" and "young" galaxy groups, a label assigned based on halo mass accumulation history. We study galaxies drawn from the semi-analytic models of Guo et al. (2011), based on the Millennium Simulation. We establish a set of four observationally measurable parameters which can be used in combination, to identify a subset of galaxy groups which are old, with a very high probability. We thus argue that a sample of fossil groups selected based on luminosity gap will result in a contaminated sample of old galaxy groups. By adding constraints on the luminosity of the brightest galaxy, and its offset from the group luminosity centroid, we can considerably improve the age-dating.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 15 May 2014 19:36:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 16 May 2014 06:09:54 GMT'}]
[array(['Raouf', 'Mojtaba', ''], dtype=object) array(['Khosroshahi', 'Habib G.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ponman', 'Trevor J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dariush', 'Ali A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Molaeinezhad', 'Alireza', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tavasoli', 'Saeed', ''], dtype=object)]
Paul Fendley
S.V. Isakov, P. Fendley, A.W.W. Ludwig, S. Trebst and M. Troyer
Dynamics at and near conformal quantum critical points
13 pages, 11 figures. v2: title change, added discussion of systematic error, fixed typos
Phys. Rev. B 83, 125114 (2011)
cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.stat-mech hep-th
We explore the dynamical behavior at and near a special class of two-dimensional quantum critical points. Each is a conformal quantum critical point (CQCP), where in the scaling limit the equal-time correlators are those of a two-dimensional conformal field theory. The critical theories include the square-lattice quantum dimer model, the quantum Lifshitz theory, and a deformed toric code model. We show that under generic perturbation the latter flows toward the ordinary Lorentz-invariant (2+1) dimensional Ising critical point, illustrating that CQCPs are generically unstable. We exploit a correspondence between the classical and quantum dynamical behavior in such systems to perform an extensive numerical study of two lines of CQCPs in a quantum eight-vertex model, or equivalently, two coupled deformed toric codes. We find that the dynamical critical exponent z remains 2 along the U(1)-symmetric quantum Lifshitz line, while it continuously varies along the line with only Z_2 symmetry. This illustrates how two CQCPs can have very different dynamical properties, despite identical equal-time ground-state correlators. Our results equally apply to the dynamics of the corresponding purely classical models.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 17 Dec 2010 04:21:49 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 25 Mar 2011 19:33:46 GMT'}]
[array(['Isakov', 'S. V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fendley', 'P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ludwig', 'A. W. W.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Trebst', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Troyer', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Masato Mimura
Masato Mimura, Narutaka Ozawa, Hiroki Sako, Yuhei Suzuki
Group approximation in Cayley topology and coarse geometry, Part III: Geometric property (T)
20 pages, Appendix withdrawn due to the error in the proof of Theorem A.2 (v3); 24 pages, Appendix added (v2); 20 pages, no figure
Alg. and Geom. Topol., 15 (2015), no.2, 1067--1091
math.OA math.GR
In this series of papers, we study correspondence between the following: (1) large scale structure of the metric space bigsqcup_m {Cay(G(m))} consisting of Cayley graphs of finite groups with k generators; (2) structure of groups which appear in the boundary of the set {G(m)}_m in the space of k-marked groups. In this third part of the series, we show the correspondence among the metric properties `geometric property (T),' `cohomological property (T),' and the group property `Kazhdan's property (T).' Geometric property (T) of Willett--Yu is stronger than being expander graphs. Cohomological property (T) is stronger than geometric property (T) for general coarse spaces.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 20 Feb 2014 19:09:40 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 24 Feb 2014 20:16:47 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 3 Mar 2014 16:10:38 GMT'}]
[array(['Mimura', 'Masato', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ozawa', 'Narutaka', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sako', 'Hiroki', ''], dtype=object) array(['Suzuki', 'Yuhei', ''], dtype=object)]
Aleksandr Rodin
Keian Noori and Hillol Biswas and Su Ying Quek and Aleksandr Rodin
Graphene-mediated interaction between adsorbed impurities
9 pages, 8 figures
Interaction between adsorbed atoms in graphene is studied using a combination of DFT and the path integral formalism. Our results reveal a complex non-monotonic interaction profile. We show that the strength and sign of the interaction are dictated by the arrangement of impurities, as well as the system doping. These findings can be used to interpret the complex behavior of impurities in experimentally realized systems, as well as other classes of impurities, such as C substitutions in graphene.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 26 Nov 2019 04:28:48 GMT'}]
[array(['Noori', 'Keian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Biswas', 'Hillol', ''], dtype=object) array(['Quek', 'Su Ying', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rodin', 'Aleksandr', ''], dtype=object)]
Ricardo Sa Earp
Ricardo S\'a Earp, Eric Toubiana (IMJ)
Minimal graphs in H^n xR and R^{n+1}
math.DG math.AP
We construct geometric barriers for minimal graphs in H^n xR. We prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution of the vertical minimal equation in the interior of a convex polyhedron in H^n extending continuously to the interior of each face, taking infinite boundary data on one face and zero boundary value data on the other faces. In H^n xR, we solve the Dirichlet problem for the vertical minimal equation in a C^0 convex domain taking arbitrarily continuous finite boundary and asymptotic boundary data. We prove the existence of another Scherk type hypersurface, given by the solution of the vertical minimal equation in the interior of certain admissible polyhedron taking alternatively infinite values +\infty and -\infty on adjacent faces of this polyhedron. Those polyhedra may be chosen convex or non convex. We establish analogous results for minimal graphs when the ambient is the Euclidean space R^ {n+1}.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 28 Aug 2009 09:40:34 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:38:14 GMT'}]
[array(['Earp', 'Ricardo Sá', '', 'IMJ'], dtype=object) array(['Toubiana', 'Eric', '', 'IMJ'], dtype=object)]
Giovanni Amelino-Camelia
Alessandra Agostini, Giovanni Amelino-Camelia, Francesco D'Andrea
Hopf-algebra description of noncommutative-spacetime symmetries
20 pages, no figures, LaTex. This version has exactly the same technical content as version 1, but the observation reported in Section VII is discussed more pedagogically
Int.J.Mod.Phys. A19 (2004) 5187-5220
hep-th gr-qc hep-ph
In the study of certain noncommutative versions of Minkowski spacetime there is still a large ambiguity concerning the characterization of their symmetries. Adopting as our case study the kappaMinkowski noncommutative space-time, on which a large literature is already available, we propose a line of analysis of noncommutative-spacetime symmetries that relies on the introduction of a Weyl map (connecting a given function in the noncommutative Minkowski with a corresponding function in commutative Minkowski) and of a compatible notion of integration in the noncommutative spacetime. We confirm (and we establish more robustly) previous suggestions that the commutative-spacetime notion of Lie-algebra symmetries must be replaced, in the noncommutative-spacetime context, by the one of Hopf-algebra symmetries. We prove that in kappaMinkowski it is possible to construct an action which is invariant under a Poincare-like Hopf algebra of symmetries with 10 generators, in which the noncommutativity length scale has the role of relativistic invariant. The approach here adopted does leave one residual ambiguity, which pertains to the description of the translation generators, but our results, independently of this ambiguity, are sufficient to clarify that some recent studies (gr-qc/0212128 and hep-th/0301061), which argued for an operational indistiguishability between theories with and without a length-scale relativistic invariant, implicitly assumed that the underlying spacetime would be classical.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 Jun 2003 01:50:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 21 Jun 2003 01:53:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Agostini', 'Alessandra', ''], dtype=object) array(['Amelino-Camelia', 'Giovanni', ''], dtype=object) array(["D'Andrea", 'Francesco', ''], dtype=object)]
Javier Magnin
C. Avila, L. Salazar-Garcia, J.C. Sanabria and J. Magnin
The structure of the strange sea of the proton
5 pages, 5 figures
In this work we study the strange sea of the proton using a version of the Meson Cloud Model containing both, efective and perturbative degrees of freedom. We construct the $s$ and $\bar{s}$ parton distributions functions at the initial energy scale, $Q_0^2$, where QCD evolution starts. The initial $s$ and $\bar s$ pdfs depend on a number of parameters which we fix by comparison to parameterizations of the strange sea of the nucleon obtained in a recent global fit to experimental data, allowing for a $s-\bar{s}$ asymmetry. We show that the model describes well the strange sea of the proton and argue that it can be a phenomenologically motivated alternative to the usual input parameterizations used in fits to experimental DIS data.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 18 Apr 2011 17:59:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Avila', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Salazar-Garcia', 'L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sanabria', 'J. C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Magnin', 'J.', ''], dtype=object)]
Roberto Soler
Roberto Soler, Inigo Arregui, Ramon Oliver, and Jose Luis Ballester
Seismology of Standing Kink Oscillations of Solar Prominence Fine Structures
Accepted for publication in ApJ
We investigate standing kink magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) oscillations in a prominence fine structure modeled as a straight and cylindrical magnetic tube only partially filled with the prominence material, and with its ends fixed at two rigid walls representing the solar photosphere. The prominence plasma is partially ionized and a transverse inhomogeneous transitional layer is included between the prominence thread and the coronal medium. Thus, ion-neutral collisions and resonant absorption are the considered damping mechanisms. Approximate analytical expressions of the period, the damping time, and their ratio are derived for the fundamental mode in the thin tube and thin boundary approximations. We find that the dominant damping mechanism is resonant absorption, which provides damping ratios in agreement with the observations, whereas ion-neutral collisions are irrelevant for the damping. The values of the damping ratio are independent of both the prominence thread length and its position within the magnetic tube, and coincide with the values for a tube fully filled with the prominence plasma. The implications of our results in the context of the MHD seismology technique are discussed, pointing out that the reported short-period (2 - 10 min) and short-wavelength (700 - 8,000 km) thread oscillations may not be consistent with a standing mode interpretation and could be related to propagating waves. Finally, we show that the inversion of some prominence physical parameters, e.g., Alfv\'en speed, magnetic field strength, transverse inhomogeneity length-scale, etc., is possible using observationally determined values of the period and damping time of the oscillations along with the analytical approximations of these quantities.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 12 Jul 2010 18:52:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 30 Aug 2010 13:19:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Soler', 'Roberto', ''], dtype=object) array(['Arregui', 'Inigo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Oliver', 'Ramon', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ballester', 'Jose Luis', ''], dtype=object)]
Emmanuelle Rio
Jonas Miguet, Marina Pasquet, Florence Rouyer, Yuan Fang, Emmanuelle Rio
Marginal regeneration-induced drainage of surface bubbles
Phys. Rev. Fluids 6, 101601 (2021)
physics.flu-dyn cond-mat.soft
The prediction of the lifetime of surface bubbles necessitates a better understanding of the thinning dynamics of the bubble cap. In 1959, Mysel \textit{et al.} \cite{mysels1959soap}, proposed that \textit{marginal regeneration} i.e. the rise of patches, thinner than the film should be taken into account to describe the film drainage. Nevertheless, an accurate description of these buoyant patches and of their dynamics as well as a quantification of their contribution to the thinning dynamics is still lacking. In this paper, we visualize the patches, and show that their rising velocities and sizes are in good agreement with models respectively based on the balance of gravitational and surface viscous forces and on a Rayleigh-Taylor like instability \cite{Seiwert2017,Shabalina2019}. Our results suggest that, in an environment saturated in humidity, the drainage induced by their dynamics correctly describes the film drainage at the apex of the bubble within the experimental error bars. We conclude that the film thinning of soap bubbles is indeed controlled, to a large extent, by \textit{marginal regeneration} in the absence of evaporation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 16 Sep 2021 13:20:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Miguet', 'Jonas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pasquet', 'Marina', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rouyer', 'Florence', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fang', 'Yuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rio', 'Emmanuelle', ''], dtype=object)]
Fereshteh Jafariakinabad
Fereshteh Jafariakinabad, Sansiri Tarnpradab, Kien A. Hua
Syntactic Recurrent Neural Network for Authorship Attribution
cs.CL cs.LG
