17 values
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: A moment. Hypothesis: 50 moments. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Eumelaka moke. Hypothèse: Mikolo ntuku mitano. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: There was a certain rumour ” ” Hypothesis: A rumor about something specific had been heard. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il y avait une certaine rumeur . Hypothèse: Une rumeur sur quelque chose de spécifique avait été entendue. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: A moment. \nHypothesis: 50 moments.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Eumelaka moke. \nHypothèse: Mikolo ntuku mitano.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: There was a certain rumour ” ” \nHypothesis: A rumor about something specific had been heard.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il y avait une certaine rumeur . \nHypothèse: Une rumeur sur quelque chose de spécifique avait été entendue.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: 'Trying to get into shape.' Hypothesis: I am exercising to try and get in shape. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: 'Kuedza kupinda mumuviri.' Hypothèse: Ndiri kurovedza muviri kuti ndiedze kuva noutano hwakanaka. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The second recommendation, therefore, is intended to point out that results from the screening literature are not necessarily generalizable to real-world settings in which screening would be paired with interventions. Hypothesis: The second recommendation is an additional filter for screening. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: La deuxième recommandation vise donc à souligner que les résultats de la documentation sur le dépistage ne sont pas nécessairement généralisables à des contextes réels dans lesquels le dépistage serait associé à des interventions. Hypothèse: La deuxième recommandation est un filtre supplémentaire pour le dépistage. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: 'Trying to get into shape.' \nHypothesis: I am exercising to try and get in shape.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: 'Kuedza kupinda mumuviri.' \nHypothèse: Ndiri kurovedza muviri kuti ndiedze kuva noutano hwakanaka.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The second recommendation, therefore, is intended to point out that results from the screening literature are not necessarily generalizable to real-world settings in which screening would be paired with interventions. \nHypothesis: The second recommendation is an additional filter for screening.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La deuxième recommandation vise donc à souligner que les résultats de la documentation sur le dépistage ne sont pas nécessairement généralisables à des contextes réels dans lesquels le dépistage serait associé à des interventions. \nHypothèse: La deuxième recommandation est un filtre supplémentaire pour le dépistage.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: They went back and forth for some time. Hypothesis: They were trying to decide what to do for a long period of time. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Wɔkɔɔ so yɛɛ adwuma bere tiaa bi. Hypothèse: Ná wɔrebɔ mmɔden sɛ wobesi gyinae wɔ nea wɔbɛyɛ ho bere tenten. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: She's radioactive because of the Drudge Report . The cover package also wonders who's leaking information to the press. Hypothesis: They know exactly who is leaking information. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Elle est radioactive à cause du rapport Drudge, et le dossier de couverture se demande qui est la fuite d'informations à la presse. Hypothèse: Ils savent exactement qui est la fuite d'information. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: They went back and forth for some time. \nHypothesis: They were trying to decide what to do for a long period of time.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Wɔkɔɔ so yɛɛ adwuma bere tiaa bi. \nHypothèse: Ná wɔrebɔ mmɔden sɛ wobesi gyinae wɔ nea wɔbɛyɛ ho bere tenten.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: She's radioactive because of the Drudge Report . The cover package also wonders who's leaking information to the press. \nHypothesis: They know exactly who is leaking information. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elle est radioactive à cause du rapport Drudge, et le dossier de couverture se demande qui est la fuite d'informations à la presse. \nHypothèse: Ils savent exactement qui est la fuite d'information.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: next year Hypothesis: This year. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: afe a ɛreba Hypothèse: Afe yi mu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: I happened to overhear part of your conversation with the young gentleman in Lyons'. Hypothesis: I heard you discuss money with a man in Lyons'. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: J'ai entendu une partie de votre conversation avec le jeune homme de Lyon. Hypothèse: J'ai entendu que vous parliez d'argent avec un homme de Lyon. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: next year \nHypothesis: This year. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: afe a ɛreba \nHypothèse: Afe yi mu. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: I happened to overhear part of your conversation with the young gentleman in Lyons'. \nHypothesis: I heard you discuss money with a man in Lyons'.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: J'ai entendu une partie de votre conversation avec le jeune homme de Lyon. \nHypothèse: J'ai entendu que vous parliez d'argent avec un homme de Lyon.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: hey well hey you know it's never too late is what i say Hypothesis: It is too late for everything, all is lost. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: እኔ የምለው መቼም ቢሆን ዘግይቶ አይሆንም Hypothèse: ለሁሉም ነገር በጣም ዘግይቷል፣ ሁሉም ነገር ጠፍቷል። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: The Internet has been a tremendous asset to us, the overwhelming majority of people that will end up being McCain delegates [from New York] came to us through the Internet. Hypothesis: McCain wouldn't have done as well if he didn't have an internet presence. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Internet a été un atout énorme pour nous, la majorité écrasante des gens qui finiront par être des délégués de McCain [de New York] nous sont venus par Internet. Hypothèse: McCain n'aurait pas fait aussi bien s'il n'avait pas de présence sur Internet. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: hey well hey you know it's never too late is what i say \nHypothesis: It is too late for everything, all is lost.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: እኔ የምለው መቼም ቢሆን ዘግይቶ አይሆንም \nHypothèse: ለሁሉም ነገር በጣም ዘግይቷል፣ ሁሉም ነገር ጠፍቷል።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The Internet has been a tremendous asset to us, the overwhelming majority of people that will end up being McCain delegates [from New York] came to us through the Internet. \nHypothesis: McCain wouldn't have done as well if he didn't have an internet presence.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Internet a été un atout énorme pour nous, la majorité écrasante des gens qui finiront par être des délégués de McCain [de New York] nous sont venus par Internet. \nHypothèse: McCain n'aurait pas fait aussi bien s'il n'avait pas de présence sur Internet.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: if they aren't prepared for it Hypothesis: If they are ready for my sweet love, then good. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: ne womedzra ɖo ɖe eŋu o Hypothèse: Ne woɖoe be yewoalɔ̃ nye lɔlɔ̃a la, ekema enyo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: um she didn't up until the last oh six months Hypothesis: She started six months ago. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Elle ne s'est pas levée avant six mois. Hypothèse: Elle a commencé il y a six mois. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: if they aren't prepared for it \nHypothesis: If they are ready for my sweet love, then good.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: ne womedzra ɖo ɖe eŋu o \nHypothèse: Ne woɖoe be yewoalɔ̃ nye lɔlɔ̃a la, ekema enyo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: um she didn't up until the last oh six months \nHypothesis: She started six months ago.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elle ne s'est pas levée avant six mois. \nHypothèse: Elle a commencé il y a six mois.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: all right do you do garden work Hypothesis: Are you a gardener? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ọ dị mma ka ị na-arụ ọrụ ubi Hypothèse: Ị̀ bụ onye na-elekọta ubi? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: and there's just no good choice as to where to put the kids sometimes or Hypothesis: You can't put the kids where you want to put them. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: et il n'y a pas de bon choix pour les enfants parfois ou Hypothèse: On ne peut pas mettre les enfants où on veut. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: all right do you do garden work \nHypothesis: Are you a gardener?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ọ dị mma ka ị na-arụ ọrụ ubi \nHypothèse: Ị̀ bụ onye na-elekọta ubi?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: and there's just no good choice as to where to put the kids sometimes or \nHypothesis: You can't put the kids where you want to put them.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: et il n'y a pas de bon choix pour les enfants parfois ou \nHypothèse: On ne peut pas mettre les enfants où on veut.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Since then, almost 3,700 more drawings have been completed. Hypothesis: Since then, nobody could finish a drawing. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Kemgbe ahụ, e mepụtawo ihe fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ ihe osise 3,700 ọzọ. Hypothèse: Kemgbe ahụ, ọ dịghị onye nwere ike imecha ihe osise. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: At the expense of the middle class. Hypothesis: Most of societies social programs are funded at the expense of the middle class. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Au détriment de la classe moyenne. Hypothèse: La plupart des programmes sociaux sont financés aux dépens de la classe moyenne. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Since then, almost 3,700 more drawings have been completed. \nHypothesis: Since then, nobody could finish a drawing.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Kemgbe ahụ, e mepụtawo ihe fọrọ nke nta ka ọ bụrụ ihe osise 3,700 ọzọ. \nHypothèse: Kemgbe ahụ, ọ dịghị onye nwere ike imecha ihe osise.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: At the expense of the middle class. \nHypothesis: Most of societies social programs are funded at the expense of the middle class.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Au détriment de la classe moyenne. \nHypothèse: La plupart des programmes sociaux sont financés aux dépens de la classe moyenne.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The hands that had grabbed me belonged to a little man. Hypothesis: The little man tried to pull me away. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Izandla ezazindimbambele zazomntu omncinane. Hypothèse: Indoda encinane yazama ukunditsala. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Much of the actual courtyard pavement (lithostrotos) survives in the Monastery of the Flagellation, where Jesus Christ was scourged, and in the adjacent Convent of the Sisters of Zion. Hypothesis: All the courtyard paving in the Monastery of the Flagellation has been replaced recently. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Une grande partie du pavé de la cour (lithostrotos) a survécu au monastère de la Flagellation, où Jésus-Christ a été flagellé, et au couvent adjacent des Sœurs de Sion. Hypothèse: Tout le pavé de la cour du monastère de la Flagellation a été remplacé récemment. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The hands that had grabbed me belonged to a little man. \nHypothesis: The little man tried to pull me away.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Izandla ezazindimbambele zazomntu omncinane. \nHypothèse: Indoda encinane yazama ukunditsala.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Much of the actual courtyard pavement (lithostrotos) survives in the Monastery of the Flagellation, where Jesus Christ was scourged, and in the adjacent Convent of the Sisters of Zion. \nHypothesis: All the courtyard paving in the Monastery of the Flagellation has been replaced recently.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Une grande partie du pavé de la cour (lithostrotos) a survécu au monastère de la Flagellation, où Jésus-Christ a été flagellé, et au couvent adjacent des Sœurs de Sion. \nHypothèse: Tout le pavé de la cour du monastère de la Flagellation a été remplacé récemment.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Knowledge and attitudes of emergency department staff Hypothesis: The department does not deal with emergencies. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Maarifa na mitazamo ya wafanyakazi wa idara ya dharura Hypothèse: Idara hii haishughuliki na hali za dharura. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: From local bars featuring live music and comedy, to nightclubs, cafe and coffeehouses, the city's nightlife beyond gambling and shows is very healthy. Hypothesis: There are no local bars featuring live music or comedy. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La vie nocturne de la ville, qui ne se limite pas aux jeux d'argent et aux spectacles, est très saine, qu'il s'agisse de bars locaux avec musique et comédie en direct, de boîtes de nuit, de cafés et de cafés. Hypothèse: Il n'y a pas de bars locaux avec de la musique live ou de la comédie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Knowledge and attitudes of emergency department staff \nHypothesis: The department does not deal with emergencies.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Maarifa na mitazamo ya wafanyakazi wa idara ya dharura \nHypothèse: Idara hii haishughuliki na hali za dharura.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: From local bars featuring live music and comedy, to nightclubs, cafe and coffeehouses, the city's nightlife beyond gambling and shows is very healthy. \nHypothesis: There are no local bars featuring live music or comedy.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La vie nocturne de la ville, qui ne se limite pas aux jeux d'argent et aux spectacles, est très saine, qu'il s'agisse de bars locaux avec musique et comédie en direct, de boîtes de nuit, de cafés et de cafés. \nHypothèse: Il n'y a pas de bars locaux avec de la musique live ou de la comédie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Yet those golden legs matched his pace, reach for reach, hoofbeat for hoofbeat. Hypothesis: His pace was very fast. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Nokho, lawo magalo egolide ayehambisana nesivinini sakhe, ukufinyelela ekufinyeleleni, ukushaya izinyawo. Hypothèse: Wayeshesha kakhulu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: oh that's true oh are you kidding but they all hate each other Hypothesis: It goes back to a bet that went sour in grade school. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Oh c'est vrai Oh vous plaisantez mais ils se détestent tous Hypothèse: Ça remonte à un pari qui a mal tourné à l'école primaire. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Yet those golden legs matched his pace, reach for reach, hoofbeat for hoofbeat. \nHypothesis: His pace was very fast.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Nokho, lawo magalo egolide ayehambisana nesivinini sakhe, ukufinyelela ekufinyeleleni, ukushaya izinyawo. \nHypothèse: Wayeshesha kakhulu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: oh that's true oh are you kidding but they all hate each other \nHypothesis: It goes back to a bet that went sour in grade school.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Oh c'est vrai Oh vous plaisantez mais ils se détestent tous \nHypothèse: Ça remonte à un pari qui a mal tourné à l'école primaire.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Stop, shrieked the Russian. Hypothesis: The Russian yelled, "Go!" The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ruusiyaan sunis, "Dhaqi!" jedhee iyye. Hypothèse: Namichi Raashiyaa, "Dhaqi!" jedhee iyye. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: The first kabuki theater was built in on this site in 1889. Hypothesis: A kabuki theater was not built here. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Le premier théâtre de kabuki a été construit sur ce site en 1889. Hypothèse: Un théâtre de kabuki n'a pas été construit ici. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Stop, shrieked the Russian. \nHypothesis: The Russian yelled, \"Go!\"\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ruusiyaan sunis, \"Dhaqi!\" jedhee iyye. \nHypothèse: Namichi Raashiyaa, \"Dhaqi!\" jedhee iyye.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The first kabuki theater was built in on this site in 1889. \nHypothesis: A kabuki theater was not built here.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le premier théâtre de kabuki a été construit sur ce site en 1889. \nHypothèse: Un théâtre de kabuki n'a pas été construit ici.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and then i talked them into buying a HP Laser Jet Hypothesis: I convinced them to buy some printer ink. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: uye ipapo ndakavakurudzira kutenga HP Laser Jet Hypothèse: Ndakavakurudzira kutenga ingi yokudhinda. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Car drivers can negotiate the winding old side-road Via Vecchia Fiesolana for glimpses of handsome villas half-hidden among the cypresses and olive trees. Hypothesis: Driving is the only way to get to the villas hiding in the cypress and olive trees. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les automobilistes peuvent emprunter la vieille route sinueuse de la Via Vecchia Fiesolana pour apercevoir de belles villas à moitié cachées parmi les cyprès et les oliviers. Hypothèse: La seule façon d'atteindre les villas cachées dans les cyprès et les oliviers est de conduire. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and then i talked them into buying a HP Laser Jet \nHypothesis: I convinced them to buy some printer ink.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: uye ipapo ndakavakurudzira kutenga HP Laser Jet \nHypothèse: Ndakavakurudzira kutenga ingi yokudhinda.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Car drivers can negotiate the winding old side-road Via Vecchia Fiesolana for glimpses of handsome villas half-hidden among the cypresses and olive trees. \nHypothesis: Driving is the only way to get to the villas hiding in the cypress and olive trees.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les automobilistes peuvent emprunter la vieille route sinueuse de la Via Vecchia Fiesolana pour apercevoir de belles villas à moitié cachées parmi les cyprès et les oliviers. \nHypothèse: La seule façon d'atteindre les villas cachées dans les cyprès et les oliviers est de conduire.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: is kind of nice but Hypothesis: It is good. