17 values
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: 'You and me. Hypothesis: You and me will take over the world. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Toi et moi. Hypothèse: Toi et moi, nous allons conquérir le monde. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Not with the menu, but with the magnificent display sprawled across a long table as you seafood antipasti, stuffed eggplant and zucchini, grilled peppers in red, yellow, and green, and whatever bounty this morning's market yielded. Hypothesis: The restaurant only serves pizza. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Pas avec le menu, mais avec la magnifique vitrine étalée sur une longue table comme vous antipasti de fruits de mer, aubergine farcie et courgettes, poivrons grillés en rouge, jaune et vert, et tout ce que la prime ce matin marché a donné. Hypothèse: Le restaurant ne sert que de la pizza. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: 'You and me. \nHypothesis: You and me will take over the world.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Toi et moi. \nHypothèse: Toi et moi, nous allons conquérir le monde.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Not with the menu, but with the magnificent display sprawled across a long table as you seafood antipasti, stuffed eggplant and zucchini, grilled peppers in red, yellow, and green, and whatever bounty this morning's market yielded. \nHypothesis: The restaurant only serves pizza.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Pas avec le menu, mais avec la magnifique vitrine étalée sur une longue table comme vous antipasti de fruits de mer, aubergine farcie et courgettes, poivrons grillés en rouge, jaune et vert, et tout ce que la prime ce matin marché a donné. \nHypothèse: Le restaurant ne sert que de la pizza.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Improvisation is of the essence. Hypothesis: You need to improvise to perform well. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Nea ehia paa ne sɛ wobɛteɛteɛ wo nsɛm so. Hypothèse: Sɛ wubetumi ayɛ ade yiye a, ɛsɛ sɛ woyɛ no ntɛmntɛm. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: "You were dead, Dave Hanson. Hypothesis: Dave Hanson said you were dead. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: "Tu étais mort, Dave Hanson. Hypothèse: Dave Hanson a dit que vous étiez mort. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Improvisation is of the essence. \nHypothesis: You need to improvise to perform well.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Nea ehia paa ne sɛ wobɛteɛteɛ wo nsɛm so. \nHypothèse: Sɛ wubetumi ayɛ ade yiye a, ɛsɛ sɛ woyɛ no ntɛmntɛm.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: \"You were dead, Dave Hanson. \nHypothesis: Dave Hanson said you were dead.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: \"Tu étais mort, Dave Hanson. \nHypothèse: Dave Hanson a dit que vous étiez mort.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Employment in the construction sector grew by 49. Hypothesis: Employmeent in construction decreased. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Adwuma a wɔyɛe wɔ adansi mu no dodow kɔɔ soro 49. Hypothèse: Adwuma a wɔyɛe wɔ adansi mu so tewee. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: But the organic forms of the buildings, with names like Hope, Fraternity, and Aspiration, still have an impact on the landscape. Hypothesis: The buildings have no pleasing qualities. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Mais les formes organiques des bâtiments, avec des noms comme Espoir, Fraternité et Aspiration, ont toujours un impact sur le paysage. Hypothèse: Les bâtiments n'ont aucune qualité agréable. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Employment in the construction sector grew by 49. \nHypothesis: Employmeent in construction decreased.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Adwuma a wɔyɛe wɔ adansi mu no dodow kɔɔ soro 49. \nHypothèse: Adwuma a wɔyɛe wɔ adansi mu so tewee.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: But the organic forms of the buildings, with names like Hope, Fraternity, and Aspiration, still have an impact on the landscape. \nHypothesis: The buildings have no pleasing qualities. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais les formes organiques des bâtiments, avec des noms comme Espoir, Fraternité et Aspiration, ont toujours un impact sur le paysage. \nHypothèse: Les bâtiments n'ont aucune qualité agréable.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: hi this is Norma Smith Hypothesis: Hey, this is Fred Richards. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Mhoroi, ndini Norma Smith Hypothèse: Hei, ndini Fred Richards. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: yeah it's still i mean you know two thousand dollars isn't just just pocket change to a lot of people Hypothesis: Two thousand doesn't sound like much for that. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Oui, c'est toujours... Je veux dire, tu sais, deux mille dollars, ce n'est pas juste de l'argent de poche pour beaucoup de gens. Hypothèse: Deux mille ne sont pas beaucoup. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: hi this is Norma Smith \nHypothesis: Hey, this is Fred Richards.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Mhoroi, ndini Norma Smith \nHypothèse: Hei, ndini Fred Richards.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah it's still i mean you know two thousand dollars isn't just just pocket change to a lot of people \nHypothesis: Two thousand doesn't sound like much for that.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, c'est toujours... Je veux dire, tu sais, deux mille dollars, ce n'est pas juste de l'argent de poche pour beaucoup de gens. \nHypothèse: Deux mille ne sont pas beaucoup.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Mrs. Vandemeyer came down from London. Hypothesis: Mrs. Vandemeyer arrived from London in a black carriage. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Aaddee Vaandemeyer Landanirraa dhufan. Hypothèse: Aaddee Vaandemeyer konkolaataa gurraacha ta'een Landanirraa dhufan. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: yeah yeah yeah uh of course i guess really the reason i like the Cowboys is because SMU was my favorite team uh college pardon me college team and of course they started out with Don Meredith Hypothesis: I plan to play for the Cowboys. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Oui oui oui bien sûr je suppose que la raison pour laquelle j'aime les Cowboys c'est parce que SMU était mon équipe préférée euh collège pardon équipe collégiale et bien sûr ils ont commencé avec Don Meredith Hypothèse: Je compte jouer pour les Cowboys. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Mrs. Vandemeyer came down from London. \nHypothesis: Mrs. Vandemeyer arrived from London in a black carriage. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Aaddee Vaandemeyer Landanirraa dhufan. \nHypothèse: Aaddee Vaandemeyer konkolaataa gurraacha ta'een Landanirraa dhufan.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah yeah yeah uh of course i guess really the reason i like the Cowboys is because SMU was my favorite team uh college pardon me college team and of course they started out with Don Meredith \nHypothesis: I plan to play for the Cowboys.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui oui oui bien sûr je suppose que la raison pour laquelle j'aime les Cowboys c'est parce que SMU était mon équipe préférée euh collège pardon équipe collégiale et bien sûr ils ont commencé avec Don Meredith \nHypothèse: Je compte jouer pour les Cowboys.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He seems confident, mused the Prime Minister. Hypothesis: The Prime Minister noted his apparent confidence. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Dzi ɖo eƒo, eye Dudɔnunɔlaa gblɔ be: "Ewɔ abe ɖe kakaɖedzi le eŋu ene. Hypothèse: Dzi ɖo Eŋgɔlemegãa ƒo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: had to put our uh food up in the in the trees and all that i was the unlucky guy that got up every morning and said well i guess might as well putz around here while everyone else is sleeping so i was usually the guy who had to get it out of the tree and all that Hypothesis: We had to put our food in the tree. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je devais mettre notre nourriture dans les arbres et tout ça. J'étais le malchanceux qui se levait tous les matins et disait: "Eh bien, je suppose que je pourrais aussi bien me balader ici pendant que tout le monde dort". Hypothèse: On a dû mettre notre nourriture dans l'arbre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He seems confident, mused the Prime Minister. \nHypothesis: The Prime Minister noted his apparent confidence.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Dzi ɖo eƒo, eye Dudɔnunɔlaa gblɔ be: \"Ewɔ abe ɖe kakaɖedzi le eŋu ene. \nHypothèse: Dzi ɖo Eŋgɔlemegãa ƒo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: had to put our uh food up in the in the trees and all that i was the unlucky guy that got up every morning and said well i guess might as well putz around here while everyone else is sleeping so i was usually the guy who had to get it out of the tree and all that \nHypothesis: We had to put our food in the tree.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je devais mettre notre nourriture dans les arbres et tout ça. J'étais le malchanceux qui se levait tous les matins et disait: \"Eh bien, je suppose que je pourrais aussi bien me balader ici pendant que tout le monde dort\". \nHypothèse: On a dû mettre notre nourriture dans l'arbre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: What? Poirot laid down the case again. Hypothesis: The case was laid down once again by Poirot. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Poirot kwụsịrị ikpe ahụ ọzọ. Hypothèse: Poirot kwughachiri okwu ahụ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Note that the estimate for the current annual demand is quite conservative since the catalyst replacement rate on oil- and gas-fired combustion units is likely to be less frequent than one-twelfth of the catalyst per year. Hypothesis: The estimate for new catalyst is quite generous and probably much less will be required. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Il convient de noter que l'estimation de la demande annuelle actuelle est assez prudente, étant donné que le taux de remplacement des catalyseurs sur les unités de combustion à pétrole et au gaz est susceptible d'être inférieur à un douzième du catalyseur par an. Hypothèse: L'estimation pour un nouveau catalyseur est assez généreuse et il faudra probablement beaucoup moins. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: What? Poirot laid down the case again. \nHypothesis: The case was laid down once again by Poirot.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Poirot kwụsịrị ikpe ahụ ọzọ. \nHypothèse: Poirot kwughachiri okwu ahụ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Note that the estimate for the current annual demand is quite conservative since the catalyst replacement rate on oil- and gas-fired combustion units is likely to be less frequent than one-twelfth of the catalyst per year. \nHypothesis: The estimate for new catalyst is quite generous and probably much less will be required.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il convient de noter que l'estimation de la demande annuelle actuelle est assez prudente, étant donné que le taux de remplacement des catalyseurs sur les unités de combustion à pétrole et au gaz est susceptible d'être inférieur à un douzième du catalyseur par an. \nHypothèse: L'estimation pour un nouveau catalyseur est assez généreuse et il faudra probablement beaucoup moins.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: People will argue about where to draw the line. Hypothesis: People will not argue over spilled milk. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: ሰዎች ወሰን ማውጣት ያለባቸው የት እንደሆነ ይከራከራሉ። Hypothèse: ሰዎች በተፈሰሰ ወተት ላይ አይጨቃጨቁም። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Next to that is a small black vase of cut miniature daffodils bought in the supermarket because I could not bear to harvest any of my own. Hypothesis: I didn't grow my own daffodils because my soil is terrible. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: À côté, un petit vase noir de jonquilles miniatures achetées au supermarché parce que je ne pouvais pas en récolter une seule. Hypothèse: Je n'ai pas fait pousser mes narcissiques parce que mon sol est horrible. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: People will argue about where to draw the line. \nHypothesis: People will not argue over spilled milk.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: ሰዎች ወሰን ማውጣት ያለባቸው የት እንደሆነ ይከራከራሉ። \nHypothèse: ሰዎች በተፈሰሰ ወተት ላይ አይጨቃጨቁም።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Next to that is a small black vase of cut miniature daffodils bought in the supermarket because I could not bear to harvest any of my own. \nHypothesis: I didn't grow my own daffodils because my soil is terrible.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: À côté, un petit vase noir de jonquilles miniatures achetées au supermarché parce que je ne pouvais pas en récolter une seule. \nHypothèse: Je n'ai pas fait pousser mes narcissiques parce que mon sol est horrible.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yeah but he's just shooting them and they just killing them off Hypothesis: They keep them safe. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Yego, ariko we arabarasa gusa, na bo bakabica Hypothèse: Babafasha gukomeza kuba maso. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Meantime, she has graduated from Coppin State College, works as a drug and alcohol counselor, left subsidized housing and plans to start work on a master's degree this year. Hypothesis: She is persuing a masters's degree in alcohol and drug counseling. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Elle est diplômée du Coppin State College, conseillère en toxicomanie et alcoolologie, a quitté le logement subventionné et prévoit de commencer une maîtrise cette année. Hypothèse: Elle est en train de faire une maîtrise en alcool et en toxicomanie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yeah but he's just shooting them and they just killing them off \nHypothesis: They keep them safe. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Yego, ariko we arabarasa gusa, na bo bakabica \nHypothèse: Babafasha gukomeza kuba maso.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Meantime, she has graduated from Coppin State College, works as a drug and alcohol counselor, left subsidized housing and plans to start work on a master's degree this year. \nHypothesis: She is persuing a masters's degree in alcohol and drug counseling.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elle est diplômée du Coppin State College, conseillère en toxicomanie et alcoolologie, a quitté le logement subventionné et prévoit de commencer une maîtrise cette année. \nHypothèse: Elle est en train de faire une maîtrise en alcool et en toxicomanie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Let's start with a history lesson. Hypothesis: Let's end with a history lesson The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Momma yɛnhyɛ ase wɔ abakɔsɛm mu. Hypothèse: Momma yɛmfa abakɔsɛm nkyerɛkyerɛmu bi so nkae no. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: In the second, a survey of taxpayers would have to be very large to get a good hit rate of individuals who sought assistance, and the diversity of individual questions would have blurred ability to interpret variation in IRS responsiveness. Hypothesis: The taxpayers want to get more assistance. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Dans le second cas, une enquête auprès des contribuables aurait dû être très large pour obtenir un bon taux de réussite des personnes qui ont demandé de l'aide, et la diversité des questions individuelles aurait brouillé la capacité d'interpréter la variation de la réactivité de l'IRS. Hypothèse: Les contribuables veulent plus d'aide. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Let's start with a history lesson. \nHypothesis: Let's end with a history lesson \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Momma yɛnhyɛ ase wɔ abakɔsɛm mu. \nHypothèse: Momma yɛmfa abakɔsɛm nkyerɛkyerɛmu bi so nkae no.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In the second, a survey of taxpayers would have to be very large to get a good hit rate of individuals who sought assistance, and the diversity of individual questions would have blurred ability to interpret variation in IRS responsiveness. \nHypothesis: The taxpayers want to get more assistance.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Dans le second cas, une enquête auprès des contribuables aurait dû être très large pour obtenir un bon taux de réussite des personnes qui ont demandé de l'aide, et la diversité des questions individuelles aurait brouillé la capacité d'interpréter la variation de la réactivité de l'IRS. \nHypothèse: Les contribuables veulent plus d'aide.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Naturally, said Sir James dryly. Hypothesis: Sir James spoke in a dry manner and that was his most endearing quality. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ɔbarima no kaa sɛ: "Ɛyɛ ampa". Hypothèse: Ná Sir James kasa wɔ ɔkwan a ɛyɛ hu so, na ɛno ne ne su a na ɛyɛ anigye sen biara. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Funchal's deep natural harbor propelled the city's development in the 15th and 16th centuries, when Ma?­dei?­ra became known to expeditions on their way to the Far East and Americas. Hypothesis: In the 15th and 16th centuries, Funchal Harbour was used by expeditions on their way to the Far East and Americas. It later became a huge trading port. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le port naturel profond de Funchal a été le moteur du développement de la ville au XVe et XVIe siècles, lorsque Madéira est devenue connue des expéditions en route vers l'Extrême-Orient et les Amériques. Hypothèse: Au XVe et au XVIe siècle, le port de Funchal était utilisé par les expéditions en route vers l'Extrême-Orient et les Amériques. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Naturally, said Sir James dryly. \nHypothesis: Sir James spoke in a dry manner and that was his most endearing quality.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ɔbarima no kaa sɛ: \"Ɛyɛ ampa\". \nHypothèse: Ná Sir James kasa wɔ ɔkwan a ɛyɛ hu so, na ɛno ne ne su a na ɛyɛ anigye sen biara.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Funchal's deep natural harbor propelled the city's development in the 15th and 16th centuries, when Ma?­dei?­ra became known to expeditions on their way to the Far East and Americas. \nHypothesis: In the 15th and 16th centuries, Funchal Harbour was used by expeditions on their way to the Far East and Americas. It later became a huge trading port.