Writing style is a combination of consistent decisions at different levels of language production including lexical, syntactic, and structural associated to a specific author (or author groups). While lexical-based models have been widely explored in style-based text classification, relying on content makes the model less scalable when dealing with heterogeneous data comprised of various topics. On the other hand, syntactic models which are content-independent, are more robust against topic variance. In this paper, we introduce a syntactic recurrent neural network to encode the syntactic patterns of a document in a hierarchical structure. The model first learns the syntactic representation of sentences from the sequence of part-of-speech tags. For this purpose, we exploit both convolutional filters and long short-term memories to investigate the short-term and long-term dependencies of part-of-speech tags in the sentences. Subsequently, the syntactic representations of sentences are aggregated into document representation using recurrent neural networks. Our experimental results on PAN 2012 dataset for authorship attribution task shows that syntactic recurrent neural network outperforms the lexical model with the identical architecture by approximately 14% in terms of accuracy.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 26 Feb 2019 04:32:42 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 27 Feb 2019 02:54:33 GMT'}]
[array(['Jafariakinabad', 'Fereshteh', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tarnpradab', 'Sansiri', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hua', 'Kien A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Christos-Raent Onti
Christos-Raent Onti and Theodoros Vlachos
Topological obstructions for submanifolds in low codimension
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.07349, arXiv:1008.1179
We prove integral curvature bounds in terms of the Betti numbers for compact submanifolds of the Euclidean space with low codimension. As an application, we obtain topological obstructions for $\delta$-pinched immersions. Furthermore, we obtain intrinsic obstructions for minimal submanifolds in spheres with pinched second fundamental form.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 18 Jan 2017 12:07:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Onti', 'Christos-Raent', ''], dtype=object) array(['Vlachos', 'Theodoros', ''], dtype=object)]
Li Zhou
Li Zhou, Wenyu Chen, Dingyi Zeng, Shaohuan Cheng, Wanlong Liu, Hong Qu
A Dual-Perception Graph Neural Network with Multi-hop Graph Generator
9 pages
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have drawn increasing attention in recent years and achieved remarkable performance in many graph-based tasks, especially in semi-supervised learning on graphs. However, most existing GNNs excessively rely on topological structures and aggregate multi-hop neighborhood information by simply stacking network layers, which may introduce superfluous noise information, limit the expressive power of GNNs and lead to the over-smoothing problem ultimately. In light of this, we propose a novel Dual-Perception Graph Neural Network (DPGNN) to address these issues. In DPGNN, we utilize node features to construct a feature graph, and perform node representations learning based on the original topology graph and the constructed feature graph simultaneously, which conduce to capture the structural neighborhood information and the feature-related information. Furthermore, we design a Multi-Hop Graph Generator (MHGG), which applies a node-to-hop attention mechanism to aggregate node-specific multi-hop neighborhood information adaptively. Finally, we apply self-ensembling to form a consistent prediction for unlabeled node representations. Experimental results on five datasets with different topological structures demonstrate that our proposed DPGNN outperforms all the latest state-of-the-art models on all datasets, which proves the superiority and versatility of our model. The source code of our model is available at https://github.com.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 15 Oct 2021 05:47:26 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 22 Oct 2021 11:21:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhou', 'Li', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Wenyu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zeng', 'Dingyi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cheng', 'Shaohuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Liu', 'Wanlong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Qu', 'Hong', ''], dtype=object)]
L. A. Dickey
On the constrained KP hierarchy II
6 pages, LaTeX
Lett. Math. Phys. 35 (1995) 229-236
hep-th math.QA q-alg
A constrained KP hierarchy is discussed that was recently suggested by Aratyn et al. and by Bonora et al. This hierarchy is a restriction of the KP to a submanifold of operators which can be represented as a ratio of two purely differential operators of prescribed orders. Explicit formulas for action of vector fields on these two differential operators are written which gives a new description of the hierarchy and provides a new, more constructive, proof of compatibility of the constraint with the hierarchy. Also the Poisson structure of the constrained hierarchy is discussed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 1 Nov 1994 16:57:00 GMT'}]
[array(['Dickey', 'L. A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Ellen Baake
Ute von Wangenheim, Ellen Baake, Michael Baake
Single--crossover recombination in discrete time
J. Math. Biol., in press
J. Math. Biol. 60 (2010), 727-760
q-bio.PE math.DS q-bio.CB
Modelling the process of recombination leads to a large coupled nonlinear dynamical system. Here, we consider a particular case of recombination in {\em discrete} time, allowing only for {\em single crossovers}. While the analogous dynamics in {\em continuous} time admits a closed solution, this no longer works for discrete time. A more general model (i.e. without the restriction to single crossovers) has been studied before and was solved algorithmically by means of Haldane linearisation. Using the special formalism introduced by Baake and Baake (2003), we obtain further insight into the single-crossover dynamics and the particular difficulties that arise in discrete time. We then transform the equations to a solvable system in a two-step procedure: linearisation followed by diagonalisation. Still, the coefficients of the second step must be determined in a recursive manner, but once this is done for a given system, they allow for an explicit solution valid for all times.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 9 Jun 2009 09:52:12 GMT'}]
[array(['von Wangenheim', 'Ute', ''], dtype=object) array(['Baake', 'Ellen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Baake', 'Michael', ''], dtype=object)]
Yu Chang-shui
Jun Zhang, Yang Zhang, Chang-shui Yu
The Measurement-Disturbance Relation and the Disturbance Trade-off Relation in Terms of Relative Entropy
6 pages, 4 figures
Int J Theor Phys (2016) 55:3943
We employ quantum relative entropy to establish the relation between the measurement uncertainty and its disturbance on a state in the presence (and absence) of quantum memory. For two incompatible observables, we present the measurement-disturbance relation and the disturbance trade-off relation. We find that without quantum memory the disturbance induced by the measurement is never less than the measurement uncertainty and with quantum memory they depend on the conditional entropy of the measured state. We also generalize these relations to the case with multiple measurements. These relations are demonstrated by two examples.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 14 Apr 2017 02:05:05 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Jun', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Yang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yu', 'Chang-shui', ''], dtype=object)]
Hung Pham
Hung Q. Pham, Runsheng Ouyang, and Dingshun Lv
Scalable Quantum Monte Carlo with Direct-Product Trial Wave Functions
12 pages, 9 figures
physics.chem-ph cond-mat.str-el
The computational demand posed by applying multi-Slater determinant trials in phaseless auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo methods (MSD-AFQMC) is particularly significant for molecules exhibiting strong correlations. Here, we propose using direct-product wave functions as trials for MSD-AFQMC, aiming to reduce computational overhead by leveraging the compactness of multi-Slater determinant trials in direct-product form (DP-MSD). This efficiency arises when the active space can be divided into non-coupling subspaces, a condition we term "decomposable active space". By employing localized-active space self-consistent field wave functions as an example of such trials, we demonstrate our proposed approach in various molecular systems. Our findings indicate that the compact DP-MSD trials can reduce computational costs substantially, by up to 36 times for the \ce{C2H6N4} molecule where the two double bonds between nitrogen \ce{N=N} are clearly separated by a \ce{C-C} single bond, while maintaining accuracy when active spaces are decomposable. However, for systems where these active subspaces strongly couple, a scenario we refer to as "strong subspace coupling", the method's accuracy decreases compared to that achieved with a complete active space approach. We anticipate that our method will be beneficial for systems with non-coupling to weakly-coupling subspaces that require local multireference treatments.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:09:22 GMT'}]
[array(['Pham', 'Hung Q.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ouyang', 'Runsheng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lv', 'Dingshun', ''], dtype=object)]
Jason Priem
Jason Priem
Altmetrics (Chapter from Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact)
Published in Cronin, B., & Sugimoto, C. R. (2014). Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact (1 edition). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/beyond-bibliometrics
This chapter discusses altmetrics (short for "alternative metrics"), an approach to uncovering previously-invisible traces of scholarly impact by observing activity in online tools and systems. I argue that citations, while useful, miss many important kinds of impacts, and that the increasing scholarly use of online tools like Mendeley, Twitter, and blogs may allow us to measure these hidden impacts. Next, I define altmetrics and discuss research on altmetric sources--both research mapping the growth of these sources, and scientometric research measuring activity on them. Following a discussion of the potential uses of altmetrics, I consider the limitations of altmetrics and recommend areas ripe for future research.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 6 Jul 2015 05:08:25 GMT'}]
[array(['Priem', 'Jason', ''], dtype=object)]
Wataru Iwashita
Wataru Iwashita, Hiroshi Matsukawa, Michio Otsuki
Static Friction Coefficient Depends on the External Pressure and Block Shape due to Precursor Slip
11 pages, 6 figures; Supplementary Information 9 pages, 3 figures; 2 ancillary files (Supplementary Video) attached
Sci. Rep. 13, 2511 (2023)
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.soft cond-mat.stat-mech physics.class-ph
Amontons' law states that the maximum static friction force on a solid object is proportional to the loading force and is independent of the apparent contact area. This law indicates that the static friction coefficient does not depend on the external pressure or object shape. Here, we numerically investigate the sliding motion of a 3D viscoelastic block on a rigid substrate using the finite element method (FEM). The macroscopic static friction coefficient decreases with an increase in the external pressure, length, or width of the object, which contradicts Amontons' law. Precursor slip occurs in the 2D interface between the block and substrate before bulk sliding. The decrease in the macroscopic static friction coefficient is scaled by the critical area of the precursor slip before bulk sliding. A theoretical analysis of the simplified models reveals that bulk sliding results from the instability of the quasi-static precursor slip caused by velocity-weakening local friction. We also show that the critical slip area determines the macroscopic static friction coefficient, which explains the results of the FEM simulation.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 2 Nov 2022 12:00:45 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 20 Jan 2023 14:11:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Iwashita', 'Wataru', ''], dtype=object) array(['Matsukawa', 'Hiroshi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Otsuki', 'Michio', ''], dtype=object)]
Manfred Bucher
Manfred Bucher
Less trouble with orbits: The semi-classical hydrogen problem in parabolic and spherical coordinates
10 pages, Change from version 1: correction of Ref. 2
Historically, the eccentricity of Sommerfeld orbits from quantization conditions in either parabolic or spherical coordinates was found to differ in almost all cases. To do the orbit comparison correctly, one must use amended instead of traditional Sommerfeld orbits.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 Jun 2014 19:36:41 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 14 Oct 2014 21:58:24 GMT'}]
[array(['Bucher', 'Manfred', ''], dtype=object)]
Francisco Tello Ortiz
Jorge Bellorin, Alvaro Restuccia and Francisco Tello-Ortiz
The anisotropic coupling of gravity and electromagnetism in Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz theory
Phys. Rev. D 98, 104018 (2018)
We analyze the electromagnetic-gravity interaction in a pure Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz framework. To do so we formulate the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity in $4+1$ dimensions and perform a Kaluza-Klein reduction to $3+1$ dimensions. We use this reduction as a mathematical procedure to obtain the $3+1$ coupled theory, which at the end is considered as a fundamental, self-consistent, theory. The critical value of the dimensionless coupling constant in the kinetic term of the action is $\lambda=1/4$. It is the kinetic conformal point for the non-relativistic electromagnetic-gravity interaction. In distinction, the corresponding kinetic conformal value for pure Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz gravity in $3+1$ dimensions is $\lambda=1/3$. We analyze the geometrical structure of the critical and noncritical cases, they correspond to different theories. The physical degrees of freedom propagated by the noncritical theory are the transverse traceless graviton, the transverse gauge vector and two scalar fields. In the critical theory one of the scalars is absent, only the dilaton scalar field is present. The gravity and vector excitations propagate with the same speed, which at low energy can be taken to be the speed of light. The field equations for the gauge vector in the non-relativistic theory have exactly the same form as the relativistic electromagnetic field equations arising from the Kaluza-Klein reduction of General Relativity, and are equal to them for a particular value of one of the coupling constants. The potential in the Hamiltonian is a polynomial of finite degree in the gauge vector and its covariant derivatives.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Jul 2018 15:14:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 25 Jul 2018 01:23:57 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 8 Oct 2018 09:35:43 GMT'}]
[array(['Bellorin', 'Jorge', ''], dtype=object) array(['Restuccia', 'Alvaro', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tello-Ortiz', 'Francisco', ''], dtype=object)]
Dan Knopf
Christine Guenther, James Isenberg, Dan Knopf
Linear stability of homogeneous Ricci solitons
This is an expanded version that proves linear stability of all explicitly known nonproduct examples of homogeneous expanding Ricci solitons on nilpotent or solvable Lie groups. (To appear in Int. Math. Res. Not.)
