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It was presented to the Legislative Council in 1856 and was passed in 1860.
इसे 1856 में विधायी परिषद के समक्ष प्रस्तुत किया गया और1860 में पारित किया गया।
['Ise 1856 mein legislative council ke samaksh prastut kiya gya and 1860 mein paarit kiya gya.', 'Ise 1856 mein vidhai parishad ko present kiya and 1860 mein pass kiya.', 'It was presented to vidhayi parishad in 1856 aur 1860 me parit kiya gaya.', 'Ise 1856 me legislative council ke samaksh present kiya gaya aur 1860 me pass kiya.', '1856 me it was presented to the legislative council aur 1860 me it was passed.', '1856 me ise legislative council ke samaksh prensent kiya gaya aur 1860 me parit kiya gaya.']
ise 1856 men legislative council ke samaksh prastut kiya gaya aur1860 men parit kiya gaya.
ise 1856 men legislative council ke samaksh prastut kiya gaya aur1860 men parit kiya gaya.
In the year 1985-86, the erstwhile Ministry of Welfare was bifurcated into the Department of Women and Child Development and the Department of Welfare.
वर्ष 1985-86 में पूर्ववर्ती कल्याण मंत्रालय को महिला एवं बाल विकास विभाग तथा कल्याण विभाग में विभक्त किया गया था।
['In the year 1985-86, purvarti kalyan mantralay was bifurcated into mahila aevam baal vikaas vibhaag and kalyan vibhaag.', 'Varsh 1985-86 mein erstwhile Ministry of Welfare ko department of women and child development aur department of welfare mein vibhaajit kiya gya tha.', 'In the year 1985-86, purvarti kalyan mantralay ko department of women and child development aur department of welfare mein vibhajit kiya tha.', 'Varsh 1985-86 mein erstwhile Ministry of Welfare was bifurcated into mahila aevam baal vikaas vibhaag and kalyan vibhaag.', 'varsh 1985-86 me erstwhile ministry of welfare ko department of Women and children development and department of welfare me bifurcate kiya gaya tha.', 'In the year 1985-86, poorvavarti kalyan mantralay ko mahila aivam baal vikas vibhag and kalyan vibhag me bifurcate kiya.', 'In the year 1985-86, poorvavarti kalyan mantralay was bifurcated into mahila aivam baal vikas vibhag and kalyan vibhag me vibhakt kiya gaya tha.', 'poorvavarti kalyan mantralay ko year 1985-86 me mahila aivam baal vikas vibhag aur kalyan vibhag me bifurcate kiya gaya tha.']
year 1985-86 men poorvavarti welfare ministry ko women evn erstwhile development department tatha welfare department men vibhakt kiya gaya tha.
year 1985-86 men poorvavarti kalyan mntralay ko mahila evn bal vikas vibhag tatha kalyan vibhag men vibhakt kiya gaya tha.
Connecting to the server, please wait...
सर्वर से कनेक्ट कर रहा है, कृपया इंतजार करें...
['Connecting to the server, kripya intezaar karein.', 'Server se connect kar rhe hai, please wait.', 'Server se connect kar rhe hai, please intezaar karein.', 'Connecting to the server, kripya wait karein.', 'Connecting to the server, please intezaar karein.', 'Server se connect kar raha hai, please wait...', 'Connecting to server, kripya intezar karein...', 'Server se connect kar raha hai, kripya wait karein...']
server se kanekt kar raha hai , wait intjar karen
server se connecting kar raha hai, kripya wait karen
He propagated the principles of Hinduism.
उसने हिन्दुत्व के नियमों का प्रचार किया।
['Usne principles of hinduism ka prachaar kiya.', 'Usne principles of hinduism propagate kiye.', 'He propagated niyams of hindutva.', 'Hindutva ke niyamo ko usne propagate kiya.', 'Usne hinduism ke niyamon ko propagate kiya.', 'He propagated hindutva ke principles.', 'He propagated the principles of hindutva.', 'He did hinduism ke principles ka prachar.']
usne hinduism ke principles ka prchar kiya.
usne principles of hinduism ka propagated kiya.
The game has no solution. Undo or start again.
खेल के पास कोई हल नहीं है. वापस ले या फिर शुरू करें.
['Khel ka koi solution nhi hai. Undo karein ya fir vapas shuru karein.', 'The game has no hal. Vapas le or fir start karein', 'Game ka koi solution nahi hai. Undo or start again.', 'Khel ka koi solution nahi hai. Wapas lein ya fir shuru karein.', 'Game ka koi hal nahi hai. Wapa lein or start again.']
game ke pas koee solution nahin hai vapas le ya phir shuroo karen
game ke pas koee hal nahin hai vapas le ya phir start karen
Failed to load remote file.
दस्तावेज फिर लोड करने में विफल.
['Remote file load karne mein vifal', 'Failed to load dastavez', 'Dastavez load karne mein fail', 'Dastavej fir load karne me fail.', 'Failed to load dastavej.', 'Remote file load karne me fail.', 'dastavej load karne me vifal.']
file phir lod karne men remote
dastavej phir failed to load viphal
Is it possible for everyone to know one 's true nature?
क्या हर कोई अपने सच्चे स्वरुप का जान सकता है?
['Is it possible har koi apne sacche swaroop ko jaan sake?', 'Kya har koi apne true nature ko jaan sakte hai?', 'Is it possible to know one’s saccha swaroop?', 'Is it possible for everyone apna sachcha swaroop janna?', 'Kya har koi apne true nature ko jaan sakta hai?', 'Kya ye mumkin hai apna sahi sachcha swaroop janna?']
true possible koee apne sachche nature ka jan sakta hai
kya har koee apne true nature ka jan sakta hai
Lahore gate is the main entrance
लाहौर गेट इसका मुख्य प्रवेशद्वार है।
['Iska mukhya entrance lahore gate hai.', 'The main praveshdwar is lahore gate.', 'The mukhya entrance is lahore gate.', 'Iska main praveshdwar lahore gate hai.', 'Lahore gate is the mukhya praveshdwar.', 'Lahore gate iska main entrance hai.']
lahore gate iska main entrance hai.
lahaur get iska mukhy main entrance
The first signs of ill-health are the cessation of rumination , and drop in milk yield .
बीमारी का पहला लक्षण तो यह है कि जानवर जुगाली करना बंद कर देता है.दूध भी वह कम मात्रा में देने लगता है .
['Bimari ka pehla sign to yeh hota hai ki jaanwar rumination karna band kar deta hai and milk yield mein drop hota hai', 'The first signs of bimari are jaanwar ka jugali karna band kar dena and milk yield mein drop hona.', 'Bimari ka pehla lakshan hota hai cessation in rumination aur milk yield kam hona.', 'The first signs of ill-health are cessation of rumination aur doodh kam matra me dena.', 'Bimari ka pehla sign toh ye hai ki jaanvar rumination band kar deta hai aur milk yeild kam ho jaati hai.', 'Ill health ka first sign hai ki jaanwar jugali karna band kar deta hai and milk yeild drops.']
signs ka first lakshan to yah hai ki milk cessation karna bnd kar deta haidoodh bhi vah kam drop men dene lagta hai
bimari ka pahla lakshan to yah hai ki janavar jugali karna bnd kar deta haidoodh bhi vah kam matra men dene lagta hai
And so as these elements come together,
और इस तरह ये सभी एक साथ होकर,
['Aur iss tarah ye elements ek saath hokar,', 'Aur iss tarah ye elements together hokar,', 'And so yeh sabhi together hokar,', 'And so yeh sabhi elements saath hokar,', 'Aur isi tarah sahbi elements come together,', 'and so ye sabhi ek saath hokar,']
aur is tarah ye sabhi ek sath elements ,
aur is tarah ye sabhi ek sath hokar,
He congratulated NIFM for choosing this motto.
