Human-generated Hinglish
WAC rating1
WAC rating2
PAC rating1
PAC rating2
This is because we have excellent faculty members as well as brilliant students and do not lack in merit.
ऐसा इसलिए है क्योंकि हमारे यहां श्रेष्ठ संकाय सदस्य और प्रतिभावान विद्यार्थी हैं और हमारे यहां गुणवत्ता की कमी नहीं है।
['This is because we have excellent faculty members aur pratibhaavan vidyarthi he aur hamare yaha gunvata ki kami nahi he.', 'Aesa isliye he kyonki hamare yaha shresth sankay sadasya as well as brilliant students he aur yaha merit ki kami nahi he.']
aesa islie hai kyonki hamare yahan excellent faculty members aur brilliant vidyarthi hain aur hamare yahan merit ki kami nahin hai.
aesa islie hai kyonki hamare yahan excellent faculty members aur prtibhavan vidyarthi hain aur hamare yahan gunavatta ki kami nahin hai.
Issuer:% s Subject:% s Fingerprint:% s Signature:% s
निर्गमकः% s विषयः% s फिंगरप्रिंटः% s हस्ताक्षरः% s
['Issuer:% s Vishay:% s Fingerprint:%s Hastakshar:%s', 'Subject:% s Fingerprint:% s Nirgamak:%s Signature:%s']
issuer s vishya s fingerprint s signature s
nirgamka s vishya s phingaraprinta s hastakshra s
While one is the basic unit of life, the other is that of inanimate matter.
एक जीवों की इकाई या मूल मात्रक है तो दूसरी जड़ पदार्थों की.
['While ek jivo ki ikai ya mul matrak he to the other is that of inanimate matter.', 'While one is the basic unit of life, to dusri jad padartho ki.']
ek life ki unit ya basic inanimate hai to other jar padarthon ki
ek unit of life ya inanimate matter hai to doosri jar padarthon ki
This momentous decision to go to England to become a barrister took place when Badruddin was fifteen years old, a year after the mutiny.
बैरिस्टर बनने के लिए इंग़्लैड जाने का यह महत्वपूर्ण निर्णय बगावत के एक वर्ष बाद लिया गया जब बदरूद्दीन पंद्रह वर्ष के थें.
['This momentous decision to go to England to become a barrister took place bagavat ke ek varsh ke baad jab Badruddin pandrah varsh ke the.', 'Barrister banne ke liye England jaane ka yah mahatvapurna nirnay liya gaya when Badruddin was fifteen years old, a year after the mutiny.']
barrister banne ke lie inlaid jane ka yah momentous decision mutiny ke ek place bad liya gaya jab badrooddin fifteen place ke then
bairistar banne ke lie inlaid jane ka yah momentous decision bagavat ke ek varsh bad liya gaya jab badrooddin fifteen years ke then
You can build your relationship together through those sometimes difficult teenage years .
आप उसकी किशोरावस्था के दौरान , जो कभी-कभी बड़ी कठिन अवस्था होती है , उससे अपना निजी अंतरंग सम्बंध स्थापित कर सकते हैं .
['You can build your relationship together jo kabhi kabhi uski kishoravstha ke dauran badi kathin avastha hoti he.', 'Usse apna niji antarang ambandh sthapit kar sakte he through those sometimes difficult teenage years.']
aap uski teenage ke dauran , jo kabhi-kbhi bari difficult avastha hoti hai , usse apna sometimes antrng relationship sthapit kar sakte hain
aap uski difficult teenage years , jo kabhi-kbhi bari kathin avastha hoti hai , usse apna niji antrng sambndh sthapit kar sakte hain
In order to be possessor of his being with any complete reality of freedom and mastery, man must find out his highest self, the real man or highest Purusha in him, which is free and master in its own inalienable power.
मनुष्य को किसी पूर्ण रूप से सच्ची स्वतन्त्रता और प्रभुता के साथ अपनी सत्ता का स्वामी बनने के लिये अपनी उच्चतम आत्मा को, अपने अन्दर के उस वास्तविक मनुष्य या उच्चतम पुरुष को, ढूंढ़ना होगा जो स्वतन्त्र है तथा अपनी अविच्छेद्य शक्ति का स्वामी है।
['In order to be possessor of his being with any complete reality of freedom and mastery, man must find out his highest self, apne andar ke us vastavik manushya ya uchchatam purush ko dhundhna hoga jo svatanta he tatha apni avichchhedya shakti ka svami he.', 'Manushy ko kisi purba rup se sachchi swatantrata aur prabhuta ke sath apni satta ka svami banne ke liye man must find out his highest self, the real man or highest Purusha in him, which is free and master in its own inalienable power.']
freedom ko kisi complete roop se sachchi svatantrta aur mastery ke sath apni reality ka possessor banne ke liye apni highest order ko , apne andar ke us real freedom ya highest purush ko , dhoonna hoga jo svatantr hai tatha apni avichchhedy shakti ka possessor hai.
manushy ko kisi poorn roop se sachchi freedom and mastery ke sath apni satta ka svami banne ke liye apni uchchatam aatma ko, apne andar ke us vastvik manushy ya uchchatam purush ko, dhoonna hoga jo svatantr hai tatha apni inalienable power ka svami hai.
They both grew up in more or less the same atmosphere.
दोनों कमोबेश एक ही वातावरण में पालित-पोषित हुए थे।
['Dono palit-poshit hue the in more or less the same atmosphere.', 'They both grew up kamobeth ek hi vatavaran me.']
donon same ek hi atmosphere men palit-poshit hue the.
donon kamobesh ek hi atmosphere men palit-poshit hue the.
He needed to authenticate the documents with signature.
उसे दस्तावेज़ों को हस्ताक्षर द्वारा अधिप्रमाणित करने की आवश्यकता थी।
['Use documents ko signature dvara dhipramanit karne ki aavshyakta thi.', 'He needed to authenticate dastavejo ko hastakshar dvara.']
use documents ko signature dvara adhiprmanit karne ki aavashyakta thi.
use documents with signature dvara authenticate karne ki aavashyakta thi.
But his words fell on deaf ears, for was he not the poet of a nation defeated and enslaved?
लेकिन उनकी वाणी किन्हीं बहरे कानों में पड़ रही थी, क्या वे स्वयं एकपराजित और परतंत्र देश के कवि नहीं थे?
['Lekin unki vaani kinhi bahre kaano me pad rahi thi, for was he not the poet of a nation defeated and enslaved?', 'But his words fell on deaf ears, Kya ve svayam ekparajit aur partantra desh ke poet nahi the?']
lekin unki words kinhin deaf ears men par rahi thi , kya ve svyn ekaprajit aur partntr nation ke poet nahin the
lekin unki vani kinhin fell on deaf par rahi thi, kya ve svyn ekaprajit aur partntr desh ke kavi nahin the
The Indian Government has been disinvesting from the basic education for last 5 years.
