Human-generated Hinglish
WAC rating1
WAC rating2
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PAC rating2
Whether you say a thing secretly or openly, He knows the innermost secrets of your hearts.
और तुम अपनी बात छिपकर कहो या खुल्लम खुल्ला वह तो दिल के भेदों तक से ख़ूब वाक़िफ़ है
['Whether tum apni baat openly karo ya secretly,he knows innermost bheds of your heart.', 'Aur tum apni baat chpakar karo ya khulam khulla, ke knows innermost secrets of your heart.']
aur tum apni thing hearts kaho ya khullam khulla vah to dil ke innermost tak se oob vaif hai
aur tum apni thing secretly kaho ya khullam khulla vah to dil ke bhedon tak se oob vaif hai
He debunked the popular misgivings about the concept of Nagalim .
उन्होंने नगालिम की धारणा को लेकर आम लगों में फैली भ्रांतियों को भी स्पष्ट किया .
['He debunked the aam logon mein faili brantiya about the concept of nagalim.', 'Unhone nagalim ki dharna ko lekar popular misgivings ko bhi spasht kiya.']
unhonne popular ki dharna ko lekar aam lagon men phaili bhrantiyon ko bhi spasht kiya
unhonne debunked the popular ko lekar aam lagon men phaili bhrantiyon ko bhi spasht kiya
It has been called Chhath because of fast of Suryashashthi.
मूलतः सूर्य षष्ठी व्रत होनेके कारण इसे छठ कहा गया है।
['It has been called chath because of vrat of suryashashti', 'Mulatah because of fast of suryashashthi ise chhath kaha gya hai.']
moolta soory shashthi fast suryashashthi karan ise chhath kaha gaya hai.
moolta soory shashthi vrat honeke karan ise chhath kaha gaya hai.
The knife was used by the guide as a weapon.
गाइड द्वारा एक हथियार के रूप में चाकू का इस्तेमाल किया गया था।
['The chaku was used as a hathiyaar by a guide,', 'Guide dwara ek weapon ke roop mein knife ka use kiya gya.']
guide dvara ek weapon ke roop men knife ka istemal kiya gaya tha.
guide dvara ek weapon ke roop men chakoo ka istemal kiya gaya tha.
It hissed again, fiercely.
वह बड़े गुस्से से फिर फुसकारा।
['It hissed again, bade gusse se.', 'Voh fir fuskara, fiercely.']
vah bare gusse se phir phuskara.
vah bare gusse se phir phuskara.
He also recalled the insinuation made the other day by Haran about Binoy.
विनय के बारे में हारान बाबू उस दिन जो इशारा कर गये थे, वह भी उन्हें याद आया।
['He recalled the insinuation jo uss din binoy ke baare mein haran babu made kiya.', 'Binoy ke baare mein the other day jo haran ne ishars kiya tha, use yaad aaya.']
binoy ke bare men haran baboo us day jo insinuation kar gaye the , vah bhi unhen other aaya.
vinay ke bare men haran baboo us din jo ishara kar gaye the, vah bhi unhen yad aaya.
” Tonight, it will be a year … ”
आज रात एक साल पूरा हो जाएगा।
['Tonight pura ek year ho jaaega.', 'Aaj raat it will a year.']
tonight ek year poora ho jaega.
aaj tonight ek year poora ho jaega.
The tribals also depend on the bamboo to augment their incomes .
आदिवासी अपनी आय बढने के लिए भी बांस पर निर्भर रहते हैं .
['The tribals are aldo nirbhar on bans to augment their aay.', 'Aadiwasi apni income augment karne ke liye bamboo par dependent rehte hai.', 'Tribals apni income augment karne ke liya bans par dependent rehte hai.']
tribals apni incomes badhne ke lie bhi bamboo par nirbhar rahte hain
tribals apni aay augment ke lie bhi bamboo par depend rahte hain
It provides the fundamental physics basis of nuclear energy development.
यह मौलिक भौतिकी को न्यूक्लीय ऊर्जा विकास का आधार प्रदान करता है।
['It provides maulik bhautiki basis of nuclear energy vikaas.', 'Ye fundamental physics basis of nuclear urja vikaas provide karta hai.']
yah fundamental physics ko nuclear energy development ka basis prdan karta hai.
yah fundamental physics ko nuclear energy development ka aadhar prdan karta hai.
Now, fixed price you can decide, well, how do I set that price.
अब, तुम तय कर सकते हैं, अच्छी तरह से, कीमत तय कैसे मैं उस मूल्य निर्धारित करते हैं।
['Now, tum decide kar sakte ho fixed price, well, how do i nirdharit the price.', 'Ab you can decide the kimat, acchi tarah se, kaise mai price set karta hu.']
ab , tum tay kar sakte hain , achchhi tarah se , price tay kaise main us mooly nirdharit karte hain.
ab, tum tay kar sakte hain, achchhi tarah se, price tay kaise main us mooly set that price
Law is an expression of the urge towards discipline, and self - control that has to be fostered in men and in social institutions.
कानून उस अनुशासन और आत्म-संयम की प्रेरक अभिव्यक्ति है जिसका अनुपालन व्यक्तियों और सामाजिक संस्थाओं को करना होता है।
['Law us anushasan aur self control ka expression hai jise men and social institutions ko foster karna chahiye.', 'Kanoon is a prerak abhivyakti of discipline and aatm sayam jiska paalan vyaktiyon aur samajik institutions ko karna chahiye/.']
law us discipline aur aatm-snyam ki urge expression hai jiska anupalan towards aur social institutions ko karna hota control
kanoon us anushasan aur aatm-snyam ki prerak abhivyakti hai jiska anupalan vyaktiyon aur social institutions ko karna hota hai.
India and South Africa share a longstanding friendship that is rooted in history and our shared values.
भारत और दक्षिण अफ्रीका के बीच संबंधों की जड़ें इतिहास और साझे मूल्यों में स्थापित हैं.
['Indis aur south africa ke beech ek longstanding friendship hai that is rooted in itihaas and our saajhe mulya.', 'Bharat and dakshin africa ke beech samandho ki jadhe history mein hai aur shared values mein stapit hai.']
india aur south aphrika ke share snbndhon ki jaren history aur friendship moolyon men sthapit hain
india and south aphrika ke bich snbndhon ki jaren itihas aur sajhe moolyon men sthapit hain
Ever since Mamata broke away to form the Trinamool in 1997 , there has been a string of desertions from the Congress .
ममता ने 1997 में पार्टी से अलग होकर तृकां बनाई थी तबसे पार्टी से नेताओं के जाने का सिलसिल जारी है .
['Ever since mamta ne 1997 mein party se broke hokar trinamool form kari thi, tab se there has been a string of desertions from congress,', 'Mamta ne 1997 mein party se alag hokar trinammol form kari, ever since then, congress se netao ka desertions chaalu hai.']
mamata ne 1997 men parti se alag hokar trinamool banaee thi tabse parti se congress ke jane ka string jari hai
mamta ne 1997 men parti se alag hokar trikan banaee thi tabse parti se netaon ke string of desertions jari hai
Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.
निस्संदेह हम उत्तमकारों को ऐसा ही बदला देते है
['Indeed we thus reward the uttamkaro.', 'Nissandeh hum does of good ko rewward karte hai.']
nissndeh ham doers ko aesa hi badla dete hai
nissndeh ham reward the doers hi badla dete hai
A sudden state of danger in financial matters.
वित्तीय मामलों में उपस्थित आकस्मिक आपात स्थिति।
['A sudden state of aapat in vittiya mamle.', 'Financial matters mein upastit sudden state of danger.']
state matters men upasthit sudden danger sthiti.
danger in financial upasthit aakasmik sudden state
The First Appellate Authority can give either a "spoken" order or a written order
प्रथम अपीलीय अधिकारी मौखिक या लिखित किसी भी रूप में आदेश दे सकते हैं।
['The first appealate authority ya toh likhit ya maukhik koi bhi roop mein order de sakta hai.', 'Pratham appealya adhikari canm give order in either a spoken or likhit form.']
first appellate authority spoken ya likhit kisi bhi roop men order de sakte hain.
authority can give maukhik ya likhit kisi bhi roop men aadesh de sakte hain.
The only other way is the socialist way.
दूसरा रास्ता सिर्फ समाजवाद का रास्ता है।
['The only other rasta is samajwaad ka raasta.', 'Dusra way sirf socialist way hai.']
other only sirph socialist ka only hai.
doosra rasta sirph samajvad ka rasta hai.
Veer Savarkar 's Trial A number of people on the quay commenced to shout,' arretezle '.
तट पर अनेक व्यक्ति अरेटेजेल पकड़ो... चिल्लाने लगे।
['Veer savarkar’s trial, anek vyakti on the quay commented to shout aretezle pakdo.', 'Tat par a number of people chillane lage, arretezle pakdo.']
trial par number people quay pakaro chillane lage.
tat par anek quay commenced pakaro chillane lage.
the form f of x is greater than a.
जे का फ बड़ा है आ से
['The form f ka x bada hai a se.', 'F of x ka form is greater than a.']
f ka ph bara hai aa se
je ka ph greater hai aa se
Negative 3, the opposite is 3.
नकारात्मक 3, विपरीत 3 है.
['Negative 3, viprit 3 hai.', 'Nakaratmak3, the opposite is 3.']
negative 3 , opposite 3 hai
negative 3, opposite 3 hai
that astonished the media business.
जिन्होनें इन मीडिया कंपनियों की हवा निकाल दी।
['That astonished the media companiya.', 'Jinhone media business ko astonish kar diya.', 'Media companies ki hawa nikaal di.']
business in media knpniyon ki hava nikal di.
astonished in media knpniyon ki hava nikal di.
Before the boy could reply, a butterfly appeared and fluttered between him and the old man.