उन्होंने एनआईएफएम को इस सिद्धांत को चुनने के लिए बधाई दी थी।
['Unhone iss siddhant ko choose karne ke liye NIFM ko congratulate kiya.', 'Unhone iss motto ko chunne ke liye NIFM ko badhai di.', 'He congratulated NIFM for choosing this siddhant.', 'He congratulated NIFM iss siddhant ko chunne ke liye.', 'Unhone NIFM ko ye motto choose karne ke liye congratulate kiya.', 'For choosing this motto unhone NIFM ko badhai di.', 'Ye siddhant choose karne ke liye he congratulated NIFM.']
unhonne enaaeeephem ko is siddhant ko chunne ke lie badhaee motto thi.
unhonne enaaeeephem ko is siddhant ko choosing ke lie congratulated di thi.
Truth is the same to all nations, he had said, but each nation has its lies which it speaks of as its idealism.
उन्होंने कहा भी था, सत्य सभी राष्ट्र् के लिए एक समान है, लेकिन हर राष्ट्र के पास अपने अपने झूठ भी होते हैं, जिसे वह अपने आदर्शवाद के तौर पर बघारते हैं।
['Unhone kahaa bhi tha, Truth sabhi rashtra ke liye same hota hai, but har rashtra ke paas apne lies hote hai, jise woh apne idealism ke taur par bagarte hai.', 'Sabhi nations ke liye truth same hai, he said, lekin har nation ke paas apne lies hote hai that they speak as idealism.', 'Unhone kaha bhi tha, truth is the same to all nations, lekin har nation ke paas apne lies bhi hore hain which it speaks apne aashirvad ke taur par.', 'Truth is the same to all nations, he had said, lekin har rashtra ke paas apne apne jhooth bhi hote hain, which it speaks of as its idealism.', 'Unhone kaha bhi tha, Truth us the same to all nations, but each rashtra ke paas apne apne jhooth bhi hote hain, which it speaks of as its idealism.']
unhonne kaha bhi tha , truth sabhi rashtr ke lie ek same hai , lekin har nation ke pas apne apne jhooth bhi hote hain , jise vah apne idealism ke taur par bagharte hain.
unhonne kaha bhi tha, truth sabhi nations ke lie ek saman hai, lekin har rashtr ke pas apne apne jhooth bhi hote hain, jise vah apne aadarshvad ke taur par bagharte hain.
Budget allocation under Plan Scheme for 2015 - 16 - Rs. 16. 11 Crores.
वर्ष 2015-16 के लिए प्लान स्कीम के अंतर्गत बजट आवंटन 16.11 करोड़ रू. है।
['Plan scheme ke antargat varsh 2015-16 ke liye budget allocation 16.11 crore hai.', 'Under Plan scheme budget avantan for varsh 2015-16 is Rs. 16.11 crores.', 'Varsh 2015-16 ke liye plan scheme ke under budget allocation Rs16.11 crores hai.', 'Budget aawantan under plan scheme for 2015-16 16.11 crore rupees hai.']
varsh 2015-16 ke lie plan scheme ke rs budget allocation 1611 crores roo hai.
varsh 2015-16 ke lie plan scheme ke allocation under plan 1611 crores roo plan
In this too, their situation was fundamentally different from mine.
इस प्रश्न को लेकर भी मेरे और उनके दृष्टिकोण में भारी अन्तर था।
['In this prashn too, mera aur unka drishtikon fundamentally different tha.', 'Iss situation mein bhi mera aur unka drishtikon fundamentally different tha.', 'Iss prashn ko lekar bhi, meri aur unki situation mein bhari antar tha.', 'In this too, mere aur unke situation fundamentally different they mere se.', 'Is prashn ko lekar bhi unke situation fundammentaly different they from mine.']
is different ko lekar bhi mine aur unke drishtikon men bhari antar situation
is prashn ko lekar bhi mere aur unke drishtikon men bhari antar tha.
O which of your Lord 's bounties will you and you deny?
तो तुम दोनों अपने रब की अनुकम्पाओं में से किस-किस को झुठलाओगे?
['Toh tum dono apne lord ki kis-kis bounties ko deny karoge?', 'Apne rab ki kis-kis bounties ko you and you will deny?', 'O which of your lord’s bounty ko tum jhutalaoge?', 'Toh tum dono apne rab ki bounties me se kis kis ko deny karoge?']
to o donon apne rab ki bounties men se kis-kis ko jhuthlaoge
to tum donon apne rab ki anukampaon men se kis-kis ko deny
They embrace the infinite coastline of the sea at their mouths.
वे अपने मुहानों पर असीम समुद्रतट का आलिंगन करती हैं।
['They embrace the aseem samudratat at their mouths.', 'Veh apne mouths par infinite sea coastline ka aalingan karti hai.', 'Veh apne muhano par infinite sea coastline ko embrace karti hai.', 'They embrace the infinite coastline of sea apne muhano par.', 'Ve apne muhano par infinite coastline ko embrace karti hai.']
ve apne coastline par infinite sea ka aalingan karti hain.
ve apne muhanon par infinite sea ka aalingan karti hain.
and the reason for that is it 's entirely dark in there -
और उसका कारण है की वहां धुप्प अंधकार है।
['Uska reason hai ki wahaan entirely darkness hai.', 'And the kaaran for that is it is dhupp andhakaar in there.', 'And the reason for that is waha ghup andhera hai.', 'Aur uska karan hai that it is entirely dark in there.']
aur uska reason hai ki vahan dark andhkar hai.
aur uska reason hai ki vahan dhupp andhkar dark
I got confirmation for this post.
मेरी इस पोस्ट पर पुष्टि हो गई है।
['Meri iss post par confirmation ho gyi.', 'My this post got pushti.']
i is post par confirmation ho gee hai.
meri is post par confirmation ho gee hai.
He worked there with utmost steadfastness and devotion.
उन्होंने वहॉं रहकर दत्तचित्तता के साथ काम किया।
['Unhone wahaan rehkar utmost steadfastness and devotion se kaam kiya.', 'He worked there with dattchittata and devotion.', 'Unhone wahaan utmost steadfastness and devotion ke saath work kiya.']
unhonne utmost devotion dattchittta ke sath kam kiya.
unhonne vahn rahakar dattchittta ke sath kam kiya.
A component of a chemical compound which is essential.
किसी रासायनिक यौगिक का घटक जो आवश्यक होता है.
['A component of rasayanik yogik which is essential.', 'Kisi chemical compound ka ghatak jo essential hota hai.', 'A ghatak of chemical yogik which is aavashyak.']
kisi chemical compound ka component jo essential hota hai
kisi chemical compound ka component jo aavashyak hota hai
And what can make you know what is the Striking Calamity?
और तुम्हें क्या मालूम कि क्या है वह खड़खड़ानेवाली?
['Aur tumhe kya maluum ki what is a striking calamity?', 'And what can make you know ki vah khadkhadane wali hai?']
aur tumhen kya maloom ki kya hai vah striking
aur tumhen kya maloom ki kya hai vah kharakharanevali
As a part of improvement of the infrastructure, Air India is in the process of creation of bases for new aircraft as under
अधोसंरचना के विकास के लिए एयर इंडिया नए विमानों के लिए नए अड्डो के निर्माण की प्रक्रिया में लगा हुआ है। इसके अंतर्गत
['As a part of vikas of the adhosanrachna, air india in is the process of nirmann of new addas for new vimaans as under.', 'Infrastructure ke improvement ke liye, Air India new aircrafts ke liye new bases ke creation ki process mein laga hua hai as under.']
infrastructure ke improvement ke lie air indiya new aircraft ke lie new addo ke creation ki process men laga huaa part iske antargat
process of creation ke lie air india ne vimanon ke lie ne addo ke nirman ki prakriya men laga huaa hai. iske antargat
The process of retaining of a rate of exchange in order to stabilise the market (generally by govt. or authority concerned).
