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Consideration of comunications under the Optional Protocol to the Covenant [6] | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
During the two meetings, many delegations took part in a broad and open discussion, which enabled the various viewpoints to be expressed. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Following the vote, statements were made by the representatives of the United States of America, the Congo and the United Republic of Tanzania, and by the President of the Council in his capacity as the representative of Qatar. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
A. Applicable dates for currency exchange rate and interest 79 18 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
UNITED NATIONS | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
There are, at present, no affirmative action policies with regard to employment in the Public Service. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
S/RES/1244(1999), OP9d, 11(i-j) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
3. Consider ratifying CRPD and ensuring its full implementation in domestic law (New Zealand); | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Committee strongly believes that the use of gratis personnel in areas such as procurement should be avoided. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
32. At the final plenary meeting, on 23 June 2006, the Group of Governmental Experts adopted the procedural report of the Fourteenth Session, as contained in document CCW/GGE/XIV/CRP.1, as orally amended, which is being issued as document CCW/GGE/XIV/xxx. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
From 1.15 to 2.30 p.m. in Conference Room 2 (NLB). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In this connection, the Advisory Committee recalls its observation in paragraph 36 of its report (A/51/7/Add.1) that " even though it may be possible to absorb at least part of the cost of these new mandates because of movements in exchange rates and inflation, the Advisory Committee believes that it is important to remember that General Assembly resolution 41/213 has been reaffirmed (see, for example, General Assembly resolutions 50/230, 50/231 and 50/232) and continues to apply until the Assembly specifically changes it " . | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
11. While noting the adoption in December 2007 of a law to combat trafficking in persons, the Committee regrets reports of cases of human trafficking in the State party (art. 8). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
As a country that has long maintained that long-term stability in Haiti needs a combination of security, national reconciliation and development, Brazil can only applaud such initiatives. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
This 27 per cent discrepancy in available work days applies to OIOS investigators as well. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
f Represents political and peacebuilding missions supported by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, namely BINUB, BONUCA, Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission, Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, Great Lakes region, Office of the Personal Representative of the Secretary-General for Southern Lebanon, UNAMA, UNAMI, UNIIIC, UNIOSIL, UNOGBIS, UNOWA, UNPOS, UNSCO, UNOSEK, UNTOP, UNMIN. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Geneva, 22 April-3 May 2013 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA), which partners FAO with major scientific publishers, enables students and researchers in developing countries to gain access to scientific journals on food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences, either free or at low-cost. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Activities related to their reintegration, together with the provision of assistance to those who have already returned, but have not yet benefited from the distribution of building materials, will continue throughout 1994. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
2. Organization of work (A/53/250, A/C.2/53/L.1) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
They are concerned that the transitional government has still not been installed, disarmament has not yet commenced, that the implementation of the Cotonou Agreement is thus being delayed, and that efforts to deliver humanitarian assistance to all parts of the country have met with difficulties. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Moreover, although we do not believe in handouts, a programme of direct and conditioned subsidy for the poorest was launched a few days ago. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Increase in outreach, including publications, exhibitions, press conferences and coverage in media | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In addition to news stories and features, photo galleries and videos were created by the team; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
three months is $5,241,000. The detailed breakdown is shown in | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
First Vice-President, 1957-1958. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Norway leads the field in terms of comprehensive action. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(b) Those whose applications are pending or who have been granted asylum are subject to the harsh legal regime of Law No. 15/1996, as their application for refugee status is dismissed or their refugee status cancelled in the event that they have violated, for example, article 10 of Law No. 15/1996. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
1 General recommendations 4, 20 and 21. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The enclave is currently under complete Syrian control and is de facto attached to the Syrian Arab Republic. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission and of the Human Rights Council are important, but we must define ways in which these bodies can reinforce the work of the other principal organs of the United Nations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
38. Djibouti congratulated Benin on the efforts made since the previous review to strengthen its legal institutional framework to promote and protect human rights through national legislation and international legal instruments to which it is party. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Korrosionsschutztechnik, Essen | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
His Government believed that protection of all human rights was a fundamental principle and worked to create an environment where all citizens could exercise their human rights and fundamental freedoms in an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance based on an appropriate balance between individual interests and the interests of the community and the nation. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Actions to be taken by the General Assembly | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