इससे पहले कि लड़का कुछ जवाब देता एक तितली उन दोनों के बीच आकर अपने पर फड़फड़ाने लगी।
['Before ladka kuch jawaab deta, a butterfly un dono ke beech aakar fadhfadhane lagi.', 'Isse pehle the boy could reply, titli uske aur old man ke beech aakar flutter karne lagi.']
old pahle ki boy kuchh javab deta ek butterfly un donon ke bich aakar apne par pharapharane lagi.
isse pahle ki boy kuchh javab deta ek titli un donon ke bich aakar apne par pharapharane lagi.
Besides the above, there are other symbols of the village gods.
इनके अतिरिक्त, ग्रामीण देवताओं के अन्य प्रतीक भी हैं।
['Besides the above, grameen devtaao ke other symbols bhi hai.', 'Inke atirikt, there are anya prateek of village gods.']
inke above , village gods ke other symbols bhi hain.
inke atirikt, village gods ke any prtik bhi hain.
Indicates whether any trailing zeroes after the numeric point should be shown in the display value.
बताता है कि कोई पश्चगामी शून्य जिसके बाद संख्या बिंदु को प्रदर्शन मान में दिखाया जाना चाहिए.
['Indicates whether any pashchgami zeroes after the numeric point should be shown in the display value.', 'Batata hai ki any trailing zeroes jiske baad sankhya point ka pradarshan maan mein dikhaya jaana chahiye.']
batata hai ki koee trailing shoony jiske bad snkhya point ko display value men dikhaya jana chahie
batata hai ki koee trailing zeroes jiske bad snkhya bindu ko pradarshan man men dikhaya jana chahie
May be, they laughed at something in the concert.
संगीत के किसी बात पर हँस रही हों।
['Sangeet mein kisi baat par laugh rahi ho.', 'Maybe woh concert mein kisi baat par laugh kar rhi ho.', 'Maybe something at concert par woh has rhi ho.']
concert ke kisi something par hns rahi hon.
concert ke kisi bat par laughed rahi hon.
and, when reminded, do not remember
और जब उन्हें याद दिलाया जाता है, तो वे याद नहीं करते,
['And jab remind karaya jaata hai, then they don’t remember.', 'Aur when yaad karaya jaata hai, toh ve remember nhi rakhte.']
aur jab unhen yad dilaya jata hai , to ve yad nahin karte ,
aur jab unhen remember dilaya jata hai, to ve remember nahin karte,
I do not feel unnecessarily elated in a happy situation and do not despair in moments of troubles and tragedies.
मैं प्रसन्नता वाली स्थिति में असाधारण रूप से उल्लसित नहीं होती और मुसीबतों तथा दुखद परिस्थितियों में निराश नहीं हो जाती।
['I do not feel asadharan roop se ullasit in a happy situation aur do not despair in musibat and dukhad paristithi.', 'Mai prasanata waali situation mein unnecessarily elate nhi hoti hu and in moments of troubles and tragedies niraash nhi hoti hu.']
i happy vali situation men asadharan roop se ullsit nahin hoti aur troubles tatha moments paristhitiyon men nirash nahin ho jati.
main prasannta vali sthiti men asadharan roop se ullsit nahin hoti aur musibton tatha dukhad paristhitiyon men nirash nahin ho jati.
They said: Hast come unto us that we should serve Allah alone, and forsake what our fathers worshipped? Then bring upon us that wherewith thou threatenest us if thou art of the truthful!
तो वह लोग कहने लगे क्या तुम हमारे पास इसलिए आए हो कि सिर्फ ख़ुदा की तो इबादत करें और जिनको हमारे बाप दादा पूजते चले आए छोड़ बैठें पस अगर तुम सच्चे हो तो जिससे तुम हमको डराते हो हमारे पास लाओ
['They said kya tum hamare paas isliye aaye ho ki sirf khuda ki to ibadat karein aur jinko humare fathers worship karte hain? par agar tum sachche ho toh jisse tum humko threaten karte ho usko humare paas lao.', 'Toh wo log kehne lage hast come unto us that hame sirf allah ko serve karna chahiye aur jinkno hamare baap dada worship karte chhod baithe? then bring upon us jisse tum humko darate ho agar tum sachche ho.', 'Toh wo log kehne lage ki have you come unto us ki sirf khuda ki ibadat karein aur jinko humare baap dada poojte the unko chhod baithe? Then bring upon us wo jisse tum humko darate ho agar tum truthful ho.']
to vah log kahne lage kya unto hamare pas islie hast ho ki sirph uda ki to ibadat karen aur jinko hamare fathers dada poojte chale hast chhor baithen pas agar unto truthful ho to jisse unto hamko darate ho hamare pas lao
to vah log kahne lage kya tum hamare pas islie aae ho ki sirph uda ki to ibadat karen aur jinko hamare bap dada poojte chale aae chhor baithen pas agar tum sachche ho to jisse tum hamko darate ho hamare pas lao
very small change in time, we have a roughly constant
बहुत छोटे परिवर्तन के समय में, हम एक मोटे तौर पर निरंतर है
['Bahut chhota change time me, hum roughly constant hain', 'Bahut small change samay me, hum ek mote taur par constant hain', 'Very small change samay me, we have a constant ek mote taur par', 'Very small parivartan ke time me, hum ek mote taur par constant hain']
bahut small change ke time men , ham ek mote taur par constant hai
bahut chhote change in time men, ham ek roughly taur par nirntar hai
Those before them had denied, then punishment had overtaken them is from a quarter they did not suspect.
जो लोग उनसे पहले गुज़र गए उन्होंने भी (पैग़म्बरों को) झुठलाया तो उन पर अज़ाब इस तरह आ पहुँचा कि उन्हें ख़बर भी न हुई
['Jo log unse pehle guzar gaye unhone bhi paigambar ko jhuthalaya then punishment had ovetaken them is from a quarter they did not suspect.', 'Those before them had denied, toh un par aazab is tarah aa pahucha ki unhe khabar bhi na hui.', 'jo log unse pehle guzar gaye unhone bhi paigambar ko deny kiya toh un tak punishment aise aaya ki unhone suspect bhi nahi kiya.', 'Those before them had denied, then un par aazab had overtaken from a quarter they did not suspect.']
jo log unse pahle guzar quarter unhonne bhi punishment ko jhuthlaya to un par azab is tarah aa pahuncha ki unhen bar bhi n huee
jo log unse pahle guzar ge unhonne bhi denied ko jhuthlaya to un par azab is tarah aa pahuncha ki unhen bar bhi n huee
as well as to applied science
साथ ही साथ व्यावहारिक विज्ञानं दोनों को लाभ थे |
['saath hi saath applied science dono ko laabh the.', 'As well as to vyavaharik vigyan.', 'As well as applied science dono ke laabh the']
sath hi sath vyavharik science donon ko labh the
sath hi sath applied science donon ko labh the
Elsewhere, he expressed surprise over the ‘symptoms of of utter confusion in its value system’ displayed by the Indian society in a period of change.
अन्यत्र, उन्होंने भारतीय समाज द्वारा बदलते हुए समय के साथ "अपनी मूल्य व्यवस्था में नितांत भ्रम के लक्षणों" के प्रति आश्चर्य प्रकट किया।
['Elsewhere, unhone indian society ke dwara "symptoms of utter confusion in moolya vyavastha" ke prati surprise prakat kiya badalte hue samay ke saath.', 'Anyatra, he expressed aashcharya over "apni moolya awastha me nitant confusion ke symptoms" badalte hue samay ke saath bharatiya samaj me in a period of change.', 'Elsewhere, he expressed surprise over the "lakshan of utter confusion in its moolya vyavastha" displayed by indian samaj in a period of change.']
anyatr , indian society dvara badalte hue period ke sath apni value system men utter confusion ke symptoms ke prti surprise prakat kiya.
anyatr, unhonne indian society dvara badalte hue samay ke sath apni mooly vyavastha men nitant bhram ke lakshnon ke prti aashchary prakat kiya.
Despite this ugly record, the U. S. government widely accepts CAIR as representing Islam. The White House invites it to functions, the State Department links to its Web page and Democratic senators rely on its research. In New York City, the mayor appoints its general counsel to the Human Rights Commission and the police department hosts its “sensitivity training” seminar. In Florida, public schools invite it to teach “diversity awareness. ”
इस कुरूप रिकार्ड के बाद भी अमेरिका सरकार सी. ए. आई. आर को व्यापक रूप से इस्लाम को प्रतिनिधि मानती है। व्हाइट हाउस इसे कार्यक्रमों में बुलाता है, राज्य विभाग ने इसके वेब पृष्ठों के लिंक दिये हैं और डेमोक्रेट सीनेटर इसके शोध पर निर्भर करते हैं। न्यूयार्क शहर में इसके सदस्य को मानवाधिकार आयोग में नियुक्त किया जाता है और पुलिस इसके संवेदनशील प्रशिक्षण की निगरानी करती है।
['Despide this kurup record, america sarkar CIAR ko widely accept karti hai as representing Islam. White house ise function me invite karta hai, rajya department ne iske web pages ke link diye hain aur democrate senator iske research par nirbhar karte hain. New York city me iske sadasya ko human rights commission me appoint kiya jaata hai aur police iski sensitivity training ki nigarani karti hai.', 'iss ugly record ke baad bhi, US government CIAR ko Islam representing accept karti hai. White house ise karyakram me invite karta hai, state department ne iske web prushtho ke link dite hain aur democratic senators iski research par rely karte hain. New York sheher me the mayor appoints iske general counsel to the manavadhikar commission and the police hosts iski samvedansheel prashikshan ka seminar. Florida me public schools invite it to teach "diversity awareness"']
is sensitivity record ke bad bhi public government cair e aaee aar ko general roop se islam ko prtinidhi manti page white haus ise karyakrmon men bulata hai , rajy department ne iske web prishthon ke links diye hain aur democratic senators iske research par nirbhar karte hain. nyooyark shahar men iske sadasy ko manvadhikar commission men niyukt kiya jata hai aur police iske diversity training ki nigrani karti page
is ugly record ke bad bhi amerika sarkar si e aaee aar ko vyapak roop se islam ko prtinidhi manti hai. vhait haus ise karyakrmon men bulata hai, rajy vibhag ne iske veb prishthon ke link diye hain aur demokret sinetar iske shodh par nirbhar karte hain. nyooyark shahar men iske sadasy ko manvadhikar aayog men niyukt kiya jata hai aur pulis iske snvedanshil prshikshan ki nigrani karti hai.