math.DG math.AP
As a step toward understanding the analytic behavior of Type-III Ricci flow singularities, i.e. immortal solutions that exhibit |Rm|<C/t curvature decay, we examine the linearization of an equivalent flow at fixed points discovered recently by Baird--Danielo and Lott: nongradient homogeneous expanding Ricci solitons on nilpotent or solvable Lie groups. For all explicitly known nonproduct examples, we demonstrate linear stability of the flow at these fixed points and prove that the linearizations generate strongly continuous semigroups.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 30 Jun 2006 15:21:33 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sat, 1 Jul 2006 23:40:24 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Tue, 4 Jul 2006 16:40:02 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Thu, 2 Nov 2006 16:06:46 GMT'}]
[array(['Guenther', 'Christine', ''], dtype=object) array(['Isenberg', 'James', ''], dtype=object) array(['Knopf', 'Dan', ''], dtype=object)]
Jiawei Wang
Jiawei Wang, Weihong Lin, Chixiang Ma, Mingze Li, Zheng Sun, Lei Sun, Qiang Huo
Robust Table Structure Recognition with Dynamic Queries Enhanced Detection Transformer
18 pages, 11 figures, Preprint. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.04921
We present a new table structure recognition (TSR) approach, called TSRFormer, to robustly recognizing the structures of complex tables with geometrical distortions from various table images. Unlike previous methods, we formulate table separation line prediction as a line regression problem instead of an image segmentation problem and propose a new two-stage dynamic queries enhanced DETR based separation line regression approach, named DQ-DETR, to predict separation lines from table images directly. Compared to Vallina DETR, we propose three improvements in DQ-DETR to make the two-stage DETR framework work efficiently and effectively for the separation line prediction task: 1) A new query design, named Dynamic Query, to decouple single line query into separable point queries which could intuitively improve the localization accuracy for regression tasks; 2) A dynamic queries based progressive line regression approach to progressively regressing points on the line which further enhances localization accuracy for distorted tables; 3) A prior-enhanced matching strategy to solve the slow convergence issue of DETR. After separation line prediction, a simple relation network based cell merging module is used to recover spanning cells. With these new techniques, our TSRFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance on several benchmark datasets, including SciTSR, PubTabNet, WTW and FinTabNet. Furthermore, we have validated the robustness and high localization accuracy of our approach to tables with complex structures, borderless cells, large blank spaces, empty or spanning cells as well as distorted or even curved shapes on a more challenging real-world in-house dataset.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 21 Mar 2023 06:20:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Wang', 'Jiawei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lin', 'Weihong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ma', 'Chixiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Mingze', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sun', 'Zheng', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sun', 'Lei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Huo', 'Qiang', ''], dtype=object)]
Tuan Tran
Tuan Tran and G\"unter M. Ziegler
Extremal edge polytopes
Final version; 16 pages, 3 figures. Published in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 21(2) (2014), P2.57
math.CO math.MG
The "edge polytope" of a finite graph G is the convex hull of the columns of its vertex-edge incidence matrix. We study extremal problems for this class of polytopes. For k =2, 3, 5 we determine the maximum number of vertices of k-neighborly edge polytopes up to a sublinear term. We also construct a family of edge polytopes with exponentially-many facets.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 25 Jul 2013 11:51:34 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:12:51 GMT'}]
[array(['Tran', 'Tuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ziegler', 'Günter M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Lantian Li Mr.
Lantian Li, Dong Wang, Yixiang Chen, Ying Shi, Zhiyuan Tang and Thomas Fang Zheng
Deep factorization for speech signal
Accepted by ICASSP 2018. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.01777
eess.AS cs.CL cs.LG cs.SD
Various informative factors mixed in speech signals, leading to great difficulty when decoding any of the factors. An intuitive idea is to factorize each speech frame into individual informative factors, though it turns out to be highly difficult. Recently, we found that speaker traits, which were assumed to be long-term distributional properties, are actually short-time patterns, and can be learned by a carefully designed deep neural network (DNN). This discovery motivated a cascade deep factorization (CDF) framework that will be presented in this paper. The proposed framework infers speech factors in a sequential way, where factors previously inferred are used as conditional variables when inferring other factors. We will show that this approach can effectively factorize speech signals, and using these factors, the original speech spectrum can be recovered with a high accuracy. This factorization and reconstruction approach provides potential values for many speech processing tasks, e.g., speaker recognition and emotion recognition, as will be demonstrated in the paper.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 27 Feb 2018 12:45:16 GMT'}]
[array(['Li', 'Lantian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Dong', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chen', 'Yixiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shi', 'Ying', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tang', 'Zhiyuan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zheng', 'Thomas Fang', ''], dtype=object)]
Andrea Markelz
Katherine A. Niessen and A.G. Markelz
Optimization of THz Microscopy Imaging
2 pages 4 figures
cond-mat.mtrl-sci physics.ins-det
THz near field microscopy opens a new frontier in material science. High spatial resolution requires the detection crystal to have uniform and reproducible response. We present the THz near field spatial and temporal response of ZnTe and GaP and examine possible properties that give rise to the ZnTe degraded signal.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 22 Jul 2015 20:13:02 GMT'}]
[array(['Niessen', 'Katherine A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Markelz', 'A. G.', ''], dtype=object)]
Yusuke Namekawa
Y. Namekawa, S. Aoki, K.-I. Ishikawa, N. Ishizuka, K. Kanaya, Y. Kuramashi, M. Okawa, Y. Taniguchi, A. Ukawa, N. Ukita, T. Yoshi\'e (PACS-CS Collaboration)
Charmed baryons at the physical point in 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
12 pages, 9 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1212.0073
We investigate the charmed baryon mass spectrum using the relativistic heavy quark action on 2+1 flavor PACS-CS configurations previously generated on $32^3 \times 64$ lattice. The dynamical up-down and strange quark masses are tuned to their physical values, reweighted from those employed in the configuration generation. At the physical point, the inverse lattice spacing determined from the $\Omega$ baryon mass gives $a^{-1}=2.194(10)$ GeV, and thus the spatial extent becomes $L = 32 a = 2.88(1)$ fm. Our results for the charmed baryon masses are consistent with experimental values, except for the mass of $\Xi_{cc}$, which has been measured by only one experimental group so far and has not been confirmed yet by others. In addition, we report values of other doubly and triply charmed baryon masses, which have never been measured experimentally.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 21 Jan 2013 03:32:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 24 Jan 2013 11:19:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Namekawa', 'Y.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Aoki', 'S.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Ishikawa', 'K. -I.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Ishizuka', 'N.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Kanaya', 'K.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Kuramashi', 'Y.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Okawa', 'M.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Taniguchi', 'Y.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Ukawa', 'A.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Ukita', 'N.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object) array(['Yoshié', 'T.', '', 'PACS-CS\n Collaboration'], dtype=object)]
Mario Abundo
Mario Abundo and Sara Furia
On the first-passage area of a L$\acute{\text{e}}$vy process
18 pages, 9 figures
Let be $X(t)= x - \mu t + \sigma B_t - N_t$ a L$\acute{\text{e}}$vy process starting from $x >0,$ where $ \mu \ge 0, \ \sigma \ge 0, \ B_t$ is a standard BM, and $N_t$ is a homogeneous Poisson process with intensity $ \theta >0,$ starting from zero. We study the joint distribution of the first-passage time below zero, $\tau (x),$ and the first-passage area, $A(x),$ swept out by $X$ till the time $\tau (x).$ In particular, we establish differential-difference equations with outer conditions for the Laplace transforms of $\tau(x)$ and $A(x),$ and for their joint moments. In a special case $(\mu = \sigma =0),$ we show an algorithm to find recursively the moments $E[\tau(x)^m A(x)^n],$ for any integers $m$ and $n;$ moreover, we obtain the expected value of the time average of $X$ till the time $\tau(x).$
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 12 Mar 2018 11:01:51 GMT'}]
[array(['Abundo', 'Mario', ''], dtype=object) array(['Furia', 'Sara', ''], dtype=object)]
Elif Tugce Ceran
Elif Tugce Ceran, Deniz Gunduz, and Andras Gyorgy
Average Age of Information with Hybrid ARQ under a Resource Constraint
cs.IT math.IT
Scheduling of the transmission of status updates over an error-prone communication channel is studied in order to minimize the long-term average age of information (AoI) at the destination, under an average resource constraint at the source node, which limits the average number of transmissions. After each transmission, the source receives an instantaneous ACK/NACK feedback, and decides on the next update, without a priori knowledge on the success of the future transmissions. The optimal scheduling policy is studied under different feedback mechanisms; in particular, standard automatic repeat request (ARQ) and hybrid ARQ (HARQ) protocols are considered. Average-cost reinforcement learning algorithms are proposed when the error probabilities for the HARQ system are unknown.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 1 Oct 2017 18:21:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 31 Jul 2018 10:52:48 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 5 Dec 2018 14:03:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Ceran', 'Elif Tugce', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gunduz', 'Deniz', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gyorgy', 'Andras', ''], dtype=object)]
Bruno Laburthe Tolra
Andrea Litvinov, Pierre Bataille, Etienne Mar\'echal, Paolo Pedri, Olivier Gorceix, Martin Robert-de-Saint-Vincent, Bruno Laburthe-Tolra
Measuring densities of cold atomic clouds smaller than the resolution limit
7 pages, 5 figures
Phys. Rev. A 104, 033309 (2021)
We propose and demonstrate an experimental method to measure by absorption imaging the size and local column density of a cloud of atoms, even when its smallest dimension is smaller than the resolution of the imaging system. To do this, we take advantage of the fact that, for a given total number of atoms, a smaller and denser cloud scatters less photons when the gas is optically thick. The method relies on making an ansatz on the cloud shape along the unresolved dimension(s), and on providing an additional information such as the total number of atoms. We demonstrate the method on \textit{in-situ} absorption images of elongated 87Sr Fermi gases. We find significant non-linear corrections to the estimated size and local density of the cloud compared to a standard analysis. This allows us to recover an un-distorted longitudinal density profile, and to measure transverse sizes as small as one fourth of our imaging resolution. The ultimate limit of our method is the wavelength that is used for imaging.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 21 May 2021 12:00:19 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 27 Sep 2021 13:18:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Litvinov', 'Andrea', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bataille', 'Pierre', ''], dtype=object) array(['Maréchal', 'Etienne', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pedri', 'Paolo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gorceix', 'Olivier', ''], dtype=object) array(['Robert-de-Saint-Vincent', 'Martin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Laburthe-Tolra', 'Bruno', ''], dtype=object)]
Ion I. Cotaescu
Ion I. Cotaescu
Quantum theory of Dirac's free field
50 pages, 2 figures, some typos are corrected
quant-ph hep-th
The Dirac theory of free massive fermions is reconstructed around the new conserved spin operator and its associated position one proposed initially by Pryce long time ago and re-defined recently by using suitable spectral representations [I. I. Cot\u aescu, Eur. Phys. J. C (2022) 82:1073]. This method is generalized here associating to any integral operator in configuration representation a pair of integral operators acting on particle and antiparticle wave spinors in momentum representation instead on the mode spinors. It results thus an effective quantization procedure giving rise to a coherent quantum theory in which the principal observables are one-particle operators without oscillating therms as those producing zitterbewegung in the traditional interpretation. In this approach the spin operator is conserved while the position one, proposed initially by Pryce as mass-center operator, becomes after quantization the dipole operator evolving linearly in time with a conserved velocity. The rich algebra of observables including the isometry generators and various position operators is carefully studied. The propagation of one-particle wave-packets is considered for the first time in this framework finding that these move uniformly spreading in time normally as any other scalar or non-relativistic wave-packet.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 21 Apr 2023 17:25:05 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 12 May 2023 19:18:00 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Sun, 4 Jun 2023 19:26:02 GMT'}]
[array(['Cotaescu', 'Ion I.', ''], dtype=object)]
Pamela Morehouse
D. Cronin-Hennessy, et al, CLEO Collaboration
Search for the non-D\barD Decay psi(3770) --> K_S^0 K_L^0
9 pages postscript,also available through http://www.lns.cornell.edu/public/CLNS/2005/, Submitted to PRD
Phys.Rev.D74:012005,2006; Erratum-ibid.D75:119903,2007
10.1103/PhysRevD.74.012005 10.1103/PhysRevD.75.119903
CLNS 05/1946, CLEO 05-32
Using the current world's largest data sample of psi(3770) decays, we present results of a search for the non-DDbar decay psi(3770) -> KsKl. We find no signal, and obtain an upper limit of Sigma(psi(3770) -> KsKl) < 0.07 pb at 90% confidence level (CL). Our result tests a theoretical prediction for the upper bound on B(psi(3770) -> KsKl) based on a charmonia-mixing model.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 13 Mar 2006 15:15:31 GMT'}]
[array(['Cronin-Hennessy', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Collaboration', 'CLEO', ''], dtype=object)]
Mat\'ias Pavez-Sign\'e
Pedro Ara\'ujo, Luiz Moreira, Mat\'ias Pavez-Sign\'e
Ramsey goodness of trees in random graphs
30 pages, 3 figures
For a graph $G$, we write $G\rightarrow \big(K_{r+1},\mathcal{T}(n,D)\big)$ if every blue-red colouring of the edges of $G$ contains either a blue copy of $K_{r+1}$, or a red copy of each tree with $n$ edges and maximum degree at most $D$. In 1977, Chv\'atal proved that for any integers $r,n,D \ge 2$, $K_N \rightarrow \big(K_{r+1},\mathcal{T}(n,D)\big)$ if and only if $N \ge rn+1$. We prove a random analogue of Chv\'atal's theorem for bounded degree trees, that is, we show that for each $r,D\ge 2$ there exist constants $C,C'>0$ such that if $p \ge C{n}^{-2/(r+2)}$ and $N \geq rn + C'/p$, then \[G(N,p) \rightarrow \big(K_{r+1},\mathcal{T}(n,D)\big)\] with high probability as $n\to \infty$. The proof combines a stability argument with the embedding of trees in expander graphs. Furthermore, the proof of the stability result is based on a sparse random analogue of the Erd\H{o}s--S\'os conjecture for trees with linear size and bounded maximum degree, which may be of independent interest.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 9 Jan 2020 16:22:23 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Mon, 5 Apr 2021 17:32:58 GMT'}]
[array(['Araújo', 'Pedro', ''], dtype=object) array(['Moreira', 'Luiz', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pavez-Signé', 'Matías', ''], dtype=object)]
Odd Erik Gundersen
Odd Erik Gundersen, Kevin Coakley, Christine Kirkpatrick and Yolanda Gil
Sources of Irreproducibility in Machine Learning: A Review
cs.LG cs.AI
Background: Many published machine learning studies are irreproducible. Issues with methodology and not properly accounting for variation introduced by the algorithm themselves or their implementations are attributed as the main contributors to the irreproducibility.Problem: There exist no theoretical framework that relates experiment design choices to potential effects on the conclusions. Without such a framework, it is much harder for practitioners and researchers to evaluate experiment results and describe the limitations of experiments. The lack of such a framework also makes it harder for independent researchers to systematically attribute the causes of failed reproducibility experiments. Objective: The objective of this paper is to develop a framework that enable applied data science practitioners and researchers to understand which experiment design choices can lead to false findings and how and by this help in analyzing the conclusions of reproducibility experiments. Method: We have compiled an extensive list of factors reported in the literature that can lead to machine learning studies being irreproducible. These factors are organized and categorized in a reproducibility framework motivated by the stages of the scientific method. The factors are analyzed for how they can affect the conclusions drawn from experiments. A model comparison study is used as an example. Conclusion: We provide a framework that describes machine learning methodology from experimental design decisions to the conclusions inferred from them.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 15 Apr 2022 18:26:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 14 Apr 2023 17:31:27 GMT'}]
[array(['Gundersen', 'Odd Erik', ''], dtype=object) array(['Coakley', 'Kevin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kirkpatrick', 'Christine', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gil', 'Yolanda', ''], dtype=object)]
Spenta Wadia
Gautam Mandal and Spenta R. Wadia
Rolling tachyon solution of two-dimensional string theory
19 pages, 2 figures, minor changes in text and additional references, correction of decay time (version to appear in JHEP.)