बाजार में स्थायित्व बनाए रखने के लिए विनिमय दरों को बनाए रखना (सामान्यतः यह कार्य सरकार या संबंधित प्राधिकृति द्वारा किया जाता है)।
['Bazaar mein stabilty banaye rakhne ke liye exchange rates ko banay rakhna (generally by sarkar or sambandith pradhikriti).', 'The process of retaining the vinimay dar in order to stabilize the bazaar ( samanyatah yah karya govt. or concerned authorities dwara kiya jaata hai).']
market men sthayitv retaining order ke lie rate daron ko retaining rakhna samanyta yah kary govt ya snbndhit process dvara kiya jata hai .
stabilise the market banae rakhne ke lie vinimay daron ko banae rakhna samanyta yah kary sarkar ya snbndhit pradhikriti dvara kiya jata hai.
Round them will be passed a cup of pure wine;
उनके बीच विशुद्ध पेय का पात्र फिराया जाएगा,
['Round them will be paseed a paatra of vishudh pey.', 'Unke beech a cup of pure wine firaya jaaega.']
unke bich pure pey ka patr cup jaega ,
unke bich pure pey ka passed a cup,
They also wanted to be treated as equals in a democratic society.
उन्होंने यह इच्छा भी व्यक्त की कि एक जनतांत्रिक समाज में उनके साथ समानता का व्यवहार हो।
['They also wanted ki jantantrik samaaj treat them with samaanta ka vyavahar.', 'Unhone yah iccha bhi vyakt ki they should be treated as equals in a democratic society.']
unhonne yah ichchha bhi vyakt ki ki ek democratic society men unke sath samanta ka vyavhar ho.
unhonne yah wanted bhi vyakt ki ki ek democratic society men unke sath samanta ka vyavhar ho.
The cyst got intumesce as it was not treated.
छाले का इलाज न होने के कारण वह सूज गया है.
['Ilaaj nhi hone ke kaaran cyst got intumesce.', 'As the cyst was not treated, woh suuj gya.']
chhale ka ilaj n hone ke karan vah cyst gaya hai
chhale ka treated n hone ke karan vah sooj gaya hai
Writing folder permissions, please wait...
फ़ोल्डर अनुमतियाँ लिख रहा है, कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें... User
['Writing folder anumatiya, please pratiksha kare.', 'Folder permissions likh rha hu, kripya wait kare.']
folder anumtiyan likh raha hai , kripya wait karen User
writing folder permissions raha hai, kripya wait karen User
and the guilty shall behold the Fire and know that they are bound to fall into it, and will find no escape from it.
और गुनेहगार लोग (देखकर समझ जाएँगें कि ये इसमें सोके जाएँगे और उससे गरीज़ (बचने की) की राह न पाएँगें
['And the guilty shall behold the fire and know that ye isme soke jaaenge aur escape ki raah nhi paayenge.', 'Aur gunhegaar log dekhkar samajh jaayenge ki they are bound to fall into it, and will find no escape from it.']
aur guilty log fire samajh jaengen ki ye ismen soke escape aur usse gariz bachne ki ki rah n paengen
aur guilty shall behold samajh jaengen ki ye ismen soke jaenge aur find no escape ki ki rah n paengen
But then how to act compassionately if you don't have compassion?
पर आप सहानुभूति पूर्वक कार्य कैसे करोगे अगर आप में करुणा न हो
['But then how to act compassionately agar aapke paas compassion na ho.', 'Par aap sahanubhuti purvak act kaise karoge if you don’t have karuna.', 'Par aap compassionately act kaise karoge if you don’t have karuna.']
par aap compassion poorvak kary kaise karoge agar aap men karuna n ho
par aap act compassionately kary kaise karoge agar aap men karuna n ho
Opening the calendar. Please wait...
पंचांग खोल रहा है. कृपया प्रतीक्षा करें...
['Opening the panchaang, please pratiksha karein.', 'Calendar khol rha hu, kripya wait karein.']
calendar khol raha hai kripya wait karen
calendar opening raha hai kripya wait karen
Those who were arrogant said, “We reject what you believe in. ”
तब जिन लोगों को (अपनी दौलत दुनिया पर) घमन्ड था कहने लगे हम तो जिस पर तुम ईमान लाए हो उसे नहीं मानते
['Jin arrogant logo ko apni daulat par ghamand tha kehne lage that they reject what others believe in.', 'Those who were arrogant kehne lage that we reject jis par tum emaan laaye ho.']
tab jin logon ko apni daulat duniya par arrogant tha kahne lage ham to jis par tum eeman lae ho use nahin mante
tab jin logon ko apni daulat duniya par ghamand tha kahne lage ham to jis par tum eeman lae ho use nahin mante
An effective regulatory and legal framework is indispensable for the proper and sustained growth of the company.
कंपनी की उचित तथा स्थाथयी संवृद्धि के लिए एक प्रभावपूर्ण विनियामक तथा कानूनी ढांचा अपरिहार्य है।
['An effective viniyamak tatha kanooni dhacha is apariharya for the uchit and styahi samvridhi of the company.', 'Company ki proper aur sustained growth ke liye ek prabhavpurna regulatory aur legal framework indispensable hai.']
effective ki proper tatha sthathyi growth ke lie ek prbhavpoorn regulatory tatha legal framework indispensable hai.
knpni ki uchit tatha sthathyi snvriddhi ke lie ek prbhavpoorn regulatory and legal framework is indispensable
He stuck to the practices he had learnt during training.
उन्होंने प्रशिक्षण के दौरान सीखी पद्धतियों का ही पालन किया।
['He stuck to the padhatiyo that he learnt prashikshan ke dauran.', 'Unhone training ke dauran seekhi practices ka hi paalan kiya.']
unhonne training ke dauran sikhi practices ka hi palan kiya.
unhonne training ke dauran sikhi paddhtiyon ka hi palan kiya.
We can talk to him as soon as we know that Binoy Babu is willing.
विनय बाबू-राज है, यह जानकर ही तो उनसे कहूँगी।
['We can talk to him as soon as we know binoy babu is raazi.', 'Binoy babu is willing, yeh jaankar hi unse talk karenge.']
binoy baboo-raj hai , yah janakar hi to unse kahoongi.
vinay baboo-raj hai, yah janakar hi to unse talk
Sayings on Hindi by various great personalities
हिन्दी के बारे में विभिन्न महापुरुषों के वचन
['Hindi ke baare mein various great personalities ke vachan.', 'Sayings on hindi by vibhinn mahapurush.']
hindi ke bare men various great ke sayings
hindi ke bare men great personalities ke vachan
Raynaud 's disease is also called as Raynaud' s phenomenon.
रेनाड रोग को रेनाड की घटना भी कहा जाता है.
['Raynaud rog is also known as raynaud ki ghatna.', 'Raynaud’s disease ko raynaud’s phenomenon bhi kaha jaata hai.']
raynaud disease ko raynaud ki phenomenon bhi kaha jata hai
renad disease ko renad ki phenomenon bhi kaha called hai
No doubt it was the foremost troupe at the time.
निस्संदेह यह उस समय की सर्वश्रेष्ठ मंडली थी।
['Nissandeh it was the foremost mandli at the time.', 'No doubt uss samay ki yeh sarvasresth troupe thi.']
doubt yah us time ki foremost troupe thi.
doubt yah us time ki foremost troupe thi.
Joseph Henry helped to solve the first problem.
जोज़ेफ हेनरी की मदद से पहली समस्या तो हल हो गयी।
['Joseph henry ki madad se first problem toh solve ho gyi.', 'Joseph henry helped to hal the pehli samasya.']
joseph henri ki madad se first problem to hal ho gayi.
jozeph henri ki madad se pahli problem to hal ho gayi.
The indo function is installed in all aircrafts of the company.
कंपनी के सभी विमानों में इंडो फलन संस्थापित किया गया है।
['The indo function is stapith in all the vimaans of the company.', 'Company ke sabhi aircrafts mein indo function installed hai.']
company ke sabhi aircrafts men indo function snsthapit kiya gaya hai.
company ke sabhi aircrafts men indo function snsthapit kiya gaya hai.
