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stfu redneck white trash head ass | 1 |
I think a lot of bitches don't smile in their selfies because their breath stinks and they don't want to steam up their front cameras | 1 |
I ain't got no hoes😒👊 | 1 |
@CokaMoschiach_ his defense is trash, and he's been rocked by Jesus Soto Karass, and Diego Chaves. | 1 |
😫😫😫😫😫😔😔😔😔😔😔 this fucking bitch Rachel needs to die please | 1 |
RT @GreatNegrodamus: Lmfaoooooooooo trash ass falcants RT @PacDaGoat: LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO ya stink @BlakeDaBasedSon | 1 |
worst thing a bitch can do “@loyalshawn: Bitches main reason for being in another nigga face is to get they nigga jealous . 👎 Wack .” | 1 |
@blackymiles lol to get the yellow bleach stain out use a baking soda hydrogen peroxide paste on the stain and throw in the washer | 1 |
@Piercethetit @Xenoss_ I don't love these hoes | 1 |
Can I have a bad bitch without no flawwssss | 1 |
RT @SportsCenter: For the last time, The Captain takes the field at Yankee Stadium. http://t.co/c9TI4FkSkn | 1 |
@Drfreezeburnn @DaithiDeNogla I just learned how many retards you can find when you search trending topics. | 0 |
You gots da BET and da MSNBC wit dat colored reverend who only listen to coloreds. What else I missing? | 0 |
I say K.Michelle is manly because she doesn't act like a lady.She's too foul at the mouth and violent.I'll have to beat the bitch. | 1 |
@AlexisDiamond_ bitch stop fucking playin with me you know wtf I'm talkin about | 1 |
Someone needs to get this boring Nike fag off the stage. | 1 |
RT @RmpHarris: I kinda miss tremper I use to be threw dat bitch lol Never in class lmao | 1 |
happy bro, happy ho: "Happy husband key to marriage? U of C study thinks so" | http://t.co/KkNd87Mv4b http://t.co/kag0xFDd1S | 1 |
RT @YaboySkeete: Lmaoooooo RT @ItsMeGrizz: Nymphos are stupid. Go hose your pussy down you weird bitch | 1 |
N I'm so tired of hearing *he wouldn't do it for u * ol bitch he wouldn't have too my people dont play on my end | 1 |
@Coley_Cee @Campaign_Papi @They_CallMeShay lmaooo coley just whammmmed him add this to it swervee bitch | 1 |
RT @DrunkOrton: No shave November... AKA the month I crush the most pussy. Let the free muzzy rides begin baby. | 1 |
RT @Nicole_Orozco23: Kansas bitch #LongHairDontCare #CountryGirl #Ohio #YoureWelcome #LoveThisGirl #Cle #LoveIt http://t.co/LLW3IMTCUG | 1 |
RT @NeskorikKenneth: Since you couldn't keep my dick outa your mouth at least keep my name out of it. Y'all some hoes for real. | 1 |
@Soldier1eaODGrn you are a teabagger scum who wants to threaten people with his penis extender. You are a danger to this country. | 0 |
I don't have hoes
Its a myth | 1 |
“@ABadBitchCost_: omg yall should see this bag of weed dog this bitch like a .3 fasho lmfaooooo” 😩😂 | 1 |
RT @Zach_Dorsey: My trash is worth more than you | 1 |
Thw White Iron Band plays this weekend in Fargo,ND at the Aquarium(21+) ,Friday(10-29-10) with Charlie Parr. The next night,Saturday... | 1 |
RT @FunnyPicsDepot: how to get unlimited pussy in high school http://t.co/54vF2R3S3a | 1 |
RT @Garvey_B: New sign up at mong kok protest site says: "fight for democracy and oppose the communists to have a future" http://t.co/w2pOn… | 1 |
@sweet_kissesxx Straight AF. Except math is a bitch. Hows the dealership, lol | 1 |
I see bitches ain't been doing nun, but trotin & thotin 😂 | 1 |
So this dumb bitch had an opinion bout wtf I post on my instagram the time it took to write a post… http://t.co/NUzmxspxUS | 1 |
@Hovaa_ #niggerfood #niggerperson #you #are #a #nigger | 0 |
@Whale__Tail what'd the note say? "Stop being a bitch, here's some flowers. <3" gets em everytime | 1 |
Oh "@SoNi99a_: i hope Dre falls dickhole first into my pussy " | 1 |
RT @IamMrEchols: You hoes don't deserve the respect you ask for | 1 |
So much for #UCLA being the team to beat they are trash | 1 |
“@GdoubleT: @BrianMC630 find a loyal ho”
@finntasticccc 😉 | 1 |
@asshole_king oh no. They drafted that gay ass that come out on TV? Well u welcome to Redskins nation. No queers just a lot of niggers. | 0 |
Charlie Daniels Goes Off on ‘Satanic Evil’ http://t.co/3haWjFavUz | 1 |
Just purchased my first trenta iced coffee....this is a slippery slope | 1 |
@kim92493 @_NikeCaptain_ @Tae_Rhodes I was implying you we're the bro & them two aint nothin but lil hoes..c'mon now I or you Kim | 1 |
Raunchy ass hoe. | 0 |
This faggot in a truck was tailgating me, so I hit my breaks, he cut me off I switched lanes he cuts me off again to be a little biatch then | 1 |
Swear to god man niggas talk more than bitches these days | 1 |
When you catch yo bitch sending nudes to another nigga... | 1 |
You say no to ratchet pussy, juicy j cant. | 1 |
@El_Grillo1 Off to the east of your current location, on an east-facing slope (dry side of a dry place). | 1 |
RT @MGKyd_O: I don't understand how so many Americans can hate on Obama for saluting with a latte. Nobody tells these swagfags anything abo… | 1 |
Where a prego bitch when I need one I have no milk an a whole box of cinnamon toast crunch man | 1 |
@KellenDaniel along with the French blue and Buggs bunny VIIs, and the Oreo IVs. @LaJethroJenkins | 1 |
RT @MenstruaI: hearing a bitch tell a story and all u can think is “lie lie lie” 😒 | 1 |
I'm done wit this cheer team all these bitches are Literally BRAIN DEAD. | 1 |
Dafuq is floppy bird ? | 1 |
RT @HunneeMolassess: so if her legs dont rub together that means her pwoosy is trash? ...