भारतीय सरकार पिछले 5 वर्षों से बुनियादी शिक्षा से विनिवेश कर रही है।
['Pichhale 5 varsho se The Indian Government has been disinvesting from the basic education.', 'Bharatiy sarkar buniyaadi siksha se vinivesh kar rahi he for last 5 years.']
indian government last 5 varshon se basic education se vinivesh kar rahi hai.
indian government pichhle 5 varshon se basic education se vinivesh kar rahi hai.
One whose either parent is alive must not take food facing north, sitting on the door, nor drink water like a cow, nor eat meat of the tortoise, egg, home - made cakes, plantain on the day of the journey to a distant place, nor see a kite flying overhead, a woodcutter with his load, a beggar woman with a bowl, a tortoise carried by a fisherman, an oilman hawking oil, etc.
जिसके माता-पिता जीवित हैं उसे उत्तर की और मुंह करके दरवाजे पर बैठ कर भोजन नहीं करना चाहिए, गाय की तरह पानी नहीं पीना चाहिए, कछुए का मांस नहीं खाना चाहिए, अंडे, घर में बने केक, सुदुर यात्रा के समय केले नहीं खने चाहिए, सिर पर उड़ती चील नहीं देखनी चाहिए, लकड़हारे को बोझ उठाए हुए, भिक्षापात्र लिए भिखारिन को, कछुआ लिए पछुआरे को, तेल लिए हुए तेली इत्यदि को नहीं देखना चाहिए।
['One whose either parent is alive must not take food facing north, sitting on the door, nor drink water like a cow, nor eat meat of the tortoise, egg, home - made cakes, sudur journey ke samay kele nahi khane chahiye, sir par udti chil nahi dekhni vhahiye, lakadhare ko boj uthaye hue, bhikshapatra liye bhikharin ko, kachhua liye pachhuaare ko, tel liye hue teli ityadi ko dekhana nahi chahiye.', 'Jiske mata-pita jivit he use uttar ki aur munh karkre darvaaje par baith kar bhojan nahi karna chahiye, cow ki tarah paani nahi pina chahiye, nor eat meat of the tortoise, egg, home - made cakes, plantain on the day of the journey to a distant place, nor see a kite flying overhead, a woodcutter with his load, a beggar woman with a bowl, a tortoise carried by a fisherman, an oilman hawking oil, etc.']
jiske mata-pita alive hain use north ki aur munh egg door par baith kar food nahin karna home , cow ki tarah water nahin pina home , kachhue ka mans nahin khana home , ande , ghar men bane cakes , sudur journey ke samay plantain nahin khane home , sir par urti kite nahin dekhni home , woodcutter ko load uthae hue , bowl lie beggar ko , tortoise lie pachhuaare ko , oil lie hue oilman itydi ko nahin dekhna parent
jiske mata-pita jivit hain use uttar ki aur munh karke darvaje par baith kar bhojan nahin karna chahie, gay ki tarah pani nahin pina chahie, kachhue ka mans nahin khana chahie, ande, ghar men made cakes, sudur yatra ke samay kele nahin khane chahie, sir par urti chil nahin dekhni chahie, lakarhare ko bojh uthae hue, bhikshapatr lie bhikharin ko, kachhuaa lie pachhuaare ko, tel lie hue teli itydi ko nahin dekhna chahie.
Unable to launch %s: %s
%s लांच करने में असमर्थ: %s
['%s launch karne me Unable: %s', '%s Ashamrth to launch %s']
s lanch karne men unable : s
s lanch karne men unable: s
So it tasted the evil result of its conduct, and the end of its affair was perdition.
तो उन्होने अपने काम की सज़ा का मज़ा चख लिया और उनके काम का अन्जाम घाटा ही था
['To unhone apne kaam ki saja ka maja chakh liya and the end of its affairs was perdition.', 'So it tasted the evil result of its conduct, aur unke kaam ka anjam ghata hi tha.']
to unhone apne affair ki evil ka maza conduct liya aur unke affair ka anjam ghata hi tha
to unhone apne affair ki evil ka maza chakh liya aur unke affair ka anjam ghata hi tha
The square root of 4, what times itself or what positive
4 का वर्गमूल, कौन सी संख्या या कौन सी घनात्मक संख्या
['The square root of 4, kaun si sankhya ya kaun si ghanatmak sankhya.', '4 ka vargmul, what times itself or what positive.']
4 ka square , kaun si snkhya ya kaun si positive snkhya
4 ka square, kaun si snkhya ya kaun si positive snkhya
The Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) was signed by all the member States of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) during the twelfth 'SAARC Summit' held in Islamabad on 4 - 6th January, 2004.
दक्षिणी एशिया मुक्त कारोबार क्षेत्र (साफ्टा) पर करारनामे पर इस्लामाबाद में 4-6 जनवरी को आयोजित बारहवेंदक्षिण एशियाई क्षेत्रीय सहयोग संघ (सार्क) सम्मेलन के दौरान सार्क के सभी सदस्य देशों ने हस्ताक्षर किए।
['all the member States of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) was signed Dakshini asia mukta karobar kshetra(safta) par kararname par islamabad me 4-6 january ko aayojit (saarc ke dauran0.', "The Agreement on South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) was the twelfth 'SAARC Summit' held in Islamabad on 4 - 6th January, 2004 Barrhaven Dakshin asiai kshetriya sahyog sangh sammelan ke dauran."]
south eshiya free trade area agreement par kararname par islamabad men 4-6 january ko aayojit barahvendakshin asian regional association twelfth states summit ke dauran states ke sabhi member deshon ne hastakshar kie.
south asian free trade area saphta par kararname par islamabad men 4-6 janavri ko aayojit barahvendakshin eshiyaee kshetriy sahyog sngh sark sammelan ke dauran sark ke sabhi sadasy deshon ne hastakshar kie.
Through its various schemes and financial assistance, and support in regular procurement of raw material by producers – as well as infrastructural support– Government of India has given critical backing to boost the existing coir industry and encourage new entrepreneurs.
अपनी विभिन्न स्कीमों तथा वित्तीय सहयोग से तथा उत्पादकों द्वारा कच्चे माल की नियमित खरीदारी में सहायता देकर और अवसंरचना संबंधी सहयोग देकर भारत सरकार ने मौजूदा कॉयर उद्योग को बढ़ावा देने के लिए तथा नए उद्यमियों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए महत्त्वपूर्ण सहयोग दिया है।
['Through its various schemes and financial assistance, and support in regular procurement of raw material by producers – as well as infrastructural support- Bharat sarkar ne maujuda coir udhyog ko bahdava dene ke liye tatha naye udhyamiyo ko protsahit karne ke liye mahatvapurna sahyog diya he.', 'Apni vibhinna schemes tatha vitiy sahyog se tatha utpadako dvara kachche maal ki niyamit kharidarime sahayata dekha aur avsamrachana sambandhi sahyog dekar- Government of India has given critical backing to boost the existing coir industry and encourage new entrepreneurs.']
apni various schemes tatha financial producers se tatha utpadkon dvara raw mal ki regular procurement men assistance new aur infrastructural snbndhi producers new india government ne maujooda coir industry ko baava dene ke lie tatha ne entrepreneurs ko protsahit karne ke lie mahattvpoorn producers diya hai.
apni vibhinn schemes and financial sahyog se tatha utpadkon dvara kachche mal ki niymit kharidari men sahayta dekar aur avsnrachna snbndhi sahyog dekar bharat sarkar ne existing coir industry ko baava dene ke lie tatha ne udymiyon ko protsahit karne ke lie mahattvpoorn sahyog diya hai.