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ጥሩ ነው ግን Hypothèse: ጥሩ ነው La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Over and over, McTeer portrays a Nora with a capacity for feeling she herself refuses to recognize and a capacity for insight frustrated by her familial role. Hypothesis: McTeer has never portrayed Nora before. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Encore et encore, McTeer dépeint une Nora avec une capacité de ressentir qu'elle-même refuse de reconnaître et une capacité de perspicacité frustrée par son rôle familial. Hypothèse: McTeer n'a jamais joué le rôle de Nora avant. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: is kind of nice but \nHypothesis: It is good.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ጥሩ ነው ግን \nHypothèse: ጥሩ ነው\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Over and over, McTeer portrays a Nora with a capacity for feeling she herself refuses to recognize and a capacity for insight frustrated by her familial role. \nHypothesis: McTeer has never portrayed Nora before.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Encore et encore, McTeer dépeint une Nora avec une capacité de ressentir qu'elle-même refuse de reconnaître et une capacité de perspicacité frustrée par son rôle familial. \nHypothèse: McTeer n'a jamais joué le rôle de Nora avant.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: But it still snubbed my CD-ROM drive. Hypothesis: My CD-ROM drive was not snubbed. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Amma duk da haka ya ƙi CD-ROM na. Hypothèse: Ba a yi watsi da faifan CD-ROM na ba. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: well make it uh make not necessarily difficult but make it so that it's not glamorous Hypothesis: There's a lot of glamour involved here. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Eh bien, faites-le... pas forcément difficile, mais faites-le pour qu'il ne soit pas glamour. Hypothèse: Il y a beaucoup de glamour ici. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: But it still snubbed my CD-ROM drive. \nHypothesis: My CD-ROM drive was not snubbed.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Amma duk da haka ya ƙi CD-ROM na. \nHypothèse: Ba a yi watsi da faifan CD-ROM na ba.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: well make it uh make not necessarily difficult but make it so that it's not glamorous \nHypothesis: There's a lot of glamour involved here.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Eh bien, faites-le... pas forcément difficile, mais faites-le pour qu'il ne soit pas glamour. \nHypothèse: Il y a beaucoup de glamour ici.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Rooms were free as we spoke. Hypothesis: The rooms were empty when we were talking The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Àwọn yàrá náà kò ní olùgbé nígbà tá a ń sọ̀rọ̀. Hypothèse: Àwọn yàrá náà kò ní ènìyàn nígbà tí a ń sọ̀rọ̀ La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The sexes still lead separate lives, with the women in the home, chatting across balconies festooned with washing or sitting on shady street corners. Hypothesis: Women are equal with men in every aspect of life there. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les sexes mènent encore des vies séparées, les femmes restant à la maison, bavardant sur des balcons ornés de toilettes ou assis dans des coins de rue ombragés. Hypothèse: Les femmes y sont égales aux hommes dans tous les aspects de la vie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Rooms were free as we spoke. \nHypothesis: The rooms were empty when we were talking\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Àwọn yàrá náà kò ní olùgbé nígbà tá a ń sọ̀rọ̀. \nHypothèse: Àwọn yàrá náà kò ní ènìyàn nígbà tí a ń sọ̀rọ̀\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The sexes still lead separate lives, with the women in the home, chatting across balconies festooned with washing or sitting on shady street corners. \nHypothesis: Women are equal with men in every aspect of life there.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les sexes mènent encore des vies séparées, les femmes restant à la maison, bavardant sur des balcons ornés de toilettes ou assis dans des coins de rue ombragés. \nHypothèse: Les femmes y sont égales aux hommes dans tous les aspects de la vie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: She brings him Hypothesis: She really likes him and so she often wants him around. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ọ na-akpọta ya. Hypothèse: Ọ na-amasị ya n'ezie, n'ihi ya, ọ na-achọkarị ka ọ nọrọ ya nso. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: More than 312,000 people in the eastern Missouri counties stretching from the Iowa border to Jefferson County qualify for legal aid, an increase of more than 10 percent from 1990. Hypothesis: The number of people who can qualify for legal aid in the eastern Missouri counties has been decreasing since 1990. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Plus de 312.000 personnes dans les comtés de l'est du Missouri, qui s'étendent de la frontière de l'Iowa au comté de Jefferson, sont admissibles à l'aide juridique, soit une augmentation de plus de 10% par rapport à 1990. Hypothèse: Le nombre de personnes qui peuvent bénéficier d'une aide juridique dans les comtés de l'est du Missouri a diminué depuis 1990. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: She brings him \nHypothesis: She really likes him and so she often wants him around.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ọ na-akpọta ya. \nHypothèse: Ọ na-amasị ya n'ezie, n'ihi ya, ọ na-achọkarị ka ọ nọrọ ya nso.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: More than 312,000 people in the eastern Missouri counties stretching from the Iowa border to Jefferson County qualify for legal aid, an increase of more than 10 percent from 1990. \nHypothesis: The number of people who can qualify for legal aid in the eastern Missouri counties has been decreasing since 1990.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Plus de 312.000 personnes dans les comtés de l'est du Missouri, qui s'étendent de la frontière de l'Iowa au comté de Jefferson, sont admissibles à l'aide juridique, soit une augmentation de plus de 10% par rapport à 1990. \nHypothèse: Le nombre de personnes qui peuvent bénéficier d'une aide juridique dans les comtés de l'est du Missouri a diminué depuis 1990.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: And on it goes. Hypothesis: And here it finally ends. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Itti fufees ni deema. Hypothèse: Dhumarrattis, haalli kun ni xumurama. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: A more conservative approach to determining if there is sufficient catalyst supply to meet the demand from the Clear Skies Act is demonstrated in Figure 6-4. Hypothesis: It will not be possible for the supply to meet the demand. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Une approche plus prudente pour déterminer si l'offre de catalyseurs est suffisante pour répondre à la demande de la loi "Clear Skies Act" est illustrée à la figure 6-4. Hypothèse: Il ne sera pas possible pour l'offre de répondre à la demande. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: And on it goes. \nHypothesis: And here it finally ends.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Itti fufees ni deema. \nHypothèse: Dhumarrattis, haalli kun ni xumurama.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: A more conservative approach to determining if there is sufficient catalyst supply to meet the demand from the Clear Skies Act is demonstrated in Figure 6-4. \nHypothesis: It will not be possible for the supply to meet the demand.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Une approche plus prudente pour déterminer si l'offre de catalyseurs est suffisante pour répondre à la demande de la loi \"Clear Skies Act\" est illustrée à la figure 6-4. \nHypothèse: Il ne sera pas possible pour l'offre de répondre à la demande.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: okay thanks a lot bye-bye Hypothesis: Thank you, bye! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Kulungile ngiyabonga kakhulu bye-bye Hypothèse: Ngiyabonga, sawubona! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Architect Buscheto didn't hesitate to write in Latin (in the far left arch) This marble church has no equal. Hypothesis: Someone has graffitied in the far left arch. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: L'architecte Buscheto n'a pas hésité à écrire en latin (dans l'arc de l'extrême gauche) Cette église en marbre n'a pas d'égal. Hypothèse: Quelqu'un a fait des graffitis dans l'arcée à gauche. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: okay thanks a lot bye-bye \nHypothesis: Thank you, bye!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Kulungile ngiyabonga kakhulu bye-bye \nHypothèse: Ngiyabonga, sawubona!\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Architect Buscheto didn't hesitate to write in Latin (in the far left arch) This marble church has no equal. \nHypothesis: Someone has graffitied in the far left arch.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: L'architecte Buscheto n'a pas hésité à écrire en latin (dans l'arc de l'extrême gauche) Cette église en marbre n'a pas d'égal. \nHypothèse: Quelqu'un a fait des graffitis dans l'arcée à gauche.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: We can proceed. Hypothesis: Proceed, we can. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Za mu iya ci gaba. Hypothèse: Ku ci gaba, za mu iya. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: well i think we've got uh like a language barrier too i think most of the people there speak only Spanish i'm not sure how fluent they are in English and that's one of the major problems i i see with uh other countries as such being uh say the possibility of becoming states that we don't have a common language with them Hypothesis: Mexico would not be able to become one of the United States of America. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Eh bien, je pense que nous avons euh comme une barrière de la langue aussi je pense que la plupart des gens là-bas ne parlent qu'espagnol je ne suis pas sûr de la façon dont ils sont couramment en anglais et c'est l'un des principaux problèmes que je je vois avec euh d'autres pays en tant que tels étant euh dire la possibilité de devenir des États que nous n'avons pas une langue commune avec eux Hypothèse: Le Mexique ne pourrait pas devenir un des États-Unis d'Amérique. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: We can proceed. \nHypothesis: Proceed, we can.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Za mu iya ci gaba. \nHypothèse: Ku ci gaba, za mu iya.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: well i think we've got uh like a language barrier too i think most of the people there speak only Spanish i'm not sure how fluent they are in English and that's one of the major problems i i see with uh other countries as such being uh say the possibility of becoming states that we don't have a common language with them \nHypothesis: Mexico would not be able to become one of the United States of America.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Eh bien, je pense que nous avons euh comme une barrière de la langue aussi je pense que la plupart des gens là-bas ne parlent qu'espagnol je ne suis pas sûr de la façon dont ils sont couramment en anglais et c'est l'un des principaux problèmes que je je vois avec euh d'autres pays en tant que tels étant euh dire la possibilité de devenir des États que nous n'avons pas une langue commune avec eux \nHypothèse: Le Mexique ne pourrait pas devenir un des États-Unis d'Amérique.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Gore is delighted to reciprocate. Hypothesis: Privately Gore has reservations, but he needs to put his best foot forward. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Gore dafa neex a ko delloo. Hypothèse: Gore am na ay xalaat yu mu mënul a wax, waaye dafa war a jéem a def li gën a neex. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Life seems to have changed little in generations, though the mud-brick houses now have the benefit of electricity. Hypothesis: The houses are made of solid gold and are some of the most expensive structures on the planet. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La vie semble avoir peu changé depuis des générations, bien que les maisons en briques de boue aient maintenant l'avantage de l'électricité. Hypothèse: Les maisons sont faites d'or pur et sont parmi les structures les plus chères de la planète. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Gore is delighted to reciprocate. \nHypothesis: Privately Gore has reservations, but he needs to put his best foot forward.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Gore dafa neex a ko delloo. \nHypothèse: Gore am na ay xalaat yu mu mënul a wax, waaye dafa war a jéem a def li gën a neex.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Life seems to have changed little in generations, though the mud-brick houses now have the benefit of electricity. \nHypothesis: The houses are made of solid gold and are some of the most expensive structures on the planet.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La vie semble avoir peu changé depuis des générations, bien que les maisons en briques de boue aient maintenant l'avantage de l'électricité. \nHypothèse: Les maisons sont faites d'or pur et sont parmi les structures les plus chères de la planète.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The money might, after all, be wasted on windfalls. Hypothesis: The money just might be wasted on windfalls. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: A sị ka e kwuwe, ego ahụ nwere ike ịbụ ihe a ga-eji na-achụ ego. Hypothèse: A pụrụ nanị iji ego ahụ mefuo n'ihe ndị a na-atụghị anya ha. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Table 7-1 shows a summary of resource demand and its effect on current supply. Hypothesis: The table shows a summary of the natural resources in demand. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le tableau 7-1 présente un résumé de la demande de ressources et de son effet sur l'offre actuelle. Hypothèse: Le tableau présente un résumé des ressources naturelles en demande. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The money might, after all, be wasted on windfalls. \nHypothesis: The money just might be wasted on windfalls.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: A sị ka e kwuwe, ego ahụ nwere ike ịbụ ihe a ga-eji na-achụ ego. \nHypothèse: A pụrụ nanị iji ego ahụ mefuo n'ihe ndị a na-atụghị anya ha.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Table 7-1 shows a summary of resource demand and its effect on current supply. \nHypothesis: The table shows a summary of the natural resources in demand.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le tableau 7-1 présente un résumé de la demande de ressources et de son effet sur l'offre actuelle. \nHypothèse: Le tableau présente un résumé des ressources naturelles en demande.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Shall we form a business partnership?" Hypothesis: Shall we establish separate businesses? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: የንግድ ሥራ ማቋቋም እንችል ይሆን? Hypothèse: የተለያዩ የንግድ ድርጅቶችን እንመስርት? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: More than 31,000 elderly West Virginians also live in poverty. Hypothesis: There are no people, especially not 31,000 of the elderly, who live in poverty in West Virginia. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Plus de 31 000 personnes âgées de Virginie-Occidentale vivent elles aussi dans la pauvreté. Hypothèse: Il n'y a pas de gens, surtout pas 31 000 personnes âgées, qui vivent dans la pauvreté en Virginie-Occidentale. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Shall we form a business partnership?\" \nHypothesis: Shall we establish separate businesses?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: የንግድ ሥራ ማቋቋም እንችል ይሆን? \nHypothèse: የተለያዩ የንግድ ድርጅቶችን እንመስርት?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: More than 31,000 elderly West Virginians also live in poverty. \nHypothesis: There are no people, especially not 31,000 of the elderly, who live in poverty in West Virginia.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Plus de 31 000 personnes âgées de Virginie-Occidentale vivent elles aussi dans la pauvreté. \nHypothèse: Il n'y a pas de gens, surtout pas 31 000 personnes âgées, qui vivent dans la pauvreté en Virginie-Occidentale.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: no huh-uh sometimes he brings he brought home a uh a portable one Hypothesis: He has never brought one home. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: hapana huh-uh wakati mwingine yeye huleta yeye alileta nyumbani uh moja portable Hypothèse: Hajawahi kuleta mmoja nyumbani. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Senor Juanito he falls, drops purse. Hypothesis: Senor Juanito dropped his mother's purse. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il tombe, il laisse tomber son sac. Hypothèse: Le monsieur Juanito a laissé tomber le sac de sa mère. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: no huh-uh sometimes he brings he brought home a uh a portable one \nHypothesis: He has never brought one home. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: hapana huh-uh wakati mwingine yeye huleta yeye alileta nyumbani uh moja portable \nHypothèse: Hajawahi kuleta mmoja nyumbani.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Senor Juanito he falls, drops purse. \nHypothesis: Senor Juanito dropped his mother's purse.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il tombe, il laisse tomber son sac. \nHypothèse: Le monsieur Juanito a laissé tomber le sac de sa mère.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: (Isn't there always?) Hypothesis: Isn't there never? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: (Ðe menye nenemae wòle ɣesiaɣi oa?) Hypothèse: Ðe menye nenemae o ɖe? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Your memory must be unusually short! Hypothesis: You have an extremely impeccable memory! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Votre mémoire doit être exceptionnellement courte ! Hypothèse: Vous avez une mémoire impeccable ! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: (Isn't there always?) \nHypothesis: Isn't there never?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: (Ðe menye nenemae wòle ɣesiaɣi oa?) \nHypothèse: Ðe menye nenemae o ɖe?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Your memory must be unusually short! \nHypothesis: You have an extremely impeccable memory!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Votre mémoire doit être exceptionnellement courte ! \nHypothèse: Vous avez une mémoire impeccable !\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Fine secret! Ever see a circus?" Hypothesis: What a great secret! HAve you ever had the chance to see a circus perform? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Dhugaasaa dubbachuuf, sirba kana argee beekaa?" Hypothèse: Iccitii guddaa mitii? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: As figure 2.1 shows, gross national saving rebounded. Hypothesis: Gross national saving rebounded, as shown in figure 2.1. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Comme le montre le graphique 2.1, l'épargne nationale brute a repris de la vigueur. Hypothèse: L'épargne nationale brute a connu une reprise, comme le montre le graphique 2.1. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Fine secret! Ever see a circus?\" \nHypothesis: What a great secret! HAve you ever had the chance to see a circus perform?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Dhugaasaa dubbachuuf, sirba kana argee beekaa?\" \nHypothèse: Iccitii guddaa mitii?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: As figure 2.1 shows, gross national saving rebounded. \nHypothesis: Gross national saving rebounded, as shown in figure 2.1.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Comme le montre le graphique 2.1, l'épargne nationale brute a repris de la vigueur. \nHypothèse: L'épargne nationale brute a connu une reprise, comme le montre le graphique 2.1.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: shoot that's a good idea Hypothesis: That is a good idea, I wish I came up with it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: harbi wannan kyakkyawan ra'ayi ne Hypothèse: Wannan kyakkyawan ra'ayi ne, ina fata na zo da shi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Ile Saint-Louis Hypothesis: The islands that once belonged to Saint Louis The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Île Saint-Louis Hypothèse: Les îles qui appartenaient autrefois à Saint Louis La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: shoot that's a good idea \nHypothesis: That is a good idea, I wish I came up with it. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: harbi wannan kyakkyawan ra'ayi ne \nHypothèse: Wannan kyakkyawan ra'ayi ne, ina fata na zo da shi. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Ile Saint-Louis \nHypothesis: The islands that once belonged to Saint Louis\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Île Saint-Louis \nHypothèse: Les îles qui appartenaient autrefois à Saint Louis\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and it's the solid rocket propellants Hypothesis: And it's the non-liquid rocket fuel. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: eye roket-dzoɖenu sesẽwoe Hypothèse: Eye enye mɔ̃memi si menye tsi o. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: (Other women, though, were prepared to testify against him and didn't get the chance.) Hypothesis: There were countless women willing to offer their testimony. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: (D'autres femmes, cependant, étaient prêtes à témoigner contre lui, mais n'en avaient pas l'occasion.) Hypothèse: Il y avait d'innombrables femmes prêtes à témoigner. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and it's the solid rocket propellants \nHypothesis: And it's the non-liquid rocket fuel.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: eye roket-dzoɖenu sesẽwoe \nHypothèse: Eye enye mɔ̃memi si menye tsi o.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: (Other women, though, were prepared to testify against him and didn't get the chance.) \nHypothesis: There were countless women willing to offer their testimony.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: (D'autres femmes, cependant, étaient prêtes à témoigner contre lui, mais n'en avaient pas l'occasion.) \nHypothèse: Il y avait d'innombrables femmes prêtes à témoigner.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The four boys cried out and swung thin sticks wildly. Hypothesis: The children were playing with sticks. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Mmerantewa baanan no teɛteɛɛm na wɔde nnua nketenkete no bɔɔ wɔn nsam denneennen. Hypothèse: Ná mmofra no de nnua redi agorɔ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Judge's Domestic Violence Ruling Creates an Outcry in Kentucky Hypothesis: Kentucky residents are saying that the judge was biased in his Domestic Violence ruling. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: La décision du juge sur la violence domestique provoque un tollé dans le Kentucky Hypothèse: Les habitants du Kentucky disent que le juge était partial dans sa décision sur la violence domestique. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The four boys cried out and swung thin sticks wildly. \nHypothesis: The children were playing with sticks.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Mmerantewa baanan no teɛteɛɛm na wɔde nnua nketenkete no bɔɔ wɔn nsam denneennen. \nHypothèse: Ná mmofra no de nnua redi agorɔ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Judge's Domestic Violence Ruling Creates an Outcry in Kentucky \nHypothesis: Kentucky residents are saying that the judge was biased in his Domestic Violence ruling.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La décision du juge sur la violence domestique provoque un tollé dans le Kentucky \nHypothèse: Les habitants du Kentucky disent que le juge était partial dans sa décision sur la violence domestique.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Neighborhoods of Leased Public Housing. Hypothesis: Public housing is only leased to very poor people. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Àwọn àdúgbò tí àwọn ilé tí ìjọba ń gbé ti gba owó ìtìlẹyìn. Hypothèse: Àwọn tálákà nìkan ni wọ́n máa ń fún ní ilé tí ìjọba ń gbé. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Only the battered desk and an attendant chair with a laced rawhide seat were of the frontier. Hypothesis: The battered desk and the attendant chair were owned by a cowboy. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Seuls le bureau battu et une chaise d'accompagnement avec un siège en cuir brut lacéré étaient de la frontière. Hypothèse: Le bureau et la chaise étaient à un cow-boy. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Neighborhoods of Leased Public Housing. \nHypothesis: Public housing is only leased to very poor people.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Àwọn àdúgbò tí àwọn ilé tí ìjọba ń gbé ti gba owó ìtìlẹyìn. \nHypothèse: Àwọn tálákà nìkan ni wọ́n máa ń fún ní ilé tí ìjọba ń gbé.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Only the battered desk and an attendant chair with a laced rawhide seat were of the frontier. \nHypothesis: The battered desk and the attendant chair were owned by a cowboy.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Seuls le bureau battu et une chaise d'accompagnement avec un siège en cuir brut lacéré étaient de la frontière. \nHypothèse: Le bureau et la chaise étaient à un cow-boy.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Profiling is also self- Pull over more blacks and you'll find more guilty blacks. Hypothesis: Blacks are just more guilty. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ukwenza iprofayili kukwayinto yokuzihlola- Khangela abantu abamnyama abaninzi uze ufumane abantu abamnyama abanetyala. Hypothèse: Abantu abamnyama banetyala ngakumbi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: In Parque del Oeste is a true curiosity, the Templogipcio de Debod. Hypothesis: Parque del Oeste holds the Templogipcio de Debod. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Dans le parc de l'Oeste se trouve une véritable curiosité, le Templogipcio de Debod. Hypothèse: Le parc de l'Oeste abrite le temple de Debod. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Profiling is also self- Pull over more blacks and you'll find more guilty blacks. \nHypothesis: Blacks are just more guilty.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ukwenza iprofayili kukwayinto yokuzihlola- Khangela abantu abamnyama abaninzi uze ufumane abantu abamnyama abanetyala. \nHypothèse: Abantu abamnyama banetyala ngakumbi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In Parque del Oeste is a true curiosity, the Templogipcio de Debod. \nHypothesis: Parque del Oeste holds the Templogipcio de Debod.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Dans le parc de l'Oeste se trouve une véritable curiosité, le Templogipcio de Debod. \nHypothèse: Le parc de l'Oeste abrite le temple de Debod.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The filigree of detail dazzles. Hypothesis: The amount of detail is extraordinary. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Yaanni balʼaan kun baayʼee nama ajaaʼibsiisa. Hypothèse: Ibsi balʼinaan kenname baayʼee kan nama ajaaʼibsiisudha. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: 'You didn't give me long to work, J,' She said, scratching her head. Hypothesis: She said she needed another week to finish. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: "Vous ne m'avez pas donné longtemps pour travailler, J", dit-elle, se grattant la tête. Hypothèse: Elle a dit qu'elle avait besoin d'une semaine pour finir. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The filigree of detail dazzles. \nHypothesis: The amount of detail is extraordinary.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Yaanni balʼaan kun baayʼee nama ajaaʼibsiisa. \nHypothèse: Ibsi balʼinaan kenname baayʼee kan nama ajaaʼibsiisudha.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: 'You didn't give me long to work, J,' She said, scratching her head. \nHypothesis: She said she needed another week to finish.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: \"Vous ne m'avez pas donné longtemps pour travailler, J\", dit-elle, se grattant la tête. \nHypothèse: Elle a dit qu'elle avait besoin d'une semaine pour finir.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: She knows these things but she doesn't understand them the way we do. Hypothesis: She understands everything. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Anoziva zvinhu izvi asi haazvinzwisisi sezvatinoita. Hypothèse: Anonzwisisa zvinhu zvose. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Preston Bryant, R-Lynchburg, won't be addressed until next year after the Virginia Housing Commission, prompted by a Senate Joint Resolution, offers its recommendations based on a statewide study of rent-to-own contracts and other housing issues. Hypothesis: The Virginia Housing Commission has no recommendations for rent-to-own contracts. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Preston Bryant, R-Lynchburg, ne sera pas abordé avant l'année prochaine après que la Commission du logement de Virginie, poussée par une résolution conjointe du Sénat, offre ses recommandations basées sur une étude à l'échelle de l'État des contrats de location et d'autres problèmes de logement. Hypothèse: La commission du logement de Virginie n'a aucune recommandation pour les contrats de location à la propriété. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: She knows these things but she doesn't understand them the way we do. \nHypothesis: She understands everything.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Anoziva zvinhu izvi asi haazvinzwisisi sezvatinoita. \nHypothèse: Anonzwisisa zvinhu zvose.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Preston Bryant, R-Lynchburg, won't be addressed until next year after the Virginia Housing Commission, prompted by a Senate Joint Resolution, offers its recommendations based on a statewide study of rent-to-own contracts and other housing issues. \nHypothesis: The Virginia Housing Commission has no recommendations for rent-to-own contracts.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Preston Bryant, R-Lynchburg, ne sera pas abordé avant l'année prochaine après que la Commission du logement de Virginie, poussée par une résolution conjointe du Sénat, offre ses recommandations basées sur une étude à l'échelle de l'État des contrats de location et d'autres problèmes de logement. \nHypothèse: La commission du logement de Virginie n'a aucune recommandation pour les contrats de location à la propriété.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: But this may be looking too hard for a motive. Hypothesis: This is not looking hard enough for a motive. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Àmọ́, ó lè jẹ́ pé ńṣe ni wọ́n ń wá ẹni tó fà á. Hypothèse: Èyí kò fi hàn pé ó ní ìdí tó fi ṣe é. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: yes there was not there's not supposed to be any reason to use this education or this brain that you might have for anything other than your house and your children and how clean can the the bathroom floors be on any given day Hypothesis: If people kept their minds on your their own homes and families the world would be a better place. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il n'y a pas de raison d'utiliser cette éducation ou ce cerveau que vous pourriez avoir pour autre chose que votre maison et vos enfants et combien les sols des salles de bains peuvent être propres un jour donné Hypothèse: Si les gens gardaient leur esprit sur leurs propres maisons et familles le monde serait un meilleur endroit. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: But this may be looking too hard for a motive. \nHypothesis: This is not looking hard enough for a motive. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Àmọ́, ó lè jẹ́ pé ńṣe ni wọ́n ń wá ẹni tó fà á. \nHypothèse: Èyí kò fi hàn pé ó ní ìdí tó fi ṣe é.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: yes there was not there's not supposed to be any reason to use this education or this brain that you might have for anything other than your house and your children and how clean can the the bathroom floors be on any given day \nHypothesis: If people kept their minds on your their own homes and families the world would be a better place.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il n'y a pas de raison d'utiliser cette éducation ou ce cerveau que vous pourriez avoir pour autre chose que votre maison et vos enfants et combien les sols des salles de bains peuvent être propres un jour donné \nHypothèse: Si les gens gardaient leur esprit sur leurs propres maisons et familles le monde serait un meilleur endroit.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and sore throats and colds and whatever Hypothesis: Most people would rather deal with a sore throat than a cold. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: mpe mpasi ya mongongo mpe malili mpe makambo mosusu Hypothèse: Bato mingi balingaka nde kozala na mpasi na mongongo na esika ya kozala na maladi ya malili. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Who'd want to go back to the days when you couldn't even talk about condoms? Hypothesis: Who'd go back in time to when talk of condoms was strictly encouraged? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Qui voudrait revenir à l'époque où on ne pouvait même pas parler de préservatifs ? Hypothèse: Qui voudrait remonter le temps quand parler de préservatifs était strictement encouragé ? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and sore throats and colds and whatever \nHypothesis: Most people would rather deal with a sore throat than a cold.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: mpe mpasi ya mongongo mpe malili mpe makambo mosusu \nHypothèse: Bato mingi balingaka nde kozala na mpasi na mongongo na esika ya kozala na maladi ya malili.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Who'd want to go back to the days when you couldn't even talk about condoms? \nHypothesis: Who'd go back in time to when talk of condoms was strictly encouraged?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Qui voudrait revenir à l'époque où on ne pouvait même pas parler de préservatifs ? \nHypothèse: Qui voudrait remonter le temps quand parler de préservatifs était strictement encouragé ?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Just about everyone came through, and they're still doing it. Hypothesis: Almost nobody at all was able to do it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Abantu hafi ya bose barabyitabiriye, kandi n'ubu baracyakomeza kubikora. Hypothèse: Hafi ya bose ntibashoboye kubikora. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: He thanked and bowed until the northerner held him up. Hypothesis: The northerner held him up while he thanked and bowed The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il a remercié et s'est incliné jusqu'à ce que le Nordiste le tienne debout. Hypothèse: Le Nord l' a tenu debout pendant qu' il remerciait et se prosternait . La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Just about everyone came through, and they're still doing it. \nHypothesis: Almost nobody at all was able to do it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Abantu hafi ya bose barabyitabiriye, kandi n'ubu baracyakomeza kubikora. \nHypothèse: Hafi ya bose ntibashoboye kubikora.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He thanked and bowed until the northerner held him up. \nHypothesis: The northerner held him up while he thanked and bowed\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il a remercié et s'est incliné jusqu'à ce que le Nordiste le tienne debout. \nHypothèse: Le Nord l' a tenu debout pendant qu' il remerciait et se prosternait .\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The bitter taste of slavery is always in the background. Hypothesis: Slavery has a bitter taste. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Kamehla bokhoba bo bohloko bo bonahala bo le ka morao. Hypothèse: Bokhoba bo bohloko. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: There was something in that case, some piece of evidence, slight in itself perhaps, but still enough of a clue to connect the murderer with the crime. Hypothesis: There was a document in that case, that had information about who the murderer was. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il y avait quelque chose dans cette affaire, une preuve, légère en soi peut-être, mais suffisamment d'indices pour relier le meurtrier au crime. Hypothèse: Il y avait un document dans cette valise, qui contenait des informations sur l'identité du meurtrier. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The bitter taste of slavery is always in the background. \nHypothesis: Slavery has a bitter taste.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Kamehla bokhoba bo bohloko bo bonahala bo le ka morao. \nHypothèse: Bokhoba bo bohloko.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: There was something in that case, some piece of evidence, slight in itself perhaps, but still enough of a clue to connect the murderer with the crime. \nHypothesis: There was a document in that case, that had information about who the murderer was.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il y avait quelque chose dans cette affaire, une preuve, légère en soi peut-être, mais suffisamment d'indices pour relier le meurtrier au crime. \nHypothèse: Il y avait un document dans cette valise, qui contenait des informations sur l'identité du meurtrier.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Lastly, the hard copy documents. Hypothesis: Finally, the files in physical form. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: በመጨረሻም የጽሑፍ ሰነዶች Hypothèse: በመጨረሻም፣ በቁሳዊ መልክ የተሰጡ ፋይሎች። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: just depends on who's going to exploit us when Hypothesis: When we start that job, anyone could exploit us. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Ça dépend de qui va nous exploiter quand Hypothèse: Quand on commence ce boulot, n'importe qui peut nous exploiter. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Lastly, the hard copy documents. \nHypothesis: Finally, the files in physical form.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: በመጨረሻም የጽሑፍ ሰነዶች \nHypothèse: በመጨረሻም፣ በቁሳዊ መልክ የተሰጡ ፋይሎች።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: just depends on who's going to exploit us when \nHypothesis: When we start that job, anyone could exploit us.