At the end of the day, I firmly believe that if the Council and major contributors wish the Tribunal to complete its work more quickly, additional expenses will have to be incurred in the near future to increase current capacity, in order to avoid the much higher expenses in the long-term of continuing the Tribunal with its present configuration. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
106. In order to accomplish these tasks, the military component would consist of up to 6,700 troops, all ranks, and would be deployed throughout the country. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Summary | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In order to fully use the additional capacity created by the post of Secretary, include in its responsibilities the backstopping of other Joint Appeals Board secretariats during peak periods (paras. 40 and 41). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(d) Recognizing that reconciliation is not a function commissions can bring about on their own. In particular, perpetrator-victim pardon procedures place undue burdens on victims and cannot redress the systemic and structural dimension of atrocities, which constitute an attack against the very principle of the rule of law; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Care must be taken to ensure that the integration results in the elimination of any duplication of effort and, at the same time, that the consequent administrative structure does not become inflated or unwieldy because of its very size. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In this regard, the Committee recommends that the State party adopt concrete measures to ensure that the status of the Thule Tribe reflects established international norms on indigenous peoples ' identification. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, disease and external debt were growing problems in LDCs. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Is the killing of these innocents not terrorism? What is the Government of India doing to punish these terrorists, who killed over 1,000 innocent Muslims in Gujarat last month? Why does it not move its army into Gujarat, instead of playing brinkmanship with Pakistan? | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It needs to be completed by a deeper analysis of the situation, involving other countries and international agencies, especially on its two major conclusions, i.e., the lack of shared conceptual foundations and limited cooperation. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(29) A legal definition of what constitutes a procedural matter in the decision-making of the Security Council should be formulated. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
2003: Invited Key Speaker, Conference on Democratization and Human Rights in Africa, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Unfortunately, Azerbaijan rejects two of the three principles mentioned and is attempting not only to turn upside down the essence of the negotiation process, but also to distort the nature of the conflict in various international forums, including the General Assembly, as happened here about two weeks ago and again two days ago. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
6 public information events (feature stories, round tables) organized, inter alia, to promote a climate of trust and foster mutual understanding between representatives of various layers of society of both sides | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In Guatemala City, the Special Rapporteur visited Bethania, a legalized slum where people were living in overcrowded shacks of tin and plastic, without sanitation, and where doctors in the local health centre estimated that at least 20 per cent of the children were suffering from malnourishment and more from diarrhoea, skin and fungal diseases. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
12. Require mercury-specific controls and separation processes to remove mercury vaporized during thermal processes. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
a. They have been recruited from outside the area of the duty station; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Abstracts on cases interpreting the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency also include keyword references. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
75. The Government had given priority to education and aimed to achieve nationwide compulsory primary education by 2010. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(Signed) SHI JIUYONG | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Even as DPKO and DFS restructured and absorbed generous new resources, the relative scale of demands in the field remained prodigious. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Forty-fifth session | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
With the United Nations copies of vetting files destroyed in the earthquake, United Nations police are recreating files based on the Haitian National Police archive. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
For further information, please consult the website of the Regional Courses (click here). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Both norms were a step forward but they established requirements that were difficult to fulfil. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Discriminatory laws | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
14. He agreed with other members of the Committee that the attitude of Trinidad and Tobago, which cast doubts on the Committee ' s competence and the implementation of the Optional Protocol, should be condemned. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Foreign investment was welcomed and import of technology was permitted. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
1992 Census | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Furthermore, the draft articles established a level of protection allowing the use of a watercourse to be fairly assessed in accordance with the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization and participation and making it possible to reconcile conflicting interests. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