The Quran itself states that muslims have the right to read the Quran.
स्वयं कुरान कहता है और वे इसे पढ़ने के अधिकार ‎के साथ पढ़ते हैं।
['The Quran itself states that ve ise padhane ke ahikar ke sath padhate he.', 'Swayam Quran kehta he that muslims have the right to read the Quran.']
svyn quran kahta hai aur ve ise pane ke right muslims sath pate hain.
quran itself states hai aur ve ise pane ke adhikar ke sath pate read
The main plateaus are the Baghelkhand and the Chota Nagpur.
इस क्षेत्र के प्रमुख पठार बघेलखंड तथा छोटा नागपुर हैं।
['Is kshetra ke pramukh pathar are the Baghelkhand and the Chota Nagpur.', 'The main plateaus are Bhghelkhand tatha chhota Nagpur.']
is kshetr ke main plateaus baghelkhand tatha chhota nagpur hain.
is kshetr ke main plateaus baghelkhnd tatha chhota nagpur hain.
Said he, 'My Lord, respite me till the day they shall be raised.'
उसने कहा, "ऐ मेरे रब! फिर तू मुझे उस दिन तक के लिए मुहल्लत दे, जबकि लोग (जीवित करके) उठाए जाएँगे।"
["Said he, 'My Lord, Fir tu muje us din tak ke liye muhallat de, jabki log uthaye jayenge.”", 'Usne kaha, ‘ Ae mere rab! Respite me till the day they shall be raised.”']
lord kaha , ae mere rab ! phir too mujhe us day tak ke lie muhallat de , jabki log jivit karke uthae jaenge.
usne kaha, ae mere rab! phir too mujhe us day tak ke lie muhallat de, jabki log jivit karke uthae till
They said, 'Nay, but we found our fathers so doing.'
उन्होंने कहा, "नहीं, बल्कि हमने तो अपने बाप-दादा को ऐसा ही करते पाया है।"
["They said, 'Nay, but humne to apne baap-dada ko aesa hi krte paya he.’", 'Unhone kaha,’nahi, but we found our fathers so doing’.']
unhonne kaha , nahin , balki hamne to apne bap-dada ko fathers hi karte paya hai.
unhonne kaha, nhin, nay hamne to apne fathers ko aesa hi karte paya hai.
No indeed! When it reaches up to the collar bones
कुछ नहीं, जब प्राण कंठ को आ लगेंगे,
['Kuchh nahi, when it reaches up to the collar bones.', 'No indeed! Jab pran kanth ko aa lagenge.']
kuchh nahin , jab pran knth ko aa collar ,
kuchh nahin, jab pran reaches ko aa lagenge,
Mankind were one community, and Allah sent (unto them) prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and revealed therewith the Scripture with the truth that it might judge between mankind concerning that wherein they differed. And only those unto whom (the Scripture) was given differed concerning it, after clear proofs had come unto them, through hatred one of another. And Allah by His Will guided those who believe unto the truth of that concerning which they differed. Allah guideth whom He will unto a straight path.
(पहले) सब लोग एक ही दीन रखते थे (फिर आपस में झगड़ने लगे तब) ख़ुदा ने नजात से ख़ुश ख़बरी देने वाले और अज़ाब से डराने वाले पैग़म्बरों को भेजा और इन पैग़म्बरों के साथ बरहक़ किताब भी नाज़िल की ताकि जिन बातों में लोग झगड़ते थे किताबे ख़ुदा (उसका) फ़ैसला कर दे और फिर अफ़सोस तो ये है कि इस हुक्म से इख्तेलाफ किया भी तो उन्हीं लोगों ने जिन को किताब दी गयी थी और वह भी जब उन के पास ख़ुदा के साफ एहकाम आ चुके उसके बाद और वह भी आपस की शरारत से तब ख़ुदा ने अपनी मेहरबानी से (ख़ालिस) ईमानदारों को वह राहे हक़ दिखा दी जिस में उन लोगों ने इख्तेलाफ डाल रखा था और ख़ुदा जिस को चाहे राहे रास्त की हिदायत करता है
['Mankind were one community, and Allah sent (unto them) prophets as bearers of good tidings and as warners, and revealed therewith the Scripture with the truth that it might judge between mankind concerning that wherein they differed. And only those unto whom (the Scripture) was given differed concerning it, after clear proofs had come unto them, through hatred one of another. And Allah by His Will guided those who believe unto the truth of that concerning which they differed. Khuda jis ko chahe rahe rast ki hidayat karta he.', 'Sab log ek hi din rakhte the, khuda ne najat se khush khabri dene vale aur ajab se darane vale pegambaro ko bheja, and revealed therewith the Scripture with the truth that it might judge between mankind concerning that wherein they differed. And only those unto whom (the Scripture) was given differed concerning it, after clear proofs had come unto them, through hatred one of another. And Allah by His Will guided those who believe unto the truth of that concerning which they differed. Allah guideth whom He will unto a straight path.']
pahle sab mankind ek hi din rakhte the phir good men jhagarne lage tab allah ne najat se tidings bearers dene vale aur azab se darane vale sent ko bheja aur in sent ke sath baraha community bhi nazil ki taki jin baton men mankind jhagarte the kitabe allah uska faisla kar de aur phir afsos to ye hai ki is hukm se proofs kiya bhi to unhin logon ne jin ko community di gayi thi aur vah bhi jab un ke pas allah ke clear ehkam aa chuke uske bad aur vah bhi good ki shararat se tab allah ne apni meharbani se alis eemandaron ko vah straight ha dikha di jis men un logon ne proofs dal rakha tha aur allah jis ko chahe straight guideth ki hidayat karta hai
pahle sab log ek hi din rakhte the phir aapas men jhagarne lage tab uda ne najat se ush bri dene vale aur azab se darane vale paimbron ko bheja aur in paimbron ke sath baraha kitab bhi nazil ki taki jin baton men log jhagarte the kitabe uda uska faisla kar de aur phir afsos to ye hai ki is hukm se ikhtelaph kiya bhi to unhin logon ne jin ko kitab di gayi thi aur vah bhi jab un ke pas uda ke saph ehkam aa chuke uske bad aur vah bhi aapas ki shararat se tab uda ne apni meharbani se alis eemandaron ko vah rahe ha dikha di jis men un logon ne ikhtelaph dal rakha tha aur uda jis ko chahe rahe rast ki hidayat karta hai
The result was discord and loss of peace in the family.
इससे घर में कलह मच गया।
['In this family kalah mach gaya.', 'Isse ghar me result was discord and loss of peace ']
result ghar men discord family gaya.
result ghar family kalah mach gaya.
Never show the dialog again for all links of this type.