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ça dépend de qui va nous exploiter quand \nHypothèse: Quand on commence ce boulot, n'importe qui peut nous exploiter.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The smell of burning metal filled his nostrils. Hypothesis: He smelled the smell of burning metal. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Urgaan sibiilaa gubate funyaasaatti guute. Hypothèse: Urgaansaa sibiila gubate fakkaata ture. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: such a deal i'll bet you did Hypothesis: That deal was a rip-off. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je parie que c'est le cas. Hypothèse: Ce marché était une arnaque. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The smell of burning metal filled his nostrils. \nHypothesis: He smelled the smell of burning metal.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Urgaan sibiilaa gubate funyaasaatti guute. \nHypothèse: Urgaansaa sibiila gubate fakkaata ture.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: such a deal i'll bet you did \nHypothesis: That deal was a rip-off.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je parie que c'est le cas. \nHypothèse: Ce marché était une arnaque.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: You certainly won't have to go out of your way to hear music performances. Hypothesis: There are many musical performances. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Bu ko defee, dungeen wara dem fu nekk ngir déglu ay wootey woy. Hypothèse: Am na ay jëfekaay yu bare yuy jëfandikoo ay woy. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: But the stare was unfocused; he must still be only half conscious. Hypothesis: But the stare wasn't focused; he must still not be fully conscious. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Mais le regard était défocalisé; il doit encore être à moitié conscient. Hypothèse: Mais le regard n'était pas concentré; il ne doit toujours pas être pleinement conscient. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: You certainly won't have to go out of your way to hear music performances. \nHypothesis: There are many musical performances.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Bu ko defee, dungeen wara dem fu nekk ngir déglu ay wootey woy. \nHypothèse: Am na ay jëfekaay yu bare yuy jëfandikoo ay woy.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: But the stare was unfocused; he must still be only half conscious. \nHypothesis: But the stare wasn't focused; he must still not be fully conscious.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais le regard était défocalisé; il doit encore être à moitié conscient. \nHypothèse: Mais le regard n'était pas concentré; il ne doit toujours pas être pleinement conscient.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Most Boring Headline Ever? Hypothesis: The least interesting Headline of all times. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Xët wu gën a ñakk? Hypothèse: Wàll bu gënul a neex ci téere yépp. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: It's always been my goal to make other people, regardless of their sex, feel less adequate. Hypothesis: I like to make males feel less adequate, and I have mothing against females. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Mon but a toujours été de faire en sorte que les autres, quel que soit leur sexe, se sentent moins adéquats. Hypothèse: J'aime faire en sorte que les mâles se sentent moins adéquats, et j'ai des sentiments négatifs envers les femelles. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Most Boring Headline Ever? \nHypothesis: The least interesting Headline of all times.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Xët wu gën a ñakk? \nHypothèse: Wàll bu gënul a neex ci téere yépp.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It's always been my goal to make other people, regardless of their sex, feel less adequate. \nHypothesis: I like to make males feel less adequate, and I have mothing against females.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mon but a toujours été de faire en sorte que les autres, quel que soit leur sexe, se sentent moins adéquats. \nHypothèse: J'aime faire en sorte que les mâles se sentent moins adéquats, et j'ai des sentiments négatifs envers les femelles.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: You are not aware of what has happened? Hypothesis: The man asked the other woman if she was feeling well. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ị maghị ihe merenụ? Hypothèse: Nwoke ahụ jụrụ nwanyị nke ọzọ ma ọ̀ dị ya mma. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: requirements for periodic reviews, managementRequired oversight, and configuration management. Hypothesis: They review the requirements every month. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les exigences relatives aux examens périodiques, à la gestion, à la surveillance requise et à la gestion de la configuration. Hypothèse: Ils passent en revue les exigences chaque mois. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: You are not aware of what has happened? \nHypothesis: The man asked the other woman if she was feeling well.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ị maghị ihe merenụ? \nHypothèse: Nwoke ahụ jụrụ nwanyị nke ọzọ ma ọ̀ dị ya mma.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: requirements for periodic reviews, managementRequired oversight, and configuration management. \nHypothesis: They review the requirements every month.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les exigences relatives aux examens périodiques, à la gestion, à la surveillance requise et à la gestion de la configuration. \nHypothèse: Ils passent en revue les exigences chaque mois.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: uniform and more tightly controlled mailstream. Hypothesis: The mailstream is controlled tightly by the USPS. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: mailstream na-agbanwe agbanwe ma na-achịkwa nke ọma. Hypothèse: USPS na-achịkwa ozi nzipu ozi nke ọma. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: He launched his career there and it seems fitting that he return. Hypothesis: He returned to the place where he launched his career. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il a lancé sa carrière là-bas et il semble approprié qu'il revienne. Hypothèse: Il est retourné à l'endroit où il a lancé sa carrière. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: uniform and more tightly controlled mailstream. \nHypothesis: The mailstream is controlled tightly by the USPS.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: mailstream na-agbanwe agbanwe ma na-achịkwa nke ọma. \nHypothèse: USPS na-achịkwa ozi nzipu ozi nke ọma.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He launched his career there and it seems fitting that he return. \nHypothesis: He returned to the place where he launched his career.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il a lancé sa carrière là-bas et il semble approprié qu'il revienne. \nHypothèse: Il est retourné à l'endroit où il a lancé sa carrière.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Let's get Clinton's head on straight! Hypothesis: Clinton's head looks wobbly. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Makhe sijonge izinto ngendlela eyiyo kuClinton! Hypothèse: Intloko kaClinton ibonakala ingazinzanga. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: and then i have a a Mac that i use for graphics and Hypothesis: I don't own any computers. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: et puis j' ai un Mac que j' utilise pour les graphiques et Hypothèse: Je ne possède pas d'ordinateur. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Let's get Clinton's head on straight! \nHypothesis: Clinton's head looks wobbly.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Makhe sijonge izinto ngendlela eyiyo kuClinton! \nHypothèse: Intloko kaClinton ibonakala ingazinzanga.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: and then i have a a Mac that i use for graphics and \nHypothesis: I don't own any computers. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: et puis j' ai un Mac que j' utilise pour les graphiques et \nHypothèse: Je ne possède pas d'ordinateur.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Julius's glance went to the window. Hypothesis: Julius wondered if someone got in the window. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: UJulius wabheka efasiteleni. Hypothèse: UJulius wayezibuza ukuthi ngabe kukhona yini ongene ngefasitela. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The distribution of profitable routes shown on Figure 4 indicates that the U.S. Hypothesis: The distribution of profitable routes is not known. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La répartition des itinéraires rentables, illustrée sur la figure 4, indique que les États-Unis ont enregistré une croissance de plus de Hypothèse: La répartition des routes rentables n'est pas connue. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Julius's glance went to the window. \nHypothesis: Julius wondered if someone got in the window.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: UJulius wabheka efasiteleni. \nHypothèse: UJulius wayezibuza ukuthi ngabe kukhona yini ongene ngefasitela.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The distribution of profitable routes shown on Figure 4 indicates that the U.S. \nHypothesis: The distribution of profitable routes is not known.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La répartition des itinéraires rentables, illustrée sur la figure 4, indique que les États-Unis ont enregistré une croissance de plus de \nHypothèse: La répartition des routes rentables n'est pas connue.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The daylight was almost gone. Hypothesis: It would be too late if it got dark. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ná ade rebɛkye ama owia akɔtɔ. Hypothèse: Sɛ owia bɔ a, na aka akyi dodo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: and uh they're bailing them out on everything but even even now the West Germans are grumbling Hypothesis: The West Germans aren't happy because the US is getting involved. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Et ils les ont sauvés de tout. Mais même maintenant, les Allemands de l'Ouest grognent. Hypothèse: Les Allemands de l'Ouest ne sont pas contents que les États-Unis s'impliquent. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The daylight was almost gone. \nHypothesis: It would be too late if it got dark. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ná ade rebɛkye ama owia akɔtɔ. \nHypothèse: Sɛ owia bɔ a, na aka akyi dodo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: and uh they're bailing them out on everything but even even now the West Germans are grumbling \nHypothesis: The West Germans aren't happy because the US is getting involved.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Et ils les ont sauvés de tout. Mais même maintenant, les Allemands de l'Ouest grognent. \nHypothèse: Les Allemands de l'Ouest ne sont pas contents que les États-Unis s'impliquent.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: My momentary annoyance vanished. Hypothesis: My annoyance lasted the whole day. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Nkanda na ngai ya ntango wana esilaki. Hypothèse: Nkanda na ngai eumelaki mokolo mobimba. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: You'll need to light a candle or use a flashlight in the cenotaph-chamber because daylight barely filters through the beautiful marble trellis-screens. Hypothesis: It's hard to see with natural light in the cenotaph-chamber. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Vous devrez allumer une bougie ou utiliser une lampe de poche dans la chambre du cénotaphe, car la lumière du jour filtre à peine à travers les magnifiques écrans de treillis en marbre. Hypothèse: C'est difficile à voir avec la lumière naturelle dans la chambre du cénotaphe. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: My momentary annoyance vanished. \nHypothesis: My annoyance lasted the whole day.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Nkanda na ngai ya ntango wana esilaki. \nHypothèse: Nkanda na ngai eumelaki mokolo mobimba.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: You'll need to light a candle or use a flashlight in the cenotaph-chamber because daylight barely filters through the beautiful marble trellis-screens. \nHypothesis: It's hard to see with natural light in the cenotaph-chamber.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Vous devrez allumer une bougie ou utiliser une lampe de poche dans la chambre du cénotaphe, car la lumière du jour filtre à peine à travers les magnifiques écrans de treillis en marbre. \nHypothèse: C'est difficile à voir avec la lumière naturelle dans la chambre du cénotaphe.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: There had been nothing the night before but a skin of water. Hypothesis: They had eaten a sumptuous feast the night before. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Usiku hwapfuura pakanga pasina chinhu kunze kweganda remvura. Hypothèse: Vakanga vadya mabiko makuru usiku hwapfuura. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Today, the paintings and sculptures found in its necropolis of over 5,700 tombs provide fascinating evidence of the brilliant Etruscan civilization for archeology buffs. Hypothesis: Archaeology lovers would be fascinated by the paintings, sculptures, and various other treasures of civilization found in its necropolis of Etruscan tombs. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Aujourd'hui, les peintures et les sculptures trouvées dans sa nécropole de plus de 5.700 tombes constituent une preuve fascinante de la brillante civilisation étrusque pour les amateurs d'archéologie. Hypothèse: Les amateurs d'archéologie seraient fascinés par les peintures, les sculptures et divers autres trésors de la civilisation trouvés dans sa nécropole de tombes étrusques. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: There had been nothing the night before but a skin of water. \nHypothesis: They had eaten a sumptuous feast the night before.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Usiku hwapfuura pakanga pasina chinhu kunze kweganda remvura. \nHypothèse: Vakanga vadya mabiko makuru usiku hwapfuura.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Today, the paintings and sculptures found in its necropolis of over 5,700 tombs provide fascinating evidence of the brilliant Etruscan civilization for archeology buffs. \nHypothesis: Archaeology lovers would be fascinated by the paintings, sculptures, and various other treasures of civilization found in its necropolis of Etruscan tombs.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Aujourd'hui, les peintures et les sculptures trouvées dans sa nécropole de plus de 5.700 tombes constituent une preuve fascinante de la brillante civilisation étrusque pour les amateurs d'archéologie. \nHypothèse: Les amateurs d'archéologie seraient fascinés par les peintures, les sculptures et divers autres trésors de la civilisation trouvés dans sa nécropole de tombes étrusques.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The cakes here are also excellent. Hypothesis: The cakes here are equally great. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Makeke ari panowo akanaka kwazvo. Hypothèse: Makeke ari pano akanaka zvakaenzana. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The likelihood of a graveyard spiral resulting from volume loss to cream skimmers is remote for medium to large volume per capita posts Hypothesis: There have been no recorded instances of a graveyard spiral due to volume loss to cream skimmers. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: La probabilité d'une spirale de cimetière résultant d'une perte de volume due aux écumateurs à crème est faible pour les poteaux de volume moyen à élevé par habitant Hypothèse: Il n'y a eu aucun cas enregistré de spirale de cimetière due à une perte de volume due à des écumateurs à crème. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The cakes here are also excellent. \nHypothesis: The cakes here are equally great.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Makeke ari panowo akanaka kwazvo. \nHypothèse: Makeke ari pano akanaka zvakaenzana.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The likelihood of a graveyard spiral resulting from volume loss to cream skimmers is remote for medium to large volume per capita posts \nHypothesis: There have been no recorded instances of a graveyard spiral due to volume loss to cream skimmers.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La probabilité d'une spirale de cimetière résultant d'une perte de volume due aux écumateurs à crème est faible pour les poteaux de volume moyen à élevé par habitant \nHypothèse: Il n'y a eu aucun cas enregistré de spirale de cimetière due à une perte de volume due à des écumateurs à crème.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: nice talking to you i guess you'll get to watch all of Night Court Hypothesis: You'll get to see all of the show on cable. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Nasepeli kosolola na yo. Nakanisi ete okotala "Cour de nuit" mobimba Hypothèse: Bokomona makambo nyonso na televizyo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: well i haven't uh i've been working in my own home for just um about the last three years but so i can just wear whatever i want around the house but before then i taught taught at the University of Houston and um Hypothesis: For the last 3 years I've been working from home. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Eh bien, je n'ai pas euh je travaille dans ma propre maison pour juste um au sujet des trois dernières années, mais donc je peux juste porter ce que je veux autour de la maison mais avant cela, j'ai enseigné enseigné à l'Université de Houston et um Hypothèse: Depuis 3 ans, je travaille à domicile. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: nice talking to you i guess you'll get to watch all of Night Court \nHypothesis: You'll get to see all of the show on cable.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Nasepeli kosolola na yo. Nakanisi ete okotala \"Cour de nuit\" mobimba \nHypothèse: Bokomona makambo nyonso na televizyo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: well i haven't uh i've been working in my own home for just um about the last three years but so i can just wear whatever i want around the house but before then i taught taught at the University of Houston and um \nHypothesis: For the last 3 years I've been working from home.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Eh bien, je n'ai pas euh je travaille dans ma propre maison pour juste um au sujet des trois dernières années, mais donc je peux juste porter ce que je veux autour de la maison mais avant cela, j'ai enseigné enseigné à l'Université de Houston et um \nHypothèse: Depuis 3 ans, je travaille à domicile.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Instead they died in pools of blood. Hypothesis: They were shot to death and died in their own pools of blood. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Waaye ñu dee ci ay xonq yu bare. Hypothèse: Ñu rey leen, ñu dee ci seen biir deret. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Visitors to the Kumbang Hide have seen rare tigers and leopards. Hypothesis: Visitors see many exotic animals. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les visiteurs de la cachette de Kumbang ont vu des tigres et des léopards rares. Hypothèse: Les visiteurs y voient de nombreux animaux exotiques. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Instead they died in pools of blood. \nHypothesis: They were shot to death and died in their own pools of blood.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Waaye ñu dee ci ay xonq yu bare. \nHypothèse: Ñu rey leen, ñu dee ci seen biir deret.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Visitors to the Kumbang Hide have seen rare tigers and leopards. \nHypothesis: Visitors see many exotic animals.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les visiteurs de la cachette de Kumbang ont vu des tigres et des léopards rares. \nHypothèse: Les visiteurs y voient de nombreux animaux exotiques.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: twice a week Hypothesis: Two times a week. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: torbanitti si'a lama Hypothèse: Torbanitti si'a lama. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: GAO will, where appropriate, suggest alternatives to meet the requester's needs. Hypothesis: Gao is very accommodating and kind. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le GAO suggérera, le cas échéant, des solutions de rechange répondant aux besoins du demandeur. Hypothèse: Gao est très accommodant et gentil. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: twice a week \nHypothesis: Two times a week.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: torbanitti si'a lama \nHypothèse: Torbanitti si'a lama.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: GAO will, where appropriate, suggest alternatives to meet the requester's needs. \nHypothesis: Gao is very accommodating and kind. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le GAO suggérera, le cas échéant, des solutions de rechange répondant aux besoins du demandeur. \nHypothèse: Gao est très accommodant et gentil.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yeah they do they always seem to get the talent there Hypothesis: They always seem to get the talent there The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Haka ne, suna da shi. A koyaushe suna samun gwaninta a can. Hypothèse: Suna ganin koyaushe suna samun baiwa a can La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The exit from the Harem opens into the Third Court, otherwise reached through the Gate of the White Eunuchs. Hypothesis: The Gate of the White Eunuchs does not lead to the Third Court. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: La sortie du Harem s'ouvre sur la troisième cour, autrement atteinte par la porte des eunuques blancs. Hypothèse: La porte des Eunuques Blancs ne mène pas à la troisième cour. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yeah they do they always seem to get the talent there \nHypothesis: They always seem to get the talent there\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Haka ne, suna da shi. A koyaushe suna samun gwaninta a can. \nHypothèse: Suna ganin koyaushe suna samun baiwa a can\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The exit from the Harem opens into the Third Court, otherwise reached through the Gate of the White Eunuchs. \nHypothesis: The Gate of the White Eunuchs does not lead to the Third Court.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La sortie du Harem s'ouvre sur la troisième cour, autrement atteinte par la porte des eunuques blancs. \nHypothèse: La porte des Eunuques Blancs ne mène pas à la troisième cour.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: they will twist it and bend it Hypothesis: They won't bend, twist or contort it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Baya kuyigqwetha baze bayigobe Hypothèse: Abayi kugoba, bayigqwethe okanye bayigqwethe. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: He dismissed the matter from his mind. Hypothesis: He dismissed the matter from his mind and turned to other issues. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il a écarté la question de son esprit. Hypothèse: Il a écarté la question de son esprit et s'est tourné vers d'autres questions. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: they will twist it and bend it \nHypothesis: They won't bend, twist or contort it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Baya kuyigqwetha baze bayigobe \nHypothèse: Abayi kugoba, bayigqwethe okanye bayigqwethe.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He dismissed the matter from his mind. \nHypothesis: He dismissed the matter from his mind and turned to other issues.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il a écarté la question de son esprit. \nHypothèse: Il a écarté la question de son esprit et s'est tourné vers d'autres questions.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Maybe four minutes? Hypothesis: Eight minutes. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Mohlomong metsotso e mene? Hypothèse: Metsotso e robeli. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Definitions. Hypothesis: No definitions. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Définitions Hypothèse: Aucune définition. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Maybe four minutes? \nHypothesis: Eight minutes.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Mohlomong metsotso e mene? \nHypothèse: Metsotso e robeli.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Definitions. \nHypothesis: No definitions. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Définitions \nHypothèse: Aucune définition.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The volume of business bill/payment mail (i.e. Hypothesis: We do not yet understand any of our mail volume. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Umthamo we-bill yeshishini / iposi yentlawulo (oko kukuthi Hypothèse: Asikaqondi nto ngenani leeleta zethu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Completed in 1972 it has achieved both, but the fertility of Egyptian farming land is now falling as it is cut off from the yearly layer of fresh nutrients brought by the flood. Hypothesis: Egyptian farmland is still irrigated with water from the Nile. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Achevé en 1972, il a permis d'accomplir les deux, mais la fertilité des terres agricoles égyptiennes est en train de diminuer, car elles sont coupées de la couche annuelle de nutriments frais apportés par l'inondation. Hypothèse: Les terres agricoles égyptiennes sont encore irriguées par l'eau du Nil. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The volume of business bill/payment mail (i.e. \nHypothesis: We do not yet understand any of our mail volume.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Umthamo we-bill yeshishini / iposi yentlawulo (oko kukuthi \nHypothèse: Asikaqondi nto ngenani leeleta zethu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Completed in 1972 it has achieved both, but the fertility of Egyptian farming land is now falling as it is cut off from the yearly layer of fresh nutrients brought by the flood. \nHypothesis: Egyptian farmland is still irrigated with water from the Nile.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Achevé en 1972, il a permis d'accomplir les deux, mais la fertilité des terres agricoles égyptiennes est en train de diminuer, car elles sont coupées de la couche annuelle de nutriments frais apportés par l'inondation. \nHypothèse: Les terres agricoles égyptiennes sont encore irriguées par l'eau du Nil.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Keep your car for use on the open road. Hypothesis: You should keep the car for the open road. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Jya ureka imodoka yawe ikomeze kugenda. Hypothèse: Wagombye kugumana iyo modoka kugira ngo izagume mu muhanda. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: no i had them walk out of my class and not say their name anything and i finally got to where i go okay i'm Debbie Moore you know may i ask who you are and what you are in my classroom for Hypothesis: They walked out of the class silently. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Non, je les ai fait sortir de ma classe sans dire leur nom. Et j'ai finalement atteint mon but. Je suis Debbie Moore. Hypothèse: Ils sortirent de la classe en silence. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Keep your car for use on the open road. \nHypothesis: You should keep the car for the open road.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Jya ureka imodoka yawe ikomeze kugenda. \nHypothèse: Wagombye kugumana iyo modoka kugira ngo izagume mu muhanda.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: no i had them walk out of my class and not say their name anything and i finally got to where i go okay i'm Debbie Moore you know may i ask who you are and what you are in my classroom for \nHypothesis: They walked out of the class silently.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Non, je les ai fait sortir de ma classe sans dire leur nom. Et j'ai finalement atteint mon but. Je suis Debbie Moore. \nHypothèse: Ils sortirent de la classe en silence.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: well what's your views on it Hypothesis: That is your view on it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: kí ni èrò yín nípa rẹ̀ Hypothèse: Ìyẹn ni èrò tìrẹ nípa rẹ̀. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: For these reasons, the present analysis uses the same Concentration-Response function in developing the Base Estimate of mortality benefits. Hypothesis: The present analysis uses a totally different function. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Pour ces raisons, la présente analyse utilise la même fonction de concentration-réponse pour élaborer l'estimation de base des bénéfices de mortalité. Hypothèse: La présente analyse utilise une fonction totalement différente. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: well what's your views on it \nHypothesis: That is your view on it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: kí ni èrò yín nípa rẹ̀ \nHypothèse: Ìyẹn ni èrò tìrẹ nípa rẹ̀.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: For these reasons, the present analysis uses the same Concentration-Response function in developing the Base Estimate of mortality benefits. \nHypothesis: The present analysis uses a totally different function.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Pour ces raisons, la présente analyse utilise la même fonction de concentration-réponse pour élaborer l'estimation de base des bénéfices de mortalité. \nHypothèse: La présente analyse utilise une fonction totalement différente.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The issue isn't how much violence. Hypothesis: Violence isn't the issue. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Inkinga akuyona ukuthi kunodlame olungakanani. Hypothèse: Ubudlova akuyona inkinga. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: RFP inquiries on technology are streamlined and incorporated into the RFP form for technology, which allows LSC to assess the technological capacities of the delivery system. Hypothesis: The LSC is able to evaluate what the delivery system is capable of technologically. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Les demandes de propositions de technologies sont simplifiées et intégrées au formulaire de demande de propositions pour les technologies, ce qui permet à LSC d'évaluer les capacités technologiques du système de livraison. Hypothèse: Le LSC est en mesure d'évaluer les capacités technologiques du système de livraison. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The issue isn't how much violence. \nHypothesis: Violence isn't the issue.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Inkinga akuyona ukuthi kunodlame olungakanani. \nHypothèse: Ubudlova akuyona inkinga.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: RFP inquiries on technology are streamlined and incorporated into the RFP form for technology, which allows LSC to assess the technological capacities of the delivery system. \nHypothesis: The LSC is able to evaluate what the delivery system is capable of technologically.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les demandes de propositions de technologies sont simplifiées et intégrées au formulaire de demande de propositions pour les technologies, ce qui permet à LSC d'évaluer les capacités technologiques du système de livraison. \nHypothèse: Le LSC est en mesure d'évaluer les capacités technologiques du système de livraison.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Every once in a while they gits together an' makes war talk. Hypothesis: They sometimes get together and talk of war. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Buli luvannyuma lwa kiseera bakuŋŋaana ne boogera ku lutalo. Hypothèse: Oluusi bakuŋŋaana ne boogera ku lutalo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Or it may be an external event that involves interaction between an entity and its environment, such as a transaction with another entity, an act of nature, theft, vandalism, a tort caused by negligence, or an accident. Hypothesis: An internal event may be an accident. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Ou il peut s'agir d'un événement externe impliquant une interaction entre une entité et son environnement, comme une transaction avec une autre entité, un acte de nature, un vol, un vandalisme, un délit causé par négligence ou un accident. Hypothèse: Un événement interne peut être un accident. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Every once in a while they gits together an' makes war talk. \nHypothesis: They sometimes get together and talk of war.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Buli luvannyuma lwa kiseera bakuŋŋaana ne boogera ku lutalo. \nHypothèse: Oluusi bakuŋŋaana ne boogera ku lutalo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Or it may be an external event that involves interaction between an entity and its environment, such as a transaction with another entity, an act of nature, theft, vandalism, a tort caused by negligence, or an accident. \nHypothesis: An internal event may be an accident.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ou il peut s'agir d'un événement externe impliquant une interaction entre une entité et son environnement, comme une transaction avec une autre entité, un acte de nature, un vol, un vandalisme, un délit causé par négligence ou un accident. \nHypothèse: Un événement interne peut être un accident.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: um-hum well i tell you it's kind of funny now at even even at TI i don't do you work for TI okay Hypothesis: You work for TI. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Um-hum da kyau i gaya maka yana da irin funny yanzu a ko da ko da a TI i ba ka yi aiki ga TI lafiya Hypothèse: Kuna aiki ne ga TI. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Service Actions at Delaware Water Gap, Hypothesis: Deleware Water is not wet. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les actions de service à Delaware Water Gap, Hypothèse: L'eau de Deleware n'est pas humide. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: um-hum well i tell you it's kind of funny now at even even at TI i don't do you work for TI okay \nHypothesis: You work for TI.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Um-hum da kyau i gaya maka yana da irin funny yanzu a ko da ko da a TI i ba ka yi aiki ga TI lafiya \nHypothèse: Kuna aiki ne ga TI.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Service Actions at Delaware Water Gap, \nHypothesis: Deleware Water is not wet.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les actions de service à Delaware Water Gap, \nHypothèse: L'eau de Deleware n'est pas humide.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: oh i see uh-huh okay so they know that and they Hypothesis: I see, they don't know that do they? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: oh mo rí uh-huh o dara ki nwọn mọ pe ati awọn ti wọn Hypothèse: Mo rí i, wọn ò mọ̀ pé àwọn ni, àbí? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Never tell all you know not even to the person you know best. Hypothesis: It's always best to keep at least some secrets. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Ne dis jamais tout ce que tu sais, même pas à la personne que tu connais le mieux. Hypothèse: Il vaut toujours mieux garder au moins quelques secrets. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: oh i see uh-huh okay so they know that and they \nHypothesis: I see, they don't know that do they?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: oh mo rí uh-huh o dara ki nwọn mọ pe ati awọn ti wọn \nHypothèse: Mo rí i, wọn ò mọ̀ pé àwọn ni, àbí?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Never tell all you know not even to the person you know best. \nHypothesis: It's always best to keep at least some secrets.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ne dis jamais tout ce que tu sais, même pas à la personne que tu connais le mieux. \nHypothèse: Il vaut toujours mieux garder au moins quelques secrets.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I'm not sure I understand what you want. Hypothesis: I don't think I'm understanding what it is you want. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Sirowooza nti ntegeera ky'oyagala. Hypothèse: Sirowooza nti ntegeera ky'oyagala. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Grullas blues four. Hypothesis: The one blue. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les Grullas sont quatre. Hypothèse: Le bleu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I'm not sure I understand what you want. \nHypothesis: I don't think I'm understanding what it is you want.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Sirowooza nti ntegeera ky'oyagala. \nHypothèse: Sirowooza nti ntegeera ky'oyagala.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Grullas blues four. \nHypothesis: The one blue.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les Grullas sont quatre. \nHypothèse: Le bleu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: right she could just as easily do those things by hand Hypothesis: She always have done those things by hand. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: haki yeye inaweza tu kwa urahisi kufanya mambo hayo kwa mkono Hypothèse: Yeye daima amefanya mambo hayo kwa mkono. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: by an agent who represented i'm not sure of the companies he represented but i was told because you're single they absolutely won't take you i said that is that's prejudicial that's terrible what's going to happen if they all start doing this Hypothesis: It isn't prejudice to ignore single people. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je ne suis pas sûr des entreprises qu'il représentait, mais on m'a dit que parce que tu es célibataire, ils ne t'accepteraient pas. J'ai dit: "C'est préjudiciable, c'est terrible". Hypothèse: Ce n'est pas du préjugé d'ignorer les célibataires. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: right she could just as easily do those things by hand \nHypothesis: She always have done those things by hand. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: haki yeye inaweza tu kwa urahisi kufanya mambo hayo kwa mkono \nHypothèse: Yeye daima amefanya mambo hayo kwa mkono. \nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: by an agent who represented i'm not sure of the companies he represented but i was told because you're single they absolutely won't take you i said that is that's prejudicial that's terrible what's going to happen if they all start doing this \nHypothesis: It isn't prejudice to ignore single people. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je ne suis pas sûr des entreprises qu'il représentait, mais on m'a dit que parce que tu es célibataire, ils ne t'accepteraient pas. J'ai dit: \"C'est préjudiciable, c'est terrible\". \nHypothèse: Ce n'est pas du préjugé d'ignorer les célibataires.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: i don't i don't either Hypothesis: I do exactly what is done by the other person. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Handizivi. Handiziviwo Hypothèse: Ndinoita chaizvo zvinoitwa nomumwe munhu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: uh you'll then you'll like O'Leary he's he's he's quite good at it i've got into one that i didn't think i would it's a i'm not it's a kind of a historical Indian novel thing by Donald Colesmith Hypothesis: I have started reading a historical Indian novel by Donald Colesmith. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Vous allez aimer O'Leary. Il est très bon. J'en ai un que je ne pensais pas avoir. Hypothèse: J'ai commencé à lire un roman historique indien de Donald Colesmith. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: i don't i don't either \nHypothesis: I do exactly what is done by the other person.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Handizivi. Handiziviwo \nHypothèse: Ndinoita chaizvo zvinoitwa nomumwe munhu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: uh you'll then you'll like O'Leary he's he's he's quite good at it i've got into one that i didn't think i would it's a i'm not it's a kind of a historical Indian novel thing by Donald Colesmith \nHypothesis: I have started reading a historical Indian novel by Donald Colesmith.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Vous allez aimer O'Leary. Il est très bon. J'en ai un que je ne pensais pas avoir. \nHypothèse: J'ai commencé à lire un roman historique indien de Donald Colesmith.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: or better yet down around Saint Petersburg Florida Hypothesis: It's around St Petersburg, Florida. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: ወይም ደግሞ የተሻለ ነገር ደግሞ በሴንት ፒተርስበርግ ፍሎሪዳ አካባቢ Hypothèse: በሴንት ፒተርስበርግ ፍሎሪዳ አካባቢ ነው። La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: What looks from a distance like a huge Greek temple with many Ionic columns turns out to be only a single facade with 12 columns. Hypothesis: The single facade had 12 columns. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Ce qui ressemble de loin à un immense temple grec avec de nombreuses colonnes ioniques s'avère être une seule façade avec 12 colonnes. Hypothèse: La façade unique avait 12 colonnes. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: or better yet down around Saint Petersburg Florida \nHypothesis: It's around St Petersburg, Florida.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: ወይም ደግሞ የተሻለ ነገር ደግሞ በሴንት ፒተርስበርግ ፍሎሪዳ አካባቢ \nHypothèse: በሴንት ፒተርስበርግ ፍሎሪዳ አካባቢ ነው።\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: What looks from a distance like a huge Greek temple with many Ionic columns turns out to be only a single facade with 12 columns. \nHypothesis: The single facade had 12 columns.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ce qui ressemble de loin à un immense temple grec avec de nombreuses colonnes ioniques s'avère être une seule façade avec 12 colonnes. \nHypothèse: La façade unique avait 12 colonnes.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Augusto Pinochet to Spain to stand trial. Hypothesis: Pinochet is going to have a trial. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Augusto Pinochet kwenda Hispania kusikilizwa. Hypothèse: Pinochet atahukumiwa. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: In a minute Tommy had slipped out and pulled to the door. Hypothesis: Tommy closed the door behind him. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: En une minute, Tommy avait glissé et a tiré à la porte. Hypothèse: Tommy a fermé la porte derrière lui. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Augusto Pinochet to Spain to stand trial. \nHypothesis: Pinochet is going to have a trial.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Augusto Pinochet kwenda Hispania kusikilizwa. \nHypothèse: Pinochet atahukumiwa.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In a minute Tommy had slipped out and pulled to the door. \nHypothesis: Tommy closed the door behind him.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En une minute, Tommy avait glissé et a tiré à la porte. \nHypothèse: Tommy a fermé la porte derrière lui.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The magnets would then affect both planets alike. Hypothesis: Neither planet would be affected by magnets. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Afei na saa sumina no betumi anya nsunsuanso koro wɔ okyinnsoromma abien no nyinaa so. Hypothèse: Na nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn no ntumi nyɛ okyinnsoromma no mu biara hwee. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: In fact, these all had a home-spun, improvisational air about their costumes. Hypothesis: All of the costumes looked homemade. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: En fait, tous ces costumes étaient faits maison et improvisés. Hypothèse: Tous les costumes étaient faits maison. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The magnets would then affect both planets alike. \nHypothesis: Neither planet would be affected by magnets.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Afei na saa sumina no betumi anya nsunsuanso koro wɔ okyinnsoromma abien no nyinaa so. \nHypothèse: Na nkɔnsɔnkɔnsɔn no ntumi nyɛ okyinnsoromma no mu biara hwee.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: In fact, these all had a home-spun, improvisational air about their costumes. \nHypothesis: All of the costumes looked homemade. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: En fait, tous ces costumes étaient faits maison et improvisés. \nHypothèse: Tous les costumes étaient faits maison.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: I'm at Waterloo. Hypothesis: I am leaving Waterloo soon. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Mele Waterloo. Hypothèse: Madzo le Waterloo kpuie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Resources expended in supporting efforts such as community legal education, outreach, state planning and resource development also would not be factored into the program's cost-per-case. Hypothesis: Resources expended in supporting efforts such as community legal education don't outreach state planning The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Les ressources consacrées à des efforts de soutien tels que l'éducation juridique communautaire, la sensibilisation, la planification de l'État et le développement des ressources ne seraient pas non plus prises en compte dans le coût par cas du programme. Hypothèse: Les ressources consacrées à des efforts de soutien tels que l'éducation juridique communautaire ne dépassent pas la planification de l'État La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: I'm at Waterloo. \nHypothesis: I am leaving Waterloo soon.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Mele Waterloo. \nHypothèse: Madzo le Waterloo kpuie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Resources expended in supporting efforts such as community legal education, outreach, state planning and resource development also would not be factored into the program's cost-per-case. \nHypothesis: Resources expended in supporting efforts such as community legal education don't outreach state planning\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les ressources consacrées à des efforts de soutien tels que l'éducation juridique communautaire, la sensibilisation, la planification de l'État et le développement des ressources ne seraient pas non plus prises en compte dans le coût par cas du programme. \nHypothèse: Les ressources consacrées à des efforts de soutien tels que l'éducation juridique communautaire ne dépassent pas la planification de l'État\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: waiting for them to announce the number you know Hypothesis: Not waiting to hear the number announced. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: kusubiri kwa wao kutangaza idadi unajua Hypothèse: Si kusubiri kusikia idadi alitangaza. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: I'd far rather read those sexy economics columns by Paul Krugman. Hypothesis: I would rather read the economics columns. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je préfère lire les chroniques sexy d'économie de Paul Krugman. Hypothèse: Je préfère lire les colonnes d'économie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: waiting for them to announce the number you know \nHypothesis: Not waiting to hear the number announced.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: kusubiri kwa wao kutangaza idadi unajua \nHypothèse: Si kusubiri kusikia idadi alitangaza.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: I'd far rather read those sexy economics columns by Paul Krugman. \nHypothesis: I would rather read the economics columns.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je préfère lire les chroniques sexy d'économie de Paul Krugman. \nHypothèse: Je préfère lire les colonnes d'économie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: They laughed. Hypothesis: The did not find it funny. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: ሁሉም ሳቁ። Hypothèse: ይህ አስቂኝ ሆኖ አላገኘውም. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Now, if Keynes' interest-rate theory is not so easily written off, perhaps we should also look again at that paradox of thrift. Hypothesis: We can easily write off Keynes' theory, there is no paradox. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Si la théorie des taux d'intérêt de Keynes n'est pas si facilement écartée, peut-être devrions-nous aussi revoir ce paradoxe de l'épargne. Hypothèse: On peut facilement rejeter la théorie de Keynes, il n'y a pas de paradoxe. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: They laughed. \nHypothesis: The did not find it funny.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: ሁሉም ሳቁ። \nHypothèse: ይህ አስቂኝ ሆኖ አላገኘውም.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Now, if Keynes' interest-rate theory is not so easily written off, perhaps we should also look again at that paradox of thrift. \nHypothesis: We can easily write off Keynes' theory, there is no paradox.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Si la théorie des taux d'intérêt de Keynes n'est pas si facilement écartée, peut-être devrions-nous aussi revoir ce paradoxe de l'épargne. \nHypothèse: On peut facilement rejeter la théorie de Keynes, il n'y a pas de paradoxe.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Maybe next year. Hypothesis: Maybe next year we can make out. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Peut-être l'année prochaine. Hypothèse: Peut-être l'année prochaine on pourra s'embrasser. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: i know oh it is it it it plus plus um when we were in in the section of uh North Dallas over by Addison there's just not hardly any day care over there at all it's surprising Hypothesis: There are so many daycares in Addison! The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je sais, c'est ça. Plus, plus, plus. Quand on était dans la section de Dallas Nord, près d'Addison, il n'y avait pas de garderie. Hypothèse: Il y a tellement de garderies à Addison ! La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Maybe next year. \nHypothesis: Maybe next year we can make out.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Peut-être l'année prochaine. \nHypothèse: Peut-être l'année prochaine on pourra s'embrasser.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: i know oh it is it it it plus plus um when we were in in the section of uh North Dallas over by Addison there's just not hardly any day care over there at all it's surprising \nHypothesis: There are so many daycares in Addison!\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je sais, c'est ça. Plus, plus, plus. Quand on était dans la section de Dallas Nord, près d'Addison, il n'y avait pas de garderie. \nHypothèse: Il y a tellement de garderies à Addison !\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: What a steady hand you've got, I remarked. Hypothesis: Your hand is really shaky, I pointed out. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Mekae sɛ: Hwɛ sɛnea wo ho yɛ den. Hypothèse: Meka kyerɛɛ no sɛ wo nsa wosow yiye. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Geveden said his measure appears to be the only potential source of money for the program, which is being forced to lay off workers and close offices around the state. Hypothesis: Geveden notes his measure is a source of money for the program. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Geveden a déclaré que sa mesure semble être la seule source potentielle de financement pour le programme, qui est contraint de licencier des travailleurs et de fermer des bureaux dans tout l'État. Hypothèse: Geveden note que sa mesure est une source de financement pour le programme. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: What a steady hand you've got, I remarked. \nHypothesis: Your hand is really shaky, I pointed out.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Mekae sɛ: Hwɛ sɛnea wo ho yɛ den. \nHypothèse: Meka kyerɛɛ no sɛ wo nsa wosow yiye.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Geveden said his measure appears to be the only potential source of money for the program, which is being forced to lay off workers and close offices around the state. \nHypothesis: Geveden notes his measure is a source of money for the program.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Geveden a déclaré que sa mesure semble être la seule source potentielle de financement pour le programme, qui est contraint de licencier des travailleurs et de fermer des bureaux dans tout l'État. \nHypothèse: Geveden note que sa mesure est une source de financement pour le programme.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Why had no word of any kind come from him? Hypothesis: Why was he chit-chatting so enthusiastically? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Kwakutheni ukuze angavakalisi nto? Hypothèse: Kwakutheni ukuze abe nenzondelelo kangaka xa ethetha? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: More serious trekkers, with crosecountry or mountain walking on their minds (and in their legs), can choose from a number of recommended hikes, Hypothesis: There are plenty of options for serious trekkers to choose from The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les randonneurs plus sérieux, qui ont à l'esprit (et à la tête) le trekking en cross-country ou en montagne, peuvent choisir parmi un certain nombre de randonnées recommandées, Hypothèse: Il y a beaucoup d'options pour les randonneurs sérieux à choisir. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Why had no word of any kind come from him? \nHypothesis: Why was he chit-chatting so enthusiastically?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Kwakutheni ukuze angavakalisi nto? \nHypothèse: Kwakutheni ukuze abe nenzondelelo kangaka xa ethetha?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: More serious trekkers, with crosecountry or mountain walking on their minds (and in their legs), can choose from a number of recommended hikes, \nHypothesis: There are plenty of options for serious trekkers to choose from\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les randonneurs plus sérieux, qui ont à l'esprit (et à la tête) le trekking en cross-country ou en montagne, peuvent choisir parmi un certain nombre de randonnées recommandées, \nHypothèse: Il y a beaucoup d'options pour les randonneurs sérieux à choisir.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Why couldn't he just be 'Irving Goldberg'? Hypothesis: Why did he have to change his name? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Mpo na nini akokaki te kozala kaka 'Irving Goldberg'? Hypothèse: Mpo na nini alongolaki nkombo na ye? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: right she could just as easily do those things by hand Hypothesis: She always have done those things by hand. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Elle pourrait aussi bien faire ces choses à la main. Hypothèse: Elle a toujours fait ça à la main. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Why couldn't he just be 'Irving Goldberg'? \nHypothesis: Why did he have to change his name?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Mpo na nini akokaki te kozala kaka 'Irving Goldberg'? \nHypothèse: Mpo na nini alongolaki nkombo na ye?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: right she could just as easily do those things by hand \nHypothesis: She always have done those things by hand. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Elle pourrait aussi bien faire ces choses à la main. \nHypothèse: Elle a toujours fait ça à la main.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yeah yeah well the the book was just ever so much better Hypothesis: The book was so much better than the movie. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: bẹ́ẹ̀ ni bẹ́ẹ̀ ni ìwé náà dára ju ti tẹ́lẹ̀ lọ Hypothèse: Ìwé náà sàn ju fíìmù náà lọ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The method used most often (by 61 percent of grantees) was referral agreements with other agencies. Hypothesis: The way that was utilized by 61 percent of grantees was referral agreements. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: La méthode la plus utilisée (par 61% des bénéficiaires) était celle des accords de renvoi avec d'autres agences. Hypothèse: La méthode utilisée par 61% des bénéficiaires était celle des accords de renvoi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yeah yeah well the the book was just ever so much better \nHypothesis: The book was so much better than the movie.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: bẹ́ẹ̀ ni bẹ́ẹ̀ ni ìwé náà dára ju ti tẹ́lẹ̀ lọ \nHypothèse: Ìwé náà sàn ju fíìmù náà lọ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The method used most often (by 61 percent of grantees) was referral agreements with other agencies. \nHypothesis: The way that was utilized by 61 percent of grantees was referral agreements.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La méthode la plus utilisée (par 61% des bénéficiaires) était celle des accords de renvoi avec d'autres agences. \nHypothèse: La méthode utilisée par 61% des bénéficiaires était celle des accords de renvoi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Oh, yes, sir, whose else's could it be? Hypothesis: Whose could it be but yours? The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ewe, nkosi, ngubani omnye onokuba ngowakhe? Hypothèse: Ngubani ongenakuba ngowakho? La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: He drew forward two chairs. Hypothesis: He brought two chairs forward. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il a avancé deux chaises. Hypothèse: Il a apporté deux chaises en avant. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Oh, yes, sir, whose else's could it be? \nHypothesis: Whose could it be but yours?