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le port naturel profond de Funchal a été le moteur du développement de la ville au XVe et XVIe siècles, lorsque Madéira est devenue connue des expéditions en route vers l'Extrême-Orient et les Amériques. \nHypothèse: Au XVe et au XVIe siècle, le port de Funchal était utilisé par les expéditions en route vers l'Extrême-Orient et les Amériques.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: well it would be inconvenient to in other words to Hypothesis: It would be greatly convenient! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: neza byaba bidakwiriye mu yandi magambo ngo Hypothèse: Ibyo byaba ari ibintu byoroshye cyane! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: You might pack a toothbrush as well as your bathing suit if you decide on a one-day excursion to this cluster of little islands they're hard to leave. Hypothesis: You might not want to stay for long, the island is riddled with snakes. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Vous pourriez emporter une brosse à dents ainsi que votre maillot de bain si vous décidez d'une excursion d'une journée à ce groupe de petites îles qu'ils sont difficiles à quitter. Hypothèse: Vous ne voudrez peut-être pas rester longtemps, l'île est criblée de serpents. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: well it would be inconvenient to in other words to \nHypothesis: It would be greatly convenient!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: neza byaba bidakwiriye mu yandi magambo ngo \nHypothèse: Ibyo byaba ari ibintu byoroshye cyane!\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: You might pack a toothbrush as well as your bathing suit if you decide on a one-day excursion to this cluster of little islands they're hard to leave. \nHypothesis: You might not want to stay for long, the island is riddled with snakes.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Vous pourriez emporter une brosse à dents ainsi que votre maillot de bain si vous décidez d'une excursion d'une journée à ce groupe de petites îles qu'ils sont difficiles à quitter. \nHypothèse: Vous ne voudrez peut-être pas rester longtemps, l'île est criblée de serpents.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: electronics industry Hypothesis: Technology related industry. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: mfiri a wɔde yɛ mfiri Hypothèse: Adwuma a ɛfa mfiridwuma ho. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The best time to see them is in the weeks following the rice harvest and during the special festivals that stage statewide contests . Hypothesis: It's impossible to see them in the weeks following the rice harvest. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Le meilleur moment pour les voir est dans les semaines qui suivent la récolte du riz et pendant les festivals spéciaux qui organisent des concours à l' échelle de l' État . Hypothèse: Il est impossible de les voir dans les semaines qui suivent la récolte du riz. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: electronics industry \nHypothesis: Technology related industry.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: mfiri a wɔde yɛ mfiri \nHypothèse: Adwuma a ɛfa mfiridwuma ho.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The best time to see them is in the weeks following the rice harvest and during the special festivals that stage statewide contests . \nHypothesis: It's impossible to see them in the weeks following the rice harvest.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le meilleur moment pour les voir est dans les semaines qui suivent la récolte du riz et pendant les festivals spéciaux qui organisent des concours à l' échelle de l' État . \nHypothèse: Il est impossible de les voir dans les semaines qui suivent la récolte du riz.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: What Meier's work lacks is heat, an organic flow. Hypothesis: There's a lack of heat in Meier's work. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Nea Meier adwuma no nni ne ɔhyew, ne nneɛma a ɛrehyehyɛ. Hypothèse: Ɔdɔ a enni Meier adwuma no mu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: However, GAO identifies the disposition of this e-mail message in the Agency Comments section of the report, just as it does for oral comments. Hypothesis: The GAO failed to identify any disposition of this e-mail message. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Toutefois, le GAO identifie la disposition de ce message électronique dans la section des commentaires de l'Agence du rapport, tout comme il le fait pour les commentaires oraux. Hypothèse: Le GAO n'a pas pu identifier de disposition de ce message électronique. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: What Meier's work lacks is heat, an organic flow. \nHypothesis: There's a lack of heat in Meier's work.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Nea Meier adwuma no nni ne ɔhyew, ne nneɛma a ɛrehyehyɛ. \nHypothèse: Ɔdɔ a enni Meier adwuma no mu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: However, GAO identifies the disposition of this e-mail message in the Agency Comments section of the report, just as it does for oral comments. \nHypothesis: The GAO failed to identify any disposition of this e-mail message.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Toutefois, le GAO identifie la disposition de ce message électronique dans la section des commentaires de l'Agence du rapport, tout comme il le fait pour les commentaires oraux. \nHypothèse: Le GAO n'a pas pu identifier de disposition de ce message électronique.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Anyway, they can't get away from there. Hypothesis: They could get away from there. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Nokuba kunjalo, abanakuze basinde apho. Hypothèse: Basenokubaleka apho. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Certainly celebrating it isn't. Hypothesis: It is worth celebrating it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: C'est pas la fête. Hypothèse: Ça vaut le coup de le célébrer. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Anyway, they can't get away from there. \nHypothesis: They could get away from there.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Nokuba kunjalo, abanakuze basinde apho. \nHypothèse: Basenokubaleka apho.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Certainly celebrating it isn't. \nHypothesis: It is worth celebrating it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est pas la fête. \nHypothèse: Ça vaut le coup de le célébrer.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: (Isn't there always?) Hypothesis: Isn't there never? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: (ሁልጊዜም ቢሆን አለ አይደል? Hypothèse: መቼም ቢሆን የለም? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: A new yacht basin to the east allows safe harbor for independent travelers. Hypothesis: A new yacht basin to the east has known to be deadly for independent travelers. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Un nouveau bassin de yachts à l'est permet un port sûr pour les voyageurs indépendants. Hypothèse: Un nouveau bassin de yachts à l'est est connu pour être mortel pour les voyageurs indépendants. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: (Isn't there always?) \nHypothesis: Isn't there never?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: (ሁልጊዜም ቢሆን አለ አይደል? \nHypothèse: መቼም ቢሆን የለም?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: A new yacht basin to the east allows safe harbor for independent travelers. \nHypothesis: A new yacht basin to the east has known to be deadly for independent travelers.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Un nouveau bassin de yachts à l'est permet un port sûr pour les voyageurs indépendants. \nHypothèse: Un nouveau bassin de yachts à l'est est connu pour être mortel pour les voyageurs indépendants.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He laughed and thanked them. Hypothesis: He thanked them after laughing. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Eko nu heda akpe na wo. Hypothèse: Edaa akpe na wo le nukoko vɔ megbe. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: yeah yeah but we don't have any place that collects the grocery bags Hypothesis: every grocery store around here takes their bags back The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Oui, mais nous n'avons pas d'endroit où on peut récupérer les sacs d'épicerie. Hypothèse: Chaque épicerie ici reprend ses sacs. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He laughed and thanked them. \nHypothesis: He thanked them after laughing.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Eko nu heda akpe na wo. \nHypothèse: Edaa akpe na wo le nukoko vɔ megbe.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah yeah but we don't have any place that collects the grocery bags \nHypothesis: every grocery store around here takes their bags back\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, mais nous n'avons pas d'endroit où on peut récupérer les sacs d'épicerie. \nHypothèse: Chaque épicerie ici reprend ses sacs.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: fraud is very difficult to prove Hypothesis: It's a cinch to show fraud. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: aghụghọ siri ike igosi Hypothèse: Ọ bụ ihe dị mfe igosi aghụghọ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: and um i enjoy photography as a hobby Hypothesis: I like to take pictures. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: et euh j' aime la photographie comme un passe-temps Hypothèse: J'aime prendre des photos. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: fraud is very difficult to prove \nHypothesis: It's a cinch to show fraud.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: aghụghọ siri ike igosi \nHypothèse: Ọ bụ ihe dị mfe igosi aghụghọ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: and um i enjoy photography as a hobby \nHypothesis: I like to take pictures. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: et euh j' aime la photographie comme un passe-temps \nHypothèse: J'aime prendre des photos.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: current income-or its economic output. Hypothesis: Income as of now or its economic impact. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ne sikasɛm mu nniso. Hypothèse: Sika a wonya fi mu seesei anaa sikasɛm mu nkɛntɛnso a ɛwɔ so. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Jamaica is not just a destination it is an experience. Hypothesis: Jamaica is just a destination, not an experience. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La Jamaïque n'est pas seulement une destination, c'est une expérience. Hypothèse: La Jamaïque est une destination, pas une expérience. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: current income-or its economic output. \nHypothesis: Income as of now or its economic impact.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ne sikasɛm mu nniso. \nHypothèse: Sika a wonya fi mu seesei anaa sikasɛm mu nkɛntɛnso a ɛwɔ so.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Jamaica is not just a destination it is an experience. \nHypothesis: Jamaica is just a destination, not an experience.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La Jamaïque n'est pas seulement une destination, c'est une expérience. \nHypothèse: La Jamaïque est une destination, pas une expérience.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Another co-sponsor, Rep. Hypothesis: Rep is the second and final co-sponsor. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Mumwe anotsigira, Rep. Hypothèse: Rep ndiye wechipiri uye wokupedzisira anotsigira. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Harbor cruises depart from here. Hypothesis: Cruises leave from here. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Les croisières au port partent d'ici. Hypothèse: Les croisières partent d'ici. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Another co-sponsor, Rep. \nHypothesis: Rep is the second and final co-sponsor. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Mumwe anotsigira, Rep. \nHypothèse: Rep ndiye wechipiri uye wokupedzisira anotsigira. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Harbor cruises depart from here. \nHypothesis: Cruises leave from here.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les croisières au port partent d'ici. \nHypothèse: Les croisières partent d'ici.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: oh yeah that's that's neat that's a very good use Hypothesis: That's a great use for that. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: oh yeah eyo eyo nnungi nnyo eyo enkola nnungi nnyo Hypothèse: Ekyo kya muganyulo nnyo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The ancient city of Caesarea is the jewel of the Coastal Strip, an extensive, dramatically excavated archaeological site and an attractive beach resort rolled into one. Hypothesis: Caesarea is an ugly city, there are lots of abandoned buildings. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La ville antique de Césarée est le joyau de la bande côtière, un vaste site archéologique remarquablement fouillé et une station balnéaire attrayante en un seul. Hypothèse: Césarée est une ville laide, il y a beaucoup de bâtiments abandonnés. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: oh yeah that's that's neat that's a very good use \nHypothesis: That's a great use for that.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: oh yeah eyo eyo nnungi nnyo eyo enkola nnungi nnyo \nHypothèse: Ekyo kya muganyulo nnyo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The ancient city of Caesarea is the jewel of the Coastal Strip, an extensive, dramatically excavated archaeological site and an attractive beach resort rolled into one. \nHypothesis: Caesarea is an ugly city, there are lots of abandoned buildings.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La ville antique de Césarée est le joyau de la bande côtière, un vaste site archéologique remarquablement fouillé et une station balnéaire attrayante en un seul. \nHypothèse: Césarée est une ville laide, il y a beaucoup de bâtiments abandonnés.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It was wonderful to have to fight my way back up again. Hypothesis: He enjoys fighting. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ho ne ho le monate ho tlameha ho loana le ho khutlela morao hape. Hypothèse: O thabela ho loana. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: We will be back to village economy and then to what? The caves?" Hypothesis: What economy will we use? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Nous reviendrons à l'économie du village et ensuite à quoi ? Hypothèse: Quelle économie utiliserons-nous ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It was wonderful to have to fight my way back up again. \nHypothesis: He enjoys fighting.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ho ne ho le monate ho tlameha ho loana le ho khutlela morao hape. \nHypothèse: O thabela ho loana.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: We will be back to village economy and then to what? The caves?\" \nHypothesis: What economy will we use?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Nous reviendrons à l'économie du village et ensuite à quoi ? \nHypothèse: Quelle économie utiliserons-nous ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: really jeez yeah you kind of wonder what really happened Hypothesis: You know exactly what happened. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: solo mpenza ee ee yo lolenge ya komituna nini mpenza esalemaki Hypothèse: Oyebi mpenza makambo oyo esalemaki. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: you watch TV or something while you do it Hypothesis: You can watch television while it's happening. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Tu regardes la télé ou quelque chose pendant que tu le fais. Hypothèse: Tu peux regarder la télé pendant que ça se passe. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: really jeez yeah you kind of wonder what really happened \nHypothesis: You know exactly what happened.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: solo mpenza ee ee yo lolenge ya komituna nini mpenza esalemaki \nHypothèse: Oyebi mpenza makambo oyo esalemaki.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: you watch TV or something while you do it \nHypothesis: You can watch television while it's happening.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Tu regardes la télé ou quelque chose pendant que tu le fais. \nHypothèse: Tu peux regarder la télé pendant que ça se passe.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: This is about changing people's lives. Hypothesis: This changes peoples' lives. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Izvi ndezvokuchinja upenyu hwevanhu. Hypothèse: Ikoku kunochinja upenyu hwavanhu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The blancos and the nigger gangs, well, they'd kill you Hypothesis: They will murder you mercilessly, those groups. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les Blancos et les gangs de nègres, ils te tueraient Hypothèse: Ils vont vous tuer sans pitié, ces groupes. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: This is about changing people's lives. \nHypothesis: This changes peoples' lives.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Izvi ndezvokuchinja upenyu hwevanhu. \nHypothèse: Ikoku kunochinja upenyu hwavanhu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The blancos and the nigger gangs, well, they'd kill you \nHypothesis: They will murder you mercilessly, those groups.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les Blancos et les gangs de nègres, ils te tueraient \nHypothèse: Ils vont vous tuer sans pitié, ces groupes.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: that's about the same for ours Hypothesis: It's the same as ours. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ni kimwe n'ibyacu Hypothèse: Ni kimwe n'icy'iwacu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The man laughed at Ca'daan's formality. Hypothesis: The man cried over how informal Ca'daan was. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: L'homme s'est moqué de la formalité de Ca'daan. Hypothèse: Il a pleuré à cause de la façon dont Ca'daan était informel. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: that's about the same for ours \nHypothesis: It's the same as ours. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ni kimwe n'ibyacu \nHypothèse: Ni kimwe n'icy'iwacu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The man laughed at Ca'daan's formality. \nHypothesis: The man cried over how informal Ca'daan was.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: L'homme s'est moqué de la formalité de Ca'daan. \nHypothèse: Il a pleuré à cause de la façon dont Ca'daan était informel.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: What are you doing in this house? Hypothesis: You aren't supposed to be in this house until after 10 pm, why are you here? