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Ecosystems | And that has to do with the currents in the ocean. |
Ecosystems | So we need nutrients and we also need availability of light. |
Ecosystems | Obviously in the Sahara we're not
going to have a lot of primary productivity but we're going to have more as we move up
into this area, the coniferous forest or for sure in the rain forest. |
Ecosystems | And so what do we
measure primary productivity in? |
Ecosystems | Well it's grams of carbon per meter squared per year. |
Ecosystems | In other words if we were to go out in this prairie and mark one meter, so we'll say one
meter area like that, in one year it's the amount of carbon that would be added. |
Ecosystems | Now
how is that carbon being added? |
Ecosystems | We're taking in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. |
Ecosystems | We're
using light from the sun. |
Ecosystems | And then we're making it into livable material. |
Ecosystems | And so it's easy
to measure in an area like this. |
Ecosystems | Just put a quadrant down and measure that. |
Ecosystems | Sometimes
it's harder if you're in a, this would be a terrestrial area or an ecosystem. |
Ecosystems | This would
be an aquatic area. |
Ecosystems | So when you're in water lots of times it's harder to measure the matter
that's being created. |
Ecosystems | So sometimes we'll measure the gases that are being produced. |
Ecosystems | So we can
look at the oxygen that's being produced in an aquatic environment. |
Ecosystems | So right here we're
going to have higher levels of oxygen being created because the producers are taking that
carbon dioxide and making it into matter. |
Ecosystems | So primary productivity is going to be just
a measure of how much life can be created in an area. |
Ecosystems | Food chains measure where this
life goes. |
Ecosystems | And so if we start here, on the right side I've got what are called trophic
levels. |
Ecosystems | And so we should define what a trophic level is first. |
Ecosystems | Trophic just means an eating
level. |
Ecosystems | And so the lowest level, trophic level one we call that, are going to be producers. |
Ecosystems | And so if we're looking at a food chain here in Lake Ontario, what are the producers going
to be out in this lake? |
Ecosystems | It's mostly going to be algae. |
Ecosystems | So what they're doing is converting
energy from the sun into livable material. |
Ecosystems | And so we would call this trophic level one. |
Ecosystems | Or sometimes we call these producers. |
Ecosystems | Okay. |
Ecosystems | So if we go to the next level, next level,
trophic level two, these are going to be consumers. |
Ecosystems | And so consumers remember can't make their
own food. |
Ecosystems | They have to get their food from somewhere else. |
Ecosystems | And so if we were to do a
food chain, the food chain is going to go like that. |
Ecosystems | Now the arrow you should get used
to. |
Ecosystems | The arrow is always going to go from what's eaten to what eats it. |
Ecosystems | And the way I remember
this is if you look at the head of the arrow it's like the mouth. |
Ecosystems | So it's like the mouth
of Pac-Man. |
Ecosystems | And so whatever is eating is going to be on this side of the arrow. |
Ecosystems | And whatever
is eaten is going to be on that side of the arrow. |
Ecosystems | So now we go to the third level. |
Ecosystems | Third
level is going to be, we call these second level consumers. |
Ecosystems | But those are going to feed
on these organisms. |
Ecosystems | So algae is eaten by amphipods which are a little crustacean. |
Ecosystems | Those are fed
on by rainbow smelt. |
Ecosystems | And then if we were to go one more level, then we get to the level
of Chinook salmon. |
Ecosystems | So this would be the fourth trophic level or we call this a first, second,
third level consumer. |
Ecosystems | Now this is a food chain. |
Ecosystems | Food chains are linear. |
Ecosystems | They go from what's
eaten to what eats it to what eats that to what eats that. |
Ecosystems | So it just goes in one direction. |
Ecosystems | But you can imagine that there's a lot more food chains in Lake Ontario than the one that
I've just drawn here. |
Ecosystems | And so if we were to add the other food chains, now we get what's
called a food web. |
Ecosystems | A food web is going to show all the connections. |
Ecosystems | Not only this one
to amphipods to rainbow smelt to Chinook salmon, which I think were actually introduced into
Lake Ontario, but it's also going to show the flow of perch to walleye. |
Ecosystems | It's going to
show all these interactions. |
Ecosystems | And in any ecosystem, this is a fairly simple food web. |
Ecosystems | It's just
showing the major ones. |
Ecosystems | Obviously if we were to include all the different types of algae
this would be a massive food web. |
Ecosystems | And so in an ecosystem there's all these connections
between the organisms. |
Ecosystems | And it's pretty detailed. |
Ecosystems | Now each of those have adaptations that allow
them to live where they are. |
Ecosystems | In other words the green algae are adapted to this kind of
an environment. |
Ecosystems | Same with the diatoms. |
Ecosystems | Okay. |
Ecosystems | Next thing I need to talk about is growth. |
Ecosystems | And we've mentioned this when we talked about communities and how populations grow. |
Ecosystems | In general
all growth is going to be exponential. |
Ecosystems | So if we were to go with amphipods, they're going
to create more amphipods and eventually we get exponential growth. |
Ecosystems | I could use a color
that you could actually see. |
Ecosystems | So we get exponential growth like that. |
Ecosystems | But the problem is as you
start to grow there's going to be limiting factors. |
Ecosystems | Pretty soon you're too crowded. |
Ecosystems | There's
not enough food. |
Ecosystems | There's competition. |
Ecosystems | There's also going to just be drought. |
Ecosystems | There's going
to be meteorological geological changes that can limit that growth. |
Ecosystems | And so all growth will
eventually become logistic. |
Ecosystems | In other words it's eventually going to reach what we call
a limit. |
Ecosystems | In science we call that K or K stands for carrying capacity. |
Ecosystems | So carrying capacity
is going to be the maximum level that an ecosystem can support of a specific population. |
Ecosystems | Now
it's not going to be linear like this. |
Ecosystems | This is just using a mathematical representation. |
Ecosystems | Obviously populations are going to bounce up and down and they're going to bounce up
and down on this carrying capacity. |
Ecosystems | But in general all populations will undergo that. |
Ecosystems | Let's look at some real populations. |
Ecosystems | So wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone Park in
1995. |
Ecosystems | So they put some packs there. |
Ecosystems | This is actually a picture of one of the first wolves
coming out of the enclosure. |
Ecosystems | They brought them from Canada and they left them in an
enclosure for months if I remember. |
Ecosystems | Because they didn't want them just to run back to
Canada. |
Ecosystems | So they eventually released them. |
Ecosystems | And let's look at what their population has
grown. |
Ecosystems | So blue is all the wolves in Yellowstone Park and then the other two bars are just
in different areas. |
Ecosystems | But if we look at the population growth, population growth has varied
a little bit. |
Ecosystems | But it's gone up and down and up and down and up. |
Ecosystems | And so what's it doing? |
Ecosystems | Well you can see that this part was more exponential growth. |
Ecosystems | And now it's approaching what's called
logistic growth. |
Ecosystems | In other words there's just a certain number of wolves that you can actually
support in Yellowstone Park. |
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