\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ewe, nkosi, ngubani omnye onokuba ngowakhe? \nHypothèse: Ngubani ongenakuba ngowakho?\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: He drew forward two chairs. \nHypothesis: He brought two chairs forward.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il a avancé deux chaises. \nHypothèse: Il a apporté deux chaises en avant.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: you don't even know who to payoff huh Hypothesis: You are sure of who to pay off. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: hauzivi kuti ndiani waunofanira kupa mari huh Hypothèse: Une chokwadi chokuti ndiani waunofanira kubhadhara. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Julius's glance went to the window. Hypothesis: Julius wondered if someone got in the window. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Le regard de Julius est allé à la fenêtre. Hypothèse: Julius se demandait si quelqu'un était entré par la fenêtre. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: you don't even know who to payoff huh \nHypothesis: You are sure of who to pay off.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: hauzivi kuti ndiani waunofanira kupa mari huh \nHypothèse: Une chokwadi chokuti ndiani waunofanira kubhadhara.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Julius's glance went to the window. \nHypothesis: Julius wondered if someone got in the window.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le regard de Julius est allé à la fenêtre. \nHypothèse: Julius se demandait si quelqu'un était entré par la fenêtre.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Josh Pons did not like this. Hypothesis: Josh Pons was not a fan of this. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Josh Pons azalaki kosepela na likambo yango te. Hypothèse: Josh Pons azalaki kosepela na likambo yango te. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: Mr. Hersheimmer Mr. Beresford Dr. Roylance. Hypothesis: Three people with different last names. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: M. Hersheimmer, M. Beresford, le docteur Roylance. Hypothèse: Trois personnes avec des noms de famille différents. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Josh Pons did not like this. \nHypothesis: Josh Pons was not a fan of this.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Josh Pons azalaki kosepela na likambo yango te. \nHypothèse: Josh Pons azalaki kosepela na likambo yango te.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Mr. Hersheimmer Mr. Beresford Dr. Roylance. \nHypothesis: Three people with different last names. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: M. Hersheimmer, M. Beresford, le docteur Roylance. \nHypothèse: Trois personnes avec des noms de famille différents.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Where's Susan, Jon asked Ca'daan. Hypothesis: Jon asked Ca'daan where Susan was hiding. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Jon atunaki Ca'daan soki Susan azali wapi. Hypothèse: Jon atunaki Ca'daan esika Susan azalaki kobombana. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: I accept. Hypothesis: I do not accept this. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Je suis d'accord. Hypothèse: Je n'accepte pas cela. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Where's Susan, Jon asked Ca'daan. \nHypothesis: Jon asked Ca'daan where Susan was hiding.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Jon atunaki Ca'daan soki Susan azali wapi. \nHypothèse: Jon atunaki Ca'daan esika Susan azalaki kobombana.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: I accept. \nHypothesis: I do not accept this. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je suis d'accord. \nHypothèse: Je n'accepte pas cela.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: It was so old that Red's father couldn't tell Red when it had been built. Hypothesis: Red's father knew when it was built. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ó ti pẹ́ gan-an débi pé bàbá Red ò lè sọ ìgbà tí wọ́n kọ́ ọ fún Red. Hypothèse: Bàbá Red mọ ìgbà tí wọ́n kọ́ ọ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Let's take video games as an example. Hypothesis: Board games are also an example. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Prenons les jeux vidéo comme exemple. Hypothèse: Les jeux de société en sont également un exemple. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: It was so old that Red's father couldn't tell Red when it had been built. \nHypothesis: Red's father knew when it was built.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ó ti pẹ́ gan-an débi pé bàbá Red ò lè sọ ìgbà tí wọ́n kọ́ ọ fún Red. \nHypothèse: Bàbá Red mọ ìgbà tí wọ́n kọ́ ọ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Let's take video games as an example. \nHypothesis: Board games are also an example.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Prenons les jeux vidéo comme exemple. \nHypothèse: Les jeux de société en sont également un exemple.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He seized at the first words that came into his mind. Hypothesis: He regretted saying those words. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ọ na-eji okwu ndị mbụ batara ya n'obi ekwu okwu. Hypothèse: O wutere ya na o kwuru ihe ahụ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The waterfront provides a pleasant sightseeing stroll. Hypothesis: Along the waterfront is a pleasant sightseeing opportunity. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Le front de mer est une agréable promenade touristique. Hypothèse: Le long du front de mer, il est agréable de faire du tourisme. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He seized at the first words that came into his mind. \nHypothesis: He regretted saying those words.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ọ na-eji okwu ndị mbụ batara ya n'obi ekwu okwu. \nHypothèse: O wutere ya na o kwuru ihe ahụ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The waterfront provides a pleasant sightseeing stroll. \nHypothesis: Along the waterfront is a pleasant sightseeing opportunity.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Le front de mer est une agréable promenade touristique. \nHypothèse: Le long du front de mer, il est agréable de faire du tourisme.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Today Saint-Pierre is a little town of some 6,500 people. Hypothesis: Saint-Pierre only has a few streets. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Aujourd'hui, Saint-Pierre est une petite ville de quelque 6.500 habitants. Hypothèse: Saint-Pierre ne compte que quelques rues. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: well no he doesn't have that trouble he uh has this little slip that comes out with the uh ATM machine and he just keeps that he keeps fairly decent records Hypothesis: He keep track using the ATM receipt, it helps him keep this records with no issues. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Il n'a pas ce problème. Il a un petit ticket qui sort avec le distributeur. Il garde des dossiers assez corrects. Hypothèse: Il garde la trace en utilisant le reçu du guichet automatique, cela l'aide à garder ces dossiers sans problème. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Today Saint-Pierre is a little town of some 6,500 people. \nHypothesis: Saint-Pierre only has a few streets.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Aujourd'hui, Saint-Pierre est une petite ville de quelque 6.500 habitants. \nHypothèse: Saint-Pierre ne compte que quelques rues.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: well no he doesn't have that trouble he uh has this little slip that comes out with the uh ATM machine and he just keeps that he keeps fairly decent records \nHypothesis: He keep track using the ATM receipt, it helps him keep this records with no issues.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il n'a pas ce problème. Il a un petit ticket qui sort avec le distributeur. Il garde des dossiers assez corrects. \nHypothèse: Il garde la trace en utilisant le reçu du guichet automatique, cela l'aide à garder ces dossiers sans problème.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: and i happened to hit the rim of the tire Hypothesis: I hit the rim of the tire with the wrench. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: te dama dal ci mbedd bi Hypothèse: Ma dóor ci mbëj gi ci ban bi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: uh this one man they went to check on their ticket and the other man at their table started taking their plates and and in fear just piling their food on his plate and shoving it in his mouth i mean this was in one night and i was just sitting there thinking now Hypothesis: They never checked the man's ticket. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Un homme est allé vérifier son billet et l'autre à leur table a commencé à prendre leurs assiettes et et dans la peur juste empilant leur nourriture sur son assiette et le bousculer dans sa bouche je veux dire que c'était dans une nuit et je me suis assis là à penser maintenant Hypothèse: Ils n'ont jamais vérifié le ticket de cet homme. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: and i happened to hit the rim of the tire \nHypothesis: I hit the rim of the tire with the wrench.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: te dama dal ci mbedd bi \nHypothèse: Ma dóor ci mbëj gi ci ban bi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: uh this one man they went to check on their ticket and the other man at their table started taking their plates and and in fear just piling their food on his plate and shoving it in his mouth i mean this was in one night and i was just sitting there thinking now \nHypothesis: They never checked the man's ticket.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Un homme est allé vérifier son billet et l'autre à leur table a commencé à prendre leurs assiettes et et dans la peur juste empilant leur nourriture sur son assiette et le bousculer dans sa bouche je veux dire que c'était dans une nuit et je me suis assis là à penser maintenant \nHypothèse: Ils n'ont jamais vérifié le ticket de cet homme.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: By the time he had finished, Ca'daan had finished his story. Hypothesis: Ca'daan read the book. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Ngexesha lokugqiba kwakhe, uCa'daan wayesele eyigqibile ibali lakhe. Hypothèse: UCa'daan wayifunda le ncwadi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: It is far more likely that a monopoly for delivery alone would produce net benefits for consumers than would a monopoly that included processing and transportation as well as delivery. Hypothesis: A monopoly on delivery is desirable because the legal status of government delivery personnel makes them preferential. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Il est beaucoup plus probable qu'un monopole de la seule livraison produise des avantages nets pour les consommateurs qu'un monopole qui inclut la transformation et le transport ainsi que la livraison. Hypothèse: Un monopole sur la livraison est souhaitable car le statut juridique du personnel de livraison du gouvernement lui confère une préférence. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: By the time he had finished, Ca'daan had finished his story. \nHypothesis: Ca'daan read the book.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Ngexesha lokugqiba kwakhe, uCa'daan wayesele eyigqibile ibali lakhe. \nHypothèse: UCa'daan wayifunda le ncwadi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: It is far more likely that a monopoly for delivery alone would produce net benefits for consumers than would a monopoly that included processing and transportation as well as delivery. \nHypothesis: A monopoly on delivery is desirable because the legal status of government delivery personnel makes them preferential. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Il est beaucoup plus probable qu'un monopole de la seule livraison produise des avantages nets pour les consommateurs qu'un monopole qui inclut la transformation et le transport ainsi que la livraison. \nHypothèse: Un monopole sur la livraison est souhaitable car le statut juridique du personnel de livraison du gouvernement lui confère une préférence.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: Until the second half, everything was going according to plan. Hypothesis: The score was close until halftime. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Tii na eteni ya mibale ya lisano, makambo nyonso ezalaki kotambola ndenge oyo tokanisaki. Hypothèse: Matomba ezalaki ndenge moko tii na ntango ya bopemi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: But she's astonishingly vivid in her new film, In Dreams . It's a poetic but ultimately disappointing stab at expressionistic horror, courtesy of Neil Jordan ( The Crying Game , 1992). Hypothesis: She received an award for her performance in the new film. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Mais elle est étonnamment vivante dans son nouveau film, In Dreams, une poésie mais finalement une déception de l'horreur expressionniste, avec l'aide de Neil Jordan (The Crying Game, 1992). Hypothèse: Elle a reçu un prix pour sa performance dans le nouveau film. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: Until the second half, everything was going according to plan. \nHypothesis: The score was close until halftime.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Tii na eteni ya mibale ya lisano, makambo nyonso ezalaki kotambola ndenge oyo tokanisaki. \nHypothèse: Matomba ezalaki ndenge moko tii na ntango ya bopemi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: But she's astonishingly vivid in her new film, In Dreams . It's a poetic but ultimately disappointing stab at expressionistic horror, courtesy of Neil Jordan ( The Crying Game , 1992). \nHypothesis: She received an award for her performance in the new film.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Mais elle est étonnamment vivante dans son nouveau film, In Dreams, une poésie mais finalement une déception de l'horreur expressionniste, avec l'aide de Neil Jordan (The Crying Game, 1992). \nHypothèse: Elle a reçu un prix pour sa performance dans le nouveau film.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: We may hunt together again, who knows? Hypothesis: I will not hunt with you again. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Tarii deebi'ee waliin adamsaa jirra ta'a, eenyutu beeka? Hypothèse: Si wajjin deebi'ee hin adamsu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: dress shorts yeah yeah Hypothesis: Blouses, jackets, of course... The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Des shorts de robe Hypothèse: Des chemisiers, des vestes, bien sûr... La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: We may hunt together again, who knows? \nHypothesis: I will not hunt with you again.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Tarii deebi'ee waliin adamsaa jirra ta'a, eenyutu beeka? \nHypothèse: Si wajjin deebi'ee hin adamsu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: dress shorts yeah yeah \nHypothesis: Blouses, jackets, of course...\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Des shorts de robe \nHypothèse: Des chemisiers, des vestes, bien sûr...\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The recent surge of tourism has helped, but not enough. Hypothesis: We can't take any more tourists. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Nsrahwɛ a ɛbaa pii nnansa yi no aboa, nanso ɛnnyɛ nea ɛsɛ. Hypothèse: Yɛrentumi mfa ahɔho nka ho bio. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: You scent danger. Hypothesis: You sense something bad. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Vous sentez le danger. Hypothèse: Vous sentez quelque chose de mauvais. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The recent surge of tourism has helped, but not enough. \nHypothesis: We can't take any more tourists. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Nsrahwɛ a ɛbaa pii nnansa yi no aboa, nanso ɛnnyɛ nea ɛsɛ. \nHypothèse: Yɛrentumi mfa ahɔho nka ho bio.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: You scent danger. \nHypothesis: You sense something bad.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Vous sentez le danger. \nHypothèse: Vous sentez quelque chose de mauvais.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: By the time he had finished, Ca'daan had finished his story. Hypothesis: Ca'daan read the book. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Alipomaliza, Ca'daan alikuwa amemaliza hadithi yake. Hypothèse: Ca'daan alisoma kitabu hicho. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: The other significant story of Clinton's continuing sexual adventuring was Michael Isikoff's account last August of a murky encounter between White House volunteer Kathleen Willey and the president. Hypothesis: There are no significant stories regarding Clinton's personal adventures. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: L'autre histoire significative de l'aventure sexuelle continue de Clinton était le récit de Michael Isikoff en août dernier d'une rencontre obscure entre la bénévole de la Maison Blanche Kathleen Willey et le président. Hypothèse: Il n'y a pas d'histoires significatives concernant les aventures personnelles de Clinton. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: By the time he had finished, Ca'daan had finished his story. \nHypothesis: Ca'daan read the book.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Alipomaliza, Ca'daan alikuwa amemaliza hadithi yake. \nHypothèse: Ca'daan alisoma kitabu hicho.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The other significant story of Clinton's continuing sexual adventuring was Michael Isikoff's account last August of a murky encounter between White House volunteer Kathleen Willey and the president. \nHypothesis: There are no significant stories regarding Clinton's personal adventures.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: L'autre histoire significative de l'aventure sexuelle continue de Clinton était le récit de Michael Isikoff en août dernier d'une rencontre obscure entre la bénévole de la Maison Blanche Kathleen Willey et le président. \nHypothèse: Il n'y a pas d'histoires significatives concernant les aventures personnelles de Clinton.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: These would be large planets rich in hydrogen, ammonia and methane. Hypothesis: These cows are rich in methane. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Zingeweza kuwa sayari kubwa zenye hidrojeni, amonia, na methani nyingi. Hypothèse: Ng'ombe hawa wana methani nyingi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Its acropolis was capped with magnificent buildings, and it boasted a great library of over 200,000 volumes (the Pergamenes are credited with the invention of parchment). Hypothesis: Its acropolis was capped with magnificent buildings The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Son acropolis était bordée de bâtiments magnifiques et possédait une grande bibliothèque de plus de 200.000 volumes (on attribue aux Pergamins l'invention du parchemin). Hypothèse: Son acropolis était bordée de bâtiments magnifiques. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: These would be large planets rich in hydrogen, ammonia and methane. \nHypothesis: These cows are rich in methane.