When Manohar was transferred to Amudalavalasa , the couple put their through the weight-training regimen at the Ammi Naidu gym in the district headquarters town of Srikakulam .
मनोहर का तबादल अमूदलवलसा हा तो वहां दोनों ने श्रीकाकुलम जिल मुयालय स्थित अमी नायड़ू जिम में अयास जारी रखा .
['Manohar ka transfer Amudalavalasa hua to vaha couple put their through the weight-training regimen Ammi Naidu gym me in the district headquarters of Srikakulam me.', 'Dono ne srikakulam district headquarters ke Ammi Naidu gym me weight trainig abhyas jaari rakha jab manohar ka tabadala Amudalavalasa ho gaya.', 'When Manohar ka tabadala Amuldalavalasa ho gaya toh dono ne Srikakulam jila headquarters ke Ammi Naidu gym me weight training regimen jaari rakha.']
manohar ka town couple ha to vahan donon ne shrikakulam district headquarters sthit ammi naidu gym men ayas jari rakha
manohar ka tabadal amoodalavalsa ha to vahan donon ne shrikakulam jil muyalay sthit ami nayaroo jim men ayas jari rakha
waxing proud in the land, and devising evil; but evil devising encompasses only those who do it; So do they expect anything but the wont of the ancients? And thou shalt never find any changing the Wont of God, and thou shalt never find any altering the wont of God.
(उसके आने से) उनकी नफरत को तरक्की ही होती गयी और बुदी तद्बीर (की बुराई) तो बुरी तद्बीर करने वाले ही पर पड़ती है तो (हो न हो) ये लोग बस अगले ही लोगों के बरताव के मुन्तज़िर हैं तो (बेहतर) तुम खुदा के दसतूर में कभी तब्दीली न पाओगे और खुदा की आदत में हरगिज़ कोई तग़य्युर न पाओगे
['Unke aane se unki nafarat ko tarrakki hi hoti gayi aur buri tavdeer toh buri tavdeer karne wale hi par padti hai to ye log kuchh aur expect nahi karte karte bas agle logo ke bartav ke muntazir hain aur tum god ke dastoor me kabhi altering nahi paoge.', 'Waxing proud in the land and devising evil; aur evil karne walo par hi buri tavdeer ki burai padti hai; so do they expect anything but the wont of the ancients? aur tum god god ke dastoor me abhi altering nahi paoge aur khuda ki aadat me hargiz koi altering nahi paoge.']
uske aane se unki napharat ko tarakki hi hoti gayi aur proud tadbir ki evil to buri tadbir karne vale hi par parti hai to ho n ho ye log bas ancients hi logon ke bartav ke muntazir hain to behatar tum god ke dastoor men kabhi tabdili n thou aur god ki wont men hargiz koee tayyur n thou
uske aane se unki napharat ko tarakki hi hoti gayi aur budi tadbir ki buraee to buri tadbir karne vale hi par parti hai to ho n ho ye log bas agle hi logon ke bartav ke muntazir hain to behatar tum khuda ke dastoor men kabhi tabdili n paoge aur khuda ki aadat men hargiz koee tayyur n paoge
The doctor proscribed smoking in the waiting room of his clinic.
डॉक्टर ने अपने क्लिनिक के प्रतीक्षा कक्ष में धूम्रपान की सख्त मनाही कर दी।
['Doctor ne apne clinic ke waiting room me smoking ki sakth manahi kar di.', 'The doctor proscribed dhoomrapan pratikhsha kaksha me.', 'Doctor ne apne clinic ke pratiksha kaksha me smoking proscribe kar di.']
doctor ne apne clinic ke prtiksha room men smoking ki sakht manahi kar di.
doctor ne apne klinik ke waiting room men dhoomrpan ki sakht manahi kar di.
You have no recently reported crashes. Crashes that occurred when crash reporting was disabled will not appear here.
आपके पास हाल ही में रिपोर्ट किए गए क्रैश नहीं हैं. क्रैश रिपोर्टिंग अक्षम होने के दौरान होने वाले क्रैश यहां दिखाई नहीं देंगे.
['Aapke paas recently reported crashes nahi hai. Crash reporting disable hone ke dauran hue crash will not appear here.', 'You have no recently reported crashes. Crash reporting aksham hone ke dauran hue crashes will not appear here.', 'Crashes that occured when crash reporting was disabled yaha dikhai nahi denge you have no recently reported crashes.']
aapke pas hal hi men reporting kie ge crashes nahin hain crashes riporting aksham hone ke dauran hone vale crashes yahan dikhaee nahin denge
aapke recently reported hi men riport kie ge crashes nahin hain occurred when crash hone ke dauran hone vale crashes yahan dikhaee nahin denge
The average annual clip is about one kilogram.
वर्षभर में औसतन लगभग एक किलोग्राम ऊन एक भेड़ से उतरती है।
['Varshbhar me on an average ek kilogram oon bhed se utarti hai.', 'The average annual clip laghbhag one kilogram hai.']
annual men average lagabhag ek kilogram oon ek bher se utarti hai.
average annual clip lagabhag ek kilogram oon ek bher se utarti hai.
Guard against the disgrace and misery of the day when you shall return to Allah: there everyone shall be paid in full, for the good or evil one has earned and none shall be wronged.
और उस दिन का डर रखो जबकि तुम अल्लाह की ओर लौटोगे, फिर प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को जो कुछ उसने कमाया पूरा-पूरा मिल जाएगा और उनके साथ कदापि कोई अन्याय न होगा
['Uss din ka dar rakho when you shall return to Allah; there everyone shall be paid in full, aur unke saath kadapi koi anyay nahi hoga.', 'Guard against the disgrace and misery of the day jabki tum allah ki aur lotoge fir pratyek vyakti ko jo kuchh usne kamaya poora poora mil jayega for the good or evil one has earned and unke saath kadapi koi anyay na hoga', 'Uss din ka dar rakho jabki tum allah ki aur lotoge there everyone shall be paid in full for the good or evil one has earned unke saath kadapi koi anyay na hoga.']
aur us day ka guard everyone jabki tum allah ki or lautoge , phir full vyakti ko jo kuchh usne kamaya poora-poora mil jaega aur unke sath kadapi koee anyay n hoga
aur us din ka dar rakho jabki tum allah ki or lautoge, phir pratyek vyakti ko jo kuchh usne kamaya poora-poora mil jaega aur unke sath kadapi koee anyay n hoga
that is why sapta sindhu language (relion language of parsi) has got converted to hafta hindu.
इसलिये सप्त सिन्धु अवेस्तन भाषा (पारसियों की धर्मभाषा) मे जाकर हफ्त हिन्दु मे परिवर्तित हो गया (अवेस्ता: वेन्दीदाद फ़र्गर्द 1.18)।
['Isiliye sapta sindhu bhasha (relion language of parsi) has got converted to hafta hindu.', 'That is why sapta sindhu avestan bhasha (relion language of parsi) me jakar hafta hindu me convert ho gaya.', 'That is why sapta sindhu bhasha (parsiyon ki relion language) has got converted hafta hindu me.']
isliye sapta sindhu hindu language relion ki dharmbhasha me jakar hapht hindu me parivartit ho gaya avesta : vendidad fargard 118 .
isliye sapta sindhu avestan bhasha parsiyon ki dharmbhasha me jakar hapht hindu me parivartit ho gaya avesta: vendidad fargard 118.
Let's see, let's do minus 5 / 7 divided by 10 / 3.
देखे, करे नकारात्मक 5/7 विभाजित है 10/3 से
['Lets see, nakaratmak 5/7 vibhajit hai 10/3 se.', 'Dekhe, lets do nakaratmak 5/7 divided by 10/3.', 'Lets see, minus 5/7 vibhajit hai 10/3 se.']
let , kare nakaratmak 57 vibhajit hai 103 se
dekhe, kare minus 57 divided hai 103 se
The file "% s" is read - only! Edit anyway?
फ़ाइल से. है पढ़ें संपादन?
['File "%s" read only hai! sampadan?', 'File "%s" hai padhe! edit anyway?']
file se hai paen edit
file se hai read edit
It treats of the sacrifices to the fire , and is recited in three different ways .
इसमें यज्ञों का विवेचन है और इसका पाठ तीन भिन्न प्रकार से किया जाता
['Isme fire ko sacrifice ka vivechan hai aur three different ways me recite kiya jaata hai.', 'It treats of yagya, and is recited theen bhinn prakar se.', 'It treats of the sacrifice to the fire, aur iska teen bhinn prakar se paath kiya jaata hai.']
ismen sacrifices ka vivechan hai aur iska path tin different prkar se kiya jata
ismen treats ka vivechan hai aur iska path tin bhinn prkar se kiya jata
hoping that your sex cells, your male sex cells,
इस उम्मीद में कि आपकी सेक्स कोशिकाएं, आपकी पुरुष सेक्स कोशिकाएं,
['Iss ummed me ki aapki sex koshikaye, your male sex cells,', 'hoping that your sex cells, aapki purush sex cells,', 'iss ummed me ki aapki sex cells, your purush sex koshikaye,', 'hoping that your sex koshikaye, your purush sex koshikaye,']
is ummid men ki aapki sex cells , aapki male sex cells ,
is ummid men ki aapki sex cells, aapki male sex cells,
If you ask them, "Who has created the heavens and the earth?", they will surely answer, "The Almighty, the All Knowing One has created them."