The result of the operation is {0: # # 0. # # #}.
इस गणना का परिणाम है {0: ##0. ###}
['The parinaam of the operation is {0: # # 0. # # #}.', 'Is gadhna ka result hai {0: # # 0. # # #}.']
is operation ka result hai 0 : 0
is ganna ka result hai 0: 0
citizens have self - organized political protests and
नागरिकों ने खुद को राजनैतिक विरोधों में आयोजित किया और
['Citizens ne khudo political protests mein organise kiya hai aur.', 'Naagriks have self-organised raajnitik virodhs and.']
citizens ne khud ko political protests men aayojit kiya aur
citizens ne khud ko political protests men aayojit kiya aur
The rate of interest charged on cash credit and overdraft is relatively much higher than the rate of interest on bank deposits
नकदी ऋण और ओवरड्राफ्ट पर प्रभावित ब्याज दर बैंक जमा की दर से अपेक्षाकृत बहुत अधिक होती है।
['The rate of interest on nakdi credit and overdraft are relatively much adhik than the rate of interest on bank jama.', 'Cash credit aur overdrafts par prabhavit byaaj dar bank deposits se apekshakrit much higher hai.', 'The byaaj dar on cash credits and overdrafts are relatively much higher than the byaaj dar on bank jama.']
cash rin aur overdraft par prbhavit interest rate bank credit ki rate se apekshakrit bahut much hoti hai.
nakdi rin aur ovaradrapht par prbhavit byaj dar bank deposits ki dar se apekshakrit bahut adhik hoti interest
Having nothing worthwhile to do, he organized a society of like - minded persons to divert his mind.
कुछ खास काम न हाने के कारण उन्होंने अपना ध्यान दूसरी ओर लगााने की दृष्टि से अपने जैसे विचार वाले लोगों की एक सोसायटी बना ली।
['Having nothing worthwhile to do, usne like minded logon ki ek society bana li to divert his mind.', 'Kuch khaas kaam nhi hone ke kaaran, he diverted his dhyaan dusri aur in organising a society of apne jaise vichaar vaale logon ki.']
kuchh nothing kam n hane ke karan unhonne apna mind society or lagaane ki drishti se apne jaise vichar vale persons ki ek sosayti bana li.
kuchh khas kam n hane ke karan divert his mind doosri or lagaane ki drishti se apne jaise vichar vale logon ki ek sosayti bana li.
Error sending "% s" to% s
"% s" को% s में भेजने में त्रुटि
['“%s” to %s mein bhejne mein error.', '“%s” ko %s mein send karne mein truti.']
error ko error men bhejne men truti
s ko s men sending men error
On the other hand, art flourished under Buddhist patronage.
दूसरी ओर बोद्धों के संरक्षण में कला समृद्धशाली बनी।
['Dusri aur, kala flourised under buddhist patronage.', 'On the other hand, buddhas ke sanrakshan mein art samridhshali bana.']
other or buddhist ke patronage men art samriddhshali bani.
hand or boddhon ke snrakshan men kala samriddhshali bani.
Set the directory where to store temporary files
निर्देशिका सेट करें जहाँ अस्थायी फाइल जमा करना है
['Set the nirdeshika where to jama the astyahi files.', 'Directory set karein jahaan temporary files store karni hai.']
directory set karen jahan temporary phail jama karna hai
directory set karen jahan store temporary files karna hai
The reward of goodness shall be nothing but goodness.
अच्छाई का बदला अच्छाई के सिवा और क्या हो सकता है?
['The reward of achai shall be nothing but achai.', 'Goodness ka badla goodness ke siva aur kya ho sakta hai.', 'Achai ka badla shall be nothing but achai.']
reward ka badla reward ke nothing aur kya ho sakta hai
reward of goodness goodness ke siva aur kya ho sakta hai
For more details log on to source link: http: / / www. orissa. gov. in / commerce% 26transport /
अधिक जानकारी के लिए देखेंः http: / / www. orissa. gov. in / commerce% 26transport /
['For adhik jaankari log on to: http: / / www. orissa. gov. in / commerce% 26transport /', 'More details ke liye source dekhe: http: / / www. orissa. gov. in / commerce% 26transport ']
more jankari ke lie source http : commerce orissa gov orissa commerce 26transport
adhik jankari ke lie dekhena http: www orissa gov in commerce 26transport
In France, the news of one deed spreads like a flash and brings some pride to a disillusioned people.
फ्रांस में इस एक कारनामे की खबर बिजली की तरह फैल जाती है और लोग भ्रम से मुक़्त होकर गर्व महसूस करते हैं.
['In france, kaarname ki news flash ki tarah spread hoti hai aur disillusioned people garv mehsoos karte hai.', 'France mein ek deed ki khabar bijli ki tarah fail jaati hai and log bhram se mukt hokar pride mehsoos kar sakte hai.']
france men is ek deed ki news bijli ki tarah phail jati hai aur people bhram se mut hokar pride mahsoos karte hain
phrans men is ek flash and brings bijli ki tarah phail jati hai aur disillusioned people se mut hokar garv mahsoos karte hain
If you are not happy with the decision, you can take court action, using the conciliator 's findings if you wish.
अगर आप उसके निर्णय से संतुष्ट नहीं है, तो चाहें तो कंसिलिएटर को पूछ-ताछ के नतीजों को लेकर आप कानूनी कार्यवाही शुरू कर सकते हैं।
['If you are not santusht with the nirnay, you can take court action using conciliator ke puch-tach ke nateeje.', 'Agar aap decision se haapy nhi hai, toh aap kaanooni karyawahi kar sakte hai if you wish using the conciliator’s findings.']
agar aap uske decision se happy nahin hai , to action to conciliator ko poochh-tachh ke natijon ko lekar aap kanooni karyvahi shuroo kar sakte hain.
agar aap uske nirnay se sntusht nahin hai, to chahen to knsilietar ko poochh-tachh ke natijon ko lekar aap kanooni karyvahi shuroo kar sakte hain.
'After this clear explanation, I never referred to the subject again.
” इतनी स्पष्ट बातचीत होनेके बाद दुबारा मैंने यह विषय डोकके सामने कभी नहीं छेड़ा।
['After this clear baatcheet, maine iss subject ko dokke samaan kabhi nhi chedda.', 'Itni spasht explanation ke baad, i never referred to this vishay again.']
itni clear batchit honeke bad dubara mainne yah subject dokke samne explanation nahin chhera.
itni spasht batchit honeke bad dubara mainne yah vishay dokke samne kabhi nahin chhera.
The combined CPU usage of all processes related to% {SHORT _ PRODUCT _ NAME}
%{SHORT _ PRODUCT _ NAME} से संबंधित सभी प्रक्रियाओं का संयुक्त CPU उपयोग
['The combined CPU upyog of all prakriyas related to %{SHORT _ PRODUCT _ NAME}', '%{SHORT _ PRODUCT _ NAME} se related sabhi processes ka sanyukt CPU usage.']
SHORT _ PRODUCT _ NAME se snbndhit sabhi processes ka combined cpu usage
SHORT _ PRODUCT _ NAME se snbndhit sabhi prakriyaon ka snyukt CPU usage
Cannot send message: no recipients defined.
संदेश नहीं भेज सकता हैः कोई प्राप्तकर्ता परिभाषित नहीं है.
['Cannot send sandesh: no praptkarta defined.', 'Message nhi bhej sakta hai: koi recipients paribhashit nhi hai.']
message nahin bhej sakta haia koee recipients paribhashit nahin hai
message nahin send sakta haia koee recipients defined nahin hai
Corporal punishment should be banished from schools and students should be encouraged to take positive initiatives.