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Muri kuitei mumba muno? Hypothèse: Hauna kufanira kuva mumba muno kutozosvikira pashure pa10 pm, uri kuitei pano? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: In appointing the bland, seemingly slow-paced Chernomyrdin as his envoy, Boris Yeltsin is probably hoping that Chernomyrdin will somehow pull off a settlement without really seeming to or without raising too many hackles, and that his ultimate success will be Primakov's loss. Hypothesis: Chernomyrdin had previously held public office before being appointed as Yeltsin's envoy. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: En nommant le fade, apparemment lent Chernomyrdin comme son envoyé, Boris Eltsine espère probablement que Chernomyrdin va en quelque sorte réussir un règlement sans vraiment paraître ou sans soulever trop de hacks, et que son succès final sera la perte de Primakov. Hypothèse: Chernomyrdin avait déjà occupé une fonction publique avant d'être nommé envoyé d'Eltsine. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: What are you doing in this house? \nHypothesis: You aren't supposed to be in this house until after 10 pm, why are you here?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Muri kuitei mumba muno? \nHypothèse: Hauna kufanira kuva mumba muno kutozosvikira pashure pa10 pm, uri kuitei pano?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In appointing the bland, seemingly slow-paced Chernomyrdin as his envoy, Boris Yeltsin is probably hoping that Chernomyrdin will somehow pull off a settlement without really seeming to or without raising too many hackles, and that his ultimate success will be Primakov's loss. \nHypothesis: Chernomyrdin had previously held public office before being appointed as Yeltsin's envoy.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En nommant le fade, apparemment lent Chernomyrdin comme son envoyé, Boris Eltsine espère probablement que Chernomyrdin va en quelque sorte réussir un règlement sans vraiment paraître ou sans soulever trop de hacks, et que son succès final sera la perte de Primakov. \nHypothèse: Chernomyrdin avait déjà occupé une fonction publique avant d'être nommé envoyé d'Eltsine.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The next day they didn't have anything to do either and they continued to play. Hypothesis: The games they played were fun. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Guyyaa itti aanus waan hojjatan hin qaban ture, taphachuus itti fufan. Hypothèse: Tapha isaan taphatan baayʼee nama gammachiisa ture. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Further, farmworkers may not know how to contact legal services in their community or may be discouraged by their employer from contacting legal services in their community. Hypothesis: Farmworkers usually contact legal services because their employers encourage them to. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: En outre, les travailleurs agricoles peuvent ne pas savoir comment contacter les services juridiques de leur communauté ou être découragés par leur employeur de contacter les services juridiques de leur communauté. Hypothèse: Les travailleurs agricoles s'adressent généralement aux services juridiques parce que leurs employeurs les y encouragent. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The next day they didn't have anything to do either and they continued to play. \nHypothesis: The games they played were fun.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Guyyaa itti aanus waan hojjatan hin qaban ture, taphachuus itti fufan. \nHypothèse: Tapha isaan taphatan baayʼee nama gammachiisa ture.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Further, farmworkers may not know how to contact legal services in their community or may be discouraged by their employer from contacting legal services in their community. \nHypothesis: Farmworkers usually contact legal services because their employers encourage them to.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En outre, les travailleurs agricoles peuvent ne pas savoir comment contacter les services juridiques de leur communauté ou être découragés par leur employeur de contacter les services juridiques de leur communauté. \nHypothèse: Les travailleurs agricoles s'adressent généralement aux services juridiques parce que leurs employeurs les y encouragent.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The two oldest sisters are married and have their own children. Hypothesis: The two oldest sisters are still to be married. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Oodadewethu ababini abadala batshatile yaye banabo abantwana. Hypothèse: Oodade ababini abadala abasatshatanga. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: This contradiction of Saturday night summed up the inability of the American political class to come properly to terms with the interweaving of show business and death, of dollars and guns. Hypothesis: Politicians aren't good at mixing show business and regular business. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Cette contradiction de samedi soir résume l'incapacité de la classe politique américaine à s'accorder avec le mélange entre le spectacle et la mort, entre les dollars et les armes à feu. Hypothèse: Les politiciens ne savent pas mélanger le show business et le business. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The two oldest sisters are married and have their own children. \nHypothesis: The two oldest sisters are still to be married.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Oodadewethu ababini abadala batshatile yaye banabo abantwana. \nHypothèse: Oodade ababini abadala abasatshatanga.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: This contradiction of Saturday night summed up the inability of the American political class to come properly to terms with the interweaving of show business and death, of dollars and guns. \nHypothesis: Politicians aren't good at mixing show business and regular business.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Cette contradiction de samedi soir résume l'incapacité de la classe politique américaine à s'accorder avec le mélange entre le spectacle et la mort, entre les dollars et les armes à feu. \nHypothèse: Les politiciens ne savent pas mélanger le show business et le business.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: They went back and forth for some time. Hypothesis: They were trying to decide what to do for a long period of time. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ha nọ na-agagharị agagharị ruo oge ụfọdụ. Hypothèse: Ha nọ na-agbalị ikpebi ihe ha ga-eme ruo ogologo oge. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: No, I dunno as how I'd be makin' that kinda play neither. Hypothesis: I am unsure as to how I'd make that kind of play. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Non, je ne sais pas comment je ferais pour que ça joue non plus. Hypothèse: Je ne sais pas comment je ferais ce genre de chose. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: They went back and forth for some time. \nHypothesis: They were trying to decide what to do for a long period of time.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ha nọ na-agagharị agagharị ruo oge ụfọdụ. \nHypothèse: Ha nọ na-agbalị ikpebi ihe ha ga-eme ruo ogologo oge.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: No, I dunno as how I'd be makin' that kinda play neither. \nHypothesis: I am unsure as to how I'd make that kind of play.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Non, je ne sais pas comment je ferais pour que ça joue non plus. \nHypothèse: Je ne sais pas comment je ferais ce genre de chose.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: that's unreal yeah Hypothesis: That is something that's unreal. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ikoku hakusi kwechokwadi hungu Hypothèse: Ichocho chinhu chisiri chechokwadi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Situated due east of Mysore, Srirangapatnam was the site of the battles against the Muslim ruler Tipu Sultan in the 1790s, in which the British gained control of the peninsula. Hypothesis: Srirangapatnam is west of the Mysore area. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Situé à l'est de Mysore, Srirangapatnam a été le site des batailles contre le souverain musulman Tipu Sultan dans les années 1790, au cours desquelles les Britanniques ont pris le contrôle de la péninsule. Hypothèse: Srirangapatnam est à l'ouest de la région de Mysore. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: that's unreal yeah \nHypothesis: That is something that's unreal.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ikoku hakusi kwechokwadi hungu \nHypothèse: Ichocho chinhu chisiri chechokwadi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Situated due east of Mysore, Srirangapatnam was the site of the battles against the Muslim ruler Tipu Sultan in the 1790s, in which the British gained control of the peninsula. \nHypothesis: Srirangapatnam is west of the Mysore area. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Situé à l'est de Mysore, Srirangapatnam a été le site des batailles contre le souverain musulman Tipu Sultan dans les années 1790, au cours desquelles les Britanniques ont pris le contrôle de la péninsule. \nHypothèse: Srirangapatnam est à l'ouest de la région de Mysore.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: How can I go along with you when I'm in the dark? Hypothesis: How can I go with you when I don't have night vision like you? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Báwo ni mo ṣe lè bá ẹ rìn nígbà tí mo wà nínú òkùnkùn? Hypothèse: Báwo ni mo ṣe lè bá ẹ lọ nígbà tí mi ò ríran òru bíi tìẹ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: yeah that doesn't work very well either Hypothesis: That will work great! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Oui, ça ne fonctionne pas très bien non plus. Hypothèse: Ça va marcher ! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: How can I go along with you when I'm in the dark? \nHypothesis: How can I go with you when I don't have night vision like you?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Báwo ni mo ṣe lè bá ẹ rìn nígbà tí mo wà nínú òkùnkùn? \nHypothèse: Báwo ni mo ṣe lè bá ẹ lọ nígbà tí mi ò ríran òru bíi tìẹ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah that doesn't work very well either \nHypothesis: That will work great!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, ça ne fonctionne pas très bien non plus. \nHypothèse: Ça va marcher !\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: In full costume. Hypothesis: He is wearing a mascot costume. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Gbogbo aṣọ ló wọ̀. Hypothèse: Ó wọ aṣọ mascot. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: This time, actors and actresses have Hollywood over a barrel, and they may just succeed in becoming the next generation of auteurs. Hypothesis: Actors and actresses have Hollywood in a bind. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Cette fois, les acteurs et les actrices ont Hollywood sur le dos, et ils peuvent réussir à devenir la prochaine génération d'auteurs. Hypothèse: Les acteurs et les actrices ont Hollywood dans une impasse. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: In full costume. \nHypothesis: He is wearing a mascot costume.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Gbogbo aṣọ ló wọ̀. \nHypothèse: Ó wọ aṣọ mascot.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: This time, actors and actresses have Hollywood over a barrel, and they may just succeed in becoming the next generation of auteurs. \nHypothesis: Actors and actresses have Hollywood in a bind.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Cette fois, les acteurs et les actrices ont Hollywood sur le dos, et ils peuvent réussir à devenir la prochaine génération d'auteurs. \nHypothèse: Les acteurs et les actrices ont Hollywood dans une impasse.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: And, for ten long, weary months I've been job hunting! Hypothesis: I've been looking for a job for ten months. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Futhi, izinyanga eziyishumi ezinde, ezikhathazayo bengilokhu ngifuna umsebenzi! Hypothèse: Sekuphele izinyanga eziyishumi ngifuna umsebenzi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: In 1998, about 48 percent of retirees lacked pension income or annuities, and about 53 percent of those employed lacked a pension plan. Hypothesis: The employed were too lazy to plan a head. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: En 1998, environ 48% des retraités n'avaient pas de revenu de retraite ou de rente, et environ 53% des salariés n'avaient pas de régime de retraite. Hypothèse: Les employés étaient trop paresseux pour planifier une tête. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: And, for ten long, weary months I've been job hunting! \nHypothesis: I've been looking for a job for ten months. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Futhi, izinyanga eziyishumi ezinde, ezikhathazayo bengilokhu ngifuna umsebenzi! \nHypothèse: Sekuphele izinyanga eziyishumi ngifuna umsebenzi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In 1998, about 48 percent of retirees lacked pension income or annuities, and about 53 percent of those employed lacked a pension plan. \nHypothesis: The employed were too lazy to plan a head.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En 1998, environ 48% des retraités n'avaient pas de revenu de retraite ou de rente, et environ 53% des salariés n'avaient pas de régime de retraite. \nHypothèse: Les employés étaient trop paresseux pour planifier une tête.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: oh that must be nice Hypothesis: It must be nice to have that kind of weather. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: oh hiyo lazima iwe nzuri Hypothèse: Ni lazima kuwa nzuri kuwa na aina hiyo ya hali ya hewa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: In the 17th century, Jahangir made it a major focus of the Islamic world. Hypothesis: It became a focus of the Islamic world during the 17th century. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Au 17ème siècle, Jahangir en a fait un centre majeur du monde islamique. Hypothèse: Il est devenu un centre du monde islamique au cours du 17ème siècle. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: oh that must be nice \nHypothesis: It must be nice to have that kind of weather.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: oh hiyo lazima iwe nzuri \nHypothèse: Ni lazima kuwa nzuri kuwa na aina hiyo ya hali ya hewa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In the 17th century, Jahangir made it a major focus of the Islamic world. \nHypothesis: It became a focus of the Islamic world during the 17th century.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Au 17ème siècle, Jahangir en a fait un centre majeur du monde islamique. \nHypothèse: Il est devenu un centre du monde islamique au cours du 17ème siècle.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: At that moment, I happened to look up. Hypothesis: I looked up at the sky. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ngaleso sikhathi, ngavele ngabheka phezulu. Hypothèse: Ngabheka phezulu esibhakabhakeni. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: so i i don't think they are too Hypothesis: I think they will. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je ne pense pas qu'ils le soient aussi. Hypothèse: Je pense qu'ils le feront. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: At that moment, I happened to look up. \nHypothesis: I looked up at the sky.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ngaleso sikhathi, ngavele ngabheka phezulu. \nHypothèse: Ngabheka phezulu esibhakabhakeni.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: so i i don't think they are too \nHypothesis: I think they will.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne pense pas qu'ils le soient aussi. \nHypothèse: Je pense qu'ils le feront.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Other minor venues stage occasional ethnic folk-music concerts. Hypothesis: Ethnic folk-music is invigorating. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ebe ndị ọzọ na-adịchaghị mkpa na-eme egwú egwú ọdịnala mgbe ụfọdụ. Hypothèse: Egwú ọdịnala ndị agbụrụ na-enye ume ọhụrụ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: (GSA/IRMS, A Guide for Acquiring Commercial Software, Jan. Hypothesis: This is the title of a book. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: (GSA/IRMS, Guide pour l'acquisition de logiciels commerciaux, janvier 1999) Hypothèse: C'est le titre d'un livre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Other minor venues stage occasional ethnic folk-music concerts. \nHypothesis: Ethnic folk-music is invigorating.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ebe ndị ọzọ na-adịchaghị mkpa na-eme egwú egwú ọdịnala mgbe ụfọdụ. \nHypothèse: Egwú ọdịnala ndị agbụrụ na-enye ume ọhụrụ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: (GSA/IRMS, A Guide for Acquiring Commercial Software, Jan. \nHypothesis: This is the title of a book.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: (GSA/IRMS, Guide pour l'acquisition de logiciels commerciaux, janvier 1999) \nHypothèse: C'est le titre d'un livre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: fire protection. Hypothesis: Protection from fire. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: kariya daga wuta. Hypothèse: Kariya daga wuta. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Fowler ... Nye ... either one of them could come back on this reunion. Hypothesis: We mustn't let Folwer or Nye know about this meeting. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Fowler, Nye, l'un ou l'autre pourrait revenir à cette réunion. Hypothèse: On ne doit pas laisser Folwer ou Nye savoir de cette réunion. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: fire protection. \nHypothesis: Protection from fire.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: kariya daga wuta. \nHypothèse: Kariya daga wuta.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Fowler ... Nye ... either one of them could come back on this reunion. \nHypothesis: We mustn't let Folwer or Nye know about this meeting.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Fowler, Nye, l'un ou l'autre pourrait revenir à cette réunion. \nHypothèse: On ne doit pas laisser Folwer ou Nye savoir de cette réunion.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: A year later, France was once again at war with Germany. Hypothesis: Germany has always won the battles with France. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: በ1914 በጀርመን ጦርነት ተካፈለ Hypothèse: ጀርመን ከፈረንሳይ ጋር ባደረገችው ውጊያ ሁሌም አሸናፊ ሆናለች። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: i don't know yeah think it was Hypothesis: I'm confused but it might have been The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je ne sais pas. Hypothèse: Je suis confus, mais ça aurait pu être La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: A year later, France was once again at war with Germany. \nHypothesis: Germany has always won the battles with France.