i just heard this. | 1 |
RT @crownkingz: Fuck these lancaster bitches they all the same | 1 |
Ya kno nigga got two accounts...🙊 RT @i_EaT_PIE: When the lil bitch start Tweetin... She'll see these tweets or someone will snitch | 1 |
“@OGeezLouise: Bout time
RT @JoeBudden: Some of these chicks don’t want a man, they just want support.” Tell that bitch to get a bra | 1 |
@Josh_Ward thuggery? Cheating? Talking trash? Who's doing that besides Jameis? And isn't ND in the middle of cheating issues? | 1 |
@2sassymom so glad you did this! I'm still trying to figure out emoticons on this damn Motorola to give that bitch the finger. | 1 |
And where do you think unsold items from thrift stores go? The garbage. Think of all the great games that are in trash dumps as we speak :( | 1 |
RT @sluggernation: The P72 Derek Jeter used to hit the walk-off single in his final @Yankee Stadium at-bat. (Images via @mlb_authentic) htt… | 1 |
Just tied my right shoe while driving on the freeway if that ain't swag bitch then I don't know what is | 1 |
Customer Service? «@OG_NicciB I really need this bitch to get the fxck out my business. Just open my new account and leave me alone .» | 1 |
RT @AvengerStratus: There's nothing hotter than a pale albino chick who can play guitar. | 1 |
#AskDems Aren't you embarrassed that Charlie Rangel remains in your caucus? | 1 |
This fucking little bitch landed on me in the car and really thought I wouldn't kill him.. http://t.co/nOuHxhLsHA | 1 |
Jihadis betting on public protests in Britain to force UK gov out of the anti-ISIS coalition http://t.co/5gJSmrfzWJ | 1 |
I try and get back into anime but I swear every show revolves around either teenage girls, or the boys who are too pussy to talk to them | 1 |
@Mids_areForkids lmao im bein foreal fuck all them bitches like that! | 1 |
Boys want bad bitches , and dummies. Men want strong women who respect themselves and support his grind while handling hers. | 1 |
@lettherainefall @Ann_E_Lizabeth and I are on our way to fuck your bitch | 1 |
RT @grindingdude: #13Hours of hell. Obama flat out lied to get reelected. #killery <What diff does it make now?
Karma, it's a bitch! http… | 1 |
@FukknTyler I ain't light skin nigga I'm even colored lmao | 1 |
@CinWicked Did you just call My Sweet Baboo a ho?!?! | 1 |
Can't fuck with a coon ass girl bruh | 1 |
RT @cokvne: Fuck twerking, bitch can you cook? 😒 | 1 |
@MarkUdall2014 just got his pussy kicked, he's out, done, @CoryGardner wins, per Fox News.... #Election2014 #tcot #gop #teaparty #p2 | 1 |
@Alejandro_Bihhh @CapoDaAssHole I was texting a bitch | 1 |
Niggas be bitches hoes be bitches ion see no difference | 1 |
Kratataaaaa swag bitch | 1 |
Call me a dumb bitch but ion even know wtf "Ebola" is ✋😂 | 1 |
I hate baldheadass bitches 😑 https://t.co/rs9jj9PSc3 | 1 |
Islamic Jihadis run away to Pakistan @PureMonotheist @BemetOr8 #UniteBlue | 1 |
You old bitter,salty ass niccas make my flesh crawl off my bones! Such bitches you are! #DontArgueJustAcceptIt | 0 |
@wodaeeex3 bitch i juss askd yu uh question yo ole choppa bullet head ahh | 1 |
RT @kid_nipsey_400: bitch you not cute , you just photogenic 😂 | 1 |
Yo bitch on my dick she come to my crib she get passed around no love | 0 |
RT @JAYREIDOFFICIAL: Jus know ...S/O to my nicca @im_yung_jay #BKent #MME1636 http://t.co/3XInzjnm2u | 1 |
RT @Savage_Glam: Idk if @IGGYAZALEA is really a man, but she surely is a trash rapper. | 1 |
They use to call my mom Japs when she was younger. Lol Asian racial slurs. | 1 |
RT @UrsTruly_Jessie: These bitches is actors out here | 1 |
Niggas wear wigs more than bitches these days. | 0 |
RT @nogoodmichael: if ur mine, its obvious people are gna hit on u cause ur obviously attractive. but if u flirt back its a problem bitch | 1 |
"He wanna be my nigga, but I'm just trinna be his savings account 😩" 😂😭😂😭 omg imma funny ass bitch man, but that's Real Shit 💯 | 1 |
But you can't tell a broke bitch nothin 😂😂😂 🐸☕️ | 1 |
“@Ann_E_Lizabeth: I can't stop being a lil bitch” | 1 |
RT @neiltyson: Just to settle it once and for all: Which came first the Chicken or the Egg? The Egg -- laid by a bird that was not a Chicken | 1 |
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