स्कूलों में बच्चों को शारीरिक दण्ड देने पर रोक होनी चाहिए और विद्यार्थियों को रचनात्मक पहल करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाना चाहिए।
['Corporal punishment par schools mein rok lagani chahiye and students ko positive initiatives ke liye protsahit karna chahiye.', 'Schools should banish sharirik dand aur vidhyarthis should be protsahit for rachnatmak pehel.']
schools men students ko corporal punishment dene par rok honi chahie aur vidyarthiyon ko positive initiatives karne ke lie protsahit kiya jana chahie.
skoolon men bachchon ko corporal punishment dene par rok honi chahie aur vidyarthiyon ko rachnatmak pahal karne ke lie protsahit kiya jana chahie.
Though Tilak was not a revolutionary and nor did he believe in violent methods, elaborate security arrangements were made to guard him while he was under arrest.
हालांकि तिलक कोई क्रांतिकारी न थे और हिंसक तरीकों में विश्वास नहीं करते थे, फिर भी उन्हें गिरफ्तार कर कड़ी सुरक्षा-व्यवस्था में रखा गया।
['Though tilak was not a krantikari aur he did not believe in hinsak tareeke, elaborate suraksha vyavastha were made while he wass under arrest.', 'Halanki tilak koi revolutionary nhi the and na hi violent methods mein vishwas rakhte the, unhe kadhi security arrangements mein rakha gya tha while he was under arrest.']
halanki tilak koee revolutionary n the aur violent methods men vishvas nahin karte the , phir bhi unhen arrest kar kari suraksha-vyavastha men security gaya.
halanki tilak koee krantikari n the aur violent methods men vishvas nahin karte the, phir bhi unhen giraphtar kar elaborate security arrangements rakha gaya.
It is free, and borrowing books is free.
यह सेवा निःशुल्क (मुफ़्त) है और (पढ़ कर लौटा दी जाने वाली) किताबें मुफ़्त में मिलेंगी.
['Yeh seva free hai aur padh kar lauta i jaane waali books bhi free hai.', 'It is nishulk and borrowing books is muft.', 'Yeh seva muft hai aur books borrow karna free hai.']
yah seva free muft hai aur books kar lauta di jane vali kitaben muft men milengi
yah seva niashulk muft hai aur pa kar lauta di jane vali books is free milengi
One of the historical structures in Mumbai used to be Governor 's residence.
मुंबई में ऐतिहासिक संरचना जहां राज्यपाल निवास करते थे।
['One of the aitihaasik rachna in mumbai used to be jahaan rajyapal niwas karte hai.', 'Mumbai mein ek historical monument hai governor’s residence.']
mumbai men historical structures jahan governor residence karte the.
munbee men historical structures jahan rajypal nivas karte the.
16. Pitchblende and other uranium ores.
16. पिचब्लेंड और अन्य यूरेनियम अयस्क।
['(16) pitchblende aur anya uranium ores.', '(16) pitchblende and other uranium ayask.']
pitchblende pichablend aur other uranium ores
16 pichablend aur any uranium ayask.
The process by which ammonia is converted to nitrites and then to nitrates.
वह प्रक्रिया जिसके द्वारा अमोनिया को नाइट्राइटिस एवं तत्पश्चात नाइट्रेट्स में परिवर्तित किया जाता है
['The prakriya by which ammonia ko nitrites and then to nitrates parivartit kiya jaata hai.', 'Vah process jiske dwara ammonia is converted to nitrites and tatpaschat to nitrates.']
vah process jiske dvara ammonia ko naitraitis evn tatpashchat nitrates men parivartit kiya jata hai
vah prakriya jiske dvara amoniya ko naitraitis evn tatpashchat naitrets men parivartit kiya jata hai
It ' s what turns lead into gold , and makes the gold return to the earth . ”
यही चक्र सीसे को सोना बना देता है , और सोने को धरती में वापिस समावेश करा देता है । ”
['Its what turns seese into sona and makes the sona return to dharti.', 'Yahi chakra lead ko gold bana deta hai aur gold ko earth mein vapas samavesh kar deta hai.']
yahi chakr lead ko gold return deta hai , aur sone ko earth men vapis samavesh kara deta hai .
yahi chakr lead into gold bana deta hai , aur sone ko dharti men vapis samavesh kara deta hai .
K. G. M Khan, a dweeler of lahore, made a pure gold urn.
का़जि़म खान लाहौर का निवासी ने ठोस सुवर्ण कलश निर्मित किया।
['K.G.M Khan, lahore ke niwasi ne pure gold urn nirmit kiya.', 'Kazim Khan, a dweller of lahore, made a thos swarn kalash.']
khan khan lahore ka nivasi ne thos gold urn nirmit kiya.
kjm khan lahaur ka nivasi ne thos suvarn kalash nirmit kiya.
At the end of second act dialogue between Raja Sruthoson and the music composer Nanda mentions the name of Brahmadutt.
दूसरे अंक के अंत मे राजा सुतसोम और गाथाकार नन्द की बातचीत है जिसमे भी ब्रह्रादत का उल्लेख होता है।
['At the end of second act, raja sruthoson aur gathakaar nanda ki baatcheet mein bramadutt ka name mention hai.', 'Dusre ank ke ant mein, dialogue between raja sruthoson and the music composer nanda hai jisme brahmadutt ka ullekh hai.', 'At the end of dusra act, raja sruthoson and music composer nanda ke dialogue mein brahmadutt ka naam mention hai.']
doosre act ke end me raja brahmadutt aur gathakar nanda ki dialogue hai jisme bhi brahradat ka name hota second
doosre ank ke ant me raja sutsom aur gathakar nand ki batchit hai jisme bhi brahradat ka ullekh hota hai.
The Juvenile Justice Board apparently has given benefit to the appellant by treating his age to be 20 years as on 13. 08. 2003 which was on the lower side within the range of one year fixed by the Medical Board.
किशोर न्याय बोर्ड ने प्रकट रूप से अपीलार्थी को, १३. ०८. २००३ पर उसकी आयु २० वर्ष मानकर, जो मेडिकल बोर्ड द्वारा तय एक वर्ष की सीमा के भीतर कमी की तरफ थी, लाभ दिया है.
['The juvenile justice board apparently has given benefit to the appealarthi by treating his aayu 20 varsh as on 13.08.2003 jo medical board dwara fixed one year ki seema ke lower side ki taraf hai.', 'Kishore nyaya board ne prakat roop se appellant ko 13.08.2003 par uski age 20 years maankar, which was on the bhitar side of the range fixed by the medical board, laabh diya hai.']
juvenile justice board ne prakat lower se appellant ko , १३ ०८ २००३ par uski age २० years manakar , jo medical board dvara tay ek years ki range ke bhitar kami ki side thi , benefit diya hai
juvenile justice board ne prakat roop se apilarthi ko, १३ ०८ २००३ par uski aayu २० varsh manakar, jo medikal bord dvara tay ek varsh ki sima ke bhitar kami ki taraph thi, labh diya hai
1. This does not function within defined time frame.
1. ये नियमित अंतराल से काम नहीं करती है
['This does not function within niyamit antraal.', 'Ye defined time frame se kaam nhi karti hai.']
1 ye niymit defined se kam nahin karti hai
1 ye niymit defined time frame nahin karti hai
Opposition politicians such as those of the rightist Jamaat - e - Islami are already criticising the General 's alleged gullibility in putting his faith on the US.
दक्षिणपंथी जमाते-इस्लमी जैसी विपक्षी पार्टियां अमेरिका पर भरोसा करने की जनरल की कथित मूर्खता की आलचना कर रही हैं.
['Rightist jamaat-e-islami jaise opposition politician are already criticising america par bharosa karne ki general ki gullibility.', 'Vipakshi partiya like dakshinpanthi Jamaat-e-Islami US par faith karne ki General ki kathit murkhata ki alachna kar rhi hai.']
rightist jamate-islmi such opposition partiyan amerika par faith karne ki general ki alleged moorkhta ki aalachna kar e hain
dakshinpnthi putting his faith partiyan amerika par bharosa karne ki janaral ki kathit moorkhta ki aalachna kar rahi hain
Mrs de Leeuw then invited her to teach at a new school at London.