JHEP 0405:038,2004
CERN-TH/2003-302, TIFR/TH/03-27
We consider a classical (string) field theory of $c=1$ matrix model which was developed earlier in hep-th/9207011 and subsequent papers. This is a noncommutative field theory where the noncommutativity parameter is the string coupling $g_s$. We construct a classical solution of this field theory and show that it describes the complete time history of the recently found rolling tachyon on an unstable D0 brane.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 16 Dec 2003 17:08:22 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 22 Jan 2004 11:59:26 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 17 May 2004 17:35:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Mandal', 'Gautam', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wadia', 'Spenta R.', ''], dtype=object)]
Ngoc Khue Tran
Arturo Kohatsu-Higa, Eulalia Nualart and Ngoc Khue Tran
Density estimates for jump diffusion processes
We consider a real-valued diffusion process with a linear jump term driven by a Poisson point process and we assume that the jump amplitudes have a centered density with finite moments. We show upper and lower estimates for the density of the solution in the case that the jump amplitudes follow a Gaussian or Laplacian law. The proof of the lower bound uses a general expression for the density of the solution in terms of the convolution of the density of the continuous part and the jump amplitude density. The upper bound uses an upper tail estimate in terms of the jump amplitude distribution and techniques of the Malliavin calculus in order to bound the density by the tails of the solution. We also extend the lower bounds to the multidimensional case.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 25 Apr 2021 14:20:18 GMT'}]
[array(['Kohatsu-Higa', 'Arturo', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nualart', 'Eulalia', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tran', 'Ngoc Khue', ''], dtype=object)]
Vikesh Siddhu
Vikesh Siddhu, Avhishek Chatterjee, Krishna Jagannathan, Prabha Mandayam, Sridhar Tayur
Unital Qubit Queue-channels: Classical Capacity and Product Decoding
25 pages with 3 Figures. Merges and supersedes our prior submissions arXiv:2107.13486 and arXiv:2110.02800
quant-ph cs.IT math.IT
Quantum queue-channels arise naturally in the context of buffering in quantum networks, wherein the noise suffered by the quantum states depends on the time spent waiting in the buffer. It has been shown that the upper-bound on the classical capacity of an additive queue-channel has a simple expression, and is achievable for the erasure and depolarizing channels [IEEE JSAIT, 1(2):432-444]. In this paper, we characterise the classical capacity for the class of unital qubit queue-channels, and show that a simple product (non-entangled) decoding strategy is capacity-achieving. As an intermediate result, we derive an explicit capacity achieving product decoding strategy for any i.i.d. unital qubit channel, which could be of independent interest. As an important special case, we also derive the capacity and optimal decoding strategies for a symmetric generalized amplitude damping (GAD) queue-channel. Our results provide useful insights towards designing practical quantum communication networks, and highlight the need to explicitly model the impact of buffering.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 6 Oct 2021 14:20:00 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 26 Oct 2022 15:19:51 GMT'}]
[array(['Siddhu', 'Vikesh', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chatterjee', 'Avhishek', ''], dtype=object) array(['Jagannathan', 'Krishna', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mandayam', 'Prabha', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tayur', 'Sridhar', ''], dtype=object)]
Marta Spinelli
Marta Spinelli, Anna Zoldan, Gabriella De Lucia, Lizhi Xie, Matteo Viel
The atomic Hydrogen content of the post-reionization Universe
21 pages, 20 figures, comments welcome
astro-ph.CO astro-ph.GA
We present a comprehensive analysis of atomic hydrogen (HI) properties using a semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and N-body simulations covering a large cosmological volume at high resolution. We examine the HI mass function and the HI density, characterizing both their redshift evolution and their dependence on hosting halo mass. We analyze the HI content of dark matter haloes in the local Universe and up to redshift $z=5$, discussing the contribution of different galaxy properties. We find that different assembly history plays a crucial role in the scatter of this relation. We propose new fitting functions useful for constructing mock HI maps with HOD techniques. We investigate the HI clustering properties relevant for future $21$~cm Intensity Mapping (IM) experiments, including the HI bias and the shot noise level. The HI bias increases with redshift and it is roughly flat on the largest scales probed. The scale dependency is found at progressively larger scales with increasing redshift, apart from a dip feature at $z=0$. The shot-noise values are consistent with the ones inferred by independent studies, confirming that shot-noise will not be a limiting factor for IM experiments. We detail the contribution from various galaxy properties on the HI power spectrum and their relation to the halo bias. We find that HI poor satellite galaxies play an important role at the scales of the 1-halo term. Finally, we present the $21$~cm signal in redshift space, a fundamental prediction to be tested against data from future radio telescopes such as SKA.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 5 Sep 2019 07:20:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Spinelli', 'Marta', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zoldan', 'Anna', ''], dtype=object) array(['De Lucia', 'Gabriella', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xie', 'Lizhi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Viel', 'Matteo', ''], dtype=object)]
Jacob Schreiber
Jacob Schreiber and Jeffrey Bilmes and William Stafford Noble
apricot: Submodular selection for data summarization in Python
cs.LG stat.ML
We present apricot, an open source Python package for selecting representative subsets from large data sets using submodular optimization. The package implements an efficient greedy selection algorithm that offers strong theoretical guarantees on the quality of the selected set. Two submodular set functions are implemented in apricot: facility location, which is broadly applicable but requires memory quadratic in the number of examples in the data set, and a feature-based function that is less broadly applicable but can scale to millions of examples. Apricot is extremely efficient, using both algorithmic speedups such as the lazy greedy algorithm and code optimizers such as numba. We demonstrate the use of subset selection by training machine learning models to comparable accuracy using either the full data set or a representative subset thereof. This paper presents an explanation of submodular selection, an overview of the features in apricot, and an application to several data sets. The code and tutorial Jupyter notebooks are available at https://github.com/jmschrei/apricot
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 8 Jun 2019 23:53:57 GMT'}]
[array(['Schreiber', 'Jacob', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bilmes', 'Jeffrey', ''], dtype=object) array(['Noble', 'William Stafford', ''], dtype=object)]
Jan Plato\v{s}
Michal Bravansky and Jan Platos
M\v{e}j P\v{r}ehled / Be informed
The amount of information available to the general public is enormous, and it is challenging to extract meaningful and reliable content. The availability of news sources and their trustability are the biggest problems for selecting the proper authority. Moreover, news providers' inability to publish good news on social media creates a gap for young people to access trustworthy information. This article describes an automated system that can extract the essential news and publish them in a different form on social media networks.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 30 Dec 2020 18:12:37 GMT'}]
[array(['Bravansky', 'Michal', ''], dtype=object) array(['Platos', 'Jan', ''], dtype=object)]
Teiko Heinosaari
Erkka Haapasalo and Teiko Heinosaari and Juha-Pekka Pellonp\"a\"a
Quantum measurements on finite dimensional systems: relabeling and mixing
one new section in v2
Quantum Inf. Process. (2012) 11:1751--1763
Concentrating on finite dimensional systems, we show that one can limit to extremal rank-1 POVMs if two simple procedures of mixing and relabeling are permitted. We demonstrate that any finite outcome POVM can be obtained from extremal rank-1 POVMs with these two procedures. In particular, extremal POVMs with higher rank are just relabelings of extremal rank-1 POVMs and their structure is therefore clarified.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 26 Apr 2011 10:44:58 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 14 Jul 2011 10:35:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Haapasalo', 'Erkka', ''], dtype=object) array(['Heinosaari', 'Teiko', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pellonpää', 'Juha-Pekka', ''], dtype=object)]
Clara Verg\`es
Clara Verg\`es, Josquin Errard, and Radek Stompor
Framework for analysis of next generation, polarised CMB data sets in the presence of galactic foregrounds and systematic effects
24 pages, 10 figures
Phys. Rev. D 103, 063507 (2021)
Reaching the sufficient sensitivity to detect primordial B-modes requires modern CMB polarisation experiments to rely on new technologies, necessary for the deployment of arrays thousands of detectors with a broad frequency coverage and operating them for extended periods of time. This increased complexity of experimental design unavoidably introduces new instrumental and systematic effects, which may impact performance of the new instruments. In this work we extend the standard data analysis pipeline by including a (parametric) model of instrumental effects directly in the data model. We then correct for them in the analysis, accounting for the additional uncertainty in the final results. We embed these techniques within a general, end-to-end formalism for estimating the impact of the instrument and foreground models on constraints on the amplitude of the primordial B-mode signal. We focus on the parametric component separation approach which we generalize to allow for simultaneous estimation of instrumental and foreground parameters. We demonstrate the framework by studying the effects induced by an achromatic half-wave plate (HWP), which lead to a frequency-dependent variation of the instrument polarisation angle, and experimental bandpasses which define observational frequency bands. We assume a typical Stage-3 CMB polarisation experiment, and show that maps recovered from raw data collected at each frequency band will unavoidably be linear mixtures of the Q and U Stokes parameters. We then derive a new generalized data model appropriate for such cases, and extend the component separation approach to account for it. We find that some of the instrumental parameters, in particularly those describing the HWP can be successfully constrained by the data themselves without need for external information, while others, like bandpasses, need to be known with good precision in advance.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 16 Sep 2020 17:13:43 GMT'}]
[array(['Vergès', 'Clara', ''], dtype=object) array(['Errard', 'Josquin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Stompor', 'Radek', ''], dtype=object)]
Joaqu\'in Moraga
Yoshinori Gongyo and Joaqu\'in Moraga
Generalized complexity of surfaces
27 pages
In this article, we introduce the generalized complexity of a generalized Calabi--Yau pair $(X,B,\textbf{M})$. This invariant compares the dimension of $X$ and Picard rank of $X$ with the sum of the coefficients of $B$ and $\textbf{M}$. It generalizes the complexity introduced by Shokurov. We show that a generalized log Calabi-Yau pair $(X,B,\textbf{M})$ of dimension $2$ with generalized complexity $0$ satisfies that $X$ is toric. This generalizes a result due to Brown, McKernan, Svaldi, and Zhong in the case of surfaces. Furthermore, we show that a generalized klt log Calabi-Yau surface $(X,\textbf{M})$ with generalized complexity $0$ satisfies that $X\simeq \mathbb{P}^2$ or $X\simeq \mathbb{P}^1\times \mathbb{P}^1$. Thus, this invariant interpolates between the characterization of toric varieties and the Kobayashi-Ochiai Theorem. As an application, we show that $3$-fold singularities with generalized complexity $0$ are toric. Furthermore, we show a local version of Kobayashi-Ochiai Theorem in dimension $3$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 20 Jan 2023 02:11:37 GMT'}]
[array(['Gongyo', 'Yoshinori', ''], dtype=object) array(['Moraga', 'Joaquín', ''], dtype=object)]
Igor Urbiha
Dragutin Svrtan, Igor Urbiha
