Tom Aarsen


AI & ML interests

NLP: text embeddings, information retrieval, named entity recognition, few-shot text classification



Posts 14

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I've just shipped the Sentence Transformers v3.1.1 patch release, fixing the hard negatives mining utility for some models. This utility is extremely useful to get more performance out of your embedding training data.

⛏ Hard negatives are texts that are rather similar to some anchor text (e.g. a query), but are not the correct match. They're difficult for a model to distinguish from the correct answer, often resulting in a stronger model after training.
mine_hard_negatives docs:

🔓 Beyond that, this release removes the numpy<2 restriction from v3.1.0. This was previously required for Windows as not all third-party libraries were updated to support numpy v2. With Sentence Transformers, you can now choose v1 or v2 of numpy.

Check out the full release notes here:

I'm looking forward to releasing v3.2, I have some exciting things planned 🚀
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🎉SetFit v1.1.0 is out! Training efficient classifiers on CPU or GPU now uses the Sentence Transformers Trainer, and we resolved a lot of issues caused by updates of third-party libraries (like Transformers). Details:

Training a SetFit classifier model consists of 2 phases:
1. Finetuning a Sentence Transformer embedding model
2. Training a Classifier to map embeddings -> classes

🔌The first phase now uses the SentenceTransformerTrainer that was introduced in the Sentence Transformers v3 update. This brings some immediate upsides like MultiGPU support, without any (intended) breaking changes.

➡️ Beyond that, we softly deprecated the "evaluation_strategy" argument in favor of "eval_strategy" (following a Transformers deprecation), and deprecated Python 3.7. In return, we add official support for Python 3.11 and 3.12.

✨ There's some more minor changes too, like max_steps and eval_max_steps now being a hard limit instead of an approximate one, training/validation losses now logging nicely in Notebooks, and the "device" parameter no longer being ignored in some situations.

Check out the full release notes here:
Or read the documentation:
Or check out the public SetFit models for inspiration:

P.s. the model in the code snippet trained in 1 minute and it can classify ~6000 sentences per second on my GPU.