इसके बाद श्रीमती डा. लीयू ने उसे लंदन के एक नए स्कूल में अध्यापन-कार्य के विए आमंत्रित किया।
['Mrs. dr. Leeuw ne use london ke new school mein teach karne ke liye invite kiya.', 'Iske baad shrimati dr. Leeuw aamantrit her for adhyapan karya at a new school at london.']
iske bad mrs da liyoo ne use london ke ek new school men adhyapan-kary ke vie aamntrit kiya.
iske bad mrs da liyoo ne use lndan ke ek ne skool men adhyapan-kary ke vie aamntrit kiya.
I am concerned with matters of consequence.
मैं … मैं गंभीर व्यक्ति हूँ न, मुझे बेकार की बातों से कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं।
['I am concerned with matters of consequence, mujhe bekaar ki baaton mein koi dilchaspi nhi hai.', 'Mai gambhir vyakti hu, I am concerned with matters of consequence.']
i i matters vyakti hoon n , mujhe bekar ki baton se koee consequence nahin.
main main gnbhir vyakti hoon n, mujhe concerned with matters se koee dilachaspi nahin.
Vedant philosophy has strengthened his faith.
वेदांत-दर्शन से उनका विश्वास और भी दृढ़ हो गया है।
['Vedant philosophy se unka faith aur bhi strengthen ho gya hai.', 'Vedant darshan has made their vishwas dridh.']
vedant-darshan se unka faith aur bhi vedant ho gaya philosophy
philosophy se unka vishvas aur bhi dri ho gaya faith
Have you not seen that they wander distract in every valley,
क्या तुमने देखा नहीं कि वे हर घाटी में बहके फिरते हैं,
['Have you not seen, ki veh har ghati mein behke firte hai.', 'Kya tumne nhi dekha that they wander distract in every ghati.', 'Have you not seen ki veh har valley mein behke firte hai.']
kya tumne dekha nahin ki ve distract valley men bahke phirte hain ,
kya tumne dekha nahin ki ve har ghati men bahke phirte hain,
Inevitable losses is pushing the profit in unfavourable direction.
अपरिहार्य हानियाँ लाभ को प्रतिकूल दिशा में धकेल रही हैं।
['Inevitable losses labh ko pratikul direction mein dhakel rhe hai.', 'Apariharya haaniya are pushing profit in unfavourable disha.', 'Inevitable haaniya are pushing profit in pratikul disha.']
inevitable losses profit ko unfavourable direction men dhakel rahi hain.
inevitable losses profit in unfavourable disha men dhakel rahi hain.
Whether the image gallery pane should be resizable.
क्या छवि गैलरी फलक बदलने योग्य होना चाहिए.
['Whether the chavi gallery pane badalne yogya hona chahiye.', 'Kya image gallery falak should be resizable.']
kya image gallery pane badalne yogy hona chahie
kya image gallery pane badalne yogy hona chahie
Those of Abraham and Lut;
और इबराहीम की क़ौम और लूत की क़ौम
['Those of ibrahim aur lut ki kaum.', 'Tibrahim and Lut ki kaum.']
aur abraham ki lut aur loot ki lut
aur ibrahim ki aum aur loot ki aum
♫ from the edge of the observable universe ♫
♫ देखे जाने वाले ब्रह्मांड के किनारे से ♫
['♫Dekhe jaane waale universe ki edge se♫.', '♫From the kinaara of the observable brahmaan♫.']
dekhe jane vale universe ke kinare se
observable jane vale universe ke edge se
So We took retribution from them, and We drowned them in the sea because they denied Our signs and were heedless of them.
तब आख़िर हमने उनसे (उनकी शरारत का) बदला लिया तो चूंकि वह लोग हमारी आयतों को झुटलाते थे और उनसे ग़ाफिल रहते थे हमने उन्हें दरिया में डुबो दिया
['So humne aakhir unse retribution liya and unhe sea mein dubo diya because they denied our aayate and were heedless to them.', 'Tab we took badla from them chunki veh hamare signs ko jhutlaate rhe and unse gaafil karte the and drowned them in dariya.']
tab signs retribution unse unki shararat ka badla liya to choonki vah log hamari aayton ko sea the aur unse heedless rahte the retribution unhen dariya men dubo diya
tab aair hamne unse unki shararat ka badla liya to choonki vah denied our signs ko jhutlate the aur unse aphil rahte the hamne unhen dariya men dubo diya
and there's been a lot of talk about how life-changing this conference is
और बहुत बातें हो रहीं हैं कि यह कांफ्रेंस कितनी असाधारण है, कायापलट कर देती है,
['And there has been bahut baatein about how asaadharan and life changing this conference is.', 'Aur a lot of talk hua ki yah conference kayapalat kar degi.']
aur bahut lot ho rahin hain ki yah conference kitni asadharan hai , kayapalat kar deti hai ,
aur bahut talk ho rahin hain ki yah conference lot asadharan hai, kayapalat kar deti hai,
This treatment is only possible in proved cases of allergic asthma.
यह उपचार केवल एलर्जी जनित दमा के निश्चित मामलों में ही कारगर है।
['This treatment is kaargar in nischit maamle of allegy janit dama.', 'Yeh upchaar kewal proved cases of allergic asthma mein hi possible hai.']
yah treatment keval allergic janit asthma ke nishchit cases men hi karagar possible
yah upchar keval elarji janit dama ke nishchit mamlon men hi karagar hai.
There is in this audience and all around us a large number of elders who are making extremely valuable contributions to our country and to our society.
इस सभा में तथा हमारे आसपास ऐसे बहुत से वयोवृद्ध हैं जो कि हमारे देश तथा समाज के लिए बहुमूल्य सहयोग प्रदान कर रहे हैं।
['There is in this sabha and all around us large number of vayovridha who are making extremely valuable contributions for our desh and samaaj.', 'Iss audience mein aur humare aas paas aise bahut se elders hai jo country aur society ke liye extremely valuable sahyog pradaan kar rhe hai.']
is audience men tatha large aaspas aese bahut se elders hain jo ki large country tatha samaj ke lie valuable sahyog prdan kar rahe hain.
is large number tatha hamare aaspas aese bahut se vayovriddh hain jo ki hamare desh tatha samaj ke lie bahumooly sahyog prdan kar rahe hain.
Uncus is any hook - shaped process or part
अंकुश एक हुक आकारीय प्रक्रिया अथवा भाग है।
['Uncus is any hook akariya prakriya or part.', 'Ankush ek hook shaped process athva bhaag hai.']
hook ek uncus shaped process athva part hai.
ankush ek huk aakariy process or part hai.
Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list.
क्या संपर्कों को दिखाना है जो संपर्क सूची में ऑफ़लाइन हैं.
['Whether to show samparks that are offline in contact list.', 'Kya contacts ko show karna hai jo sampark suchi mein offline hai.', 'Whether to show contacts jo sampark list mein offline hai.']
kya contact ko dikhana hai jo contacts list men offline hain
contact list ko show hai jo snpark soochi men ऑflain hain
He added that he had entirely abandoned himself to the French nation, which called itself the land of fraternity, equality and liberty, and as such, he would not take any part in the trial.
उन्होंने आगे कहा कि वह खुद को पूरी तरह उस फ्रांस पर छोड़ चुके हैं, जो स्वाधीनता, समानता और बंधुत्व का दम भरता है, इसलिए वह इस मुकदमे में बिलकुल भाग नहीं लेंगे।
['He added that ki usne khudko puri tarah french nation par chodd diya hai jo ek land of fraternity, equality and liberty hai and as such, he would not take any part in the mukadma.', 'Unhone aage kaha ki he had entirely abandoned himself to france which called itself a land of swadheenta, samanta and banduthva isliye wah iss trial mein part nhi lega.', 'He added that usne khudko entirely french nation ke liye abandon kiya hai jo ek land of swadheenta, liberty aur samanta ka hai aur isliye he would not be a bhaag of any mukadma.']
nation land kaha ki vah khud ko poori tarah us french par chhor chuke hain , jo liberty , equality aur fraternity ka dam bharta hai , islie vah is mukadme men bilkul part nahin lenge.
added aage kaha ki vah khud ko poori tarah us phrans par chhor chuke hain, jo liberty, equality and liberty ka dam bharta hai, islie vah is mukadme men bilkul bhag nahin lenge.
