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The State did not lodge an appeal against the lighter sentences issued against four other border policemen and soldiers on regular service who had been convicted on the same charges, claiming that they had not engaged in shooting and that their actions were of a less pronounced character. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 110? | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Council calls upon all concerned to do their utmost for the resumption of this meeting with the constructive engagement in particular of the Abkhaz side. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
6.9 The author claims that these crimes and abuses have not been investigated by the new Government of Nicaragua. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Audit of selected conferences at ECA | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
P-2 level | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
949th plenary meeting | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
As at 31 December 2007, stocks of contraceptives at cost of $1.2 million (2005: $0.5 million) were held at the manufacturer ' s premises for UNFPA as part of the Programme. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
94. Legal action has been brought against the majority of those responsible for human rights violations under the dictatorship. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
We recognize that education plays an important role in eradicating poverty and hunger and in promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
An enhanced role for finance functions will be vital if the United Nations system is to move forward effectively at a time of fiscal constraint and financial retrenchment. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
1 June 2012 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In favour: Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d ' Ivoire, Cuba Cyprus, Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Kuwait, Lao People ' s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mexico, Micronesia (Federated States of), Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Philippines, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Uruguay, Venezuela, Viet Nam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
3. Measures adopted with regard to disarmament, demobilization, physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
TV spots have been developed. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Item 10 of the Agenda | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In the event, the Administration agreed that consideration of flexible desk space should feature in future capital developments, but not for the Secretariat. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
254. Women are active in trade unions but do not hold positions of responsibility owing to the fact that they are poorly informed, lack leadership training and face prejudice by men. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Forum; Takeo Provincial Women with Disability Forum; Kampong | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(c) Subscription to aviation publications ($500). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) invested 2.2 per cent of their GDP in research and development during that period. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
There will be a joint briefing of the Second and Third Committees of the General Assembly, on Friday, 25 October 2002, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in Conference Room 4 featuring a briefing by Dr. Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS, followed by an interactive discussion. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Tuesday, 16 April 1996 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
EU member States abide by the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) requirement that transfers of trigger list items can only be made to States which have in place a comprehensive safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
23. Further analysis was performed to illustrate initial appointment by grade and region. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
income, supplementary funds. Specific contributions for programmes approved by the UNICEF Executive Board, in addition to regular resources, which then become part of UNICEF programmes. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
118. As a result of the streamlining of the project appraisal process and the enhancement of its management capacity, UNIFEM programme delivery has improved significantly. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Multilateral Fund Secretariat advised the Committee at its last meeting that UNDP was the implementing agency responsible for the institutional strengthening project in the Islamic Republic of Iran under the Multilateral Fund. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
8. The situation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW) was set out in document A/58/417. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Number of telephone private branch exchanges (switches) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
All members of the working group attended its meetings. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The school at Azzun Atma, for instance, has 219 pupils of whom 80 live in Beit Amin on the other side of the Wall. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Held at Headquarters, New York, on Friday, 3 November 2006, at 10.40 a.m. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
More information on the problem of drug addition among girls and young women would also be of interest. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
54. Maintenance of international peace and security (25 June 2007; 19 November 2008). | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Address vacant positions at Department Of Internal Oversight Services | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Camp Management Unit (Luanda) | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(f) Vehicle insurance2 200 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
12. The crucial problem on which the participants focused was the failure to enforce legal and regulatory texts and consensual acts. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Some were too short to cover the contents of the main report in any meaningful manner while others seemed to reflect an alternative story. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In order to be fully effective the Convention needed to be widely disseminated, and the United Nations system, Governments and non-governmental organizations had been unstinting in their efforts in that area. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
" Ways of enhancing access to and use of information networks and distribution channels " | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
151. France ' s joint unemployment insurance scheme has been statutorily extended to the territory of the Principality of Monaco at the request of Monaco ' s social partners. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
National machinery for the Advancement of Women and National Human Rights Institutions | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
2. Adoption of agenda. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The discriminations based on stereotypes related to gender and age keep them in low productive and poorly paid activities, mainly in the informal economy. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
A/50/95 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Reconfirms that having both contributions and budget in Euro improves financial stability, however, creates some difficulties on budget implementation. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Revolving Fund . 198 Special Fund . 200 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Under sub-option C-3, the current ad hoc activities relating to the maintenance and enhancement of the Web site would be established on a firm and realistic basis laying a solid foundation for the United Nations Internet operation as a whole for the biennium 2000-2001. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Committee requests the State party to provide more information in the next report on efforts to combat violence against women, including measures taken to provide training of the police and the judiciary. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
One country had established a subdivision for this purpose but it was not yet operational. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Special Rapporteur considers that, in view of the gravity of some racist acts and the coverage that they were given in the media, their condemnation and the measures taken against those responsible do not reflect the seriousness of the situation. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
35. It had proved difficult to place elements within the sections and subsections of the road map, as the successive working groups had not sufficiently clarified what elements each subsection was intended to include, and the titles of the subsections were open to divergent interpretation. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
At the informal consultations of the whole of the Security Council held on 27 September 2000, the members of the Council received briefings by the Deputy Secretary-General and the Chairman of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations on the recommendations of the Panel and various aspects of its report, in particular the ongoing work in the Secretariat to implement the report. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
32. The Assistant High Commissioner for Protection added that one of the High Commissioner ' s priorities was to ensure that the High-Level Dialogue was not conceived solely as a border control and management exercise, and that it promoted a focus on the rights at stake and the beneficial impact of migration. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
III | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
A score of 3 is generally considered to be the minimum level of literacy required to function well at work and in daily living in a knowledge-based economy. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
(a) Recurrent publications. (i) United Nations Disarmament Yearbook; (ii) Disarmament: A Periodic Review by the United Nations; (iii) Status of Multilateral Arms Regulation and Disarmament Agreements; (iv) topical papers, pursuant to requests of Member States to host conferences on particular issues; (v) Disarmament Newsletter; and (vi) expert studies/reports; | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
118. In accordance with what had been agreed previously, the Working Group resumed its consideration of whether to retain article 15. (For the previous discussion of article 15 at the nineteenth session, see A/CN.9/374, paras. 86 to 92.) While the view was expressed that article 15 should be retained, in particular since it provided for party autonomy, the views were again stressed that article 15 should either be deleted, or, at the least, that the notice procedure provided therein should not be applied to stand-by letters of credit. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The appropriate venue for discussing such issues was IAEA, with which the Islamic Republic of Iran was committed to cooperate because it had nothing to hide. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
FINDINGS | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
22. Thailand has a long history of health-care system reforms. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
2012-2013 Budget | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
UNICEF is further assisting with the training and evaluation components of the BBC Radio Education for Afghan Children (REACH) project. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
A concerted effort and long-term strategy by the Government and civil society with support of the international community will be necessary to build a culture of respect for human rights and dignity of all Afghans and to end impunity for all forms of violence against women and girls, whether committed in the public space or within families. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
25. At the end of his visit to Togo, President Taylor expressed to his friend and colleague President Eyadéma and to the Government and people of Togo his heartfelt gratitude for the warm, fraternal and truly African welcome extended to him and to the delegation accompanying him. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
8. The provisions of Security Council resolutions 1267 (1999), 1333 (2000), 1373 (2001) and 1390 (2002) on the prevention of the financing of terrorism were implemented by Presidential decrees No. 786 of 5 May 2000, No. 266 of 6 March 2001, No. 6 of 10 January 2002 and No. 393 of 17 April 2002 respectively. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It noted the statement in the Secretary-General ' s report that there were a number of external factors beyond the Department ' s control which continued to impact the efficient utilization of its resources and was pleased that the Department had decided to undertake a study of those factors. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The maximum period could be extended by a further 12 months under certain circumstances. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
21. Regarding paragraph 3 (c) on the entering of RUF fighters in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process, UNAMSIL has reported that RUF has yet to join the programme as an organization. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The various Flemish departments have taken concrete measures to achieve it. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Special equipment | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Any corrections to the records of the meetings of this session will be consolidated in a single corrigendum. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Trinidad and Tobago shares the sadness, shock and outrage of the international community at the recent terrorist attacks on United States embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, as well as at the bombings in South Africa and in Ireland. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
His Government strongly supported the position of the African Union that arrest warrants issued on the basis of the abuse of universal jurisdiction should not be executed. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Incorporation should mean that the provisions of the Convention can be directly invoked before the courts and applied by national authorities and that the Convention will prevail where there is a conflict with domestic legislation or common practice. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Circulated to Committee members: 14 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
It was therefore of utmost importance for the 2012 quadrennial comprehensive policy review to address the effectiveness and efficiency of policies in order to ensure the relevance of operational activities for development in future, while paying particular attention to the findings of the independent evaluation of the " Delivering as One " initiative and to the reports of country-led evaluations. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The process should therefore be conducted in an inclusive, transparent and efficient manner. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
" CH4 emissions including CH4 from LULUCF " | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Depending on their ages, girls were used for sexual pleasure, and domestic work as cooks, cleaners or porters. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
" The Forum recommends that the United Nations system, particularly the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UNEP, taking note of the World Bank ' s extractive industries review, organize a workshop on resource extraction and indigenous peoples... " | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
This approach saved time, facilitated storage and retrieval and resulted in cost savings by eliminating printing, without disrupting the established document processing chain. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Additional requirements stemmed from the purchase of additional spare parts to maintain ageing vehicles and from costs associated with a new fuel turnkey contract as of February 2013, including the introduction of monthly charges for vehicle fuelling services at eight commercial stations and an increase in the management fee for ground fuel facilities within UNOCI compounds. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Following the current presidencies, Lebanon will serve as President of the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions in September 2011, and Cambodia will serve as President of the Eleventh Meeting of States Parties to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention in November 2011. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The extent to which reporting Annex II Parties have provided this information in a standard format is presented in table 4. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
These pilots show that the marker not only helps track gender expenditures, but also improves gender mainstreaming in projects and helps advocate for increased funding. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
After the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, it was planned that UNEP and the Department for Policy Coordination and Sustainable Development of the United Nations Secretariat would strengthen their efforts in this area. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Scope options in the areas of additional security, redundancy and contingency ( " back-up systems " ) and sustainability were developed separately from the base scope of the capital master plan. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The Committee notes from paragraph 16 of the report of the Secretary-General that, in 1994, on an annualized basis, the total budgeted remuneration for the 23 posts amounted to $4.6 million, compared with $4.3 million of total annual remuneration budgeted for this category of positions as reported to the Committee in May 1994.4 | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
The labour force participation rate among women aged 15 and above was only 26 per cent, compared to 71 per cent for men. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
For example, in the Asian Farmers ' Association, 9 out of 10 national member organizations have mixed membership, but none of them are led by a woman. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
7. Any other business. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
75. The Secretariat has explored a variety of ways to increase resources for technical assistance activities, including through in-kind contributions. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Activities of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel were reduced in mid-January, and many of the observed personnel rotations were performed by using air transport. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
In this context the elaboration of a national code of conduct for security forces might be appropriate. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
Article 74 provides that if the husband is unable to pay them, these expenses shall be a debt for which he is liable. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
On 27 February 2012, the Ninth Circuit denied the rehearing petition and revised its opinion to clarify the Fourth Amendment holding. | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
[on the report of the First Committee (A/68/414)] | opus | opus_UNPC.ar-en |
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