इस प्रकार के सभी लिंक के लिए संवाद पुनः कभी न दिखाएं.
['for all links of this type samvaad punah kabhi na dikhaye.', 'Is prakar ke sabhi link ke liye never show the dialog again.']
is type ke sabhi links ke lie dialog puna kabhi n dikhaen
is type ke sabhi links ke lie dialog puna kabhi n show
Retrieving quota information for folder '% s'
% s फ़ोल्डर के लिए के लिए कोटा प्राप्त कर रहा है
["for folder '% s' Quota prapt kar raha he.", '%s Folder ke liye Retrieving quota information.']
s folder ke lie ke lie quota prapt kar raha hai
s folder ke lie ke lie quota information kar raha hai
Eyes: Spitting cobras can actually eject their venom quite accurately into the eyes of their victims, resulting in direct eye pain and damage.
आंख-थूकनेवाले कोबरा अक्सर अपने शिकार की आंखों में विष थूक देते हैं, जिससे आंखें क्षतिग्रस्त हो सकती हैं या उनमें दर्द हो सकता है।
['Eyes: Spitting cobras can actually eject their venom quite accurately into the eyes of their victims, jisse aankhe kshatigrasta ho sakti he ya unme dard ho sakta he.', 'Aankh-thiknevaale cobra aksar apne shikar ki aankho me vish thuk dete he,resulting in direct eye pain and damage.']
aankh-thooknevale cobras aksar apne eyes ki eye men venom thook dete hain , jisse aankhen damage ho sakti hain ya unmen pain ho sakta hai.
venom quite accurately apne direct eye pain men vish thook dete hain, jisse aankhen kshtigrast ho sakti hain ya unmen dard ho sakta hai.
and preached to them in public, and also addressed them in secret.
"फिर मैंने उनसे खुले तौर पर भी बातें की और उनसे चुपके-चुपके भी बातें की
['“Fir mene unse khule taur par bhi baate ki and also addressed them in secret.', '“And preached to them in public aur unse chupke-chupke bhi baate ki.']
phir mainne unse public taur par bhi secret ki aur unse chupke-chupke bhi secret ki
phir mainne unse khule taur par bhi secret ki aur unse chupke-chupke bhi secret ki
Ladies and Gentlemen,I invite you to please join me in raising a toast:
देवियो और सज्जनो, आइए हम सब मिलकरः
['The tourist visited the fruit farm at arunachal.', 'पर्यटक ने अरुणाचल में फल के खेत का दौरा किया। ', 'At arunachal tourist ne fal ke khet ka daura kiya.', 'Arunachal me paryatak ne visited the fruit farm.']
ladies aur gentlemen , aaie ham sab milakra
ladies aur sajjno, toast ham sab milakra
A similar provision exists for the Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha in article 90.
अनुच्छेद 90 में राज्य सभा के उपसभापति के लिए ऐसा ही प्रावधान हे.
['for the Deputy Chairman Rajya Sabha in article 90 aesa hi pravdhan he.', 'A similar provision exists rajyasabha ke upsabhapati ke liye anuchchhed 90 me.']
article 90 men rajya sabha ke exists ke lie similar hi provision he
anuchchhed 90 men rajy sabha in article ke lie aesa hi pravdhan he
A structure above the surface.
पृष्ठ या सतह से ऊपर संरचना.
['Above the surface samrachana.', 'Prushtha ya satah se upar A structure.']
surface ya satah se oopar structure
prishth ya satah se oopar structure
So do not obey the deniers.
अतः तुम झुठलानेवालों को कहना न मानना
['So do not obey juthlanevaalo ka kahna.', 'Atah tum deniers ka kahna na manna .']
do tum deniers ko kahna n manna
ata tum obey the deniers n manna
If you believe you can, you probably can.
यदि आप यह मानते हैं कि आप कर सकते हैं, तो संभवतः आप कर सकते हैं।
['If you believe you can, to sambhavat aap kar sakte he.', 'Yadi aap yah mante he ki aap kar sakte he, yoy probably can.']
yadi aap yah mante hain ki aap kar sakte hain , to snbhavta aap kar sakte hain.
yadi aap yah mante hain ki aap kar sakte hain, to snbhavta aap kar sakte hain.
Didn 't he conquer Bengal *?
उसने तो बंगाल को जीत लिया था न?
["Bengal ko Didn 't he conquer?", 'Usne tojit liya tha na? Bengal ko.']
usne to bengal ko didn liya tha n
usne to bengal ko jit liya tha n
And although , in the short term , the truth has many facets , the long-term truth is only one and unmistakable .
और अल्पकाल में तो सत्य के कई पहलू हो सकते हैं , दीर्धकालीन सत्य केवल एक और सुस्पष्ट होता है .
['And although , in the short term , the truth has many facets , dirghakalin satya keval ek aur suspashta hota he.', 'Aur alpakal me to satya ke kae pahlu ho sakte he, the long-term truth is only one and unmistakable.']
aur short men to truth ke kee facets ho sakte hain , dirdhkalin truth keval ek aur many hota hai
aur short men to truth ke kee facets ho sakte hain , term truth keval ek aur suspasht hota hai
Water resources development and management will have to be planned for a hydrological unit.
एक हाइड्रोलॉजिकल इकाई के लिए जल संसाधन विकास और प्रबंधन की योजना बनानी होगी।
['Water resources development and management will have to be planned ek hydrological ikai ke liye.', 'Jal sansadhan vikas aur prabandhan ki yojna banani hogi for a hydrological unit.']
ek hydrological unit ke lie water resources development aur management ki yojna banani hogi.
ek hydrological unit ke lie jal snsadhan development and management ki yojna banani hogi.
unusual trapping or confinement of a part in the body
यारीर में किसी अंग का असामान्य रूप से फंसना या सीमित हो जाना
['A part in the body ka asamanya rup se fansna ya simit ho jana.', 'Sarir me kisi ang ka unusual trapping or confinement.']
body men kisi part ka unusual roop se trapping ya simit ho jana
yarir part kisi ang ka asamany roop se phnsna ya simit ho jana
An amount of notes and cashes that the cashier maintain in his cash - box for operations.
नोटों या सिक्कों की ऐसी राशि जो खजांची दैनिक कार्य व्यवहार के लिए अपने नकदी बॉक्स में रखता हो।
['An amount of notes and cashes jo khajanchi dainik karya vyavhar ke liye apne nakdi box ne rakhta ho.', 'Noto ya sikko ki aesi rashi that the cashier maintain in his cash-box for operation.']
notes ya sikkon ki aesi amount jo cashes dainik kary vyavhar ke lie apne nakdi box men rakhta ho.
noton ya sikkon ki aesi rashi jo khajanchi dainik kary vyavhar ke lie apne nakdi bks men rakhta ho.
Premium rates depend on the ‘expected loss’, which in turn depends on the patterns of weather parameters of historical period of about 25 to 100 years in the context of ideal weather requirements of a crop.