Atiyah-Sutcliffe Conjectures for Almost Collinear Configurations and Some New Conjectures for Symmetric Functions
23 pages
In 2001 Sir M. F. Atiyah formulated a conjecture (C1) and later with P. Sutcliffe two stronger conjectures (C2) and (C3). These conjectures, inspired by physics (spin-statistics theorem of quantum mechanics), are geometrically defined for any configuration of points in the Euclidean three space. The conjecture (C1) is proved for n=3,4 and for general n only for some special configurations (M. F. Atiyah, M. Eastwood and P. Norbury, D. Djokovic). In this paper we shall explain some new conjectures for symmetric functions which imply (C2) and (C3) for almost collinear configurations. Computations up to n=6 are performed with a help of Maple and J. Stembridge's package SF for symmetric functions. For n=4 the conjectures (C2) and (C3) we have also verified for some infinite families of tetrahedra. This is a joint work with I. Urbiha. Finally we mention that by minimizing a geometrically defined energy, figuring in these conjectures, one gets a connection to some complicated physical theories, such as Skyrmions and Fullerenes.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 19 Jun 2004 09:44:50 GMT'}]
[array(['Svrtan', 'Dragutin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Urbiha', 'Igor', ''], dtype=object)]
Huseyin Inan
Huseyin A. Inan, Dor Shaviv, Ayfer Ozgur
Capacity of the Energy Harvesting Gaussian MAC
cs.IT math.IT
We consider an energy harvesting multiple access channel (MAC) where the transmitters are powered by an exogenous stochastic energy harvesting process and equipped with finite batteries. We characterize the capacity region of this channel as n-letter mutual information rate and develop inner and outer bounds that differ by a constant gap. An interesting conclusion that emerges from our results is that the sum-capacity approaches that of a standard AWGN MAC (with only an average constraint on the transmitted power), as the number of users in the MAC becomes large.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 20 Aug 2016 07:10:28 GMT'}]
[array(['Inan', 'Huseyin A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Shaviv', 'Dor', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ozgur', 'Ayfer', ''], dtype=object)]
Teun Janssen
T. Janssen, C. Swennenhuis, A. Bitar, T. Bosman, D. Gijswijt, L. van Iersel, S. Dauz\'ere-P\'er\`es, C. Yugma
Parallel Machine Scheduling with a Single Resource per Job
cs.DM cs.CC math.CO
We study the problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines minimizing the total completion time, with each job using exactly one resource. First, we derive fundamental properties of the problem and show that the problem is polynomially solvable if $p_j = 1$. Then we look at a variant of the shortest processing time rule as an approximation algorithm for the problem and show that it gives at least a $(2-\frac{1}{m})$-approximation. Subsequently, we show that, although the complexity of the problem remains open, three related problems are $\mathcal{NP}$-hard. In the first problem, every resource also has a subset of machines on which it can be used. In the second problem, once a resource has been used on a machine it cannot be used on any other machine, hence all jobs using the same resource need to be scheduled on the same machine. In the third problem, every job needs exactly two resources instead of just one.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 13 Sep 2018 15:09:27 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 18 Oct 2018 11:15:23 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Fri, 16 Nov 2018 11:36:28 GMT'}]
[array(['Janssen', 'T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Swennenhuis', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bitar', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bosman', 'T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Gijswijt', 'D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['van Iersel', 'L.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Dauzére-Pérès', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yugma', 'C.', ''], dtype=object)]
Matthias W\"ahlisch
Marcin Nawrocki, Matthias W\"ahlisch, Thomas C. Schmidt, Christian Keil, Jochen Sch\"onfelder
A Survey on Honeypot Software and Data Analysis
cs.CR cs.NI
In this survey, we give an extensive overview on honeypots. This includes not only honeypot software but also methodologies to analyse honeypot data.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 22 Aug 2016 18:09:27 GMT'}]
[array(['Nawrocki', 'Marcin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wählisch', 'Matthias', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schmidt', 'Thomas C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Keil', 'Christian', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schönfelder', 'Jochen', ''], dtype=object)]
Paolo Maestro
The CREAM Collaboration (P.S. Marrocchesi on behalf of the Collaboration)
Reconstruction of showers in the calorimeter during the first flight of the CREAM balloon experiment
4 pages, 4 figures. To be published in the Proceedings of 29th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2005), Pune, India, August 3-10, 2005
The Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass (CREAM) balloon-borne experiment was first flown from Antarctica in December 2004. The instrument includes a tungsten/Sci-Fi calorimeter preceded by a graphite target (~0.5 interaction length and ~1 radiation length) where a hadronic shower is initiated by the inelastic interaction of the incoming nucleus. The fine granularity (1 cm) of the 20 radiation length calorimeter allows the imaging of the narrow electromagnetic core of the shower and the determination of the direction of the incident particle. Preliminary results, from the flight data, on the shower reconstruction capability of the instrument and on the observed shower properties are presented.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 21 Jul 2005 15:18:21 GMT'}]
[array(['The CREAM Collaboration', '', ''], dtype=object)]
Huy Hieu Pham
Hoang C. Nguyen and Tung T. Le and Hieu H. Pham and Ha Q. Nguyen
VinDr-RibCXR: A Benchmark Dataset for Automatic Segmentation and Labeling of Individual Ribs on Chest X-rays
This is a preprint of our paper, which was accepted for publication by Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL 2021)
eess.IV cs.CV
We introduce a new benchmark dataset, namely VinDr-RibCXR, for automatic segmentation and labeling of individual ribs from chest X-ray (CXR) scans. The VinDr-RibCXR contains 245 CXRs with corresponding ground truth annotations provided by human experts. A set of state-of-the-art segmentation models are trained on 196 images from the VinDr-RibCXR to segment and label 20 individual ribs. Our best performing model obtains a Dice score of 0.834 (95% CI, 0.810--0.853) on an independent test set of 49 images. Our study, therefore, serves as a proof of concept and baseline performance for future research.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 3 Jul 2021 02:36:09 GMT'}]
[array(['Nguyen', 'Hoang C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Le', 'Tung T.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pham', 'Hieu H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nguyen', 'Ha Q.', ''], dtype=object)]
Mariusz Mirek
Dariusz Buraczewski, Ewa Damek, Mariusz Mirek
Asymptotics of stationary solutions of multivariate stochastic recursions with heavy tailed inputs and related limit theorems
23 pages, 0 figures. Accepted for publication in Stochastic Processes and their Applications
Let $\Phi_n$ be an i.i.d. sequence of Lipschitz mappings of $\R^d$. We study the Markov chain $\{X_n^x\}_{n=0}^\infty$ on $\R^d$ defined by the recursion $X_n^x = \Phi_n(X^x_{n-1})$, $n\in\N$, $X_0^x=x\in\R^d$. We assume that $\Phi_n(x)=\Phi(A_n x,B_n(x))$ for a fixed continuous function $\Phi:\R^d\times \R^d\to\R^d$, commuting with dilations and i.i.d random pairs $(A_n,B_n)$, where $A_n\in {End}(\R^d)$ and $B_n$ is a continuous mapping of $\R^d$. Moreover, $B_n$ is $\alpha$-regularly varying and $A_n$ has a faster decay at infinity than $B_n$. We prove that the stationary measure $\nu$ of the Markov chain $\{X_n^x\}$ is $\alpha$-regularly varying. Using this result we show that, if $\alpha<2$, the partial sums $S_n^x=\sum_{k=1}^n X_k^x$, appropriately normalized, converge to an $\alpha$-stable random variable. In particular, we obtain new results concerning the random coefficient autoregressive process $X_n = A_n X_{n-1}+B_n$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 7 Nov 2010 23:02:57 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Oct 2011 19:58:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Buraczewski', 'Dariusz', ''], dtype=object) array(['Damek', 'Ewa', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mirek', 'Mariusz', ''], dtype=object)]
Ko-Wei Lih
Lianzhu Zhang, Weifan Wang, Ko-Wei Lih
An improved upper bound on the adjacent vertex distinguishing chromatic index of a graph
An adjacent vertex distinguishing coloring of a graph G is a proper edge coloring of G such that any pair of adjacent vertices are incident with distinct sets of colors. The minimum number of colors needed for an adjacent vertex distinguishing coloring of G is denoted by $\chi'_a(G)$. In this paper, we prove that $\chi_a'(G)$ <= 5($\Delta+2$)/2 for any graph G having maximum degree $\Delta$ and no isolated edges. This improves a result in [S. Akbari, H. Bidkhori, N. Nosrati, r-Strong edge colorings of graphs, Discrete Math. 306 (2006), 3005-3010], which states that $\chi_a'(G)$ <= 3$\Delta$ for any graph G without isolated edges.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 11 Aug 2012 07:10:07 GMT'}]
[array(['Zhang', 'Lianzhu', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wang', 'Weifan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lih', 'Ko-Wei', ''], dtype=object)]
Seung Su Yoon
Seung Su Yoon, Elisabeth Preuhs, Michaela Schmidt, Christoph Forman, Teodora Chitiboi, Puneet Sharma, Juliano Lara Fernandes, Christoph Tillmanns, Jens Wetzl, Andreas Maier
Automated Cardiac Resting Phase Detection Targeted on the Right Coronary Artery
Accepted for publication at the Journal of Machine Learning for Biomedical Imaging (MELBA) https://melba-journal.org/2023:001
Machine.Learning.for.Biomedical.Imaging. 2 (2023)
eess.IV cs.CV physics.med-ph
Static cardiac imaging such as late gadolinium enhancement, mapping, or 3-D coronary angiography require prior information, e.g., the phase during a cardiac cycle with least motion, called resting phase (RP). The purpose of this work is to propose a fully automated framework that allows the detection of the right coronary artery (RCA) RP within CINE series. The proposed prototype system consists of three main steps. First, the localization of the regions of interest (ROI) is performed. Second, the cropped ROI series are taken for tracking motions over all time points. Third, the output motion values are used to classify RPs. In this work, we focused on the detection of the area with the outer edge of the cross-section of the RCA as our target. The proposed framework was evaluated on 102 clinically acquired dataset at 1.5T and 3T. The automatically classified RPs were compared with the reference RPs annotated manually by a expert for testing the robustness and feasibility of the framework. The predicted RCA RPs showed high agreement with the experts annotated RPs with 92.7% accuracy, 90.5% sensitivity and 95.0% specificity for the unseen study dataset. The mean absolute difference of the start and end RP was 13.6 $\pm$ 18.6 ms for the validation study dataset (n=102). In this work, automated RP detection has been introduced by the proposed framework and demonstrated feasibility, robustness, and applicability for static imaging acquisitions.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 6 Sep 2021 10:29:52 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 1 Feb 2023 00:15:36 GMT'}]
[array(['Yoon', 'Seung Su', ''], dtype=object) array(['Preuhs', 'Elisabeth', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schmidt', 'Michaela', ''], dtype=object) array(['Forman', 'Christoph', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chitiboi', 'Teodora', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sharma', 'Puneet', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fernandes', 'Juliano Lara', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tillmanns', 'Christoph', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wetzl', 'Jens', ''], dtype=object) array(['Maier', 'Andreas', ''], dtype=object)]
Mikhail Zverev
M.Baldo, U.Lombardo, E.Saperstein, M.Zverev
A simple model for the microscopic effective pairing interaction
LaTeX, 8 pages, 6 ps-figures
Phys.Lett. B477 (2000) 410-415
Preprint INFNCT-3-99
The microscopic effective pairing interaction in the $^1S_0$-channel is investigated for two different values of the chemical potential $\mu$ starting from the separable form of the Paris NN-potential. It is shown that, within a high accuracy, this effective interaction can be approximated by the off-shell free T-matrix taken at the negative energy $E=2\mu$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 31 Oct 1999 22:15:11 GMT'}]