और (ऐ रसूल) अगर तुम उनसे पूछो कि सारे आसमान व ज़मीन को किसने पैदा किया तो वह ज़रूर कह देंगे कि उनको बड़े वाक़िफ़कार ज़बरदस्त (ख़ुदा ने) पैदा किया है
['if you ask them, saare aasman va zameen ko kisne create kiya hai toh wo zaroor answer karenge ki unko bade vakifkar zabardast khuda ne paida kiya hai.', 'Aur is you ask them ki who has created the heavens and the earth? Toh wo zaroor keh denge ki unko bade wakifkar almighty ne paida kiya hai.']
aur earth rasool agar tum unse poochho ki sare aasman v zamin ko kisne heavens kiya to vah zaroor kah denge ki unko bare almighty zabaradast uda ne heavens kiya hai
aur ae rasool agar tum unse poochho ki sare aasman v zamin ko kisne paida kiya to vah zaroor kah denge ki unko bare vaifkar zabaradast uda ne paida kiya hai
An unknown application wants to change the password for the default keyring. You have to choose the password you want to use for it.
एक अनजान अनुप्रयोग तयशुदा कीरिंग के लिए कूटशब्द बदलना चाहता है. आपको कूटशब्द चुनना है जिसे आप इसके लिये प्रयोग करना चाहते हैं.
['Ek anjaan application default keyring ke liye password change karna chahta hai. Aapko password choose karna hai jise aap iske liye use karna chahte hain.', 'An unknown application tayshuda keyring ke liye password badalana chahta hai. You have to choose the kootshabd jise aap prayog karna chahte hain.']
ek unknown application tayshuda keyring ke lie password badalna chahta hai aapko password chunna hai jise aap iske liye pryog karna chahte hain
ek unknown application default keyring ke lie kootashabd badalna chahta hai aapko kootashabd chunna hai jise aap iske liye pryog karna chahte hain
Asavari resigned herself to further reading.
हारकर आसावरी ने आगे पढ़ना शुरू किया।
['Harkar asavari ne further read karna shuru kiya.', 'Asavari ne harker aage padhna start kiya.']
harakar asavari ne further pana shuroo kiya.
harakar reading ne aage pana shuroo kiya.
God will say, "Enter the Fire and join the bands of jinn and men that have gone before you." Every time a host enters [the fire], it will curse its fellow - host, then, when they are all gathered there, the last of them will say of the first, "Our Lord, it was they who led us astray: give them double punishment in the Fire," - - God will say, "Every one of you will have double punishment, though you do not know it" - -
वह कहेगा, "जिन्न और इनसान के जो गिरोह तुमसे पहले गुज़रे हैं, उन्हीं के साथ सम्मिलित होकर तुम भी आग में प्रवेश करो।" जब भी कोई जमाअत प्रवेश करेगी, तो वह अपनी बहन पर लानत करेगी, यहाँ तक कि जब सब उसमें रल-मिल जाएँगे तो उनमें से बाद में आनेवाले अपने से पहलेवाले के विषय में कहेंगे, "हमारे रब! हमें इन्हीं लोगों ने गुमराह किया था; तो तू इन्हें आग की दोहरी यातना दे।" वह कहेगा, "हरेक के लिए दोहरी ही है। किन्तु तुम नहीं जानते।"
['God kahega, “Enter the Fire and join the bands of jinn and men jo tumse pehle guzre hain” jab bhi koi host enter karega, Toh wo apni behen par lanat karegi yaha tak ki when they are all gathered there, unme se baad me aanewale apne se pehlewale ke vishaye me kahenge “Our lord, hume inhi logo ne gumrah kiya tha; give them double punishment in the fire” God kahega “har ek ke liye double punishment hai, though tum nahi jaante"', 'God will say “Jin aur insan ke jo bands have gone before you unhi ke sasath join karke tum bhi fire me enter karoge” Everytime a host enters the fire, wo apni behen par lanat karegi yaha when they all gathered there, the last of them will say of the first, “humare Rab! It was they who led us astray: give them double punishment in the fire.” God will say “Everyone of you will get double punishment kintu tum nahi jante”']
vah jinn , time aur first ke jo host tumse pahle punishment hain , unhin ke sath sammilit hokar tum bhi fire men enters karo. jab bhi koee jamaat enters karegi , to vah apni fellow par lanat karegi , yahan tak ki jab sab usmen ral-mil jaenge to unmen se bad men aanevale apne se pahlevale ke vishay men kahenge , hamare god ! hamen inhin logon ne astray kiya tha to too inhen fire ki double yatna de. vah jinn , harek ke lie double hi hai. kintu tum nahin jante.
vah kahega, jinn and men ke jo giroh tumse pahle guzre hain, unhin ke sath sammilit hokar tum bhi aag enter the fire jab bhi koee jamaat prvesh karegi, to vah apni bahan par lanat karegi, yahan tak ki jab sab usmen ral-mil jaenge to unmen se bad men aanevale apne se pahlevale ke vishay men kahenge, hmare rab! hamen inhin logon ne gumrah kiya tha to too inhen aag ki dohri yatna de. vah kahega, hrek ke lie dohri hi hai. kintu tum nahin jante.
And all that which they used to earn availed them not.
फिर जो कुछ वे कमाते रहे, वह उनके कुछ काम न आ सका
['And all that jo wo kamate rahe availed them not.', 'Fir jo kuchh wo earn karte rahe wo unke kuchh kaam nahi aa saka.']
phir jo kuchh ve kamate rahe , vah unke kuchh kam n aa saka
phir jo kuchh ve earn rahe, vah unke kuchh kam n aa saka
It provided for mastery over Sanskrit literature to gain power of expression in Bengali, followed by acquaintance with Bengali literature and, thirdly, access to English education as was then being imparted by the Hindu College and the colleges set up by the Christian missionaries.
ये पुस्तकें बंगला में अभिव्यक्ति की क्षमता बढ़ाने के लिए संस्कृत साहित्य पर अधिकार करके बंगला साहित्य से घनिष्ठ सम्पर्क तक और हिन्दू कालेज तथा मिशनरियों द्वारा स्थापित कालेजों में दी जाने वाली अंग्रेज़ी शिक्षा तक पहुँचाने का काम निभाने वाली थीं।
['It provided for mastery over sanskrit sahitya to gain power of expression in bengali, followed by bangla literature se ghanisht acquaintance and access to english shiksha as was then being imparted by hindu college and the colleges set up by the christian missionaries. ', 'Ye pustak Bangla me power of expression gain karne ke liye sanskrit literature par mastery karne tak followed by acquaintance bangla sahitya se aur hindu college tatha missionaries dwara setup colleges me english education pahuchane ka kaam nibhane wali thi.']
ye pustken sanskrit men expression ki power baane ke lie snskrit literature par mastery karke sanskrit literature se ghanishth acquaintance tak aur hindu college tatha christian dvara sthapit kalejon men access jane vali angrezi education tak pahunchane ka kam nibhane vali thin.
ye pustken bngla men abhivyakti ki kshamta baane ke lie snskrit sahity par adhikar karke bngla sahity se ghanishth sampark tak aur hindoo kalej tatha mishanriyon dvara sthapit kalejon men di jane vali angrezi shiksha tak pahunchane ka kam nibhane vali thin.
in 1998 while in school haris sheild match his co-partner vinod kamble and sachin made 664 runs together
1988 मे स्कूल के एक हॅरिस शील्ड मॅच के दौरान साथी बल्लेबाज विनोद कांबली के साथ सचिन ने ऐतिहासिक 664 रनो की अविजित साझेदारी की।
['In 1998 school ke ek haris shield match ke dauran his co-partner Vinod Kamble and Sachin made 664 runs together.', '1998 me while in school haris shield match sathi ballebaz vinod kamble ke saath sachin ne aitehasik 664 runs ki avijit sajedhari ki..']
1988 me school ke ek hris haris sheild ke dauran sathi ballebaj vinod kanbli ke sath sachin ne aetihasik 664 kamble ki avijit sajhedari ki.
1988 me skool ke ek haris sheild match ke dauran sathi ballebaj vinod kanbli ke sath sachin ne aetihasik 664 rano ki avijit sajhedari ki.
The Chairman to the right and the Speaker to the left of the President who occupies the middle seat.
बीच के आसन पर राष्ट्रपति बैठता है, उसके दायें राज्य सभा का सभापति और बायें लोक सभा का अध्यक्ष।
['The chairman to the right and the speaker to the left of the president jo beech ke aasan par baithta hai.', 'Beech ke asan par rashtrapati baithta hai, the chairman to the right and the speaker to the left of the president.']
right ke seat par president baithta hai , uske dayen speaker sabha ka chairman aur left lok sabha ka adhyaksh.
bich ke aasan par rashtrapti baithta hai, uske dayen rajy sabha ka sabhapti aur bayen lok sabha ka adhyaksh.
Say: “He is Allah, the One and Unique;
(ऐ रसूल) तुम कह दो कि ख़ुदा एक है
['Say, ki khuda ek hai', 'Tum keh do allah is one and Unique']
say unique tum kah do ki uda ek hai
ae rasool tum kah do ki uda ek hai
Allows to burn files not stored locally
उन फाइलों को लिखने देता है जो स्थानीय रूप से जमा नहीं किए गए
['Allow to burn files jo sthaniya roop se jama nahi kiye gaye', 'Unn filon ko likhne deta hai which are not locally stored.']
un allows ko likhne deta hai jo sthaniy roop se jama nahin kie ge
un files not stored deta hai jo locally roop se jama nahin kie ge
'In exercise of the powers vested in him by Rule 58 1 paragraph b of the Defence of Hyderabad Rules which correspond to the Defence of India Rules, it is hereby ordered that no person shall unfurl in a ceremonial fashion at any public function the flag of any foreign country nor salute it.