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Zingeweza kuwa sayari kubwa zenye hidrojeni, amonia, na methani nyingi. \nHypothèse: Ng'ombe hawa wana methani nyingi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Its acropolis was capped with magnificent buildings, and it boasted a great library of over 200,000 volumes (the Pergamenes are credited with the invention of parchment). \nHypothesis: Its acropolis was capped with magnificent buildings\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Son acropolis était bordée de bâtiments magnifiques et possédait une grande bibliothèque de plus de 200.000 volumes (on attribue aux Pergamins l'invention du parchemin). \nHypothèse: Son acropolis était bordée de bâtiments magnifiques.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: After all, targeting is not unique to the Internet. Hypothesis: Targeting happens multiple places because it is effective. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Ó ṣe tán, kì í ṣe orí Íńtánẹ́ẹ̀tì nìkan ni wọ́n ti máa ń ṣojú àwọn èèyàn láti fi ṣe àfojúsùn wọn. Hypothèse: Ìdánwò-àfojúsùn máa ń wáyé ní ọ̀pọ̀lọpọ̀ ibi nítorí pé ó gbéṣẹ́. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: Based on its economic impact, the rule was determined to be an economically significant regulatory action within the meaning of Executive Order 12866. Hypothesis: The rule was put in place to keep fraud down. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: La Commission a également examiné si les États membres pouvaient appliquer une mesure de réglementation à l'égard de la fourniture de services de télécommunications par des entreprises de télécommunications. Hypothèse: La règle a été mise en place pour réduire la fraude. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: After all, targeting is not unique to the Internet. \nHypothesis: Targeting happens multiple places because it is effective.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Ó ṣe tán, kì í ṣe orí Íńtánẹ́ẹ̀tì nìkan ni wọ́n ti máa ń ṣojú àwọn èèyàn láti fi ṣe àfojúsùn wọn. \nHypothèse: Ìdánwò-àfojúsùn máa ń wáyé ní ọ̀pọ̀lọpọ̀ ibi nítorí pé ó gbéṣẹ́.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Based on its economic impact, the rule was determined to be an economically significant regulatory action within the meaning of Executive Order 12866. \nHypothesis: The rule was put in place to keep fraud down.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: La Commission a également examiné si les États membres pouvaient appliquer une mesure de réglementation à l'égard de la fourniture de services de télécommunications par des entreprises de télécommunications. \nHypothèse: La règle a été mise en place pour réduire la fraude.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: He stayed a moment, running the back of his hand on her forehead. Hypothesis: He took his hand a smacked her forehead. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: Ya zauna a wani lokacin, gudãna da baya da hannunsa a kan ta goshi. Hypothèse: Ya kama hannunsa ya buga goshinta. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: I agree that there is nothing like going to a bookstore on a cold winter morning, but there is also nothing like discovering an interesting new author while sitting in your home in your robe, sipping a cup of coffee. Hypothesis: I think there are good things about reading at home or at a bookstore. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Je suis d'accord qu'il n'y a rien de mieux que d'aller dans une librairie un matin d'hiver froid, mais il n'y a rien de mieux que de découvrir un nouvel auteur intéressant assis chez vous dans votre robe, en sirotant une tasse de café. Hypothèse: Je pense qu'il y a des avantages à lire à la maison ou dans une librairie. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: He stayed a moment, running the back of his hand on her forehead. \nHypothesis: He took his hand a smacked her forehead.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: Ya zauna a wani lokacin, gudãna da baya da hannunsa a kan ta goshi. \nHypothèse: Ya kama hannunsa ya buga goshinta.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: I agree that there is nothing like going to a bookstore on a cold winter morning, but there is also nothing like discovering an interesting new author while sitting in your home in your robe, sipping a cup of coffee. \nHypothesis: I think there are good things about reading at home or at a bookstore.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Je suis d'accord qu'il n'y a rien de mieux que d'aller dans une librairie un matin d'hiver froid, mais il n'y a rien de mieux que de découvrir un nouvel auteur intéressant assis chez vous dans votre robe, en sirotant une tasse de café. \nHypothèse: Je pense qu'il y a des avantages à lire à la maison ou dans une librairie.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: There must be an easier way. Hypothesis: It's impossible that the old way is the easiest one. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Esengeli kozala na mwango mosusu ya petee. Hypothèse: Ekoki kosalema te ete nzela ya kala ezala nzela ya pɛtɛɛ. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: here uh but i still go right back to what i said when is the last time you had uh fifteen thousand dollars all at one time to go out and buy an automobile Hypothesis: I'll say it again, if you have fifteen thousand dollars, buy yourself a car. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: ici euh mais je vais toujours droit de retour à ce que je l' ai dit quand est la dernière fois que vous avez eu euh quinze mille dollars tout à la fois pour sortir et acheter une automobile Hypothèse: Je le répète, si vous avez 15 000 dollars, achetez-vous une voiture. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: There must be an easier way. \nHypothesis: It's impossible that the old way is the easiest one.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Esengeli kozala na mwango mosusu ya petee. \nHypothèse: Ekoki kosalema te ete nzela ya kala ezala nzela ya pɛtɛɛ.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: here uh but i still go right back to what i said when is the last time you had uh fifteen thousand dollars all at one time to go out and buy an automobile \nHypothesis: I'll say it again, if you have fifteen thousand dollars, buy yourself a car.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: ici euh mais je vais toujours droit de retour à ce que je l' ai dit quand est la dernière fois que vous avez eu euh quinze mille dollars tout à la fois pour sortir et acheter une automobile \nHypothèse: Je le répète, si vous avez 15 000 dollars, achetez-vous une voiture.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: like a hologram with just graphics on a on a okay Hypothesis: Even though it has graphics it's nothing like a hologram. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: ng'ekyapa ekiriko ebifaananyi ku a ku a okay Hypothèse: Wadde nga kirina ebifaananyi, tekirina kye kifaanaganya na hologram. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: "Sí , of the Messenger line. Hypothesis: Yes, this horse comes from the Messenger line. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: "Si, de la lignée des Messagers. Hypothèse: Oui, ce cheval vient de la lignée des Messagers. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: like a hologram with just graphics on a on a okay \nHypothesis: Even though it has graphics it's nothing like a hologram.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: ng'ekyapa ekiriko ebifaananyi ku a ku a okay \nHypothèse: Wadde nga kirina ebifaananyi, tekirina kye kifaanaganya na hologram.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: \"Sí , of the Messenger line. \nHypothesis: Yes, this horse comes from the Messenger line. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: \"Si, de la lignée des Messagers. \nHypothèse: Oui, ce cheval vient de la lignée des Messagers.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: This year, Yates is battling to save it once more. Hypothesis: Yates is trying to save it again. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Kulo nyaka, uYates uzama ukuwusindisa futhi. Hypothèse: UYates uzama ukuwusindisa futhi. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: They eventually reached the islands, and founded colonies on the islands in the northernmost part of the Aegean Sea. Hypothesis: After building colonies in the northernmost part of the Aegean, they founded colonies in the south. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Ils ont finalement atteint les îles et fondé des colonies sur les îles de la partie la plus septentrionale de la mer Égée. Hypothèse: Après avoir établi des colonies dans la partie la plus septentrionale de la mer Égée, ils fondèrent des colonies au sud. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: This year, Yates is battling to save it once more. \nHypothesis: Yates is trying to save it again.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Kulo nyaka, uYates uzama ukuwusindisa futhi. \nHypothèse: UYates uzama ukuwusindisa futhi.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: They eventually reached the islands, and founded colonies on the islands in the northernmost part of the Aegean Sea. \nHypothesis: After building colonies in the northernmost part of the Aegean, they founded colonies in the south.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ils ont finalement atteint les îles et fondé des colonies sur les îles de la partie la plus septentrionale de la mer Égée. \nHypothèse: Après avoir établi des colonies dans la partie la plus septentrionale de la mer Égée, ils fondèrent des colonies au sud.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: In outer space. Hypothesis: In a different galaxy far away from this planet. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: A sararin samaniya. Hypothèse: A wani galaxy daban-daban nisa daga wannan duniyar tamu. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: The Champs-Elysees stretches in a straight line from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde, bordered by chestnut trees all the way. Hypothesis: There are chestnut trees along the Champs-Elysees, which is the most famous street in Paris. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Les Champs-Elysées s'étendent en ligne droite de l'Arc de Triomphe à la Place de la Concorde, bordée par des châtaigniers tout le long. Hypothèse: Il y a des châtaigniers le long des Champs-Elysées, qui est la rue la plus célèbre de Paris. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: In outer space. \nHypothesis: In a different galaxy far away from this planet.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: A sararin samaniya. \nHypothèse: A wani galaxy daban-daban nisa daga wannan duniyar tamu.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: The Champs-Elysees stretches in a straight line from the Arc de Triomphe to the Place de la Concorde, bordered by chestnut trees all the way. \nHypothesis: There are chestnut trees along the Champs-Elysees, which is the most famous street in Paris.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Les Champs-Elysées s'étendent en ligne droite de l'Arc de Triomphe à la Place de la Concorde, bordée par des châtaigniers tout le long. \nHypothèse: Il y a des châtaigniers le long des Champs-Elysées, qui est la rue la plus célèbre de Paris.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: The Blue Flower , by Penelope Fitzgerald (Houghton Mifflin). Hypothesis: The Blue Scam was written by Jon Brelig. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction => Prémisse: " Ururabo rw ' ubururu " rwanditswe na Penelope Fitzgerald (Houghton Mifflin). Hypothèse: Ikinyoma cy'ubururu cyanditswe na Jon Brelig. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction === End of Example === Premise: Every Cold War decision to put U.S. interests ahead of people's aspirations in individual countries may not be defensible, but the general policy is one we needn't apologize for. Hypothesis: The Cold War decisions were acceptable to the general population. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral =>
Prémisse: Chaque décision de la guerre froide de mettre les intérêts américains avant les aspirations des gens dans des pays individuels peut ne pas être défendable, mais la politique générale est celle pour laquelle nous n'avons pas besoin de nous excuser. Hypothèse: Les décisions de la guerre froide étaient acceptables pour la population en général. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: The Blue Flower , by Penelope Fitzgerald (Houghton Mifflin). \nHypothesis: The Blue Scam was written by Jon Brelig. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=>\nPrémisse: \" Ururabo rw ' ubururu \" rwanditswe na Penelope Fitzgerald (Houghton Mifflin). \nHypothèse: Ikinyoma cy'ubururu cyanditswe na Jon Brelig.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: Every Cold War decision to put U.S. interests ahead of people's aspirations in individual countries may not be defensible, but the general policy is one we needn't apologize for. \nHypothesis: The Cold War decisions were acceptable to the general population.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Chaque décision de la guerre froide de mettre les intérêts américains avant les aspirations des gens dans des pays individuels peut ne pas être défendable, mais la politique générale est celle pour laquelle nous n'avons pas besoin de nous excuser. \nHypothèse: Les décisions de la guerre froide étaient acceptables pour la population en général.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: but now as far as what they can do about it i don't know Hypothesis: I don't know what they can do about it. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: Nanso seesei de, nea wobetumi ayɛ wɔ ho no, minnim Hypothèse: Minnim nea wobetumi ayɛ wɔ ho. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: This injection system is principally made from piping that may split off to manifolds for injecting in multiple locations. Hypothesis: The injection system is made of aluminum. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Ce système d'injection est principalement constitué de tuyaux pouvant se diviser en collecteurs pour injecter à plusieurs endroits. Hypothèse: Le système d'injection est en aluminium. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: but now as far as what they can do about it i don't know \nHypothesis: I don't know what they can do about it.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: Nanso seesei de, nea wobetumi ayɛ wɔ ho no, minnim \nHypothèse: Minnim nea wobetumi ayɛ wɔ ho.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: This injection system is principally made from piping that may split off to manifolds for injecting in multiple locations. \nHypothesis: The injection system is made of aluminum. \nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ce système d'injection est principalement constitué de tuyaux pouvant se diviser en collecteurs pour injecter à plusieurs endroits. \nHypothèse: Le système d'injection est en aluminium.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: yeah see i come from a Catholic church background too Hypothesis: I have a Catholic background, but not anymore. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral => Prémisse: Yebo, bheka nami ngivela esontweni lamaKatolika Hypothèse: Ngikhuliswe njengomKatolika, kodwa manje angisenjalo. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre === End of Example === Premise: This shop is one that made those big cargo copters they call 'Sky Hooks' and maybe they thought the things were just what they're called. Hypothesis: This is the shop were big cargo copters were made. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment =>
Prémisse: Ce magasin est celui qui a fabriqué ces gros hélicoptères de fret qu'ils appellent "Sky Hooks" et peut-être qu'ils pensaient que les choses étaient juste ce qu'ils sont appelés. Hypothèse: C'est l'atelier où les gros hélicoptères cargo étaient fabriqués. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: yeah see i come from a Catholic church background too \nHypothesis: I have a Catholic background, but not anymore.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is neutral\n=>\nPrémisse: Yebo, bheka nami ngivela esontweni lamaKatolika \nHypothèse: Ngikhuliswe njengomKatolika, kodwa manje angisenjalo.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Neutre\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: This shop is one that made those big cargo copters they call 'Sky Hooks' and maybe they thought the things were just what they're called. \nHypothesis: This is the shop were big cargo copters were made.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ce magasin est celui qui a fabriqué ces gros hélicoptères de fret qu'ils appellent \"Sky Hooks\" et peut-être qu'ils pensaient que les choses étaient juste ce qu'ils sont appelés. \nHypothèse: C'est l'atelier où les gros hélicoptères cargo étaient fabriqués.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication" } ]
Translate the following text from English to French. === Example === Premise: um i was gainfully employed by Safeway Stores Incorporated Hypothesis: I was an employee of Safeway Stores Incorporated. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment => Prémisse: um, nekkoon naa liggéey bu ñu jot ci Safeway Stores Incorporated Hypothèse: Damay liggéey ci Safeway Stores Incorporated. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication === End of Example === Premise: What made Studio 54 seem like the center of the universe was that every world--art, royalty, Hollywood, fashion, rock, Euro, literary, gay, political, bohemian, blue-blood--brilliantly intersected there. Hypothesis: Studio 54 was devoid of any culture. The relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction =>
Prémisse: Ce qui faisait du Studio 54 le centre de l'univers, c'était que tous les mondes, l'art, la royauté, Hollywood, la mode, le rock, l'euro, la littérature, les gays, la politique, la bohème, le sang bleu, se croisaient là. Hypothèse: Le Studio 54 était dépourvu de toute culture. La relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction
[ { "from": "system", "value": "You are a math problem-solving assistant. Your task is to solve the given math problem." }, { "from": "human", "value": "\nTranslate the following text from English to French.\n=== Example ===\nPremise: um i was gainfully employed by Safeway Stores Incorporated \nHypothesis: I was an employee of Safeway Stores Incorporated.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is entailment\n=>\nPrémisse: um, nekkoon naa liggéey bu ñu jot ci Safeway Stores Incorporated \nHypothèse: Damay liggéey ci Safeway Stores Incorporated.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Implication\n=== End of Example ===\nPremise: What made Studio 54 seem like the center of the universe was that every world--art, royalty, Hollywood, fashion, rock, Euro, literary, gay, political, bohemian, blue-blood--brilliantly intersected there. \nHypothesis: Studio 54 was devoid of any culture.\nThe relationship between premise and hypothesis is contradiction\n=> " }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\nPrémisse: Ce qui faisait du Studio 54 le centre de l'univers, c'était que tous les mondes, l'art, la royauté, Hollywood, la mode, le rock, l'euro, la littérature, les gays, la politique, la bohème, le sang bleu, se croisaient là. \nHypothèse: Le Studio 54 était dépourvu de toute culture.\nLa relation entre la prémisse et l'hypothèse est Contradiction" } ]