[array(['Baldo', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lombardo', 'U.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Saperstein', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zverev', 'M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Tiham\'er A. Kocsis
Tiham\'er A. Kocsis and Adri\'an N\'emeth
Optimal second order diagonally implicit SSP Runge--Kutta methods
Optimal Strong Stability Preserving (SSP) Runge--Kutta methods has been widely investegated in the last decade and many open conjectures have been formulated. The iterated implicit midpoint rule has been observed numerically optimal in large classes of second order methods, and was proven to be optimal for some small cases, but no general proof was known so far to show its optimality. In this paper we show a new approach to analytically investigate this problem and determine the unique optimal methods in the class of second order diagonally implicit Runge--Kutta methods.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:11:37 GMT'}]
[array(['Kocsis', 'Tihamér A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Németh', 'Adrián', ''], dtype=object)]
Vikram Kamat
Vikram Kamat
On k-wise intersecting families of vertex sets in perfect matchings
6 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1009.3973
We consider the following generalization of the seminal Erd\H{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem, due to Frankl. For k>= 2, let F be a k-wise intersecting family of r-subsets of an n element set X, i.e. any k sets in F have a nonempty intersection. If r<= (k-1/k)n, then |F|<={n-1 \choose r-1}. We extend Frankl's theorem in a graph-theoretic direction. For a graph G, and r>=1, let P^r(G) be the family of all r-subsets of the vertex set of G such that every r-subset is either an independent set or contains a maximum independent set. We will consider k-wise intersecting subfamilies of this family for the graph M_n, where M_n is the perfect matching on 2n vertices, and prove an analog of Frankl's theorem. This result can also be considered as an extension of a theorem of Bollob\'as and Leader for intersecting families of independent vertex sets in M_n.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 31 Mar 2013 18:41:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Kamat', 'Vikram', ''], dtype=object)]
Valentine Wakelam
Marcelino Agundez and Valentine Wakelam
Chemistry of Dark Clouds: Databases, Networks, and Models
61 pages, to be published in Chemical Reviews. This version of the paper may be slightly different from the published one since many modifications have done by the language editor
Chemical models have been developed over the years by astrophysicists to study the pro- cesses at play in the various environments of the interstellar medium (ISM) that define the chemical composition of the gas and the dust. These qualitative aspects of the model predictions have been improved from a chemical point of view thanks to many recent developments of the experimental technics and theoretical methods that aim at studying the individual reactions in conditions as close to the ISM conditions as possible and characterize the rate constants of their efficiency. These models have also been more and more associated with dynamical evolution of the ISM physical conditions (for star forming regions for instance) since the chemical composition is far from steady-state in such regions. In this paper, we try to assess the state of the art concerning the chemical modeling of dark clouds, the initial step for the formation of stars and disks.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 14 Oct 2013 12:31:11 GMT'}]
[array(['Agundez', 'Marcelino', ''], dtype=object) array(['Wakelam', 'Valentine', ''], dtype=object)]
Shan Chang
Shan Chang
Stability in graded rings associated with commutative augmented rings
math.AC math.RA
Let $A$ be a commutative augmented ring and $I$ be its augmentation ideal. This paper shows that the sequence $\{I^n/I^{n+1}\}$ becomes stationary up to isomorphism. The result yields stability in the associated graded ring of $A$ along $I$.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 10 Jul 2019 08:58:25 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Sun, 29 Dec 2019 11:42:43 GMT'}]
[array(['Chang', 'Shan', ''], dtype=object)]
Sun Ho Kim
Sun Ho Kim
Unique tracial state on the labeled graph $C^*$-algebra associated to Thue--Morse sequence
17 pages. [V2]: Section 5(K-group computation), Section 6(representation), and one reference have been added. Minor typos have been corrected. To appear in International Journal of Mathematics
We give a concrete formula for the unique faithful trace on the finite simple non-AF labeled graph $C^*$-algebra $C^*(E_{\mathbb{Z}}, \mathcal{L}, \overline{\mathcal{E}}_{\mathbb{Z}})$ associated to the Thue--Morse sequence $(E_{\mathbb{Z}}, \mathcal{L})$. Our result provides an alternative proof of the existence of a labeled graph $C^*$-algebra that is not Morita equivalent to any graph $C^*$-algebras. Furthermore, we compute the $K$-groups of $C^*(E_{\mathbb{Z}}, \mathcal{L}, \overline{\mathcal{E}}_{\mathbb{Z}})$ using the path structure of the Thue--Morse sequence.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 3 May 2015 14:08:42 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 3 Mar 2016 04:07:30 GMT'}]
[array(['Kim', 'Sun Ho', ''], dtype=object)]
Alexander Chervov
A. Chervov, L. Rybnikov
Deformation quantization of submanifolds and reductions via Duflo-Kirillov-Kontsevich map
20 pages
hep-th math-ph math.MP math.QA
We propose the following receipt to obtain the quantization of the Poisson submanifold $N$ defined by the equations $f_i=0$ (where $f_i$ are Casimirs) from the known quantization of the manifold $M$: one should consider factor algebra of the quantized functions on $M$ by the images of $D(f_i)$, where $D: Fun(M) \to Fun(M)\otimes \CC[\hbar]$ is Duflo-Kirillov-Kontsevich map. We conjecture that this algebra is isomorphic to quantization of $Fun(N)$ with Poisson structure inherited from $M$. Analogous conjecture concerning the Hamiltonian reduction saying that "deformation quantization commutes with reduction" is presented. The conjectures are checked in the case of $S^2$ which can be quantized as a submanifold, as a reduction and using recently found explicit star product. It's shown that all the constructions coincide.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 1 Sep 2004 13:11:40 GMT'}]
[array(['Chervov', 'A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rybnikov', 'L.', ''], dtype=object)]
Iver Brevik
I. Brevik, E. Elizalde, V. V. Obukhov and A. V. Timoshkin
Inflationary Universe with a Viscous Fluid Avoiding Self-Reproduction
9 pages, no figures. To appear in Annalen der Physik
We consider a universe with a bulk viscous cosmic fluid, in a flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker geometry. We derive the conditions for the existence of inflation, and those which at the same time prevent the occurrence of self-reproduction. Our theoretical model gives results which are in perfect agreement with the most recent data from the PLANCK surveyor.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 16 Sep 2016 08:49:59 GMT'}]
[array(['Brevik', 'I.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Elizalde', 'E.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Obukhov', 'V. V.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Timoshkin', 'A. V.', ''], dtype=object)]
Reuben Kahan Puddy Dr
R.K. Puddy, L.W Smith, H. Al-Taie, C. H. Chong, I. Farrer, J.P. Griffiths, D.A. Ritchie, M.J. Kelly, M. Pepper, C.G. Smith
Multiplexed Charge-locking Device for Large Arrays of Quantum Devices
5 pages, 7 figures
We present a method of forming and controlling large arrays of gate-defined quantum devices. The method uses a novel, on-chip, multiplexed charge-locking system and helps to overcome the restraints imposed by the number of wires available in cryostat measurement systems. Two device innovations are introduced. Firstly, a multiplexer design which utilises split gates to allow the multiplexer to divide three or more ways at each branch. Secondly we describe a device architecture that utilises a multiplexer-type scheme to lock charge onto gate electrodes. The design allows access to and control of gates whose total number exceeds that of the available electrical contacts and enables the formation, modulation and measurement of large arrays of quantum devices. We fabricate devices utilising these innovations on n-type GaAs/AlGaAs substrates and investigate the stability of the charge locked on to the gates. Proof-of-concept is shown by measurement of the Coulomb blockade peaks of a single quantum dot formed by a floating gate in the device. The floating gate is seen to drift by approximately one Coulomb oscillation per hour.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 12 Aug 2014 22:31:08 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:08:50 GMT'}]
[array(['Puddy', 'R. K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Smith', 'L. W', ''], dtype=object) array(['Al-Taie', 'H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Chong', 'C. H.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Farrer', 'I.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Griffiths', 'J. P.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ritchie', 'D. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kelly', 'M. J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pepper', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Smith', 'C. G.', ''], dtype=object)]
Johannes Greil
Johannes Greil, Matthias Golibrzuch, Martina Kiechle, \'Ad\'am Papp, Valentin Ahrens, Gy\"orgy Csaba, Markus Becherer
Secondary Excitation of Spin-Waves: How Electromagnetic Cross-Talk Impacts on Magnonic Devices
5 pages, 5 figures
This work examines the impact of electromagnetic cross-talk in magnonic devices when using inductive spin-wave (SW) transducers. We present detailed electrical SW spectroscopy measurements showing the signal contributions to be considered in magnonic device design. We further provide a rule of thumb estimation for the cross-talk that is responsible for the secondary SW excitation at the output transducer. Simulations and calibrated electrical characterizations underpin this method. Additionally, we visualize the secondary SW excitation via time-resolved MOKE imaging in the forward-volume configuration in a 100nm Yttrium-Iron-Garnet (YIG) system. Our work is a step towards fast yet robust joint electromagentic-micromagnetic magnonic device design.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 20 Mar 2023 17:42:06 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Tue, 4 Jul 2023 11:32:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Greil', 'Johannes', ''], dtype=object) array(['Golibrzuch', 'Matthias', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kiechle', 'Martina', ''], dtype=object) array(['Papp', 'Ádám', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ahrens', 'Valentin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Csaba', 'György', ''], dtype=object) array(['Becherer', 'Markus', ''], dtype=object)]
Takanori Ashihara
Takanori Ashihara, Takafumi Moriya, Kohei Matsuura, Tomohiro Tanaka
Deep versus Wide: An Analysis of Student Architectures for Task-Agnostic Knowledge Distillation of Self-Supervised Speech Models
Accepted at Interspeech 2022
cs.CL cs.SD eess.AS
Self-supervised learning (SSL) is seen as a very promising approach with high performance for several speech downstream tasks. Since the parameters of SSL models are generally so large that training and inference require a lot of memory and computational cost, it is desirable to produce compact SSL models without a significant performance degradation by applying compression methods such as knowledge distillation (KD). Although the KD approach is able to shrink the depth and/or width of SSL model structures, there has been little research on how varying the depth and width impacts the internal representation of the small-footprint model. This paper provides an empirical study that addresses the question. We investigate the performance on SUPERB while varying the structure and KD methods so as to keep the number of parameters constant; this allows us to analyze the contribution of the representation introduced by varying the model architecture. Experiments demonstrate that a certain depth is essential for solving content-oriented tasks (e.g. automatic speech recognition) accurately, whereas a certain width is necessary for achieving high performance on several speaker-oriented tasks (e.g. speaker identification). Based on these observations, we identify, for SUPERB, a more compressed model with better performance than previous studies.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 14 Jul 2022 12:43:36 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 1 Sep 2022 10:26:42 GMT'}]