हैदराबाद रक्षा-कानूनों जो भारत रक्षा-कानूनों के जैसे ही है की धारा-58 1 के पैरा ब द्वारा उनमें निजाम में निहित सत्ताओं का अमल करके यह आदेश दिया जाता है कि कोई भी व्यक्ति किसी भी सार्वजनिक समारोह में विधिवत् किसी विदेश के झंडे को न तो फहरायेगा और न उसे सलामी देगा।
['In exercise of the powers vested by Rule 58 1 paragraph b Hyderabad raksha kanoono ke dwara which corresponds to the defence of India rules, It is hereby ordered that no person shall unfurl in a sarvajanik samaroh any foreign flag na hi faharayega na hi use salam karega.', 'Hyderabad ke defence rules jo India ke defence rules ke jaise hi hain ki Rule 58 1 paragraph b dwara unme nijam me nihit sattaon ka amal karke yah aadesh diya jata hai ki koi bhi vyakati kisi bhi public function me vidhivat kisi bhforeign flag ko na toh faharayega na hi salute karega.']
hyderabad raksha-kanoonon jo rule raksha-kanoonon ke jaise hi hai ki dhara-58 1 ke paragraph powers dvara unmen nijam men nihit sattaon ka amal karke yah aadesh diya jata hai ki koee bhi person kisi bhi public defence men vidhivat kisi foreign ke exercise ko n to phahrayega aur n use salute dega.
haidrabad raksha-kanoonon jo bharat raksha-kanoonon ke jaise hi hai ki dhara-58 1 ke paira b dvara unmen nijam men powers vested ka amal karke yah aadesh diya jata hai ki koee bhi vyakti kisi bhi function the flag vidhivat kisi videsh ke jhnde ko n to phahrayega aur n use salami dega.
Externally, the quadrangular open court is surrounded by a prakara with a cloister, or malika, locally called nalambalam or chuttambalam.
बाह्य रूप से चतुर्भुज खुला प्रांगण एक प्राकार से घिरा होता है जिसमें एक विहार, या मालिका होती है जिसे स्थानीय रूप से नलांबलम या चुट्टांबलम कहा जाता हैं.
['Externally, chaturbhuj khula prangan ek prakar se surrounded hota hai jismen ek vikar ya malika koti hai jise locally nalambalam or chuttamabalam kehte hain.', 'Baahya roop se the quadrangular open court is surrounded by a prakara with a cloister ot malika jise sthaniya roop se nalambalam or chuttambalam kehte hain.']
bahy roop se quadrangular open prangan ek prakara se ghira hota hai jismen ek cloister , ya malika hoti hai jise sthaniy roop se nalambalam ya chuttambalam kaha jata hain
bahy roop se chaturbhuj open court ek prakar se ghira hota hai jismen ek vihar, ya malika hoti hai jise sthaniy roop se locally called nalambalam kaha jata hain
to the focus points and saying it 's a constant.
यह एक निरंतर ध्यान केंद्रित अंक और कह रही करने के लिए है।
['Yah ek nirantar dhyan kendrit point aur saying it is a constant.', 'Yah ek focus point aur kar rahi hai constant karne ke liye.']
yah ek constant focus kendrit points aur kah rahi karne ke lie hai.
yah ek constant dhyan focus points aur kah rahi karne ke lie focus
And most of them believe not in Allah without associating (other as partners) with Him!
इनमें अधिकतर लोग अल्लाह को मानते भी है तो इस तरह कि वे साझी भी ठहराते है
['Inme se most of the people allah ko mante bhi hain to iss tarah ki we sajhi bhi thaharate hain', 'And most of them allah ko believe bhi karte hain without associating with him.']
most other log allah ko mante bhi hai to is tarah ki ve sajhi bhi thahrate hai
inmen adhikatar log allah ko mante bhi hai to is tarah ki ve sajhi bhi thahrate hai
and encourage them to do the same.
और उन्हें उत्साहित कीजिये ये करने के लिये।
['And encourage them same karne ke liye.', 'Aur unhe utsahit kijiye to do the same.']
aur unhen utsahit same ye karne ke liye.
aur unhen encourage kijiye ye karne ke liye.
The British press, condemning this demonstra - tion in strong words, stated that, by allowing Phadke to talk freely at every station, it looked as if he was an honour - able state guest instead of a convict going to Kalapani - LRB - Andamans - RRB -.
अंग्रेजों के अखबार ने भी इस प्रदर्शन की कटु आलोचना करते हुए लिखा-सभी स्टेशनों पर रेल के डिब्बों से बाहर की ओर मुंह निकालकर उसे लोगों से बातचीत करने की इस प्रकार छूट दी गयी, जैसे कि वह काला पानी जाने वाला कैदी न होकर सरकार का कोई सम्मानित अतिथि है.
['The british press, condemning this demonstration in strong words stated that sabhi stations par train ke dibbo se bahar ki aur mooh nikalker use logon se batchit karne ki is parakar chhot di gayi jaise ki wah kala pani jane wala kaidi hokar sarkar ka koi sammanit guest hai.', 'Angrezo ke akhbar ne bhi iss pradarshan ki katu aalochana karte hue likha by allowing phadke to talk freely at every station ir looked as if he was an honourable state guest instead of convict going to kalapani LRB andamans RRB']
british ke press ne bhi is pradarshan ki strong aalochna karte hue likha-sbhi station par rel ke dibbon se bahar ki or munh nikalakar use honour se able karne ki is prkar chhoot di gayi , jaise ki vah kala pani jane vala convict n hokar state ka koee sammanit guest hai
angrejon ke akhbar ne bhi is pradarshan ki katu aalochna karte hue likha-sbhi steshnon par rel ke dibbon se bahar ki or munh nikalakar use logon se batchit karne ki is prkar chhoot di gayi, jaise ki vah kala pani jane vala kaidi n hokar sarkar ka koee sammanit atithi hai
Computers which are connected by internet can do exchange of their information through rules of internet.
अंतरजाल से जुडे हुए संगणक आपस मे अंतरजाल नियमावली () के जरिए सूचना का आदान-प्रदान करते है।
['Computers which are connected by internet ke zariye soochana ka aadan pradan karte hain.', 'Antarjal se jude hue computers aapas me antarjal niyamawali ke zariye information exchange karte hain.']
computers se jude hue snganak exchange me computers rules ke jarie information ka aadan-prdan karte hai.
connected by internet hue snganak aapas me antarjal rules ke jarie soochna ka aadan-prdan karte connected
and we had thought that men and jinn would never speak against God a lie.
और ये कि हमारा तो ख्याल था कि आदमी और जिन ख़ुदा की निस्बत झूठी बात नहीं बोल सकते
['And we had thought that men and jinn khuda ki nisbat jhooti baat nahi bol sakte hain.', 'Aur ye ki humara toh khayal tha ki men and jinn would never speak against god’s lie.']
aur ye ki hamara to men tha ki aadmi aur jin uda ki jinn jhoothi bat nahin bol sakte
aur ye ki thought that men tha ki aadmi aur jin god a lie jhoothi bat nahin bol sakte
(i) it begins to manufacture or produce articles after the 30th day of September, 1977 but before the 1st day of April, 1990, in any rural area ;
(i) यह किसी ग्रामीण क्षेत्र में वस्तुओं का विनिर्माण या उत्पादन 30 दिसम्बर, 1977 के पश्चात् किंतु 1 अप्रैल, 1990 के पूर्व प्रारंभ करता है;
['It begins to manufacture or produce articles 30 december 1977 ke pashto kintu 1 april 1990 ke poorv praranbh karta hai.', 'Yah kisi gramin chetra me vastuo ko manufacture aur produce karna after 30 december 1977 aur before 1 april 1990 in any rural area ']
i yah kisi rural area men articles ka vinirman ya utpadan 30 september , 1977 ke pashchat kintu 1 april , 1990 ke poorv prarnbh karta hai
i yah kisi rural area men vastuon ka manufacture or produce 30 disambar, 1977 ke pashchat kintu 1 aprail, 1990 ke poorv prarnbh karta hai
Import HandyShopper store names only as item tags.
आइटम टैग के रूप में ही HandyShopper के स्टोर नाम आयात करें
['As item tags only import HandyShopper store names.', 'Import Handyshopper store names only item tag ke roop me hi.']
item tags ke roop men hi HandyShopper ke handyshopper names import karen
item tags ke roop men hi HandyShopper ke stor nam aayat karen
Sucharita shut the kitchen door noisily and sank to the floor, bursting into sobs.
>> सुचरिता ने धड़ाके से रसोई का दरवाज़ा बन्द कर दिया और फर्श पर बैठ गई।
['Sucharita ne noisily kitechen ka door shut kiya aur floor par baith gayi', 'Sucharita shut the kitchen door dhadake se aur farsh par baith gayi burstring into sobs']
sucharita ne dharake se kitchen ka door band kar diya aur floor par sobs gee.
suchrita ne dharake se shut the kitchen band kar diya aur pharsh par baith gee.
For this reason first he went to Brahma samaaj but his mind was not happy there.
इस हेतु वे पहले ब्रह्म समाज में गए किंतु वहाँ उनके चित्त को संतोष नहीं हुआ।
['For this reason he pehle went to brahma samaj but his mind was not happy there.', 'Iss hetu he went to brahma samaj but waha unke chitt ko santosh nahi hua.']
is reason ve pahle brahm samaj men ge kintu vahan unke samaaj ko sntosh nahin huaa.
is reason ve pahle brahm samaj men ge kintu vahan unke chitt ko sntosh nahin huaa.