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: በ1914 በጀርመን ጦርነት ተካፈለ \nHypothèse: ጀርመን ከፈረንሳይ ጋር ባደረገችው ውጊያ ሁሌም አሸናፊ ሆናለች።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: i don't know yeah think it was \nHypothesis: I'm confused but it might have been\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne sais pas. \nHypothèse: Je suis confus, mais ça aurait pu être\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The daylight was almost gone. Hypothesis: It would be too late if it got dark. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Letsatsi le ne le se le batla le se le fetile. Hypothèse: Ho ka ba morao haholo haeba ho fifala. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: That's it. Hypothesis: It's over. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: C'est tout ce que j'ai. Hypothèse: C'est fini. Je suis désolé. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The daylight was almost gone. \nHypothesis: It would be too late if it got dark. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Letsatsi le ne le se le batla le se le fetile. \nHypothèse: Ho ka ba morao haholo haeba ho fifala.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: That's it. \nHypothesis: It's over.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est tout ce que j'ai. \nHypothèse: C'est fini. Je suis désolé.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Actions needed to accomplish a goal Hypothesis: Without a goal, most people would agree that the actions are in vain. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: አንድን ግብ ለማሳካት የሚያስፈልጉ እርምጃዎች Hypothèse: ግብ ከሌለህ ብዙ ሰዎች የምታደርገው ነገር ከንቱ እንደሆነ ይስማማሉ። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The fact that I can't resist including Somalia shows the difficulty of maintaining any clear line between situations that justify intervention and those that don't. Hypothesis: Including Somalia is very tempting and easy to do. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le fait que je ne puisse pas résister à inclure la Somalie montre la difficulté de maintenir une ligne claire entre les situations qui justifient une intervention et celles qui ne le font pas. Hypothèse: L'inclusion de la Somalie est très tentante et facile à faire. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Actions needed to accomplish a goal \nHypothesis: Without a goal, most people would agree that the actions are in vain.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: አንድን ግብ ለማሳካት የሚያስፈልጉ እርምጃዎች \nHypothèse: ግብ ከሌለህ ብዙ ሰዎች የምታደርገው ነገር ከንቱ እንደሆነ ይስማማሉ።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The fact that I can't resist including Somalia shows the difficulty of maintaining any clear line between situations that justify intervention and those that don't. \nHypothesis: Including Somalia is very tempting and easy to do.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le fait que je ne puisse pas résister à inclure la Somalie montre la difficulté de maintenir une ligne claire entre les situations qui justifient une intervention et celles qui ne le font pas. \nHypothèse: L'inclusion de la Somalie est très tentante et facile à faire.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He's anxious to keep them apart. Hypothesis: He is anxious to separate them because they keep fighting. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Edi vevie be yeagblẽ wo dome. Hypothèse: Edi vevie be yeama wo dome, elabena wole avu wɔm kple wo nɔewo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: She did actually shoot me in the leg, by the way. Hypothesis: Sharon shot me in my left leg, under the knee. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Elle m'a tiré dans la jambe, au fait. Hypothèse: Sharon m'a tiré dans la jambe gauche, sous le genou. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He's anxious to keep them apart. \nHypothesis: He is anxious to separate them because they keep fighting.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Edi vevie be yeagblẽ wo dome. \nHypothèse: Edi vevie be yeama wo dome, elabena wole avu wɔm kple wo nɔewo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: She did actually shoot me in the leg, by the way. \nHypothesis: Sharon shot me in my left leg, under the knee. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elle m'a tiré dans la jambe, au fait. \nHypothèse: Sharon m'a tiré dans la jambe gauche, sous le genou.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: A bullet hole in the leg. Hypothesis: He got shot in the thigh and it went straight through. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Yari afite inkovu mu kuguru. Hypothèse: Yarashwe mu gatsinsino, kandi icyo gisasu cyamugizeho ingaruka. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Maybe the face is plastic surgery after the accident--but this isn't even my body." The girl's expression softened. Hypothesis: Something was seriously wrong with her body. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Peut-être que le visage est une chirurgie plastique après l'accident - mais ce n'est même pas mon corps. " L'expression de la fille adouci. Hypothèse: Quelque chose n'allait pas dans son corps. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: A bullet hole in the leg. \nHypothesis: He got shot in the thigh and it went straight through.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Yari afite inkovu mu kuguru. \nHypothèse: Yarashwe mu gatsinsino, kandi icyo gisasu cyamugizeho ingaruka.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Maybe the face is plastic surgery after the accident--but this isn't even my body.\" The girl's expression softened. \nHypothesis: Something was seriously wrong with her body. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Peut-être que le visage est une chirurgie plastique après l'accident - mais ce n'est même pas mon corps. \" L'expression de la fille adouci. \nHypothèse: Quelque chose n'allait pas dans son corps.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: What about the car? Tommy shook his head. Hypothesis: What about the new car? Tommy shook his head. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Lu jëm ci oto bi? Tommy yengu na bopp bi. Hypothèse: Lu jëm ci oto bu bees bi? Tommy yengu na bopp bi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: For example, mobilizing commitment, especially from those outside the finance organization, was often one of the more difficult objectives to accomplish. Hypothesis: Mobilizing commitment was often one of the more difficult objectives to accomplish. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Par exemple, mobiliser l'engagement, en particulier de ceux qui ne font pas partie de l'organisation financière, était souvent l'un des objectifs les plus difficiles à atteindre. Hypothèse: La mobilisation de l'engagement était souvent l'un des objectifs les plus difficiles à atteindre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: What about the car? Tommy shook his head. \nHypothesis: What about the new car? Tommy shook his head.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Lu jëm ci oto bi? Tommy yengu na bopp bi. \nHypothèse: Lu jëm ci oto bu bees bi? Tommy yengu na bopp bi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: For example, mobilizing commitment, especially from those outside the finance organization, was often one of the more difficult objectives to accomplish. \nHypothesis: Mobilizing commitment was often one of the more difficult objectives to accomplish.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Par exemple, mobiliser l'engagement, en particulier de ceux qui ne font pas partie de l'organisation financière, était souvent l'un des objectifs les plus difficiles à atteindre. \nHypothèse: La mobilisation de l'engagement était souvent l'un des objectifs les plus difficiles à atteindre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: We ride out and find him shot, dragged with the rope. Hypothesis: A man was shot and dragged. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Twagenda ne tumuzuula nga bamukubye amasasi, era nga bamusibye n'omuguwa. Hypothèse: Omusajja yakubiddwa amasasi era n'asindikibwa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: He was also a master of the art of conspicuous consumption, contrasting sharply with the restraint shown by the Ashikaga shoguns in their more subtle displays of wealth. Hypothesis: The Ashikaga shoguns did not usually engage in conspicuous consumption. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il était également un maître de l'art de la consommation flagrante, en contraste frappant avec la retenue montrée par les shoguns Ashikaga dans leurs démonstrations plus subtiles de richesse. Hypothèse: Les shoguns Ashikaga ne se livraient généralement pas à une consommation visible. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: We ride out and find him shot, dragged with the rope. \nHypothesis: A man was shot and dragged.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Twagenda ne tumuzuula nga bamukubye amasasi, era nga bamusibye n'omuguwa. \nHypothèse: Omusajja yakubiddwa amasasi era n'asindikibwa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He was also a master of the art of conspicuous consumption, contrasting sharply with the restraint shown by the Ashikaga shoguns in their more subtle displays of wealth. \nHypothesis: The Ashikaga shoguns did not usually engage in conspicuous consumption.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il était également un maître de l'art de la consommation flagrante, en contraste frappant avec la retenue montrée par les shoguns Ashikaga dans leurs démonstrations plus subtiles de richesse. \nHypothèse: Les shoguns Ashikaga ne se livraient généralement pas à une consommation visible.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He dismissed the matter from his mind. Hypothesis: He dismissed the matter from his mind and turned to other issues. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Eɖe susu ɖa le nyaa ŋu. Hypothèse: Eɖe susu ɖa le nyaa ŋu hetrɔ ɖe nya bubuwo ŋu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: By the way, the LAT story cannot just refer to the World Wide Web--oh no, it has to explain that this is a popular Internet graphical network, encompassing some 62 million Americans, that is revolutionizing business and education. Hypothesis: They wanted to spread the word about potential business prospects online. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Au fait, l'histoire du LAT ne peut pas se référer au World Wide Web -- oh non, il doit expliquer qu'il s'agit d'un réseau graphique populaire sur Internet, qui englobe quelque 62 millions d'Américains, qui révolutionne les affaires et l'éducation. Hypothèse: Ils voulaient faire connaître les perspectives d'affaires potentielles en ligne. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He dismissed the matter from his mind. \nHypothesis: He dismissed the matter from his mind and turned to other issues.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Eɖe susu ɖa le nyaa ŋu. \nHypothèse: Eɖe susu ɖa le nyaa ŋu hetrɔ ɖe nya bubuwo ŋu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: By the way, the LAT story cannot just refer to the World Wide Web--oh no, it has to explain that this is a popular Internet graphical network, encompassing some 62 million Americans, that is revolutionizing business and education. \nHypothesis: They wanted to spread the word about potential business prospects online.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Au fait, l'histoire du LAT ne peut pas se référer au World Wide Web -- oh non, il doit expliquer qu'il s'agit d'un réseau graphique populaire sur Internet, qui englobe quelque 62 millions d'Américains, qui révolutionne les affaires et l'éducation. \nHypothèse: Ils voulaient faire connaître les perspectives d'affaires potentielles en ligne.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: No guards. Hypothesis: No people at all. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Amul ay sàmm. Hypothèse: Amul kenn ci ñoom. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Artists with the finest of brushes paint the minutely detailed religious paintings called thangkas. Hypothesis: The minutely detailed religious paintings called thangkas are painted by artists using the finest of brushes. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Des artistes aux pinceaux les plus fins peignent les thangka, des tableaux religieux aux détails minutieux. Hypothèse: Les thangka, des peintures religieuses aux détails minutieux, sont peintes par des artistes qui utilisent les pinceaux les plus fins. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: No guards. \nHypothesis: No people at all. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Amul ay sàmm. \nHypothèse: Amul kenn ci ñoom.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Artists with the finest of brushes paint the minutely detailed religious paintings called thangkas. \nHypothesis: The minutely detailed religious paintings called thangkas are painted by artists using the finest of brushes.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Des artistes aux pinceaux les plus fins peignent les thangka, des tableaux religieux aux détails minutieux. \nHypothèse: Les thangka, des peintures religieuses aux détails minutieux, sont peintes par des artistes qui utilisent les pinceaux les plus fins.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: In wartime guns can be lost. Hypothesis: Guns often go lost during war and never turn up again. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Nígbà ogun, àwọn ìbọn lè ṣòfò. Hypothèse: Àwọn ìbọn sábà máa ń sọnù nígbà ogun, wọn kì í sì í padà rí wọn. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: To match their long-term stake in the country's prosperity, the Chinese and Indians wanted political equality with the Malays. Hypothesis: The Chinese and Indians were trying to match their long term stake in Malaysia. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Pour faire égaler leur participation à long terme à la prospérité du pays, les Chinois et les Indiens voulaient l'égalité politique avec les Malais. Hypothèse: Les Chinois et les Indiens essayaient de faire égaler leur participation à long terme en Malaisie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: In wartime guns can be lost. \nHypothesis: Guns often go lost during war and never turn up again. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Nígbà ogun, àwọn ìbọn lè ṣòfò. \nHypothèse: Àwọn ìbọn sábà máa ń sọnù nígbà ogun, wọn kì í sì í padà rí wọn.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: To match their long-term stake in the country's prosperity, the Chinese and Indians wanted political equality with the Malays. \nHypothesis: The Chinese and Indians were trying to match their long term stake in Malaysia.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Pour faire égaler leur participation à long terme à la prospérité du pays, les Chinois et les Indiens voulaient l'égalité politique avec les Malais. \nHypothèse: Les Chinois et les Indiens essayaient de faire égaler leur participation à long terme en Malaisie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: There are many conditions that are not visible. Hypothesis: There are many hidden conditions that will eventually cripple him. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Il y a beaucoup de choses qui ne sont pas visibles. Hypothèse: Il y a beaucoup de maladies cachées qui finiront par le paralyser. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The investigation of Michael Kennedy's alleged affair with his kids' teen-age baby sitter is being dropped because the baby sitter won't cooperate. Hypothesis: Michael Kennedy allegedly had an affair with the baby sitter of his kids. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: L'enquête sur la relation présumée de Michael Kennedy avec la baby-sitter de ses enfants est abandonnée parce que la baby-sitter ne veut pas coopérer. Hypothèse: Michael Kennedy aurait eu une liaison avec la baby-sitter de ses enfants. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: There are many conditions that are not visible. \nHypothesis: There are many hidden conditions that will eventually cripple him.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Il y a beaucoup de choses qui ne sont pas visibles. \nHypothèse: Il y a beaucoup de maladies cachées qui finiront par le paralyser.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The investigation of Michael Kennedy's alleged affair with his kids' teen-age baby sitter is being dropped because the baby sitter won't cooperate. \nHypothesis: Michael Kennedy allegedly had an affair with the baby sitter of his kids.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: L'enquête sur la relation présumée de Michael Kennedy avec la baby-sitter de ses enfants est abandonnée parce que la baby-sitter ne veut pas coopérer. \nHypothèse: Michael Kennedy aurait eu une liaison avec la baby-sitter de ses enfants.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: um-hum um-hum yeah some sort of educational process i'm not quite sure what Hypothesis: I know exxactly how that goes. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: um-hum um-hum yeah aina fulani ya mchakato wa elimu i si uhakika kabisa nini Hypothèse: Najua hasa jinsi hiyo huenda. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Canary Island cigars and locally-made cigarettes are even cheaper. Hypothesis: Cigars and cigarettes are more expensive on the Canary Islands than elsewhere. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les cigares des îles Canaries et les cigarettes de fabrication locale sont encore moins chers. Hypothèse: Les cigares et les cigarettes sont plus chers aux Canaries qu'ailleurs. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: um-hum um-hum yeah some sort of educational process i'm not quite sure what \nHypothesis: I know exxactly how that goes.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: um-hum um-hum yeah aina fulani ya mchakato wa elimu i si uhakika kabisa nini \nHypothèse: Najua hasa jinsi hiyo huenda.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Canary Island cigars and locally-made cigarettes are even cheaper. \nHypothesis: Cigars and cigarettes are more expensive on the Canary Islands than elsewhere. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les cigares des îles Canaries et les cigarettes de fabrication locale sont encore moins chers. \nHypothèse: Les cigares et les cigarettes sont plus chers aux Canaries qu'ailleurs. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: (internal quotation marks omitted). Hypothesis: (internal quotation marks removed for clarity). The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: (Wɔayi ntweaseɛ a ɛwɔ emu no afi hɔ). Hypothèse: (Wɔayi ntweaseɛ a ɛwɔ mu no afi hɔ na ama emu ada hɔ). La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: is it is it hard to make it come down where you want to Hypothesis: It is easy to make it do anything you want. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: C'est difficile de le faire descendre là où vous voulez Hypothèse: C'est facile de lui faire faire ce que vous voulez. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: (internal quotation marks omitted). \nHypothesis: (internal quotation marks removed for clarity).\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: (Wɔayi ntweaseɛ a ɛwɔ emu no afi hɔ). \nHypothèse: (Wɔayi ntweaseɛ a ɛwɔ mu no afi hɔ na ama emu ada hɔ).\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: is it is it hard to make it come down where you want to \nHypothesis: It is easy to make it do anything you want.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est difficile de le faire descendre là où vous voulez \nHypothèse: C'est facile de lui faire faire ce que vous voulez.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Just Pat autographing anything presented to him. Hypothesis: Pat was autographing anything given to him. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Pat kawai yana sa hannu a duk wani abu da aka gabatar masa. Hypothèse: Pat yana sa hannu a duk wani abu da aka ba shi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: He's not a moron.' Hypothesis: He is intelligent. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il n'est pas un imbécile. Hypothèse: Il est intelligent. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Just Pat autographing anything presented to him. \nHypothesis: Pat was autographing anything given to him.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Pat kawai yana sa hannu a duk wani abu da aka gabatar masa. \nHypothèse: Pat yana sa hannu a duk wani abu da aka ba shi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He's not a moron.' \nHypothesis: He is intelligent.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il n'est pas un imbécile. \nHypothèse: Il est intelligent.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I'm calling us to renew our faith in each other. Hypothesis: We should give each other more credit. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ana m akpọ anyị òkù ka anyị mee ka okwukwe anyị nwere n'ebe ibe anyị nọ sikwuo ike. Hypothèse: Anyị kwesịrị inwekwu obi ike n'ebe ibe anyị nọ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: An unusual feature is the huge spiral ramp of the Tour des Minimes, wide enough to allow access for horses and provisions. Hypothesis: Surprisingly, the Tour des Minimes has a wide ramp that horses can traverse. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Une caractéristique inhabituelle est l'énorme rampe en spirale de la Tour des Minimes, assez large pour permettre l'accès des chevaux et des provisions. Hypothèse: Étonnamment, la Tour des Minimes possède une large rampe que les chevaux peuvent traverser. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I'm calling us to renew our faith in each other. \nHypothesis: We should give each other more credit.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ana m akpọ anyị òkù ka anyị mee ka okwukwe anyị nwere n'ebe ibe anyị nọ sikwuo ike. \nHypothèse: Anyị kwesịrị inwekwu obi ike n'ebe ibe anyị nọ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: An unusual feature is the huge spiral ramp of the Tour des Minimes, wide enough to allow access for horses and provisions. \nHypothesis: Surprisingly, the Tour des Minimes has a wide ramp that horses can traverse.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Une caractéristique inhabituelle est l'énorme rampe en spirale de la Tour des Minimes, assez large pour permettre l'accès des chevaux et des provisions. \nHypothèse: Étonnamment, la Tour des Minimes possède une large rampe que les chevaux peuvent traverser.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He wasn't in his own home, of course. Hypothesis: He wasn't in his home. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Le nyateƒe me la, menye eya ŋutɔ ƒe aƒe mee o. Hypothèse: Menye eƒe aƒemee o. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Worry filled Jon's head. Hypothesis: Jon was worrying about things. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Jon était inquiet. Hypothèse: Jon s'inquiétait pour certaines choses. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He wasn't in his own home, of course. \nHypothesis: He wasn't in his home.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Le nyateƒe me la, menye eya ŋutɔ ƒe aƒe mee o. \nHypothèse: Menye eƒe aƒemee o.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Worry filled Jon's head. \nHypothesis: Jon was worrying about things.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Jon était inquiet. \nHypothèse: Jon s'inquiétait pour certaines choses.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: At least not to gay Nothing judgmental, it's a cost-cutting thing.) Hypothesis: At least something gay. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Na bongo, soki tozali na mposa ya kosomba biloko, tosengeli kosomba yango na mbongo mingi te. Hypothèse: Na bongo, ezali malamu kozala na mwa maloba ya kosɛkisa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: See appendix II for a detailed description of the modeling methodology. Hypothesis: Appendix II has no information on the modeling methodology. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Pour une description détaillée de la méthodologie de modélisation, voir l'appendice II. Hypothèse: L'appendice II ne contient aucune information sur la méthodologie de modélisation. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: At least not to gay Nothing judgmental, it's a cost-cutting thing.) \nHypothesis: At least something gay.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Na bongo, soki tozali na mposa ya kosomba biloko, tosengeli kosomba yango na mbongo mingi te. \nHypothèse: Na bongo, ezali malamu kozala na mwa maloba ya kosɛkisa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: See appendix II for a detailed description of the modeling methodology. \nHypothesis: Appendix II has no information on the modeling methodology. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Pour une description détaillée de la méthodologie de modélisation, voir l'appendice II. \nHypothèse: L'appendice II ne contient aucune information sur la méthodologie de modélisation.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It brings out all that is sweetest and truest in them. Hypothesis: It brings out all their bad qualities. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Eɖea nusianu si nyo eye le eteƒe wu la fiana. Hypothèse: Eɖea woƒe nɔnɔme gbegblẽwo katã fiana. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Either behavior is self-reinforcing from one year to the next. Hypothesis: None of the behaviors are self-reinforcing. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: L'un ou l'autre comportement se renforce d'une année à l'autre. Hypothèse: Aucun de ces comportements ne se renforce d'eux-mêmes. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It brings out all that is sweetest and truest in them. \nHypothesis: It brings out all their bad qualities.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Eɖea nusianu si nyo eye le eteƒe wu la fiana. \nHypothèse: Eɖea woƒe nɔnɔme gbegblẽwo katã fiana.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Either behavior is self-reinforcing from one year to the next. \nHypothesis: None of the behaviors are self-reinforcing. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: L'un ou l'autre comportement se renforce d'une année à l'autre. \nHypothèse: Aucun de ces comportements ne se renforce d'eux-mêmes.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I had a new patient coming in. Hypothesis: The new patient is unable to speak. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Am naa benn jàngoro bu bees. Hypothèse: Patient bu bees bi mënul a wax. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Sinan's modest tomb, which he designed himself, stands in a triangular garden at the northern corner of the complex, capped by a small dome. Hypothesis: Sinan designed his own tomb The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: La modeste tombe de Sinan, qu'il a conçue lui-même, se trouve dans un jardin triangulaire à l'angle nord du complexe, surmonté d'un petit dôme. Hypothèse: Sinan a conçu sa propre tombe . La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I had a new patient coming in. \nHypothesis: The new patient is unable to speak.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Am naa benn jàngoro bu bees. \nHypothèse: Patient bu bees bi mënul a wax.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Sinan's modest tomb, which he designed himself, stands in a triangular garden at the northern corner of the complex, capped by a small dome. \nHypothesis: Sinan designed his own tomb\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La modeste tombe de Sinan, qu'il a conçue lui-même, se trouve dans un jardin triangulaire à l'angle nord du complexe, surmonté d'un petit dôme. \nHypothèse: Sinan a conçu sa propre tombe .\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The hands that had grabbed me belonged to a little man. Hypothesis: The little man grabbed me. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Hannun da suka kama ni na wani karamin mutum ne. Hypothèse: Ƙananan mutumin ya kama ni. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Tintoretto's masterpiece in chiarosero effects is the grandiose Crucifixion in the Sala dell'Albergo. Hypothesis: The Sala dell'Albergo is in Florence, Italy. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le chef-d'œuvre de Tintoretto dans les effets chiarosero est la grandiose Crucifixion dans la Sala dell'Albergo. Hypothèse: La Sala dell'Albergo est située à Florence, en Italie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The hands that had grabbed me belonged to a little man. \nHypothesis: The little man grabbed me.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Hannun da suka kama ni na wani karamin mutum ne. \nHypothèse: Ƙananan mutumin ya kama ni.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Tintoretto's masterpiece in chiarosero effects is the grandiose Crucifixion in the Sala dell'Albergo. \nHypothesis: The Sala dell'Albergo is in Florence, Italy.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le chef-d'œuvre de Tintoretto dans les effets chiarosero est la grandiose Crucifixion dans la Sala dell'Albergo. \nHypothèse: La Sala dell'Albergo est située à Florence, en Italie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: a chemical called Dursban Two it's a crystal Hypothesis: It's called Dursban Three. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: wani sinadari da ake kira Dursban Two shi crystal Hypothèse: An kira shi Dursban Uku. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Even the warmest-hearted clerk can appear aloof towards customers that are dressed poorly. Hypothesis: High crime rate has caused most clerks to be judgmental of poorly dressed customers. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Même le vendeur le plus chaleureux peut sembler distant envers les clients qui sont mal habillés. Hypothèse: Le taux élevé de criminalité a amené la plupart des commerçants à juger les clients mal habillés. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: a chemical called Dursban Two it's a crystal \nHypothesis: It's called Dursban Three.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: wani sinadari da ake kira Dursban Two shi crystal \nHypothèse: An kira shi Dursban Uku.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Even the warmest-hearted clerk can appear aloof towards customers that are dressed poorly. \nHypothesis: High crime rate has caused most clerks to be judgmental of poorly dressed customers.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Même le vendeur le plus chaleureux peut sembler distant envers les clients qui sont mal habillés. \nHypothèse: Le taux élevé de criminalité a amené la plupart des commerçants à juger les clients mal habillés.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: you're right and that's kind of silly Hypothesis: You are right, and thats wacky The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: uri kutaura chokwadi uye izvozvo zvakapusa Hypothèse: Une chokwadi, uye izvozvo hazvina musoro La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: I recognize deficiencies in my Jewishness. Hypothesis: I do not recognize any deficiencies in my Jewishness. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je reconnais des défauts dans mon judaïsme. Hypothèse: Je ne reconnais aucune faiblesse dans mon judaïsme. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: you're right and that's kind of silly \nHypothesis: You are right, and thats wacky\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: uri kutaura chokwadi uye izvozvo zvakapusa \nHypothèse: Une chokwadi, uye izvozvo hazvina musoro\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: I recognize deficiencies in my Jewishness. \nHypothesis: I do not recognize any deficiencies in my Jewishness.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je reconnais des défauts dans mon judaïsme. \nHypothèse: Je ne reconnais aucune faiblesse dans mon judaïsme.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: You face, just like us, certain Hypothesis: It's certain that you will face death. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Wò hã èle abe míawo ke ene, èle nɔnɔme sesẽwo me tom. Hypothèse: Kakaɖedzi le eŋu be àku godoo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The chauffeur slipped in his clutch, and with a bound the car started. Hypothesis: The chauffeur is a man with a limp. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le chauffeur a glissé dans son embrayage, et la voiture a démarré avec un bond. Hypothèse: Le chauffeur est un homme boiteux. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: You face, just like us, certain \nHypothesis: It's certain that you will face death.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Wò hã èle abe míawo ke ene, èle nɔnɔme sesẽwo me tom. \nHypothèse: Kakaɖedzi le eŋu be àku godoo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The chauffeur slipped in his clutch, and with a bound the car started. \nHypothesis: The chauffeur is a man with a limp.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le chauffeur a glissé dans son embrayage, et la voiture a démarré avec un bond. \nHypothèse: Le chauffeur est un homme boiteux.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: toward a better disease model. Hypothesis: The disease model is perfect. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: be wòana dɔlélewo ƒe nɔnɔme nanyo ɖe edzi. Hypothèse: Dɔléle sia ƒe kpɔɖeŋua de blibo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: And I was wrong about its being useless to go to him. Hypothesis: I shouldn't have said that we should not go to him. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Et j'avais tort de penser qu'il était inutile d'aller le voir. Hypothèse: Je n'aurais pas dû dire qu'on ne devrait pas aller le voir. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: toward a better disease model. \nHypothesis: The disease model is perfect.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: be wòana dɔlélewo ƒe nɔnɔme nanyo ɖe edzi. \nHypothèse: Dɔléle sia ƒe kpɔɖeŋua de blibo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: And I was wrong about its being useless to go to him. \nHypothesis: I shouldn't have said that we should not go to him. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Et j'avais tort de penser qu'il était inutile d'aller le voir. \nHypothèse: Je n'aurais pas dû dire qu'on ne devrait pas aller le voir.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The town had grown somewhat in my absence. Hypothesis: The town was 3 times larger then the last time I had visited. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: ከተማዋ እኔ በሌለሁበት ጊዜ ውስጥ በተወሰነ አድጓል ነበር. Hypothèse: ከተማዋ ባለፈው ጊዜ ከጎበኘኋት በ3 እጥፍ ትልቋ ነበረች። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Spot enforcement, well-publicized with blue flashing lights, is what maintains speed limits on the highway. Hypothesis: There are no longer speed limits. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La mise en place de mesures de contrôle, bien annoncée par des feux clignotants bleus, est ce qui maintient les limites de vitesse sur l'autoroute. Hypothèse: Il n'y a plus de limite de vitesse. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The town had grown somewhat in my absence. \nHypothesis: The town was 3 times larger then the last time I had visited.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: ከተማዋ እኔ በሌለሁበት ጊዜ ውስጥ በተወሰነ አድጓል ነበር. \nHypothèse: ከተማዋ ባለፈው ጊዜ ከጎበኘኋት በ3 እጥፍ ትልቋ ነበረች።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Spot enforcement, well-publicized with blue flashing lights, is what maintains speed limits on the highway. \nHypothesis: There are no longer speed limits.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La mise en place de mesures de contrôle, bien annoncée par des feux clignotants bleus, est ce qui maintient les limites de vitesse sur l'autoroute. \nHypothèse: Il n'y a plus de limite de vitesse.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: You would not take them. Hypothesis: You would not accept them. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Tewali n'omu ku bo gwe wanditutte. Hypothèse: Tewaabakkiriza. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: i'm not really tempted to do that either if Hypothesis: I'm not tempted to do that The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je ne suis pas vraiment tenté de faire ça non plus si Hypothèse: Je ne suis pas tenté de faire ça. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: You would not take them. \nHypothesis: You would not accept them.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Tewali n'omu ku bo gwe wanditutte. \nHypothèse: Tewaabakkiriza.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: i'm not really tempted to do that either if \nHypothesis: I'm not tempted to do that\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne suis pas vraiment tenté de faire ça non plus si \nHypothèse: Je ne suis pas tenté de faire ça.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: um i have several outside shrubs that i maintain take care of Hypothesis: I have at least five shrubs in my front yard. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: ኡም እኔ የምጠብቃቸው በርካታ የውጭ ቁጥቋጦዎች አሉኝ እንክብካቤ አድርግላቸው Hypothèse: በፊቴ ግቢ ውስጥ ቢያንስ አምስት ቁጥቋጦዎች አሉኝ። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: so it's uh yeah it's uh pretty nice Hypothesis: It's awful. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Alors c'est... Ouais, c'est plutôt bien. Hypothèse: C'est affreux. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: um i have several outside shrubs that i maintain take care of \nHypothesis: I have at least five shrubs in my front yard.