[array(['Ashihara', 'Takanori', ''], dtype=object) array(['Moriya', 'Takafumi', ''], dtype=object) array(['Matsuura', 'Kohei', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tanaka', 'Tomohiro', ''], dtype=object)]
Toshiyuki Tanisaki
Masaki Kashiwara and Toshiyuki Tanisaki
Parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials and Schubert varieties
21 pages
math.RT math.QA
We shall give a description of the intersection cohomology groups of the Schubert varieties in partial flag manifolds over symmetrizable Kac-Moody Lie algebras in terms of parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials introduced by Deodhar.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 28 Aug 1999 08:49:15 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 8 Dec 1999 02:57:13 GMT'}]
[array(['Kashiwara', 'Masaki', ''], dtype=object) array(['Tanisaki', 'Toshiyuki', ''], dtype=object)]
Kai Chang
Kai Chang, J.B.Xia and F.M.Peeters
Oscillating magnetoresistance in diluted magnetic semiconductor barrier structures
4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. B
Ballistic spin polarized transport through diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) single and double barrier structures is investigated theoretically using a two-component model. The tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of the system exhibits oscillating behavior when the magnetic field are varied. An interesting beat pattern in the TMR and spin polarization is found for different NMS/DMS double barrier structures which arises from an interplay between the spin-up and spin-down electron channels which are splitted by the s-d exchange interaction.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 10 Jul 2001 12:39:24 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 13 Jul 2001 06:10:01 GMT'}]
[array(['Chang', 'Kai', ''], dtype=object) array(['Xia', 'J. B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Peeters', 'F. M.', ''], dtype=object)]
Antonio Jose Roque da Silva
Frederico D. Novaes, Antonio J. R. da Silva, E. Z. da Silva, and A. Fazzio
Oxygen clamps in gold nanowires
4 pages; 4 figures
cond-mat.mes-hall cond-mat.mtrl-sci
We investigate how the insertion of an oxygen atom in an atomically thin gold nanowire can affect its rupture. We find, using ab initio total energy density functional theory calculations, that O atoms when inserted in gold nanowires form not only stable but also very strong bonds, in such a way that they can extract atoms from a stable tip, serving in this way as a clamp that could be used to pull a string of gold atoms.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 20 Sep 2005 21:36:49 GMT'}]
[array(['Novaes', 'Frederico D.', ''], dtype=object) array(['da Silva', 'Antonio J. R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['da Silva', 'E. Z.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fazzio', 'A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Xiaoyi Li
Nate Zou, Eric Li, Henry Zhang
ALZA: An Efficient Hybrid Decentralized Payment System
Overlap wording with Hadoop file systems
The efficiency of decentralized book systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum has always been a challenge. It is usually measured by three major factors: scalability, throughput, and latency. Scalability refers to how the system capacity is increased by adding more physical resources. Throughput measures the volume of transactions for a given period of time, where most current solutions attempt to improve such as NEO, EOS, etc. Latency measures the processing time of any single transaction. In current blockchain based systems, the block generation rate is the main latency bottleneck. Off-chain processes such as state channels are the most recent work that can integrate partial inbound transactions, reducing latency. Unfortunately, the state channel introduces more issues at the same time, such as cross-channel synchronization, which makes the state channel unavailable for full adoption of current blockchain solutions. In order to solve the efficiency problem, we proposed an end-to-end solution called ALZA, which links the dedicated high-throughput blockchain with self-organizing payment fields. This mechanism allows arbitrary set of users to create payment fields that process extremely low latency transactions within each field. Therefore, users can make transactions almost immediately. Since all transactions are conducted within fields, transaction costs will be reduced by several orders of magnitude. In addition, ALZA distributes main ledger to each client through an innovative replication mechanism. Therefore, the system will be significantly more robust to blockchain system failures. In theory, ALZA can complete millions of transactions in one second, which naturally supports high-frequency trading.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 25 May 2018 19:25:02 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 21 Jun 2018 18:24:50 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Mon, 25 Jun 2018 07:40:42 GMT'} {'version': 'v4', 'created': 'Wed, 27 Jun 2018 06:15:47 GMT'} {'version': 'v5', 'created': 'Sat, 30 Jun 2018 06:42:28 GMT'} {'version': 'v6', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Jul 2018 19:37:39 GMT'} {'version': 'v7', 'created': 'Sat, 14 Jul 2018 01:53:40 GMT'} {'version': 'v8', 'created': 'Sat, 20 Oct 2018 02:38:12 GMT'} {'version': 'v9', 'created': 'Thu, 7 Mar 2019 22:03:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Zou', 'Nate', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Eric', ''], dtype=object) array(['Zhang', 'Henry', ''], dtype=object)]
Arthur Chakwizira
Arthur Chakwizira, Filip Szczepankiewicz, and Markus Nilsson
Diffusional exchange versus microscopic kurtosis from CTI: two conflicting interpretations of the same data
Correlation tensor imaging (CTI) is a new diffusion MRI framework that utilises double diffusion encoding (DDE) to resolve isotropic, anisotropic and microscopic kurtosis sources. Microscopic kurtosis in CTI is provided by the contrast between SDE and parallel DDE signals at the same b-value. Multi-Gaussian exchange (MGE) is a diffusion MRI framework that utilises DDE to measure exchange. The highest exchange sensitivity in MGE is obtained by contrasting SDE and DDE signals at the same b-value. CTI and MGE can thus be applied to analyse the same data but provide conflicting interpretations of that data. We perform Monte Carlo simulations in different geometries with varying levels of exchange to determine which approach is more compatible with the data. Simulations reveal that in all microstructures considered, CTI microscopic kurtosis drastically increases when exchange is introduced. Furthermore, in microstructures that are well-described by the multi-Gaussian assumption, CTI-estimated microscopic kurtosis increases with both the exchange rate and the mixing time, despite fulfilment of the long-mixing-time condition of CTI. Increasing the exchange rate by a factor of 2 positively biases CTI microscopic kurtosis by approximately the same factor. At a modest exchange rate of 10 /s, varying the mixing time from 12 to 100 ms increases CTI microscopic kurtosis by at least a factor of 3. To address this problem, we propose a heuristic approach to combine CTI and MGE to estimate intra-compartmental kurtosis unconfounded by exchange and demonstrate its feasibility using numerical simulations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 6 Jun 2023 13:25:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Chakwizira', 'Arthur', ''], dtype=object) array(['Szczepankiewicz', 'Filip', ''], dtype=object) array(['Nilsson', 'Markus', ''], dtype=object)]
Modanese Giovanni
G. Modanese
Effect of a scale-dependent cosmological term on the motion of small test particles in a Schwarzschild background
LaTeX, 13 pages
Nucl.Phys. B556 (1999) 397-408
It was recently suggested that the gravitational action could contain a scale-dependent cosmological term, depending on the length or momentum scale characteristic of the processes under consideration. In this work we explore a simple possible consequence of this assumption. We compute the field generated in empty space by a static spherical source (the Schwarzschild metric), using the modified action. The resulting static potential turns out to contain a tiny non-Newtonian component which depends on the size of the test particles. The possible relevance of this small correction for the analysis of the recent Pioneers data [J.D. Anderson et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (1998) 2858] is briefly discussed.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 22 Mar 1999 19:13:56 GMT'}]
[array(['Modanese', 'G.', ''], dtype=object)]
Massimiliano Rinaldi
Carlos Mayoral, Alessandro Fabbri and Massimiliano Rinaldi
Step-like discontinuities in Bose-Einstein condensates and Hawking radiation: dispersion effects
One figure and few comments added. Version accepted for publication in PRD
gr-qc cond-mat.quant-gas hep-th
In this paper we extend the hydrodynamic results of [1] and study, analytically, the propagation of Bogoliubov phonons on top of Bose-Einstein condensates with step-like discontinuities by taking into account dispersion effects. We focus on the Hawking signal in the density-density correlations in the formation of acoustic black hole-like configurations.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 12 Aug 2010 15:02:24 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 27 May 2011 13:42:41 GMT'}]
[array(['Mayoral', 'Carlos', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fabbri', 'Alessandro', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rinaldi', 'Massimiliano', ''], dtype=object)]
Michael Shara
Michael M. Shara, Jarrod R. Hurley and Rosemary A. Mardling
Dynamical Interactions Make Hot Jupiters in Open Star Clusters
18 pages, 4 figures
Explaining the origin and evolution of exoplanetary "hot Jupiters" remains a significant challenge. One possible mechanism for their production is planet-planet interactions, which produces hot Jupiters from planets born far from their host stars but near their dynamical stability limits. In the much more likely case of planets born far from their dynamical stability limits, can hot Jupiters can be formed in star clusters? Our N-body simulations of planetary systems inside star clusters answer this question in the affirmative, and show that hot Jupiter formation is not a rare event. We detail three case studies of the dynamics-induced births of hot Jupiters on highly eccentric orbits that can only occur inside star clusters. The hot Jupiters' orbits bear remarkable similarities to those of some of the most extreme exoplanets known: HAT-P-32 b, HAT-P-2 b, HD 80606 b and GJ 876 d. If stellar perturbations formed these hot Jupiters then our simulations predict that these very hot, inner planets are often accompanied by much more distant gas giants in highly eccentric orbits.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:51:56 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 4 Nov 2015 01:00:44 GMT'}]
[array(['Shara', 'Michael M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hurley', 'Jarrod R.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Mardling', 'Rosemary A.', ''], dtype=object)]
Bo-Hsiang (Andy) Tseng
Bo-Hsiang Tseng, Shruti Bhargava, Jiarui Lu, Joel Ruben Antony Moniz, Dhivya Piraviperumal, Lin Li, Hong Yu
CREAD: Combined Resolution of Ellipses and Anaphora in Dialogues
Accepted as a long paper in the main conference by NAACL 2021
Anaphora and ellipses are two common phenomena in dialogues. Without resolving referring expressions and information omission, dialogue systems may fail to generate consistent and coherent responses. Traditionally, anaphora is resolved by coreference resolution and ellipses by query rewrite. In this work, we propose a novel joint learning framework of modeling coreference resolution and query rewriting for complex, multi-turn dialogue understanding. Given an ongoing dialogue between a user and a dialogue assistant, for the user query, our joint learning model first predicts coreference links between the query and the dialogue context, and then generates a self-contained rewritten user query. To evaluate our model, we annotate a dialogue based coreference resolution dataset, MuDoCo, with rewritten queries. Results show that the performance of query rewrite can be substantially boosted (+2.3% F1) with the aid of coreference modeling. Furthermore, our joint model outperforms the state-of-the-art coreference resolution model (+2% F1) on this dataset.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 20 May 2021 17:17:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Tseng', 'Bo-Hsiang', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bhargava', 'Shruti', ''], dtype=object) array(['Lu', 'Jiarui', ''], dtype=object) array(['Moniz', 'Joel Ruben Antony', ''], dtype=object) array(['Piraviperumal', 'Dhivya', ''], dtype=object) array(['Li', 'Lin', ''], dtype=object) array(['Yu', 'Hong', ''], dtype=object)]
Vivek Malik K.