Set the browser to view only this genre
ब्राउजर को सिर्फ ये शैल प्रदर्षित करने के लिए निश्चित करें
['Set the browser to pradarshit only this shail.', 'Browser ko sirf ye genre view karne ke liye set kare.', 'Nischit the browser to pradarshit sirf this genre.', 'Browser ko only ye shail view karne ke liye set kare.']
browser ko sirph ye shail genre karne ke lie nishchit karen
set the browser ye shail genre karne ke lie set karen
"(xviib) any compensation or other payment referred to in clause (xi) of sub-section (2) of section 56;";
''(xviiख) धारा 56 की उपधारा (2) के खंड (xi) में निर्दिष्ट कोर्इ प्रतिकर या अन्य संदाय;'';
['Any pratikar or anya payment referred to khand(xi) of updhara(2) of section(56).', 'section 56 ki subsection (2) ke clause(xi) mein nirdisht any compensation ya koi sandaay.', 'Koi pratikaar ya other payment referred to in clause(xi) of updhara(2) of section 56.']
xviib clause 56 ki updhara 2 ke khnd xi men nirdisht kori compensation ya other payment
xviikh clause 56 ki upclause 2 ke khnd xi men nirdisht kori prtikar ya any snday
And that is for Allah not difficult.
और ये कुछ खुदा के वास्ते दुशवार नहीं
['And ye khuda ke liye difficult nhi hai.', 'Aur this is for allah not dushwaar.']
aur ye kuchh allah ke vaste difficult nahin
aur ye kuchh khuda ke vaste difficult nahin
It was published as a posthumous work after his death by his son Narayan Chandra Vidyaratna in 1892.
यह निबन्ध उनकी मृत्युपरान्त उनके पुत्र नारायणचन्द्र विद्यारत्न ने 1892 में प्रकाशित कराया।
['It was prakashit as a nibandh after the death by unka putra Narayan Chandra Vidyaratna in 1892.', 'Ye posthumous work was published mrityuparant by his son Narayan Chandra Vidyaratna in 1892.']
yah nibandh unki mrityuprant unke son narayanachandr chandra ne death men prkashit karaya.
yah nibandh unki mrityuprant unke putr narayanachandr vidyaratn ne 1892 men prkashit karaya.
These dealt with matters arising during periods of the first and second Emergencies proclaimed in 1962 and 1971.
इनका संबंध उन मामलों से था जो 1962 और 1971 में उदघोषित आपात उपबंध पहले और दूसरे आपातो के दौरान पैदा हुए।
['These dealt with mamlas arising during aapat upbandh of the first and second emergencies jo 1962 aur 1971 mein proclaim hui.', 'Inka sambandh un matters se hai jo 1962 and 1971 mein udghoshit pehle aur dusre emergencies ke dauran paida hua.']
inka first un matters se tha jo 1962 aur 1971 men udghoshit emergencies upbndh pahle aur doosre aapato ke dauran periods hue.
inka snbndh un mamlon se tha jo 1962 aur 1971 men udghoshit aapat upbndh pahle aur doosre aapato ke dauran paida hue.
It is today a premier organization for industry, trade and service sectors in Karnataka.
आज यह कर्नाटक के उद्योग,व्यापार तथा सेवा क्षेत्र का एक प्रमुख संगठन है।
['It is today a pramukh sangathan for industry, vyapaar aur sewa sectors in karnataka.', 'Aaj ye karnataka ke udhyog, trade and service sectors ka ek premier organisation hai.']
today yah karnataka ke industry , vyapar tatha service kshetr ka ek premier organization hai.
aaj yah karnatak ke udyog,trade and service kshetr ka ek today a premier
Element of cost cannot be ignored while preparing a project.
किसी परियोजना को बनाने में लागत तत्व की उपेक्षा नहीं की जा सकती।
['Kisi project ko banane mein cost elements ki upeksha nhi ki jaa sakti.', 'Laagat tatva cannot be ignored while preparing a pariyojana.']
kisi project ko banane men cost element ki upeksha nahin ki ja sakti.
kisi preparing a project element of cost ki upeksha nahin ki ja sakti.
The First T-10 Tournament of the Rashtrapati Bhavan was won by Household Royals led by Meher Chand and Runners up was PBG Chargers led by Major Amit Bharadwaj.
राष्ट्रपति भवन का पहला टी-10 टूर्नामेंट मेहरचंद के नेतृत्व में हाउस होल्ड रॉयल्स ने जीता तथा उप-विजेता टीम मेजर अमित भारद्वाज के नेतृत्व में पी बी जी चारजर्स रही।
['The first T-10 tournament of the rashtrapati bhawan ko meherchand ke netritva mein household royals ne jeeta tha aur runners up the PBG chargers that were led by major amit bhardwaj.', 'Rashtrapati bhavan ka pehla T-10 tournament was won by household royals led by meher chand and upvijeta team was PBG chargers led by major amit bhardwaj.']
rashtrapati bhavan ka first ti-10 tournament meharchnd ke netritv men haus hold household ne jita chand up-vijeta tim major amit bharadwaj ke netritv men runners bi ji pbg rahi.
rashtrapti bhavan ka pahla ti-10 toornament meharchnd ke netritv men haus hold ryals ne jita tatha up-vijeta tim mejar amit bharadvaj ke netritv men pi bi ji charajars rahi.
Folder% 1 already exists.% 2 may become owner and permissions may change. Do you really want to use% 3?
फ़ोल्डर% 1 पहले ही मौजूद है.% 2 मालिक बन सकता है और अनुमतियाँ बदल सकती हैं. क्या आप सचमुच% 3 का इस्तेमाल करना चाहते हैं?
['Folder %1 pehle se exist karta hai. %2 may become the maalik and permissions badal sakti hai. Do you sachmuch want to istemaal %3.', 'Folder %1 already maujood hai. %2 mallik ban sakta hai aur anumatiyan may change. Kya aap sachmuch %3 use karna chahte hai?']
folder 1 pahle hi maujood hai 2 owner ban sakta hai aur anumtiyan badal sakti hain kya aap sachmuch 3 ka istemal karna chahte hain
folder 1 pahle hi exists hai 2 owner ban sakta hai aur permissions may change hain kya aap sachmuch 3 ka istemal karna chahte hain
He is the Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them. He is the Beneficent God and no one will be able to address Him.
वह आकाशों और धरती का और जो कुछ उनके बीच है सबका रब है, अत्यन्त कृपाशील है, उसके सामने बात करना उनके बस में नहीं होगा
['He is the losrd of dharti and aakash and all that is between. Voh atyant beneficient hai and unko address karna unke bas ka nhi.', 'Vah heavens aur earth ka aur unke beech ka sab lord hai, he is very kripasheel and no one can address him.']
vah lord aur earth ka aur jo kuchh unke bich hai beneficent god hai , atyant kripashil hai , uske samne bat karna unke bas men nahin hoga
vah aakashon aur earth ka aur jo kuchh unke bich hai sabka rab hai, atyant kripashil hai, uske samne bat karna unke bas men nahin hoga
that you will be granted whatever you choose?