प्रीमियम दरें ‘अनुमानित नुकसान’ पर निर्भर करती हैं, जो कि एक फसल की आदर्श मौसम आवश्यकताओं के सन्दर्भ में लगभग 25-100 वर्षों के ऐतिहासिक काल के मौसम मानदण्ड़ के स्वपरूपों पर निर्भर करती हैं।
['Premium rates depend on the ‘expected loss’, jo ki ek fasal ki aadarsh mausam aavashyaktao ke sandarbh me lagbhag 25-100 varsho ke historical period mandand ke svarupo par nirbhar karti he.', 'Premium dare ‘anumanit nukshan’ par nirbhar karti he, which in turn depends on the patterns of weather parameters of historical period of about 25 to 100 years in the context of ideal weather requirements of a crop.']
premium rates anumanit loss par depends karti hain , jo ki ek years ki ideal weather parameters ke context men lagabhag 25-100 varshon ke historical period ke weather manadanr ke svaproopon par depends karti hain.
premium rates anumanit nuksan par nirbhar karti hain, jo ki ek phasal ki ideal weather requirements ke sandarbh men lagabhag 25-100 varshon ke aetihasik kal ke mausam manadanr ke svaproopon par nirbhar karti hain.
And in all cases we have to ask -
और सभी मामलों में हमे पूछना है
['And in all cases hame puchhana he.', 'Aur sabhi mamlo me we have to ask.']
aur sabhi cases men hame poochhna hai
aur sabhi mamlon men hame poochhna hai
Drayage from port to warehouse is borne by the importer.
बन्दरगाह से गोदाम तक माल की ढुलाई का व्यय आयातक द्वारा वहन किया जाता है।
['From port to warehouse Maal ki dhulai ka vyay aaytak dvara vahan kiya jata he.', 'Bandargaah se godam tak drayage is borne by the importer.']
port se godam tak mal ki dhulaee ka vyay importer dvara vahan kiya jata hai.
port to warehouse tak mal ki dhulaee ka vyay aayatak dvara vahan kiya jata hai.
of what there is to fear and to hate.
हमे किससे डरना चाहिये और बचना चाहिये.
['of what there is to fear aur bachana chahiye.', 'Hame kisse darna chahiye and to hate.']
hame kisse darna chahiye aur bachna chahiye
hame kisse darna chahiye aur bachna chahiye
Place the king of hearts next to the queen of hearts.
लाल पान की बेगम के बगल में लाल पान के वादशाह को रखें.
['Place the king of hearts next to lal paan ki begam.', 'The queen of hearts ke bagal me laal pan ke baadshah ko rakhe.']
place hearts ki queen ke bagal men place hearts ke king ko rakhen
lal pan ki queen of hearts men lal place the king ko rakhen
and We made them a thing of the past, and We made them an example to later people.
अतः हमने उन्हें अग्रगामी और बादवालों के लिए शिक्षाप्रद उदाहरण बना दिया
['and We made them a thing of the past,aur baadvaalo ke liye shikshaprad example bana diya.', 'Atah hamne unhe agragaami bana diya and we made them an example to later people.']
ata people unhen thing aur example ke lie shikshaprad udaharan bana diya
ata hamne unhen thing aur past ke lie shikshaprad udaharan bana diya
At this stage, learned counsel for the parties have pointed out that the decreetal amount has since been deposited with the Registrar General of this court which is lying in an FDR.
इस स्तर पर, पक्षकारों के विद्वत वकील ने ध्यान दिलाया कि डिक्रीत राशि तब से इस अदालत के महा-रजिस्ट्रार के पास जमा कर दी गई थी जो कि एक सावधि जमा रसीद में पड़ी हुई है.
['At this stage, learned counsel for the parties have pointed out that decreet rashi tab se adalat ke maha-ragistrar ke paas jama kar di gai thi jo ki ek savdhi jama rasid me padi hue he.', 'Is star par, pakshkaro ke vidvar vakin ne dhyan dilaya ki the decreetal amount has since been deposited with the Registrar General of this court which is lying in an FDR.']
is stage par , pakshkaron ke vidvat counsel ne dhyan dilaya ki decreetal amount tab se is adalat ke maha-rjistrar ke pas jama kar general gee thi jo ki ek fdr jama rasid men pari huee hai
is star par, pakshkaron ke learned counsel ne dhyan dilaya ki decreetal amount tab se is adalat ke maha-rjistrar ke pas jama kar di gee thi jo ki ek savdhi jama rasid men pari huee hai
Though the poem was not later included in his Collected Works, it did help to establish his reputation on its first appearance.
भले ही यह कविता उनकी समग्र रचनावली में संकलित होने से रह गई थी, तो भी अपनी पहली उपस्थिति से उसकी प्रतिष्ठा स्थापित करने में सहायता मिली थी.
['Though the poem was not later included in his Collected Works,to bhi apni pahli upsthiti se uski pratishtha sthapit karne me sahayata mili thi.', 'Bhale hi yah kavita unki samagra rachanavali me sankalit hone se rah gai thi, it did help to establish his reputation on its first appearance.']
bhale hi yah poem unki samagr collected men snklit hone se rah gee thi , to bhi apni pahli appearance se uski reputation sthapit karne men sahayta mili thi
bhale hi yah kavita unki samagr rachnavli men snklit hone se rah gee thi, to bhi apni pahli upasthiti se establish his reputation karne men sahayta mili thi
We saw earlier that thousands of devotees were visiting his house and that he used to spend the nights with them, singing devotional songs and speaking of Shiva.
हम पहले देख चुके हैं कि हजारो भक़्त बसव के घर आते थे और वह भक़्तिपद गाता हुआ, शिव के बारे में बातें करता हुआ रातें उन्हीं के साथ बिताता था.
['We saw earlier that thousands of devotees were visiting his house aur vah bhaktipad gaata hua, shiv ke baare me bate karta hua raate unhi ke sath bitata tha.', 'Ham pahle dekh chuke he ki hajaro bhakt basav ke ghar aate the and that he used to spend the nights with them, singing devotional songs and speaking of Shiva.']
thousands pahle dekh chuke hain ki hajaro shiva basav ke ghar house the aur vah bhatipad gata huaa , shiv ke bare men speaking karta huaa nights unhin ke sath bitata tha
ham pahle dekh chuke hain ki hajaro bhat basav ke ghar aate the aur vah bhatipad gata huaa, shiv ke bare men baten karta huaa raten unhin ke sath bitata tha
Shimla can be reached by rail, road or air.
शिमला, रेल, सड़क और वायु मार्ग से पहुंचा जा सकता है।
['Shimla can be reached Rail, sadak aur vayu marg se.', 'Shimla pahucha jaa sakta he by rail, road or air.']
shimla , rail , sarak aur air road se pahuncha ja sakta hai.
shimla, rail, road or air marg se reached ja sakta hai.
भारत के राष्ट्रपति कल होमियोपैथी पर एक अंतरराष्ट्रीय अभिसमय का उद्घाटन करेंगे।, राष्ट्रपति भवन : 08.04.2016
['President of india to inaugurate an international convention tomorrow homoeopathy par. Rashtrapati Bhavan:08.04.2016', 'Bharat ke rashtrapati ka udghatan karenge An International convention on Homoeopathy. 08.04.2016']
india ke president tomorrow homoeopathy par ek international convention ka udghatan karenge. , president bhavan : 08042016
president of india kal homiyopaithi par ek international convention ka udghatan karenge., president bhavan : 08042016
He said, “Do not fear, I am with you, I hear and I see.
