17 values
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: the greatest force in America is mothers Hypothesis: The greatest force in America is teenage boys. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: matla a maholo ka ho fetisisa Amerika ke bo-'mè Hypothèse: Matla a maholohali Amerika ke bashanyana ba lilemong tsa bocha. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: The apparent going premium of 50 percent for a targeted ad on the Internet suggests that Internet advertising may be as likely to reduce total ad spending as to increase it. Hypothesis: Ad spending can either increase or decrease. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: La prime apparente de 50% pour une publicité ciblée sur Internet laisse entendre que la publicité sur Internet peut aussi bien réduire les dépenses totales de publicité que les augmenter. Hypothèse: Les dépenses publicitaires peuvent augmenter ou diminuer. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: the greatest force in America is mothers \nHypothesis: The greatest force in America is teenage boys.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: matla a maholo ka ho fetisisa Amerika ke bo-'mè \nHypothèse: Matla a maholohali Amerika ke bashanyana ba lilemong tsa bocha.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The apparent going premium of 50 percent for a targeted ad on the Internet suggests that Internet advertising may be as likely to reduce total ad spending as to increase it. \nHypothesis: Ad spending can either increase or decrease.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La prime apparente de 50% pour une publicité ciblée sur Internet laisse entendre que la publicité sur Internet peut aussi bien réduire les dépenses totales de publicité que les augmenter. \nHypothèse: Les dépenses publicitaires peuvent augmenter ou diminuer.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I must do this. Hypothesis: I'm not sure I will bother with this unimportant task. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Kino nnina okukikola. Hypothèse: Sirowooza nti nja kweraliikirira omulimu guno ogutali mukulu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: And besides, it sure looks comfortable, you must admit, right? I wouldn't do anything with it. Hypothesis: It looks good, but I wouldn't do anything with it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Et puis, il est très confortable, vous devez l'admettre, non ? Hypothèse: Ça a l'air bien, mais je ne ferais rien avec. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I must do this. \nHypothesis: I'm not sure I will bother with this unimportant task.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Kino nnina okukikola. \nHypothèse: Sirowooza nti nja kweraliikirira omulimu guno ogutali mukulu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: And besides, it sure looks comfortable, you must admit, right? I wouldn't do anything with it. \nHypothesis: It looks good, but I wouldn't do anything with it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Et puis, il est très confortable, vous devez l'admettre, non ? \nHypothèse: Ça a l'air bien, mais je ne ferais rien avec.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yeah sure how's your weather it's pretty good Hypothesis: Yes, whats the atmospheric quality of today on your end? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ee sure ndenge nini na bino ya temps eza kitoko Hypothèse: Ee, ezalela ya mopɛpɛ ezali ndenge nini lelo na nsuka na bino? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: and i've enjoyed that watching how well i can can walk up and down stairs Hypothesis: I hate going up and down stairs. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: J'ai apprécié de voir à quel point je peux monter et descendre les escaliers. Hypothèse: Je déteste monter et descendre les escaliers. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yeah sure how's your weather it's pretty good \nHypothesis: Yes, whats the atmospheric quality of today on your end?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ee sure ndenge nini na bino ya temps eza kitoko \nHypothèse: Ee, ezalela ya mopɛpɛ ezali ndenge nini lelo na nsuka na bino?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: and i've enjoyed that watching how well i can can walk up and down stairs \nHypothesis: I hate going up and down stairs.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: J'ai apprécié de voir à quel point je peux monter et descendre les escaliers. \nHypothèse: Je déteste monter et descendre les escaliers.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: San'doro stood. Hypothesis: San'doro rose, drawing his sword as he did. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: San'doro était debout. Hypothèse: San'doro s'est levé en tirant son épée. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The smallest pyramid, that of Mykerinus, adds a wonderful perspective to the panorama, particularly when you align the pyramids for that souvenir photograph. Hypothesis: The pyramids are dusty and boring. You should go to the northern coasts to get the best views. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La plus petite pyramide, celle de Mykerinus, ajoute une perspective merveilleuse au panorama, surtout quand vous alignez les pyramides pour cette photo souvenir. Hypothèse: Les pyramides sont poussiéreuses et ennuyeuses. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: San'doro stood. \nHypothesis: San'doro rose, drawing his sword as he did.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: San'doro était debout. \nHypothèse: San'doro s'est levé en tirant son épée.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The smallest pyramid, that of Mykerinus, adds a wonderful perspective to the panorama, particularly when you align the pyramids for that souvenir photograph. \nHypothesis: The pyramids are dusty and boring. You should go to the northern coasts to get the best views.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La plus petite pyramide, celle de Mykerinus, ajoute une perspective merveilleuse au panorama, surtout quand vous alignez les pyramides pour cette photo souvenir. \nHypothèse: Les pyramides sont poussiéreuses et ennuyeuses.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: uh hang on a second Rick i got to see who that is Hypothesis: Hang on Rick, I have to know who that is. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Uh, linda isikhashana Rick. Kumele ngibone ukuthi ubani lowo. Hypothèse: Linda Rick, kufanele ngazi ukuthi ubani lowo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: In some localities, it is possible that the permitting activities will not be the limiting steps. Hypothesis: It can be possible that permitting activities will not be the limiting steps. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Dans certaines localités, il est possible que les activités autorisées ne constituent pas les étapes limitatives. Hypothèse: Il est possible que l'octroi d'autorisations d'activités ne constitue pas une étape limitative. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: uh hang on a second Rick i got to see who that is \nHypothesis: Hang on Rick, I have to know who that is.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Uh, linda isikhashana Rick. Kumele ngibone ukuthi ubani lowo. \nHypothèse: Linda Rick, kufanele ngazi ukuthi ubani lowo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In some localities, it is possible that the permitting activities will not be the limiting steps. \nHypothesis: It can be possible that permitting activities will not be the limiting steps.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Dans certaines localités, il est possible que les activités autorisées ne constituent pas les étapes limitatives. \nHypothèse: Il est possible que l'octroi d'autorisations d'activités ne constitue pas une étape limitative.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The problem? Hypothesis: The problem? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ችግሩ ምንድን ነው? Hypothèse: ችግሩ ምንድን ነው? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: and then i would feel not only invaded in the sense that someone had obtained information from me that i would rather they didn't and that might be the sense of a spending pattern for instance that that i would have thought to be private but then if it turns out to generate Hypothesis: I would never feel invaded, even if they obtained information that I didn't want them to. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Et alors je me sentirais non seulement envahi dans le sens que quelqu'un avait obtenu des informations de moi que je préférerais qu'ils ne l'aient pas et cela pourrait être le sens d'un modèle de dépenses par exemple que j'aurais pensé être privé mais alors si cela se révèle générer Hypothèse: Je ne me sentirais jamais envahi, même s'ils obtinrent des informations que je ne voulais pas. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The problem? \nHypothesis: The problem?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ችግሩ ምንድን ነው? \nHypothèse: ችግሩ ምንድን ነው?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: and then i would feel not only invaded in the sense that someone had obtained information from me that i would rather they didn't and that might be the sense of a spending pattern for instance that that i would have thought to be private but then if it turns out to generate \nHypothesis: I would never feel invaded, even if they obtained information that I didn't want them to.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Et alors je me sentirais non seulement envahi dans le sens que quelqu'un avait obtenu des informations de moi que je préférerais qu'ils ne l'aient pas et cela pourrait être le sens d'un modèle de dépenses par exemple que j'aurais pensé être privé mais alors si cela se révèle générer \nHypothèse: Je ne me sentirais jamais envahi, même s'ils obtinrent des informations que je ne voulais pas.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Annan is the world's most gentlemanly politician. Hypothesis: Annan is a male politician. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Annan yɛ wiase amanyɔfo a wɔn ho yɛ anika sen biara. Hypothèse: Annan yɛ ɔbarima a ɔyɛ amanyɔfo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Alcohol interventions in a trauma center as a means of reducing the risk of injury recurrance. Hypothesis: Alcohol interventions in trauma centers have no impact on future injuries. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Interventions alcoolisées dans un centre de traumatologie comme moyen de réduire le risque de récidive de blessure. Hypothèse: Les interventions alcoolisées dans les centres de traumatologie n'ont aucun impact sur les blessures futures. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Annan is the world's most gentlemanly politician. \nHypothesis: Annan is a male politician.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Annan yɛ wiase amanyɔfo a wɔn ho yɛ anika sen biara. \nHypothèse: Annan yɛ ɔbarima a ɔyɛ amanyɔfo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Alcohol interventions in a trauma center as a means of reducing the risk of injury recurrance. \nHypothesis: Alcohol interventions in trauma centers have no impact on future injuries.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Interventions alcoolisées dans un centre de traumatologie comme moyen de réduire le risque de récidive de blessure. \nHypothèse: Les interventions alcoolisées dans les centres de traumatologie n'ont aucun impact sur les blessures futures.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Think for a moment, said San'doro. Hypothesis: San'doro gave an instruction. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: San'doro gblɔ be: "Bu eŋu kpɔ vie". Hypothèse: San'doro de se aɖe na mí. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The director of an international airport was hanging from the ropes and checking their color in the sun, which graciously shone from between fiercely looking storm clouds. Hypothesis: The director of an international airport was hanging from ropes and checking their color. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Le directeur d'un aéroport international était suspendu aux cordes et vérifiait leur couleur au soleil, qui brillait gracieusement entre des nuages de tempête à l'air féroce. Hypothèse: Le directeur d'un aéroport international était suspendu à des cordes et vérifiait leur couleur. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Think for a moment, said San'doro. \nHypothesis: San'doro gave an instruction.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: San'doro gblɔ be: \"Bu eŋu kpɔ vie\". \nHypothèse: San'doro de se aɖe na mí.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The director of an international airport was hanging from the ropes and checking their color in the sun, which graciously shone from between fiercely looking storm clouds. \nHypothesis: The director of an international airport was hanging from ropes and checking their color.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le directeur d'un aéroport international était suspendu aux cordes et vérifiait leur couleur au soleil, qui brillait gracieusement entre des nuages de tempête à l'air féroce. \nHypothèse: Le directeur d'un aéroport international était suspendu à des cordes et vérifiait leur couleur.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and a lot of stress too Hypothesis: And a huge amount of stress as well. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: na mkazo mwingi pia Hypothèse: Na pia mkazo mwingi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: But the physician's need for diagnosis is what drives the process. Hypothesis: The process is totally independent of anything a doctor does. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Mais le besoin du médecin de diagnostic est ce qui motive le processus. Hypothèse: Le processus est totalement indépendant de tout ce que fait un médecin. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and a lot of stress too \nHypothesis: And a huge amount of stress as well.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: na mkazo mwingi pia \nHypothèse: Na pia mkazo mwingi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: But the physician's need for diagnosis is what drives the process. \nHypothesis: The process is totally independent of anything a doctor does.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais le besoin du médecin de diagnostic est ce qui motive le processus. \nHypothèse: Le processus est totalement indépendant de tout ce que fait un médecin.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: it will be for that--for denying an affair. Hypothesis: The judgement was based on denying the affair happened. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: itakuwa kwa ajili ya kwamba - kwa kukanusha jambo. Hypothèse: Hukumu hiyo ilitegemea kukana kwamba uhusiano huo haukutukia. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The OMB guidance states that automated techniques should depend upon risks, benefits, and cost effectiveness associated with the automated applications. Hypothesis: Automated techniques should depend on risks, benefits and cost effectiveness. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Les directives de l'OMB indiquent que les techniques automatisées devraient dépendre des risques, des avantages et de l'efficacité des coûts associés aux applications automatisées. Hypothèse: Les techniques automatisées devraient être fondées sur les risques, les avantages et la rentabilité. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: it will be for that--for denying an affair. \nHypothesis: The judgement was based on denying the affair happened.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: itakuwa kwa ajili ya kwamba - kwa kukanusha jambo. \nHypothèse: Hukumu hiyo ilitegemea kukana kwamba uhusiano huo haukutukia.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The OMB guidance states that automated techniques should depend upon risks, benefits, and cost effectiveness associated with the automated applications. \nHypothesis: Automated techniques should depend on risks, benefits and cost effectiveness. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les directives de l'OMB indiquent que les techniques automatisées devraient dépendre des risques, des avantages et de l'efficacité des coûts associés aux applications automatisées. \nHypothèse: Les techniques automatisées devraient être fondées sur les risques, les avantages et la rentabilité. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I only knew the other slaves in my den, my chain brothers. Hypothesis: I shared my den with other slaves. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Nari nzi abandi bagaragu bo mu nzu yanjye gusa, abo twafatanyaga umurimo. Hypothèse: Nabanaga n'abandi bagaragu mu cyobo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Though dwarfed by the mountain, this man was quite large as well. Hypothesis: The man was quite small. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Bien que surpassé par la montagne, cet homme était aussi assez grand. Hypothèse: L'homme était tout petit. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I only knew the other slaves in my den, my chain brothers. \nHypothesis: I shared my den with other slaves.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Nari nzi abandi bagaragu bo mu nzu yanjye gusa, abo twafatanyaga umurimo. \nHypothèse: Nabanaga n'abandi bagaragu mu cyobo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Though dwarfed by the mountain, this man was quite large as well. \nHypothesis: The man was quite small.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Bien que surpassé par la montagne, cet homme était aussi assez grand. \nHypothèse: L'homme était tout petit.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: No protective gear. Hypothesis: There was no PPE. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Pas de protection. Hypothèse: Il n'y avait pas de PPE. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: According to local belief, Catholic burghers subsidized this Butter Tower in return for the privilege of eating Normandy butter during Lent. Hypothesis: Butter was something not usually allowed to be eaten during Lent. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Selon la croyance locale, les bourgeois catholiques ont subventionné cette tour au beurre en échange du privilège de manger du beurre de Normandie pendant le carême. Hypothèse: Le beurre était quelque chose qui n'était pas habituellement autorisé à être mangé pendant le Carême. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: No protective gear. \nHypothesis: There was no PPE.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Pas de protection. \nHypothèse: Il n'y avait pas de PPE.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: According to local belief, Catholic burghers subsidized this Butter Tower in return for the privilege of eating Normandy butter during Lent. \nHypothesis: Butter was something not usually allowed to be eaten during Lent.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Selon la croyance locale, les bourgeois catholiques ont subventionné cette tour au beurre en échange du privilège de manger du beurre de Normandie pendant le carême. \nHypothèse: Le beurre était quelque chose qui n'était pas habituellement autorisé à être mangé pendant le Carême.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: he was a teacher Hypothesis: He worked as a teacher The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: azalaki molakisi Hypothèse: Azalaki molakisi La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: My dear Evelyn, cried Mrs. Cavendish, "this can't be true!" Miss Howard nodded grimly. Hypothesis: Mrs. Cavendish knew that the girl couldn't possibly have done it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: "Cela ne peut pas être vrai", dit Mme Cavendish. Hypothèse: Mme Cavendish savait que la fille ne pouvait pas l'avoir fait. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: he was a teacher \nHypothesis: He worked as a teacher\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: azalaki molakisi \nHypothèse: Azalaki molakisi\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: My dear Evelyn, cried Mrs. Cavendish, \"this can't be true!\" Miss Howard nodded grimly. \nHypothesis: Mrs. Cavendish knew that the girl couldn't possibly have done it. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: \"Cela ne peut pas être vrai\", dit Mme Cavendish. \nHypothèse: Mme Cavendish savait que la fille ne pouvait pas l'avoir fait.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: GDP in turn influences nonfederal saving Hypothesis: The GDP impacts savings rates by 5%. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: GDP hã kpɔa ŋusẽ ɖe ga si le ame bubuwo si Hypothèse: GDP kpɔa ŋusẽ ɖe ga si amewo dzrana ɖo dzi alafa memama 5. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Apparently the development of our solar system was unique and did not follow the ordinary rules." Hypothesis: Our solar system followed the same patterns as all the other systems. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Apparemment, le développement de notre système solaire était unique et ne suivait pas les règles ordinaires. " Hypothèse: Notre système solaire suit les mêmes schémas que tous les autres systèmes. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: GDP in turn influences nonfederal saving \nHypothesis: The GDP impacts savings rates by 5%.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: GDP hã kpɔa ŋusẽ ɖe ga si le ame bubuwo si \nHypothèse: GDP kpɔa ŋusẽ ɖe ga si amewo dzrana ɖo dzi alafa memama 5.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Apparently the development of our solar system was unique and did not follow the ordinary rules.\" \nHypothesis: Our solar system followed the same patterns as all the other systems.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Apparemment, le développement de notre système solaire était unique et ne suivait pas les règles ordinaires. \" \nHypothèse: Notre système solaire suit les mêmes schémas que tous les autres systèmes.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Issues in Participant A Text and Reader. Hypothesis: problems for plan participants The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Imiba kwi-Text ne-Reader yomNxaxheba A. Hypothèse: Iingxaki zabathathi-nxaxheba La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Jon turned to Adrin, Vrenna, and San'doro. Hypothesis: Jon walked away without acknowledging the other three people. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Jon s'est tourné vers Adrin, Vrenna et San'doro. Hypothèse: Jon est parti sans reconnaître les trois autres personnes. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Issues in Participant A Text and Reader. \nHypothesis: problems for plan participants\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Imiba kwi-Text ne-Reader yomNxaxheba A. \nHypothèse: Iingxaki zabathathi-nxaxheba\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Jon turned to Adrin, Vrenna, and San'doro. \nHypothesis: Jon walked away without acknowledging the other three people.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Jon s'est tourné vers Adrin, Vrenna et San'doro. \nHypothèse: Jon est parti sans reconnaître les trois autres personnes.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Shucks! said Julius thoughtfully. Hypothesis: Yes! Julius cheered loudly. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Shcks! Julius wi thoughtfully. Hypothèse: Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni, Julius kígbe sókè sókè. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: oh yeah it's wood sided it has sheetrock everywhere and uh you know so it's quieter than you remember mobile homes to be Hypothesis: The new design was recently patented and should be seen everywhere soon. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Oh oui, c'est bois sur le côté, il a du calcaire partout et vous savez donc c'est plus calme que vous vous souvenez des maisons mobiles d'être Hypothèse: Le nouveau design a été breveté récemment et devrait bientôt être visible partout. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Shucks! said Julius thoughtfully. \nHypothesis: Yes! Julius cheered loudly.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Shcks! Julius wi thoughtfully. \nHypothèse: Bẹ́ẹ̀ ni, Julius kígbe sókè sókè.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: oh yeah it's wood sided it has sheetrock everywhere and uh you know so it's quieter than you remember mobile homes to be \nHypothesis: The new design was recently patented and should be seen everywhere soon. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oh oui, c'est bois sur le côté, il a du calcaire partout et vous savez donc c'est plus calme que vous vous souvenez des maisons mobiles d'être \nHypothèse: Le nouveau design a été breveté récemment et devrait bientôt être visible partout.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and uh then there's others who is uh-huh lots better off Hypothesis: Others have less money. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Akkasumas, namoonni kaan immoo, kan isaanirra caalan jiru. Hypothèse: Warri kaanimmoo qarshii xinnoo qabu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: It's also a prime spot for whale-watching during the winter migrations, a popular activity for tourists and locals alike. Hypothesis: The whales were driven to extinction many years ago. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: C'est aussi un endroit privilégié pour l'observation des baleines pendant les migrations hivernales, une activité populaire pour les touristes et les habitants. Hypothèse: Les baleines ont été conduites à l'extinction il y a de nombreuses années. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and uh then there's others who is uh-huh lots better off \nHypothesis: Others have less money.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Akkasumas, namoonni kaan immoo, kan isaanirra caalan jiru. \nHypothèse: Warri kaanimmoo qarshii xinnoo qabu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It's also a prime spot for whale-watching during the winter migrations, a popular activity for tourists and locals alike. \nHypothesis: The whales were driven to extinction many years ago.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est aussi un endroit privilégié pour l'observation des baleines pendant les migrations hivernales, une activité populaire pour les touristes et les habitants. \nHypothèse: Les baleines ont été conduites à l'extinction il y a de nombreuses années.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: But after the election, says Blankley, there is a 99. Hypothesis: according to Blankley, there is a 99 after the election. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Waaye gannaaw tànneef yi, Blankley nee na, am na 99i. Hypothèse: Blankley nee na, am na 99 ci ginnaaw tànneef yi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: George W., sounding like a very promising cross between his father and Dan Quayle, explained in March why he opposes pushing for a constitutional amendment, although he favors one There are a lot of Americans who don't view the abortion issue as a matter of life. Hypothesis: George W. is opposed to pushing for a constitutional amendment because he doesn't want to hurt his ratings in the polls. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: George W., qui semble être un croisement très prometteur entre son père et Dan Quayle, a expliqué en mars pourquoi il s'oppose à la pression pour un amendement constitutionnel, bien qu'il en soit favorable. Il y a beaucoup d'Américains qui ne considèrent pas la question de l'avortement comme une question de vie. Hypothèse: George W. est opposé à la pression pour un amendement constitutionnel parce qu'il ne veut pas nuire à ses notes dans les sondages. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: But after the election, says Blankley, there is a 99. \nHypothesis: according to Blankley, there is a 99 after the election.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Waaye gannaaw tànneef yi, Blankley nee na, am na 99i. \nHypothèse: Blankley nee na, am na 99 ci ginnaaw tànneef yi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: George W., sounding like a very promising cross between his father and Dan Quayle, explained in March why he opposes pushing for a constitutional amendment, although he favors one There are a lot of Americans who don't view the abortion issue as a matter of life. \nHypothesis: George W. is opposed to pushing for a constitutional amendment because he doesn't want to hurt his ratings in the polls.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: George W., qui semble être un croisement très prometteur entre son père et Dan Quayle, a expliqué en mars pourquoi il s'oppose à la pression pour un amendement constitutionnel, bien qu'il en soit favorable. Il y a beaucoup d'Américains qui ne considèrent pas la question de l'avortement comme une question de vie. \nHypothèse: George W. est opposé à la pression pour un amendement constitutionnel parce qu'il ne veut pas nuire à ses notes dans les sondages.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Do you steal Tootsie pops at checkout counters? Hypothesis: You would never dare to steal Tootsie pops. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Obbanga Tootsie pops mu kasasiro? Hypothèse: Toyinza kubba Tootsie pops. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: It was so old that Red's father couldn't tell Red when it had been built. Hypothesis: Red's father knew when it was built. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Il était si vieux que le père de Red ne pouvait pas lui dire quand il avait été construit. Hypothèse: Le père de Red savait quand il a été construit. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Do you steal Tootsie pops at checkout counters? \nHypothesis: You would never dare to steal Tootsie pops.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Obbanga Tootsie pops mu kasasiro? \nHypothèse: Toyinza kubba Tootsie pops.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It was so old that Red's father couldn't tell Red when it had been built. \nHypothesis: Red's father knew when it was built.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il était si vieux que le père de Red ne pouvait pas lui dire quand il avait été construit. \nHypothèse: Le père de Red savait quand il a été construit.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: the most no they sure didn't sure didn't Hypothesis: They definitely did not. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: abasinga no be sure tebali sure tebali Hypothèse: Mazima ddala tebaakola bwe batyo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: I teach at a school with many poor whites and Latinos, many of whom can't afford home computers or did not learn how to use them in high school. Hypothesis: Where I teach, there are no whites and Latinos. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: J'enseigne dans une école où il y a beaucoup de Blancs et de Latinos pauvres, dont beaucoup n'ont pas les moyens d'acheter un ordinateur ou n'ont pas appris à l'utiliser au lycée. Hypothèse: Là où j'enseigne, il n'y a pas de blancs et de Latinos. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: the most no they sure didn't sure didn't \nHypothesis: They definitely did not.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: abasinga no be sure tebali sure tebali \nHypothèse: Mazima ddala tebaakola bwe batyo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: I teach at a school with many poor whites and Latinos, many of whom can't afford home computers or did not learn how to use them in high school. \nHypothesis: Where I teach, there are no whites and Latinos.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: J'enseigne dans une école où il y a beaucoup de Blancs et de Latinos pauvres, dont beaucoup n'ont pas les moyens d'acheter un ordinateur ou n'ont pas appris à l'utiliser au lycée. \nHypothèse: Là où j'enseigne, il n'y a pas de blancs et de Latinos.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It will be the talk of the village! Hypothesis: People in the village loved to gossip. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Abantu bo mu mudugudu wose bazavuga iby'uwo mukino! Hypothèse: Abantu bo muri uwo mudugudu bakundaga guharabika abandi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: He has threatened to veto the five remaining appropriations bills in the 2000 budget because of Republicans' proposed cuts in social programs. Hypothesis: Republicans want to make cuts in social programs. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il a menacé de mettre son veto sur les cinq projets de loi restants du budget 2000 en raison des coupes proposées par les républicains dans les programmes sociaux. Hypothèse: Les républicains veulent faire des coupes dans les programmes sociaux. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It will be the talk of the village! \nHypothesis: People in the village loved to gossip.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Abantu bo mu mudugudu wose bazavuga iby'uwo mukino! \nHypothèse: Abantu bo muri uwo mudugudu bakundaga guharabika abandi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He has threatened to veto the five remaining appropriations bills in the 2000 budget because of Republicans' proposed cuts in social programs. \nHypothesis: Republicans want to make cuts in social programs.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il a menacé de mettre son veto sur les cinq projets de loi restants du budget 2000 en raison des coupes proposées par les républicains dans les programmes sociaux. \nHypothèse: Les républicains veulent faire des coupes dans les programmes sociaux.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: i saw that one that one wasn't that great either well i didn't think so no Hypothesis: I absolutely loved it! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Namonaki oyo wana oyo wana ezalaki mpe ya kitoko te eh nakanisaki bongo te Hypothèse: Nasepelaki na yango mingi! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: When did you first suspect John Cavendish? I asked, after a minute or two. Hypothesis: John Cavendish was suspected of murder. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Quand avez-vous soupçonné John Cavendish pour la première fois ? Hypothèse: John Cavendish était suspecté de meurtre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: i saw that one that one wasn't that great either well i didn't think so no \nHypothesis: I absolutely loved it!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Namonaki oyo wana oyo wana ezalaki mpe ya kitoko te eh nakanisaki bongo te \nHypothèse: Nasepelaki na yango mingi!\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: When did you first suspect John Cavendish? I asked, after a minute or two. \nHypothesis: John Cavendish was suspected of murder.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Quand avez-vous soupçonné John Cavendish pour la première fois ? \nHypothèse: John Cavendish était suspecté de meurtre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: , and appeared here in 1977. Hypothesis: In 1977 UFO appeared here. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: , na woyii no adi wɔ ha wɔ afe 1977 mu. Hypothèse: Wɔ 1977 mu no, UFO bi puee wɔ ha. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: oh what kind of work do you do on it Hypothesis: Oh why don't you do any work? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Oh, quel genre de travail faites-vous sur elle Hypothèse: Pourquoi tu ne travailles pas ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: , and appeared here in 1977. \nHypothesis: In 1977 UFO appeared here.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: , na woyii no adi wɔ ha wɔ afe 1977 mu. \nHypothèse: Wɔ 1977 mu no, UFO bi puee wɔ ha.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: oh what kind of work do you do on it \nHypothesis: Oh why don't you do any work?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oh, quel genre de travail faites-vous sur elle \nHypothèse: Pourquoi tu ne travailles pas ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Defense So could we. Hypothesis: Arming ourselves, we were good at that. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Tisuwo taigona kudaro. Hypothèse: Kuzvigadzirira, taiva vakanaka paizvozvo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: They thought about how he would react when he returned to the world of the awake. Hypothesis: He is currently in the world of the awake The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Ils se demandaient comment il réagirait à son retour dans le monde des réveillés. Hypothèse: Il est actuellement dans le monde des éveillés La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Defense So could we. \nHypothesis: Arming ourselves, we were good at that.