While the present section focuses on the concept of national identity and therefore frames the discussion at the level of States, the Special Rapporteur nonetheless believes that the issues raised below may also be relevant when addressing the identity of groups of individuals at the local, regional or supranational levels. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(c) Conduct systematic evaluation and impact assessment of the effect of the health programmes in place, particularly those programmes that are being implemented in areas affected by poverty; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The designated hours are from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., and from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The security supervisor in the area will be available to assist with access to the room. Delegates ' quiet room | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Third session, | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In 2007, the ILO Committee of Experts reiterated an observation made previously, regarding the very high adult female illiteracy rate (71 per cent) and the low level of education, especially among rural women, as well as the discrimination they faced with regard to access to productive resources that would improve their working and living conditions. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Nevertheless, State responses aimed at satisfying education, health care, employment, housing and basic sanitation requirements continue to be insufficient. Despite the important decision of the Constitutional Court recognizing the right of the indigenous communities to prior consultation where fumigation of illegal crops is to take place in their reservations, this right continues to be violated by the State in cases of projects for exploiting resources. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
45. A staff member, who performed security functions, violated the applicable curfew and drove at an excessive speed while operating a United Nations vehicle. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Countries that track effectiveness of social protection mechanisms, disaggregated by sex of beneficiaries | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Multiple entry-VISA request | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
He undertook a first brief mission to Afghanistan and Pakistan from 25 to 31 August 1995 and visited Kabul, Jalalabad and Mazar-i-Sharif. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
However, in the environmental sector, as in any other sector, companies eventually reach the point of diminishing returns. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Establishment of the United Nations Mission in Haiti | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
52. The above analysis shows that laws, institutions, procedures critical to the rule of law are very little respected in Cambodia - especially by the State. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
13. During September 2004, the multinational brigades carried out 25 roll calls and 1 Kosovo-wide roll call. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
1753/Rev.11-13 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The author maintains that that was done deliberately so that interested individuals and organizations could not attend the court hearings and that the above violated his rights under article 14, paragraph 1, of the Covenant. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
the International Covenant on Economic, Social | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
2819 (XXVI) Security of missions accredited to the United Nations and safety of their personnel and establishment of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Proceeding from its belief in the central role of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security, and from its belief in the importance of giving an opportunity to all Member States to participate in the Council, the State of Bahrain has put forward its candidature for membership of the Security Council for the period 1998-1999. Bahrain hopes to contribute to the implementation of the tenets and principles of the United Nations, and we hope the international community will support our candidature. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(a) Reform and financing of education | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Resource projections by category: ecosystem management | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
:: Border and immigration control, control preventing the trafficking in drugs, arms, biological and chemical weapons, their precursors and the illicit use of radioactive materials; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In 2000, simple literacy rates (pertaining to the ability to read and write a simple message in any language) for women and men 10 years old or older are almost equal at 92.3 percent and 92.0 percent, respectively, or a gender gap of 0.3 percentage point (NSO 2003h). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Traduction/conception/impression (publications reliées à la coopération entre la Convention de Bâle et l ' Organisation maritime internationale) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Signature: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine and United Kingdom (13 November 1997) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
46. The support provided to the Decade is in the context of FAO ' s constitutional role in all matters related to food and agriculture, in particular, its mandate for the development, utilization and conservation of natural resources. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(b) It will include previously produced methodological publications; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Staff members | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Non-Aligned Movement | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Outreach services have a new focus on educational outreach, with the UN Chronicle establishing its home page as a portal for that purpose. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
At UNSOA, the installation of adequate fuel reserves was not possible during the 2009/10 financial period owing to the short-term nature of the initial fuel contract. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Finally, it stated that Kosovo was independent and therefore should not be included in the present review. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
31. Mr. Alnaqshabandi (Iraq) said that the Department should take advantage of the unanimous international support for Iraq in its battle against terrorism to shed more light on the dangers associated with terrorism, and that it should provide fuller coverage of the ongoing difficulties in Iraq. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The world campaign for human and humanitarian rights orchestrated against the Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo and against the Government of His Excellency the President, Mr. Laurent-Désiré Kabila, in some ways recalls the deplorable and unfortunate United Nations intervention in the Congo in 1960. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Subsets and Splits