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: ኡም እኔ የምጠብቃቸው በርካታ የውጭ ቁጥቋጦዎች አሉኝ እንክብካቤ አድርግላቸው \nHypothèse: በፊቴ ግቢ ውስጥ ቢያንስ አምስት ቁጥቋጦዎች አሉኝ።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: so it's uh yeah it's uh pretty nice \nHypothesis: It's awful.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Alors c'est... Ouais, c'est plutôt bien. \nHypothèse: C'est affreux.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He was of middle height, and squarely built to match his jaw. Hypothesis: He was 5'8''. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Alikuwa wa urefu wa kati, na mraba kujengwa kwa mechi taya yake. Hypothèse: Alikuwa na urefu wa 5'8'. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: In another minute he was laughing at these melodramatic fancies. Hypothesis: Laughing at the melodramatic fancies makes him uncaring. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Une autre minute, il riait de ces fantaisies mélodramatiques. Hypothèse: Il est indifférent à la vie de ceux qui rient de leurs fantaisies mélodramatiques. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He was of middle height, and squarely built to match his jaw. \nHypothesis: He was 5'8''.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Alikuwa wa urefu wa kati, na mraba kujengwa kwa mechi taya yake. \nHypothèse: Alikuwa na urefu wa 5'8'.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In another minute he was laughing at these melodramatic fancies. \nHypothesis: Laughing at the melodramatic fancies makes him uncaring. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Une autre minute, il riait de ces fantaisies mélodramatiques. \nHypothèse: Il est indifférent à la vie de ceux qui rient de leurs fantaisies mélodramatiques.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Each of them had no fewer than thirty death marks on their chests. Hypothesis: There was nothing on their chests. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Kila mmoja wao alikuwa na alama za kifo zisizo chini ya thelathini kwenye kifua chake. Hypothèse: Hawakuwa na chochote kwenye kifua chao. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: On the western flank of the square, West Register House, designed originally as a church (St. Hypothesis: West Register House never was a church. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Sur le flanc ouest de la place, West Register House, conçu à l'origine comme une église (St. Hypothèse: La maison West Register n'a jamais été une église. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Each of them had no fewer than thirty death marks on their chests. \nHypothesis: There was nothing on their chests.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Kila mmoja wao alikuwa na alama za kifo zisizo chini ya thelathini kwenye kifua chake. \nHypothèse: Hawakuwa na chochote kwenye kifua chao.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: On the western flank of the square, West Register House, designed originally as a church (St. \nHypothesis: West Register House never was a church. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Sur le flanc ouest de la place, West Register House, conçu à l'origine comme une église (St. \nHypothèse: La maison West Register n'a jamais été une église.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: By little I do not mean small. Hypothesis: When I say little, I mean small. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Bwe njogera ku kitono, mba sitegeeza kitono. Hypothèse: Bwe njogera ku kitono, mba ntegeeza kitono. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: But you have already said, suh, that you don't allow rough breakin' here."Drew's half suspicion crystallized into belief. Hypothesis: You said that when you were drunk sir. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Mais tu as déjà dit, Suh, que tu ne permets pas de violences ici. "La moitié du soupçon de Drew s'est cristallisée en croyance. Hypothèse: Vous avez dit ça quand vous étiez ivre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: By little I do not mean small. \nHypothesis: When I say little, I mean small. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Bwe njogera ku kitono, mba sitegeeza kitono. \nHypothèse: Bwe njogera ku kitono, mba ntegeeza kitono.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: But you have already said, suh, that you don't allow rough breakin' here.\"Drew's half suspicion crystallized into belief. \nHypothesis: You said that when you were drunk sir.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais tu as déjà dit, Suh, que tu ne permets pas de violences ici. \"La moitié du soupçon de Drew s'est cristallisée en croyance. \nHypothèse: Vous avez dit ça quand vous étiez ivre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: concurring opinion to the R2000-1 decision. Hypothesis: A disagreeing opinion to the R2000-1 The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: ekiwandiiko ekikkiriziganya ku kusalawo kwa R2000-1. Hypothèse: Endowooza etawagira R2000-1 La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: uh but i'm sure that they get a lot of publicity there's probably a lot of people that get shot with guns by equally mentally deranged people Hypothesis: The publicity can only help improve the situation. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Mais je suis sûr qu'ils ont beaucoup de publicité. Il y a probablement beaucoup de gens qui se font tirer dessus par des gens aussi dérangés. Hypothèse: La publicité ne peut qu'aider à améliorer la situation. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: concurring opinion to the R2000-1 decision. \nHypothesis: A disagreeing opinion to the R2000-1\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: ekiwandiiko ekikkiriziganya ku kusalawo kwa R2000-1. \nHypothèse: Endowooza etawagira R2000-1\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: uh but i'm sure that they get a lot of publicity there's probably a lot of people that get shot with guns by equally mentally deranged people \nHypothesis: The publicity can only help improve the situation. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais je suis sûr qu'ils ont beaucoup de publicité. Il y a probablement beaucoup de gens qui se font tirer dessus par des gens aussi dérangés. \nHypothèse: La publicité ne peut qu'aider à améliorer la situation.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: No protective gear. Hypothesis: There was no PPE. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Nta myambaro yo kwirinda yari afite. Hypothèse: Nta bikoresho byo kwikingira byari bihari. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: After Robert Kennedy's assassination in 1968, he endorsed strong gun control legislation, and as recently as last year he declared that AK-47s are inappropriate for private use. Hypothesis: He is considered to be a strong proponent of the second amendment. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Après l'assassinat de Robert Kennedy en 1968, il a approuvé une législation stricte sur le contrôle des armes à feu, et il a déclaré l'année dernière que les AK-47 ne convenaient pas à un usage privé. Hypothèse: Il est considéré comme un ardent défenseur du deuxième amendement. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: No protective gear. \nHypothesis: There was no PPE.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Nta myambaro yo kwirinda yari afite. \nHypothèse: Nta bikoresho byo kwikingira byari bihari.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: After Robert Kennedy's assassination in 1968, he endorsed strong gun control legislation, and as recently as last year he declared that AK-47s are inappropriate for private use. \nHypothesis: He is considered to be a strong proponent of the second amendment.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Après l'assassinat de Robert Kennedy en 1968, il a approuvé une législation stricte sur le contrôle des armes à feu, et il a déclaré l'année dernière que les AK-47 ne convenaient pas à un usage privé. \nHypothèse: Il est considéré comme un ardent défenseur du deuxième amendement.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: probably late January Hypothesis: The later part of January. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: cishe ngasekupheleni kukaJanuwari Hypothèse: Ingxenye yokugcina kaJanuwari. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The stupas of Sanchi lay in the jungle until they were uncovered by the British in 1818, but delay in their restoration led to their plunder. Hypothesis: The British uncovered the stupas of Sanchi and restored them to their original condition. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les stupas de Sanchi se trouvaient dans la jungle jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient découverts par les Britanniques en 1818, mais le retard dans leur restauration a conduit à leur pillage. Hypothèse: Les Britanniques ont découvert les stupas de Sanchi et les ont restaurés à leur état d'origine. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: probably late January \nHypothesis: The later part of January.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: cishe ngasekupheleni kukaJanuwari \nHypothèse: Ingxenye yokugcina kaJanuwari.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The stupas of Sanchi lay in the jungle until they were uncovered by the British in 1818, but delay in their restoration led to their plunder. \nHypothesis: The British uncovered the stupas of Sanchi and restored them to their original condition.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les stupas de Sanchi se trouvaient dans la jungle jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient découverts par les Britanniques en 1818, mais le retard dans leur restauration a conduit à leur pillage. \nHypothèse: Les Britanniques ont découvert les stupas de Sanchi et les ont restaurés à leur état d'origine.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yeah that doesn't work very well either Hypothesis: That will work great! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Oui, ça ne fonctionne pas très bien non plus. Hypothèse: Ça va marcher ! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Visitors to France ' and the French themselves ' often overlook the charms of the far north. Hypothesis: The charms of northern France are often overlooked by visitors. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Les visiteurs de France - et les Français eux-mêmes - négligent souvent les charmes de l'extrême nord. Hypothèse: Les visiteurs négligent souvent les charmes du nord de la France. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yeah that doesn't work very well either \nHypothesis: That will work great!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Oui, ça ne fonctionne pas très bien non plus. \nHypothèse: Ça va marcher !\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Visitors to France ' and the French themselves ' often overlook the charms of the far north. \nHypothesis: The charms of northern France are often overlooked by visitors.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les visiteurs de France - et les Français eux-mêmes - négligent souvent les charmes de l'extrême nord. \nHypothèse: Les visiteurs négligent souvent les charmes du nord de la France.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Paella is named after the large, shallow iron pan in which it is cooked and served. Hypothesis: Paella includes rice. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: La paella doit son nom à la grande poêle en fer peu profonde dans laquelle elle est cuite et servie. Hypothèse: La paella est faite de riz. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: It was hoped that the whole affair had been kept so secret that nothing would have leaked out. Hypothesis: They had told everyone to avoid mentioning anything. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: On espérait que l'affaire avait été tenue secrète pour que rien ne se soit révélé. Hypothèse: Ils avaient dit à tout le monde d'éviter de mentionner quoi que ce soit. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Paella is named after the large, shallow iron pan in which it is cooked and served. \nHypothesis: Paella includes rice.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: La paella doit son nom à la grande poêle en fer peu profonde dans laquelle elle est cuite et servie. \nHypothèse: La paella est faite de riz.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It was hoped that the whole affair had been kept so secret that nothing would have leaked out. \nHypothesis: They had told everyone to avoid mentioning anything.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: On espérait que l'affaire avait été tenue secrète pour que rien ne se soit révélé. \nHypothèse: Ils avaient dit à tout le monde d'éviter de mentionner quoi que ce soit.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Pay must be good. Hypothesis: It's too dangerous, unless paid sufficiently. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Empeera erina okuba nga nnungi. Hypothèse: Kyangu nnyo, okuggyako ng'asasuddwa ekimala. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: It was built at the command of Mehmet II in 1452 in preparation for his last assault on Constantinople, and was completed in only four months. Hypothesis: It was built by Mehmet in 1452 in four months. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il a été construit sur ordre de Mehmet II en 1452 en préparation de son dernier assaut sur Constantinople, et a été achevé en seulement quatre mois. Hypothèse: Il a été construit par Mehmet en 1452 en quatre mois. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Pay must be good. \nHypothesis: It's too dangerous, unless paid sufficiently.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Empeera erina okuba nga nnungi. \nHypothèse: Kyangu nnyo, okuggyako ng'asasuddwa ekimala.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It was built at the command of Mehmet II in 1452 in preparation for his last assault on Constantinople, and was completed in only four months. \nHypothesis: It was built by Mehmet in 1452 in four months.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il a été construit sur ordre de Mehmet II en 1452 en préparation de son dernier assaut sur Constantinople, et a été achevé en seulement quatre mois. \nHypothèse: Il a été construit par Mehmet en 1452 en quatre mois.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The ad displays information in a format similar to a stock ticker. Hypothesis: The ad had no apparent format at all. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Nyatakakawo nɔa boblododoa me abe ale si ko nuwo ƒe xexlẽdzesi nɔa le boblododoa me ene. Hypothèse: Womede dzesi ale si woade asi agbalẽa me o. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: 'I don't know. Hypothesis: I know The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je ne sais pas. Hypothèse: Je sais . La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The ad displays information in a format similar to a stock ticker. \nHypothesis: The ad had no apparent format at all.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Nyatakakawo nɔa boblododoa me abe ale si ko nuwo ƒe xexlẽdzesi nɔa le boblododoa me ene. \nHypothèse: Womede dzesi ale si woade asi agbalẽa me o.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: 'I don't know. \nHypothesis: I know\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne sais pas. \nHypothèse: Je sais .\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: don't worry they're recording every word Hypothesis: Every word is being recorded, have no fear. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ungakhathazeki, balirekhoda ilizwi ngalinye Hypothèse: Yonke into oyithethayo irekhodwa, musa ukoyika. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: It is my unpleasant duty to point out to you the things that will happen if you fail. Hypothesis: Happily, I can tell you that nothing will happen in the event of failure. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: C'est mon désagréable devoir de vous dire ce qui arrivera si vous échouez. Hypothèse: Heureusement, je peux vous dire que rien ne se passera en cas d'échec. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: don't worry they're recording every word \nHypothesis: Every word is being recorded, have no fear.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ungakhathazeki, balirekhoda ilizwi ngalinye \nHypothèse: Yonke into oyithethayo irekhodwa, musa ukoyika.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It is my unpleasant duty to point out to you the things that will happen if you fail. \nHypothesis: Happily, I can tell you that nothing will happen in the event of failure.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: C'est mon désagréable devoir de vous dire ce qui arrivera si vous échouez. \nHypothèse: Heureusement, je peux vous dire que rien ne se passera en cas d'échec.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: And his memory of dying was the clearest memory he had. Hypothesis: His death had stuck in his mind. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Kuma tuna mutuwarsa shi ne mafi kyawun abin da ya tuna. Hypothèse: Mutuwarsa ta kasance a cikin tunaninsa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: uh-huh well i think so it puts you out on your own and and in a time after high school um Hypothesis: I think it's good to be put on your own after high school. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Je pense que ça te met sur ton propre chemin et et dans un temps après le lycée Hypothèse: Je pense que c'est bien d'être seul après le lycée. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: And his memory of dying was the clearest memory he had. \nHypothesis: His death had stuck in his mind.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Kuma tuna mutuwarsa shi ne mafi kyawun abin da ya tuna. \nHypothèse: Mutuwarsa ta kasance a cikin tunaninsa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: uh-huh well i think so it puts you out on your own and and in a time after high school um \nHypothesis: I think it's good to be put on your own after high school.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je pense que ça te met sur ton propre chemin et et dans un temps après le lycée \nHypothèse: Je pense que c'est bien d'être seul après le lycée.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It now houses Iraklion's City Hall. Hypothesis: Iraklion's City Hall was only recently constructed. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ Hypothèse: የዩክሬን ከተማ አዳራሽ የተገነባው በቅርቡ ነው። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: As I was saying to Miss Tuppence, resumed the lawyer, "I set to work to prove the impossible possible. Hypothesis: The lawyer sought to prove it impossible. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Comme je disais à Mlle Tuppence, repris l'avocat, "Je me suis mis au travail pour prouver l'impossible possible. Hypothèse: L'avocat a cherché à prouver que c'était impossible. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It now houses Iraklion's City Hall. \nHypothesis: Iraklion's City Hall was only recently constructed.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ \nHypothèse: የዩክሬን ከተማ አዳራሽ የተገነባው በቅርቡ ነው።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: As I was saying to Miss Tuppence, resumed the lawyer, \"I set to work to prove the impossible possible. \nHypothesis: The lawyer sought to prove it impossible.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Comme je disais à Mlle Tuppence, repris l'avocat, \"Je me suis mis au travail pour prouver l'impossible possible. \nHypothèse: L'avocat a cherché à prouver que c'était impossible.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: That ain't no outfit I heard tell of before. Hypothesis: Are they foreign? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Wannan ba wata ƙungiya ce da na taɓa ji ba. Hypothèse: Baƙi ne? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: right you bet yeah we'll that you know and there's a lot of places with uh like nature trails things like that where they could learn a lot too Hypothesis: Nowadays you can go to places that have nature trails. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Oui, on va le faire. Il y a beaucoup d'endroits avec des sentiers de nature, où ils pourraient apprendre beaucoup. Hypothèse: De nos jours, vous pouvez aller dans des endroits qui ont des sentiers de la nature. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: That ain't no outfit I heard tell of before. \nHypothesis: Are they foreign?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Wannan ba wata ƙungiya ce da na taɓa ji ba. \nHypothèse: Baƙi ne?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: right you bet yeah we'll that you know and there's a lot of places with uh like nature trails things like that where they could learn a lot too \nHypothesis: Nowadays you can go to places that have nature trails.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oui, on va le faire. Il y a beaucoup d'endroits avec des sentiers de nature, où ils pourraient apprendre beaucoup. \nHypothèse: De nos jours, vous pouvez aller dans des endroits qui ont des sentiers de la nature.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Grandpa? Hypothesis: Grandfather? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Jjajja? Hypothèse: Jjajja? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: yeah i don't think TI's closed down in a couple of years for bad weather Hypothesis: TI hasn't closed down in a couple of years just for bad weather. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je ne pense pas que TI soit fermé dans quelques années pour le mauvais temps Hypothèse: TI n'a pas fermé depuis deux ans juste pour le mauvais temps. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Grandpa? \nHypothesis: Grandfather?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Jjajja? \nHypothèse: Jjajja?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yeah i don't think TI's closed down in a couple of years for bad weather \nHypothesis: TI hasn't closed down in a couple of years just for bad weather.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne pense pas que TI soit fermé dans quelques années pour le mauvais temps \nHypothèse: TI n'a pas fermé depuis deux ans juste pour le mauvais temps.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: And then ”he makes his slip. Hypothesis: He did not make any mistakes. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Achiis, "Inni ni gadhiifame". Hypothèse: Dogoggorri tokkollee hin raawwanne. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: LSOI then changed its name to Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS) and on January 1, 2001 became the only LSC funded program in Indiana. Hypothesis: LSOI kept its name and never changed it The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: LSOI a ensuite changé de nom en Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS) et le 1er janvier 2001, est devenu le seul programme financé par LSC dans l'Indiana. Hypothèse: LSOI a gardé son nom et ne l'a jamais changé . La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: And then ”he makes his slip. \nHypothesis: He did not make any mistakes.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Achiis, \"Inni ni gadhiifame\". \nHypothèse: Dogoggorri tokkollee hin raawwanne.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: LSOI then changed its name to Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS) and on January 1, 2001 became the only LSC funded program in Indiana. \nHypothesis: LSOI kept its name and never changed it\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: LSOI a ensuite changé de nom en Indiana Legal Services, Inc. (ILS) et le 1er janvier 2001, est devenu le seul programme financé par LSC dans l'Indiana. \nHypothèse: LSOI a gardé son nom et ne l'a jamais changé .\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: We close when we get to close, she said. Hypothesis: We decide when it is time to close. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Mu ne: "Dunu ko tëj bu nu amee li nu war a tëj". Hypothèse: Nun lanuy dogal bu waxtu wi di tënk. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: evaluation criteria or if other included factors unfairly restrict the competition. Hypothesis: There are four included factors that may unfairly restrict the competition. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les parties ont également convenu que la Commission avait le droit de demander à la Commission de déterminer si les conditions d'une telle décision étaient remplies. Hypothèse: Quatre facteurs peuvent être considérés comme des facteurs de restriction de la concurrence. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: We close when we get to close, she said. \nHypothesis: We decide when it is time to close.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Mu ne: \"Dunu ko tëj bu nu amee li nu war a tëj\". \nHypothèse: Nun lanuy dogal bu waxtu wi di tënk.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: evaluation criteria or if other included factors unfairly restrict the competition. \nHypothesis: There are four included factors that may unfairly restrict the competition.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les parties ont également convenu que la Commission avait le droit de demander à la Commission de déterminer si les conditions d'une telle décision étaient remplies. \nHypothèse: Quatre facteurs peuvent être considérés comme des facteurs de restriction de la concurrence.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: have kids you know career to to much into my career you know Hypothesis: I'm too much into my career to have kids. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ní àwọn ọmọ ẹ mọ iṣẹ́ tó pọ̀ jù lọ nínú iṣẹ́ mi ẹ mọ̀ Hypothèse: Iṣẹ́ tí mò ń ṣe ti gbà mí lọ́kàn jù láti bímọ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Amy's View , the best of the recent works to show up here, is a more familiar and successful exercise. Hypothesis: The best work to appear here recently is Amy's View. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Amy's View, le meilleur des travaux récents à montrer ici, est un exercice plus familier et réussi. Hypothèse: Le meilleur travail qui est apparu récemment est "Amy's View". La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: have kids you know career to to much into my career you know \nHypothesis: I'm too much into my career to have kids. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ní àwọn ọmọ ẹ mọ iṣẹ́ tó pọ̀ jù lọ nínú iṣẹ́ mi ẹ mọ̀ \nHypothèse: Iṣẹ́ tí mò ń ṣe ti gbà mí lọ́kàn jù láti bímọ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Amy's View , the best of the recent works to show up here, is a more familiar and successful exercise. \nHypothesis: The best work to appear here recently is Amy's View.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Amy's View, le meilleur des travaux récents à montrer ici, est un exercice plus familier et réussi. \nHypothèse: Le meilleur travail qui est apparu récemment est \"Amy's View\".\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: My dear girl, don't wave Fishers aloft like that!" Hypothesis: Fishers is easily startled. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Nwa m nwanyị, ekwela ka aka na-aga Fishers dị elu dị ka nke ahụ!" Hypothèse: Ọ na-adị mfe ịtụ ndị na-azụ azụ ụjọ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: "You mean he might be stolen, suh?"Drew clicked his empty glass down on the table. Hypothesis: The banker is the thief who might kidnap him? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: "Vous voulez dire qu'il pourrait être volé, Suh?" Drew cliqué son verre vide sur la table. Hypothèse: Le banquier est le voleur qui pourrait le kidnapper ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: My dear girl, don't wave Fishers aloft like that!\" \nHypothesis: Fishers is easily startled.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Nwa m nwanyị, ekwela ka aka na-aga Fishers dị elu dị ka nke ahụ!\" \nHypothèse: Ọ na-adị mfe ịtụ ndị na-azụ azụ ụjọ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: \"You mean he might be stolen, suh?\"Drew clicked his empty glass down on the table. \nHypothesis: The banker is the thief who might kidnap him?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: \"Vous voulez dire qu'il pourrait être volé, Suh?\" Drew cliqué son verre vide sur la table. \nHypothèse: Le banquier est le voleur qui pourrait le kidnapper ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Nye was in here 'bout five minutes ago. Hypothesis: Nye was recently here. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Nye yari ahagana mu minota itanu ishize. Hypothèse: Nye yari aherutse kuza hano. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: kind of like K Mart except it's a little better than what K Mart sells i think Hypothesis: It is nothing like K Mart and is far worse. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Un peu comme K Mart sauf que c'est un peu mieux que ce que K Mart vend je pense Hypothèse: C'est pas comme K Mart et c'est bien pire. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Nye was in here 'bout five minutes ago. \nHypothesis: Nye was recently here. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Nye yari ahagana mu minota itanu ishize. \nHypothèse: Nye yari aherutse kuza hano.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: kind of like K Mart except it's a little better than what K Mart sells i think \nHypothesis: It is nothing like K Mart and is far worse.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Un peu comme K Mart sauf que c'est un peu mieux que ce que K Mart vend je pense \nHypothèse: C'est pas comme K Mart et c'est bien pire.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Your memory must be unusually short! Hypothesis: You have an extremely impeccable memory! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: የማስታወስ ችሎታህ በጣም አጭር መሆን አለበት! Hypothèse: አንተ እጅግ የላቀ የማስታወስ ችሎታ አለህ! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: It was originally topped by a cap of pure gold, which reflected the bright sunlight and acted as a beacon for those who searched from afar for the temple. Hypothesis: The temple was set up to be seen from far away. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il était à l'origine surmonté d'un chapeau d'or pur, qui reflétait la lumière du soleil et servait de phare à ceux qui cherchaient le temple de loin. Hypothèse: Le temple était monté de telle sorte qu'on pouvait le voir de loin. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Your memory must be unusually short! \nHypothesis: You have an extremely impeccable memory!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: የማስታወስ ችሎታህ በጣም አጭር መሆን አለበት! \nHypothèse: አንተ እጅግ የላቀ የማስታወስ ችሎታ አለህ!\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It was originally topped by a cap of pure gold, which reflected the bright sunlight and acted as a beacon for those who searched from afar for the temple. \nHypothesis: The temple was set up to be seen from far away.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il était à l'origine surmonté d'un chapeau d'or pur, qui reflétait la lumière du soleil et servait de phare à ceux qui cherchaient le temple de loin. \nHypothèse: Le temple était monté de telle sorte qu'on pouvait le voir de loin.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: 'For religious reasons.' Hypothesis: Because of what my religion says. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: 'Olw'ensonga z'eddiini.' Hypothèse: Olw'ebyo eddiini yange by'egamba. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: but now it seems that uh with the local economy bad and TI and straits it seems that uh Hypothesis: The local economy is causing problems for TI The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Mais maintenant il semble que euh avec l'économie locale mauvaise et TI et détroits il semble que euh Hypothèse: L'économie locale pose des problèmes à TI La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: 'For religious reasons.' \nHypothesis: Because of what my religion says.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: 'Olw'ensonga z'eddiini.' \nHypothèse: Olw'ebyo eddiini yange by'egamba.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: but now it seems that uh with the local economy bad and TI and straits it seems that uh \nHypothesis: The local economy is causing problems for TI\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais maintenant il semble que euh avec l'économie locale mauvaise et TI et détroits il semble que euh \nHypothèse: L'économie locale pose des problèmes à TI\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: but uh you know when it comes to restrictions and and Hypothesis: When we talk about restrictions. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: kodwa uh uyazi uma kuziwa emikhawulweni futhi futhi Hypothèse: Lapho sikhuluma ngemingcele. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: right right right if they i i i assume if they they i guess they're saying with the cigarettes though that they've been able to show that it's the number one leading cause of preventable preventable Hypothesis: I assume they're saying that cigarettes are the leading cause of something preventable. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je suppose que si elles sont, je suppose qu'elles disent avec les cigarettes, mais qu'ils ont été en mesure de montrer que c'est la principale cause de la prévenant évitable Hypothèse: Je suppose qu'ils disent que les cigarettes sont la principale cause de quelque chose qui peut être évité. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: but uh you know when it comes to restrictions and and \nHypothesis: When we talk about restrictions.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: kodwa uh uyazi uma kuziwa emikhawulweni futhi futhi \nHypothèse: Lapho sikhuluma ngemingcele.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: right right right if they i i i assume if they they i guess they're saying with the cigarettes though that they've been able to show that it's the number one leading cause of preventable preventable \nHypothesis: I assume they're saying that cigarettes are the leading cause of something preventable.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je suppose que si elles sont, je suppose qu'elles disent avec les cigarettes, mais qu'ils ont été en mesure de montrer que c'est la principale cause de la prévenant évitable \nHypothèse: Je suppose qu'ils disent que les cigarettes sont la principale cause de quelque chose qui peut être évité.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: who did you root for in the Super Bowl Hypothesis: Did you support a team that made it to the Super Bowl? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: u ne u tšehetsa mang papaling ea Super Bowl Hypothèse: Na u ile ua tšehetsa sehlopha se ileng sa fihla Super Bowl? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Climb up to the terrace overlooking this shrine for an excellent view over the gopurams beyond the fourth courtyard to the golden vimana, the inner sanctum, and its arched roof with the god Vishnu portrayed on each side. Hypothesis: The terrace overlooking the shrine offers an excellent view over the gopurams beyond the fourth courtyard. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Montez à la terrasse qui surplombe ce sanctuaire pour une vue magnifique sur les gopurams au-delà de la quatrième cour, vers le vimana doré, le sanctuaire intérieur, et son toit en arc avec le dieu Vishnu représenté de chaque côté. Hypothèse: La terrasse surplombant le sanctuaire offre une vue excellente sur les gopurams au-delà de la quatrième cour. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: who did you root for in the Super Bowl \nHypothesis: Did you support a team that made it to the Super Bowl?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: u ne u tšehetsa mang papaling ea Super Bowl \nHypothèse: Na u ile ua tšehetsa sehlopha se ileng sa fihla Super Bowl?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Climb up to the terrace overlooking this shrine for an excellent view over the gopurams beyond the fourth courtyard to the golden vimana, the inner sanctum, and its arched roof with the god Vishnu portrayed on each side. \nHypothesis: The terrace overlooking the shrine offers an excellent view over the gopurams beyond the fourth courtyard.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Montez à la terrasse qui surplombe ce sanctuaire pour une vue magnifique sur les gopurams au-delà de la quatrième cour, vers le vimana doré, le sanctuaire intérieur, et son toit en arc avec le dieu Vishnu représenté de chaque côté. \nHypothèse: La terrasse surplombant le sanctuaire offre une vue excellente sur les gopurams au-delà de la quatrième cour.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: What do you think, Julius?" Hypothesis: "Well what do you think about it Julius?" The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ucinga ntoni, Julius?" Hypothèse: "Kulungile ucinga ntoni ngayo uJulius?" La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: OK, OK, I give up. Hypothesis: I'm not going to pursue this anymore. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je me rends. Hypothèse: Je ne vais plus continuer. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: What do you think, Julius?\" \nHypothesis: \"Well what do you think about it Julius?\"\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ucinga ntoni, Julius?\" \nHypothèse: \"Kulungile ucinga ntoni ngayo uJulius?\"\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: OK, OK, I give up. \nHypothesis: I'm not going to pursue this anymore.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je me rends. \nHypothèse: Je ne vais plus continuer.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: As figure 2.1 shows, gross national saving rebounded. Hypothesis: Gross national saving rebounded, as shown in figure 2.1. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Njengoba kuboniswe esithombeni 2.1, ukonga kukazwelonke okuphelele kwabuya. Hypothèse: Ukulondolozwa kwemali kazwelonke okuphelele kwavuselelwa, njengoba kuboniswe esithombeni 2.1. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: On the other hand, nerds evoke envy. Hypothesis: But nerds evoke envy too. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: D'un autre côté, les nerds suscitent l'envie. Hypothèse: Mais les nerds suscitent aussi l'envie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: As figure 2.1 shows, gross national saving rebounded. \nHypothesis: Gross national saving rebounded, as shown in figure 2.1.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Njengoba kuboniswe esithombeni 2.1, ukonga kukazwelonke okuphelele kwabuya. \nHypothèse: Ukulondolozwa kwemali kazwelonke okuphelele kwavuselelwa, njengoba kuboniswe esithombeni 2.1.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: On the other hand, nerds evoke envy. \nHypothesis: But nerds evoke envy too.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: D'un autre côté, les nerds suscitent l'envie. \nHypothèse: Mais les nerds suscitent aussi l'envie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Some will try to cross the river. Hypothesis: More than one person will attempt to the other side of the river. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Isaan keessaa tokko tokko laga ceʼuuf yaalu. Hypothèse: Namni tokko caalaa gara qarqara lagaatti ce'uuf yaalii godha. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: In 1993, reacting to petitions filed by establishments affected by the rules, the Commission suspended portions of the rules stating that these establishments were experiencing serious difficulties in their attempts to comply with the rules. Hypothesis: There were petitions filed by establishments that were affected, saying their business was damaged by the new regulations. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: En 1993, en réponse aux requêtes déposées par les établissements concernés par les règles, la Commission a suspendu certaines parties des règles, indiquant que ces établissements rencontraient de graves difficultés dans leurs tentatives de se conformer aux règles. Hypothèse: Des pétitions ont été déposées par des établissements concernés, affirmant que leur activité avait été endommagée par les nouvelles réglementations. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Some will try to cross the river. \nHypothesis: More than one person will attempt to the other side of the river. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Isaan keessaa tokko tokko laga ceʼuuf yaalu. \nHypothèse: Namni tokko caalaa gara qarqara lagaatti ce'uuf yaalii godha.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In 1993, reacting to petitions filed by establishments affected by the rules, the Commission suspended portions of the rules stating that these establishments were experiencing serious difficulties in their attempts to comply with the rules. \nHypothesis: There were petitions filed by establishments that were affected, saying their business was damaged by the new regulations.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En 1993, en réponse aux requêtes déposées par les établissements concernés par les règles, la Commission a suspendu certaines parties des règles, indiquant que ces établissements rencontraient de graves difficultés dans leurs tentatives de se conformer aux règles. \nHypothèse: Des pétitions ont été déposées par des établissements concernés, affirmant que leur activité avait été endommagée par les nouvelles réglementations.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: True, there is no formal guarantee. Hypothesis: There is no proper assurance. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Il est vrai qu'il n'y a pas de garantie formelle. Hypothèse: Il n'y a pas de garantie adéquate. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The resort Pahalgam is about 95 km (60 miles) east of Srinagar. Hypothesis: Srinagar is west of the Pahalgam resort. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: La station de Pahalgam est à environ 95 km à l'est de Srinagar. Hypothèse: Srinagar est à l'ouest de la station de Pahalgam. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: True, there is no formal guarantee. \nHypothesis: There is no proper assurance.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Il est vrai qu'il n'y a pas de garantie formelle. \nHypothèse: Il n'y a pas de garantie adéquate.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The resort Pahalgam is about 95 km (60 miles) east of Srinagar. \nHypothesis: Srinagar is west of the Pahalgam resort.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La station de Pahalgam est à environ 95 km à l'est de Srinagar. \nHypothèse: Srinagar est à l'ouest de la station de Pahalgam.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: At my age you will probably have learnt one lesson. Hypothesis: You're not smart enough to learn anything by my age. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: À mon âge, vous aurez probablement appris une leçon. Hypothèse: Tu n'es pas assez intelligent pour apprendre quoi que ce soit à mon âge. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Intragovernmental sales may be made by an organization that maintains either an intragovernmental revolving fund (such as the Defense Business Operations Fund) or a public enterprise revolving fund (such as the Postal Service). Hypothesis: The USDA is one of the few large agencies that does not have a revolving fund. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les ventes intergouvernementales peuvent être effectuées par une organisation qui maintient soit un fonds de roulement intergouvernemental (tel que le Fonds d'opérations commerciales de défense) soit un fonds de roulement d'entreprise publique (tel que le service postal). Hypothèse: L'USDA est l'une des rares grandes agences qui n'a pas de fonds renouvelable. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: At my age you will probably have learnt one lesson. \nHypothesis: You're not smart enough to learn anything by my age.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: À mon âge, vous aurez probablement appris une leçon. \nHypothèse: Tu n'es pas assez intelligent pour apprendre quoi que ce soit à mon âge.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Intragovernmental sales may be made by an organization that maintains either an intragovernmental revolving fund (such as the Defense Business Operations Fund) or a public enterprise revolving fund (such as the Postal Service). \nHypothesis: The USDA is one of the few large agencies that does not have a revolving fund.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les ventes intergouvernementales peuvent être effectuées par une organisation qui maintient soit un fonds de roulement intergouvernemental (tel que le Fonds d'opérations commerciales de défense) soit un fonds de roulement d'entreprise publique (tel que le service postal). \nHypothèse: L'USDA est l'une des rares grandes agences qui n'a pas de fonds renouvelable.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Lastly, the hard copy documents. Hypothesis: Finally, the files in physical form. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Enfin, les documents sur papier. Hypothèse: Enfin, les fichiers sous forme physique. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: uh right now i have um uh two longhair miniature dachshunds i also raise uh peacocks ducks i have three different kinds of ducks and i raise geese and rabbits but the uh uh the dogs and the peacocks are pets the rest of them we we do those for food Hypothesis: I have dogs, ducks, rabbits, peacocks and geese. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je suis un grand fan de la race des Dacques. Je suis un grand fan de la race des Dacques. Hypothèse: J'ai des chiens, des canards, des lapins, des paons et des oies. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Lastly, the hard copy documents. \nHypothesis: Finally, the files in physical form.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Enfin, les documents sur papier. \nHypothèse: Enfin, les fichiers sous forme physique.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: uh right now i have um uh two longhair miniature dachshunds i also raise uh peacocks ducks i have three different kinds of ducks and i raise geese and rabbits but the uh uh the dogs and the peacocks are pets the rest of them we we do those for food \nHypothesis: I have dogs, ducks, rabbits, peacocks and geese. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je suis un grand fan de la race des Dacques. Je suis un grand fan de la race des Dacques. \nHypothèse: J'ai des chiens, des canards, des lapins, des paons et des oies.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Get as many into the caves as will go. Hypothesis: Take everyone out of the caves. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Faites entrer autant de gens que vous voulez. Hypothèse: Sortez tous des grottes. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: She looked very tired and ill, I thought. Hypothesis: She looked totally fine and healthy. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Elle avait l'air très fatiguée et malade, je pensais. Hypothèse: Elle avait l'air en pleine forme et en bonne santé. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Get as many into the caves as will go. \nHypothesis: Take everyone out of the caves.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Faites entrer autant de gens que vous voulez. \nHypothèse: Sortez tous des grottes.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: She looked very tired and ill, I thought. \nHypothesis: She looked totally fine and healthy.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elle avait l'air très fatiguée et malade, je pensais. \nHypothèse: Elle avait l'air en pleine forme et en bonne santé.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: We conclude with the Sporades islands. Hypothesis: You can visit the Sporades islands by air or by boat. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Mun kammala da tsibirin Sporades. Hypothèse: Za ka iya ziyartar tsibirin Sporades ta jirgin sama ko kuma ta jirgin ruwa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Investigative journalists and critics of Bush assume that his Guard service should be compared to an alternative scenario in which he served in Vietnam. Hypothesis: Bush's Guard service is criticized by 40% of the population. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les journalistes d'investigation et les critiques de Bush supposent que son service de garde devrait être comparé à un scénario alternatif dans lequel il a servi au Vietnam. Hypothèse: Le service de la Garde de Bush est critiqué par 40% de la population. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: We conclude with the Sporades islands. \nHypothesis: You can visit the Sporades islands by air or by boat.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Mun kammala da tsibirin Sporades. \nHypothèse: Za ka iya ziyartar tsibirin Sporades ta jirgin sama ko kuma ta jirgin ruwa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Investigative journalists and critics of Bush assume that his Guard service should be compared to an alternative scenario in which he served in Vietnam. \nHypothesis: Bush's Guard service is criticized by 40% of the population.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les journalistes d'investigation et les critiques de Bush supposent que son service de garde devrait être comparé à un scénario alternatif dans lequel il a servi au Vietnam. \nHypothèse: Le service de la Garde de Bush est critiqué par 40% de la population.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He seems confident, mused the Prime Minister. Hypothesis: The Prime Minister noted his apparent confidence. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Tonakholo e ile ea nahana hore o bonahala a itšepa. Hypothèse: Tonakholo o ile a hlokomela hore o ne a bonahala a itšepa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Because of an irrational urge to eat, doubtless a holdover from some ancient time when eating whenever possible was a survival trait. Hypothesis: Humans do not have survival instincts to eat. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: À cause d'un besoin irrationnel de manger, sans doute un vestige d'une époque ancienne où manger chaque fois que possible était un trait de survie. Hypothèse: Les humains n'ont pas d'instinct de survie à manger. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He seems confident, mused the Prime Minister. \nHypothesis: The Prime Minister noted his apparent confidence.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Tonakholo e ile ea nahana hore o bonahala a itšepa. \nHypothèse: Tonakholo o ile a hlokomela hore o ne a bonahala a itšepa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Because of an irrational urge to eat, doubtless a holdover from some ancient time when eating whenever possible was a survival trait. \nHypothesis: Humans do not have survival instincts to eat.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: À cause d'un besoin irrationnel de manger, sans doute un vestige d'une époque ancienne où manger chaque fois que possible était un trait de survie. \nHypothèse: Les humains n'ont pas d'instinct de survie à manger.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: A reassuring finding in light of the question before us. Hypothesis: We were frightened by the findings. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Lii dëggal na li nu gis ci laaj bi nu am. Hypothèse: Li ñu gis moo nu ragal. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Captain Bayliss. The words sounded as remote as if the speaker bestrode some peak of the Chiricahuas to address a pygmy in a canyon below. Hypothesis: There is a man named Captain Bayliss and he led a group of soldiers. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Capitaine Bayliss, les mots semblaient aussi lointains que si l'orateur avait franchi un sommet des Chiricahuas pour s'adresser à un pygmée dans un canyon en dessous. Hypothèse: Il y a un homme appelé le capitaine Bayliss et il a dirigé un groupe de soldats. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: A reassuring finding in light of the question before us. \nHypothesis: We were frightened by the findings. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Lii dëggal na li nu gis ci laaj bi nu am. \nHypothèse: Li ñu gis moo nu ragal.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Captain Bayliss. The words sounded as remote as if the speaker bestrode some peak of the Chiricahuas to address a pygmy in a canyon below. \nHypothesis: There is a man named Captain Bayliss and he led a group of soldiers.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Capitaine Bayliss, les mots semblaient aussi lointains que si l'orateur avait franchi un sommet des Chiricahuas pour s'adresser à un pygmée dans un canyon en dessous. \nHypothèse: Il y a un homme appelé le capitaine Bayliss et il a dirigé un groupe de soldats.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: well when is the NFL draft hasn't has the NFL draft even gone yet Hypothesis: The draft is already complete. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: kahle-ke nini i-NFL Draft? I-NFL Draft ayikaqali Hypothèse: Umklamo usuphelele kakade. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Some 40 percent of Malaysians live in townships of more than 5,000 inhabitants, an exceptional proportion for the region. Hypothesis: 40 percent of Malaysians live in large townships of 5,000 inhabitants or more. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Environ 40% des Malaisiens vivent dans des villes de plus de 5.000 habitants, une proportion exceptionnelle pour la région. Hypothèse: 40% des Malaisiens vivent dans de grandes villes de 5 000 habitants ou plus. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: well when is the NFL draft hasn't has the NFL draft even gone yet \nHypothesis: The draft is already complete.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: kahle-ke nini i-NFL Draft? I-NFL Draft ayikaqali \nHypothèse: Umklamo usuphelele kakade.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Some 40 percent of Malaysians live in townships of more than 5,000 inhabitants, an exceptional proportion for the region. \nHypothesis: 40 percent of Malaysians live in large townships of 5,000 inhabitants or more. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Environ 40% des Malaisiens vivent dans des villes de plus de 5.000 habitants, une proportion exceptionnelle pour la région. \nHypothèse: 40% des Malaisiens vivent dans de grandes villes de 5 000 habitants ou plus.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: That's your name now. Hypothesis: That's no longer your name. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Hilo ndilo jina lako sasa. Hypothèse: Hilo si jina lako tena. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Divergences between observed and expected patterns can be examined further to see what happens as a result of these meetings and identify potential problem for example, when an expected high-communication node turns out to be, relatively speaking, a low-communication spot. Hypothesis: Patterns of high and low communication do not indicate potential problems. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les divergences entre les modèles observés et attendus peuvent être examinées plus en détail pour voir ce qui se passe à la suite de ces réunions et identifier un problème potentiel, par exemple, lorsqu'un nœud de haute communication attendu s'avère être, relativement parlant, un point de faible communication. Hypothèse: Les modèles de communication élevée et faible n'indiquent pas de problèmes potentiels. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: That's your name now. \nHypothesis: That's no longer your name. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Hilo ndilo jina lako sasa. \nHypothèse: Hilo si jina lako tena.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Divergences between observed and expected patterns can be examined further to see what happens as a result of these meetings and identify potential problem for example, when an expected high-communication node turns out to be, relatively speaking, a low-communication spot. \nHypothesis: Patterns of high and low communication do not indicate potential problems.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les divergences entre les modèles observés et attendus peuvent être examinées plus en détail pour voir ce qui se passe à la suite de ces réunions et identifier un problème potentiel, par exemple, lorsqu'un nœud de haute communication attendu s'avère être, relativement parlant, un point de faible communication. \nHypothèse: Les modèles de communication élevée et faible n'indiquent pas de problèmes potentiels.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]