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Tisuwo taigona kudaro. \nHypothèse: Kuzvigadzirira, taiva vakanaka paizvozvo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: They thought about how he would react when he returned to the world of the awake. \nHypothesis: He is currently in the world of the awake\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ils se demandaient comment il réagirait à son retour dans le monde des réveillés. \nHypothèse: Il est actuellement dans le monde des éveillés\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The question is whether Clinton has the nerve. Hypothesis: No one knows if Clinton has the nerve to do that. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ጥያቄው ክሊንተን ድፍረቱን ይዞ እንደሆነ ነው። Hypothèse: ክሊንተን ይህን ለማድረግ ድፍረትን ይዞ እንደሆነ የሚያውቅ የለም። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Golfe de Porto Hypothesis: Golfe de Porto is home to dozens of world-class restaurants. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le Golfe de Porto Hypothèse: Le Golfe de Porto est le siège de dizaines de restaurants de renommée mondiale. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The question is whether Clinton has the nerve. \nHypothesis: No one knows if Clinton has the nerve to do that.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ጥያቄው ክሊንተን ድፍረቱን ይዞ እንደሆነ ነው። \nHypothèse: ክሊንተን ይህን ለማድረግ ድፍረትን ይዞ እንደሆነ የሚያውቅ የለም።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Golfe de Porto \nHypothesis: Golfe de Porto is home to dozens of world-class restaurants. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le Golfe de Porto \nHypothèse: Le Golfe de Porto est le siège de dizaines de restaurants de renommée mondiale.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He nodded rather gloomily. Hypothesis: He nodded sadly. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Eʋuʋu ta nublanuitɔe. Hypothèse: Eʋuʋu ta nublanuitɔe. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: 'There was a truce!' Hypothesis: We were going to fight to the death. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Il y avait une trêve ! Hypothèse: On allait se battre à mort. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He nodded rather gloomily. \nHypothesis: He nodded sadly.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Eʋuʋu ta nublanuitɔe. \nHypothèse: Eʋuʋu ta nublanuitɔe.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: 'There was a truce!' \nHypothesis: We were going to fight to the death.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il y avait une trêve ! \nHypothèse: On allait se battre à mort.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: She is But Tommy heard no more. Hypothesis: Tommy stopped listening. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: እሷም ትሞታለች ግን ቶሚ ከዚህ በኋላ ምንም አልሰማም። Hypothèse: ቶሚ መስማት አቆመ። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: and uh they they have designated smoking but it's just wide open it's not ventilated properly and i think that's bad but as far as the drugs you know being in the factory kind of environment that way Hypothesis: Smoking is allowed in designated areas, even though it is not ventilated really well. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: et euh ils ils ont désigné le tabagisme mais il est juste ouvert il n'est pas ventilé correctement et je pense que c'est mauvais mais en ce qui concerne les drogues vous savez être dans l'usine genre d'environnement de cette façon Hypothèse: Il est permis de fumer dans les zones désignées, même si elles ne sont pas très bien ventilées. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: She is But Tommy heard no more. \nHypothesis: Tommy stopped listening.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: እሷም ትሞታለች ግን ቶሚ ከዚህ በኋላ ምንም አልሰማም። \nHypothèse: ቶሚ መስማት አቆመ።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: and uh they they have designated smoking but it's just wide open it's not ventilated properly and i think that's bad but as far as the drugs you know being in the factory kind of environment that way \nHypothesis: Smoking is allowed in designated areas, even though it is not ventilated really well.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: et euh ils ils ont désigné le tabagisme mais il est juste ouvert il n'est pas ventilé correctement et je pense que c'est mauvais mais en ce qui concerne les drogues vous savez être dans l'usine genre d'environnement de cette façon \nHypothèse: Il est permis de fumer dans les zones désignées, même si elles ne sont pas très bien ventilées.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Stage One is assimilating the enormity of what I have to do. Hypothesis: Stage One is showing me what I have to do. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Sadarkaan Tokkoffaan, hammi guddaan wanta ani hojjechuu qabuu wajjin wal qabate akka gaariitti kan wal qabate ta'uusaati. Hypothèse: Sadarkaan Tokkoffaan wanta gochuu qabu natti argisiisa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: yeah when they're so cheap too at the video stores that you can Hypothesis: They are priced at only 3 dollars. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Oui, quand ils sont si bon marché aussi dans les magasins de vidéo que vous pouvez Hypothèse: Ils sont à seulement 3 dollars. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Stage One is assimilating the enormity of what I have to do. \nHypothesis: Stage One is showing me what I have to do.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Sadarkaan Tokkoffaan, hammi guddaan wanta ani hojjechuu qabuu wajjin wal qabate akka gaariitti kan wal qabate ta'uusaati. \nHypothèse: Sadarkaan Tokkoffaan wanta gochuu qabu natti argisiisa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah when they're so cheap too at the video stores that you can \nHypothesis: They are priced at only 3 dollars.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, quand ils sont si bon marché aussi dans les magasins de vidéo que vous pouvez \nHypothèse: Ils sont à seulement 3 dollars.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Been bush poppin', he agreed, smiling. Hypothesis: He frowned as he said that he had been bush popping. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: O ile a lumela a bososela. Hypothèse: O ile a honotha ha a ntse a re o ne a ntse a phunya sehlahla. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Standing out half obstructing the path was a huge boulder which certainly bore a fanciful resemblance to a "begging" terrier. Hypothesis: The path was clear. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: En se détachant à moitié obstruer le chemin était un énorme rocher qui certainement porté une ressemblance fantaisiste à un "mendiant" terrier. Hypothèse: Le chemin était dégagé. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Been bush poppin', he agreed, smiling. \nHypothesis: He frowned as he said that he had been bush popping.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: O ile a lumela a bososela. \nHypothèse: O ile a honotha ha a ntse a re o ne a ntse a phunya sehlahla.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Standing out half obstructing the path was a huge boulder which certainly bore a fanciful resemblance to a \"begging\" terrier. \nHypothesis: The path was clear.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En se détachant à moitié obstruer le chemin était un énorme rocher qui certainement porté une ressemblance fantaisiste à un \"mendiant\" terrier. \nHypothèse: Le chemin était dégagé.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yes we we sure do smoke them and Hypothesis: They are boiled. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: ndiyo sisi sisi uhakika kufanya moshi yao na Hypothèse: Zimechemshwa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: They are the Laotian busboy, only more like us. Hypothesis: The busboy job is popular among Laotian busboys. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Ce sont les garçons laotiens, mais ils nous ressemblent davantage. Hypothèse: Le travail de garçon de chambre est populaire parmi les garçons de chambre laotiens. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yes we we sure do smoke them and \nHypothesis: They are boiled.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: ndiyo sisi sisi uhakika kufanya moshi yao na \nHypothèse: Zimechemshwa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: They are the Laotian busboy, only more like us. \nHypothesis: The busboy job is popular among Laotian busboys.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ce sont les garçons laotiens, mais ils nous ressemblent davantage. \nHypothèse: Le travail de garçon de chambre est populaire parmi les garçons de chambre laotiens.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: You cannot be serious?" Hypothesis: Surely you're kidding? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ðe màte ŋu agblɔ nya sia kple kakaɖedzi oa?" Hypothèse: Ðikeke mele eme o be, ɖe nèle fefem. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: He had managed a few, but all were dead. Hypothesis: Every single one was dead. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il en avait réussi quelques-uns, mais ils étaient tous morts. Hypothèse: Ils étaient tous morts. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: You cannot be serious?\" \nHypothesis: Surely you're kidding?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ðe màte ŋu agblɔ nya sia kple kakaɖedzi oa?\" \nHypothèse: Ðikeke mele eme o be, ɖe nèle fefem.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He had managed a few, but all were dead. \nHypothesis: Every single one was dead.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il en avait réussi quelques-uns, mais ils étaient tous morts. \nHypothèse: Ils étaient tous morts.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Silence filled the clearing. Hypothesis: The clearing was silent. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Bës bi dafa ne suuñ. Hypothèse: Ca àll ba, duñu wax dara. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: How had we learned? Hypothesis: What did we earn? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Comment avions- nous appris ? Hypothèse: On a gagné quoi ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Silence filled the clearing. \nHypothesis: The clearing was silent.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Bës bi dafa ne suuñ. \nHypothèse: Ca àll ba, duñu wax dara.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: How had we learned? \nHypothesis: What did we earn?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Comment avions- nous appris ? \nHypothèse: On a gagné quoi ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Each local ironic effect has to be placed precisely Hypothesis: Ironic effects need to be placed in their local areas. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Buli kintu eky'ekyewuunyo kirina okuteekebwa mu kifo ekituufu Hypothèse: Ebikozesebwa eby'ekyewuunyo byetaaga okuteekebwa mu bitundu byabyo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: so what are you majoring in Hypothesis: You are not pursuing an academic degree. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Alors, tu fais quoi ? Hypothèse: Vous ne poursuivez pas un diplôme universitaire. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Each local ironic effect has to be placed precisely \nHypothesis: Ironic effects need to be placed in their local areas.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Buli kintu eky'ekyewuunyo kirina okuteekebwa mu kifo ekituufu \nHypothèse: Ebikozesebwa eby'ekyewuunyo byetaaga okuteekebwa mu bitundu byabyo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: so what are you majoring in \nHypothesis: You are not pursuing an academic degree.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Alors, tu fais quoi ? \nHypothèse: Vous ne poursuivez pas un diplôme universitaire.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I shouldn't like anything to happen to you." Hypothesis: I don't want to see anything happen to you. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Mi ò fẹ́ kí ohunkóhun ṣẹlẹ̀ sí ẹ". Hypothèse: Mi ò ní fẹ́ kí ohunkóhun ṣẹlẹ̀ sí ẹ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: okay and and in in in his league do they have like a pitcher or do they have a standing ball or a machine or what Hypothesis: He is not part of any league. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: D' accord , et dans sa catégorie , il y a un lanceur ou une balle debout ou une machine ou quoi ? Hypothèse: Il ne fait partie d'aucune ligue. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I shouldn't like anything to happen to you.\" \nHypothesis: I don't want to see anything happen to you.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Mi ò fẹ́ kí ohunkóhun ṣẹlẹ̀ sí ẹ\". \nHypothèse: Mi ò ní fẹ́ kí ohunkóhun ṣẹlẹ̀ sí ẹ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: okay and and in in in his league do they have like a pitcher or do they have a standing ball or a machine or what \nHypothesis: He is not part of any league.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: D' accord , et dans sa catégorie , il y a un lanceur ou une balle debout ou une machine ou quoi ? \nHypothèse: Il ne fait partie d'aucune ligue.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: i'm not sure i have Hypothesis: I will need to check to see if I possess. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Sina uhakika kama nimepata Hypothèse: Nitahitaji kuangalia ili kuona kama mimi kumiliki. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: I'm afraid something's happened to him, through your pal Boris." Hypothesis: "Boris had nothing to do with it." The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: J'ai peur qu'il lui soit arrivé quelque chose, par l'intermédiaire de ton pote Boris. Hypothèse: "Boris n'a rien à voir avec ça". La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: i'm not sure i have \nHypothesis: I will need to check to see if I possess.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Sina uhakika kama nimepata \nHypothèse: Nitahitaji kuangalia ili kuona kama mimi kumiliki.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: I'm afraid something's happened to him, through your pal Boris.\" \nHypothesis: \"Boris had nothing to do with it.\"\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: J'ai peur qu'il lui soit arrivé quelque chose, par l'intermédiaire de ton pote Boris. \nHypothèse: \"Boris n'a rien à voir avec ça\".\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: uh-huh uh-huh do your cucumbers come good Hypothesis: Are your cucumbers ripe yet? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: uh-huh uh-huh enva endiirwa zo zijja bulungi Hypothèse: Enkaweke zo zikyali nnungi? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: My question also concerns , but this time in an office setting, in a bathroom with many stalls. Hypothesis: My question concerns only the parking practices at the local hospital. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Ma question concerne également les personnes âgées, mais cette fois dans un bureau, dans une salle de bain avec de nombreuses cabines. Hypothèse: Ma question concerne uniquement les pratiques de stationnement à l'hôpital local. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: uh-huh uh-huh do your cucumbers come good \nHypothesis: Are your cucumbers ripe yet?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: uh-huh uh-huh enva endiirwa zo zijja bulungi \nHypothèse: Enkaweke zo zikyali nnungi?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: My question also concerns , but this time in an office setting, in a bathroom with many stalls. \nHypothesis: My question concerns only the parking practices at the local hospital.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ma question concerne également les personnes âgées, mais cette fois dans un bureau, dans une salle de bain avec de nombreuses cabines. \nHypothèse: Ma question concerne uniquement les pratiques de stationnement à l'hôpital local.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: he has one called The Ninja Hypothesis: The Ninja is a sword passed down many generations. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ewɔ ɖeka si woyɔna be Ninja Hypothèse: Ninja nye yi si dzidzime geɖe tsɔ do ɖe wo nɔewo gbɔ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: well i haven't uh i've been working in my own home for just um about the last three years but so i can just wear whatever i want around the house but before then i taught taught at the University of Houston and um Hypothesis: I'm not able to wear whatever I want while working from home unfortunately. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Eh bien, je n'ai pas euh je travaille dans ma propre maison pour juste um au sujet des trois dernières années, mais donc je peux juste porter ce que je veux autour de la maison mais avant cela, j'ai enseigné enseigné à l'Université de Houston et um Hypothèse: Je ne peux pas porter ce que je veux en travaillant à domicile, malheureusement. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: he has one called The Ninja \nHypothesis: The Ninja is a sword passed down many generations.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ewɔ ɖeka si woyɔna be Ninja \nHypothèse: Ninja nye yi si dzidzime geɖe tsɔ do ɖe wo nɔewo gbɔ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: well i haven't uh i've been working in my own home for just um about the last three years but so i can just wear whatever i want around the house but before then i taught taught at the University of Houston and um \nHypothesis: I'm not able to wear whatever I want while working from home unfortunately.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Eh bien, je n'ai pas euh je travaille dans ma propre maison pour juste um au sujet des trois dernières années, mais donc je peux juste porter ce que je veux autour de la maison mais avant cela, j'ai enseigné enseigné à l'Université de Houston et um \nHypothèse: Je ne peux pas porter ce que je veux en travaillant à domicile, malheureusement.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: everything stops yeah Hypothesis: It gets really quiet and creepy when everything stops. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: ntho e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e emisa Hypothèse: Ho ba le khutso le ho tšosa ha lintho tsohle li emisa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: see i have a i have a Lincoln Continental right now Hypothesis: I only own a single car. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Tu vois , j' ai une Lincoln Continental en ce moment . Hypothèse: Je n'ai qu'une seule voiture. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: everything stops yeah \nHypothesis: It gets really quiet and creepy when everything stops.