कि जो चीज़ पसन्द करोगे तुम को वहाँ ज़रूर मिलेगी
['That you will be granted woh cheez jo tum pasand karoge.', 'Ki woh cheeze that you choose tumko wahaan zaroor milegi.']
ki jo chiz pasand karoge tum ko vahan zaroor milegi
ki jo chiz pasand karoge tum ko vahan zaroor choose
E language technology in the private - public partnerships to promote
ङ. भाषा प्रौद्योगिकी में निजी-सार्वजनिक भागीदारी को बढ़ावा देना
['E language technology mein private- sarvajanik partnerships ko promote karna.', 'E language prodyogiki in the niji-public bhaagidari ko badhava dena.']
e language technology men niji-sarvajnik partnerships ko baava dena
ng language technology men niji-sarvajnik partnerships ko baava dena
This is convenient as the members of the family can give a constant care to the vegetables during leisure and the wastewater from the bathrooms and kitchen can easily be diverted to the vegetable beds.
यह सुविधाजनक स्थान होता है क्योंकि परिवार के सदस्य खाली समय में साग-सब्जियों पर ध्यान दे सकते हैं तथा रसोईघर व स्नानघर से निकले पानी आसानी से सब्जी की क्यारी की ओर घुमाया जा सकता है।
['This is the convenient sthaan as the sadasya of parivaar can give constant care to saag sabjiyan during leisure and the wastewater from rasoighar and snanghar can be easily diverted to the vegetable kyari.', 'Yah suvidhajanak staan hota hai kyonki family members apna khali time vegetables ke dhyaan par de sakte hai aur kitchen and bathroom se nikla paani easily sabji beds ki or ghumaya jaa sakta hai.', 'This is suvidhajanak as the family members can give their khali samay for constant care of saag-sabjiyan and the wastewater from kitchen and snanghar can be easily diverted towards sabji ki kyariyan.']
yah convenient sthan hota hai kyonki members ke sadasy khali samay men sag-sabjiyon par care constant sakte hain tatha rasoeeghar v wastewater se nikle pani aasani se vegetables ki kyari ki or ghumaya ja sakta hai.
yah suvidhajanak sthan hota hai kyonki parivar ke sadasy family can give sag-sabjiyon par dhyan de sakte hain tatha rasoeeghar v snanaghar se nikle pani aasani se sabji ki kyari ki or ghumaya ja sakta hai.
But if he was of the deniers [who were] astray,
और अगर झुठलाने वाले गुमराहों में से है
['But he was one of the jhutlane waale astray.', 'Aur agar woh deniers gumraho mein se hai.']
aur agar deniers vale astray men se hai
aur agar jhuthlane vale astray men se hai
Why welding and why not computers?
झाल लगाना की क्यों, कंप्यूटर क्यों नहीं?
['Why welding and computers kyu nhi?', 'Jhaal lagana hui kyu and why not computers?']
welding lagana ki kyon , computers kyon nahin
welding lagana ki kyon, computers kyon nahin
He said, “This is my staff; I support myself on it, and I knock down leaves for my sheep with it, and there are other uses for me in it. ”
उसने कहा, "यह मेरी लाठी है। मैं इसपर टेक लगाता हूँ और इससे अपनी बकरियों के लिए पत्ते झाड़ता हूँ और इससे मेरी दूसरी ज़रूरतें भी पूरी होती है।"
['He said ki yeh meri staff hai. Mai iss par support lagta hu and i knock down patte for my bakriyan using it and there are other uses for me in it.', 'Usne kaha, this is his lathi. Mai iss par teka lagata hu and apni sheep ke liye leaves jhadta hu using the staff. Isse meri other zaroorate bhi poori hoti hai.', 'He said this is my lathi. I support myself on it and use it to get pattiyan for my bakriyan. Isse emri dusri zaroorate bhi poori hoti hai.']
usne kaha , yah meri staff leaves i isapar tek lagata hoon aur other apni bakriyon ke lie patte uses hoon aur other meri doosri zaroorten bhi poori hoti leaves
usne kaha, yah meri lathi hai. main isapar tek lagata hoon aur isse apni bakriyon ke lie patte jharta hoon aur isse meri doosri zaroorten bhi poori hoti hai.
I assure you, I haven 't even seen him. she said.
मैं आपको यकीन दिलाती हूं कि मैंने आज तक उसे देखा भी नहीं है।
['I assure you maine aaj tak use nhi dekha kabhi, she said.', 'Mai aapko yakeen dilati hu ki i haven’t even seen him.']
i aapko yakin assure hoon ki mainne aaj tak use dekha bhi nahin hai.
main aapko yakin dilati hoon ki mainne aaj tak use dekha bhi nahin hai.
And the overturned towns He hurled down
उलट जानेवाली बस्ती को भी फेंक दिया।
['And he hurled down ulat janewali bastiyan.', 'Overturned towns ko bhi fek diya.']
overturned janevali basti ko bhi phenk diya.
overturned janevali basti ko bhi hurled diya.
“If you 're not failing every now and again, it' s a sign you 're not doing anything very innovative. ” - Woody Allen
“यदि आप बार बार नहीं गिर रहे हैं तो इसका अर्थ है कि आप कुछ नया नहीं कर रहे हैं. ”-वुडी एलन
['If you are not failing baar-baar, iska arth hai you are not doing anything.', 'Yadi aap every now and again fail nhi ho rhe hai, its a sign aap kuch naya nhi kar rhe hai.']
yadi aap bar bar nahin sign rahe hain to iska arth hai ki aap kuchh naya nahin kar rahe hain -vudi woody
ydi aap bar bar nahin failing rahe hain to iska arth hai ki aap kuchh naya nahin kar rahe hain -vudi elan
For a country of this small size, the geographical variations are astonishing.
एक छोटे से क्षेत्र के लिए नेपाल की भौगोलिक विविधता बहुत उल्लेखनीय है।
['For a country of this small size, bhaugolig vividhta is astonishing.', 'Ek small se shetra ke liye nepal ki geographical variations bahut ullekhneey hai.', 'Ek small se country ke liye nepal ki geographical vividhta astonishing hai.']
ek small se country ke lie nepal ki geographical vividhta bahut ullekhniy hai.
ek chhote se kshetr ke lie nepal ki geographical variations bahut ullekhniy astonishing
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio


Text generation is a highly active area of research in the computational linguistic community. The evaluation of the generated text is a challenging task and multiple theories and metrics have been proposed over the years. Unfortunately, text generation and evaluation are relatively understudied due to the scarcity of high-quality resources in code-mixed languages where the words and phrases from multiple languages are mixed in a single utterance of text and speech. To address this challenge, we present a corpus (HinGE) for a widely popular code-mixed language Hinglish (code-mixing of Hindi and English languages). HinGE has Hinglish sentences generated by humans as well as two rule-based algorithms corresponding to the parallel Hindi-English sentences. In addition, we demonstrate the in- efficacy of widely-used evaluation metrics on the code-mixed data. The HinGE dataset will facilitate the progress of natural language generation research in code-mixed languages.

Dataset Details

HinGE: A Dataset for Generation and Evaluation of Code-Mixed Hinglish Text is a high-quality Hindi-English code-mixed dataset for the NLG tasks, manually annotated by five annotators.

The dataset contains the following columns:

  • A. English, Hindi: The parallel source sentences from the IITB English-Hindi parallel corpus.

  • B. Human-generated Hinglish: A list of Hinglish sentences generated by the human annotators.

  • C. WAC: Hinglish sentence generated by the WAC algorithm (see paper for more details).

  • D. WAC rating1, WAC rating2: Quality rating to the Hinglish sentence generated by the WAC algorithm. The quality rating ranges from 1-10.

  • E. PAC: Hinglish sentence generated by the PAC algorithm (see paper for more details).

  • F. PAC rating1, PAC rating2: Quality rating to the Hinglish sentence generated by the PAC algorithm. The quality rating ranges from 1-10.


If you use this dataset, please cite the following work:

    title = "{H}in{GE}: A Dataset for Generation and Evaluation of Code-Mixed {H}inglish Text",
    author = "Srivastava, Vivek  and
      Singh, Mayank",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems",
    month = nov,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Punta Cana, Dominican Republic",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.eval4nlp-1.20"
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