फ़रमाया तुम डरो नहीं मैं तुम्हारे साथ हूँ (सब कुछ) सुनता और देखता हूँ
['He said, “Do not fear, I am with you sab kuchh sunta aur dekhta hu.', 'Farmaya tum daro nahi me tumhare sath hu, i hear and i see.']
farmaya tum daro nahin i tumhare sath see sab kuchh sunta aur dekhta see
farmaya tum daro nahin main tumhare sath hoon sab kuchh sunta aur dekhta hoon
” I hold the power of life and death for every person I take with me .
“ जो भी मेरे साथ चलता है उसकी जिंदगी और मौत मेरे हाथों में होती है ।
['For every person I take with me uski jindagi aur maut mere hatho me hoti he.', 'I hold the power of life and death Jo bhi mere saath chalta he.']
jo bhi i sath chalta hai uski life aur death i hathon men hoti hai .
jo bhi mere sath chalta hai uski life and death mere hathon men hoti hai .
It gives me great pleasure to address this distinguished gathering of business participants. Other than working on business deals, such events are important platforms for deepening mutual engagement and interaction, and providing an opportunity to think creatively about ways to develop the potential of our relationship.
मुझे व्यापार प्रतिभागियों के इस विशिष्ट समूह को संबोधित करते हुए अत्यंत प्रसन्नता हो रही है। व्यापार सौदों पर कार्य करने के अलावा, ऐसे समारोह परस्पर सम्बन्ध और बातचीत में घनिष्ठता लाने तथा अपने रिश्तों की संभावनाएं पैदा करने के तरीकों के बारे में रचनात्मक ढंग से विचार करने के महत्त्वपूर्ण मंच होते हैं।
['It gives me great pleasure to address this distinguished gathering of business participants. Vyapar saudo par karya karne ke alava, aese samaroh parspar sambandh aur baatchit m ghanisthata laane tathta apne rishto ki sambhavnae paida karne ke tariko ke baare me rachanatmak dhang se vichar karne ke important platform hote he.', 'Muje vyapar pratibhagiyo ke is vishishta samuh ko sambodhit karte hue atyant prasannta ho rahi he. Vyapar saudo par kary karne ke alava, such events are important platforms for deepening mutual engagement and interaction, and providing an opportunity to think creatively about ways to develop the potential of our relationship.']
great business gathering ke is distinguished other ko snbodhit karte hue ways pleasure ho rahi deals business saudon par interaction karne ke alava , aese samaroh mutual engagement aur batchit men ghanishthta lane tatha apne rishton ki opportunity paida karne ke tarikon ke bare men rachnatmak events se vichar karne ke mahattvpoorn platforms hote hain.
mujhe vyapar prtibhagiyon ke is vishisht samooh ko snbodhit karte hue atynt prasannta ho rahi hai. vyapar saudon par kary karne ke alava, aese samaroh paraspar sambandh aur batchit men ghanishthta lane tatha apne rishton ki snbhavnaen paida karne ke tarikon ke bare men rachnatmak dhng se vichar karne ke mahattvpoorn mnch hote hain.
a lot of young people with a demographic dividend
एक जनसांख्यिकीय लाभांश के साथ कई युवा लोग
['With a demographic dividend kae yuva log.', 'Ek jansankhyikiy labhansh ke sath a lot of young people.']
ek demographic dividend ke sath kee young lot
ek demographic dividend ke sath kee young people
The peasant was shaken up and he began to emerge from his quiescent shell .
किसान झकझोर उठा और वह अपनी खामोश झोपडियों में से निकल कर बाहर झांकने लगा .
['The peasant was shaken up and vah apni khamosh zopadiyo me se nikal kar baahar zankne laga.', 'Kisaan zakzor utha aur he began to emerge from his quiescent shell .']
peasant jhakjhor utha aur vah apni quiescent shell men se nikal kar bahar jhankne laga
kisan jhakjhor utha aur vah apni began to emerge se nikal kar bahar jhankne laga
We 'll do the microbiology of it in the future
हम भविष्य में इस बात का सूक्ष्म जीव विज्ञान है, लेकिन यह
['In the future, hum is baat ka sukshma jiv vignan he.', "Bhavishya me We 'll do the microbiology of it."]
microbiology future men is bat ka sookshm jiv vijnjan hai , lekin yah
ham future men is bat ka sookshm jiv vijnjan hai, lekin yah
And in this state, he is married and brings home a wife.
इसी हालत मके उसका विवाह हो जाता है और पत्नी घर में ले आता है।
['And in this state, uska vivah ho jata he aur patni ghar me le aata he.', 'Isi halat me, he is married and brings home a wife.']
isi state make uska married ho jata hai aur wife ghar men le aata hai.
isi halat make uska vivah ho jata hai aur patni ghar men le aata married
This bushy plant is a host in a plant pathosystem.
यह झाड़ीदार पौधा पादप रोग-तंत्र में एक परपोषी है।
['This bushy plant padap rog-tantra me ek parposhi he.', 'This Zadidaar paudha is a host in a plant pathosystem.']
yah bushy plant padap rog-tntr men ek host hai.
yah jharidar paudha padap rog-tntr men ek parposhi hai.
An organism or individual having a diploid set of chromosomes derived from each parent.
कोई अवयव या जीव जिस में माता और पिता इन दोनों से ही प्राप्त गुणसुत्र का एक दोहरा गुट है।
['Koi avyav ya jiv having a diploid set of chromosomes derived from each parent.', 'An organism or individual jis me maata aur pita in dono se hi prapt gunsutra ka ek dohra gut he.']
koee avayav ya organism jis men parent aur set in donon se hi prapt diploid ka ek dohra gut hai.
koee organism or individual jis men mata aur pita in donon se hi prapt gunsutr ka ek dohra gut individual
It is right that we should put all our strength in the advancement of the cause that we hold dear.
यह बहुत ठीक है कि जो मकसद हमें प्यारा है, उसको पूरा करने के लिए हम अपनी पूरी ताकत लगा दें।
['It is right that jo maksad hame pyara he, usko pura krne ke liye hum apni puri takat laga de.', 'Yah bahut thik he ki we should put all our strength in the advancement of the cause that we hold dear.']
yah bahut right hai ki jo cause hamen dear hai , usko poora karne ke lie advancement apni poori strength laga den.
yah bahut thik hai ki jo makasad hamen pyara hai, usko poora karne ke lie ham apni poori takat laga den.
(x) And do not even go near the property of the orphan - except that it be in the best manner - till he attains his maturity. (xi) And fulfil the covenant, for you will be called to account regarding the covenant.