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: ntho e 'ngoe le e 'ngoe e emisa \nHypothèse: Ho ba le khutso le ho tšosa ha lintho tsohle li emisa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: see i have a i have a Lincoln Continental right now \nHypothesis: I only own a single car. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Tu vois , j' ai une Lincoln Continental en ce moment . \nHypothèse: Je n'ai qu'une seule voiture.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Tuppence stole a glance at him sideways. Hypothesis: Tuppence wanted to see if he seemed happy. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Tuppence o ile a mo sheba ka thōko. Hypothèse: Tuppence o ne a batla ho bona hore na o bonahala a thabile. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: um some some later proof sets because they have a slight error in them are are worth hundreds of dollars you know and and the coins themselves aren't worth very much at all face value basically Hypothesis: They are not worth as much because of their imperfections. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: euh certains certains jeux de preuve plus tard parce qu'ils ont une légère erreur en eux sont valent des centaines de dollars vous savez et et les pièces elles-mêmes ne valent pas beaucoup du tout la valeur nominale fondamentalement Hypothèse: Ils ne valent pas autant à cause de leurs imperfections. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Tuppence stole a glance at him sideways. \nHypothesis: Tuppence wanted to see if he seemed happy.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Tuppence o ile a mo sheba ka thōko. \nHypothèse: Tuppence o ne a batla ho bona hore na o bonahala a thabile.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: um some some later proof sets because they have a slight error in them are are worth hundreds of dollars you know and and the coins themselves aren't worth very much at all face value basically \nHypothesis: They are not worth as much because of their imperfections.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: euh certains certains jeux de preuve plus tard parce qu'ils ont une légère erreur en eux sont valent des centaines de dollars vous savez et et les pièces elles-mêmes ne valent pas beaucoup du tout la valeur nominale fondamentalement \nHypothèse: Ils ne valent pas autant à cause de leurs imperfections.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: We're very grateful for all you've told us. Hypothesis: We are not thankful for what you have told us. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Siyixabisa kakhulu yonke into osixelele yona. Hypothèse: Asikuxabisi oko usixelele kona. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Electricity generators must install monitors to prove that they have sufficient allowances to match their actual emissions. Hypothesis: Actual emissions do not have to be measured after theoretical emissions are calculated. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les producteurs d'électricité doivent installer des moniteurs pour prouver qu'ils disposent de quotas suffisants pour correspondre à leurs émissions réelles. Hypothèse: Les émissions réelles ne doivent pas être mesurées après le calcul des émissions théoriques. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: We're very grateful for all you've told us. \nHypothesis: We are not thankful for what you have told us.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Siyixabisa kakhulu yonke into osixelele yona. \nHypothèse: Asikuxabisi oko usixelele kona.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Electricity generators must install monitors to prove that they have sufficient allowances to match their actual emissions. \nHypothesis: Actual emissions do not have to be measured after theoretical emissions are calculated.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les producteurs d'électricité doivent installer des moniteurs pour prouver qu'ils disposent de quotas suffisants pour correspondre à leurs émissions réelles. \nHypothèse: Les émissions réelles ne doivent pas être mesurées après le calcul des émissions théoriques.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Well? said Tuppence, intoxicated. Hypothesis: "And?" said Tuppence in a drunken state. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: "Ọfọn?" kwuru Tuppence, intoxicated. Hypothèse: "Ma?" Ka Tuppence kwuru na a mmanya na-egbu ala. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: He took away 90 elephant-loads of building materials and thousands of skilled Delhi stonemasons and sculptors to build his mosque at Samarkand. Hypothesis: The mosque at Samarkand was built by thousands of skilled Delhi stonemasons. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il a emmené 90 éléphants chargés de matériaux de construction et des milliers de maçons et sculpteurs de Delhi pour construire sa mosquée à Samarkand. Hypothèse: La mosquée de Samarkand a été construite par des milliers de tailleurs de pierre de Delhi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Well? said Tuppence, intoxicated. \nHypothesis: \"And?\" said Tuppence in a drunken state.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: \"Ọfọn?\" kwuru Tuppence, intoxicated. \nHypothèse: \"Ma?\" Ka Tuppence kwuru na a mmanya na-egbu ala.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He took away 90 elephant-loads of building materials and thousands of skilled Delhi stonemasons and sculptors to build his mosque at Samarkand. \nHypothesis: The mosque at Samarkand was built by thousands of skilled Delhi stonemasons.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il a emmené 90 éléphants chargés de matériaux de construction et des milliers de maçons et sculpteurs de Delhi pour construire sa mosquée à Samarkand. \nHypothèse: La mosquée de Samarkand a été construite par des milliers de tailleurs de pierre de Delhi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: uh we have cable here Hypothesis: We have a cable TV plan here. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: uh sinekhebula apha Hypothèse: Sinecebo leTV yekhebula apha. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The Lawyer in the Library program is an offshoot of a long-standing program at the Vallejo library, which has proven to be very effective in providing people with free, unbiased advice. Hypothesis: You can go to Vallejo library to get free legal advice. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Le programme "L'avocat dans la bibliothèque" est une émanation d'un programme de longue date de la bibliothèque Vallejo, qui s'est avéré très efficace pour fournir aux gens des conseils gratuits et impartiaux. Hypothèse: Vous pouvez aller à la bibliothèque Vallejo pour obtenir des conseils juridiques gratuits. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: uh we have cable here \nHypothesis: We have a cable TV plan here.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: uh sinekhebula apha \nHypothèse: Sinecebo leTV yekhebula apha.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The Lawyer in the Library program is an offshoot of a long-standing program at the Vallejo library, which has proven to be very effective in providing people with free, unbiased advice. \nHypothesis: You can go to Vallejo library to get free legal advice.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le programme \"L'avocat dans la bibliothèque\" est une émanation d'un programme de longue date de la bibliothèque Vallejo, qui s'est avéré très efficace pour fournir aux gens des conseils gratuits et impartiaux. \nHypothèse: Vous pouvez aller à la bibliothèque Vallejo pour obtenir des conseils juridiques gratuits.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I don't blame you any for what you've been saying. Hypothesis: I blame you entirely for how you've spoke recently. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Angikusoli ngalokhu obukade ukusho. Hypothèse: Ngikubeka icala ngokuphelele ngendlela okhulume ngayo muva nje. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Apparently it's easier to make a mouse talk than to come up with something interesting for him to say (Kenneth Turan, the Los Angeles Times ). Hypothesis: If you give a mouse a microphone he'll tell you the secret to life. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Apparemment, il est plus facile de faire parler une souris que de lui trouver quelque chose d'intéressant à dire (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times). Hypothèse: Si vous donnez un micro à une souris, elle vous dira le secret de la vie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I don't blame you any for what you've been saying. \nHypothesis: I blame you entirely for how you've spoke recently.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Angikusoli ngalokhu obukade ukusho. \nHypothèse: Ngikubeka icala ngokuphelele ngendlela okhulume ngayo muva nje.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Apparently it's easier to make a mouse talk than to come up with something interesting for him to say (Kenneth Turan, the Los Angeles Times ). \nHypothesis: If you give a mouse a microphone he'll tell you the secret to life.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Apparemment, il est plus facile de faire parler une souris que de lui trouver quelque chose d'intéressant à dire (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times). \nHypothèse: Si vous donnez un micro à une souris, elle vous dira le secret de la vie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Have you had a lot of energy? Hypothesis: Have you been tired and sluggish? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Humna guddaa qabdaa? Hypothèse: Dadhabbiifi dadhabina sitti dhaga'amee turee? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: When Greuze says something like: 'Your head is on the line,' he really means it. Hypothesis: Greuze doesn't mean anything of the things he says. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Quand Greuze dit quelque chose comme: 'Votre tête est en jeu', il le pense vraiment. Hypothèse: Greuze ne pense pas vraiment ce qu'il dit. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Have you had a lot of energy? \nHypothesis: Have you been tired and sluggish?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Humna guddaa qabdaa? \nHypothèse: Dadhabbiifi dadhabina sitti dhaga'amee turee?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: When Greuze says something like: 'Your head is on the line,' he really means it. \nHypothesis: Greuze doesn't mean anything of the things he says.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Quand Greuze dit quelque chose comme: 'Votre tête est en jeu', il le pense vraiment. \nHypothèse: Greuze ne pense pas vraiment ce qu'il dit.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Either way, it's a plan that makes sense. Hypothesis: That plan does not make sense. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Dans tous les cas, c'est un plan qui a du sens. Hypothèse: Ce plan n'a aucun sens. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: He rushed and knelt next to her. Hypothesis: He rushed to stand next to him. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Il se précipita et s'agenouilla à côté d'elle. Hypothèse: Il se précipita à côté de lui. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Either way, it's a plan that makes sense. \nHypothesis: That plan does not make sense.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Dans tous les cas, c'est un plan qui a du sens. \nHypothèse: Ce plan n'a aucun sens.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He rushed and knelt next to her. \nHypothesis: He rushed to stand next to him. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il se précipita et s'agenouilla à côté d'elle. \nHypothèse: Il se précipita à côté de lui.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Excellent food and service. Hypothesis: The food is amazing. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Lijo le tšebeletso e ntle haholo. Hypothèse: Lijo li monate haholo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: or you can get deduct anyway yeah Hypothesis: You can deduct, too. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Ou vous pouvez obtenir déduction de toute façon oui Hypothèse: Tu peux déduire aussi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Excellent food and service. \nHypothesis: The food is amazing.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Lijo le tšebeletso e ntle haholo. \nHypothèse: Lijo li monate haholo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: or you can get deduct anyway yeah \nHypothesis: You can deduct, too. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ou vous pouvez obtenir déduction de toute façon oui \nHypothèse: Tu peux déduire aussi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: There would be no rescue, of course. Hypothesis: There would be no redemption, obviously. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Kya lwatu, tewandisobodde kubawonya. Hypothèse: Kya lwatu, tewaaliwo kununulibwa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: They stretch north south over 3 km (2 miles), allowing you the option of climbing behind some of them as well as approaching from the cave entrance. Hypothesis: It's possible for you to climb behind the stone statues, or approach them through the cave entrance. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Elles s'étendent sur 3 km du nord au sud, ce qui vous permet de grimper derrière certaines d'entre elles et de vous approcher de l'entrée de la grotte. Hypothèse: Il est possible de grimper derrière les statues de pierre, ou de les approcher par l'entrée de la grotte. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: There would be no rescue, of course. \nHypothesis: There would be no redemption, obviously.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Kya lwatu, tewandisobodde kubawonya. \nHypothèse: Kya lwatu, tewaaliwo kununulibwa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: They stretch north south over 3 km (2 miles), allowing you the option of climbing behind some of them as well as approaching from the cave entrance. \nHypothesis: It's possible for you to climb behind the stone statues, or approach them through the cave entrance.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elles s'étendent sur 3 km du nord au sud, ce qui vous permet de grimper derrière certaines d'entre elles et de vous approcher de l'entrée de la grotte. \nHypothèse: Il est possible de grimper derrière les statues de pierre, ou de les approcher par l'entrée de la grotte.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Tommy strolled slowly down to the end of the street, then back again. Hypothesis: Tommy stood very still and did not move. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Tommy alitembea polepole hadi mwisho wa barabara, kisha akarudi tena. Hypothèse: Tommy alisimama kimya sana na hakuwa na hoja. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: yeah sure how's your weather it's pretty good Hypothesis: Yes, whats the atmospheric quality of today on your end? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Oui, bien sûr. Comment est votre temps ? C'est plutôt bon. Hypothèse: Oui, quelle est la qualité de l'atmosphère de votre côté aujourd'hui ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Tommy strolled slowly down to the end of the street, then back again. \nHypothesis: Tommy stood very still and did not move.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Tommy alitembea polepole hadi mwisho wa barabara, kisha akarudi tena. \nHypothèse: Tommy alisimama kimya sana na hakuwa na hoja.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah sure how's your weather it's pretty good \nHypothesis: Yes, whats the atmospheric quality of today on your end?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, bien sûr. Comment est votre temps ? C'est plutôt bon. \nHypothèse: Oui, quelle est la qualité de l'atmosphère de votre côté aujourd'hui ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: By little I do not mean small. Hypothesis: When I say little, I mean small. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Nokuduku handirevi duku. Hypothèse: Apo ndinoti duku, ndinoreva duku. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: In response to the restrictions and funding cuts imposed nationally in 1996, the Maryland State Bar Association created the Maryland Coalition for Civil Justice (MCCJ) to spearhead and oversee state planning. Hypothesis: The Maryland Coalition for Civil Justice was created by the Maryland State Bar Association to oversee state planning. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: En réponse aux restrictions et aux coupes de financement imposées au niveau national en 1996, le Maryland State Bar Association a créé la Maryland Coalition for Civil Justice (MCCJ) pour diriger et superviser la planification de l'État. Hypothèse: La Coalition du Maryland pour la justice civile a été créée par l'Association du Barreau de l'État du Maryland pour superviser la planification de l'État. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: By little I do not mean small. \nHypothesis: When I say little, I mean small. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Nokuduku handirevi duku. \nHypothèse: Apo ndinoti duku, ndinoreva duku.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In response to the restrictions and funding cuts imposed nationally in 1996, the Maryland State Bar Association created the Maryland Coalition for Civil Justice (MCCJ) to spearhead and oversee state planning. \nHypothesis: The Maryland Coalition for Civil Justice was created by the Maryland State Bar Association to oversee state planning.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En réponse aux restrictions et aux coupes de financement imposées au niveau national en 1996, le Maryland State Bar Association a créé la Maryland Coalition for Civil Justice (MCCJ) pour diriger et superviser la planification de l'État. \nHypothèse: La Coalition du Maryland pour la justice civile a été créée par l'Association du Barreau de l'État du Maryland pour superviser la planification de l'État.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: At that moment, I happened to look up. Hypothesis: I looked up at the sky. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ca saa sa, xool naa fi kaw. Hypothèse: Ma xool asamaan. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: But it is not the most vital work. Hypothesis: The most critical work is very difficult. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Mais ce n'est pas l'œuvre la plus importante. Hypothèse: Le travail le plus critique est très difficile. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: At that moment, I happened to look up. \nHypothesis: I looked up at the sky.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ca saa sa, xool naa fi kaw. \nHypothèse: Ma xool asamaan.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: But it is not the most vital work. \nHypothesis: The most critical work is very difficult.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais ce n'est pas l'œuvre la plus importante. \nHypothèse: Le travail le plus critique est très difficile.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Is engraved paper really worth it? Hypothesis: Engraved paper is very expensive. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ðe agbalẽ si dzi woŋlɔ nu ɖo la ɖea vi ŋutɔŋutɔa? Hypothèse: Aɖaka siwo dzi woŋlɔ nu ɖo la xɔ asi ŋutɔ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: An interesting building towards the rear is the Festival Hall of Tutmoses III. Hypothesis: The festival hall of tutmoses III is a very interesting building. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Un bâtiment intéressant à l'arrière est la salle des fêtes de Toutmosis III. Hypothèse: La salle des fêtes de Tutmoses III est un bâtiment très intéressant. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Is engraved paper really worth it? \nHypothesis: Engraved paper is very expensive.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ðe agbalẽ si dzi woŋlɔ nu ɖo la ɖea vi ŋutɔŋutɔa? \nHypothèse: Aɖaka siwo dzi woŋlɔ nu ɖo la xɔ asi ŋutɔ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: An interesting building towards the rear is the Festival Hall of Tutmoses III. \nHypothesis: The festival hall of tutmoses III is a very interesting building. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Un bâtiment intéressant à l'arrière est la salle des fêtes de Toutmosis III. \nHypothèse: La salle des fêtes de Tutmoses III est un bâtiment très intéressant.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and they're and i don't know the welfare system is just so abused Hypothesis: Welfare is never and issue. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: futhi ziyibo futhi angazi ukuthi uhlelo lwezenhlalakahle lusetshenziswa kabi Hypothèse: Inhlalakahle ayiyona neze indaba. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: well not that much though Hypothesis: Not that many Jewish people though. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Pas vraiment . Hypothèse: Mais pas beaucoup de Juifs. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and they're and i don't know the welfare system is just so abused \nHypothesis: Welfare is never and issue.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: futhi ziyibo futhi angazi ukuthi uhlelo lwezenhlalakahle lusetshenziswa kabi \nHypothèse: Inhlalakahle ayiyona neze indaba.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: well not that much though \nHypothesis: Not that many Jewish people though.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Pas vraiment . \nHypothèse: Mais pas beaucoup de Juifs.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: They are panicked. Hypothesis: They are frantic. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ẹ̀rù ń bà wọ́n. Hypothèse: Ọkàn wọn ti wà lọ́nà. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: yeah a good old time Hypothesis: Good old times The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Oui, les bons vieux jours Hypothèse: Les bons vieux jours La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: They are panicked. \nHypothesis: They are frantic.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ẹ̀rù ń bà wọ́n. \nHypothèse: Ọkàn wọn ti wà lọ́nà.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah a good old time \nHypothesis: Good old times\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, les bons vieux jours \nHypothèse: Les bons vieux jours\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I meant Lawrence. Hypothesis: I don't know who I meant. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Nnayogera ku Lawrence. Hypothèse: Simanyi gwe nnategeeza. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: yeah that would be really nice Hypothesis: Yes, dancing with you would be lovely. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Oui , ce serait vraiment sympa . Hypothèse: Oui, danser avec vous serait merveilleux. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I meant Lawrence. \nHypothesis: I don't know who I meant. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Nnayogera ku Lawrence. \nHypothèse: Simanyi gwe nnategeeza.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah that would be really nice \nHypothesis: Yes, dancing with you would be lovely.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui , ce serait vraiment sympa . \nHypothèse: Oui, danser avec vous serait merveilleux.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: To hell with his work and blast his uncle! Hypothesis: He was completely content with his uncle and his work. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ka ọrụ ya na-aga n'ọkụ ala mmụọ, ka nwanne ya nwoke na-agbakwa! Hypothèse: Obi dị ya ụtọ na nwanne nna ya na ọrụ ya. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: huh um-hum um-hum yeah i wouldn't i i would think they'd spend at least that as the at the cost of clothes Hypothesis: They get all their clothes for free. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je ne pense pas. Je pense qu'ils dépenseraient au moins ça pour des vêtements. Hypothèse: Ils ont tous leurs vêtements gratuitement. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: To hell with his work and blast his uncle! \nHypothesis: He was completely content with his uncle and his work. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ka ọrụ ya na-aga n'ọkụ ala mmụọ, ka nwanne ya nwoke na-agbakwa! \nHypothèse: Obi dị ya ụtọ na nwanne nna ya na ọrụ ya. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: huh um-hum um-hum yeah i wouldn't i i would think they'd spend at least that as the at the cost of clothes \nHypothesis: They get all their clothes for free.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne pense pas. Je pense qu'ils dépenseraient au moins ça pour des vêtements. \nHypothèse: Ils ont tous leurs vêtements gratuitement.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Certainly celebrating it isn't. Hypothesis: It is worth celebrating it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: O doro anya na ime ememe abụghị. Hypothèse: Ọ bara uru ime ememe ya. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Depending on your point of view, the ad is either edgy or diabolical. Hypothesis: The ad is either diabolical or edgy depending on your point of view. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Selon votre point de vue, la publicité est soit excentrique, soit diabolique. Hypothèse: La publicité est diabolique ou énervante selon votre point de vue. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Certainly celebrating it isn't. \nHypothesis: It is worth celebrating it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: O doro anya na ime ememe abụghị. \nHypothèse: Ọ bara uru ime ememe ya.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Depending on your point of view, the ad is either edgy or diabolical. \nHypothesis: The ad is either diabolical or edgy depending on your point of view.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Selon votre point de vue, la publicité est soit excentrique, soit diabolique. \nHypothèse: La publicité est diabolique ou énervante selon votre point de vue.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: we'll go ahead and call you another day maybe Hypothesis: We might contact you some time in the future. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: tugenda mu maaso ne tukukubira essimu olunaku olulala oboolyawo Hypothèse: Tuyinza okukukwatagana mu biseera eby'omu maaso. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: so we have to contend with doors that sometimes sometimes the during the year don't uh just close just right and uh things of that nature Hypothesis: The doors do not always close properly. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Alors on doit faire face à des portes qui parfois parfois pendant l'année ne ferment pas juste juste et euh des choses de cette nature Hypothèse: Les portes ne se ferment pas toujours correctement. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: we'll go ahead and call you another day maybe \nHypothesis: We might contact you some time in the future.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: tugenda mu maaso ne tukukubira essimu olunaku olulala oboolyawo \nHypothèse: Tuyinza okukukwatagana mu biseera eby'omu maaso.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: so we have to contend with doors that sometimes sometimes the during the year don't uh just close just right and uh things of that nature \nHypothesis: The doors do not always close properly. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Alors on doit faire face à des portes qui parfois parfois pendant l'année ne ferment pas juste juste et euh des choses de cette nature \nHypothèse: Les portes ne se ferment pas toujours correctement.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: so and i think she was in some of the shows for a while as extra and stuff so Hypothesis: She's never been in a show. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: don haka kuma ina ganin ta kasance a wasu daga cikin nuna ga wani lokaci kamar yadda karin da kuma kaya don haka Hypothèse: Ba ta taɓa yin wasan kwaikwayo ba. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: that's good especially since you call that one eight hundred number so so probably knock TI's profits margin way down Hypothesis: TI profit margins are unshakable. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: C'est bien, surtout depuis que vous appelez ce nombre 800, donc, probablement, frapper la marge bénéficiaire de TI vers le bas Hypothèse: Les marges bénéficiaires de TI sont inébranlables. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: so and i think she was in some of the shows for a while as extra and stuff so \nHypothesis: She's never been in a show.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: don haka kuma ina ganin ta kasance a wasu daga cikin nuna ga wani lokaci kamar yadda karin da kuma kaya don haka \nHypothèse: Ba ta taɓa yin wasan kwaikwayo ba.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: that's good especially since you call that one eight hundred number so so probably knock TI's profits margin way down \nHypothesis: TI profit margins are unshakable. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est bien, surtout depuis que vous appelez ce nombre 800, donc, probablement, frapper la marge bénéficiaire de TI vers le bas \nHypothèse: Les marges bénéficiaires de TI sont inébranlables.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Paula Jones makes Newsweek 's cover. Hypothesis: Newsweek will never put Paula Jones on their cover. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Paula Jones na ɔbɛda Newsweek kratafa so. Hypothèse: Newsweek remfa Paula Jones nhyɛ wɔn anim da. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: On the corner of Liffey Street is the sculpture locally known as the hags with the bags. Hypothesis: The sculpture often termed "the hags with the bags" is on the corner of Liffey Street. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Au coin de la rue Liffey, il y a la sculpture connue localement sous le nom de "les sorcières aux sacs". Hypothèse: La sculpture souvent appelée "les sorcières avec les sacs" est au coin de la rue Liffey. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Paula Jones makes Newsweek 's cover. \nHypothesis: Newsweek will never put Paula Jones on their cover.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Paula Jones na ɔbɛda Newsweek kratafa so. \nHypothèse: Newsweek remfa Paula Jones nhyɛ wɔn anim da.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: On the corner of Liffey Street is the sculpture locally known as the hags with the bags. \nHypothesis: The sculpture often termed \"the hags with the bags\" is on the corner of Liffey Street.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Au coin de la rue Liffey, il y a la sculpture connue localement sous le nom de \"les sorcières aux sacs\". \nHypothèse: La sculpture souvent appelée \"les sorcières avec les sacs\" est au coin de la rue Liffey.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The Fat Man sat behind his desk. Hypothesis: The Fat Man was at the desk. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Le Gros s'est assis derrière son bureau. Hypothèse: Le Gros était à la réception. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Now, to commemorate our first anniversary, in an act of incredible corporate generosity that is every bit as good as providing health insurance (I'm sure that Mr. Gates will make this sort of thing more available should Microsoft prove profitable), Slate Hypothesis: In an act of incredible corporate generosity, that is every bit as good as providing health insurance, to commemorate our first anniversary... The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Pour commémorer notre premier anniversaire, dans un acte de générosité incroyable qui est aussi bon que de fournir une assurance maladie (je suis sûr que M. Gates rendra ce genre de chose plus disponible si Microsoft se révèle rentable), Slate Hypothèse: Dans un acte de générosité incroyable, c'est aussi bien que de fournir une assurance maladie, pour commémorer notre premier anniversaire... La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The Fat Man sat behind his desk. \nHypothesis: The Fat Man was at the desk.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Le Gros s'est assis derrière son bureau. \nHypothèse: Le Gros était à la réception.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Now, to commemorate our first anniversary, in an act of incredible corporate generosity that is every bit as good as providing health insurance (I'm sure that Mr. Gates will make this sort of thing more available should Microsoft prove profitable), Slate \nHypothesis: In an act of incredible corporate generosity, that is every bit as good as providing health insurance, to commemorate our first anniversary...\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Pour commémorer notre premier anniversaire, dans un acte de générosité incroyable qui est aussi bon que de fournir une assurance maladie (je suis sûr que M. Gates rendra ce genre de chose plus disponible si Microsoft se révèle rentable), Slate \nHypothèse: Dans un acte de générosité incroyable, c'est aussi bien que de fournir une assurance maladie, pour commémorer notre premier anniversaire...\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Kuttner plainly sees himself as a heretic. Hypothesis: Kuttner plainly sees himself as a savior. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Kuttner o ipona e le mokhelohi. Hypothèse: Kuttner o ipona e le mopholosi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Severn paled and didn't speak for a moment. Hypothesis: Severn screamed the entire time. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Severn pâlit et ne parle pas pendant un moment. Hypothèse: Severn a crié tout le temps. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Kuttner plainly sees himself as a heretic. \nHypothesis: Kuttner plainly sees himself as a savior.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Kuttner o ipona e le mokhelohi. \nHypothèse: Kuttner o ipona e le mopholosi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Severn paled and didn't speak for a moment. \nHypothesis: Severn screamed the entire time.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Severn pâlit et ne parle pas pendant un moment. \nHypothèse: Severn a crié tout le temps.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and it's a twenty four hour station Hypothesis: They are open 24 hours but closed on major holidays. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: ' me ke seteishene sa lihora tse mashome a mabeli a metso e mene Hypothèse: Li bulehile lihora tse 24 empa lia koaloa matsatsing a phomolo a maholo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The main tourist office is located here at Palacio Foz, on the west side of the square. Hypothesis: The main tourist office is to the west. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Le bureau principal du tourisme est situé ici, au Palacio Foz, sur le côté ouest de la place. Hypothèse: Le bureau de tourisme principal est à l'ouest. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and it's a twenty four hour station \nHypothesis: They are open 24 hours but closed on major holidays.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: ' me ke seteishene sa lihora tse mashome a mabeli a metso e mene \nHypothèse: Li bulehile lihora tse 24 empa lia koaloa matsatsing a phomolo a maholo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The main tourist office is located here at Palacio Foz, on the west side of the square. \nHypothesis: The main tourist office is to the west.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le bureau principal du tourisme est situé ici, au Palacio Foz, sur le côté ouest de la place. \nHypothèse: Le bureau de tourisme principal est à l'ouest.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Why was Shannon leaning on him this way? Hypothesis: He knew exactly what Shannon is up to. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Kwakutheni ukuze uShannon amxine ngale ndlela? Hypothèse: Wayekwazi kakuhle oko uShannon wayeza kukwenza. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Congress did not view the present in the United States language in the appropriations bill as limiting the representation of H-2A workers to the time period during which they remained in the United States. Hypothesis: Congress was incorrect about the representation of H-2A workers. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le Congrès n'a pas considéré le présent texte dans le projet de loi sur les crédits comme limitant la représentation des travailleurs H-2A à la période pendant laquelle ils sont restés aux États-Unis. Hypothèse: Le Congrès a eu tort sur la représentation des travailleurs H-2A. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Why was Shannon leaning on him this way? \nHypothesis: He knew exactly what Shannon is up to.