V. K. Malik and I. Marozau and S. Das and B. Doggett and D. K. Satapathy and M. A. Uribe-Laverde and N. Biskup and M. Varela and C. W. Schneider and C. Marcelot and J. Stahn and C. Bernhard
Pulsed laser deposition growth of heteroepitaxial YBa2Cu3O7/La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 superlattices on NdGaO3 and Sr0.7La0.3Al0.65Ta0.35O3 substrates
Phys. Rev. B 85, 054514 (2012)
cond-mat.mtrl-sci cond-mat.str-el cond-mat.supr-con
Heteroepitaxial superlattices of [YBa2Cu3O7(n)/ La0.67Ca0.33MnO3(m)]x, where n and m are the number of YBCO and LCMO monolayers and x the number of bilayer repetitions, have been grown with pulsed laser deposition on NdGaO3 (110) and Sr0.7La0.3Al0.65Ta0.35O3 (LSAT) (001). These substrates are well lattice matched with YBCO and LCMO and, unlike the commonly used SrTiO3, they do not give rise to complex and uncontrolled strain effects due to structural transitions at low temperature. The growth dynamics and the structure have been studied in-situ with reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED) and ex-situ with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM), x-ray diffraction, and neutron reflectometry. The individual layers are found to be flat and continuous over long lateral distances with sharp and coherent interfaces and with a well-defined thickness of the individual layer. The only visible defects are antiphase boundaries in the YBCO layers that originate from perovskite unit cell height steps at the interfaces with the LCMO layers. We also find that the first YBCO monolayer at the interface with LCMO has an unusual growth dynamics and is lacking the CuO chain layer while the subsequent YBCO layers have the regular Y-123 structure. Accordingly, the CuO2 bilayers at both the LCMO/YBCO and the YBCO/LCMO interfaces are lacking one of their neighboring CuO chain layers and thus half of their hole doping reservoir. Nevertheless, from electric transport measurements on asuperlattice with n=2 we obtain evidence that the interfacial CuO2 bilayers remain conducting and even exhibit the onset of a superconducting transition at very low temperature. Finally, we show from dc magnetization and neutron reflectometry measurements that the LCMO layers are strongly ferromagnetic.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 19 Oct 2011 03:45:46 GMT'}]
[array(['Malik', 'V. K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Marozau', 'I.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Das', 'S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Doggett', 'B.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Satapathy', 'D. K.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Uribe-Laverde', 'M. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Biskup', 'N.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Varela', 'M.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Schneider', 'C. W.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Marcelot', 'C.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Stahn', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Bernhard', 'C.', ''], dtype=object)]
Andrew Larkin
Andrew Larkin
Quenched decay of correlations for one dimensional random Lorenz maps
We study rates of mixing for small random perturbations of one dimensional Lorenz maps. Using a random tower construction, we prove that, for Holder observables, the random system admits exponential rates of quenched correlation decay.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 25 Feb 2021 14:23:07 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Thu, 12 Aug 2021 10:08:35 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 24 Nov 2021 21:52:58 GMT'}]
[array(['Larkin', 'Andrew', ''], dtype=object)]
Drake Deming
Drake Deming, Heather Knutson, Joshua Kammer, Benjamin J. Fulton, James Ingalls, Sean Carey, Adam Burrows, Jonathan J. Fortney, Kamen Todorov, Eric Agol, Nicolas Cowan, Jean-Michel Desert, Jonathan Fraine, Jonathan Langton, Caroline Morley, and Adam P. Showman
Spitzer Secondary Eclipses of the Dense, Modestly-irradiated, Giant Exoplanet HAT-P-20b Using Pixel-Level Decorrelation
version published in ApJ, minor text and figure revisions
HAT-P-20b is a giant exoplanet that orbits a metal-rich star. The planet itself has a high total density, suggesting that it may also have a high metallicity in its atmosphere. We analyze two eclipses of the planet in each of the 3.6- and 4.5 micron bands of Warm Spitzer. These data exhibit intra-pixel detector sensitivity fluctuations that were resistant to traditional decorrelation methods. We have developed a simple, powerful, and radically different method to correct the intra-pixel effect for Warm Spitzer data, which we call pixel-level decorrelation (PLD). PLD corrects the intra-pixel effect very effectively, but without explicitly using - or even measuring - the fluctuations in the apparent position of the stellar image. We illustrate and validate PLD using synthetic and real data, and comparing the results to previous analyses. PLD can significantly reduce or eliminate red noise in Spitzer secondary eclipse photometry, even for eclipses that have proven to be intractable using other methods. Our successful PLD analysis of four HAT-P-20b eclipses shows a best-fit blackbody temperature of 1134 +/-29K, indicating inefficient longitudinal transfer of heat, but lacking evidence for strong molecular absorption. We find sufficient evidence for variability in the 4.5 micron band that the eclipses should be monitored at that wavelength by Spitzer, and this planet should be a high priority for JWST spectroscopy. All four eclipses occur about 35 minutes after orbital phase 0.5, indicating a slightly eccentric orbit. A joint fit of the eclipse and transit times with extant RV data yields e(cos{omega}) = 0.01352 (+0.00054, -0.00057), and establishes the small eccentricity of the orbit to high statistical confidence. Given the existence of a bound stellar companion, HAT-P-20b is another excellent candidate for orbital evolution via Kozai migration or other three-body mechanism.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Wed, 26 Nov 2014 21:35:12 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Wed, 3 Jun 2015 19:13:06 GMT'}]
[array(['Deming', 'Drake', ''], dtype=object) array(['Knutson', 'Heather', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kammer', 'Joshua', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fulton', 'Benjamin J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Ingalls', 'James', ''], dtype=object) array(['Carey', 'Sean', ''], dtype=object) array(['Burrows', 'Adam', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fortney', 'Jonathan J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Todorov', 'Kamen', ''], dtype=object) array(['Agol', 'Eric', ''], dtype=object) array(['Cowan', 'Nicolas', ''], dtype=object) array(['Desert', 'Jean-Michel', ''], dtype=object) array(['Fraine', 'Jonathan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Langton', 'Jonathan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Morley', 'Caroline', ''], dtype=object) array(['Showman', 'Adam P.', ''], dtype=object)]
German Sierra
M.A. Martin-Delgado, J. Rodriguez-Laguna and G. Sierra
Single-Block Renormalization Group: Quantum Mechanical Problems
RevTex4b4, 13 pages, two-column, 8 figs
We reformulate the density matrix renormalization group method (DMRG) in terms of a single block, instead of the standard left and right blocks used in the construction of the superblock. This version of the DMRG, which we call the puncture renormalization group (PRG), makes easy and natural the extension of the DMRG to higher dimensional lattices. To test numerically this proposal, we study several quantum mechanical models in one, two and three dimensions. In 1D the performance of the standard DMRG is much better than its PRG version, however for 2D models the PRG is more efficient than the DMRG in a variety of circumstances. In 3D the PRG performs also quite well.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 29 Sep 2000 16:07:21 GMT'}]
[array(['Martin-Delgado', 'M. A.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Rodriguez-Laguna', 'J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Sierra', 'G.', ''], dtype=object)]
Andrei Prasolov
Andrei V. Prasolov
Quasi-shape theory of locally finite and paracompact spaces
Shape theory works nice for (Hausdorff) paracompact spaces, but for spaces with no separation axioms, it seems to be quite poor. However, for finite and locally finite spaces their weak homotopy type is rather rich, and is equivalent to the weak homotopy type of finite and locally finite polynedra, respectively. In the paper there is proposed a variant of shape theory called quasi-shape, which suits both paracompact and locally finite spaces, i.e. the quas-shape is isomorphic to the weak homotopy type for locally finite spaces, and is \natural-equivalent to the ordinary shape in the case of paracompact spaces.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 28 Dec 2010 14:09:47 GMT'}]
[array(['Prasolov', 'Andrei V.', ''], dtype=object)]
Joseph N. Ginocchio
Joseph N. Ginocchio
New Type of Collective Motion for N $\sim$ Z Nuclei
10 pages, latex, one figure given on request, LA-UR-96-997
We study a new type of collective motion with alpha-particle type of correlations and show that it may be relevant for N $\sim$ Z nuclei.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Fri, 15 Nov 1996 22:28:01 GMT'}]
[array(['Ginocchio', 'Joseph N.', ''], dtype=object)]
Gareth Baxter
G. J. Baxter, M. R. Frean
Software graphs and programmer awareness
9 pages, 8 figures
cs.SE cs.PL
Dependencies between types in object-oriented software can be viewed as directed graphs, with types as nodes and dependencies as edges. The in-degree and out-degree distributions of such graphs have quite different forms, with the former resembling a power-law distribution and the latter an exponential distribution. This effect appears to be independent of application or type relationship. A simple generative model is proposed to explore the proposition that the difference arises because the programmer is aware of the out-degree of a type but not of its in-degree. The model reproduces the two distributions, and compares reasonably well to those observed in 14 different type relationships across 12 different Java applications.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sat, 16 Feb 2008 03:38:03 GMT'}]
[array(['Baxter', 'G. J.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Frean', 'M. R.', ''], dtype=object)]
Hassaan Hashmi
Hassaan Hashmi, Spyridon Pougkakiotis, Dionysios S. Kalogerias
Model-Free Learning of Optimal Beamformers for Passive IRS-Assisted Sumrate Maximization
eess.SY cs.SY
Although Intelligent Reflective Surfaces (IRSs) are a cost-effective technology promising high spectral efficiency in future wireless networks, obtaining optimal IRS beamformers is a challenging problem with several practical limitations. Assuming fully-passive, sensing-free IRS operation, we introduce a new data-driven Zeroth-order Stochastic Gradient Ascent (ZoSGA) algorithm for sumrate optimization in an IRS-aided downlink setting. ZoSGA does not require access to channel model or network structure information, and enables learning of optimal long-term IRS beamformers jointly with standard short-term precoding, based only on conventional effective channel state information. Supported by state-of-the-art (SOTA) convergence analysis, detailed simulations confirm that ZoSGA exhibits SOTA empirical behavior as well, consistently outperforming standard fully model-based baselines, in a variety of scenarios.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Sun, 30 Oct 2022 00:56:48 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 24 Mar 2023 20:07:26 GMT'}]
[array(['Hashmi', 'Hassaan', ''], dtype=object) array(['Pougkakiotis', 'Spyridon', ''], dtype=object) array(['Kalogerias', 'Dionysios S.', ''], dtype=object)]
Gilles Chiocchia
L\'ea Tourneur (IC), Alain Schmitt (IC), Gilles Chiocchia (IC)
In Vivo Localization of Fas-Associated Death Domain Protein in the Nucleus and Cytoplasm of Normal Thyroid and Liver Cells
open autoimmunty journal 1 (2009) 27-32
FADD (Fas-associated death domain) is the main death receptor adaptor molecule that transmits apoptotic signal. Recently, FADD protein was shown to be expressed both in the cytoplasm and nucleus of in vitro cell lines. In contrast to the cytoplasmic FADD, the nuclear FADD was shown to protect cells from apoptosis. However, in vivo subcellular localization of FADD was still unknown. Here, we demonstrated that FADD protein was expressed in both cytoplasmic and nuclear compartment in ex vivo thyroid cells demonstrating that nuclear sublocalization of FADD protein was a relevant phenomenon occurring in vivo. Moreover, we showed that in the nucleus of untransformed thyroid cells FADD localized mainly on euchromatin. We confirmed the nuclear localization of FADD in ex vivo liver and showed that in this organ FADD and MBD4 interact together. These results demonstrate that FADD is physiologically expressed in the nucleus of cells in at least two mouse organs. This particular localization opens new possible role of FADD in vivo either asan inhibitor of cell death, or as a transcription factor, or as a molecular link between apoptosis and genome surveillance.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Mon, 22 Jun 2009 07:21:54 GMT'}]
[array(['Tourneur', 'Léa', '', 'IC'], dtype=object) array(['Schmitt', 'Alain', '', 'IC'], dtype=object) array(['Chiocchia', 'Gilles', '', 'IC'], dtype=object)]
Ritabrata Bhattacharya
Ritabrata Bhattacharya
Two loop mass renormalization in heterotic string theory: NS states
25 pages, 6 figures
In this work computation of the renormalized mass at two loop order for the NS sector of heterotic string theory is attempted. We identify the 1PI region of the moduli space after a choice of gluing compatible local coordinates around the external punctures, for a genus 2 Riemann surface with 2 punctures. We then present a prescription for choosing a section avoiding the spurious poles due to the presence of a required number of picture changing operators. In practice this amounts to breaking up the region of integration over the moduli space into different parts and carrying out the vertical integration procedure near the spurious poles. This requires moving around the PCO locations. We identify the co-dimension 2 subspace of the moduli space where the spurious poles lie and hence we know which arrangements of PCOs to avoid. We are unable to perform the integration over moduli space in this note and hope to report on it in a later instalment.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Tue, 3 May 2022 06:19:29 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 6 May 2022 05:56:53 GMT'}]
[array(['Bhattacharya', 'Ritabrata', ''], dtype=object)]
Izumi Sen Ohta
Izumi S. Ohta, Makoto Hattori and Hiroshi Matsuo
Development of super broadband interferometer in FIR
9 pages, presented at the Glasgow SPIE conference "Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Space Telescopes", to appear in Proc. SPIE, vol. #5487-207
Proc. SPIE, vol. 5487, part 3, pp 1563 - 1571
We are developing the super broad band interferometer by applying the Fourier Transform Spectrometer(FTS) to aperture synthesis system in mm and sub-mm bands. We have constructed a compact system based on the Martin and Puplett type Fourier Transform spectrometer (MP-FT). We call this equipment Multi-Fourier Transform interferometer (MuFT). The band width of the system can be extended as large as one wants contrary to the severely limited band width of the usual interferometer due to the speed of the AD converter. The direct detectors, e.g. bolometer, SIS video detector, can be used as the focal plane detectors. This type of detectors have a great advantage in FIR band since they are free from the quantum limit of the noise which limits the sensitivity of the heterodyne detectors used in the usual interferometers. Further, the direct detectors are able to make a large format array contrary to the heterodyne detectors for which construction of a large format array is practically difficult. These three characteristics make one be possible to develop high sensitive super broad band FIR interferometer with wide field of view. In the laboratory experiments, we have succeeded in measuring the spectroscopically resolved 2D image of the source in 150GHz-900GHz band. The future application of this technique to the observations from the space could open new interesting possibilities in FIR astronomy.
[{'version': 'v1', 'created': 'Thu, 15 Jul 2004 08:05:03 GMT'} {'version': 'v2', 'created': 'Fri, 16 Jul 2004 10:13:43 GMT'} {'version': 'v3', 'created': 'Wed, 7 Dec 2005 05:45:23 GMT'}]
[array(['Ohta', 'Izumi S.', ''], dtype=object) array(['Hattori', 'Makoto', ''], dtype=object) array(['Matsuo', 'Hiroshi', ''], dtype=object)]