और अनाथ के माल को हाथ में लगाओ सिवाय उत्तम रीति के, यहाँ तक कि वह अपनी युवा अवस्था को पहुँच जाए, और प्रतिज्ञा पूरी करो। प्रतिज्ञा के विषय में अवश्य पूछा जाएगा
['And do not even go near the property of the orphan - except that it be in the best manner - till he attains his maturity.aur pratigna puri karo. Pratigna ke vishay me avashya puchha jayega.', 'Aur anath ke maal ko hath me lagao sivay best manner ke, yaha tak ki vah apni yuva avastha ko pahuch jaye, And fulfil the covenant, for you will be called to account regarding the covenant.']
aur orphan ke property ko hath men best sivay uttam manner ke , yahan tak ki vah apni yuva avastha ko pahunch jae , aur covenant poori karo. covenant ke vishay men avashy poochha jaega
aur anath ke mal ko attains his maturity sivay uttam riti ke, yahan tak ki vah apni yuva avastha ko pahunch jae, aur prtijnja poori karo. prtijnja ke vishay men avashy poochha jaega
Products with factory price are available in show room
फैक्टरी कीमत पर उत्पाद शो रूम में उपलब्ध है।
['In show room Factory kimat par utpaad uplabdh he.', 'Show room me, Products with factory price are available.']
factory price par products show room men available hai.
factory price par utpad sho room men upalabdh hai.
There are eighteen thousand verses in the BrahmavaivarthPuran.
ब्रह्मवैवर्तपुराण में श्लोकों की संख्या अठारह हजार हैं।
['In the BrahmavaivarthPuran shloko ki sankhya atharah hajar he.', 'BrahmavaivarthPuran me verses are eighteen thousand.']
verses men shlokon ki snkhya eighteen hajar hain.
verses men shlokon ki snkhya eighteen thousand verses
Life is not but our worldly life - we die and live, but we will not be resurrected.
कि हम मरते भी हैं और जीते भी हैं और हम तो फिर (दुबारा) उठाए नहीं जाएँगे हो न हो ये (सालेह) वह शख्स है जिसने खुदा पर झूठ मूठ बोहतान बाँधा है
['we die and live, aur ham to dubara uthaye nahi jayenge ho na ho ye vah sakhs he jisne khuda par juth muth bohtaan bandha he.', 'Ki hum marte bhi he aur jite bhi he,Life is not but our worldly life - but we will not be resurrected.']
ki life marte bhi hain aur jite bhi hain aur life to phir worldly uthae nahin jaenge ho n ho ye saleh vah shakhs hai jisne khuda par jhooth mooth bohtan bandha hai
ki ham marte bhi hain aur jite bhi hain aur ham to phir dubara resurrected nahin jaenge ho n ho ye saleh vah shakhs hai jisne khuda par jhooth mooth bohtan bandha hai
The violin bow might well have grown out of the act of fire-making by scraping one rod over another .
बहुत संभव है कि वायलिन का गज भी एक छड़ी को दूसरी छड़ी पर रगड़कर आग जलाने वाली सामान्य जीवन की क्रिया का ही विकसित रूप हो .
['The violin bow might well have grown out of the act of fire-making, ek chaadi ko dusri chhadi par ragadkar.', 'Bahut sambhav he ki violin ka gaj by scraping one rod over another aag jalane vaali samanya jivan ki kriya ka hi viksit rup ho.']
bahut snbhav hai ki violin ka bow bhi ek rod ko doosri rod par act aag jalane vali samany jivan ki kriya ka hi viksit roop ho
bahut snbhav hai ki vaylin ka gaj bhi ek chhari ko doosri chhari par scraping one rod vali samany jivan ki kriya ka hi viksit roop ho
His duty is scheduled at night shift.
उसकी ड्यूटी रात की पारी में सूचित है।
['His duty is scheduled raat ki paari me.', 'At night shift uski duty suchit he.']
uski duty night ki shift men soochit hai.
uski dyooti rat ki pari men soochit hai.
Of his party was also Abraham;
और इबराहीम भी उसी के सहधर्मियों में से था।
['Also Abraham usi ke sahdharmiyo me se tha.', 'Aur Abraham bhi tha Of his party.']
aur ibrahim bhi usi ke party men se tha.
aur ibrahim bhi usi ke sahadharmiyon men se tha.
And whomever We give a long life, We cause him to regress in creation. Then, will they not exercise their reason?
और हम जिस शख्स को (बहुत) ज्यादा उम्र देते हैं तो उसे ख़िलक़त में उलट (कर बच्चों की तरह मजबूर कर) देते हैं तो क्या वह लोग समझते नहीं
['And whomever We give a long life, We cause him to regress in creation. To kya vah log samjate nahi?', 'Aur hum jis sakhs ko jyada umra dete he to use khilkat me ulat dete he. Then, will they not exercise their reason?', 'When she heard their gossiping, she invited them to her house for a banquet and gave a knife to each of them. Then she told Joseph to appear before them. When they saw Joseph, they were so amazed that they cut their hands and said, "Goodness gracious! He is not a mortal but is a charming angel!"', 'तो जब ज़ुलेख़ा ने उनके ताने सुने तो उस ने उन औरतों को बुला भेजा और उनके लिए एक मजलिस आरास्ता की और उसमें से हर एक के हाथ में एक छुरी और एक (नारंगी) दी (और कह दिया कि जब तुम्हारे सामने आए तो काट के एक फ़ाक उसको दे देना) और यूसुफ़ से कहा कि अब इनके सामने से निकल तो जाओ तो जब उन औरतों ने उसे देखा तो उसके बड़ा हसीन पाया तो सब के सब ने (बे खुदी में) अपने अपने हाथ काट डाले और कहने लगी हाय अल्लाह ये आदमी नहीं है ये तो हो न हो बस एक मुअज़िज़ (इज्ज़त वाला) फ़रिश्ता है', 'When she heard their gossiping, she invited them to her house for a banquet and gave a knife to each of them. Aur joseph se kaha ki ab inke samne se nikal jao to jab un aurato ne use dekha to uske bada hasin paya to sab ke sab ne apne apne hath kaat dale aur kahne lagi hay Allah ye aadmi nahi he ye to ho na ho bas ek muajij farishta he.', 'To jab Julekha ne unke tane sune to us ne un aurato ko bula bheja aur unke liye ak majlis aarasta ki aur usme se har ek ke hath me ak chhuri di. Then she told Joseph to appear before them. When they saw Joseph, they were so amazed that they cut their hands and said, "Goodness gracious! He is not a mortal but is a charming angel!"']
aur ham jis shakhs ko bahut long umr life hain to use ilat men ulat kar bachchon ki tarah majboor kar life hain to kya vah log reason nahin
aur ham jis shakhs ko bhut long life dete hain to use ilat men ulat kar bachchon ki tarah majboor kar dete hain to kya vah log samajhte nahin
It administers the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976 as well as the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999.