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Kwakutheni ukuze uShannon amxine ngale ndlela? \nHypothèse: Wayekwazi kakuhle oko uShannon wayeza kukwenza.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Congress did not view the present in the United States language in the appropriations bill as limiting the representation of H-2A workers to the time period during which they remained in the United States. \nHypothesis: Congress was incorrect about the representation of H-2A workers.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le Congrès n'a pas considéré le présent texte dans le projet de loi sur les crédits comme limitant la représentation des travailleurs H-2A à la période pendant laquelle ils sont restés aux États-Unis. \nHypothèse: Le Congrès a eu tort sur la représentation des travailleurs H-2A.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Comments were considered and discussed in the preamble. Hypothesis: Comments were ignored and brushed aside. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Mashoko acho akatorwa ndokuongororwa muhurukuro. Hypothèse: Mashoko acho haana kufungwa nezvawo uye akasiyiwa parutivi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: By the time he was too tired to go on again, he had come to the beginnings of fertile land. Hypothesis: He kept on going, never tiring from the labor. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Quand il fut trop fatigué pour continuer, il était arrivé au début de la terre fertile. Hypothèse: Il continuait à marcher, sans jamais se lasser de son travail. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Comments were considered and discussed in the preamble. \nHypothesis: Comments were ignored and brushed aside. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Mashoko acho akatorwa ndokuongororwa muhurukuro. \nHypothèse: Mashoko acho haana kufungwa nezvawo uye akasiyiwa parutivi. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: By the time he was too tired to go on again, he had come to the beginnings of fertile land. \nHypothesis: He kept on going, never tiring from the labor.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Quand il fut trop fatigué pour continuer, il était arrivé au début de la terre fertile. \nHypothèse: Il continuait à marcher, sans jamais se lasser de son travail.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: probably so probably so um-hum Hypothesis: probably yes so uh-huh The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: pengine hivyo pengine hivyo um-hum Hypothèse: pengine ndiyo hivyo uh-huh La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: From Beforethewars." Hypothesis: From before the Americas The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: "Depuis les temps anciens". Hypothèse: Avant les Amériques La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: probably so probably so um-hum \nHypothesis: probably yes so uh-huh\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: pengine hivyo pengine hivyo um-hum \nHypothèse: pengine ndiyo hivyo uh-huh\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: From Beforethewars.\" \nHypothesis: From before the Americas\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: \"Depuis les temps anciens\". \nHypothèse: Avant les Amériques\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: How did he get ahead of us? Hypothesis: He is behind us. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Naka la ko jëkka jël? Hypothèse: Mu ngi ci sunu gannaaw. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Have inconsistencies been sensibly resolved? Hypothesis: Has the information always been in a consistent format? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les incohérences ont-elles été résolues de manière raisonnable? Hypothèse: Les informations ont-elles toujours été présentées sous une forme uniforme? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: How did he get ahead of us? \nHypothesis: He is behind us.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Naka la ko jëkka jël? \nHypothèse: Mu ngi ci sunu gannaaw.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Have inconsistencies been sensibly resolved? \nHypothesis: Has the information always been in a consistent format? \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les incohérences ont-elles été résolues de manière raisonnable? \nHypothèse: Les informations ont-elles toujours été présentées sous une forme uniforme? \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: exactly sure Hypothesis: exactly that. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: በትክክል እርግጠኛ Hypothèse: በትክክልም ነው። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: He knew the name of the town, thought Jon. Hypothesis: Jon thought he had no idea what the name of the town was. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Il connaissait le nom de la ville, pensa Jon. Hypothèse: Jon pensait qu'il ne savait pas le nom de la ville. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: exactly sure \nHypothesis: exactly that.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: በትክክል እርግጠኛ \nHypothèse: በትክክልም ነው።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He knew the name of the town, thought Jon. \nHypothesis: Jon thought he had no idea what the name of the town was.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il connaissait le nom de la ville, pensa Jon. \nHypothèse: Jon pensait qu'il ne savait pas le nom de la ville.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: At least not to gay Nothing judgmental, it's a cost-cutting thing.) Hypothesis: At least something gay. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Yoo xiqqaate nama saala wal fakkaatu qabuuf miti. Waan nama ceepha'u miti, waan gatii hir'isuudha.) Hypothèse: Yoo xinnaate wanta saalqunnamtii saala faallaa wajjin wal qabate. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: nobody else get's out so it's hard to imagine a you know i mean i i i can't imagine teaching in a situation like that and actually trying to get anything across to a student Hypothesis: The environment makes teachers want to stop trying and just quit since the children have no desire to learn. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Personne d'autre ne sort donc c'est difficile à imaginer un tu sais je veux dire je je ne peux pas imaginer enseigner dans une situation comme ça et en fait essayer de faire passer quelque chose à un étudiant Hypothèse: L'environnement pousse les enseignants à cesser d'essayer et à abandonner, puisque les enfants n'ont aucun désir d'apprendre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: At least not to gay Nothing judgmental, it's a cost-cutting thing.) \nHypothesis: At least something gay.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Yoo xiqqaate nama saala wal fakkaatu qabuuf miti. Waan nama ceepha'u miti, waan gatii hir'isuudha.) \nHypothèse: Yoo xinnaate wanta saalqunnamtii saala faallaa wajjin wal qabate.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: nobody else get's out so it's hard to imagine a you know i mean i i i can't imagine teaching in a situation like that and actually trying to get anything across to a student \nHypothesis: The environment makes teachers want to stop trying and just quit since the children have no desire to learn.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Personne d'autre ne sort donc c'est difficile à imaginer un tu sais je veux dire je je ne peux pas imaginer enseigner dans une situation comme ça et en fait essayer de faire passer quelque chose à un étudiant \nHypothèse: L'environnement pousse les enseignants à cesser d'essayer et à abandonner, puisque les enfants n'ont aucun désir d'apprendre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It could easily lose business, even if it is the low-cost carrier. Hypothesis: The low-cost carrier is best for business. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Tajaajila xiyyaaraa gatii xiqqaa ta'ullee salphaatti daldala dhabuu danda'a. Hypothèse: Daandiin xiyyaaraa gatii xiqqaa qabu daldalaaf gaarii dha. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: His girlfriend had dumped him, he got fired, his bank card was cancelled and he was evicted. Hypothesis: He broke up with his girlfriend, started a new job, cut up his credit cards, and moved out of his mom's basement. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Sa petite amie l'avait largué, il a été viré, sa carte bancaire a été annulée et il a été expulsé. Hypothèse: Il a rompu avec sa petite amie, a commencé un nouveau travail, a coupé ses cartes de crédit, et a quitté le sous-sol de sa mère. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It could easily lose business, even if it is the low-cost carrier. \nHypothesis: The low-cost carrier is best for business.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Tajaajila xiyyaaraa gatii xiqqaa ta'ullee salphaatti daldala dhabuu danda'a. \nHypothèse: Daandiin xiyyaaraa gatii xiqqaa qabu daldalaaf gaarii dha.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: His girlfriend had dumped him, he got fired, his bank card was cancelled and he was evicted. \nHypothesis: He broke up with his girlfriend, started a new job, cut up his credit cards, and moved out of his mom's basement.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Sa petite amie l'avait largué, il a été viré, sa carte bancaire a été annulée et il a été expulsé. \nHypothèse: Il a rompu avec sa petite amie, a commencé un nouveau travail, a coupé ses cartes de crédit, et a quitté le sous-sol de sa mère.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yeah we're we're going to go see that probably tonight Hypothesis: We're not gonna go see that movie. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: hongu tiri tiri kuenda kuenda kuona kuti zvichida manheru Hypothèse: Hatisi kuzoenda kunoona firimu iroro. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: uh-huh uh-huh really oh i'm glad my husband's not like that Hypothesis: My husband really understands me. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Je suis contente que mon mari ne soit pas comme ça. Hypothèse: Mon mari me comprend vraiment. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yeah we're we're going to go see that probably tonight \nHypothesis: We're not gonna go see that movie.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: hongu tiri tiri kuenda kuenda kuona kuti zvichida manheru \nHypothèse: Hatisi kuzoenda kunoona firimu iroro.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: uh-huh uh-huh really oh i'm glad my husband's not like that \nHypothesis: My husband really understands me.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je suis contente que mon mari ne soit pas comme ça. \nHypothèse: Mon mari me comprend vraiment.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and it's the solid rocket propellants Hypothesis: And it's the non-liquid rocket fuel. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: era bye byuma ebivuga eby'amaanyi eby'okusuula Hypothèse: Era ye mafuta agatali mafuta aga bbomu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Another channel devoted to such talk could well interest as many people as want to see a 1928 movie starring Conrad Nagel, and would not hurt them. Hypothesis: Nobody has ever watched a Conrad Nagel movie. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Une autre chaîne consacrée à ce genre de discours pourrait intéresser autant de gens que le film de 1928 avec Conrad Nagel, et ne leur ferait pas de mal. Hypothèse: Personne n'a jamais vu un film de Conrad Nagel. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and it's the solid rocket propellants \nHypothesis: And it's the non-liquid rocket fuel.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: era bye byuma ebivuga eby'amaanyi eby'okusuula \nHypothèse: Era ye mafuta agatali mafuta aga bbomu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Another channel devoted to such talk could well interest as many people as want to see a 1928 movie starring Conrad Nagel, and would not hurt them. \nHypothesis: Nobody has ever watched a Conrad Nagel movie.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Une autre chaîne consacrée à ce genre de discours pourrait intéresser autant de gens que le film de 1928 avec Conrad Nagel, et ne leur ferait pas de mal. \nHypothèse: Personne n'a jamais vu un film de Conrad Nagel.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Indeed, said the doctor, starting. Hypothesis: Not at all, declared the doctor, stopping. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ngempela, kusho udokotela, eqala. Hypothèse: Akwenzeki neze, kusho udokotela, eyeka. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Of particular interest on the first floor of the Francois I wing is the wood-paneled cabinet (study) of Catherine de M??dicis, conniving queen mother and regent to three kings of France. Hypothesis: Catherine de Medicis had a wood-paneled cabinet in the Francois I wing. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Au premier étage de l'aile François I, on trouve le cabinet (étude) à panneaux de bois de Catherine de Médicis, reine mère et régente de trois rois de France. Hypothèse: Catherine de Médicis avait un armoire à panneaux de bois dans l'aile François Ier. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Indeed, said the doctor, starting. \nHypothesis: Not at all, declared the doctor, stopping.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ngempela, kusho udokotela, eqala. \nHypothèse: Akwenzeki neze, kusho udokotela, eyeka.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Of particular interest on the first floor of the Francois I wing is the wood-paneled cabinet (study) of Catherine de M??dicis, conniving queen mother and regent to three kings of France. \nHypothesis: Catherine de Medicis had a wood-paneled cabinet in the Francois I wing.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Au premier étage de l'aile François I, on trouve le cabinet (étude) à panneaux de bois de Catherine de Médicis, reine mère et régente de trois rois de France. \nHypothèse: Catherine de Médicis avait un armoire à panneaux de bois dans l'aile François Ier.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: White considered. Hypothesis: White neglected. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Na kotalela mposo ya mpɛmbɛ. Hypothèse: Mindele babosanaki. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: The best time to see the square as a whole is in winter, when the lovely chestnut trees are bare. Hypothesis: The chestnut trees start to go bare in October. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le meilleur moment pour voir la place dans son ensemble est l'hiver, quand les beaux châtaigniers sont nus. Hypothèse: Les châtaigniers commencent à se dénuder en octobre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: White considered. \nHypothesis: White neglected.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Na kotalela mposo ya mpɛmbɛ. \nHypothèse: Mindele babosanaki.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The best time to see the square as a whole is in winter, when the lovely chestnut trees are bare. \nHypothesis: The chestnut trees start to go bare in October.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le meilleur moment pour voir la place dans son ensemble est l'hiver, quand les beaux châtaigniers sont nus. \nHypothèse: Les châtaigniers commencent à se dénuder en octobre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: HE KNOWS. Hypothesis: He is aware. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: EKPƆE. Hypothèse: Enya nu tso eŋu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: yeah whatever i mean it's uh you know across the board Hypothesis: No, I can't do that because it's not allowed. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je sais pas ce que je veux dire. Hypothèse: Non, je ne peux pas faire ça parce que c'est interdit. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: HE KNOWS. \nHypothesis: He is aware.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: EKPƆE. \nHypothèse: Enya nu tso eŋu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah whatever i mean it's uh you know across the board \nHypothesis: No, I can't do that because it's not allowed.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je sais pas ce que je veux dire. \nHypothèse: Non, je ne peux pas faire ça parce que c'est interdit.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: They've only agreed to keep talking. Hypothesis: The agreed to a full peace treaty. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: መነጋገራቸውን ለመቀጠል ተስማምተዋል። Hypothèse: ሙሉ የሰላም ስምምነት ላይ ተስማሙ። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: yeah that's interesting i don't i i suspect they're not our biggest threat anymore Hypothesis: We have other threats that are bigger than them. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: C'est intéressant. Je ne pense pas. Je pense qu'ils ne sont plus notre plus grande menace. Hypothèse: Nous avons d'autres menaces qui sont plus grandes qu'eux. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: They've only agreed to keep talking. \nHypothesis: The agreed to a full peace treaty.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: መነጋገራቸውን ለመቀጠል ተስማምተዋል። \nHypothèse: ሙሉ የሰላም ስምምነት ላይ ተስማሙ።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah that's interesting i don't i i suspect they're not our biggest threat anymore \nHypothesis: We have other threats that are bigger than them.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est intéressant. Je ne pense pas. Je pense qu'ils ne sont plus notre plus grande menace. \nHypothèse: Nous avons d'autres menaces qui sont plus grandes qu'eux.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Who knows? Hypothesis: I know. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ngubani owaziyo? Hypothèse: Ndiyazi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: You don't talk the same language! Hypothesis: The person is trying to speak Spanish. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Vous ne parlez pas la même langue ! Hypothèse: La personne essaie de parler espagnol. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Who knows? \nHypothesis: I know.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ngubani owaziyo? \nHypothèse: Ndiyazi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: You don't talk the same language! \nHypothesis: The person is trying to speak Spanish.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Vous ne parlez pas la même langue ! \nHypothèse: La personne essaie de parler espagnol.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Pollard does not, in fact, seem to be terribly remorseful. Hypothesis: The person does not exhibit any regret. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Enyanisweni, uPollard akabonakali enesono. Hypothèse: Lo mntu akabonakalisi kuzisola. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: These intellectuals form?Υd an underground group known as the Young Turks, centred on Salonica, where revolt broke out. Hypothesis: These intellectuals formed an underground group known as the Old Englanders. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Ces intellectuels forment un groupe clandestin connu sous le nom de Jeunes Turcs, centré sur Salonique, où la révolte a éclaté. Hypothèse: Ces intellectuels ont formé un groupe clandestin connu sous le nom de "Old Englanders". La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Pollard does not, in fact, seem to be terribly remorseful. \nHypothesis: The person does not exhibit any regret.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Enyanisweni, uPollard akabonakali enesono. \nHypothèse: Lo mntu akabonakalisi kuzisola.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: These intellectuals form?Υd an underground group known as the Young Turks, centred on Salonica, where revolt broke out. \nHypothesis: These intellectuals formed an underground group known as the Old Englanders.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ces intellectuels forment un groupe clandestin connu sous le nom de Jeunes Turcs, centré sur Salonique, où la révolte a éclaté. \nHypothèse: Ces intellectuels ont formé un groupe clandestin connu sous le nom de \"Old Englanders\".\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: But what does it mean to save the surplus? Hypothesis: What does it mean to not save the surplus. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Naye kitegeeza ki okutaasa ebisigalira? Hypothèse: Kitegeeza ki obutakuuma bintu ebisigalirawo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Port Antonio Yacht Club can also be found in the harbor. Hypothesis: The Port Antonio Yacht Club's members include mostly millionaires and billionaires. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le Port Antonio Yacht Club se trouve également dans le port. Hypothèse: Les membres du Port Antonio Yacht Club sont principalement des millionnaires et des milliardaires. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: But what does it mean to save the surplus? \nHypothesis: What does it mean to not save the surplus.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Naye kitegeeza ki okutaasa ebisigalira? \nHypothèse: Kitegeeza ki obutakuuma bintu ebisigalirawo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Port Antonio Yacht Club can also be found in the harbor. \nHypothesis: The Port Antonio Yacht Club's members include mostly millionaires and billionaires.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le Port Antonio Yacht Club se trouve également dans le port. \nHypothèse: Les membres du Port Antonio Yacht Club sont principalement des millionnaires et des milliardaires.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: A will or clause of a will disposing of property. Hypothesis: A will cannot dispose of property. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Chido kana kuti chikamu chomuchato chinobvisa pfuma. Hypothèse: Chido hachigoni kuparadza pfuma. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Of course.' Daniel looked around. Hypothesis: Daniel didn't look around at anything. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Bien sûr. " Daniel regarda autour de lui. Hypothèse: Daniel n'a regardé autour de lui. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: A will or clause of a will disposing of property. \nHypothesis: A will cannot dispose of property.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Chido kana kuti chikamu chomuchato chinobvisa pfuma. \nHypothèse: Chido hachigoni kuparadza pfuma.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Of course.' Daniel looked around. \nHypothesis: Daniel didn't look around at anything.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Bien sûr. \" Daniel regarda autour de lui. \nHypothèse: Daniel n'a regardé autour de lui.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Cumulative Percent of Total Revenue Hypothesis: It is not a percentage of total revenue. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ipesenti eqokelelweyo yeNgeniso epheleleyo Hypothèse: Ayilopesenti yengeniso iyonke. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: OK, so it did mess up the Northeast after all. Hypothesis: Even though the Northeast was well provisioned, it was still messed up. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: OK, donc il a foutu le Nord-Est après tout. Hypothèse: Même si le Nord-Est était bien approvisionné, il était toujours en désordre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Cumulative Percent of Total Revenue \nHypothesis: It is not a percentage of total revenue.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ipesenti eqokelelweyo yeNgeniso epheleleyo \nHypothèse: Ayilopesenti yengeniso iyonke.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: OK, so it did mess up the Northeast after all. \nHypothesis: Even though the Northeast was well provisioned, it was still messed up.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: OK, donc il a foutu le Nord-Est après tout. \nHypothèse: Même si le Nord-Est était bien approvisionné, il était toujours en désordre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: on national TV Hypothesis: on national television mostly. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: lórí tẹlifíṣọ̀n gbogbo orílẹ̀-èdè Hypothèse: lórí tẹlifíṣọ̀n gbogbo orílẹ̀-èdè ló pọ̀ jù. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: There must be an easier way. Hypothesis: It's impossible that the old way is the easiest one. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il doit y avoir un moyen plus facile. Hypothèse: Il est impossible que la vieille façon soit la plus facile. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: on national TV \nHypothesis: on national television mostly.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: lórí tẹlifíṣọ̀n gbogbo orílẹ̀-èdè \nHypothèse: lórí tẹlifíṣọ̀n gbogbo orílẹ̀-èdè ló pọ̀ jù.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: There must be an easier way. \nHypothesis: It's impossible that the old way is the easiest one.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il doit y avoir un moyen plus facile. \nHypothèse: Il est impossible que la vieille façon soit la plus facile.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and that's all a president is anyway just a manager Hypothesis: The best way to think of a president is as a manager. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: kwaye yiloo nto kuphela umongameli kunjalo nje umphathi Hypothèse: Eyona ndlela ilungileyo yokucinga ngomongameli kukuba ngumphathi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Savings would be achieved if the combined costs of (1) examining the sample and (2) projected losses due to undetected errors on invoices not examined are less than the administrative cost of examining all invoices. Hypothesis: Savings would be achieved if the sample is an accurate representation. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Des économies seraient réalisées si les coûts combinés de 1) l'examen de l'échantillon et 2) les pertes prévues dues à des erreurs non détectées sur les factures non examinées étaient inférieurs au coût administratif de l'examen de toutes les factures. Hypothèse: Des économies seraient réalisées si l'échantillon était une représentation exacte. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and that's all a president is anyway just a manager \nHypothesis: The best way to think of a president is as a manager.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: kwaye yiloo nto kuphela umongameli kunjalo nje umphathi \nHypothèse: Eyona ndlela ilungileyo yokucinga ngomongameli kukuba ngumphathi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Savings would be achieved if the combined costs of (1) examining the sample and (2) projected losses due to undetected errors on invoices not examined are less than the administrative cost of examining all invoices. \nHypothesis: Savings would be achieved if the sample is an accurate representation.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Des économies seraient réalisées si les coûts combinés de 1) l'examen de l'échantillon et 2) les pertes prévues dues à des erreurs non détectées sur les factures non examinées étaient inférieurs au coût administratif de l'examen de toutes les factures. \nHypothèse: Des économies seraient réalisées si l'échantillon était une représentation exacte.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It is also a great way to get free haircuts. Hypothesis: You get free haircuts at the new salon. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ó tún jẹ́ ọ̀nà tó dára láti rí irun tí wọ́n ń gé lọ́fẹ̀ẹ́. Hypothèse: O lè lọ fá irun rẹ lọ́fẹ̀ẹ́ ní ilé ìmúra tuntun. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: He was building card houses, when suddenly he said he had an idea, and rushed off as you saw." Hypothesis: He said he had a brilliant idea and ran upstairs. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il construisait des maisons de cartes, quand tout à coup il a dit qu'il avait une idée, et s'est précipité comme vous l'avez vu. " Hypothèse: Il a dit qu'il avait une idée brillante et il est monté en courant. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It is also a great way to get free haircuts. \nHypothesis: You get free haircuts at the new salon.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ó tún jẹ́ ọ̀nà tó dára láti rí irun tí wọ́n ń gé lọ́fẹ̀ẹ́. \nHypothèse: O lè lọ fá irun rẹ lọ́fẹ̀ẹ́ ní ilé ìmúra tuntun.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He was building card houses, when suddenly he said he had an idea, and rushed off as you saw.\" \nHypothesis: He said he had a brilliant idea and ran upstairs.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il construisait des maisons de cartes, quand tout à coup il a dit qu'il avait une idée, et s'est précipité comme vous l'avez vu. \" \nHypothèse: Il a dit qu'il avait une idée brillante et il est monté en courant.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: eradicated in Lancaster County. Hypothesis: Racism was erased in Lancaster County. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: woɖe ɖa le Lancaster Nutome. Hypothèse: Wotsrɔ̃ ameƒomevihehe ɖa le Lancaster Nutome. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The selection here is not usually as wide as you'll find in the privately run shops and you can't haggle, but it'll give you an idea of the range of goods, the quality, and, above all, the correct price. Hypothesis: Haggling here is mandatory for all visitors. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Le choix ici n'est généralement pas aussi large que dans les magasins privés et vous ne pouvez pas marchander, mais cela vous donnera une idée de la gamme de produits, de la qualité et, surtout, du prix correct. Hypothèse: Le marchandage est obligatoire pour tous les visiteurs. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: eradicated in Lancaster County. \nHypothesis: Racism was erased in Lancaster County.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: woɖe ɖa le Lancaster Nutome. \nHypothèse: Wotsrɔ̃ ameƒomevihehe ɖa le Lancaster Nutome.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The selection here is not usually as wide as you'll find in the privately run shops and you can't haggle, but it'll give you an idea of the range of goods, the quality, and, above all, the correct price. \nHypothesis: Haggling here is mandatory for all visitors.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le choix ici n'est généralement pas aussi large que dans les magasins privés et vous ne pouvez pas marchander, mais cela vous donnera une idée de la gamme de produits, de la qualité et, surtout, du prix correct. \nHypothèse: Le marchandage est obligatoire pour tous les visiteurs.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Christian name? Hypothesis: Christian is your name? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ingabe igama lobuKristu? Hypothèse: Ingabe igama lakho nguChristian? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: An initial analysis, to be prepared for a proposed rule, is to describe the impact of the proposed rule on such hospitals and include the matters required under 5 U.S.C. Hypothesis: An initial analysis is supposed to describe the impact of the proposed rule on the hospitals in terms of staffing levels. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le droit de la Commission d'examiner les questions de droit public, y compris les questions relatives à la protection des données personnelles, est un droit qui s'applique aux États membres. Hypothèse: Une première analyse est censée décrire l'impact de la règle proposée sur les hôpitaux en termes de niveaux de personnel. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Christian name? \nHypothesis: Christian is your name?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ingabe igama lobuKristu? \nHypothèse: Ingabe igama lakho nguChristian?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: An initial analysis, to be prepared for a proposed rule, is to describe the impact of the proposed rule on such hospitals and include the matters required under 5 U.S.C. \nHypothesis: An initial analysis is supposed to describe the impact of the proposed rule on the hospitals in terms of staffing levels.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le droit de la Commission d'examiner les questions de droit public, y compris les questions relatives à la protection des données personnelles, est un droit qui s'applique aux États membres. \nHypothèse: Une première analyse est censée décrire l'impact de la règle proposée sur les hôpitaux en termes de niveaux de personnel.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It was there that she met Nancy Mintie. Hypothesis: She had no clue who Nancy Mintie was. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Afimae wòdo go Nancy Mintie le. Hypothèse: Menya ame si Nancy Mintie nye o. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: There's more shade, from coconut trees, at the delightful unnamed beach on the little Pain de Sucre peninsula across the island. Hypothesis: On the Pain de Sucre peninsula you will find a unnamed beach with shade and coconut trees. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il y a plus d'ombre, des cocotiers, sur la plage sans nom, sur la petite péninsule de Pain de Sucre, de l'autre côté de l'île. Hypothèse: Sur la péninsule du Pain de Sucre, vous trouverez une plage sans nom, à l'ombre et aux cocotiers. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It was there that she met Nancy Mintie. \nHypothesis: She had no clue who Nancy Mintie was. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Afimae wòdo go Nancy Mintie le. \nHypothèse: Menya ame si Nancy Mintie nye o.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: There's more shade, from coconut trees, at the delightful unnamed beach on the little Pain de Sucre peninsula across the island. \nHypothesis: On the Pain de Sucre peninsula you will find a unnamed beach with shade and coconut trees.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il y a plus d'ombre, des cocotiers, sur la plage sans nom, sur la petite péninsule de Pain de Sucre, de l'autre côté de l'île. \nHypothèse: Sur la péninsule du Pain de Sucre, vous trouverez une plage sans nom, à l'ombre et aux cocotiers.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Perhaps she's trying the same approach. Hypothesis: She is trying the same approach to the situation. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ðewohĩ eya hã le agbagba dzem be yeawɔ nenema ke. Hypothèse: Ewɔ nu nenema ke le nɔnɔmea hã gome. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Families bring their dead for their cremation to the holiest of Varanasi ghats, Manikarnika. Hypothesis: The holiest of Varanasi ghats is the Manikarnika, many families come here. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Les familles amènent leurs morts pour leur crémation au plus saint des ghats de Varanasi, Manikarnika. Hypothèse: Le plus saint des ghats de Varanasi est le Manikarnika, de nombreuses familles viennent ici. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Perhaps she's trying the same approach. \nHypothesis: She is trying the same approach to the situation.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ðewohĩ eya hã le agbagba dzem be yeawɔ nenema ke. \nHypothèse: Ewɔ nu nenema ke le nɔnɔmea hã gome.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Families bring their dead for their cremation to the holiest of Varanasi ghats, Manikarnika. \nHypothesis: The holiest of Varanasi ghats is the Manikarnika, many families come here.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les familles amènent leurs morts pour leur crémation au plus saint des ghats de Varanasi, Manikarnika. \nHypothèse: Le plus saint des ghats de Varanasi est le Manikarnika, de nombreuses familles viennent ici.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: We always keep it in the hall drawer. Hypothesis: It's always kept in the drawer in the hall. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Kamehla re e boloka ka har'a raka ea kamore ea ho kena. Hypothèse: Kamehla e bolokiloe ka har'a raka e ka holong. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: yeah yeah but that's yeah i know that's the way some of them work anyway Hypothesis: They work similarly but still quite different. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Oui, oui, mais c'est ça. Je sais que c'est comme ça que certains d'entre eux fonctionnent de toute façon. Hypothèse: Ils fonctionnent de la même façon mais sont tout à fait différents. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: We always keep it in the hall drawer. \nHypothesis: It's always kept in the drawer in the hall.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Kamehla re e boloka ka har'a raka ea kamore ea ho kena. \nHypothèse: Kamehla e bolokiloe ka har'a raka e ka holong.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah yeah but that's yeah i know that's the way some of them work anyway \nHypothesis: They work similarly but still quite different.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, oui, mais c'est ça. Je sais que c'est comme ça que certains d'entre eux fonctionnent de toute façon. \nHypothèse: Ils fonctionnent de la même façon mais sont tout à fait différents.