These are not available if you rent .
ये ऋण किराए पर रहने वालों को नहीं मिलते .
['These are not available kiraye par rehne walo ke liye.', 'Ye rin rent par rehne walo ke liye available nahi hai.']
ye available kirae par rahne valon ko nahin milte
ye rin rent par rahne valon ko nahin milte
The blood pressure measured when the atria and ventricles are relaxed and filled with blood.
हृदय गति की वह माप जब अलिंद और निलय शिथिल हों तथा रक्त से भरे हों।
['The blood pressure measured when alind aur nilay shithil ho and filled with blood.', 'Hriday gati is measured when the artria and ventricles are relaxed and rakt se bhare hon.']
hriday gati ki vah pressure jab atria aur ventricles relaxed hon tatha blood se bhare hon.
hriday gati ki vah map jab atria and ventricles shithil hon tatha rakt se bhare hon.
Thank you for your letter dated 24 May 1947 regarding the situation in Lahore. 2.
ता. 30-5-1947 लाहौर की स्थिति के विषय में लिखे गये आपके 24 मई के पत्र के लिए धन्यवाद।
['Thank you for your letter dated 24 may 1947 lahore ki stithi ke vishay me likhe gaye.', 'Lahore ki situation ke regarding likhe gaye letter dated 24 may 1947 ke liye thank you.']
ta 30-5-1947 lahore ki situation ke vishay men likhe gaye aapke 24 mee ke letter ke lie thank
ta 30-5-1947 lahaur ki sthiti ke vishay men likhe gaye aapke 24 mee ke patr ke lie dhanyvad.
A book in which the business transactions of an agent are posted in the form of debits and credits.
एक बही जिसमें किसी अभिकर्ता के व्यावसायिक लेन-देन लेनदारी व देनदारी के रूप में दर्ज़ होते हैं।
['A book jisme kisi agent ke business transaction credit aur debit ke roop me darz hote hain.', 'Ek bahi in which the business transactions of an agent are posted in the form of debits and credits.']
ek bahi jismen kisi agent ke business len-den lendari v dendari ke form men book hote hain.
ek bahi jismen kisi abhikarta ke business transactions lendari v dendari ke roop men darz hote hain.
&Always Open Files of This Type
इस प्रकार की फ़ाइलें &हमेशा खोलें
['&Always open iss prakar ki fiiles.', 'Is type ki file &hamesha khole.']
is type ki files open kholen
is type ki open files open
that we should abolish this age - discriminatory word
कि हमें इस उम्र-पक्षपाती शब्द को मिटा ही देना चाहिए
['That we should abolish iss umra pakshapati shabd ko', 'Ki hume iss age-discriminatory word ko hata dena chahiye']
ki hamen is umr-pakshpati age ko discriminatory hi dena chahie
ki hamen is word shabd ko mita hi dena chahie
Error: Object path is not specified
त्रुटि: ऑब्जेक्ट पथ निर्दिष्ट नहीं है
['Truti object path specified nahi hai', 'Error object path is not nirdisht']
error : object path nirdisht nahin hai
error: object path nirdisht nahin hai
The cumulative size of all web databases in the security origin
सुरक्षा उद्गम में सभी वेब डेटाबेस के संचयी आकार
['security udhgam mai sabhi wen databases ke cummulative aakaar.', 'The sanchayee size of all web databases in the suraksha origin.', 'The cumulative size of all web databases suraksha udgam mein', 'Web databases ka sanchiya aakar security origin mein']
security origin men sabhi web databases ke cumulative size
security origin men sabhi web databases ke cumulative size
We must now utilize our enlarged capacities to raise the general standards of living.
हमें अब अपनी बढ़ी हुई क्षमता का उपयोग जीवन के आम स्तर को ऊंचा उठाने के लिए करना होगा।
['Jivan ke aam star ko uncha uthane ke liye, we must utilize our enlarged capacities.', 'hume apni badhi hue capacities ka upyog general standards of living ko raise karne ke liye karna hoga.', 'Hame ab apni badhi hui kshamta ka upyog general standards of living ko uncha uthane ke liye krna hoga', 'Hame ab apni enlarged capacities ka upyog jeevan ke aam star(स्तर) ko uncha uthane ke liye krna hoga', 'Jivan ke aam star ko uncha uthane hame apne enlarged capacities ko ab utilize krna hoga ']
hamen ab apni bai huee capacities ka upyog living ke general standards ko ooncha uthane ke lie karna hoga.
hamen ab apni bai huee utilize our enlarged jivan ke aam star ko ooncha uthane ke lie karna hoga.
Presence of excess ammount of uric acid in the urine.
मूत्र में यूरिक एसिड मे उपलब्ध अत्यधिक मात्रा।
['urine mai uric acid mai uplabdh excess ammount.', 'Presence of atyadhik matra of uric acid in the urine.', 'Mutra mein uric acid ka excess amount uplabdh', 'Uric acid ki atyadhik matra mutra mein present', 'Urine mein excess amount of uric acid uplabdh']
urine men uric presence me upalabdh excess matra.
urine men uric acid me upalabdh atydhik matra.
Until the Day of the time well - known. "
उस दिन तक के लिए जिसका समय ज्ञात एवं नियत है। "
['Until the Day jiska samay gyaat avam niyat hai.', 'uss day until jiska time gyaat avam niyat hai.', 'Us din tak ke liye jiska ka time well known hai', 'Until the day jiska samay well known h', 'Until the day jiska time gyat evam niyat hai']
us day tak ke lie jiska time jnjat evn niyat hai.
us din tak ke lie jiska samay jnjat evn niyat day
Excavations made in Malabar have proved the existence of chambers in which massive earthenware urns had been kept.
मालाबार में खुदाई के कमरों में रखे हुए बड़े-बड़े बर्तन मिले हैं जिनमे शव रखे जाते थे।
['Excavations made in Malabar have proved the existence of kamre jinme bade bade bartan mile hai, jinme shav rakhe jate the.', 'Malabar mai excavations ke chambers mai rakhe hue bade bade earthenware urns mile hai, jinme shav rakhe jate the.', 'Malabar mein excavation se kamro mein rkhe hue bade bade bartan mile h', 'Excavations in malabar se kamro mein rakhe hue massive earthenware urns mile h']
malabar men excavations ke kamron men rakhe hue bare-bare earthenware mile hain jinme massive rakhe jate the.
malabar men khudaee ke kamron men rakhe hue bare-bare bartan mile hain jinme shav rakhe jate the.
And the earth that cracks open.
और फटने वाली (ज़मीन की क़सम)
['And the earth jo fatne vali h', 'Aur crack open hone vali (earth ki kasam) ']
aur earth vali zamin ki sam
aur earth that cracks ki earth
The birds are usually found in pairs in open country near cultivation, commonly seen perched on a mound or some other eminence, or flying at great speed at hedge - top height in search of small birds, rats, mice, lizards and large insects which comprise their prey.
ये ज्यादातार जोड़े में खेतों के आसपास खुले मैदानों मे, किसी टीले पर या किसी दूर से दिखते स्थान पर बैठे पाए जाते हैं, अथवा छोटी चिड़ियों, चूहों, छिपकलियों और बड़े कीड़ों की खोज में बाड़ों की ऊंचाई पर तेजी से उड़ते भी पाए जा सकते हैं।
['The birds are usually found in pairs in open country near cultivation, kisi teele par ya kisi staan par bethe paaye jaate hai, or flying at great speed at hedge - top height in search of small birds, rats, mice, lizards and large insects which comprise their prey.', 'yeh jyadatar jode mai kheto ke aaspass khule medaan mai, commonly seen perched on a mound or some other eminence, athava small birds, rats, lizards aur large insects ki khoj mai badho ke height par teji se udate bhi paaye ja sakte hai.', 'Yeh jyadatar pairs mein open country mein kheto ke aaspas, kisi mound pr ya kisi dur dikhte sthan pr bethe paaye aate hai, or chote birds, rats, chipkaliyo aur bade insects ki khoj mein badon ki unchai pr teji se udte hue b paaye ja skte h', 'The birds, jo jodo mein paaye jaate h, jyadatar open country near cultivation ke aas paas ya fir mound pe perched ya fir kisi dur se dikhte sthan pr bethe paaye jaate h, or flying at great speed at hedge - top height in search of small chidiya, chuhe, chipkaliya aur bade keedo, which comprise of their prey ']
ye jyadatar pairs men cultivation ke aaspas open maidanon me , kisi mound par ya kisi door se dikhte great par baithe hedge jate hain , athva chhoti birds , rats , lizards aur bare country ki search men baron ki height par speed se urte bhi hedge ja sakte hain.
ye found in pairs kheton ke aaspas khule maidanon me, kisi tile par ya kisi door se dikhte sthan par baithe pae jate hain, athva chhoti chiriyon, choohon, lizards and large kiron ki khoj men baron ki oonchaee par teji se urte bhi pae ja sakte hain.
I have complete knowledge of debenture bond.
डिबेंचर बांड के बारे में मुझे समस्त जानकारी है।
['Debenture bond ke baare mai mujhe complete knowledge hai.', 'Mujhe debenture bond k baare mai samast jankaari hai.', 'I have samast jankaari of debenture bond.', 'Mujhe debenture bond ka complete knowledge h', 'Debenture bond ke baare mein mujhe complete knowledge h ']
debenture bond ke bare men i samast complete hai.
debenture bond ke bare men mujhe samast complete knowledge
I hurried so as not to miss the train.
मैंने जल्दी करी जिससे कि ट्रेन न छूट जाए।
['I hurried jisse meri train na miss ho.', 'Maine jaldi kari so as train miss na ho.', 'Train miss na ho so maine jaldi kari.', 'Meine jaldi ki jisse ki train miss na ho jaaye', 'I hurried so that train chutt na jaaye ']
i jaldi kari jisse ki train n chhoot jae.
mainne jaldi kari jisse ki tren n chhoot jae.