यह शहरी भूमि (उच्चितम सीमा और विनियमन), अधिनियम, 1976 तथा शहरी भूमि (उच्च तम सीमा और विनियमन) निरसन अधिनियम, 1999. का प्रशासन करता है।
['It administers the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976 tatha shahari bhumi (uchchatam sima aur vinitaman) nirsan adhiniyam,1999.', 'Yah Shahai bhumi (uchchitam sima aur viniyaman) adhiniyam 1976 ka as well as the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Repeal Act, 1999 prashashan karta he.']
yah urban land uchchitam ceiling aur regulation , act , 1976 tatha urban land uchch tam ceiling aur regulation repeal act , 1999 ka prshasan karta hai.
yah urban land uchchitam sima aur viniyaman, adhiniyam, 1976 tatha urban land uchch tam sima aur viniyaman repeal act, 1999 ka prshasan karta hai.
A sliding Vicryl noose is used in postoperative suture adjustment of extraocular muscles.
खिसकने वाली विक्राइल फंदे का प्रयोग शल्यक्रिया के बाद नेत्रेतर मांसपेशियों की सीवन के समन्वयन हेतु किया जाता है।
['A sliding Vicryl noose is used in shalyakriya ke baad netretar maanspeshiyo ki sivan ke samanvay hetu kiya jata he.', 'Khisakne vaali Vicryl fande ka prayog postoperative suture adjustment of extraocular muscles hetu kiya jata he.']
khisakne vali vikrail adjustment ka pryog shalyakriya ke bad netretar muscles ki suture ke samanvayan hetu kiya jata hai.
khisakne vali vikrail phnde ka pryog shalyakriya ke bad netretar manspeshiyon ki sivan ke samanvayan hetu kiya jata hai.
Late Puranchandra Gupta never allowed any power to force him into restricting his freedom of press.
स्वर्गीय पूरनचन्द्र गुप्ता कभी भी अपने समाचारपत्र साम्न्त बनने की अपनी इच्छाशक्ति से नहीं डगमगाए।
['Late Puranchandra Gupta never allowed apne samacharpatra samant banne ki ichchhasakti se.', 'Swargiy Puranchandra Gupta kabhi bhi apne restricting his freedom of press se nahi dagmagaye.']
late puranchandra gupta kabhi bhi apne press samnt power ki apni ichchhashakti se nahin dagamgae.
svargiy pooranachandr gupta kabhi bhi apne samacharapatr samnt banne ki apni ichchhashakti se nahin dagamgae.
Observe the fly land on the ceiling of your zoom after its flight.
घरेलू मक्खी को उड़ान के बाद अपने कमने की छत पर बैठते हुए देखिए।
['Observe the fly after its flight apne kamne ki chat par bethte hue.', 'Gharelu makkhi ko Observe land on the ceiling of your zoom after its flight.']
ghareloo fly ko zoom ke bad apne kamne ki ceiling par baithte hue dekhie.
ghareloo observe the fly ke bad apne kamne ki chhat par baithte hue dekhie.
The Government of India had no adequate plans and arrangements for the country 's defence.
भारत सरकार के पास देश की रक्षा के लिए पर्याप्त योजनाएं व इंतजाम न थे.
['The Government of India had no adequate plans and arrangements dekh ki raksha ke liye.', "For the country 's defence Bharat sarkar ke paas paryapt yojnaye va intajaam na the."]
india government ke pas country ki defence ke lie adequate plans v intjam n the
india government ke pas desh ki raksha ke lie paryapt plans and arrangements n the
This is essentially necessary in the evolution of laws and norms regarding the resources of the sea and of new technology involving outer space.
यह बात विशेषतः समुद्र सम्बंधी तथा बाह्य अंतरिक्ष विषयक टेक्नोलाजी के विकास से सम्बद्ध कानूनों और मानदंडों के बारे में लागू होनी चाहिए।
['Yah baat visheshtah kanuno aur mandando ke baare me lagu honi chahiye regarding the resources of the sea and of new technology involving outer space.', 'This is necessary in the evolution of laws and norms visheshtah samudra sambandhi tatha bahya antariksh vishayak technology ke vikas se sambadh.']
yah new visheshta sea sambndhi tatha outer space vishayak technology ke evolution se sambaddh laws aur norms ke bare men lagoo resources chahie.
yah bat visheshta samudr sambndhi tatha bahy antriksh vishayak teknolaji ke vikas se sambaddh kanoonon aur mandndon ke bare men lagoo honi chahie.
Thus did a frustrated, enraged, and powerless people overwhelm their authorities and target close-by innocents.
इस प्रकार शक्तिहीन, कुण्ठित, क्रोधित लोगों ने अपने अधिकारियों पर गुस्सा दिखाया तथा अपने निकट के निर्दोष लोगों को निशाना बनाया.
['Thus did a frustrated, enraged, and powerless people overwhelm their authorities and apne nikat ke nirdosh logo ko nishana banaya.', 'Is prakar shaktihin, kunthit, krodhit logo ne apne adhikariyo par gussa dikhaya and target close-by innocents.']
is prkar powerless , innocents , krodhit people ne apne authorities par gussa dikhaya tatha apne nikat ke nirdosh people ko nishana banaya
is prkar shaktihin, kunthit, krodhit logon ne apne adhikariyon par gussa dikhaya tatha apne nikat ke nirdosh logon ko nishana banaya
Recycled paper uses less natural resources and less toxic chemicals in paper making process.
कागज बनाते समय पुनः चक्रित कागज कम प्राकृतिक संसाधन और कम विषाक्त रसायन का उपयोग करता है।
['In paper making process punah chakrit kagaj kam prakrutik sansadhan aur kam vishakt rasayan ka upyog karta he.', 'Kagaj banate samay Recycled paper uses less natural resources and less toxic chemicals.']
paper banate process recycled chakrit paper less natural resources aur less toxic chemicals ka upyog karta hai.
paper making process puna chakrit kagaj kam natural resources aur kam toxic chemicals ka upyog karta hai.
and seek forgiveness from Allah. Surely Allah is All - Forgiving, All - Compassionate.
अल्लाह से क्षमा की प्रार्थना करो। निस्संदेह अल्लाह बहुत क्षमाशील, दयावान है
['and seek forgiveness from Allah. Surely Allah bahut kshamashil, dayavaan he.', 'Allah se kshama ki prarthana karo. Nissandeh Allah is All- forgiving, all compassionate.']
allah se forgiveness ki prarthna karo. nissndeh allah bahut forgiving , dayavan hai
forgiveness from allah ki prarthna karo. surely allah bahut forgiving, compassionate hai
This will be our tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary to be celebrated in the year 2019.
ऐसा करना महात्मा गांधी को उनकी 150वीं जयंती पर हमारी श्रद्धांजलि होगी जो वर्ष2019 में मनाई जाएगी।’
['This will be our tribute to Mahatma Gandhi 150vi jayanti par jo varsh 2019 me manai jayegi.', 'Aesa karna Mahatma Gandhi ko Shranjali hogi jo on his 150th birth anniversary to be celebrated in the year 2019.']
aesa karna mahatma gandhi ko unki 150vin birth par hamari tribute hogi jo varsh2019 men manaee jaegi.
aesa karna mahatma gandhi ko unki 150birth anniversary par hamari shraddhanjli hogi jo varsh2019 men manaee jaegi.