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Oh, no, sir ”of course not. Hypothesis: Absolutely not, sir. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Oh, hapana, bwana bila shaka si. Hypothèse: Bila shaka la, bwana. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: well the the legal system in this country has gone to such extreme measures they've swung so far away from Hypothesis: Our country's legal system has become extreme. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Le système juridique de ce pays est allé à des mesures extrêmes. Ils ont tellement dévié de la réalité. Hypothèse: Le système juridique de notre pays est devenu extrême. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Oh, no, sir ”of course not. \nHypothesis: Absolutely not, sir. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Oh, hapana, bwana bila shaka si. \nHypothèse: Bila shaka la, bwana.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: well the the legal system in this country has gone to such extreme measures they've swung so far away from \nHypothesis: Our country's legal system has become extreme.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le système juridique de ce pays est allé à des mesures extrêmes. Ils ont tellement dévié de la réalité. \nHypothèse: Le système juridique de notre pays est devenu extrême.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: right do you have children Hypothesis: Are you divorced? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: ɛteɛ wo wɔ mma Hypothèse: Moaware anaa? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: You think so? Hypothesis: You don't buy that? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Tu le crois ? Hypothèse: Tu ne crois pas ça ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: right do you have children \nHypothesis: Are you divorced?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: ɛteɛ wo wɔ mma \nHypothèse: Moaware anaa?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: You think so? \nHypothesis: You don't buy that?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Tu le crois ? \nHypothèse: Tu ne crois pas ça ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: 'Are you threatening me?' Hypothesis: Are you saying you agree with me? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: 'Uri kundityisidzira here?' Hypothèse: Uri kutaura kuti unobvumirana neni here? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: She had come to know Betty Currie very well. Hypothesis: Over time, she began to know Betty Currie well. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Elle avait appris à connaître Betty Currie très bien. Hypothèse: Avec le temps, elle a commencé à bien connaître Betty Currie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: 'Are you threatening me?' \nHypothesis: Are you saying you agree with me?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: 'Uri kundityisidzira here?' \nHypothèse: Uri kutaura kuti unobvumirana neni here?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: She had come to know Betty Currie very well. \nHypothesis: Over time, she began to know Betty Currie well. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elle avait appris à connaître Betty Currie très bien. \nHypothèse: Avec le temps, elle a commencé à bien connaître Betty Currie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: And he glanced at the daylight. Hypothesis: He glanced at daylight. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Mu xool ca leerug bëccëg. Hypothèse: Mu xool ci leerug bëccëg. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Small colorful boats with piles of yellow nets are waiting to set sail for the next day's catch. Hypothesis: There are small boats ready to set sail for tomorrow's catch. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: De petits bateaux colorés, chargés de filets jaunes, attendent de prendre la mer pour la pêche du lendemain. Hypothèse: Il y a des petits bateaux prêts à prendre la mer pour la pêche de demain. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: And he glanced at the daylight. \nHypothesis: He glanced at daylight.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Mu xool ca leerug bëccëg. \nHypothèse: Mu xool ci leerug bëccëg.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Small colorful boats with piles of yellow nets are waiting to set sail for the next day's catch. \nHypothesis: There are small boats ready to set sail for tomorrow's catch.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: De petits bateaux colorés, chargés de filets jaunes, attendent de prendre la mer pour la pêche du lendemain. \nHypothèse: Il y a des petits bateaux prêts à prendre la mer pour la pêche de demain.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: it's all metric all ready Hypothesis: All of that is already metric. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: gbogbo rẹ̀ ló wà ní ìpele, gbogbo rẹ̀ ló wà ní ìpele Hypothèse: Gbogbo èyí ti di ohun tí a mọ̀ sí metric. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: you know it's it's a matter of i i don't think you know i hate to get government involved with anything because it always costs more money but um you know it's a matter of they're going to have to pass stricter laws or start making Hypothesis: Honestly, I think the government should regulate everything and thankfully our laws our strict enough. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je ne pense pas que vous savez que je déteste faire intervenir le gouvernement dans quoi que ce soit parce que cela coûte toujours plus d'argent mais euh vous savez que c'est une question de ils vont devoir adopter des lois plus strictes ou commencer à faire Hypothèse: Honnêtement, je pense que le gouvernement devrait tout réglementer et heureusement nos lois sont assez strictes. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: it's all metric all ready \nHypothesis: All of that is already metric.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: gbogbo rẹ̀ ló wà ní ìpele, gbogbo rẹ̀ ló wà ní ìpele \nHypothèse: Gbogbo èyí ti di ohun tí a mọ̀ sí metric.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: you know it's it's a matter of i i don't think you know i hate to get government involved with anything because it always costs more money but um you know it's a matter of they're going to have to pass stricter laws or start making \nHypothesis: Honestly, I think the government should regulate everything and thankfully our laws our strict enough. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne pense pas que vous savez que je déteste faire intervenir le gouvernement dans quoi que ce soit parce que cela coûte toujours plus d'argent mais euh vous savez que c'est une question de ils vont devoir adopter des lois plus strictes ou commencer à faire \nHypothèse: Honnêtement, je pense que le gouvernement devrait tout réglementer et heureusement nos lois sont assez strictes.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: And I-' Hypothesis: Me also. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Yaye mna- Hypothèse: Nam ndiyakuthanda. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: And sure enough we landed in the scullery and came right along to find you. Hypothesis: The you they found was the scullery maid. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Et bien sûr, nous sommes arrivés dans la cuisine et nous sommes venus vous chercher. Hypothèse: Le "vous" qu'ils ont trouvé était la femme de ménage. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: And I-' \nHypothesis: Me also.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Yaye mna- \nHypothèse: Nam ndiyakuthanda.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: And sure enough we landed in the scullery and came right along to find you. \nHypothesis: The you they found was the scullery maid.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Et bien sûr, nous sommes arrivés dans la cuisine et nous sommes venus vous chercher. \nHypothèse: Le \"vous\" qu'ils ont trouvé était la femme de ménage.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The thorniest question, of course, What kind of service? Hypothesis: The prickly-est question is, What kind of service? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: La question la plus épineuse, bien sûr, est de savoir quel genre de service? Hypothèse: La question la plus épineuse est: Quel genre de service? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Multiple absorber installations will typically add a few months to the implementation schedule, particularly to connect additional absorbers during scheduled outages. Hypothesis: The long-term benefits of absorbers far outweigh their short-term costs. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les installations d'absorbeurs multiples ajouteront généralement quelques mois au calendrier de mise en œuvre, en particulier pour connecter des absorbeurs supplémentaires pendant les pannes prévues. Hypothèse: Les avantages à long terme des absorbeurs l'emportent largement sur leurs coûts à court terme. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The thorniest question, of course, What kind of service? \nHypothesis: The prickly-est question is, What kind of service?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: La question la plus épineuse, bien sûr, est de savoir quel genre de service? \nHypothèse: La question la plus épineuse est: Quel genre de service?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Multiple absorber installations will typically add a few months to the implementation schedule, particularly to connect additional absorbers during scheduled outages. \nHypothesis: The long-term benefits of absorbers far outweigh their short-term costs.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les installations d'absorbeurs multiples ajouteront généralement quelques mois au calendrier de mise en œuvre, en particulier pour connecter des absorbeurs supplémentaires pendant les pannes prévues. \nHypothèse: Les avantages à long terme des absorbeurs l'emportent largement sur leurs coûts à court terme.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Sather Karf looked far less well than when Dave had last seen him. Hypothesis: There is a problem with Sather Karf. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ná Sather Karf nte sɛ bere a Dave huu no no koraa. Hypothèse: Ɔhaw bi wɔ Sather Karf ho. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: In the Africa bombings manhunt, both magazines zero in on Osama Bin Laden, the technosavvy, multimillionaire Saudi exile living in Afghanistan. Hypothesis: In the Africa bombings, Osama Bin Laden is the main focus of the manhunt. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Dans la chasse à l'homme des attentats en Afrique, les deux magazines se concentrent sur Oussama Ben Laden, le technocrat, exilé saoudien multimillionnaire vivant en Afghanistan. Hypothèse: Dans les attentats en Afrique, Oussama Ben Laden est le principal objectif de la chasse à l'homme. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Sather Karf looked far less well than when Dave had last seen him. \nHypothesis: There is a problem with Sather Karf.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ná Sather Karf nte sɛ bere a Dave huu no no koraa. \nHypothèse: Ɔhaw bi wɔ Sather Karf ho.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In the Africa bombings manhunt, both magazines zero in on Osama Bin Laden, the technosavvy, multimillionaire Saudi exile living in Afghanistan. \nHypothesis: In the Africa bombings, Osama Bin Laden is the main focus of the manhunt.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Dans la chasse à l'homme des attentats en Afrique, les deux magazines se concentrent sur Oussama Ben Laden, le technocrat, exilé saoudien multimillionnaire vivant en Afghanistan. \nHypothèse: Dans les attentats en Afrique, Oussama Ben Laden est le principal objectif de la chasse à l'homme.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: a) Sexually exploited by her older boss. Hypothesis: Physically abused her older boss. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: a) Kushandiswa zvisina kufanira muvatano nomukuru webasa wake. Hypothèse: Akashungurudza mukuru wake. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: where they might get uh maybe ten or fifteen hours of sailing experience go down to uh uh British Tortolla and charter a boat for a week and they take it out and have a grand time Hypothesis: I would love to charter a boat to sail away from all my troubles. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Ils ont peut-être 10 ou 15 heures d'expérience de voile. Ils vont à Tortolla, en Grande-Bretagne, et louent un bateau pour une semaine. Hypothèse: J'aimerais louer un bateau pour m'éloigner de tous mes soucis. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: a) Sexually exploited by her older boss. \nHypothesis: Physically abused her older boss.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: a) Kushandiswa zvisina kufanira muvatano nomukuru webasa wake. \nHypothèse: Akashungurudza mukuru wake.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: where they might get uh maybe ten or fifteen hours of sailing experience go down to uh uh British Tortolla and charter a boat for a week and they take it out and have a grand time \nHypothesis: I would love to charter a boat to sail away from all my troubles.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ils ont peut-être 10 ou 15 heures d'expérience de voile. Ils vont à Tortolla, en Grande-Bretagne, et louent un bateau pour une semaine. \nHypothèse: J'aimerais louer un bateau pour m'éloigner de tous mes soucis.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Even our noble Saudi allies aren't willing to lend us their air bases. Hypothesis: Saudi allies don't want to help the us The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Même nos nobles alliés saoudiens ne sont pas prêts à nous prêter leurs bases aériennes. Hypothèse: Les alliés saoudiens ne veulent pas aider les USA. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: In running the empire effectively, the British installed railways, better roads, the telegraph, and stamp-post. Hypothesis: The British installed railways and better roads, that produced an effective empire that lasted until now. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Pour diriger efficacement l'empire, les Britanniques ont installé des chemins de fer, de meilleures routes, le télégraphe et le courrier. Hypothèse: Les Britanniques ont installé des chemins de fer et de meilleures routes, qui ont produit un empire efficace qui a duré jusqu'à présent. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Even our noble Saudi allies aren't willing to lend us their air bases. \nHypothesis: Saudi allies don't want to help the us \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Même nos nobles alliés saoudiens ne sont pas prêts à nous prêter leurs bases aériennes. \nHypothèse: Les alliés saoudiens ne veulent pas aider les USA.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In running the empire effectively, the British installed railways, better roads, the telegraph, and stamp-post. \nHypothesis: The British installed railways and better roads, that produced an effective empire that lasted until now.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Pour diriger efficacement l'empire, les Britanniques ont installé des chemins de fer, de meilleures routes, le télégraphe et le courrier. \nHypothèse: Les Britanniques ont installé des chemins de fer et de meilleures routes, qui ont produit un empire efficace qui a duré jusqu'à présent.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: 'You need to give me a couple of hours notice,' she replied. Hypothesis: I don't need any notice at all. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ayanolaki ete: 'Osengeli koyebisa ngai liboso ete okosala yango.' Hypothèse: Nazali na mposa ya koyebisa moto te. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Most often the title is usedAuthority (SSA) when the selection process is formal and the official is other than the Contracting Officer. Hypothesis: Sometimes the selection is formal and the official is the Contracting Officer. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Le plus souvent, le titre est utilisé "Autorité" (AES) lorsque le processus de sélection est formel et que le fonctionnaire est autre que le fonctionnaire adjudicateur. Hypothèse: Parfois, la sélection est formelle et le fonctionnaire est le contractant. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: 'You need to give me a couple of hours notice,' she replied. \nHypothesis: I don't need any notice at all.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ayanolaki ete: 'Osengeli koyebisa ngai liboso ete okosala yango.' \nHypothèse: Nazali na mposa ya koyebisa moto te.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Most often the title is usedAuthority (SSA) when the selection process is formal and the official is other than the Contracting Officer. \nHypothesis: Sometimes the selection is formal and the official is the Contracting Officer.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le plus souvent, le titre est utilisé \"Autorité\" (AES) lorsque le processus de sélection est formel et que le fonctionnaire est autre que le fonctionnaire adjudicateur. \nHypothèse: Parfois, la sélection est formelle et le fonctionnaire est le contractant.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: but i think that's what usually happens to them Hypothesis: I think that happens to them frequently The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: amma ina ganin wannan shi ne abin da yakan faru da su Hypothèse: Ina ganin hakan na faruwa a gare su sau da yawa La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Certainly celebrating it isn't. Hypothesis: One should not celebrate it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: C'est pas la fête. Hypothèse: On ne devrait pas le célébrer. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: but i think that's what usually happens to them \nHypothesis: I think that happens to them frequently\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: amma ina ganin wannan shi ne abin da yakan faru da su \nHypothèse: Ina ganin hakan na faruwa a gare su sau da yawa\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Certainly celebrating it isn't. \nHypothesis: One should not celebrate it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est pas la fête. \nHypothèse: On ne devrait pas le célébrer.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]