Therefore that process is not sufficient for our Yoga; something else is needed more embracingly positive.
इसलिये वह विधि हमारे योग के लिये पर्याप्त नहीं; किसी और साधन की भी आवश्यकता है जो अधिक सर्वग्राही रूप में भावात्मक हो।
['Therefore that process is not sufficient for our Yoga; aur saadhan ki bhi need hai jo adhik positive rup mai bhavaatmak ho.', 'isliye wah process hamare yoga ke liye sufficient nahi; something else is needed more embracingly positive.', 'Therefore voh process hamare yog ke liye sufficient nai h; aur sadhan ki need h jo adhik sarvagrahi rop mein positive ho', 'Is liye that process is not suffecient for our yoga; aur sadhan ki avashyakta h jo adhik embracingly positive ho ']
isliye vah process hamare yoga ke liye sufficient nahin kisi aur sadhan ki bhi aavashyakta hai jo adhik sarvagrahi roop men positive ho.
isliye vah vidhi hamare yog ke liye paryapt nahin kisi aur sadhan ki bhi aavashyakta hai jo adhik sarvagrahi roop men bhavatmak ho.
Madhya Pradesh occupies perhaps the oldest part of the subcontinent – called the Gondwana - the home of the Gonds.
मध्य प्रदेश संभवतया उप महाद्वीप का संभतया सबसे पुराना स्थान है जिसे गोंडवाना कहते हैं अर्थात गोंड समुदाय का घर।
['Madhya pradesh sambhavtaya upamahaadveep ka sambhatayaa sabase puraana staan hai - called the Gondwana - the home of the Gonds.', 'Madhya Pradesh occupies sambhatayaa sabase puraana staan of the subcontinent - jise Gondwana kehte hai - the home of the Gonds.', 'Madhya pradesh mein subcontinent ka perhaps sabse purana sthan h, called the gondwana, meaning gond samuday ka ghar', 'Madhya pradesh occupies perhaps up mahadvip ka sabse purana sthan-jise gondwana kehte h-the home of the gonds ']
madhya pradesh snbhavatya subcontinent mahadvip ka snbhatya sabse oldest sthan hai jise gondwana kahte hain gonds samuday ka ghar.
pradesh occupies snbhavatya up mahadvip ka snbhatya sabse oldest part hai jise gondvana kahte hain arthat gond samuday ka ghar.
Language can't math me.
भाषा मेरा गणित नहीं समेट सकती.
['language mera math nahi samet sakti.', "Bhaasha can't math me.", 'Bhasha meri math nahi samet skti', 'Language meri ganit nahi samet skti', 'Bhasha can’t math me']
language mera ganit nahin samet sakti
language mera math nahin samet sakti
On the passage from the Gate to the Central Hall from where the procession passes, red baize cloth is spread.
जहाँ से शोभायात्रा गुजरती है अर्थात् मुख्य द्वार से केन्द्रीय कक्ष तक लाल कालीन बिछाया जाता है।
['Jahan se Shobhayatra gujarati hai arthaat from the Gate to the Central Hall, red kaaleen bhichhaya jata hai.', 'On the passage from the Gate to the Central Hall from where the procession passes, laal kaaleen bhichhaya jata hai.', 'On the passage from the gate to the central hall jahan se shobhyatra gujarti ha, red baize kapda bichaya jata h', 'Jahan se procession gujarta h, gate se central hall th, lal baize cloth bichaya jaata h ']
jahan se procession passage hai arthat central gate se kendriy hall tak red kalin bichhaya jata hai.
jahan se procession passes hai arthat mukhy dvar se kendriy kaksh tak lal kalin bichhaya jata hai.
The Budget is presented with a Budget Speech which is , in fact , one of the most important speeches in Parliament .
बजट पेश करते हुए बजट भाषण दिया जाता है जो वास्तव में संसद में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण भाषणों में से एक होता है .
['Budget pesh karte hue budget bhashaan diya jata hai which is , in fact, one of the most important speeches in the Parliament.', 'The Budget is presented with a Budget Speech jo vastaav mai sansad mai sabse important bhashaano mai se ek hota hai.', 'Budget, budget hashan krte hue present kiya jaata h, jo in fact, parliament mein sabse important speech meinse ek hota h', 'Budget pesh krte hue budget speech diya jataa h, jo vastav mein sansad mein one of the most important bhashan hota h']
budget fact karte hue budget speech diya jata hai jo vastav men parliament men sabse important bhashnon men se ek hota hai
bajat pesh karte hue budget speech diya jata hai jo vastav men snsad men sabse important speeches men se ek hota hai
141. [Omitted by the Taxation Laws (Amendment) Act, 1970, w.e.f. 1-4-1971.]
141. [कराधान विधि (संशोधन) अधिनियम, 1970 द्वारा 1.4.1971 से लोप किया गया।]
['141. [Taxation laws(Amendment) Act, 1970 dwara 1-4-1971 se loop kiya gaya]', '141. [omitted by the karaadhaan vidhi (sanshodhan) adhiniyam, 1970, w.e.f. 1-4-1971.] ', 'Karadhan vidhi(amendment) act, 1970, w.e.f 1-4-1971 se omiit kiya gaya h', 'Ommited by karadhan vidhi(sanshodhan), 1970 dvara 1-4-1971']
141 taxation laws amendment act , 1970 dvara 141971 se lop kiya gaya.
141 kradhan laws snshodhan act, 1970 dvara 141971 se omitted kiya gaya.
And we know how to write that in decimal form.
और हम जानते हैं की इसे कैसे दसमलव के रूप में लिखते.
['And we know ki ise decimal mai kese likhte hai.', 'Aur hume pata hai how to write that in decimal form.', 'And we know ki ise dashamlav ke rup mai kese likhte hai.', 'Aur hume pata hai ki ise decimal form mai kese likhte hai.', 'Aur hum jaante h ise kese decimal form mein kese likhte h', 'And we know ise dasmalav rop mein kese likhte h ']
aur ham jante hain ki ise kaise decimal ke form men likhte
aur ham jante hain ki ise kaise decimal ke form men write
But unfortunately the way in which the fresh blood of modernism was transfused into the anaemic body of Indian society deprived it of just these vital ingredients and on the whole did more harm than good: In the first place, the modern Western culture which reached India was not the genuine article but an export model of which the parts came from England but were assembled in India mainly by men of mediocre ability, who could be spared after selecting political and intellectual leaders for the home country.
किंतु दुर्भाग़्य से जिस तरह का ताजा रक़्त भारतीय समाज के रक़्तहीन शरीर में भरा गया, उसने उसे इन महत्वपूर्ण अव्यवों से वंचित कर दिया और कुल मिलाकर अच्छाई के स्थान पर हानि अधिक हुई प्रथम स्थिति में, आधुनिक पश्चिमी संस्कृतिक, जो भारत पहुंची तथा वह वास्तविक रूप में नहीं, बल्कि यह उसका एक निर्यात रूप था, जिसके पुर्जे इंग़्लैड सें आये, किंतु भारत में उन्हे मुख़्य रूप से अति सामान्य योग़्यता वाले व्यक़्तियों के द्वारा जमाया गया, जिन्हें अपने देश के लिए राजनैतिक बुद्धिमान नेता चुनने के बाद अलग किया जा सकता
['kintu unfortunately jis tarah ka modern blood Bharatiya samaj ke raktheen sharir mai bhara gaya, deprived it of just these vital ingredients aur kul milakar did more harm than good: In the first place, the modern Western culture jo India pohchi tatha wah vastavik rup mai nahi but an export model jiske parts England se aaye, kintu India mai use mediocre ability wale vyaktiyon ke dwara jamaya gaya, who could be spared after selecting political and intellectual leaders for the home country.', 'But unfortunately the way in which taza rakt bharatiya samaj ke raktheen sharir mai bhara gaya, usne use iss vital ingredients se deprived kar diya and in the whole did more harm than good: In the first place, Aadhunik paschimi culture which reached India was not the genuine article but an export model parts of which England se aaye, kintu India mai use mediocre ability wale vyaktiyon ke dwara jamaya gaya, who could be spared after selecting political and intellectual leaders for the home country.', 'But durbhagya se jis tarah modernism ka fresh blood indian society ke anameic sharir mein bhara gaya deprived it of these vital ingredients aur kul milkar achai ke sthan pr jyada hani hui: in the first place, adhunik western culture, jo india pahuncha voh geniuine article nai tha, balki uska export model tha jiske parts England se aaye the pr voh india mein assemble kiya gaya tha mediocre ability ke vyaktiyo dvara, jinhe apne desh ke liye political and intellectual leaders chunne ke bad alag kiya jaa skta tha', 'Kintu unfortunately, the way in which the fresh blood of modernism ko bharatiya samaj ke rakthin shareer mein tranfuse kiya gya, usse society ko vital ingredients se vanchit kr diya and on the whole did more harm than good: pratham stithi mein, modern paschimi culture which reached india, voh vastavik rop mein nai, balki yh uska niryat model tha, of which the parts came for england kinto bharat mein use mukhya rop se jamaya gaya mainly by men of mediocre quality who could be spared, after selecting intellectual and political leaders for home country ']
kintu durbhay se jis tarah ka fresh blood indian society ke modernism body men bhara gaya , men use in vital ingredients se vnchit kar diya aur kul milakar achchhaee ke place par harm more huee first sthiti men , modern western culture , jo india pahunchi tatha vah vastvik way men nahin , ability yah uska ek export way tha , jiske purje inlaid sen aaye , kintu india men unhe muy way se ati samany yoyta vale vyatiyon ke dvara jamaya gaya , jinhen apne country ke lie political intellectual leaders chunne ke bad alag kiya ja sakta
kintu durbhay se jis tarah ka taja rat bhartiy samaj ke rathin sharir men bhara gaya, usne use in mahatvpoorn avyvon se vnchit kar diya aur kul milakar achchhaee ke sthan par hani adhik huee pratham sthiti men, modern western culture, jo bharat pahunchi tatha vah vastvik roop men nahin, balki yah uska ek niryat roop tha, jiske purje inlaid sen aaye, kintu bharat men unhe muy roop se ati samany yoyta vale vyatiyon ke dvara jamaya gaya, jinhen apne desh ke lie rajnaitik buddhiman neta chunne ke bad alag kiya ja sakta
It was no exotic music which enthralled him.
उन्हें विदेशी संगीत भाव-विभोर नहीं कर पाता था।
['It was no videshi music jo unhe bhav vibhor kar pata tha.', 'It was no exotic music jo unhe bhav vibhor kar pata tha.', 'unhe exotic music bhav vibhor nahi kar pata tha.', 'unhe videshi sangeet enthralled nai kar pata tha.', 'unhe enthrall videshi music nahi kar pata tha.', 'It was no exotic music jo unhe bhav vibhor kr pta tha', 'Videshi music unhe enthrall nai kr pata tha ']
unhen exotic music bhav-vibhor nahin kar pata tha.
unhen exotic music bhav-vibhor nahin kar pata tha.
There is a lesson for you concerning cattle. We provide you with drink from their bellies and many other benefits. You can consume them as meat.
और निश्चय ही तुम्हारे लिए चौपायों में भी एक शिक्षा है। उनके पेटों में जो कुछ है उसमें से हम तुम्हें पिलाते है। औऱ तुम्हारे लिए उनमें बहुत-से फ़ायदे है और उन्हें तुम खाते भी हो
['There is a lesson for you concerning cattle. unke bellies mai jo kuch hai usme se hum tumhe khilate hai. aur tumhare liye usme bahut-se benefits hai and You can consume them as meat.', 'aur nishchaya hi tumhare liye chopaayeeon mai bhi ek lesson hai. We provide you with drink from their bellies and many other benefits. aur tum unhe khaate bhi ho.', 'Aur nishchay hi chopayon mein bhi ek lesson h. Unke peto mein jo kuvh h usme se ham tumhe pilate h. And for you unme bohot se faide h aur unhe tu meat ki trha kha b skte ho', 'Tumhare liye there is a lesson concerning cattle. We provide you with drink from their bellies aur tumhare liye unme bohot se faide b h aur tum unhe khate b ho']
aur nishchay hi lesson lie cattle men bhi ek shiksha hai. unke bellies men jo kuchh hai drink se ham tumhen pilate hai. au lesson lie unmen bahut-se benefits hai aur unhen tum khate bhi ho
aur nishchay hi tumhare lie chaupayon men bhi ek shiksha hai. unke peton men jo kuchh hai usmen se ham tumhen pilate hai. au tumhare lie unmen bahut-se fayde hai aur unhen tum khate bhi ho
and there are any disturbances, you know what happens.
और कुछ गड़बड़ी हो, आप जानते क्या होता है |
['Aur kuch disturbances ho, aap jante ho kya hota hai.', 'Aur kuch disturbances ho, you know what happens.', 'Aur kuch gadbadi ho, you know what happens.', 'And there are any disturbances, aap jante kya hota hai.', 'Aur kuch b disturbances ho, you know kya hota h', 'And kuch gadbadi ho, aap jaante ho what happens']
aur kuchh disturbances ho , aap jante kya hota hai
aur kuchh garabari ho, aap jante kya hota hai
It belongs to the seventh century if not earlier , and was perhaps intended originally for the Buddhist creed , but was adopted later for a Vishnu temple , the principal deity being a recumbent Vishnu , or Anantasayin .
यदि यह और पहले का नहीं , तो भी सातवीं शताब्दी का बना है और शायद मूल रूप से बौद्ध मत के लिए था , किंतु बाद में विष्णु मंदिर में रूपांतरित कर दिया गया जिसमें प्रमुख देवता लेटे हुए विष्णु या अनंतशायी हैं .
['yadi yah pehle ka nahi, to bhi It belongs to the seventh century aur shayad originally Buddhist creed ke liye tha, but later vishnu temple mai rupaantarit kar diya gaya, jisme the principal diety being a recumbent Vishnu or Anantasayin .', 'if not earlier, to bhi it belongs to the seventh century, and was perhaps intended originally for the Buddhist creed , kintu baad mai vishnu temple mai rupaantarit kar diya gaya, the principal deity being a recumbent Vishnu , or Anantasayin .', 'Yadi yeh aur pehle ka nahi, to bhi 7th century ka bana ha aur perhaps mul roop se buddh creed ke liye tha, but later vishnu mandir mein ropantrit kr diya gaya jisme principle deity lete hue vishnu ya antshayi h', 'It belongs to satvi sadi, aur mul roop se was intended for boudh mat, kintu baad mein vishnu mandir ke liye adopt kiya gaya tha, pramukh devta jisme was a recumbent vishnu, or anantasayin ']
yadi yah aur pahle ka nahin , to bhi seventh century ka bana hai aur earlier mool roop se buddhist creed ke lie tha , kintu bad men vishnu temple men roopantrit kar diya gaya jismen principal deity recumbent hue vishnu ya anantasayin hain
yadi yah aur pahle ka nahin , to bhi seventh century ka bana hai aur shayad mool roop se bauddh mat ke lie tha , kintu bad men vishnu mndir men roopantrit kar diya gaya jismen prmukh devta lete hue vishnu ya anntshayi hain
Recognizing this mantra of statecraft, Karnataka pursues the deepening of bond between the government and the governed.
शासनकला के इस मंत्र को पहचानते हुए, कर्नाटक द्वारा शासन और शासित के बीच संबंधों को घनिष्ठ बनाने का प्रयास किया जा रहा है।
['statecraft ke iss mantra ko pahchante hue, Karnataka pursues the deepening of bond between the government and the governed.', 'Recognizing this mantra of statecraft, karnataka dwara shaashan aur shaasiton ke bich bond ko deepen banane ka prayas kiya ja raha hai.', 'Recognizing this mantra of shashankala, karnatak pursues deepening of sambandh between shashan and shashit', 'Shashankala ke iss mantra ko recognize krte hue, karnataka dvara government and governed ke bich bond ko ghanisht banane ka prayas kiya jaa rha h']
statecraft ke is mantra ko pahchante hue , karnataka dvara government aur shasit ke bich snbndhon ko ghanishth banane ka pryas kiya ja raha hai.
shasanakla ke is mntr ko pahchante hue, karnatak dvara shasan aur shasit ke bich snbndhon ko ghanishth banane ka pryas kiya ja raha hai.
Lala Hardayal was building up his revolutionary Gaddar Party in America.
उन दिनों अमेरिका में लाला हरदयाल की ‘गदर पार्टी’ एक क्रांतिकारी संगठन का रुप ले रही थी।
["Unn dino mai America mai Lala Hardayal ki 'Gaddar Party' ek revolutionary sangathan ka rup le rahi thi.", 'Lala Hardayal was building up his krantikaari Gaddar Party in America.', 'Lala hardayal un dino was bulding krantikari gaddar party in america', 'Lala hardayal ki gaddar party ek revolutionary snagathan ka rop le rhi thi']
un dinon america men lala hardayal ki gadar party ek revolutionary sngathan ka rup le rahi thi.
un party in america lala haradyal ki gadar parti ek krantikari sngathan ka rup le rahi thi.
He instilled the core values of this organization, the three I’s i. e. industry, impartiality and integrity in the organization.
उन्होंने इस संगठन में तीन प्रमुख मूल्यों परिश्रम, निष्पक्षता और ईमानदारी का समावेश किया।
["He instilled the core values of this organization, the three I's i.e. parishram, nishpakshata, aur Emaandaari in the organization.", 'Unhone iss organization mai teen core values industry, impartiality and integrity ka samaavesh kiya.', 'He instilled pramukh values of this snagathan, parishram, nipakshata aur imandaari.', 'Unhone is sangaathan mein in core values ka samavesh kiya, the three I’s i.e. industry impartiality, and integrity']
s is organization men i core values industry , impartiality aur integrity ka samavesh kiya.
unhonne is sngathan men tin prmukh moolyon parishram, impartiality and integrity ka samavesh kiya.
Inflammation of the portal vein was observed in the examined patient.
रोगी की जांच में प्रतिहारी शिरा के सूजन का पता चला.
['patient ki jaanch mai portal vein ke soojan ka pata chala.', 'patient ki jaanch mai, Inflammation of the portal vein was observed.', 'Inflammation of the pratihari shira ka pta chala examined patient mein', 'Rogi ki jaanch mein portal vien ki sujan ka pta chala']
patient ki examined men portal vein ke inflammation ka pata chala
patient ki janch men prtihari shira ke soojan ka pata chala
that could be created by things like cosmic rays,
जो ब्रह्माण्डीय किरणो जैसी चीज के कारण होता है,
['jo cosmic rays jesi chiz ke karan hota hai.', 'That could be created by chize like brahmandiyan kirane,', 'That chize could be due to bhramani kiran', 'Jo brahmandi kirna jesi things ke karan create hota h']
jo things rays jaisi chij ke karan hota hai ,
jo created by things chij ke karan hota hai,
Unable to read file: '% 1'
फ़ाइलः '% 1' को पढ़ने में अक्षम.
["file: '% 1' ko read karne mai ashaksham.", "file: '% 1' ko padhne mai unable.", '‘%1’ file read krne mein asaksham', '‘%1’ file pdhne mein unable']
file 1 ko pane men unable
faila 1 ko unable to read